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Image presentation

Date post: 14-May-2015
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This extreme long shot shows the audience a large area of a particular scene perhaps giving clues to the overall theme of the shot. Using natural lighting gives the shot/scene a sense of realism, a theme which needs to be produced in a documentary as it’s factual information. The image does follow some of the conventions of the rule of thirds, the end of the road is where the intersections lay. The composition of this image could possibly be improved as the objects only appear on the top half of the shot, creating a large area of negative space. A long shot such as this could be used within our own documentary to help establish a scene of a street in Manchester or Salford for example.
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This extreme long shot shows the audience a large area of a particular scene perhaps giving clues to the overall theme of the shot. Using natural lighting gives the shot/scene a sense of realism, a theme which needs to be produced in a documentary as it’s factual information. The image does follow some of the conventions of the rule of thirds, the end of the road is where the intersections lay. The composition of this image could possibly be improved as the objects only appear on the top half of the shot, creating a large area of negative space. A long shot such as this could be used within our own documentary to help establish a scene of a street in Manchester or Salford for example.

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A high angle shot is used to make a character, prop or setting look smaller. The initial object of a shot will therefore look smaller and therefore inferior if compared with something of a similar nature. This kind of shot may be used as material within our own documentary as it will be able to emphasise a characters vulnerability. This particular practise photo we have taken has quite a strict formal balance as the object of the image in placed directly in the middle with equal symmetry on both sides. This gives a sense of a more calm relaxed atmosphere, so if we were to create a more chaotic environment, an informal balance may suggest these settings more to the audience.

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This extreme long shot not only establishes the scene but also shows the body movement of the characters within our image. An action shot will be a significant shot in our own documentary as it will help to show to the audience any violence, exaggerating the destructive and chaotic movement of the rioters. The artificial lighting informs the audience that this shot is indoors whilst the Rule of Thirds helps to define and separate the walls from the floor which helps to add depth the figure and ground appearing in large proximity of each other.

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In this medium shot, we have experimented with artificial lighting. The light in the shot has created a shadow around the protagonist which portrays a sense of surprise and suspicion. Again a very formal balance is used and to create a more dramatic effect using a more informal balance would be more appropriate. This effect will be included in our documentary to imply a sense of danger of criminals in the riots.

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The natural lighting used as backlight in these long and medium shots creates a silhouette. This creates a sense of mystery of a character and hides their identity. We will use a similar shot in our documentary for those who do not want to be seen during an interview. However we could also use this effect to dehumanize a criminal. Each of the shots could possibly be used consecutive to each other, perhaps as a cutaway to interrupt continuous action giving a medium view of the subject to allow more detail.

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The low angle point of view shot creates a sense of authority and power in a certain object/character. Perhaps one of our less better shots, as it appears to be taken on a slant, which in effect can spoil the control the subject has . For this to be more effective, a close up or a medium close up shot may have worked better as it would focus more on the subject, rather than the surroundings. This would be an effective shot to use in our documentary for when a criminal has been arrested and the police officer is looking down on them.

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This mid, two shot helps to show clearly the people who are involved. There is limited negative space which helps to focus on the two characters clearly, so the attention of the audience wouldn’t be distracted. This is also a good example of a reaction shot, as it emphasises to the audience the emotions of both the characters faces. The high key artificial lighting highlights the faces and emotions of our characters well , personifying the shot. A similar two shot would be appropriate to use within our own documentary as It will help to depict the identities of both our interviewer and interviewee.

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The use of a side headshot allows the audience to see a character from a different angle. It can also add a more suspicious or mysterious atmosphere to the scene as the character isn’t looking directly into the camera. This could be used in combination with shot that uses back lighting to create a silhouette in our own documentary. This will help to hide the identities of anyone who doesn’t wish to be revealed on camera. The negatives to this image is that the background isn’t very in focus which decreases the professionalism of the shot.

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An extreme close up shot helps to focus on a particular section of a character or object. This image could be improved as it appears to be slightly canted. An extreme close up shot could be used in our own documentary to show clearly to audience a brand of clothing being stolen or perhaps the badge found on a police officers uniform.

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This long shot shows the perspective of what is happening in two different directions. This helps to cover a wide selection of the scene giving the audience an insight into the surroundings closet to the character. The light included in the image is off a dull nature which could suggest the emotions of the character – bored in college settings. Other characters help to fill the negative space on the left hand side, whilst the negative space on the right hand side is effective as it helps to add depth to the shot. A similar shot could be used within our own documentary to express the events occurring down two roads placed on a right angle.
