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Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment … Suppose that we...

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Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model
Page 1: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Image Priors and the

Sparse-Land Model

Page 2: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment … Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have

accumulated 1e12 patches, each of size 20×20 pixels.

Clearly, every such image is a point in R400. Lets put these point in this 400-dimensional Euclidean space, in the cube [0,1]400.

Now, LETS STEP INTO THIS SPACE and look at the cloud of points we have just generated.

What are we Expected to See?

1. Deserts! Vast emptiness! Why?

2. Concentration of points in some regions.

3. Different densities from one place to another.

4. Filaments, manifold structure …

In this experiment we have actually created an empirical estimate of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of … images – Call it P(x)

Page 3: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

So, Lets Talk about This

We “experimented” with small images, but actually the same phenomena will be found in audio, seismic data, financial data, text-files, … and practically any source of information you are familiar with.

Nevertheless, we will stick to images for the discussion.

Imagine this: a function that can be given an image and return its chances to exist! amazing, No?

Well, what could you do with such a function?



Page 4: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

0 2y x v, v


Denoising: The measurement is

and we are trying to recover

Region where P(x) is high


2y x yRecall that for

random noise we have E{(y-x0)Tx0}=0

Page 5: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

0 2y x v, v


2xx̂ ArgMax P(x) s.t. y x

x y


2x̂ E x | y x xP(x)dx

Denoising: The measurement is

and we are trying to recover :

Option 1: MAP

Option 2: MMSE

Page 6: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?


Inverse Problems: The measurement is

and we are trying to recover , as before.

H could be blur, projection, downscaling, subsampling, …

0 2y x v, v H

2xx̂ ArgMax P(x) s.t. y x H

Page 7: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

Compression: We are given x and a budget of B bits. Our goal is to get the best possible compression (i.e. minimize the error). The approach we take is to divide the whole domain into 2B disjoint sets (Voronoi) and minimize the error w.r.t. the representation vectors (VQ):


k x Sk k


k 2x k 1

Min x x P(x)dx

Page 8: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

Sampling: Our goal is to propose sampling and reconstruction strategies, each (or just the first) is parameterized, and optimize the parameters for the smallest possible error:


2Min x Reconst Sample x P(x)dx

Page 9: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

Separation: We are given

Where and are two different signals from two different distributions, and our goal is to separate the signal into its ingredients:

1 2 2y x x v, v


1 2

1 21 2 1 2 2x ,x

ArgMax P (x ) P (x ) s.t. y x x

Page 10: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

What is it good for?

Anomaly Detection: We are given x and we are supposed to say if it is an anomaly. This is done by testing

P(x) T

Page 11: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

Question: What is it good for?Answer: Many great things.


Page 12: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.



x~ e L

for imagesP(x) ? W



WLx~ e


x~ e T

LearnT 1x x~ e R


k kk

x~ e L

Robust stat. 1

x~ e L

PDE TV(x)~ e


Tx~ e

time70’s 80’s 90’s 00’s

Major themes: - L2 → L1 - Linear vs. Non-

Linear Approx.- Training on examples- Random generator for x

sparse00~ e

where x


The Evolution of Priors for Images

GMM,Co-Sparse Analysis, Low-Rank, …

Page 13: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Signal/Image Prior P(x)

Here is an untold secret:

The vast literature in image processing over the past 4-5 decades is


an evolution of ideas on the identity of P(x), and ways to use it in actual tasks

By the way, the same is true for many other data sources and signals …

Page 14: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Linear Versus Non-Linear Approximation


xP(x) ~ e


2 222x

1 1min x y x

2 2 T



1 1


0 0


0 0


Suppose that our prior is the following (T is unitary):

The matrix weights the transform elements:

Our goal: Denoising a signal with this prior by solving

Page 15: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Linear Versus Non-Linear Approximation

2 222x

1 1min x y x

2 2 T

2 21


1 1T T T 2opt

1 11 1


1 1


x̂ I y I y

y y



The solution is given by

Implication: We leave the transform coefficients with the small weights and remove the ones with the high weight. The decision who survives the process is fixed by - This is Linear Approximation

Page 16: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Linear Versus Non-Linear Approximation


P(x) ~ e T



1min x y x

2 T

Suppose now that our prior is the following (T is unitary):

Our goal: Denoising a signal with this prior by solving

We have seen that the solution for this problem is given by soft shrinkage

Implications: Just like before, we filter the signal in the transform domain. This time we leave the dominant coefficients and discard of the small ones. This is known as Nonlinear Approximation.

Topt Sx̂ yT T

Page 17: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

MGenerator of signals from


Draw k0 locations, and generate the representation

Multiply by the dictionary


Draw k0 – the cardinality of the representation

kP(k) ~ e

Draw k0 non-zero


vP(v) ~ e

Add random iid (model) noise e

x+ =

e x D

0 20 2


P(x) ~ e

where x ~ 0,



Sparse-Land Signal Generation

00P(x) ~ e

where x D

Page 18: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

00P(x) ~ e where x


Assume no noise in the model and that D is square and invertible

The Sparse-land model generalizes the previous method by (1) adopting over-completeness***, and (2) daring to work with true sparsity and L0

01 00 0

x xP(x) ~ e e


*** What about redundant T? this will be addressed later!

Sparse-Land vs. Earlier Models

Page 19: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Geometrical Insight


n N1 2 3 N0 0 0 0

| | | |

x x x x

| |



x x




The effective rank d of E (found by SVD) is expected to be very low:


This is universally true for signals we operate on

The orientation and dimension of this subspace changes form one

point to another (smoothly?)

Page 20: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Geometrical Insight – Implications


Given a noisy version of x0

How shall we denoise it?

By projecting to the subspace around x0 (chicken and egg)

How come y is not on the subspace itself?

1. The relative volume of the subspace is negligible

2. Recall that E{(y-x0)Tx0}=0

0y vx y

Page 21: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Geometrical Insight – Denoising in Practice


Given a noisy version of x0

How shall we denoise it?

1. Non-parametric: Nearest Neighbor (NN), or K-NN

2. Local-Parametric: Group neighbors, estimate the subspace and project

3. Parametric: Cluster the DB into K subgroups, and estimate a subspace per each. When a signal is to be denoised, assign it to the closest subgroup, and the project on the corresponding subspace (K=1: PCA)

4. Sparse-Land: one dictionary encapsulates many such clusters

0y vx


Page 22: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Union of Subspaces (UoS) We said that with Sparse-Land, one dictionary encapsulates many

such clusters

Consider all the signals x that emerge from the same k atoms in D – all of them reside in the same subspace, spanned by these columns.

Thus, every possible support (and there are m-choose-k of them) represent one such subspace which the signal could belong to.

The pursuit task: Given a noisy signal we are searching the “closest subspace” and projecting onto it. It is so hard because of the number of the subspaces involved in this union.



00P(x) ~ e

where x


Page 23: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

Processing Sparse-Land Signals 00P(x) ~ e where x


Objective Given Data


Most effective transform - getting the sparsest possible set of iid coefficients

Signal Transform

Cleanest possible signalSignal Denoising

We have a budget of B bits and we want to best represent the signal


Treat blur, subsampling, missing values, projection, compressed-sensing

Inverse Problem

The two signals are form different sources and thus have different models


0min s.t. x Dx


y x v


0 2

min s.t. y D





min y

s.t. B



y x v


H0 2

min s.t. y HD

1 2


y x x

v, v

1 20 0

1 21 2 2


s.t. y


Page 24: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

00P(x) ~ e where x


Objective Given Data


Most effective transform - getting the sparsest possible set of iid coefficients

Signal Transform

Cleanest possible signalSignal Denoising

We have a budget of B bits and we want to best represent the signal


Treat blur, subsampling, missing values, projection, compressed-sensing

Inverse Problem

The two signals are form different sources and thus have different models


0min s.t. x Dx


y x v


0 2

min s.t. y D





min y

s.t. B



y x v


H0 2

min s.t. y HD

1 2


y x x

v, v

1 20 0

1 21 2 2


s.t. y


Processing Sparse-Land Signals

All these (and other) processing methods boil down to the solution of

For which we now know that1. It is theoretically sensible, and 2. There are numerical ways to handle it


Page 25: Image Priors and the Sparse-Land Model. Lets Start with a Virtual Experiment …  Suppose that we take a VERY LARGE set of small images – say that we have.

To Summarize

The Sparse-Land forms a general Union of Subspaces, all encapsulated by the concise matrix D.

This follows many earlier work that aims to model signals using a union of subspaces (or mixture of Gaussians – think about it – it is the same).

Sparse-Land is Rooted on solid modeling ideas , while improving on them due to its generality and

it solid mathematical foundations
