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Images 2012

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The Anniston Star's best photos from 2012.
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LIFE & ARTS Editor: Lisa Davis, [email protected] Sunday, December 30, 2012 • Page 1E The Anniston Star to a close, The Anniston Star’s photographers have chosen their best images of the year. Chief pho- tographer Trent Penny, Stephen Gross and Bill Wilson have among them more than 80 years of ser- vice at The Star. The following pages contain scenes of mirth and sadness, comfort and fear, victory and defeat, loss and love. Each photographer has also compiled an online slideshow featur- ing many more favorite photos. View more than 100 more photos online at AnnistonStar.com. Images the year in photos: the stories of 2012 On the one-year anniversary of the April 27th torna- does, the family of Spencer Motes gathered on the site of Mamre Baptist Church, where Motes was killed while seeking shelter. Spencer’s daughter, Destiny Motes, found an old dictionary in the rubble. She said she en- joys going to the site and remembering her dad. In the background is Spencer’s mother, Deborah Motes, hug- ging Spencer’s fiancée, Sera Winters. It was a touching moment of remembrance. — Bill Wilson, Star staff photographer as the year draws remembering tragedy more memorable photos I was at Zinn Park on another assignment, and I was worried it was going to rain on us before we got done. By the time I got back to my truck, it was pouring down rain. I saw this shelf cloud across the street and took the photo. A shelf cloud doesn’t have any- thing to do with tornadoes, but it is indicative of a large amount of rain. Ten minutes later, I was shooting photos of cars in down- town Anniston driving through flooded streets. — Trent Penny, Star chief photographer Ben Tomlinson of Jacksonville, a veteran who was wounded in Afghanistan, looks at a flag given to him upon his return home. The flag flew over the Pentagon. It took a lot of doings to get this picture right. You’re not just shooting the reflection off the glass, you’re shooting the reflec- tion through the glass. You’re taking the reflection as deep as the glass is thick. — Stephen Gross, Star staff photographer
Page 1: Images 2012


LIFE & ArtsEditor: Lisa Davis, [email protected]

sunday, December 30, 2012 • Page 1E

The Anniston Star

to a close, The Anniston Star’s photographers have chosen their best images of the year. Chief pho-tographer Trent Penny, Stephen Gross and Bill Wilson have among them more than 80 years of ser-vice at The Star.

The following pages contain scenes of mirth and sadness, comfort and fear, victory and defeat, loss and love.

Each photographer has also compiled an online slideshow featur-ing many more favorite photos. View more than 100 more photos online at AnnistonStar.com.

Imagesthe year in photos: the stories of 2012

On the one-year anniversary of the April 27th torna-does, the family of Spencer Motes gathered on the site of Mamre Baptist Church, where Motes was killed while seeking shelter. Spencer’s daughter, Destiny Motes, found an old dictionary in the rubble. She said she en-joys going to the site and remembering her dad. In the background is Spencer’s mother, Deborah Motes, hug-ging Spencer’s fiancée, Sera Winters. It was a touching moment of remembrance.

— Bill Wilson, Star staff photographer

as the year draws remembering tragedy

more memorable photos

I was at Zinn Park on another assignment, and I was worried it was going to rain on us before we got done. By the time I got back to my truck, it was pouring down rain. I saw this shelf cloud across the street and took the photo. A shelf cloud doesn’t have any-thing to do with tornadoes, but it is indicative of a large amount of rain. Ten minutes later, I was shooting photos of cars in down-town Anniston driving through flooded streets.

— Trent Penny, Star chief photographer

Ben Tomlinson of Jacksonville, a veteran who was wounded in Afghanistan, looks at a flag given to him upon his return home. The flag flew over the Pentagon. It took a lot of doings to get this picture right. You’re not just shooting the reflection off the glass, you’re shooting the reflec-tion through the glass. You’re taking the reflection as deep as the glass is thick.

— Stephen Gross, Star staff photographer

Page 2: Images 2012

By Bernice Bede OsOl

Although your mate-rial prospects appear to be quite hopeful in the year ahead, you’re likely to generate funds in spurts instead of at a con-sistent rate. Be prudent in order to minimize the lean times.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — If someone with whom you’re closely involved is doing things differently from you, don’t try to make him or her over in your own image. This person’s way might actually be better.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be smart when choosing a partner, because aligning yourself with an ineffective ally could seriously impede your progress. Make sure the other party possesses what you lack.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Avoid inclinations to make hard work out of something that should be relatively simple. Adopting a poor attitude could destroy both your initiative and purpose.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Even if you’re usually pretty good at managing your resources, there’s a good chance you may not be so currently. Double-check every-thing that is costing you money.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Associates are likely to ignore you if they feel you’re not set-ting the kind of example they want to follow. Don’t expect others to do what you won’t do yourself.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Although you might be analytical and very observant, if you focus merely on the nega-tive, these attributes may be squandered. Instead of being assertive, you’ll end up a defeatist.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — If an endeavor in which you’re involved is not turning out to be as promising as you’d hoped, reassess it so that you don’t spend any more money on it than you need to.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Even though it’s in you to be an above-average achiever, you might start focusing only on objec-tives that would provide you with little or no gratification. Try to look before you leap.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Challenges might normally bring out the best in you, but if you’re not careful, you could easily waffle under pres-sure owing to an insecure attitude.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — If you can, you should avoid all activi-ties that require a lot of money in order to be fun. You’re not likely to get value for your dollars.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Whenever you’re not up to making decisions for yourself, you can bet your bottom dollar others will do so for you. It’s important to be your own person if you hope to get what you want.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Upon occasion, your hunches are right on target, but your intuitive processes could start playing tricks on you. Rely solely on your logic.ã

Special to The Star









Let’s all stop and take a deep breath.

We survived — both Christmas and Doomsday (though for some of you these might have felt like one in the same. I actually spent The End of the World in line at Old Navy … there was a sale. Good thing the world’s still spinning because I look good in my $12.99 sweater).

Not to be all Grinch-y, but the most wonder-ful thing about Christmas is when it’s over, because all that joy and good cheer can be plain exhausting, never mind the financial toll or the extra tonnage many of us would-be Santas pack on thanks to all those Christmas feasts.

But that’s what New Year’s resolu-tions are for.

And yet, for all the stress and build up, I’ve gotta say that this was one of the best family Christmases in recent memory. So in honor of the most-wonderful-time-of-the-year hub-bub, allow me one final fa-la-la-la-la as I relive the best moments from a Buckner Christmas … sans snarkiness (mostly).

Say what you will about the tragedy of kids from broken homes, but the grandkids of said homes make out like bandits. Sarah and Jellybean benefited from their parents’ parents inability to get along in decades past by unwrap-ping a treasure trove of thoughtful gifts.

We Buckners celebrated Christmas no less than five times — not count-ing Santa’s visit — and amid the cash, dress shirts, gift and gas cards there were some really fine and unexpected presents.

Jellybean got the tallest doll Hasbro’s ever conceived. “Olivia” stands roughly 3 feet tall and has been constantly by Jellybean’s side ever since she was first unwrapped. Santa also brought her an American Girl doll, along with matching clothes and pajamas, that she promptly named Marlena Adele Buffy Sumers. There was also the educational toy — a Leap-Pad 2 that promises hours of reading and creativity, with an added bonus of keeping Jellybean from watching epi-sodes of “Family Guy” on My Lovely Wife’s Nook.

The Diva, having just turned 16 and utterly impossible to buy for, received mostly cash but was surprised by a new TV for her room. Her old set dated back to “The Cosby Show” era.

My Lovely Wife received scarves and jewelry, non-vanilla scented can-dles and a box set of The Carol Burnett Show. Yours truly, among other things, got a dope coffee maker, some cool T-shirts and a Kindle, which I openly and often called an “abomination,” but it turns out that even an abomina-tion can be awfully handy, particularly when being recruited to play school with Jellybean, Olivia and Marlena Adele Buffy Sumers over this incred-ibly long holiday.

But what made this Christmas stand out was that it was relatively easy and joyful. There was no drama, no tears, no tantrums and everyone got along. What often makes Christmas stressful, even depressing, is that the build-up rarely ever matches the real-ity.

We all strive for this impossibly perfect celebration of family, but we often forget that the true joy of family comes from spending time together. The presents and the food is just an excuse, a reminder that given the right circumstances we can actually all get along and enjoy the simple things.

Being together … that’s the greatest gift of all. And it’s the present we’ll all remember long after the gift cards are spent, the dolls (and sweaters) have been outgrown and the candles extin-guished.

Those are the memories that will last a lifetime, and I for one, am thank-ful to have been there.

Page 2E Sunday, December 30, 2012 The Anniston Star lifE & arts


This photo is part of the Russell Brothers photography collection housed in the Ala-bama Room of the Public Library of Anniston and Calhoun County.

The Russell Brothers were the first com-mercial photographers in Anniston and stayed in business from 1880 until the 1940s.

If you have any more information about this photo, contact the Alabama Room at 256-237-8501 or at P.O. Box 308, Anniston, AL 36202.

To browse the photo collection, visit the library’s homepage, www.anniston.lib.al.us and click on “Searching Digital Photos Tuto-rial.” (It’s a video file; you will need to have Shockwave installed.) Copies of the photos can be ordered through the website.

Do you have any information about this photograph?

BrettBucknerThe Dirt

daily horoscope



The winter issue of Healthy Living is all about resolutions,

from weight loss, to eating better to quitting smoking. Also:

• Krav Maga: Fitness through self-defense

• A Q&A with Dr. Ken Hager of Advanced Imaging

• A microdermabrasion giveaway• Profile of Dr. Stacy Haynes

Look for it in today’s Anniston Star!

New issue of healthy living

By Mary MacvEanLos Angeles Times

People who want to lose weight are better off running than lifting weights — or even than doing both, researchers at Duke Univer-sity say.

The researchers compared people who did aerobic exercise — running, swimming, walking, for instance — with those who did resistance training such as weightlifting and with people who did both kinds of exercise. Those who got up and moved burned the most fat, they said in the Dec. 15 Journal of Applied Physiology.

“Given that approximately two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight due to excess body fat, we want to offer clear, evidence-based exercise recommendations that will truly help people lose weight and body fat,” Leslie H. Willis, an exercise physi-ologist at Duke Medicine and the study’s lead author, said in a statement.

It is the largest randomized trial to look at how the three modes of exercise in over-weight or obese adults — 119 people by the end of the study — without diabetes changed body composition.

The news might be disheartening to a whole trendy cohort of exercisers who have

become enamored with resistance training, often in combination with aerobics. Resis-tance training does have benefits. Research has shown it improves glucose control, for one thing. And then there’s the look of those six-pack abs to consider.

Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: resistance training of three days a week or about 180 minutes; aerobic training of about 12 miles a week or about 133 minutes; or both.

The groups assigned to aerobic train-ing and aerobic plus resistance training lost more weight than those who did just resis-tance training. The resistance training group gained weight due to an increase in lean body mass.

The combination group lost weight and fat mass, but did not significantly reduce body mass, nor fat mass compared with aerobic training alone. This group noticed the largest decrease in waist circumference.

“Balancing time commitments against health benefits, our study suggests that aero-bic exercise is the best option for reducing fat mass and body mass,” said Cris A. Slentz, a Duke exercise physiologist and study co-author. “It’s not that resistance training isn’t good for you; it’s just not very good at burning fat.”

aerobics beats lifting weights for shedding pounds, study says

Just being together is

best present


Page 3: Images 2012


I’ve been in a bit of a crafting lull the last week. Since November, I’ve spent a lot of time creating — bunk beds, clothes for me, pajamas for the family, all the edible gifts for my friends — so by the time Christmas dinner was over, I had used up every stitch of creativeness I had left. It doesn’t help that my sewing room was the staging area for the presents — it looked like a war zone with all the torn cardboard boxes, strips of wrapping paper and the plastic …! Kids’ toys come so securely locked into their packages with plastic molds and ties and elastic that it took me 20 minutes just to free a Barbie.

I took the time cleaning and organizing my room to think about the projects that I’d like to accomplish in the New Year — a task made a little easier with a couple of gifts I received from family. My sister Beth drew my name in our Christmas swap this year, so she sent me the money to buy a power drill, since I realized during

the bunk bed building that I did not have the proper tool for the job (that’s where neighbors with power tools come in very handy). I’ll probably get a 12-volt Makita cordless drill driver, which should be heavy-duty enough for my projects around the house and yard. I’ve had an idea for about a year for a outdoor play-house for my kids using pallets. And I’ve

thought about adding a slide to those bunk beds.

Another wonderful present to enable my crafting addiction was a gift card to Hobby Lobby. I’m pretty diligent about my 40 percent off coupon — you can get it on an app for your smartphone — so I can put this present to very good use. And Hobby Lobby has everything I love: Fabric and notions for all

my sewing (I got a 60-count thread spool holder for my birthday in early Decem-ber and it’s been looking pretty bare), yarn of every color and weight for more snuggly scarves now that winter’s finally come around, and all the arts and crafts supplies you can think of. Especially glue.

I have a whole box dedicated to glue of the liquid, solid and aerosol variet-ies, but I really do need a new glue gun, since the stand on mine broke several years ago, so I’ve just been laying a hot glue gun on its side when I use it, which has to be some kind of fire hazard. I’m clumsy enough when it comes to using hot tools (the iron is the worst!), let alone when I have to use it improperly. If I can find one that turns off automatically, I think I’ll be set.

Another gift I received wasn’t partic-ularly a Christmas present, but the tim-ing was right. My friend Lacie Pinyan, a former sports editor here at The Star, brought me a stack of cookbooks last week from her new employer, Oxmoor House — publishers of Southern Living, Cooking Light and all those other maga-zines. She knows I’m a big fan of slow cookers and simple, quick meals — isn’t every working mother? — and these cookbooks definitely fit the bill. Now I have plenty of inspiration for meals to cook in the new year, too. Nice, easy meals that will leave me more time to get started on some of those other projects, perhaps.






New projects for the new yearFacebook just before Christmas

released “Poke,” an iPhone app for creat-ing messages that delete themselves.

The app joins at least two competing programs geared toward sharing content that a sender would not want his or her

recipient to keep. Think “Mission: Impossible,” but without the puff of smoke emanating from your phone.

Users connect Poke to their Facebook accounts and can then send friends text messages, photos and videos which are auto-matically wiped from the

recipient’s device after a predetermined amount of time.

The program received the most down-loads of any free app last week, reaching the No. 1 spot in Apple’s App Store within a day of its release.

Temporary-messaging apps have quickly and, dare we say, discreetly, risen in noto-riety in recent months.

Competitors Snapchat and Burst launched earlier this year. Like Poke, Snapchat allows users to send and receive photos and videos which disappear after a few seconds.

Where Poke and Snapchat cater more to smartphone-toting Facebookers, Burst is geared toward families by allowing its users to send photos and videos to others via standard text messaging or email.

Back in BlackBerryMobile phone maker Research in

Motion (RIM) couldn’t manage to make waves with its BlackBerry devices in 2012, but new reports say the company is get-ting ready to stage a comeback effort.

Photos published on a Chinese tech news website last week showed a new BlackBerry phone, likely to be called the X10, which featured a touch-sensitive screen and physical keyboard.

Also on the horizon for the Ontario-based manufacturer is a thin touch-screen device called the Z10, which will compete with high-end iPhone and Android phones.

The new BlackBerries are likely to be unveiled in late January, when RIM will introduce a revamped version of its phone operating system.

The new BlackBerry OS will include a time-shifting camera, switchable profiles to keep work and personal data sepa-rate and a keyboard that learns how a user types to minimize errors over time, according to the BlackBerry website.

BlackBerry phones gained notoriety in the 2000s as the first smartphones hit the market, but in recent years devices with iOS and Android operating systems have surged to the forefront.

Missteps by RIM, including the release of a tablet computer in 2011 which did not have basic applications like an email client and calendar, resulted in financial losses and mass layoffs at the company.

Survey reveals best places to shop online

For the eighth year in a row, Amazon.com took the top spot in an annual poll of customer satisfaction among online vendors.

Wisconsin-based research company ForeSee collected more than 24,000 sur-veys of customers who shopped on the Web this year between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Customers polled gave Amazon high marks for the variety of its products and “a history of focusing on the customer,” ForeSee president and CEO Larry Freed said last week.

The top score for Amazon comes as the company announced two weeks ago a crackdown on fake, promotional product reviews on its website.

LLBean.com came in second this year among the top 100 e-retailers, followed by QVC.com.

Other major brands found themselves losing ground with customers in this year’s poll.

Apple.com was tied for second place in ForeSee’s 2011 satisfaction survey, but this year fell out of the top five completely. JCPenney.com had the biggest decline in customer satisfaction of any company on the list.

This Facebook message will self-destruct

The Anniston Star Sunday, December 30, 2012 Page 3ElIfE & ARTS


cELEBRATIoNS: Weddings, engagements, anniversaries and births

▶ HeatH, CruseBrittany Shay Heath and Jeremy

Phillip cruse were married June 2, 2012, at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West, Fla. Pastor Ozzie Vater performed the ceremony.

Parents of the bride are Larry and Phyllis Heath of Anniston.

Parents of the groom are Jerry and Jani Cruse of Oxford.

Grandparents of the bride are Caro-lyn McLeod of Anniston and the late Robert H. McLeod and Vera Heath of Anniston and the late Ralph Heath.

Grandparents of the groom are Margaret Traywick of Oxford and the late Lamar Traywick and Ludy Cruse of Oxford and the late Carl Cruse.

The matron of honor was Brittany Graben Golson.

The best man was Jerry Cruse, father of the groom.

The reception was held at A&B Lob-ster House on the waterfront deck.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ivory Allencon lace mer-maid gown designed by Enzoani. The delicate lace bodice featured a scallop edge neckline and hem. Covered but-tons finished the back of the gown lead-ing to the semi-cathedral train.

After a trip to Key West, Fla., the couple resides in Oxford.

▶ In fInE foRMForms for announcements

may be picked up at The Star’s offices or downloaded at www.annistonstar.com.



New Years Eve PartySpectacular desserts from the dessert buffet • Appetizers served all evening

D I N N E R S P E C I A L ~ Shrimp & Grits ~ Salmon Fillets ~ Roasted Half Chickens ~ 20 oz. Bone in Ribeyes ~ Beef Fillets and other Favorites

R E S E R V A T I O N S R E C O M M E N D E D • 2 5 6 . 2 3 7 . 5 3 8 8$ 7 5 P E R P E R S O N ( T A X & G R A T U I T Y N O T I N C L U D E D )

▶ Hiatt, wilsonEmma Hiatt and Matthew Wilson

were married Nov. 17, 2012, at Cheaha State Park in Delta. Dr. Michael Stewart performed the ceremony. Music was provided by Grayson Lawrence.

Parents of the bride are Blanchard and Suzanne Hiatt of Red Bank, N.J.

Parents of the groom are Terry and Becky Wilson of Jacksonville.

Grandparents of the bride are Doro-thy Heller of New York, N.Y. and the late Milton Heller.

Grandparents of the groom are the late JB Jackson Jr.; the late Miriam Jack-son Higginbotham and the late Ralph Higginbotham, all formerly of Jackson-ville, and the late Mary and Don Wilson, formerly of Leeds.

Bridesmaids were Elizabeth Ver-bovsky, Gail Guthlein, Rebekah Wilson and Suzanne Vice.

The maid of honor was Amy Latessa.Groomsmen were Abe Hiatt, Anthony

Napoli, Atit Desai, Hunter Youngblood, Jacob Taylor, Jesse Corn, Jose Martinez, Justin Vice, Kenneth Vandervoot and Matthew Smith.

Honorary groomsman was Sgt. Bran-nen Delker, U.S. Army Airborne Infantry in Afghanistan.

The best man was Terry Wilson.The couple resides in Martinez, Calif.

▶ Brooks, CannonLindsey Nicole Brooks of Jackson-

ville and christopher Ellis cannon of Oxford were married Nov. 10, 2012, at the Alexandria Community Center in Alexandria. The Rev. Mike Owens of Leatherwood Baptist Church performed the double ring ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Doug and Cindy Brooks of Jacksonville. She is the granddaughter of the late Wilburn and Frances Jones and the late Jonathon and Elizabeth (Betty) Brooks.

The groom is the son of Rick and Pat Cannon of Oxford. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Massey and the late Mrs. Ann Massey of Trussville, and the late SGM and Mrs. Estle V. Cannon.

The bridal party consisted of Brandie Harper (maid of honor), Lakeita Wind-ham, Rick Cannon (best man), Michael Cannon, Jared Jordan, Rik Stedham, and Rachel Hulsey as director.

The couple resides in Alexandria.

By JEnnIfER foRKERAssociated Press

It’s inevitable during the holiday season: Kids get bored. But the doldrums are just the thing for unleashing children’s creativity.

Give them a few ideas and supplies, and step out of the way.

Brenna Maloney, a Wash-ington, D.C., mother of two, is the author of three sock-proj-ect books, including the new “Sock It To Me” (Stash Books, 2012).

She turned to sewing with stretchy socks five years ago to offset job stress. Replicating a favorite sock bunny that her mother had made her when she was a girl, Maloney then turned to crafting snakes, mice,

sea creatures — and, more recently, evil clowns and snow-man assassins.

Some of her biggest fans are pre-teens, who pose new proj-ect ideas and ask for help. “I work with (the kids) and bring them in on it,” says Maloney, now an editor at “National Geographic Explorer” maga-zine.

For kids who know how to use a sewing machine or would like to learn, Maloney suggests starting with a snake, turtle or starfish; the snake project is posted at Maloney’s website, www.brennamaloney.com .

“Think about the sock and how it’s shaped . turn it and twist it,” Maloney says. She uses a sock’s pattern, plus stuffing and embellishments to turn it into a creature.

Holiday doldrums can spark creativity

C&T Publishing via Associated Press

A starfish, turtle and fish from the book, ‘Socks Appeal’ are shown. The holiday doldrums are just the thing for unleashing children’s creativity.

Page 4: Images 2012

Page 4E Sunday, December 30, 2012 The Anniston Star LIfE & ARTS

the year in photos

noteworthy newsLEFT: Darlene Cook fights back the tears as she talks abut her daughter, Carla Fuqua, who had been missing since 2009 until her skeletal remains were found near Piedmont earlier this year. BELOW: Oxford officers respond to the scene of a shooting, where Romero Roberto Moya was killed after murdering his three broth-ers in Heflin and leading police on a chase through Cleburne and Calhoun counties.

ABOVE, TOP TO BOTTOM, LEFT TO RIGHT: 1. Anniston City Councilman Ben Little looks out from under the canopy at the Anniston City Meeting Center while his opponent, Seyram Selase, stands in the rain. 2. Alabama running back Trent Richardson cele-brates the Crimson Tide’s 21-0 victory over LSU to claim the school’s 14th national championship. 3. Pressman Nathan Hubbard checks a paper on the conveyor as the press rolls at The Anniston Star, which ceased production of its Monday edition in October. 4. Sgt. Ben Tomlinson, who was shot and injured in Afghanistan in 2011, receives a hero’s welcome in Jacksonville. RIGHT: Auburn and Handley High School football play-ers serve as pallbearers at Ladarious Phillips’ funeral in Roanoke.

Bill Wilson

Stephen Gross

Trent Penny

Stephen Gross

Bill Wilson

Trent Penny

Trent Penny

Page 5: Images 2012

The Anniston Star Sunday, December 30, 2012 Page 5ELIFE & ARTS

the year in photos

photographer’s choiceA member of the local Marine Corps

League is reflected in the Vietnam vet-erans memorial during the 15th annual Memorial Day ceremony at Centennial Park in downtown Anniston. I was there to cover the event when I glanced over and saw this, and grabbed a frame of it. I knew he was a veteran himself; they’re always going to salute.

— Trent Penny, Star chief photographer

FAR LEFT: Oxford High School’s Racean Thom-as leaps over Gadsden City’s Breylon Willis. LEFT: Auburn wide receiver Emory Blake dives over the pylon to score against Arkansas, though the Tigers lost 24-7 to the Razorbacks.

ABOVE: 1. Payton Thorn-ton uses his pencil to draw a picture in the library at White Plains Elementary. 2. Ohatchee student Devyn McRaney writes a message on a memory board in the school’s lunchroom for her friend, Alyssa Cooper, who was killed in a car accident with her mother, Sheila. 3. Cyclists stream down Vigo Road in Piedmont for the start of the Foot-hills Classic. RIGHT: Kyle Comfort’s mother, Ellen Comfort, takes a ride on the back of a motorcycle with Glenn Turton during a Poker Run to benefit the Comfort Foundation.

Trent PennyTrent Penny

Trent Penny

Trent Penny

Trent Penny

Trent Penny

Page 6: Images 2012

Page 6E Sunday, December 30, 2012 The Anniston Star LIfE & ARTS

This was a shot I took for Halloween. It’s spooky. It’s ethereal. It looks like a UFO landing back there in the trees. This was shot in Cleburne County near the Haunted Chicken House. I was on my way back from a football game and saw through the trees all this fog and smoke, which was coming from the Chicken House. You could also hear chainsaws and people screaming in the background.

— Bill Wilson, Star staff photographer

the year in photos

photographer’s choice

RIGHT: An old rusty gas pump sits aban-doned, its price locked at 72.5 cents per gallon. FAR RIGHT: A junk ven-dor rides through Anniston.

LEFT: Eloise Canzater watches a slideshow of old photos of her school and classmates from the Jacksonville Colored School/East-wood reunion at Jacksonville State University’s Houston Cole Library. TOP: The City of Jacksonville demolished Bill Austin’s house after deeming it unsafe, leaving Austin to live out of his vehicle on the property. ABOVE: A man stands outside Young’s Boutique and Groceries in Heflin.

Bill WilsonBill Wilson

Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson

Page 7: Images 2012

The Anniston Star Sunday, December 30, 2012 Page 7ELIFE & ARTS

ABOVE: Terry Thomas checks his honey bee boxes at his business, Cold Creek Honey, near Hokes Bluff. RIGHT: Wellborn High School principal Rick Carter cuts guidance counselor Todd Ford’s hair after students raised enough money to feed 143 needy families for Christmas.

the year in photos

memorable momentsCLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: 1. Local cowboy Koley Gilmer coordinates rodeos all over the southeast using bulls raised on his Ohatchee farm. 2. The ‘Can Man’ pauses during the national anthem at Talladega Superspeedway. 3. Dylan Dunaway grabs a breath of air as he com-petes in the first official swim meet at Anniston’s new aquatic center. 4. A wreck at the intersection of 6th Street and Quintard involving three cars flipped an Anniston police car upside down near a stop sign. 5. First-year Saks Elementary kindergarten teacher Courtney Underwood tries to console Tanner Stevens on his first day of school. 6. Dominick Cosper is covered in more than 50 pairs of shoes he col-lected for a charity organization.

Trent Penny

Stephen Gross

Trent PennyTrent Penny

Bill WilsonTrent Penny

Steve Gross

Stephen Gross

Page 8: Images 2012

Page 8E Sunday, December 30, 2012 The Anniston Star LIfE & ARTS

the year in photos

photographer’s choice

My favorite shot is this one of Au-burn wide receiver Sammie Coates catching a long pass against ULM. His eyes say it all. He’s half-scared, all concentration. That concentra-tion is something you can’t see on TV. It happened in a split-second.

I like to shoot faces along with the sport. It lets you see what others can’t see — an intensity you don’t have otherwise.

Coates didn’t score on this pass. The long touchdown catch was called back because of illegal for-mation, which came after the back judge ruled Coates did not complete the pass.

— Stephen Gross, Star staff photographer

TOP LEFT: A Jacksonville State University cheerleader flips high in the air before the game against Tennessee State. BOTTOM LEFT: Handley offen-sive lineman Bradley Bozeman is one of college football’s top prospects. ABOVE: JSU defensive back Brooks Robinson receives a hug from his father during Senior Day.

RIGHT: Sonny Nance looks over a 250-year-old red oak tree that fell in his yard in Eulaton. FAR RIGHT: Partici-pants lay roses in memory of loved ones at the Fallen Comrade Ceremony at Centennial Park in Anniston for Veterans Day.

Stephen Gross

Stephen Gross

Stephen Gross

Stephen Gross Stephen Gross

Page 9: Images 2012

The Anniston Star Sunday, December 30, 2012 Page 9ELIFE & ARTS

the year in photos

the spirit of competition

LEFT: Texas A&M quarterback and Heisman win-ner Johnny Manziel scores a touchdown against Auburn. ABOVE: Jacksonville State running back Washaun Ealey looks for running room after upend-ing Murray State defensive back Brandon Wicks.

CLOCKWISE FROM BELOW: 1. Gene Chizik walks to the locker room after losing 63-21 against Texas A&M. 2. Alabama wide receiver Kevin Norwood celebrates a touchdown against Auburn in the Iron Bowl. 3. Donoho’s Corey Phillis celebrates a game point against Addison, later going on to help the Lady Falcons win the 1A state volleyball championship. 4. Saks pitcher Taylor West pitched a perfect game against Pisgah to help the Lady Wildcats win the 3A state softball title. 5. Oxford pitcher Frazier Taylor celebrates a win over Spain Park to advance to the ASHAA championship game.

Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson

Trent PennyTrent Penny

Stephen Gross

Stephen Gross

Trent Penny

Page 10: Images 2012

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows the debtor to retain certain exempt property, but the debtor’s remaining property is gathered and sold by a trustee from which creditors will receive payment. It may also be used by businesses which wish to terminate their business.A Chapter 13 bankruptcy enables debtors, through court supervision and protection, to propose and carry out a repayment plan under which creditors are paid, in full or in part, in installments over a three-year period. During that time, debtors are prohib-ited from starting or continuing collection efforts. The following bankruptcies declared by Calhoun County residents were recorded by U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Alabama last week:

Chapter 7• Margie L. Header, US 21 North, Jack-sonville• James Danny Dunn, Oxford• Gloria Bowie, Christine Avenue, Annis-ton• Mary L. Mustafa, Oak Road, Anniston• Shannon M. Driver, Ceder Court, Alex-andria• Justin Heath Smitherman, Joyce Street, Gadsden

Chapter 13• Marquita Parker, Cooper Avenue, Annis-ton• Anthony Jernigan, Canterbury Square, Anniston• April J. Headrick, Brown Bridge Road, Piedmont

Terilyn Avery, AnnistonGrace Baggett, RanburneBobbie Dawn Bennett, WadleyNancy Newman Bennett, OxfordJames C. Blair, AnnistonDorothy June Laney Blakely, OxfordAline Braden, Pell CitySamuel J. Brown, AshlandJeanette Sue Carden, AlexandriaAndy Chandler, AlexandriaWilla Collins, TexasMyrtis Croft, AnnistonJessie Mae Curry, AnnistonJean Cain Donaldson, PiedmontJoyce M. Dorman, Silver RunWillie Dean Duke, TalladegaMary Jane Eubanks, PiedmontMorris G. Foreman, TalladegaMary Lois Glover, AnnistonEdward Owen Heptinstall, CullmanCalvin F. Hill, DeltaRobert Wayne Hill, SaksSteven Reginald Howard, SylacaugaMinister Mary L. Kelley Johnson, AnnistonWalter Kidd, LinevilleCynthia Dianne Leondard, AnnistonEunice T. Lovvorn, WoodlandFrances Page Lusk, AlexandriaJasper Maddox Jr., OhatcheeWilliam Charles Malone III,

TalladegaJohn I. Matyjasik, WeaverBilly Gene McCartney, OhatcheeRichard Earl McGuire, MunfordGeorge H. McKenzie Jr., AlexandriaE.E. Miller, AnnistonWilliam Ethan Miller, CentreJean P. Minton, PiemdontEunice G. Northington, AnnistonJames J. Patterson, AnnistonCynthia D. Pierce, WellingtonDoris Read, Reads MillTimothy Richey Sr., MunfordJean B. Rogers, JacksonvilleChris Rushing, AshlandCurtis Junior Salers, JacksonvilleJeremy Wade Studdard, PiedmontSandra Jean Tipton, AnnistonJohnny Lee Towns, AnnistonMary Jewell Heath Turner, AnnistonGloria Twyman, AnnistonLarry Vincent Sr., AnnistonJohn “Buddy” Ware, TalladegaDorothy Jordan White, RaglandHarold DeWayne Wilkes, PiedmontCharlie Lewis Williams, AnnistonGerald D. Yancy, HeflinWillie L. Youson, Anniston


The Anniston Star l Sunday, december 30, 2012 l Page 10E

• Larry Terrell Mont-gomery of Anniston to Shaniqua Latiek Bai-ley of Oxford• Pamela Joan Wil-liams of Pell City to Sidney Woodfin Nich-ols of Oxford• Michael David Lock-ridge of Jacksonville to Kiley Grace Ponder of Piedmont• Bruce Neal Adams of Anniston to Dena Kaye Campbell of Anniston• Jonathan Andrew Osowski of Fort Meyers, Fla., to Amy

Michelle Roche of Fort Meyers, Fla.• Scott Allen Mead-ows of Jacksonville to Angela Jo Ritter of Jacksonville• Ahmed Mohamed Ali of Anniston to Calarda Latosh’ Brown of Anniston• Tommy Wayne Tucker of Anniston to Jacqua-line Dianne Leger of Anniston• Edwin Keith Hay-wood of Oxford to Kelly Dempsey Browning of Oxford


Crimes are listed by location. Anonymous tips may be called in to Crime Stoppers at 256-238-1414. A reward of up to $1,000 may be given.

AnnistonThe following property crimes were reported to the Annis-ton Police Department during the seven-day period ending at 7 a.m. Thursday.

Burglaries• Commercial location, 5100 block of Saks Road: vehicle parts. • Residence, 2100 block of Thomas Avenue: television, coins. • Residence, 400 block of South Colvin Street: televisions, laptop computer, tower.• Commercial location, 1200 block of Noble Street: com-puter, checks.• Commercial location, 1200 block of Noble Street: laptop computer, monitor.• Commercial location, 1600 block of Christine Avenue:

toys.• Residence, 3100 block of Walnut Avenue: router, monitor, computer, game console, suitcase, power cord.

Thefts• Commercial location, 5500 block of McClellan Boulevard: cash. • Residence, 100 block of Hill Street: jewelry.• Residence, 4400 block of Linda Lane: jewelry. • Residence, 1700 block of Leighton Avenue: guitar, ampli-fier, guitar case.• Residence, 300 block of Wilkerson Drive: clothing, shoes.• Residence, 1900 block of Wilmer Avenue: tablet com-puter.• Bar, 1000 block of Noble Street: cell phone.• Department store, 5500 block of McClellan Boulevard: cell phone.• Restaurant, 600 block of Quintard Avenue: cash.

Auto-related thefts• Residence, 500 block of 23rd Street: 2000 Mazda 626.

• Residence, 400 block of Leighton Avenue: car seat.• Residence, 400 block of Oak Lane: food, clothing, toys, coins.• Residence, first block of Craig Drive: wheels.• Residence, 400 block of Oak Lane: purse, wallet, cash, phone charger, debit card.• Residence, 1800 block of Moore Avenue: 1992 Buick LeSabre.• Residence, 2800 block of McClellan Boulevard: firearm.

Calhoun County The following property crimes were reported to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office during the seven-day period ending at 7 a.m. Thursday.

Burglaries• Residence, 300 block of Crimson Tide Road, Piedmont: television.

Thefts• Residence, New Liberty Road, Jacksonville: firearm.



No sale for Tuesday. Closed for the Christmas holiday.


The people listed in this arrest report, whose names and charges are obtained from public records, are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.

AnnistonThe following felony arrests were reported by the Anniston Police Department (addresses not provid-ed) during the seven-day period end-ing at 7 a.m. Thursday.• Ricky Lee Hamilton, 22: second-degree receiving stolen property. • Tommy Joe Smith, 51: third-degree burglary.• Donald Dye, 56: second-degree domestic violence. • Natasha Yvette Miller, 25: two counts of possession of a controlled

substance.• Gabrielle Dionne Walker, 25: obstructing justice by using false I.D.

Calhoun CountyThe following felony arrests were reported by the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office during the seven-day period ending at 7 a.m. Thursday. • Tracy Lynn Hurst, 41, of Anniston: second-degree domestic violence.• Alyce Bernice Baldwin, 36, of Easta-boga: failure to appear in court for first-degree receiving stolen prop-erty.• Ashley Nicole Walker, 27, of Hills-boro, Fla.: failure to appear in court for distribution of a controlled sub-stance.

• William Kenneth Dickie• Grace V. Bowen• William Tyson Bennett• Vandie Sykes• William H. Newsome• Jerry E. Mayne• Emogene Lynch Brooke

INCORPORATIONSDissolved• MSJP Land Co. LLC• Crimson Legacy LLC• CKR Ventures LLC• M & A Trucking Inc.• On The Brass Services LLC• Jeff Strickland LLC• Shafer Used Cars Inc.• Southeast Timber Co. LLC• Hamilton Band Instru-ment Co.


This weekLast week52 weeks ago

The material inside the Sunday Record is recorded by The Anniston Star from various institutions and government offices.

The public records are published as they appeared on the documents obtained by the newspaper. Direct questions and comments about Sunday Record to Isaac Godwin at [email protected].








Here are food service establishments recently inspected by the Calhoun County Health Department, along with scores. A score of 100 indicates the inspector found no deficiencies. Potentially hazardous deficiencies (four- or five-point demerit items) are noted. These must be corrected immediately and inspectors say they are often corrected while the inspection is underway. Restaurants earning below 70 must raise their scores within seven days or face closure.

4-OR 5-POINT DEMERITS• Outback Steakhouse, 196 Springbranch

Drive, Oxford — 90, problems with saniti-zation rinse.• Quizno’s Subs, 1783 Hamric Drive, E., Oxford — 93, approved food safety course certificate required.

NO MAJOR DEMERITS• Arby’s, 30 Oxford Exchange Blvd., Oxford — 99.• Brad’s Bar-B-Que, 1809 U.S. 78, E., Oxford — 98.• Domino’s Pizza, 110 Ladiga St., SW, Jack-sonville — 99.• Dorsey’s Supermarket, 601 Main St., Oxford — 98.

• Firehouse Subs, 522 Oxford Exchange Blvd., Oxford — 96.• Garfrerick’s Café, 655 Creekside Drive, Oxford — 99.• Hampton/Jacksonville Hotel (Pantry), 1041 JD & L Drive, Jacksonville — 99.• Hardee’s, 700 Quintard Drive, Oxford — 96.• IHOP, 1904 U.S. 78, Oxford — 97.• Jefferson’s, 407 Pelham Road, N., Jack-sonville — 94.• Julia’s Kitchen, 1 Cliff Garret Drive, Oxford — 98.• Ladiga Manor, Jacksonville — 98.• Los Mexicanos, 500 Hamric Drive, Oxford

— 99.• Meadowbrook Abundant Childcare, Oxford — 99.• Olive Garden, 401 Oxford Exchange Blvd., Oxford — 97.• Sleep Inn, 88 Colonial Drive, Oxford — 98.• Struts, 500 Forney Ave., Jacksonville — 94.• Subway, 2030 U.S. 78, E., Oxford — 95.• Wake & Bake Pizza & Coffee Co., 109 Ladiga St., SE, Jacksonville — 96.• Walmart (Deli), 1625 Pelham Road, S., Jacksonville — 97.









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new YorK — A massive winter storm is disrupting travel plans for tens of thou-sands of fliers trying to get home after Christmas. snow, thunderstorms, sleet, tornados and high winds have grounded planes in the nation’s midsection and are expected to slow operations on the east Coast.

Delays last week racked up from Dallas to indianapolis to Chicago. By wednesday, more than 1,100 flights

nationwide had been scrapped, accord-ing to flight tracking site FlightAware.com.

More cancelations are likely through-out the evening, with washington, new York and Philadelphia expected to see the largest problems. For instance, wind gusts at new York’s John F. Kennedy international Airport could exceed 50 mph wednesday night, according to FlightAware.

Passengers are pretty much at the mercy of Mother nature and the airlines. But there are a few things they can do

to improve their odds of getting home quickly.

• if you miss your connection, the air-lines will automatically rebook you on the next available flight.

however, with flights at near capacity, the next open seat could be several days away. two years ago, some Christmas fli-ers had to wait nearly a week to get home.

• if you’re unhappy with your rebooked flight, get in line to speak to a customer service representative.

But also, pick up the phone and call the airline directly, go onto the airline’s

website and even consider sending a tweet.

• Consider buying a one-day pass to the airline lounge. it’s a nice place to relax away from the crowd and there are usually free drinks and small snacks. But the real secret to the lounges is that the airline staffs them with some of its best — and friendliest — ticket agents.

the lines inside will be much shorter and these agents are magically able to find empty seats where nobody else can. one-day passes typically cost $50 per person.

Top tips for fliers stranded by winter’s storms


Page 11: Images 2012

CALENDAR: AnnistonStar.com/calendar

• Thomas E. Coleman and Carolyn M. Cole-man to Coleman Holdings LP, Hamilton sub-division, block G, lots 9-15, $10.• Kimberly Diane Bennett Zinn to Kimberly Diane Bennett Zinn, Deville Estates, 2nd addition, block A, lot 13, $0.• Mark Chapman to Rose Acceptance Inc., a parcel of land in section 21, township 13, range 8, $2,019.• Monna Lockridge to Curtis R. Cardwell, Walton Brack subdivision, lots 7-10, $10.• Branch Banking & Trust Co. to Noe Lopez and Mariela Lopez, a parcel of land in sec-tion 25, township 16, range 8, $10.• Kenneth L. Eaton and Amanda Eaton to Jonathan B. Guy and Katie L. Guy, a parcel of land in section 32, township 15, range 9, $10.• HW LLC to Robert Paul Murray and Kim-berly K. Murray, a parcel of land in sections 29/30, township 14, range 9, $10.• Ruby P. Boozer and Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. to Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. Revocable Trust, a parcel of land in section 9, township 13, range 8, $10.• Ruby P. Boozer and Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. to Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. Revocable Trust, North Woods subdivision, 1st addition, lots 5 and 6, $10.

• Ruby Boozer to Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. Revocable Trust, a parcel of land in section 4, township 15, range 8, $10.• Ruby Boozer and Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. to Benjamin B. Boozer Jr. Revocable Trust, a parcel of land in section 4, township 15, range 8, $10.• Eagles Landing LLC to Oak Castle LLC, Ver-bon George Estate, lots 17 and 18, $83,560.• Sher-Wil/HOP LLC to 9460 LLC, Darolyn Ross 2006 Revocable Trust and E&C Granz Family Trust, Golden Spring subdivision No. 2, lot 22, $10.• Branch Banking & Trust Co. to Anita P. Soto, Indian Oaks Estates, section 2, lot 37, $10.• Robert B. Jones and Mary Lois Jones to Cindy Michelle Jones Miller, South Annis-ton Land Co., 1st division, block 3, lots 18-22, $1.• Thomas R. Garvey and Linda E. Garvey to Thomas R. Garvey and Linda E. Garvey, a parcel of land in section 34, township 16, range 7, $10.• Freddie Mac to Edward E. Brown and Denise M. Brown, S. E. Boozer re-subdivi-sion of Pines subdivision, lots 18 and 19, $27,500.• Elvira Free, Benjamin C. Free and Robert C.

Free Jr. to Bobby Joe Gray, a parcel of land in sections 4/9, township 16, range 7, $1.• Ralph Sims Jr. to Ralph Sims Jr. and Eliza-beth E. Parris Sims, Jacksonville Mining & Manufacturing Co., block 291, lots 21-24, $10.• Tommy W. Spendlove to Jeffrey Spendlove and Frances H. Morris, a parcel of land in section 34, township 16, range 6.• Mel Stewart and Ashley Stewart to Donald Ryan Varnum, a parcel of land in section 12, township 16, range 8, $10.• Codie J. Smith to Dennis Smith, a parcel of land in section 8, township 16, range 9, $10.• Phillip Twilley and Laura L. Twilley to Allen L. Womack and Vicki L. Womack, Stone Ridge subdivision, block 2, lot 4, $10.• Michael D. Everett to Darius Ware, Annis-ton Land Co., block 515, lot 13, $10.• Roger Allen Hall to Owen Griffith, a parcel of land in sections 27/34/35, township 14, range 9, $380,000.• Carr Land Co. Inc. to Calhoun County, J. V. Liles subdivision, block A, lots 1-5; block D, lot 1, $10.• Randall Morgan to Percy Godhigh Jr., South Anniston Land Co., 1st division, block 32, lot 12.• Tommy L. Thompson to Mary B. Bundrum,

Virginia Acres, 1st addition, lot 44, $10.• Bobbie Jean McCormick to McCormick Property LLC, L. M. Burns subdivision, 3rd division, block A8, lots 1-6, 8 and 9, $10.• Boreen Investments LLC to Santiago Mar-tin Balma-Bava, a parcel of land near 918 Jacksonville Street, Weaver, $12,000.• Jeffrey A. Schmiedl and Traci A. Schmiedl to Benjamin A. Watson and Jennifer L. Wat-son, Kon Tiki subdivision, lot 49, $10.• Hugh M. Childress and Sarah F. Childress to Ronald Dewey Hanner and Jeana Marie Hanner, a parcel of land in section 10, town-ship 13, range 10, $10.• JPMorgan Chase Bank to Housing & Urban Development, Alexandria Heights subdivi-sion, lot 32.• Habitat for Humanity of Calhoun Coun-ty Inc. to Laretta Montgomery, Quail Run subdivision, 1st addition, block A, lot 14, $70,000.• Terry Parks to Terry Parks and Cathy Parks, Deer Ridge, lot 5, $10.• Scott Paslay to MUSA Properties LLC, a parcel of land in section 30, township 15, range 8, $10.• Gerald Winkler to Jeffery Winkler, a par-cel of land in section 9, township 16, range 7, $10.


The Anniston Star Sunday, December 30, 2012 Page 11ESUNDAY RECORD

FORECLOSURES• Stanley Bussey and Amanda Bussey, Jacksonville Mining & Manufacturing Co., block 143, lots 9 and 10.• Stephen C. Wright and Courtney Wright, Alexandria Heights subdivision, lot 40.

• William B. Hardegree, R. J. Riddle map, block 506, lot 5.• Tracey B. Phillips and Lou Ann Phillips, a parcel of land in section 7, township 14, range 7.

BY JAKE COYLEAssociated Press

NEW YORK — Though Adele didn’t have a new album or a worldwide tour in 2012, she’s still rolling. After a year of Grammy glory and James Bond soundtracking, Adele has been voted The Associated Press Entertainer of the Year.

In 132 ballots submitted by members and subscribers of the AP, Adele easily out-paced other vote-getters like Taylor Swift, “Fifty Shades of Grey” author E.L. James, the South Korean viral video star PSY and the cast of “Twilight.” Editors and broad-casters were asked to cast their ballot for the person who had the most influence on entertainment and culture in 2012.

Adele’s year began in triumph at the Grammys, took a turn through recording the theme to the 007 film “Skyfall,” and ended with the birth of her son in October. The ubiquitous Adele was that rare thing in pop culture: an unqualified sensation, a megastar in a universe of niche hits.

By the end of the year, her sophomore album, “21,” had passed 10 million copies sold in the U.S., only the 21st album in the Nielsen SoundScan era (begun in 1991) to achieve diamond status. Buoyed by hits like “Someone Like You” and “Rolling in the Deep” long after its release in early 2011, “21” was also the top-selling album on iTunes for the second year running.

As David Panian, news editor for Michigan’s Daily Telegram, put it: “It just seemed like you couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing one of her songs.”

Women have had a lock on the annual Entertainer of the Year selection. Previous winners include Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Betty White and Tina Fey. Stephen Colbert is the lone male winner in the six-year his-tory of voting.

The Grammy Awards in February were essentially the de-facto crowning of the 24-year-old Adele, whose real name is Adele Adkins, as a pop queen. She won six awards, including album of the year. It was also a comeback of sorts for Adele, who

performed for the first time since having vocal cord surgery, drawing a standing ovation from the Staples Center crowd.

“This record is inspired by something normal and everyone’s been through it: just a rubbish relationship,” said Adele.

But her luck in love has since turned, thanks to her boyfriend Simon Konecki. In an interview with Vogue magazine, Adele said she was through with break-up records and done being “a bitter witch.” When Adele announced in June that she was having a baby with Konecki, her web-site promptly crashed under the heavy traffic. Their son was born in October.

With such an avalanche of success and now a mother of a newborn son, Adele has understandably taken a step out of the spotlight. One notable exception was recording the opening credits theme song to “Skyfall.” The song was recorded with her “21” producer Paul Epworth at the Abbey Road Studios in London with a 77-piece orchestra. Within hours, it zoomed to the top of digital charts.

Adele voted AP Entertainer of the Year for 2012

Matt Sayles/Associated Press/File

In this Feb. 12, 2012 file photo, Adele accepts the award for record of the year for “Rolling in the Deep” during the 54th annual Grammy Awards, in Los Angeles.

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Page 12: Images 2012

Page 12E Sunday, December 30, 2012 The Anniston Star LIfE & ARTS

the year in photos

setting the sceneCLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: 1. Rays of sunshine stream through holes in the clouds on an over-cast and rainy day from atop Chimney Peak in Jacksonville. 2. A waterfall runs through Cheaha State Park on a frosty morning. 3. The sky over Anniston appears to be on fire. 4. A fallen leaf gets caught on a windshield after temperatures dropped below freezing.

LEFT: An abandoned house built in 1836 remains remarkably intact. ABOVE: Leaves change colors at Mount Cheaha State Park.

Treny Penny

Bill Wilson

Trent PennyTrent Penny

Stephen Gross

Bill Wilson
