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Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon!...

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Page 1: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then





Page 2: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then

INCARNATE: God in the FleshDirector’s Notes

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” - John 1:14 One day at the gym, I had a startling insight: God is a body-builder. By that, I simply mean the Spirit is in the business of dwelling in human flesh.

The Latin verb "incarnare" means “to make flesh” or “to inhabit a body.” Christianity proclaims Jesus Christ as God “Incarnate,” meaning God took on bodily form in Jesus. How Jesus is able to be both human and divine is one of the great mysteries of Christianity. If you struggle to understand it, join the club. I don’t completely understand it either.

The good news is, we are not required to comprehend the incarnation. We are meant to experience and live it for ourselves. Athanasius, a leader of the early Church, once said, “God became man so that man might become God.” A more contemporary theologian put it this way, “What good is it if Christ was born in a stable 2000 years ago if he isn’t born in the manger of my heart today?”

Sure, the incarnation of Jesus was a unique and special event. But it doesn’t end there. The incarnation of Jesus was meant to spark a wildfire of Spirit-quickening in the human heart all over the globe. In the UCC we often say, “God is Still Speaking,” It’s a bit more clumsy, but we could just as easily say, “God is Still Incarnating,” because when God speaks, life is breathed into existence, love becomes real, and grace takes shape. That is the power of Christ, whether it is in Jesus, in creation … or in you.

In our 2016 summer worship series we will explore the many ways Spirit becomes flesh in our everyday experience. Inspired by Lauren Winner, one of the most stirring theologians and teachers today, and her bold, beautiful book, “Wearing God,” we will discover God in ordinary and unexpected places. Along the way, we hope you also make a startling discovery about our Body-building, Body-wearing God: the Spirit is wait-ing to put on your flesh too.

With you on the journey,


Page 3: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then

June 26 | God as ComedianRev. Matthew Laney

The Prophet JonahWe are meant to laugh and learn throughout the Book of Jonah. We laugh at Jonah’s disobedience of going west when God commands him to go northeast; at Jonah’s “time out” in the belly of the great fish; at being vomited by the great fish on dry land; at his terse, seven-word sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. There’s a lesson in that for us, and quite a few laughs.

July 3 | God as BakerRev. Donna Manocchio

Luke 13:21, John 6:25-35A good baker knows the right combination of ingredients to create a culinary delight – and God is the best baker there is! God also knows that baking for the Kingdom takes patience and care, and that it isn’t necessarily always gentle. And if God is the baker, then Jesus is the bread of life. Come celebrate God as baker on this Communion Sunday.

July 10 | God as Laboring WomanRev. Erica Thompson

Isaiah 42:10-16The prophet Isaiah said that God would indeed have to work hard to bring the Israelites out of exile, likening this process to a woman giving birth. It isn’t easy. In fact, it can be dangerous. But isn’t that the truth about transformation and new life? Laboring, whether it be over children or for justice, is especially hard physical work. Let’s listen to the voice of struggle.

Page 4: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then

July 17 | God as Tattoo ArtistRev. Donna Manocchio

Jeremiah 31:31-34Could it be that God is the first tattoo artist? Scripture reveals that God “inks” Cain to protect him; God engraves us onto the palm of God’s hand and God writes a new covenant onto the people’s hearts. Getting tattooed is sometimes painful, but the right tattoo reminds us who and whose we are. Are you ready to be tatted by God’s love and grace?

July 24 | God as Animal LoverRev. Matthew Laney

I am the Good Shepherd … Consider the birds of the air … I formed the lion and its prey

Over and over again the Bible reveals God’s care and love for all creatures – from the fluffy and the fanged, to the feathered and the finned. One of the signs of a righteous person, the Bible says, is care of animals (see Proverbs 12:10). Whether you are a dog, cat, horse or fish lover, or if you do not identify as a “pet person,” this Sunday will draw you closer the Maker of all Creatures great and small.

July 31 | God as Dance PartnerRev. Donna Manocchio

2 Samuel 6:1-5; 12b-19For all eternity, God has been dancing to the rhythm of love and grace. God dances with the stars and does the moon walk. God waltzes through the cosmos and swings into the heart of the world and into the heart of the Church. King David danced before the Lord with joy and abandon, and so can we. Come and learn a few steps for the dance of discipleship – and dancing in the aisles is optional!

Page 5: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then

August 7 | God as SommelierRev. Erica Thompson

Genesis 8:20-22; 2 Corinthians 2:14-17More than any other sense – smell triggers emotion and memory. Fresh cut grass. Thanksgiving dinner. The metallic scent of a sick child. The earth after a spring rain shower. Christmas trees. Freshly brewed coffee. An attic. A new baby. Lavender spritz on my pillow. Manure laid in the garden. The ocean. Bread baking in the oven. Hay which has been cut and bailed. A new car. My grandmother’s perfume. What scent – or odor – do we emit as disciples of Jesus?

August 21 | God as Improv ActorRev. Donna Manocchio

Luke 1:26-38Improvisation is at the heart of who God is and how God acts in the world. In the incarnation, God improvises, saying YES to what has come before and then adding to the ongoing story of love. Mary con-tinues the improvisation with her YES ... and now we too, are actors in the glorious, ongoing improvisation of gospel.

August 14 | God as MidwifeRev. Matthew Laney

Exodus 1: 15-22; Psalm 22:7-9The crafty midwives of Egypt push back against Pharaoh's brutal population control tactics which allows Moses to be born. That’s just one example. In fact, God's saving work as midwife is all over the Bible, whether it is physical birthing or being born anew in the Spirit. Like most birthing experiences, having God as your midwife can be messy, uncomfortable and glorious.

Page 6: Images of God final web · sermon to Nineveh (3:4); at his anger over the success of this sermon! Everything in the Book of Jonah obeys God … except Jonah. ... come before and then

August 28 | God as SeamstressRev. Erica Thompson

Colossians 3:12-14In the beginning … God clothed Adam and Eve with flesh and sent them into the world dressed in animal fur. Jesus commanded us to clothe the naked. Paul talks about wearing God – putting on compas-sion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Whether you're a fashionista or not, clearly clothing is an important biblical notion. So what might it mean to imagine God as a well-worn pair of jeans, or your favorite high heels, or that tie your grandkids gave you, or the beautiful red and turquoise hand-knit prayer shawl you curl up under on chilly nights?

September 4 | God as PotterRev. Matthew Laney

Isaiah 29:16; Isaiah 45:9; Romans 9:19-21As the gospel song says, "Lord, you are the potter and I am the clay. Mold me and make me, have thine own way. Lord, I need your Spirit; Lord, I need your grace; help me to run this Christian race. You are the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, have thine own way." Scripture and this gospel favorite remind us that we are clay in God's hands, formed for a special and sacred purpose. Finding your purpose and remembering who is the potter and who is the clay are two of life's biggest discoveries.
