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Imagination Has Attacked! Calling All Superstudents! (Grades 7-12)

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- - 1 GVWP Writing & Technology Workshop, 2014 Imagination Has Attacked! Calling All SUPERSTUDENTS! 7-12 Student Anthology Great Valley Writing Project Ripon Workshop June 2014

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GVWP Writing & Technology Workshop, 2014

Imagination Has Attacked!


7-12 Student Anthology

Great Valley Writing Project Ripon Workshop

June 2014


Table of Contents

IMAGINE A DAY .................................................................................................. 1  Anonymous ................................................................................................................................... 2  Brianna Alvarez ........................................................................................................................... 3  Natalie Betoshana......................................................................................................................... 4  

Imagine A Day Where You Are A Superhero........................................................................... 4  Melanie Smith............................................................................................................................... 5  

Imagine a Day…Where All Lost Things Are Found................................................................. 5  Sebastian Mora............................................................................................................................. 6  

Imagine a Day That I Was Invisible .......................................................................................... 6  Anonymous ................................................................................................................................... 7  Kendall Wackerly ........................................................................................................................ 8  Sophia Deponte............................................................................................................................. 9  

Imagine a Day I Was Pink Flash ............................................................................................... 9  Sarina Zimmerman.................................................................................................................... 10  

Imagine A Day When I Was A Professional Soccer Player .................................................... 10  Jacob Hunt.................................................................................................................................. 11  Seth Lozano ................................................................................................................................ 12  

Imagine a Day Where Anything Is Possible............................................................................ 12  Vikash Raja ................................................................................................................................ 14  

Imagine A Day Where I Was Taller ........................................................................................ 14  

THE PERFECT THING ......................................................................................... 15  John Loeffler .............................................................................................................................. 16  

The Perfect Superhero ............................................................................................................. 16  Caleb Parker............................................................................................................................... 17  

The Perfect Vacation ............................................................................................................... 17  Mason Kramer ........................................................................................................................... 18  

The Perfect Dessert.................................................................................................................. 18  Kenji Breitenbucher .................................................................................................................. 19  

The Perfect Day ....................................................................................................................... 19  Kelvin Meyer .............................................................................................................................. 20  

The Perfect Day ....................................................................................................................... 20  Patrick Caldwell ......................................................................................................................... 21  

The Perfect Dessert.................................................................................................................. 21  Jaynell Mora ............................................................................................................................... 22  

The Perfect Joke ...................................................................................................................... 22  Andrew Zelaya ........................................................................................................................... 23  

The Perfect Soccer Game ........................................................................................................ 23  

FRIDAY THE 13TH ............................................................................................. 24  Isaac Manriquez ......................................................................................................................... 25  

World Cup: Defeating Zombies and Ghana ............................................................................ 25  Anonymous ................................................................................................................................. 26  

No Fears................................................................................................................................... 26  

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Imagine  a  Day  

Imagine a day where there was no gravity Imagine a day where everything was free Imagine a day where you didn’t have any school Imagine a day where you didn’t need to sleep Imagine a day where you could have any super power you wanted

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Brianna  Alvarez

Imagine  a  Day

Imagine a day where I was Selena Gomez! Well first of all I would as soon as possible break up with Justin Bieber. And if I didn’t then I would be ashamed of myself. Also I would be an awesome singer, and a great actress. Sometimes your vocal cords break when you sing on a very high pitch. Then you could lose your singing career. Your heart would be broken. There are also a lot of positive things about being Selena Gomez and a lot of negative things. Some positive things would be that I would be an awesome singer and an awesome actress. I would go to concerts and perform in front of a bunch of people and I would have my very own T.V show such as, ‘’ Wizards of Waverly Place’’. I would also be in a lot of movies like ‘’ Ramona and Beezus’’. Some negative things about being Selena Gomez would be that there is a lot of drama, and a lot of paparazzi. Paparazzi ruins your career it makes you feel that you are an unwanted person who’s trying to rid of. It also feels like somebody is trying to rip apart your heart. Another thing is that you never get alone time. You are always feeling that you are always crowded and exhausted. There is always paparazzi who want to get a picture of you and it affects your privacy. Sometimes I wake up with a flash mob in my face. Also fans always want to get your autograph from you and there are usually a lot of people crowding you and asking you a lot of questions its like a big mob of animals. Also another bad thing about being a celebrity is that when you want to see your family, you have to see them privately, you can't just go to a restaurant that is really hard to do and it make you feel homesick from your family, also loneliness. But other than that, being a celebrity is pretty fun, because everybody knows you, and you’re popular and known for.

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Natalie  Betoshana

Imagine  A  Day  Where  You  Are  A  Superhero

A blur of black, cream, and red passes by in a flash. I zoom past with my special bow in hand ready to kill. The flame I carry is as bright as my hair, my pale skin sparkles when the sun’s rays shine on it, and the man on the moon is jealous of my eyes.

Moving like a shadow I race the moving train. Getting to the tracks just in time I stop, push, and move the car to safety. Soaring to the clouds, I fly as high as possible in the air so I can get a better view to spot more trouble. Suddenly, the blaring sound of the bank alarm erupts. Feeling the vibrations of the loud noise I spot who I think is the thief strolling the streets whistling suspiciously with a bulky bag in a tight grip. I swiftly glide downward, snatch the bag from the robber and punch a hole in his face.

While returning the money to the bank I could hear my enemy’s evil thoughts and plans screaming in my head. Turning my head I see a drunk driver creating an accident. I lift the car over my head and throw the car at my nemesis, my muscles rippling under my body suit. Then, I grab my nemesis and throw him to “Pluto.” I celebrate by straightening the Leaning Tower of Pisa. My sense of hearing is like an owl’s, my sense of smell is like a bear’s, my sense of sight is like an eagle’s, and my sense of touch and taste is like a catfish’s.

Fashionista is my name. I am part of the Justice League with my Super Sister Shadow. We stick together like glue as a team. Shadow and I like to look at all of our fashion designs and clothes that we have created. This is where I get my name. Shadow and I have the same taste for fashion. We both like to mix colors that coordinate together, instead of using just black material and use sparkles and glitter. I like expressing my feelings through fashion, art, music, and writing, just like my older sister. We both enjoy saving people’s lives the most.

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Melanie  Smith

Imagine  a  Day…  Where  All  Lost  Things  Are  Found

Imagine a day where all lost

things are found. My pet bird that died would be singing in his cage again. My dad’s friend that died in the army would come over and visit, talking to my dad about their times as soldiers. I would search for my grandparents that I lost so they could finally come to California, as they said they would. My baby cousin who died two hours after she was born, would be in my arms as I hold her with care. My friend who had a hole in his heart and only made it to age 6 would visit my house, making pizzas. I would go back for a girl who was lost in a car accident at age 9. Even though I have lost these people, I will always have a place for them in my heart so that they will never be lost and always found. Imagine a day where all lost things are found.

Ranger Crest: Dad’s Army Friend • Parrot: Pet Bird • Pacifier: Baby Cousin

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Sebastian  Mora

Imagine  a  Day  That  I  Was  Invisible  

Imagine that one day that you can be invisible. I can be annoying people without them knowing it’s me. No one can touch you. No one could feel you. When I touch them they will feel it. No one will know who I am. I could move stuff from their ordinary place. I can tap on people's shoulders without them knowing. Then they will get super annoyed. I can go anywhere even in other people’s houses. I can see what people are doing. I can have the most fun being invisible in the mall. When people are in line I can go behind them and talk in a scary voice. When people are shopping I can see the embarrassing things that they buy: underwear, toilet paper, adult diapers, and medicine. I can go in the food stands and take a corn dog and eat it without anyone seeing me.

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Imagine  a  Day     If I was stronger no one would pick on me and I wouldn’t be afraid of anybody beating me up everyday. I would also be much more respectful to all of my teachers at school. I wouldn’t be so grumpy. I would be able to defend myself and my family from any intense danger. I would also be confident in myself. If I was stronger I could help people more often. I could help when me and my family move to a different house. I would be strong enough to take on my little brother when he tries to pick on me. I’d run in the marathons, I would stay on my feet kicking up the dirt in the field that I would run. I would also be on my xbox 360 games less and outside hanging out with my friends. If I were stronger I would be talking to more people. I would also be able to walk up to a group of people with my head up and standing straight up. I also would have the confidence to be able to go to more high school parties.

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Kendall  W.

Imagine  a  Day

Imagine a day where I was confident. How about a day where I was everything I ever wanted to be? Happy, able to feel real emotions. I wish I could write interesting and exciting stories. I wish I was artistic, imagine a day where I was!

If I were all these things that I wish I was, I would be happier and I feel like everything would be better in my life. I wish it worked that way. What would you do if you were everything you ever wanted to be? If you were exactly what you wished to be? It’s a hard one, huh? You have to think really hard.

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Sophia  Deponte

Imagine  a  Day  I  Was  Pink  Flash

I woke up and I felt strange. When, I got out of bed and I looked in the mirror I figured out that I had a sparkly pink zebra outfit on. Then, I went outside to play some volleyball. I felt more athletic and I was great at archery. I went inside and told my mom about my new athletic skills and she asked me a million questions, but I had answers to none of them. Next, I rushed to the phone to call my friend Sarina. After that, I told her about my new skills and she said “You have super powers? We should call you Pink Flash!” Later, we played soccer to see if its was true because Sarina is great at soccer. I couldn’t believe that I actually beat her at her own game. After that, we went inside and got my bow and arrow which suddenly appeared that morning. Then, we did an archery contest, and of course, I won. Later, I was reaching for the volleyball in the tree (because Sarina spiked it there earlier). Suddenly, without thinking, I started to fly. That day, I figured that my super powers were playing volleyball, archery, and flying.

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Sarina  Zimmerman

Imagine  A  Day  When  I  Was  A    

Professional  Soccer  Player

Imagine a day when I was a professional soccer player. I would be having a normal practice: dribbling through cones, diamond passing, and a scrimmage at the end. During my competitive soccer practice, professional soccer coaches from the USA women’s soccer team are watching me. They would have dropped jaws, wide eyes, and the hair on their skin stands straight up. They would clap every time I would score a goal, and that was a lot. I could also tell that they wanted me on their team because all they looked at was me. At the end of my practice I would be called over and the coach would tell me that I was selected to be on the women’s professional USA soccer team (the big leagues). I would be keeping it cool on the outside, but on the inside I would be jumping up and down and throwing myself a party. My practice would be the next day for the USA team and all of the girls would welcome with big hugs, high fives, and pats on the back like I was a part of their family. If we have a scrimmage I would play forward and I would be all over the field scoring many goals. I would also save goals, have good sportsmanship, and by the end of the practice I would teach other players my own jukes.

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Jacob  Hunt

Imagine  a  Day

Imagine a day where I was great at everything. I would be the best at any video game like Halo or Titanfall. I would jump off buildings at do a lot of awesome parkour stuff, such as wall running and jumping over crates and fences. I would win the Megamillions lottery and become rich. I would use that money to buy a bigger house and a lot of Legos. I would pass all my tests and go to a great college such as Stanford or Harvard. I would also be a great baseball player like Buster Posey because I’m a good catcher just like him. I would also like to be like Buster Posey because he is a good hitter. That’s what would happen in a day where I was great at everything.

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Seth  Lozano

Imagine  a  Day  Where  Anything  Is  Possible

I made a wish; it was exactly 11:11 PM on April 10, my wish was for a day

where anything was possible. Anything you could possibly think of, the laws of universal gravitation could be denied, everyone would be equal, no one would be higher or better than anyone else, literally anything you could think of would happen or come true. Even if it might by total chaos, it would be extraordinary to be capable to do anything that you could possibly think of or happen. Think about it; you are walking down the street and you get tired, since anything is possible, you could fly all the way to your house or you could teleport. On this day there are so many possibilities that could happen it’s insane. I know that this wish won’t come true, but it would be quite amazing to have a day where anything is possible. Well, after my wish I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was surprised to be floating in mid-air.

My first thought was “this is just a dream and this couldn’t be real, it was just a wish.” I tried everything to wake myself up: I pinched myself, slapped myself, and I even lunged myself into my wall. But every time I found myself wincing and flinching in pain shooting throughout my body. After I determined that this is real life and not a dream; I experimented with my wish, after all it’s only for a day. I snapped my fingers and in a split second my room cleaned itself: my clothes hung themselves, my desk cleaned itself, and my floor vacuumed itself. My next thought was to look out my sparkling clean window and with a slight glance I saw some different, abnormal things happening. The first thing I noticed was the sky pouring cats and dogs, literally cats and dogs were falling from the sky. There were also people diving into puddles on sidewalks and roads, and what seemed to be people soaring as high as an airplane.

I teleported down stairs to see what my parents were up to and I found them casually watching T.V. “I wonder if they know that they can do anything they wanted,” I thought to myself.

“Did you guys know you can do anything right now?” I asked. “We know,” they replied. As they said that, a coffee mug came shooting toward

my dad and a mop mopping the floors as my mom sat down and relaxed. I went to the kitchen and saw breakfast cooking itself and a newspaper reading itself to my dad. I got myself breakfast: bacon, eggs, and a slice of toast. While I was eating I

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remembered that we had school today, so since I could wish for anything, I wished that we didn’t have school today because I want to live this day and have fun. I don’t want to be stuck at school doing work all day when I could be having fun wishing for things I always wanted and doing the impossible. My parents knew how to live today; I saw my mom’s school work correcting itself and my dad’s boxes delivering itself while they got to relax for the first time in a long time. My sister was fast asleep so I’m guessing that my parents had something to do with that.

I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do first, so I just did whatever came to my mind and that was to fly. I went outside and thought about flying and BAM! I was flying as high as the clouds. I was soaring, feeling invincible, infinite, but that’s when I hit my head on a tree, hard. I felt the pain, but it didn’t seem all that real and then, I passed out.

I woke up, lying in my bed as if nothing had happened, but either two things had conspired: either I dreamt the whole entire thing, or I was passed out for so long that I didn’t wake up until the next day. I checked outside and everything was normal; there was some people taking their normal daily walk, but there wasn’t anyone flying high in the air. I turned on my phone to check the date, it was April 11, eight o’clock in the morning. I came to realize that it was all a dream. I was leaving my room when I noticed something peculiar. When I fell asleep, my room was a total mess, but now it was spotless, everything was perfectly in its place.

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Vikash  Raja

Imagine  A  Day  Where  I  Was  Taller

Imagine a day where I was taller. I would be able to dunk a basketball. My feet would be much bigger and I would probably have really big hands too. I would be one of the tallest people in the world, so I would be famous. Everyone would be jealous of me because most people want to be tall so they can do things short people can’t do like fix the roof without a ladder. I would have to be more cautious when going through doors, or just walking around the house, so I don’t hit my head. But I think being a lot taller would make me a little slower too because it would add a lot more weight on me. I would be able to get drafted by an NBA team and be one of the tallest players and dunk over everybody. I also would not need a ladder most of the time. That’s what would happen if there was a day where I was taller.

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John  Loeffler                                                                              

The  Perfect  Superhero        

My perfect superhero would be strong, he would have a wrecking ball to use as a weapon, he would have knuckles to be able to climb walls, and would have white and cool black looking lenses: those are cool shades. My perfect superhero would have a similar slick haircut (like me.) My haircut is wavy, and half of it sticks up. Half of it also sticks down. I wish it would all stick up like my perfect superhero. Knuckles, my superhero, can jump as high as the Empire State Building. He can see through walls with his shades. If there’s a bad guy, he can see through the walls to see who it is. Knuckles then knows who to attack.

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Caleb  Parker

The  Perfect  Vacation

The perfect vacation in Hawaii would start with an all you can think of breakfast buffet full of eggs, bacon, steak, ham and much more. After breakfast is over I would have a choice of what to do today: I can go swimming, go on waterslides, surf/boogie board, or snorkel. Since this a perfect vacation I would rent a surfboard with blue flames and a beach in the background, the waves would be light and warm and clean and maybe go swimming in the warm not salty waters but after all of that I would chill in my big hotel room with a water bed with a beachy theme with a mini fridge full of my favorite stuff like candy frozen hamburgers pizza rolls and more. That’s how I would spend my perfect vacation in Hawaii.

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Mason  Kramer

The  Perfect  Dessert

The perfect dessert is a combination of sweetness and awesomeness. One bite would set your taste buds to the moon. But be careful, if the dessert is made wrong you could get in great trouble. So start now, make the perfect dessert the right way not the wrong way.

The perfect dessert would have about ten huge scoops of mint chip ice cream. On top of that would be nuts, caramel, chocolate, and every candy known to man. When I say every candy, I mean candy from when candy was first invented: jawbreaker, taffy, Snickers, Hersheys chocolate, M&Ms, 3 Musketeers and butter snaps. I wouldn't put in the sundae: strawberries, blueberries, and fruit. The dessert would be crunchy, chocolatey and chewy at the same time. [mindblowing]

They sundae would be served on a round golden platter with diamonds on it which would make the price of the sundae sky rocket up to one million dollars. Only the rich people could buy it or some person that has been saving his money for the past 10 years and wants to blow it on the dessert. The dessert could also be made on a normal plate, which would make the price only one hundred dollars. The sundae would never be made with sugar free ice cream or candy. If making the dessert with sugar free something was ever attempted that person would be charged a heavy fine and also might suffer time in prison. The reason you don't put fruit in the dessert is because it be deadly. After their time in prison the person would have to swear to never make the dessert sugar free again.

How to make the perfect dessert:

Step one: Put ten scoops of mint chip ice cream into a golden bowl

Step two: Dump every candy in the world into the dessert

Step three: Eat

PS. Remember make the dessert with sugar candy, not sugar free candy.

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Kenji  Breitenbucher

The  Perfect  Day

The Perfect Day would be if I woke up in a hotel in Lake Tahoe. It would be pouring white flakes of snow from the clouds. When I stepped outside onto the balcony, flakes of snow would hit my face as I looked up into the sky. I’d feel a chill down my spine as a cold breeze roamed through the air. I would walk back inside. I’d get ready by: putting on my tie dye snowboarding jacket, neon green snowboarding pants, Neff beanie, polarized goggles, and my gopro. Then I’d get in my car and drive to Squaw Valley and have the best snowboarding session of my life. The powder would be perfect for carving. The rails, boxes, and ramps would all be brand new and ready for my perfectly waxed board to slide across. While at Squaw there wouldn’t be any problems with the lifts. Ice patches wouldn’t be a problem either. When I fell it would always be in soft fluffy snow. My gopro would capture amazing footage of all of the tricks I landed: tailgrab 360, FS Crooked on a few rail, and to top it off a nice boardslide to 180. I could land any trick I wanted on my board, off of any ramp. My tricks would be like butter because they were so smooth. I’d also get to meet Dave Lee, The founder of a snowboarding company called Signal and he’d let me ride one of his customized boards. He’d put me on one of his Every Third Thursday episodes. I’d get to board with a few other pro’s riding Dave’s custom boards as well, and I would be the happiest dude alive. I’d say my goodbyes to the pros and to Dave and then walk back to my car. I’d sit down and think about the amazing day of shredding I just had and happily drive back to my hotel where this epic day started.

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Kelvin  Meyer

The  Perfect  Day

The perfect day would start waking up at 5 A.M. to climb Mission Peak. I would finally reach the top, sweat dripping down my forehead, exhausted, but it would all be worth it when I see the sun rising over the San Francisco Peninsula. I then go to eat a nice breakfast with ham bacon, and toast. I finish up and go to meet my girlfriend at the beach in Santa Cruz. We go for a walk along the ocean shore, water sweeping up over our feet, and then returning to the ocean. We lay down on the beach, sun gently warming our backs, a gentle breeze cooling us, the calming scent of salt water intoxicating us, our arms wrapped around one another, keeping each other close. We wake up around noon and get some lunch. We make sandwiches on the beach and enjoy the time together, laughing and smiling. We then go and take a swim in the ocean, letting the waves crash into our bodies, rocking us back and forth, back and forth. We dry off and I take her home, it’s around 5 P.M. now. I call up my friend Justin and tell him we are going bowling. We get to the alley, an aroma overtakes our senses: pizza, chili cheese fries, and Monster. We get our food and head to the lanes, we put our shoes on and get our balls. The shoes were old, and clearly used. They had scuff marks, and were worn down. I grab a maroon ten pound ball. It has an awkward lump, so I grab a similar one but smoother. We bowl three games, all of them very close, Making us do better every time. We then decide to do one more game, but we can only bowl with our left hands. It was a total disaster, balls in other lanes, half of our throws were gutterballs, but it didn’t matter because we had fun and made fun of each other for doing so terribly. We go to leave through the conjoining bar, when we see pool tables, so we stop to play a quick game. I rack the balls, and he breaks. Four games later we decide it’s late, and we need to get home. He drops me off at my place, and we go our separate ways. I go inside my house, lay in my bed, close my eyes, and let the silences and exhaustion take over and drift me away to a place where every day is a perfect day.

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Patrick  Caldwell

The  Perfect  Dessert  

The perfect dessert would have everything! It would be as tall as the Empire State Building. The dessert would have pies, brownies, ice cream, cake, whipped cream, and cherries. The humongous dessert would have 100,000 pies all over, 1,000,000,000 brownies at the bottom, 10,000,000 scoops of various ice cream on top, and 100,000 cakes in the middle! It would never melt and never cease to exist because only I would eat it! It would have whipped cream and 1,000,000 maraschino cherries! Then, every day the dessert would erupt with chocolate syrup. It would be so big that you could do many activities on it: skiing, snowboarding and tubing on the hot fudge river!! There would also be real life gummy bears that can talk and hug. If you killed them they would bleed strawberry topping. Then, if you’re lucky, you might see the ultra rare humongous gummy worm that would be as large as a building! That would be my perfect dessert.

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Jaynell  Mora

The  Perfect  Joke

The perfect joke for me would include: a beginning, middle, and end, like a story. Without one of those it would mean nothing. It would have to be something that won’t be the easiest thing to understand. It would be similar to an inside joke, but not exactly. There would be human characters, but not a lot that you can’t remember the joke. It would have to be so funny that it would hurt when you kept on laughing, you’d never forget it, and you will tell it over and over again. It wouldn’t matter if you changed a girl’s name from Ashley to Jennifer, as long as it matches the gender. It would have multiple sentences, so it wouldn’t go by so fast. Finally, it has to be a little weird or uncommon for a regular joke. At the end, if I couldn’t have this stuff in a joke, I would just have something funny.

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Andrew  Zelaya

The  Perfect  Soccer  Game

It is Wednesday my family and I are at the World Cup celebration. We just had watched most of the World Cup performers perform their songs including the famous Shakira. As the shows end, we decide to go to the hotel and wait until tomorrow to watch the opening and the start of the first game of the famous World Cup.

It is Friday, and my father and I go up to the ticket counter to pay. We hand our tickets to the ticket man. As we head inside, the man tells my father something in Spanish and as a response my dad smiles like never before. “If this is a dream, I wish it would never end,” my father says. As I open my eyes, I can see people standing and cheering for miles. It is such a magnificent site in that stadium. The best part for me is when both teams do their national anthems; it shows that they really care for their country and it also shows that they were ready to bring the trophy to their country.

Brazil and Croatia start the World Cup. If you watch teams play before they play in the World Cup, you would notice that the teams would play more aggressively and more competitively than they usually are. That’s what makes the World Cup interesting.

As I watch the game, my father tells me something rather funny. He says, “Did you know that when the World Cup happens, the whole world has one time zone?” Then a thought came to mind. If the World Cup is so exciting, can any other soccer game be as interesting? One thought after the other one came to me that made stop thinking and actually write down my answer. What is the perfect soccer game? Well it would include good players, good referees, good coaches, and very moderate spectators. I look around and find each and every single one of those examples, but the most complex one to explain is what the perfect soccer player would do and look like to people. So I look at the game and see the perfect soccer player.

The perfect soccer player maneuvers through many of the Croatian players. He kicks the football across the field to a teammate. Then he runs across the field nimbly to the goal stand. Then he gets the ball from his teammate and scores. I stand there amazed while Brazil's Spectators scream their heads off and it is astonishing. The most interesting part of the game is when the player scores at the last minute of the game. I guess I just found the perfect soccer player.

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Isaac  Manriquez

World  Cup:  Defeating  Zombies  and  Ghana

I was on my way to play in the World Cup for the USA that was playing against Ghana. When I was driving in the streets there were zombies because on a full moon whoever drinks Gatorade turns into a zombie. I checked the date on my phone just out of curiosity and it was Friday the 13th. My car broke down and It stopped to zero MPH and I was shaking with a lot of fear. Before I got out of my white Lamborghini Aventador racecar I had to get these Items: Spas 12 shotgun, and Soccer Cleats, and food. Then I had to make my way to the Stadium The Estadio Do Maracana. I blasted away all the zombies with my Spas 12 shotgun, blood everywhere. It was horrific, but I finally made my way to the stadium. I had to hop in the shower because I was filled with stinky blood. I wipe myself off with a towel and put on my uniform, and put on my cleats, having butterflies in my stomach. We get in line getting ready to walk onto the pitch. The thought of me going to play for my country is the best feeling ever. Knowing I worked to make it to the world cup. The USA anthem comes on and gets me pumped up to beat Ghana. The game starts, were passing the ball really well, the ball gets to the feet of Dempsey and he scores in the 34th second of the game. The game goes on and Its half time. The second half starts and it’s the 80 minute of the game and Ghana takes a beautiful shot and ties the game at 1-1. American hearts are broken filled with disappointment knowing there’s only 10 minutes left in the game. Its the 86 minute and Dempsey tries to get the cross off but he is bodied off the ball by a Ghana player but it touched the Ghana player so its a USA corner kick. I go up to get in the box to try and score. Graham Zusi takes the corner kick and I head the ball and score and we win the game and get payback against Ghana. The excitement I felt when I scored was relief and filled with joy, American hearts are filled back with joy. Knowing that I scored is the best feeling ever.

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No  Fears

I was sitting at a bench near a park writing in my journal on a full moon; Friday the 13th. It was late and no one was around. I was thinking about what some of my fears were; probably a zombie apocalypse, a race car accident, something in a video game or movie? I don’t know. There has to be at least one. Everyone has at least one fear. Except for me. I have none. Like zero, none. After writing, I realized it had gotten late. I walked home as I took a last swig of my orange flavored gatorade bottle.

I went to the driveway to open the front door, took out my key, and went inside. I tripped on my little sister’s barbie while going in the room without a flashlight. It didn’t bother me though. I finally made it to my bedroom and passed out, hoping I’d find out what my fear was.

While asleep, I thought of a paranormal creature. I wasn’t able to see it clearly. It didn’t seem to have a face, but it looked like it had a tuxedo on. I looked at my wall seeing eight pages stacked near the ceiling. I suddenly woke up, confused if I found my fear or not. I had no clue what had happened, but on that night, Friday the 13th was a bad day.

After the surprise of the paranormal thing, I fell back to sleep, forgetting all about it. I woke up at 11 not being able to think. I was heading to the park early so no one would bother me, but then what happened last night made me turn back. I don’t want to think about who that was. When I got home, everyone was gone. “Hello?” I called. But no one seemed to answer. I got very anxious the moment no one respond. “They probably went to Dollar General,” I said aloud to myself.

I put my notebook away, not thinking about what happened. When I turned around, I saw someone pass by. I immediately went to examine it, but the person was gone. I calmed down, and continued to put my stuff away. When I turned around again, I saw a huge spray painted circle with a X on it. I freaked out, confused again if he was here. I immediately went outside and ran to the park. No one seemed to be chasing me, so I sat at the nearest bench and looked around, took a few deep breathes and was relaxed. I was so relaxed, I fell asleep on the bench.

I woke up, stretching and yawning, and saw him right there! No face and a tuxedo, tentacles were going through his back, I panicked. It seemed like he was trying to grab me, I escape. I looked back, and saw him right in front of me. I had to escape

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somewhere, but how? He then grabbed me with his tentacles and went through the woods.

But suddenly, I woke up, seeing myself in a bedroom. It was all a dream! Thank god it was, or I don’t know what would happened. I got up and thinking about what were my fears again. He still didn’t bother me, so that’s definitely not my fear. Then all the sudden, I know why he was chasing me, the pages in my room! I went to my room, took out the nails, and grabbed the pages. Before I was able to go to the forest, I saw him behind me, he grabbed me, and I blacked out. I woke up on a floor, forgetting everything.

I grabbed my notebook and my orange flavored gatorade, and went to the park late at night. It was a full moon and the date was Friday 13th. I was back where I left off. So I guess I’d pretty much found and conquered my fear! My fear wasn’t anything and I somehow faced it, I don’t know how, but it seemed on that day with a full moon, Friday the 13th turned out one of my best days!
