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Imaging of Head Trauma Part 2

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Imaging of Head Trauma Part 2: Pathology Rathachai Kaewlai, MD www.RadiologyInThai.com Created: December 2006 1
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Imaging of Head Trauma Part 2: Pathology

Rathachai Kaewlai, MD


Created: December 2006


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Checklist for Trauma Brain CT

 Have 3 different windows to look for different pathology (brain, subdural and bone windows)

 First image includes foramen magnum

 Look first for the pathology that needs emergent Rx


 Look for primary pathology (hemorrhage in different compartments)

 Look for secondary pathology (brain herniation, midline shift)

 Look at the mastoid and sphenoid sinuses for hemorrhage which implies skull base fractures

 Look at temporomandibular joints for fracture and/or dislocation (this pathology causes significant long term complications)


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Skull Fracture

  Etiology-Pathogenesis   Direct blow to the skull

  Skull vault has 3 layers (outer table, diploe, and inner table) but diploe does not form where skull is covered by muscles (thin area, prone to fracture)

  Areas prone to fracture:   Squamous temporal/parietal bones (most common)

  Foramen magnum, skull bases, cribiform plates, orbital roofs


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Skull Fracture

  Epidemiology   Fracture (fx) present in majority of severe head injury cases

  Skull fx absent in 1/4 of fatal injuries at autopsy. Absence of skull fracture not excludes brain injury

  1/3 of severely injured patients do not have skull fx

  Concomitant cervical spine injury is 15% (cervical spine radiograph or CT may be needed)


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Skull Fracture

Fracture Suture

• Smooth or jagged edge • Serrated edge

• Straight line • Curvilinear

• Angular turn • Curvilinear

• Darker on X-ray • Lighter

• Greater in width • Lesser width

• Any locations • Specific anatomic location


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Skull Fracture

  Imaging recommendation   When suspects skull fracture

  Head CT (in bone window, and edge enhancement algorithm*)

AND Scout CT (to look for fracture ‘in plane’ with axial scan)

  Coronal and sagittal reformation is proven to be useful only when the scans were performed in helical mode (most hospitals scan the brain in conventional mode)


* Consult your radiologist about the different CT algorithm. Edge enhancement algorithm is useful to detect bony lesions (in bone window).

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Skull Fracture Linear, non-depressed

  Run through the entire thickness of bone

  Look if the fx line runs through a vascular channel, venous sinus. (This can cause epidural hematoma, venous sinus thrombosis and occlusion)

  Almost always overlying soft tissue edema

  Associated with extra-axial hematoma

  Axial images of CT may miss fx that is ‘in plane’. Always check scout CT for obvious fx


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34-year-old man, fell from 10ft height

Retrospective review of the skull x-ray shows faint fracture line.

Axial CT: linear non-depressed fracture (red arrows) of left parietal bone. Note soft tissue hematoma overlying the fracture.

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Skull Fracture - Depressed

  Fragment (s) depressed inward

  Consider open when   Skin laceration over the fracture   Through paranasal sinuses, middle ear structures

  Potential surgical elevation in

  Depressed > 5 mm and overlies motor or speech areas   Depressed > skull thickness

  Causes laceration of dura, arachnoid and possible brain parenchyma


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Middle age man, MVA, severe head injury

Axial CT (bone window) shows open depressed fractures (red arrows) of the right frontoparietal bone and presence of pneumocephalus (blue arrow). Severe soft tissue edema or hematoma.

3D CT, although not needed for diagnosis, helps radiologists and clinicians ‘see’ the complexity of fractures and plan for treatment.

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Skull Fracture - Diastatic

  Spreading of suture, 1-2 mm more than normal contralateral side

  Coexisting linear fracture possible

  May tear dural venous sinus, causing venous epidural hematoma (venous EDH), venous sinus thrombosis or occlusion


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Axial CT image shows diastasis fractures (red arrows) through left coronal suture and posterior portion of the sagittal suture. Normal suture is shown (blue arrow). Severe soft tissue swelling or hematomas overly the fractures.

35-year-old man, pedestrian hit by a car

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Skull Fracture - Basilar

  Clue: opacified sphenoid or mastoid

  Problem associated:

  Dural tear (patients come with CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea)

  Ear ossicles, labyrinth, cranial nerve (V, VI, VII) involvement   Vascular injury- laceration, dissection, occlusion, infarction, carotid-cavernous



  Temporal bone fx- CSF otorrhea, bruising over mastoid (Battle sign)

  Anterior cranial fossa fx- CSF rhinorrhea, bruising around the eyes (raccoon eyes)


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Axial CT image shows the most common type of skull base fx; longitudinal fx (blue arrows) through the right temporal bone. Note disruption of the right ear ossicles (red arrow). Blood in bilateral sphenoid sinuses imply fractures through the sinuses. There is no fracture through the right carotid canal (C). If there is a suspicion of fracture through the carotid canal, CT angiography should be performed to rule out vascular injury.

Young man in high velocity MVA with bleeding from the right ear.

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Skull Fracture - Pneumocephalus

  Presence of air or gas in the cranial cavity

  Principal cause = trauma

  Indicates communication between intracranial and extracranial spaces, e.g. paranasal sinuses or ambient air

  Significant complications: meningitis, CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea


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Small pneumocephalus (red arrows) is seen in the subarachnoid space of the right frontal convexity. This patient had right frontal sinus fracture as a source of pneumocephalus. Presence of pneumocephalus should raise the suspicion of sinus fracture or open fracture to

the ambient air.

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Epidural Hematoma (EDH)

  Etiology-pathogenesis   Source of bleeding most commonly middle meningeal artery

(85-90%) > others (dural sinus - venous EDH)   Hematoma between inner table of the skull and dura

  Underlying brain usually minimally injured. Good prognosis if treated aggressively

  May cross midline and dural attachment   Not cross sutures (exception: diastatic fx, large EDH)

  Most common location = squamous part of temporal bone


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Epidural Hematoma (EDH)

  Epidemiology:   Young men (20-40’s) - older people dura strongly adheres to

inner table of the skull   Majority has skull fx

  Clinical features:

  Significant trauma

  Loss of consciousness; Lucid interval found in 40% of patients

  Delayed development 10-25%, within the first 36 hours


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Epidural Hematoma (EDH)

  CT findings   Hyperdense biconvex extra-axial mass   Low density area inside hematoma represents active bleeding (swirl

sign)   Common to have herniation

  Potential indications for surgery   Size > 2 cm   Active bleeding   Pending herniation   Corresponding neurological deficit


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Epidural Hematoma (EDH)

  Venous EDH   Usually in posterior fossa

  Depressed skull fx causes strip of the dura, giving potential space for blood accumulation

  Tear of venous sinus (lhigh flow, low pressure)

  More benign course, subacute presentation, usually not required surgery


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Young patient in MVA

Axial CT image shows a large lentiform-shaped homogeneous hyperdense mass in the right temporal convexity, consistent with epidural hematoma (red arrows). Nonvisualized temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle implies mass effect from the hematoma and degree of brain edema. Fracture is identified at the right squamous temporal bone (not shown).

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35-year-old man, fall from 12ft

Axial CT image shows a small lentiform-shaped homogeneous hyperdense mass in the left parieto-occipital convexity, consistent with epidural hematoma (red arrows). The proximity of the hematoma to the transverse sinus raises the possibility of dural venous sinus injury. Subsequent MRV and CTV show no evidence of venous sinus injury. The patient was discharged home.

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Subdural Hematoma (SDH)

  Etiology-pathogenesis:   Blood collects between dura and arachnoid

  Source of blood - torn cortical bridging veins, artery may also be torn

  Epidemiology:   Extremes of age - infant or elderly

  Usually coexists with other brain injuries, i.e. subarachnoid hemorrhage


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Subdural Hematoma (SDH)

  CT findings:

  Acute SDH - crescent blood collection over hemisphere, displacing the cerebral cortex medially

  Usually hyperdense (can be mixed due to unclottted blood or torn arachnoid)

  Can be isodense if patients are anemic or blood mixes with CSF

  Can cross suture

  Can extend into interhemispheric fissure (thick falx), along tentorium


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35-year-old man, fall from height

Axial CT image shows a thin concave hematoma along the left temporal convexity, representing subdural hematoma (red arrows).

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35-year-old man, fall from height

Axial CT image (subdural window) shows thin bilateral hyperdense blood along the right parietal and left temporal convexities, representing acute subdural hematoma (red arrows). Small subarachnoid hemorrhage is also noted in the sulci of the right parietal lobe (blue arrow). Bilateral subdural hematoma can be subtle and easily missed on ‘brain window’.

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Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (tSAH)

  Etiology-pathogenesis:   Tear of veins in subarachnoid space


  Most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is trauma

  tSAH usually associated with cerebral contusion, SDH, or other lesions. Nearly all cases of tSAH have other lesions to suggest traumatic cause

  Isolated SAH in trauma patients; there is a possibility of ruptured aneurysm causing sudden loss of consciousness and then later trauma (ruptured aneurysm while driving, or having activities)


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Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (tSAH)

  CT findings:   High density blood in sulci/cisterns

  Location - next to contusion or under SDH/skull fx/scalp laceration (otherwise, look similar to aneurysmal SAH)

  Traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage (tIVH) can coexist   Seen as blood-CSF level in the ventricles

  Subtle tSAH   Blood in the interpeduncular fossa may be the manifestation of

subtle SAH


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58-year-old man, found down at home

Coronal reformatted CT image shows subarachnoid hemorrhage insinuated in the cerebral sulci of left parietal and right temporal lobes. Ruptured cerebral aneurysm is the main differential diagnosis in the patients presenting with pure subarachnoid hemorrhage with equivocal history of trauma.

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Cerebral Contusion

  Etiology-pathogenesis:   Initial injury causes the contusion due to cerebral gyri impact

inner table of the skull (rough edges and ridges)

  Evolve from petechial hemorrhage -> small hemorrhage -> large hematoma (imaging worsened with time)

  More evident after 24h

  Epidemiology:   Most common parenchymal lesion in head trauma


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Cerebral Contusion

  CT findings

  Low density cortex (edema) mixed with high density blood (petechial hemorrhage)

  Classic location: anterior base of frontal and temporal lobes

  Multiple, bilateral

  Can be normal early

  Can be non-hemorrhagic

  MRI is better for detection, delineating extents of contusions


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38-year-old man, fall from height

Axial CT image shows an ill-defined area of hypodensity and loss of grey-white matter differentiation in the tip of the left temporal lobe (red arrows); a typical location of this non-hemorrhagic contusion. Contusion without hematoma is difficult to appreciate on CT scan. MRI is more sensitive.

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Middle age man, fall from height

Hemorrhagic contusion (red arrows) at the frontal bases, right more than left, is noted as an ill-defined area of hypodensity in CT and high signal intensity zone in MRI T2-WI. MRI is more sensitive to depict the extent of this injury.

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Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

  Frequent cause of persistent vegetative state and morbidity in traumatic brain injury patients


  Traumatic deceleration injury: shearing/rotational forces in areas of greater density differential in the brain (= grey-white matter interface)

  Can be an isolated finding in traumatic brain injury   No (or little) association with presence of subarachnoid, subdural

hemorrhage, or skull fracture


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Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

  Clinical features   Usually results in instantaneous loss of consciousness. Clinical

symptoms worse than CT findings   Most patients (90%) remains in vegetative state (rarely causes

death because brainstem function typically unaffected)

  General imaging features   Can be either hemorrhagic or non-hemorrhagic (the latter is more

common)   Grey-white matter interface, brain stem, corpus callosum   Number and location of lesions predict prognosis (worst when

multiple, and in supratentorial location)


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Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

  CT findings   May be normal (microscopic, nonhemorrhagic lesions can be

missed by CT)

  Small hemorrhagic foci in typical locations

  MR findings

  MRI is the imaging of choice to detect DAI

  Susceptibility sequence needed for detection of hemorrhagic DAI (called T2 GRE, or T2*). Hemorrhagic lesions will be dark.

  Non-hemorrhagic lesions are bright on T2-WI and FLAIR


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Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

  Imaging recommendation for suspected DAI   When initial brain CT is normal but the patient is in vegetative

state   MRI with susceptibility sequence


  Follow up brain CT in 24 hours (1/6 of DAI will evolve, may be seen in subsequent CT)


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24-year-old woman, MVA, severe head injury, GCS 4T

Axial CT image shows mild diffuse brain swelling without intracranial hemorrhage. Small subgaleal hematoma is present (red arrow).

Same day MRI (Susceptibility sequence) shows multiple tiny areas of blood products (red arrows) in the grey-white matter junctions and deep grey nuclei consistent with DAI. Blue arrow represents a vascular flow void. Blue star is an artifact.

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Vascular Effects of Trauma

  Hemodynamic alterations common with traumatic brain injury

  Spectrum of vascular abnormalities due to trauma   Vasospasm, ischemia, infarction   Pseudoaneurysm, arterio-venous fistula   Laceration, dissection

  Ischemia/infarction due to…   Vasospasm   Embolism from vascular injury   Secondary to brain herniation


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39-year-old man, fall from height

Axial CT image done at day 2 after the injury shows a large right middle cerebral artery territory infarction (red arrows), in conjunction with acute subdural (blue star) and intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the right frontal base. The high density structure in the left parasagittal region is a part of an intracranial pressure monitoring device.

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Cerebral Edema

  Increased brain water (astroglial swelling)

  Two types (vasogenic and cytotoxic edema) often coexists

  In trauma:   Vasogenic edema occurs immediately then cytotoxic edema

within hours

  Usually adjacent or mixed with brain contusion

  Generally resolves within 2 weeks


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23-year-old woman, MVA

Axial CT image shows edematous brain with loss of grey/white matter interface (red stars), compressed ventricle (arrow) and effacement of the sulci (not seeing any cerebral sulci) in this patient who had DAI confirmed by MRI.

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  Usually more deteriorating than primary injury

  Etiology-pathogenesis   Hemorrhage accumulates within closed space, CSF spaces

compressed then mechanical displacement of brain occurs

  May cause secondary ischemia or infarction

  If not correct, brain death


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Axial CT image shows a midline shift to the left due to large right extra-axial hemorrhage (red stars) and intraparenchymal hemorrhage. The degree of midline shift (red line) is usually measured at the level of maximal deviation of the midline structure (septum pellucidum is a useful anatomy).

Subfalcine herniation is defined as herniation of cingular gyrus (blue star) underneath the falx cerebri. Presence of midline shift usually signify subfalcine herniation, and vice versa. ACA occlusion may become occluded.

Midline Shift & Subfalcine Herniation

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Obstructive Hydrocephalus & Descending (central) transtentorial herniation

Hydrocephalus is one of the most emergent finding to look for, because it is treatable. This patient had dilated left lateral ventricle from asymmetric brain edema (right more than left). Central herniation is defined as both temporal lobes descend through the tentorial incisura, which can be seen as effacement of the cistern around the midbrain (star).

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Make sure the lowest cut of CT image includes foramen magnum! Presence of space-occupying lesion in the brain, cerebellar tonsils (red stars) in the same cut as foramen magnum, obliteration of CSF space and displaced portions of cervicomedullary junction (M) are signs of tonsillar herniation. Tonsils can be low lying as a normal variation or a Chiari malformation.

Tonsillar Herniation

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Brain Death

  Etiology-pathogenesis:   Severe increased ICP decreases cerebral blood flow, then

irreversible loss of brain function

  Clinical criteria: coma + absent brainstem reflexes + apnea test

  Imaging may confirm but does not substitute for clinical criteria

  CT findings:   No flow in intracranial arteries/venous sinuses   Diffuse cerebral edema   Hyperdense cerebellum (much denser than cerebrum)


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Contrast-enhanced axial CT (Left) shows diffuse SAH (blue stars) in the cerebral cisterns, diffuse cerebral edema. There is no intracranial blood flow either in arteries or venous sinuses. Both images show normal enhancement of extracranial vessels (red arrows). The patient had bilateral ventricular shunt placement.

49-year-old woman, ruptured cerebral aneurysm

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  The information provided in this presentation…   Is intended to be used as educational purposes only.

  Is designed to assist emergency practitioners in providing appropriate radiologic care for patients.

  Is flexible and not intended, nor should they be used to establish a legal standard of care.

  Thanks, MGH Radiology, for cases I’ve seen and things I’ve learned.

