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IMCOM World News, 18 March 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 IMCOM World News, 18 March 2011


    Te weekly e-newsletter or those serving Soldiers, Civilians and Families at U.S. Army Garrisons around the world

    http://www.army.mil/imcom Vol. 5, No. 12 Mar. 18, 2011

    See JAPAN, Page 3 See IMCOM, Page 2

    Photographers expand horizons at contest

    Trailblazers: Iraqi police visit installationSpice use on rise with Servicemembers

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. --- Brenda Walker strolledupon one o those right places at the right timealongside East Fork Indian Creek River when

    FOR JACKSON, S.C. --- On the day FortJackson celebrated womens history, a group o

    history-making emale o cers...

    FOR RUCKER, Ala. --- Directorate o PublicSa ety o cials said the use o a synthetic cannabis

    substance is increasing among...

    she photographed Morning Serenity on FortCampbell, Ky...

    Retired Col. Richard Pugh...

    AFAP solves quality-o -li e ARLING ON, Va. --- I o en say you

    can read about history or make history.Tis year, the voices o Soldiers, Civiliansand Families that have contributed to theArmy Family Action Plan process were

    heard and history was made at the recentAFAP General O cer Steering Committeeheld the rst week o February.

    Senior Army leaders and program rep-resentatives rom across the Army resolved17 o 40 quality-o -li e issues making greastrides in support o our Wounded War-riors and Families. Tese issues originally identi ed by AFAP representatives at theunit or installation level will make li e bet-ter or Soldiers, their Families and Civilians

    or years to come.Quali ed Wounded Warrior job ap-

    plicants now receive...


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  • 8/7/2019 IMCOM World News, 18 March 2011


    Vol. 5, No. 12 Mar. 18, 2011 Page 2

    IMCOM commanding general, wife see RileyFOR RILEY, Kan. --- Fort Riley and the Cen-

    tral Flint Hills Region hosted a lieutenant generaland his wi e March 2 and 3. Installation Manage-

    ment Commanding General Lt. Gen. Rick Lynand his wi e, Sarah, visited the area to discussstrategies and sources o ...

    JOIN BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash.--- Te Air Force has put out the word to its JointBase Lewis-McChord Army counterparts to chal-lenge its aircra loading...

    FOR DRUM, N.Y. --- A retired Army Black-hawk pilot who helps steer careers sa ely into the

    uture recently was recognized...

    HEIDELBERG, Germany --- Its been a littlover three decades since Dr. Rory Cooper lostthe use o his legs and gained access to a worldnever would have imagined, at...

    FOR McCOY, Wis. --- Seven scheduledexercises and other extended combat training aon tap or the remainder o scal...

    Army, Air Force team up to load C-17s

    Group recognizes ACAP manager

    Disabled vets says ocus on str

    Ft. McCoy poised or large-sca

    IMCOM World NewsPublished by:U.S. Army Installation Management Command

    Commanding General:Lt. Gen. Rick LynchPublic A airs & StratComm Director:Mike Thiem

    IMCOM World News StaffPublic Affairs & Strategic Communications Directorate

    Managing Editor:R. Slade WaltersLayout Editor:Luke Elliott and Shayna BroukerWeb:Neal SnyderVideo:Keith Smith

    This o fcial U.S. Army electronic publication is published weeklyunder the supervision o the U.S. Army Installation Management Command Public A airs & Strategic Communications Directorateto provide the U.S. Army Installation Management Community,which is made up o Soldiers and Civilian employees o the U.S.Army O fce o the Assistant Chie o Sta o the Army or InstallationManagement (OACSIM); the U.S. Army Installation Management

    Command (IMCOM); the U.S. Army Family and Morale, Wel are andRecreation Command (FMWRC); and the U.S. Army EnvironmentalCommand (USAEC), with in ormation on people, policies, operations,developments, trends and ideas o and about the InstallationManagement Community. Contents o the IMCOM World Newsare not necessarily the o fcial views o , or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, Department o De ense, the Department o the Army.Any editorial content in this electronic publication or linked rom thiselectronic publication is the responsibility o the IMCOM Public A airs& Strategic Communications Directorate and the specifc region orgarrison public a airs o fce where the content originated. Unlessotherwise indicated (and except or by permission and copyright items), material may be reprinted provided credit is given to theoriginating garrison, author and/or photographer. All photographsby U.S. Army unless otherwise credited. Submissions o garrison-related articles published to army.mil by garrison public a airs o fces

    are invited.

    U.S. Army Installation Management CommandPublic Affairs & Strategic Communications Directorate11711 N. Interstate Highway 35San Antonio, TX 78233

    Submissions or comments:[email protected](210) 424-8153


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  • 8/7/2019 IMCOM World News, 18 March 2011


    US forces provide relief aid to Japan

    Wiesbaden opens new Army Lodge

    Culture Summit brings nations together

    Retreat o ers single parents quality time

    NSSC holds Health and Wellness Fair

    US Army Band celebrates Mard

    FLRC provides Family resource

    JBSA tests responses to natural

    WASHING ON, D.C. --- U.S. military orcesare working alongside their Japanese counterpartsto provide aid as the country digs out in the a -

    WIESBADEN, Germany --- Military andcivilian o cials used a giant pair o scissors to cutthe ribbon to o cially open the Armys newestquality-o -li e enhancement in the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden March 2.

    Long in the making, the grand opening o the

    Wiesbaden Army Lodge marked...

    FOR HUACHUCA, Ariz. --- Representativeso various nations rom around the world cametogether this week in Sierra Vista...

    JOIN BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash.--- Sergeant William Smith plays many roles inhis li e, but he considers being a ather the mostimportant. It is also the most challenging.

    Its hard, a er working all day, coming homeand trying to get ready or work the next day

    when its just you and your kid,...

    USAG Natick, Mass. --- Even sitting orwardin the massage chair with his ace cradled by theheadrest, Command Sgt. Maj. ...

    JOIN BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL-- In commemoration o a amed New Orleansholiday, the United States Army...

    FOR JACKSON, S.C. -- From the brightlycolored childrens toys, to the...

    FOR SAM HOUS ON, exas -- A recentthree-day exercise tested the...

    termath o the massive 8.9 magnitude earthquakeand tsunami that struck March 11.

    Because o the longstanding...

    Vol. 5, No. 12 Mar. 18, 2011 Page 3


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  • 8/7/2019 IMCOM World News, 18 March 2011


    Vol. 5, No. 12 Mar. 18, 2011 Page 4

    IN THE PRExternal Media Rep

    FOR HUACHUCA, Ariz. --- Tepeople o Egypt have spoken.

    And, the voice they raised recently is acall or a democracy and not a president

    or li e backed by a corrupt government, anEgyptian Army o cer said Friday.

    For nearly 7,000 years, Egypt has been abedrock o civilization, a...

    SAN DIEGO, Cali . --- Army Sgt. RobBrown was severely wounded during a

    re ght in Iraq in 2006. During the timewhen doctors tried to save his right leg,Brown said, he did a lot o growing upover those two years, and was able to getmy li e straightened out.

    His leg was eventually...

    FOR BLISS, exas --- Te U.S. Army is building little pieces o Iraq, A ghani-stan and West A rica in the desert at FortBliss, so that soldiers can experience war without the casualties be ore deploying,getting as close to the real thing as possible.

    By the end o the year, there will be 11completed villages on Fort...

    I the Armys new tech-buying strategy goes according to plan, soldiers soon may be ditching paper maps, staticky radios andbulky satellite receivers.

    Instead, they would receive ultra-lightradios, tablet computers and sleek smart-

    phones that would actually work in warzones. ...

    SENDAI, Japan --- Steve Valley thoughthis trip to Japan would be a nice changeo pace.

    Valley, a sergeant major in the U.S.Army Reserve, works as a communicationsintegration contractor in ampa at U.S.Central Command and lives in Bradenton.He arrived in okyo on...

    Egyptians soldiers share pride

    Paralympics keep sergeant rol

    Iraqi villages train warfghte

    Wireless network or war-bou

    Tampa Bay reservist helps in

    AER campaign kicks o with $85K goalExercise increase FPCON awareness

    Commander recognizes womens gainsEFMP air to bring out amily agencies

    Social media nets wider audience Spinning class popular at Ft. Meade

    Army Emergency Relie : helping its ownACAP, deploying Soldiers to civilian li e

    Local event raises money or communityJBLM program recycles bottle caps

    Community honors phenomenal womenChaplains support spiritual needs

    FOR GEORGE G. MEADE, Md --- FortMeades annual Army Emergency Relie und-raising campaign o cially kicked of Monday inthe Lounge at the Lanes with a training sessionand ree game o bowling to rally this years unitrepresentatives.

    AER is a nonpro t...

    FOR RUCKER, Ala. --- It is uesday morn-ing, the siren sounds and there is word o a bomb.

    Immediately, the Force Protection Conditionis raised, Fort Rucker shuts down, gates close andeveryone returns to their assigned units.

    While this situation is ctional, people need tobe aware o FPCON Levels and...

    ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. ---Installation employees gathered here March 9 torecognize womens signi cant contributions to theArmy.

    Maj. Gen. Nick Justice, APG senior command-er, talked to about 100 women about combiningtheir talents to improve the...

    FOR JACKSON, S.C. --- Te number o nonpro t organizations out there willing to lend ahelping hand to military amilies can be daunting.

    So Army Community Services has a solution -bring all o those agencies and Soldiers and their

    amilies under one roo and let them meet.Family members ... move...

    FOR RUCKER, Ala. --- Te Fort RuckerPublic Afairs o ce is nding new ways to bringSoldiers and civilians the latest news about theinstallation.

    By incorporating new social media Web siteslike witter, Facebook and You ube, PAO isbringing the world Fort Rucker...

    FOR GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. --- One o the rst things Sgt. 1st Class Rose Ryon wanted todo a er giving birth to a baby girl in Novemberwas shed the 50 pounds she gained during herpregnancy.

    A er losing the rst 25 pounds, Ryon decidedto take the new spinning class at...

    FOR HOOD, exas --- Spc. Joseph Morriswas resh out o basic training in September 2008and was on orders to Fort Hood or his rst duty assignment. But there was a problem. He wasntgetting paid.

    Id gotten my report date, but I hadnt beengetting paid or about three...

    FOR WAINWRIGH , Alaska --- Te Army Career and Alumni Program provides train-ing, counseling, resources and job assistance toservice members leaving active duty in pursuito a new li e in the civilian world. Whether they were Soldiers or 20 plus years and retiring or just

    nishing up a our-year tour, ...

    BAMBERG, Germany --- Members o thelocal military community are teaming up withEuropean and international vendors April 15-17at the Freedom Fitness Facility here or a air withcharitable purpose.

    Pro ts rom the Bazaar with Heart, an annualcommunity market organized by...

    JOIN BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. --- Itall started with a bottle cap. Well, about 400 bottlecaps, to be exact.

    Tree years ago, Shannon Clark made a door-mat rom the caps o plastic bottles, which shecouldnt recycle in her home state o Ohio. oday she runs a small business that...

    GRAFENWOEHR, Germany --- U.S. Army Europe selected local women or their posi-tive impacts within the community to kick-of Womens History Month observations in March.Christi Ham, wi e o Gen. Carter Ham, com-manding general, USAREUR, called on seniorleader spouses to nominate a woman rom eacho their communities or the rst USAREURPhenomenal Woman Scroll o Impact.

    Te purpose not only serves as an observanceo National Womens History Month, but also

    highlights those women who...

    FOR RUCKER, Ala. --- A day in the li eo an Army chaplain demands onstant spiritualreadiness to meet the communitys worshippingand counseling needs.

    We provide religious education ... so thatspiritual growth can take place in the lives o those wanting to dig deeper into their aith, saidChaplain (Lt. Col.) Mickey Jett.

    Tis is one o the reasons we have a youthprogram, Sunday school and chaplains trainedin marriage counseling - so that amilies can stay

    strong and the Soldier can...







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