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imgZine Event App Brochure

Date post: 07-Mar-2016
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EvEnt AppEngagE your audiEncE and crEatE long-tErm convErsations!

Page 2: imgZine Event App Brochure

thE bEnEfits of An EvEnt App

Program guides started as a simple way to provide information to attendees.

But improved technology brings new opportunities. real-time content delivery

has become essential for attendees, especially now when more than 87% of

business travelers own and use a mobile device (Quickmobile 2014). When

properly embedded into the event lifecycle, event apps provide a unique

platform for engaging with your audience year-round.

“Event apps offer powerful ways to facilitate

communication and engagement between

attendees before, during and after the event.”

– Quickmobile 2013

• gain a competitive advantage and use one application for multiple

events; providing content to an existing audience and saving on it costs.

• let attendees become part of the event by sharing perspectives and

content on social media that expand the experience for others

(cvent 2012)

• maximize attendee engagement, which translates into higher quality

meetings, better feedback and a stronger connection with your brand

(Quickmobile 2013).

• improve your events’ return on investment while boosting value and

improved experience for attendees (Quickmobile 2014)

• Provide attendees with information about the event in an easy and

engaging manner, which is important to the overall experience.

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tAking A mobilE first strAtEgy

imgZine (pronounced imagine) offers a mobile platform for producing smart

and real-time Event apps, based on your existing content. the platform is

inspired by the success of digital magazines like Flipboard, Pulse and Zite, as

well as traditional print magazines. this combination translates into a more

engaging and personalized experience for your attendees. Building on business

intelligence and analytics imgZine offers key insights for you.

• get in front of your audience with engaging content

• communicate real-time (and last-minute) changes to attendees

• manage your app easily

• Personalized schedule

• release your publication in multiple platforms:

ios, android, Windows and (mobile) web

• get a standardized solution

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boost rEtEntion with yEAr-round communicAtions

success in retaining event attendees will make your job easier next

year. launching a real-time event magazine now will help ensure

continued growth of your event fundraising program year-over-year.

With an engaging and personalized event platform you are able to

maintain your relationship with fundraisers, volunteers and attendees

after the event is over.

returning participants may outperform new

6 timesparticipants by over

- Blackbaud 2012

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ApplicAtion fEAturEs

• Personalized schedules

• locations of the event

on a map

• authentication

• Participants list

• social media feeds

• social sharing

our Event apps contain a variety of features, including:

• Offlinereading

• dashboard/analytics

• real time updates

• multiple languages

• Notifications

• Push messages

• Beautiful design

“With the massive adoption of mobile

devices, companies embrace the

opportunities to make their events more

effective, productive and engaging.”

– Patrick Payne, Quickmobile

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EngAgE your AudiEncE And lEt EvEnts bEcomE yEAr round convErsAtions!

Event apps provide a powerful way to engage and connect with audiences before, during

and after events, making your meeting the central point of a yearlong conversation.

With imgZine’s platform you are able to deliver relevant and real-time content, building

upon the previous year’s experience and creating expectations for future events.

start looking at the long tail today!

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