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Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn

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  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Immediate Nursing Care of theNewborn

    Prepared by:

    Ms. Anafe B. Lanuzo RN

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Newborns undergo profound physiologic

    changes at the moment of birth, as they are

    released from a warm, snug, dark liquid-filed

    environment that has met all of their basic

    needs, into a chilly, unbounded, brightly lit,

    gravity based outside world.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Within minutes after being plunged into this

    strange environment, a newborns body must

    initiate respirations and accommodate a

    circulatory system to extrauterine


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    How well the newborn makes these major

    adjustments depends on his or her genetic

    composition, the competency of the recent

    intrauterine environment, the care received

    during the labor and birth period, and the care

    received during the newborn or neonatal

    periodfrom birth through the first 28 days oflife. (Adele Pillitteri, 2007)

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    Two thirds of all deaths that occur during the firstyear of life occur in the neonatal period. Morethan half occur in the first 24 hours after birth

    an indication of how hazardous this time is for aninfant. Close observation of a newborn for thisindication of distress is essential during thisperiod (National Center for Health Statistics,


  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Establish and Maintain a Patent Airway

    1. Never stimulate a baby to cry unless secretionshave been drained out.

    2. Mucus should be sustained from a newborns

    mouth by a bulb syringe as soon as the head isdelivered.

    3. As soon as an infant is born, he/she should beheld for a few seconds with the head lightly

    lowered for further drainage of secretion.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    4 Suction the newborn properly:

    1. Turn the babys head to one side

    2. Suction gently and quickly.

    3. Suction the mouth first before the nose.

    4. Occlude one nostril at a time when testing for airway

    patency.5. Record the first cry.

    6. Maintain appropriate body temperature as chilling willincrease the bodys need for oxygen.

    7. Newborn suffers large losses of heat because he is wet atbirth, the delivery room is cold he does not have enoughadipose tissues and does not know how to shiver.

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    Keep Newborn Warm

    Effects of Cold Stress

    Metabolic acidosis


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    1. Dry the newborn immediately

    2. Wrap him with a warm blanket but not too tightas not to compromise respiratory effort

    3. Lay infant on his side in a warmed bassinet orplace under a droplight

    4. Place a head cap to conserve heat especially ifthey are in an open crib.

    5. All nursing care should be accomplished quicklyas possible to minimize exposure of the infant

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    6 Apgar scorestandardized evaluation of the

    newborns condition. Done at one minute

    after birth to determine the general condition

    and then at 5 minutes to determine how well

    the newborn is adjusting to extrauterine life.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    1. Colorall infants appear cyanotic at birth and grow pinkwith or shortly after the first breath

    2. Heart Rateauscultation of the newborns heart

    3. Reflex irritabilityresponse to a suction catheter or

    having the soles of their feet slapped.4. Muscle tonenewborn hold the extremity tightly flex.

    They should resist any effort to extend their extremities

    5. Respiratory efforta mature newborn usually criesspontaneously at about 30 seconds after birth. At one

    minute, the infant is maintaining regular although rapidrespirations.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Sign 0 1 2

    Appearance: Color Pale, blue all over Pinky body, blue


    Pink all over

    Pulse: pulse rate absent Less than 100 More than 100

    Grimace: reflex


    Non response to


    Grimace/feeble cry

    when stimulated


    s away when

    stimulated; good

    strong cry

    Activity: Muscle


    Limp, flaccid Some flexion of






    Absent Weak or irritable Good, strong

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn



    0-3 pointsthe baby is serious danger and needimmediate resuscitation.

    4-6 pointsthe babys condition is guarded andmay need more extensive clearing of the airwayand supplementary oxygen.

    7-10 pointsare considered good and in the bestpossible health.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Vital Statistics/Anthropometric

    MeasurementsVital Statistic Average Low or arbitrary low

    Weight 6.5 to 7.5 lbs Less than 5.5 lbs

    Length 50 cms (20 in) 46 cms (18 in)

    Head circumference 33 to 35 inches

    Chest circumference 31-33 cms or 2cms less

    than head circumference

    Abdominal circumference 31 to 33 cms

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Vital signs

    Vital sign Immediately at birth After birth

    Temp 36.5 to 37.2 celcius

    Pulse 180 beats/min 120-140 beats/min

    Respiration 80 breaths/min 30-50 breaths/min

    Blood pressure 80/46 mmHg 100/50 mmHg (by 10thday)

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Proper Identification and Charting

    1. Proper identification of the newborn and footprints must be takenand kept in the chart.

    2. Attach ID bracelet with a number that corresponds to themothers hospital number, mothers full name, sex, date and timeof birth.

    3. Inspect for the presence of 2 arteries and 1 vein. Suspect acongenital anomaly if blood vessels are not complete.

    4. Apply triple dye or Betadine for faster healing effect.

    5. This is to cleanse the baby of blood mucus and vernix, and thenfollowed with sponge bath. Dry infant, wrap and keep him warm.

    6. CredesProphylaxisprophylactic treatment of the newbornseyes against gonorrheal conjunctivitis aka opthalmia neonatarum,which the baby acquires as he passes through the birth canal ofthe mother who has untreated gonorrhea.

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    Care of the Umbilical Cord Give Initial

    Oil Bath Administer Eye Care


    1. Wipe the face dry.

    2. Shade the eyes from light and open one eye at a

    time by exerting gentle pressure on the upperand lower lids.

    3. Apply Erythromycin/Terramycin Opthalmicointment from the inner to outer canthus of theeye. The antibiotic will eliminate gonorrhea andChlamydia as well.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Administration of Vitamin K

    Vitamin K facilitates production of the clotting

    factor, thus preventing bleeding.

    Method: Aquamephyton 1mg (Phytonadione), a

    synthetic Vitamin K is injected IM into the lateral

    aspect of the anterior thigh (vastus lateralis).

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    Document Birth Record

    Accomplish the form properly.

    Continue Physical assessment

    1. General Appearanceposition and activity

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    2. Skin

    1.a. Colorruddy complexion due to increased RBC concentration and

    decreased subcutaneous fat which makes blood vessels more visible.

    1. Acrocyanosis

    2. Physiologic Jaundice

    3. Textureslight desquamation for the first 2 to 4 weeks of life4. Skin Turgorgood elasticity

    5. Vernix Caseosawhite cream-cheese like that serves as a skin lubricant

    6. Miliapinpoint size white spots seen on the nose and chin due to

    obstruction of the sebaceous glands.

    7. Erythema Toxicumnewborn rash. It begins with a papule and

    eventually to an erythematic appearance.

    8. Lanugois the fine downy hair that covers a newborns shoulders, back

    and upper arms.

    9. Immature newborns have more lanugo than mature infant.

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    9. Birthmarks

    1. Hemangiomasare vascular tumors of the skin.

    1. Nevus flammeusmuscular purple or dark red lesion.Generally appear on the face and thighs.

    2. Strawberry hemangiomaselevated areas formed by

    immature capillaries and endothelial cells.3. Cavernous hemangiomasthese are dilated vascularspaces.

    4. Mongolian spotsslate gray patches across the sacrumor buttocks and consist of a collection of pigment cells.

    5. Forceps marksthese are circular or linease contusionmatching the rim of the blade forceps on the infantscheeks.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    3. Headnewborns head is

    disproportionately large

    1. Fontanellesspaces or opening where the skullbones join

    2. Moldingthe part of the infants head that engagesthe cervix. It is molded to fit the cervix contours.

    3. Caput Succedaneumis edema of the scalp at thepresenting part of the head.

    4. Cephalhematomais a collection of blood betweenthe periosteum of the skull bone and the bone itselfcaused by rupture of the periosteum capillary due tothe pressure of birth.

    5. Craniotabesis a localized softening of the cranialbones.

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    4. Eyesvision is present as evidence of blinking


    5. Earshearing is present as soon as amnioticfluid is drained or is absorbed from the middle


    6. Nosemay appear large for the face.7. Mouthshould open evenly when the baby


    8. Neckis short and chubby, creased with skinfolds and head rotate freely.

    9. Chestappear small in proportion to infants


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    1. Abdomencontour is slightly

    protuberant (sticking out from the


    2. Anogenital Areaanus should not be

    covered by a membrane. Take note ofthe time meconium is first passed.

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    1. Backthe spine appears flat in the lumbar and sacralareas

    2. Extremities

    1. Arms and legs appear short

    2. Hands are plump and clinch into fists

    3. Should move symmetrically

    4. Fingernails are soft, smooth5. Good muscle tone, arms always in flexed position

    6. Palm of hands should have three creases.

    7. Legs are bowed as well short

    8. Soles of the feet appears to be flat

    9. Presence of crisscrossed lines on the soles of thefoot.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    3. Feeding

    Provide Discharge Instructions

    1. Breast-fed babies are fed immediately after birth and can be

    fed on demand or at least every 2 hours for the first few days of

    life. Advice to alternate both breast at 10-15 minutes each.

    2. Bottle-fed babies routinely received an initial feeding of about

    1oz of sterile water at 4-6 hours of age to be certain the infant

    can swallow without gagging and aspirating. The newborn is

    then fed every four hours.

    1. Sleep patternsnewborns sleep 16-20 hours a day2.Bathingmay be given anytime convenient as long as it is

    not within 30 minutes after feeding as handling might cause

    regurgitation. Sponge baths are done until cord falls off.

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    3. Cord Care

    1. Dab rubbing alcohol (70% soln) two or threetimes a day for faster drying.

    2. Fold down diapers so that cord does not get wet

    during voiding.

    3. Small, pink granulating area may be seen on the

    day the cord falls off. If it remains moist or with

    foul discharge, advise mother to bring baby to

    the doctors clinic.4. Car Safety. Until a child reaches a weight of 20lbs,

    the best type of car seat is an infant only seat that

    faces the back of the car.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    References: Pillitteri, A. (2007).

    Maternal and Child HealthNursing:Care of the Childbearing and

    Childrearing Family. Winsconsin:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

  • 8/13/2019 Immediate Nursing Care of the Newborn


    The end

    Thank You!
