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Immersive Analytics for Medicine: Hybrid 2D/3D Sketch-Based Interfaces for Annotating Medical Data and Designing Medical Devices Seth Johnson University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA [email protected] Arthur G. Erdman University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA [email protected] Bret Jackson Macalester College Saint Paul, MN 55105, USA [email protected] Daniel F. Keefe University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA [email protected] Bethany Tourek University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA [email protected] Marcos Molina University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA [email protected] Paste the appropriate copyright statement here. ACM now supports three different copyright statements: ACM copyright: ACM holds the copyright on the work. This is the historical approach. License: The author(s) retain copyright, but ACM receives an exclusive publication license. Open Access: The author(s) wish to pay for the work to be open access. The additional fee must be paid to ACM. This text field is large enough to hold the appropriate release statement assuming it is single spaced in a sans-serif 7 point font. Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here. Abstract We explore the role that immersive technologies, specif- ically virtual reality (VR) and hybrid 2D/3D sketch-based interfaces and visualizations, can play in analytical rea- soning for medicine. Two case studies are described: (1) immersive explanations of medical procedures, and (2) im- mersive design of medical devices. Both tightly integrate 2D imagery and data with 3D interfaces, models, and vi- sualizations. This is an approach we argue is likely to be particularly useful in medicine, where analytical tasks of- ten involve relating 2D data (e.g., medical imaging) to 3D contexts (e.g., a patient’s body). User feedback and obser- vations from our interdisciplinary team indicate the utility of the approach for the current case studies as well as some shortcomings and areas for future research. This work con- tributes to a broader discussion of how hybrid 2D/3D inter- faces may form an essential ingredient of future immersive analytics systems across a variety of domains. Author Keywords Immersive Analytics, Visualization, Hybrid 2D/3D User In- terfaces, Immersive 3D Modeling ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Inter- faces; I.3.7 [Computer graphics]: Virtual Reality
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Immersive Analytics for Medicine:Hybrid 2D/3D Sketch-Based Interfacesfor Annotating Medical Data andDesigning Medical Devices

Seth JohnsonUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455, [email protected]

Arthur G. ErdmanUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455, [email protected]

Bret JacksonMacalester CollegeSaint Paul, MN 55105, [email protected]

Daniel F. KeefeUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455, [email protected]

Bethany TourekUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455, [email protected]

Marcos MolinaUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455, [email protected]

Paste the appropriate copyright statement here. ACM now supports three differentcopyright statements:

• ACM copyright: ACM holds the copyright on the work. This is the historicalapproach.

• License: The author(s) retain copyright, but ACM receives an exclusivepublication license.

• Open Access: The author(s) wish to pay for the work to be open access. Theadditional fee must be paid to ACM.

This text field is large enough to hold the appropriate release statement assuming it issingle spaced in a sans-serif 7 point font.Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here.

AbstractWe explore the role that immersive technologies, specif-ically virtual reality (VR) and hybrid 2D/3D sketch-basedinterfaces and visualizations, can play in analytical rea-soning for medicine. Two case studies are described: (1)immersive explanations of medical procedures, and (2) im-mersive design of medical devices. Both tightly integrate2D imagery and data with 3D interfaces, models, and vi-sualizations. This is an approach we argue is likely to beparticularly useful in medicine, where analytical tasks of-ten involve relating 2D data (e.g., medical imaging) to 3Dcontexts (e.g., a patient’s body). User feedback and obser-vations from our interdisciplinary team indicate the utility ofthe approach for the current case studies as well as someshortcomings and areas for future research. This work con-tributes to a broader discussion of how hybrid 2D/3D inter-faces may form an essential ingredient of future immersiveanalytics systems across a variety of domains.

Author KeywordsImmersive Analytics, Visualization, Hybrid 2D/3D User In-terfaces, Immersive 3D Modeling

ACM Classification KeywordsH.5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Inter-faces; I.3.7 [Computer graphics]: Virtual Reality

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IntroductionToday, society has benefited greatly from recent advancesin medical imaging and innovations in medical devices.However, the ability to design, analyze, interpret, and com-municate these data remains a challenge. We believe thatby combining virtual reality interfaces with creative data-intensive work-flows, new immersive analytic tools can ad-dress this challenge.

(a) Start with sketches on paper.

(b) Scan and place in 3D space.

(c) Select edges of interest.

(d) Lift these curves into 3D.

(e) Adjust depth along the curve.

(f) Sweep surfaces along curves.

Figure 1: The process ofdesigning from a sketch in Lift-Off.

In this paper, we present two application case studies show-ing how hybrid 2D/3D sketch-based interfaces in VR, specif-ically interfaces from the recent Lift-Off immersive modelingsystem [3], can be used to support immersive analytics inthe medical domain. Lift-Off (Figure 1) allows a user to po-sition 2D imagery within a 3D virtual environment shown ina VR Cave. The user can lift 2D contours out of the imageryinto 3D space to create a wire-frame network of rails. Sur-faces can then be swept along the rails creating a 3D modelwith precise control.

The first application using the Lift-Off system explores howimmersive 3D modeling based on 2D X-ray imaging canbe used to analyze and explain bone fractures to patientsbefore receiving care. The second application explores theways in which development of a 3D scale model of a medi-cal device from early 2D sketches can facilitate a new styleof engineering design for medical devices. Both case stud-ies were developed by our interdisciplinary team of medicaldevice engineers, computer scientists, and a physician.Based on these experiences, we argue that hybrid 2D/3Dinterfaces that support new creative output in addition tovisualization are critical for the development of immersivevisual analytic tools.

Our main contributions are:

• A case study of combining a hybrid 2D/3D sketch-based interface with medical imaging data to supportsurgical intervention for bone fractures and increasephysician/patient communication.

• A case study of combining a hybrid 2D/3D sketch-based interface with hand-drawn 2D sketches on pa-per to support designing new medical devices in animmersive spatial context.

• A discussion of challenges and guidelines for themedical domain as a fertile application area for im-mersive analytics.

Related WorkMedical Analytics and Visualization in VRMedicine has always been an important driving applicationarea for immersive visualization and analytics. Immersiveenvironments have been created to help scientists andphysicians analyze computational simulations of bloodflow [7], understand the structure of the brain and how itchanges with disease [8], and plan and train for surgicalprocedures [6]. Now, as immersive technologies have be-come dramatically more accessible and affordable, thereis an opportunity to do much more. For example, our firstcase study explores the potential of using VR not as an an-alytical tool for only the most complex neuroscience surgicalintervention, but rather as an analytical tool for the everydaytask of a physician working together with a patient, helpingthe patient (or perhaps a medical resident) to reason in 3Dabout why a medical procedure is necessary and conveyinginformation about procedures and risks using a visual lan-guage that can be understood by non-experts. In the future,we also envision a dramatically increased role for interac-tion relative to prior work in immersive medical analytics.For example, our second case study explores the potentialof immersive environments that are not just for interactive

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visualization of existing datasets but also for creating data(i.e., designing, 3D modeling).

Sketch-Based Modeling and Annotation in VRThere is an exciting history of sketch-based modeling toolsfor VR. Early work in this area includes the 3DM system [1]which supported the creation of 3D surfaces by sweeping atracked six degrees-of-freedom stylus through space. Thiswas followed by Holosketch [2] and many others. In gen-eral, 3D sketching in VR has been embraced for its immedi-acy and the ease with which even novice users are able tocreate complex models. However, user feedback shows thatunconstrained 3D input is difficult to control. The Lift-Offmodeling system [3] avoids much of this issue by introduc-ing constraints from hand-drawn 2D sketches (Figure 1). Inaddition to modeling, freehand sketch-based systems havebeen used to annotate and describe scientific data. Keefeet al. explored how to prototype scientific visualizations us-ing sketched 3D input [4]. Miller et al. studied surgeons’ability to annotate vasculature structures in VR for surgicalplanning [5]. We believe incorporating engaging, full-body,gestural interfaces in these styles into immersive data visu-alizations is the thing that is needed to create a next gener-ation of successful immersive data analytics tools.

Application 1: Immersive Annotation of MedicalImaging DataWhile brainstorming possible roles for immersive analyticsin medicine, our team arrived at an application that wassurprising to the team members not directly involved inmedicine. There is a great need right now to better facilitatecommunication about medical data. Although patients areoften engaged in their treatment process, their lack of train-ing to read medical images hinders their ability to link theircondition to the knowledge they have gained with on-lineresources. Physicians need to quickly and reliably translate

Figure 2: Starting with a standard X-ray image (top-left) andapplying an edge-detection filter (bottom-left), users place thesedata images as slides in 3D space and then “Lift-Off” curves toconstruct 3D models and annotations (right). Data credit: X-rayimage cbMajorkev on Wikipediahttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.)

medical information to patients and their family members,and this often involves translating concepts captured in 2Dimagery or other data to the 3D context of a patients body.

Prior work with Lift-Off has focused on translating artist-defined 2D line-sketches into 3D virtual models for architec-ture and sculpture art, but we reasoned that a similar hybrid2D/3D interface might also be useful for physicians to facili-tate patients’ comprehension of medical imaging data.

Methods and ResultsTo test this potential, we developed an example use casebased on the concept of translating the 2D medical datacaptured in a patient’s X-ray to a 3D context that might bemore easily understandable to the patient. We consideredthe case of a broken clavicle bone. Figure 2 (top-left) showsthe original digital X-ray image, and Figure 2 (bottom-left)

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shows the same image after applying the simple edge-detection filter built into the Lift-Off tool. Together theseimages are placed (like floating slides) in 3D space withinVR, and they serve as the data context for 3D illustrationsand annotations. Figure 2 (right) shows how constructionlines were selected from the edge data and pulled out fromthe image to a user-defined depth to construct the anatomyrelevant to the discussion.

To illustrate this specific medical example, we lifted out ge-ometry for a section of the sternum, the first and second rib,the broken clavicle, a section of the scapula, and a sectionof the humerus. Several views of the 3D scene this processgenerated are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: A complete 3D model ofthe broken clavicle from twoangles. Shown both with andwithout the design scaffolding.

Observations and FeedbackOur interdisciplinary team generated several observationsfrom this experience, and we recorded feedback from thephysician on the team as he engaged with the tool to demon-strate how he might use it to better communicate with a pa-tient or resident (Figure 4).

One of our first observations was a surprise. The physi-cian’s first step was not to discuss the break in the bonespecifically; rather, he began decisively sketching areas ofconcern near the fracture such as blood vessels, explain-ing that the bone fragments could cause further internaldamage if not treated, a danger he indicated was criticallyimportant for the patient to understand in order to pursueappropriate treatment. Interestingly, this is precisely thetype of 3D context that is not visible on the 2D X-ray image;here, it was only made visible with the new ability to sketchin 3D around the data-driven context provided by the X-rayimage positioned in space.

We also noted the feedback that this clavicle fracture caseis perhaps a bit too simplistic to convey the real need for

Figure 4: Using immersive data-driven 3D annotations to explaintreatment options.

a tool in this style. For example, a more compelling exam-ple of the need for communication might involve brokenribs in elderly patients – here, it can be difficult to conveyto the patient the need for additional supervision in a set-ting where the patient can remain still, breathing deeplyfor a consistent period of time so as to avoid developingpneumonia. He then went on to demonstrate how he woulddescribe an even more complicated condition, pancreaticcancer, using freehand 3D sketching to create a diagram inthe air showing the pancreas and surrounding organs andadding arrows as annotations while describing the treat-ment process.

The primary conclusion from our observations is that thesesituations would benefit from a virtual 3D white-board thatallows physicians to draw as they talk in the context of both2D images and 3D anatomy. This would enable physiciansto annotate the 3D reconstruction, describing proceduraland securement methods and identifying implant locations.

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The current case study succeeded to a degree in makingthis possible. However, there were also some shortcom-ings. The physician noted that while physicians would likelynot want to take the time to actually model the contextualbones and anatomy in practice, they would make extensiveuse of the ability to sketch 3D diagrams in the context ofgeneric 3D anatomy and 2D medical images. We interpretthis as a need to extend the data visualization supportedin our prototype, which is currently limited to just 2D med-ical imagery, to 3D visualizations that include surface andperhaps even volumetric models for organs and other struc-tures. Imagine, for example, an ability to perform the type ofannotation and modeling described here within the contextof a state of the art 3D visualization of neural fiber tracksvisualized in VR.

Figure 5: Three variants of therobotic mechanism, sketched in the3D immersive environment.

Application 2: Immersive Medical Device DesignMedical device design is a collaborative process. Design-ers need to conceptualize ideas for new medical devicesand relay those concepts to engineers for further refinementand prototyping. This process often starts on paper, but be-cause the 3D complexity of these models can be so high,the process then often quickly moves to computer-aided de-sign (CAD). One of the limitations of this quick transition toCAD tools is that once we move to a CAD model, with pre-cise geometry, constraints, etc., we lose much of the quick,creative, and exploratory benefits of sketching. On the otherhand, it is clear that traditional 2D sketching can only go sofar, particularly when we consider designing medical de-vices with complex geometries that might be inserted withincomplex 3D human anatomy.

Methods and ResultsTo demonstrate how Lift-Off can be used in the medical de-vice development process, we made several sketches onpaper to capture ideas for a table-based robotic surgery de-

Figure 6: Critique of the robotic surgery device sketches canoccur directly in the immersive environment.

vice that our interdisciplinary team had been discussing forseveral weeks as part of another project. Working from oneof the sketches, we created a full 3D model (i.e., a virtual3D sketch) of the device in VR. (Figure 1 documents thisprocess.)

In this specific example, a successful design must be ableto robotically control the position and orientation of a laserrelative to the patient’s head while the patient lies on an op-erating table. Precise and stable positioning is required,and the design must also address several spatial con-straints, such as room for the medical staff to work, roomto transfer the patient on and off the table, and room for thesurrounding equipment in the operating room. The designcan be modified at real-life scale inside VR, and variationscan be explored. For example, Figure 5 shows three varia-tions for the hinging mechanism. All three of these designs

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were creating based on the same 2D sketch by using free-hand 3D sketching and brainstorming.

Observations and FeedbackThe medical device engineers on our team evaluated thisprocess and provided insights as the process moved fromconference room ideation and sketching on whiteboardsand paper to VR, where critique focused on the 1:1 scale3D model shown in Figure 6.

An observation we made was how the approach to dis-cussing the device changed when one of our medical de-vice engineers encountered the virtual prototype. First,upon entering the immersive environment, the engineerappeared energized as compared to the conference roomdiscussion. When another member of our team noticed thatour system did not actually allow the different parts to moverelative to each other, she took the opportunity to draw ar-rows in the air around the virtual prototype to indicate thedegrees of rotational freedom of the multiple moving parts.Interestingly, these 3D arrows showed movement in severalplanes that would be difficult to visualize together on a 2Dsketch.

When asked to reflect on the design variations of a par-ticular hinging mechanism (Figure 5), one engineer com-mented on possible implementations involving four-bar link-ages and sliding systems with clamps that could be pow-ered by hydraulics. Before the sketch and virtual prototypewere developed, this hinging mechanism hadn’t even beendiscussed. While in the cave, members of our team triedstanding at various positions around the virtual prototypeto see how the various components might get in the way ofpotential surgical operations.

Our conclusion from our observations is that putting peoplein a 3D space with a life-size and life-like virtual prototype

facilitates discussion and allows for considerations of imple-mentation and spatial constraints. All design decisions canbe made with a perspective to scale and functionality withinthe surrounding environment with an immersive applicationlike Lift-Off. Without a hybrid 2D/3D VR tool, these sorts ofdiscussions and considerations would be inhibited until aphysical prototype could be produced. However, there arealso shortcomings to using Lift-Off over physically proto-typing, such as the inability to physically interact with thevirtual prototype or to move individual parts.

Although this particular case study focused on a large-scalemedical device, our team members also work regularly withsmaller scale and implantable devices (e.g., replacementheart valves, cardiac leads, drug delivery systems). Thisis an area where we think the interfaces described herecan be combined with data-rich immersive visualizationsto create immersive analytics systems that are powerful.Imagine, for example, the style of collaborative 3D designand sketching described here coupled with the style of im-mersive visualizations of blood flow through the heart men-tioned earlier when discussing related work.

ConclusionIn the paper, we explored the potential of using a 2D/3D hy-brid user interface to sketch on top of medical imaging data,not just as a way to plan a high-end surgery (although thiscould certainly be useful) but as a way to even perform themuch more common task of explaining a complex medicalprocedure to a patient. Similarly, we explored the potentialof using a VR system as a 3D sketchpad for medical deviceengineers to create new device prototypes in immersive en-vironments. In the end, we believe the two most successfulelements of our case studies that others may learn from asthey implement additional immersive analytics tools are: (1)the freedom to to sketch and create new 3D data with ref-

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erence to a data visualization rather than simply providinginteractive techniques to explore a preexisting dataset, and(2) the ability to link one’s prior experience with 2D data (oreven physical sketches on paper prepared outside of VR)to the new immersive 3D environments in which people willwork in the future. We look forward to continued discussionof how these two concepts, often embodied in expressivehybrid 2D/3D interfaces, might facilitate the success andadoption of future immersive analytics tools, both in a medi-cal context and beyond.

AcknowledgementsThis work is supported in part by the National ScienceFoundation (IIS-1218058). Our software utilizes the VRPNlibrary maintained by UNC-Chapel Hill with support fromNIH/NCRR and NIH/NIBIB (2P41EB002025).

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