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Impact on PESTEL categories Technical Amsterdam ...

Date post: 29-Dec-2021
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Waste Flow Construcon and Demolion Waste Impact on PESTEL categories Technical Locaon of the good pracce Amsterdam Metropolitan Areas Stakeholders involved Enterprises, researches Keywords Sustainability of buildings, Improving waste logiscs, Quality management Descripon This EIS consists of developing new green wall construct as second façade on top of the exisng ones. The soluon adopts bioplascs from dried algae as a building material, because of the energy producon and absorpve funcon of the algae. Green façades from climbing plants are already used frequently. The innovaon lies in the use of the harvest from the climbing plants to make fibre. The combined opportunies from the climbing plants and algae are used to design a circular system where the harvest of one facade will be the base of the construcon of a second façade. Objecve Greening Up soluon aims to generate an alternave construcon technology that simultaneously addresses the problem of construcon and demolion waste and the reducon of greenhouse gases, air and noise polluon in the form of the applicaon of green façades. For further informaon hp://h2020repair.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Delive - rable-5.2-Catalogue-of-soluons-and-strategies-for-Amsterdam.pdf (page 181)) Greening up the city
Page 1: Impact on PESTEL categories Technical Amsterdam ...

Waste FlowConstruction and Demolition Waste

Impact on PESTEL categoriesTechnical

Location of the good practiceAmsterdam Metropolitan Areas

Stakeholders involvedEnterprises, researches

Keywords Sustainability of buildings, Improving waste logistics, Quality management

Description This EIS consists of developing new green wall construct as second façade on top of the existing ones. The solution adopts bioplastics from dried algae as a building material, because of the energy production and absorptive function of the algae. Green façades from climbing plants are already used frequently. The innovation lies in the use of the harvest from the climbing plants to make fibre. The combined opportunities from the climbing plants and algae are used to design a circular system where the harvest of one facade will be the base of the construction of a second façade.

Objective Greening Up solution aims to generate an alternative construction technology that simultaneously addresses the problem of construction and demolition waste and the reduction of greenhouse gases, air and noise pollution in the form of the application of green façades.

For further informationhtt p : // h 2 0 2 0 re p a i r . e u / w p - co nt e nt /u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 9 / 0 3 / De l i ve -rable-5.2-Catalogue-of-solutions-and-strategies-for-Amsterdam.pdf (page 181))

Greening up the city
