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Imperial Valley press and the Imperial press (San...

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Fletcher Burnight, one of the pioneer residents of San Diego county, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Kramer, at Silsbee last Sunday. Mr. Burnight came to the Valley only a few months ago, but during that short time iiad endeared himself to a large circle of friends by his sterling: character and Christian virtues. He was about 80 years of age at the time of his death. The remains were sent to San Diego for interment. Superintendent Farnsworth of Water company No. 1 is a busy man these days, as he is making a strenuous effort to get the canal banks on the main ca- nal and Elder lateral built up before the next rise from the Colorado reaches the Valley. Judge F. C. Farr has been confined to his home for several days this week by illness but is reported to be better at the present time. Mrs. Pa raze tte and children arrived last Tuesday evening from San Bernar- dino, and now J. B. won't have such a forlorn appearance, and the young heir to the house of Parazette can get better acquainted with his papa. W. B. Warren and wife left for Los Angeles last Sunday after spending the winter in Imperial. Mr. Warren has rented his house to " Mr. Nearn of the Stevenson Brothers company for the summer. Dr. Holtzinan informs us that he is not a candidate for City Treasurer, and we are informed that H. A. F. Miller has declined the nomination too. It has now been tendered t6 Leroy Holt who has accepted, and so far has the field to himself. Extras and repairs for Milwaukee Mowers and Rakes in complete stock is carried by Charley Fernald the Milwau- kee agent at Imperial. Bert Randolph, a well known young man of Imperial, died last Monday morning at 4 o'clock. Mr, Randolph came to the valley about three years ago for his health, being v severe sufferer from lung trouble. There is no doubt but that our climate prolonged his life, but his condition when he came here was such as to render recovery impossi- ble. Mrs. VV. K. Holt and daughters of Kedlands have been visiting In Imperial this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Holt. It is the first visit to the Valley for the young ladies and the first for some time for Mrs. Holt and they are very much pleased with the Valley and its splendid ranches and many sub- stantial improvements. Ed. E. Boyd has some bargains in real eatate At Holtville, too. Imperial Items the restaurant owner, and one Nichols, a gambler. The trouble originated over a gambling debt incurred in Mexico and for the collection of which said Nichols had Carpenter arrested. By dint of some hard sprinting Carpenter outran the Mexican officers and escaped across the line. On Saturday morning Carpenter met Nichols on the street and after applying a few titles better left imprinted whacked him over the head with a six shooter. Constable McAlmond disarmed the aggressor and trouble seemed to be over. Later the two combatants met when Nichols promptly knocked Carpenter down. Bob Davis then proffered his services as peace maker and with the aid of the constable the quiet was restored. There are a set of t«r horn gamblers and all round tou^hb in the Valley who need a year or two on the rock pile and the sooner these worthless specimens of hu- manity are gotten rid of the better will be the moral condition of things. It is said that arrests will follow. Ed. E. Boyd has some bargains in real estate at Holtville, too. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W. Wil- liams, a wellknown merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes : "Twenty years ago 1 had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I began tak- ing Dr. King's New Discovery. It com- pletely cured me and I have remained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bron- chitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Human' Blood Marks Calexico celebrated Saturday last with a first-class street row. The parties di- rectly concerned were A. N. Carpenter The large canal supplying, water to No. '6 has broken, , inundating a large section of country four miles west . of Calexico. It is hoped that no crops will "The Calexico Methodists are rejoicing over the receipt of a check for $100 from Rev. McAlleh, their former pastor. Rev. McAllen is now in the real estate ' business at Huntington Beach. General Otis was one of the distin- guished visitors in the Border City last Sunday. He came from the heading and reports satisfactory work, being Engineer Pangborn, who was driven out by the high water has erected two very comfortable tents on frames on the lots east of the Chronicle office. Rer. D.M. Gaudier, of the Anti-Sa- loon League will address a union con- gregation at the Methodist house oi worship next Sunday morning. Rev. Tout, of Imperial, preached last Sunday morning and evening at the Congregational church. Rev. Glasby supplied at Imperial. The dredger in the main canal is now about a mile above the ten foot drop. The canal at this point is being widened about 20 feet. New river after having made a recptfd breaking rise has receded rapidlvfintil now the bridge is plainly A'isih^T Floren Groshen, of BraVfey, made a flying trip this week. He went over into Mexico to look after his large acre- age there. Calexico Callings D. P. McDonald went to Yunia Sun- day with engine 1308. lie returned Monday morning. The brick work' on the new Methodist church was started last Wednesday. Start right in the hog business by buying some of those full-blood Duroc Jerseys from Porter N. Furguson, Holt- ville, Cal Professor Edward Hyatt of Riverside, was inattendance at the Teacher's In- stitute last week. The Professor is an old friend of the editor, we having known him in Riverside for eight years. Mr. Hyatt has been Superintendent of Schools of Riverside county for twelve years, is always elected without opposi- tion, and is one of the best school men in the State of California. * Wiiat made Milwaukee famous? The Milwaukee Mowers and Rakes. C. W. Fernald, agent, Imperial. Airs. J. H. Holland and her -little daughter, Irma, returned recently from a trip to Los Angeles, whither. she went to consult expert medical men regarding th« littlegirl's leg which was broken in a runaway accident last sum- mer. She will return to Los An- geles soon and have the child operated on in an endeavor to overcome the injury. Fine 3*year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs. Price $85.00. Enquire of C. W. Fernald, The entertainment of the Imperial Minstrels last Monday night was, upon the whole, a very creditable perform- ance. The local talent is much encour- aged, and everyone is satisfied that with more training the boys can stage a show that witl rival a regular troupe, Wit- man, Parazette and Farnsworth were decided successes in the comic line, and Dyke's singing was splendid, as it al- ways is. You won't have to keep many hows to raise all the pigs you want if you will get a start of Du rocs from Porter N. Ferguson, Holtville,Cal. Wheat for your chickens. Desert Grain Co., Imperial. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed citizen of the United States is in possession of the tract of land described as the S\V 1-4 of Sec. 11, T 15 S, R 14 E, S. B. M., according to the survey made in 1900, by the Imperial Land company, and commonly called the Imperial sur- vey. The numbers properly describing these lands according to the Land Office records, have been taken by other part- ies and applied to other lands, twomiles east from the lands occupied by this claimant, so it is impossible, at the pres- ent time to make any filingon this land. I further declare that I have been in possession of said land since February 23d, 1900, and that there is no claim or occupancy of or to said land in opposi- tion to mine. I further declare that it is my bona ride intention to enter said laud as a desert plaim, as sooji as the survey of the townships in this part of the countrv, provided for in the Act of Congress passed July Ist, 1902, Statutes at Large, Vol. 32, part 1, pace 728, shall be completed, and the maps properly describing said land, filed in the United States Land Office at Los Angeles Calif. Signed, C. B. Smitfi. Witnes*, I. L. AVilso.v Dated at Imperial, Cal. March 1, 1900. NOTfcE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that the under- signed citizen of the United States is iii possession of the tract of land joining and lying immediately to south of the SVV 1-4 of Sec 31, T 15 S, It 15 K, S. B. M. Said tract of land is 100 rods from east to west and i(>o rods or less from north to youth about to the width of unsurveyed land lying between the llothwell survey on the north and the Henderson survey on the south, The NKI-lof Secii, T 10, K 15 E. of the llothweH survey forms the eastern boundary of said land. [ nlso certify tliat the above tract of land is unsnr* veyed and cannot be enteredby nuiiibt'i 1 and that to the best of my kn<Wled<re it is not claimed by anyone and that I further certify that it is .; Juv^hona lide intention to enter naid ml^'vV described I land under Hut Unitetl Stuyeshotiu'sitead J \ law as i\ luunestead as soon an lint new i , survey of tUeVtj lands provided for byl tlie Act of Congress dati\ July Ist,] ; UOli.StatutcH at large, Vol. SWiut I Page i ! 7'.'.S, hhall bo completed tuiul the map i of these hinds tiled in th« I v S. Land ! Witness, tir.oncifcT HfL'itsKi:, » 1 1 Dated March 1, 1000 m-JCa-7 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Me^tMarket W. W. Mastcri has made arrangements to supply meat to customers from the Hotel Franklin for the time being. A meat shop will be arrange for shortly by Mr. Masten. Fresh meat always on hand Hotel Franklin, El Centro, Cal. j fitvo pool Rail ! EL CENTRO, CAL. ! We have opened our pool liall lit the I New Hotel El Centro, and will be I pleased to see all our old frieuda, and to 1 make as nianv new ones a*possible. ! A nice, quiet place to spend ! ! your leisure hour. - ' Soft Drinks, Lemonade, ; Cigars and Tobacco '\u25a0 HAWES & CASNER, Props, j 1 ' ; - \u25a0\u25a0 1 To Lease for 5 Years All of section 36 township 13 S, Rl4 E, with water. Land is 3 1-2 miles east of Brawley, is very level, 'soft and good soil; could be planted to melons, al- falfa or grain. Address offers to the owner . J. MCMULLIN^. r r :. Union Building, San Diego. JOHNSON & MUSSER SEED CO'S 19,06 Catalogue Now Ready Write for it No. 113 N.Main St., Los Angeles California 'riED'DEN & HULL Contractors of fnm&nt iKlfiPi: all kinds cf vvHlvlll IfUlA Furnished V'i Application^^ / . IMPERIAL **«. -/'. -...,- —^cJiSj&^viariiiUu Wit man The Plumber W ork Done all Over the Valley Estimates Furnished Phone 129 Imperial, Cal. | EL CENTRO f | POOL AND BILLIARD •.„.- t « PARLORS * J * . * 2* Finest Line of Cigars, Tobaccos and \u2666 * Soft Drinks Always On Hand :: :: * | ' C. J. EATON | Imperial Ave v Dairy Joe Giaccomazzi, Prop. Fresh Milk delivered to any part of the city of Imperial twice daily. G: ft Fairbanks Opposite Post Off let Imperial, California. beeil and Poultry Supplies. Ctrsh paid « for poultry and eggs. A complete line of Flower and Garden Seeds. Onion Sets, Ect. Petaluma Incubators and Brooders, Midland Poultry Food International Stock Food Ellwood Steel Fencing A perfect farm fence. Ellwood Poultry Fencing— Tlie best poultry fence on tlie market. Incubators in Operation on exhibition at all time* Visitors welcome. g d.Vgoldschmiedt S J: Physician and Surgeon ft R Formerly of New York City, S late of Knseiiadu, li. U., Mexico, |J *j has removed to and is now, per- \M t j*^ niiuiently located tit San Diego, Cal. t* 1 1^ OlHce and Uesideuce : till Fifth jj} I jn Stret't, Cor. 11., .Mi-liuick. v r>lock, X I*2 H«K)nia 1 and 2 . W £J Ortice Hours: 10 to l'Ja. in/- 4 to.jj j Jri 0 |>. m. i Sundays :10 to lsa, uu'Jt £ 01ll>'- I '& E \u25a0 Teh-phones— Hv Day or >'%rht : a 5> Sunset, Main, 638,. Home, IH.Or- $\u25a0! Kngli^h, Germitu 'and fl" I have 320 acres more of school land north of Holtvillethat I can sell at $6.00 an acre on terms. If you have used all your rights here is a chance to get a piece ofdeeded land. Bert R. Chaplin, Imperial, Cal. "l 1"' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0n.-ii-'ni ; ' .^'' : * !^;^.t^r..^^-.1-niir nil. —^» j-El Centro Department | .||| RoyL^. Rumsey, Proprietor §2> H Great price reductions on our Silsbee 3 I Hats, Shoes, Underwear 1 S|sj We must make room for the new stock which we have ordered in all ggj Men's soc work shirts 35c m H Men's $1.00 negligee shirts 75c II P Men's Hats, Shoes and Underwear at great || !? reductions Kg ell Ci/OixiO' oncl s^c om* D£ll*q*£l.ihs in £loov£* m& lines and at the same, time get a || || bill of groceries at less than usual m S3 prices . ;\u25a0 W
Page 1: Imperial Valley press and the Imperial press (San ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070144/1906-03... · Fletcher Burnight, one of the pioneer residents of San Diego county,

Fletcher Burnight, one of the pioneerresidents of San Diego county, died atthe residence of his daughter, Mrs. J.W. Kramer, at Silsbee last Sunday. Mr.Burnight came to the Valley only a fewmonths ago, but during that short timeiiadendeared himself to a large circleof friends by his sterling: character andChristian virtues. He was about 80years of age at the time of his death.The remains were sent to San Diego forinterment.

Superintendent Farnsworth of Watercompany No. 1 is a busy man thesedays, as he is making a strenuous effortto get the canal banks on the main ca-nal and Elder lateral built up beforethe next rise from the Colorado reachesthe Valley.

Judge F. C. Farr has been confined tohis home for several days this week byillness but is reported to be better atthe present time.

Mrs. Pa raze tte and children arrivedlast Tuesday evening from San Bernar-dino, and now J. B. won'thave such aforlorn appearance, and the young heirto the house ofParazette can get betteracquainted with his papa.

W. B. Warren and wife left for LosAngeles last Sunday after spending thewinter in Imperial. Mr. Warren hasrented his house to

"Mr. Nearn of the

Stevenson Brothers company for thesummer.

Dr. Holtzinan informs us that he isnot a candidate for City Treasurer, andwe are informed that H. A. F. Millerhas declined the nomination too. Ithas now been tendered t6 Leroy Holtwho has accepted, and so far has thefield to himself.

Extras and repairs for MilwaukeeMowers and Rakes in complete stock iscarried by Charley Fernald the Milwau-kee agent at Imperial.

Bert Randolph, a wellknown youngman of Imperial, died last Mondaymorning at 4 o'clock. Mr, Randolphcame to the valleyabout three years agofor his health, being v severe suffererfrom lung trouble. There is no doubtbut that our climate prolonged his life,but his condition when he came herewas such as to render recovery impossi-ble.

Mrs. VV. K. Holt and daughters ofKedlands have been visiting In Imperialthis week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Leroy Holt. Itis the first visit to theValley for the young ladies and the firstfor some time for Mrs. Holt and theyare very much pleased with the Valleyand its splendid ranches and many sub-stantial improvements.

Ed. E. Boyd has some bargains inreal eatate At Holtville,too.Imperial Itemsthe restaurant owner, and one Nichols, a

gambler. The trouble originated overa gambling debt incurred in Mexicoand for the collection of which saidNichols had Carpenter arrested. Bydint of some hard sprinting Carpenteroutran the Mexican officers and escapedacross the line. On Saturday morningCarpenter met Nichols on the streetand after applying a few titles betterleft imprinted whacked him over thehead with a six shooter. ConstableMcAlmond disarmed the aggressor andtrouble seemed to be over. Later thetwo combatants met when Nicholspromptly knocked Carpenter down.Bob Davis then proffered his services aspeace maker and with the aid of theconstable the quiet was restored. Thereare a set of t«r horn gamblers and allround tou^hb in the Valley who need ayear or two on the rock pile and thesooner these worthless specimens of hu-manity are gotten ridof the better willbe the moral condition of things. It issaid that arrests willfollow.

Ed. E. Boyd has some bargains inreal estate at Holtville,too.

A tale of horror was told by marks ofhuman blood inthe home of J. W. Wil-liams, a wellknown merchant of Bac,Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago 1had severe hemorrhages of the lungs,and was near death whenIbegan tak-ing Dr. King's New Discovery. Itcom-pletely cured me and Ihave remainedwellever since." Itcures Hemorrhages,Chronic Coughs, Settled Coldsand Bron-chitis, and is the only known cure forWeak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteedby all druggists. 50c and $1.00 Trialbottle free.

Human'Blood Marks

Calexico celebrated Saturday last witha first-class street row. The parties di-rectlyconcerned were A. N. Carpenter

The large canal supplying, water toNo. '6 has broken, ,inundating a largesection of country four miles west . ofCalexico. Itis hoped that no crops will

"The Calexico Methodists are rejoicingover the receipt ofa check for $100 fromRev. McAlleh, their former pastor.Rev. McAllen is now in the real estate' business at Huntington Beach.

General Otis was one of the distin-guished visitors in the Border City lastSunday. He came from the heading

and reports satisfactory work, being

Engineer Pangborn, who was drivenout by the high water has erected twoverycomfortable tents on frames on thelots east of the Chronicle office.

Rer. D.M.Gaudier, of the Anti-Sa-loon League willaddress a union con-gregation at the Methodist house oi

worship next Sunday morning.

Rev. Tout, of Imperial, preached lastSunday morning and evening at theCongregational church. Rev. Glasbysupplied at Imperial.

The dredger in the main canal is nowabout a mile above the ten foot drop.The canal at this point is being widenedabout 20 feet.

New river after having made a recptfdbreaking rise has receded rapidlvfintilnow the bridge is plainlyA'isih^T

Floren Groshen, of BraVfey, made aflyingtrip this week. He went overinto Mexico to look after his large acre-age there.

Calexico Callings

D.P. McDonald went to Yunia Sun-day with engine 1308. lie returnedMonday morning.

The brick work'on the new Methodistchurch was started last Wednesday.

Start right in the hog business bybuying some of those full-blood DurocJerseys fromPorter N. Furguson, Holt-ville, Cal

Professor Edward Hyatt of Riverside,was inattendance at the Teacher's In-stitute last week. The Professor is anold friend of the editor, we having

known himinRiverside for eight years.Mr.Hyatt has been Superintendent ofSchools of Riverside county for twelveyears, is always elected without opposi-tion, and is one of the best school menin the State of California.

*Wiiat made Milwaukee famous? The

Milwaukee Mowers and Rakes. C. W.Fernald, agent, Imperial.

Airs. J. H. Holland and her -littledaughter, Irma, returned recently froma trip toLos Angeles, whither.she wentto consult expert medical men regardingth« littlegirl's leg which was brokenin a runaway accident last sum-mer. She willreturn to Los An-geles soon and have the childoperatedon in an endeavor to overcome theinjury.

Fine 3*year-old mare, weight 1100 lbs.Price $85.00. Enquire of C. W. Fernald,

The entertainment of the ImperialMinstrels last Monday night was, uponthe whole, a very creditable perform-ance. The local talent is much encour-aged, and everyone is satisfied that withmore training the boys can stage a showthat witl rival a regular troupe, Wit-man, Parazette and Farnsworth weredecided successes in the comic line, andDyke's singing was splendid, as ital-ways is.

You won'thave to keep many hows toraise all the pigs you want if you willget a start of Durocs from Porter N.Ferguson, Holtville,Cal.

Wheat for your chickens. DesertGrain Co., Imperial.

Notice is hereby given that the under-signed citizen of the United States is inpossession of the tract of land describedas the S\V 1-4 of Sec. 11, T 15 S, R 14 E,S. B. M.,according to the survey madein 1900, by the Imperial Land company,and commonly called the Imperial sur-vey. The numbers properly describingthese lands according to the Land Officerecords, have been taken by other part-ies and applied to other lands, twomileseast from the lands occupied by thisclaimant, so itis impossible, at the pres-ent time to make any filingon this land.Ifurther declare that Ihave been inpossession of said land since February23d, 1900, and that there is no claim oroccupancy of or to said land in opposi-tion to mine. Ifurther declare that itis my bona ride intention to enter saidlaud as a desert plaim, as sooji as thesurvey of the townships in this part ofthe countrv, provided for in the Act ofCongress passed July Ist, 1902, Statutesat Large, Vol. 32, part 1, pace 728, shallbe completed, and the maps properlydescribing said land, filed in the UnitedStates Land Office at Los Angeles Calif.

Signed, C. B. Smitfi.Witnes*, I.L. AVilso.v

Dated at Imperial, Cal. March 1, 1900.


Notice is hereby given that the under-signed citizen of the United States is iiipossession of the tract of land joiningand lying immediately to south of theSVV 1-4 of Sec 31, T 15 S, It 15 K,S. B.M. Said tract of land is 100 rods fromeast to west and i(>o rods or less fromnorth to youth about to the widthofunsurveyed land lying between thellothwell survey on the north and theHenderson survey on the south, TheNKI-lofSecii, T 10, K 15 E. of thellothweH survey forms the easternboundary of said land. [ nlso certifytliat the above tract of land is unsnr*veyed and cannot be enteredby nuiiibt'i1and that to the best of my kn<Wled<re itis not claimed by anyone and that Ifurther certify that it is.;Juv^hona lideintention to enter naid ml^'vV described Iland under Hut UnitetlStuyeshotiu'sitead J

\ law as i\ luunestead as soon an lintnew i, survey of tUeVtj lands provided for byltlie Act of Congress dati\ July Ist,]

; UOli.StatutcH at large, Vol. SWiut IPage i! 7'.'.S, hhall bo completed tuiul the mapi of these hinds tiled in th« Iv S. Land

! Witness, tir.oncifcT HfL'itsKi:, »11 Dated March 1, 1000 m-JCa-7


Me^tMarketW. W. Mastcri has made

• arrangements to supplymeat to customers fromthe Hotel Franklin for thetime being. A meat shopwillbe arrange for shortlyby Mr.Masten.Fresh meat always on hand

Hotel Franklin,ElCentro, Cal.

j fitvo pool Rail! EL CENTRO, CAL.! We have opened our pool liall lit theI New Hotel El Centro, and will be

I pleased to see all our old frieuda, and to1 make as nianv new ones a*possible.

! A nice, quiet place to spend !! your leisure hour.

- '

Soft Drinks, Lemonade, ;

Cigars and Tobacco '\u25a0

HAWES &CASNER, Props, j1

' ;-\u25a0\u25a0 1

To Lease for 5 YearsAllof section 36 township 13S, Rl4 E, with water. Landis 3 1-2 miles east of Brawley,is very level, 'soft and good soil;could be planted to melons, al-falfa or grain. Address offersto the owner

. J. MCMULLIN^.rr:.

Union Building, San Diego.

JOHNSON & MUSSER SEED CO'S19,06 Catalogue Now Ready

Write for itNo. 113 N.MainSt., Los Angeles


'riED'DEN & HULLContractors of fnm&nt iKlfiPi:all kinds cf vvHlvlll IfUlA

FurnishedV'i Application^^ / .

IMPERIAL **«.-/'.-...,- —^cJiSj&^viariiiUu

WitmanThe Plumber

W ork Done all Over the ValleyEstimates Furnished

Phone 129 Imperial, Cal.

| EL CENTRO f|POOL ANDBILLIARD •.„.-t « PARLORS * J* • . *2* Finest Line of Cigars, Tobaccos and \u2666*

Soft Drinks Always On Hand :: ::*



Imperial Avev DairyJoe Giaccomazzi, Prop.

Fresh Milk delivered to anypart of the city of Imperialtwice daily.

G: ft FairbanksOpposite Post Offlet

Imperial, California.beeil and Poultry Supplies. Ctrsh paid «

for poultry and eggs.A complete line of Flower and Garden

Seeds. Onion Sets, Ect.Petaluma Incubators and Brooders,

Midland Poultry FoodInternational Stock Food

Ellwood Steel Fencing—

A perfect farmfence.

Ellwood Poultry Fencing— Tlie bestpoultry fence on tlie market.

Incubators in Operation on exhibitionat all time*

—Visitors welcome.

g d.Vgoldschmiedt SJ: Physician and Surgeon ftR Formerly of New York City, S

late of Knseiiadu, li. U., Mexico, |J*j has removed to and is now, per- \M tj*^ niiuiently located titSan Diego, Cal. t*

1 1^ OlHce and Uesideuce :till Fifth jj}I jn Stret't, Cor. 11., .Mi-liuick.vr>lock, XI*2 H«K)nia 1 and 2 . W

£J Ortice Hours: 10 to l'Ja. in/- 4 to.jjj Jri 0 |>. m.iSundays :10 to lsa, uu'Jt£ 01ll>'- • I '&E \u25a0 Teh-phones— Hv Day or >'%rht : a5> Sunset, Main, 638,. Home, IH.Or-$\u25a0! Kngli^h, Germitu 'and fl"

Ihave 320 acres more of schoolland north ofHoltvillethat Icansell at $6.00 an acre on terms. Ifyou have used all yourrights hereis a chance to get a piece ofdeededland. Bert R. Chaplin, Imperial, Cal.

"l 1"' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0n.-ii-'ni ; '.^'':

*!^;^.t^r..^^-.1-niir nil. —^»

j-El Centro Department |

.||| RoyL^. Rumsey, Proprietor §2>

H Great price reductions on our Silsbee 3

IHats, Shoes, Underwear 1

S|sj We must make room for the new stock which we have ordered in all p§

ggj Men's soc work shirts 35c m

H Men's $1.00 negligee shirts 75c IIP Men's Hats, Shoes and Underwear at great ||!? reductions Kg

ell Ci/OixiO' oncl s^c om* D£ll*q*£l.ihs in £loov£* m&

lines and at the same, time get a |||| billof groceries at less than usual mS3 prices .

• ;\u25a0 W
