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IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did...

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IMPERIALISM: Aim : Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled? Vocabulary : Imperialism, colony, sphere of influence, sepoys, Boxers
Page 1: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in

the areas that it controlled?

Vocabulary: Imperialism, colony, sphere of influence, sepoys,Boxers

Page 2: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


• Features of the Area:

• Steps in Imperialism:

• Country Imperialized:•  • Mother Country:•  • Years Imperialized:•  • Rebellions vs Imperialism and years:•  • Nationalistic Movements and people involved and Years:•   • Independence – Years and people involved and how achieved:

Page 3: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Imperialism - definition

• The policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony (control) over other nations

• Uses Industrial Revolution technology

Page 4: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


Q: What were the motives of imperialism in the 16th - 18th centuries? Latin America

Spain and Portugal –

1)gaining wealth through raw materials, gold and silver, and sugar and other cash crops

2)Missionary activity

Page 5: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

European motivation(The New Imperialism)

1) Economics (Biggest Reason) (Great Britain, Spain, France, Dutch, etc.)


-New Markets

-Investing Surplus Capital

2) Status (Germany)

3) Outlets for Population

4) Nationalism + Culture

5) European racism “Social Darwinism”

6) White Man’s Burden (Runyard Kipling)

7) Missionary Work

Page 6: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Nation-States that Imperialize others – 1840s - 1914

• Great Britain – largest Empire in history (“the sun never sets on the British Empire”) – 25%-35% of GNP

• Germany – wants status of Superpower• France – Declining superpower since Napoleon –

dominates SE Asia• USA – Emerging Superpower, Dominates Western

Hemisphere using the “Monroe Doctrine”• Russia – Declining Empire, behind in Technology, first

European Power to lose to an Asian power

• Japan – Emerging Asian power, Meiji Restoration gives it independence and indutrialization

Page 7: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Places Imperialized• China – shared by imperializing colonies (various – Opium Wars represent

Imperialism on “warp speed” because now Europeans are clearly most powerful in World) wealthiest colony with resources and large population for markets)

• Indian Peninsula (South Asia – Pakistan/India/Bangladesh) – wealthiest colony (Great Britain ONLY – wealthiest colony with resources and large population for markets)

• Middle East and North Africa – becomes important in 20th century with discovery of oil (Great Britain in Egypt, France in Northwest Africa), Suez Canal gives access to Indian Ocean trade circuit (India)

• Southeast Asia – Important for natural resources BUT not as important as China, India or Middle East (France – Indochine, USA – Philippines – from Spanish-American War 1899) (will not cover in powerpoint – not many questions on AP Exam)

• Latin America – Independent but NOT (USA –Monroe Doctrine / Roosevelt Corollary) small European colonies – ex: Falkland Islands

• Sub-Saharan Africa – last place imperialized (cannot explore “interior” Africa) and that gains independence (Scramble for Africa – last place imperialized)

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Concerning Imperialism

Page 9: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?
Page 10: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

The White Man’s Burden

Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden, 1899

Take up the White Man's burden--Send forth the best ye breed--Go bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives' need;To wait in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild--Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half-child.

Page 11: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Chicago Chronicle, 1900

USA Imperializes Philippines

Page 12: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

"Can the Missionary Reach This Old Savage?" Minneapolis Journal (March 23, 1901). The missionarydemands a retraction from Mark Twain of the parts of "To the Person Sitting in Darkness" that criticized missionary activities in China following suppression of the Boxer Rebellion.

Page 13: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Sub-Saharan Africa – late 1800s-late 1900s

• Features of the Area: Last place to be imperialized - Difficult to get to interior, extremely large area so we divide into North, West, Central, East and Southern Africa – little interaction between the areas

• Country Imperialized: All over, first along the coast (colonization – and slave trade), then by early 1900s into the interior

•  • Mother Country: Numerous “Scramble for Africa”

– British have largest holdings (especially South Africa and Egypt)•  • Rebellions vs Imperialism and years: Numerous/Various (example: Boer War)•  • Nationalistic Movements and people involved and Years: Various (Examples: Jomo

Kenyatta in East Africa and Nelson Mandela in Southern Africa)•   • Independence – Years and people involved and how achieved: Mostly after World War

II all the way to today

Page 14: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Devilfish in Egyptian Waters

Page 15: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

• 14 European nations lay down rules for division of Africa

• Rest of continent divided with little thought of linguistic and cultural concerns

• No Africans represented

• By 1914, only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free of European control

Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

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Page 17: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


Page 18: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Resistance in Africa

• Shaka applied sophisticated tactics and organization to Zulu resistance

Page 19: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

The Boer War 1899-1902

• Why was South Africa considered valuable by both the Afrikaners and the English?

Page 20: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

India – mid 1800s - 1947• Features of the Area: Highly populated (large markets), decentralized (lots of

kingdoms), Declining Mughal Dynasty in northern India, •  • Mother Country: Great Britain (becomes sole European power with defeat of France

in 7 Years War), First private company British East India Company colonized (example of Rober Clive), by late 1800s British Government takes over

•  • Rebellions vs Imperialism and years: Indian Mutiny (Sepoy Rebellion - 1857)•  • Nationalistic Movements and people involved and Years: Gains strength after WWI -

Indian National Congress, Mohandis Gandhi, Jawaralal Nehru (first Indian Prime Minister) and Muhammad Ali Jinnah (First Pakistan President)

•   • Independence – Years and people involved and how achieved: Partition of Indian

Mandate by British in 1947 after WWII (see above for leaders)

Page 21: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Q: How were the people of India affected British imperialism?

Page 22: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Rumor of religious blasphemy - An engraving titled "Sepoy Indian troops dividing the spoils after their mutiny against British rule" gives a contemporary view of events from the British perspective


Page 23: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

China – 1839-1911

• Features of the Area: Large area, large population, many natural resources and raw materials

•  Mother Country: Various (Spheres of Influence 1839-1899 then Open Door Policy supported by USA when all can go anywhere)


Rebellions vs Imperialism and years: Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion


• Nationalistic Movements and people involved and Years: Sun Yatsen, The Kuomintang - Chiang Kaishek


• Independence – Years and people involved and how achieved: Granted Republic status in 1911

Page 24: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


Page 25: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Qian Long: Letter to George III, 1793

Swaying the wide world, I have but one aim in view, namely, to maintain a perfect governance and to fulfill the duties of the State: strange and costly objects do not interest me. If I have commanded that the tribute offerings sent by you, O King, are to be accepted, this was solely in consideration for the spirit which prompted you to dispatch them from afar. Our dynasty's majestic virtue has penetrated unto every country under Heaven, and Kings of all nations have offered their costly tribute by land and sea. As your Ambassador can see for himself, we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country's manufactures.

Qian Long [Ch'ien Lung], (r. 1735-1795)

Page 26: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

Commissioner Lin: Letter to Queen Victoria, 1839

But, during the commercial intercourse which has existed so long, among the numerous foreign merchants… have seduced our Chinese people, and caused every province of the land to overflow with that poison. These then know merely to advantage themselves, they care not about injuring others!

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• (Article 6)“…the Emperor of China agrees to pay the sum of 12,000,000 of dollars, on account of the expenses incurred”

• (Article 3)”His Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, the Island of Hong-Kong, to be possessed in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty…”

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Page 30: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


Fei Ch'i-hao (A Chinese Christian) in 1900: “Late in July a proclamation of the Governor was posted in the city in which occurred the words, "Exterminate foreigners, kill devils." Native Christians must leave the church or pay the penalty with their lives. Li Yij and I talked long and earnestly over plans for saving the lives of our beloved missionaries.”

Empress Dowager Tsu Hsi

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Page 32: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


“…the President entertains the most friendly feelings toward Japan…With the Americans, as indeed with all Christian people, it is considered a sacred duty to receive with kindness, and to protect all, of whatever nation, who may be cast upon their shores…”

July 7, 1853

Page 33: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?


• "May it please your Majesty: In presenting my letters of credence from the President of the United States, I am directed to express to your Majesty the sincere wishes of the President for your health and happiness and for the prosperity of your dominions. I consider it a great honor that I have been selected to fill the high and important place of Plenipotentiary of the United States at the court of your Majesty, and as my earnest wishes are to unite the two countries more closely in the ties of enduring friendship, my constant exertions shall be directed to the attainment of that happy end."

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The Western Influence – Japan Industrializes in 50

YearsIn Japan – Meiji Restoration 1868-


Named after Meiji Emperor –

Ends Feudalism and Samurai culture

Page 35: IMPERIALISM: Aim: Did “New Imperialism” leave a legacy of ruins in the Afro-Asian world, or did it leave behind lasting benefits in the areas that it controlled?

In the Meiji period Japanese cabinet makers made ,for a short period also furniture for the export to the West in a Western style but with traditional Japanese and Chinese style carvings.

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Many watercolors during the Meiji and Taisho wereDone in a Western technique. Western art teachersTaught in Japan, including English WatercoloristCharles Wirgman.

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painting on silk Meiji period - late 19th century

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