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Date post: 03-May-2018
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Game Changer, Congratulations on making the choice to become the most productive person you know, and create massive breakthroughs as an Entrepreneur -- so this year becomes exceptional + legendary + the single greatest year of your life. Today is the beginning of your most productive and vibrant life. A world where you do what you love and express your gifts and talents while creating the life you dream of. My team and I created this master class with a ton of focus, dedication, and hard work so you truly receive information/strategies and tactics that change the game for you. Seriously. THE KEY: this program has created transformations of productivity, mindset, productivity, life+harmony and impact for so many people JUST LIKE YOU. But to get these results, you absolutely must DO THE WORK, and NOT validate mediocrity or shift back to bad habits.

Which brings me to how you can get the greatest results fromthe “The Entrepreneur Breakthrough Master Class"

Below I offer you the 8 Week Course Schedule for viewing the videos and listening to all the audios and bonuses. (I've even added some bonus audio programs to the bonus programs! Yes, I want to over-deliver for you).

The lessons will take place at very strategic intervals, designed to help you stay 100% focused and intentional over the next 8 weeks. The idea is that every week you study a video/audio module and make sure you’re focused on Mastery vs. Overload. Please watch the video modules at least 3 - 4 times. You want to wire the information and ideas into your brain so they become a way of being. And only repetition over a period of time will deliver that result to you. The Introduction Module - Module IV are available now. In 2 weeks the others will be available. The Modules are designed to help you master that subject and institute the precise rituals into your business and lifestyle. This program is about mastery not information overload as I explain below. This is the only way to become the most productive person you know, and master time management. Find a partner. Please. We will have a comments area under every video module. Participate. Share. Engage. You'll 10X your success. Accountability is a HUGE part of real success. Let’s welcome new members, and make them feel exceptional. We’re always welcome to new idea’s as well so feel free to reach out!

Mastery: The Secret of The World’s Greatest Achievers What sets us apart from any other program or online course is quite simple. We are focused on Mastery, not Information Overload. Let me explain... The Importance of Mastery Mastery is the highest form of accomplishment. It doesn’t require you to be perfect, but it does require you to pursue perfection. The only way to become successful is to master the fundamentals that are matched with your end results and goals. The problem with most people is they have so much information, they read books, go to conferences and seminars, but are so overwhelmed they take the wrong action, or even worst stay paralyzed. The immature learner wants to get as much information as they can as fast as they can, but you’ll usually find them broke, stressed, and lacking real progress. The mature mind is very deliberate with what they study and put in their mind. The achievers focus on listening to something until they’ve adopted it into their daily agenda, and seen their results improve. Then they move to the next skill that’s congruent w/ their goals and vision. Mastering new skills are not optional in today’s business environment and changing economy. In a fast-moving, competitive world, being able to learn new skills is one of the keys to success. It’s not enough to be smart — you need to always be getting smarter, and as you all know if you’re not growing forward, you’re falling behind. The only way to really hit those big goals you dream about is to grow into them. Even if you’re already making 6 figures, there is a lot more you can learn. Start Small: Real progress and self-improvement can feel overwhelming. Realize you can’t take on everything. If you do, you’ll never do it. Instead, choose one or two skills to focus on at a time, and break that skill down into manageable goals. Reflect Along The Way: To move from experimentation to mastery, you need to reflect on what you are learning. Otherwise the new skill won’t stick. Talking about your progress helps you get valuable feedback, keeps you accountable, and cements the change. Challenge Yourself to Teach it to Others: One of the quickest ways to learn something new, and to practice it, is to teach others how to do it. So share what you learn with your team, your manager, your co-workers, or even your customers. Be Patient: Too often, we approach a new skill with the attitude that we should nail it right out of the gate. The reality is that it takes much longer. It’s not going to happen overnight. It usually takes six months or more to develop a new skill, and it may take longer for others to see and appreciate it. People around you will only notice 10% of every 100% change you make.

Again, congratulations! Together, let's make this year your most productive year you’ve ever had. It’s Time to 10x Your Time Management & Productivity,

Peter Voogd

Let others overload themselves with random information, while you commit to mastery.

P.S. Make sure you’ve printed out the results guide below. It’s Game-time.

The Table Of Contents

Intro Module: The Framework And Success Orientation

Module 1: Absolute Clarity And Mastering The Inner Game Of Productivity

Module 2: Figuring Out The REAL Value Of Your Time,and Making Sure It’s Maximized, And Tactics On How To Consistently Increase It

Module 3: Customizing Your Millionaire Time Management System & Maximizing Your Weeks Part I

Module 4: Powerful & Purposeful Intention (Elite Level Planning) Part II

Module 5: The 4 levels of Impact and FOCUS, and How To Identify Your Highest Value Activities

Module 6: Getting Big Things Done, Maximizing Your Energy, and Creating More Autonomy and Freedom Than Ever Before

Module 7: How to Sustain Greatness Longterm, and Become The Best in The World at What You Do

Module 8: Wrapping Up and Bringing it All Together

**Exclusive Bonus Materials Also Available**

The Introduction ModuleThe Framework and Maximizing This Masterclass

Framework for Success

• Clarity

• Competence

• Confidence

• Coaching

• Commitment

Rookie Mistake: Too much information, not enough implementation. Thinking it’s the quantity of information vs. the quality.

What are your top 2 ideal outcomes?


Sell yourself on why you want to become productive? What’s your biggest why?


Module I: Gaining Absolute Clarity and Mastering The Inner Game of Productivity

Rookie Mistake: Taking action without real clarity or a proven action plan.

The 1 Page Productivity Plan:Truly productive people know the final result they are after and maintain acute clarity on it. Armed with this awareness, they reverse engineer this big goal into a series of small and actionable steps that they then put into a 1 page plan of execution.

What’s Your 6 Month Vision?


What are your top 3 core values?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________

What are your “BIG 5” for the next 6 months?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________

What are your 5 most compelling reasons to hit those goals and elevate your life?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________

What are your key behaviors and habits you must develop?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________

How much money are you currently making?

Monthly? ____________ Total Saved? ____________

What feelings are you experiencing? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are your top 2 Ambition Killers and how are you going to prevent them from affecting your productivity?

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________


In what ways have you been sabotaging yourself?


What are 3 things you can do to stop sabotaging yourself?


Implementation Plan

• Complete Reverse Engineering Exercise

• Get 3 Copies of Your 1 Page Productivity Plan Laminated at Look them Daily

• Stop Sabotaging Yourself

Module II: Figuring Out The REAL Value of YOUR Time, Making Sure it’s Maximized, and Tactics on How to

Consistently Increase It.How Much Is Your Time Worth?

“If you don’t know what your time is worth, you can’t expect the world to know either.”

Understanding The REAL Value of Your Time:

This is a simple but powerful exercise that will add massive value to your worth.  Here’s why it’s important:

• You will know and understand the value of your time and therefore every time you work on a project you will put that amount of value into it, regardless of what it is.

• You will choose carefully the projects you take on to ensure that it is worthy of your time, and yields big results.

• Understanding the value of your time will develop your understanding and respect for the value of others time.

• You won’t waste time and you will choose your actions more carefully and intentionally. Also other people will start to understand and respect the value of your time at a deeper level.

Start with this: What are the main reasons you want to increase the value of your time? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Calculating The Value Of Your Time

1. What do you want to earn this year? (Aim high, within reason.) $_____________

2. How many days do you plan to work this year? ______________

3. Hours you plan to work a day ______________

4. Multiply lines 2 and 3 to get your total annual hours ______________

5. Divide line 1 by line 4 to get your base hourly rate $_____________

6. Productivity multiple (which is 3 if you use the 1/3 suggestion) ________

7. Multiply lines 5 and 6 to get your rate per productive hour $_____________

What’s Your Number? __________. This is the most important number to conceptualize if you’re serious about productivity.

How To Make Your Time More Valuable

“The More Your Protect Your Time, The More Valuable It Becomes”

Choose To – Making a DEFINITE DECISION Your Expertise – What you know, mastered, and gotten results in Skill – What you do Productivity – What you get done Efficiency – How you get done what you get done Organization/Multiplication – How you get things done by means other than manual labor Influence – What you can get others to get done Relationships – Who you know (Do they challenge you & stretch your thinking?) Celebrity Status – How well you are known by your target audience Reputation – What others know and think about you Vision – What you see, that others don’t Personality – How you treat others, and how well you connect Attitude – Your attitude towards yourself, and towards others


Bulletproof Implementation Plan 1. Post your # at least 3 places that you can see daily • ____________________• ____________________• ____________________

2. Choose only 3 from above to improve on, and once mastered move to another 3.

What’s the 1st one? ________________________ Whats 1 action you are going to take starting today to increase your value in that area? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Whats the 2nd one? ________________________ Whats 1 action you are going to take starting today to increase your value in that area? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Whats the 3rd one? ________________________ Whats 1 action you are going to take starting today to increase your value in that area? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Complete the Start Stop Continue Exercise, and put in 60 minutes in 30 days to repeat. The first action you’re going to take is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

“If YOU Don’t Respect Your Time, Nobody Else Will Either”

Module III: Customizing Your Millionaire Time Management System, & Maximizing Your Weeks Part I

Rookie Mistake: Working without a proven system, taking random acts of action, and starting the week without it written on paper first. Download the Customizable Weekly Masterplan (In Bonus Section) What are the 5 “P’s” to 10x growth?

1. ________________________________2. ________________________________3. ________________________________4. ________________________________5. ________________________________

Step 1: Weekly Summary: Invest your past experience into your future preparation. What are you 100% committed to make happen this week? What are you most excited about? Top 6 wins from last week? Who are you waiting on and who do you need? What’s Your Most Valuable Profit Producing Activity? __________________________________________________________________ Whats Your Most Important Non “Negotiable? __________________________________________________________________ What are the 5 things you should put in your schedule?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________

Bulletproof Implementation Plan:

• Customize Your Weekly Masterplan 

• BLOCK OFF 60-90 Minutes The Next 4 Weeks

• Put Time Limits Of Each Activity

Module IV: Customizing Your Millionaire Time Management System, and Maximizing Your Weeks Part II

Rookie Mistake: Doing things that don’t accelerate growth and just “maintain” at best.

The more you protect your time, the more VALUABLE it becomes.

The 4 Ways to Protect Your Time

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

How does the “Touch It Once” policy work?


What is the 60 - 20 - 60 rule?


Bullet Proof Implementation Plan

• Protect Your Time and Create Boundaries

• Be 100% Present & Increase Your Time in The Zone

• Master The Inbox and Only Touch It Once! 

• Complete the 60 - 20 - 60 Activity and Track for 7 Days

Module V: How To Achieve Peak Productivity Consistently, While Focusing On YOUR Highest Value

Activities Rookie Mistake: Letting up or validating when stressed vs. working harder and more intelligently What did you discover by tracking the first 120 of each day?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some ways you are going to recover from stress?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are top YOUR activities that need to be delegated?

1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________

What are YOUR highest value activities that need you need to spend more time on?

1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________

Bulletproof Implementation Plan: • Continue Tracking Your Morning Productivity

• Define Your Stress Recovery Tactics

• Delegate Your No Value/Low Value

• Add Your High Dollar/High Lifetime to Your 60 - 20 - 60

Module VI: Getting Big Things Done, Increasing Your Energy, & Creating More Autonomy Than Ever Before

Rookie Mistake: Continuing To Work In The Business and Not On The Business What are your top 2 reasons to get bigger things done?

1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________

What are the 5 Hidden Gems of Optimized Productivity?

1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________

Create YOUR ideal morning routine below: (Ideal 60 Minutes)

1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________

Your next 4 vacations will be :_________,__________,_________,_________ Proud of Grateful for Excited about Results

________________ ________________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _______________

In order to reach new heights of productivity you must be ok with not _______________ to people. Bulletproof Implementation Plan: • Figure Out You 2 Strongest Reasons

• Define Your Ideal Prize Fighter Routine

• Play Your Next 4 Mini Vacations

• Complete the Refocus 4 Activity

Module VII: How to Create and Sustain Greatness, While Becoming The Best at What You Do

Achiever Mistake: Reaching a certain level and getting complacent, while letting up on studying and learning. What is the area of your business where you should be shooting for 10x growth?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was your biggest takeaway from the interview with Chris Ducker?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Create your 3 lists to Freedom below: List 1: List 2: List 3: Bulletproof Implementation Plan: • Pick Your 1 Billionaire Habit to Master

• Focus on Legacy over Currency 

• Figure out Who You Need NEXT

• Create a Timeline for Delegating

Module VIII: Wrapping Up and Bringing It All Together. The 30 Day ALL-IN Challenge!

Achiever Mistake: Trying to do too much at once, and slipping back into old habits. (Not obsessed) Pick 1 action step from each of the previous modules.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

4. 8.

Pick your top 2 most impactful and result focused action steps that will make the biggest difference in your life and business.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

Start working on your #1 ASAP. Schedule 60 minutes next 30 days to work on #2.

Date ________

What 3 things are you going to eliminate that drain energy?

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________

What 3 things are you going to increase that increases progress and grows confidence?

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________

Bulletproof Implementation Plan

• Pick Your Top 2 Actions

• Complete The Growth & Progress Activity

• Start Your 14 day ALL-IN Challenge

Guest Speaker Questionnaire “Success Rewards Implementation NOT

Knowledge” Featured Guest ____________________ Date Listening ____________________ Notes From The Call__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What Were Your 3 Biggest Breakthroughs or Perspective Shifters?

1. ______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________

What’s The 1-2 Big Actions or Ideas You’re Going To Start Implementing RIGHT AWAY? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Would This Do For Your Life and Business? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
