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Implementing HB 5 in Humble ISD

Date post: 19-Jan-2016
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Implementing HB 5 in Humble ISD. House Bill 5. Has been passed by both the House and Senate with differences Will go to a Conference Committee to iron out the differences Must be signed by the Governor before becoming law. Key Components of HB 5. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Implementing HB 5 in Humble ISD

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Implementing HB 5 in Humble ISD

The 83rd Texas Legislature is in the process of passing House Bill 5 which contains sweeping changes to the Texas Education Code. 1House Bill 5Has been passed by both the House and Senate with differencesWill go to a Conference Committee to iron out the differencesMust be signed by the Governor before becoming law

The bill has been passed by both the House and the Senate but there are differences between the two versions which must be ironed out before becoming a law.2Key Components of HB 5Will allow greater flexibility in the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) with endorsements

Will expand available CTE courses that will satisfy the requirements for endorsements

House Bill 5 adds a brand new graduation plan, called the Foundation High School Program, or FHSP, and encourages students to earn career pathway endorsements on their diplomas. 3Key Components of HB 5House VersionSenate VersionWill reduce End-of-Course exam requirements Algebra IBiologyUS HistoryEnglish II ReadingEnglish II WritingAlgebra IBiologyUS HistoryEnglish I (R+W)English II (R+W)

A very popular part of HB 5 is a reduction in the number of End-of-Course exams required. Students in Cohorts 2015, 2016, and beyond currently must take and pass 15 EOC exams. Both the House version and the Senate version of HB 5 require only 5 exams for graduation regardless of the graduation plan the student selects.4The new FHSPThe core requirements will likely be:4 English4 Math (to include Alg I and Geom)4 Science (to include Bio)3 Social Studies (to include US History, Govt, and Econ)

Students will be strongly encouraged to earn an endorsement which may include CTE and specific math and science courses

More details to come once the bill is law

Students currently in high school (and possibly current 8th graders) may graduate on the graduation plans now in place (MHSP, RHSP, DAP) or may choose the FHSP

The new Foundation High School Program will allow for much more flexibility in scheduling courses for each student. Until HB 5 emerges as a law, we have limited information. In general, the graduation plan will include 4 years of English, 4 years of Math, 4 years of Science, 3 years of Social Studies, and other specific requirements. English and math will be similar to the current Recommended High School Program, but science will offer students more choice. The current RHSP requires biology, chemistry, and physics, but the new FHSP will allow students to take other advanced sciences after biology. Social Studies will see a reduction from 4 required courses to three. Because of the differences among the two versions of HB 5, we dont know exactly what it will take to earn specific endorsements and will let you know as soon as the information becomes available.

The current graduation programs, Minimum, Recommended, and Distinguished Achievement, will be phased out over time. 5So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSP graduation plan? Students Cohort Year**Student Could Drop**Student Could AddCohort 2014 **FHSP may not go into effect until 2014-15 school yearPhysicsAny advanced scienceVery important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP

Students have already selected courses for next year based on their current graduation program. As soon as the new FHSP goes into effect, Humble ISD wants our students to be able to select the new graduation program if they so desire.

IF the Foundation High School Plan goes into effect immediately, current juniors in Cohort 2014 may be able to drop Physics for next year and take another advanced science course in its place. Dropping physics will mean moving completely over to the FHSP which may add certain requirements that are not currently on the Recommended Plan. Watch for more information as HB 5 becomes a law.

6So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSP graduation plan? Students Cohort YearStudent Could DropStudent Could AddCohort 2015(current 10th graders)Chemistry or Physics Any advanced scienceAlgebra 2Math ModelsVery important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP

If choosing to graduate on the FHSP, current 10th grade students in Cohort 2015 will be able to drop Chemistry or Physics for next year and replace it with any advanced science. For a list of advanced science courses, log into Bridges, go to your four year course plan, and edit the fourth science block. Cohort 2015 students may also choose to take Math Models next year, then Algebra 2 in their senior year.

7So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSP graduation plan? Students Cohort YearStudent Could DropStudent Could AddCohort 2016(current 9th graders)World HistoryAnother Social Studies or an electiveChemistryIPCVery important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP

Except for Humble High School students, current 9th graders in Cohort 2016 will need 3 years of Social Studies on the new FHSP. Because they completed World Geography this year, they will need only to complete US History, then one-half credit each of Government and Economics. If a current 9th grader chooses the new FHSP graduation plan, he or she may forego World History next year and take a different Social Studies course or an elective in its place.

Students attending Humble High School participate in the Middle Years Programme for International Baccalaureate and must take a Humanities course in both 9th and 10th grade so Humble High Cohort 2016 students may take World History or another social studies course in 10th grade. Also, students in Cohort 2016 may choose to take IPC next year instead of Chemistry. Please keep the students career pathway in mind when making these selections.

8So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSP graduation plan? Students Cohort YearStudent Could DropStudent Could AddCohort 2017(current 8th graders)World GeographyWorld History or an electiveVery important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP

Except for those going to Humble High School, current 8th grade students in Cohort 2017 may choose between World Geography and World History or may choose to forego social studies until the 10th grade on the new Foundation High School Program. For a list of elective courses, log into Bridges, go to your four year course plan, and edit the elective or CTE block. Humble High School Cohort 2017 students may choose World Geography or World History in 9th grade on the FHSP.

9So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSP graduation plan? Students Cohort YearStudent Could DropStudent Could AddCohort 2014 **FHSP may go into effect 2014-15 school yearPhysicsAny advanced scienceCohort 2015Chemistry or Physics Any advanced scienceAlgebra 2Math ModelsCohort 2016World HistoryAnother Social Studies or an electiveChemistryIPCCohort 2017World GeographyWorld History or an electiveVery important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP

It is important to remember that a student can NOT mix graduation plans. If a student chooses the new FHSP, she or he must complete ALL requirements of the FHSP, not just the core classes.10When Considering FHSP . . .Think about the students chosen pathwayWhich science & math courses will be needed?Think about which college/university the student plans to attendWhich science & math courses are required for admission and/or chosen major?Realize we dont know all the details of the FHSPWill the student have an opportunity to complete all the requirements of the FHSP?

When considering whether to switch to the Foundation High School Program, think about your chosen career pathway. Which science and math courses are necessary in order to be successful in that particular career?

Consider also which college or university you plan to attend. Some institutions of higher learning require certain high school math & science courses in order to be admitted. Some math & science courses may not be required for admission but are required for students choosing certain majors.

Its important to understand that we simply do not know everything about the FHSP at this time. Once we do, we will certainly pass the information on to you. 11Student Procedure for Course Changes1. Review next years requested courses on the attached verification sheet.2. Go to www.bridges.com Portfolio Name = humble + your student ID (ex: humble123456)Password = your student ID (ex: 123456)Click Choices PlannerClick the green your portfolio tab near the top, then click YOUR PLANSScroll down to the purple Your School Course Plan3. If you wish to remain on your current graduation plan, make certain that next years planned courses in Bridges match those on your attached course verification sheet. If they dont match, edit the Bridges planned courses.

Students currently in grades 8 through 11 across the district will be given the same opportunity to change graduation plans. In order to do this, the following events are occurring on every secondary campus:

Student will have received a verification sheet containing course selections for next year, will have watched a voice-over power point in class on Tuesday, May 28th, and will have been given an instruction sheet for course changes.

Students should log into Bridges and make certain next years planned courses are accurate. This can be done from any computer with internet connection.

124. If you wish to graduate on the new Foundation High School Plan (FHSP), make the appropriate potential changes in Bridges. Write the same changes on your course verification sheet, have a parent sign it, and return that sheet to your counselor by Friday, May 31. We will make these changes once HB 5 becomes a law. Remember: The FHSP may have other course requirements that are not currently in your graduation plan. You will be informed of those requirements as soon as we know them. Please watch for new videos on our district website, www.humbleisd.net. Student Procedure for Course Changes*Students receiving services through Special Education may need to have course changes approved by an ARD Committee.Course Plans in Bridges will be locked again June 3rd. If you wish to make changes after that date, contact your campus to speak with a counselor.

If you wish to graduate on the new FHSP graduation plan and change course requests, make the changes in Bridges, then write the changes on the verification sheet, get a parent signature, and return it to your counselor.

Students receiving services through Special Education will need to have certain course changes approved by an ARD Committee.

Contact a high school campus counselor if you have questions.13Communicating with ParentsParents can view the power point onlineTwo evening meetings for parents will be held on each campus during the summerCounselors will be available during summer work hours on each HS campus to answer questionsInformation letters will be sent home with report cardsPower point for FHSP onlineHow to request changesParent meetings dates/timesHow to schedule appt with counselor

The voice-over power point has been posted on every high school website and on the district website so parents can be informed. In addition, each campus will present the new graduation plan during two separate evening meetings this summer. Counselors will be available on each high school campus Mondays through Thursdays throughout the summer to answer questions and work with parents and students. All this information will be sent home in a letter with the end-of-year report cards.14Help us help you!Turn in course change requests on time

Check www.humbleisd.net often for updates

Make an appointment to talk with a high school counselor if needed

Rather than waiting until the last minute before school starts in August, Humble ISD is taking a proactive approach in preparing for the Foundation High School Program. You can help by turning in course change requests in a timely manner so your campus can move forward in planning the master schedule.

Please check the Humble ISD website often this summer to get updates on House Bill 5 and the graduation plan changes.

Feel free to call your high school campus and make an appointment with a high school counselor to discuss the new graduation plan implications for your situation.

