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Implementing Serial Solutions ERMS, OpenURL and federatd search solutions t UCD

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Paper given at IUISC conference, Ireland, 2007
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Leabharlann UCD An Colaiste Ollscoile Belfield Baile Atha Cliath 4. UCD Library University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4. IUISC 2007 Electronic resource management (ERMS), OpenURL and Cross-Search implementation Claire Moran & Ros Pan UCD Library
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Leabharlann UCDAn Colaiste OllscoileBelfieldBaile Atha Cliath 4.

UCD LibraryUniversity College DublinBelfieldDublin 4.

IUISC 2007

Electronic resource management (ERMS), OpenURL and Cross-Search implementation

Claire Moran & Ros PanUCD Library

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IUISC 2007

Presentation summary

• Background to the projects

• ERMS Electronic Resource Management System – progress and objectives

• Article Linker and Central Search products

• Final conclusions

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IUISC 2007

The pilot projects• UCD currently has 3 related projects running to

implement 3 products:

• ERMS Electronic Resource Management System, believe may be first in Ireland

• ArticleLinker, the OpenURL solution

• Central Search, the cross-search product

• All these products are pilots running for 1 year and then due to be reviewed

• All of them have been purchased from Serials Solutions

• All will be fully in place for academic session Sept 2007

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Our overall aims with these projects

• All the projects are trying to address the realities of the digital information world that libraries find themselves in

• ERMS is an attempt to bring the management of those resources for which we pay up to scratch in comparison with management of print collections

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Our overall aims with these projects

• Article Linker and Central Search are both attempts to improve the ease with which users can DISCOVER resources and ACCESS them

• They are both modes of discovery, which are attempting to re-launch our abstracting and indexing databases on the one hand, to include search of these alongside other resources (Central Search), and once result sets are found to make the awareness and use of all available full text much easier than at present (Article Linker)

• Both are Library attempts to add value for users

• Hope for increased use of A&I databases and of full text journals

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Serials Solutions – why?• UCD Library has subscribed to the Serials Solutions e-journals

management and listing product for some years – a very important factor in our choice

• We have been satisfied with the company www.serialssolutions.com

• Remote hosting has not been a problem for us

• The lack of hardware and software maintenance and IT skills requirement locally has been important to us

• The rigidities and limitations of a remotely hosted solution are something we are used to and can deal with

• The products are relatively inexpensive

• With the Knowledge Base of e-journal holdings in Serials Solutions it was an obvious step to purchase the OpenURL solution from the same company and integration of the other 2 products also has some advantages

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The starting point – ARMS A-Z e-journal listing in place for some years

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The starting point – AMS A-Z e-journal listing in place for some years

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Leabharlann UCDAn Colaiste OllscoileBelfieldBaile Atha Cliath 4.

UCD LibraryUniversity College DublinBelfieldDublin 4.

IUISC 2007


The ERMS project team:

Ailish Brady, Claire Moran, Fiona Tipple

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• One-stop-shop back-office management system needed

• Serials Solutions already had large proportion of our knowledgebase

• Initially a 2 month trial October-November 2006

• We chose sample of 10 products

• Decided not to include individual journal titles

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• January 2007 a 1 year Pilot began

• Arduous task of data entry – adding information on each individual product

• This is an ongoing project

• Once backlog of data entry is completed – system should run smoothly

• Information has to be added to 4 separate modules: General; Administration; Licences & Statistics

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ERMS - Advantages

• One-stop-shop for e-resource management

• Contacts only need to be added once

• Alerts for product renewals, newly subscribed resources and resources on trial

• Add other staff, administrative, liaison librarians to receive alerts

• Log administrative and end-user login details in one place

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ERMS: Disadvantages

• Time consuming data entry initially

• Not all Databases are there (SS are adding these all the time

• No cost module at present (coming later 2007)

• Statistics module provides only access information (add-on COUNTERcounter may be available in Summer 2007)

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Leabharlann UCDAn Colaiste OllscoileBelfieldBaile Atha Cliath 4.

UCD LibraryUniversity College DublinBelfieldDublin 4.

IUISC 2007

Article Linker

The OpenURL project team:

Ros Pan, Anne Vernet, Claire Moran, Eoin McCarney

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Article Linker• Purchased all the products late 2006

• Tentatively switched on OpenURL in CSA Dec 12th

• We sent our initial configuration requirements to SS Dec 21st

• By February 23rd all problems with the first configuration ironed out – may well want to make some changes to that set-up

• We have re-branded the product as find it @ UCD Library

• We have OpenURL switched on in: CSA databases, Ebsco databases, Google Scholar, DNB and ORO - Windows live academic search is due

• We had staff meetings in February to make people aware of the product and seek their feedback on various decision points we have to make next – excellent feedback informing next stages of the project

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Article Linker DEMO 1• Can customise branding

• Can customise style of citation – we have brief APA style

• Can decide the order of the holdings columns

• Can decide if custom links or extra links other than e-journal full text should be shown on all records or only if there is no full text

• Can decide what sort of custom links you want

• Can decide if we should stop at a summary screen for users or set up to just take them straight through to one of the full text providers for that article with no intervening summary of holdings screens

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Demo – Ebsco results screen

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No choice of local button

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Journal article – we have full text

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Journal article – we have no full text

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Book – we have no full text

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Article Linker DEMO 2 – starting point in full text

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Article Linker Issues• A lot of the links to full text cannot be provided at the Article

level, so some manual navigation down from the journal title page is still needed

• A number of important abstracting and indexing databases do not support OpenURL so we cannot switch on this facility at all

• If we have full text but it is in a database-type product and not listed as a discrete journal title in the Knowledge Base the system tells users we have no full text e.g. databases built from Newspapers

• A couple of major aspects of the package that we don’t like to put forward as enhancement requests

• A number of straightforward errors have been found where Article level links are shown but do not provide links to Articles (CUP, MD Consult)

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Next phases of the project 1 – set up• Consider staff feedback on forms and mails

• Making any changes to buttons, name etc

• Any other changes to wording – e.g. headings of the 3 columns of data may be better worded

• May be able to alter the actual links to Article, Journal, Issue, Volume in terms of the text used there – full text suggested rather than Article is an example

• Need for more sophisticated custom links, with e.g. same catalogue searches badged differently for different types of record:search for this book by ISBNsearch for print copy of this journal by ISSN

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Next phase of project 2 - testing• Test how all the main full text providers perform

– Article level links provided?– Sail straight through or nasty intervening screens like Ebsco?– How does it go off-campus

• Alter the priority list on the basis of results

• Test how it works on public access machines in the libraries

• Test Google Scholar further

• Test how the moving wall behaves

• Test the citation searcher stand-alone tool

• Decide if we want this and if so where to put in links

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Stand alone article level discovery tool

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Linking to targets – Article levels links

•Elsevier ScienceDirect•SpringerLink•SwetsWise•Blackwell Synergy•Institute of Physics•JSTOR•Nature Publishing Group•American Physical Society•MD Consult•Wilson Omnifile•American Medical Association•Annual Reviews•BMJ Journals

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Linking to targets – Article levels? NO

•Wiley Interscience•Oxford Journals Online•Westlaw•Sage•ACM Digital Library•SIAM Journals•Royal Society of Chemistry•American Chemical Society•WorldSciNet

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Next phase of the project 3 – errors and enhancements

• Finish our local database to log errors, configuration changes and enhancement requests we want and

• Send errors regularly to Serials Solutions

• Send enhancement requests to Serials Solutions

• Raise with Serials Solutions those products not supported as sources and with the companies directly (IUISC, UKSG etc)

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Next phase of the project 4 – going live

• Switch on in full text databases IF we think it is useful

Can now try it in DNB and ORO

• Consider the launch date of the product again – bring it forward? August too late for publicity leaflets etc

• Test out on a group(s) of our users

• Switch on other Abstracting and Indexing databases

• Assess the publicity materials needed and prepare these – possibly combining with Cross-search

• Ensure that all existing guides, website pages, information skills trainers make required changes in documentation and presentation

• Publicise and do a launch if thought a good idea – probably combining with Cross-search

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Leabharlann UCDAn Colaiste OllscoileBelfieldBaile Atha Cliath 4.

UCD LibraryUniversity College DublinBelfieldDublin 4.

IUISC 2007

Central Search

The Central Search project team:

Ros Pan, Anne Vernet, Etain Deenihan, Josh Clark, Clare Duggan, Ailish Brady

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Central Search

• Building clusters of subscription, free, A&I, full text products which are automatically searched in one operation and the user gets one results set

• We have paid for 100 products to be turned on across all of our clusters

• Remotely hosted so Serials Solutions do all the coding to make each product work

• Initial work for us is :What subject and other clusters do we wantTherefore what is the initial list of products to switch on for UCD

• And a modest amount of screen configuring on worksheets, much less than with Article Linker

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“a powerhouse combo of a federated search engine enhanced by Vivisimo's clustering technology …. This will make most library patrons appreciate the quality and variety of information and the guidance on offerings from their libraries.” Red Orbit Breaking News Jan 07


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Central Search – how it will look

• Add picture of subject cluster screen

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Central Search – the pre-built clusters

• A mixed “Quick Start” cluster

• A cluster including all of our main full text journal publishers and aggregators

• A ready-reference grouping of key reference resources

• Subject clusters in: Business, Law, Physics, Geology and Computer Science

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Central Search – the pre-built clusters• We then picked the products we ideally wanted in

each of these clusters

• Bibliographic Services project person with assistance matched these against the master Excel listing provided by Serials Solutions and you end up with:

• Marked up list of those products supported that we want switched on PLUS

• A list of the products we want included that Serials Solutions have not yet coded up – they will report to us those they can do for us and those that simply will not work

• Looks like about 70 will be ready to go and 30 missing – how many of those 30 can be coded up at all???

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Directory of Open Access Journals


Science Direct journals

SwetsWise Online Content

Wiley Interscience Journals

Academic Search Premier

WOK Web of Science Arts & Humanities Citation Index

WOK Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index

Digital Dissertations

Business Source Premier


Accounting & Tax Database

Banking Information Source

European Business ASAP

Emerald Journals

InfoTrac Databases Product List

Index to Theses


LexisNexis Professional


Factfinder - the Irish information source

Global Market Information Database

Investext Select

MarketLine Business Information Center

Irish Newspapers Archives

FORFAS website

MINTEL Reports

WARC database

Ideal Business cluster

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Central Search – next steps

• Submit list of products to switch on

• Submit configuration sheets on screen layout etc

• Wait 6-8 weeks for the company to get this all set up for us

• TEST IT OUT – how it works, speed of it, results sets, how these compare to searching the native interfaces

• Library staff meetings and demos and feedback

• Consider how to embed the subject searches into portals and web pages for each subject – an API is available and we can completely re-design the screens in the future

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Central Search – likely issues

• A lot of key databases in some subject areas are not supported

• How “poor” will the result sets be in comparison to searching each database separately?

• Will the speed be very slow if you put together very large sets of products to cross-search? Looks like vertical search engine but got to do all the searches on the fly

• And how to market the product – conservative or radical replacement approach?

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Conservative approach – an extra possibility

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Radical approaches – replace catalogue search, replace individual database listings

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Final concluding points

• It is all a work in progress, will be able to make fuller report at a later stage

• NONE of these products is integrated with the TALIS LMS.

• If these add-ons come with the LMS you have, there are obvious added benefits to be gained from that to consider

• If you spend €800,000 pa on electronic resources then it is worth spending around 4-5% extra to get a great increase in awareness and use of them

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• Title: Canute rules the waves?: Hope for e-library tools facing the challenge of the “Google generation”

Author(s): Martin Myhill Journal: Program: electronic library and information systems http://www.emeraldinsight.com/10.1108/00330330710724854

• Title: MetaGoogle! Using MetaLib to deliver user-centred information services at LoughboroughAuthor: Frank ParryPresentation: ALISS August 2006http://www.lse.ac.uk/library/other_sites/aliss/23augustparry.ppt
