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IMPLEMENTING THE VISION NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025 1500 University Drive Carlsbad NM 88220 575.234.9200 carlsbad.nmsu.edu CARLSBAD

IMPLEMENTING THE VISIONNMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan2019 – 2025

1500 University DriveCarlsbad NM 88220575.234.9200carlsbad.nmsu.edu


1NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025


NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan2019-2025

NMSU Carlsbad Mission

The mission of New Mexico State

University Carlsbad is to provide students

the resources necessary for them to fulfill

their educational potential so that they may

help meet the needs of the community as

well-trained, well-educated, and productive


NMSU Carlsbad Vision

NMSU Carlsbad, a diverse and community-

centered institution dedicated to excellence

and student success through transformative



Goal 1: DiversityBe a model of student, faculty, and staff diversity at all levels

3NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To ensure that NMSU faculty, staff, and student demographics reflect state and regional demographics.

Strategy 1: Increased recruitment of Hispanic faculty and staff members

• Action 1: Increased attention to advertising

• Action 2: Increased attention to job description narratives

Strategy 2: Increased recruitment of Hispanic, Black, and Native American students

• Action 1: Assessment and improvement of recruiting materials

• Action 2: Participation in more off-site recruiting visits

Strategy 3: Research and implement best practices in minority student involvement

• Action 1: Research best practices details• Action 2: Implement best practices into

NMSU Carlsbad culture

KP1: Diversity of faculty and student populations

Objective 2: To ensure that campus events reflect the diversity represented on the NMSU Carlsbad campus.

Strategy 1: Enhancement of cultural events for each represented ethnicity

• Action 1: Description of ethnic events• Action 2: Improvement of events calendar

Strategy 2: Increased advertising of cultural events• Action 1: Implementation of email/text

messages to all students• Action 2: Implementation of flyers, radio,

and social media to advertise events

KP2: Listing of cultural events

Objective 3: To ensure that all NMSU Carlsbad policies and procedures support excellence, access, and a commitment to diversity.

Strategy 1: Enhancement of student admission practices

• Action 1: Identify issues that are barriers to students

• Action 2: Review course and program advising procedures

Strategy 2: Identify issues related to special populations

• Action 1: Review students with special needs policies

• Action 2: Review building adaptability for students with special needs

Strategy 3: Enhance the image of NMSU Carlsbad within the community and county

• Action 1: Identify the needs of businesses, schools, and industries

• Action 2: Enhance campus-wide participation in community events

KP3: Admission standardsKP4: ADA compliance initiatives


Goal 2: Graduation – Teaching, Learning, and Academic ProgramsProvide effective academic programs, stellar teaching and learning, and enhanced student engagement to advance highly capable graduates

5NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To ensure that NMSU Carlsbad’s academic processes support student learning and faculty development.

Strategy 1: Incorporate student success strategies into all courses and programs of study

• Action 1: Implementation of best practices in student success

• Action 2: Continuous analysis of achieved results on a campus-wide basis

Strategy 2: Provide academic and financial support for faculty development

• Action 1: Continuing funding of professional development for campus

employees• Action 2: Continuing practice of

professional development reporting days

Strategy 3: Continue to enhance supplemental academic success initiatives

• Action 1: Continue to enhance the “Summer Bridge” initiatives for underprepared students

• Action 2: Continue to enhance developmental education programs of study

KP5: Student success reports in all programs of study

Objective 2: To provide a supportive environment for NMSU Carlsbad students.

Strategy 1: Enhance the first-year college experience for students

• Action 1: Enhance intervention initiatives• Action 2: Implement best practices in

orientation processes

Strategy 2: Enhance college activity offerings for students

• Action 1: Increased on-campus activities• Action 2: Ensure a welcoming atmosphere

for students

Strategy 3: Enhanced recognition of graduating and completing students

• Action 1: Increased advertising of graduating students

• Action 2: Enhanced development of articulation initiatives

KP6: Campus orientation reports Objective 3: To ensure that NMSU Carlsbad admission policies, allocation of resources, and enrollment management processes support student success and completion.

Strategy 1: Effectively use marketing to promote academic initiatives

• Action 1: Enhanced program advertising processes

• Action 2: Enhanced recognition of student success initiatives

Strategy 2: Ensure that appropriate technology is provided for campus entities

• Action 1: Implementation and updates to the campus technology plan

• Action 2: Survey best practices in technology to determine needed

updates and innovations

Strategy 3: Analyze admission policies for all NMSU Carlsbad programs of study to determine needs for modification

• Action 1: Further study of entry standards for specialized programs

• Action 2: Analysis of advising processes and career services to ensure student needs are satisfied

KP7: Campus technology plan report


Goal 3: RegionalizationEffectively prepare students for their roles in a changing regional landscape

7NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To increase campus recruitment of regional students.

Strategy 1: Increased advertising of educational opportunities

• Action 1: Brochure production in Spanish

• Action 2: Increased advertising of all college program offerings

Strategy 2: Increased housing opportunities for students

• Action 1: Study campus housing provisions

• Action 2: Work with local realtors to develop affordable housing plan

Strategy 3: Increased diversity of course offerings and methodologies

• Action 1: Increased online course offerings to diverse student populations

• Action 2: Initiate flexible course scheduling options

KP8: Campus housing initiativesKP9: Online course offerings/course schedules

Objective 2: To provide an in-depth scope of activities that recognizes the culture of other countries and ethnicities.

Strategy 1: Maintain campus cultural appreciation activities

• Action 1: Focus on International Awareness activities

• Action 2: Enhanced event scheduling of entities such as the “Taste of Culture”

Strategy 2: Facilitate the recognition of regional and international festivities

• Action 1: Campus calendar depicting holidays and observations around the


• Action 2: Create lecture series concentrating on regional and international appreciation

Strategy 3: Strengthen the university commitment to the regional focus

• Action 1: Increased campus-wide participation in regional initiatives

• Action 2: Enhanced Student Association recognition of diverse student population

KP10: Schedule of campus events Objective 3: To provide educational opportunities for NMSU Carlsbad faculty, staff, and students to study in other countries and regions.

Strategy 1: Broaden student exchange opportunities• Action 1: Develop relationships through

NMSU main campus• Action 2: Increased advertising of

exchange opportunities

Strategy 2: Explore the possibilities of a visiting scholar program

• Action 1: Develop opportunities throughout the region

• Action 2: Advertise scholarly opportunities

Strategy 3: Investigate the possibility of language immersion programs

• Action 1: Initiate contacts with International Programs at NMSU

• Action 2: Develop plan of opportunities KP11: International and regional course options


Goal 4: Economic Development Be a driving force for economic progress in New Mexico

9NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To strengthen relationships with local business and industry.

Strategy 1: Create and maintain sound partnerships with business and industry

• Action 1: Be attentive and cognizant of business and industry needs

• Action 2: Maintain close contacts with the Carlsbad Department of Development and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce

Strategy 2: Provide needed services to business and industry

• Action 1: Actively advertise career services opportunities

• Action 2: Provide next level workforce and professional training

Strategy 3: Promote business and industry opportunities

• Action 1: Host career opportunities sessions

• Action 2: SBDC business start-up facilitation

KP12: MOUs with industry partnersKP13: Career services participation

Objective 2: To enhance program offerings aimed at meeting business and industry needs.

Strategy 1: Increased business and industry program offerings

• Action 1: Initiate Southeastern New Mexico Coalition activities

• Action 2: Meet regularly with business and industry

Strategy 2: Explore additional program opportunities

• Action 1: Implement and maintain a natural gas compression program of study

• Action 2: Investigate needs for other programs of study across the entire

spectrum of southeastern New Mexico

Strategy 3: Ensure that program offerings meet industry expectations

• Action 1: Offer flexible scheduling options

• Action 2: Offer courses in multiple modes of instruction

KP14: Increased program offerings and enhanced course scheduling Objective 3: To ensure that NMSU Carlsbad students are made aware of business and industry opportunities.

Strategy 1: Develop internship opportunities for students

• Action 1: Enhance apprenticeship programs

• Action 2: Increased advertising of program opportunities to key stakeholders

Strategy 2: Enhance program opportunities for varied student groups

• Action 1: Additional dual credit and business and industry class offerings leading to completed degrees and certificates

• Action 2: Enhance weekend, evening, and online classes

Strategy 3: Enhance interaction between students and industry

• Action 1: Students attend business and career activities

• Action 2: Field trips offered to business and industry settings

KP15: Dual credit course offerings and career introductory activities


Goal 5: Community Involvement and Outreach

Serve our local communities and constituencies across the university system

11NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To increase communication with the local Eddy County communities.

Strategy 1: Participation of college personnel on local Boards and organizations

• Action 1: NMSU Carlsbad personnel membership in service clubs and local organizations

• Action 2: Increased advertising of college representation in service clubs and local organizations

Strategy 2: Increased communication between local communities and NMSU Carlsbad

• Action 1: Increased community input on college services

• Action 2: Sponsoring of events on the college campus

Strategy 3: Increased advertising of college events and initiatives

• Action 1: Increased variety of advertising methodologies

• Action 2: Active participation in community events

KP16: Service club and local organizations memberships Objective 2: To broaden collaborative efforts across the NMSU system. Strategy 1: Increased sharing of college faculty

• Action 1: Use of ITV to assist in small classes

• Action 2: Development of additional co-requisite course offerings

Strategy 2: Increased junior, senior, and graduate course offerings

• Action 1: NMSU Carlsbad faculty teach the freshman and sophomore NMSU

online courses• Action 2: Active participation in NMSU


Strategy 3: Increased modes of instruction• Action 1: Additional online courses• Action 2: Increased collaboration from

across the NMSU system KP17: NMSU faculty agreements

Objective 3: To better meet the needs of Eddy County and New Mexico students.

Strategy 1: Study of additional program needs of students

• Action 1: Survey of Eddy County service area constituents

• Action 2: Survey of national, regional, and state employment trends

Strategy 2: Study of potential barriers to New Mexico and Eddy County students

• Action 1: Work with high schools on strategies to enhance student preparation

• Action 2: Continue to enhance developmental programs of study

Strategy 3: Study of program enhancement strategies• Action 1: Enhanced development of

STEM-H initiatives• Action 2: Implementation of flexible

scheduling options KP18: Survey results


Goal 6: Enrollment, Retention, and CompletionInitiate activities to maximize campus enrollment and the retention and completion of the NMSU Carlsbad student population

13NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To implement initiatives to increase NMSU Carlsbad enrollment.

Strategy 1: Enhanced recruiting initiatives• Action 1: Increased advertising of

programs of study• Action 2: Enhancement of scope of

recruiting to include non-traditional students and an increased area of recruiting

Strategy 2: Initiation of enrollment management initiatives

• Action 1: Continuing analysis of service area needs

• Action 2: Implementation of best practices in campus orientation

Strategy 3: Enhanced analysis of programs of study• Action 1: Analysis of academic transfer

programs• Action 2: Continuing implementation of

work force initiatives to meet the needs of business and industry

KP19: Annual enrollment reports

Objective 2: To enhance NMSU Carlsbad retention rates. Strategy 1: Initiation of faculty/staff retention initiatives

• Action 1: Implementation of case management initiatives

• Action 2: Enhancement of faculty/admissions staff collaborations

Strategy 2: To enhance student intervention initiatives

• Action 1: Enhancement of the first year experience for students

• Action 2: Enhanced reporting of student difficulties

Strategy 3: To enhance the student experience on the NMSU Carlsbad campus

• Action 1: Increased number of campus events

• Action 2: Enhanced customer service initiatives

KP20: Annual reports on achieved retention of students

Objective 3: To enhance the NMSU Carlsbad Completion Rates. Strategy 1: Initiate activities to develop culture of completion

• Action 1: Increased student/faculty interactions outside of the classroom

• Action 2: Increased number of student clubs to elevate student interest

Strategy 2: Increased recognition of graduating students

• Action 1: Graduation articles in Eddy County newspapers

• Action 2: Use of social media in celebrating student achievements

Strategy 3: Enhanced celebration of student successes

• Action 1: Student success stories through media

• Action 2: Recognition of alumni contributions and successes

KP21: Annual report on achieved graduation rate


Goal 7: Culture of PrideBuild a sense of pride in all campus entities and programs

15NMSU Carlsbad Strategic Plan 2019 – 2025

Objective 1: To create a welcoming and supportive atmosphere campus-wide.

Strategy 1: Ensure that campus grounds and buildings are maintained in an orderly condition

• Action 1: Conduct quarterly volunteer campus clean-up events

• Action 2: Enhanced processes of reporting and addressing facility issues

Strategy 2: Ensure that all campus classrooms are equipped with appropriate technologies

• Action 1: Remain abreast of technological standards and best practices in implementing classroom of the future and campus initiatives

• Action 2: Work through the NMSU Carlsbad Facilities and Institutional Operations Committee, the IT Department, and Accessibility Services to determine the latest technologies and to consider campus technology needs

Strategy 3: Foster a sense of campus ownership among students and all campus entities

• Action 1: Work through the Association of Students to develop a sense of ownership among students

• Action 2: Provide positive examples of campus pride from multiple entities from across the campus

KP22: Status of campus technology initiatives Objective 2: To foster an environment of pride among all campus entities. Strategy 1: Development of a campus-wide commitment of all employees to perform their job responsibilities to the best of their abilities

• Action 1: Enhanced best practices in teaching

• Action 2: Continuing professional development for faculty and staff

Strategy 2: Provide best practices in customer service• Action 1: On-going training in customer

service practices• Action 2: Consistent feedback to all campus

employees Strategy 3: Provide additional opportunities for community involvement in campus events

• Action 1: Enhanced marketing of campus events

• Action 2: Increased marketing of community education classes and teaching opportunities

KP23: Report of completed professional development

Objective 3: To promote accomplishments of all NMSU Carlsbad entities.

Strategy 1: Enhanced recognition of faculty and staff accomplishments

• Action 1: Promotion of Outstanding Staff Award

• Action 2: Increased promotion of Above and Beyond Awards as a campus-wide Initiative

Strategy 2: Enhanced recognition of student accomplishments

• Action 1: Increased recognition of President’s and Vice President’s Honor Roll recipients

• Action 2: Increased advertising of Crimson Scholars, All USA Scholars, and student awardees as selected by faculty

Strategy 3: Enhanced recognition of institutional accomplishments

• Action 1: Increased advertising of achievements by NMSU Carlsbad entities

• Action 2: Use of enhanced signage to advertize significant campus events

KP24: Lists of Roush recipients and outstanding staff and student honorees


NMSU Carlsbad Institutional Values • Leadership• Excellence• Access • Diversity & Inclusion• Student-Centered
