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Important points for brand promotion using social media

Date post: 21-Jan-2015
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Promoting your brand on social media is different than promoting it on television, radio or through just about any other medium. Most other mediums have a one way broadcast kind of relationship
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Important points for Brand Promotion Using Social Media Promoting your brand on social media is different than promoting it on television, radio or through just about any other medium. Most other mediums have a one way broadcast kind of relationship. You send out what you want to send out and the audience receives it. Social media on the other hand is a two-way conversation. Promoting a brand on social media requires a different kind of marketing strategy. So how do you promote a brand on social media? Get in the Habit of Launching Viral Campaigns Viral campaigns are hit or miss. Sometimes you’ll launch a viral campaign and it’ll instantly spread through your niche like wildfire. On the other hand, sometimes you’ll launch a viral campaign and not much will happen at all.
  • 1. Important poInts for Brand promotIon UsIngsocIal medIaPromoting your brand on social media is different than promoting it ontelevision, radio or through just about any other medium. Most other mediumshave a one way broadcast kind of relationship. You send out what you want tosend out and the audience receives it. Social media on the other hand is a two-way conversation. Promoting a brand on social media requires a different kindof marketing strategy.So how do you promote a brand on social media?Get in the Habit of Launching Viral CampaignsViral campaigns are hit or miss. Sometimes youll launch a viral campaign anditll instantly spread through your niche like wildfire. On the other hand,sometimes youll launch a viral campaign and not much will happen at all.Instead of placing all your hopes and dreams on one campaign, get in thehabit of launching viral campaigns often. Launch one once a month, or onceevery couple months. Some will hit big and others will fail. By doing them often,you maximize your chances of hitting the winners.

2. Respond to Audience Questions and CommentsBrands have a bad reputation when it comes to responding to customers. Alltoo often brands treat their social media feeds as a TV channel where all theydo is share, instead of listen.On social media, people expect to have a dialogue. You dont have torespond to every single comment, but you should respond to every trend, everyconcern and every question that gets more than a few people asking.If theres a thread on your Facebook page with 30 comments all aroundsomething your company is doing, you should probably respond to it.Build Relationships with Real PeopleSocial Media can help build relationships with people. Look for key players inyour industry and look to build a one on one relationship with them. Dont thinkthat brands have to act like distant personalities. Brands can make friends,brands can do favors, brands can reach out.By building real relationships with people, you increase your reach on the socialsphere. If youre launching a new viral campaign, you can reach out to yourcontacts and ask for shares and retweets. If you have questions about how yourproduct is being received, you can reach out to real customers. If you needadvice about a website redesign, you can ask for feedback.Having real relationships with real people goes a long way.The #1 Thing That Makes People Click Your LinksHow do you get people to click on your links? The #1 most important thing youcan do is train your audience to open your links By regularly publishingcontent that people love.Focus more on your content than on marketing tactics. Instead of the latest linkbuilding scheme or the latest Facebook marketing app, try spending your timeand energy on creating share worthy content that people would love to sharewith their friends. Thats the type of content that tends to take off like crazy.More than just having a piece of content go viral, you also get people in thehabit of opening your links because they know theyll probably love what youhave to say.Integrate Promotions with the Rest of Your MediaSocial media shouldnt be a standalone promotional tool. Instead, it should bejust one tool in a whole toolbox. Instead of launching promotions just on socialmedia, combine it with different kinds of media that you have access to. 3. For example, lets say youre launching a freebie giveaway campaign for allpurchases of over $20. Instead of just launching this on social media, you mightchoose to launch it to your email list, on your website, on your blog, to affiliatepartners and to a few paid banner placements.Your social media presence will help promote the special offer, but itll also helpcollect users. People who didnt buy the first time around can follow you onsocial media and possibly buy in the future. Your different kinds of promotionalmedia can help make the rest of your media more effective. When youcombine all the different kinds of marketing media available to you, you giveeach medium an exponential boost.Thats how you promote a brand on social media. Focus on content qualityand launch viral campaigns regularly. Befriend real people and respond toquestions to increase goodwill and get more shares in the long run. Combineyour social media marketing strategy with other media to maximize youreffectiveness.
