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Important rulers of Subcontinent

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Important rulers of Subcontinent
Page 1: Important rulers of Subcontinent

Important rulers ofSubcontinent

Page 2: Important rulers of Subcontinent

Came After his father (Sabuktagin) at his death. Mahmud of Ghazni was from a Turkish-speaking

Muslim tribe that came from central Asia. Mahmud inherited his fathers throne on 997 and died

in 1030.

Mahmud of Ghazni

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Mahmud's armies of fast, lightly-armed horsemen from Central Asia found easy to defeat the slow clumsy elephants of Indians.

He made lightening raids to capture Kanauj, Mathura and other cities.

He make use of some captured elephants against his enemies in Central Asia.

The Mahmud's army destroyed Hindu temple to Siva.

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He captured lands to seize treasure and captured slaves to defend his Asian empire.

Fought for the spread of Islam. To make his empire stronger.

Mahmud introduced tea, fine porcelain, paper, and gunpowder to India from China.

Filled Ghazni with beautiful mosques, palaces, university, and libraries.

Made Ghazni most beautiful city after Baghdad. Captured many land. Defended his Asian empire.

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He took Jizya from people who had been deafted which was a week point of him.

After Mahmud's death there was no important Ghaznavid rulers.

Mahmud Died in 1030.

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Rulers of Ghaznavid who had came after Mahmud. Muhammad Ghauri was from Central Asia. Ghauri took the throne in 1192 and died in 1206. Muhammad Ghauri captured Lahore in 1186. Muhammad Ghauri and his great general Qutubudin

Aibak, marched on to capture Delhi. They captured all of northern India to the Bay of

Bengal (1203).

Muhammad Ghauri

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He captured land to expand his empire. He captured many land and took his revenge from

Prithviraj by defeating him. He had a sprit of goodwill. Muhammad Ghauri was defeated by Rajput army led

by Raja Prithviraj.

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Muhammad Ghauri was murdered while returning to his home land after suppressing a rebellion in the Punjab. The army elected Aibak as the next King.(1206)

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Aibak came after Ghauri who was murdered when he was coming back to his homeland after a rebellion in Punjab.

Aibak was also from Central Asia. He ruled from 1206 to 1210. Although Bihar was conquered during his rule but he

didn’t attempt to gain more territory but wisely tried to settle problems in the land he already controlled.


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He built mosques and schools, and encouraged writers and poets.

He was know as Lakh Baksh (giver of lakhs) because of his generosity.

He did not had a failure but he also didn’t captured many land.

Iltutmish came after Aibak. Aibak died while playing polo in 1210.

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Iltutmish took the throne of Aibak after his death in 1210.

Iltutmish was also from Central Asia. Iltutmish took the throne in 1211 and his rule ended in

1236. When Iltutmish was the king sultanate stretched from

Ghaur to Bengal. Itutmish conquered land to expand his empire.


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Iltutmish was a good administrator and was very tolerant of other religions.

He was genuinely kind at heart, but he knew that Muslims were in a small minority and that would be safer if the Hindus were reasonably satisfied.

He let the Hindus in power in their own religion. This was later cause of much trouble.

Iltutmish was worried that who will succeed him then he decided to make Razia sultana the ruler

his empire.

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Balban took the throne of Nassiruddin. Like the other rulers Balban was also from India. Balban took the throne in 1266 and his empire ended

in 1286. Balban was more interested in making his kingdom

safe than he was in conquering land that’s why he didn’t captured any land.


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His achievement was that he had a highly-trained army. He had won the heart of many ordinary people by helping them.

He destroyed the camps of robbers so they had no place to hide.

He made the boundaries of his empire strong. He had spies all over his empire so he knew that what

the nobles are doing.

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Unfortunately his son was killed in in an Mongol raid. After Balbans death the nobles chose the weak

Kaikobad as sultan. Unfortunately his son was killed in in an Mongol raid.

Balban never recovered from this blow.

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Jalaluddin took the throne of Kaikobad. Jalaluddin was from India. Jalaluddin took the throne in 1290 and his empire

ended in 1296. Jalauddin did not captured any land but his nephew,

Alauddin began raids in parts of India without his Uncles permission.

He was an old man so he could not capture any land.

Jalaluddin Khilji

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He was kind and tolerant was man. His failure was that he was murdered by his own

nephew and nobles began plotting against him at once. Alauddin send a message to meet him. When the two

met at Kara he was murdered and Alauddin became the king.

His rule came to an end when he died.

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Alauddin came after Jalauddin Khilji. Alauddin ruled from 1296-1316. He was from India. He conquered most of India. He wanted to capture land to expand his empire like

Alexander the Great. He had spies all over the Kingdom. Stopped nobles to marry without his permission. He banned gambling. Had fixed price on most goods.

Alauddin Khilji

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Allauddin also made mosque's and schools. He didn’t really had a failure. After the death of Allaudin, Ghiyasuddin became the

king. His rule came to an end when he died in 1316.

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Ghiyasuddin came after Alauddin Khilji. He was from India. His time of rule was from 1321-1325. He recovered the parts of Deccan and Bengal which

was also his achievement. He didn't really had any failure. Muhammad bin Tugluq took his fathers throne after

his fathers death.

Ghiyasuddin Tughluq

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He was killed when a victory pavilion collapsed on him on his return from battle.

It was said that Ghiyasuddins own son Muhammad had deliberately planned his murder, but no one has proved it.

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Muhammad bin Tughluq came after his uncle Ghiyasuddin Tughluq.

Muhammad bin Tughluq was also from India. Muhammad bin Tughluq ruled from 1325-1351. Muhammad didn’t conquered any land. We don’t know why he didn’t captured any land. Muhammad was two people at the same time. On one

side he was kind, helpful, generous and cultured. He helped poor people made home for them and gave people free food in time of famine.

Muhammad bin Tughluq

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On the other hand he tortured poor people to death. His ideas were difficult to put into practical life. His failure was that he forced people to move from

Delhi to Daultabad. Many people died in the march and when they

reached there was almost no water there and they all came back to Delhi.

Muhammad's cousin Firoz Shah succeeded him. His rule came to an end when he died.

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Firoz Shah came after Muhammad bin Tughluq. He was from India. Firoz Shah ruled from 1351 to 1388. He didn’t conquered any land but continued the

projects of Muhammad which was also one of his achievements.

There were constant rebellions between nobles and slaves army.

6 sultans came after him. His rule came to an end when he died.

Firoz Shah

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Group no.4: Shahmir Nawaz Adeen Ali Khan Muhammad Nauman Omar Amjad Ali Shoukat

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