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Improve Responsiveness and Drive Efficiency with Mobile Apps for Supply Chain Management

Date post: 30-Jul-2015
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Improve Responsiveness and Drive Eciency with Mobile Apps for Supply Chain Management

Improve Responsiveness and Drive Efficiency with Mobile Apps for Supply Chain Management

Optimizing manufacturing supply chain processes

53% of  manufacturing  organiza.ons  are  challenged  with  op.mizing  supply  chain  management  processes  

Manufacturing organizations are challenged with optimizing their supply chain management processes and moving away from disconnected, paper-based forms. These organizations are challenged with providing accurate data to their user, increasing business responsiveness, and meeting customer demands.

Mobility provides manufacturing organizations with the opportunity to foster real-time collaboration and exchange of data for an increased focus on keeping your teams productive and increasing workflow efficiency. Mobility makes planning and decision-making easier, allowing for the best use of resources.

Current trends in supply chain operational excellence

•  Move toward SCM 2.0 to leverage solutions designed to rapidly deliver agile results through a supply chain collaboration platform

•  Tighter integration of production and replenishment planning with increased automation

•  Increasing demand for high-technology goods, globalization, and agile logistics and communication

The Old Reality vs The New Reality

NEW REALITY The opportunity for manufacturing supply chain organizations to cost-effectively innovate in-house. New apps allow for better collaboration between business unit leaders and IT.

Organizations hired costly consulting firms to drive operational excellence initiatives for lean, agile supply chain management


The Old Reality vs The New Reality

NEW REALITY Consumers have been trained to use mobile devices, and new mobile apps provide a fast, personalized user experience custom-tailored for their role.

Organizations were constrained for resources when trying to adapt current supply chain teams to new business processes.


The Old Reality vs The New Reality

NEW REALITY Opportunity to modernize supply chain operations and foster secure communication in a cheaper, more efficient way.

Organizations relied on outdated manual processes, such as collaborating using paper or spreadsheets, which are time-consuming and prone to human error.


Identify customer value by responding to their needs

Identify Customer Value With systems in place for being more responsive throughout the customer value delivery process, supply chain teams can make continuous improvements based on customer’s feedback and values.

Where Mobility Adds Value  Mobility provides a mechanism for increasing responsiveness on every point in the customer value chain to deliver the maximum efficiency, responsiveness and custom

Identify Customer Value


Pursue Perfection(Continuous


Map the Value Stream

(Optimize Processes)

Create Flow(Track Metrics)

Establish Pull(Optimize Materials

and Labor)

Optimize processes by understanding customer values

Map the Value Stream Supply chain teams receive feedback on what their customers truly value in terms of products and services, and can easily collaborate with each other on improving the value delivery process.

Where Mobility Adds Value

Mobility provides the tools supply chain teams need to optimize processes and increase responsiveness to customers in real-time.

Identify Customer Value


Pursue Perfection(Continuous


Map the Value Stream

(Optimize Processes)

Create Flow(Track Metrics)

Establish Pull(Optimize Materials

and Labor)

Track metrics and eliminate waste with the right data

Create Flow

After building in responsiveness and creating the ability to optimize supply chain processes, manufacturing organizations now determine metrics that matter for tracking.

Where Mobility Adds Value Mobile apps provide the tools needed to easily track right-time metrics for better fine-tuning of critical supply chain processes.

Identify Customer Value


Pursue Perfection(Continuous


Map the Value Stream

(Optimize Processes)

Create Flow(Track Metrics)

Establish Pull(Optimize Materials

and Labor)

Optimize materials and labor to measure customer buying habits

Establish Pull Supply chain teams have now identified where to be more responsive to customers by collecting data to optimize processes and make material and labor decisions for desired inputs and outputs.

Where Mobility Adds Value Mobility provides a way to put metrics to work, modernizing processes and optimizing materials and labor costs to get the job done.

Identify Customer Value


Pursue Perfection(Continuous


Map the Value Stream

(Optimize Processes)

Create Flow(Track Metrics)

Establish Pull(Optimize Materials

and Labor)

Pursue perfection with continuous evaluation of current processes

Pursue Perfection By making processes more efficient and productive, it is easier to drive continuous improvement. Your team can now understand customer value and how to maximize processes to meet their needs. Where Mobility Adds Value Mobility gives your team the opportunity to pursue perfection through iterative, continuous improvement.

Identify Customer Value


Pursue Perfection(Continuous


Map the Value Stream

(Optimize Processes)

Create Flow(Track Metrics)

Establish Pull(Optimize Materials

and Labor)

Mobility adds value from supply chain to sale

Supply Chain Operations Fulfillment Sales &

Marketing Post Sale

Inventory Control

Real-time Logistics


Receipt Acknowledgements

Product Lead Times

Order Tracking

Scheduling Visibility

Quality Control

Dispatch Scheduling


Route Optimization

Warehouse Automation

Customer Dashboard

Sales Reporting


Competitor Intel/Analytics

Work Order Approvals

Service Manuals

Service Performance

Dealer Management

Improve primary manufacturing functions with mobility

Admin, IT and Finance

Human Resources


Product Development

Business Insight DashboardBusiness Unit Performance

Product Performance&RVW�DQG�3URĆW�9LVLELOLW\

Time and AttendancePerformance Feedback

Expense ReportingIncident Reporting




Engineering Data Search

Examples of pre-built manufacturing supply chain apps

Replace manual, paper-based processes

Improve performance with real-time data delivery


How can you start “going mobile” for operational excellence today?

Identify a meaningful supply chain chal-lenge or need that could be addressed with a mobile app.

Many challenges in supply chain management tend to be the "little things" that add up to daily frustration and loss of productivity for the team or management. Examples include relying on manual processes and collecting information manually on paper.

How can you start “going mobile” for operational excellence today?

Start a conversation with your internal IT department about existing policies and procedures that might be applicable to mobile app deployment. When researching mobile apps, security should be a top priority for your manufacturing supply chain team. Keep your IT team involved as you evaluate VROXWLRQV�DQG�DSSV�WKDW�DUH�WDLORUHG�WR�ĆW�\RXU�team's needs.

How can you start “going mobile” for operational excellence today?

Start a conversation with your team, ad-dressing their pain points and how their job can be made easier with a mobile app.

For a mobile app to be successful for your supply

chain team, it must be focused on their needs. If they

could have a set of mobile apps to help them with

their job, what would the top three be? How chal-

lenging is it for the team to gather information and

collaborate together to achieve operational excel-


How can you start “going mobile” for operational excellence today?

Identify the key goals that your manufac-turing supply chain team wants to achieve with an investment in mobility. When planning for the implementation of a mobile app, consider what information and data they need to keep revenue up while managing tight schedules and deadlines. Beyond user acceptance, what are the PHWULFV�DQG�UHVXOWV�WKDW�ZLOO�GHĆQH�VXFFHVV�IRU�\RXU�ĆUVW�PRELOH�DSS"�

Ready to get started?

Click here to Visit the Catavolt Manufacturing Resource Center for videos and additional resources on applying

mobility to your operational excellence challenges
