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Improving behaviour for learning

Date post: 22-Oct-2014
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I held various headships and advisory, consultancy posts in the primary and secondary education systems. I use this PowerPoint in my whole school training across the UK. In coaching middle managers and leadership teams in establishing positive behaviour in their school.
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Improving Behaviour for Learning. IBFL © Jim Parker, 2012
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Improving Behaviour for Learning.

IBFL© Jim Parker, 2012

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I’ve got the Power.• I am the decisive element in the

classroom.• It is my personal approach that

creates the climate.• It is my daily mood that makes the

weather.• As a teacher I possess

tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous.

• I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.

• I can humour, hurt or heal.• It is my response that decides

whether a crisis will be exacerbated or de-escalated, a child humanised or de-humanised.

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If Behaviour for Learning is working well and embedded in the Pedagogy and Practice within the classroom…………

what would it look like?

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• waiting outside the classroom• getting pupils into the classroom• the first part of the lesson• pupils who arrive late• managing transition within lessons• supporting independent learning• ending the lesson• leaving the classroom

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Waiting outside the classroom

• What is the school routine/rule for lining up outside the classroom?

• Is its practice throughout the school consistent?

• If ‘yes’, how is it maintained. If ‘no’, why and what problems result from the inconsistency

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Before the lesson starts

• Is the classroom clean, tidy and organised

• Is the environment attractive with current work displayed

• Is the necessary equipment accessible

• Classroom rules prominently displayed

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Getting pupils into the classroom

• is there a seating plan?( what is the whole-school

situation)• if the school routine is for

pupils to enter the classroom without lining up, how are they greeted and received, what will engage them immediately?

(eg ongoing starter until everyone has arrived)

• are they clear of your expectations and how do you positively reinforce them ?

• what about the little bits of beaurocracy as the pupils arrive, report cards etc., etc?

It is important to remember that the tone of your voice and the language you use sets the climate for the lesson.

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Key factors: Motivation

• Through a lesson structure which gives time at the start to helping pupils understand what they are learning and why.

• It will involve them actively at intervals and at the end of the lesson in deciding whether these learning intentions have been met.

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Key Factors: Emotional Health and

Well-being• Reducing potential

uncertainty and anxiety by sharing the lesson structure with the pupils at the start, so they know what is going to happen and when.

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Key factors: Expectations

• By giving time at the start of the lesson and before each new activity to make clear what behaviours are needed for this piece of learning, to practice them and celebrate success

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Beginning of the lesson

• Do you meet and greet your pupils?

• Get them into the habit of a ‘prompt start’

• Allow for no deflection by distractions during your introduction of the lesson

• Clearly repeat instruction and check on their understanding of the task

Know where you are taking them

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The first part of the lesson.

• is your behaviour objective displayed and referred to in praise and correction?

• are your learning objectives clearly understood by the pupils and resources readily accessible

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Pupils who arrive late.

• is this planned for?• is there a routine/

expectation? • are the pupils clear about

what you want them to do if the arrive late?

• what is important at this time?

• what is the school routine for persistent tardiness?

• ‘pick your time to pick it up!’

Don’t let a late arrivals interrupt the flow of the lesson

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During the lesson• Do you change the activity

frequently?• Do you adopt a variety of

teaching methods (V.A.K.)?• Is there a balance between

whole-class, group, paired and individual work?

• Are there plenty of questions asked, to a range of pupils (AfL)?

• Is the work appropriately differentiated?

• Behaviour for learning is referred to

• The pace of the lesson is maintained throughout

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Managing transition within the lesson.

• plan for smooth transition to maintain the pace of the lesson

• make sure your instructions are clear and explicit

• pupils will get used to you routinely standing in the same place when giving an instruction

• use an OHP so you’re facing the class to encourage ‘on task’ behaviour, redirect those who are not and avoid interruptions

• remind the pupils of the behaviour skills and routines they will need, for working in pairs or small groups

• remember pupils respond to structure

You are the one who decides how the class is organised.

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• Time limited tasks• Ensure proposed

timings are adhered to

• Reminders again e.g.

1 minute left• Work to a timed

plenary: ‘stick to the script’

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Supporting independent learning.

• an opportunity to do some focused teaching with individual pupils or groups

• maintaining a calm composure with a watchful eye on others

• questions to re-focus those slipping off-task

• to influence the climate for learning in a positive way

• provide feedback to raise their self-esteem

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Ending the lesson.

• punctuate the lesson with reminders about what they should be doing and what you want them to do

• let them know what is happening next with time reminders

• recap lesson and review learning objectives/homework

• explicit instructions and reminders for the routine of ‘packing up’ and leaving

• don’t leave things to last minute

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E + R = O

Teaching styles and approaches

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Sometimes it’s about how we view things

and why!

Shifting your paradigm may help in finding the solutions

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• Detain after lesson for a resolution detention

• Defer it to another time but keep the appointment

• Contact SLT/on call support

• Contact parents or carers• What’s the plan when

pupil returns to the classroom?

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• How high are your expectations for pupils

• Unconditional regard• Consistent use of and

reference to school policy• Clear balance between

the use of rewards and sanctions

• Promote importance of making good choices

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Praise as part of rewards

• Use praise regularly as part of you showing interest

• Praise for individuals, groups and class• Praise for behaviour with

reference to objective• Use non-verbal praise• The lesson always ends

on a positive note• Pick your time to praise

as over-use diminishes the effect

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Some strategies for positive response

• Speak slowly and calmly whilst checking for understanding

• use non-verbal signals to support good behaviour and correct poor behaviour

……………………………………….• Re-direct to task• Promote a learning climate

where ‘it’s ok to take risks’• Refer to ‘our’ class rule• Tactically ignore secondary

behaviour• Use ‘the broken record’ calmly

repeated what you want them to do

• Describe wanted behaviour

• Positive correction of errors with take-up time

• Proximity praise• Positive reframing of behaviour• Ask pupil to restate the

instruction…………………………………………...• Change task• Faculty ‘buddy system in place

with SLT support• Planned ‘hot-spot’ visits by SLT


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Use a positive script

• The language of choice with take-up time

• ‘when you…. then you…’• ‘what should you be doing?’• ‘maybe… and what should you

be doing’• ‘I’ statements• Assertive + friendly voice at

conversational pitch• Can you raise your voice

without anger or irritation• Challenge without


The language you use to pupils is vital if you want a positive response.

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Leaving the classroom.

• Establish a leaving routine in line with whole-school.

• Make time for this to happen with timely reminders to pupils

• Tell them what you want them to do/repeat if necessary

• Thank where appropriate

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Reframing language and its impact on

positive learning

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Stick to the core principles

• Actively build relationships with your pupils• Keep your focus on the primary behaviour• Model positive behaviour for your pupils• Divorce inappropriate behaviour from pupil• Work within the 4 Rs framework• Adopt strategies consistently, reflect and revisit• Follow-up and follow-through with individual pupils• Work to repair and rebuild relationships

‘plan for behaviour and don’t leave it to chance’

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An optimist has as many problems as a pessimist, however anoptimist has more fun finding the solutions

Remember optimism will help build your resilience !

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For more information, further help, and support contact:

Positive ResonanceSupport for Good Practice in Teaching and Learning as well as Behaviour for Learning.

Strategic School Improvement using:•Solution Focus - Thinking as a change agent.•Executive Coaching and Coaching for Heads of Departments in schools.•Development of provision for emotional recovery through Primary and Secondary Nurture Groups.

Contact Jim Parker:

m: 07879605411

e: [email protected]

w: http://www.in2schools.co.uk/positiveresonance/?pid=221

© Jim Parker, 2012
