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JUNE 2016

“Together we can do it”


Student at the university of Yaounde 1




Important facts about guinea pigs

Rearing techniques

Floor rearing. Ground



Cleaning of cage hosting guinea pigs

Handling guinea pigs




Guinea pig behavior

Farmers health



Guinea pigs are ruminant of rabbit and rats they neither come from New Guinea, nor it is a pig. Guinea pigs originated from the high plains of South America. The most acceptable explanation for it common name is that these animals grunt and squeal like pig and was sold by British sailors in the 1600 centuries for a “guinea”(an old English coin). There are 3 major varieties of Guinea pigs the short smooth-coated breed called (English American or Bolivian), the harsh-coated rosetted Abyssinian and the long haired silky- coated Peruvians. They have a whole range of high – pitched squeaks, chattering and grunts. In Africa, especially Cameroon most local families put this ruminant because they feed on forage and some left over food from house hold, with little expenditure on feeding on like other livestocks and also for its appreciated meat and ready market. They target science students who have to do biology experiment in higher and local secondary schools. Thus, towards the GCE examination guinea pig farmers in Cameroon experience a boom in the sale of their animals especially as they are cheap and easy going than other mammals. Research has proven that most test in the laboratories use guinea pigs as they have many features in common with human being. Guinea pigs are used in research primarily as model for human medical condition such as Juvenile diabetes. Apart from the experimental advantage guinea pigs meat is delicious. Research has shown that it has a protein content of about 21 percent which is higher than the protein content of fowls, pork, mutton or beef. Its fat content is about 8 percent which is lower than each of the meats mentioned above. According to research guinea pig farming is not labour intensive and it is possible for one person to attend to the daily requirement of 2,500 to 3,000 guinea pigs though they insist on the training of farmers on the various aspects of guinea pig farming. This is because guinea pigs can ingest and utilize large quantities of high-energy fibrous food such as freshly cut forage like grasses, legume, weeds and herbs. Guinea pigs are excellent wast recyclers. This is not the case of developed countries like Britain, USA, France, just to mention a few where many individuals keeps these animals as pet in their homes. Despite the hight protein and the less fat content of Guinea pigs with their easy going nature, easy to feed and the ready market for Guinea pig, only few farmers has taken the advantage to keep these ruminant creature. Some farmers say they eat too much and one would require much time to cut their grass. In this issue, here are some technical and medical informations


on how to increase your Guinea pig production. They are good source of wast recycling ( manure), high value protein for your family and income earning.

The short smooth coated( called English American or Bolivian) Guinea pigs type in Cameroon.

I Important facts about guinea pigs

An adult guinea pig weighs between 400- 600g. They are 15-30cm long with a large head that is joined to the body without a neck. Guinea pigs are herbivorous mammals that are extremely popular pet. Today because of their available tendency which can not bite or scratch when handled and their relative clean habits, their teeth are adapted in grass chewing just like rabbit. They are plant-eating and do most of their forage on grasses, roots, fruits, and seeds in the late afternoons and early evening. Guinea pig lifespan is relatively short, just between 3 to 4 years. The oldest guinea pig is


said to have lived for 14years adapting to heat and various climatic change in his natural habitat. Guinea pigs like open grass area, they prefer to seek shelter in naturally protected areas or within burrows created and later deserted by other animals and tent to live in groups.

Do you know

The scientific name of a Guinea pig is porcellusSpecies name = Domestic Guinea pigs

Rearing techniques

In Cameroon within local areas like in some villages common kitchen rearing of Guinea pigs improve the efficiency of family labor, this is because as the family meal are prepared a variety of farm wast like yam peelings, plantain, bananas, husk from maize, plant timing, spoiled farm produce are been eating by the Guinea pigs.

Proper and adequate housing is important for their health, guinea pigs can be reared in cage as well as on floor.

Rearing Guinea on the floor (ground)

Better result in term of reproduction is getting through floor and kitchen rearing. First of all keeping them on the floor is cheaper. Thus, a place can be prepared in the kitchen to ensure that intruders like cat don't attack the animals, the entrance of the kitchen should be barred with a mulched soil, cement, or a plank. In the kitchen now, the Guinea pig can move with all liberty from one conner to the other. This enables them now to run and hid under bamboo seat or places provided for them in case of danger or arrival of strange person. It is in this hidden place prepared that the females Guinea pigs give birth. They are highly reproductive in the kitchen because of the dryness and heat from the family fire which provide them with warm temperature.

Housing Guinea pigs in an enclosure

In housing Guinea pigs 3 choices are to be made either a commercially manufactured cage, a kitchen or a building reserve for them. No matter which route you take, however, Guinea pigs can be house within enclosures made of planks or even bamboos., Wood and similar materials have some disadvantages because their rodent chop them off. The construction and design of the enclosure must ensure that the Guinea pigs cannot escape. Furthermore, the enclosure should be free from sharp


edges and other potential hazards. The enclosure must be bigger enough in other for them to pursue their daily activities and breeding. Guinea pigs are one of the largest companion rodent and yet most cage market for them are very small. Guinea pigs should be allowed about 180 square inches per animal. The enclosure can be open at the top provided that the side are at least 10 to 15 inches hight. Male Guinea pigs especial adult ones will require the side of their enclosure to be 11 inches

Guinea pigs can be house on wire mesh but it is not recommended because Guinea pigs housed for longer period on wire cage tent to developed serious injuries at the bottom of their feet. Furthermore, broken legs are quite common when Guinea pigs fall through the mesh. This is most often a problem with guinea pigs that have not been reared on wire mesh and occurs soon after they have been introduced into it. Enclosures that provide solid floor and adequate supply of preferred bedding are the best for Guinea pigs even does use as pet. They should be clean, adequately ventilated, non toxic, relatively dust free and easy to replace, shredded papers, wood shaving and processed corn cob are preferred bedding materials. Large glass aquariums DO NOT make good habitat. They are difficult to clean because they allow very little air circulation (which means that ammonia level build up rather quickly), and they retain heat, especially if they are sitting in sun. Guinea pigs dot not always handle height well, so if you decide on a cage with multiple levels, make sure that the level are fairly close together, to prevent serious injuries from falls. Benefit of space in your Guinea pigs house include:

Easier to clean-large house or cage. The more space your Guinea pigs have the less of an impact waste will make, this also allows your pigs to separate their waste from other activities like eating and playing.

Excess- overweight on Guinea pigs can develop heart disease, diabetes, bladder infection, respiratory problems, bumble foot etc

A clean house is the first step for healthy Guinea pigs. Everyday dropping, uneaten food, and soiled bedding should be removed once a week but this depend on the quantity of Guinea pigs that you have. The house and accessories should be clean and bedding completely replace. This also helps significantly in the reduction of unpleasant odors.

It should be noted that since Guinea pigs originated from the high plain area of South America, they have much better tolerance for cold than heat. They prefer temperature of 65 to 67 degree(Fahrenheit) and can be sensitive to temperature change. To prevent heatstroke and sudden temperature change, do not place your pigs house in direct sunlight or in a draft cold space. Choose a nice, bright location but put in mind that Guinea pigs have sensitive hearing and should not be place next to stress and loud noise.

Not recommended:Sawdust should be avoided because it tends to collect within the external

genitalia of the Male, forming and interfere within urination, but it many inhibit successful breeding.

Aquarium and plastic tubs have poor ventilation and isolate your Guinea pig from it surrounding by limiting sight, sound and smell.



You shouldn't allow your Guinea pigs unattended in the presence of a dog, cat, ferret or any other predatory animal.

Lodges or guinea pig bedding

Whether it is a prepared conner in the kitchen or a box made for guinea pigs lodge, it should be made of layers of straws because guinea pigs like lying down maize pilings or chopped corn cob could be used. In the lodge there should be a drinker for water and feeder for feed or foodstuff. The drinker can be a plate or any other container that is tightly fitted on the grand to avoid wetting of the cage or floor.

Not recommended

Cedar shaving contains aromatic oil (phenols) which can contribute to respiratory problems, sawdust (too dusty), corn cobs bedding (which often molds) are poor choice beddings for Guinea pigs

Cleaning of cage hosting guinea pigs

The frequency with which the enclosure is clean will depend on the material out of which it is made and the number of guinea pigs residing within it. As a general rule of thumb, the enclosure and all cage furniture should be cleaned and disinfected once a week. The food and water container Should receive cleaning and disinfection once a day. It is good that you provide or use more-than one set of container. When the first set is been is used the other is been disinfected, the container can be put in a dishwasher if possible. A vigorous scrubbing of the enclosures and furniture with hot water and soap and a thorough rinse should be followed by the disinfectant.

Handling guinea pigs

Great care should be taking when handling guinea pigs in other not to injured them because they are not harmful. For guinea pig to be lifted it should be approached with two hands. One hand is place under the guinea pig chest and abdomen and the other supporting it hindquarters. Adult and those that are pregnant


should received careful attention. The best way to pick your Guinea pig up is in a cradle like manner. Put one hand against the chest and with the other hand in a gentle cup, now you slowly left up the Guinea pig out of it cage and hole or place it on the floor. As long as the Guinea pig is by your side it feels safe. If your Guinea pig wiggle and squirms that means it is scared and you are not holding it correctly.

This Guinea pig would be feeling very safe

Did you knowMales are boars, females are snows, and babies are pups.Snows can get pregnant as young as 4 weeks old.Boars are sexually mature 3weeks 4 days of age.Snows can be impregnated within minute of given birth.Guinea pigs has 4 toes on their front feet and 3 toes on their hind feet.Their front teeth and molar grow continuously.

Guinea pigs health

Guinea pigs are animal that like to stay in an area which is well protected from enemies and temperature there is warm. Statistic has proven that areas with warm temperature influence growth, habiting, and rapid reproduction leading to an increase in production. All under the influence of good health. Guinea pig rearing is an intensives farming which required a lot of care (physical and medical care).The best health care for a Guinea pigs is the preventive health care. This means that preventing problems from happening by keeping them on a good balance diet and checking them regularly from abnormal behavior and sign of illness, diseases or parasite. In the wild, predators are quick to kill sick and injured Guinea pigs. As a result, Guinea pigs have learns to hid even the fact that they are sick. You have to keep a close watch on your Guinea pig general wellbeing otherwise by the time you realize that the animal is sick it may be too late. The following chart may help you access whether you need to take your Guinea pig to a vet or it is something that can be treated at home.


Symptoms Can mean (can be cured at home)

But might mean (consult a vegetarian)

Not eating Environment too cold and or damp draft, over heating Not enough to gnaw

Teeth are too long or possible malocclusion (upper and lower teeth meet improperly when chewing

Excessive scratching Unclean maintenance, poor grooming, flies or mites

Parasites (fleas or mites) skin fungi, skin inflammation

Spots on the body Poor diet (more fruits) Deficiency diseases (vitamin C deficiency) fungal skin diseases' mange mite infestation, ring warm

Sneezing or throat rumbling

Temperature too cold or hot

Viral or bacterial infection

Minor bleeding Minor wound or scratch from fighting with rival, shape objects in habitat

Clean minor wounds with antiseptic but for serve re cut see vet

Sore or foot pad Housing with wire bottom Abscess on ball of foot

During the raining season especially when places are cold Guinea pigs doesn't do well, this is due to the fact that they are usually attracted by diseases during this period. Guinea pigs surfer from diseases and bacterial infections like diarrhea, fungi infections, malocclusion, respiratory infections, dystocias (difficulties in giving birth), maggot infections, impacted molars, and heat stroke. These diseases are going to be well explain below for further understanding and how it works or manifest in your farm.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea is one of the most come diseases that attract Guinea pigs. This disease can kill a Guinea pig after 3 to 4 days since they are very fragile. The signs and symptoms of this disease are manifested on Guinea pigs as follows. Through wet anus, watering execrates that is when you look at their faces it is somehow watering not mold the way it used to be, no appetite to eat and weight lost. At this juncture the Guinea pig will start isolating itself from the other Guinea pigs. The cause of this illness is due to too much in take of fresh cut grasses and this usually happens during the raining season. This is because during the raining season grasses contain much chlorophyll in which these Guinea pigs takes them in excess which instead do more harm than good to them. In other to protect them from this deadly disease; when their grasses are harvest it should be kept from 1 to 2 hours in the sun or the can be harvested in the evening and been given in the morning to eat. All these help in reduction of chlorophyll and limit the chances for your Guinea pigs to have this disease.


Bacteria-fungi infection: Due to their proximity to the ground. Guinea pig wounds can easily becomes infected. If a wound is fresh, clean it carefully with hydrogen peroxide and then maintain cleanliness with 1:10 dilution of Nalvasan solution or beta-din solution.

Broken tooths or teeth: Some time Guinea pigs can broke their front teeth(incisors) either by chewing or from a fall. If this happen, usually the teeth will grow back in about 2-3 weeks. It is also advisable that a close watch should be kept on the matching tooths. The incisors can over grow and causes trauma. If this is happening your Guinea pigs should see a veterinarian about or for tooth trim. While the tooth is broken, your Guinea pig may have trouble graping its food. Watch your Guinea pig eating carefully, if it is having trouble graping food, try to chop its meal. It is very important that your Guinea pig continue to eat, both for nutritional reasons and to keep it molar in good condition

Malocclusion: This is a condition where your Guinea pig teeth do not meet properly. Since Guinea pigs teeth grow continuously, they need to wear against each other to maintain their proper structure. If they do not fit properly, either because of hereditary or due to tooth root abscesses, or broken teeth, they can grow uneven, grow point, or grow at an angle. The teeth, most commonly affected are the cheek teeth(molars), which can grow inward spurs on the cheeks. If this happens, the teeth need to be filled by a veterinarian. If the front teeth(incisor) are affected, it is frequently an inheritable trait and this Guinea pig should not be breed.


Heat stroke: Guinea pigs do not tolerate heat well. They over heat rapidly and can die within a minute. Sigh of heat stroke include listlessness, raising their head, and shallow rapid breathing due to inadequate oxygen. It is very important to treat the Guinea pig immediately by wrapping the Guinea pig in to a towel soaked in cool water, or spring on its body.

Respiratory infection: Guinea pigs are very susceptible to upper respiratory infection. Symptoms include nasal discharge, sneeze, and difficulty in breathing. Upper respiratory can lead to pneumonia in Guinea pigs and Guinea pigs with this sign should see a veterinarian. One of the causes of pneumonia in Guinea pigs is due to a virus infection called bordetella. This virus can be carried by rabbits and dogs so it is advisable for dogs and Guinea pigs not to be breed in the same place.

Dystocias (difficulties in given birth) If a female Guinea pig is bred for the first time after she is greater than 8 months of age, her public symbiosis will have ossified and she will be unable to give birth with a c – section. Snow (female Guinea pigs) bred before 8 months of age do not have this problem, but can have another problem given birth. Dystocias can be life threatening to the snow as well as the piglet. Many health issues can be solve or avoided through observation and good husbandry practices.

Maggot infection : This infection comes when your Guinea pigs cage or house is dirty which attract strike flies to lays their eggs on Guinea pigs body covered with fur. When these eggs hatches the maggot burrow in to the Guinea pigs body literally eating it alive. Also, if Guinea pigs are not given diets containing the amount of vitamin C that their body needs they will suffer and die. For a list common Guinea pig illnesses visit: HTTP:// WWW guiealynx . Info / emergency. ht ml.


Penicillins base drugs (annoxicillin) are deadly to cavies make sure your vet does not prescribe these drugs. If you are not sure whether the prescribed drugs are safe, ask. Because Baytril (an otherwise excellent broad spectrum antibiotic) can interfere with growth, it should be given to baby Guinea pigs only as a last resort.

Things to watch for

If your Guinea pig shows any of these signs see a vet or try to cure it immediately. Refusal to eat, labored breathing, sneezing, crusty eyes, hunch posture, diarrhea, blood in urine, loss of balance, excessive scratching or loss of hair. Be observant unusual behavior ( like sitting with it face in a conner and slow to response) could also be a reason for alarm.



Guinea pigs are animals whose teeth are adapted in chewing. But in Africa( Cameroon) Guinea pigs generally feed on grasses and remains of food from house hold. This is to say there are herbivores (vegetarian) which means they don’t feet on meat or fish. Along with human and monkey, Guinea pigs can not manufacture their own vitamin C, their bodies can not produce it. This is due the fact that vegetable matter is an essential part of Guinea pigs diet. The easiest way to achieve this is to feed your Guinea pigs with plenty of vegetables and fruits because fresh fruits contain vitamin C. Here are same some grasses and fruits that Guineas pigs like to consume.

Grasses fruitsElephant stock grasses Paw paw Cover crops grasses Riped bananasPotatoes leafs and piles PineapplesFresh maize leafs and stems Pears, Apples, watermelon, Strawberries,

Kiwi fruits

Cabbages Banana leafsPlantains leafs

Cooked food like

Rice Coco yamsPlantainsBananafufu corn

Guinea pigs have individual tastes so don’t expect each and every Guinea pig to like the same. This is why it is essential to give a wide choice. As time goes on, you will get to know the food and fruit your Guinea pigs likes and does not like. Given about a large hand full to your Guinea pigs. All fresh cut food must be stored at room temperature. Chilled or frozen produce can upset a Guinea pig stomach and cause diarrhea

The following food are toxic to Guinea pigs and will or give an upset stomach or potentially make them seriously ill. These food s are to be avoided totally

Tomatoes leaves MushroomsGreen beansSeeds and nuts Dairy productsBreadsSultanasDaisiesIceberg lectus


Grass and herbs are favorite food for your Guinea pigs especially when the are fresh. Ensure that every grasses you provide to them is free from pesticides, dogs fouling, and toxic plants. It is best or good to restrict newly shoot or grown plants to your Guinea pigs because too much can cause diarrhea.

How to produce a local Guinea pigs feed In other to produce a local feed for your Guinea pigs the following steps stated below

will help you do so.(cassava pilings and Dried maize in other word corn)

Step 1These cassava pilings are been wash and suck in water for about 3 to 4 days depending on

the quantity of cassava pilings you have for fermentation to take place.

Step 2After these 3 or 4 days of fermentation these cassava pilings are now removed from water

and rinsing before drying takes place. At this point in time you have to dry them for at least 6 to 7 day for them to be well dried and this will depend on the quantity and sun light intensity present.

Step 3When these cassava pilings are dried you now grand it depending on the type of g randing

machine that you have. Granding the cassava pilings first will help you to know the quantity of maize needed to mixed with.

Step 4This last step consist of mixing of grand cassava pilings and grand dried maize (any kind of

maize can be use either a red or white maize but must often red maizes are preferred) together on till a mixture is attend

This local feed can be consume by your Guinea pigs and other animals like goats and birds (fowls).


This information is very important for Guinea pig farmers and to those who are interested in Guinea pigs ( snow female Guinea pigs) breeding. The average length of (pregnancy) in a Guinea pig is 65-68days. This is the longest gestation period of any animal in the rodent family. When your Guinea pig is or are pregnant make sure you provide them with good fresh vegetable and fruits for vitamin C, at this stage they need a lot of vitamin C for the Guinea pig and the child in-the stomach, also an extra sugar from fruits prevent the pregnant Guinea pigs from developing a condition called Toxemia :Toxemia can bring a fatal problem to the snow (female Guinea pigs) which result in miscarriage and still birth. It is also important to keep pregnant Guinea pigs stress-free as possible. It is very difficult to know exactly when a Guinea pig is going to give birth. You may notice that your Guinea pig is moving less and interacting less. This usually happen about 1 to 2 weeks before she goes in to labor. Baby Guinea pigs are born fully furred, with eyes open their teeth erupted. Baby Guinea pigs will begin to eat their mums food within a few hours of birth. The babies can be weaned from their mum at approximately 3weeks but these Guinea pigs have different maturity

Females = 5-6 weeks that is 1 month 1-2 weeks Males = 8 weeks that is 2 monthsThe average littering size in Guinea pigs tent to be 2-3, but they can have as few as 1 and as

many as 4 piglets at a time.


A pregnant female Guinea pig

A female Guinea pig can not be younger than 4 months or older than 8 months when she is first impregnated. After 8 months its hip bones fuse together creating a dangerous situation that may require a caesarian section or leads to death of her and babies

Guinea pigs behaviors

Guinea pigs, are like dogs, cats, and people who communicate through bodyMovement and vocalizations. Here is a list of common piggy behaviorsto help you understand your new Guinea pigs better for does who want to keep as breeders or pets :Body Language• Popcorning: hopping straight up in the air, when happy,excited or playful – very cute to watch and the sign of a pleasedPiggy!• Freezing: startled or uncertain• Sniffing: checking things out• Licking: a sign of guinea pig affection• Touching Noses: a friendly greeting between guinea pigs• Scent Marking: guinea pigs will rub their chins, cheeks, andhind ends on items they wish to mark as theirs• Tossing Head Up in the Air: a pig annoyed with being pettedwill toss their head back as way of asking you to stopVocalizations• Wheeking: sounds like a long, loud squeal or whistle; your pig


is excited probably about you or food• Cooing: reassurance, often seen between pigs• Purring: If a pig is comfortable they will make a deep calmingSounding purr, however if the purr is high pitched your pig maybe annoyed• Whining: annoyance or dislike for something• Teeth Chattering: this is a sign of an agitated or angry guineaPig and means "back off" or "stay away."• Hissing: like teeth chattering, these can occur together.• Shrieking: a piercing, high-pitched squeak calls of alarm, fear,or pain. If you hear this type of sound, check on your guineaPigs to make sure everything is okay.

Farmer health

Guinea pigs are non disease carrier but little exception of certain fungi and bacterial, these are diseases that a Guinea pig can pass on to human caretaker. It is important to note however, that many people find Guinea pig dander severely allergenic to them. Guinea pigs farmers have to be careful in other not to attract these diseases through the application of good hygien in their farms.



Guinea pig new owner care Guide / created Oct 2010 / AWLQ education Division file location.

Guinea lynx WWW guinea lynx. Com

Caring for Guinea pigs docx Rev 4 - 10

The farmer's voice newspaper in Cameroon

RSPC A Handle with care, Wilberforce

For more information you can contact me throughTel: +237-651-273-374And on Facebook at Njougue techa
