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Improving Hadoop Cluster Performance via Linux Configuration

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Improving Hadoop Cluster Performance via Linux Configura:on DevIgni:on 2014 – Dulles, Virginia Alex Moundalexis // @technmsg
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Improving  Hadoop  Cluster  Performance  via  Linux  Configura:on  DevIgni:on  2014  –  Dulles,  Virginia  

Alex  Moundalexis  //  @technmsg  

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2  ©  Cloudera,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  

Tips  from  a  former  system  administrator    

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Click  to  edit  Master  :tle  style  

CC  BY  2.0  /  Richard  Bumgardner  

Been  there,  done  that.  

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Tips  from  a  former  system  administrator  field  guy    

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Click  to  edit  Master  :tle  style  

CC  BY  2.0  /  Alex  Moundalexis  

Home  sweet  home.  

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Tips  Easy  steps  to  take…  

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Tips  Easy  steps  to  take…  that  most  people  don’t.  

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What  this  talk  isn’t  about  

• Deploying  • Puppet,  Chef,  Ansible,  homegrown  scripts,  intern  labor  

•  Sizing  &  Tuning  • Depends  heavily  on  data  and  workload  

• Coding  • Unless  you  count  STDOUT  redirec:on  

• Algorithms  •  I  suck  at  math,  but  we’ll  try  some  mul:plica:on  later  

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“The  answer  to  most  Hadoop  ques:ons  is…    

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“The  answer  to  most  Hadoop  ques:ons  is…    it  depends.”  

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“The  answer  to  most  Hadoop  ques:ons  is…    it  depends.”  (helpful,  right?)  

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So  what  ARE  we  talking  about?  

•  Seven  simple  things  • Quick  • Safe  • Viable  for  most  environments  and  use  cases  

•  Iden:fy  issue,  then  offer  solu:on  • Note:  Commands  run  as  root  or  sudo  

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1.  Swapping  Bad  news,  best  not  to.  

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• A  form  of  memory  management  • When  OS  runs  low  on  memory…  • write  blocks  to  disk  • use  now-­‐free  memory  for  other  things  •  read  blocks  back  into  memory  from  disk  when  needed  

• Also  known  as  paging  

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• Problem:  Disks  are  slow,  especially  to  seek  • Hadoop  is  about  maximizing  IO  • spend  less  :me  acquiring  data  • operate  on  data  in  place  •  large  streaming  reads/writes  from  disk  

• Memory  usage  is  somewhat  limited  within  JVM  • we  should  be  able  to  manage  our  memory  • account  for  JVM  overhead  

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Limit  swapping  in  kernel  

• Well,  as  much  as  possible.  •  Immediate:    #  echo  1  >  /proc/sys/vm/swappiness  

• Persist  amer  reboot:    #  echo  "vm.swappiness  =  1"  >>  /etc/sysctl.conf  

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Swapping  peculiari:es  

• Behavior  varies  based  on  Linux  kernel  • CentOS  6.4+  /  Ubuntu  10.10+  • For  you  kernel  gurus,  that’s  Linux  2.6.32-­‐303+  

• Prior  • We  don’t  swap,  except  to  avoid  OOM  condi:on.  

• Amer  • We  don’t  swap,  ever.  

• Details:  hpp://:ny.cloudera.com/noswap  

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2.  File  Access  Time  Disable  this  too.  

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File  access  :me  

•  Linux  tracks  access  :me  • writes  to  disk  even  if  all  you  did  was  read  

• Problem  • more  disk  seeks  • HDFS  is  write-­‐once,  read-­‐many  • NameNode  tracks  access  informa:on  for  HDFS  

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Don’t  track  access  :me  

• Mount  volumes  with  noatime  op:on  •  In  /etc/fstab:    /dev/sdc  /data01  ext3  defaults,noatime  0    

• Note:  noatime  assumes  nodirtime  as  well  • What  about  relatime?  • Faster  than  atime  but  slower  than  noatime  

• No  reboot  required  • #  mount  -­‐o  remount  /data01  

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3.  Root  Reserved  Space  Reclaim  it,  impress  your  bosses!  

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Root  reserved  space  

• EXT3/4  reserve  5%  of  disk  for  root-­‐owned  files  • On  an  OS  disk,  sure  • System  logs,  kernel  panics,  etc  

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Click  to  edit  Master  :tle  style  

CC  BY  2.0  /  Alex  Moundalexis  

Disks  used  to  be  much  smaller,  right?  

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Do  the  math  

• Conserva:ve  • 5%  of  1  TB  disk  =  46  GB  • 5  data  disks  per  server  =  230  GB  • 5  servers  per  rack  =  1.15  TB  

• Quasi-­‐Aggressive  • 5%  of  4  TB  disk  =  186  GB  • 12  data  disks  per  server  =  2.23  TB  • 18  servers  per  rack  =  40.1  TB  

• That’s  a  LOT  of  unused  storage!  

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Root  reserved  space  

• On  a  Hadoop  data  disk,  no  root-­‐owned  files  • When  crea:ng  a  par::on    #  mkfs.ext3  –m  0  /dev/sdc  

• On  exis:ng  par::ons    #  tune2fs  -­‐m  0  /dev/sdc  • 0  is  safe,  1  is  for  the  ultra-­‐paranoid  

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4.  Name  Service  Cache  Turn  it  on,  already!  

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Name  Service  Cache  Daemon  

• Daemon  that  caches  name  service  requests  • Passwords  • Groups  • Hosts  

• Helps  weather  network  hiccups  • Helps  more  with  high  latency  LDAP,  NIS,  NIS+  •  Small  footprint  •  Zero  configura:on  required  

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Name  Service  Cache  Daemon  

• Hadoop  nodes  •  largely  a  network-­‐based  applica:on  • on  the  network  constantly  •  issue  lots  of  name  lookups,  especially  HBase  &  distcp  • can  thrash  name  servers  

• Reducing  latency  of  service  requests?  Smart.  • Reducing  impact  on  shared  infrastructure?  Smart.  

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Name  Service  Cache  Daemon  

• Turn  it  on,  let  it  work,  leave  it  alone:  #  chkconfig  -­‐-­‐level  345  nscd  on  #  service  nscd  start    

• Check  on  it  later:  #  nscd  -­‐g  

• Unless  using  Red  Hat  SSSD;  modify  nscd  config  first!  • Don’t  use  nscd  to  cache  passwd,  group,  or  netgroup  • Red  Hat,  Using  NSCD  with  SSSD.  hpp://goo.gl/68HTMQ  

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5.  File  Handle  Limits  Not  a  problem,  un:l  they  are.  

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File  handle  limits  

• Kernel  refers  to  files  via  a  handle  • Also  called  descriptors  

•  Linux  is  a  mul:-­‐user  system  •  File  handles  protect  the  system  from  • Poor  coding  • Malicious  users  • Poor  coding  of  malicious  users  • Pictures  of  cats  on  the  Internet  

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java.io.FileNotFoundExcep:on:  (Too  many  open  files)  

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File  handle  limits  

•  Linux  defaults  usually  not  enough  •  Increase  maximum  open  files  (default  1024)  

#  echo  hdfs  –  nofile  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  #  echo  mapred  –  nofile  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  #  echo  hbase  –  nofile  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  

• Bonus:  Increase  maximum  processes  too  #  echo  hdfs  –  nproc  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  #  echo  mapred  –  nproc  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  #  echo  hbase  –  nproc  32768  >>  /etc/security/limits.conf  

• Note:  Cloudera  Manager  will  do  this  for  you.  

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6.  Dedicated  Disks  Don’t  be  tempted  to  share,  even  with  monster  disks.  

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The  Situa:on  

1.  Your  new  server  has  a  dozen  1  TB  disks  2.  Eleven  disks  are  used  to  store  data  3.  One  disk  is  used  for  the  OS  • 20  GB  for  the  OS  • 980  GB  sits  unused    

4.  Someone  asks  “can  we  store  data  there  too?”  5.  Seems  reasonable,  lots  of  space…  “OK,  why  not.”  

Sound  familiar?  

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36  ©  Cloudera,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  Microsom  Office  EULA.  Really.  

“I  don’t  understand  it,  there’s    no  consistency  to  these  run  >mes!”  

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No  love  for  shared  disk  

• Our  quest  for  data  gets  interrupted  a  lot:  • OS  opera:ons  • OS  logs  • Hadoop  logging,  quite  chapy  • Hadoop  execu:on  • userspace  execu:on  

• Disk  seeks  are  slow,  remember?  

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Dedicated  disk  for  OS  and  logs  

• At  install  :me      • Disk  0,  OS  &  logs  • Disk  1-­‐n,  Hadoop  data  

• Amer  install,  more  complicated  effort,  requires  manual  HDFS  block  rebalancing:  1.  Take  down  HDFS  •  If  you  can  do  it  in  under  10  minutes,  just  the  DataNode  

2.  Move  or  distribute  blocks  from  disk0/dir  to  disk[1-­‐n]/dir  3.  Remove  dir  from  HDFS  config  (dfs.data.dir)  4.  Start  HDFS  

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7.  Name  Resolu:on  Sane,  both  forward  and  reverse.  

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Name  resolu:on  op:ons  

1.  Hosts  file,  if  you  must  2.  DNS,  much  preferred      

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Name  resolu:on  with  hosts  file  

•  Set  canonical  names  properly    

• Right    r01m01.cluster.org  r01m01  master1    r01w01.cluster.org    r01w01  worker1  

• Wrong    r01m01          r01m01.cluster.org  master1    r01w01          r01w01.cluster.org  worker1  

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Name  resolu:on  with  hosts  file  

•  Set  loopback  address  properly  • Ensure  resolves  to  “localhost,”  NOT  hostname  

• Right  localhost  

• Wrong  r01m01  

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Name  resolu:on  with  DNS  

•  Forward  • Reverse  

• Hostname  should  match  the  FQDN  in  DNS  

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This  is  what  you  ought  to  see  

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Name  resolu:on  errata  

• Mismatches?  Expect  odd  results.  • Problems  star:ng  DataNodes  • Non-­‐FQDN  in  Web  UI  links  • Security  features  are  extra  sensi:ve  to  FQDN  

• Errors  so  common  that  link  to  FAQ  is  included  in  logs!  • hpp://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/UnknownHost  

• Get  name  resolu:on  working  BEFORE  enabling  nscd!  

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Summary  Now  is  the  appropriate  :me  to  take  out  your  camera  phone.  

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A  white  background  is  supposedly  beper  for  prin:ng.  (who  prints  things  anymore?)  

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A  white  background  is  supposedly  beper  for  prin:ng.  (but  makes  for  very  pale  slides)  

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1.  disable  vm.swappiness  2.  data  disks:  mount  with  noatime  op:on  3.  data  disks:  disable  root  reserve  space  4.  enable  nscd  5.  increase  file  handle  limits  6.  use  dedicated  OS/logging  disk  7.  sane  name  resolu:on  


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Recommended  reading  

• Hadoop  Opera:ons  hpp://amzn.to/1ydMrLf  

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Ques:ons?  Preferably  related  to  the  talk…  

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Thanks!  Alex  Moundalexis|  @technmsg  

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8.  Bonus  Round  Because  we  have  enough  :me  (or  I  talked  really  fast)…  

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Other  things  to  check  

• Disk  IO  • hdparm  • #  hdparm  -­‐Tt  /dev/sdc  •  Looking  for  at  least  70  MB/s  from  7200  RPM  disks  •  Slower  could  indicate  a  failing  drive,  disk  controller,  array,  etc.  

• dd  • hpp://romanrm.ru/en/dd-­‐benchmark  

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Other  things  to  check  

• Disable  Red  Hat  Transparent  Huge  Pages  (RH6+  un:l  6.5)  • Can  reduce  elevated  CPU  usage  •  In  rc.local:  

echo  never  >  /sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage/defrag  echo  never  >  /sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage/enabled  

• Reference:  Linux  6  Transparent  Huge  Pages  and  Hadoop  Workloads,  hpp://goo.gl/WSF2qC  

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Other  things  to  check  

• Enable  Jumbo  Frames  • Only  if  your  network  infrastructure  supports  it!  • Can  easily  (and  arguably)  boost  throughput  by  10-­‐20%  

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Other  things  to  check  

• Enable  Jumbo  Frames  • Only  if  your  network  infrastructure  supports  it!  • Can  easily  (and  arguably)  boost  throughput  by  10-­‐20%  

• Monitor  and  Chart  Everything  • How  else  will  you  know  what’s  happening?  • Nagios  • Ganglia  

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Ques:ons?  Preferably  related  to  the  talk…  

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Thanks!  Alex  Moundalexis|  @technmsg  
