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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY USING THE … · responden dalam proses penelitian ini yang...

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Page 1: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY USING THE … · responden dalam proses penelitian ini yang diambil dari kelas jurusan Tata Boga 1, SMK Pius X Magelang. ... 9 2. CLT and Speaking



AT 11th




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Agnes Ambar Pratiwi Bayuningsih

Student Number: 111214006








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O gentle lover of my heart in your suffering

give me part, Love’s burning flame in me

release that to the world I servant be, In ever

growing strength and care until eternal life I

share. Amen. (EG.39)

................. I dedicate it to my beloved CB Sisters............


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Bayuningsih, Agnes Ambar Pratiwi.(2016). Improving Students’ Speaking

Ability Using the Snakes and Ladders Board Game at 11th

Grade of of Saint

Pius X Vocational High School Magelang.

Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Programme, Sanata Dharma


Speaking is one of the four language skills. Speaking skill is considered as

a difficult subject for the 11th

grade of St.Pius X Vocational High School

Magelang. Some students were silent during the speaking activity even some

students were using Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the research was aimed to

improve students‟ speaking ability using the Snakes and Ladders board game.

In conducting the research, the researcher applied the snakes and ladders

board games to improve the students‟ speaking ability at 11th

grade of Cookery

Department of St.Pius X Vocational High School Magelang. The formulated

problem of this study is how the snakes and ladders board game improve the

students‟ speaking ability at 11th

grade of Cookery Department of St.Pius X

Vocational High School Magelang.

The research employed classroom action research. There were 38

participants of this study from class of Cookery Department 1 of St.Pius X

Vocational High School Magelang. The research was conducted in two cycles.

The first cycle was conducted in three meetings and the second one was

conducted in two meetings. The reseacher obtained two major data analysis;

qualitative data analysis and descriptive statistics.

The action research result showed that the use of the Snakes and Ladders

board game had improved the students‟ speaking ability. The significant

improvement could be seen from speaking test result from cycle 1 to cycle 2

where the result of the students‟ mean score was increased from 69.5 to 79.2.

Using the Snakes and Ladders board game becomes an appropriate method to

improve students‟ speaking ability.

Key words : classroom action research, the Snakes and Ladders board game,

speaking ability.


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Bayuningsih, Agnes Ambar Pratiwi.(2016). Improving Students’ Speaking

Ability Using the Snakes and Ladders Board Game at 11th

Grade of Saint

Pius X Vocational High School Magelang.

Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Programme, Sanata Dharma


Berbicara merupakan salah satu dari empat ketrampilan berbahasa.

Kemampuan berbicara dipadang sebagai hal yang sulit bagi siswa kelas 11, SMK

PIUS X Magelang. Beberapa siswa diam ketika diminta untuk berbicara, bahkan

beberapa diantaranya memilih menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu,

penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam

berbicara menggunakan permainan ular tangga.

Dalam proses penelitian, peneliti memilih permainan ular tangga untuk

mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas 11 SMK Pius X Magelang.

Persoalannya, bagaimana permainan ular tangga dapat meningkatkan

kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas 11 SMK Pius X Magelang.

Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Terdapat 38

responden dalam proses penelitian ini yang diambil dari kelas jurusan Tata Boga

1, SMK Pius X Magelang. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Siklus pertama

dilakukan dalam tiga kali pertemuan dan siklus kedua dilakukan dalam dua kali

pertemuan. Peneliti pun mendapatkan dua analisa data mayor; analisa data

kualitatif dan pemaparan statistik.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan permainan ular tangga

telah mengembangkan kemampuan bicara para siswa. Perkembangan yang

signifikan dapat dilihat dari hasil tes berbicara antara siklus 1 dan siklus 2.

Hasilnya, rata-rata nilai kemampuan bericara mereka meningkat dari 69,5

menjadi 79,2. Penggunaan permainan ular tangga menjadi metode yang tepat

dan sesuai untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara para siswa.

Kata Kunci : penelitian tindakan kelas, permainan ular tangga, kemampuan berbicara.


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I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the Almighty God and

Lord Jesus Christ. I thank Him for being with me in all my ways of life. I

present this thesis to my beloved Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of

St.Charles Borromeo. To all my fellow sisters, especially to Sr. Rosaria,CB and

the members of General Board and Sr. Carolina, CB and the members of

Province Board; for only by their prayer in the presence of God that I am enabled

to finish this thesis.

Foremost, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my thesis

advisor, Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd., for her generosity, kindness,

encouragement, and meticulous guidance, and for her constant patience and

warmth in completing this thesis. I also wish to extend my humble gratitude to all

my lecturers in PBI who have guided and helped me during my study, especially

to my academic advisor, Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Ed.M, who has been

being my academic advisor for these past five years, for her encouragement, her

kind wishes, and sound advice.

I am indebted to Ibu Anjar, the School Principal, to Ms. Mita, the

English teacher, who was my collaborator in doing my research and the

students of eleventh grade of Cookery Department of St. Pius X Vocational High

School in the academic year 2015-2016, who were the participants in this study,

for all their support and for their cheerfulness throughout the research.

I am especially grateful to my parents, to my beloved sister Novi, and to

my beloved brother Daniel, Rafael, and Geovanni for their prayer, help,

support, and love over these years. My special gratitude also goes for my entire

classmate, class A 2011; especially for Dias, Sr. Nicoline, F.Ch, and all of those

who I cannot mention their name one by one. I am so blessed to be in this class

with all of you. I stayed young and strong because of you all.

Agnes Ambar Pratiwi Bayuningsih


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TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................. i

APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF WORK‟S ORIGINALITY............................................ v

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI......................................... vi

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. vii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES AND GRAPHS ............................................................ xii

LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1

A. Research Background .................................................................... 1

B. Problem Limitation ....................................................................... 4

C. Problem Formulation ...................................................................... 4

D. Research Objectives ........................................................................ 4

E. Research Benefits .......................................................................... 5

F. Definition of Terms ....................................................................... 5


A. Theoretical Description ............................................................... 8

1. The Nature of Speaking ......................................................... 9

2. CLT and Speaking Activities................................................. 11

3. Snakes and Ladders Board Game ............................................ 15

4. The Use of Board Game in Teaching Speaking Skill ........ 18


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B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 19

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ...................................................... 22

A. Research Method………………………………………… 22

B. Research Setting……………………………………….... 25

C. Research Participants…………………………................ 26

D. Data gathering Technique................................................ 26

E. Data Analysis Technique……………………………….... 28

F. Research Procedure……………………………………..... 29

G. Research Schedule ............................................................ 32


A. The Students‟ Score in Classroom Action Research......... 33

1. Cycle One.............……………………………........... 33

2. Cycle Two...............…………………….................... 34

B. Discussion on the Implementation of Action Research.... 36

1. Cycle One Report……………………………………. 36

2. Cycle Two Report ........... …………………………. 47


A. Conclusions………………………………………………... 57

B. Recommendations…………………………………………. 59

REFERENCES……………………………………………………… 62


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Tables Page

Table 1 The Research Schedule .............................................. 32

Table 1.1 The Students‟ score of Cycle 1..................................... 38

Table 1.2 The Students‟ score of Cycle 2..................................... 38

Graph 1 The Students‟ Score on Speaking Test ......................... 36

Graph 2 The Scores of Students‟s Speaking Test ...................... 58


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Figures Page

Figure 1 The Kemmis and Taggart‟ Model ........................... 26


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Appendices Page

Appendix A Research Instruments ............................................. 64

Appendix B Lesson Plans ........................................................... 75

Appendix C Speaking Score .......................................................... 9


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This chapter briefly discusses research background, problem formulation,

problem limitation, research objective, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

English is widely used as a means of communication for people in all over

the world. It has become a very important language to learn whether as an

international language for general communication or for specific needs.

Nowadays, people are eager to learn English for their own needs, business

purposes, occupations, getting a good position in a company and supporting their

ability at their work. In short, there are many areas that require English as

language of communication.

Learning a language is learning how to speak the language and how to use

the language to interact with other people. In 2015, Indonesia entered to AFTA

era. AFTA is an acronym for ASEAN Free Trade Area. AFTA is “a form of

agreement that is made by ASEAN countries to establish a free trade area in order

to improve the economic competitiveness of the ASEAN region”. AFTA was

established at 4th

the ASEAN summit in Singapore in 1992. The purposes of

AFTA include making the ASEAN region as competitive product so that ASEAN

products have a high competitiveness in the global market, to attract more foreign

direct investments, and to increase the trade among ASEAN members



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AFTA will facilitate foreign companies to enter Indonesia. It can be both an

opportunity and a threat. AFTA is an opportunity because the foreign companies

that entered the Indonesia will offer many job vacancies for the competent

workers, but it would be a threat if Indonesian workers are not ready to enter the

world competition. How Indonesia can prepare their citizen to be ready for this

challenge. The answer is education. Vocational education as a school that prepares

students to work can take this opportunity to fill in existing vacancies because

vocational High School is one of the educations which focus on preparing

graduates to be ready to work.

It refers to the content of Law on the National Education System Number 20

in 2003 Article 3 about the national education goals and explanation of Article 15

which states that vocational education is secondary education that prepares

students primarily to work in particular field.


Saint Pius X Vocational High School is one of vocational school in

Magelang, Central Java. The school is managed by Tarakanita foundation. Saint

Pius X has two majors; Cookery Department, and Sewing department. The school

conducts the learning process as the Indonesian curriculum along with the vision

and mission of the school in order to prepare skillful students to enter the work

field. It means that the school should prepare their students to compete in AFTA

era as well. The foreign companies which enter the Indonesia both in the form of

services such as in tourism, transportation, and in trading will require workers

with high competence. One of the competencies is the ability to use foreign


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languages, especially English. The graduates of St. Pius X will compete with

foreign workers from other countries of ASEAN region as well therefore, having

the ability to use English or other foreign languages are obligatory.

Teaching English as foreign language, however, is not easy to be done. The

interview result which had been conducted on June 30, 2015 showed that the

biggest challenge is making students speak English during the learning process.

The students mostly are villagers who rarely practice speaking English. Their

communication tool is Javanese as their mother tongue and Indonesian as a

second language. Furthermore, the lack of vocabulary is the primary cause why

the students do not want to speak during English class. Thus, they are also not

confident enough to speak English in the class.

Those obstacles cause their ability to speak English low while they are

demanded to have a good English in order to be able to compete in the work field.

Therefore, in this study the researcher wants to improve the student‟s speaking

ability using the Snakes and Ladders board game for the eleventh grade of

Cookery major of St.Pius X Magelang. The snakes and ladders board game is

expected to help students learn English in fun and enjoyable atmosphere. It is

because board game offers potential language practices if they are constructed

according to specific syllabus specifications (Gaudart in Lee, 2012).

Moreover, games can help promote positive attitudes toward learning

English. They encourage active participation among players and consequently

boost confidence and self-esteem (Lee, 2012). Hence, the study intends to

investigate how the Snakes and Ladders board game can improve the students‟


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speaking ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery Department of Saint Pius X

Vocational High School Magelang. Thus, speaking skill will become a focus in

using the Snakes and Ladders board game in learning process.

B. Problem Limitation

The research is limited to the discussion of finding out the role of the

snakes and ladders board game in improving students‟ speaking ability for

eleventh grade of Cookery Department of Saint Pius X Vocational High School,

Magelang in the academic year 2015-2016.

C. Problem Formulation

The problem related to the use of the snakes and ladders board game in

improving students‟ speaking ability of eleventh grade of Cookery Department of

Saint Pius X Vocational High School Magelang is:

How do the snakes and ladders board game improve the students‟ speaking

ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery Department of Pius X Vocational

High School Magelang in the the academic year 2015-2016?

D. Research Objectives

Related to the problem formulation, the objective of this research is

mentioned below:

To find out how the Snakes and Ladders board game improve students‟

speaking ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery Department of Pius X

Vocational High School Magelang in the academic year 2015-2016.


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E. Research Benefits

The research will give some benefits to the following parties.

1. Teacher

Teachers would get a reference to improve their English learning process

especially to increase students‟ English competence focusing in speaking skill

using a game as the learning method.

2. Students

Students will enjoy the English learning because it is conducted using

games, therefore they will be more confident to speak English. Games provide

less anxiety learning process; therefore, their speaking skill will improve


3. Further Studies

Hopefully, this research can give a contribution to further studies related to

English teaching to increase speaking skill for the vocational high school which

has the same major in other schools.

F. Definition of Terms

Some specific terms will be used in this research. Thus, for providing better

understanding and getting the same idea during the research this section will

explain the definition of terms that are used in the research.

1. Speaking Ability

According to Harmer (2001) speaking ability is the ability to speak

fluently presupposed not only knowledge of language features but also the ability

to process information and language „on the spot‟. It requires the ability to


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cooperate speaking turns and non-verbal language that happens in a real situation

even has only a little time for detailed planning. Therefore, the fluency is required

to achieve the goal of the conversation.

In this study, speaking ability is defined as the novice level students‟

ability to express themselves orally, coherently, fluently and appropriately in a

given meaningful context both in transactional and interactional purposed using

correct pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. In other words, the students are

required to show mastery of the following sub- competencies or skills as stated by

Torky (2006).

a. Linguistic competence consists of the skills of using intelligible

pronunciation, following grammatical rules accurately and using a relevant,

adequate and appropriate range of vocabulary.

b. Discourse competence includes the skills of structuring discourse coherently

and cohesively, and managing conversation and interacting effectively to

keep the conversation going.

c. Pragmatic competence covers the skills of expressing a range of functions

effectively and appropriately according to the context and register.

d. Fluency means speaking fluently demonstrating a reasonable rate of speech.

2. The Snakes and Ladders Board Game

According to Gordon and Bedro (1999), board game is a game which

mainly involve moving markers along a path. There are many types of board

game such as monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, ludo, etc.


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According to Muaddab as cited in Nachiappan, et al (2014:220) the snakes

and ladders game was created in the 2nd century BC and developed by the Hindus

to teach their children of morality lesson. The game named “Paramapada

Sopanam” or Ladder to Salvation. The game has snakes and ladders picture in its

board. The snakes symbolized bad omens and the ladders represented good

values. The game consists of snakes and ladders board, dice, counters, and cues.

Thus, in this study, the Snakes and Ladders board game will be used as a

media in teaching speaking skill. The game will provide an interesting activity

and the students will speak using English with their friends in order to complete

the task in the game cues; therefore, the game will be adjusted to the learning

topic in the lesson plan.

3. Vocational High School

According to Evans in Djojonegoro (1998) vocational education is part of

the education system that prepares a student to be able to work with a group of

occupations or at a certain job. Along with understanding that each field of study

is vocational education as long as it is studied in depth. The depth is intended as a

preparation to enter the work field

4. The Eleventh Grade of Cookery Department of Saint Pius X Vocational

High School Magelang.

The subject of the study is the eleventh grade of Cookery Department of

Saint Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in the academic year of 2015-

2016. The number of the students is 38 which consist of 11 male students and 27

female students.


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This chapter will present a review of related literature. It consists of two

parts: theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

With the growth of English as an International language of

communication, it is clear that many learners need to speak and interact in many

situations through language whether it is for traveling, business or professional

reasons (McDonough, Shaw, Masuhara, 2013). Since speaking is the main skill

that will be learned in this study, it is important for the writer to know about

speaking in depth.

1. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is one of the four basic language skills, along with listening,

reading and writing skills. Speaking and writing are classified as active or

productive skills while listening and reading are classified as passive or receptive

skills. Learners often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of

language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning


In order to be able to communicate effectively, the speakers need to master

communicative competence. Canale and Swain in Richards (2002) propose that

communicative competence are grammatical competence, discourse competence,

sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence


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includes increasing expertise in morphology, syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics.

Grammatical competence enables them to use and understand language

accurately. Discourse competence concerns with speaker‟s relationships, formal

and informal occasions, the rules of cohesion and coherence. It contributes in

turn-taking of conversation and in knowing how the meaning is represented

through connected text.

Moreover, the Sociolinguistic competence is a competence to use and

respond to language appropriately, to the topic given, the setting and the

relationship among the people who communicate. While the strategic competence

is how the learners manipulate the language in order to meet the communicative

goal. It refers to how the learners employed the strategies to compensate their

limitation ( Brown in Richards and Renandya, 2002:208).

The ultimate goal of teaching speaking skills is communicative efficiency.

It will be useful for the teacher of speaking skills to view the characteristics of the

spoken language. According to Bygate as cited in McDonough (2013:159) the

binary distinction of speaking skills are the first category called as motor-

receptive which involves linguistic elements, such as pronunciation, vocabulary,

and chunks and structure. The second refers to social and interactional skills that

relate to what and how to say things in specific communicative situation

effectively. Teacher or instructor has to involve the learners in activities that

require a development of pronunciation and the use of target expression in the

meaningful context, whereas learners should be able to make themselves

understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid


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confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary,

and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication


Furthermore, Harmer et al, in Vilimec (2006) note down that from the

communicative point of view, speaking has many different aspects including two

major categories, accuracy, and fluency. Accuracy involves the correct use of

vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, whereas fluency is considered as the ability

to keep going when speaking happened spontaneously.

Furthermore, Richard (2006) stated that differences between activities that

focus on fluency and accuracy can be summarized as:

1) Activities focusing on fluency are reflect a natural use of language, focus on

achieving communication, require the meaningful use of language, require the

use of communication strategies, produce the language that may not predictable

and seek to link language use to contact.

2) Activities focusing on accuracy are reflect classroom use of language, focus

on the formation of correct examples of language, practice language out of

context, practice small samples of language, do not require meaningful

communication and control choice of language.

(Richards, 2006:18)

In addition, Brown (2001: 267) says that when someone can speak a

language it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably competently. In

addition, he states that the benchmark of successful acquisition of language is

almost always the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic goals

through an interactive discourse with other language speakers.

Moreover, Brown (2001: 271) adds in teaching oral communication, micro

skills are very important. One implication is the importance of focusing on both

the forms of language and the functions of the language. Furthermore, Brown

states the micro and macro skills in speaking. The macro-skills of speaking are the


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abilities to appropriately accomplish communicative functions and

sociolinguistics features in speaking to convey connection between events and

communicate them, to convey nonverbal cues along with verbal language, and to

develop the use of speaking strategies. Meanwhile, the micro-skills of speaking

are the abilities to produce different phonemes, chunks of language, English stress

pattern, fluent speech at different rate of delivery and natural constituent, reduce

form of words and phrases, and to use an adequate numbers of words,

grammatical words classes and cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

Speaking skill is always related to communication. Speaking skill can be

stated as the skill to use the language accurately to express meanings in order to

transfer or to get knowledge and information from other people in the whole life

situation. Therefore, in order to be able to wage successfully fluent oral

production the speaker must possess knowledge of the language and skill to use it

properly and precisely.

2. Communicative Language Teaching and Speaking Activities

As Brown in Vilimec (2006 : 17-18) describes that it has been the

philosophy of communicative language teaching (CLT) for many years to teach

foreign languages through communicative approach which focuses „on speaking

and listening skills, on writing for specific communicative purposes, and on

authentic reading texts‟, the most important features of CLT has defined by means

of four characteristics. Brown formulated the features as follows:

1) Classroom goals are focused on all of the components of communicative

competence and not restricted to grammatical or linguistic competence;

2) Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic,

authentic, functional use of language for meaningful purposes.


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Organizational language forms are not the central focus but rather aspects

of language that enable the learners to accomplish those purposes.

3) Fluency and accuracy are seen as complementary principles underlying

communicative techniques. At times fluency may have to take on more

importance than accuracy in order to keep learners meaningfully engaged

in language use.

4) In the communicative classroom, students ultimately have to use the

language, productively and receptively, in unrehearsed context.

(Brown in Vilimec 2006, 18)

In addition, Richard and Rodgers (2003) also stated that CLT is an

approach and not a method. The goal of language teaching is to make

communicative competence and to develop procedures for the teaching of the four

language skills. Further, CLT is a theory of language teaching that starts from a

communicative model of language and language use.

According to Hymes‟s theory as cited in Richard and Rodgers (2003:159),

“communication competence was a definition of what a speakers needs to know in

order to be communicatively competent in a speech community.” Richard and

Rodgers (2003:161) suggest some characteristics of communicative view of

language as:

1) Language is a system for the expression of meaning

2) The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication

3) The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses

4) The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural

features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as

exemplified in discourse.

Moreover, Richards (2006) states that the one of goals of CLT is to develop

fluency in language use. Fluency is natural language use occurring when a


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speaker engages and maintains communication. It can be developed by creating

classroom activities in which learners must negotiate meaning, use

communication strategies and avoid communication breakdowns.

Brown (2004: 271) describes six categories of speaking skill area. Those six

categories are as follows:

a. Imitative

This category covers the ability to practice an intonation and focus on some

particular elements of language form. It is only imitating a word, phrase or

sentence, but the important thing is focusing on pronunciation. The teacher uses

drilling in the teaching learning process. By using drilling, students will get

opportunity to listen and to repeat some words orally.

b. Intensive

This is the students‟ speaking performance where students are practicing some

phonological and grammatical aspects of language. Students are doing the task in

pairs (group work), for example, reading aloud that includes reading paragraph,

reading dialogue with partner in turn, or reading information from chart.

c. Responsive

Responsive performance includes interaction and test comprehension in limited

level of very short conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple request

and comments. This is a kind of short responses to teacher or student-initiated

questions or comments, giving instructions and directions. However, those

responses are usually sufficient and meaningful.


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d. Transactional (dialogue)

It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information.

For example is conversation which is done in pair work.

e. Interpersonal (dialogue)

The purpose is for maintaining social relationships than the transmission of facts

and information. The forms of interpersonal speaking performance are interview,

role play, discussions, conversations and games.

f. Extensive (monologue)

A teacher gives students extended monologues in the form of oral reports,

summaries, and story -telling and short speeches.

Richard and Rodgers (2003) argue that the exercise types and activities in

a communicative approach are unlimited. It should provide exercises that enable

learners to attain the communicative objectives of the curriculum, engage learners

in communication, and require the use of communicative processes as information

sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction. Classroom activities mostly are

designed to focus on completing tasks, involving negotiation of information and

information sharing.

Major activity types in CLT were distinguished into functional

communication activities and interaction activities by Littlewood in Richard and

Rodgers, (2003). Functional communication activities are comparing sets of

pictures and noting similarities and differences, working out a sequence of events

in a set of pictures, discovering missing features in a map, giving instructions on

how to draw picture or shape, and following directions, or solving problems from


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shared clues. While, social interaction activities include conversation and

discussion, dialogues and role-play, simulation, skit, improvisation and debates

(Richard and Rodgers, 2003). Furthermore, a variety of games are prepared to

support CLT classes.

There are some points that should be considered in assessing speaking.

The students need to know at least the pronunciation, vocabularies, and language

functions that they are going to use. When the students are ready and well

prepared for the activity, they can use the language appropriately.

3. Snakes and Ladders Board Game

Introducing games for learners in order to teach and develop their

language proficiency is one way to enhance language learning. Lee (2012) points

out that a well-developed game has educational and pedagogical value. It is

meaningful when the learners as players learn and produce chunks of language

from it.

Incorporating games in the classroom can increase student-learning

experiences, make materials more current and relevant. Games provide the student

with new and varied learning environments that meet learners learning style. In

addition, Nachiappan, et al. (2014:219) state that learners who play games, in fact

they are learning a new literacy or language that is through multiple interactions

including images, text, diagrams, symbols and movement.

According to Chen (2000) games make the learners more willing to ask

questions and think creatively about how to use English to achieve the goal.

“Games encourage learners to focus in attention and provide a self-motivating


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environment in active participation.” It will give advantages to classroom

activities such as motivate learners to practice speaking skill in less anxiety,

entertain learners while learning language naturally, and promote fluency as Su

Kim as states that:

Games are welcome break from the usual routine of the language class, they are

motivating and challenging, games provide language practice in the various skills

– speaking, writing, listening, and reading... they create a meaningful context for

language use. (1995:35).

By integrating game in learning activities, learners are encouraged to

interact and communicate in fun atmosphere. Games also engage students in

healthy activities that challenge the mind and teach social skills.

a. The Board Game

Gaudart as cited in Lee (2012), claims that with the current emphasis on

communication in teaching language, the board game was one identified solution

for learning process. There are many types of board game such as monopoly,

Snakes and Ladders, ludo, etc. The rules of board game range from very simple

one as in Snakes and Ladders to very complex as in monopoly and Dragon and

Dragon board game. Board game is a kind of game that can be applied in

language teaching as Porenzo (1981) said that board game has also been used to

teach children basic fact and information about the world in which they live. In

the board game the materials that are needed include counters, dice, game board,

and clue cards.

According to Muaddab as cited in Nachiappan, et al. (2014:220) the

snakes and ladders game was created in the 2nd century BC and developed by the


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Hindus to teach their children of morality lesson. The game named “Paramapada

Sopanam” or Ladder to Salvation. The ladders provide a short cut to a square

nearer the finish square and the snakes obligate the players to return to a square

nearer the start square. The snakes symbolize bad omens and the ladders

represented good values. The game has become part of the traditional game in

Indonesia although there is no detailed information about its commencement in

Indonesia. This game can also be used as a tool to teach, entertain, and to build

up interactive communication among the players.

b. The Benefits of Using Board Game in Teaching and Learning Process

Incorporating board games is equally beneficial for both teachers and

learners. According to Rodilla (2012: 13-15) some benefits of using board games

for learners are providing rich learning opportunities and improving their learning

ways, connecting to real life situations, encouraging the use of authentic materials

and guarantee fresh content. Furthermore, it will enhance students‟ motivation as

they perceive them as fun and enjoyable, help them be creative, tap into the

emotional side since students discover their passions and reflect inwardly. It will

also satisfy their competitive urges, and have health benefits such as help relax

and de-stress.

The benefits for the teachers according to Rodilla (2012) are helping

teachers get learners involved and get a more positive and proactive response,

enhancing students‟ motivation –in contrast to regular class exercises- board

games present tasks that students do not normally find interesting, providing

endless possibilities and kinds of materials. Moreover, it improves teachers‟


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teaching practice, encourages teachers to put aside the text book and usual

teaching practices temporarily, and shifts the focus from teacher to learners and

minimizes the role of the teacher because teacher will be a facilitator.

4. The Use of Board Game in Teaching Speaking Skill

Using games in teaching English language can bring fun and excitement

but teachers must be sure of its aim and purpose. According to Khan (Hong 2001

as cited in Lee, 2012), “teachers need to consider which games to use, when to use

them, how to link them up with the syllabus, text book or programme and how

different games will benefit in different ways “. Moreover, teachers must follow

the curriculum which has been designed to suit English language learners.

In order to create an interesting learning atmosphere, teachers must apply

suitable method in learning process. Since CLT is an approach that has a lot of

activities, applying games can be an effective technique for teaching language. It

is because games can remove boredom without sacrificing repetition which is

necessary for successful learning of language elements, especially grammar

(Chitravelu, et.al as cited in Lee, 2012). Moreover, according to Chang, et al.

(2008) using board game in the language teaching is an effective, low anxiety, and

fun war for the students learn and practice communication skills as well as

develop their own communication strategies that can be readily applied to the real


Applying the snakes and ladders board game will give the students an

interesting activity in the class. This game is fun , easy to do, and it helps the

students learn language while playing in less anxiety. The students will speak


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using English with their friends in order to complete the task of the game clues.

They will repeat using the same expressions and vocabulary which will help them

to improve their fluency during playing the game. They will accustom with the

words and expressions related to the topic. It will even motivate students to

engage and to take part actively in speaking class (Chang, et al. 2008).

However, preparing a snakes and ladders board game for speaking which

is suitable for language teaching is not an easy task. It needs time and effort.

Although there are various board games sold in the market, the researcher prefers

making to buy it because the researcher must adapt it in order to keep in line with

the objectives of learning. By making the own board game, researcher can create

and modify the game according to the needs. Thus, the Snakes and Ladders board

game will support the learning process effectively.

B. Theoretical Framework

The essence of language as a communication tool makes every learn

languages including English, must be intended that each student is able to

communicate fluently and accurately in written and oral. The speaking skill is one

of the four language skills that is important to be developed because the ability in

speaking English is demanded in work field especially in AFTA era that will give

many opportunities of job vacancies. However, Indonesian workers must be well

prepared to compete with workers from other countries. The urgent preparation is

ability using English for communication besides the skill in particular field.


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The graduates of vocational education can take this opportunity since they

are prepared to work after finishing their study. Nevertheless, their English

proficiency still needs to be improved especially in speaking. According to

Harmer (2001) speaking ability is the ability to speak fluently presupposed not

only knowledge of language features but also the ability to process information

and language „on the spot‟. Therefore, the vocational students must learn how to

be able to communicate effectively. They need to master the communicative

competencies as Canale and Swain in Richards (2002) proposed.

Moreover, Brown (2001: 267) says that when someone can speak a

language it means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably competently. It

is closely related in the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic goals

through an interactive discourse with other language speakers. It is neccesary that

the students need to learn how to mantain conversation in the real situation

precisely. It requires the fluency and accuracy. Thus, the teacher has to involve

the students in activities that develop pronunciation and the use of target

expression in meaningful context in each communication situation (Bygate as

cited in McDonough, 2013:159).

It has been the philosophy of communicative language teaching (CLT) for

many years to teach foreign languages through communicative approach which

focuses “on speaking and listening skills, on writing for specific communicative

purposes, and on authentic reading texts‟ (Brown in Vilimec (2006 : 17-18).

According to Richards (2006) the one of goals of CLT is to develop fluency in

language use. It can be achieved by creating classroom activities in which


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students must negotiate meaning, use communication strategies and avoid

communication breakdowns. The exercise types and activities in CLT as an

approach are unlimited. The one of them is a variety of games (Richard and

Rodgers, 2003).

Incorporating games in learning process can be a good technique. It can

give benefits both for the teacher and students because games in the classroom

can increase student-learning experiences, make materials more current and

relevant. Furthermore, the games encourage active participation among players

and consequently boost confidence and self-esteem (Lee, 2012). Even according

to Chen (2000) games make the learners more willing to ask questions and think

creatively about how to use English to achieve the goal. Games also provide

language practice and create a meaningful context for language use where

promote fluency (Su Kim, 1995:35). One of the board games is the snakes and

ladders board game. Using board game according to Chang et.al (2008) is an

effective, low anxiety, and fun war for the students learn and practice

communication skills as well as develop their own communication strategies that

can be readily applied to the real world.

Hence, in order to help students improve their speaking ability, suitable

method which have communicative activities must be conducted. Therefore, in

this study, the researcher attempts to investigate how the Snakes and Ladders

board game can improve the students‟ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of

Cookery Department of St. Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in academic

year 2015-2016.


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This chapter focuses on the methodology applied in this study. The

discussion involves the research method, research setting, research participants,

instruments, data analysis technique, and procedures.

A. Research Method

This study was intended to find answer to the problem formulated. The

writer tried to investigate how board game can increase the students „speaking

ability at the eleventh grade of Cookery major of Saint Pius X Vocational High

School Magelang in 2015-2016.

In order to solve the problems, the writer needed to employ a method. The

method used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The Classroom Action Research

designed to help a teacher to find out what is happening in his or her classroom,

and to use that information to make wise decisions for the future. According to

Aqib (2006) CAR is “a scrutiny of the activities that deliberately raised and

occurs in the classroom”. Moreover, he added that CAR is a strategic way for

teachers to improve educational services which must be held in the context of

classroom learning process and in the school improvement as well. In short, CAR

is a research that is conducted by the teachers in their classroom (or school) where

they are teaching in order to achieve improvement of learning process.

CAR is aimed to continually improve and enhance classroom activities

and practices, therefore the improvement of the quality of instructional,


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improvement of teacher skills, improvement of relevance, and improvement of

efficiency in instructional management, and growing culture research on teachers

can be achieved. Some benefits of doing CAR for the teachers associated with

learning components are learning innovation, curriculum development both at the

school and classroom level, and improving the professionalism of teachers (Aqib,


The classroom action research that used in this study was Kemmis and

Taggart model as cited in Zainal (2006). Kemmis and Taggart propose that

classroom action research described as a dynamic process that includes four steps

in a cycle which are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. After a cycle has

been implemented, a reflection will be performed whether the result has achieved

the expectation or not. If the expectation has not been reached, a revision should

be made. The revisions consist of a set of planning and acting that will be

conducted in class for next cycle. The cycle is depicted in figure 1.


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Figure1. The Kemmis and Taggart‟s model (Zainal, 2006).

Furthermore, according to Taggart as cited in Zainal (2006: 30-33) the

phases of CAR are stated as follows:

1. Action plan

The first step is to plan carefully and thoroughly (Suyadi, 2010). It is a plan

to conduct the treatment. In order to improve speaking ability, the researcher used

Snake and Ladders board game. The step includes of making learning scenario,

preparing facilities that support the classroom needs (if an observation instrument

is used, it is necessary to state clearly how to make it, who will use it and when it

will be used), preparing an instrument to record and analyze data about the

process and the result of an action (Taggart in Zainal, 2006:33).


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2. Action

The second stage of Classroom Action Research is an action. The action

scenario that has been planned will be conducted in actual time (Taggart in Zainal,


3. Observation

In the observation, recording the data on the process and the result of action

are conducted. The aim of observation is gathering evidence of result of action in

order to be evaluated that will be a guidance to do the reflection (Taggart in

Zainal, 2006). In doing observation, the researcher will use some instruments

which are the observation sheets, the questionnaire and interview to gather the


4. Reflection

In the reflection part the data about the process, problem and threat will be

investigated. It will be continued the reflecting on effects of action that was done

on the learning process (Taggart in Zainal, 2006). The researcher uses interview in

doing the reflection beside the self reflection.

B. Research Setting

The setting of the study refers to the place and time to conduct the study.

This study had been conducted at the first semester of the eleventh grade

of Cokery department of Vocational High School of Saint Pius X Magelang. In

Saint Pius X Magelang, English subject is given four hours a week as the 2006

curriculum. The researcher did classroom action research during

July to September 2015 in the academic year of 2015 - 2016. The preparation of


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the action research was conducted in July to the middle of August 2015. While,

the action research was conducted in the middle of August to September 2015.

C. Research Participants

The participants of the study were the eleventh grade of Cookery

Department of Saint Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in the school year

of 2015-2016. The researcher only took one class, eleventh grade of Cookery

Department, as the subject of the study. It consisted of 38 students.

D. Data Gathering Technique

The researcher used observation, interview, questionnaire and the tests, in

collecting data. In this study, the researcher used only the result of the increasing

students‟ speaking ability through snakes and ladders board game.

1. Observation

The first step in collecting data was observation of the class and the class

management, the students‟ problem in learning English, the teacher technique,

and the context of teaching material. Those were done before an action. Then, the

researcher observed the progress of an action research as well.

2. Test

Test is an instrument to collect data of student‟s achievement on learning,

either through an oral, written, and deed (Mulyasa, 2011). In the research the tests

used to measure speaking skill. The were two kinds of tests given namely pre-test

and post-test. Pre-test was given only in cycle 1 before teaching process began.

While post-tests were conducted at the end of cycle 1 and cycle 2. The pre-test

was students‟ performance to present their daily activities in front of the class.


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Furthermore, the post tests in cycle 1 and cycle 2 were conducted in group

performance within playing the game.

To see the improvement of speaking ability, the student‟s average score

from pre-test to post-test in cycle 2 were compared. By comparing the students‟

achievement a clear description about whether the Snakes and Ladders board

game can increase students‟ speaking ability can be made.

3. Questionnaire

In order to know students‟ responses to the teaching process, questionnaire

was given to the students after finishing cycle 2 on September, 14 2015. Before

distributing the questionnaire the researcher explained about the questionnaire

why it is given and how they should do it.

Type of questionnaire used in this study was structured questionnaire with

attitudes scale from strongly agree up to strongly disagree. The attitudes scale was

used as measurement for the students for fifteen statements given. The steps in

processing the questionnaire are: determining the general purposes of the

questionnaire then translating into specific aim, making the questions which

covered the purposed of the study, administering the questionnaire to the lecturer

for checking its validity, distributing the questionnaire to the students, processing

the result by coding it, analyzing the data and generalizing the data (Ary et al,


4. Interview

The interviews were used to find the existing problem prior to the research

and to gather responds, opinions, suggestions, and expectations from the students


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and the English teacher about the implementation of the action.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The technique in analysing the data would be in descriptive analysis. For the

qualitative, the data were taken from observation, questionnaire and interview

both students‟ interview and teacher‟s interview. While for the quantitative, the

data were taken from students‟ test result covered pre-test, post-test 1 and post test

2. The scores were calculated to find out students‟ average score entirely. Mean

score of pre-test would be compared to mean score of post-test1 and post-test 2.

The following formula is for calculating the student‟s average score

(Brown, 1991) :


: Average score

: Total students‟ score

n : number of students

After calculating mean score of students‟ achievement, the result would be

compared whether the improvement in speaking ability occurs. In order to

determine if the Classroom Action Research success, the indicators are a) the

average score is more than the school minimum standard score; b) the students‟

score who achieved high grade more than the school minimum standard score and

equal to the school minimum standard score is 80% (Sudjana, 2001).


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The others indicators of the improvement in students‟ speaking ability will

be noticed when the students are able to show mastery of the following

competences or skills.

1. Having good pronunciation. It implies the ability to pronounce the words as

the way they are pronounced. It also includes accent, stress and intonation.

2. Using grammar correctly. It implies the ability to produce the utterances

using grammatical structures of the language and to use them effectively in


3. Using adequate vocabulary. It implies the ability to recognize and use words

in the way that speakers of the language use them. It means using common

collocation of words and fixed phrases.

4. Achieving fluency in speaking. It means that students are able to speak

smoothly and easily. The students are able to speak without any hesitation.

5. Having good comprehension. It implies the ability to use and respond to

language appropriately, to the topic given, the setting and the relationship

among the people who communicate (Brown in Richards and Renandya,


F. Research Procedure

This research is aimed to improve the students‟ speaking ability using the

Snakes and Ladders board game. Therefore, the researcher decided to deal with

the problems related to the speaking facet. The action would be conducted within

2 cycles where each cycle covered planning, action, observation, evaluation, and

reflection. The steps in each cycle are explained in the following sections.


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1. Planning

The first step was finding some problems during the learning process in

Saint Pius X Vocational High School Magelang in the beginning of the research.

It consisted of interviewing the English teacher of Saint Pius X Vocational High

School Magelang, doing an observation in the classroom during the learning

process, interviewing the students of XI JB1 to find out their attitude toward

English and their difficulties in learning English especially in learning speaking.

A speaking pre-test was also conducted in the beginning of Cycle 1 to measure the

students‟ speaking ability.

The first class observation was conducted on July 27, 2015. While the

second one was conducted on July 30, 2015. Besides doing observation in the

classroom, the researcher also conducted an interview to some students to know

their attitude toward English. The researcher also conducted an interview to the

English teacher to confirm the problems found during class observation.

Based on the observation and interviews, the researcher concluded that

some problems aroused during the learning process are that some students were

not eager enough to learn English because they think English is difficult, students

are shy and hesitant to speak English, they are afraid of making mistakes so they

were silent when the teacher asked a questions, their vocabulary mastery is low

because they rarely used English in their daily life, therefore, it could be

concluded that students ability in speaking is low.

The low speaking ability could be identified from the indicators, (a) The

students could not answer the teacher questions when the teacher asked them to


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asnwer. Most of them just kept silent and often said “sorry” to the teacher instead

of answering the question; (b) The students could not express their ideas fluently

using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical forms. Therefore, they always got

stuck in speaking; and (c) The students often mispronounced the words during

their performance (see appendix p.69 and 71).

2. Action

Ini this step, the writer as researcher will conduct the action by doing the

learning process as lesson plan that have been made. The Snakes and Ladders

board game will be used as the media in learning activity.

3. Observation

In this observation step, the English teacher as collaborator will do the

observation on the researcher activity as a teacher, students activity, and the

students‟ interview. For the evaluation, the interview will be used to measure

students‟ participation while the test will be used to measure students‟

improvement in speaking skill. The researcher used the speaking rubric in doing

the assessment of speaking tests (see appendix p.94 ). The minimum standard

score or KKM will be the reference in determining the students‟ performance in

the test. The minimum standard score is 71.

4. Reflection

The data that gathered from the evaluation will be analysed. The analysis

result will be used to make reflection on the action in each of cycle. The reflection

will be used to make a new planning for the next cycle.


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G. Research Schedule

The schedule of the research from preparation to the report writing is

described in the following table 1.

No Activity Time

1 Preparation

Designing pre-test June 2015 in week IV

Doing class room observation and


July 2015 in week III and IV

Analyzing the pre-test result August 2015 in week I

Designing lesson plan and learning


August 2015 in week II

2 Action

Doing an action of cycle I August 2015 in week III

Analyzing and reflecting August 2015 in week IV

Doing an action of cycle II September 2015 in week I

Analyzing and reflecting September 2015 in week II

3 Report

Writing report of classroom action September 2015 in week III

research To November 2015 in week I

Table 1. Research Schedule


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This chapter presents the research results and findings. There are two

sections in this chapter. The first part presents the result of classroom action

research within two cycles and the second part is discussion of the research. They

are the process of using the Snakes and Ladders board game for improving the

students‟ speaking ability of eleventh grade of Cookery Department of Saint Pius

X Vocational High School Magelang and the result of the action.

A. The Students’ Score in Classroom Action Research

The students‟s score in classroom action research both in cycle 1 and 2 in

terms of comparison of the average test result will be presented in the following

tables and graph.

1. Cycle 1

The students‟ score in cycle 1 will be described in the table 1.2.

Student Pre- Test Post Test 1

1 83.2 85

2 73.8 79.5

3 53.4 70

4 65.4 72

5 55 65

6 65 65

7 81 82

8 68 74

9 66.8 72

10 65 73.5

11 60.8 72


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Table 1.2. The students‟ score in cycle 1

2. Cycle 2

The students‟ score result of cycle 2 is described in table 1.3

Student Pre- Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2

1 83.2 85 89

2 73.8 79,5 89

3 53.4 70 70

4 65.4 72 91

5 55 65 69

6 65 65 90

7 81 82 88

Student Pre- Test Post Test 1

12 80.6 81

13 69.2 70.5

14 63 72

15 77.2 78

16 63 72

17 64 74

18 57 67

19 81 82

20 54.4 72.5

21 66 69

22 72.8 72

23 73.2 73

24 61.2 72

25 86 86

26 86 85

27 64.2 72

28 75 79

29 76 73.5

30 77.4 79

31 65.4 70

32 73.8 77

33 67.2 72

34 82.2 83

35 72 75

36 77.2 77.5

37 58 73

38 62.4 72

Mean 69.547 74.7


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Student Pre- Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2

8 68 74 91

9 66.8 72 50

10 65 73.5 87

11 60.8 72 79

12 80.6 81 87

13 69.2 70.5 86

14 63 72 70

15 77.2 78 89

16 63 72 75

17 64 74 83

18 57 67 78

19 81 82 91

20 54.4 72.5 73

21 66 69 53

22 72.8 72 78

23 73.2 73 56

24 61.2 72 78

25 86 86 92

26 86 85 90

27 64.2 72 70

28 75 79 70

29 76 73.5 68

30 77.4 79 65

31 65.4 70 83

32 73.8 77 86

33 67.2 72 65

34 82.2 83 95

35 72 75 80

36 77.2 77.5 69

37 58 73 87

38 62.4 72 59

Mean 69.547 74.7 79.2

Table 1.3. The students‟ score result of cycle 2

Based on the students‟ score result in the tests can be stated that the

improvement happened significantly. The significant improvement of mean of

students‟ score is presented in the following graph 1.


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Graph 1. The Student‟s score on Speaking Test

B. Discussion on the Implementation of Action Research

The implementation of the action research was done in two cycles. The

cycle one was conducted in July – August 2015. It consisted of three meetings;

two meetings for teaching and learning process and one meeting for post test 1.

Furthermore, the cycle two was conducted in September 2015 which was

consisted three meetings as well; two meetings for teaching and learning process

and one meeting for post test 2. The following explanation shows the action

research conducted using the Snakes and Ladders board game.

1. Cycle 1 Report

Cycle one was conducted in August 2015. Each cycle included four steps.

The steps in the first cycle were planning, action, observation and reflection. Each

of steps would be explained in the following part.


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a. Planning

The following explanation is about preparation before conducting the cycle


1) After conducting pre test on August 3, 2015, the pre-test result showed that in

avarege the students‟ speaking ability was low. It was 69 that means under the

school minimum standard score which is 71. Then, the pre test result was used to

determine in dividing the students into group which consisted of 5-6

heterogeneous students in ability.

2) The next step was dividing the students into heterogenic group which

consisted of 5-6 students. The number of eleventh Cookery Department class is 38

students that consisted of 11 boys and 27 girls. From this number the researcher

divided the students into seven groups.

3) Preparing the research instruments and learning instruments that covered

lesson plans, teaching materials, the teaching media, the Snakes and Ladders

board game and its instruments, and rubric for speaking assessment. The snakes

and ladders board game would be integrated in lesson plan. It would be used as

media for the students activity. The game would have thirty numbers which had

the different cues. The cues were taken from the topic that been discussed. The

topic for the first cycle was “Describing People”. Then, the students would play

the game in group. Each of students in the group would do the task as the number

they had got. The task would be a monologue or an individual performance.


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b. Actions

The first cycle action was conducted in three meetings as the English

subject schedule for XI JB1. The actions of cycle one was conducted on August

24, 2015. As stated before during the actions, the researcher became the teacher

while the English teacher as the collaborator and observer as well. The details of

the process can be seen in the following explanation.

1) First Meeting

The first meeting was conducted on August 24, 2015. The topic for that

day was “Describing People” both physically and personality. The researcher

greeted the students in English and the students answered positively and correctly.

Before explaining the materials, the researcher asked some questions to the

students by showing two pictures using power point presentation “ Class, what do

you think about her?” the boys students responded directly “ she is beautiful; she

is an artist.” The researcher replied “ very good! What else...? what about her

hair, her nose? “ the students answered “ her hair is long and black; her nose

mancung...” then the whole class were laughing because they did not know how

to say it in English. The researcher replied and gave some corrections, “yes, she

has a pointed nose, we can say hidung mancung in English by saying pointed

nose. Is it clear class?” then the students answered, “ yes sister.”

After giving the warmth question, the researcher played short video to

stimulate students remembering the topic since they had learnt it in the first grade.

The short video was about describing people presented in a song and dance. Then

the students were invited to follow the song and movements in order to give them


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an exercise activity before learning. After that, the researcher explained the

material using the video that had been played to get students‟ understanding.

Then, researcher continued with explaining materials and the objectives of the

lesson using power point presentation. Unfortunately, the LCD was not good

enough because there were lines in the screen so the power point presentation was

not clear enough. There was no another LCD because other teachers were used

LCD as well. However, the sentences still could be read although they were not

clear enough. The researcher showed the list of adjectives related to physical

appearance and personality using power point presentation. In addition, the

researcher also gave the expressions in describing people both physically and

personality so the students got sufficient exposure for the topic.

After explaining the material, the researcher introduced the snakes and

ladders game. Since the game is familiar to students and they often played the

game, the researcher directly explained about the new rule of playing the game.

The explanation during the learning process used bilingual in order to help

students understand well. As the students understood about the new rule, the

researcher showed the group to the students so that they could know which group

they belonged to. Then, the students were asked to gather to their group and

decided who would be the leader of group and who would be the first person,

second person, third person, etc in their group. After the leader of the group was

chosen, the researcher invited them to take the snakes and ladders board game

including the dice, the counter, and the clues.


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When each of group had got the complete snakes and ladders board game,

they could directly play it. While the students were playing the game, the

researcher and the collaborator moved around making sure that each of group

understood how to play the game and making sure that each of students were

speaking in English. The researcher allowed the students to use their gadget as

long as they used it for finding the words in English. They played until the end of

the lesson. They enjoyed playing the game since it was the first time for them

playing game during learning English.

2) Second Meeting

The second meeting was conducted on August 28, 2015. The material was

about “describing profession or job”. The researcher did some reviews on what

they had learnt in previous meeting. The students replied, “yes, about describing

people” loudly. Then, the researcher continued with the next question “how can

we describe Ms.Mita physically? “ The student 1 mentioned “ Ms.Mita is

beautiful; Ms.Mita has short black hair; ms.mita has pointed nose; another

student replied “Ms.Mita is a good teacher..... The researcher responded to the

students “great! You still remember it but it is not enough. You have to practice it.

Ok class!” The students replied “ok sister!”

The researcher told the students that they would discuss description on

profession. The researcher showed the power point presentation for that day topic.

Then, the students were asked to pay attention to the video which been played to

give exposure about various profession and its duties. Since they are from

Cookery Department, the researcher focused on cookery field such as chef, sous


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chef, cook, cook helper, and steward. The explanation about the profession and its

duties were completed by the skills that must be mastered. It is closely related to

the ability to cook various foods, that is why the next expression was about how to

make something. For example, as a chef the students must be able to explain

about the menu and how to make the menu.

After explaining it, the researcher gave the students five minutes to recall

to what they had learnt about the menu and chose their favorite menu to be

performed. When the students were ready, the researcher asked to the students to

gather in their group. In the group they would play using different questions for

each number in the snake and ladder board game. The questions were about jobs

or professions, the skill of the profession, and the duties of it. The researcher

explained the rule and instruction using bilingual, English and Bahasa Indonesia

twice. After the students understood about what they had to do, the leader of the

group came to the researcher to take the complete snakes and ladders board game.

The students enjoyed the game activity. It could be seen from the students‟ face

expression. Then, the researcher and collaborator moved around to see the group

play. They were given 30 minutes to play in group as practicing before group


After playing in the group, the researcher invited each of group to do the

group competition. Each of group had chosen the student who would be the first,

second, third until the last person in the group as in the previous meeting. Thus,

the first person would play first until the last person as representation their group.


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The questions were the same with the clues that had been practiced before


The competition was running very tight. Each group tried to make good

score since the score would be added to their mid term score and there were some

snacks as a reward for them. The students were very active and they spoke

English a lot spontaneously. Their fluency increased. The students were not

hesitant to speak although their pronunciation and grammar were not correct.

They were able to speak spontaneously when they did the tasks. They rarely

looked at their notes when performing the task. They could perform the correct

expressions and vocabulary in speaking as the topic that had been discussed.

3) Third Meeting

The meeting was conducted on August 31, 2015. The activity was post-

test one. The activity was done in group competition but the assessment was done

individually. The researcher was the reader of the clues while the collaborator

would throw the dice. The first person each of group played first and continued by

the last person in group. They had to compete with one another to answer the

question. The questions covered describing people and their profession. When one

student had raised his/her hand and had been pointed to answer the question, if the

answer was correct he/she got the point. Each question could answer by three

students. After one question had been answered, it continued with the next person

until the end of the time and every student had got a chance to speak and answer.

In order to stimulate the students to be active in competition, they were

told that the result would be considered as their daily test and would influence


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their mid term report. This motivation was effective to boost their effort to

answer. To avoid the bias post test result, the whole activity was recorded. The

researcher and the collaborator watched and assessed the students‟ ability based

on their performance that had been recorded.

c. Observation

The observation as the third step in CAR was done by the collaborator.

The activity was observing the class activity during the learning process using the

snakes and ladders board game. The observation was done by using observation

sheet and field notes. The summary of observation result was presented as


First, the observation result showed that the researcher in the first meeting

was running well although there were some problems occurred. Things that had

been done in a good way were the material explanation, media that used, the

game, and the class management. The students were motivated to speak during the

learning. The use of media like LCD, video, song, dance and power point

transcription were good experience which gave them new atmosphere in learning

English. They got more exposure in English that helped them to speak, especially

when they were playing the game in the group. The class became totally different

because the students were happy and enthusiastic. The students were showing

their effort to speak by consulting to their dictionary, asking the collaborator, or

asking the smart student in the group when they did not know the words in

English. The students enjoyed playing the game very much. Therefore, they were

speaking English spontaneously. They unconsciously answered every question in


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English without worrying about their grammar. They just wanted to answer the

question as fast as they could do. The game was very effective to motivate

students to speak English spontaneously in the class.

However, there were some problems which occurred during the learning

process to get paid attention to the first meeting. Those were about the preparation

related to the media. It was about time consuming in preparing the media. Some

minutes were spent to prepare the media that actually could be prepared before the

class. The media should be tried first so it could work appropriately. The next was

about the clarity of instruction. There were students who did not understand about

the rule of the game. The instruction should be repeated several times since it was

the first time for the students played the game in the class. In addition, the

problems that occurred in the first meeting would not occur in the second meeting.

Everything could run better.

Second, in the second meeting the students spoke a lot. They could answer

the question given bravely and performed actively. The class became very noisy

but it was good because the students were speaking English. The use of Bahasa

Indonesia reduced significantly. The game was effective to encourage students to

learn English vocabulary and to speak in the class more fluent and confidence.

The students did not realize that they were learning while playing. The use of

media, LCD and speaker, had successfully created a new atmosphere in learning

which had engaged the students.

Third, the evaluation for the cycle one was gathered from the post test one

result and the students‟ interview after learning process in cycle one. The result of


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the post test showed that the students‟ ability increased. It was not only the

average score increased compared to the pre test result but also the individual

score. Some students were significantly increased in their ability. In the pre-test,

the students who achieved high grade more than KKM was 12; the students who

achieved good grade more and equal with KKM was 6 and the students who had

less grade under the KKM was 20, while in the post test one, the students who

achieved high grade more than KKM was 14; the students who achieved good

grade more and equal with KKM was 17 and the students who had less grade

below the KKM was 7.

Fourth, from the interview, the researcher gathered the information that the

students experienced English class more fun. They could understand the material

easier. They could learn while playing that was a new experience for them. Even,

they could speak without being afraid of making mistakes, so they could speak

confidently and spontaneously, and they could learn and play at the same time.

The using of media and ice breaking dances gave various activities which were

fun and interesting. Nobody slept during the learning process. The students,

however, wanted to get an additional skill to learn. They asked the researcher to

teach listening skill as well. In order to accommodate it, the researcher would

adjust it in the next lesson plan for the cycle two.


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d. Reflection

After doing the actions the students‟ speaking ability had been improved.

It could be seen from the following explanation.

1) Most of the students could pronounce the words correctly. Only a few them

pronounced the words incorrectly.

2) Mostly the students could use the expressions appropriately. Students‟

mastery in words and expression improved significantly. They could do the tasks

as the cues. Their ability to produce the utterances using correct grammar also


3) The students‟ fluency and comprehension increased. They were able to speak

English without looking at their notes. They could speak without worrying to

make mistakes. It proved by students‟ ability in answer the questions during the

learning process and could play or perform the instructions in the cues of snakes

and ladders board game even they could communicate spontaneously within the

group without looking at their note.

4) In the first meeting some students still used Bahasa Indonesia when they did

not know the English words. Moreover, the mispronunciation and grammatical

errors occurred in some performance especially in the competition in the second

meeting. There were some students who achieved less fluency as they forgot the

words and expressions during the performance.

5) The students need to be given more exposure to help their understanding and

vocabulary. The use of video dance as an ice breaking tool was effective to boost


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the students‟ spirit. It would be good if the video music is still provided and

played for ice breaking.

2. Cycle 2 Report

As the process in the cycle one, the cycle two also consisted of planning,

action, observation and reflection. It was conducted in September 2015.

a. Planning

In order to achieve a better result, the plan cycle one was revised and

showed as follows; there were three meetings, two meetings were used for

classroom discussion, and one meeting was used for conducting the post-test 2.

1) Teaching Material

The topic for cycle two was selected based on the cycle one result. After

discussing with the teacher, the researcher decided to teach about telephoning and

to be taught in two meetings. The topic was chosen since it is suitable for

conducting role play activity. First meeting would be used to give exposure as

much as possible to the students and to provide listening activity since the

students wanted to. In the second meeting the students would do the role play

activity while playing the Snakes and Ladders board game. In order to support the

learning process media like computer, LCD and speakers would be used.

2) Lesson Plan

Based on the reflection result of cycle one that there were some students

who achieved less in pronunciation and fluency, they mispronounced the words

and sometimes hesitated to speak. The researcher analyzed that students were not


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used to do an individual performance; they did not give sufficient modeling, and

sufficient time to practice. Thus, for the cycle two the researcher would provide

more exposure, and more time to practice to accommodate the students‟ wish. In

the cycle two the activities while playing the game would do the role play. In the

cycle one, the students were required to perform individually in the group. While

in the cycle two the students would do the role play with the group members in

doing the clues. The topic in the second cycle was “ Telephoning”. Before doing

the role play, the researcher would play some videos to give examples dealing

with making and receiving telephone.

b. Action

The action consisted of three meetings. The first meeting was used to

explain the topic of telephoning. The second meeting was used to give students a

chance to practice their ability in telephoning using the game. And the last

meeting was post-test two.

1) The first meeting

The first meeting was conducted on September 7, 2015. Before

introducing the topic to the students, the researcher asked some students to do the

phone call spontaneously. The researcher pretended calling one student and the

student answered the call. This short role play was done with three different

students. Then the researcher asked the students about the short role play. The

researcher asked what they did in the role play. Some students responded

“telephoning sis.” Yes, excellent! It was telephoning activity.” The researcher

continued with asking the students if they had ever made and received a telephone


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call. What the first words to say when they were making and receiving a phone

call. Some students replied “hallo, who is this? I am ...; this is....; can I speak

to...etc. The researcher told the students that they would learn those expressions.

Then, the researcher played a short video on making and receiving a phone call.

After watching the video, the researcher asked the students to mention

some expressions that they found from the video. The students responded “ Hi,

Alice; it’s John; you like to go to movie; see you, bye.” The researcher replied,

very good class, thank you. After explaining deeper about the material, the

researcher gave the small exercise to the students related to the video. The

students were asked to complete the dialogue by listening to the video. The video

was played five times. After that, the exercise was discussed together. Then, the

researcher explained the material using power point presentation and played some

videos that were related to the topic.

The next activity was making dialogue using topics which were given in

pairs. The topics were about telephoning for inviting friends to birthday party and

telephoning for asking relatives to spend their holidays in Jogja. After that, some

students were asked to perform in the front of the class but they did not allow to

read their notebook when performed. The students gave a good respond on that

activity. There were four students who raised their hands directly when the

researcher asked who would try to perform. Then, the students were given a

chance to perform.


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2) The second meeting

The second meeting was conducted in Monday, on September 11, 2015.

After opening, the researcher played the videos for boosting their spirit. After that,

the researcher wanted to know if the students still remembered the previous topic.

Therefore, the researcher invited two students, boy and girl, to stand up. Both of

them were asked to make a phone call. One of them would ask some help to do

the homework. After one performance it was continued with two performances.

This pre activity was running well because the students were giving their best

effort to do the task. Although there were some mistakes on grammar and

pronunciation but overall the students were able to speak spontaneuosly and fluent

enough. After that, the researcher gave some review on hobby and interest that

had been taught by the English teacher because the expression of hobby and

interest would be used in telephoning activity.

Then, the researcher asked the students to sit with their group. As the

leader returned to their group after taking the board game, the researcher gave

some instructions in English. The rule of the game was still same but the clues

were different. The students were playing the game until the class end. Five

minutes before the bell rang the researcher asked the students to stop playing.

Then asked students to make a short reflection orally on what they have done and

learnt during the learning. Surprisingly, many students responded it bravely. For

the closure, the researcher told the students that the next meeting would be a test

activity. The learning process was running smooth and good.

3) Third Meeting as Post test 2


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The third meeting was conducted on September 14, 2015. The activity

would be in the group while playing the snakes and ladders board game. The rules

were same with the previous playing but the clues were different. They would do

the role play based on the clues/tasks. Moreover, each of group had to provide a

device to record their voice during playing the game. The device was the students‟

cell phone. After finishing the test, the leader of the group submitted the recording

to the researcher. The recording would be assessed for their grade. Each of

students should answer the question that they got after rolling the dice otherwise

they would not get the grade on the test. The time allocation for the test was 60

minutes. As the time was up, the researcher asked students to stop.

Then, the researcher said the greatest thanks to the students for their effort

and support during the research. Then, the researcher gave the class back to the

English teacher of XI JB1 and the research was finished happily.

c. Observation

The observation was aimed to observe the action conducted in the class. It

was conducted during the learning process by the collaborator and researcher.

The result of the observation will be explained below.

Firstly was about the students‟ improvement. The students were showing

the improvement in their pronunciation. The students could pronounce the word

corrrectly since they follow the suggestion to consult their dictionary how to

pronounce the word correctly by seeing the transcription. Many of students

brought their dictionary to the class. Other students listened to their electric

dictionary. Moreover, the improvement was their vocabulary. The students did not


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take a look or read their notebook while speaking and during their performance

because they mastered the words that were needed to maintain the speaking

activity. Their grammar improved as well since the sentence pattern related to the

topic could be correctly used. The exposure of expressions related to topic helped

the students to understand better. They could speak fluently and accurately with

their friends while playing the game. In addition, the students‟ confidence

increased since they were not afraid to make mistakes in their performance.

Secondly was about the learning process and the teacher. The researcher

preparation for teaching was much better than cycle one. The students were given

a lot of examples and time to practice in the class. The explanation and instruction

were very clear so the learning process could run well. The various activities and

the use of media were good to engaged students‟ attention. The students were

paying attention during the learning because it was interesting, especially the use

of Snakes and Ladders board game had effectively helped students to speak

English in the class. They could speak spontaneously during the play. Learning by

playing the game could reduce the anxiety, so that the students were not afraid of

making mistakes in speaking. The game improved their ability in team work as

well because they were helping one another in playing.

For the evaluation aspect beside, the active and good performance in the

class, the students achievements also indicated high score of their performance

test. The students were asked to perform based on the topic given in the group

when they were playing the snakes and ladders game. The researcher and

collaborator moved around scoring their performance. During the speaking test,


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the students showed great improvement in their speaking ability. The

improvements could be seen in the following indicators.

1) Their pronunciation while performing the role play improve significantly.

They could produce the language with the fewer mistakes sentence pattern, and


2) Their fluency in speaking. The students could conduct the activities with

their friends in group based on the question given smoothly and fluently. They did

not feel shy and they did not need to take a look at the notebook while performing

the task.

3) Their vocabulary mastery had significantly increased. They could perform the

expression correctly and perform the correct register as the topic. Moreover, the

use of Bahasa Indonesia was reduced in the speaking activities.

In addition, the students had made a great progress on their speaking

ability. The students‟ score was improved from cycle to cycle. The average score

of pre test is 69.4; post test 1 is 74.75 and post test 2 is 79.2.

d. Reflection

There are two reflections in this part. Those are positive and negative

reflections that will be presented in the following explanation.

1) Positive Reflection

The Snakes and Ladders board game could improve students‟ speaking

ability. It provided a relax atmosphere for learning so the anxiety in speaking was

reduced. Moreover, by providing a lot of modeling or exposure and different

activities to the students, they could produce a good pronunciation. Their


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participation in the speaking activities was increased. They were active. Besides,

the topics were closely related to their interest and daily life even their future job.

In addition before the action research, the teacher dominated the class and

speaking skill was less practiced. Furthermore, the researcher was getting more

experienced and innovative in teaching speaking. The researcher tried to explore

every effort to create the class more interesting. In addition the English teacher,

said that the action research had given her a new insight in teaching English.

2) Negative Reflections

Generally, during the learning process in cycle two there were no

significant obstacles occurred. Most of the students were able to speak English

fluently. Their speaking ability was effectively improved. However, there were

five students who were asking their friends during the speaking activities.

The description of the research has provided the result of the research

findings of improving students‟ speaking ability using the Snakes and Ladders

board game. After analyzing the data of this research, the researcher had found

several significant findings to answer the problem of the research which is how

the Snakes and Ladders board game could improve students‟ speaking ability.

The findings of the study showed that the use of the Snakes and Ladders

board game could improve students‟ speaking ability. The improvement of the

students‟ speaking ability could be seen from the students‟ achievement such as

the mean of score the final cycle, the ability to express ideas using appropriate

vocabularies and correct grammatical forms, the ability to answer the teachers‟


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questions, the ability to communicate with their classmates during playing, and

the use of Bahasa Indonesia was reduced.

Before the study, the researcher found that the students had low speaking

ability. The improvement of speaking ability could be seen from the improvement

of students‟ achievement from cycle to cycle. It can bee seen from the average

score of the pre test, post test 1, and post test 2. The following Graph 2 of the

scores of students‟ speaking test shows the students‟ achievement based on the

tests result during the action research.

Graph 2 : The scores of Students‟s Speaking Test

Based on the observation in cycle one and cycle two, it showed that each

indicators of speaking competence was improved. The following descriptions

identified the students‟ improvement.

1. The fisrt improvement was on the students‟ pronunciation. They could

pronounce the words well. Most of the students could pronounce the words in a

good stress and intonation.


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2. The next improvement was on students‟ vocabulary. The students learnt

vocabularies which closely related to the topics and their subject a lot. Most of the

students could apply the words correctly in conducting the task during the game.

3. The third improvement was on grammar. Most students could arrange and use

the proper sentence pattern or word order, could change the verb forms into their


4. The fourth improvement was on students‟ comprehension. Most of students

could answer the teacher‟s questions and could work with their classmates during

playing the snakes and ladders board game or doing other activities in the learning


5. The last improvement was on fluency. The students had learnt about many

topics related to their daily life using several exposures in the class. They had

been taught many words and expressions and they had also been taught how to

pronounce the words correctly with many practices in the learning process. Most

of students could complete the task fluently (see appendix p.72-74).

By providing sufficient exposure and applying the interesting activities

especially the game to the students, the students‟ speaking ability significantly

improved. Therefore, based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that

using the Snakes and Ladders board game is effective to improve the speaking

ability. In other words, the Snakes and Ladders board game for eleventh grade of

Pius X Vocational High School Magelang had been successfully done.


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This chapter consist of two sections. The first is conclusions and the

second part is recommendation for the teacher, students and future research.

A. Conclusions

The research was aimed to improve the students‟ speaking ability of

eleventh graders of Cookery Department of Saint Pius X Vocational High School

Magelang using the snakes and ladders board game. After analyzing the data of

the pre-test, the researcher found that the speaking ability of the students was low.

The mean score of the pre-test was 69.5 and the 47 percent students were below

the average level. Furthermore, the students motivation to learn was low as well.

Based on the observation and the interview with both the students and teacher, the

researcher found that students need variation in learning activities. The teacher

still conducted traditional method and gave less variation in activities which make

students lose interest in learning and they get bored easily. The students did not

participate actively. They kept silent and only braver students tried to answer the

teacher‟s question during the English class.

The use of the Snakes and Ladders board game, therefore, was suggested

by the researcher to solve the problems mentioned above. After implementing the

treatment, there were many positive results. The following part is the detailed



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Firstly, the implementation of the Snakes and Ladders board game was

succesfully done in improving the students‟ speaking ability. The game was

effective because it gave fun atmosphere in learning and it gave the students new

experience in learning process. They were motivated to be active during the play.

In the condition of less anxiety, the students could learn better. They could

remember the expression and the pattern easily so the students could fluently

perform the task using the appropriate words. The exposure and practices helped

student to pronounce the words correctly. The tasks that had packed in the form of

a game motivated students to speak and became active. They were actively

involved in the speaking activities and practiced their English with their

classmates during the play. Therefore, their speaking ability was improved; they

could used the words they had learnt and the expression that related to the topics

in good pronunciation. The students could answer the teacher‟s question.

Moreover, they could comprehend the topics of the conversation and

communicate with their classmates fluently and correctly. Those indicators of

speaking can be achieved by the Snakes and Ladders board game. It can be seen

from the the analysis of the pre-test, post test 1 in cycle one and post test 2 in

cycle two as well. The result of the students‟ mean score was increased from 69.5

to 79.2.

In addition, the changes also happened in other aspects. Besides, the

improvement of students‟ speaking ability, the English class atmosphere had also

been changed. The use of the Snakes and the Ladders board game gave fun

atmosphere. It motivated students to engage in the speaking activities and


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practices. The students‟ motivation to speak English was higher than before. The

students were eager to try to speak in the class both individually and in pairs or

group while playing the game or question and answer in the learning process. The

students who had less ability even tried to contribute their ideas to their group as

best as they could while the smarter students who had good ability tried to help

the less students to complete one another and group performance during playing

the game. The classroom was conducive to make students felt relaxed and joyful

during the learning process. The students were the learners and the teacher was

the facilitator who monitored and helped the students when needed.

The use of the Snakes and Ladders board game had more strenghths than

weaknesses. The game increased students‟ participation in the speaking class and

was flexible to use. It could accommodate various contents or topics which were

closely related to the students subjects especially in the Vocational School that has

a lot of majors or departments so that the students will get meaningful learning.

They can directly apply the language as their needs and the skills that they learn in

the class. It would help students understand the lesson easily and memorize the

lesson longer.

B. Recommendations

Based on the result of the research, the implementation of the Snakes and

Ladders board game had proved that it enhanced the students‟ speaking ability. It

also improved the learning process. Thus, it is suggested that the Snakes and

Ladders board game be applied in the teaching and learning speaking skill.


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However, the implementation of the Snakes and Ladders board game should fit to

the topic so that the students‟ understanding on the lesson would improve too.

Based on the research result explained above, the researcher address some

following suggestions for English teacher, student, and other researcher.

1. Teachers

English teachers are expected to improve their lesson plan creatively

especially in preparing the teaching method, creating class activities and using

media that support the topic, so that the learning process can run effectively and

meaningful for the students. It is essential for helping the students achieve the

improvement of their English skill especially in speaking. The Snakes and

Ladders game can be an alternative media for teaching speaking skill since it is

easily adjusted to the topic and it is fun and easy to be done. It promotes less

anxiety in learning so that the students are motivated to be active in the learning

process. The students will even engage in the learning happily. However, the

Snakes and Ladders game need to be adjusted to the topic in order to achieve the

best result of the learning process.

2. Students

The students of St. Pius X Vocational High School should change their

attitude towards learning English especially in speaking skill. They should be

more confident and brave to speak English rather than being afraid of making

mistakes. They have to realize that making mistakes is the part of learning

process. Furthermore, the students must practice their English everytime and

everywhere. Since practicing will improve students‟ ability, they need to focus on


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the vocabulary mastery and fluency instead of focusing on grammar and accuracy

that will prevent them to speak English spontaneuosly.

3. Other Researcher

Implementing the Snakes and Ladders board game in the English learning

process is interesting and fun. It can help students improve their speaking ability.

Although the researcher has tried to do the best in using the game to improve the

students‟ speaking ability, the result of the research is not perfect, therefore, the

researcher hopes that other researcher will be able to improve it for better

achievement. The other researchers can make the learning topics more specific in

order to help vocational students master their field. Further research is still needed

to investigate the effectiveness of applying a similar game over longer period of

time on students‟ skill especially on pronunciation and fluency. Further research is

needed to apply the use of the game in improving students‟ ability in mastering

grammar, listening skill, reading and writting skill. In addition, the game can be

applied for teaching other department of vocational high school as well.


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Day and Date

No Aspect to be Observed Description of the Result

A The Students

1. The number of students

2. The range of the age

3. The characterictic

B The Teacher and Learning Process

1. The name of the teacher

2. The language used

3. The method used

4. The way of opening class

5. The way of presenting material

6. The alocation time

7. The technique of asking


8. The class management

9. The type and the way of


10. The way of closing class

C The Materials and Teaching


1. The main sources

2. The supporting sources

3. The course grid

4. The instrument

D The Additional Notes (Reflection)


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(Before CAR )

For Teacher:

1. What are the difficulties in learning English (speaking)?

2. What do you do for dealing the problem(s)?

3. What are activities that been used in practicing?

For Student:

1. Do you like English subject?

2. What are the difficulties in learning English (speaking)?

3. What do yo do for dealing those problem (s)?

4. What are the activities that been used in practicing speaking English?


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(After Learning)

For Teacher:

1. What do you think about the learning? Do the students look happier and

more active in learning using the Snakes and ladders board game?

2. Does the method can be applied to improve the students‟ ability in


3. What are the improvements that you see during the learning using the

game? Is the game effective to be applied in the speaking learning?

4. What are the suggestions for this method/technique?

For Students:

1. Class activity

a. What do you think about the activity?

b. What are the learning activities that you like?

c. Did your teacher ever use such activities?

2. The teacher

a. What is your opinion about my teaching?

b. Is the teaching and learning process was good and interesting?

c. Is my voice clear and loud enough?

d. What is your suggestion for the next meeting?

3. The students‟ attitude and speaking ability

a. Do you enjoy the learning process?

b. How do you feel about your speaking skill? Is there any improvement?

4. Material

a. What do you think about the materials? Are they difficult or not?

b. Are they interesting?

5. Snakes and ladders game

a. Do you enjoy playing the game?

b. Do you enjoy working in group?

c. What can you learn from the game?


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July 27, 2015

No Aspect to be observed Description of the Result

A The Students

1. The number of students 38 students

2. The range of the age 15-16 years old

3. The characteristic - Having same interest

- From various region in Indonesia

- Mostly live in dormitory and boarding


- Mostly they are villagers

B The Teacher and the learning


1. The name of the teacher Mrs. Hastu Paramita R, S.Pd

2. The language used Bilingual (50 % English, 50 %


3. The method used GTM, pair works

4. The way of opening the


Greeting, review, asking question

5. The way of presenting the


Mostly Orally, only a few sentences that

were written in the board to make the

explanation clearly

6. The use of allocate time 2 hours @ 45 minutes

7. The technique of asking


Using English to the clever students.

Using bilingual to the less students.

8. The class management Good enough, the students paid attention

to the teacher‟s explanation. There were

two students who were sleeping.

9. The type and the way of


Individual performance


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No Aspect to be Observed Description of the Result

10. The way of closing the


Reflection, review, motivation

C The materials and Teaching


1. The main source(s) The hand book

2. The supporting source (s) -

3. The course grid None

4. The instrument None

D The Special Note (reflection) The learning process could run good

enough,however there were two

students who were sleeping during

the learning. They called „sleeping


The students‟ vocabulary is low,

most of the students answered the

teacher using Bahasa Indonesia.

The students mostly said “sorry”

instead of answering teacher‟s

questions or kept being silent.

Mispronounciation and grammatical

error happened a lot. It influneced

their fluency.

Many students have low confidence,

they did not want to answer the

teacher directly. They were afraid of

making mistakes.


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(Before CAR )

For Teacher:

1. What are the difficulties in learning English (speaking)?

The students are lacking of vocabulary.

The students are not confidence because their vocabulary is limit. They are

afraid of making mistakes.

They often mispronounced the words.

2. What do you do for dealing the problem(s)?

I always ask my student to memorize about five vocabularies every day

that related to the topic.

I give the assignment to practice speaking English with their friends both

in the class and in outside of class.

3. What are activities that been used in practicing?

Dialogue in pairs


For Student:

1. Do you like English subject?

Yes, I do sister but I think English is difficult.

2. What are the difficulties in learning English (speaking)?

The lack of vocabulary, how to pronounce the words, and using grammar

appropriately and I am not confidence to speak English.

3. What do yo do for dealing those problem (s)?

Asking friend or looking at my dictionary.

I practice with my friend.

4. What are the activities that been used in practicing speaking English?

Making dialogue in pairs



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(Before CAR )

Interview with the Students

R : ... Do you like English subject?

S1 : Honestly sr... I don‟t like English because it is very difficult.

S2 : Uhmm actually ... I like English but I think it is difficult.

R : Oh ya? What do you mean by saying that English is difficult?

S1 : Uhm... it is very difficult on its vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar but

the most difficult is memorizing the vocabulary so it is very difficult to

speak in English. Every time I stand in the front of the class suddenly I lost

the words.

S2 : Uhm... the vocabulary sr.. it is difficult sr... I must memorize the

vocabulary and the grammar. I am not confidence to speak in English. I

am afraid making mistake sr. I am ashame sr

R : Do you often practice speaking English? I mean in outside school time.

S1 : No sr... he.he.he... I just learn English in the school... but actually I want

to be able to speak English sr... I want to work in abroad.

S2 : No sr... he.he.he... I just learn English in the school... but sometimes I

practice with my friends in dormitory.

Interview with English Teacher

R :Ms, during the learning process there were some students who were silent.

They need to be pointed to answer.

T :Yes, it is true sister. Some students were very active but still many

students were passive. Even, there were two students who were sleepy

during the learning. The passive students are afraid of making mistake.

They are not confidence to speak because their vocabulary is limit.

R : Oh I see. Well, regarding to the speaking activities what are the obstacles

during the learning process?

T :I think their motivation and also the lacking of vocabulary sister. They

often forget the vocabulary easily although I have insisted them to

memorize it. I always repeat the vocabulary many times to help them.

However, when they are asked to speak they will keep silent because they

do not know how to say it in English. They are rarely practicing English in

an outside of class sister.


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For Teacher

(For First Cycle and Second Cycle)

1. What do you think about the learning? Do the students look happier and more

active in learning using the Snakes and ladders board game?

The learning run very well sister. The students enjoyed learning English with

you. However, the time management need to be

Yes, they do. The game making students felt excited. It can be noticed from

their face expression when playing the game. They became active to speak in

English when playing. Their vocabulary improved and it is followed with

their fluency in speaking English.

2. Does the game can be applied to improve the students‟ ability in speaking?

Yes, it does. The students tried very hard to speak. They looked into their

dictionary in order to perform what they had as the clues stated. They were

motivated to speak in English in low anxiety.

3. What are the improvements that you see during the learning using the game ?

Is the game effective to be applied in the speaking learning?

The students could pronounce the word better, the students‟ vocabulary has

increased and the students are more confidence in speaking English and more

active in learning activities. It is effective sr.

4. What are the suggestions for this technique?

Keep using it sr!

Second Cycle;

1. What do you think about the learning? Do the students look happier and

more active in learning using the snakes and ladders board game?

You did very well. Most of the students enjoyed the game and the lesson

very much. They make progress, their ability in speaking English has

improved. They can pronounce the word correctly, their grammar is better,

they became more confidence to speak English in front of the class (group



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2. What are the improvements that you see during the learning using the game?

Is the game effective to be applied in the speaking learning?

Yes, of course. It is very effective. It help students improve their ability in

English. They are motivated to be active in the class activity, to enrich their

vocabulary, to perform speaking in English better in term of pronunciation,

grammar and fluency.

For Students:

1. Class activity

a. What do you think about the activity?

It is fun and enjoy.

More active, confidence to speak.

b. What are the learning activities that you like?

Using game, using song.

c. Did your teacher ever use such activities?


2. The teacher

a. What is your opinion about my teaching?

It is very good because you were using bilingual. Moreover, it is

interesting sr.

It is fun and I enjoyed it very much

b. Is the teaching and learning process was good and interesting?

Yes, it is good and interesting very much.

It was really fun and low anxiety.

It provides many practices.

c. Is my voice clear and loud enough?

Yes of course. Di selingi becanda yang sesuai dengan topik

Yes, it is clear.

d. What is your suggestion for the next meeting?

Keep using the game

Using song to improve vocabulary

Listening activity

3. The students‟ attitude and speaking ability

a. Do you enjoy the learning process?

Yes of course

b. How do you feel about your speaking skill? Is there any improvement?

Yes sister!

More confidence in speaking

Improving in vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar.

More active in the class


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4. Material

a. What do you think about the materials? Are they difficult or not?

Not really. The media and the course grid help understand the material.

More easier to understand

b. Are they interesting?

Yess...! Because you are using the media, video, songs sr.

5. The Snakes and ladders game

a. Do you enjoy playing the game?

Yes sr. It is really fun. I love it!!

b. Do you enjoy working in group?

Yes, of course.

c. What can you learn from the game?

Learn how to be creative and more active in the class

Motivated to learn English and speaking English

Enrich my vocabulary

Do not afraid making mistakes

More confidence in speaking English

Support each other in the group.


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1. School : SMK Pius X Magelang

Subject : English

Grade : XI/Cookery Department

Semester : I

Topic : Looking for a job

Time : 4 hours @ 45 minutes

Date : August 24 & August 28, 2015

2. Standart of Competence

Communicating using English in Elementary level.

3. Basic Competence

2.3. Describing profession and its duties in certain field orally.

4. Indicators

Students are able:

1. to describe people physically and personality in the given situation

especially in job interview using the expression accurately.

2. to describe certain profession and its duties as the education

background using the expression accurately

3. to use the expression of describing people and professions by using

simple present tense accurately.

5. Learning Objectives

1. The students are able to perform the ability to describe people

appearence using simple present tense accurately.

2. The students are able to describe professions and its duties as its

education background using simple present tense accurately.

3. The students are able to use the expression of describing people and

professions in job interview accurately

6. Learning Material

7. Time Allocation :

3 x 2 x 45‟ ( 3 meetings)


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8. Learning Strategy

1. Method : Question and answer, performance, Snakes and Ladders


2. Approach : CLT

9. Learning Activity

First Meeting ( 2x45 minutes )

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Students answer questions related to the


3. Motivation: Students share their opinion about the

benefit of learning the material.


2 Main Activity

1. Explaining the expression of describing people

appearance and personality using adjective.

2. Practicing in pairs how to describe people using

situation given.

3. Playing the snakes and ladders board game

Students are divided into seven groups, each of

group consists of 5/6 students

Each group choose the group leader and the

students who will be the first person, second

person, etc.

Each student will play in the group.

The first person in the group will start the game,

after having certain number as the rolling dice

result, she/he should do the task in the cues as the

number she/he has got. After doing the task, the

second and the next person will continue to play

until all member in the group get their turn.

The student who reach the last number will be the


Each group will play at the same time.


3 Post Activity

1. Students reflect their performance and express their

feeling about the activity they have done.



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Second Meeting (2 x 45 minutes)

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Brainstorming the material of the

previous meeting

3. Motivation: students are encouraged the to share

their problems in learning the materials.

4. Playing short video about professions and its duties


2 Main Activity

1. Explaining about profession, especially the profession

related to cookery department such as cook helper,

cook and chef

2. Reviewing on the subject that has been learnt in the

first grade about menu and the procedure text

3. Asking the students to gather in their group as previous


4. Playing the snakes and ladders board game

Each group will group compete to answer the

question which is given by the teacher. The

questions will be about menu and menu processing.

Each group will compete to answer and explain

using adjective and procedure text. The group who

firstly answer correctly will be given point (10

point is the maximum and 5 point is the minimum


Teacher will role the dice and read the question as

the number.

After the question has been read, the group will

discuss it for about 3 minutes before answering.

The student who gets their turn will responsible to

present the answer, the best answer will get 10


The first player will start to play after that will be

continued to the next person in the group after one

question has been done.

The group which gets the highest score will be the



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Post Test (2x 45 minutes)

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Brainstorming the material of the

previous meeting

3. Motivation: students are encouraged the to do the

competition in speaking test confidently.


2 Main Activity

1. Playing the snakes and ladders board game

Each group will group compete to answer the

question which is given by the teacher. The

questions will be about menu and menu processing.

Each group will compete to answer and explain

using adjective and procedure text. The group who

firstly answer correctly will be given point (10

point is the maximum and 5 point is the minimum


Teacher will role the dice and read the question as

the number.

After the question has been read, the group will

discuss it for about 2 minutes before answering.

The student who gets their turn will responsible to

present the answer, the best answer will get 10


The first player will start to play after that will be

continued to the next person in the group after one

question has been done.

The group which gets the highest score will be the


3 Post Activity

1. Students reflect their performance and express their

feeling about the activity they have done.

2. Greeting



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10. Sources and Learning Media

The sources :

1. Practical English Usage

2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Person to Person

4. English New Concept

5. Bahasa Inggris Erlangga

The media :

1. Video

2. LCD

Magelang, 15 Agustus 2015

Dra. D. Anjar Wulansari Agnes Ambar Pratiwi B

The School Principal The researcher


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1. School : SMK Pius X Magelang

Subject : English

Grade : XI/Cookery Department

Semester : I

Topic : Making and Receiving a phone call

Time : 4 hours @ 45 minutes

Date : September , 2015

2. Standart of Competence

Communicating using English in Elementary level.

3. Basic Competence

2.2. Taking notes on simple messages both in direct interaction and

interaction using the tools (telephone)

4. Indicators

Students are able:

1. to receive a phone call using the expression appropriately

2. to make a phone call using the expression appropriately and accurately

both in formal and informal situation.

3. to use the expression of making and receiving a phone call using

personal pronouns accurately.

5. Learning Objectives

1. The students are able to perform the ability to make and receive a

phone call appropriately.

2. The students are able to use the expression of making and receiving a

phone call in formal and informal situation appropriately.

6. Learning Material

The expressions in telephone conversation

Expressions Functions


Who is calling, please?

Can I speak to....?

May I speak to ....?

Could I speak to ....?

Starting a conversation on the



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By the way....



Extending a conversation on the


It‟s nice talking with you

It‟s time for me to say good bye


Ending a conversation on the phone

7. Time Allocation:

3 x 2 x 45‟ ( 3 meetings)

8. Learning Strategy

1. Method : Question and answer, role-play performance, game

2. Approach : CLT

9. Learning Activity

First Meeting ( 2x45 minutes )

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Students answer questions related to the


3. Motivation: Students share their opinion about the

benefit of learning the material.


2 Main Activity

1. Doing the role play with some students on telephoning

2. Playing the video modelling on expression of making

and receiving a phone call

3. Listening to the recording while filling the task given

4. Making a dialogue in pairs

5. Doing the role play based on the dialogue that been


6. Playing the snakes and ladders board game


3 Post Activity

1. Students reflect their performance and express their

feeling about the activity they have done.

2. Greeting



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Second Meeting (2x45 minutes)

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Brainstorming the material of the

previous meeting

3. Motivation: students are encouraged the to share their

problems in learning the materials


2 Main Activity

1. Asking some students to do the short role play on

having phone conversation using the certain situation

2. Playing the snakes and ladders board game


3 Post Activity

1. Students reflect their performance and express their

feeling about the activity they have done.

2. Greeting


Third Meeting/ post test 2 (2 x 45 minutes)

No Learning Activity Duration

1 Pre Activity

1. Greeting

2. Aperception: Brainstorming the material of the

previous meeting

3. Motivation: students are encouraged to do the test



2 Main Activity

1. Playing the snakes and ladders board game

The students will gather in their group, the same

group as in the previous meeting.

Each of groups must provide one cell phone to

record their voice

Each of students in the group will play and perform



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the task as the cues. The performance must be


After every student in the group has performed and

recorded, the recording must be submitted.

The students can play until the end of the test.

3 Post Activity

1. Students reflect their performance and express their

feeling about the activity they have done by filling the


2. Greeting


10. Sources and Media of Learning

The sources :

1. Practical English Usage

2. Global Access to the World of Work

3. Person to Person

4. English New Concept

5. Bahasa Inggris Erlangga

The media :

1. Video

2. LCD

Magelang, 1 September 2015

Dra. D. Anjar Wulansari Agnes Ambar Pratiwi B

The School Principal The researcher


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The Clues of Snakes and Ladders Board Game

( Cycle One and Post test I)

No Clues No Clues

1 Describe your favorite artist! 26 Who is chef ?

2 What is your favorite food?

Describe it !

27 What is garnish? Explain it

by giving examples!

3 What is your father‟s

profession? Explain it!

28 Explain how to make club


4 Describe one of friend in

your group!

29 What are the ingredients on

making coleslaw?

5 What is American Breakfast? 30 What are the kind of soup?

6 Please describe your mother! 31 Mention the kind of sauce!

7 What is continental


32 Describe your boy friend!

8 Explain your dream about

your future job!

33 What is your favorit menu?

Explain how to cook it!

9 What is your mother‟s


34 Please, mention the

vegetable cutting!

10 Describe your best friend? 35 Describe you yourself!

11 Explain what American


36 What is continental


12 What is garnish? Explain it

by giving examples!

37 Explain your dream about

your future job!

13 What are the kind of sauce? 38 Please describe your idol!

14 What is your favorite food?

Explain how to cook it!

39 What is mother‟s

profession? Explain it!

15 Explain how to make club


40 Please describe your


16 Describe your idol! 41 Describe the a la carte menu


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No Clues No Clues

17 Please, mention the vegetable


42 Explain about the American


18 What is the continental


43 What are the duties of cook


19 Explain how to make club


44 Can you explain how to

make mayonaise?

20 What is the garnish? 45 What is an oriental food

21 Describe your boyfriend! 46 Explain your dream about

your future dream!

22 What are the ingredients on

making coleslaw?

47 Explain how to make club


23 What is garnish? Explain it

by giving examples!

48 Describe the functions of

fying pan!

24 What are the duties of chef? 49 What are the kind of sauce?

25 Can you explain how to make


50 Who is a chef?


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The Clues of Snakes and Ladders Board Game

( Cycle Two and Post Test Two)

No Clues No Clues

1 What are your hobbies? 26 What subjects are you interested in?

2 You call your sister to open the door

because you lost your key.

27 What are your hobbies?

3 This recipe sounds easy.... . I will make

it for lunch.

28 You call your friend to go to school

together on Wednesday.

4 You call your friend to go to school

together by bus.

29 You call your cousin to spend the

holiday at your town.

5 You call your friend to do homework


30 You call your mother to pick you at


6 You want to say thanks to your friend

by phone

31 You call your cousin to spend the

holiday at your town.

7 You call your mother to pick you at


32 You want to ask your friend to

accompany you to go to Restaurant

by phone

8 You call your cousin to spend the

holiday at your town.

33 You call your best friend to come to

your birthday party on October 1,


9 You call your friend to go to Carrefour


34 You were absent yesterday, you call

your friends to borrow your


10 Call your friend to accompany you to

go to Restaurant ?

35 You call your cousin to spend the

holiday at your town.


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No Clues No Clues

11 You call your best friend to come to

your birthday party.

36 You call your friend to go to

Carrefour together

12 You were absent yesterday, you call

your friends to borrow his notebook.

37 You call your friend to go to school

together on Tuesday.

13 You call your friend to go to course

place together on Friday.

38 You want to ask your friend to

accompany you to go to Restaurant

by phone

14 You call your friend to do homework

together in library.

39 This chicken is ....... small for five


15 You want to say thanks to your friend

by phone for her gift.

40 What are your hobbies?

16 You need to buy the menu ingredients

in Carefour, call your brother to

accompany you.!

41 You want to ask your friend to

accompany you to go to Restaurant

by phone

17 You call your cousin to spend the

holiday at your town.

42 You call your best friend to come to

your birthday party.

18 Call the guest of # 202 to confirm her

table reservation for dinner.

43 What are your hobbies?

19 You call your friend to go to school

together on Monday.

44 Call your mother to pick you up at 5

pm in the school.

20 This chicken is ....... small for five


45 You call your friend to go to course

place together on Tuesday.

21 You were absent yesterday, you call

your friends to borrow his notebook.

46 You want to say thanks to your

friend by phone for her gift.


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No Clues No Clues

22 What are your hobbies? 47 You call your friend to do homework

together in library.

23 Call your mother to pick you up at 5

pm in the school.

48 This chicken is ....... small for five


24 You want to ask your friend to

accompany you to go to Restaurant by


49 Call the guest of # 202 to confirm

her table reservation for dinner.

25 You want to say thanks to your friend

by phone for her gift.

50 You call your uncle’s family to spend

the holiday at your town.


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Rubric of Speaking Test

Aspects 5 4 3 2 1


Speaks consistently

without pauses or


communicates all ideas

without difficulty

Speaks with minimal

pauses or hesitation; has

light difficulty in

communication all ideas

Speaks with some pauses

and hesitation; is able to

communicate some ideas

with some difficulties

Often is unable to speak

or with frequent pauses

and hesitation; is unable

to communicate most


Is unable to speak or give

only one word or very

short utterance with a

long pause; unable to

communicate ideas

Pronunciation Pronounces correctly and


Pronounces almost

clearly without

interfering comphrension

Sometimes pronounces

unclearly; errors interfere

with communciation

Often pronounces with

errors difficult to

understand; have to

repeat frequently

Pronounces unclearly

interfering with

communication; is unable

to communicate ideas


Uses varied and correct

vocabulary; is able to

communicate properly

Uses varied and almost

correct vocabulary; often

communicate properly

Has adequate vocabulary;

minor errors; do not

interfere with


Has limited vocabulary;

has difficulty in


Has insufficient

vocabulary resulting in



Grammar Consistently uses correct

grammatical structures

Rarely uses incorect

grammatical structure;

some errors interfere with


Uses some incorrect

grammatical structure,

some errors interfere with


Often uses incorrect

grammatical structures;

errors interfere with


Is unable to use

grammatical structure to

communicate correctly

Fuction Uses correct expressions Rarely uses incorrect


Uses some incorrect


Often uses incorrect

expressions, errors

interfere with


Is unable to use

expressions correctly

Adapted from Scanlan & Zemach (200)


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Pre-Test Score

July, 2015

No Students Aspect Raw Score Grade

F P V G Fu F P V G Fu

1 Student 1 4.5 4 4 3.8 4.5 13.5 8 8 7.6 4.5 83.2

2 Student 2 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 11.4 7 7 7 4.5 73.8

3 Student 3 2 2.8 2.8 3 3.5 6 5.6 5.6 6 3.5 53.4

4 Student 4 3 3.2 3.4 3 4.5 9 6.4 6.8 6 4.5 65.4

5 Student 5 2 3 3 3 3.5 6 6 6 6 3.5 55

6 Student 6 3.5 3 3 3 4 10.5 6 6 6 4 65

7 Student 7 4 4 4 4 4.5 12 8 8 8 4.5 81

8 Student 8 3.5 3.5 3 3 4.5 10.5 7 6 6 4.5 68

9 Student 9 3 4.5 2.8 2.9 4 9 9 5.6 5.8 4 66.8

10 Student 10 3.5 3 3 3 4 10.5 6 6 6 4 65

11 Student 11 3 2.9 3 2.8 4 9 5.8 6 5.6 4 60.8


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12 Student 12 4 4 4 3.9 4.5 12 8 8 7.8 4.5 80.6

13 Student 13 3.5 3 3.3 3.5 4.5 10.5 6 6.6 7 4.5 69.2

14 Student 14 3 3 3 3 4.5 9 6 6 6 4.5 63

15 Student 15 3.5 3.8 4 4 4.5 10.5 7.6 8 8 4.5 77.2

16 Student 16 3 3 3 3 4.5 9 6 6 6 4.5 63

17 Student 17 3 3 3.5 3 4 9 6 7 6 4 64

18 Student 18 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.9 4 7.5 5.6 5.6 5.8 4 57

19 Student 19 4 4 4 4 4.5 12 8 8 8 4.5 81

20 Student 20 2 3 2.7 2.9 4 6 6 5.4 5.8 4 54.4

21 Student 21 3.5 3 3 3 4.5 10.5 6 6 6 4.5 66

22 Student 22 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.7 4.5 10.5 7 7 7.4 4.5 72.8

23 Student 23 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.5 4.5 10.5 7 7.6 7 4.5 73.2

24 Student 24 3 3 3 2.8 4 9 6 6 5.6 4 61.2

25 Student 25 4.5 4.5 4 4 4.5 13.5 8 9 8 4.5 86

26 Student 26 4.5 4.5 4 4 4.5 13.5 8 9 8 4.5 86


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27 Student 27 3.5 3 3 2.9 3.8 10.5 6 6 5.8 3.8 64.2

28 Student 28 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.5 4.5 11.4 7.6 7 7 4.5 75

29 Student 29 3.5 4 4 3.5 4.5 10.5 8 8 7 4.5 76

30 Student 30 3.8 3.9 4 3.5 4.5 11.4 7.8 8 7 4.5 77.4

31 Student 31 3.4 3 3 3 4.5 10.2 6 6 6 4.5 65.4

32 Student 32 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 11.4 7 7 7 4.5 73.8

33 Student 33 3.5 3.3 3 3 4.5 10.5 6.6 6 6 4.5 67.2

34 Student 34 4.2 4 4 4 4.5 12.6 8 8 8 4.5 82.2

35 Student 35 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 10.5 7 7 7 4.5 72

36 Student 36 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.5 11.7 7.4 7.4 7.4 4.5 77.2

37 Student 37 3 3 2.7 2.8 4.5 9 6 5.4 5.6 3 58

38 Student 38 2.9 3 3 3 4.5 8.7 6 6 6 4.5 62.4


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Post-Test 1 Score

August 31, 2015

No Students Aspect Raw Score Grade

F P V G Fu F P V G Fu

1 Student 1 4.5 4 4 4 5 13.5 8 8 8 5 85

2 Student 2 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 4.3 13.5 8 7 7 4.3 79.6

3 Student 3 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.2 4.5 10.5 6.4 7 6.4 4.5 69.6

4 Student 4 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.2 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.4 4.5 72

5 Student 5 3.2 3.2 3 3 4.3 9.6 6.4 6 6 4.3 64.6

6 Student 6 3.4 3 3 3 4.5 10.2 6 6 6 4.5 65.4

7 Student 7 4.2 4 4 4 4.5 12.6 8 8 8 4.5 82.2

8 Student 8 4 3.7 3.5 3 4.5 12 7.4 7 6 4.5 73.8

9 Student 9 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.3 4.5 10.5 7 7.4 6.6 4.5 72

10 Student 10 4 3.5 3.5 3 4.5 12 7 7 6 4.5 73

11 Student 11 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4

12 Student 12 4 4 4 4 4.5 12 8 8 8 4.5 81

13 Student 13 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.2 4.5 10.5 7 6.4 6.4 45 69.6

14 Student 14 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.3 4.5 10.5 7 7.4 6.6 4.5 72

15 Student 15 4.2 4 3.5 3.5 4.3 12.6 8 7 7 4.3 77.8

16 Student 16 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4


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17 Student 17 4 3.7 3.5 3 4.5 12 7.4 7 6 4.5 73.8

18 Student 18 3.5 3 3.2 3 4.5 10.5 6 6.4 6 4.5 66.8

19 Student 19 4.2 4 4 4 4.5 12.6 8 8 8 4.5 82.2

20 Student 20 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4

21 Student 21 3.5 3.3 3.3 3 4.5 10.5 6.6 6.6 6 4.5 68.4

22 Student 22 4 3.3 3.3 3.2 4.5 12 6.6 6.6 6.4 4.5 72.2

23 Student 23 4.2 3.2 3.4 3 4.5 12.6 6.4 6.8 6 4.5 72.6

24 Student 24 3.7 3.5 3.5 3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6 4.5 72.4

25 Student 25 4.5 4 4 4.2 5 13.5 8 8 8.4 5 85.8

26 Student 26 4.5 4 4 4 5 13.5 8 8 8 5 85

27 Student 27 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4

28 Student 28 4 4 4 3.5 4.5 12 8 8 7 4.5 79

29 Student 29 4.3 3.2 3.4 3 4.5 12.9 6.4 6.8 6 4.5 73.2

30 Student 30 4 4 4 3.5 4.5 12 8 8 7 4.5 79

31 Student 31 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.5 10.5 6.6 6.6 6.6 4.5 69.6

32 Student 32 4 4 3.5 3.5 4.5 12 8 7 7 4.5 77

33 Student 33 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4.5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4

34 Student 34 4.2 4 4 4 5 12.6 8 8 8 5 83.2

35 Student 35 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 12 7 7 7 4.5 75

36 Student 36 4 4 3.7 3.5 4.5 12 8 7.4 7 4.5 77.8

37 Student 37 4 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.5 12 6.6 6.6 6.6 4.5 72.6

38 Student 38 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.3 4,5 11.1 7 7 6.6 4.5 72.4


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Post-Test 2 Score

September 14, 2015

No Students Aspect Raw Score Grade

F P V G Fu F P V G Fu

1 Student 1 4.5 4.5 4 4.5 5 13.5 9 8 9 5 89

2 Student 2 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.5 5 13.5 8.6 9 9 5 90.2

3 Student 3

4 Student 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 13.5 9 9 9 5 91

5 Student 5 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 10.5 6.6 7 7 7 69.2

6 Student 6 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.3 5 13.5 8.6 9 8.6 5 89.4

7 Student 7 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.3 5 13.5 8.6 8.4 8.6 5 88.2

8 Student 8 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 13.5 9 9 9 5 91

9 Student 9 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.2 3.5 7.5 5 5 4.4 3.5 50.8

10 Student 10 4.5 4.3 4 4.3 5 13.5 8.6 8 8.6 5 87.4

11 Student 11 4.5 3.7 3.7 3.5 5 13.5 7.4 7.4 7 5 80.6

12 Student 12 4.5 4.2 4 4.3 5 13.5 8.4 8 8.6 5 87

13 Student 13 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.5 12.9 8.6 8.6 8.6 5 86.4

14 Student 14 4 3.8 3.5 3.5 4 12 7.6 7 7 4 75.2

15 Student 15 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.5 5 13.5 8.6 8.4 9 5 89

16 Student 16 4 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 12 7 7 7 4.5 75

17 Student 17 4.2 4 4 4 5 12.6 8 8 8 5 83.2


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18 Student 18 4.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 5 12.9 7 7 7 5 77.8

19 Student 19 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 13.5 9 9 9 5 91

20 Student 20 4 3.2 3.5 3.2 5 12 6.4 7 6.4 5 73.6

21 Student 21 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.5 7.5 5.4 5 5 3.5 52.8

22 Student 22 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 13.5 7 7 7 4.5 78

23 Student 23 3.5 3.2 3.4 3 4 10.5 6.4 6.8 6 4 67.4

24 Student 24 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 13.5 7 7 7 4.5 78

25 Student 25 4.7 4.5 4.5 4.5 5 14.1 9 9 9 5 92.2

26 Student 26 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 5 13.5 8.8 9 8.8 5 90.2

27 Student 27 4 3.4 3.5 3 5 12 6.8 7 6 5 73.6

28 Student 28 3.8 3.5 3.2 3.5 4.7 11.4 7 6.4 7 4.7 73

29 Student 29 4 3.5 3.2 3.3 4.5 12 7 6.4 6.6 4.5 73

30 Student 30 3.5 3.4 3 3 4 10.5 6.8 6 6 4 66.6

31 Student 31 4.2 4 4 4 5 12.6 8 8 8 5 83.2

32 Student 32 4.5 4 4.2 4.2 5 13.5 8 8.4 8.4 5 86.6

33 Student 33 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 4.5 10.5 6.8 7 7 4.5 71.5

34 Student 34 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 5 14.1 9.4 9.4 9.4 4.7 94.6

35 Student 35 4 3.5 4 4 5 12 7 8 8 5 80

36 Student 36 4.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 12.9 7 7 7 4.5 76.8

37 Student 37 4.5 4.2 4 4.3 5 13.5 8.4 8 8.6 5 87

38 Student 38 3.3 2.5 2.7 2.5 4 9.9 5 5.4 5 4 58.6


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