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Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche. Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church. Hayfields. Jahrgang/ Year 43 December 2014 The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom like the crocus. Isaiah 35:1 Die Wüste und Einöde wird frohlocken, und die Steppe wird jubeln und wird blühen wie die Lilien. Jesaja 35.1 Impulse Impulse
  • Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche.

    Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church.


    Jahrgang/ Year 43 December 2014

    The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice

    and blossom like the crocus.

    Isaiah 35:1

    Die Wüste und Einöde wird frohlocken, und die Steppe wird jubeln

    und wird blühen wie die Lilien.

    Jesaja 35.1


  • 2

    Andacht Die Wüste und Einöde wird frohlocken, und die Steppe wird jubeln und

    wird blühen wie die Lilien. Jesaja 30,19

    Jedes Jahr im Frühling sehnt sich die Erde nach Regen. Es

    passiert, dass der erwartete Regen zeitig kommt und die Erde

    blüht und grünt, aber es kommt auch vor, dass wir auf den

    Regen warten müssen. In diesem Jahr haben wir

    schmerzlich warten müssen. Wo sonst die Erde schon im

    September ihr Frühlingskleid trägt und die Wiesenblumen blühen und die öde

    Winterlandschaft sich verwandelt, mussten wir in diesem Jahr bis mitte Okto-

    ber drauf warten. Deutlich spürten wir die Erwartungszeit, - wie die Bibel die

    Adventszeit beschreibt. Wie lange dauert es noch bis es wirklich regnet und

    wir neues Leben spüren? Wie lange Herr, müssen wir noch warten bis du

    wieder kommst und allem Krieg, Gewalt und Leid einem Ende machst? Wie

    lange noch bis alle Welt erkennen muss, dass du der Herr der Weltgeschichte

    bist? Warum gleicht unser Land und die Welt so oft einer vertrockneten Land-

    schaft die sich nach Regen sehnt?

    Jesaja redet zu den Menschen in Judäa in solcher Lage. Von allen Seiten wurde

    das Land bedroht, besonders von den Assyrischen Nachbarn im Norden. Judäa

    war in Todesgefahr. Der nördliche Staat Israel, würde von den Assyriern er-

    obert und vernichtet werden und die Einwohner waren verdrängt. Gott aber

    hatte durch den Propheten Jesaja versprochen, dass er sein Volk nicht verlassen

    würde. Es würde wieder aufblühen und eine neue Zukunft und Hoffnung ha-

    ben. Bildlich und eindrucksvoll beschreibt er das und tausende Jahre später ha-

    ben diese Worte ihre Kraft nicht verloren und trösten uns in hoffnungslosen

    Zeiten. Unsere Adventslieder zeugen davon – das Licht das in der Finsternis

    erscheint und die Welt erhellt, und auch wenn es in schweren Zeiten schwer zu

    glauben ist, - die Wüste wird blühen wie die Lilien.

    Genau so schwer ist es zu glauben, dass ein kleines Kind, geboren von einer

    einfachen Frau in bescheidenen Verhältnissen, ja in einem Stall, unser Leben

    verändern kann. Doch blühen die Wüsten und dieses Kind hat die Welt auf

    den Kopf gestellt und bis heute das Leben millioner Menschen verändert.

    Können wir es glauben, dass uns das in dieser Advents- und Weihnachtszeit

    auch passieren könnte?

    (O Heiland reiss die Himmel auf) G. Tönsing (Übersetzt Red.)

    O Gott, ein’ Tau vom Himmel giess,

    im Tau herab, o Heiland, fliess.

    Ihr Wolken, brecht und regnet aus

    den König über Jakobs Haus.

    O Erd, schlag aus, schlag aus, o Erd,

    dass Berg und Tal grün alles werd.

    O Erd, herfür dies Blümlein bring,

    O Heiland, aus der Erden spring.

  • 3

    Devotion The desert and the parched land will be glad;

    the wilderness will rejoice and blossom like the crocus.

    Isaiah 35 v 1

    Every year in spring, nature yearns for and stretches

    towards the rain. Sometimes the rain comes when we

    expect it and brings abundant life, sometimes we all have

    to wait for it. This year particularly, it was a painful wait. The rains came late.

    The transformation from brown, parched land into abundant fields of green

    grass and veld flowers, which normally comes in September only started hap-

    pening in mid October. We felt acutely what it is like to live in expectation, in

    “Advent mode”. How long until it really rains and we feel that life begins

    again? How long, Lord, until you come back, and end the pain of daily life, the

    wars, the violence? How long until everyone can see, you are the Lord of his-

    tory? Why does our world and our country so often seem like a parched land

    with no rain in sight?

    Isaiah was speaking to the people of Judah in such a time. There were threats

    from all sides, especially from the powerful northern neighbour Assyria. Judah

    was in mortal danger. Indeed its northern neighbour, the State of Israel would

    be defeated by Assyria, destroyed. Its people were displaced and resettled. But

    Isaiah promises Judah that God will not forsake her. There will be new life,

    new hope, a new way ahead. The images he uses are strong and have lost none

    of their power thousands of years later. They speak to us when we need hope.

    They have made their way into Advent hymns together with that other powerful

    image, light shining in dark places. That the desert will burst into flower is not

    something that is easy to believe in the middle of winter. It is just as hard to

    believe that a little baby born to a simple woman in an obscure, inhospitable

    place can make any difference to our lives. And yet deserts do blossom, and

    this child turned the world upside down and transformed millions of lives until

    today. Can we believe that this will happen to us, this Advent and Christmas


    (O Heiland reiss die Himmel auf) G Tönsing

    O send a show'r from heav'n above

    that over us may rain your love.

    O clouds rain down your righteousness,

    the King who comes to heal and bless.

    O Earth sprout forth, make all things


    until salvation all have seen,

    a new green shoot from lifeless earth.

    We will rejoice in this new birth.

  • 4

    Profil des Monats


    Dem Redaktionskomitee ist ein grosser Fehler unterlaufen: Lauter "Neulinge"

    wurden interviewt und irgendwie wurde Dietz Vogt übersehen! Das musste

    dringend gutgemacht werden! Monika Wittenberg setzte sich hin und hörte die

    unwahrscheinlich spannende und interessante Lebensgeschichte von Dietz an,

    vier Stunden lang! Das ist unbedingt Material für ein dickes Buch! Für den

    Gemeindebrief müssen wir leider kürzen, aber interessierte Leute müssten sich

    mal selber die Geschichte anhören!- Radio Khwezi machte ausführliche Auf-

    nahmen von Dietz' Geschichte und da könnte man sich das Tonband (CD) an-

    hören. Sehr zu empfehlen!

    Dietz wurde am 04.03.1939 in Wanne-Eickel, Nord-Rhein-Westfalen geboren.

    Mit seinem jüngeren Bruder Udo zusammen feierte er 1953 in St. Franziskus

    seine Firmung.

    8 Jahre besuchte er die Volksschule in Wanne-Eickel, danach die Hibernia Wal-

    dorf-Schule wo er als Mechaniker (Mess-und Regeltechnik) die Fachschulreife

    abschloss. Immer wieder erfuhr er später wie wertvoll diese Ausbildung für ihn


    Schon früh interessierte Dietz sich für das Fliegen. Machte die A-B und C

    Prüfungen im Segelflug. Im Herbst 1957 absolvierte er seine Aufnahmeprüfung

    zum fliegenden Personal der Luftwaffe. Ab 1958 war er 4 Jahre in der Luft-

    waffe der Deutschen Bundeswehr.

    Er machte eine 15-monatige Ausbildung zum Radar-Techniker an ver-

    schiedenen amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Frühwarn Radargeräten,

    welche ihn auch als einen der Ersten deutschen Soldaten, nach dem Krieg, zur

    Ausbildung nach England führte.

    Nach dem fand sein Traum, Pilot zu werden, ein plötzliches Ende . Im ersten

    Urlaub beim Segelflugverein machte er eine "Bumslandung"und verletzte sich

    den Ellbogen. Das rettete ihm vielleicht das Leben, denn somit konnte er nicht

    Düsenjäger Pilot werden. Die Starfighter (F104) waren bekannt als

    "Witwenmacher", so viele stürzten ab. (282 Unfälle, 115Tote)

    Von 1962 bis 1967 war er bei mehreren Firmen beschäftigt, wie IBM Deutsch-

    land, Heinrich Koppers International, Rank-Xerox, Neckermann und

    Flugschule West-Air Borkenberge. In 1965 bekam er die Privat Piloten Lizenz

    mit Kunstflug und Schlepp-Berechtigung und die Berechtigung zum Prüfen

    und Instandhaltung von Fluggeräten. Noch viel mehr wäre zu sagen über seine

    Ausbildung und Tätigkeiten in der Radar-Technik, Elektro-Technik und


  • 5

    Profil des Monats

    Im November 1967 wanderte er aus nach Süd-Afrika. Er war beschäftigt bei

    Firmen wie Atlas-Aircraft (Aircraft -Instrument Technician); Development En-

    gineer bei Fibreglass South Africa; Factory Engineer bei Primer-Milling; Tech-

    nical Director bei General-Air, Swaziland; Pilot Chief-Flight-Engineer für

    TTA Mozambique und einige andere. Viele Male unternahm er mit einem

    Team hochqualifizierter Piloten, Flüge nach Botswana, Tanzania und in andere

    Gebiete zur Tsetse-Fliegen Bekämpfung. Das Team hatte ein sehr hohes

    fliegerisches Können und gute Ko-ordination. Diese Flüge mussten nachts und

    bei sehr niedriger Flughöhe und sehr gefärlichen Umständen unternommen

    werden. Einmal musste zwischen Mwanza und Arusha (Mount Meru) eine Not-

    landung gemacht werden. Ausser dem Flugzeug (Totalschaden) kam niemand

    zu Schaden. Ein Lehrer aus der Nähe der Unglücksstelle organisierte Wachen

    und auch Nahrung und die beste Tasse Kaffee je. Die Nachricht wurde bald

    weiter befördert, bis zu Dietz' Eltern, die zu Weihnachten zu Besuch kamen,

    und Ansie und Familie in Swaziland.

    1971 heiratete Dietz die hübsche und tüchtige Ansie (geb Kies). Als Geburt-

    stagsgeschenk kam seine Tochter Anneliese zur Welt, am 04.03.1974. Sohn

    Bernhard folgte am 05.07.1976. Beide Kinder sind verheiratet: Bernhard und

    Sharan haben zwei Töchter und Anneliese und Jaco haben zwei Söhne. Die

    Kinder wohnen in Centurion. Seit 1975 ist Dietz südafrikanischer Staatsbürger.

    Viele sehr interessante Geschichten über wichtige und bekannte Leute, die

    Dietz hin und her geflogen hat und kennen lernte, sind unter anderen Pres.

    Samora Machel, King Goodwill Zwelithini, Kaiser Matanzima, Min. Pik

    Botha, King Sobhuza, Valentin Volker und sogar Filmleute wie Elizabeth Tay-

    lor, Richard Burton, Roger Moore, Richard Harris, Hardy Krueger, und Jack

    Watson, auch grosse Namen in der Fliegerei wie General Adolf Galland, Oberst

    Erich (Bubi) Hartmann, Gerhard Fieseler, Hanna Reitsch, Albert Falderbaum

    und viel mehr kann er erzählen. Wie gesagt: er müsste ein Buch schreiben!

    Nach fast vier Jahren in Mozambique, übernahm Dietz die Produktion des

    “Mobi-Ship” in Greytown. Von 1986 bis 1997 war er Maintenance Engineer

    bei Bata Shoes in Kranzkop. Danach, bis zu seiner Pensionierung in 2005,

    “Maintenance Engineer” mit SA Tools & Dies in Pietermaritzburg

    Seit 1997 wohnen Ansie und Dietz im Luthergarten mit dem kleinen Dackel

    "Anka". Sie gehören zur lutherischen Gemeinde. Beide sind sehr aktive Mit-

    glieder im Luthergarten: Dietz als sehr tüchtiger Techniker für alles Mögliche

    und Ansie, vielgeliebt von den Luthergärtnern, backt und braut und hilft wo sie

    kann. (Ihr "Profil.."hatten wir schon mal vor einigen Jahren beschrieben).

    Wir freuen uns sehr, Dietz, auch wenn wir es verspätet melden, dass Ihr beide

    unsere Gemeindeglieder seid und hoffen, dass Ihr Euch weiterhin bei uns


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    Profile of the month Diethelm (Dietz) Vogts

    The Editorial Committee committed a major error. Many “new” members were

    interviewed and somehow Dietz Vogt was omitted! This had to be corrected

    urgently! Monika Wittenberg sat and listened to his unbelievably exciting and

    interesting life story for four hours! It is certainly material for a thick book.

    Unfortunately for the “Impulse” we had to shorten it, but any interested persons

    can listen to the story themselves. Radio Khwezi made a detailed recording of

    Dietz’ story and one can obtain and listen to the recording (CD). It is highly


    Dietz was born on 04 March 1939 in Wanne-Eickel, Nord-Rhein-Westfalen.

    Together with his younger brother, Udo, he celebrated his confirmation in the

    St Francis church in 1953.

    For eight years he attended the Elementary School in Wanne-Eickel. He com-

    pleted his schooling at the Hibernia Waldorf School, where he completed his

    Technical College training as a Mechanic (Mess- und Regeltechnik). Later he

    realised, repeatedly, how valuable this training had been for him.

    Already early in his life Dietz was interested in flying and took the A-B and C

    examinations in gliding. In the autumn of 1957 he completed his entrance ex-

    aminations for the flying personnel of the Luftwaffe. He was in the Luftwaffe

    of the West German Armed Forces for four years from 1958.

    He did a 15 month long training course as Radar Technician on early warning

    systems at various American, English and German institutions. This training

    resulted in him being one of the first German soldiers who received training in

    the UK after the Second World War.

    His dream to become a pilot came to a sudden end. During his first vacation he

    made a crash landing and injured his elbow at the gliding club. Possibly, this

    may have saved his life, but prevented his becoming a jet fighter. These star

    fighters (F104) were known as “widow makers”, as so many crashed (282 acci-

    dents and 115 deaths).

    From 1962 until 1967 he was employed at several companies such as IBM

    Deutschland,Heinrich Koppers International, Rank-Xerox, Neckermann and the

    Flying School, West-Air, Borkenberge. In 1965 he obtained a private pilot’s

    licence as stunt flyer with towing qualification and also the authority for the

    testing and maintenance of flight instruments. Far more can be said about his

    qualifications and activities in radar and electrical technology and flying.

  • 7

    Profile of the month continued. In November 1967 he immigrated to South Africa. He was employed by di-

    verse companies in various positions, namely Atlas-Aircraft (Aircraft - Instru-

    ment Technician); Development Engineer at Fibreglass South- Africa; Factory

    Engineer at Primer-Milling; Technical Director at General-Air, Swaziland; Pilot

    Chief-Flight-Engineer for TTA Mozambique and several others.

    With a team of highly qualified pilots, he undertook flights to Botswana, Tan-

    zania and other regions for the control of tsetse flies. The team had high flying

    abilities and good co-ordination. These flights had to be done by night and at

    low flying levels in very dangerous circumstances. On occasion an emergency

    landing had to be executed between Mwanza and Arusha (Mount Meru). Ex-

    cept for the aeroplane (a total write-off), nobody was injured. A teacher in the

    vicinity of the accident organised guards, sustenance and the best cup of coffee

    ever! The news was soon sent to Dietz’ parents, who were coming for Christ-

    mas as well as Ansie and the family in Swaziland

    In 1971 Dietz married the pretty and capable Ansie (nee Kies). His daughter

    Anneliese was born as his birthday present on 4 March 1974! His son Bern-

    hard was born on 5 July 1976. Both children are married – Anneliese and Jaco

    have two sons and Bernhard and Sharan have two daughters. They all live in

    Centurion. Since 1975 Dietz is a South African citizen.

    During the course of his flying career he met many important and famous peo-

    ple, such as Samora Machel, King Goodwill Zwelithini, Kaiser Matanzima,

    Minister Pik Botha, King Sobhuza, Mr Valentin Volker as well as Elizabeth

    Taylor, Richard Burton, Roger Moore, Richard Harris, Hardy Krüger and Jack

    Watson. He also met and flew well-known personalities in the flying world

    like General Adolf Galland, Colonel Erich (Bubi) Hartmann, Gerhard Fieseller,

    Hanna Reitsch, Albert Falderbaum and many more. He should indeed write a


    After nearly four years in Mozambique, he took over the production of the

    “Mobi-Ship” in Greytown. From 1986 until 1997 he was Manintenance Engi-

    neer at Bata Shoes in Kranzkop. Afterwards, until going on pension in 2005,

    he was Maintenance Engineer at SA Tools & Dies in Pietermaritzburg.

    In 1997 he and Ansie moved to the Lutheran Gardens with their little dachs-

    hund “Anka”. They belong to the Lutheran congregation and are both very ac-

    tive members of the Lutheran Gardens. Dietz is the able technician for all

    kinds of things and Ansie bakes and brews and helps where she can, being

    much appreciated by all Lutheran Garden inhabitants. (Her profile was re-

    corded a few years ago.)

    We are very glad that you are both members of our congregation and hope that

    you will both continue to feel welcome and content with us, even though we

    are conveying this to you rather belatedly!

  • 8

    Kinder - sie sind in dieser Jahreszeit besonders wichtig. Nicht nur wegen der

    Schulferien, auf die sie sich freuen. Für viele wächst die Aufregung auf den

    ersten Schultag, die Angst vor dem Schulwechsel, die Unsicherheit vor dem

    ersten Besuch des Kindergartens.

    An Weihnachten verleihen Kinder dem Fest einen besonderen Charakter - ihre

    Vorfreude, die strahlenden Augen, und das aufgeregte Hüpfen vor der

    Bescherung. Ja, Kinder sind ein großer Schatz!

    Dann ist da Christus, das Kind in der Krippe. So hat Gott sich zu uns auf den

    Weg gemacht. Er hat sich als wehrloses Kind den Menschen anvertraut.

    Jedes kleine Kind ist ebenso wehrlos an andere ausgeliefert.

    Wie gehen wir als Erwachsene um mit den Kindern, die uns anvertraut sind?

    Bringen wir sie zum Kind in der Krippe? Helfen wir ihnen, Christus als Herrn

    kennen zu lernen? Sind wir ihnen ein Vorbild? Oder überlassen wir sie ihrem

    eigenen Schicksal?

    Vor kurzem hatte ich die Gelegenheit,

    mit einer Miniatur Dampflok zu

    fahren. Mein Enkelsohn wollte erst

    gar nicht mit aufsteigen. Doch dann

    nahm ich ihn in den Arm, und er fuhr

    mit. Als ich ihn nach einer Runde

    wieder absteigen lassen wollte, kam

    nur ein Wort: Mehr! Hinter uns saßen

    eine ganze Gruppe von Kindern auf

    dem kleinen Wagon - und fuhren mit,

    Runde nach Runde! Egal, wer die

    Lokomotive betrieb - sie blieben

    sitzen, fuhren mit.

    Kinder, kleine Kinder, lassen sich leiten, vertrauen sich Erwachsenen an. Wenn

    wir sie nicht leiten, werden sie anderen folgen. Wenn wir sie schlecht leiten,

    werden sie uns dennoch folgen.

    “Jesus rief die Kinder zu sich und sprach: Lasset die Kinder zu mir kommen

    und wehret ihnen nicht, denn solchen gehört das Reich Gottes.” (Lk 18,16)

    Wir als Erwachsene, Eltern, Großeltern, Paten dürfen und sollen unsere Kinder

    in den Arm nehmen, sie zu Christus hinführen, ihnen helfen, als Christ zu

    leben. Möge es uns geschenkt sein, dass sie dann auch sagen: “Mehr!”

    Ich wünsche allen ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und ein

    gutes 2015.

    Mit herzlichem Gruß

    Bischof’s Dezember 14 POST Januar 15

  • 9

    Children - During this time of the year children are very much the focus:

    School Holidays start. In January for many it will be the first day of kindergar-

    ten, pre-school or school. And, of course, there is Christmas. Hardly anybody is

    more exited about Christmas than young children. Their bright, shining eyes,

    the faces showing their expectation, are a joy to watch.

    Finally, there is the celebration of the birth of Christ - Child in a manger. God

    chooses the way of a child for his own appearing on earth. He becomes vulner-

    able in the hands of human beings.

    Indeed, every child is vulnerable, in the hands of other human beings.

    What do we adults do with our children? Do we lead them to the Christ child,

    and from there to the Lord and Saviour? Are we an example to them? Or do we

    just leave them on their own. Too often we teach them reading, writing, values

    - but in matters of faith many think they must find their own way.

    Recently I had the opportunity to take my

    grandchild on a miniature steam train ride. At

    first he was hesitant, wanted to get off. But

    when I held him, and we did the first round,

    his response was: More! Behind us, on the

    miniature “passenger coach”, a whole bunch

    of children were enjoying the ride. Round af-

    ter round they would continue - no matter

    who the driver was.

    “Jesus called the children to him and said,

    “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of

    God belongs to such as these” Luke 18,16.

    It is our task as parents, grandparents and guardians to hold our children and

    introduce them to Christ, so that they can experience the joy of belonging to

    this Lord.

    At the same time we must realise that these little children will follow and learn

    from adult role players - no matter who the driver is, no matter where we are

    taking them.

    For that reason we must take great care to lead them, not only to literacy and

    numeracy, but on a way to life!

    May we hear them saying “More”, when we tell them about Christ!

    Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a good start for 2015


    December 14 POST January 15

  • 10


    Although all of these issues have been reported on previously, as new pastors

    were elected, I would like to mention all the moves that are happening during


    Pastor Dirk Köstlin is relocating from Vryheid to Bethany, Pastor Manfred

    Müller-Nedebock from Bethany to Hillcrest and Pastor Reiner Focke from Har-

    burg to Trinity Zululand with Pastor Rolf Schmidt from Trinity Zululand to

    Harburg and Pastor Rene Risch from St Peters Pretoria to Hermannsburg con-

    gregation and school pastor.

    Pastor Burgert Brand relocates from Hermannsburg to Namibia as Pastor in

    Windhoek and Bishop of the ELCIN GELC.

    We wish all these families strength for the move. May God also guide and bless

    the congregations in the time of change.

    At this stage I would like to thank Pastor Brand for his many years of service in

    ELCSA (NT). He came to us from Namibia to pastor the newly established

    Midrand congregation, and pioneered the first phase of development. During

    this time he also served as Dean of the Central Circuit, till his re-location to

    Hermannsburg as School and Congregation pastor.

    During this time his wife Ute was appointed as principal of the school.

    Since 2009 Pastor Brand was also the deputy to the bishop and served in

    Church Council again.

    We thank the family for their many years of involvement and dedication. By

    now the children have become independent, and the couple returns to Namibia

    “alone”. May God bless the new phase as bishop, and continue to bless the co-

    operation between the Churches.

    eQuip retreat “eQuip for discipleship” takes place from 2 to 7 January in Her-

    mannsburg. More information is available at www.elcsant.org.za . May it be a

    blessing to all participants.

    Cape-NT discussions. At the time of writing this the task team was preparing

    for its next meeting. Please keep this process in your prayers!

    Students of Theology. We are in the fortunate position that a small group of

    students will be doing their 5th year of training, leading to the first theological

    examination. More information will be given after the course has started in


    News from the Church

    An omission ! We apologise!

    The cot blanket at the Spring Fest was won by Meinhard Uken.


  • 11

    From Council

    Dear Congregation

    As the Advent and Christmas season is nearing a great deal of plan-

    ning for 2015 is already going ahead and a few changes are being


    Our Extended Council meetings will be changed to Focus Group

    meetings. We will invite specific groups, such as the musicians, Bible

    study groups etc, to enable them to communicate with council, to dis-

    cuss problems, concerns or wishes. We are looking forward to this

    new challenge and will invite all members of these groups and not

    only the leaders.

    Our secretary Margrit Roussos will be leaving us at the end of De-

    cember. We thank her for all the work done—the bookkeeping, the

    great deal of printing which was often very frustrating due to printer

    problems! And so many other tasks which are too numerous to name.

    We wish her well for her future.

    The Visitation report is still in the draft stage and will be made avail-

    able to our members as soon as it is finalized.

    I thank Victor and Petra and my fellow councillors for this years

    service and support. Your commitment to our congregation is a great

    help. Thank you to all those members who are always so willing to


    We wish you all a blessed Advent and Christmas season.

  • 12


    Simon Röhrs was confirmed in Hermannsburg.

    We wish him God’s Blessings

    May the Lord bless you and take care of you;

    May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;

    May the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Mark Ortmann


    Dux of St Charles College!

    Mark achieved 100% in his

    Cambridge AS Levels,

    Mathematics, giving him the first

    place finish in this subject—not

    just in South Africa, but in the


    Congratulations Mark!

  • 13

    One Life

    He was born in a stable, in an obscure village, the

    child of a peasant woman. From there He travelled,

    less than 200 miles

    He never wrote a book. He never held an office.

    He did none of the things one usually associates

    with greatness. He became a nomadic preacher,

    popular opinion turned against Him. He was betrayed by a close

    friend and His other friends ran away.

    He was unjustly condemned to death, crucified on a cross among

    common thieves, on a hill overlooking the town dump, and when

    dead, laid in a borrowed grave.

    Twenty centuries have come and gone, empires have risen and fallen,

    mighty armies have marched and powerful rulers have reigned.

    Yet no one has affected humankind as much as He. He is the central

    figure of the human race.

    He is the Messiah, the Son of God – JESUS CHRIST.


    News snippets from our congregation: A visit by 4 four delegates from our Partners in Germany - Ev.-Luth

    Kirchenkreis Hamburg-West/Südholstein (previously Pinneberg) to

    our congregation and Pietermaritzburg South took place from 12 to

    19 November 2014. Various congregation members, hosts and mem-

    bers from Pmb South enjoyed a very blessed time of fellowship and

    interaction with: Birgitt Wulff-Pfeifer, Uta Preußker-Timm, Gerhard

    Timm and Johannes Bornholdt. (A more detailed report will be pub-

    lished in the next issue of Impulse.)

    Members of our congrega-tion participated in this historical perform-

    ance of the Messiah: In the Orchestra:

    Elisabeth Quigley, Gertrud Tönsing,

    Siegfried Hagedorn and Matthias

    Scriba and in the choir: Yvonne,

    Kirsten and Bianca Ahrens. It was an

    extraordinary experience for participants

    and audience alike!

  • 14

    Dresdner Christollen Weihnachten und Dresdner Christollen -eine Komposition aus Fes-tlichkeit und Tradition

    Die Geschichte des Dresdner Christollens reicht bis in das Jahr 1400 zurück.

    Damals wurde der Stollen als sinnbildliche Darstellung eines in weiβe Windeln

    gewickelten Christkindes, Striezel genannt. Jenes traditionsreiche Gebäck gab

    so dem Dresdner Striezelmarkt, der erstmals 1474 in der Stadtchronik erwähnt

    wurde, seinen Namen. Nach kirchlichem Dogma durfte der Dresdner Christol-

    len damals nur aus Mehl, Hefe und Wasser hergestellt werden. Weil der Stollen

    aber ohne Butter und Milch ein fades Gebäck war, wandten sich Kurfürst Ernst

    von Sachsen und sein Bruder Albrecht, mit der Bitte an den Papst, das „Butter-

    Verbot“ aufzuheben. Der heilige Vater lieβ sich erweichen und sandte ein als

    „Butterbrief“ in die Geschichte eingegangenes Schreiben, daβ bei Zahlung

    einer Buβe „mit gutem Gewissen und Gottes Segen“ auch Milch und Butter für

    den Stollen verwendet werden dürfen.

    Seitdem verfeinerten die Meister das Dresdner Weihnachtsgebäck ständig.

    Diesen Genuβ lieβ sich auch das Sächsische Königshaus nicht nehmen. Seit

    1560 übergaben die Dresdner Bäcker ihrem Landesherrn zum heiligen Fest

    einen Weihnachsstollen mit einem Gewicht von 36 Pfund. Die Kraft von acht

    Meistern und acht Gesellen war nötig, um den Stollen zum Schloβ zu tragen.

    Knapp 200 Jahre später übertraf Kurfürst August der Starke alles bisher

    dagewesene. Er lieβ von der Bäckerzunft Dresdens, aus Anlaβ des Zeithainer

    Lustlagers, einen Riesenstollen von 1,8 Tonnen für 24,000 Gäste backen. An

    dieses Ereignis erinnnert das jährlich im Dezember in Dresden stattfindende


    Der Dresdner Christollen hat seine heutige Qualität erst in unserem Jahrhundert

    durch den steigenden Wohlstand und die damit mögliche Verarbeitung edler

    und hochwertiger Rohstoffe erreicht. Bald wurde er in alle Welt versandt.

    Fortan erfüllt das Gebäck so manchen Weihnachtswunsch und überbringt

    einsigartige Grüβe aus Dresden und seiner Umgebung.

    Auch wenn es ein Grundrezept für die Herstellung des Original Dresdner

    Christollens gibt, hat doch jeder Bäcker- und Konditormeister sein vererbtes

    Familiengeheimnis. Eines aber findet sich in jedem Handwerksbetrieb: Hohes

    fachliches Können, erlesene Zutaten aus fernen Ländern und geheimnisvolle

    Gewürze verschmelzen hier zu einem

    meisterhaften Backwerk.

    Wir wünschen Ihnen ein frohes Fest

    und Guten Appetit!

  • 15

    “Dresdner Christstollen”

    Christmas and “Dresdner Christstollen” – a creation engendered by festiv-

    ity and tradition.

    The history of the “Dresdner Christollen” goes back to the year 1400. At that

    time the Stollen was a symbolic portrayal of the Christ child wrapped in white

    swaddling clothes, and was called Striezel. This traditional confection was first

    mentioned in 1474 in the town records and gave the Dresden Striezel Market

    its name.

    According to ecclesiastical dogma the Stollen had to be made of flour, yeast

    and water only. As the Stollen was a rather bland confection without butter and

    milk, Elector Ernst of Saxony and his brother Albrecht applied to the Pope with

    a request that the “Butter Prohibition” be lifted. The Holy Father allowed him-

    self to be swayed and sent a “Butter Letter”, that on the payment of a penalty,

    butter and milk was allowed to be used in the baking of the Stollen “with a

    good conscience and God’s blessing”.

    Since then the Dresden master bakers have refined the Christmas confection

    constantly. This speciality was also enjoyed by the royal house of Saxony.

    Ever since 1560 the Dresden bakers have given their rulers a Christmas Stollen

    weighing 36 pounds. It required the strength of eight master bakers and eight

    apprentices to carry this stollen to the castle. Two hundred years later Elector

    August the Strong surpassed everything previously achieved. He ordered the

    Dresden Bakers’ Guild to bake a giant stollen of 1,8 tons for approximately

    24,000 guests for a celebration at the Zeithainer Pleasure Grounds. Since then

    this event has been commemorated by the “Stollenfest” which takes place an-

    nually in Dresden in December.

    The present quality of the Dresdner Christstollen was made possible only in

    this century due to growing prosperity and with the manufacture of refined and

    first-rate ingredients. Soon it was exported all over the world. Since then the

    confection has fulfilled many a Christmas wish and conveys unique regards

    from Dresden and its surroundings.

    Even though a basic recipe exists for the preparation of the genuine Dresdner

    Christstollen, every master baker or confectioner has his own inherited family

    secret. Only one unwritten law, based on custom and precedent, is present in

    every artistic concern: professional knowl-

    edge, choice ingredients from foreign

    countries and mysterious spices to be

    blended into a perfect pastry.

    We wish you a happy Christmas and enjoy

    your Stollen!

  • 16


    “ Namaqualand” on our Doorstep.

    To everyone interested in discovering the new

    paradise mentioned above, follow these in-

    structions: Exit from the Lutheran Gardens

    gate, turn right, and walk to Military Way. Turn

    right again, and follow the footpath for some 50 metres before turning left

    (west) into the veld ahead of you. Within minutes you will be in open grass-

    land amidst thousands of yellow flowers (commonly called “sterretjies”). You

    are now in a field of plants best known as the African Potato. Botanically the

    plant goes by the name of “Hypoxis hemerocallidea”. Below ground is an

    enormous bulb the size of a large pineapple. I have measured the growth den-

    sity of the plants: there are 30 flowering plants per square metre!

    The chemical history of the plant reads a bit like a fairy tale. In September

    1979 Mr Lieb Liebenberg, an entrepreneur from Johannesburg, walked into

    my laboratory at the University in Pietermaritzburg holding two large bulbs

    sprouting hairy green leaves. “Asseblief Prof., vind uit wat steek in hierdie

    plant ,want dit het my hond, besmet met kanker, weer gesond gemaak”. It was

    quite a challenge to isolate and identify the “muthi” which this plant contained

    in its bulbs. With my boermeisie assistent from Bloemfontein, Alida Hall (an

    M.Sc. student) we set about the task with vigour. On the18th of December 1980

    we had isolated about 30mg. of a crystalline compound. Using modern spectro-

    scopic techniques we were able to identify a substance with a chemical struc-

    ture not previously described. We named it rooperol, since at the time the plant

    still went by the name “Hypoxis rooperi”.

    Now comes a peculiar twist to the story. Unbeknown to us, Professor Marini

    Bettolo, from the University in Rome, had, quite fortuitously collected “our”

    plant near the airport runway in Maputo. His plane from Maputo to Rome had

    been delayed and his keen eyes spotted this strange plant which he quietly

    slipped into his briefcase! His group also set about examining the chemistry of

    the plant and they published their findings a short few months before our publi-

    cation appeared. Both of us came up with the identical structure. We were so

    excited about this coincidence that Mr. Liebenberg and I took the next possible

    flight to Rome. Needless to say we had a jolly time celebrating our findings.

  • 17


    Now back to Pietermaritzburg: Lieb, always the entrepre-neur, was quick to bring on to the local market a product

    from the Hypoxis plant by the name of “Moducare” (which

    can be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy).

    Clincal trials carried out by a Cape pharmaceutical firm had

    shown that sterols from Hypoxis activate the immune system

    against possible infections. Subsequent tests on pure rooperol showed that the

    substance was not toxic to humans, but acted as an effective ant-oxidant. This

    is a word often bandied about without knowing what it really means. In simple

    terms anti-oxidants “neutralise” substances produced by the human body called

    ‘’free radicals”. It is these free radicals that play an important role in prevent-

    ing, or alleviating ageing (no more wrinkles !)

    And finally: Some of you, particularly teenagers and students, will be familiar

    with the popular breakfast cereal (on the shelves at Pick and

    Pay) by the name of “Future Life”. Read the label carefully and

    you will see it contains, amongst others, components from the

    Hypoxis plant. So, take a bow “sterretjie”. You do more than

    just being a pretty face in the green veld.

    Siegfried Drewes

    THANK YOU Our grateful thanks to all who donated money towards the baking of biscuits

    for the Advent Sale. This money helped to pay for the main ingredients used:

    17Kg Butter/Margarine, 28.5Kg Sugar,

    78Kg Flour, 120 eggs,

    36Kg Syrup and Honey 2.5Kg Pecan Nuts

    - not to mention Baking Powder, Spices, Cocoa, Icing sugar packaging

    material etc. etc.

    Das Impulse Redaktionskomitee wünscht euch

    allen ein frohes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest

    und Gottes Schutz und Geleit für das Jahr 2014

    The Impulse Editorial Team wishes everyone a

    blessed Christmas and God’s

    guidance and protection in the year 2014

    Curd Sievers, Marianne Hellberg,

    Monika Wittenberg, Monika Deppe,

    Judi Gertenbach.

  • 18

    Thank you & Hospital Visitation

    Hospital Visiting Ministry for November 2014

    When Basil died we were showered with love and sympathy. We thank

    everybody for all the kind acts of condolences.

    Signe Allen

    S M T W T F S

    26/10 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10 31 1 M. Van Niekerk

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E-A Uken

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P. Summersgill

    16 17 18 19 20 21 22 W. Schulze

    23 24 25 26 27 28 29 E & O


    Liebe Familie Röhrs, liebe Gemeinde Mitglieder,

    Hiermit möchten wir uns alle recht herzlich bedanken für die groβzügigen

    Spenden die für Angelique beim Gottesdienst am 19. Oktober 2014

    eingenommen wurden. Es ist für uns eine groβe Ehre, daβ so an das Schicksal

    der kleinen Angelique gedacht wird.

    Am 6. November 2014 wird sie im Red Cross Hospital, Kapstadt von

    Spezialisten untersucht und da wird sich entscheiden was gemacht werden


    Euch allen eine schöne Adventszeit, gesegnete Weihnachtzeit und alles Gute

    fürs „Neue Jahr“.

    Ganz herzlichst,

    Eure Schröder Familie.

    Zu meinem Geburtstag am 12.Oktober überreichte Waltraut mir

    ein Geschenk von Trockenobst von der Gemeinde. Ich danke

    recht herzlich dafür. Auch unserem Victor danke ich für die An-

    dacht etwas später.Nach meiner Rückenoperation bekam ich soviel

    Besuch, so viele Anrufe und Karten! Auch dafür danke ich euch

    allen.Nun wünschen Erich und ich euch jedem eine gesegnete Ad-

    vents- und Weihnachtszeit!

    Eure Irmela Oltmann

  • 19

    Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 [email protected] or

    [email protected]

    Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/

    Welcomers List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays,

    Council Window,

    Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church

    Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network

    Ernst-August Uken 033 3968221

    Deputy Chairman:

    Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran

    Theological Institute, Mission Committee,

    Craig Merryweather 083 4436953

    Treasurer: Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking

    Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964

    Secretary: Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the


    Impulse, Multi Media

    Frank Böcking 082 7995797

    Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups

    Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959

    Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General

    Equipment, Security, Fire equipment, Vehicles & Transport

    Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders

    Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge

    Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged

    - Ward is responsible for the refreshments.

    Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs.

    Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor

    Ward Leaders: Ward 1 Edgar & Karin Ortmann, - 033 3303741 Ward 2 Annette Pfeiffer -033-3441963 Ward 3 Frank Böcking -0827995797 Ward 4 Anita Harms - 073 3705554 Ward 5 Wal Bornheimer - 033-3472471 Ward 6 Arthur St John Ward - 033 3862980 Ward 7 Ernst-August Uken - 033 3968221 Ward 8 Robert & Ronell Wichmann - 031 7811714 and Carl & Christine Seele - 033 2510602 Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, - 033 3966883 Craig Merryweather - 083 4436953

    Council & Portfolios

  • 20

    Quick reference

    Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264 Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line: 033 3944444 AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322

    Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209 Fax: 0865510014 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Children’s Church: Heather Drews 033 3962814 Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Youth: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Choir: Rona Hagedorn 033 3964001 Brass Band: Thomas Ammann 033 3963322 Worship Team: Linda Reibeling 072 4212075 Partnership: Erlo Drews 033 3962814 Men’s Breakfast: Synod Representatives: Todani Moyo 0825515705 Valentin Volker 033 3968259

    Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : www.elcsant.org.za

    Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the Southern Circuit Congregations

    Impulse Newsletter: E-mail contributions: [email protected] or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209

    Closing Date for next issue 7 December 2014

    (Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)

    Bank Account: Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch Branch Code: 22-14-25 Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Account Number: 5677 111 28 48

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.elcsant.org.za/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
