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University of Medical Sciences and Technology Graduate College M.Sc. in Public and Tropical Health programme

Project TitlePatients satisfaction with primary health care services in Khartoum state, Sudan, 2013

Student name: Imran Ahmed Abdikadir Batch number and year of admission: Batch 11, Year of Admission 2012 Student index number: PHT11-2011-039Telephone number: 0923511161E-mail: [email protected]

Project Supervisor:Name: Dr. Muna Hassan Mustafa Position: Telephone number: 0912257378E-mail: [email protected]

Project Number: .......... Date of Submission: ..

2013Table of Contents

NO ContentsPage number

I.Title page......1

II.Table of Contents.....2

III. Lists of Abbreviations.....3

1. Introduction.....4

2. Statement of the problem .......5


3.1.General Objectives.......6

3.2.Specific Objectives......6

4.Material and Methods..............6

4.1.Study design.........6

4.2.Study area ....6

4.3.Study population .................................6

4.4.Sample size and technique ..............7

4.5.Data collection tools ....7

4.6.Data analysis ...8

4.7.Data presentation .....8

4.8.Ethical considerations......................8

4.9.Time plan (Gantt chart) ...............9

4.10.5. 6.7.8.

Budget .........References....Appendix 1: Consent Form..Appendix 2: Questionnaire..Appendix 3: Questionnaire in Arabic language...


Lists of Abbreviations

1. WHO: World Health Organization2. PHC: Primary Health Care3. NGOs: Non-governmental organizations4. SPSS: Statistical Package For Social Sciences5. UMST: University of Medical Sciences and Technology 6. MOH: Ministry of Health7. UNICEF: United NationsInternationalChildren's Emergency Fund8. KAP: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices9. USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics10. HIC: Health Insurance Corporation11. PPS: Probability Proportionate to Size12. SPSS : Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS13. SIRB: SUMASRI Institutional Review Board SIRB

Introduction:Primary health care is defined by the WHOs Alma Ata declaration (1978) as follows:The essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technologies made universally accessible to individuals and families in the communities through their full participation and at a cost they can afford. (1) The government of Sudan was a signatory to Alma Atas declaration and committed to providing quality primary health care services to achieve health for all by the year 2000. (2)Primary health care centers have an important role in improving the basic health services and if they fail to provide satisfactory services to patients, this will lead to adverse patients attitudes towards health care system at all. (3) Community participation is one of the key principles on which primary health care is established others being equitable distribution, inter sectoral coordination and appropriate technology. (1)In the way of providing primary health care services the government of Sudan has made impressive growth in term of the establishment of primary health care institutions across urban and rural areas hard to reach sectors. (2) However, shortcomings in the delivery of primary health care services have resulted in lesser utilization rates and more dependence on private health care services providers.(4) The delivery of health services for the poor people in urban and rural areas remains a challenge in Sudan. (5)Information about community perception with a thorough understanding of the needs and expectations of the community about the health care services can help in better delivery and higher utilization of health services. (5)Patient satisfaction is generally considered as the extent to which the patients feel that their needs and expectations are being met by the services provided. (6)Patient satisfaction is an important tool to measure the performance of providers, managed care organizations and health care systems. (7) Also patient satisfaction is an important aspect of health care quality and can be used for monitoring of some aspects of quality. (8)The determinants of patient satisfaction include demographic factors, socioeconomic status and general health status. Satisfaction is also influenced by the manner in which health care is delivered, the type of health care setting and characteristics of medical provider such as experience, age and gender. Finally continuity of care is another important determinant of patient satisfaction. (8)Problem statement: Sudan health system is based on the district health system approach, which emphasizes the principles of primary health care (PHC). Nevertheless, the decentralization of the public sector resulted in more deterioration of the PHC system particularly in rural and peripheral areas due to lack of financial resources and managerial capacities. The local health system act gave the responsibility of management of PHC level to the localities while, this wasnt accompanied by ensuring availability of sufficient financing resources to localities to run this function.This condition is worsened by the focus of government spending on hospitals leading to an unbalanced health system. For instance, 36% of the total health expenditure goes to the secondary and tertiary hospitals. Moreover, over 90% of the government health expenditure is directed to the secondary and tertiary hospitals. (9) However, when it comes to crucial issues such as finance, budget planning and allocation is usually skewed towards curative and tertiary care. For example, in 2004, about 82% of the total health expenditure was devoted to curative care in the secondary and tertiary levels. (4) This problem manifested in terms of the very low access to PHC in Sudan. One quarter of the population has no access to health facilities with considerable inter-state, urban and rural disparity. Many rural areas are underserved by the health system in terms of functional facilities, in particular health centres and hospitals, which are found to be clustered in towns and cities. It should be noted that 33.2% of the population live in urban areas. Furthermore, the minimum PHC package is provided by 19% of PHC facilities which hamper the adequacy and quality of PHC services. Therefore, one of the major problems of Sudans health system delivery is the lack of optimal access to high quality PHC services. (9) Although some evidence indicates that the perception of the general public regarding quality of care is more to the side of institutions. (4)

ObjectivesGeneral objectives: To assess the levels of Patient satisfaction with the services and to identify factors relating to the patient satisfaction.Specific objectives:1. To assess the patient satisfaction with primary health care services in Khartoum state2. To determine the effect of socio demographic factors of patient on the level of satisfaction of primary health care services in Khartoum statesMaterial and Methods Study design: Cross-sectional descriptive facility-based study design.Study area: The study will be was carried out in Health Centers in Khartoum state.Khartoum state is the national capital of the country with an area of about 28,000 square kilometers and is administratively divided into 7 Localities: Khartoum, Omdurman, Khartoum North, Jabal Owlia, Karari, Um Badda, and Eastern Nile. (10)Its health facilities include 43 hospitals, (11) 195 health centers, (12) 185 NGO centers, 235 dispensaries, 365 primary health care units. (11) The total population is about Five million citizens; the state climate is semi-desert due to its geographical position. (10) Most of the population of Khartoum state is working in the work offices in governmental and private institutions.Study population: The study population will consist of as all adult patients (more than 18 years) seeking health care in health centers in Khartoum state.

Sample size and technique: A sample of 450 patients will be was calculated selected bythe following equation:n = * pq * deff

n =sample size=the value which corresponds tothe level of confidence95% andis1.96.p =the proportion ofthe phenomenonunder studyandwill be taken73%.(The study conducted in the first half of 2010 by Health Insurance Corporation (HIC) showed that 73% of the insured patients feel that the level of service provided by the health insurance is very good).q = 1 - pd =the desiredmargin of errorand will betaking thevalue of5%.deff =designeffectof clustersampleand will betaking thevalue1.5.This gave a sample size of 450 patients.The sampling technique that to be used in this study is Multi Stage Cluster Stratified Systematic technique. The health centers are classified into 3 levels, each level represent a stratum: the primary level (PHC), the secondary level (multi specialists' centers) and the third level (hospitals). The secondary level (multi specialists' centers) and the third level (hospitals) will be excluded in this study.The sample will be distributed over the primary level according to the load of users at each level. The total number of centers chosen will be 30 centers. The centers were chosen in each stratum by the Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) method, and the sample will be distributed over the localities of Khartoum State. From eachcenter,15patientswill beselected after receivingthe service. Patients in each center will be chosen by systematic sampling technique.

Data collection tools: Interviews based on structured questionnaire, information will be obtained from the patients on background information (gender, age, marital status, education, occupation, religion, and residence), distance of the health center from house, travel time, means of arrival to the health center, waiting time for services, Information received, level of satisfaction with health care services. The interviews were conducted with patients after the consultation but before departure.Data analysis:Data will be reviewed, edited and entered into computer and to be analyzed by software program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel program.Factor analysis procedure will be used to group intercorrelated items load (cluster) onto one factor which then formed a scale (dimension). The effect of each factor on general satisfaction was tested using Chi square test with p
