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IN ENGINEERING SCHEME OFcrescent.ac.in/pdf/software engineering .pdfDIPLOMA IN SOFTIIIARE...

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DIPLOMA IN SOFTIIIARE ENGINEERING SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONS Eligibility for admission: Pass in lOthstd examination conducted by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, Government of Tamil Nadu or any other equivalent examination. Examination: Passing Minimum for each paper is 4O%. Classification will be done on the basis percentage marks of the total marks obtained in all the papers and as given below: 40 o/o but less than 50 o/o 50 o but less than 60 o/o 60 o/o and above - Third class - Second class - First class Syllabus FIRST SEMESTER Paper - I :Office Automation and Web Design Paper - II :Programming Language SECOND SEMESTER Paper - III :Client - Server Programming Paper - IV :Server Side Programming Paper-V :LifeSkill Paper - VI :Lab I : C+*, Visual Basic and Oracle Paper -VII :Lab II: ASP and XML *(Semester Pattern for Community College Only) Subject code Title of the Paper Credit Hours Passing Minimum c13SElrlE13SEO1 Office Automation and Web Desisn 6 90 40 I lOO C i3SE72IE73SEO2 Prosrammins Lansuase 6 90 401 100 c 13SE21lE13SE03 Client - Server Prosrammins 6 90 4OlrcA C13SE22/E13SEO4 Server Side Prosrammins 6 90 40 I 1AO C i 3LS23 /E13LSO5 Life Skill 6 90 40 I 100 c 13SEP1/E13SEPi C++, Visuai Basic and Oracle 4 90 40 I tOO c i3sEP2/E13SEP2 ASP and XML 4 90 40 I tOO 76



Eligibility for admission: Pass in lOthstd examination conducted by theGovt. of Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, Government of TamilNadu or any other equivalent examination.

Examination: Passing Minimum for each paper is 4O%. Classification willbe done on the basis percentage marks of the total marks obtained in all thepapers and as given below:

40 o/o but less than 50 o/o

50 o but less than 60 o/o

60 o/o and above

- Third class- Second class- First class



Paper - I :Office Automation and Web DesignPaper - II :Programming Language


Paper - III :Client - Server ProgrammingPaper - IV :Server Side ProgrammingPaper-V :LifeSkillPaper - VI :Lab I : C+*, Visual Basic and OraclePaper -VII :Lab II: ASP and XML

*(Semester Pattern for Community College Only)

Subject code Title of the Paper Credit Hours PassingMinimum

c13SElrlE13SEO1 Office Automation andWeb Desisn

6 90 40 I lOO

C i3SE72IE73SEO2 Prosrammins Lansuase 6 90 401 100c 13SE21lE13SE03 Client - Server

Prosrammins6 90 4OlrcA

C13SE22/E13SEO4 Server Side Prosrammins 6 90 40 I 1AOC i 3LS23 /E13LSO5 Life Skill 6 90 40 I 100c 13SEP1/E13SEPi C++, Visuai Basic and

Oracle4 90 40 I tOO

c i3sEP2/E13SEP2 ASP and XML 4 90 40 I tOO


UNIT.I DATA STRUCTURE & ALGORITHMSData Stmcture Overview - Arrays - Stacks and Queues - Application ofStacks and Queues - Sparse Matrix - String and Character vtaniputations -Linked Lists - Singly Linked List - Doubiy Lined List - Tree Structures -Graphs - Sorting - Searching - Strategies.

UNIT-II LINUXHistory of Linux - Requirements - Instaliing Linux - Linux and Interest -Networking protocols in Linux Creatlng Network interfaces andConfiguration - IP Accounting and Network aliasing - Using ppp in Linux -Configuring DH_CP- - IP lVlasquerading - Security-- Using"I( DevelopmentEnvironment (KDE)

UNIT-III PRINCIPLES oF ooPS & PROGRAMMING IN C++Soft*'are Evaluation - benefits of oops - objects- classes - DataAbstraction - Data Encapsulation - Inheritance - Polymorphism - Binding -Applications od OOpsP1t" Types - Operators - Control Statements - Arrays- Structures- Unions-Pointers - Bit Fields- User Defined Function" - Catt by value - call byreference- Default Functions -O Functions Over Loading - Friend Function -Virtual Function - Library Function.

UNIT.IV PROGRAMMING BASED ON OOPSClasses and Objects - Constructors - Destructors - Inheritance - interfacesOperator Over Loading - Type Conversions - Derived Classes - VirtualFunctions and runtime polymorphism and polymorphism basedProgramming.

UNIT-V CONSOLD rl O OPERATTONSC++ Streams - Stream Classes - Formatted I/O Operations - UnformattedI/O Operations - Manipulators - Introduction to Files - Opening and Closing!1t" - Reading, writing a character from a Fiie - Structure File operations -classes and File operations - Random ACCESS File programming-Command Line Arguments - Error Handling.

Unit 1 Text: Introduction to Data structures By Adam drozdex - vikasPublishingRef: Fundamentals of Data Structures By E1lis Horowitz SartrajSahni

Unit 2 Ref: Limux Complete by Grant Taylor _ BpBUnit 3, 4, &5 Text : object oriented programming with g++, E.Balagurusamy - Tata Mc HillRef: Programming with C++, Ravichandran.



uNrT- r sysTEM ANALYSTS AND DESTGN (SADIsystem concepts - Development Life cycle - Feasibility Study - DesignImplementation and Evaluation. System specification and Analysis -Decision'Irees and Tables.

UNIT. II INTRODUCTION TO PACI(AGES AND RDBMSPackage and Review - Introduction to RDBMS Codd,s Rules. DataIntegrity - Data Consistency - Problems in Normalisation. Entity - Relation(ER) modeling - Relational Model.

UNIT- III ORACLE BASED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTSIntroduction to SQL - Data definition language (DDL) - Data manipulationlanguage (DML) - Data control language, Creation - Deletion - Modifications- View Subject - Query - Sub query - Correlated sub query. Introduction toPL/SQL - Control structures - Cursors - Procedures - Functions - Triggers -Packages. \UNIT- IV GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE & LANGUAGE REFERENCEIntroduction to Graphical User Interface - Introduction to Visual Basic -Structure of a Visual Basic Applications - Drawing Tools - Setting properties- Variables - Visual Basic Data types.

UNIT. V PROGRAMMING IN VISUAL BASIC.Visual Basic Language Reference Exploring Visual Basic ToolboxCreating a Stand Alone Visual Basic Application - Error - Handling andDebugging - File Input / Output - Graphics Techniques with Visual Basic -Database Access and Management

Unit 1 Ref: Analysis of Design of Information System By - James A.s.unit 2, 3 Ref: oracle 8 complete Reference. - KevLn Loveyoracle The complete Reference - George Koch, Kevin LoveyUnit 4, 5 Text: visual Basic 6 complete Reference - Steve Brown.

Ref: Mastering Visual Basic - petroutsos.Visual Basic 6.O Teach Yourself - Greg perry.

UNIT. I VIEWS OF WEB PROGRAMMINGIntroduction to server side programming Browser object ASpFundamentals understanding Active Server pages objects andComponents - Role of HTTP ProtoCol in Active Server PagErs - ,"i.rg requestand response objects - visual Basic programming Fundamentals.

UNIT-II DEVELOPING ASP APPLICATION Using application objects,Programming with session object - importance and ,s.g. bf Cookie object -working with File System Object (FSO)


UNIT- III DATABASE PROGRAMMING IN ASP AND ASP, NET Introductionto ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), OLEDB - Establishing connection to SeLServer and MS Access - working with connection and Record set object -Using stored procedures with command object, - Net Framework - Types ofWebsites. Intrinsic Objects in ASp .Net.

UNIT. IV COMPONENTS PROGRAMMINGUsing Third - Party components in ASP - Developing Custom Componentsusing Visual Basic - Registering with Microsoft Transaction Servi"" lnafs; -communication with Microsoft Message eueue server (MSMe) - Developingreal-time website using ASP.

UNIT- V EXTENDED MARK - Up LANGUAGE {XML)Introduction to XML - Elements - Attributes - Browser Compatibility -creating & Designing Tags - Documents Structure - prolog - Epiiog - xs-r, -Documents Type - Definition - Entities - Scripting in XML - Iux.a Data

Unrt 1,2,

Unit 5

UNIT-III COMMUNICATIONComprehension - Writing a formalreply, complaint and such othersVitae.

3, 4 Text : Active Server Pages By Stephen Walther, et.allRel Professional Active Server pages 3.0Ref: XML Black Book - IDG Books India private Ltd.,


(Common to All Courses)

UNIT- I ATTITUDE : Positive thinking - Goal setting - Problem Solving andDecision making - Leadership and Team Work.

UNIT- II COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Oral communication: Concept ofEnglish language - Fluency - Verbal communication in official and publicsituations.

SKILLS: Written Communication:letter like application for Job, enquiry,- preparation of Resume, Curriculum

UNIT- IV COMPUTING SKILLS - 1: Introduction to Computers, its variouscomponents and their respective functions - Memory storage devices -Microsoft (MS) Office - MS Word.

UNIT- V COMPUTING SKILLS - 2 Internet Basics - Origin of Internet -MODEM - ISP - Upload - Download - e-mail - Origin oi worldwide web(www) Browsers - Search engines.

Reference books:Life skill, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Publications Division(2011)



Subject: g++ (Lab euestions)

1. Write a C++ program to display Multiplication table2' write a c++ Program to prints"wrreilrer a girr.., number is prime or not3. write a c++ program to sort the name" ir,""""..rJr"g-;;;, using arrayof objects4. write a c++ program to perform Matrix Addition, subtraction &Multiplication.5. write a c++ program to soive a quadratic equation using ooptechnique.6' create a Base class rvith the following data members.a. Employee number

b. Employee namec. Department numberd. Gradee. Basic

write a member function to accept 11d display the above data. Derive classwith the fields as HRA, DA, pF and LIC. wiite a member function to acceptand display data print slip in the following fo.mat.

7 ' create a Base crass with the forowing data members,a. Student name.b. Register no.c. Class.

write a member function- -to accept and display the above data.Derive class with the fie1ds as -".r.ll mark2, mark3, totar and,ffi::r;J/rite a member function to accept and dispray data using

8.Write a C++constructor program to generate a fibbonacci series using copy

^ y-h:rr th-e copy constructor is defined with in the crass.9'Write a c++ program using concepts of overloading write a function to findthe area of Triangle, Squaie and Circle.1o'write a c++ program, which overloads the binary operators so that twostrings can be concatenated, and dispr"v tt. ,.suitant string.27

Emp. No.



Net pay







Subject: Visual Basic (Lab euestions)1. Write a program tc :alculate the telephone bill to the following range.

a. Below 200 - Rs.0.80b. 20 i to 400 Rs.1.00c. 40 1 to 70r-, Rs.1.25d.Abo''e 'lr-, - Rs.1.5O(Us:ne i-i

2. -J,'r-r:. a Drogram to get employee details such as code, name, sex,i.iai-'rrent, Salary. You have to calcuiate da, hra, pf, tax .rj:t-:aixount. (Using if)DA : 760/0 of BPHRA = 72o/o of BPPF : 7Ao/o of BPTax is calculated as follows:

Dept Salary

Computer Above 10000Computer 5O00 to 100O0Computer Below 10000Sales Above 10000Sales 5000 to 10000Sales Beiow 1O0OOAccount Above 10000Account 5000 to 10000Account Below 10000

3. write a program to ;et student details such as name, regno, marks for4 subjects. You have to calculate total, average and gride. Grade isevaluated as foilows.a. Above 90b. 80 to 9Oc. 6O to 79d. 40 to 59e. If any one of mark is <40(using Select. Case)


10% of BP13.5% of BP9o/o of BP15% of BP10% of BPNil15.5% of BP9.Sok of BP7oh of BP

- Outstanding- Distinction- First class- Second class- Fail

To generate prime numbers within a given range.To check a number is Armstrong or not.To convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.To find sum of two matrices.To find first, second biggest number in an given array.To get array of values and check whether . p..iicular number isfound in your array or not. Display number of occurrences also.To arrange given set of number in an ascending, descending order.To find NCR value using user defined function.Write a program to format a text.



Subject: Visual Basic (Lab euestions)1. Write a program tc :alculate the telephone bill to the following range.

a. Below 200 - Rs.0.80b. 20 i to 400 Rs.1.00c. 40 1 to 70r-, Rs.1.25d.Abo''e 'lr-, - Rs.1.5O(Us:ne i-i

2. -J,'r-r:. a Drogram to get employee details such as code, name, sex,i.iai-'rrent, Salary. You have to calcuiate da, hra, pf, tax .rj:t-:aixount. (Using if)DA : 760/0 of BPHRA = 72o/o of BPPF : 7Ao/o of BPTax is calculated as follows:

Dept Salary

Computer Above 10000Computer 5O00 to 100O0Computer Below 10000Sales Above 10000Sales 5000 to 10000Sales Beiow 1O0OOAccount Above 10000Account 5000 to 10000Account Below 10000

3. write a program to ;et student details such as name, regno, marks for4 subjects. You have to calculate total, average and gride. Grade isevaluated as foilows.a. Above 90b. 80 to 9Oc. 6O to 79d. 40 to 59e. If any one of mark is <40(using Select. Case)


10% of BP13.5% of BP9o/o of BP15% of BP10% of BPNil15.5% of BP9.Sok of BP7oh of BP

- Outstanding- Distinction- First class- Second class- Fail

To generate prime numbers within a given range.To check a number is Armstrong or not.To convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa.To find sum of two matrices.To find first, second biggest number in an given array.To get array of values and check whether . p..iicular number isfound in your array or not. Display number of occurrences also.To arrange given set of number in an ascending, descending order.To find NCR value using user defined function.Write a program to format a text.



Subject : Oracle (Lab Questions)

1. consider a table book with the following field names.

Book nameBook codeAuthorPriceStockDop



Write a sql commond for the follor,ving queries.a. Display the Bookcode, book name which has more stock and

less stock (mar and min)b. List all book's name written by the author ,Steve Brown"c. Display name of the book and author.d. Dispiay all books purchased on 10th oct 2000e. Insert a new record.f. Display all bookcode and bookname where stock is less than 1Og. Display all details in bookcode wise ascending order.h. Set price is 100 where bookcode is B134i. Display the name of the books, price and stock where stock isless than 5O copies.j. Increase Rs.25 for the book Visual Basic,k' Delete record from table where author name is ,Roy,1. List all books where name is starting with ,A,m. Find the total price, average price for all books.

Write a PL/SQL to check a number is prime or not.write a PLISQL program to display employee details who are workingcomputer department using cursor.


4. write the database trigger which cannot a1low to addfrom product table.5' Write a database trigger which cannot allow to make any transaction

on week end,

PAPER - VII LAB II : ASP AND XMLSubject: ASp (Lab euestions)

1. create an ASP Application that manages Request, Response andSession objects.2' Application development using cookies object to validate the userAuthentication3. Develop an 'online Shopping' application using ADo connectedwith MS SQL Server.4. Develop Chat application.5' Create an E-Mail application that should be used to send andreceive E-Mails.6' Develop an ASP application using File Upload and Banner object .


or delete records

ro8anrairLoamfl u-r rir m$ gryanirir u obaooa:Bapalb$lOGpob8eirail 627 A12

Manonmaniam Sundaranar UniversityThirunelveli - 627 412.

oeberllrnir $lanareb6qg6 u"luli>


THE 1sth APRIL2O13.

Syllabus for Diploma in Software Engineering Course offeredthrough Directorate of Community Colleges and Extension

Learning Programme from 2013 - 2014


Subject : Oracle (Lab Questions)

1. consider a table book with the following field names.

Book nameBook codeAuthorPriceStockDop



Write a sql commond for the follor,ving queries.a. Display the Bookcode, book name which has more stock and

less stock (mar and min)b. List all book's name written by the author ,Steve Brown"c. Display name of the book and author.d. Dispiay all books purchased on 10th oct 2000e. Insert a new record.f. Display all bookcode and bookname where stock is less than 1Og. Display all details in bookcode wise ascending order.h. Set price is 100 where bookcode is B134i. Display the name of the books, price and stock where stock isless than 5O copies.j. Increase Rs.25 for the book Visual Basic,k' Delete record from table where author name is ,Roy,1. List all books where name is starting with ,A,m. Find the total price, average price for all books.

Write a PL/SQL to check a number is prime or not.write a PLISQL program to display employee details who are workingcomputer department using cursor.


4. write the database trigger which cannot a1low to addfrom product table.5' Write a database trigger which cannot allow to make any transaction

on week end,

PAPER - VII LAB II : ASP AND XMLSubject: ASp (Lab euestions)

1. create an ASP Application that manages Request, Response andSession objects.2' Application development using cookies object to validate the userAuthentication3. Develop an 'online Shopping' application using ADo connectedwith MS SQL Server.4. Develop Chat application.5' Create an E-Mail application that should be used to send andreceive E-Mails.6' Develop an ASP application using File Upload and Banner object .


or delete records


Develop a search engine component using Index server.Develop a online job searching site for job consultants andemployers.Develop a discussion forum application with multiple discussionareas and threaded discussion.create an ASP Server-Side components using visual Basic.

Subject: XML (Lab Questions)Develop xML Application for student Database Management. Theprogram should have option to Read Student Detaili and storethem is a XML Database. Also provision should Delete a Studentrecord and view all student Details.Develop a XML Applicatio. to implement xsl- style sheets.Develop a XML Application to Read & Send mail messages.create an application for oniine Test program in xML. It shouldhare provisions f9r display questions, calculating and display themarks obtained after completing the test.

Machine room ExerciseMS-WORDPractice on Document Editing, paragraph Formats and TextFormats and Text Formatting.Prepare a News Paper Format based on any daily news magazines.Practice on a Document by inserting text-align*.it, pagenumbers, headers, footers and various print options.Prepare a Mark Statement for a HSC student, and calculate thepercentage, Average of Marks.Mail Merge, Labels and Enr.elopes.

MS-EXCELcreate a Half yearly Sal-s Report for the year 2oo3 for 6 Executivesand calculate their month wise sales iotal and individual salestotal.Prepare a Employee Salary Statement.Practice on Profit & Loss Account preparation for a concern bycollecting data.Prepare a Graphical representation based on the mark statementin a class.Creation of Pivot Table and Chart Report.

MS-POWERPOINTPresentation of animation.Presentation with chart.Slides with Tables & ColumnsSlide Preparation for a marketing campaign.
















UNIT- I COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALSIntroduction to Computers - Software, Hardware and Pheripherel devicesoperating Systems, oos and windows - File Management - Directoryservices - Desktop and customization - commands and Utilities

UNIT.II OFF.ICE AUTOMATIONIntroduction to Office Automation - Introduction to word - Editing aDocument - Formatting a Document - Text and Spelling checking - MailMerge - Creating and formatting Tables - Macros.Introduction to Worksheet Worksheet manipuiation Formulas andfunction - Auto format - Conditional formatting - Creating Charts - Goadseek - Filter - Pivot Table.Introduction to Power Point - Presentation Templates - Inserting pictures -Movies - Sounds - Charts - Tables and Objects - Formatting macros - SlideTransaction - Animations - Slideshow.Machine Room Execution. (Practicing Topics on Enciosure)

UNIT.III DATABASE MANIPULATIONS THRO'S MS ACCESSTables - Creating Tables - Adding and Customizing Fields - Primary Keysand Indexes - Relationships - Adding, Editing Dat - Sorting and Grouping ofData Datasheets and subdatasheets - Creating Queries - Using criteria andExpressions to Retrieve Data Forms - Creating and customizing Forms -Calculating Totals - Reports - Creating Repots - Printing and PreviewingReports.

UNIT-MTML Introduction to HTML - Tools Required - Tags - Structure ofa HTML - Block formatting - Character formatting - Links - Anchors -Adding Images - Lists - Tables - Frames - Forms - Buttons - Text Boxes -Password Controls - Check Boxes - Radio Buttons - Multi Line Text Boxes -Menu Controls - HTML Script

UNIT-V DHTML Exploring and Navigating Dynamic HTML - Cascading StyleSheets - Orienting Towards Objects - Getting into Scripting - Animation -Multiplying the Media - Adding Interactivity (Dragging and Dropping) -Working with Data and Dialog Boxes - Working with Text - UnderstandirrgBrower Object Models.

UnitI,il&IIIUnit IV, V

Ref: Office 20OO Complete - BPB Publishers.Rel The HTML Complete By Pence - Tata Me Hill

