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^IN FALLS NEWS Idaho Legislature Bloom Promises Halifax...

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An Associated Press Newspaper THE T\^IN FALLS NEWS 'Vol. 23, No. 2A7 TWIN falls ',_II)AHO, SUNDAY FMBRUAHV 2. l!)ll Pricc Five Ccnta Idaho Legislature Still Faces New Revenue P ro b l^ Session Ne:u-s Half-Way Mark With No Move Tftward Meetiii"; Governor’s Bid for .92,500,000 More . (I!y TllP A:.;(i:Ialca PrrvD BOISE. Feb. 1 — Problcnus of rnl.sliiR S2,500,000 In now rcvpmic nnd .sett llns on iipproiwliitlon;;' for the .stttlc’.< ; various nctlvlllc.T KlIlJ co'nfronlccl tlic Idnho IcRlslnLurc locfily as lhat' body drew near the halfway mark In Its 60-day ses.slon.- . Tiic.sday. the 30t!i day, al.so l.s tlie hust day on which In^ ' dividual IcRl.siutors may .nibmll blll.s. After that date they must be presented by commlttec.s, Tlie hou.se lioppcr w».s cramnicd with M mea.sures today and. tliree wore Introduced In Senators Quiz Morgcntliau irrtn. In addition nate Joint re.sohitloi iJJcy ^D-Ne;; P crcf) pr ( Joiir-vrar iclin;, of olllc mty oftlctiil.-!, I’rocrain Knilf>r>nl •Jill ffiliTiil aocliil Govri - Cliirk ;al«l ftoliillon wiin o.i:i)cvlc(l Moml; . lornry Ocncrnl Bert M, Mlllrr I; (IruwliiB iii> llirco new niciu,urc': (itfectliiK ilic public wrUiirc dcimrl- ineiit, Untlrr -.tliom U'P tllvbloit of public n.vil;iUmcc. public IieiOtli niirt .lUte liuillliilloii.i would bt trnwfcrrtd ecparalcly to tlic rov- cmor. It was rcporletl. U they tire Introduced Uie bill now In Uie house would be wlUi- clniwn. . 8lol Machine Llc«nse Only one revenue mcMiire. Uiat presented by Uio house rrvenur and taxotloD committee to lIcenM slot machines 110 per month, hns been entered to (nr as It hn.^ been with* Clor'.; told the leKlsIaturo In liU Initial messuffB ho^ tought $3,500,000 In-Jiaw revenue •«> match ledenil fund* ftvallablB U} ii»e-»U»tC prlndi>- ftllr/ot-reUef. .• Ill addition, he Informed Uie 3aw- maktns he favored new taxci to take the FJneo. if poull>le. of itn nd valorem levy .for aUite piirposc.i. Sucli n levy nvbed nearly M,000,000 . cliirlni; tlie 1030*40 biennium. Tlio npproprliition problem alno muiit be nolved by tJie k-fcLiIaturo, About J10,600,(j00 ha.i been reoue.nu-d by' various st4ite deparuncnts nml dlvUloiu from thp Kcnernl fund, wltli n lotnl ntnte biidKct, Including fcdcml nnd Bpcclnl'fund.i, of nround »70,000,000. .Spe«d Up Indicated Tlicre were cvldenCe.i IcRlslatlve action, relatively IcLiurtly in dote, v,-ould bo sp?c<l(xJ up for die re- , ntnlnder of tl)o ncAslon. Lieut. Oov. C. C. aon-sctt warned senators the upper clmmbrr would convene prompUy on Uie hour set each day. To date, backera of the foiir-yenr »cJiooI movement Xor Uiu Unlvcr.':lty of Idnlio southern bninclt Imvo noi Indicated when Uicy would attempt lo push It throuRli Uie houi.c. wlieru It still U In the educutlonnl InsUlu- llolw committee. Rep, Andrm (D-Bonnevl!lc) I'l exi>ceted,to re-.-iubTnlt durlnu tlie wpek the "worklnR wives" blil'he wlUidrew for eornxtlon. Scliedulfd for liou.s(! vote Monday (C«ntlnu«J on Pm. 2. Column B) FLASHES of LIFE Tborc's a Reason '• INDIANAPOLIS — If stray dofis are howIinK. there's a reason. City Purcliasing ARent Albert H. Losehe will tnko bids coon on (i new rio« waj;ot» with two-wny radio equipment. Wiih R setup like Ud.i. police spot- tlnK stmys can tell ihe doRcatciier through hcadaiiarters wiiere to pick' Drafted -SALT LAKE CITY — Byroi ,, Trane didn't seek reetecUon aJf .... stable of West Jordan precinct. No one else wanted the Job. either. So Trane >1eided to the request of the county commissioners to stay- providing the commissioners post lila »500 bonds. Asdifabr O dU ^ CORDOVA. Alaskft — Carpenters dlsmantUng the old backbar of the Alaskan hotel dLneovertd nnoUier gallon or io of pennies. The hotel, preservins some of Uio memories of the. old dal's, has b — Mveml-gallon bottle about half full It all goes back to the daj-s when ' crery AlnsJca barkeeper shuddered at tlie sight of small changli and IIU erally threw it way when customers offero4 it. Tragedy NEBRASKA CITy. Neb.-To five- ' year-old Btlly Phillips It was trog- ' K was one o f those tilings that maki parents thank Providence. Aq Idcle Xell from Phillips' house, namwly hitssed Billy but struck E 30 URG l ASiL IM R O A D Twin Falls IVlayor.Takes Lead in.Movement to Obtain * Designation . Ians for i.n ureii-wldc iiiwttiiK II- held ill Twill l-'iill:. Wi-dncMlfiy, lIKNItr MOROENTIIAU. » ilic senate forfleii rrlatln tlie lend-Ienw. bill, pau^rd the trrxiury^ on hi* way from lltrr before wblrli lie Irstlfled nn I It informally ultli tlirce membcm rnatnr Albeii W. lUrklry (I)-I lalor (,'arlrr Cla^ Isr.-ited) (!»• y 30 and ll.'i I Fidh I t by Jiy Kooli —.Thr- ofllclnl exk-iulMi an Invlln- lloii in mii^orn or-HiFrlry.’ MiiriauKli, HiiaM'ii. Kimberly. Vilrr, Iluhl, filriins Kcrr\'. Mountain Home nnd n.i lo nil civic bodlrn Dobf. 1 and clt 1 Uie w.lon. iHl ' timl Uie .... .. . . .illcated r nmy take thr of a caruvim whlcli will trni BolKe to present plans to Mali WPA offlclula. ThLi move follows nnnounci lhat improvemeiit of hiKliway 30-S lins been set up lus a WPA project requirlnc coiitribiitlOM from Uie varloiw hiBhway districts of coun' Ues involved. "We of thLi dlatrlct have pennlt- led devclopmcnt.1 Uiroiijh sUte nm fedenil coopcmtlon lo pajj lu by.’ saw Mr. Koehler. •TIiroiiKb tlieii nRJifesslvnicja Uiose on the norUj side have secured tor tlicni.ielvcfl Uie rouUng ol'som c'of Uicse hish- vmys U.rouRh C.Ur lerrltorj'. > notable illustraUon is securinK of desisnntlon of U. 8. 30 on side and its Inclusion li Uoiial defence proRmm," Hi) polntwl out that Uie time has arrived for Twin Fulls and Casilj counUea to Uke action to avoid bdnu on a bnmch highway as well 0.1 a branch railroad. "By cxtciwlon of U. S. hlKti 30-S ^Oin Buhl to Glenns Pi . tfwOuld have tlie s.hortest nnd most direct hlRhmiy ncrovi souUiem Ida' ho."1io adde<l. TliL-i would give Ui< people of C«s.iia •and Tv.'in Palli (Continual on S . Celutnit <) Pleas Bring Murder Trial to Abrtipt End Three Younjf People Accused of Slayinj? Falher Face Manslaughter Penalty SHOSHONE, Feb, 1 — Three yoiiiiK people today pleaded guilty to voluntary nian.s!auBhter and thereby abruptly endod their trial on a charRC that they left tiieir father J.lghtly bound, to die on an Idaho de.sert, n ic trial of Mra, Flo.s.sle Phlllliw. 18, and her brblher.s Jo,scTjh Sandens, 20. and George Sanders. 10. uccu.sed of mur' dcr, was In IW .sixth day.. ClicstCLPhllllp-s, husband of the girl, arrested with them,-l.s now In a mental hospital. The victim wa.s Charle.-; San. jrs, runchcr of the Rafl river urea near Burley, Idaho; His emaciated body, tied with :loUifsllne roiie. wa.i found In Uic inuihern Iclnlio- dc.iert liiM June. liiul bci-n <lrad PARLEYCALLSFOR DEFENSE SURVEY EST IN COURT OFHOUSINGLAW Twin Falls Tax payer Chal- lenges Authority for Indebtedness Valldliy of Uie 1030 Idnho 1 iou;i1 iib ftiiUiorlties law is to bo tested in n liinpiij'crTi- suit filed In district court yesterday by T. J, Uoyd ^of IVin FulL^. Mr. Lloyd, who l.i .Mntt fnrm debt adJUHUneiit MijicntMir, nllcKcs Uils law violalM the Idaho comitituUoji. parUcularly a, secilon of the con- stitution UUit.prevents a subdivhlou from incurrlnc Indebt- Drivc Begins to Bring Armament Industries Into Idaho rollowliiK deUiled dl.^cuJJlon of Idnho-.! potential place In the cur. rent national defen.-;e plcture. a sec. tional KHtherlnK of civic reprejcnto' tlvc.^ ai Burley la-nt nlglit went or retord iu%recommendintf action upon UiU plnn by Uie Idalio State Cham' ber of Commerce, Tilts move came in the form of, a resolution urging tiiat Uie state cliamber endeavor to' survey labor and nvaUablo mnterluls wiUiln ldn- ho Uiat .would be of value in de- ftni,o industry. Attending Uio ses- sion at Uio NaUonapiotei was Earl Murpliy. n.isLitAnt necreUiry of thi sUito chamber. •* The meeUng. sponsored by Uii Durley C. of C. was dallcd aa Uii opening gun In ft move lo bring inclusion of Idaho in the naUonai defense program, as, It was pobt«d out at the meeting. Idalio is one of Uiree slates R eiv in g no defense Industry develbpDtcnt to daU;. Pliosplukto beds of the state were cited os an example of potenUal defense mnteriols. os plioephate mtly bo used for producing smoke screen chemicals. Tliosa attending Uie sewilon In- cluded Paul Nash, secretary of Ux Pocatello chamber and a reprcsen- UUvQ of the Eastern Idaho Asso- e<lnt ortllnt cxpent .. .3Ut ft two-Uiinls affirmlitlve vole by the rleetorale. In Uila acUon, Mr, Lloyd, repre sentwi by James R. BoUiwell. Twh Falls •ftttomcy. nsks tlint Uie la^ bo declared uneaiuUtutionnl and that Twin rails Hou-iltig AuUiorlty be p<rmnncnUy enjoined from scll- ing S44.000 ndvance loan bonds that Uio local auUiorlty auUiorired la.it Dec. M. Tliu law. approved March 11.1030. provides for creation of houilng auUioriUes to undertake clum clenr- ancu nnd construct dwelling; rentftl to iiewoiis of low iiii Undiytterms of Uie law thr r« itie.i'niay i.s-jue bonds money wiUiout siibmltUii.. ....... Uon to vole by Uie people, O Tlie Ttt-ln Pulls authority, a flvt mim board, set up by acUon of U; city council last June 5, has pui cliased several tracts o f' land, i (t-eoat of 115,000. Uio complaint la Uio test case recites, and has ap- proved a housing project wlilcb to bb Improved wim con.itruciion of BO rtwdllnirs at'^an esUmated co.nt of »3ffl>.000. local auUiorlty Ia«l Nov. ' borrow (Cnnllnu«<( nn T t. Columi J -six day:-.. people le.stlJli-il lo I tlie !iatid.i of i icknowle<Iiied lhat Imd tal:.-ii him from a Burley hm li'it. him ou Uie dw , lio'j.ev miey Uiey rdlcd < olfrrrd i . liinnin.e Of PlilUi! and release him. Proseciilor C. C, Slia objrctloii Id the plciLi. Ji jihi-n ili.'.mtv.cd Uie Jury r . n.m. WiHliif.-.diiy for ^entenclnf.'. ^^lc crime to which the younK ix'oiilc .................. Is punUiabli ‘ ' prlM.ii; ■nir , 0 50 yen nihlg r.e.viloii wiu. ivi- ,UM - a Uirontjvllment pr lefciwe attorney Paul l!a ({ nlKivo a will fipck fro per. liiiddock re^tc^l hts ca.'.r ye.-.lrrdiiy afiernnon and Shaw called on uu- ne-'ki. peorKr Dray. Ca.«iii county dcimly ;ilK'rlff before Uic rece;.;;. DeiraylilK ncr\'OUMic!j when they .itoo<l before the court to eiiler tliHr pleas to<lny, Uic young people r.ennt'd to b<* much relieved and Iti hiKli !;plril.i wlien Uie proceedhiKs emlitl, nnd Uiey fonned n group aiiout Uielr moUier In Uie court room. Nazis Boiiil) Ships III Medilerranoaii BERt^lN, Feb. 2 (Sunday) Authorlied «ource.i rjild early today that fJx shlpj tolnllng 30,000 ioil-, had been "succcMfuIly nll4ickrd" In Itermnran by German bom- tlie . 31. Nald Aiiotlier announcement Oernian bomber had bloti'i ;ihlp “In a Mediterranean harbor.' German Murce.v did not dbcloM where Uie bombings occurred o vhetlie; B in e oper ___ f.tre«ed. however. Uiat lUl done in one day and sakl that of 4he total attacked. 30,000 ton slilpplng could be reckoned as Bloom Promises Halifax Lease-Lend Bill Passage; Draft Chief Hits Strikes lV«)N(nv Walk- outs; OlH' Kiuls rllv -ni'' A- iHl.it A sclectlvi- eixlUid h\:-l nli:hl to dffon.sr iHiKliK arl.sInK from ni; qulbbllnn ovit pr, .s eontroviT.-.li';: •kliiK: niiuiiiiiiii Jurhidlctloii;.. Dricadlcr Cti'nci- Heniliey. d.:|),i;.y .iHirUvr m-iO.t , iiia.I Dllli-lal an <'nd (h-hiys -\a.vv for ' llDNOI.Ul.t!. I . t, 1 Kiio\ IJi()iil)lis If I). S. (lotiid De- IVik I Wostei'u lliMiiispIk'i'c If I5i ilaiii Kalis Ihc i.lrlKe of CK) ,-.:il)eIll. ,S ’ . J., l>lallt <lKi- Copj^'r I’ r<-hic thi- I’hrli) iL'^''l'iair".sa'! ■0 of delrii: Chalnirrii Manufiirturini; .roiiipaiiy; .Milwaukee pluiil. nniiliiyliu;. Q,000; llir Iiiti-riiiilloniil Harvr.MiT i-i.in- |uny. al Chle:i(;ii, rinplovlni; O .SOO -uid the Alitliaina Drvi^ock iiiiil iJhli). bulldhiK cmniianv. .Mobllo. employ, liii; S.IOO. All have di'Ii'ii;,o coiitiiict.i YOUIUGHOyPON m Young Rcpubli9ans Vote Lim- ited Approval of Aid for Britain ■ DF3 MOINRS. la.. Feb, I (iv) - Gordon Allott. county nttoriic-y at Alar, Colo., won the chiiirmiiiHilp of the Young Republican Nailonnl Federation here tonight uiiaiilmni ly by ncclnmaUor>> before the fli roll call of »t.itcs had been cm pleted, Irving W, Myers. Des Moines f torncy, who.'.o name wiia the ni one offered In oppositloci, nioved make the elccUon unanimous, Myers lisd garnered only 05 voi by Uie time We.st VivRlnla had been reached in llio foil call. Others elected. niM) by accliij Uon. were Mrs. C. B. Corbin. / land; lCy„ co-chairman; Mrs. E nor NeUle. Burlingame. Cnllf.. . rctftr^-; Onln McQuayd. Pom Mich,, treasurer. . Earlier Uxlay, the convention ' ed limited approval of " aII'OUI'' for -Britain. A resoIuUon. paj.ied 203 lo called for "every po»lble nillltnry and economic aid to the democra- cies coiBlstent wlUi building oui own naUonal defeiiu: nnd our deler- minaUon to sUiy out of war," Tlie convenUori a.nked that con- gress tako 'such ncUon ti.n It deem: necessary to achieve tlic.ic ends. In- cludmg Uie granting of emergencj executive jiowers with spcclilc pro, vision made for the return of any power grnnled as soon a# the emer- gency Is ended." and Uint eongrcA; retain its consUtutlonal powers ovei the purse and dcclaraUon of war Tills provision Li alonR Uie llni of Uie addres.1 Friday by formci Governor Raymond E. Baldwin o; ConnecUcut. In another resolution the feder, (CenllnUKi «o I'te* Column 1) Army Simulates Night Moves Weather Bureau Defies Groundliog WAaraNO-EON. Peb. 1 VFh-Per- haps_jfs Jealousy of the ground- hoff- Anywny. the weather bureau Is- sued R sutement Uxlay sajitig CO per cent of its January foreoasU were accurate, and adding this sol- emn aftlnnaUon: Trained observer* i t a t i o n e t throughout the country working In close coopemUon and employing sclenUne Watiumeht* and Intrlcatfl ................. caleulallona" ---------- ---------------------------------mor« eminenUy qualified to forecast wea> ther with n greater degree of oc- curacy than the ground}^ who im- deservedly haa (he reputoUon of be- “ TonrJACKBON.'fl.'e,, pv:b: i (m —••Night" inoneUTera In broadest dayUghf may soon be the style for the U. S. army. ExperimeatA which simulate night conditions by'use of goggles covered wlUi dark blue translucent material are'being conducted'hero by Ihtel- Ugence units of Uie llTUi infantry. Officers hope to luve the practice adopted for the 30th division, a for- mer national guard outfit from QeorBla, Tennessee and Uie Caro- llnas.' When wom„-evcli In bright sun- llght, the dark glasses give the some effMt as dark or-jnoonllghL alghtir Uie'light varying wlUj the density of. the tronslucent material •used. The Instniotor* can Ke clearlyJwte go Ujfough tjjr '“nl8ht“ the"ll7tb4nfantfy—»Tenne#ee leg- imeni—credited Capt.XL S, llelni.TH-T rrglnienUI Intelligence officer, wlUi development of Uie idea. He said Uut as far os he know It had not been tried before. The demonstration was staged in a sandy, breom straw and com* stubble fiold surrounded by Uilck pine WOOd».-Thc-genend-siluftUoa presupposed a wor between red and blue forces and the «ubll.-<hment of contact between opposing patrols Just before dark. . ' For the speclol sltuaUon. a truck parked in the middle of the area represented a blue plane brought down by red anU-atrcraft fire be? .tween - U » two-cutposUl. '"n iC-plane did not- bum but apparently both pilot and observer were killed," the. problem sUted. . . BoUi sides had InformaUon Uiit the observer wmv a high staff offlctr -ot-browni.* neutraI.powet-Jr{aO‘ tO'blae, BUtl was cwtylo* secret In- TDrmiit:oir-TTr-m.<~aL‘.pi»t£ir-i(ue: NelUier side wos able to reach thi plane In daylight becausc.cf ma chine gun fire. Blue and red patrols numbering about five men cach equipped wlUi dark goggles, started from their as- signed poslUons about 500 ysrds on eaoh aide, of-Ihtt-lruck-.-IHe.object was to reocli the “ plane." get Uie brief case and return lo their out- post- Although the afternoon sun ahone brlghUy neither slde'tould sec iu objtcUvs from the starting posiUons and Uie men crept cauUously - - the rough krralo.. — About ao mtJiutc bicF his whistle ending the drill------ blue patrol had reached the -plane" u d caved the “dUpatch cou"—a bundled up coat—from faUlag Into red hands. nslnnai mtsfci could be canted out. W,\.-;iiI.\c;’roN , l''i'b. 1 l'l.-;ulii! and. Si-i-i. tary Knq'X .■ .: ik1 nulay li.- )!• :iii axlr. atlark on tin' vv.-.Imii Ik i-ll, anil Ui-i'lari'd 'tli.- nilU. wuulil (Icti-iisi- wonki hi- "lu)!)!-!!'.' -." 'C an wi- at'l. in li:iir to ;-a Iin-dtclccl lor .llic ik ar ruling- aiiolhi-.r i)i>liiL (Knox and i>Ilif 110 to on (lav;..) •Ki-aiikly, 1 diin'i l;iiu\v." Ki In hi;. lcii<:iliy li-Minmnv, I 10 llir i-diiri-nllon tlial Ilic a I was a ;;. If-(li'fcn:;o ni.'a.-airr. : The •■|irlniary objoctlvi-," I 1KiiKland bccaiiM- "tin- Hrltl;.!: ] till- ••first line of (let I A:; for r.'payiuonl f (1 i:lv< British Drop Tons of Explosives on Tripoli Wcy;;and Supports I’ctiiin in Broadcast lo oOO,000-Man Army in Africa Uly •nie-A-.v--lali^. ,1 Goiicral Maximo Wcycand appealed by radio yt-.tcrday lo the SOQ,OUO moil tindt-r hl.s command In norUi Alrlca to mnorc Ihi^uritlnK.s of Central Clmrlc.s do Gaulle, loader of tUv ■'Free French" force:;, who ha;: calicd upon tlicm lu Join Uu' nrlll.sh n.s.sault on lUillan Libya.’ De GaiiUc broadca.sl from London Friday ril!;lu, Wey^and'.s appeal wa.s sent out ovpr the Vlcliy-contrqllcd radio fr?m AIrIcts. French ;iorth Afclco, and was heard by, shpw,,;tf'4ip< In Now Yorlt by CBS. "You heard nn' appeal to tnke'part In a strugBle which wa-s ended by the conchi.slon of Uio armluU-c," Weysand ft:i!<l. "I \i|il)cal to you liot^lo leave Uii- jialli « order nnd ilh,<!iiillnc, wlilcli winilil Kily mean tin- de^.u-uctlon of I-'ran.'f .i!d peril for all who took (virl hi -Frencli w»rmy in 1 been a jxjtcntlai i hieo Uic l-^l.NcL 1 t.n ei ; Brltl it fould readily aid t Uic wr.nt. Oia.-. been a MronK a.-t;u- nirnt in Chief of Slnlc 1 ‘ lillliiiix; retain’* barjtnlnlnK wlUl Oc.iiiany, llie British actiun hi Llb)-<i hi- cluilrd an aerial attack Friday nlk-ht on Tripoli. Uie country.-! principal cliy which lle.-i on Uie McdiU-rrain.Mii "00 nillei wer,t of the EgypLhm iron- Hit. and on Barcc. Uic alrjjort of BciiKaj.l, 130 mllc.1 we.it of Demn wliicli Uie Brltl:.h caplure<l Tliun,- day. •. Ilic royal nlr force nald ;,rveral toii-1 of bomb.1 'were dropped on Triijoll, hi tplle of heavy niiU- ilrcraft rcil.-itnnce, nnd Uiat liun- lred.1 of hlKh cxplo.ilvc and inernd- lary bomba hit Barco. In Uie Tripoli ck. a conununlqiio said, tmmlxi .hreo Itnllan nhlp'i In the hnrbor. of 'S.OOO uins and the other of <,000. A RCaplane wn.n dfjiroyed nnd oUiers daninRcd. dock.>i were lilt and ;ar» fired. Mid ilre.i were Marlr<l ;i« Uie Jctlc.1 and on the rail- News of War In.Summary <Dy Tlie A.MOciated Pre*.i) COUNTElt-ArrEAL . . Gen. Maxime Weygand urKe.i liL? army of 500.000 in North Africa u> remain loyal to Frencli govern- ment at Vichy and net to aaiwer call by -free Preneh" lender Charles DcOaulle for active sup- port of Britain, A ia ACTION Britain's Libyan campalRn, largely in hands of^oyal air force for time txrtng. featured by bom- bardment of Tripoli, capiUl of Italy's Nonh Atrtcoa colony, and 'tkttacWOh-JJarcer'ailr bose guard- ing Bengasi; planes, docks, ships and railways reported ftet afUe or otherwise 'damogod . in ‘Tripoli harbor. _ OBJECTIVE GAINED Greeks claim key town of Tejie- lenl. on heights overlooking Al- .bonlon.port .oLValona .enclosed frftm three aides, with actual 6e- cupaUon .Imminent: ItalUn de- fenden alread* retreating sea-' TONNAOE EEPOSTS.-, . German sources, announce ad- -dlHonal 67,70<H«»«f-BriUsh-shlp- pl^ Islea -and brer Mediterranean: Greek autaraarlne renorta torpedo- tng of loaded lOMO-ten “cnetay” ihlp, while Italian hlati command clainu sinking M [HEELER HITSAI ROOSEVELTSIORY Senator Dcnounccs Presi- dent's Accusation as ‘Slanderous Attack’ WASHINGTON, IVI). I (.Vi-^Scn or Wheeler (D-Mohi) iknouiicei <hiy n,i " o sIniidiTou.i allack—at- irlhutrd to n <lend man" Uie slory related bv Prc.ildent Roo.cvell. Uial lie laic Wlllinm K. Dodd mice qunl- d Wheeler a.s wyiiiK Uiat Nazi domlnaUon of Euroiw wa.^ Inc iblc. I lic pre-Udent. re.ipondhiK to rrles of (juer.Uons y'e;.lerday. t reimrtcrs he had been Inlormcd by Do<ld.' fonucr amlm.vindor lo Ger- many. Uint Wliceler expre.wd .nut;! a view at n dinner party In Il)3< I.K in35. Artkcd ilieUier Wheeler favore< Nazi donilnaUon of Euroiw, tin Icf executive aibwenxl tiiat In- Itablo U ' 0.1 a pretty comiirelicmtvi "Desperate Attempt" VVlieelfr, who l.i recuperathiK fron riiienzii at Uic linmc of Ambavsa- dor Jo:.eph P, Kennedy nt Palm Ueiicli. Pla,. said In a Mntement Lv ,iU(M tliroush hl.i office Uiat Uii was •'nbiolutcly fake.' lo a<l{l«i: "Tills 1.1 a de.ijieratr ntltmpl t( ll.-.cre<llt me bec.iu.ic I stand un- ilierably for American peace ant iKaiii.',t Uic cntrj- of ‘ Ihe United swtf.i into any foreign w Wheeler Li a lending Jennie op- ponent of Uie admiiil^traUon^s akl- to-Brltaln bill. president now snyn. accord- prc.is reports, that be has of UiLi slanderous acewvaUon 1034.- Wheeler's sutement eonUnued. " I f he believed It Uien, matter of decency and JuaUce, he rtiould have called it to W ot- tcnUon while tho late Ambas.iador Dodd was tUlI alive so I might havi confronted my olleRed aeeuw faci lo face and branded thU de.ipleabk charge for wlia‘t It Li—a lie. That »-oul_d- have . been-, the American nenouncet SeUum He went on to say Uiat h6 had not In 1034 or at any oUier lime said that Nazi domlnaUon of Eur- ope was iQevitoble but had “olwayi denounced the forceful telture o'. ieniUay by Gcmiany, England, PrBncc,-tiiB United -States-or tBy other nation." ’H'hls Is Uie second Ume Uiat Uie president has assailed me personal- ly." he-»**mmcnted. The president three weeks ago dCKTtl«d_«B.j;dMlatTlly.?. “unpau^ tloUc~- •ad-.-roMen’^-any -asMtUeft -thWAniBrtcan boyi would be "plow- ed under" on ' foreign battlcflddSi i: :,pi ' (1 III aid 10 RIIR- ■•|)o. 1I1VI-" there w ou ld I'lni p!ii-iv In I'vi-nt Brllaln • I)'- aiMiii:.!" Unllcd .Slato.'! I' :Ui- navv ;,i-cii-iary told II, n- .pim.M' 10 a quP.s- a . (fi v.li--thrr licml.spliere iiK .iiiri.' ilu;^ awltil crl.'il.s. ti> p a - v ; N y i - a,';kpri"al. iVc- pii (!icu-(l a eri.'U.'! within (1 -I'm tr«'ihriulou.sly i-ar.K.-.Mly, wa;; helplnR and HrHl;;li I.slr.-;" were nlli'd Slate:;, Hiltl;:h. Knox n;;;;crtcd a.s a maiUT of secondary eratlon,' will bo a liavinR nnd ft inviv.tmont," he said of ;:l which wltne.s.sc.s have- 1 I.iav nin mm blllloin, Vrveii r\'T urt a dollar or a |>eiuiy hliowcd ; v;i of liou.-c debate will ipporlcr.i snhl.a roll of II relBlloii.1 conitiilffca : dlvi,iloii or sentiment pn Uie tfll in the roinmlltcc at Uie pr&tent Ume 4 k,iald to be 13 favorable, eight op- por.Ml, niid two "doubUuI.^' Tlif committee may '"Ote on Uie nu'asure laif next week. U Is to- be-^in lienrlnr opiwltlon. wltnesse.1 •Teaee Slarclien” An Srcreinry Knox supportrtl Uio bill III lo<luy'.n !itnrlnR.i, .leveral hun-. dr<xl persons who declared thpy wiTc •'iieace mnrehm“ gathered about the rnpltol nnd ILitened to a .-.peech from the lio«.ie nwp.1 by Rep. .Marcnntonio <Al-N,y,), who op- P0.-.C.1 Uie IcRlnlivtlon. Oeorge sumniarlied.tesUmony of ' the navy Bccrctary with two brief que;.tion.i. '•Prc.'icnl aid lo F^iiKland cannot be conUnucd without this bill?" the senaWr a.:kcd. ‘'Correct,*' Knox replied. “ Do you vLiuaIl:e Uie bill os a deffivie^meanure for this country?" Wiien the question came up as to Uie United States' ability U» de- fend the wijstem hemisphere In c\'ent EiiKlnnd fell, Kno» said Uie nxM would hnve "seven Umes Uie i.lilp building capacity, both nuval available to ntry... •Do you rcnlly Uilnk Uiere Li danKcr of a comblnaUon of Euro- liean powers atuicking us?" hfyo pref,.icd. "PMliively?' Knox sliot back. World W ar Cabinet Officer lisUngulshed in Many ' 'lelds, Succumbs ____inNOTON, Feb. 1 WV-Wil- liam Oibbs McAdoo, World wof cab««; inet officer, former senator and dU^>^ Unguished in law. finance and Bhlpn'-^' ping, died today afUr a heart at^-r^ uck. At 77 stiu the toll, straight. acUve ‘ figure Uiat he was at SO when h» entered pubUc life as President'\7U-' son's secretary of the tretnay, Uo~ Adoo had come to Washington from , hU California home U> attend Pred-' -- dent Roosevelt's third loaugumUdn.' He liad had lwo wambtgi of *',V- weak heart, one a minor attacT " fered in Honolulu about'a i-------- , ago. but he appeared to be ta'per.-J j feet healUi last-Algtat. He beeai~'''' 1U-about'S-sjn.-«nd-dlt(i-«Mei ajn. (eastern standard time) a t ' hotet wuiu wuc. muauouwri au«. o i ciacett, by hi* tint 'wUa.'u>d (OMdatNl u ^wXCelcBftl). eopal elmiehrturB. i ____ lain Ql<’ttia: K&ata.' ‘lUr; .1 S-22SSS5K ! Fee'.h ■^aMrtu-i "

An Associated Press Newspaper T H E T \ ^ IN F A L L S N E W S

'Vol. 23, No. 2A7 T W IN f a l l s ',_II)AHO, S U N D A Y FM B R U A H V 2. l ! ) l l Pricc Five Ccnta

Idaho Legislature Still Faces New Revenue Probl^

Session Ne:u-s Half-Way Mark With No Move Tftward Meetiii"; Governor’s

Bid for .92,500,000 More .(I!y TllP A:.;(i:Ialca PrrvD

BOISE. Feb. 1 — Problcnus of rnl.sliiR S2,500,000 In now rcvpmic nnd .sett lln s on iipproiwliitlon;;' for the .stttlc’.<; various nctlvlllc.T KlIlJ co'nfronlccl tlic Idnho IcRlslnLurc locfily as lh a t' body drew near th e halfway mark In Its 60 -day ses.slon.- .

Tiic.sday. the 30t!i day, al.so l.s tlie hust day on w hich In' dividual IcRl.siutors may .nibmll blll.s. A fter that date they

must be presented by commlttec.s,Tlie hou.se lioppcr w».s cram nicd w ith M mea.sures today

and. tliree wore Introduced In

Senators Quiz Morgcntliau

irrtn. In addition nate Joint re.sohitloi iJJcy ^D-Ne;; P c r c f ) pr ( Joiir-vrar iclin;, of olllc mty oftlctiil.-!,

I’rocrain Knilf>r>nl

•Jill ffiliTiil aocliil

Govri - Cliirk ;al«lftoliillon wiin o.i:i)cvlc(l Moml; . lornry Ocncrnl Bert M, Mlllrr I; (IruwliiB iii> llirco new niciu,urc': (itfectliiK ilic public wrUiirc dcimrl- ineiit, Untlrr -.tliom U'P tllvbloit of public n.vil;iUmcc. public IieiOtli niirt .lUte liuillliilloii.i would bt trnwfcrrtd ecparalcly to tlic rov- cmor. It was rcporletl.

U they tire Introduced Uie bill now In Uie house would be wlUi- clniwn.

. 8lol Machine Llc«nse Only one revenue mcMiire. Uiat

presented by Uio house rrvenur and taxotloD committee to lIcenM slot machines 110 per month, hns been entered to (nr as It hn. been with*

Clor'.; told the leKlsIaturo In liU Initial messuffB ho tought $3,500,000 In-Jiaw revenue •«> match ledenil fund* ftvallablB U} ii»e-»U»tC prlndi>- ftllr/ot-reUef. .•

Ill addition, he Informed Uie 3aw- maktns he favored new taxci to take the FJneo. if poull>le. of itn nd valorem levy .for aUite piirposc.i. Sucli n levy nvbed nearly M,000,000

. cliirlni; tlie 1030*40 biennium.Tlio npproprliition problem alno

muiit be nolved by tJie k-fcLiIaturo, About J10,600,(j00 ha.i been reoue.nu-d by' various st4ite deparuncnts nml dlvUloiu from thp Kcnernl fund, wltli n lotnl ntnte biidKct, Including fcdcml nnd Bpcclnl'fund.i, of nround »70,000,000.

.Spe«d Up Indicated Tlicre were cvldenCe.i IcRlslatlve

action, relatively IcLiurtly in dote, v,-ould bo sp?c<l(xJ up for die re-

, ntnlnder of tl)o ncAslon.Lieut. Oov. C. C. aon-sctt warned

senators the upper clmmbrr would convene prompUy on Uie hour set each day.

To date, backera of the foiir-yenr »cJiooI movement Xor Uiu Unlvcr.':lty of Idnlio southern bninclt Imvo noi Indicated when Uicy would attempt lo push It throuRli Uie houi.c. wlieru It still U In the educutlonnl InsUlu- llolw committee.

Rep, Andrm (D-Bonnevl!lc) I'l exi>ceted,to re-.-iubTnlt durlnu tlie wpek the "worklnR wives" blil'he wlUidrew for eornxtlon.

Scliedulfd for liou.s(! vote Monday(C«ntlnu«J on Pm . 2. Column B)


T b orc 's a R e a so n '•INDIANAPOLIS — If stray dofis

are howIinK. there's a reason.City Purcliasing ARent Albert H.

Losehe will tnko bids coon on (i • new rio« waj;ot» with two-wny radio

equipment.Wiih R setup like Ud.i. police spot-

tlnK stmys can tell ihe doRcatciier through hcadaiiarters wiiere to pick'

D ra fted • -SALT LAKE CITY — Byroi ,, Trane didn't seek reetecUon aJf ....

stable of West Jordan precinct. No one else wanted the Job. either.

So Trane >1eided to the request of the county commissioners to stay- providing the commissioners post lila »500 bonds.

Asdifabr O d U ^CORDOVA. Alaskft — Carpenters

dlsmantUng the old backbar of the Alaskan hotel dLneovertd nnoUier gallon or io o f pennies.

The hotel, preservins some of Uio memories of the. old dal's, has b

— Mveml-gallon bottle about half full It all goes back to the daj-s when

• ' crery AlnsJca barkeeper shuddered at tlie sight of small changli and IIU erally threw it way when customers offero4 it.

T ragedy NEBRASKA CITy. Neb.-To five-

' year-old Btlly Phillips It was trog-

' K was one o f those tilings that maki parents thank Providence.

Aq Idcle Xell from Phillips' house, namwly hitssed Billy but struck


Twin Falls IVlayor.Takes Lead

in.Movement to Obtain *

Designation .

Ians for i.n ureii-wldc iiiwttiiK II- held ill Twill l-'iill:. Wi-dncMlfiy,

lIKNItr MOROENTIIAU. » ilic senate forfleii rrlatln tlie lend-Ienw. bill, pau rd

the trrxiury on hi* way from lltrr before wblrli lie Irstlfled nn I It informally ultli tlirce membcm rnatnr Albeii W. lUrklry (I)-I lalor (,'arlrr Cla^ Isr.-ited) (!»•

y 30 and ll.'iI Fidh I

t byJiy Kooli —.Thr- ofllclnl exk-iulMi an Invlln- lloii in mii^orn or-HiFrlry.’ MiiriauKli, HiiaM'ii. Kimberly. Vilrr, Iluhl, filriins Kcrr\'. Mountain Home nnd

n.i lo nil civic bodlrnDobf. 1 and clt

1 Uie w.lon. iHl '

timl Uie.... .. . . .illcated r nmy take thr

of a caruvim whlcli will trni BolKe to present plans to Mali WPA offlclula.

ThLi move follows nnnounci lhat improvemeiit of hiKliway 30-S lins been set up lus a WPA project requirlnc coiitribiitlOM from Uie varloiw hiBhway districts of coun' Ues involved.

"We of thLi dlatrlct have pennlt- led devclopmcnt.1 Uiroiijh sUte nm fedenil coopcmtlon lo pajj lu by.’ saw Mr. Koehler. •TIiroiiKb tlieii nRJifesslvnicja Uiose on the norUj side have secured tor tlicni.ielvcfl Uie rouUng ol'som c'of Uicse hish- vmys U.rouRh C.Ur lerrltorj'. > notable illustraUon is securinK of desisnntlon of U. 8. 30 on ‘ side and its Inclusion li Uoiial defence proRmm,"

Hi) polntwl out that Uie time has arrived for Twin Fulls and Casilj counUea to Uke action to avoid bdnu on a bnmch highway as well 0.1 a branch railroad.

"By cxtciwlon of U. S. hlKti 30-S ^Oin Buhl to Glenns Pi . tfwOuld have tlie s.hortest nnd most direct hlRhmiy ncrovi souUiem Ida' ho."1io adde<l. TliL-i would give Ui< people of C«s.iia • and Tv.'in Palli

(Continual on S. Celutnit <)

Pleas Bring Murder Trial to Abrtipt End

Three Younjf People Accused of Slayinj? Falher Face Manslaughter Penalty

SHOSHONE, Feb, 1 — T h ree yoiiiiK people today pleaded gu ilty to voluntary nian.s!auBhter and thereby abruptly endod their trial on a charRC th a t they left tiieir father J.lghtly bound, to die on an Idaho de.sert,

n i c trial of Mra, Flo.s.sle Phlllliw . 18, and her brblher.s Jo,scTjh Sandens, 20. and G eorge Sanders. 10. uccu.sed o f m ur' dcr, was In IW .sixth day.. ClicstCLPhllllp-s, husband o f the girl, arrested with them,-l.s now In a mental hospital.

The victim wa.s Charle.-; San. jrs, runchcr o f the R a fl river

urea near Burley, Idah o ; His em aciated body, tied w ith :loUifsllne roiie. wa.i found In Uic inuihern Iclnlio- dc.iert liiM June.

liiul bci-n <lrad



Twin Falls T a x p aye r Chal­

lenges Authority for


Valldliy of Uie 1030 Idnho 1iou;i1iib ftiiUiorlties law is to bo tested in n liinpiij'crTi- suit filed In district court yesterday by T. J, Uoyd of IVin FulL .

Mr. Lloyd, who l.i .Mntt fnrm debt adJUHUneiit MijicntMir, nllcKcs Uils law violalM the Idaho comitituUoji. parUcularly a, secilon of the con­stitution UUit.prevents a subdivhlou

from incurrlnc Indebt-

Drivc B eg in s to B r in g

Armament Industries

Into Idaho

rollowliiK deUiled dl. cuJJlon of Idnho-.! potential place In the cur. rent national defen.-;e plcture. a sec. tional KHtherlnK of civic reprejcnto' tlvc. ai Burley la-nt nlglit went or retord iu% recommendintf action upon UiU plnn by Uie Idalio State Cham' ber of Commerce,

Tilts move came in the form of, a resolution urging tiiat Uie state cliamber endeavor to' survey labor and nvaUablo mnterluls wiUiln ldn- ho Uiat .would be of value in de- ftni,o industry. Attending Uio ses­sion at Uio NaUonapiotei was Earl Murpliy. n.isLitAnt necreUiry of thi sUito chamber. •*

The meeUng. sponsored by Uii Durley C. of C. was dallcd aa Uii opening gun In ft move lo bring inclusion of Idaho in the naUonai defense program, as, It was pobt«d out at the meeting. Idalio is one of Uiree slates R eiv ing no defense Industry develbpDtcnt to daU;.

Pliosplukto beds of the state were cited os an example of potenUal defense mnteriols. os plioephate mtly bo used for producing smoke screen chemicals.

Tliosa attending Uie sewilon In­cluded Paul Nash, secretary of Ux Pocatello chamber and a reprcsen- UUvQ of the Eastern Idaho Asso-

e<lnt ortllnt cxpent.. .3Ut ft two-Uiinls affirmlitlve

vole by the rleetorale.In Uila acUon, Mr, Lloyd, repre

sentwi by James R. BoUiwell. Twh Falls • ftttomcy. nsks tlint Uie la bo declared uneaiuUtutionnl and that Twin rails Hou-iltig AuUiorlty be p<rmnncnUy enjoined from scll- ing S44.000 ndvance loan bonds that Uio local auUiorlty auUiorired la.it Dec. M. •

Tliu law. approved March 11.1030. provides for creation of houilng auUioriUes to undertake clum clenr- ancu nnd construct dwelling; rentftl to iiewoiis of low iiii Undiytterms of Uie law thr r« itie.i'niay i.s-jue bondsmoney wiUiout siibmltUii.. .......Uon to vole by Uie people, O

Tlie Ttt-ln Pulls authority, a flvt mim board, set up by acUon of U; city council last June 5, has pui cliased several tracts o f ' land, i (t-eoat of 115,000. Uio complaint la Uio test case recites, and has ap­proved a housing project wlilcb to bb Improved wim con.itruciion of BO rtwdllnirs at'^an esUmated co.nt of »3ffl>.000.

local auUiorlty Ia«l Nov.

' borrow

(Cnnllnu«<( nn T t. Columi

J -six day:-..people le.stlJli-il lo I tlie !iatid.i of i icknowle<Iiied lhat

Imd tal:.-ii him from a Burley hmli'it. him ou Uie dw

, lio'j.evmiey

Uiey rdlcd <

olfrrrd i

. liinnin.e Of PlilUi! and release him.

Proseciilor C. C, Slia objrctloii Id the plciLi. Ji jihi-n ili.'.mtv.cd Uie Jury r . n.m. WiHliif.-.diiy for ^entenclnf.'. ^^lc crime to which the younK ix'oiilc

.................. Is punUiabli ‘ 'prlM.ii;

■nir, 0 50 yen

nihlg r.e.viloii wiu. ivi- ,UM- a Uirontjvllment pr

lefciwe attorney Paul l!a ■ ({ nlKivo a willfipck fro

per.liiiddock re tc l hts ca.'.r ye.-.lrrdiiy

afiernnon and Shaw called on uu- ne-'ki. peorKr Dray. Ca.«iii county dcimly ;ilK'rlff before Uic rece;.;;.

DeiraylilK ncr\'OUMic!j when they .itoo<l before the court to eiiler tliHr pleas to<lny, Uic young people r.ennt'd to b<* much relieved and Iti hiKli !;plril.i wlien Uie proceedhiKs emlitl, nnd Uiey fonned n group aiiout Uielr moUier In Uie court room.

Nazis Boiiil) Ships III Medilerranoaii

BERt lN, Feb. 2 (Sunday) Authorlied «ource.i rjild early today that fJx shlpj tolnllng 30,000 ioil-, had been "succcMfuIly nll4ickrd" In

Itermnran by German bom-tlie. 31.

NaldAiiotlier announcement Oernian bomber had bloti'i ;ihlp “In a Mediterranean harbor.'

German Murce.v did not dbcloM where Uie bombings occurred ovhetlie; B in e oper___ f.tre«ed. however. Uiat lUldone in one day and sakl that of 4he total attacked. 30,000 ton slilpplng could be reckoned as

Bloom Promises Halifax Lease-Lend Bill Passage;

Draft Chief Hits StrikeslV«)N(nv Walk­

outs; OlH'Kiuls

rllv -ni'' A- iHl.itA sclectlvi-

eixlUid h\:-l nli:hl to dffon.sr iHiKliK arl.sInK from ni;qulbbllnn ovit pr,

■.s eontroviT.-.li';: •kliiK: niiuiiiiiiii

Jurhidlctloii;..Dricadlcr Cti'nci-

Heniliey. d.:|),i;.y .iHirUvr m-iO.t , iiia.I

Dllli-lal an <'nd


-\a.vv for

' llDNOI.Ul.t!. I . t, 1

Kiio\ IJi()iil)lis If I). S. (lotiid De-

IVik I Wostei'u lliMiiispIk'i'c

If I5i ilaiii Kalis

Ihc i.lrlKe of CK) ,-.:il)eIll. ,S’ . J., l>lallt <lKi- Copj 'r I’r<-hic

thi- I’hrli)

iL' ''l'iair".sa'! ■0 of delrii:

Chalnirrii Manufiirturini; .roiiipaiiy; .Milwaukee pluiil. nniiliiyliu;. Q,000; llir Iiiti-riiiilloniil Harvr.MiT i-i.in- |uny. al Chle:i(;ii, rinplovlni; O.SOO -uid the Alitliaina Drvi^ock iiiiil iJhli). bulldhiK cmniianv. .Mobllo. employ, liii; S.IOO. All have di'Ii'ii;,o coiitiiict.i


Young Rcpubli9ans Vote Lim­

ited Approval of Aid

for Britain ■

DF3 MOINRS. la.. Feb, I (iv) - Gordon Allott. county nttoriic-y at Alar, Colo., won the chiiirmiiiHilp of the Young Republican Nailonnl Federation here tonight uiiaiilmni ly by ncclnmaUor>> before the fli roll call of »t.itcs had been cm pleted,

Irving W, Myers. Des Moines f torncy, who.'.o name wiia the ni one offered In oppositloci, nioved make the elccUon unanimous,

Myers lisd garnered only 05 voi by Uie time We.st VivRlnla had been reached in llio foil call.

Others elected. niM) by accliij Uon. were Mrs. C. B. Corbin. / land; lCy„ co-chairman; Mrs. E nor NeUle. Burlingame. Cnllf.. . rctftr -; Onln McQuayd. Pom Mich,, treasurer. .

Earlier Uxlay, the convention ' ed limited approval of "aII'OUI'' for -Britain.

A resoIuUon. paj.ied 203 lo called for "every po»lble nillltnry and economic aid to the democra­cies coiBlstent wlUi building oui own naUonal defeiiu: nnd our deler- minaUon to sUiy out of war,"

Tlie convenUori a.nked that con­gress tako 'such ncUon ti.n It deem: necessary to achieve tlic.ic ends. In- cludmg Uie granting of emergencj executive jiowers with spcclilc pro, vision made for the return of any power grnnled as soon a# the emer­gency Is ended." and Uint eongrcA; retain its consUtutlonal powers ovei the purse and dcclaraUon of war

Tills provision Li alonR Uie llni of Uie addres.1 Friday by formci Governor Raymond E. Baldwin o; ConnecUcut.

In another resolution the feder,(CenllnUKi «o I'te* Column 1)

Army Simulates Night MovesWeather Bureau Defies GroundliogWAaraNO-EON. Peb. 1 VFh-Per-

haps_jfs Jealousy of the ground- hoff-

Anywny. the weather bureau Is­sued R sutement Uxlay sajitig CO per cent of its January foreoasU were accurate, and adding this sol­emn aftlnnaUon:

Trained observer* i t a t i o n e t throughout the country working In close coopemUon and employing sclenUne Watiumeht* and Intrlcatfl

................. caleulallona"-------------------------------------------mor«eminenUy qualified to forecast wea> ther with n greater degree of oc- curacy than the ground}^ who im- deservedly haa (he reputoUon of be-

“ TonrJACKBON.'fl.'e,, pv:b: i (m—••Night" inoneUTera In broadest dayUghf may soon be the style for the U. S. army.

ExperimeatA which simulate night conditions by'use of goggles covered wlUi dark blue translucent material are'being conducted'hero by Ihtel- Ugence units of Uie llTUi infantry. Officers hope to luve the practice adopted for the 30th division, a for­mer national guard outfit from QeorBla, Tennessee and Uie Caro- llnas.'

When wom„-evcli In bright sun- llght, the dark glasses give the some effMt as dark or-jnoonllghL alghtir Uie'light varying wlUj the density of. the tronslucent material • used. The Instniotor* can Ke clearly Jwte

go Ujfough tjjr '“nl8ht“

the"ll7tb4nfantfy—»Tenne#ee leg-

imeni—credited Capt.XL S, llelni.TH-T rrglnienUI Intelligence officer, wlUi development of Uie idea. He said Uut as far os he know It had not been tried before.■ The demonstration was staged in a sandy, breom straw and com* stubble fiold surrounded by Uilckpine WOOd».-Thc-genend-siluftUoapresupposed a wor between red and blue forces and the «ubll.-<hment of contact between opposing patrols Just before dark. . '• For the speclol sltuaUon. a truck

parked in the middle of the area represented a blue plane brought down by red anU-atrcraft fire be? .tween - U » two-cutposUl. '"n iC -plane did not- bum but apparently both pilot and observer were killed," the. problem sUted. . .

BoUi sides had InformaUon Uiit the observer wmv a high staff offlctr -ot-browni.* neutraI.powet-Jr{aO‘ tO'blae, BUtl was cwtylo* secret In-

TDrmiit:oir-TTr-m.<~aL‘.pi»t£ir-i(ue: NelUier side wos able to reach thi plane In daylight becausc.cf ma chine gun fire.

Blue and red patrols numbering about five men cach equipped wlUi dark goggles, started from their as­signed poslUons about 500 ysrds on eaoh aide, of-Ihtt-lruck-.-IHe.object was to reocli the “ plane." get Uie brief case and return lo their out­post-

Although the afternoon sun ahone brlghUy neither slde'tould sec iu objtcUvs from the starting posiUons and Uie men crept cauUously - - the rough krralo..—About ao mtJiutcbicF his whistle ending the drill------blue patrol had reached the -plane" u d caved the “ dUpatch cou"—a bundled up coat—from faUlag Into red hands.

nslnnai mtsfci could be canted out.

W,\.-;iiI.\c;’roN , l''i'b. 1 l'l.-;ulii! and. Si-i-i. tary Knq'X .■.:ik1 nulay li.- )!• :iii axlr. atlark on tin' vv.-.Imii Ik i-ll, anil Ui-i'lari'd 'tli.- nilU. wuulil

(Icti-iisi- wonki hi- "lu)!)!-!!'.' - ."'C a n wi- at'l. in li:iir to ;-a

Iin-dtclccl lor .llic ik ar ruling- aiiolhi-.r i)i>liiL (K nox and i>Ilif 110 to on (lav;..)

• Ki-aiikly, 1 diin'i l;iiu\v." Ki

In hi;. lcii<:iliy li-Minmnv, I 10 llir i-diiri-nllon tlial Ilic a

I was a ;;. If-(li'fcn:;o ni.'a.-airr.: The •■|irlniary objoctlvi-," I 1 KiiKland bccaiiM- "tin- Hrltl;.!: ] till- ••first line of (let I A:; for r .'payiuonl f (1 i:lv<

British Drop Tons of Explosives on Tripoli

W c y ;;a n d S u p p o rts I’ ctiiin in B roa d ca st lo ■ oOO,000-Man A r m y in A fr ic a

Uly •n ie-A -.v --la li^ . ,1 Goiicral M aximo W cycand appealed by radio yt-.tcrday lo

the SOQ,OUO moil tindt-r hl.s com m and In norUi A lrlca to mnorc Ihi^uritlnK.s o f C entra l Clmrlc.s do Gaulle, loader of tUv ■'Free French" force:;, w ho ha;: calicd upon tlicm lu Join Uu' nrlll.sh n.s.sault on lUillan Libya.’

De GaiiUc broadca.sl from London Friday ril!;lu, Wey^and'.s appeal wa.s sent out ovpr the V lcliy-contrq llcd radio fr?m AIrIcts. F rench ;iorth A fclco , and was heard by, shpw,,;tf'4ip< In Now Yorlt by CBS.

"You heard nn ' appeal to tnke'part In a strugBle which wa-s ended by the conchi.slon of Uio armluU-c," Weysand ft:i!<l. "I \i|il)cal to you liot^lo leave Uii- jialli « order nnd ilh,<!iiillnc, wlilcli winilil Kily mean tin- de .u-uctlon of I-'ran.'f .i!d peril for all who took (virl hi

• -Frencli w»rmy in 1 been a jxjtcntlai i hieo Uic l- l.NcL1t.n ei

; Brltlit fould readily aid t Uic wr.nt. Oia.-. been a MronK a.-t;u- nirnt in Chief of Slnlc 1‘lillliiiix; retain’* barjtnlnlnK wlUl Oc.iiiany,

llie British actiun hi Llb)-<i hi- cluilrd an aerial attack Friday nlk-ht on Tripoli. Uie country.-! principal cliy which lle.-i on Uie McdiU-rrain.Mii "00 nillei wer,t of the EgypLhm iron- Hit. and on Barcc. Uic alrjjort of BciiKaj.l, 130 mllc.1 we.it of Demn wliicli Uie Brltl:.h caplure<l Tliun,- day. ■ •.

Ilic royal nlr force nald ;,rveral toii-1 of bomb.1 'were dropped on Triijoll, hi tplle of heavy niiU- ilrcraft rcil.-itnnce, nnd Uiat liun- lred.1 of hlKh cxplo.ilvc and inernd-

lary bomba hit Barco. In Uie Tripoli ck. a conununlqiio said, tmmlxi .hreo Itnllan nhlp'i In the hnrbor. of 'S.OOO uins and the other of

<,000. A RCaplane wn.n dfjiroyed nnd oUiers daninRcd. dock.>i were lilt and

;ar» fired. Mid ilre.i were Marlr<l ;i« Uie Jctlc.1 and on the rail-

News of War In.Summary

<Dy Tlie A.MOciated Pre*.i) COUNTElt-ArrEAL . .

Gen. Maxime Weygand urKe.i liL? army of 500.000 in North Africa u> remain loyal to Frencli govern­ment at Vichy and net to aaiwer call by -free Preneh" lender Charles DcOaulle for active sup­port of Britain,A ia ACTION

Britain's L ib y a n campalRn, largely in hands of^oyal air force for time txrtng. featured by bom­bardment of Tripoli, capiUl of Italy's Nonh Atrtcoa colony, and

'tkttacWOh-JJarcer'ailr bose guard­ing Bengasi; planes, docks, ships and railways reported ftet afUe or otherwise 'damogod . in ‘Tripoli harbor. _OBJECTIVE GAINED

Greeks claim key town of Tejie- lenl. on heights overlooking Al-

.bonlon.port .oLValona .enclosed frftm three aides, with actual 6e- cupaUon .Imminent: ItalUn de- fenden alread* retreating sea-'

TONNAOE EEPOSTS.-, .German sources, announce ad-

-dlHonal 67,70<H«»«f-BriUsh-shlp- p l^

Islea -and brer Mediterranean: Greek autaraarlne renorta torpedo- tng of loaded lOMO-ten “cnetay” ihlp, while Italian hlati command clainu sinking M


Senator Dcnounccs Presi­

dent's Accusation as

‘Slanderous Attack’

WASHINGTON, IVI). I (.Vi- Scn or Wheeler (D-Mohi) iknouiicei <hiy n,i "o sIniidiTou.i allack—at-

irlhutrd to n <lend man" Uie slory related bv Prc.ildent Roo.cvell. Uial lie laic Wlllinm K. Dodd mice qunl- d Wheeler a.s wyiiiK Uiat Nazi

domlnaUon of Euroiw wa. Inc iblc.

I lic pre-Udent. re.ipondhiK to rrles of (juer.Uons y'e;.lerday. t

reimrtcrs he had been Inlormcd by Do<ld.' fonucr amlm.vindor lo Ger­many. Uint Wliceler expre.wd .nut;! a view at n dinner party In Il)3< I.K in35.

Artkcd ilieUier Wheeler favore< Nazi donilnaUon of Euroiw, tin

Icf executive aibwenxl tiiat In- Itablo U'0.1 a pretty comiirelicmtvi

"Desperate Attempt"VVlieelfr, who l.i recuperathiK fron riiienzii at Uic linmc of Ambavsa-

dor Jo:.eph P, Kennedy nt Palm Ueiicli. Pla,. said In a Mntement Lv ,iU(M tliroush hl.i office Uiat Uii

was •'nbiolutcly fake.' lo a<l{l«i:"Tills 1.1 a de.ijieratr ntltmpl t(

ll.-.cre<llt me bec.iu.ic I stand un- ilierably for American peace ant iKaiii.',t Uic cntrj- of ‘ Ihe United

swtf.i into any foreign w Wheeler Li a lending Jennie op­

ponent of Uie admiiil traUon^s akl- to-Brltaln bill.

■ president now snyn. accord- prc.is reports, that be has

of UiLi slanderous acewvaUon 1034.- Wheeler's sutement

eonUnued. "If he believed It Uien, matter of decency and JuaUce,

he rtiould have called it to W ot- tcnUon while tho late Ambas.iador Dodd was tUlI alive so I might havi confronted my olleRed aeeuw faci lo face and branded thU de.ipleabk charge for wlia‘t It Li—a lie. That »-oul_d- have . been-, the American

nenouncet SeUum He went on to say Uiat h6 had

not In 1034 or at any oUier lime said that Nazi domlnaUon of Eur­ope was iQevitoble but had “olwayi denounced the forceful telture o'. ieniUay by Gcmiany, England, PrBncc,-tiiB United -States-or tBy other nation."

’H'hls Is Uie second Ume Uiat Uie president has assailed me personal­ly." he-»**mmcnted.

The president three weeks agodCKTtl«d_«B.j;dMlatTlly.?. “unpau^tloUc~- •ad-.-roMen’ -any -asMtUeft -thWAniBrtcan boyi would be "plow­ed under" on ' foreign battlcflddSi

i: :,pi ' (1 III aid 10 RIIR- ■•|)o. 1I1VI-" there would

I'lni p!ii-iv In I'vi-nt Brllaln • I)'- aiMiii:.!" Unllcd .Slato.'!

I' :Ui- navv ;,i-cii-iary told II, n- .pim.M' 10 a quP.s-

a . (fi v.li--thrr licml.spliere

iiK .iiir i.' ilu; awltil crl.'il.s.ti> p a - v ;N y i - a,';kpri"al.

iVc- pii (!icu-(l a eri.'U.'! within

(1 -I 'm tr«'ihriulou.sly

i-ar.K.-.Mly, wa;; helplnR and HrHl;;li I.slr.-;" were nlli'd Slate:;,• Hiltl;:h. Knox n;;;;crtcd a.s a maiUT o f secondary eratlon,'will bo a liavinR nnd ft inviv.tmont," he said of ;:l which wltne.s.sc.s have- 1 I.iav nin mm blllloin, Vrveii r\'T urt a dollar or a |>eiuiy

hliowcd ;

v;i of liou.-c debate will

ipporlcr.i snhl.a roll of II relBlloii.1 conitiilffca :

dlvi,iloii or sentiment pn Uie tfll in the roinmlltcc at Uie pr&tent Ume 4k ,iald to be 13 favorable, eight op- por.Ml, niid two "doubUuI. '

T lif committee may '"Ote on Uie nu'asure laif next week. U Is to- be- in lienrlnr opiwltlon. wltnesse.1

•Teaee Slarclien”An Srcreinry Knox supportrtl Uio

bill III lo<luy'.n !itnrlnR.i, .leveral hun-. dr<xl persons who declared thpy wiTc •'iieace mnrehm“ gathered about the rnpltol nnd ILitened to a .-.peech from the lio«.ie nwp.1 by Rep. .Marcnntonio <Al-N,y,), who op- P0.-.C.1 Uie IcRlnlivtlon.

Oeorge sumniarlied.tesUmony of ' the navy Bccrctary with two brief que;.tion.i.

'•Prc.'icnl aid lo F iiKland cannot be conUnucd without this bill?" the senaWr a.:kcd.

‘'Correct,*' Knox replied.“ Do you vLiuaIl:e Uie bill os a

deffivie^meanure for this country?"

Wiien the question came up as to Uie United States' ability U» de­fend the wijstem hemisphere In c\'ent EiiKlnnd fell, Kno» said Uie nxM would hnve "seven Umes Uie i.lilp building capacity, both nuval

available tontry...

•Do you rcnlly Uilnk Uiere Li danKcr of a comblnaUon of Euro- liean powers atuicking us?" hfyo pref,.icd.

"PMliively?' Knox sliot back.

W orld W a r Cabinet Officer

lisUngulshed in Many ' 'lelds, Succumbs

____inNOTON, Feb. 1 WV-Wil­liam Oibbs McAdoo, World wof cab««; inet officer, former senator and dU^> Unguished in law. finance and Bhlpn'- ' ping, died today afUr a heart at -r uck.

At 77 stiu the toll, straight. acUve ‘ figure Uiat he was at SO when h» entered pubUc life as President'\7U-' son's secretary of the tretnay, Uo~ ■ Adoo had come to Washington from , hU California home U> attend Pred-' -- dent Roosevelt's third loaugumUdn.'

He liad had lwo wambtgi of *', V- weak heart, one a minor attacT "fered in Honolulu about'a i-------- ,ago. but he appeared to be ta'per.-J j feet healUi last-Algtat. He beeai~ '''' 1U-about'S-sjn.-«nd-dlt(i-«M ei ajn. (eastern standard time) a t ' hotet

wuiu wuc. m uauouwri au«. o iciacett, by hi* tint 'wUa.'u>d

(OMdatNl u ^w XC elcBftl).

eopal elmiehrturB. i ____lain Ql< ’ttia: K&ata.' ‘ lUr; .1S - 2 2 S S S 5 K! Fee'.h ■^aMrtu-i "


HEAR SPEAKERSRiiral-Urtan Club Members

Acltlrcsscd on Topics of

Current Interest

of tlirUrban KroMp jrv-rnli.ri.f llir •I'iln I'alM IllirMr.v Hnv J, i;v;.as, Vli.’ili

PlrM r.Il.-:ikcr w«'. Yfllr n<.ll ncl, Sinllh-Hui;hri <ii:rlniUiir:>l ln-lnic-l- or nl Tv.li, I'nii.-. liiKti n-1iiv)I. ulio

• urrs compollnE In Hir «llstrlc wlilPh II,rr.' nrr :.lx In Idnhn; nniity, (fifitrlct wmnrrs cnmpctliiit

• ilK nTl,r

tlonnl cr l 11

, 'IVtn FalLi Mnrch 17.• Mn<. L. V, MnrKiin. prc.iUIcnl nf thr

nickel P.T.A.. oiiillncd tlie proRrnm of toul nntloiiiil clcfrnse n.t nitllnnt by thr Nniloiinl P.T.A. boiird, wltlip;in o 1I.1 :

- tU:iTRln Kall.1.

-Whrn MP r.tnp to co The elpincnury scliooLi Im million children h:\ve eye tie- fecu. A million nm1 n linlf hnvr (lefecllve hcnrlnc nnil iwo thirds of

' the total number need tlenlnl car u %‘cll nx itii tnl p< cl(le(l mmibi mifferlpK from mnlnatrlllon, we mu eoaildcr our uchooU as Uio placft U. begin our naUoifil defennc.“ Mr*. Morcan reported from nUKmenta TfIfA.v<J by (ilnlc lienllh o/flclal.-.

A child who Is mifferlntr from mat' nutrition U In poor condition t> leam. tind education the flra' »tep in preparlns for defense. It woi polnled out.

Mrs. MorRatr" reported U,at “IBI eomp!rt« hot liinrhes we nerved dallj to Bludenta of aTl T » ln Fnllj nehool: □nd- Uie nursery nchool. polnllnK ou' that Utl.1 Ufta Jn keeplns with thi flol« oJflelaLV theory Uial well-fed children make good iludenU.

Tlie local hot lunch project* CATrted out throuEh tho cooperation cX P.T.A. groups. Community Che.it. and oUier civic and Indlvldtial .group*.

Plnnl Rpcnker of tlie nftemoon wa« Ur*. Dort.1 Btrnrfley. coimty fiuper- Intendenl of public Inntructlon. who reported on ft'*urvey of speech de- fecLi. mnde In fourteen rural iiehooLi of Uio ecmnty. She Mid Uu>( from two to alx children were found wlUi •erlouB speech defects In e&cli nchool.

nchool district; an expert on eorret Jne speech defecla could be employed tor two or three weeka eacli yeai ftld with more «ertou.i ca,«a nn<: ln.itruct teachers In .the lue of < roctivemethods.

She reported that In nil ca-ws w Improvement wm noted In the chil­dren In flUMiUon. and Ihni ber had made decided Impn


of labor to collective Imr -giilnlnK. penceful plckellns and *t<

■ owert 113 rlKht.1 In a leRnl way."Tlie convention ursed all nucl

Independent orgnnluiUonn a.i thi AMOClatwt-WUlkle club.? to Join Un ncpubllcan party.''

Another last mlnul« resolution dra«-n Into Die report recommend­ed eon.ildcrntlon of a mldtte.iterner (or the IKpubllcan iwtlonol clialr. man.ihip In the rvrnt Reprc.ientatlvi Joseph W. Martin re.nlBna.

A propaml to extend the arc llm- K for membrrr.hlp In the federation from 35 years feated.

Shelley Boxers Invade Kimberly

KIMDERLy. Feb. 1 — Concll Al HnrnhborBer’s Kimberly b o x ln c team wlll mivl a from ahelley hero Wednwday niKht In a " round riJiK card.

Tlie Kimberly nioilor received word that, ehelley will nend nine *cn\ppet!i and niuioimeed tonlKlii Uiat scveTal exhibition boul4 will be added to the proKmm.

Tlie flrr.t match U r^hcdulcd to get under Way at, B pjn.

Keep the White Flap o f Sa/ctit Fls/ing

Twenty-six consecutive davB without a fatal traffic accident in ouriloffle VaUeU


‘iUKiiiioiS of -is^ui' I'V;

• T*-ln Kill-, foiinly t

I.utlirran Mrotliis —-Jnim Lutlieriui rhiitvli will ob.iervi ai,i\ii;,l chuu-h iiliJhl. ncv.loii a

nrct'b tto . ii,>bolli of Uolr.r ciice Mciyrlln; :o, 'IVin I-':,I1:

and Jeffle I-ol.l Dick. 22, Riichn, Okln■IVln I'alb Prn-

Onlt-r of llie will holdr:,t nircLlni: of llir mouUl >• iiiKhi 111 the I.O.O.r. A l l . •mbern are requested (S l>e

pre.ncni and hmch will be lien’ed byconimlttcc,

I'ractice Anno,incrd — Snnkr Rlv- Gun club will hold li.i InaUKuriil

trap.ihoot praciicc event on the chib norili of IV In ' t-nllji todiiy. .hooiliiK cxpuctcd to bri;lii

IHIl J1 i .1 arei'L i,wk. All I

it yet bee

SKeet , d shico fiu iistfllled.

Coniluct ,Srrvk-f« - - In ob.M-rviiii Of the hlxuciith annlvcrrary, llali bow Jubilee of Chrl.Uliia VSidniv< the youiiB people of the ChrlMti :hurch. under tlic tllirelloii of Ml Mcrwlii HeUnbolt. will haver coi pletc charge of the i,er\lcc;i tonlKhl al the church. IncliidUiR i.pcctal iiiu- !,lcal and addre.-.ies. occordlnK- I'’

ev, Mar~ C. CroncnbcrBCf. P“ "'n>'.Itfctlve* Ilank — WonI has been cclved here ihul Harold Brandon,

. j » of Mr. and Mrs. Ilaro’ Brandon ot 'IVln Fulb. has been advanced to a scrBCunL al Camp Murray. Wii»h. where he U ntixUoiietl. Hl.s wife. Mr.i Flora Briuidou, will Join him In ihi near future and e.sUiblbh renldi-nc: at Ob’nipln. Wiunh. BcrReanl Bran­don Ln a member of the 41sl dtvLilor of the mddlcsl corps,

Altenil Servlee* — Mr. ninl .Mr«

Lake City wliero they attcndrd tU' neral fier\-lccs for Wnyno Lund.' bers. broUier-ln-law of Mrs. Meyer, and Mrs. Kinney. Alr.o attcudlni servlcw from 'IVln KalU u-cre Archie Webber nnd Pete Jol,nMoi,. lU wife Mn. Luiidebi-rK. wa* lonucirly MU Erma Joluuuin of Twin Ki'U.n, .

Ilntpllal Notes — Ailmltlalicrs t< Ihe Twin Palb county Keneml htv. pltal yesterday Include Mrs. livr Skidmore nnd Mir.s Hrliy Hole o IVln Knlb nnd Mrs. J, K Kmnll o Filer. DlsmlssnLn include Mr? OeorB<? ny«ri. Mr.y WW/im Vnl. oJ and son. Dennis Fney. Mrs. Qulni Btokea. Calvin Vest. Stanley An drews, Mrs. Lester Dlttcr and son

ind dnuRhter nnd Mrs. Mlle.s Hunlrr nf Twin Falls: Mr.i. OrnrKe Orcen- ninu nnd clanclitcr nf iiiihl, .sfr.i. A. Shaw nnd son ot Krt<-l,um, Rny Klmberllni? of nier. Mr.s. IL-iy Mn- klnson of Hnrrlton. Mrs, K. L, Davis of Contact. NeV;. nnd Mrs. Frank Awe.s of Callfornifl.

lid Mr.i. T. D.VMl KalRreti. .icconif)Anli-dKlrkmn of Idahi Fiilli ye;

. Herd B1 Falls. nmv«l li

enliiy byi. Kiri

ailed h . Klrkm

i.erlotf.of Ml

MLvs Kirkmau mid Mr . Dlttcr. : Mlllon Rees nnd di,ut;l,l/-r. Sii of Denver, arrived enrll'-r Inr.t v to visit Mr. Kirkmah. fi,thor of : Rees. A mw , Robert. Klrhinan. has ;,erv(xl i,;i ni, L.DS, nitoloi In Ait.lralla for the i,;u-.t two y< li expectwl to ajrlve wx>n I North Uollywoo<l. Mr, Klrkman p.itlenl at .the Twin F.illi coi Ecnernl lickspltnl.

Aiithorilies Check Buhl Car Theft

Tlieft of a 1033 Ford two-door se­dan from Buhl was reported to Twlr FalU county and city nuUiorlllei yesterday nftenioon,

Tlie machine, l.iken from Bulil. al about 4 p. m,. wan described a* dark Kreen and bore Hcense number SB- 5710, It belonsed to Alvin Ha'

ite i. Buhl.

Tlie 53,000.000 tons of concrete li .irantl Coulee dam represent foa times tlir volume of Uie Drcai Pjtq mid of £ir>-pl.


Owyhee Hotel, BoiseFeb ru a ry 12, I91ITlckeU. ^ 0 0 < «> rom



Opponents of National Union

Committee Call lor


■me rarln annoiuii'.'nie,,!•liortlv iiltrr OPi,eral Maxima W.-v. ;iiinl.'r(’n,niiin<ler <il r.00,000 reRiila •ieni-1, irooiis in North AJtlcn. lm< -tn a riKllo n(1dres.n-re:iHlrii,e<l 1,1 lov,illv 10 thf r.euiln

'.ed 1 •n n.ii

by n hirlllKeiTi,t ntl.irk on Mliil.>\T rifire-Kll('n,ie

. lliletUjr MliiV.ter Marcel >11 u n d 'llif VI.'

It :c(l 1c;in Kontfiioy. I-Tcuci.,ai,. /.peiiklliK civer the Paris riidlc I\)ntei,oy Mild liLs committee \va

JMurd of iii;ivsp:iix.T edlUini, Inclu - rliill:ili., wortcrs and otlirr.s tn thi

..irciiplril roi,e to prepair a prouriiti from nil France,■ He n,i,dc i,o dlri'ct nltack oi Mnr-,l,a! I’ elaln but ni,phanl/«l tha llic l-arl.i .commlttcT wiui In <llrio

the VI.form r dire....... .....of d'’Vi-lophiK a i,iiLk>ni<l orKnnlr.ii. Oil mid philosophy lyilculnted i< ring ponuhir support back to Pe. iln’;. niitlnnal rrvnlutlon. Fontcnr>y re|x:ni«'(lly unicd tin

eed for nulck action.


-Only recently.- he coulli ••the non of the Inte ambn.-jndor— WJJfljinj E. D(xl(l, Jr.—Clime to ofllec and told n,i- that, he had

llKn me with an attack uIoiir the.-.e llne.s.-'

A.1 for (l,r dinner lii riur;,iion. Wheeler ral.l he undeisioo,] from pre.H.s nccouni.s that It w.\s at the heme of nvxJnrd O, Tuswrli, for­mer undrTM-rri'tar}' nf aKrlnilturc. ajid thnl, In- v,as-.rei)ortir1 to have nticwlc-d In rompany witl, senator 01a.iii tD-Vii) and Dodd.

•■r ha y din.•hirl, .Senator Gln ■. aiu! 1h<

Intc Mr. Dorlil were pTe.,etil." hi declared,

(01 ..« Mil.l y- -.t. Til..y ih«L he Imd

Kaclio Frc(|neiicy Bands lo ( Junige

WASIUNT.TON. Felj. 1 (,r ,-h ie frequency hniid.s of many radio ,itn- (lonn In Idnho and Utah will be eliatisert uiulrr an order nl the fed-


ol I' e Marcliiflecled liirliitle. In

Idaho: KTI’ I, I'u hi I'all.s, I’ Tfi kllo- cycler;: K in. Idr.ho F.ills, 13M kilo- cycles; KIDO. Hol.-.e. nw) kllocyele.s; KSEI. rocalrllo, II.IO klloryclcs: KRIX;, l..-wlr.n>n. MOO kilocycles; KWAL, Wallaer, H:,t) klloi'yrlcs,

Utnltf KI.O, Ocdni, m n kllo- cycle,s; KUyi,. .Salt L;,kr Clly. l3J0 kllocyclrs; KOVO, Provo, 12<o kilo, •ycle.v KfiUn, Ccrlnr City, 13W kilo-

.................................. Clly, lintI, lao kilo-


Salt KVNU, I»i

VKTKUAN' < I.Kt:<;VMAN CillANT.'S PA.4S., Ore,. Fell, I uVr-

n.-v. I!. H, Mitchell. 77. retired ' of SI. LuU.-:. i:pl:.copiil churcli former Hrltl.'.h army chnplain, ime.upectedly Tliur.sdav. Siirv: Include thr widow, three ;.ons two dauRhters.


lOnBRT W. FARIR, (onnrr Ida­ho, stale rnmmlsslnner of reela*

hulldenl M i “„1 FalU IrrlfaUi

<1 of a heart attack at bU ;btrr-;^hame In CalU


R. W. Farls, Former Recla­


Dies in California

I.A CANADA. Cniir,, Feb, I (-1^- R, W. F.irla, 7fl.. former Idnho i;late rommlMloner of reclnmatlon. died of a hrari iittaek lo<lay nt tlin home of a diiijchter. Mrs. R. I., Noiirse,

l'arl;i, a constnictlon enulneer who had built many dnms nnd Itrluntlon projects In Idnho, hnd served for

reclamatloibefor he ■ ! In.,I

i!;em<-nt;i are pendlnK.

lOf.S'f;. >'el). I M’) — fJobert • W. -I.'.. lornier Idaho r'l-clainuUan iiinUiloner who died In La Can- I. Ciillf,. to<lny. wa apimlnted lo t olJiee. Ill April. 11131, by former

One Time Teacher In Pike county. Ill

ided the


n Illhi sold fruit

, bufosIRItG,

He i.rrved two years ot :/-hools nt niackfoot b'Knn the study of the proferrfon.

Hemd Inler prnctJee<l < vll e

nnd latiKhl comlnc tos principal ml In IBB8 •nclneerlnK

. rsllroaxls

I IflSO he war. served two year: ns

yor cif Weber county. iRlneerliiK work In Ida- ns location of the Cnehe for irrlftntlon litiicU In

e wa.i nppolnled clilc'f 1 later nwlstanl Keneral

Wer.trrn Cn'lialat..Is inty. He

I part of led

Chief rnKltiriT of the Twin (jp Plncer eompanv of IloKe In lR3a am from that, time on wi,s eiiKar.rd li

ImporUnipower, puinplnj atlonIni; iirojee

Tiiln Falls llulWer He n,ade jirellnililary Mirveyj

the Twin Falb project In IflSfl 1002 rontrnelrd for-foi,%trurllni about irtiie mllrs of the Los Anc


nnd I I for !

nf Ihe .Mil f.ecllonof II,Fall.H Irrltjnl

He later built the Bol;.e Ini railroad from Boise to Calil'

lOnn wns appoh

IS lfi03-as Jiad • coll^ ructlon and the first ml oflheTv,'ln

inrt f rn| I r of tiiRlneei

TVIrFall.s Ijind pnd Water eompnny.

Durlnc the 10 years precedhiR hUt nppolnlment ns eomml.'. loner of reclamation hr hart nn enleaslve pmct1cc;n--. ennsulllns'enRlneer ppe- eiallilnc In Irrlfrntlon. dralnnire.

. upply and other l,>drnullcwork.

Operatln outfit hr 1 for .bulldin

hi- itrucllon

Dr. G. R. Tobin[ Chiropodyf Foot Orthopedies [Over Orpbeum Theater, Ph. S3J2


SIM RITS H A V E BODIES rnvc.sll#rator A vers

W hile HtranKC facos nppcnr on the Kcrocn, livaiiKtjlist R . J . KoR loy will cxphtin th e w onder workinfja o f spiritualifim and give the true explanation o f this phenom enon. 'Children Bhoiild be accom ­panied b y ft parent.C om e — Brinsr a friend I-

'B a lld ln ;; t illed Ia.st Sat. and Sun. niffhLH. T on ifjh t bcfrins the 11th w eek o f the scries. Serv ices each nifjht but M onday. Baptism al Borvice cach F rid a y n ig h t

Prophecy Speaks


Uie lirKlnnInK of the Il:.cal year from .Ian. I to July I nre exixried to br coniililer«l'- Mondiiy. 'I1ie

ftlreiKly have lonRcr tenure.Unlike tJie oUier two proiKv.Ml

chan ;-■ . which would take effect In in<n. Uie re;,olullon would i,fle<-l pcrions electwl to county offices In 194:. the same year the tlectorate Xs to vote upon Uie consUtutiminl

. De.kwlth

.rni iiMfl for dome.stlc watei

Vallrv e„xplalnc(l U,e bill r 0 !l,r rmldcnts of Lewl [on rd-., whwe healUi lie r.ald wa; red t>y public use of a rrsct Afiiini on three other lillLs

Ik- ui'i'er chamber wii.s di

i Public Uiid I,ea>e5•n,r hou.se iipi>roved *7-S a

IHiit inniiorlul iii.klnK coiim ,iiin:.l the Maho adinlNc.loii clu-.l l;ind:i may he lejiMxl

Iii-.tead ot flvr-a;. al j. Anu>:i»; Ilie M huur.e u,ca.Mi

n«liir.-.l lodiiy WI1.S imr (a

•ili.iiil. fish and iMi.ie M;iliil.-.', ti.ifdrin with the Kame commh.......t;:,ri.e act. of lOJfl.'

Man, Wifi! .Tailed On Theft (founts

Mr. anti Mr.. Harry IlarUlo.., who

from a hou:.c on the lanch whcr Uiey lived a.-; tenant.-,, wi-te u-litenc «1 yc-ilerday by .lud^e C. A. Uallr hi probate court to ,eiv,' ir, day each In T-wln Kjill;; county jail.

• Owner of Uie larm, Mr;,. Ada t Butler, hlsncd Uie ctmiplahit. Th farm h iouth ol Hnn.'.en.

THJKVKS TAKK HIDKS Tlileves broke Into Ever>’body ;.

Market watehoii;e al Wendell some Umo Friday nlitlit and carried away IB cuttlc hlde,s and two sheep i>elu. value<l nt Jl()0, Twin Falbt eounly Bherlff* office wn:. a<lvbcd ye.sl/-r- d»y.

WeatherillAllU-.tlMlly cloudy Sutidir

anil Monday, uilh neatterecl lltbl ■.biinrr. In llip valleys and lltM xiinn’ ■(jujIU In Uie maunUlim SiiMdayH; little eliunce In trm-

iDy Tl,e A.sM>clrited Pre;.,-') , Some lilKh and hUermc;dl/ie

clniiillnerj nlonn Ihe Pacific cnrvsl and an far Inlnnd « i Nevada. Idaho aiul western Mont.ina mul scal- tAred llsht showers have occurred In WaahlnRton. Ore«oii and norlli- eni Callromla.

Ebewhrre )n Die west Ja)r v. eiit)» r continue.! and skle.s

.nllni..jreeli ame about 6 .................-

•ilirouKlioul mosl of the Inler. mountain areStallDna— Max, Min. Tree.nol.e ----------- 43 35 .,00 .Hurley ... ....... « 15 .00 ‘ cloudynutte ___ __ 41 3 .00 ClouilyChlejifo.......... 43 24 .00 ClejrDenrer .......... 4( 24 .00 Ft. <TdyI.M Anceirs CO 4G .00 CloudyMpl*.-.St, P. J7 25 .on CloudyNew Votit City JS 22 fiO TL Cl dyOmalia ......... 4J 27 .00 ClearPoealfllo ...... 36 11 .00 CMouilyPortland. Ore. H • 41 .OS PLlTilyKL I.ouU . S3 2S .onuWcuiirSail Lake Clly U 24 .OO^PI. Cl'dy San Franel«-o 59‘ 4(1 .01 PI. Cl’dySeadle ......... S8 4G .03 > CloudyHiMkane ........ 44 3G .03 lUli,Twin Fall. 43 20 ,00 1*1. (I'dy

, axhlnston .. 45 2(! .00 Clearuma ........... 72 48 .Og PI. Cl dy

ROUTE 30 URGEDGrrek hubmnrliie, uln with havliit! .••link HO,000 tons

of li;ilinn shipping, wii-i reported by Uio Greek mlnlslcry' of marine

iriiedoed iinotlier. n loiided lo.ono.lon "enemy" shli>,-itespUi '

Odl.y^ m rw ln Kall,% ler he pleaded kuIU: fliiirse 111 probate

<I by Proliaic Jiatsi

> recovcr par.ej sli beet rack valued ill IcceN Howard Elire

Pay on Our SpNial E A S Y T E R M S

. . jjtnuine Philco Pl»lo. Iil«tjic Ri- Libc

.,.. T ra d c .ln in h i.io~ &e‘’ {hi' A llo w a n ce rhilco <2JP.--------------------- ,-----------

COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE(icnuine Phllco Tubc.s and I’ arls

Wilson-Bates ApplianceRUI — :

DUHI, — Phone 7J RUPERT — Pbont. M'j TWIN f!u-L8 - PJlone'l^C-J — «0*61jUii N..........


Coal Tlieft Leads To Term in Jail

Accused of steallllR fOiil, II. E. M ale imd Arnold W. Kennedy plead- ^

e<l Kullty In probate court ir Falls yc.itrrday to n mWor

^wnv to Hit J outhea ■.nlJ>tl,elr troop.-* wen Into Italian P;rllrea,

■nie i,xb. niealiwhll llrllLJi l.'.:ulKl ba ie ot Diit Vallella advice;; t. Here dropi>e<l. Two nil wpie iciiorted d(iwiir<

1 . dUpatct - .,K Uiey 1 Allmniwi townlilc.r leavhiK

pijly n mill So


■s Ire

ncl,'i............ the toll

lied for tlic new Narl lom:- ince Iximber.i, ’Ilic IiIrIi eom- d :,ald bnmb(rr.i had sunk two :haia hilv of 10.100 toiui west eland, tlarller Informed source

•laid i.lx Milixi totiiiillK 21,000 ton around the Brillsh l.'<lc.' .Me<llt«rm

il been 'IG.OOO I.



1 and thiit 20.000- to wciv rfi:koiied ii.-. lo ship wa:i'.salrt to Im

■the bay r Vnlodiw ci

Slrail yer.lcrday .•;oine Grrmall raid ers sllppwl -Ihroimh on a erleJl c •Teconnalwance" raid."., while Oer

,nn loiiK-ranKC Kuns pounded th over coiut.Nail planes were n-norle<l ovr

rciis ni; far off a.-; Liverpool an ,.ie wcat mUI]atKl\, blit t>omixi ncr dropjietl only In eai.t Annlla wher

er:;on.s were rcixiried Injured.

Willkie Sets Dale , To Leave

LONDON, I'Vb. 1 (/T)—Wendell L, Wlllkle crowded another action- filled ptoi;iani into hla visit to Drlt- '11 today. Including a blcvde ride I l.Rinbeth wi<lk, nfl«r nnnoiinclni: f would herd a call lo hurry home > le.Hlfy on the •■lciu;e-lend” aid ) llrltaln bill..Surrounded by nhoul 400 Cock-

ej'.'. Ill the poor, lieavlly-bonibed iiith side dlMrlci where Lambeth idiice l;i iiltuatrd, Wlllkle pedalled r

bicycle, saiiK the Liimbclhitid{Jme.i—OH '.•vcryihl«B “......nse of lea to n ukelcle.' bobby Mild.

Wlllkle plan;, lo • leave

rnpl.I |)»ck

VAni:WEi,L s i :ii :monSOUTHPORT. N. C.. Keb. 1 U 'r-

•Tie Ilev. J. R. PotUn <:ho:.e the i,u Jecl of •'A- 'hes" for his farewell .-.c niou at 'tioiiUiport re^byLcrll cliureh. Tlilrty minuter! ufu-r V

ledlcllon the Ijutldlni; cauKlilHi

rue Ol iiir.vurbliis V............ riillniad ear, Jlldice C. A. Bailey :tiiee.l them tA r.erve 15 dnys


•r iWi, I „lfieil Authority l.v.ued

»44,()00 bonds lusl- Dec. 2(1.•Hie complaint iler'larc.t "low rent

hou!.lii|c mid . 1,him clearance ti a public purpose for which piiliUe moneys may be ei«p.'iided unit pri­vate proi>ertlen iicqulred nnd tax exemption allowe<l." but II nllese.-; "the manner of h,currliiR lndebte<l- UfMi Li 111 violation of the coii.i\ltu-



USED CARPrices arc down, vaJucs a rc uf». I? & .G U.scjJ Cars are rccontlitioncd an d carry a wriUcn m oncv l):ick Riiaran- Icc . Y ou ’ il fin d them m oney savers. Iroublc savers, lim e savers, gnu sa vers , w ith new car appearance.

no Olds T o iir Setlan .............................................:i9 Ford D lx Tudor Sedan ................................39 Ford D lx C oupe, lica ler. r a d io .....................'18 Ford D lx F ord or Sedan ............................:{7 Ford Sedan, fu lly equ ipp ed ...........................nC O ldsm obilc Sedan ...........................................:5G C iiryslcr Sedan ..............................................SB Dodfre Sedan .

F ord 60 T u d or Sedan ..................................38 Ford 60 T u d or S e d a n ......................................H5 Ford D lx F ordor ............... .........................a-1 Dodfio D elu xe Coupe ....................................

■ o5 C hevrolet Sodnn ..............................................n:5 Ford C ou pe ...29 .Ford T u d or - Sedan .........................................

TR U C K S • . TRU CKS .^7 CiiQvrolet. 158 W B .................................•...30 Ford T ru ck . 158 \VB. new m otor ...........38 Ford T ru ck , now m otor. 158 W B ...........35 C h evro let T ruck , 1138 W B .................... .37 Mack P ick u p .37 Ford— 60 P ickup ...........................................37 Ford 8r> Pickup .............. J................................

.. . 8^1...Ford.P ickup........ ........................................... .M any others, a ll makcH. all models. S ee^y D ealer (Irs l an d s a ro $50.00 or m ore.


.....? 'jG5 •..S’175


.....S395« 195


.....5-195? 125



.....$250•.....$125 .....$ GO

.....S375$^75? i7 5$.:25


.....$275-...$325.....$125 . .JUr Ford

u n io n moTOR co.M E n C U K V J . L IN C O LN Z C P H V R



Senate Receives Four, House

14 Pronosed Laws in

Day’s Sessions •

nOI.'5K. Kcii, I (,V>-Iiur(xliiccu (Way In llir I<1i«ho IcKl .Iiiliirrr ■


liiUoH |)ro)K»lliimriulmciil (o [iiovlili; {o\ir-. li‘nn.1 of olflre.for uoiiiity ulllclnb.

By Rlicxlrn <D-KooU- Owcli iD-nomirvlllp) — Allowing city niKi vllluee orricliil.i (o Ir: pcop<Tly lo M-'liool orlor coUrijcrj wliliout i>oi)ular

Dy Hiini (R-C:i>rk)-ProvlclUiK . rnn e conllniiullon of pulillc iilll- llk'.-i cnmmlr ,loners iipiwliiKsl by llip Kovcrnor.

Hy Pii;;iiilrp < —lliii; ii|) ft .'iyi.lnn of lra<lf iinil i

^ iippiviUkT.-.iilp. lIouM-:By DPiwcilcr ill-Jcromr)

nllicni—ClmiiKliiK i.aliiry of lil lnmv (ILlrlct c'oiiiiiihi'ilotipr:; lo t:> |«' (IhV wllilr worklliK |)lu:- cX|n-nMV..

Ili- ndl ill-Mliikloiiiii mill otlici —Pprmlllliii; lil;:!iwuy dlMrlia com lul.viloiKTfn lo <-<xippnilr wllli ntiil Hilil fptlpnil nKriiclc.-, In biilUllliK liiii Jor lUKliway:..

By fh.li nnil Kainc! ('(imiulttoc — Afinriidliitr CJie fl:Ji iiiKl KiiliK' cihtr to ro'tfonn wllh Uir Inlllrillvr net of IMll. ,

Dy rouniics iin1f .muiilci|».iimr:, Lonunlilcc — PcriiiiLtlim iiiuulcipiil- lllrs to r.H IIJ) purKIns iirnw ntl< nllottliiK n lwn-ml!l levy.

Uy public hciiltli <?OMinillt<,i---Pri> lilhltluc Inifdc In linuidixl miti: bot-

, Dy iiuIjUc lici<llfi — E:,Uibll;.lilns roi.Ulcllons coni:iTnl»K u.'-r ' loiis milk iintl inllk pnxliici:• Hy JniM-n '(□•Gem) —lo caU? flri-nna-. itiul nmiminlllon found U[)oii ix-r.Miii ai. ^ime of rof.t If niib:,cqili-iilly I'C I:. (.'oiivlctPd

% pf frjoiiy,^ Ry ilvr.-.Uvk iiixl (liilrylim i:n

mittct—Traii-ifprrlriK Llir oilier bniiid UuiV' lor from ilir ■

• pnrlnK'nl of HKilculluie lo llie ■ parl«icnt of law pnforei'ninil,

By llsc.'iWck and jlalrylii;;—Pro- vldlnK r.lllppur i.liall .pay fee;: «nil

■ nillniKC for ln:.ix-cllon of branil.s oif llvrsioclc.

By Jiidlcliiry committee —AlUiwliiK liCMplUvIs lo^^colIre. Ilrii.n on d;iin ftKPx paid to penion" Injurrd In nC' cldcnt.v •

By Jiidlciiiry—KxcmptliiK cliarll ftbln nnd frutfrniil oruani/.'Hloii;;, mimlclpnl mib'divhiniu iind m'IiooI dbtrlcUi from puymenl of unemploy­ment cnmpoil.'ftllou tnxc.i, .• By Jiidlclnrj—ProvldlnK lliat mln- Ins InlerpiiLn of u doeca;.e<l imtmOI. may bp dl.'.por.cd ot by lib rxeciilor or admliil.Mlator In Hie

, ner an other real e.'.fcile.By Judlclao’—nolatlnK to sale ot

property by u Kiiimllnn.By mlnliiK commltw^o — Increai-

lliK Irv'peclor of mine.-, salary froni $a,000 to J3.fi00 nhmially..

L iq u o r C h ie f

oprrn(»r unil former state police llputenniit, is Unvernor Clark'i Plinlec for Idalio'i f in l liquor dl>‘ lirn\urj nuperliilcmlent;

Truslee^Slalc9-Coiiiily Event

^ Scliool tmiitwa anil county Mippr- ^ Jntcmlenl.n fmm UiroiiRhotil soiitli

ccnlTftl Jdfttio will Ratlicr In Tuin FalU Tiic.iiliiy at JO n.m, for a jip.I' *!on expeclccl4o brine crcntlon of i fILitrlcl trufltcer.’ arK-;ocli\llon, accord' Inc to an annoiincenipnt by Mf>.. Doris Slrndley. 'Pwln countysuperintendent.

Dclejratlon.1 ore expcct«l from nln<! coimllej(, jnelutllnit Power cty. which ha.1 acecplp<l n bUl t o .......n repreipntntloii to Uie nicetlnK to be held m the l i^ io Power auditor lum. V

Mrs. llnrcl McCoy, OoodlnR. and president of Uio dLitrlct Miperlntcn-' denfs (i.'«)clatlon. will prcnlde At tlie meeting until n permanent presildcnt Ij clectcd.

Tlic nllemoon ^c ilon b expected fo resume at 1:30 p.m. followlnir. liuiclieon'served nt Uifi auditorium by Uio county nuperlntendcntB. as- «bte<l by wlvea of n croup of Twin rtilLn county tni-iteea. Lcslslatlve dLwisslon 1.1 abo scheduled.

Counties expcctcd to be rcprc' aented at Uie 'trnUicrtnff Include Jerome, Cawln, Mlnldolcn; Ooodlnft, Lincoln. Blaine nnd Camas, benltles Twin FiilU nnd Power counties.

LIQUOR DIRECTORFred Davis, Coeur d'Alene

Garage Operator, Lands

$3,600 Job

•llOlai^ l'el>. I .,V,-Crc>t,ern()i'Clark tuday niiiiciimpd I-Tr<l IJnvb,.Cwur il'AInie KaraKe (ii>rriitor. us ;.l!ile':. ILr:.t liquor <ll:ii)ciiMiry IxTliitendi-nl. The i;i>vprniii' ftat<l he

:.eiiiiij>ln« the Idaho llrpidr eoiiti b<wid..

Sliiie llcjuor Milr In Idaho iv. Irx dl.-i l In 19111 II. Ita.s l»-en ai mliiL-.lerrd by either a Ixiard i:oiiiml;.\lon

U ivl;:, .. knimn" llirniixlioiii ; taH-, will <lia-.v $;i,fiilO iin:MTKI three jTiii::. ;,ubjett of Ihp Kovernor.

' [ am appoliitlMK him withniit iiiiy [Hilllkal <'nd(ii;icnient.-i Clark. ■'! feel tliul In- Is a k'xxI. r.olld

"iie a iiiun of vcrj- line talion and f. am :,iu'c he will u Very cffleleni- adm^nUtraior of the laIe llouor (ll:.i>cn:.»0'-”

Foiiiier Lk-ulcnant Qovpriioi- G. P. Mix of M«.eov.', 'niamtLi Bofe of 'l.ewtnion, RntjpM Dow of PrloL River iiiid Robert Coulter of Ca.i- cadp, Democratic .stntc clialniiiiii. lind been nientloiie<l for the po l- iloii.

In the liquor dl:.ix-n.'.ary. Davh will Ix? heiul of a $4,000,000 .aimua: liiisliii;:.N Uiat returns yearly a prof­it of niniost $5,000,000.

•Pie iwmhnndle nutomoblk denliT wa.s .for rl«hl year.-i lluulcnant of .'.lale ikjIIcc In clinrne of Uie Jive northrrii counllor:. He sltvmI tier toinier Governor C. Den Ilo;j and Bar.'.lll: Clark,

Wlien Riij; fl L was 'electcd la 1930 Diiv-l.'i wa;; Denewali county chairman.

Corn In DIrch Tree, Mo„ In IR30, Diivis came to Idnlio when he \10 year;; old. From 1010 to 1025 wiki tnciiKcd wiLli hli father In St. Marle;i dry, Roods .nore. Later lin wiw employed In Chicago ' liirKc mail-order house.

Oavly attended hish school nt Mli.'.oiUii. Mont.. and bu.'>lnesi col leiu' In ClilciiHo.

Ho .1.1 married and lin.i tin elsh' teen-yciir-old dnUKlitcr.


Potato Producers Wojjld Ad­

minister AdvcrtislTH) '

Tax Income .

IDAHO FAI-I..S. Kri, I if.-lJl. rretorx of the Idaho tii.iie I’n nK Orower.V u .cx-iatl'in tr«|jiy were ri" iwrtfd In eomiili'tp iiieoid (ui i half-cent lnerea:.p In Utr- r.t.ai' ad vertU.lnK' H'X proMdlm; the aMvi:i

iiMowed 1 0 luimliii-.'.cr llic fulul.

n ie boar<l ralle<l a n»-i h;;,: jm Monday lir-PocatPllo. .'.aid I. Cm

, St. Allthuny. a dlrcei..;. Tin mcelhiK. he saUI. will ilraii :i bil

subml.v.lon to tiu- U i:i. l.iimc which would ve.M the ,i; • (.'i.iilii! with complelr ecailrol o: n:; 'm;! advcrtlshiK funds,

1 1 Li now iidmlnt:.I'-ri-d Ij.- ;hi ate advprllaUiu comiiilNilim 'aIucI

Is np;>oltilcd hy llie j;ovrniiir.Itnrarcli Appf»prUtlc.u '

Of imnimount InlcrrM. ui,uir .-,;.it <llrector.s, too. wprc reixirl-. riiniiiii; here Unit the KOVi nior-.i r.lii,,. i.ad ••killed" a propa.al $3.'>,non |i live appropriation lor i>oiato i.pnrcii. and lia<l '•iiii lo :lie Ir, |K)liit hi iit:.U)ry” Ihp liuduet oi eXlM'rlmenl ;.liill<iu In Aheiilri

r, U. H«n.scn. .••eciLUry i.I ,Maicja:>s()Clalloii. i.ald the rei

K w iir from •■rrllalilp r.oiiri-p..' added Iip was iiniililp to (cm fliem

Wlllliini Wulf. mpinlier nl Hi,' verlL.Inx eomiiiL.>11)1 1, l.'.Mifrl : meat tcxliiy In "hlch hi- d-vl "llicrp Is no tiiitli" to ehi.:%;c-.Ilie adveril:.liu: cuninii .•.loii ’'il;.p<l money ot the potato i;; lr\' lo finaner haiuiiiri.-.."

‘lie atlllliilt--d thr :.liue!iun Arthur I.iindbladr, M-«'retary (>I Hoiinevllle county Potalo tirii ii;.'.ocliillon.

Rccor<l.i are oix n [oV jnihlli:Iny. and i.how no .'.uth e.\]ii

Wulf i.alil.

(lo illlly(']r(».sH M c c ls

;liOSHONl;. l-'.-li 1 — Annual ,,, Cllii I)t llie I.nini;ii County lli’ l Cro:.-. ehiipler I'.i', hc'Kl al. llie eoiirl

• Frliiav . vniln,:. and attended

II inaii'iiai ic-;i inri iiiirii uitirticle... .Mr. a :.hoUalk about Ilic /liillNual ""fk <>I

Oriu-e i’ lM.'.e, Il;,n.rn, Irea;

.Mr. Adkllir.ipltlre. iilul IIIiir Ih.' year .

IJepi.ri-, ol ,:,tr . lial.-ni s:c;,-) 111 the 11vv.v-, eoll.rlr.l

| i ic i ’<‘asos

K c l i< ‘f S jH M K lin j r


not ji.iy for Mr. l.ti when V.P met wllh him ai altliouKh he Intimated ii-. n nn earlier i>rpr.% r.l.Heiiirnl '•

lllvtalmi rolltic "\Vp hiive been nocuM'd (

thliiK »

I •

Sportsmen Plan .Ifcronie Banquet

• JEaiOME. Feb. 1 — Tlie nnnunl sport.imen^u bnntjuet. outatJinrilnK event of tlie year of the Jerome Hod nnd Oun club will be held here at the Wood cnfe on the evenlnc of Feb. n . It WHS announced by Pre.-.l- dcnt M. C. Whaley.

Secretary. GeorRC Grebe, Kuna. Idaho, of the flsli and Rnmc depart­ment connnlfulon. ts scheduled to be the principal speuker of Uie fivenlnu.

P r e s id e n t Whaley today nn. nounced Uint unlc!j unrent busltie.u nt Wa.-ihlnKton. D, C.. calLs Mr. Orebe, he will bo here for the ban- (jiict. OUier proRrnm fcftturca have bee planned also.

I.xl til I;.', p n'vivy from.

"We know that the .mik.i: I IndilsU-y ha;, been In i«)ll(lc:. r.everul veani. and eoiK.etiuenllv have aliW.t Itv.t the beet Ir.du-.

"fVilldc.N In Uie beet hKpu-.lr)' li Ilad a dlre<;t Infliiencp on the i>o:ato problem, brcnu.'.e a Kreat. clr.il of beet ncreiiKr lln.-. koiio Into iioial prodiictlnn. Tlic le .ult. of eoiire. I over pro<lucUoii. r;.i>f\;lally in- t!,i lirlKntnl an’.i.s wlilrli foniierly pro ducf<l brcu.”

Al:;o. today a U. S. ilejNifiment of agriculture report ot » rnon Idaho [XiLato rrop was n:.;.all|'d a: "an hlaccuratc. wild unev-. ' Iiy W L. Sliatluck. lmlei>oiKlent i)cJa!< Krower. He made Uie .M.-Mviiimt In nn Interview.

Tlie rcjwrt relPti.n'<l by Rlcluml Rov:. frderal nErlculturnI .<Tali;,llc- Inn nt Dol;.e. e.'>Umat( l tdiilio |xi. tato i,tocks on Jan. 1 nt I5.«n.000 busheh. compared lo ‘ 'the pre rccord of H.HOn.OOO bur.hel.n on Jnn. 1. 1038.

DOISL', Feb. 1 (-V,-A sUitement attributed to F. L. Hiinscn, frtre- t.-irj of tlie Idaho State PotuUi Growers’ lujioclatlon today In which he said there had been report:; Ihc budRct for Uio exitcrlmrnt siutloti al Aberdeen had been "'cut to the lowest point In hbiory" wu.n termed ft ”mlsinke” today by Govcnior Clark.^AsVetl to commcnt on the state­

ment. tlie sovcnior declared: "Any report Unit I have mnde

IJOHii;. I-ri aia-i- in Idaho S;i:il.!lM. Direet lodav. ThP II;:' S:!fi.7Il over thr

AvpriiKe i;nn ■aiil. «a;:

'Vii\ O f f i c i a l a lH o ld in BiirU'V

K. .T. Dalv, - lale liiiuliie la\ deimlv, will he In nmle;.- IVli. r.. iiielu.-.lve. iiceoKllnt: lo wind ic-r-ived la-.t iihiht Irinn the odlelal. Wluli- tliete a:.;.l:.l- IIIK faxt>ayei-i, he ulU i r.liilillr.h head- niiiirter.i lit the Nattmial hotel.

,• rixluetinn in Ihf Abenlren

;i 1;. a liil.'.tnl;iv ,• up lo the

I- li-lt that e eomilll'. and hou:.tees ot till

of ropre.M-iilatUi Apjiroprlallnii mraMiriv; lor op-

rralloii of :,tate <lrpaitnienl tlie comliiK Lwo-Jx'ai;: lire expected to reiieh tin; In

viir I:liern Introdiicpd.

ComnieiitlniT on furthiv ri'ixi bv Han;,ea that the Koveriiorv. ■ fl<p hiKl •■klllPd" a pio|>o:ied JJ5.i U-;:l-.lailve approprlatloil for pot: re.earch. Comml^.lonrr of A;; ciiluiie Jiinif.'i Rwport dpi'htred uiidrriitood the hou;.c of reprp:.ej Kllvr.'i aRtlcuIturo comnilttep I:•'In the ofdnK"’ n nieai.ui-f calli for an approprluUon ot that anioiml for [xiiato rc;.caii:h and timt the iiiraMire probably would be .subiiitt- le<l iiloii;; wllh rt new ]>olato iidver- tli-liijj bi:i,

Uan. pn :.ald hb rciwrt.s alxint the prniw-.-d iiien.Mire belilK "killed ” had coniP froia reliable ,';ourpp/i. but that he luul been unable to confirm tliein limneillalPly.



3 53 for $1.00

Cash and Carry!


126 Shoshone S t W .Don 'Worley, M gr. __________

. . . CONTROUED HEMLINESNo rehammlnfl nMdtd. Juit inip yoiff way lo ilip perfee- lion with your tcliien. Drettmoker lailoring “end »nug ilpper ild* mak« 1Mi th# euilom flitinB *'*P y®*» -v*r wort. Con’l rid* up er Iwlil.

$2.00 IN c^\sf Qeiaade*— ---CJLA18 A N ES E - R A Y O N- T A F F E TA

*t»(. U. >. r«. 6«. - S ' -

T t J L j H C R

IM IS IS A I O i i l l o o k H r i j i l i l I ’o r U o i h ! S a le s

r/ladanic Hiissn and Noted

Piaiiisl. to Appear

111 Conccrt

ii.t the pi

D i.scns.sc.s l . e a s r - l x 'i i d IHII

i:i.i:v. j-.-ii I . - cui ii'. K.

vla.iiuiie ihi ..

Ull .tUlilUr'n, Ih'-'

III .............

■ m . , 1 l i r . l i ' l T i a v . ! , , ' . ' . i t i u k i , ! • l . - , r . - l e n d b i l l l . | . - M „ t e . |. i i ; ; n - . M r , i M i - - . I . ' *

i,ii;v n' llir ir.i *M l . ' . A U r e l H - t l i W l . l l e ! ' , 1 r . i i l l - ' r h i

h . ' l l i i r l e v r . r l H H . V , f . w i .m . I i v , .

H a/.elton H ost loM in is teria l ( i r o u p

,1 r

• l-|,.l;M Niiled iili.'.l' i'll Iin .i!i''';!ml ' i'cl.ii'ul. ha

11 :,• .■„iil inrnt,il i,.|I.-' uhe;r hr .i))]!.'..!nl -.Ulu ■ ' 1.1 . nnd n- n.,1.-. iii inajc:I.-, oI Cirnil.in;.. II,.Hand. Hel iin I'l.inr'- ai;d M..ii;i

h ."’ .■i-nili'im’a' lii' Ihe Umt’e itr . •.vlir;iy)i" ti.i. lu c ii hlKhly

()W-.MIt\l\(i .\t 11)m i s ,Mt ItTAlXill I.AI)

ilinliL nijiiili-:. urri” Mi.vtalned iller .Sprai;iie, ;i, >iii of Ml', i

W. [I. .Spra;;i;e. Mu; i.uinli. wl •.va:, ;.trui'l; liv ii iii.u'^ne Ctrl' Mrs. Edna 'nioi'iie, ,MitrwilKh, In

it coniniunltv 'Iliur-.dny atler

T hp r



'oJLS U I T O F " S P R I N G S O N G

a« laen in M adem ottelU

Salute apring in * jacket* d resi'that commBRd* at* ' leDtion for its chle and versatility. You are in the fashion «rmy with the spread red eagle insignia on the mcM'jacket bolero that’s on or off duty at will. Soft, red leather belt. Tail­ored with immaculate por> feetion. Styled in Spring Song, a Stehli rayon crepe woven with Celanese* yam- Navy or black. 12-18. ,stTt.a»tj j . r » o c *$1.1.95


M A Y F A I R -Shop

S u i t Y o u r s e l f fo r S jV 'in g .


T ru ly G xcepU onal is the w id e v a r ie ty oC

fa sh ion in g : w h ic ii w e a r c a b le to s iiow

th is e a r ly in the season . T h is sea son

a b o v e a ll o th e r s y o u ’ ll w a p t n o t o n e —

b u t m o re th a n o n e suit— f o r t iic p r ic c -

le.ss s e lf-p o sse s s io n that, th e R IG H T

siiit can g iv e you . .

Especially imporlim t. i.' tho curly .spring: sliowiiifr. SiiitH lo w cu r iiiulor ftir. i>i' wntji.i'. . . lo \vo;ir litli-'r with criHp blouses. W e nre .showing — NOW — * liiilorcd, (lrc.s.smnkcr, Ihrotvpieco nnd co.‘;tu m c fiiiil.'?.

$16.95 $49.75

^ ^ M lA Y IF A I I I R s ^ pWstch Our U'lndoir* for Ne<r

anti Con^lantly Arririnc Sprlne nr»i!j.|o-Wear



Tol.II.hlBf Comr*"!-

r)«ltr •HJU0O m Mran'iiifih I. i!:«. (jimcnipTK

nr CARiiiEii-p*r*i

' f'*'

ON IJKINC CEvHTAIN Vitrioiis Imprcxiloiw can be dcrlvct: Irtmi ih r

hcarltifjs before t!ie Itoiisc of Rci)ri';:i'iit;itlvc's forclRi/nfrulr.s com m ltlcc on t!i<' "l.'iuin-lciul” bill, now concluclcd, but one outslaiullDC Ini- p'ros.-.lon Is IhcdORmntlsm, Uii- co'ck.sun-iie.s.';. o f wltncs.ses.'If this war hns tiu iclu one ii-.ssoii above all others, It Is that one ra:i be sure of nothing, Tiio.se who have pul 'ilit^lr la ltli hi ccrt^nlntle.s have been confoiiiuicd. ^

Ei’en with Aiiqii;a. lOM, to warn liltn olli.-r- wi.se, Hitler was ccrtalii iliat he coiiUl Invade Poland, n.s an earlier BeltTlmii h;id been tii- vatlecl. wlDiout brlriKliiR n declarallon of war from GreuV Britain. The French were corlalii that noth ing could plercc the MaKlnol.Llne. M ussolini was certain that ht‘ could attack ft prostrate France nnd share In the spoil.*! .wUhoul flghtlnft.

Goerlng wa.s certain th at the German air force could bom b Britain into .subml.'wlnii. Exam ining the entire field of uncorlaln ccrtaintlas. there seem to have bncn but two ccrtaintles that have panned out — Prime M inister C hurchill was certain that h e would g e t Am erican tild and President noo.scvelt was certain that he’d get reelccted.

Oplnlon.-j o ffered to nepresentatlve Bloom ’s com m lttcc osellinted between extremes, b e ­tween Colonel lilndbcrBh’.-! opinion that t m akes no d ifference to -the United Stati w h ich side wins, makes n o dicrerence w hether th e British fleet flbnt,T or .'ilnks. to the opinions o f tho.io who th ink that the United Bt^ltes should becom e part of the British em ­pire right now or civilization l.s lo.st.

Tliesc opin ions arc those o f sincere people, entitled to be heard with tolerance and even with respect.

Adm inistration spokesm en were themselves dogm atic, cocksurc. full o^ certalntle.-.. Theli .Ujesls Is th at It Is to the tntere.st o f the United States n ot to sec .O reat Britain defeated. If th at Is true, then aid to Britain follow syThat Is n o longer debatable. ^

ALAS. THE POOR nifnnmow!Som ebody I f always taking the .joy out o f

life, and now along com es Dr. Alex H rdllcka — let who can pronounce tliat one— with the theory th at m en with b ig broad sknlls are likely to possess th e '‘ ‘best mlnd.s” o f America,

This Is pretty dlsllluslonlnK to folks whose m irrors re flect towering dome.s. W eren’t they •'highbrows” whether their friends adm itted It o r n ot?

But w ith D octor Hrdllcka lo fty forehead; are no particu lar Indication of m ental ability; apparently It is the horizontal, not the verti­cal. m easurem ent that count-s. The "brouc brow ” has the call. and. of cour.sc; there 1; the liability th at vocabularie.s will have to be am ended o f both approval and m ockery. And out of the w indow 150c;; th e Nordic tradition.

•Doctor H rdllcka. who U curator o f phy;;ieul an thropology at the Sm ithsonian Institution, doesn ’t say these latItudlnou.s crania house the "best m inds.” In the new er p.sycholOKy the m ind Isn't a sub.'itance. and even mental states have lost their au thenticity , whatever one m ay th ink when ho sees a lovcd 'one in a

.ta n tru m . The be.st definition o f mind ihe psychologica l pragm atist can fin d Is that It Is

. on ly ‘ ‘ the pow er to understand things In term.s o f their u.se.” and consetjuently the skull Js n o t its ab id ing place.

Som e hojje .m ay be siphoned from llu' fact that D octor Hrdllcka bases h is conclusions upon Che exam ination o f the skulls of 150 m em bers o f the National Academ y of Science.^. Still and ail, 150 l.sn’l so many. Judgm ent should be reserved until lie .slip.s up to the capltol at W ashington and tries hi:: m easurem ents on the 530-odd lawmakers who are wrestling -with the lend-lease bill.

TH IS W O N ’T H U R T .. . M UCH!It takes courage to figh t for one ’s country,

. bu t even preparedness has Its perils.'w hlch require bravery o f a h igh order. M any a

'p a t r io t ic citizen o f the U nited States would alm ost as soon face a fir ing squad as a den - tist‘.s chair. As a preliminary to the horrors o f war. U ncle Sam ’s dcntal.Tcqulrcm ents are

..n icely qualified to test th e caliber o f w ould-

. be soldier.-?.I t Is the custom In this crude country to

laugh a t th e victim who Is trying to look "a dentist’s drill In the teeth w ithout flinching. Goodness know s why. A visit to the doctor's o ffice Is n o t . considered hum orous. But the h ero w ho voluntarily steps up to the dentist’s cha ir in order to serve h is country deserves m ore praise than he is‘ likely to get from his h a rd 'h ea rted colleagues.

C onsider the case of John ^ h ea o f New •York C ity w h o spent ten and on e-ha lf hours w ith h is dentist on M onday so that he could leave fo r cam p on Tuesday. Even the dentist

.w as im pressed, saying th at never before In - h U tw enty-tw o.years o l p ra ctice had he-Seen isuch a dem onstration o f fortitude.^efore the

—d rlU -o n d -lo rccp s .- .........— ------------ ------------------A lthough It hardly seems possible th at John

Shea 's perform an ce can be equalled, other

patriots will bp, rn iu lia ing him thrpugiiout the nutlon. T h fte heroes will have at least one a c t of valor to Ihelr credit, even thouKli. ih cy are nevrr called upon for active servUe In tim e of war.

A T I,A N T IC IN Iftll -- . . R evelation of the cour.se o f war during the

|)re;!ont year has beon o ffe red witli unu-siial clarity In dls))alehes from three sourcp.i.

T h e flnst was a declaration by Brlti.sh Shi))- p lug M inister Ronald C rosj. who said that crucial in th e battle nf Britain was a B altic o f tlie Seas In in u . Cros.i p^^U prcrcquLsUe in the slniKRlc llie iirovi.slon ^.supply-aarrler.«i and he iook.s to A incriea for merchantm en to re in force Brlllr.1) ships In the sea lane;;.

The second w.ri^a rc))ort from the depart- m cjit o f -labor at W ashington. announciiiR th at cmpha.sl.s on .slilp provision licre Is so great that the num ber o f workers In sh ip - bulldlng 15 Increasing phenom enally. It -Is c-stlmatcd th a t 506,000 new Jobs at sh lp -bu lld - Ing will be oreatr'd by June. 1942.

The thircl was the expre.sslon o f V iscount H alifax, a fter, hi;; first day In W ashington,

aid ih :it the fircatcst aid the United•States caul

nd ;industrial action 'in


:i to h is embattled ho ipeeily niobili-^atlon o f your g ;trcncth and Us translation .

with the shipsipplylnf^ need.”

T aken togetlior. Ih close that during the cur com m unication acro.'is il to becom e truly paruiiioii


ihree dcclarnllons d ls- it year the line of Atlantic prom ises In the conflict.

O ilie r r’ o iiits o f View

Itt nld of niiy niiilon wui. of rmir.se. aQ;u; Rl)ptt e. To flniincc

>S AnniCATE?V.I1I0I1 l5 Wllllt F s llcce.•- Bry llml lrii.Mrcl to llie c:

Mr. Rooxcvell miiy drclrie to i:.l liny iintlott lie mny docid: ;lml power npproprlnilon of 1

1 llti1)1 [uikcil U:le<l :il Ihc lie bill oftorcd ' .MoCiirmiick \

ly Snirrpcnl

r IJarklrif Him net aud of other Ii

nine ciiiiijo rends: "NoiwlUiatjindlnt ihe provl.ilor of any oilier law. Uie prealHciit mny . .

No Midi power 03 thl-i ought KJ be voted In & hUrr If tliervLt ni-cd for liixMe In !<mc i1lrecllon.i. couRrc.'; can be ii.-.keU for It, nnd will grant It.' Tlie public lin nt>l even Had opportunlly 10 cxprf.M Its approval c

ic iinwlin

ivivii nl. Nov

NEEIlKn; rOTATOrS. KT CHTKKAk-hftt did Iclnlii) i.pud Rrowm illlnk Wciliir.'. ■n ilicy rend Hint, Franco Jiiis forbidden pru rnporintinn of poialor:.. even it pockciliil!. becii

stiiple.i by occuplrcl France and oUier. normally food- ImporllnK European demncrocle. .

•me Hoover jiliiii. wUlch niienilrd rttefllvely In the

Look Out, the Old Boy. Hasn’t Gone Yet

N a t i o n a l W h i r l i g i g News liehirxi T he News

•WASHINGTON Dy lUy TiicWer ' x

LOVAl.TY. Nallonal Cliiilr; /iwivrd J. Flynn wur.ted no tlm i.lUnK Mi-ii.-.tom'<)iv.tnii-t llir D

Ifl old• n. !1lnll<'d ix)llllcn.i lliui llo e of the New DeHle •. 'Ilie In

Kl, Norft-iiy r K iiionlli.v fro: 'Tknn public

lad li;in Uirni'il In Ilia driver's Ilceii.'c lo Tratllc Judu ■nicmii.i ■ I". Mnher. An BecompfmyinK letter stat< tliat lie doci not consider hlnii.elf •'111 to drive.”

’riicTc’:. an object lusoii. How many other inotorl:.i

iliHl make them equally tin ,nve ttie cotiraKe to pul pu I convenience? Not many. 1 iUld not have been Irnnt pi

AKrKIl TWKNTY VHAItS11 mUul ii» you rend lli<-;,c flKure.i i<rr. wlikli r.upplle; llic Ru slnn

ol lUc. Uuj. mnybe. In whiil look: • n iiiirely tliuorciicHl'.'.iruKKlc. 11 1

Kry Iiu;--,ln

fcly brforo IK Joseph'ii • n.-Delrolt

iply tL . . . illy. Jim permltie<l Uic New •lion 10 Krab off many, juicy Iioni the political tree. He ao' of cotV'tnnt Ruerllln war- ;h Srcfeinry Ickcji, Totninle II and tllelr bih'k. r ’.lteclally - D. n. seemed to j.ldo wllh era. Bui &1 h not ro c-nr.y. r R00d-nature<l Itls pre-

tiece.v.or. nnd lie detcv.t.n ••muK- wump;.."

So lie hns hid <lown tlie law Uint lirrc-aftcr apiillcnnl.-. for non-clvll . ervl c nppoliilment.'i ma^l first ob- Inln llie n|i|i:ovai of llielr prccliict. eonnly. *uiic and niillonal commit­teeman. nirv mu.ll prove thnfUicy have been iind will' remain Rtxxl party men/liiynl to Him and 10 the ciubtioii.iB rrowrt rather than to the

JjjrMldenllal . olerle.

SlllKr. \ m ill deal more than nn nnibltlon l<> control nalrotiai:e lien behind Mr. Myr

■all ' a Inipay ;

re nnd talr to r food

InR coinparlf.on tlKnigh. And if yob Ic.n !• benutlfiil theorle.i and confine yourself to t ;al liii.ilnc.-Li of entlng and keepInK warm, v< liiK locapliallr.m. liuriiiry Itu;. '

I publi.'

Maybi-. ns\

etlcal. Uut’ yi

r.5 ofComi

:iiil co.'.t him $R. :)l (M|). We paid r <|U0tec! pricer..

llie c

I HC llllIU .UCoc:. We iiald I h "


OAMP SHELBY. Mlii, 1/V>—"Who arc you?- « he military policeman a.i a man npproachrd < »l< nl nlglil."Serseant,- replied the qucr.ilonre.••Seraeont who?"••Sersettnl Berseanl.”"You said Uial oixe. Now whaf.'. your mime?" -Sergeanll"And It w «—SerKeanl Edison W. Scrycnnt. Ba I3BUJ Fleld'Arilllery. Dut lie hud to so to ii

to prove It to Uie M. P.GOOD NEiGimoii ro u c r

OftKF-N'SBORO. N. C. l/l->-Whcn Uie Hrst Prciby. Tlan clinrch here >t«rt«d a campaign to raLie (130.000 ) clear Its lndebltdn(M. Temple Fjnanuel—located -ro'-i llie alreel—ptised Uie plate. U collectcd «25 for

DOUIJLB, DlKHONj;.ST .MANILA on—Au.uncry-lalander. approaclied pollc*.

)t Ilocos Sur province to tell lhcm he had sold hLn .'Ole 111 the reouMt elecUon.i. •TJie money." he complaln- :d. exhlblllne som« currency, "Is counterfeit.'’


1 of {(Kleral

- Iii,lll;i Ini

Pri-.'-ldenl Hoo cveU'.1I I044-whe:i

m for Uielr Jobs. Tlinl U'tii wh> piirRir nualiv'l nntl.n«i-evell

ntor.i fnlletl. Und.-r Mr. Flynn';

i;i3 to .‘inliotjii itler rrlnlloi a fInnlTy hn' -llrient niyis

led Profe.-. Iiend of n

dcpartmenl In

VI with Sout I’p been bIockr<l evelt'a perronal

tlnrltv can ellni'r cnfiilnl.T the preside!!' len CherrlnKini nil In Uie slat* vatp the L.itln. ;. He tried I( linnKP of moylM

'lUtIn tlie d' 1 dtiKW. T

I>6lntcd Nebii tiLtk. He rnn tndlffcrcnrc n profe.vilcnnl feller soon ;.h national dcf' obtained a White Hou;.e.

■mat/i. Mr. Rocke. from state lo Ui( commliilon, am hand .from Uii

uiidetl Hollywoo<I to......... ’ proaiolthB Improvet!rriatloM, wlili John Hay Wliltney a-i hU Holb'Wf'o<l .mlesman. He se­lected Janie.i W. Younc. a KO-BelHoR

r Kocliler pul hi:. I

e saw spnt.i before hl.i eye.i, •-nil- Town Crkr."

¥ ¥rnonA nf.v nam ed ' afteiiTHK ANNOU.NCEll

Night Editor notlcwi thill back 1 Oary. Ind., a IiIkIi Kafe loppletl ovt


NO llOOM KOft AIVGU.MENTClaudius Wllcy, local law enforcer, a man of ictlon. wnim he-niArted

I icet Into a car Uic other day, . rverul JovUl friends who were In- .ilde held Ihe doors shut and '.mirk- ed at Claudlii* throi;

Whereupon lie dre ■cl froni hU pncV Kaliwl a creek In len wltJifned a has ^upanta..The amidl object v


imull Ob- placed 11 door nnd


Uycd n Inad-


Idaho iJOUitoer. ret .verWiU.Dluj vjp^yiejjjib gmm rtcenlly when the 'biuoolta -artist..waa.dP.«ribtns-.Uie-tnunonM nppeUle of. a certAln large orchr.i- Ua. leader. •

•'Why! He eat.! Idaho potnloea llko

a grai«3l“ quolh Daiooks


Next lo people who pronounce Column llko vnlume •We (lljllke peojiJe who .''iiy war To rhyme wlUi^moah.

--------- --------- ------ADMINISTRATIVE mOBLK.M

At Die cxpea'.e of using Mayor Jo*-K’» nnine lylce on the uuno dax. Night Editor pa.-jics on n eom- ment made by state WPA Adminis­trator Dean Miller when he nrrlved In TWln Fi01« tiie other night.

"I really came for t w reasons,"- said .Qie official—"to inspect r.ome projecta and leani whetJier or not Mayor Koehler ever • fouixt^ lila teeth.”

Adminhlfator Miller waa one of the official* -wlili whon Uio mayor conferred recently at Boise, minus hla plate. -

♦ ¥ ¥ ^ THIS MESSAGE PKODADLY DELIVERED AT DINNKIt TABLE _Nlihl Edjtpr recenUy heard wme

seeds of dbcorii iowh thuily during a t«!«plioi}e convcnuaioiV.

When a local retidenl tried 10 reach a man nnd hl.t wife on the telepltone, he,iucce«1« l only In gel-

emild onlylajf. JLThof-jUnli-htrc.-

Finally, slvlng up. the caller »ald. •'Well, wlten J'our moyier come* In. <ell.ber'l|>at her boy friend called."

te-t.'i nnd other t.’ liprt. llie Jnti of inak

C'ONrHCT. Je;..i up the <lu.H-!iomc c —wherever he Koe:

.'.:y •!

If. Joiici ; ill U ••ROUl d . Within a 'exan lia.-i tn


tlir stodgy' rce from nn eneycloiKdli:Tilc nseiiey.lo hack up the detennc commtolon. r hii iiredecc5.ior.n, tlie ei rlepartmenl ulmply n.n-.i;mhle<l I of stiitblli-.T on foreign l<t liiiile, Tliev were u:,

I' pnl'l much aiimtlnn to -over, ii.'.ually thev \ iiid pUbllcU'ed loo lal

rU'i on hiduMrlnl. tinnn. •t. rnw matrrlnl cnndl. Kill Inform the reiirmem luni and IfKalInn of

; Mr. Joiic;,' rcllablllli

KX{.'M'I)i:i). -me dearth of <llplo- iiatie Ini;., uTtyilloii!, and .lliuier.i ia.i wnrl;eil a rcal.hariV.hlp on home f iJie rni>iinr,i elderly doaager.t nnd

■lar and pa.Mi her.ielf. ,,he 1! tlppe<l off

erne, and Ih.-

Others etiulpp lapklns nnd 1 :rejl of evrr ' Euroii 3eorKc VI to C ' - •led bottle:


—........ . fromenrol. Sim oUiers cnr- ilto which they poured

n.'.'.nrtment of cock-

JJlDiomallc. enti:rtalnln« haa. bcea reduced lo n minimum since Uic war. Moreover, nil foreign heftdquarlers

:lo.*,ely guarde<i. and the liulleV le.ti wiLi hnnllv of a nature lo

gain Uiein entry in Uiese critical 60 they may be p.irdone<l Ifand tl >r of

••appen-wmenr-llie t ooner, the bet­ter.

Und-ITUnnoilN. Ch.-xrli bergh reatsted even Uie coaxing nnd cooelilng of friends who feared the rffecl of hl.i "negollalert pcace" views >n Die leajie*Jend bill.

During U>« hearing “ Ham" Ftih ■enl out for t-oplM of enrly e<llllnn» )t Uie newspaper*. He not<*d with alarm Uial Uiey headUiied Lind- berKhVi iMntement tlint Uie Identity .Of Jhe.ovcntual.Ylctor waa nf.Bo.coa-. :envto the United Statu. Immedl- itely. Mr. HiJi began a line Of ques­tioning designed lo sofKn the air­man's a-'-nertlona.

Bui It was no go. Lindbergh aUick to Ills original stalemenl. He would

News in TwM" FallsTaken l-'rom thc Tw iii l-'iills News Filca

22 YEARS AGOMonday, Feb. 3, 1319

Ifi YEARS AGOTtlurMlsy. IVb,_5. 1023

Ji;itOME COt.NTY CKKATE nal!,c. <='ch. 3—Spcclal to '

Nc•*•. -Wlth elRhteen.neKttUvo vo reiiilng Jerome county Gooding nnd Minld

par-M'd In the Idi<- of repir atlir 'n riglll which

e.ienahpreviously pnr-*.e*I 1LOOKS KOIl WOIJ

The T‘*'li! I-'all'i Re • - elvMl orders for all .soru of reJu ;ee gannent-i. nnd looking fo: .orkerj lo new on the Inyette.i ftiic Innnels nnd on undergarments, foi he adiilLv 'Ilie knitting deparlmen

cclve L- III

.SintVICi: aiEN ASSK.MItLE HiMurni'd i.nioicr.s. j.allors

lln|•lne. of Uie World war \ iiie;.t.i here Saiurdny ntterniw ho members nf Dan McCook r

ly of Ihe Itcjuiblic. ii:v Jon-1 of Veternn.1 und G. A. R. al n ri-crp

s 0<1<! I'el

e«1 by

f Uie y


i-nJoy«l the

iAPPROVES I'KOl’OSAI- -e. nn-Amerleiin and <lai

■niployal IShnd I,. HodRln. el nepubllcan coimty voicing lil/i dUnppr lo form a league nj Ixjth economic nnd

1 of I

. 1 or a plan lailons to UM- illllnr>- power

<>. Mr. H<yl(;ln Ini.i ■ws on thl -nubjecl lii? lo a <'iimmu!il- Leajiue lo Enforce

t o o i :s IS i'i..\.Mr:s

RETURN FnOM'.CAI.irORNIAJudge nnd Mr.v B. A. Wali.-rs and r. a!id Mr;:. L, T. WrlKhl returned

from a fortnlKlil'n vnratlon irlp lo California on Saiurdny.

I'EACK MEETING PLANNEDAcUve preparallnns hnVu been be- in for Uio big reslonal coni;rea.a lo

be held nt Salt Luke City Feb, 21 ind 32. by the I^amir to Enforce >eiice. and Incliidlnr In ntt^ndnnce lelegntes from Utnh. Wyoming and

Southern Id:ilin. Invitation:; to dele- ;nle;; am already being mnllwl to 'nrlnlis orgnnlz.Kloti;

;; from the t iial 1Ull- Irni...........

ind Uie.'ie will be n'lipp! iddlllonul Inviuitlon;; from Ui :lonal hendfiunrten. Di'lesnu- o be ehtwen from nil the vi

York City.

Ulackfoot. 1here i.cveral dnv.i looklni; r

with Uir Ideii nf e.ntuhl

MASONS WKLCOME MASTER . Krank Knox of Emmett, grand master Of Uie Mn--.onIc Id:ihr>. paid an ofllclnl vl:I'alli lodge, A- F, nnd /


re>iul. munlcatlon Wcdn W(i.i fittended by

, of the order, Ir '


1 Iliihl, Flier and Ister Indues nnd members from ly nrlghlxirlns towns. Visitors iided C. D. Boring of Buhl, dls- ■ deputy grand muster. Work conterred In the Uilrd ilegree.

KNTtltTAINS CLUB Mrs. H. S. Cowling eiitertalnei

the !flembers of the Wlmo<lna'.l clul allh a moil nttracilve hmcheof Wedne.sday nt her home on Poplni..........■. 'l l ie ........ .one InrtiC and three bmall Ubliv;. ciirrvlng out llie Valentine color.-. In nil of the decorative drtalL-:. .Mr.n. Cowling wa.'i ii.v.l:.led III serving l)V Mr;., A. F. M;inn nnd Mr:i. 6. H. Tiiylor- Seventeen members were prcr.ent. _____

VACCINA'IION AliVISEDA i.pecliil n.-. embly wii/, c*llecl


nllnli I;y for

. . . A ntll- lool Monday


of thewn.’i !.ent home. Vncclnndon Is not iiinde oonijiubory, but becaufle the llkellhoixl of Infection. 11 Is nilvb,ert by Superlntendenl B. D. Bloom.


)f rotary formed thet of I addre;, IMlIll

-• 'I'wllidelivered be Fi\lls Roinry club and n number of Invited sue;,is on Wcdne.sday eve­ning by Walter Clear, pioneer mer­chant of Pocnlello, and n charter member of the Poyitello club. Mr. Clear traced the development of modem buslnex'i from the tlmo 40 yeiir:! ago Uiat rcliitl stores con­ducted trade upon the principle that trickery and nilsrepresenUitlon wer« a leglilmatc part of the buslne.is of selling goods. The speaker closed wlUi n forceful admonlUon to hla fxudltors to "be careful In the ac­quiring of the Udngs which money cnn buy, but not to lo:.e the things. which money cannot buy."

three f UieIdaho VcHctnblc'Growers' f, the clfv-.lng- fc.vilnn of Its two-day meeting at. Dol.se Tuer<iny. Mr. Otto, who WI.S 10 have ftddrer. ed the so- clcly 01! "Ten Yenr.i of Succe.-.jful Onion Growing," wiis imablo lo at­tend beca'iiie of llie annual meeting here nn that day of the Twin Palln Couniv Dalrymen'.i n-.-oclatlon of which he was a director.

ON OFFK'LAL TOl.'R Dr. E. L. White, district r.uiierlii-

tendiiil of the Methixlbl cliuivh, left •lMi-..dny" evening on . an ofU- ............... churclics I ' - •

lrlli:li Oleii

hero: )xi: xt Monday

nnd I to 11

COME FRO.M OGDEN . George E. Ualch niul baby irrh’ed from Ogden lo Join Mr.

- .......who 1* maniiKcr of the W. H.Wright and 8oi»M.C.V. ......Seventh II

i to mnke Uiel I eiwt.

^Our Children'by^n^elo Pefri


•'.Mummy, can I have my choco-

'•First eat your vcKeUblc.r. After lal yoti miu’ have ix piece of choco-

••I don't want nny vegcUibles. I lilt my chocolate bar." ."You heard what I said. Don't Vrf fu.-j; with me. Eat your vegetables

id stop Uils nnnesense. Begin wlUi e earmc. Begin. I menu It."Hubert took n spoonful of carrot, umble<1 It as Inng iiii pow.lble, clng hl;i mother all the while n.T

though she were a vlllalnoii;; bnn- I f Instead of the gentle creature le Is. longing to help him. . Seeing no help for it,'lie rwiil-

lowed nnd gulped. Tlius, he neatly i*ft tils tcmneh. rrliiriiliir

it*of <llni. For

I frli . Tlien trick 1

hl.s mother i.ho remcm- ny youngf.ler .•lUiout much itlon of pow-

• three . . fort. It ir. n deir In the fncc of

Don't Get Kxelted In.',tend of going to his aid. UtUr-

Ing comforting sounds, and handing hlji candy, as he fully expt.'clwl

.. vould do, hla moUier went Inui Uie kllchen nnd begnn wa.slilng the tllshes. ('liiglng wider her breath.

Hubert stood thnt ili long n.i he •ould umLthcn hc.caUcd.plalniivclj',. 'Mummy. I Uirew up,"

"TJiat's all right. Just come for the hou.-.e rng nnd tlcan It up. nien 3 ahead with your vegetables.”

Hubert couldn't believe his cars, e called ngaln nnd got only'Uic

imiati.sfiietori' reply. “Yes. I heard. you Uie first lime.'-

H« cried n little. He called again. At lait he got down from his scat

niiked for Uio mg. got' his gesture of cleaning

lip. After Uint hln mother, quite ually finished the wiping, pushed plnte before him and went heck

to the kitchen. Hubert ate his cor- roU and nskcd for his caiidj'. H t got It and went his way.

Quanh the Flnl Attempt . Children of tender age dp Uils

3ce.otawlce.tQ.icst.ouUt4-efflcac>v. J It worka they do It regularly and

keep Uie family Jumping, Children %»-ho do not want to go to oehool empty Uielr stomnctis on the cla.ss- roomsfloor In the hope of being Rent homo as sick. If they are Allowed

•UJty>inmake life mLier;ible for their tench' m and moUieni. Don't let Uie first ittcmpt succeed «ntl the trouble will

r.oon end. Let it succeed Ju.-.t iiiid.lt is jiroloiiKed Into dlstre.vi,

'Hie child v.ho does this li -.Id:. He 1:, ijuUc well nnd hiii sltuailon well In hand. Most peopli think they nrciick and'go lo Uicli lid, T l^ g c t •hni they iiUirtcd ou


. if chlldhoKl l on hand lo ' adjust thiiiR.',. there will be more to follow.

Find what. U niiyihlng. Uie child dreads. f?emove the cause If jwi- j,lble. If It 1.1 nothing c.xpres.-.lon of domlna and let the Idemomtratlfin ....fender. But don't 1

(H.ifwcd br -ni.- II

Iloarh i" Sighted On Potato Rales

on healer service for potatoca Umt. would save Idulio-farmerc an . stimated 1160,000 to $100,000 nn-' % ,ually,Carl De Long, counsel for the I<la-

0 stale Orange In Uie civse nnd .ho esUmnted Uie nnvlng. said Uio I.

0. C. secretary had Informed him » hearing Is to b« held here. The dnt«•lajt not been set.

De Long explained the I.C.C. haa leen InvesUgaUng the proposotT’ hange since October of 1030.It Involves one rate to Include cost

if heat«r lervlee, Icing charges and hauling, a ; pre.ient * sepamt« charce U made for each.

The lientlng service charge Is com- — pulsory from Nov. 15 lo'March J. whether cars are healed or not. D« Lontf said. ■ .


BOISE. Pcb. I W ^The Idaho Mo­tor Trainport awoelatlon will hold Its annual convenUon here Pcb. 7-8, BecreUkry Chester Moulton announc- ved'today. . . _____ ■—' A -

Ted V; Rodger* of WnslilngUjn, ▼D. C.. prrsldent of Uia American Trucklne a.-uoctatlan, will be prin­cipal speaker.



Fort Douglas to Receive

Steady Stream of


OODKN. I-'fl), 1 (,Vr-Coii!.truclloii work ni ilic ariiiy'.i iinw 5oo-innn (Iriift rcccpllon cciiUt ivl Ton Douk Ja.1 In Snll Uikc Cliy. It riiplillj- iiciir Inn complPllon, nml will be rmciy t< stiiri. rPcclvliiR. ilrHftcrn by Keb. 10, LliniteiiniifCOl. Elmer O . ’nioiiiun. coiixlruciliiK (luiirtnrinaxlcr liicltarKC of nrmy proJccU In Ogilcii nml cliilty. r.nkt todity.

n ic n-biilldliiK rccfi)lloii «iiU bfiiiK riinhcd to completion by Uio R. D. Merrill Coii.iiniclloii Co- of Hclcnn. Mont.. iiiiiler a SIC0,7OSiI3 conlrncl. Sturdy friunfl conslmc -Ion, tlic bulldliiM win liou^e tlurliiK Mic- ctedinR moiitlui n Mtady ntreoni of -nclcctcM ni Uie rnlcol H5 to 100 per diiy. ii.i llic niitloii'n moblll«iio!i of mikupoucr Ket,n Into stride. •

YnunK men—.'iPlcclci-N. reserves ana etill.iLcd mrn—t/oni Uliih.Im. Novndii nnd Moiilanu. will lipenil tlii-lr llrr.l two or three In Uie n-Kiiliir nrmy nt tliii ccntor. recelv. IriK rqiiliinieiit, prclliiilrinry liisimc- llonn, nnd cIuotIIIcuIIoii before belnu sent to retiilHr army rnmii.' on PiicUlc coiu.t and rl.-.eulierc (or more driiillrd training.

Tlie flr«t i:roiii> to ciilrr llie rrcci>- tlon crnt<'r I'Ybniiiry 10 will ' ; Ull rcKiiliir army rc.'.ervon, iind they will be follnurd by iiboiil "00 selectee.'. Feb. 17. !-ilil Mrut. Col. II. P. Kny.’ C conimiuider fit ilie new ri'rittr.

■nie receplliin cenltr, Dtflclnlly di KlKtinlcd as cn'ter No. lOIIU. b nnr '

In tlie United HUlc. itiid U i.lti aled on Uie foAtlllllc overUxiklnK Salt Lnke City, tl Inclilde.i 10 barrack-1 biilldlnK.-;, one 33-mun nlflcer; nimrter-1 biilldlnK. a l>o-it. cwluinKC bulIdliiK,\an ndrnlnlMratlon liiiildlnK. rccrenlloii luid tliratre biilliliiiK. » 500-man cafeteria anil meuvhnll. n combination rrcnilt-recelvlni; build-

• Jnu and wnrelioui.c. nnd iin Infirm­ary, finld Lleilt. Col, Tlioinnj.

Career Closes "


Utiili (Jots Slice of Dofeiiso S|ieii<liiig

r.eniitcr, iinil l><-c the American I’ l

President Ufxi'.c fillip with II r Callforiiln

WIM.IAM r.inns McADOO. Woriu war calilnel officer and former Cnllfnrnl.i nen.-tlnr, dlev in Wa.'h- liitinn after a lir»rt attaek.

. Spectators Gasp as Jury

Announces Acquittal of

Accused Negro

, BRIDGKPORT. Conn,, l-'cb, 1 Joseph Spell. 31-ycnr-Olil NcRro !■' vnnt ftccusp<l of rapliiK hl.i employ­er. Mm.- Eleanor StnibliiR, pretty Greenwich iioelalltc. wiin ncqtiltted la.1t nlRlit by a riiperlnr court Jury of .ilx men nnd .ilx Monirn.

Ilie Jury (lcllhcrnle<l nf.irly 13 liourn before rraclilnK n verdict,

A.1 tlio foreman nnnoimced, the ftcqllltUl. ntldlble Kttsp-' came from several in the courtroom. S|>«tJilorn Included Philip SlniblnK. n Phila­delphia attorney an;l brolhcr-ln-law

__^61 Mrs, Strublns.■* She nnd her htuliancl. John K.

StmblnK. Jr.. former Princeton lete. were absent, hoacver.

Spell wa.1 nrre.stecl In.tt Dec, 18, .In the bruiement of the StriiblnR

h home nfler Mri. StrulilnR hnd been found on the baiik.n of Kcnslco cPi’olr In North Ciuitle. N, Yi, nnd nobbed out to police a story of hav- Ins been thrice raped by '•mj' lionse' man" wlio. (.lie .•inlil, "niunt havr Rone berserk.” >

He had driven licr lo tlie rc.'ier- volr and thrown her Into the water, r.hc chnn:e<l.

Te.stlfylns at the Irlnl for n iTa,v nnd a half In.-it week. Mr.'i. Strublni; tuild Spell, who Inul t>cen In her ploy as ft butler and clmtUfcur lew tlinp two month.*., nccoiited her In her bedroom a;i ;ilie etnrrKCd from a shower bath, uttjickcd litr, made tier write a rnn;.nni note to lie.r hu\- biuid who wa.1 awny lit the time JUid then took her on rv wild nuiomoblle ride.

Spell, defeuded by the NnUonal ArK-.oclfttlnn for tht: Advunccinent of Colored People, litolltlly denied her litory. Hl!i only purpo.’ie In Kolnc to her room, he miilntalnod. wn.i to ask for,-nioney for his mother arul he declare<l he hnd been "'led on' hl-1 employer.

V He testlfletl he Icit tier at reservoir at her oan riviuc.it. and

dro\ ! away only wlien «he refu-iod to heed hi.*, call.', to retuni to the


Blackfoot’s Child Bride Now MotherBLACKFOOT. Idaho. Feb. t (/!> -

A U-yei>r-old Dlackfoot child wife and her dny old baby riauRhter were reported "110101: fine" today n.i the youtljful moUicr received tlie conBratulatlona o f her erstwhile Bmdo BcJifJot companions.

The proud mother Li Iliiby Wil­cox Merrj’miin. who quit school tmd Bnvo up dolls nt the ftKO of 13 lo become the bride of Roy Lestci Merrjitian. 23, lar.t summer.

Tlie baby welshed an even seven pounds and has been tuunM 'Betty LouLie.


County Director R ep o rts

on Activities for

Past Year

IncrcaM-cl .'.coiic pf llii- nnxlous weed rriullcatlon, proi?nitii In Twii l-‘nll;i cb\inty durlnf! 1040 1:; liullcatei by Ihc annual report of J, P, Huit director of the wceil bureau,

Tlie atUick on noxious wei-d:. In- clurte<l iL-;e of chemicals, a;, well n:

tciilllvfttloii jMiyjrnm, and the chcin' nl program Mis conducted ot 711 farms of the county.He;.ldrs rcvlewlnn the year'j; ac'

tlvltlrri. director Hunt provided r i.uminar>’ of operation;! durlnu the fUe-yrnr prrlfxl since the WPA be- Ran to provide labor for the pro- Krani. lliln Ilvo-year re.-.unte show; that 1,44G iicres liiive been treninl with carbon bWiulplilde. 935 ac with sodium chjorat/". 2."ori ac cleane<l for seed, nnd cultlvntlon 5 ,m acrr.'i.

DurhiK 10-10, eiirbon bl.iulphlde v utlllwd on 292 acre.';, as comparoil to 21(1 In 1!)33. 32tl In 193fl:1837: and 253 In 1030,

So llum chlorate wa.i used acres diirliiK 10<0. while acres no trrate<l lolnletl 21f>. A rm In lD3n reachecf 210; while In 1037 nnd 1030, the fli;urc:i were 210 ni 102, r.-specllvely.

'niere were 1,050 acres cleaned for-i^ see<l control by hand durlnfi 1940. + with 20(1 clctined In' 1030. Durlni: 10311, 407 acre.H were cleanetl.. Weed culllvntlon wa.i conducted In 3,311 acre-1, nnd In 1D3D the total wa.i 1.770 acres, MatcrtaLi usei diirhiR tlic year.i were 100.000 pound: of sodium chlorate shipped In

112 Kallon.'i of e.arboii bl.iulphlde......the Jederal Kovernmenl provided 3t,000 poimdn of sodium chlorate,

Idaho Park Donor Claiiiied by DealhPAtnFIELD. Feb. 1—Meaner re­

ports of the findliiK of tlie bo<lj: of Jojin DrtuniBartner at hl.i cabin nt UnumRiirtner's park on the Soutli noise river, came Into Fairfield last Wedne.'Jny afternoon by telephone. AceordlnK to Poley Abbott,-who dis­covered the body, dentli occurred .'.onietlmc within the past week, pos­sibly of n heart nttnck,

ArrBnKement.1 were beln« made lo have the body burled near hti cabin.

Mr, BnuniKartner. a native of Ba­varia. nnd unmarried. ha.i lived in Uie same cabin at thl.i point, ulnter and summer, for the pn.il 00 yeahi. havUiK orlRlnaily taken up Uireo mlnhiR elnlms Ihere.

Flve years nRo he decllcnted the land to the'benefll of llie Rcneral public -jiot lo be u.ned commerclully. nnd lumed It over to the depiirtmenl of artrlculture, wlUi the provlxlon ttinl he lOiould live Uiere os Ions ah he desired. For the |>ii.it' few nummern, Scout cnmp.1 have been held tliere regularly.

A collie doR has been his only com­panion the last four or five years, and wlUi Uie exception of an occn- alonal vl.ilt to Pine or Feathcrvllle, he roTcb’ left hla cabin.

IlrM to pxi)ri.-'s ;.orrnv,v'I Join Wllh thr fUlIl.- rcu;

Mr, Roosevrll .-..iKl, "In moii who hii-, riuii

yenrs of fallliful .-.rivtc'- t< jmllon. My iicr.-.oiml ndivtUi lllm Rre-v wltli the .vcnn. "

Mpnibere of thr ciihlnc't mid I! in 5onKrr-.s J[)lii<-<l himiln

otliern In exprr-j.liit: rriiic'i-.McAdoo wii.1 l>orn iic-ar M;t:

On., -ihortly ln'fote Gni. V.’T. Sherman's arm plantation nnd family in povrrlv.

fin t M»Jof Aiihlrvniiriu HLi flr.Nl major iirlilc;vrii,.-ni v

the flnancini; aiul roir-tninion Uie Initial lltid.-.on rlvi-r intiin At about tlist time, Ik- nn't. 1 Prlnreton- unlvci.-.iiy d r i-;, 11! .• 1 Woo<lrott- Wll-.nl,. 1,11,1 ll.r of thl.i ncfiualmuncp;,lil;i l<-d to Ailoo'fl nppoliitinrnt lo the l;it!, cabinet.

Wllh llie oiitbn iik ot w;ir In‘1 rope McAilon cnroiiram-d tin- liul inK of a liui:e Atnrrlcmi incrcln marine. When the United Sla ■iitercd the war. It \va;, hi;. Job

oUiiT v,iirl:. $: i;.plt:;l iidilltloii

tiidt Ul;i- Clly. ri) JHiI.OOO,


ctiruilliiii’iii MIrhliMii.

Van Wm:r

■ rolil twircl I

. .. roumry ihi .- boiuLn. loiter he nl;.o adiiiliil;. the railroads, t ikcn over by llir rrnnii.-nt durliiij Uie enirn;(ii<;v

In I9-J4 and 102R MrA<l<»> -,v candliiati; for the DcMnoi-rallc 1 dentlal nnmlnallon, and (miIi' Wft.-. tirfrat<-<l by piirtv furllcin by Alfred E. Snillh. who vm.i: iniin nnmlimtlon.

I n Sinllh wu.i 1 a camlldiite, McAdoo !.«iiin: convnitlon tide to I’ranklli noo;,cvrlt by ttirniiw; over Ca nlaV. H voKv,. Mi'Adoo lln'ii noiincixl for the senatr and ck-clc<l.

A l Hill

, Vmr-Wai;»ii.-r t today to Hci-- !• WU'kaid <ivcr lli-rl arri-:it;e In


SAN I-'RANCISCO, 1-Vb. I .,1'.- Biisliip.-Ji tclfKranii ruim lorinrr Senator Cllib-. MirAdoo wnc re- eelvcHl here today nl the Aiiu-tl<-;in President I.lner olflc-i-, liir|ic;itlnK lh\!,endi-r may havi- worknl at, hL-i olflcc In Wn.-.hlnKton as hiif ni 10 p.ni, hVlday. Ju.M a few hour:, he- fore he wns stricken wllh a fatiil lllne;.i.• OfJIclab of llir .•.lilpiiliu; lino or-

<lere<l flacs »L half m;isl on It.-i shl|>s, scattered over Ihe world.


SALT I.AKK CITY, I'l-b. 1 l,V) - I'Yrdrrlck Qiilulry. sfale miinai;er of Uio Home Owiierji' I^an eorponifloii, said to<lny that, the orKanl7at1on's Utah office will be elo.-.ed al the end ot Uili month.

He explained that bir.lncv, ot thr corponiUon In this .•.lai<- hiu-. hcrii llcjuldated to the extent Unit the ot- flee Is no lonurr needed. Payment;., after Feb. 2(1, he added, will be made

San l'r«n(;lsco office.

o rWA.SIIINOTON’ , IVb, 1 {,T,-Pre;.-

Idenl 1{CK);.I-V1'|| <!■•( ijiH-d yesterday to cnmnirlit on iA;c' Micrcli In which Adolf HltlcT said yc ;.!. rday (Imt ship , carrylnn Annilc:in aJd, to Drtlaiii v,oiild be l(jr|x-<li'<-d,

■nie truth ot the mailer, he said nt .that lie hiKl

:i'ili'ial _;ulmlnl'.li;i

;|C astlotor(l (Ja>;ers 1 H on ored at D in n e r

\\ks l>o(l»»* S larls K<‘iii(KlrIi«i‘j; W o rk

h Jack .Shaver nnd Mr. OlbbsIK honor;.,rr members oMbc team pres- rf.kli' Hob Klmbrounh were in Itlll IvealK-r, Jack Slliiver. 'ntcharil. Marvin Kjrne. Hher- ■;.j;.r.ni-ranu, Tt i Tliompe.oii. •;. Wrtil). I,\le Vircln. Donald inn nlul nii]|)li R o b e r t s , • llryiim, Jr.. a mrniber Of




J e ro m e lir ick C o. 3

(I the- . 1. b.vai i; he «liavlni: n'lilrthilay ;md was busy,

•'nio :,i»ech wa;. meant for you biriluliiy," a reporter remarked.,Thc pre'.ldriit n pll'-il that he Jia

not opi'iird nil hi-, |irt';.enl;; yet. 1 ! Joined In a biir.-.l of laiiKhter Urn roared throiinli h i. olllee.

Fee Collection for Jerome County High

year of lOK). wltl; durlliK the period I: Inclusive, rejiorl I

Total s eollec

In ili> i; Kob.;rson,.Jer- aiidltor and ri'- hinhc.'.l for the

1 one exeei>tlon. >m 1027 to 1040,

week show;.,I for lOjp were

J4.I33.year period bcliiK SJ.704.:ir../. A survey of the tec 'bt>o!c dl;- elo.',ed that Mncc Ihe yehf. 1033. an avcriiKC ot >11 dl.itrlet eourl cases lUL'. birii Jlird each year; howevi-r, till) lilRliesl niililbi-r was tiled In the year. 11)37, or 153 cases. The pa.sl t'Ao yrar;- 71 and 73 cases. resp<-ctlvc-

lly. were tiled:

TwOjLcad Slugs , In Brain 18 Years

NEW OHLEAN5, Feb. - 1 (,r>—An BUtopsy wns held ye.itcrday Over Aaron ShaddlnRer, iliob to death In a quarrel at his home, and two lead Bluss wero found In his brain.

But — Uiey weron’l Uio'ones Uiat killed him. Tliey were fired Into liJa head accidentally 18 ye&n ago. a hroUicr mild, ond never were re­moved because he recovered quickly,

—ohrta'cd-nn, later ,111. eXfccla Xrom Uiem.

ME.MORIAL FOR SENATORS BOISE. Feb. 1 <ff>-Mcmorlal ser-

vlcea for former Idaho senators who died during the post two years will be held In the senate chombcr Wed- he.iday nl II a. ni;. Majority Lender Ed Baird (D-Ada) announced to­day.



1>ado It in for one o f our "rc a d y -to ^ o " bargalnst

1935 BUICIC S E D A N Heater nnd mdlo. Very Kood condition.


19:in DODGE S E D A N Iladio, heater. Spcclal nl


10:J7-DODGE S E D A N .Heater, motor recondi­

tioned. Bpcelal


Ii):i7 C H R Y S L E R SE D A N

Ilndlo. heater

$4951915 Chevro- ^ ^lei Coach ......193Q Chevro- ^ ^ M let Coupa----- 9345

s;'".i..._..,$35o $265 ■

Miles J . Browning, Inc.


------___________________________ Blolc,board of eduenUon and heads of Idaho's hl«hcr and special eduea- tloaal buUtuUons will go over their' Annual biennial budget requests ...............7 ■•nd Thursday »llh Uie

Ilnonco and «


to See the New 1 9 4 1 -W E S TIN G H O U S E '■ ELECTR IC R A N G ES

W c c.specially invite you to see the nowREGENT MODELw ith tw o coraplDtcly autom atic ovens — o n e a supcr- s iz c -i=T iT id -ln corporntln g-a ird (rm xc"fca t‘u r ^ S H o w n now fo r the fira t tim e a t a much redu ced p rice o f


^ 2 5 0



Troy LaundryL aiitu loft 'i-s Dry (,'lcanei^

•ilKi': iM C K -U I ’ and 1 )K I.IV l-R Y



Sensational lf> 4 1 Bnrji^ain Values!


D E T W K I L E R ’ S* * E v c r y t h i n g t o M a k e L i v i n g M o r e P l e a B a n V *

|VE B E aV lC B AKD R B P A IB ALL K A ;K E 8 O r ftE F B IO E R A T O B S — P B O N I. .t i l


Bomber Says Only Two 'Really Tri6d( to Take Crown

Fight Mob Debates Louis’

Power After 22 Blows

Fail to Dent Red's Chin;

‘Experts’->Count on Conn

lly NlD KCDKK NEW YO RK . Feb. 1 (/P)—

Red BurmanV. .sore "tu m m y" -W M - m tich . bi\_ltor lotlny nncl

Joe Lotila look a lon g nap, while the riRht m ob buzzed with argum ent n.i to Jiint how m uch o f the cxplo.slve the Bom ber- has last from hi.’i heavy nrtlllcry. ^

In .stlffenlnK the BiiUlmore rcd-llrml In llir llflU roiiml lii.it nlRhf »llli » rlRlil liniid lorpeilo lo

. thp Ixxly III Mncili-.oti 8<jiliirc Gnttlcn. LoiiL dill Jmt wlii.1 hr w«.n nup- poi.ftj to do, but.before lie aiipllcil

his cliolcrsl rlKlil.1 m U;e cliln.-Conn Given Dnt Chance

With thLi In mind, Uie sldewnlk "experta” wondered who In Die new iulure. lind Uie bc.-sl clinncc lo (nke fUtlann's fanclnl bniibir troin Joe. and Uie majority, put Uie (ln(:er on BUIy Conn. Uie Pllt.-iburs Rlnmotir boy. .who tniiBle.i wlU) tlie chnm- plon In June. Loul.i not only ■lower la tosalne .bl-'' punches

"ntRht. wbleh U not ti'hnndy tinblt to have In Lradlns wiUi Ilnxliy Ollly. but by actual count Joe Innded S3 •olid ahoLi on Burmnn'n chin wlUi*

■ out makhiR a dent. .And. white Red' Is a good. touRh. Mild citlzcn, there has been no one in the p»nl who would have stood up under more than haU.a do;:en ot the.-.e explo* #lon».

Bays S21.0Z3 Wcll-»:<mifd Joe wna the (Irnt to ndinlt Uiat

tha *31.033 piiy-chrck he picked up .Jor last nlshl's 13th defen.ie ot his

title waa weU-eanie<l. Tlie.Utle- , holder pointed out Uint Red "wn.n

_the..BccODd .rclla .who.rcally Irlcd to Lake my. crown away: Uie oUier was Qalento.” Tliat's Uie kind of Bhowlns Burmnn put-up In rurJilnR Loulj rlfthl Irom the atnrl. absorbliiR his heavy suns and sUll pourlnR' in. trying to pul Joe away. For hl.i etforts. Burtnan received $0,101 from the net eat« o( *&3.1S3.

Loula will have only a ,five-day vacaUoft before solng back Into tralnloB Wednesday at Greenwood Lake. N, Y „ for his outlnit Feb. 17 against Qtu DoRlslo In Phltndelplili

Hogan and. Bulla Lead Golf Field

, Two Shotmakers Dcadlockcd

at Halfway Point in

Western Open

BY EARL KILLIOAN ‘ PHOENIX. ArlS- Feb. 1 (/!■) — A

good little man and a good blR one allot their way to n drnw In (he western golf cliamplotiMilp todiky.

The star (airways miirlumrn wrre ■lender Ben Hogan. Uie Texnn now

- r«eUl«rlnE out of Whito pIaIik, N. Y.. and big Johnny Dullu ot Chi­cago. Each scored sub-piir . colul rounds to wind up In n 130-Airokc deadlock as the. 73>lioIe S5,000 nament reached the hiiKwny point preparatory to tocnorroWn 3C*holc Xlnal drive.

Hogan carded a three umler piir 68 lo duplicate his opcnInR ^und performance. The wiry lltile niiir went out In par 3d and then iiirnrd alt his guns loose fc bln.-;c ilirrc ■troke* off regulalloti riRurr.i b; coming home In 32. •

Tlie 315-pound Bulla, whose pow er off the tee yealcrdny aided him tO'«-Je«dlnR 00. -found hlji dl.-itnncc somewhat of a hnndlcnp to<lny. ITr had bosles at the fifth and l3Ui holes when hti slioLi sailed over greens Into traps. Uut he offset Uint play by running down putLi of from 15 to 40 feet for ihree blrdle.v Dul- U's nines were 30.34.

Hogan waan't Uie only r.outliwc;,l ^jroduet who found lilmxcif perfect, ly at,home on thl\ range country. Byron NeLion. Uie Profc.-wlonel Golf­ers' association cliamplon who got his start In Texas, fn.ihloned n pret­ty two tinder par SO. for n 3i]-holc

. iotal of 137................Close to Uie pnee were EkI Oliver.

Toung pro from Homell. N. Y„ who hftd a second roimd 72, nnd ihn South American stnr. Kdunrdo Uln.tl. who turned In a fine CS. Tlielr n o ­hole totals were Just one nhot under that held by John GeerLien. Suit Lake City, who added a 71 lo an opening round GO.

A stroko back, at HI. w m the big blond belter from Unvllle, N. C., Cla>-(on Heafner. who had a second

'.round par 7J.81* pIo)-er* finished the day In

...even.par ot-Jia for tho 30 liolen. They wer« (second rounds In brock­ets);

A1 Zimmerman. Portland. Oren (70); John Bamum. leading ama­teur. of Chlcogo. (71): 8am Byrd,

, ,Phlli>riPlnhln>-t7Q):j:<con_P.cttlgrt>v Long island. N. Y.. (73); Jim Ttir-

‘ o e u . New York. (70) and Don echiunacher, Dallas, Texas. (72).

The SO low scoring professionals •nd 10 letdlng amateurs after to- d*y and yesterday's play <iuallfled ior tomomw's double-round finale.

TIU fans eonmsUon I^mb.—Adr.

Walter Mehl Takes Second Straight Victory of\lndoor Track SeasonTony Galento and Red Burman Head

Champion’s List

Titleholder Puts Red Bui-man Away iii Fifth Round Four Stars Turn W anamakerlile

Into Wild Race

LKl-'T — Kcd H urm nn, Hma.Hh«J to the canvaa in the ffflh round b y Joe L ouis, wa-s counlcd out b y R e fe ree Frank Kullam. en d in g h is ^ame bid f«r the hcavyv.'pif;ht crown. AHOVK — L^uIb slipped throuph ific rope.s when Burmnn '(le ft) hounce<J ii hard hook o f f

■ Joc*.«t fncc In th e th ird round o f their title fiR ht in MiidiHim Stiunre Garden......—

Two More Changes Slated ior Football

L a t e s t ' Alterations Announced to

• CoachesPHII.ADK.I.PHIA. IVb. 1 .r -

leRr toollmll ccmrlii-s, .'.till iiiKiiliu: the nirriti of tlirri- clmncn iiiinntniceil li moiith.nKti, wiTc coiifronii'il lodiiy with llie llkc'llhtxxl tli: rlmii;;r:( nIll lie Im-tir llic'1941 hTlillron codr.

Wllnier Crowell, tiildcllr All;iiitlc (IMrln repre.’ ciiliillvp nii N.C. A. A. rillci coiiimlltce, ;.;ilcl lilt* lutrjt chaiiKC.i -will he fiitiimlly intro* (lined Into tlir cole nl n inrellnR In New Ynik iic.Yl « ' Hiey .illlililiito thnl;

1. A kicked b;ill kirkliiK

lO.yai 1 line I-.libiM-):. 'I'lii- IhiL-.

win lie ri'tiiriiWI Ici tlii' SO-yaul line. 3. lliree Ij.iU;. will' l»r ii;.e<l In

Ilolih', Cri)wrll M.lil thrv are lo be rolali\I allcT r.nh pUiy to lyiivldc "aiiiiile nppoi liiiilty to li;ivi- the balLi wltxyl dryiill thn :.li!ellllr:

Crottpll K.lil » tMlliiTmt; of <|l.strk't ( KlCllcr'.

•li';;r;ilihlr, vole" of the tiiminitii'.-.

l/c-v. tlian 11 miHiUi aco, the com- mlUirc atinounci-d rule clmiine.i pro- vldlnK for iiiillnilleil . ulx tltutlon, hniidliiK the ball forwurd to any plnyer one yard tJrhllui the line ol flcrliiim;ii:e nnd ellmhmtlnn nf the louchlj.irk on fourth dnwii imv.e.i Uirown iiiio the end soiier

’IVo of ilie c >a •hr• —Walter llalat ol Drexel nnd Jlni llniiy ot Ui. Salle—Immedlntcly crltlil.'ed tlie proixMcd kicking nilc.

'A.% I r.cp 11. ihcy'vr Jii'i taken '• of tlie rea! Uirllln;. out ol Ilie

muiir iind left fooltjall llic wor;.c oil for It." ro:imicJitr<l Ihilii:..

ilenry. n former ni<l iil Vlllanovii, dcelnred "it looki; Ilkn biiiinn and .’ Iieed wn Ih’e part of wIiik-'

field under pitnl.i Jire nnw nbntit lo be nold (or twii teniillu of Uie llnr. mnn'5 marklnR chiilii." '

Brooklyn Do<lgi'rs Sifiii Paul W.!iMcr

NKW YORK. l-Vb. 1 (/17 — "Hie Brooklyn DodRcra today nnnouncfd they hoil »lKne<l Paul Waner, vel- en.n ouillcl.li-r hivi'ii liU iincoiidl- tlonnl relewn by rhe PlttiJjurgh Plralfi ln*V Dccc-mbcr. ,

Wnner. who patrolled Uib outer e«rdffi!t for tht PlrntM for H ymrs, led the KntlonnI IraRur In 'battlnfi three years ntid In 1027 wa* voted Uie clrcuit'.i ma,t 'vuhntblc player, He ha.1 a major lenuiie bnltlnn av- erape of JtO. only twice solng be. -IOWUlitJM_m/vrlCwJ_____________ :


PiiRli bM worn out three mJiooI buses In Uie 17 years she's been a driver—wid never has Mratohed a fonder.

1000 »f«l*-rtal fijhls KImb,—Adr.

Boise Scrappor1 akes Ueeiyiuii

nOISiJ. Kc-b. 1 c;v,-R. J. I>-V.l:;, IjO.poutul 1301:,(• Nri;iO, tO:.',cd leath­er all cvenltiK al Johnny Tiivlor. M7-pouiid Odklanil, CjJIt.. liattjtr InM nl;:hC but the Ixv.t l}e could do ■ttn.i outjiolnt (h'e hnnd;,oaii- Cnltfor- nlan in their lo-roiind nmlti event,

Tnylor hit ilii- canvas for nlnc- counta four tlini-., n.-arly Inllln« out of tho rhiR 111 till- Iii;i rmind. but each lime came- back nhinnlnR.

In a -six.round M'liil.llnal Dour WlL'.oii, 15J, Peiiillrton, Ore, clicw with I3u.sliy Ilayii.-, l'l<, of New Or-, leann, U\.

Other rc.sult;.:f;verctt Uracan. laj. i!oi:.e,'nul-

IMlriled Bpei k Andru.-., 133, 1‘ocatello

Jiickle McC.iilie, Mtl. !lol:e, out-

Probe Ordered At Rate Track

Death of One Horse and Sick­

ness of T%vo Investigated

by Authorities

LOS ANCIKLK-S, t'cb, I i.Ty-Tlie dMrlrl allotnry ttxlay ortlered nil InvestlRiitloii of Uie deiiUi of Uie race hnr. e Slioit Notice nnd tlir hlckneK-. Ilf two ntliiT-hnrfiM. nil of them eiiii-r«-<l In the -veventJi rnc< »t Haiila Aiiltn tnirk Weilne.'.dny.

Al G. Tarn, owner of Short No­tice, dctlared the lioiM- out of Ihc race when it wju Uikrn Alck. somp four hoiir.i hcforir ixx-.l llme/niid the . lx lurloiiK* pvnit wa.', won by Ollnijxi, a rank ouLnlder which paid *75. J2i.::n (imi w.ocr in'the muiueis on S'i win. pliK'c and .-.how tlckeln.

Talked About, the O(1rt •on fav­orite. iind.CertJilnty. .m'coikI choice In the beltiiip, ran out of Uie mon­ey nml .thorlly aflcr Uic mee ntiow- nI Uip siime nyniploms ai Short No­tice. In Uiree sijirls at S-intn Anita

ils *rn.'i>n. bhort .Notice finished lit of the money but once.SliorL NoUco .dletf* yc.ittrdny and po«t mortem e<amln#UQ;i per­

formed today mider onlcr.i of the county agrlcultiirsl department, db- clor.ed death rer.ult«l from Inles- Unal fever cniwed. the examlnUifr veicrlnory said he believed, cltlier by a chemlcnl or by enllng rice straw u17?tl for beddlnR.

Talked About, owned by Mrs. J. P, Watem, nnd Cerlalnlv, owned by Mri, Nell e.' McCarUiy. w'erc'c):- 1)«ted to ’ ’recover.

Csrleton' P. Burke, -cJilef steward at Santa Anita, said It «■«. "not very probable" Uiat Uie hor w had been pol.'.oncd, but ordered an in- vestlgaUcm by track officials.

noilrig. Shelley ts. KImb— Adr.

‘Screwball’ Title Bothers Herman

‘Babe’ Wants Manaqer’s Job

But Has Hard Time

Selling Himself

I)Y ROnFRT MVER3LOS ANClKI.ra. I-eli. I (,T,-Oar-

InR over 19 iicrer. nf liiii’ larm liiiid and the bobljhiK. uolihlliiK lieadn of huniln'd.i of turkey;;, l'loy<l Ciinrie. (Babe) Herman cattir In ii vi-ry ml. emn conclusion today.

"I RueM beinu tiibb-'d a.-i n "jc.'ftu-- bill!' In ha.-etiall puKl Rood dlvl- dcndr:. but It lias It;, drawbacks at this lat e nf tlir RTimj.” he eom- menled.

Ye;i. blK Habe llciman. once a leiidlnR ninii In Urnoklyn':; daffl- nc.18 cn.it n;id alway;. n duiiKi'rour. lilUer for the five nmjtir. leasue clnb;i with which he performed; llie nnnie Bnbe who u:.unlly liiiKKled each sprhiR for tnoney anti earned It by fall, hnd a problem.

Uii(ler.Maii(i. Heniian' nenlr.' no .•.ymimtliy. nor dno;, he n-ek any. bnt ho i.ernii-d a Utile wbtfui yr.";. that may be luir to picture, but he war. - - a;, hr i-onttniieil;

"Sure. 1 made inl.-.lake;., niid (.0 did some oilier iniv.n. huL llicy u-,u- ally made me Hie m>ai. I didn't tare, I Rueir. It addrd rolur and I never did care what Ihe lioy.i wrote nboiit me. It prnbiibly hrounhi me more money, i.o I haven't nny .itiiinwk.

•■But no* II'.-, different, I wnnt lo try my hnnd at inanaKlnR a club. TlK only tlUiiR 1;, that a lot of KUy* don't know aiiyihlnr aboiii me ex- cppt Hint Iheyve alwny;, read I was n lllllc :;crewv, and I have n hivrd lime tryliiK lo eonvlnre imsone thnl I do know r.oim-tiiini: about bnr.e- bnll. 1 certiilnly ouclii lo. I've been plnyhiR It loiii: enoiiRli.''

A peep at Babe'.i IVW) fnilt Iree.i nnd turkey flock - - hr ;,ells some <,500 a year, nml at fancy price.i— lends n.v.uraiice iliat there Wn.1 .•ometliUiK more lhan noihliiR In tho Herman head diiriiut the yenrs he wns necu;.e<l of all miinner of nmll.'.liiR. iL'.unlly hli.irlour, didoes on the dlnmond.

Herman Is nboul to . bri;ln hli third season Ihts-year wiiii ihe HoU lywood club. He ir. llll a i;ot>d man al the plutc, can take « reRUlar turn In the outfield or hold down first If needed,

Herman pul In a bid for tlie Se- altle mannRcrnhip. lle’.s iiiriied down several minor openliiK?, hopUiR to land ft Rood npot a.i n p!ayinR-man.

.SKNATOIt.'! SELL-HLItr.rR WASHINGTON. Jan. 31 i,V»-Tlir

WashliiRlon Smntorr. announced indiiy the Mile ofpllclirr Uene Mon- tenRudo lo Uie Jerey citv club of the Intematloiinl Ir iiKtie. ’

Follow tho erowd. KImb.—Adr.

. w a p Jt e dD ry Junk o r P rairie Bonca

AUIea Cast, South of Twin Falls


Leo Freisinger Leads Bladesmen

Chicago Ice Star Retains

Slim Advantage in Speed


, .SCIIKNKCTADY. N, Y,. Feb. I cTi —Stocky I-eo PrclslnRer, ClilcaKa Olympian, protected a nllni lend to­day In the Norih American »peed BkatlnK chnmplonshlpn. hut hnrd on hi* trail eame a felIow_ iiilrfwrst- emer. bit; Ken Hariholomew, .Minnc- m>o!l.i,-

rrcMiicer. defending titleholder. tton Ihe half mile 111 I nilnule, B i.ecoiid;., for a two-dnv point total of OD. nsrtholomew, ulnner of the two-mlle In :> mliiuie.i. 57 ecollrt and second In the half. 1-* rumiemn wllli 50. Chnrlci LelKlitoii. nl^o of. Mtnneni'f'hs. Mfired 45 polnl.i for third place.

Tiny Cnrinellin l.andry. I'ltchburR, Ma.vs, continued her leadership In the wnmcn';< i.cnlor dlvl;.lun. She Jllil;ihed 30 yariln ahead of Hie field m today's htilf mile to Increare he; point tolal In nfl. Second In the ;.tandlni!n wan tliilne Ciordon. Chi' caRO. wllh50.

G olf Executive Offers Cure for Sandtrapliobia’

MIAMI. naJ., Feb. 1 (,T) - Tom V.'nl.ih. pre.ildent of the Profersloiial Golfers' ns.-;oclallon, believes 1( lilnh tune a cure ws.i effected for the nverage HOlter'.i clirmilc alfllctlon—» nmliidy \VaI.-,li termed "r.andtrs- phobla."

Thl-i dUcm.e.'' Doc WnMi ratil today, "li not only exjien.-.lve but

uiuiecen.'«r ’.Kiilher,-l(;-hn’t -fair- to ptlr nil

thnt ml.iery oh the Ruy v.lio 1;. foiceil lo 'psy lor the source of his tro- ble,"

Tlie cure. Wubih averred, would ' the ellinlnntlon of a larger mun -r of ;and trapn from the country’.

Kolf cuuri.ca."Lnr.t summer,'-he .mid, " i plnyci

a Kolf eoiir.vj of 120 member.! nnc. UDQ Mincl traps. Mo.\l of the iiverniic Rolfer.s on Ihiit cour.ic spent nboul liall tlicir nficnioon blnstlnK nway In bunkers nnd .Mnil trnpi. It ;;ecineil lo me tliry were KettlnR wry llllle lun." ,

Coiidilion of Big Game Satisfactory, Forester UeporlsOODEN, Feb. t (.IV-neflectlnR a

Rerftrally sntli.fnclniy condition of wildlife within Uie imtlonni foresU of Ihe Intermoiiiitaln rcRlon and favorable trend'. In mime mnnage- menl proKrer.i, ihe annilnl fWi nnd cnme reporl for tlir year 1010 Just releiuied by C. N. \Voo<ls. rcRlonal fore.iler. i.how.i.ihat the iiUitea ot Utah. Nevada.. ;.ouUi. Idaho., nnd wc.ntcrn WyoniluK make up what probably L'l lo the prople one of the mo;,I nllurinn biK Knme'rcRlons of Uie wc.-,t.

PrORrcflS ttii.n made, the

, In rellev problem i

k; ri.ihlnke. Dixie. Miintl. Iorc;,t3 of Ulnh. nnd Ihe : nf llio Salmon rlvi-r In

Shcllry llosliic K.H.S. Wed.—AtIv,

Ricks Chalks Up Second Triumph

Rexburg Quintet Wins Over

Albion Normal Hoop

• Team, 49 to 43

AI.DION. F eb~1 — 'nip VIklnRj from Rlck.i colleRc made It Iv,q sirnlithl tonlRlii by downUiR Albion Normal's bnnketmen, 4D to 43, In well-played hoop K«me.

Tlie llexburRrrn won la.nt nlulit'* cncoil1iti;r w ith (he 'Albion;,; 53 lo 41.

Humphries, nickn forward, paceil hix team lo victory willi n lO-polnt scorlnR mnrk.

Tlio Noriiinl qtilnlel, with the ex­ception of Dob WIllliimB who chalk­ed up Z.') points, had trouble fhidlnR the baskrt, Tlicy tn.vicd Ihe ball 6B. llnic\ to make 1(1 field qonb.

LendltiR >r a slim innrRln most of the wny, Uie vlsliorn'ron- neclcd twice }ust before ilte lliinlKOIIK,

The Albion ciiKern" will enlerlaln Naraiene college Monday iiIrIiI, ALUION RICKSCorncll;.on (1) .... P (15) HumphriesWllllnm.-i .25) -....P .... i3) PaekcrMlllnrd i7i ........C . (13) W Jam lClayton <31 ....... O ... C!> ClcmcnlsKnee il) _ ....... G .... lO) H Jnnsjl

Substitutes:Alblon-MiiUhPws (2), McCombs

BuUer, Hood, lllcliard.i.lllcks—nobln.^on (3). Arnold.

Tracksters Show Speed After

Hearing Crowd Bob at

Half-Way Mark; Wiscon­

sin Runner Wins in 4:13.6

Dy DILL DONINEW YO R K . Feb. 1 (/I’ )— In

11 race thiit started n.i a c o n - ' ( vcr.sfitloti p k c c and flni.shcd n .'; -n - fo u r -m a n riot. W aller Meiii o t MudLson. Wls., won the W tinainakor mile In to- iilght’.-i M lllrosc A.A. Ratnc.'i at Madl.son Square Ciirdpn be- — fore a crow d of 15.000 hi -1 minute.-; I3.G scconds.

wji,-; Mi'))l'i ifcond stnili;ht Irl- umph of Uie younK fca;.on, but for a lime It iippeared Hint ijo one wiintcd

la.'iter than a lel;;urely trot, Comlns off Uie flri.t turn. Mehl uiul Lo;i Mac- Mltchell of New York U. nppenred lo be chflUhiK nmlcnbly as they tried to get out of each oilier's way. Final­ly lonesome John Mun.'.kl of Co- luinbln. Mo.! took over the pace- mnkhiR Job which everyone else hnd dccllncd.

MunskI led the boys llirnuRh Uie lialf-mlle In iil'J. and the crowd booed, Uut from there on there wiis , (iteworks-to .nilt everyone ns Chuck ' I'cm.ke UKik the lend to hold It for two laps, mily lo have Mehl wrest It from him al the three-quarters and race IhrouRh Uie final 440 In 5(1.5 i.econdx.

Mehl hit Ihe tape three yards ahead of Ihc on-cliarcliiR MncMll- cliell. while no moie Uian a yard separated the N.Y.U. sophomore, l-'en;.ke and Mun;.kl.'I’.-iu1 MOore, Im- IKirled from Cntlfornla for his flr;.l imlonr race, never fluured nnd biirely IlnlMied.

Itnslnc al KImli. Wed.—Adv.

Shelley Spuds lll«a KImb.—Adv.


IF Y O U R lailor l^ound he _ didn’ t have enouRh cloth

to fin ish your .s iiil'you mijrht b e considerahly cm hnrrassed. B ut y ou ’ ll be a lot m ore serl- ou-sly cmbarrasHed i f fire burn.s you r hiime^ and you haven ’ t enough insurance lo c o v e r ^ lh e ' !i>ks. M avc ::y ou enoURh? A sk us to check up.


- M A V E Y ^

70 oew ptcKni ib« OllTct 60—ih« non (oapUu io*U utaoi. N«rcr b<fof« m mior~bl« tractor''fnmr«i la > 1*2 pinw -------- fou^^Iladt^ bl^h-(^r'»>>oo

;r Ar * •------- row — .........t wcslOi of arwfMtotti,

Dea'c bay ior ubsH utaat till you’t* ih« onr Olirtr 60- yo«r rrc*

Jill ptncr for ihc anneaactffliflieflii urittL Tdri coca* ^o«p'an<I m« ih* "Hutil lillU irttltr *r*r hiilU" And •««. too, Rl^dcz, Ollxt's coM-r«lsdn( ts& cuter to (bt plo«sbsr«l

S E E T H E 6 0 — I T ' S C O M I N G S O O N !

TABER CO.Phone 201 Implement Co.

USED CARS7Mi>*ir-uiiMONi«oaviouT L —

HUCAUMOUdOHAVina■ UMmAM>Miirtioaco« H ■ I uin CAM M eva hihmt -

C O M E IN T O D A Y !

1040 Chevrolet Delusa 6part : Sedan — Exeellenl condlUon.'

henl«r. defroster '....... S 7 5 0'103!) ChtvTolel Deluxe Bport'

' Sedan — Motorj body. Ilnl.Mi. ! ROod. heater, defroster $ 6 4 5

1030 Studebnker Club Sedan —8000 miles, hriiter, defrost.« ......................1531) Ford Coupe — Motor, finish, body Rood, henl*

: er ............................... S 4 9 S; 103B Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe

—Motor reconditioned, finish, upholstery Rood, heat- '*cr ..................................S 5 2 51037 Ford Coupe — Motor re­conditioned. radio, henl-

: er ..................................S 3 S 01930 Chevrolet Deluxe Sport Sedan — Motor, recondllljned. new finish. t»dlo, heat-er ....- ............................$ 3 7 51037 Plymoutli Deluxe Coupe —Motor recondlUoned..finish, upholstery eood, licat-

JR 395

103$ Chevrolet Coach-Motor ]; reconditioned ............ $ 2 6 5 ;

1035 niymouth 4 , Door Sc- i: dan-......... .............. ......$ 1 7 5 :

1033 Dodfja 4 Door Sedan — •■ Tninlc--.... :..... ......SlSfl !, 1033 Ford Pordor Sedan — •' Good condlUon --------$ 1 3 0 i

1031 Chevrolet Coupe — Good ;■ condlUon ___________ $ 1 3 5 .

1030 Ford Fordor Sedan — jNew rlnia ...... ........... $ 1 0 0 •

. 1030.Ford.Tudor 6«din $ 6 5 ‘ 1037 • Ford. lH .Toa_Trur

..Lom; W. B-.duals____$:1S37 Ohevrol«t IH Ton ^—Lonit W. B.. duals -..$ 3 9 5 •IMO Chevrolet 4 Ton Rekup ;—4 speed tnuumLsslon S 5 7 S ■ 1037 Ford H Ton Plek-

S32S ;■ up .............. ,_________■ 1S31 Ford'H Ton Pick-

K ir

t w in f a l l s n e w s , t w i n f a l l s . TDAIIO. SCfCnAY MORNING. FKHm'ARY 2, 1011 •

. Jerome Captures Gooding Outlaw Basketball TitleJaycees Defeat Elks in Second

Overtime PeriodNortlisidcrs Decision Burley Cuj^ers,

47 to 41, After Tlirillinf; Clasli Before Big Crowd

GOO DIN G. Feb. 1 ~ T w o brIUiniit. hard-p laying b;w kct- balt c lubs battled through the cham pionsh ip game and two overtim e periods lon ljiht before th e G ooding oiitliiw tourna­ment title and SlOO first prize m oney w ent to the Jerome Jaycec.s fo r their -17 to 41 victory over the Burley Elka.

The Juyceea, first tea m 'from 'J erom e to annex the crow n . since 1029. lralIccl,,Burley..l040_U tlchD ldcr.,by-iu.l5 .10-coiint

nt the hnlf. A fter a .stirring battle for polnUs the two clnbs were deadlocked a t 37-nll at the end o f t h c regular playlns time.

In the firs t overtim e period niirlcy lipiirtcd nlicatl on two Held Krmls by Kliiicr iMdliiKton, but Jcr- oiiir M)Oi) kjjultnl llir icore U’JD)

l)y lljilpli Kink nnd E. I»c<l- crnoii, Ten ncconds rcuinlucd ClHiicy HolllbuilKli mlr.M-d iwi ihrowii. ’n io CiLMlii (lulntci,MtorclcuH In ttir scirond pxlrn pcrltxl vihllc John Norby. Polcn.on inid llolllbaimli cuch coiincctctl lo kIvp ilie JiiycfM ilic Rnmr by u r.lx-|iolni mnrHln,

• FnxirUi GameFor Burlry H w;i.'. Hic toiirili

. .. . . ........................:l lo.......... .5 by downing tlie Elk-i In

nn nltcmoon clti.nli.fTorby nl Jcroiiiu diulkwl

I)olnl;i 10 ciipliirn lop lionorn . lUlc fniy wtillo Crnnfr Ictl llie Ia>era

• v.'lt!i 12.liurley trluinplicd over the ShO'

sliotio 31 lo 2]}. In lonlKlit'ir.«mi>rinnl niune uflcr inklnii n UO*l* Irnd nt Uio hiiK. Eddlnsloii scoici IS i>olnUi for llie winner.'.: Dob lliid- (lock made Ifl for ihc lor.ern..

Tlie Burley MqimdVfCclv«l J(!5 m-c otiil money nnd Shoshone ilrcw the ihlril prize. S35.

Uneiipji, Jciome-Uurley eliiimpl' on.nhlp Knmc:Jrrome Jaycce* llurlry KlkiNorby (15) ....... !•’ ......... (12) Crancr

'—<Hik {<) ..........V ....(11) JildlMKloiiP«ler:;on (11) ... C ...... (J) M, NorbylloUlbnllRli (S)..Q____ (3) JlotJSttuWlllliunn (10) ....a........ (<) Ctiurch

6ilb.Hllillc:i:Jerome—DelllnKcr (2i,Burlej'—Smith (8), Mnrcus.Jerome nwrched Into Uie flnul

Knmo by r.corlnR n 30-'.’fl win ov Hurley in ono ot Uic four ft/ierno< coiitesi.i. The victorious club had .. X '-n halfllmo lend, PeilersOh urn! John Norby were Uio Jni'cec.i' itor- l!iK i.tnndouU. Ujc fornter chiilklng up H points nnd ifie Initer mnkUu; 10. E^Jdlnslon. with 10. w u hiRh for Diirley.

ICrdnklnii Take Ttro WInii .The Shoslione Flcdr.klns Irlumjihed

t«lce during Uio afiemoon. nosing ^ out auiincll, 3B to 37. nntl then de- w feallng Wendell Ouilnwu. 47 to 35.

Dendlockccl nl 'lO-nll nl the end of Uie first half, Sho.ilionc iind Oon- nclt bntUed on iilmonl even term.i throughout Uie «econd fmmc. tVift- turlng A 24-polnt Bcorlng perform- wice by Iteed aprrlnRe. Gannett CBRcrs staged n de.iperote luil-mln- utc rAlly before going out of Uid toumiiinent by the allmmest of i Rlns. Berrlochoa and Hnddoclc paced the Rediiklna to victory wlUi scoring tot&Li of 13 nnd 13. respectively.

Following a see-saw first hnlf the Shoshonu cortTiiIored Wendell, lo 35. and Uien reUred for n brief re.ll before tackling the Burley Ellcs In Uio seml-flnol .contest. Bcore at

. the Intermission wna: Slioshone 20. Weniletl 18, Tliom»ot\ nindo 12 points and Berrlochoa posted 11 for the Lincoln county quintet while B, Bar­rett lopped the Wendell entry wiui a dnzen counters.

Derors Rolnc out of Uie. tounui- - ment the Wendell hociKters ellmln-

aitd BoLie Dutlnesfl university. 60 to « . Score nt the half woa 30-23 for Wendell. 8. Darrell was Uie hluh

M scoring star with IB while T. Barrett was second with 17. Shnw scored H poInU to lend Boise.

. Elka Defeat Wendrllv.E'rnlo Oraner led Ihe wiiy oA Bur-

Jey. captured a 30-3« verdict from Wendell thla morning, Cranert mark

, at the Hoop wna 13. Cleo ShorUioute , made -n'cven polnta for Ihe iMcrn,

Defentcd by n 38-30 couul at Uio hand.n of Oiinnelt, Uie Bliss team dropped out of ihe race In the second fray of Uie early eeaslon. Scoring lenders were Christensen of Bllsi who got 13 and Miller with U for tho winners.

Cougars Defeat Vandals, 40-34

r'The Wuhlnston state colleg* CoU' gtrs rang up Uielr lixth ilralght Paelflo eoMt conference, norUiem division bookoUjall Tlclcrv tonight with Idaho the vlcUm for UiB Mcond time. Tho ocord w u 40 to 34.

6iat4 held ft IB to IS advanla<e at Uss half. • '

lUy Turner, reported on the ln> Jurtd Uit only yesterday, tallied'13

.. _ix5lnu .fot Idibo.to.ecC Uio scoring, pace. Bundqulst led SUlo wtth 11. Both teams worn wild from me iree- Uirowllne/'Ttimer leading In thU rrtpect tUo, with alx misses. -

Paul Usdunan of W.8,0. aad OUi union of Idaho, opposing cenien and rivals for division scoring hon­ors, blanketed each oUier. but KUton outscored his man, 8 4o 4.

“LOST: The cnUrety of my college ^educaUoa tn the fonn of a bluft Woot9.]eai Q0U> book. REWARD-

11.00."Readers voodered U higher le&m*

Ing v u a 't getUog cheaper 'these daj-s, -I

______________I_______ ' ..............

Tournament Stars Named at GoodingCOODINO. Kcl), 1 - At III!' c1o.m;

or Ui6 !;lxteenUi nmitml Ooodlnc outlnw tournnmenl loiiluhl VHdrn J..Sulllvun. iniitiiiKer of the meet, and his nicic.i nmioiiiiccd the nariie;i or pliiyers nelccted tor nll.i,iar hon- or.i and honorable mention,

Tlie followlnc 10 nll-iliirB, rclect- ed by iiie offlcliib received Kold bun- ketl>nll;i; Hob VtjilRhl. OoodUit!: Bill Tliomution, Sh'o.ilione; Cnrlo;i Berrl- ochoii. Sho^ihone; Cleo tihorthousc. Wfndpll;' Elmer EcJdlnRton. Burley; E. Pederson. Jerome; Ei\rl Williams. Jerome; Ernie Craner, Burley, nnd Rnlph' Hiik. Jerome.

Olvcii luinurnble mention \> Reed □(irrltiBc. □nniiett; Toni Cliurch. Burley: Ward ,Judevlnr, GooUlnR; Clnney HolllljaURh, -Jer­ome; Hi<rvcy Cne;iat«. Owyhee In- dlaiui; If. Chrlilcil;,cn. Bll.is; Jerry Bower. BoLie; Junior Sehnrll. Buhl; Sinn Bnrrolt. Wendell; Stanko P«v. kov. CoodhiK.

V- >f- *

- Tourney •^ Results

Jcromi; Jayeees 47, Burify fUks II (Iwo nverdmr periiKl*!.

nurlry HIkx 34, mioahniie Itei]iJ<lnsin...................... .................. -

U’eiiclell 50. Boise lluUnrM U, 45.Sho.hone 3H. «aniirtl 37.Jrromo 30. Burley 2D.Shoihonn 47. UVnilrll 35.Hurley 33, Wendell 31.

' Cnnnell 38. lUl.o 30.Biilne Builneij university wnn



COI.I.KGK Wa^hlncton Stale 40. Idibo 34. llUh 44, Utah Sl«(e 21.Meia 03. Weitmlniler 9S. llUh DUle 34. Carbon 20.RIeks College 49, Albion Nor nal

43.Crelshlnn SI. Drake 42.Greeley KUIe B2, KegU College 28. Weber 47. Branch Agrlcullural 3C.

„.BoUer 52, Ohio State 3D. Nebraska 41, Iowa HU(e 30.Notre Dame 58. Marquette 40. Yale 49. rrlnceton 46. tit. Louis Unlrenlty 32. Oklulijima

A. Si M. 29 (tira oTtrllmen). Georgia 47, Tenneure 30.Georgia Tech 4K, Auliurn 39, Kentucky SI, Vanderblll 50.Duke 43, Maryland 17.JIaylor 48. T. C. U. 30.Montana UUle College 47. Cots-

rado College 31. - Washington State Frwhinrn S7.

Idaho Freahraeri 44.New Meilro Unlvenlty 33. Arltona

UnlTer»lty 23.Arizona Slate Tfueher* College

at Tempe 63, Texas Mlilera 50.. Montana 48, Gonuga 39.Navy 42, Virginia 34. . Dartmouth SO. Army 42.Syracuse 37. Penniylvania 30. rurdue 40. Indiana So.

HIGH tiCTIOOL '. ,BoUt 33. Poeat«Uo '21 Caldwell : l . Nampa IS.Welser 21, rB^clto 18.

Coach Committee Goes Into HuddleReorganization of Athletics Planned

K eeseyS ip sA s New Manager of

Boise Ball ClubBOISIi, Feb, 1 — Jim

K ocscy . veteran of Tcxa:; Icii- pue baseball campalfoi;;, slRn- cd a one-yenr contract lonlght to mannRc the Bol.se pllot.'s o f the P ioneer IcaRiic dtirlns the 1041 Jicason.

Kee.scy. a flrnt ba.semnn by trade, replace;; Andy HarrltiK- ton w ho wa;; .sold to the Twin Fnlln -Oowbf.yn- eiirly-lii- .I«nunry. HiirrhiKlon'hnd miinnRed.the Bol ie club f(ir Ihr pnnl livo rcimonn.

Club Owner Haydn Wulker siild llmt Ker.iej’ nrrlvi-d in BoUe , urduy imd the (v.i> hud i.pcnt beller purl o{ Uie diiy liu' pci'llnn Airway p;irk niid tnlkliiR ,'alnry tcrni.1, /

For Ihe pn.Hl :.ix Bra;:nn.', Kpp.' ey hii.i brt-ii nfClllalnl ullii Ihe Oklaluiniii City club et ihe Tcxa!i li'iiKUe In on.- Ciipiiolly or aiiciUii'r. He broke In wlili Uieni In lO.i.i iui n flrsl ba eman nnd In 1037 KKik over duilt;; an p1i»ycr-munnRer. He mnniiKtd ihe Oklahoma Clly club nRnln the (<>1- lowlnit year mid in lOllO miuiaRcd their Pori.imoulh club of the Plrtl- inonl lrn>;uc. He cniiie buck lo Ok- Itthomit City a.s a lunnaser In 1010 but wa.s repl iccd In mUl-nensoi Roftern If<irn;,liy.

.Keesey. n |wwer hlUer, iL'.kcd for Ills free aRpncy nnd was Brniiled It during the winter.

He Iiti3 been Uvlns In Pnrtliind, Ore.

Keeitey said he hnd no limncdluie p1un:i nl>otit the bull club hut It wii:, b<-lleved llmt uiile.vi Waller Ixi' p, cloiiilnR Bnl.'ie tlrpil siicker, Iv .mid before the waiinii open.n tlinl Kcc;.ry will hold down the flr:<t I L.e a;, player-nmnncrr nnd Loive will ^hlIl to iBtl field where the Pllou were notoriously wenk In.-ii year.

Hoppe Defeats Former Champ

Three, Cushion Billiard King

Scorcs Fifth Straight


CHICAGO, Feb. 1 (.T>-Uiidefenled Wlllle lloppe brur.hed aside Cormpr Chnmplon Tiff Denton of Kaniins City lodny In hU sbeady march lo ward his second con.iecuUvc world' three cushion bllllsrd chnmplonshll.

Iloppe required 44 innlng.i lo noli:!! hl.i filth nirnlRhl viciory. a 50 (o 20 d(>clsloii over Uio 1023 tltleholder who battled grimly to upset the New York cue wlrard.

Tills triumph left Hoppe only three victories behind Uie trio of pnce setters who have won eight Rnmes nplece—Allen Hall of Chicago, Otto Rebeiwof Phllnclclphla and Jay BoMman of Vnllelo, C#l.

Directly behind Hoppe U' Jake Schiiefer o( Clevelitiid, runner-up In Uie 1040 tournament, with eight dfi- clslona In nine i.lArts. Ml of the c^er 13 conteatnnts have lost two or more gomes.

Thousands Attend McGrath Services

NEW YORK. r>b. 1 ^thoiisnnd men, women and chlldrSn and the city's officialdom, from Mnyor LnGuardla lo the cop on Uie corner, turned mit today to pay their last tribute to big, beloved Mntlhew J. McGralh, police InspecU or nnd former Olympic welght- Uirowlng champion.

Inspector McOmUi. 64. died Wed- ne.'rflny of pneumonia.


been forbidden to toko dogs on Lnndon trams and buses In blackout hours.

-WATIONAL-LaunderersdcDgy Cleaners

1 Offer These


On Your Dry Cleaning'

For ladicB’ Plaln^ressea, ladies* Coats and Men'M^Smts^and Overcoats

b r in g yo u k d r y c lean in g.TO THE NATIONAL AT

3rd. Ave. East and 3r d St. E & t

Honest, She Caught 'Em

By Idaho GroupMOSCOW, Idaho, Feb. 1 (,T

—Thi' ,'.i)ccliil coniin lltcc ap- poliiU'ti by Pr(‘ .sl(l'-nt, Harrl.son C. Dalp lo .study the Uiilvonslty or Idaho':; atljlcU r sltuallon

' 1 1 1 Intt) a huddln today and jila iiiie il 'to emi.Ti'.t' tomorrow with nnthlHK to ri'port — for inibllcatlon


THIS 17-year-old m!a, Eleanor BraHlrr, happily dKplays her priic- nrlnnlnr calth of yptnlth marUrrrl In the flflh annual womrn'* sail water fUhIng tlrrby al tian DIecn, Calif.

Glamour Boys Hui~t Fight Gatne, Says Benny Leonard

By .1. p. HACKL-rr N£W YORK. Kfli. I ul'i-Glamour.

iny.i Benny Uonnrd. H "kllhng" ihr flRht game.

Tile former IlghiwflRhl chiunplon. Uiho relt^^d nicer hl»'lM4 cnmpnlnn. blnm»s "aUmnur”. fcir iiiililuR iiiany Rood boxers ••down on their hccl.i" with a bank bslnnce n( rcro.. Leonard bei;an profc.L.-loiml IIrIiI- hia In 1012, won the li(lhlw.-lKhl title In 1017 and htid on to li.'

n ie record book sny-i hr enRnRcd In 200 bouli, scorlnR C4 kiiuckoul.i and winning seven dPcl(iloi»f. He wrut out lia.Ume;i Jor no decUlon. hnltlfd 10 exhlblilofts, lost cine de- cl. tDn nnd wns knocked out twice

- 111 hin Iir.sl luo ><'t IiKhtliii:.

N.pw p,irily lial.l, II mile h< iiroiiiul the middle, IKn fncit-l inch Lcnniird uill Iw- .n April

lIcS not pxaclly ihniiiKh wllh lio\- liiK. He II!. hern Ihc thlal iiiii the rini: a numbi-r nl tlmcn, bti Moniliiy he 'vill tnkc on iiii rlvnl 111 I'hiladclphia for three niliiiae round.'., i.cw Tendlcr. who dropiied n 15-round d'-c:l!>ln:i lo I.i-iin- nrd In 1023, l.s nonili'K up Jrrni I'lor' Ida for the bout.

"UnxlnK hn.i chanRcd hi Ihe la 1 20 yi-nrs," Benny said,. "I'lghter* were Jiui riRlilern, ni>ih-

Ihr Innilty-nUte,., ...aid the |) would

rl 11 dlrt'ctcir 11 coiiMilUd It Uie |)or.l-

!I .\ R V E S T K R Q U .V L IT Y A T A N K W L O W PU1CI-:

F A i M A L L - ' A '

icroniiiii'mliitlon;. Inr ili<- toiitliuin rxi.ltltjii-. Were le-.'. Iiii|><,i [nut Hum the plaiinliiy >it ii M.iiiid allilrtic re- nri::inl:Mlloti, ^

reeliir-.hlp liiis hreii (iinine Cicifie, I.eiijj,1 (1 11 Nonn,il :.ciio(i| coach., n r.tailuuic ut Ihc iiniviTMi.v.•• Ohirrvrr;. cxpcrlcil imic jleliiy Iniii;lUi|i liy the rc«ciii.-., imtlni; that W. C. CJetldcr. of Wlni ll<• ler and W. J. .MrNaiiithfnii of Coriir d’Alrnr. I'oiiipil’ lnK llie Ixi.u'd ul rcKtiil .oxccullve coinnilllcc (in' the uill- ver;,hy, nrrlved In .Mom uw loiluy.

( V„r,u„ll . . « l i ! It

II he lady nn

le-..i. ‘nie fishier he didn't itrny

tcppcd OUl M,llll

(ir hdicl ilinlng rwiin v,lth her, ihui cooked him.

"Sow liv. illllcrciit, Siintc Kuy who l:olnc Ifoin n poor Itiuilly. thal ha!i- n't had a nkk-l If mi.ld call ll.i own. wln.n twi) or thrre IlKhls, buys two or three new ;,ull.n, a hlKh- pnwcred air nnd nonie fancy habcr- diuihery. and bei-omrs i» telel;rlly. lle'.t KoL 'Kliinionr.' Wherever he Kocji he's uecepied.

"Once (I IlHliter }{cli the Idrn he's Ki>t Rlnliionr. hb (iKhtIng d»>.‘> nre numbered. I‘in natiiliiR no naine;.. but you can check them your.'cll."


• !A K M A I.1.-A ih rou j;! ' •” ui t hrinys \ <>ti. s'U'julh -I •c\liiuicr [inu cr III ,1 i iiiiiji.ut .uljiiiMlilc-; trc.ui ir.icicir Imilt ii) tio all kimK <)l « c r k . It briiii;s you trnr oiiijnrf. W hether yoiftsit in liic'roiirny sponge’-rii^flicr uphoKtcrcii sc.it o r st.imi on the o p e r a to r ’s p l.itforn i, al! tontrol*. are within iM y rciuh. It hriru;.' vou

' it in the >cat and sec vour

u'<xrJ; u lien yon d r iv e the I'AR.M.M.I.-A. N o neck c r in - mg. N o ixhly twisting.

W'e'rc proud to o ficry ou thif nc«- Miiall Tarm.iII. W hen you see it and try it you rjc lf y ou 'll" Miy. "It's the binRtil tratl»r-

ill the $500 [trice class!'* Phone us for detail* on the

F A llM A LI.-A and its d irect- atiachai)lc machine* . . . or MO]) in at (Ik »tore and ta lk ,

h j , f \ \ A i P N E U M ^ V T I C _ r s w v ' l i f - t - a l l

.\ new low cost pnwcr lifl for the “ A” and “ B ". No liciir.M — no nhiflini; at end o f field. SE E IT A T M cV K Y ’S.

M c V E Y ’ SInternational Sale.Hand Service

Twin Falls


IN search for impressive lize , core have been gcttifig longer every

year.Bumper haa retreated from bumper until there’ s hardly room left in the family garafic for the lawn m ower and the .good w ffe ’8 gardening basket. Does that mean you’ ll have t6 build a new garage to enjoy a big car’ s glorieaP N ot now I F or there are four new; Buicks on the Tsorket-^additions to our 1941-SraaAL series—that le t - you indulge your big-car tastes in spite o f 1929-car- size garages.•OlHloBtl oa the Bulek 8rti3*ti itudard on all odier mtIi

They are big cars in ability—with a llS-horaepow er B uick Firbbali. en­gine that can Jsc stepped up to 125 “ horse” b y the addition o f Com ­pound 'Carburcti.on.*

They are big cars in thcirroom -w ith plenty o f leg-, e lb ow - and hend*room in their spacious interiors,

But—they fit you r garage, handle like baby carriages, park on small change

B u ic jt S p e c i a l 4-door Scdafiy model 47,

$1021. IVhkesidevaaU tins extra*

—qII ^ ca u se w e hove trimmed down their bumper-to*bump%r lengthi

So if j-on’ ve been Itching for a big car—but wondering w here y o u ’ d — room fo r .it—b e t te ^ hop right over to sep these beauties now.

.Y o u ’ ll call them (be s e a s o n ’ s b ig g e s t n ew s!’


I M l t l S ^ J r B R O W N I N G . IricX , Second Ave. and Second St N o ^ TwuiEaD*.......



Vr»lfrtl;*y: U l»ok. m If .mr tlip Itilne* wlilrli liaiP Ixrll krri lti( David nni) I'nllr-apart S al>i> to |)c rrmnvril. Tllli U Clir

tril tcoil-

l:ik uljoiil iivikliirf !i1.i :

" MiirKO rciori- ;i-liiicr you nni

o 'ihp i>f fi it ulk

vld with cmpliiiiib Ihr iirjc of l«lk-

iW Miirun wr;«rll5' o tllP lK-o;)Ic vlir ojv joii m»l Wiir.

•I ^tlckln^• Jn II lowii

II mplmn

" t liavr fmi I kiiDV

toiirlR-il Davkl'.s J IhljjJj vou'il )>

nnd up-lOMluU- t Mnn;n hold om •'Clootlhyi', Davl

txiklni •I ^hllt l)p M'clni; >01;

■ D:ivld liHd lirl"O oodby ...........__ hnnd ft momrtit. "I hope . ,

J'our tnlnd n»d coinp back toMnrnr> said nolhlriij mnrc. Ami

prp^^IltIy David r.xx liiT yrllo '\ roiuLitor l;ctwc<-ii llip W '(ritM 0/ Uk- limilKT yard. }{<• u't bnclr to lib woik, A jriiM> of cc Jll.Mon RIH- linld of lilin. Ulr rr fuMoii Uiftl M;irxn o!ini mndo h feel. Hn coiiliUri trll to -i:ivc h ^•lipLJior o r not she wii.i In' If w l'h him. Hr <llilni tliinlc 11 i> ollile. nnd y r l i.hr wn.i nlwayn sn Ins UilnM Uini woiild lend him bcllevo Unit she wn.v

Oil, Llie dcvUI Why wnslo llnip th ln k ln s lU He lind n!hithlitK.1 to thliic iiboiil. 'I f he «lldii ln»vo lo workIJO V nled t drni) I ■ Pol1>Ilti would U-11 licr iiboul Miirco In s litt-ny, MnybP Uih woiiW convfnrr Polly Ihn t Ihere wnn nolhlnR^ be- lw n!n tlirm —lliiil he <lldn'l wan' nil Uiose nfrt'KnUiKf’ Polly hnd finU MArxn coiirll kIvc him.

■'Here." ./<i]lil the bixiHHreprr. -'nd- drr.i* Uicso'pny.envcloiv.i, will you Dftvld?”'• •’Suit;" Mirt Duvld. He took tin envelopes tlie tiiivn hoMliiK on to him iiiKl wi-nl to i> lyjw-wrltrr.■ Tlie bookkrejwr chtirkleil luu

w>!d: . 'T l ie ritnhlrr nt Uir bank': golnc lo Ri't It .iiirj>ri;.c wlicn In neo. llic nnioiiiit of our payroll. I cftii Just see Ills Aclain'.'t npple bobbihK up nnd <(owii, and lilii por)plnK."

" lie 'll prohiibly rcI n blKKiT prlae." r.itul Davlil, "wlicn In- Uio balance Mr. Powit;i liur. lii bank n l Uie rnd of the month

Prc.icntly Uic two men ' GlvlHK nil Uiclr ayrn tlon u> W hile In Uii! offier of oltl DocU.r Ben. W nrrcii McNeill w;i!i nl:,o bu-.y

DfK-lor Itrn •■Lcl'.i r ce. Doc." lie f,ald,-lt).V<lliK

' o\'er <1 pcnclleil ll.-il ot name;,; "yoi; w an t mo to lake over llirrc riKht nwny. I.i th a t IL?-

"Yen," nald DocUir Urn. "I'm Ircep. liiK' the ocloxmnrliin.n for my*elf, j ly Uie way. Mr.-:. Le:,ter liluc willprobably be ■B u t U’.i her ouKhui'i lo hii you and Mrs.

iaKI V


-"JL-e r ••No;

tlrilvc . "I hiul a

^klien I wici r.topiihiK off in my I;tOftTl."

■•Goo<ll Tlieij I'll not rIv oUier UioiiKhl.''

•'Just w liat did ynij .-.ny wi ■with ihl-s man. Pi'iVy Wli

• W;il 1•'NoUlhiK'.'i I))i- mjilk-r wJDi Mjjj.

iictii.iJIy/' Dr. IJeii ri[illc<l. i'lJu Uitnkii Uierc Li. lie bores ('vcrybody lo dentil <le;<rlblnK liiii ullmei: nil of which are purely lmaKl:i;> Oil. tt-ell. lie's n bore, luiywiiy, \Vi r c ji -n o li r mlKlil- a:, a ril tulle nix hlm.nclf. the mo^i borlrn: .miIiJitlnil,"

•'Give lilm felnenicdlclne lliat docMi'c <le\tTU nn Kood." Dtvi eel. -I K^vc him ;.nr U irw t oiicn -

(luppor.cl to hnvt flllnlltlrn—lju l Percy back. He .'.Hid. •Doctor

Mipljo.'.rd in df' y

h:\rmlc.s3 medl- te, Percy tliliib I'C t:l^t.' like lile


IcllK Win 1can^i even iJiiell 11. i Jt,'

"Oood Lord!'^ \Vi "He miL'.l be n cllnr Iden. Docf I'll Klve m ade of Bliie Mi'im worr.e. I rrm em ber i tn:^lng to make me ■R'hcn 1It to *£............................ - .............

Jxxe. W liat »orrl«t»nie, thouKh, w isUntr arnndmoUier's rnerffcfne. since 1 Ipvcd her like all kH-oui."-

“Oo *U>‘ 11.- wild Doctor Den. *Pcre>' seldom pays h it blll.i, nnywny. nnd Alnce tiitre ’a nnUilns «;rlou;.ly

- aTbng-wltJ».hlm. « miKia o*-woil have our fun." IJe picked up hla old ulouch hAtf; "Tmi tAko ihe car. I cun w n lt to 'sce Uio folks'who're cipecl-

tnc, o r liave Moso hitch up ,the horso nnd IWBKy.

W arren watched Uie U ll. fltralaht. w hJte-hnlred flsuro cros* Uie room.

"One of these days, Doc.” he siUci. *T want to make my calU ylUi the n o n e o n a T i i ^ ' . Do you mind?”

“Of court) no tf” xMd Doctor Den. “B a t In blnzM doe.i n yotsni;doctor like ytw w ant with th a t ' o f traasportaU on?". "Oil. I Just Uk8-

bucey atajOBpherp,"

r 111.- lli iv '‘h'-D .Mrn. Whit. il her ini.lrls. He w ent no jn.u •11. It wa.n jinictlcnlly n, ruiiiiwiiy. aiulfdthrr .' ilil afterw ards 11 w«s i-rairlrr lie dliln t land on lil.i lir;vd fl Held r.oiiirjilnce.’My li(ir:r l.i like Ihnl. too." ;,alil

DocKir U'-ii. •'AiilomoblliM aro idl I. I rivkon. H ut they don 'l have •r their liood.n w hul horw s have le th rlr hfsds.^' He rcnclietl niiinll black bnR. ••! won't.

Imy.":iiut old n •• W arrr

ictrd Ih r ILil Doctor 11 him, pltkrcl up his

r Hfii's nevcn-year-olii c olf down Malri ntrcet. me limplnK out of n i;r

• r r .-H o rtn r-\V n rrc n i" -n r ;iy I iluinib a rlde?'^•.;ilil \/a r re n . H e Klopivd loji In. I 'm KOUiK rlulil by

ur.nii Korr. on liavlnK tlilinis wroiiK ,-Uh her. like her Momaeli miseries.

Polly won't miirry Davld,^’tee." :.:\U1 W asren. "And you

I her to iimrry David. U ihnt

"Ust^^n, Doctor Wftr.

•, o u t of your luMd

O rd er Provi<lc8 ' I 'rccd o iu Fo ldersr;>irlili- iirrr.eiiUstloii of the val- i>: Anic'iUMii cltl7rn;ihlp U pro- C. bv fi.Ider.-i bclii« (llMrlbiit Hl

Uif lialloii fay the R(*,l. oi-dlii;; to Mrs. Oliidy.-.

I--alls, m rmbir of I-. A. M. O. U, C, priv.rtft. ihroiiKli plc-

-tadoii l il t provl.slon:, Ilif-liL--, OjilKiille each

1 1 the firm 1 0 amenil- roii.'.tltuilon iip|>ear.i a

Idrrs will bi lie yrar from tloiiwltle ills.

did a:.k n:ivld, and David ull ili;lil. Hr wi.iild be

around one (iclcxk, i.niidwlcl:

and t nil r iidy t MlI wltli

and Ko by for Doctor W urrrn «•; ••ooil n.-, I Ket off. We'll plvK nii th e n -n n i l off we'll no."'h, Kec, nwcll!" Peter i.ald.Vi's BO Mai;." .'.aid Pi-ter, "We ■ fun tlu i l way. 'aide;;. Polly h workhiK down a t lliia mlllliirry I. •Qiey <loirt nliut down S:itur' alternoonn like otit n t th r mill.- ikay," -nald David, " n i |;lve my

1 up till!* evenliiK. Polly?'

I'nUl Polly,

T he L ilcriiry Guideposl'* u®

:iilaiis.. K a l - i l ic k CQiUd lid . the .MrenKtli antj the :es-:nry lo the pro<liieiinii

tihalt Ill;.e Malciilciit (pllKht. aiK

of the cfrc.it •he .nhuw:i c.’ti ; lire belnK i

Winifred Calbral' ,e only fnrclcii nir in University .up to

clitlnK tlir peoplr unit th rlr 1 nder r.lrr?.-;. II Is lull of Incldri rom dully life, nil pointed a KiMly -well told. It.', millu.r 1 r;x s the intrurlty of the Chlni .'ork' clu-M b the iK.jxr of the iiUoli, (Morrow; J2.S0I."Oreat {irltaln Under Protec-

Z . £

oflaly.M' of

^ Krrdrrlck I,. Stlin- ^h;l;l Ovrr Kiir.opr." Ur .1 clmcly diHuiMiriilrd l.cn' iiiiulyi'.r coldly the dlplo- rill.r. of lllo;.r yr;n:i wjlhtmi IK ttir humnii fiu'tors nr


nine by Mr:.. A. W. Hanrni.Sluther III — Mr.'.. l.;iml>rrt Dol

phli) mill d:iiu;litrr a rr in Jdiiln l-'nll:. n t tlie lioi.ir of Mr:., D<.lphln'. nioilirr, wlvi I.-, ill.

Knim Tvtin l-'allTi— Dlllrndiif' er. suite lilKliwiiy rc-.'.ldnii. cnuinrei from Tw in Fulls. a bU' liir;-vlsltor In yllo.^hnne la:.t Monday.

— U oLuuIrJp— Bi;n-Dirt;a», GcorKC. l la r i 'to n , Muiir. Coffin. Ken and Mr. nnd Mrs, H. N. Chan visited In Uolr.e llin piist .week.

Isn or Saturday'! Puzzli

— I- ■c


‘‘M) lii.

M3e M

j i 37x ■H ■U) 41

M 4 i

4i ^ i. :w- S T i t «U a 1^7 sa

i l


. -IV

Si<;ii Painter’s Family of 19 ; JiMJndes Four Sets of Twins

U. S. to Subsidize K xport of W heat

WA.SItfNOTON, I'rt). I (-I'l—•Hie aurlcUUurn drpnrlnieiil Ox.k slrpr.

- TTAKKIIHFIIJLD. C.iilf., n n» I 'T) - I t . iii.il;-'r, (pilto II ntory, ihl-. M.*r- l,„i ;;:<.iT Miiilly of 19.

ThiT tmi'p no ' rtidlff. hu t lliPrr';. the .Slory hom e.talen t oiche.-.lra and rhonw, Ktory pinyn n miltar. vUilln.

toilav lo i.ub.'.ldlre the export I'f « flilTiiillty « r Ainrrlcali w nrnt 'to .\Irxlrj>.

I t ai;krd cxi>cirler:. 1<> Mibinlt bKl'iriii'l r iiio four ?,rlv (.[ t'.Mir.: tliiry

aiic: .';j.irrli-, 2; Jimmy and .I.';ni- r tlr . 10; f ly d c HiKl Ellrrii. U, and ■Ir.in :ind .lane. HI,

nnd June, i,nd Hobby. 11. lel- rhi.ir,- thit :,amc hlrtlwiiiy amiUrr- :.al'v. Iln:. 7.

l.iinjoriiialldolln or ukelrlr. anil hll. laiixhl tlie children,

auiiy built t lirlr lionif, a iniall one, blit blinkji lliiP Ih r wn!|-. nnd .-VrryiXXt>-hM a -p lacr lo :.lr.'p.

.Mr:i, Story cooks, dw.-, th r l.tmi- ilry and efficli'iilly inotlier,'. h rr

Monday for the purcli;i.'.L. of wheat

expiirt to Mexico. Ofllflal'i drcllnril to r.ivy w hat (|ilanlllv inlKlit be ,'hlnped under Ihls prcuram. fiomr Indlratcd. however. It inlKht lie br- twrell 1,(K»,000 and a.lK)O.O(M) bu:.licl.-i.

Story, a i.Ikii p;iliilrr, :..iy;; h r ;n;il.. brlliKlnK liomr th r b;ici.n a tr;,| job, wlirn 100 tors KO iiiidrr the I;ii.lr rv rry meal, .\fo-.tJy Jir /iiiyi.

.|1,« ...... nf r1r•

briM*!. di-clarliiK: ••Wc'vir never had a d<«:tor liiXlir

17ie ot/ier rfiildren are Scotty.

•n il' n-hriit « lilrli would be ex­ported under tlil.s prr.irram has b m i artjulred by the deiuirtinent under its KroK-cr loan o(K'Mt!a!i,v,

f^rrirlqTt ..viii.iiiir.li ihttL lilc]., wereUlil'.f ...lie, J<nj>inUllU lJ.lK UL-IJl.ranil ln ;iii.'<, a n d . SO-ixm'xl cartons of in.icar(.iil and i.p;i«lirltl.

CliurloLlc. 4; Terrytowii. S: J- rry, (i; Sti'vr. 7; Jum-, H : Jarqurlinr, If., iilid Jack. 10,

expected to be low enoiiKlvto rniibir rxportern lo !.rll a t eoinpetltlve worlil

levels which have been runnlnu be-' tween 25 nnd 30 centA a busliel below prices in ihr United S tates. Prices In tills coiinto^ l>ave been pesRed above world leveLi by Kovernment crop ronfrni p«7Kmm.i.

n i l ' (leiinrlment would take a low on th e difference between It-nMonn m vr-tm rnt nnd th e -lo w e r exitori prlee. __________________


HOISi:, I'Vb. 1 (/TJ—Beer drinker* contribute »ll,0O3 to Idalio'8 t r c u . ury durlnit January UirouRh th» nieki!l-per*KalIoii tnx, law enforce, incnt commlr-'loner J . U Bnldera. Ion r<-ix>rled to<lay. but beer rctullers I.;>ld Ilic most. S13,1C5, In btiylns newJJrn

The IlKi comivire $10,8«3. . . . e r nnd

•lircr.cntliiK license saJen.-


ly W iiT c x r r ^ « v 1 I;jlCREAMLMNrr, klM^.EeD. WHILE


1 / GNAT^, TO ‘a ftr z " . \' I -----1 DROPPED \




PAPERS ER ^ AO M e-m W ? / V u CGAR

« i R , - m e '

S o a < - = -


SO >C 0 ARE W RmS)© ^ , ^ ^ ABOUTW B d r v T ^ :::>




IPajcss c.==IS TfZ TO RA.\iSS\ F Z \\< A£».%V3,

. A\A£ AVOTmE •. PCN ,'AAJ<E

ftrrw cTV.TTH TVE

us<sO‘'<r 70 Tr5^.\ M RCM f

' LlOTEttS iH ROV\ Tm= CSCUnD....

GASr^T.i\i.: a ll ey ' LIFE IS EARNEST.


t>OM*T hWMt> »P \ OCi ^ Y IT WAS A s n t o v s.9J: OHW PA W T o A W W ItC

f a m c u s, WRtarukjta iWTV AT


SOCIETY EVENTS and CLUB NEWSPlans Progress Rapidly fo r

Girls' League Spanish Fiesta“ D lv c r la m o n o s ," m e a n in g ‘‘L et ii.'! lie m e r r y .” w ill be Ihc

s p i r i t o f th e cven lnK a t t h e S p a n is h flc.sta u t t h e T w in F a lls h ig h s c h o o l h a e lc n d a n e x t F r id a y ev en in g a t 8 o 'c lo c k , a n d w ill g r e e t g uen ta f ro m th e f ro n t o f t li c lr " S p a n is h S o n o ra ” p ro g riy ru s . o f f ic ia ls o f t h e G lrl.s ' Icuruc , siio n .so rs o f t h e d a n c ­in g p a r ty , a n n o u n c e d l a s t n ig h t . T h e lu re o f S o u t h A m e ric a , t h e g a ie ty o f th e S p a n is hf i e s t a a n d th e m ii.slc o f th e tw o c o u n t r i e s w ill b e c o m b in e d In t h e e v e n in g 's p r o g ra m to mnke th e party one of i.iic-cr.v.tul In Uio hlaloo- b'r llio leugiic.

CotnmUlCM mnltliiK urriiiiKcmciil.'s • for Iho event wrro nmiotiiiccci Iii.iL

evening, nntl litivo bcrn cnllnirliir.llc- nMy jircjmrlnft for Hie event for the pn.1 t ten (Inys.

Special Numbtra In kceplnK wltlj Uip e!io;.eii tJicnic.

pvery oUier dunce on llic pioKniin will be n Spnnljilv or Mcxicnn i.Hcc- llon, IncludlnK i^ucli iiumbcni lui r.’Uown .ArKcuQnc Wai’,’" " i ’tomwi" nncl "Mcxlcnll na-.e," to which the prlzft wnlU coiite.it. one of the eve­ning's fcntiirex. will be dnnced. Will WrlRlil nnd h ij orcliritrn will piny tlio miulc. nnd will select n Spnn- l.nli number lor tlie sm nd mnrch. Plr.-st dftnce on Uio proRrnm will be entitled. ••HolacUlco." niennltiK - » 1 .

■ Parclner. Jioiv n « you?"Decorntlomi nrc.untlcr the dlrcc-

tlnn of U)e senior un it of Uie lenKue w ith MLvi Vernn 81uemn In cliuree. T he Kj’mnMlum. locnie o t the party will bo converted Into a "hnclendn" with gully decomted bnlconloa, com­plete wlU> the iron grill woric which chnr ■Uh draperies nnd oUier colorful ob­jects of the souUi.

Committee Membera Members of M lu Stnemn'a cbin-

m lttes are Miss Ardls W nsner, Miss Maxine Elliott, MLis Doloris Wilcox. MU* Shfrjejrjjecuey. &Uu ,Mart;nret

. MlrfTfilUrlo' Drake. MLis lailott.

Miss Juno Daniels, MUs A lta Prozler . and Mlsa Helen Thomas. O . A. A.

members will also nssUt in Uie decor­ative airansementA. ,

I.I. dealKncrt lu a Spitn- e beln'i; iirninged by i inioro;iwllh Ml.no Shlf. ■hnlrmiiii. nw.laicd by

Mlu; Bcrnlci; Hill. Ml;ii Thelma Ad- ii« niul .Ml.v; Loh UolllnKcr.. »3i>cclftl invltJitlons arc brInK l:,siicd membcm of the w hool bonrd and

Tlic proKrn: Mi Seiiorn. ai

up of soph U7 Wiiy n

I the f niliy. nder i dlrcci. itlitr Roplinmorc committee.

MLvi Klalne R ukb, MIm W anda Jor- (Inn, Mi.m Della Edwards and M lu Evelyn Smitli, MIw Helen 'Hnkci nnd MLm Cclentlno Salmon, nopho-

0 of t undplan nil nlil Spiinlsh well th< the decorntloiui of the table

'Kpanlith KriiorUas Punch Kltb, costumed lu 1 .

Aenarlta.1. will be Ml.vi Cnrole Lou Miller, Mlij I-'rnncrs Mcuiiler, MIm Irl.i Onidorf. Miss Betty Lou Powell, Ml,s;i nonnle Ji-im Kunkol. .\I to Juno Pownelt, Mls.1 AlJeiic nie/iard.ion. MlM Elot.ie Mntlicw.'.. MKi Rllth Pruett, MKi Ruby Moore, Ml;-i Dor. oiliy LiinRdoji. MUi HcIkii Rommet- k'cdt nnd .MI.VI Rosie Hnbaln.

Floor allow U belns planned by the Juniors with Miss Jo a n Denolt otinlrman.

a irU liandllHK publicity a t ... school are MlrJi Eveb'n Cockrcll. Miss Juno DanleLi. M Ki Olivo WelLi, Mlsa Julia McQrlde. Mina N anetic Woods and Miss Pnullne Moyes.

SpouMrs of th e OlrLV Ii ................noso M. North, dean of ulrl.v .Mlu Helen ' Mlnler, Mlsa JoaeDlilne nirockmortan.- M bs Oeorgla r

.'MLM Madc'ime O arvln and Ml.r DunnsBflU, and sponsors or the Boys' chib. Ocralil W allace. J . E. Tomlin. Paul Joncj tinii W endell Lnw will be present during th e even

Program Announced for Musical A t Second Ward L.D.S. Church

Dance Students ■ Present Recital

P r o g r a m n u m b e rs f o r t o n ig h t ’s " A r tis te M u sle a leV a t tli'c S e c o n d w a r d c h a p e l o f t h e L a t t e r D ay S a in t s c h u r c h w ere a n n o u n c e d la s t e v en in g - b y H e r m a n C h r is t e n s e n , d i r e c to r o f Ih o p r o g ra m . T h e p u b l ic Is In v ite d to a t t e n d t h e m u s ica l p r o g ra m , w h ic h Is s c h e d u le d to b e g in a t 7 :3 0 o 'c lo c k . U sh ers w ill bo M ls.t B a r b a r a L a w r e n c e , M iss E va S toke .';, M iss O rp h a

• S to k e s n n d M is s K a th le e n K ing .

O p en in g th e p r o g r a m w ill be tw o so lo s b y Ja m e .s Roy- nftUtii Accompanied by Mri, O. P Duvall. K# will nlnR "Tlio Lord U My Slicjihcrd” by R icher mid "De. liold the M aster Paseeth By."

’Trumpel Solo Junior FHirnicr will pluy it trumpet

Mio. -Tlie Miild of tho ML-.t," n c comiJunlod by Mlsn Patric ia Smith,

f er which bass solos will bo ’ol- e<t by Ferris Sweet, who wlU K -Asleep In the Dcc-p" uuC 'Rolllim. Down to Rio."

MI.-J BmlUJ will pliiy two plane selections. 'T w o Liirk:i” and "Lencli- tUs KIm." a wonien'ji trio, Incliicl- Ing M1.M Dertlin Stnlllnit!i. Mlr.i Dor- oUiy Stoddard and Mivi Irene Stod- dapl. will sing "My Owti U a j\. .’ accompanied by Miss Wllda Carl-

Approxlniately two' hundred and fitly piirenU and friends of dancc ^tluIcnta of Wayno KenworUiy nnd Mei^o Stoddard attended th e dance demon.itratlon In which th o group appearod laat Friday evenl tho Odd Fellows h&U. Dunce

. peared beneath varl-eolored ’ llghls In costumes In keeplnft wUJj

the ir numbers.Accompanists for all numbers

Mrs. Helen Saulcy and Mrs. Phyllla Kenworthy. Student* from Halter-

• m an . Buhl and T«vln F a lls wer< pre.'.entcd by the two Snstruetars.

^ Opening number wn.i a rhum ba ^oy Pntty Maxwell, Bonnie Von AlLeo.

Luclllo Langdon and S h t r l e y Thom as, all of Twin PitUs, followed by a baby buck by Luanno Reese of Tw in Falls and a solo num ber by a future dancing s ta r from Buhl. Gary Hrycr.

••Wo Three" wos danced by Lenora Pa la t and Helen Jean Bordowick of Buhl and K ay Brdtrlcl^ o f H acer man. and a Ncero mammy num ber was presented by Eleanore Schwab o f 'T w ln Falls.

•'I Am An Amerieao" w as danccd > —b y -M U s-V oo-A lL w ,-P hym »-Jaan

MeCulloush. Deo Roberse nnd Nancy Len Robeme. a ll of T^'ln FaJb. after

. which M bs. Bett« ^Juno T n rr ap­peared Jn "Down A rsentine Way."’

Jane Hebloy of Twin F a lls of. fered a alnRle time number. Lucille LanRdon appeared In "A in 't O ot Nobody- with ShJrley R ae Ifm ry and Bobby Richards of Twin Palis and Pnyo Jew ett and Dean Jew ett o f Buhl.

Phyllis Ann T annler of Tw in Palta offered a kick heel wlecUon. a fte r whlcl) a waits clOR was presented by Barbara Jcnr.en. Faye Je w e tt and Dean Jaw ett of Buhl. anrt'M arlena Rhlnohart. Shirley Rae H enry. Bob­by Richards. Bertlne Lftncdon, Monica Eleock, Deo RoberRO, Nancy U e Robente. Phyllis Jean McCul- louBh. Mltsle Williams. Ja n # HeK aloy and L uanne Reese, a ll o f Twta- Falls.

Mr. Kenelaliy num ^ V ,"w gh tim tJ D « ^ ."* ^ '

A ^ i n Falls BToup presented « soft shoe number, with dancers be- Jns M ary Latham. Betty Rowan. Nancy Latliam. Wand* t«ve land . Edna B#wan. Dolores Cardwell Elennore Schwab, BeUy A U utet and Joyce Bolton, and Mls« Breltrlck of Haficrman and M bs Bordewlck and Mlsa PaUC of Buhl.

Concludlne number %-u an acro- baUc dance by four Twin Falls ulrb.

Tbomaj.Lonsdon and S h l r l e

KNULL ORANGE KnuU 'O nmee will meet a t 8 p. m.

^ e s d a y a t Uie scljool house. Metn- boT8 are aalced to bring cup cakea.

SPECIALS u ite , Coats, D resses

39C. Cash & Carry

r : D R i V E - i NCLEA N ER S

Jay Spracher will piny two ornon solos, "Lost Chord" and '•Old Re­frain." after w hich a women's sextet will lAntt 'T lie NlRht Has n Tliou.'uind Eyes," occompunled by M bs Marlon Wlkon. Sextet members arc Phyllis PIckrcll. Orllne HerslnRcr. Phyllis atalllnKa, Nadine Carlson, Katlierlne Orendorlf luid K atherine Klllle.

Rccd Eiiluni will play “Sccno nnd Air" by Lucladc M orU ort ft.i a' clnf- lnct,iolo nnd a mole q ua rte t, dlrcct- (Kl-nnd BocompniiUsl-by-MlM- M nr- Jorle AlberUvon. will slnK ‘T ho Cn.i- Rneks" and "Song of tho Jolly Rosers."

Mixed ChorusA B!fl»' mixed chonui. dlrecK>d by

Mra. Doniilc Q . Adam.i nnd accom- ponlcd by M rs. Lee Johnson, will .ilnK Bralims' "liUllaby" nnd "My Testimony."

Sopranos'are M lu M ona Hulbert, Mbs Margaret Cockrell Miss Tlielma Moon. Mn. LnDenn Chrbten^en. Miss Merla Salm on. Miss Lark Tj'ter and Mbs ^ t l i - Henderson, second' Mpranos are M bs Evelyn Cockrell. Mbs Helen Lind. Miss Ruby Phil-

Vmvs Exchanged at TaperUght Rites By Miss Bette Magel and A ugnst J. Pene

M l.ss B e U c M ijrlc M ugel, d a u g h te r o t M r. a n d M rs. D. F r a n k M a y c l o f T V ln F a lls , a n d . A u g u s t J . P e n c . ' .son - o f ■ M r. a n d M rs . A . J . P e» c f>f P ltU n b u rg h , P a . . cxchiinKfid m a r r ia g e vow :; a t a tn p r r lliJh t c e r e m o n y y e s te r d a y m o rn in g a t 9 o ’c lo c k a t A scc n slo ii Eni/!- coi^ai c h u r c l i w i th Rev. In n i.i L .- J e n k in s r e a d in g ih c .sIhl'Io r in g r i tu a l .

i:cclcMiustlc'c)|.Ui|M.'l'S nnd cnilii lilli-s ere on Ihc nliar; KradunUd laivrs I floor i.taudurd . 1 and Watteau biis-

ke tj In two two holdlnit whitecnrnntloii.% nnd white sniipilrngoiui. and two holdlnc plumes of wuod- wnrdla, dccoriitcd the cinuitcl. Cell- liiK c#ndrlabr«. holdlns myriad Ivoq'. upon ., ulloi-dod fiirlher liliimtnstlnn fnr th t chapul. and the ci:llinK window nrchwlvy,^ were outlllird wll fe.itoon.'i of Krrenciy. I*cu-ii wc niurki-d with O rrson Knipo and clus­ters of fi'rn.

Carry CnloiiUI lliiuc)ucli T lic b rldf wa--i lovely In ii cia;.:,ic-

ally Btjled iiowii o f while chiffon^ with a V-nocked arcclan-drnpcd bo<licp. lone .\iccve.'i nnd a’ floor lenKth sKli t- Siie cnrrlcd a Colonial bouquet of w hite rnsp.i nnd .iweet pens, pliflc nwcethenrt ro.'.c.i and acacia, ..

Tlie tulle brldal'vcll ciiu'adeil from a coronet-of soed pearl.-, to the'hem of the gown, and wiis held in piarr wltll a pearl p in which had liHuiiKCd to h e r m aternal sranilmoUicr. As the "lonieUjlnK borrowed. romcihliiR blue" of the ensemble, she wore a pa ir of small liWrlInK silver and bine- enamel Chinese lovo' bird charms, linked touL'ther by a iWnule tllvcr d in ln , Several hundred yciir;, old, they ara one of th e prlrcd po-ncs-

onii of Mrs. C. A. Ballcy.Halo velb of petal pink tulie were om a t khoulder leiicth by tne three

attendant.'!. Ml.'u M arsore t MaRcl Bobe, her older eb ter. who was in; of honor; MTss Ja n e Brailsford Los AiiRcles,' bridesmaid, nnd her younK sister. Miss Nancy MbrcI, tlie flower Kin.

A floor length gown of pink mnr- (jubette. with Insertions ofm atchlns lace, ond long «l«ves was worn by the maid of honor, who carried n Co­lonial bouquet of pink racs. plhk and lavender .nweet peas and acacia,

Miss B ralbford 'a Kown wiu of blue ni!irauiso(lc over pink ;.atta, .iiyled w ith puffed sleeves. Her Colonial bouquet was ideiiUeol lo tJic curried by the muld of honor.

T lie flower Blrl'a IIoor-lenKtli sown WB.1 of blue organdy ovcr pink with puffed sleeves nnd a square ncclt- line. Her bouquet was a miniature Colonlnl bouQUvt of awcctlieari rone biid.-i, liivvnder nnd white sweet peas.

F-or her daughter's wcddluK. " Mugel was Rowncd In a Frc:ic>i afternoon model w ltli matching details: a blending coat, and a ... . In a deeper t>hiu!o of blue, with which she wore a veil. H er corsage vlolelji and Brlurcllff roies.

Slxly-Flvo Guest*Tlie Btxty-flve guestA W’ere seated

by Robert P . MukcI. broUicr of the bride, and W lnton Gray of Buhl. O scar J a rlc tt of Los Angeles, a fra­ternity b rother of tho brldeg.oom dnd a classm atc.of the couple a t tho University of Idaho , was best mun.

Olvcn In marrlatrc by her fatlier, the brido entered Uie church to the stra ins of tlie Lohengrin Wedding m arch by W agner, played a t the or­gan by Mrs. D. L. Alcxaiulcr, who abo played th e M endebsolm rcces-

inl II arch.Preceding U « ceremony. Mrs. O. P.

Duvall i.ang, .••Because" by D'Harde- lot, and ••O Prom ke Me." by De- Kovcn, Mrs. Alexander was her ac­companist.

I.\5llQwlnR the ccrembny. thirty- five relatives and guests a-'jembled Bt the Colonial home o t tlio bride's parents on Bluo l^ k c s Doulevnrd nortli

held white tapers, and the formal floral arrangem ent was o l whlto nations and free.-.las.

Win U ve on Coast Mr. and Mrs. Pene left later In

Uie morning for Reno. Nev„ and San

T h i s V a l e n t i n e w U l ,

A l w a y s b e T r e a s u r e d

^ You cnn b e -c e r ta in -o f plcasijiffTelephone y o w V alentine w ith y o u r por-

402 /o r tra it— it’B th e y l f t t h a t keep s on ■ Anvointm^nf glviflff! M okc an ap p o in tm en tAppointm ent A lbum . . . you 'll

• • like our p e rfe c t c a m e ra w ork.

u mW e a lso ca rry a fu ll line o f p ic tu re fram es. F ro m .^Oc to ?5

MItS. AUGUST J . I'KNK. nha wai M lit llrtl<> M»rir nm rriaer yr^lr^day momlnc a t A^rrn«lnn KpiM.i>pal brldreronm a pir<-r of the wedillns rakr :•(lie Iliu r l.akr^'Imulcvard home n( lirr parr Magrl. r»lIi>Hint the crremony. T hr roupic (News l'ho(o-Kiigravlnr).

liKirn |irr:ikra.'.

Parents Asked to A ttend Job’s Daughter Meeting With Official

S p e c ia l I n v i ta t io n wa.s ls.iued la .st n ig h t to a ll j ia r tiiL s :inc K iia rd la n s o f n icm ber.s o t T w in Fall;: b e th e l o f Job '.s D auR h tc r.s to a t t e n d il i e m e e tin g n e x t T liiir.sd ay evcn lnp ; a t [i o ’c lock a t t h e M a so n ic te m p le , w h e n Ml.s;; H e le n D im n o t P a y e t te , g r a n d s u a r d l a n of th e a t a te b e th e l, w ill p a y h e r o f f ic ia l v is i t to t h e T w in F a lls b e th e l. A lso In v ite d lo t h e e v e n t w ere m e m

b e rs o f t h e M a.^onlc lod g e a n d l l i e l r 'wive;: a n d m e m b e r s of th e E a s te r n S t a r n n d th e i r h u sb a n d ;;.■ MI:ji Diniii !-•

iiitio bctheUi


of I

CO, where MU'J- will rpcnd a i i before l ontlnulnc lo Loi 1. n i e brides trnvrilng cni-

r.prliiK .'.iiaeioth, belKc

lit nnd belKc accei.-«rle: couple win be lit home niter

Fcbrunrj- 10 u t IIUJJ South Harvard, Loa Angele;:, where Mr. Pene Ir. ns;.oclalcd w ith liie Gardner-Denver company, Los AnKclcs cnKlnecrlni; firm.

.tcTday’i wcddhii: wn.t tlic cul­m ination of a roiniim-e which bcijun . . . the tuinpu;i of the University of Idoljo, where ihe brlile was affiliated w ith K appa K appa Oammu .vororlly

■ th e brldcKroom, with Alpha TniiOmci rnlty. He v also

;vernl englnecrli ,. tcrnltle.i.

Pene la ter received her de- greo' from tlie University of Siiuthcrn Callfortiln n t Los Angeles. Mr. Pene took iindergr.vlunte aiiidle.i a t Car­negie In stitu te of TechnoioKy at, P lli.iburgh before enrolling a t the

illy of Idaho, where he rr- Cfived h b degree.

Out-of-town Kueat.1 ot the veddlng brenkfast were .Mr. nnd Mt<i. Ilronn Journey of Jerome. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Sm ith mid sons, Dnii 5itiith and Hownrd Sm ith, nnd Mr. anil .Mrr., Jnnirs Wllllnmn of GoodiiiR; Nlr. and Mr,'., Cilenn Magel and Mr. and Mrs.Conrad Mngcl of Kimberly. Mr Mrs. l.'rank I'lishbaugh nnil <lai ter:i, Frnncen nnd MarKiirrI, Garland. UtaJi. and Mr. nnd Jack W lbon of S alt Lake Cliy.

L W E y S flO W E J i H o //o y ? s RK C E N T B R ID E

A linen shower w.ns aiTantircl one afternoon la st week In -iintior ot Mrs. A rthur Olf.on. formrrlv Mist Janet S hnim , a t the home ol Mrs, Harold Johnson.

All decom tlve details were in Uir Valentine 'th em e . FolIoalnK Uir brldKc games and _pre.ientailnn of gilts, refreshmenlji were ,>erve<l. O ther Kuest.T Included Mrs. E. H. Oyer. Mrs. Edward BO'.''srfI. Mrs, C. W. W llllajnson. M rs.'Edsar Mllb and Mrs, Jo h n Carver.

brth rl

lipthel,lell t lay alter


altenoon; Burlry hrthrl. Frlilay a fte r­noon and Poiatrllo bethel, nexi Saturday iilteniw n.

Twin Fftlb bethel member.-', will Miss Mary Ja n r S hn .rer a... lumornl queen, will exrnijiilly work of the order and will initiate two mcmbars, Mk.n Grace Olla and MLvi Mary Olln of KiinberLv.

Members of other soiithrrn Idalii be theb are rxpc-cied to be In n t tendance nl.-.o, nfcordlnir lb Mr?

Snll.'.bur^-, suardlan of .thical b tlici.nefri-:,hme s will b rved dm

Idaho Sliidi iils (o'He \ i n o i i i j G u v s h n l Collffic Funnnl Dinuvr

uo I(i;ii;o Mlillclits, I:

[Privileged G irls Should Belong To Youth Gh'oups, Say's Official

r-MiiT. ind :

|. Unhemlnn rluD

New Members of Church Honored

lvllc(;i‘cl R lrl need,': lo :t y o u th o r i ;a n l7 a t lo n

irli ; t in ; id e r -iii-.:i <1 say.'j. r il ic ira P r-M ols, n a t io n a l 1 iT i'ta ry (if t h e C a m p • ( 1 1 1 1 : 1 i n r ' t h e n o r th w e s t n e t wild iKus h c c n a v is i to r I'v .m F.ill:; t h e ija .'it th r e e

. a 'tc n i l ln i ; in c i’llnK.'! ofI UM nu:iii1l:.iu to (lb.cuM! 1 1 1 . witii thi-ni a n d ' to

i)r .'l. di.'p'-"<;Clark ar. Ilif ron

iilKh llitlil.-, (if

Young Hostesses En tertain Group

Ml:.'. IJorot it.n I'a rry r.

• iCrr ;fl nntl Mir.

, . ly for a Kroup their friends la :l i-vcnlnit a t I Park hotel.

AU decorations ir tre In ki'cpl w ith the Valentine motif nnd dai Ing was the evenlnK'r. diversion,

Mrs. C, H. KreiiKcl and Mr.v It. Parry, mother, of the young Iv

thrniighniit the evening from a d

lal hour follo'.ving Ihe lodg

bethel, will ua-so be p

II K ilb, belheC

c Idalio

Additional Society On Page Ten

-.illl r iitlnui. Frnm t , her toil • ot

nnrllrAtlrmoon I’arly

■t yetlerilnv at1ernn<Mi's ?ev :i5v:nl l>v Mr..<. A rlhiir nf\.k\ l.'l-'il l)V Mr:;. .F. C. 'Shenebri v ; . iimlrr Ihe <ilrerHon nt I vnrtl nn rri nnd .Mr.t. John nn nuie, iii'-'ii'd the aflernonn's tl.- . UnUi vniuig Camp Fire I-. !>nd nirniber-i of Ihe niuo (1 Krniip^ ot Twin F ‘>>b,:il luvl Kimberly were present. • I'oap -liiKini: of Camp Fire song:1 iinrlrr the dlrecilon of Mr*.

Ir.-.. Siinirberger’:; grniip nf Camp- Gir!-, Kave a eounoll flrtf* dem- .iratlnn wlih all Camp Klre GIrb

e:it lalutik' part. Mri;. Slipneber- coiKlncled the ceri'm ony and

r s e n t e d Trallseeker rank to •iify l:lrlR, W oodt'aiherer rank to •Ki: Rirb nnd honor beadfi to many ii-rs. Her proiip of Klrls pre.iented- with re ruardlan 's pin.

ots gave n Mifirt talk toKlrb .during the ceremony, and

i Kl.nOltA DeMOTH. national nil) l ire eirei.llvJ-. wl.n li vl.ll- : f.im p v irr (ilrU and guar- ,iu 111 «iiiillirni Idalin.

reprefcnted ting activity rliij; the pnst

I «! itlrb. Hc-

fiftv.rlil.rCiuui. K lieO lrls. Arc

i'.T.A. COl.NCII.T^vlIl Falk I'.T.A. coiincll will meet

it p ni. Mnndiiy a t the home )f .Mr.vD. P. Grovrs.

S T A R T S T O D A YAe ll f f u la r I'rlee*



You’ll Hit Your Mark With An Arroiv....


l i K I l R E B D SStocks dt)hlinue^Rctreat as

Fears of Nazi Attack Dominate Trailing

M arkets At A Glancc

liv I'UKIinniCK CiAIU^NKIl NLnv YOUK. K.-I). 1

.M»ck in v k r t lo.I;iy riiilrd on--

• fiiiitkiv I

rla^lni; I

*0/ncllcjilo, 11 \vas

MlKKOK-cl. inrliidrd u|il>ri-ln-iv.lniiover Iiixr:., KrowliiK utivrnmiciitnl pricc conlrol.i nml llio w.lilrnlii« f>f labor rIfL-. In filvotal dpffiii.c in-

Tlir A.sMX'lalfxl nvcnu;r <ilGO Atockr. w:i:. oI{ J uf n [K>Uil al 4I.S. •Ifiiiir.fCM.werc :inii,CKin lOianvi.

Promliipiit on llir Ia\lriK -•■Icli- were U. a airpl. Whi'dliiB Slccl, Cliry;.-

- Irr. . iJQiiKlaii Alrcrnll. Aiiiprlriili Trlfi.lioli*-. . U'Mtln(5lioii.-.o. Unlmi CnrbUIr. En.\lman Kcxlnk. J. I, Cx'.r »nd Snnlft Fc,

AmoiiK UlP trw Lv.iits Jliil;.lilHK moderately nlinid w rrr Krmii-onlt, Amcrlcnn StiiPllIm;. Clir.-.»pr:ik<- A: Ohio. Woolworlh and J. C . P rnnry.

CoiVioMdntccl Oil u a , ihr- llvrllrM mover of th r day. i t wiltl li; blo<rk.nof 500 to 5,000 shtirr.........• -------- "’» a l 5H.

wn-1 off

Slock A verages

T re n d of S tap les

fon rtcN t !ci:iia m ;k Ar</nilri> ■>».>'JiittiV.I .1) <>r iSI.Tt Unllfl Slam rrnla 1o.|>

Th# rommiTfUl fr«n^

^N>:w IfjllK-Tj- Copi>«ri KUctnilj

P erishab le ------Shipping

Ceurlei]' Tfecl C. Fan Union Pacltic frtlch t as Twtn Fallt.

Carload shljunrnU of pfrl.-'linhli commodltlea for Jan . 31;

Idaho Palls dblrlcl—Potatoes (18 Twin Palis dhtrict—PoUtoes <0. Caldwell district—Onions 5. np

pies ft.•• a -d U tr lr t-O n lm w i:-------------

.. M ontana -dlatrlct—Potatoes 1.

CAR TLACEMENTK Union PaciJlc ear placements foi

loadlne toda)' Included Idtilio Fnlli d lsu ict. tn potatoes: Twin P n lb dti- trict. 63 potatoea.


SAN rnANciFco—nmuri » :• •

Kccil L xm :OHr. >nt41ua im < . •

MIHNCArOLIH. Tfb. 1 &r>—KImx




P r ic e s Fall lo L o w e s t Levels Since Last

Septemberllv Oll.i-ri l-IND LK '' ’

cniCACiO, Kell. I (/!■, — W heal |.i 11 f . hntke lo llir lowc.'.l levels i.Inco

loin till' :.pi.rd «r

>mhwc;........... ..................... <lccllllc of tlici r k . 'l l llic iilnlli coniicciillvo :iy 111 u'liirii wheat ])rlces have been :iirr<l <liwiiuiird. Late riOlle:,. how. vcr. wijicd cmi tilmit.M n cen t of tJle.

'W lival clu.td ' i lo lo a rr Uinn ■riday;, liiiivh. ijuV- from \ to 1 i-iil ilttOvr Ihi- day's lowtv.l, May a i ‘ '. .‘ Ill .Inly 75'-. lo 75 :.; coin iin- haiiilrd t/< up. Mny O P. ti. f l l ' i ; iilv UlM oiil.i lower lo 'm iid- iiia-rd; anil lnr<l 7 lo 13 cenl;. lower, fKHKl ovrrnlKhl rnln.i lt» the :.oulli. .•M_u|i-f.- v.lii-ii!.crou:toiidllloiia Jil- midy have bci-n rcpiirltyLJ'-'1 10 (ir Vi ycarr.. r.elllnK prer-Mirc

r.T^ In tlinl territory, luck ;'nl biiyniK [wwrr to iili.Mirb In Ihf pit, and :.cnii<- fcHV,s KOvernnicnt inlKhl chalnic meed plim of iinl nrlUni;

I’ llUTBlCril JJIC fit


Tw in Falla M arkets

P O T A l'O liS

Lewiston O p tio n s Site fo r ATrporl

LEWISTON. Idalio. Feb. 1 a '^ - The clly of U w lston had taken nn option near the city llmli.t for a lr- pnrt purpose.-!. The pricc Is lo b* *50.per acre. T5it^ Is the f lr jt definite move by th e clly tiLxalab- $2 ILih an. airport to nieci fetlrta l re?- qulretnrnls. Accorcllnd lo teiiratlve f<illmales the th rrc runway held will cost about *500.000,

B laslock KiMKuiK'd

Parliamentary Law Studied by Classes

H cn l E s tn te T r a n a f c r a

W rdnrxlay. Jin u a ry *9Deed, I.. I). Pelcrj lo n . I,. Peters.

»3:0. Lniul lit Src» in, 13 111 13-10.l.<-a:A n, nurn.i In a . 11. Bender.

NWNW 23-10-in.Deed, D. B. Sintler lo C, Hincken-

bitry. *250, P i W nicsw 20.10-lfi.Deed, P, O, Uovorka to li. A.

Brnrkinnn. *10. Lol U . DIk 08 T . P.Deed, n , A. Drf>cknian to R. H.

E \erlon. *10. Lol H Hlk OB T, P. ...Deed. O. J. McVci', ArimliiliUalor e.slntr Jack J. MeVey. deceased, to II. l ; Untir.en *5500, NWNW 21-IO-IO,

ThurKlay..Janu»ry 30 I>eed. V. E. PcrRiMn lo L. I„ Lnnc-

ilon, S«8.0(l, Part Plot MiirUUKh's tVi-M nddltloii lo T ain Palls,

Deed, E. J. Mlllrr to C, Znnib*. *2000, P ari I.ol 7. Moorman.addition

. T uln PalUDeed. Z. Miicnln to W. A. Lincoln

*1. W 'iSW M 10 16.Deed. J. L. Shepard lo 8 . Olven*.

*3'.0. Lots 1. 3, Block 23. Kimberly, Doed. El P. Ixiae lo G> Kins.- »l.

fiWSW; p n r i s r a w 17 II H,■Deed. P. D. Jolley to O. S. SarUn,

*2400. P a rt Lot 4. Siirl«es nibdlvlslan.42£tiLJY«*-HoiiB to C. B. HoBB.

*i4ioo, 8 w 8 w e n is lo i7.De«l. J. W, G abliart to E, P . P ra ­

ter. *1, Lol 28. Bloclc 58. Tft-ln Falli,

Visits Twin Falls

J n i m O t.E of the New York ..Irm’.iuaul r«olbj|| GluilU a l l!ir

Khrrl Mf th r BrllUh-Amcrlian liul.iiiir Cnrp. macliliie mIiIcIi vl>lt r» ln Kails l>b, 5.

.Ai^iinilan<‘(; for lirita in on 'Toiii

Aiii-.-il 111 onr 111 th r n>iit|lii;iiil

Additional . Society

B r id c -E le c t of Gooding, Honored

k J.niirs llie fore pari n[ \Jr>. Clinrle.'.Shaw of .Slio- 1 ML-.n Mnry lUrker n.'.-' .V Jaine-1 In the m i.r -


UUIIL, Feb, 1-MlM .Miriam Hart riaim hter of Mr. nml Mr;i, Chi.rlc: C. H url ot Buhl, wlio'e «i»rrlnK<- If Oilier }{, GIb.ion of I^aitiicll will l>r •.niriiiiilml a t thii home of her par- riit.i auliilay nlleriioon, Feb. 2. w;l- Ihe ln;.plraUon for n K«y prr-|iiiptl;il ••howcr a t the home of GrnrKe i! H a r t ' l«r>l PrUlny nfleniiion, ulll; Mrs. Della Kliiicr.Iey, Mr.i. Ivii .Mo- Nelly. Mrs. Cetllr Albee of -IVlii

'l-^llls. nnd Mrs. Rtilh CiirrliiKtoii a hn.-.le.vir-i. '■ •Hie VHlciilliie ••llart" niutlf wa; carried out In room trliiis. relrt-h- metil.'; nnd ihe i.lioafr Ktfi---. tlUi were lildden iibdiil the riMim-.. ;u»i

Mother Go<«.e rh•litlne ■i dlK-

brldr-e lec l lo her nlfl;.. 'Hn- itanic o f H eiim WHS pliiyrd dtirlni; ihr uftrriiooii. Mr:.. Wayne- llaiuDc!; !J\I1K " I Love Vou ’IVuly," m'ruiiipan- led by Ml.n.i Klhvibelll B<iiiar.

T h r p:.rly wa.-. a dellKlitlul i;.-i.:.i- Kelher for MIm Hart, who lor Hit- pai.l fotir years hn. beni .•inj>li’'''-‘' a l F jnm ell lui lu.me deniDU-.lratiiin niieiil for the Idiilin I’owrr ci'inpiiiiy, and llitr thirty frlrnds and r'-IatJM-.’ rir<v.enl. Oiit-of.inu,n M n . W nynr H a i ia r t nml Mrr. Anna Itatcllfff of Tw,ln Kallv-

GfiixliiinCoiDihj G. O . / ' . ]Voincii Slar/c frlccliini

GOODING, ■ l'cb.‘ I - ti<«-init; County nriniblli ail Wonini cliil) iiirl Monday nfl.-rn.xin i.l Ihe l.mnr o l Mn.. MrCow atlli . Mr-.Hi>i:er McM.ih(.n n-. a^^h.lant ho Mr.i. Phillip Ki'inilci>ll of l[ai;rtniali.

prcr,Idl'd. '

rcple pn.M tl IlluM

he- .Mory of iiiu'lnil Rome.Mrs. Bon Klllwiini revlev,

wok, ".\lclii Kninpf." Alter i Iirnl/I. the rhib iidjaurni'd t .................... Iinmc of Mr:..

Dorl:; J



of hr


f the youMKrr a cenleriilet-

iny iilrpliiiie.i., 10 Ihe 'flan t

.............. vrrlyd o\it ail iivlalloii pjiriy theiiir.

Al Ihe cla-,c of th r curd party, nl I Mrr., I.yli: .Slllr.on and

Clcvcl;iiid r e c e i v e d hiKh , ll«hl-'i were tinned nu t for ifl ^howcr. .Hmall blliikliiK red

mill Krern lUhl-’. oiitlliir.l -mi nlr- 11.111 mid n plime uixiii li. MIm........ HI wiis led to th-: table amioprned Ihe door:, iif a ;Jlvrr nlrpliiiie liaiiKar dl:xlo^lnK her nKls,

■nie eniiaKeiiienl ol Ml.v, lln rnell to WhIIhcp McGill, an o(lle tt.lll the arm y nir i.choni In ntiivcr, wns re- coiiily aniioiMicrii bv hrr mother. Mr.i, Mamie llnriielt.

.'I I 1ne-rlcclloii of llolx-rl S. Bliu. l.vk. Moscow F air’s

Filer, ns pre:.litrnl nl Ihe ’I'whi Bank nnd 'lVu:.t rompaiiv anil i biK of other ollkrr;, took plncr


diir- Betrothal ToldliiK Ihe aiiminl reorKaiilratlnn r.ion Friday nl th r eoinpany li RUPERT. Frb, I-A miouiiccmentijuarler.-:.

O ther olllrlal:.. nil of whiiiii re-elecled. are; Dr. .lohii F. Cou 'l>

of Ihe enROKeineiii of .Ml.w Harbarn Kenney. dnuKliier of Dr. and Mra, F. If. KenaRy of Riiperl. to PershlnK

lln,-Vico pr..Kl.l..nl; CiiiU.. -To lrrar.urer; I la ro ' i::it<>li- «.v.l:.t.ini

Vance-of-Ht,-AnIhffli5vwns made-last week In Mo.'vow where boUi are

cn^.hlrr; nnd J. G. nrndlev, av.l: cn.*.hier nnd triLM olfleer.

u.-v'nt sUldenU n t the University of Idaho. MtM KcnaKV Is a Junior nnd n'inbers of Alpha Phi Omf

orlly. Mr. Vanee tr, a ;,enlnr .itiulenl In the achoo' of fnre.siry nnd n mem- bc ro f the Tati Kappa Kp.nllon rm ler-imy. ,


Honorlns the elKhlh wrddlni; nn- nlversary of Iheli foii-lii-lnw nnd <!aiiKhtcr. Mr, and Mr;.. Claude Mlh llRan. Mr. and Mr,-,. O. C. JIiOl eii- l«rt«lned twelve Kue-i.-. n l dinner nnd brldBft I-'rliliiy evenhiR.

Sweet pen.i and ps.\te| tnj>ers lere<l the dinner table, and place curds nnd fnvnr.s were in llie hei nnd cupUl motif,

Prlr.es n l brldi;e weiu to Mr, and Mrs. Wllllnm Sllmp, Mlw Vemis Richards nnd Walter Crals. OUier pue.nts were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jen.sen. Dobby nnd Buddy MllUim» and Ui8 hosLi and honorees.


Honorwa n l a psriv nrranRed last Prldaj-. fiVcnIiiB a t the home of Mr nnd Mrs. OeorR? Puller by HUlv Innd View club members were Mrs A. L. Roiith. retlrlni; pre.'Jdeiit. and Mrs. W. M, Pclw ldi, retlrlnK sec­retory- Husbands of club members U'cr« also (ruestn and thirty pcrson.1 atlenoed the o-eni,

Otfta were pr'eienied lo the hon­o re d . and prizes a t pinochle went lo Mrs. Earl Mnddy, Mrs. Pclsoltll, J . M. M orsan and Harry Capps,

A buffet luncli, featiirinR a Valtn- Une theme, conchided the evening'* event.

Market Good . . .Ob Hides. ^Vool. relts, ctc.

i - th c -m n r k e i 'io '-c o a tr te t rnnch wool.

FAItatERS A ^ LOOK 9 4

W e P«7 >4 each to fanners for horse hides. 45-lbj, and up _ w iU Uken care of,

, luJj. Langdon:M FoufthA i-t.W . rh .l5€2

McJhldr.Mr;.. Hebar M clindr nr S.iil Clly, a t 11 oVlix-l;,yiv.irid:iy morr iniT In S a lt 1-ikr Clly. Mr. alul Mr McDrld.- ulll l i \ r hi SaU t.:ikr Cit

IN IT IA T IO N I'l.ANNKD .BY w .n '.o . cnourPublic Inlltatlnn .-.ervlnrs wiji 1 -Id n l 7:30 o'rlork toiilKlll al ll:

DorL-i Hurbln, Ml;.-. .Iran Dm bin, ML’.'i n n iv ’IMrr, Ml. 1 AMhol HownnI, ML-.'. DrNolii WlntiT:, «n MI.V1 Llitlllr .lacklhl, • •


Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Riilherfo!

Friday rv n R u .-i;i-/;;ri

II honor of

of Pilpr,yrai

rntly . 1 A bhll

n H, Rudr rr.tary ua:i rc .1 ntlrnde<l. .-1 pre.'.rnted l<

, masli; am. . . . . . Oamr , . roiivor.-.atldil followc<l th

III fiirllirr CPlrbnitlnn of Harold', blrlhthiv, .Mr:.. Rucner.fKKor Ircalei the chllilirn of hi.-, flr,il Krode rooii a t Dickd ^cllool Kridiu' alteruooii



a t th r Io«r\t pricri and alt ready lo sn. K»vr now white we are clcanlnc up far Sprint business.

192!1 DOIHiK Sr.!sn,Good rlran r»r..... ...... —S S S

1030 KOKI> Mndfl A f o a e h ..$ 4 5 iri20 .STIJIIKHAKKIt Sedan, food

tires, mrcbanlrally m iund^G O 1331 1;I»;VIU)U;T Sedan.

Gooit- rubber : .......S60in3R KOIin V-* Coupe,

New psint ......................S 2 9 51930 STt;i)i:HAKEn Sedan.

................... S 3 4 5IS30 DOnCK rirk'up. new

palm am] eood........• -...S2601937 INTERNATIONAL Flckop.

C -I. Innt wbeelliaie___

........................$ 3 5 01039 CilKVKOLtT >i T.

Pickup; <.»peed lran» .._ .$495 1940 INTKKNATIONAL

................. ......- . - 5 5 9 51013 INThlLVATIONAL 1!4

— T„ eicellent mechanicalcondition, ileete m o to r ..$ 2 5 0

1937 FORD V-» I'.i Iontruck ........................- - S I —

1940 CHKVUOt,KT I!i ton tniek, 2 ipeed alien. H,25i20“ fM .....................--S825

1036 T e n p la n e r . U -......$ 2 S 0.£C£CIAL:JJLACT0R-0ARGAIN I rrcular Karmall tractor. Good

m echanlral eondlUon. only --------------------------»r>ftA


.Coming E vents

C arder,-'.51 Fourth inriiue n-ir

COVNTIIY WO.MAN'S CI.I'UCouiilrv WVimaii'n club will

WriliK:.day nflrrii<»m nl thr )f Mr.-.. A iabrl Krily,

>(I-N-SAVK Cl.L’»'.‘Jo-N.-iliivr ritib will nu-rt n ii: •IMcmIkv a t Ihr Immr ol Ivan .lol.iiMm, 312-.=;wTj. i

lliri.J’JllAN SOCIIITV/.rin PI cliaplrr nl llir D<' .H'lrly will mrri al 2 p. Ill I ,.w al Ihe I-'armrr:.' Aulo ln:.i ludltonuiii.

WAY.SIOK c i . n tW ayildr club I

WrdnrMlay alleni Mr:.. D, F. Cla

K eport Indicates Koad C onditions

With Miow and .sllpi)ery conditions >r<-vidUiiir nn n m ajor porUon of ,

nrteflrs. motorbt.i n.cludr chains nnd

,r (-(lulpincnl by Ihr riu.i. II--I.NV -rrkly hlKllway COIldl- kni irixirl ol Ihe Male bureau of

' -n'lr oill Orr.;on trail hlKliwny li 11 i;iml coiiilllldn, ahlioilKh .shoiil- icr.. air :.ofl, llic rejwrl shows. Al- lidunii Ihc Sawloolh park IllKltwny

In Ko<Kt roiidlilon Irom the Ne-) Kclcl ' and

uidltlon:. lire cncounlrrwl north of Slio'honr. Tlir r.ector from Ket-

II po:.l olflcn Is fair:hllr ):ul 1:. 1 from........ ....... olllrc U) aianlry, Con-•iicllon I:, In protfrc:-! from Challli

y:i!mnii.•n ir N orth imd South hlKliwny Is

i;««l condition, wllh chiihis nd- ,.'d over the Il»rv.ird hill.LWr<l niiinnt: ;.lalc routes lire: )l I'-Iilanli-v lilnhway. fnlr. po:.:.lWe

...d r r , c!o-*d bryond Idaho Clly; Id iihoC rn lral lilnliwiiy. Dixie Ui Hill

nciKlivI: Fairfield In Hiiiiry clo:.cd. balimi-c fair. allpiX'r> ; - aiKl Hoom:vcII hiKhway, Kood, e.vl i)f Dlrirlcl, oiicn, not rccommcndctl.


- n In^mlx•r^ of the Ni-nll--ri-alt

b I'rb. 14,


Mr,-.. O. C, Hall wii:i honortd on lir r blrlhdaV aiinlvrrsary^at n four- t>ii)r d lnn rr arranm il Frida

• Blue byParker Illchanls, Mr.-.. -n

Hfvldrr and Mrs. Jolin K lrkniau.Pinochle V.1U-; played later a l th

Hall home with prlr.-,i |.:nliiK lo Mr: Ho<ldcr ami Mr;;. Hall, ’n ie htinorr rrcrlvr<l n Kill, and r.ehed llcht le frr.-.hmcnts nl the conclii.ilon of th

KENNF.TII KNIG liT•nil.i t'l n picture of Kcmielh

Kiih'.lit. Ihc liesKllc.-.i boy preiiclifr 111 lil'i 'Iccii.i who expecW lo con- : a revival mccilnK for Uie

CliiiK-h of God—on Quincy, two hlorkr, iinrUi of AddL'.on.

IleUnil .'.tnrtlng Wednesday eve- iiin, I-\:briinr>- 5. Ho nnd hts youns He hiivr prnml.icd to slnff aoinn

iH-aullIiil durL,. Tlie boy preacher lll^^ a call lo EiL-iiern Texn# from T w in F.ill.n,

■nib. mny l)e your 1i>.nI nnd only chance to .mt or hear him', llir. f iith rr Li u iKWi-rfuI prcacher. Kcn- lU'ih M-em.-; lo be stepping in liLi f iiihcrs irack.1.

Drop evcryihliiK and come Just a-'i you nre. Sons .nervlccs :.Uirt a t 8:30 riich evcnliiK except Salunlny.

CLAUD C. PRATT,P i ls lo r

We Forecast PopularityFor This w ^ r r New Model C

T he model “C” is vor.sntile, liulit weiKht w ith nll-pur- poso powor . . . dtjaifincd fo r multiplo row ciiltiviilion. C onvenient control.'? provide rea l opcrn lnr com fprt. No

oUstructinnii to hinder full view of work. Ad- jimtjihle ro a r w h e e l treads to m eet All row crop conditions.

AttHchment.H available include 2- nnd 4-row ciiU tiv a to rs ; m ow ers; 1-bot­tom p ick up plow ; two- w nyplow ; 1-bottom pick- iip li.Hlcr nnd bcddcr. A t­tachm ents a rc fumi.'ihcd for c ith e r hand l i f t or hydrnulic lif t.

Como in today and le t us te ll you ab o u t th e A l­lis-C hn lm cra w ay to en.sier . fnrminfC w i t h more p ro fits . A-C prod­ucts a r c low in fir.st cost —low er in operatins: ex­pense. '


AUls-Chaltners Equipment Twin FalLi


Always use your News-Times want ads first to get the quickest resultsW N T A D K A T E S

1 ritxy.

PiibllM^un In bolli iha NKWS AND TIMES

Ba»t(l oil Cost-l'rr-U 'ord per

3 (Jays.......-Ic p e r w ^ H i c r d-iy6 d a y s ................oc p e r w ord

p e r d ayA minimum of tr-n words Is required Jn Any ono cliiwltkd atl. llicno rnic.i liiclucio tho comblitcii clrciilatlona ol the New# nml Ul« Times.Term s tor nil clnr-ilfletl nria . .




. U iv o Arts n t K & W Root n m niiADLINES

— For liittrllon In Uio New;,

T o r lili p. n

: riiiv

TliL^ paper Mibr.rrll)i.'n tn llio cw r i cUilci of llie A iocll^lUm of New p;»pcr ClaulllccAKcrs (U«l r

r reject any i^la.Milicd mlvtiil.-.Ui •■DliatJ Arts" earrylnr. n Nows . Tlim box number nro airictly coiUUIeiilii U^cl no Infunna'Mon can ba nU’cn I rcsard to.tlic advcril.ier.Errors nlioiild lie iPiiorled lininrd (Vtely. No nllowai njpro Uian <

allo w aiir^ lll 1 Q i\L ||^> rn


ALL, kind;, of i.mfood. Hdi: kraut, Pul)!lc Miirkcl. Hli NorUi.

S P E C L \L n o t i c e s

SCHOOLS AND TR A IN IN GNKW cla.-yic:i oiiciiliiK In bcauly cu!'

liirt-, Specliil uiltloii cd time. Specially IJviiuly Bcliool.


hntwuen our n u r nortli o

T R A V EL & RICSORTSTWO psjk'iciicc'i

I'Vbninry n-3. tiey l'Iel!«;lim

M O TO niSTSl, Pn.vcliKemt Share Mpense.i. Travel nurctiii. 537 Vii BurcJi. Ph'ono -2 « .


MARCILLIUJ anniversary pc nent. spcclain, Fclinmry only. iilnK npjxjliiUnem.-;. Plinno DO:

PEIIMANKNTS. *1.50 iip. Wiirk KuamJiltcd. Dlck;ir<l'i Dcauly Shop. Plioiie H71.

ASK nboiil our new pcrinaiii-i ' unvK, Prnnanc'iiU $1.SU up. Mr,..

Ncclpy. 230 Main norUi. Phone

SITUATIONS W A N TED -POSITION ar, necreuiry or coininin-

Ion to eldiTly lady or ItwaUd, Box 33. Ncwi.Tljncs,

Listen You!


“A broken speedometer” is no longer an excuse

. fat: excessive speeding. Help safeguard life!

For spccdumotcr scrvice see the News-Tiincs

Business & ProfessionalD irecto ry

rU R N IS H E DAPA R TM EN TS Rh;MODVn.KU nparlmciiL-., Good In

le l?r..;,c)nal)lr 127 Nlnlli avc 1 norlli 1175-W

lull.'i, r.53 Mall) E.'ii

iriit. Adiilto. 310 'H ilrd Avenue JU Sr'belnK flntr-lied-New.

TWO rooin.i. halli, Poliil Apartmpi: We;,l,

PDRNISHED apartm eiiu. Junta- mere Inn. PUonc 4Sii. Onsts Hotne Pliono 071,

APARTMKNT Hi Cotlai:i- Apa mi'ni.-i. I-'ouili, avi-nii>- noi Inquire Apartment 1, Children


VACANCY! DMlrablc nptirlni Plionn‘1217, R-'C<J ApartmcnI.'i,

THREE V 202 Scvf 1913.



“ H E L -e-W A N T E D ^W O M E NMAKE up Us $33 weekly nn tf^cL

drcMc.i free. Show "Siyle-D alctr’ drejies, Experlcncc jinncce.i-'.arj-. No • cnnvitrc.lnB, Jaiiiilcnc. Dcpi, 878, Indlajuipolls. Ind.

D RF^S l)iinlnD.w of your own wlUi- out invesimcnt. We Mipply you

‘ wlUi cveo'thlns npcd«l, Deiivlla free. Write today. Fanhlon Frock.i. Dept. R.D67I. ClnclnnaU, o .

SELL Nylon liMlerj’ with faniom eniiK'Protccieri silk liw.lery. Sen- rational profit bpportiinlly. Write fully for Munple sliic stocklnB, Ajn- erlciin MlU.i, Dept. PHDfl7. Ind lan- ftpolls, Ind.

H E L P W A N TED — M ENLAROE paint and roofliis m anufac-

honjea. n t factory prices . . . . . <llt. Ett»y iem «, blR commissions. Dlst. msnnfier position open tor riBlit man. Writ* Dept. B415. Mud- laon P ain t Co, Cleveland. Ohio.AMBITIOUS MAN WANTED CM/ to sell W atklna Product.-! to

hundreds of firnn fnmlllca, Sevcr- nl countfy routca now uvallabte. No e:«)erlcnce ncccssary. Tb qual­ify jo u miwt have car. «ood rcpu- tnUon Kid bo over 31. W rlto N. A. Nletsen, J303 24th 61.. Denver. Colo.

BUSINESS O PPO R T U N IT IE SFO R BALE — Service s taU on.and

store, good location. 1 '.7 (icres Incdl H. W. Herman, Duh3.

FO R SALE — WeU-locat«d cervlce etaUon and iro ce rra to re w ith.m a­jor oU company, tioso cosh. Box 24. Newa-Tlmes.

SERVICE station nnd urocery. Good locaUon. Bulldlns 33x14. Good size

----- K i;ireM rN ew 'B loa-^?occfIS rihTcluaed. Not for sale afl«r rebrU ' ixry 6. Phone 400.


COZY sIcepInK room, viitc entrance. Mrn o;

^ i l r d Rvenuc nortli.


SEVEN room*, acre sround. Improye-. menta. fru it. Inquire 153 T hirdCMt.



BV LEASE. Good bualncu locnUon. 160 Main Avenue NorUi. Tft-ln Palb . Reaacnablr. Phone 873.

R E A L E ST A T E LO A N S-FARM u d dt,]’ loans. N ortbem LUe

In fim neo Oompon7->Fre(] Bates, Phone 1379.


BMt n te * ta d te m u l Fire and automobll* tnsurnoes.

H O M ES FO R SALB;13xlS house, newly pain ted , <135. Tn«

quire Pamell'a Service Station, South Park. ........... ..


NF:W. inodi'ni two Iliirduiiod !ccmcnt l)a;.rni-'nl drain. I>owti pri moiitli, incUidini 009-M,

live ba.-.emenl, water lie biillt-lii,^, pliici! am Moon,owi

iT«lwot)(l IloorrcabliiL-ls, lire

. Terms. a


WELL Incatc^l i. ve.Mmuu.- $i.o( kliw.


no A citt;a , o level, two r,e' NfiWs.Tlmra,

GOOD CO.acro faini, we.ntcm Cole rado iiv,tale) for Twin Fall.-, prop erry. Dox 31, Ncw.-.-nme;;.


SIXTY-iicrc dairy larm adjolnlni: clElit room liou-%e. S13ri

u, i;ood loriii',. Phone 1125J,

w m - located w Phone 1320-J, nuc l-ii,',t.

er.ty In tr

, Moi!i-m home, closi i,ld.T Twin Fall.'i prop. ;. Rohrrui and Ilcn.son


lo«ih cmn|>an^^.

'jr.-O Ca.'.P cnm bliiS ^ 'ar

SEED S AND PLA N l'SCKIITIFIED Lcinhl i.rrd wheattia.-i

t. Cleaned. Irealrd, LigKed, Mur- iKh Serd aiul Supply Co,

: onion Rfefl-Rlversldr Rlrain 6"c Kcrmlntitlon. In utock a t y nRfiit's oii}p(- nnd my rrri- ■, liidil. I'lmue 224-W. E. V.'

HAY, GRAIN, FEEDon Rlf.iiel wheat, 75c per bilsliH. Rtorrd In Twin Fallr .Mill anti Kle- vaior Cnmp.iiiy. Hiirry Mit.'Brnvr.

CUSTOM GIlINDlNa >n Hr cw t: o irr :i 7e. Hiiy chop. K. Knife .Mnctime. Flovd Miller, er. Ph. 72J3-Calls off RrlndlnR.


MORELAND MILLING SERVICE 110, Filer Ph. call.1 off grlndlnK


p u u n i m t u

I YOUNG Wlillc- fu<-


hi :<irrrl iieldliif Kl. Carl I’etcrM) •, East MiirlailK

FOR SALK O lt 'niADI-:—135 lirolri ): lot;, o: i i Smith

DDI.Ii hot.-.rs .hrniK lop p r lo i lal;,e a muIiIIp l)n-<l coll Ihl:; ,-.ca- on. Annv and Callfornlii ilcmiiml xrredii ;,upplv.<I'.I<T«I Ain-'ilran i.addle hrrd tJilllon a t stud, COn AY’S »ANC!I oiith of Dl.'trk-Ii, .Sec- lar.t M-a- on'.'i colt.i. Sen;,on fee *10.00,



HIGHEST prlccfi piild for ynur fai chickens and turkeys. Indcpend- t i l l Mciit Company.

:i bull pui>plr.-., Dlai'l:, '


GOOD IrrlRated nn. Brick hoit-.e, Kood M il water, electricity, Re- aerve r ls lit for US cattlp, Pojkies- slon M ardl 1, F, 3. W hitaker. Roulc 3,' Burlry.

FOp 8A !.B -C lieap. teverol ‘umall 'tniel.',; 10 or more. acrc."'. i,ultable -lQC_iIul:i’_or_tlml1ar.us!LJCi\,T«ln, Falh i^liool district. We w ant to clo,to out nil ihcAO In the next (ew weelu. Tlie Mary Alice Park.

JO-ACRE farm . 10 acrc.i cultivated. 0-room holLie, i,prln(t w ater piped, electricity. ' oulbulldlne-i, 5 mllM Irom city nn county rniid, mail. !<liool bur.. *3.600, IncludlnK equipment, und «tock. Term s. Her­man John-'.on. Route 1. Box 313. Ranler, Oreicon.

120 ACRES, SO In aflnlfii or blue Brn.vi. Srnnll Improvements, »23 per acre. Eany termn,

80 ACRES a ml. from town. Splrndlil ■ Improvement.^ IneludlnB deep well.

Price S4B00. Would con.\ldcr trade for Twin Falls home.

0 . A. ROBINSON ](, 117 Shoshone South


IK) A. 5 ml. NW Jerome. F u ll water rljh t. fair bldK»-. 1 rm. houwr. HO A. diversified land, good Bt ile of cultivation. leased in 10« lo r *040 caaJi. Im m ediate po.W filon. *0,000. LonB term contract. J . C. K nott NFLA Scc-Trcaa. or J o h n Corc­oran, Land Sale.iman. Box M5, oi Phone 338. JerolVie, Idaho.

FARM FO R SALEJ-BARGAINI 160 A., cloue In, PortneuI loam

m U. layfi perfect, no w e^ a , no roeks. M ust, sell a t once. (160

1JOME3 FO B SALE 6 m a ., sleeplns porch. baaemeaU

funiAce. sarage. Well located In north p a r t or cltjr. t3.ft00.

5 n m .'s le e p in g porch. earace,( hardwood floors, basement, sto- kA, furnace. Excellent loca­tion, *3.700,McROBERTS Si SHROUT

Elks Bids. Phono 010Sunday# phono 343 o r M8


160 ACRES, c u t Of Jcremff. ext«k fine beet, bean %nd poU to Und. No sand, hardpan . o r seepage. Must be lully-Mulpped a n d able to finance. I I InteYeated bI « full Uculan with reterenci

.BOX 30..Newt-llfflca.diCSa

Life's Like That By Nblierl r IF I NEARS E i OF I t 1 0 IDAHO

Stuilniil Trying-Sincc August lo Reacli University

'a t Moscow

s h:i.s (o piill t h e I c


W1-: WILL pay Rood prices


FOR HAI.n: Plum

icrlr.v lor all ()M, Pli.ine 3I32-R iinytlnic Buturday

SALVAGE i:oo<lr,: Army q u blanket';, tindfr^rar, rIovps. mcxllty sac):i>, tent^ and Idaho Junk House,

WARM weather hints:. Have your . . auto anrt'winrtow-BluM In'tnlled by

MoonV.. Hi- iirepared for cold wentlicr. Phones,,

'UfAMOND rlns." Ladyn Iwautlful :c'llln(;, LiirKr. flite (|uallty.’ brll- ll:m(. Quirk ca;.li $110.00. R;ir< opporiunliy. Innpoclinn Invited, N< obllRatlon. Box 31. New.i-Tlme.-i,


1—W alk-ln box, flxio.1—Moat choppcr.1 -S llccr.

■ 1 -P a lr of i,ciilen,'- 1 —CaMl rcKlr.ter.

DarKKlnl Tcrm.'i If dei.lred. Ph. 10.19,


Business and Professional

DIRECTORYf f a i / is a n d /flassaffc/t

ta-Well 535 Main \

y. 114 Mam norUi. Plui:

U icyclc S a le s tC ScrviccDLASIUS CYCLERY

C h iro p ra c to rsDr. Wyatt. 191 3rd Ave. N, Ph. 1377,

C oal a n d Wood> - PHONE 3

r Aberdeen cual. nimgrii; > traiiifer. McOoy Coal 4^rran.i

F lo o r Sa n d in gFred Pfelfle.' 733 Lociut. Ph. IMflrJ

In su ra n c eFor Fire und Ca.iualty la-.iimnce, , Surety and Fidelity Donils, *ee

Swim Investm ent Co. Oaush Olds,

J o b P r in tin g■QUALITY JO B PRINTING

Letterheads . . , M#ll Pieces Business Cards ^ . , Folflef*

. . . Stationery-TiM ES-and-NEW 8-------


K e y S hops_______BLASIDS CYCLERY / iS l Main k


M o n e y to Loan

AUTO^LOANSRfllniince your present coijtrnct— reduce paymenLv-jfosh advanced.W E S T E R N F m A N C E CO.

Next to Fidelity Bank

$25 to $1000, ON YOUR CAR

O P TO 18 MONTHS TO REPAY Contracts refinanced—private salt

finance'..—cash advtnced

Consumers. Credit Company'_;

(Owned by Pacific ftnaneo) 23(3 MAIN AVE. NORTH

O s te o p a ih ie P h y s ic ia nDr. E. J, m ie r . 413 Main N. Ph. WH



TRUCKS AND T R A IL E IIS’ T iiilk r Hoii,-..- -

AUTO P A R T S r-T IR E SGOODRICH tlre.x batterlc.-^

;,nrle.-.. Portable and auin Mnke your own lernis. An Ico Center. M4 Second Stri

e on repalrn and net 0 .PJiplie •’I. Jcr-

G ooding CiKuiiber T o EleoJ. O fficersGOODING. Feb, 1—Dlrertor;, ■

the Goo<IInK Chamber of Coinnien ,',ubinltted the followlnr: ciindlditic nairfes for rcMWctlvc offlcc.i, lo I Voted on a t the nnntinl clectic I'uenday, P’eb. 18;

D arrold Becm and Adam bchi bert. prt'iildcnt: Glen Patterson o: R, M, RoborUon, vlce-pie-,ulrn Lleuni Liicke. recretarj- nnd I.v Stili.on, treiL-,urrr.

I option for nolfcrcd for r olflce

inlttee In the Chamber of Col

T he followhiK palrr. al;.o were ^u n ilttrd for the varlnim commlUeci. one to" be elected; coiniperce and Industry. t'rancLi Brehnuui am' Ralph Day; civic affairs. C lin t Oak ley nnd Rex P a in te r; prosrnm.i, fair, conventions, Alex WaUion and Jay I^ rm e r; Bood road.i, alrporLn, Alva Tljompson and Don Kelley: finance. memberahlp;-Earl-Bolte.~~Lnwrr ni;rc Van Riper aJid Leo Rlcc. two tc be elected: agriculture. H arry Byrani and C het Mink; publicity. William M acKnlght,. and GeorRo Horrb; educaUon, Herb Clark nnd Join: Clouser; public utllltle.n, Sam Sul. llvan and ' F rank Swan: reclama. tion. Julius Schm itt and Hert Mayer.

P lu m b in g a n d B e a t in gAbbott Plumbing Co. _ PIl m -W


R a d io R e p a ir in gFoctory Radio Scrrlce O iM a ln f l.POWELL lUdlo. 163 2nd Avtnu# N.

Speedometer ServiceSC U LLTS 330 2nd £ . Fh.^131

~Tffpewrttirr~Sales, r e n u ls and servlea. P boa t Pa

G ooding M attress G ro u p O rgan ized

GOODING, Feb, 13—J . F , Renfrow was Darned head of tlic GoodlnK

•County Cotton M a ttreu commlitcc this week, Q thers nam ed beside: Mr. Renfrow. Wendell cnmmkiloiie) on the board, are Ed Bell of mi;.i first vlce-pre.ildent, Mra. J o h i K om her of Gooding, necond vice president; C. H. Bovlngton. secre tary. and Bill Bryan. Ucaaurer,

Directors will Include one repre- aentatlve from 'tho varlou.n civic nnd fra ternal organisations of th e coun­ty.

This program la being conducted here-ln co-operation wlUi th e eoiinly commttslonen. The eotton and tlek- Ing m aterial will be furnished by Uie federal agency, and some labor will also bo furnished. O the r m a­terials and labor will be defrayed by th e recipients o f the mattre.v.es.

Approximately 300 finished m at­tresses will be (upflRtd to families of the cotmty needing' them under the program of the federal surplus market] n a jiro g ru n i_______________

S c o u t' L ead ers N am ed a t B ujil



■ini(j-Tcan S ta n d in g in (E u ro p e in J e o p a r d y ?

l.UiKir, 'lU r N ew :.-! hriir ovrr Uin

e Marlr Kllrahelh

S u p p ju l Ask<*dV i |{ond Move

■ 'l-wln Fall% Clia

YollowMf.ni- Park Civ for Idaho, WyomlilR r fy>lnl^ nut th a t "Uil;,

^ Montan Li tlie beKln-

I rond to Old I .vi’iir-around lurcly .

Goodinff Methodists At Annual Banquet

GOODING, F.1), 1 -O v c r Iwt inidrt'd attended ihi' nnnuni fa,

andday ■cnlni; In iinriu - hall

MethodUt eliurrh. Rev.Tlleo. II, Mltzner made the welcoming Hddrc.w. saying. "We need to pio­neer ngnlii . . . pioneer In spirit In order to save democracy. Demo­cracy needii to be put In an oxysen tank and Klven some new life—Uie kind of life the plopecni who set tied thl.i trac t had In facing anc overcoming unsurmountablo ob stneles,”

Glen Barker re.ipondcd for thi -ions nnd Jimmy Watnon spoko ot •■GrIcvancM o f a Son." Erie Whip- key conducted a quiz contest be­tween four sons and four fathers. John Alexander presented ■ . Mlos and Sammy Pnr.w ai played trombone selectlon.i. A barber shop quartet of Otto JaMln. the Rev " .Mliaicr,. Charlie Oee nnd Dudley Ciirr.on. gave several numbcni.-Keltb M liaier gave a reading. "When Dad Cojk-n,"

Andrew Jame.i acted a.i mnater. of ceremonlca. and community alng- ing wn.1 led by m e Rev. Mr. MltMcr. Rev. II. J . Reynolds offered tlii cla-.Ing prayer,

n iie Men's club o t the Methodist church spon.torcd the event, which 1.1 an annual affair to presage the uailonal Boy Scout week in Febru- a n ’, Krle Whipkey wo.i chairm an of arrangement^. Mothers did the cookUiB. .*

Brltlnh K etcha KtnK IP down to IhlnB. they

J.-.dctjaUne tlie Kvin ii.\ that,

we to coiinltler

H. iillOWNFIEl.D ,-•U'-r,

■U(i lo l i r i t a i n S eenA h O h c - U o / / D eal

nnrnr. T he New.-,-lltillrd States '

ii:. 1 1 i-lu rk on pte.slilcMtlal power v,c ttun'L h;ivr a d icutor. TliU ii;irv, n iiino t do If It be n rubber nip conK-ri-M. 1 wiint to see an u 'r, iik-rt, licry conKrena. This Is ,'«)(1 iiraltJiy :.ign tha t democracy workinc, 'nio-,c who cr>' "ngl- iir.’’ "Jiiili rohinin," "Com m unU f

iioi prnotieln« the principle oC r npc-'Cli. one of the llrs t funda- Iiialr. in a Micce.s.-'Iul ilemocrncy.

don t w an t nnyboily'.i boy to go war for me; I'll be far better If ■y don't.I'liu'll tlilnk nhivcry when you

.• Hrlta bill ,'c ll nil cry

lln-r «


of th e Snake Rl»er eouncUi Member a t U n o . Dr. Jo h n W.

WUr«t«r: ftnanee, C. D. Boring: ad- -------------------- Shalby Constant:

New Office BulMInf — The new brick office building crected by Dr. E. C. Jensen has been completed and Dr. Jcn.ien and Dr. L. D. Hyde, dentist. have.moved Into the ir new quarters. I t has been arranged to hold open house Saturday, Feb. S. Tho building Is ceoimodlous, well lighted and equipped w ith modem fixtures.

. . ly — Francis Badger,small dauRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Badger, underwent an oper­ation a t R upert general hospital Tuesday, fo r a n acute a ttack of ap- nendlclUs. ' ' ' ''• ro T T n * rB a d M U ii.K . 'N o n rH ? : K c n u of WhltUer. CaUf, wbo was called here to a ttend funeral_ser> vices fo r her granddaughter McKevltt, wUl rtm a ln here . . . Indefinite visit with h e r son and daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mrs. Jack M cKerltt. She Is » pioneer o t the Minidoka pro jec t

; l Tt,-tHTTt-Of. anM Xfr« g .r l O.

Imvc no way of knowing whe- e have war equipment cnouRh"N. il B r lu iu out;.ldc of our own

defence necd.-i,• I do no t, think th a t God U com- pletely for one i.ldo ond completely nei'liiM th e other. I think tlm t wherever nn act of rlHhtcouanear. take;. piac«‘ It will be blc-ved nnd rec(»(;uired by God no m atter where It happenr..

Yours truly.M ils . HOWARD W. MILiJS..

Twin Fnll.n. Idaho.'

Agreement UnlikelyIn Debate Over I t 'a r

Kdllor. T h e News—Let mo begin my answer to the letter of the Twin FalLn Indy, In Thurfidnj"a News, with' an apnloto'. I'm sorry If, when I . had uccanlon lo u.so her name In a rccent contribution. I seemed to bo personal—I did n o t mean to be. H er namo Ju.it happened lo be the r ig h t .tag for some Ideas which I tlioughfr deserved some crltlclsm. NeltJier d id I Intentionally write in a “m allclotu m anner." 1 like tlie lady,very m uch.In tiplte of her Idcan. I bear malice toward no one. differ wlUi him a« ‘I might. A nd Uils. 1 think, m ust be said for m ? : If I dislike any person;I still do n o t dislike a whole nation, aa Mnie a re Inclined to do these days.

After tlie apology comes a compli­m ent, T h e lady’s Intuition Is un« canny. How could she have known?- • You &re. I am a pacifist and « conscientious objector. Now th a t my call lius come, I m ust remember to call on he r to substonUate my claims' to th a t Atnttis, She hns definite proof, of It, as o f last week. • ’

A fter th e compliment comes a con­fession (I am more than castigating myself). I should no t have w ritten th a t .letter. You seo, I realize npW (I sliould have before) th a t It is'i qu ite stupid to continue this debate .; We are so far apart', and we couldt never hope to get together. S h r condemns my a ttitude even b e fo n knowing w tiat I t is and handicaps^

. me with th e handle, “pro-Oerman". vhlch Is A Urrlflc obstacle, t could

never convince h e r of my poDUon.-.n p retty sure th a t sho could n o t

. . ,'lnce m e of hers. 1 refuse to sub­scribe to o, way of setUlne disputes' which lins failed notoriously for thousands o t years. She believes la a religion which sends m en out to. . kill and bo killed; I believe in a r e - ' Uglon w hlolt encourages m en to U**' and love. She believes in th e Ood of vengeano* an d war of the O ld ' T estam ent; I beUeva In th » t e u b - . ings of C hrist.

Sincerely. ' i LAWBENOB ROBCtSON.*

HoIUiter, idBhB.---------- ---------------- JTj

During 1030. l,9S9,n8 au to n d lo * ! '.r

carap~aj}d acUvlty^ O lsn BtKkendorf i be« lth and ■afetj'. Thom as Newbry and secn ta iT . Bernard B tu r .

N atlooal Boy fleout v«efc is to be O te em d Fstr. 7 to U . A display .o t ha&dletmn tar tisa Buh) Scouts vlU b a ibowB to tbft O rU fln buUdloi

sen have relum ed from a ten-day ' tr ip to Arlxona oallfom ia. trip w as made for p r . Jenaen.4s rtcorerlng from s recent

Move C e u t - U r s . OUbert St. Clair and daugbtar le ft F rl- dajr fo r VtDCoUTv. WaalL. to makv tbe lr hem*. ICr. 8 t G ttir b a v la i been called th a n t o a n v dotr* Mrs. e t . C lair and bftby ta « n tM t« l b n lo t lo a e tlm a v l lb t u r ptw a U . Mr.'


In the pro baU o o o r u * tb » Coui . of Twin Falls. e U lM fU k h o .•BrtftU'of w . g.' wn towp ^ --------


E tU to of V t .K mxoD. daeeaMd,:» th« c r td l to n of & ‘ "Inc ag itn i- to czblbU Uwm w ith . tto e

.vouchen , w ithin t ‘

dee, FkteUtjr K ttK t o b T v ln . FUla.- 7 S < .6 t » U o ( ~ '

-DatMl -


C i O t B y i L D$20 ,00 0 S lriicU irc at Wc^

Poinl Razed l)v Aftor- noon B la/c

'tvniie W illis>Iy noMIIKT qUILI.KN


lidard ClaiiCies DiaftLaw ■ On Occ,ii])ali(»iiaI Ucfermciit;

rnlfil. U -xai Hm -om- • Nruhrininh, Jr., 'ilit)

tr r nillr iu)rlli ol I with Mr',. V, II. Hal

1 llir H.l- i.r.uii!

to re


phoii-n iry OKrnpli mill . wlnilov.'. l;til nil. oIliiT ftirnirliliic.i iind scliool iiriijn-rli' wllhlii llic bitlMliu: -.vrrc

Tlir :.ulicK)1 blilldlriK “.'•n.'i <'ri'clf(! In ItrjU nl II co:.t (if S'JIMMin, iiml It «;i', Itwwrrd by llir W i'rt I’oliil iib lrlct

A vnhl:ililr colli-cHdll ot nllll<lll’-> Kiilhcrnl by r.lmlciil’. over ii inTlml i.I yrars ^nml)rl^'•ll oiu- of tlip cirntiv.t lOfjM In Uic llrr. In tlil.i rollrftinii n-rrr nf Jij-trln.-.lc viiliir lo il ic l r ownct;..

Allemliiiicc iil Ihc m'IioiiI this yr;ir -num bm 30 [nilMh niul It 1-,Ilmt Cliuvj'S will rtjiilliillf In elllirr the OrniiKe Imll '>r ^in«l .Spriiii:BCllOOl.

The structure wn,-. .'lO hy 50 I-t I. Other tciiclurr nt tile lll.-.lUlillnil. br- iildeJ Mrs. H .ihlon. li Mrs. Hi-U'nir Young MlUcr.

New RecriiiUM- III 'I’wlii Kails

BecniLw of comtniilly KmwliiK volume of U. S. niiv-j' rrcriiliiiiK uc - UvlUes Uirounhoia Uie MiikIc Vnl- Ipy, a.vJ^iimcnt of nil nrlditloiml n--' cn iltrr to the Twin FnlLi iinvy Me­llon U rxpi‘ctr<l In Ihp npiir fuliirc, C. A. Eclmnn-'on. o fficer'In flinrKP, revenled li« i hIrIu .

HecrultlriK ncllvlili'.i of llie Twin Falh iiUllon, which hlxve been ox- patwlcd lo IrtcUule jviri-Ume r.iib- etntlons a t Biirlry. Hnllry mul Oo<vl. JfiB. toppptl nil of Uip Btatliin.n throUKhoui UiP lnteru>ounl.nln nre;i iM t m onth. Ailtlltlon of Uie new r r- cm ller »H1 cnnblc Mr. E<lmon.'inn to Jipend more time n t the p u n - time unlLi. At present he Li a.«l.itc<l by E. P. nobcrRO.

Most recent youth.*, loiiuilvely nc- cepletl throuKli th r T-*-in FnlLi tlon arc: I.c.^ter E. Dnincy, Han.ien. fion of Mr.t. Winona M. I7ennry a im uel NIlM Bennett, r.on of Ocor;;.

,W. nennctt, roul^ 1, Piiiil: Jnm rs n . Sheen. 10. Hurlry. non of Jiimrri n . Sheen; nnd O rion Junior For­man. non of Mr. (Uitl Mrs. Or;;on Formnn. Paul.

New Aide' Nainecj To R ail I\lana*:er

SALT LAKE CITY. Fob. i'VT)— P.-C. PftuL'.en today was appointed ft.isUtant mannRer of UieaouUi-ccntnil Ol-itrlct ot th« Unlnii Paejflc mllronil, witli headquanrrs In Salt Lake City.

PauIr.en’B d b tr lc t Inelmle.i Utah, WtthD. Nevada, noulhpm Cullfor. nln. M ontana, wcatem WycrnilnR nnd eo«lem OrcRon.

The now a.-uLilAiit RencraJ mn »«er b«ent\ tcrvlce wlUi the ronrt 1D03 tin a nhop me.v.rnRcr. nnd t cept for Benrlce n.i n f l p t lltutenant of r n d n e m durliiR the flr.-.t World war. Pniilf.en hii.i ennilnutd wlih the Union Pacific nlncp that time In varlou.n cftpricltlcs In Imih' cnslnrerlns nnit oper.ilInR llrW.i.

!1p recrnily has been Kriieral perlnlendenl of the r.ouUi-ccnt.ral division.

U lali i\lan Speaks - Al L inco ln Evclit

BOISE. Feb, J M-) — Principal Blie.ikcr n t tlie iiniiunl ni'i)tibllcnn Dncoln day biinqtiet here Kcb. 13 will be J , Hcubcn Cl.irk of Sjilt Uake City, coinmlUcchu-n .rjild today.

The ncpiiblii'an Mate central c mlltee nlso v. 11 m r.-t ihc day of the banquet.

inAHO G U A itnssn :N t oMKAR I.IM IKI.I) I'Ki:SII>K\

BOISE. Fi-b, 1 i,7'» — O ot.'ii.n, Clark.- other elecllve offlcl.il,i and IfKUlutor.i will be nf the Mn-lio Natlon;il Cluaid Il'.^^y-latlon iii a banquet Feb, 7, Ca|it, II, \V, Alien-

oclaltmi |irc-.lnounced to<lay.

Principal speaker is to be Mnjor General Williajn O , &’cr:on, former <hlcl ot the national Ruard bureau end n#w president of Linflcld col- Jegf, McMinnevllle. Ore,

COAL THEFT ItniNG.S KINK Jess Miller, ajjout CO, was reic.-uiccl

from Uic Twin Pans city Jail yes- terday nft<T jwyment of fl »3 lUie Tor the ft of coal from a railroad

• - The pe tit larceny charse \va,s ] ferrcd by Twin Pulls police, and ... miirranent was before Municipal Judge J . O. Pumphrey.



Boynl W indsor 1-Door

„$JS65££-O verdrive, a i r condf- tioncr, low milcaRi/. bjeautiful 2 -tonc up­h o ls te ry . A -1. Ncw'caj* g u aran tee .

