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In Memoriam · In Memoriam 5781 (2020-2021) Yizkor Service. In Memoriam. 2 3 Meditations If I Die...

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Yom Kippur and Festivals In Memoriam 5781 (2020-2021) Yizkor Service
  • Yom Kippur and Festivals

    In Memoriam5781 (2020-2021)

    Yizkor Service

  • In Memoriam

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    If I DieIf I die, weep not for me.Life was not mine to keep forever.Death is not yours to sorrow over.I came, a bit of dust, into this world,The dust that is the earth and plantAnd yonder far off star that glows…I go to join the boundless formsThat puzzle men and make them writeOf god whose spirit moved and wrought and builtA void into a world,In days and nights in skies and gathered seas,In man and beast, in winged fowl and creeping things.If I die,Take thou the dust from whence I cameAnd give it back to earth without regret,I did not bargain for my days at birthI took them gladly, boldly, as they roseAnd made of them my song of hope and life.Have I seen visions seers and sages see?A world where human life is great and true and free?Have I beheld my God and all His worksIn stardust lifted to the height of stars,Building houses far beyond its strength,Hoping, falling, rising ever more?Then I have earned my immortality,I, too, beheld this world as it might some day be.I, too, reflected “it was very good.”

    —Charles E. Shulman

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    Meditations Memorial Service

    (Untitled)You must not say that you now walk the final way,Because the darkened heavens hide the blue of day.The time we’ve longed for will at last draw near,And our steps, as drums, will sound that we are here.From land all green with palms to lands all white with snowWe now arrive with all our pain and all our woe.Where our blood sprayed out, and came to touch the land,There our courage and our faith will rise and stand.

    A Common Date with Adversity Who among us has not at one time or another known the sharp pain of grief, the poignant hurt of loss? Who has been able to insulate himself against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or escape the disappointment and melancholy to which human flesh is heir? Is there anyone here to whom sadness is strange and anguish alien? Is there an individual from whom life has not wrung tears or whose lips have never uttered a sigh? Every mortal has a date with adversity, loss and death…

    If there is one experience that is common to all, then it is sorrow. An old and familiar story illustrates the universality of sadness. A patient came to a physician in the city of Naples. He complained of melancholia. He could not rid himself of a deep feeling of sadness. The physician said: “I advise you to visit the theatre where the incomparable Carlini is appearing. This great comedian daily convulses large crowds with laughter. By all means go to see Carlini. His amusing antics will drive away your melancholy.”

    At these words the patient burst into tears and sobbed: “But doctor, I am Carlini…” This awareness that sorrow is our common lot will not restore a lost one, or heal an ailment. It should, however, save us from an outpouring of that self-pity to which we would succumb were we to feel that none has ever suffered as we.

    —Morris Adler

    This Memorial Service is based on the original “Seelenfeier” of Isaac Mayer Wise. This was written while he was traveling between Columbus and Cincinnati in 1854. It was composed in German and translated into English by Bernhard Bettman. Rabbi Wise wrote these paragraphs as he was preparing himself for the pulpit of K. K. B’nai Yeshurun.

    Later, some parts were incorporated into the Memorial Service in the Union Prayerbook.


    Almighty God! Thou, in whose hands are the souls of all the dead and living, in the solemn hour of this day of Atonement we assemble in Thy sanctuary, as children come to the house of their father when in need of consolation and assistance. Thou hast ordained this day for us to sanctify our lives and prepare ourselves for death and immortality – as a Sabbath for the soul, that, free from the oppressive burden of guilt and the petty cares of earthly existence, it may be lifted to the bright realms of eternal truth above, and, assured of Thy mercy, obtain a foretaste of the endless bliss that awaits it, purified and hallowed in eternity.

    ChoirOh, what is man, Almighty God?Oh, what is man?

    RabbiEndless and unlimited are the longings of the human heart. As yet no one born of woman has gone to his long home, who had seen the complete fulfillment of all his wishes and desires, who felt that he had had enough of honors, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, and power. Upon the ruins of innumerable shattered hopes man erects as many new ones, and contrives and plans until death puts an end to all his aspirations. When Moses had completed the work of deliverance and revelation, the greatest ever achieved by mortal man, he stood, unsatisfied, on the summit of Mount Nebo, and gazed in sadness upon the promised land, to enter which God had denied him in His wisdom. Discontent dwells in the palace as well as in the pauper’s hovel. Care sits upon the brow of the crowned ruler as upon that of the lowly son of toil. In the midst of overflowing plenty the insatiable human heart cries for more, until at last, when hushed in eternal sleep, there comes to it the end of every strife and struggle, hope and fear, joy and sorrow, pain or pleasure – when our common mother earth receiveswith equal love all her returning children, and covers alike the remains of thesceptered monarch and the homeless beggar.

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    Memorial Service Memorial Service

    ChoirOh, what is man, Almighty God?Oh, what is man?

    RabbiThou hast created man in Thine image, and given him dominion over the earth and all it contains. He rules the seas, and the unfathomable depths of the ocean yield up to him their secrets and their treasures. He has chained the lightning, and makes it render service unto him. The hidden forces of nature are brought to light by him and made to do his bidding. He measures the distance of the stars, and calculates their rising and setting in their courses, and from withered stones reads, as from a book, the history of the earth during untold bygone ages. But, alas! He cannot add one hour to the length of his days, and in the presence of death he is as helpless as the weakest of Thy creatures. The strong and the weak, the rich and the poor, the sage and the fool, the just and the wicked, all bend their steps toward that final goal that awaits every one born of woman, and the places that knew them will know them no more forever.

    ChoirOh, what is man, Almighty God?Oh, what is man?

    RabbiThou hast implanted within our hearts love strong, pure and imperishable, for those who are near and dear to us, and we cling to each other and are happy in mutual affection. And then – often we know not why or wherefore – sometimes without a moment’s warning, but always terrible, comes the hour of parting. We see them pass away – the old man in the fullness of his years, as the withered leaf falleth from the tree – the beloved child, the pride, the joy and hope of the household, like the beautiful flower nipped by early frost – the strong youth and the lovely maiden, who, after passing through all the dangers of childhood, seem prepared and ready to take up the battle of life – the kind and generous husband and father, the guide, protector and supporter of the family; and the faithful, gentle wife and mother, torn from the despairing companion of her life, and her often helpless orphaned children. With aching hearts and tears of anguish we see them descend into the grave; and in the bitterness of our sorrow, and, alas! sometimes in rebellious spirit, we ask: “Is this wisdom? Is this justice? Is this mercy?” Forgive us, O heavenly Father! If in the imperfection of our finite understanding we cannot comprehend Thy infinite wisdom.

    Give us strength to bear our grief in resignation and humble submission to Thy will. Give us faith, so that we may feel that Thy decrees are all-wise, just and beneficent. Remember that we are but dust before Thee, the Eternal, that we are only fleeting shadows in Thy sight.

    ChoirOh, what is man, Almighty God?Oh, what is man?

    RabbiO Lord, our God! The universe is the work of Thy hands and governed by Thy wisdom. In obedience to Thy immutable laws, everything from the magnificent starry constellations down to the atoms dancing in the sunbeam, moves in perfect harmony. Nothing, be it ever so small, is entirely destroyed, or can go astray of the purpose for which it was created. Man, Thy image, endowed by Thee with a spark of Thy own immortal spirit, with reason and free will, and to whom in Thy loving-kindness Thou hast revealed Thyself, can not alone be doomed to eternal destruction. Thou art all merciful, O God! Thou hast not created us with this longing after the ideal, the ceaseless striving after the unattainable, only to abandon us at last, a prey to worms and corruption. In imperishable letters hast Thou written upon our hearts the hope of immortality. Thou art Supreme Love, and wilt not suddenly and forever break the tieswhich bind and knit human hearts together with love which extends beyond the grave. Thou art Supreme Reason, and a creation without a final purpose is not reasonable. Thou art our Father, and wilt not destroy Thy children. O God of Wisdom, Justice, Love, and Mercy! we put our trust in Thee, and in Thee alone; for besides Thee we have no one in heaven or on earth in the hour of doubt, anxiety, and trouble.

    CongregationOur loved ones who are gone before us are not dead, for they live in our memory in our hearts. In this solemn, sacred hour, our souls are uplifted on the pinions of faith and prayer to the foot of the throne of Grace, to commune with the Infinite. With a sense of reverence and awe, mingled with holy joy, we feel their presence, are reunited to them in spirit, and with love and gratitude remember what they were to us while on earth.

    We remember with sorrowing hearts those whom death has taken from our midst during the past years.

    Silent Devotion

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    Memorial Service Memorial Service

    Silent Meditations for Festivals

    We are reminded in this season of the transiency of all life. Seasons come and go; growth and decay, these are the eternal rhythms of life.

    Yet in this Festival we recall the sweet memories gathered together in our lives with our dear ones. We remember them vividly in this hour of recollection and relive our common pilgrimage of life’s summits. Together we walked through the vales of sorrow, together we climbed the heights of joy. We turn again to the Book of Life in which we recorded our daily experiences and meditate upon what we meant to each other. May we be renewed in memory and thought, reinvigorated in the spiritual harvest we have garnered. Everliving God, Thou abidest amidst the ceaseless tides of change which sweep away the generations of man! In the springtime of the year when field and forest reawaken from the seeming death of winter, when earth and sky resound with the song of life reborn, a renewed faith and confidence surge through our hearts. The clouds that darkened our spirits are dispelled by the miracle of reviving nature. The gloom of the valley of the shadow is pierced by the light of Thy presence. Beyond the winter of death smiles Thine eternal springtime. It cannot be that in a world of unending life, we, Thy children, are given over to destruction; that fashioned in Thine image we are doomed to annihilation. The spirit, implanted within us, cannot be only a passing breath. Thou are our dwelling place in life and in death.

    In memory of Father

    Thy memory, my dear, beloved father, which now fills my entire soul, recalls to me all thy love and affection, which were to me so often the source of purest happiness, when thy hand rested tenderly in blessing on the head of the child. May remembrance of thee live forever in my soul, and be to me a guiding star on the path of righteousness in my pilgrimage to eternal life, so that I may be worthy to stand with thee in the presence of the heavenly Father of us all. Amen!

    In memory of Mother

    Thy memory, beloved, sainted mother, which at this moment fills my entire soul, recalls to me all thy love and tenderness and sweetness of affection, which once were to me the highest and dearest object in life, in which thou didst stand a guardian angel to thy children, who were all in all to thee. Thy image will be forever before my soul, guiding me in my pilgrimage through life, until I can stand with thee before the throne of our heavenly Father. Amen!

    In memory of Husband or Wife

    The memory, dear, never-to-be-forgotten partner of my life, the cherished companion of my youth, which at this sacred moment fills my entire soul, recalls to me all thy tenderness, love, and devotion, which have been the joy and glory of my existence. I remember with gratitude and undying affection the happiness I have enjoyed at thy side, and pray that thou mayest be to me a guardian angel on my journey through this to eternal life, so that I may be worthy to join thee in the presence of our heavenly Father. Amen!

    In memory of Child

    Thy memory, my dear, beloved, child, which now completely fills my soul, recalls the purest, holiest joys vouchsafed to me during the time I was permitted to rejoice in thy presence, the many sweet, alas! frustrated hopes, and the deep sorrow with which I saw thee depart this life before me. Thy image will be ever present to me. May it be to me a guiding spirit on my pilgrimage on earth, and may I join thee again in the presence of our heavenly Father. Amen!

    In memory of Brothers, Sisters, and Friends

    Thy memory, dear departed…….,which in this sacred hour fills my soul, recalls to me your love, affection, and all the many ties of companionship which united us whilst you still dwelt with me on earth. Forever shall I cherish the recollection of you and the hope that at the end of my pilgrimage I may meet you again in the presence of our heavenly Father. Amen!

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    Memorial Service Memorial Service


    We remember you today in mournful affection, dear, beloved friends, who have during the past year departed from this congregation to return to your eternal home; who in days past have been with us, but whose places are now vacant in this house of worship; who have lived and worked amongst us, prayed and hoped with us in reliance upon the One Eternal God of Israel, and whose death has caused wounds still new and deep in the hearts of those to whom they were nearest and dearest on earth.

    You, my brother,You, my sister,You, beloved child.

    Your memory lives in this congregation, in this sanctuary. We feel that in spirit you are near to us at this moment, and we bless the hours that you have lived with us before God. Oh, be to us messengers of peace; bring consolation to suffering hearts, and comfort and tranquility to anxious souls.

    We bless and honor your memory, you bright and shining stars in Israel, and you great men of all creeds, who have been benefactors of mankind, patriots and workers in the sacred cause of humanity; you who were messengers of providence to your fellowmen; or who have, as a ray of Divine Wisdom, illuminated the path of your brethren on earth: Arise, brethren and sisters, and in memory of the dear departed, render praise with me unto the One, Eternal God of Israel, as our fathers have done before us!

    (Congregation rises)

    (Congregation rises)

    Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih raba.B’alma di v’ra chir’uteih, v’yamlichmalchuteih b’chayeichon uv’yomeichonuv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, baagalauviz’man kariv. V’imru: Amein.Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach l’alamul’almei almaya.Yitbarach v’yishtabach, v’yitpaarv’yitromam v’yitnasei, v’yithadar v’yitalehv’yithalal sh’meih d’Kudsha, B’rich Hu,l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata,tushb’chata v’nechemata, daamiranb’alma. V’imru: Amein.Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’mayav’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael.V’imru: Amein.Oseh shalom bim’romav, hu yaasehshalom aleinu, v’al kol Yisrael.V’imru: Amein.

    (Congregation is seated)

    Choir-El Malei

    O God, full of compassion, Thou who dwellest on high! Beneath the sheltering wings of Thy presence, among the holy and pure who shine as the brightness of the firmament, grant perfect rest unto the souls of our dear ones who have gone unto eternity. Lord of mercy, bring them under the cover of Thy wings, and let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life. Be Thou their portion, and may they rest in peace. Amen.

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    Yizkor List 2019-2020 Perpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai Yeshurun

    Betsy Ach Martin AdlerDavid AlbertEugene Alpern James F. BarberRobert Bernard BarnettNatalie BarnicleSophie BassFila BeckerNora Belle BenningtonStanley A. BermanShirley Berman Shirley BernsteinCharles Bissinger, Sr. Corinne Blecher Beatrice BluesteinJonathan BraudeKaleb BrillRobert A. Brower, Jr.Philip T. CohenWilbur CohenJudith A. ConleyWilliam E. ConleyRabbi Sissy CoranEdwin DavidSandra DesatnikRobert A. EpsteinB. David FishIrene FriedmanFrances Friedman-SchlossEvelyn GarfieldAlfred GartenlaubLawrence Gleich

    Nelson S. GlueckVera GutinIsaac Habib Barbara HankenEd Hanna Lily HechtBruce Heyman Paula HolsteinRyan HorewitzRebecca ImmermanJohn InnesMarvin JacobsMarc JosephBernard JungerwirthStella JungerwirthPearl Terry JuntoffSylvia KaplanMary KesslerBarbara KleinJustin KleinDorothy KushnerDavida LackJanice LevinRonald LevinGilbert LevineRobin LevineMartin LevyRichard LongBeatrix MargolisLeona MarkiewitzRose MazerGloria MedoffElise MeshMarvin Moss

    Shirley NeigerPaul PerryDavid PordyDavid PostSue RansohoffJoel RappDr. Steven A. RosnerEphraim RothRichard RothLois RubenStanley RubinBarbara ScottBertha ShawNina ShermanDr. Irvin SilversteinJacob SteinIvan SteinbergRoslyn SternDr. Marvin SussmanDr. Harold SuttonLaurence TarshisSuzanne TellerPaula TroupBarbara VergithFrances VictorSteve WeinerSanford L. WeinsteinSala WerthaiserAlice F. WestonMark WilliamsJoseph WintrobLoren WurzmanSylvia Zusman

    Perpetual Memorials are located both at the Plum Street Temple and at the Isaac M. Wise Center. For information regarding Perpetual Memorials, please contact the Temple Office, 793-2556.

    Selma Sabetay AbelsonAlbert AbramsCora M. AbramsCynella AbramsHarry A. AbramsRose AbramsFanny AdamsRoy AdamsSteven M. AdamsIrene B. AllanPaul AllanLillian AllenStephen AllenMarvin AlpinerRichard L. AmazonMary AngelAlbert A. AnnenbergRuth M. AnnenbergAlfred A. ApfelMargery Ann AppelBarbara ArkinGerald ArkinLouis I. AronoffGoldie E. AuerJames S. AuerBrad BakerAnne BaraschBernie BaraschAlvin BarkerHarold M. BaronHarriet BarrettAbe BartelBernice BartelJack Gilbert Baum

    Murray BeckerRuth BeckerCarol R. BehrSteven S. BehrFannie BeinFred A. BeinCelia BellSamuel W. BellSarah BellWilliam BellCharles BenderIrving S. BenjaminIsadore L. BergFlorence BergHenry BergIda BergSimon P. BergNathan BergerAlice Berning BerkmanCharles E. BerkmanArnold BermanBenjamin F. BermanCora F. BermanIsidore A. BermanOscar BermanRosalind BermanRabbi Benjamin Bernfeld, MDEthel BernfeldEdythe BernsteinNathan BernsteinSandi BernsteinEvelyn L. BesenWilliam Besen

    Anita BettanAnita Esther BettanIda Goldstein BettanDr. Israel BettanJill BetterOliver BirkheadElanora BissingerFlorence Heines BloomMilton M. BloomJudith A. BluesteinRuth BolotinMary Alice (Aub) BorgBenjamin BoskindGeraldine BoskindJonathan BoskindCynthia BowlingDr. George S. BowlingNancy Felson BrantRoslyn E. BrantSidney C. BrantAbraham S. BraudeAnn K. BrauerHarriet BraunsteinRoslyn J. BravermanWilliam BravermanGary Jay BrennerArnold (Ace) BrinnRobert A. BrowerAlfred BrownRose Robin BrownSally G. BrownErnest E. BrunswickHilda Rollman BrunswickRobert S. Buchman

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    Perpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai YeshurunPerpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai Yeshurun

    Louis BucknerJune J. BurginDr. Leonard BurginBlanche BurnsSam BurnsMiriam R. BurteHarris M. BurteA. Gerson Carmel, M.D.Lucille K. CarothersJudith S. CarschTom CarschRose Chaikind Ruth E. ChalfieBen ChasanovIda ChasanovFrank ChesleyRaechel ChesleySuellen ChesleyAnn ChristenholzSamuel ClaytonAbraham E. CohenBessie CohenCelia CohenDavid CohenEsther G. CohenFred Samuel CohenHarold Sanford CohenHelen CohenJerome E. CohenLillian CohenMilton CohenPauline W. CohenStanley CohenReuben R. CohnBetty Schloss CollierDaniel A. Collier Dora Comings Ann J. Connelly

    Moss B. Cramer Sara Samet Cramer Charlene Dansker Bertha M. Davis Charles Davis Edna J. Davis Edward J. Davis Noah H. Davis Bess Debrowsky Frank Deutsch Jeanne Deutsch Sarah Deutsch Sidney Deutsch Peter A. Diamond Bennie Dock Selma Donny Dora Dorman Dr. Ronald Drasnin Gay Stein Dressler William Dumes Carolyn L. DunkelmanM. Jay Dunkelman Melville Dunkelman Boris DunskerSonia DunskerSol EckertSylvia Eckert Gertrude Edelman Helen W. Eichenbaum William Eichenbaum Sol EinsteinEugene Paul Elkus Fred A. Elkus, M.D. Max ElkusNeddie May Elkus Rose ElkusDonna S. Ellman Fred Ellman

    Esther S. Englander Henry Englander Regine F. Englander Gail S. Englender Samuel L. Englender Alvin EppsteinHelen EppsteinFouad Ezra Linda Ezrapour Helen Fabe Shirley R. Falick William Falick Audrey Falkenstein Ira D. Falkenstein Harry Farber Sadie L. Farber Emil C. Farkas Matilda M. Fechheimer Louis J. Fegelman Tessie B. Fegelman Abraham Feld Eleanor Feld Katie Feld Natalie Feld Alan S. FelsonIrvin FelsonRosalyn Totz FelsonDr. Herbert L. Fenburr Ann Fine Cherie Fine Dora Fine H. Harold Fine Joseph B. Fine Stanley FingerJoseph M. FineAlbert R. Fingerman Louis Finkelman B. David Fish

    Linda FishFanny Fleischer Isidore Fleischer Nathan I. Fleischer Pauline A. Fleischer Stanley P. Fleischer Bessie FletcherBetty FletcherStuart E. Fletcher Aaron FogelHerman FogelArnold FormanLee Kestin Foreman Milton ForemanHelen B. Forst Marlene Schwartz Fox Bee FrankDoris Frankenstein Henrietta B. Franklin Herman S. Franklin Edward A. Freedman Fannie Freedman Ida Freedman Joel S. Freedman Saul Freedman Louis Freiberg Miriam Freiberg Bessie Freund Rabbi Hirsch E. L. Freund Anne N. Frieden Abraham Friedman Anna R. Friedman Bernard Friedman Harold E. Friedman Herman Friedman Isadore Friedman Justin Friedman

    Katherine C. Friedman Lorraine E. Friedman Maxine Friedman Nannie Friedman Ronald Friedman Ruth Resnick Friedman Sylvia Friedman Bernard Furman Ruth Furman Michael David Gall Reva C. Gansen Charles Garber Ethel Garber Sam Garber Sara F. Geismar Siegfried Geismar Rysia Bluma Zelkind Gendlin Albert Gerbie Howard B. Gerbie M.D. Mildred K. Gerbie Yanina Emmanuella Gerner Bernie Gershuny Lillian M. Gershuny Morris Gettleman Benjamin Gettler Gertrude Gettler Herbert Gettler Adolph E. Gillman Bernard Gillman Minnie Gillman Albert G. GinsbergAlma Ginsberg Bernard Ginsberg Edna Ginsberg Estelle Ginsberg Max Ginsberg Minnie Ginsberg

    Michael Gladson Baron H. Gold Bess S. Goldberg Birdie Salinger Goldberg Ida Lea Goldberg Isadore H. Goldberg James Jay Goldberg Lewis A. Goldberg Mildred L. Goldberg Morton P. Goldberg Philip Goldberg Zelda Goldberg Rabbi Albert Goldman David W. Goldman Edith K. Goldman Jack Goldman Regena S. Goldman Sylvia Goldman Alvina H. Goldner Benjamin Goldsmith Emil B. Goldsmith Jean Goldsmith Lucile K. Goldsmith Robert V. Goldstein Jacob Goller Marcelle Goller Bernard Goodman Emma Goodman Joseph Gooten Minnie Gooten Samuel H. Gordon Vera S. Gordon Eileen GoretSamuel H. Goret Belle Goretsky Joseph Goretsky David Gould Sarah E. Gould

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    Perpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai YeshurunPerpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai Yeshurun

    Elaine B. Klein Irwin B. Klein Marjorie P. Klein Robert E. Klein Robert L. Klein William I. Klein Morris S. Kleiner Rose Kleiner Adele Cohen Kline Adolph Knoll Hilda Knoll Lillian B. Kondritzer Esther B. Kranes Rose Kranes Harry M. Kruke Joan S. Kruke Lois G. Kupferberg Craig R. Kurtz Dorothy C. Lampe Joseph H. Lampe Dr. Joseph A. Lane Herbert E. Lang Muriel S. Lang Rose P. Lappin Maxwell L. Lappin Ted Lazarow Adelaide 0. Lazarus Eleanor S. Lazarus Fred Lazarus, Jr. Jeffrey L. Lazarus Dr. Laurence Lazarus Frederic M. Lee Freda LeeserPhilipp Leeser Harry Lazarus Leinwohl Benjamin LerhauptAlbert J. Lerner Dorothy Lerner

    Oscar A. Lerner Alexander LeventalJanice Dine Levin Ann Bilker Levine Arthur Levine Berenice S. Levine Calman Levine David Levine David B. Levine Donna L. Levine Essie M. Levine Gordon M. Levine Herman H. Levine Isaac E. Levine Israel (Irving) Levine Lillian M. Levine Maita F. Levine, Ph.D. Mary S. Levine Minnie Levine Nathan Levine Oscar Levine Rae G. Levine Sarah Levine Sue C. Levine Bert Levinson Ruth Levinson Fred V. Levar Rosalind S. Levar August Levy Charles Levy Frances R. Levy Gertrude Joffe Levy Lee Levy Lewis Levy Mary B. Levy James Max Levy Alvin Lezell Bradley Lieberman

    David H. Liebschutz Edith L. Liebschutz Goldie F. Liebschutz Harry Liebschutz Leon Liebschutz Phoebe D. LiebschutzAmelia Lipman Alvin Lipson Catherine Lipson Edward Lipson Sam W. Lipson Esther G. Liscow Jacob Liscow Stanley S. Liscow Ethel S. Lisner Sol Lisner John Locaputo Margo Locaputo Isaac J. Loeb Josephine H. Loeb Samuel J. Loeb Tillie A. Loeb Harris K. Loftspring Marjorie N. Loftspring Julian Loshin Sol Luckman Richard J. Mack Alan R. Mack Elizabeth R. Mack Eileen S. Magenheim Herbert G. Magenheim Edith Krohn Magrish James L. Magrish Josephine H. Magrish Claudia J. Mailender Kartan M. Mailender Saul Maiman Leon Mann

    Dr. David L. Graller Melville Granby Isabelle F. Grayman Ernest GreenIra Green Miriam R. Green Sylvia H. Green Dr. Herbert J. Greenberg Marilyn Greenberg Marlene G. Gross Etta R. GrossmanHarriet Grossman Benny Gumenick Jean Gumenick Maurice A. Gunn Mona Gunn Jack Guttman Natalie Guttman Julius Guttman Yetta Wolf Guttman Jason Hacker Henriette H. Hahn Irma Behr Hallo Leah G. Handler Dr. Maurice R. Handler Steven N. Handler Charlotte “Teddy” Harris Donald W. Harris Edwin Vigran Harris Jonathan Harris Samuel Harris, MD Joel Harvey Bernie Heines Dorothy Helming Harry F. Helming Laura M. Helming Carol H. Herman Joseph Herman

    Clara D. Hermann Harold N. Hermann Jean L. Hermann Samuel Hermann Alvin Hirschberg Frances Hirschberg Marvin I. Hirschberg Nathan Hirschberg Rennette C. Hirschberg Sadye S. Hirschberg Saul Hirschberg Janet Rochelle Hirschfeld Florence Hirschman Kolman HirschmanMinnable Hirschman Harold Hoffert Orren D. Hoffman Martin Holstein Aaron Holzberg Revella Holzberg Jeffrey M. Hoodin Joseph H. Hoodin Bernard D. Horn Armin Hornstein Moe D. Horowitz Ben Hyman Samuel Hymon Aaron Immerman Carrye Immerman Matilda S. Immerman Frances Bamberger Isaac Lucille Benjamin Isaac Stanley Isaac Bessie Jacobs Isadore Jacobs Judah M. Jaffe Lester Auer Jaffe Rosa Shor Jaffe

    Rabbi Isaac Jeruzalmi Arthur W. Joseph Jesse M. Joseph Marc Joseph Harry J. Kahn Jean P. Kahn Mildred Kahn David P. Kamrass Edward Lee Kanter Ethel Kanter Ida Kanter Louis Kanter Philip Kanter Rosalie Kanter Zella Kanter Milton Kantor Arthur Kaplan Charlotte Kaplan Eugene H. Kaplan Nathan B. Kaplan Dr. Stanley M. Kaplan Sylvia F. Kaplan Toody Kaplan Dr. William S. KarlenAnnette C. Karnal Joseph Karp Michael S. Katz Florence M. Kaufman Ida Kaufman Isidor Kaufman Samuel H. Kaufman Dan Keilson Joseph Charles Kichler Leah Y. Kichler David King Hilda Kirschner Oscar Kirschner Arlene Rosen Klein

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    Perpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai YeshurunPerpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai Yeshurun

    Morris PriceWalter H. PritzAbraham B. RaabBertha Raab Harriet S. Raab Sigmund Raab A.J. Randman Paula Rappaport Bertha Goldman Rappaport Lazar Rappaport Ossie Rasher Arthur L. Reinhart Rose R. Reinhart Ida Resnick Frank Rind Sophia Rindsberg Edward Ringel Hedy F. Ringel Dr. Howard “Gene” Rissover Professor Ellis Rivkin Louis Robin Hanna D. Romanow Morris Romanow Elizabeth Rosenberg Harry Rosenberg Isadore Rosenberg Lee Rosenberg Lily Rosenberg Mark Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg Sarah Rosenberg Simon Rosenberg Arlene Rosenklein Rae Rosenthal William Rosenthal Sally Rosner Harry Rauda

    Lee K. Rubenstein Mark Rubenstein Walter A. Rubenstein Louise Rubinson Milton L. Rubinson Morris L. Rudin Rae Rudin David Ruhalter Frances Ruhalter Alfreda R. Ruvel Betty SabetayEthel C. Sachs Carolyn F. Saeks Emma Gross Safdi Lee Safdi Rosemary Safdi Stuart A. Safdi, M.D. Josephine C. Samuels Julius R. Samuels Janice Sander Louis Sander Mary Sander Samuel Sander Saul Sanker Joan Ciener Sapadin Dorothy H. Sattler Samuel G. Sattler Emil Sauer Rebecca Sauer Oscar Schachter Bernard H. Schaeffer Charles Schaengold Florence K. Schaengold Ruth S. Schaengold Sam S. Schaengold Yetta Schaengold Alexander Schavel Julian Scheineson

    Louis M. Scheineson Mary A. Scheineson Evelyn J. Schiebel Harriet S. ScheibelAugusta Miller Schiff Herbert N. Schiff Nedra R. Schiff Alexander Schlossberg Jessie Schlossberg Dr. Leonard Schlossberg Isadore T. Schmerler Tatiana Shlain SchmerlerBernice Schneider Marilyn B. Schneider Meyer R. Schneider Irvin Schneiderman Kate Schneiderman Harriette Schreiber Leonard Schreiber David L. Schulman Louis Schulman Rose SchulmanAlex Schwartz Carl Schwartz Gertrude Schwartz Goldie Misrach Schwartz Harry Schwartz Irvin Schwartz Jack Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Pearl W. Schwartz Ray Schwartz Rose Schwartz Ruth G. Schwartz Sadie G. Schwartz Sam X. Schwartz Saul Schwartz Sidney L. Schwartz

    Abe Marcus Etta Marcus Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus Selma B. Marcus Norman H. Marcuse Jack Mark Noretta H. Markley Janet R. Marks Cynthia Marmer Katherine Marmer Morris Marmer Ralph L. Marmer Larry Marshall Marlin Fine Marshall Shirley MarshallRobert I. Marver Robert S. Marx Albert S. Mason Bert MasonDorothy Mason Ellen L. Mason Margaret MatjePeter Matje Hays Maxwell Linnie Maxwell Martha MaxwellAnn L. May Bemis L. Mayer Eli Mayer James S. Mayer Jessie S Mayer Maury D. Mayer Manuel David Mayerson Ellen G. Mazer Ralph F. Mazer Terrence (Terry) MazerMary S. McKane Akiva Medman

    Anna Medman Isadore MervisLouis Mervis Martha Friedman Mervis Charles Mesh Elise Mesh Lillian F. Mesh Melville Meyers Orla H. Mielziner George Miller Isadore Miller Jennie Miller Jennie Brown Miller Laura Z. Miller Libbye Miller Milton Miller Mitchell J. Miller Oscar A. Miller Paul D. Miller Margie Mirken Goldie Misrach Ida G. Misrach Richard Misrach Norman W. Misrach Sara Mitchell Ida B. Morrison Cynthia MulveyMarjorie Leitz Nadler Martin S. Nadler Melvin Nadler J. Alan NathanLouis A. NathanSadye K. Nathan Raymond G. Nemo Hanna NeumanJustin NeumanThomas P. NeumanLaura Loth Newburgh

    Irwin E. Newhauser Louis NewmanMerle NobelVirginia NobelRobert L. Oestreicher Florence L. Olman Florence Wolf Olman Milton V. Oscherwitz Audrey R. OstrovCeil Schavel OxlanderLouis OxlanderDavid F. PasserDora S. PaulHarry W. PaulJean Mildred PaulLois Jean PaulHenry PearlDr. Albert Harry Pearlman Joseph PelbergAnita-Jo PellerDr. Robert Perlman Anita PescovitzDr. Harold Pescovitz Shirley PescovitzAnne PfefferHarry E. PfefferBertha PhillipsRubin PhillipsDavid PincusBen PineDavid PincusBert PleatmanMaurice Pleatman Michael A. Pleatman Ruth PleatmanEmanuel PolsterDr. Marvin PravdaHarry M. Price

  • 20 21

    Sue TellerMax H. Thurnauer Dr. Arthur Martin Tiber Ruth Krumholz Tiber Abraham Timmer Anne G. Timmer Benjamin Tolpin Bernice Tolpin Maxine TotzStanley B. Troup Betty Ann Tumen Meyer Uhlfelder Stephen Vergesslich Betty VigranJoan Hays Vigran Julian H. Vigran Stanley L. Vigran Irv VollmanHelen Voos Kurt Voos Lillian Voos Wilhelm Voos Jack Wainscott Mary Walderman Morris Walderman Mathilda Waldman Nathan Waldman Esther L. Wallace Beatrice Warm Eleanor S. Warm Sydney A. Warm Otto Warmbier Ida Warshofsky Isadore Warshofsky Ida Bess Warth Jacob Weber Pearl Weber Selma Weber

    Benjamin G. Weil Burt Weil Cecile S. Weil Edith C. Weil Florence L. Weil Gilbert A. Weil Gordon Weil, Sr. Isaac A Weil James Auer Weil Kurt Weil Minnie M. Weil Olga Weil Rita Auer Weil Sarah Weil Sidney Weil Babette Weinberg Hillard Weinberg Albert L. Weinstein Dorothy H. Weinstein Faith Weinstein Lea Franklin Weinstein Leon B. Weinstein Marlyn Weinstein David B. Weisberg Hazel Weisberg Philip Weisberg Abraham Weisman Jay WeismanAbby WeissHerman Weiss Jacqueline H. Weiss Roslyn Cohen Weiss Tari Iris Weiss Gloria Wells Raymond I. Wells Harris K. Weston Lee Rappaport White Helen Winkler

    Henry R. Winkler Rose S. Winkler Sol Winkler Gail Winter Jerry Winter Rebecca R. Wise Sylvia Wise Susie York Wittenberg Rabbi Samuel Wohl Harry Wolf Katherine Wolf Norman Wolf Albert Harris Wolff Hannah H. Wolff May Rose Wolff Samuel Woliver Bertha Helen Yeager Herman Yeager Ruth Strull Youkilis Marjorie Hoffman Young Selma Mervis Young Victor Young Louis M. Zacharia Mabel J. Zacharia Nathan Zeff Dr. I. Mark Zeligs Ruth G. Zeligs Aron Shlomo Zelkind Morton Zemsky Robert Zemsky Haskell Yakov Zilbermintz Dorothy H. Zimmerman Irma Tess Euster Zimmerman Louis T. Zimmerman Patricia Zimmerman

    Wilfred Schwartz William S. Schwartz Aaron Schwinger, M.D. Janet Schwinger Jerry R. Seelig Avrum Segal Harry Segal Raisa Segal Bertha Seidel Joseph Seidel William Seidel Alan D. Seitel Lonnie Steven Seitel Rae Selzer Florence S. Semmons Herman Semmons Anne Shapero Jerome A. Shapero Edith Felson ShapiroGwen S. Shapiro Harry Sharff Henrietta Jacobs Sharff Isadore C. Sharon Mary Ethel Sharon Bess Shavzin Mike M. Shavzin Ann Shear Eleanor Sherman Nat Sherman S. David ShorSam SiegelAlex SilvermanRebbeca Silverman Abraham Silverstein Ben A. Silverstein David Silverstein Eva S. Silverstein Jacob (Jack) Silverstein

    Jean M. Silverstein Nat J. Silverstein Samuel J. Silverstein Sophia Silverstein Aaron Simmons Ida Simmons Mayer Simon Michael J. Simon Miriam B. Simon Myra F. Simon Cecile Simons Irvin Simons Celia S. Singer Lilian P. Singer Clara Berg Skilken Evelyn Betty Skurow Helen C. Skurow Richard C. Skurow Samuel Skurow Rose Slatkin Marilyn Ellman Slome Stanford Trattner Slome Alvin Slatin Ralph P. Smith Anne Snyder Esther Schavel Snyder Sigmund Abe Snyder William Snyder Charles Solomon Chester I. Solomon Marion V. Solomon Maury D. Solomon Minnie Solomon Sara Okrent Solomon Murray S. Solomon Adam Spalter Marlene Spalter Alex H. Spatz

    Albert Spievack Jonathan C. Spinner Hyman SpitzRuth D. Spitz Reah Stacks William E. Stacks Alvin Stamler Isabelle Stamler Adeline K. Stambach Morris S. Stambach Iris Gershuny Stein Anna C. Steinberg Marvin B. Steinberg Nathan Steinberg Rick SteinerJoseph S. Stern, Sr. David StevensDorothy Stevens Joe Stevens Rae Stevens Stanley Stevens Anna Stiefel Arline Gumenick-Strapko Bertha S. Straus John Straus Julia M. Straus Moses Straus Ruth H. Strauss Charles Stuhlbarg Esther Stuhlbarg Herman Swillinger Manuel Tarschis Marian Tarschis Henry Tauber Ruth Tauber Charles “Chuck” Teller Donald S. Teller Jerry Teller

    Perpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai YeshurunPerpetual Memory – K.K. B’nai Yeshurun

  • 22 23

    Perpetual Memory – Bene IsraelDied In The Service Of Their Country 1941-1945

    Mose Kahn Myrtle J. Kahn Abe Koppel Bettie Koppel Caroline Koppel Charles Koppel David Koppel Gus Koppel Kaufman Koppel Rose Kahn Koppel Bertha Lederman Emma Lederman Fannie Lederman Ferdie Lederman Henry L. Lederman Irwin Lederman Kaufman Lederman Albert Levy Herman 0. Levy Joe Levy Mina Hirsch Levy Julius Lewis Lillian Lewis William J. Lewis Rev. Lippman Liebman David A. Loeb Edith D. Loeb Mary Loeb Elizabeth E. Love Betty Lowenstein Harry Lowenstein Helen Lowenstein Joseph Lowenstein Samuel Lowenstein Henrietta MaasJohn Maas Cora B. Mayer

    Edwin H. Mayer Gabe Mayer Helen Mayer Sallie Strauss Mayer Isaac Mondschein Louise Mondschein William Murstein Ellick Pearlman William G. Pearlman Bella T. Rice Isaac Rice Samuel Trost Rice Hattie D. Rich Markus Ringel Siegfried Ringel Harry T. Rubenson Katherine Rubenson Morton Sall Loren Samuelson Albert Sauer Gustave Sauer Johanna Sauer Marcus Sauer Martha Sauer Meyer Sauer Morris Sauer Rae Sauer Rose Sauer Sarah J. Sauer Sigmund Sauer Fanny C. Schaengold Meyer Schaengold Samuel SchniderCatherine Schomer Louis Schomer David Marcus Silver Harry Silver Nat Silver

    Abraham Silverman Fanny Silverman Annie Simons Max Simons Elmer Gersan Sternberg Benno Strauss Elizabeth Strauss Max Strauss Phillip Strauss Harry Turberg Pauline S. Turberg Yetta H. Warm Theodor I. Weiss Elia Wittekind Leopold Wolf Milton C. Wolf Gertrude H. Wollstein Louis Zinsheimer

    Marvin Leon Brower Stanley Claybon Monte G. Cohn Sheldon Glassberg Stanley Goetz Richard J. Hermann Morton M. Katz

    Dr. Howard M. Schriver Samuel L. Kessler Marcus Kruke Tedd R. Levy J. Simpson Marx Richard J. Sloane Leonard J. Stickler

    Marvin I. Vigran Ferdinand L. Weston

    Edward Lee Kanter Viet Nam - August 1969

    May Adel Isaac Baer Maud Baer Abram Ballinger Adelheid Ballinger Hattie S. Ballinger Joseph Ballinger Fannie Grabenheimer Becker Lillian Becker Armin Berkowitz Abraham Blumenthal Charles Ryland Blumenthal Elsa L. Blumenthal Harry J. Blumenthal Rose Fogel Blumenthal Eugenia Brillant Mark Brillant Ruth Koppel Brownstein

    Carrie Cohen Gus Cohen Irvin Cohen Bertha L. Dreyfus Henry Dreyfus Milton Dreyfus Sanford Eaffy Max J. Fischer Jenny Frieder Emma Goldstein Abraham Goodman Betty VanCleef Goodman Hannah Myers Grabenheimer Jacob Grabenheimer Jacob A. Herstein Celia Levine Heyman Joseph R. Heyman Belle Hirsch

    Caroline Heller Hirsch Jonas Hirsch Theresa Hirsch Lt. Richard Holstein Joseph Hornstein Rose Koppel Hurst Leonard J. lpp W. Earl Jackman Belle Jacobs Blanche Jacobs Clara Strauss Jacobs Marion Jacobs Joseph Jay Rae Jay Bessie Joffe Max Joffe Charles Kahn Esther Kahn Leopold Kahn Meyer J. Kahn

    Perpetual Memory – Bene Israel

  • 24 25

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Armand H. Abel Karen and Fred AbelGladys and Joel Caller Dara and Andrew AbelClaudia and Kartan Mailender Allison and Eric Kahn

    Robert Heller Ron, Laurel, Marnie, Kerri,Mildred Heller Jonathan and Jordan Robert-Heller AbramsManuel Abrams

    Roy Adams Judy AdamsSteve AdamsFannie Adams

    Stephen Allen Inez AllenJoseph FineHenry J. AllenLillian K. AllenMarlin MarshallCherie Fine

    Ruth M. Annenberg Bud and Gloria AnnenbergAlbert Allen Annenberg Dr. Alan AnnenbergHannah Rubenstein Wolff Lynn Annenberg PickensAlbert Harris Wolff

    Alfred A. Apfel Nancy ApfelDr. Louis M. and Mary A. Scheineson Lynn ApfelEdward and Blanca Apfel Edward, Rebecca, Alexander, andIsaac and Lillian Apseloff Benjamin ApfelMeyer and Fanny ScheinesonJulian ScheinesonRabbi Hirsch and Serita FreundDr. Herbert and Claire KatzensteinMax and Lillian BergerNathan and Anne DiamondDr. Albert and Ruthe PearlmanDoris SchaechterDear Relatives and Friends

    Milton Applebaum Steve, Debbie and Paige ApplebaumShirley Applebaum Mark, Suellen, Daniel and Jennifer ApplebaumElwood P. HoustonDr. Irvin B. BerenGayle Beren KuppinDavid BerenSara Lee BerenSally Lynn Schur

    Harriet Arkin Charles and Lori ArkinJacob ArkinBarbara ArkinGerald ArkinFreda MargolisIsrael MargolisRose BornsteinHerbert BornsteinSigmund Bornstein

    Murray Askin Lois Askin and FamilyMinerva RubinGerson Rubin

    Marilyn Barnett Pam BarnettRobert BarnettTerry Barnett

    William Schwartz Caryn and Denny BaumJoAnne Schwartz Becca BaumIda Schwartz Ryan and Anne BaumSamuel Schwartz Jamie Baum and Marco DeProsperisJoseph Bloch

    Marian Tarschis Susie and Rick BaumManuel Tarschis Elissa, Jeff, Mitchell and Sadie MazerJack Gilbert Baum David, Leslie, Jocelyn and Mikayla BaumSelma Sabetay Abelson

  • 26 27

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Sheal L. Becker Mrs. Lillian B. Becker and FamilyPearl Becker Mr. and Mrs. John D. Becker and FamilySamuel BeckerRose BluesteinFrank BluesteinJoanne Becker StewartDorothy D. Becker

    Carol R. Behr Shirley BehrPaul Kantor Herbert Behr Linda K. Falender James A. Behr Susan R. Behr

    Lawrence Berger Andrew and Linda Berger and FamilyBetsy Berger

    Maryann Betagole Betagole Family

    Judge Gilbert Bettman Marianna Brown Bettman Helen Bettman Cohen Gilbert Bettman, Jr.

    Genevieve Brown Marianna Brown BettmanSidney H. Brown and Daniel Brown

    Robert L. Block, Jr. Irene I. BlockLee M. BlockFrances Bamberger IsaacStanley IsaacLucille Benjamin IsaacDina Block Rosenheim

    Helen Cohen Skurow Marlene and Robert Boden and FamilySamual A. Skurow

    Geraldine Boskind Marilyn and Cory BoskindBenjamin BoskindJonathan BoskindCarl SchwartzRose SchwartzAllen Leveton

    Dr. George S. Bowling Marcia C. Bowling, M.D.Cynthia Bowling Bo Broadnax

    Nancy Felson Brant Joseph BrantSidney C. Brant Joel and Deborah Schneider BrantRoslyn E. Brant Dr. Debbi and Philip DeitchRosalyn Totz Felson Irvin FelsonAlan S. FelsonEdith Felson ShapiroMaxine Totz

    Abraham S. Braude Marilynn K. Braude and FamilyDorothy R. BraudeMorris BraudeJonathan P. Braude Pearl M. KatzBenjamin S. KatzIra R. Katz Joan P. Katz

    Gary Brenner Leslie BrennerJerome and Charlotte Gold Susan, Josh, Oliver and Jayden AckermanJean Bender Michelle, Jeffrey, Nicole, Jordan andHarry Appelblatt Jaclyn RzepkaCecil Appelblatt Shari and John Schulhoff Molly and Whitney Schulhoff

    Miriam P. Brenner Susan BrennerAbe Brenner Steven MombachGilbert Mombach

    Jane Felson Brown Drew, Debbie and Nina

    Gertrude Buncher Ralph BuncherHerman Buncher Maxine BerkmanAlice BerkmanCharles BerkmanAlice BerningHarry G. Berning

  • 28 29

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    June J. Burgin Cynthia BurginLeonard A. Burgin Lester and Margie BurginRosa Shor Jaffe Seth BurginLester Auer JaffeSylvia BurginSamuel Burgin

    Ruth Wessler Kerry, Bonnie, Alex and Amy BurteEsther BurteHarris M. BurteBetty SabetayMiriam Burte

    Sandra Goldstein Linda and Brian CanteelBessie GulfmanWilliam Gulfman

    Catherine Louise Casper Her Parents and Brothers

    Shirley Weiland Casper Sandy, Barb, Brandon andJack Casper Steve Casper

    Robert Chaiken The Chaiken Family

    Lee A. Hopmeier Jon, Randi, Phoebe, Sydney and Arthur P. Hopmeier Mollie ChaikenRobert ChaikenElla Dorbian

    Emily Bowman Eileen and Jim Chalfie and FamilyRobert Bowman, Jr.Ruth ChalfieSamuel ChalfieMaurice MarcusMinnie MarcusDr. David Meyer Sara MeyerHenry MeyerReva SeligmanSam SeligmanFrances SeligmanDavid Seligman

    Mildred Zemboch Dlott Stan Chesley and Susan DlottHerman DlottRachel ChesleyFrank ChesleyMarcia Chesley

    Mollie Claybon Louis and Kathy Claybon and FamilyStanley Claybon, MD Allan and Donna Claybon and FamilyIsadore Claybon

    Frances Friedman Schloss Kathy and Louis ClaybonJustin Friedman Jim and Meredith Friedman and FamiliesMilton Schloss, Sr.Katherine C. FriedmanIsadore FriedmanFanny Pritz HuttenbauerSamuel Huttenbauer

    Jerome E. Cohen Dan and Judi CohenMimi L. CohenAdele MarksGerald Marks

    Andrew Cohen Julie and John Cohen and FamilyHerman CohenRenee CohenJack FeatherstonJean Featherston Luanne FeatherstonBella HartmanSamuel HartmanFlorence HirschmanAlexander LernerEthel SchwebelBess ShavzinMike ShavzinAlan Shavzin

    Lillian and Milton Cohen Morissa and Mitchell Cohen and Family

  • 30 31

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Dorothy Manheimer Sally and Alex CohenMelvin GillettMilton ManheimerSarah M. GillettLouis B. GillettIra B. CohenHarold GillettRichard L. ManheimerIrving SilvermanClarence SilvermanSaul Silverman

    Hy Cooper The Cooper FamilyIrene CooperDavid ForstWilliam J. Wilkie

    Elizabeth B. Siegel Mary and George CroogDr. Charles M. Siegel Charlie and Nina CroogArthur E. Siegel Lisa CroogJohn F. Croog Madeline CroogRose C. Croog Sarah CroogRuth C. MarksAlfred M. Marks

    Joey Cross Rachael, Sammi and Ron Cross

    Sandy Desatnik Ed DesatnikDena Katz Philip KatzMax DesatnikAnna Desatnik

    Abraham Minacher Dian and Thomas DeutschFruma Minacher Grace DeutschAlexander S. Rasher Jeffrey DeutschAssenath (Ossie) Rasher Karen CohenDaniel Rasher Elaine OscherwitzSophie RasherMarilyn L. Rasher Frank DeutschJeanne DeutschHoward DeutschSidney DeutschSara DeutschKaren O. DeutschJean MayMilton Oscherwitz

    Dr. Israel Dizenhuz Barbara Dizenhuz

    Dr. Ronald Drasnin The Drasnin and Magenheim FamiliesDr. Herbert G. and Eileen MagenheimMorris and Belle MagenheimNathan and Anna SteinbergBernard and Mae DrasninJoe and Ada DavisMarvin SteinbergAlfred and Letty SteinbergNat and Eleanor ShermanYale SmithVivian KleinHoward and Natalie Steinberg

    Jay Dunkelman Dunkelman and Pardo FamilyMelville J. DunkelmanCarolyn L. Dunkelman

    Linda Abrams Kathy and Bob DumesMary Jean CohenWilliam DumesWilbur Cohen

  • 32 33

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Shiel Dunsker Ellen and Stewart DunskerTillie DunskerJeanne TreimanIsrael TreimanGayle YessenowPaul Yessenow

    Rose Kleiner Lorie Kleiner EckertMorris S. KleinerIrv Vollman

    Gene Elkus Helene and Michael Elkus and FamilyNeddie Mae ElkusMax ElkusRose ElkusRichard Alan ElkusMorris WaldermanMary WaldermanMaurice Arthur GunnMona GunnHermina ReichmannHermina Gunzenberg NeumanCarl Reichmann

    Albert Gerbie Joyce Elkus and FamilyHoward B. Gerbie, M.D.Fred A. Elkus, M.D.Mildred K. GerbieAnn K. BrauerStanley M. Kaplan, M.D.Sonia Pinkus

    Betty Eppstein The Eppstein FamilyTheodore Eppstein

    Fouad Ezra Mary EzraLinda Ezrapour

    Dr. Israel Klieger Diane, John, Hillary, Shana andEdith Weisman Klieger Andy Feibel, Lila, Emmy, andAdolph Feibel Jeena FeibelRuth Claire Marks Feibel

    Nora Esther Fenner Lori Fenner

    Dr. Raymond B. Fine Mrs. Phyllis G. FineH.H. Fine and Children Dora FineJoseph FineRose SchulmanLouis SchulmanMelvin Schulman

    Morton Lipman Gary, Ilene, Steve, Jen, Ben, Ethan and Beverly Lipman Meg FingermanLester Fingerman Gary, Anette, Sarah, Diana, and Mike Lipman Rick, Karen and Brandon Lipman Lois Silverman

    Albert R. Fingerman Shirley, Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren

    Julia Snyder Fink Mr. Frederick A. FinkMax P. FinkAnn Backer FinkEdna Backer

    Irvin Fischoff Alan and Ann Fischoff

    Sanford Fogel Joel, Barbra, Jeremy and Brooke Fogel

    Sanford Juntoff Laura FosterPearl Terry Juntoff

    Fred Sacher Nili and Bob FoxAda FoxElias Fox

    Herman S. Franklin Steven and Bobbie FranklinHenrietta B. FranklinFred A. BeinFannie W. BeinSamuel FranklinRose FranklinThelma MowerSelwyn J. Bein

  • 34 35

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Ruth Freiberg The Freiberg and Lipschutz FamiliesHarry FreibergCecile LipschutzLeonard LipschutzCheryl L. English

    Dr. Joseph Freiberg and Richard and Adrianne FreibergLouise FreibergBetsy FreibergJack and Rachel LandauGertrude and Sam WilsonMoses Wilson

    Dorothie Fried Fried FamilyFred FriedSidney AxelrodBertha SmizikAlan Axelrod

    Ronald Friedman Harriet FriedmanHelen Friedman Alan and Andrea FriedmanDavid Lee Kaplan Shayna Helen, Julia Cele, and Adam R. Friedman Marsha and Michael Kosky

    Julius J. Fialco Harriet FriedmanSadie Fialco Alan, Andrea, Shayna, Julia and Adam Friedman Marsha and Michael Kosky Rachelle, Jeffrey and Stephanie Kosky Claire and Oscar Kosky

    Gerald Gilberg Valerie, Rob, Aaron and Erica FriedmanMarcia Gilberg

    Goldie and Jack Schwartz Irene and Mel FriemanBetty and Irwin Frieman Lauren FriemanJudith Frieman Krupa Betsy and Brian EisermanMarlene Schwartz Fox

    Sam and Dove Funk Tim and Saranne FunkSidney and Dorothy SegalBeverly FunkPhyllis Foor Sohn

    Robert Weigl Andrew and Wendy Furman and FamilyMark ShonerRuth FurmanBernard FurmanCecil LoneyGreg CookFlorence KaufmanLois Loney

    Charles Garber Mrs. Charles (Frieda) Garber and ChildrenFanny and Nathan GarberSarah and Morris DonnIda and Julius DonnyJake DonnyBenjamin DonnOtto Warmbier

    Benjamin Gettler Deliaan GettlerGertrude GettlerHerbert GettlerMary Angel

    Ruth S. Getz Mr. and Mrs. James A. Getz and FamilyJack A. GetzJoseph H. BergerRose StarkZelda Liff

    Mayer (Hap) Gillman Billy and Gail GillmanLorynne W. GillmanMay Rose WolffWilliam WolffMinnie GillmanBernard GillmanMarcia WolffCathy Nan Starr

  • 36 37

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Julia Kirschner Sheila and Al GinsbergLouis KirschnerJohn GreenblattBarbara Hanken

    Lewis A. Goldberg Nancy GoldbergMary GoldbergMax GoldbergEmma B. HellerJack HellerHerbert HellerNatalie Barnicle

    Benjamin Boskind Richard and Marcia GoldbergGeraldine Boskind Brian, Trista and Brenna GoldbergPauline Goldberg Amy GoldbergFrancis GoldbergJonathan Boskind

    Edward J. Hoffman Frances Goldman and FamilySara G. HoffmanDavid W. GoldmanRobert P. GoldmanTherese W. GoldmanBarbara Goldman CohenAgnes E. GoldmanMartin H. Johnson

    Rose Goldman Stewart Goldman and Kristi NelsonSelic Goldman Annika Goldman and Louis LipnerDougles NelsonMary Louise Nelson

    Ada B. and Samuel E. Fisher Marcia Fisher GoldsmithRuth Fisher ShwartzLeon FisherSanford FisherEdward Abraham FisherElmer Bernard FisherShirley Fisher Berman

    Robert V. Goldstein Jeff and Laura Goldstein and FamilyNancy GoldsteinArthur and Ruth GoldsteinJulius and Libbie BarronDavid and Minnie FrankJay LashinskyAaron LevineHerman BarronMartin BarronRick GoldsteinLeonard and Shirley Goldstein

    Gertrude Furer Betty GootenSamuel H. Furer Cynthia FurerAlice Furer Barbara MichaudAbe FurerDr. Jerald A. FurerMinnie GootenJoseph Gooten

    Marlin Marshall Joni and Dan GreenAaron Green

    Samuel Galun Renee and Richard Greenberg and FamilyBeverly GalunDr. Herbert J. GreenbergMarilyn L. Greenberg

    Nina Bellows Lesha and Samuel GreengusSamuel BellowsThelma GreengusEugene GreengusJane KauffmanCharles KauffmanLarry KauffmanRobert KauffmanSaul Bellow

  • 38 39

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Abraham S. Groshoff Jan, Herm and David GroshoffCelia E. GroshoffAllen A. KaplanEtta R. GrossmanCherie Weiss

    Marlene Gross Burt Gross Alan Gross Lauren Gross French Toby Wright

    Murray and Sara Solomon Nancy and Gary GrossmanJennie and Samuel OkrentFlorence and Joseph SolomonBess DobrowskyBertha OkrentRose and Ben GrossmanHarriet GrossmanRose and Louis Kessler

    Jack Guttman Sam and Marlene Guttman and FamilyNatalie GuttmanH. William Bauer

    Blanche and Stanley Rich Marlene and Dan Guttman and FamilyNatalie and Jack GuttmanElsie and Morris ShorrPearl and Abraham RichRebecca and Samuel SpielbergHarry and Rose GuttmanStella PiatesEdward RidenourMarcie and Lee Bortz

    Alfred Hellmann Jean, Herb, Philippe and Laurence HaasHenry Haas

    David Pincus Elissa and Mitchell HabibIsaac Habib

    Frank Harkavy The Harkavy FamilyBen M. DreyerRuth Block DreyerDorothy DreyerMike Dreyer

    Marlene Schwartz Harris Dr. Harvey HarrisPearl W. Schwartz Allison and Michael GordonHarry Schwartz Lauren and Mitch PaletzCharlotte (Teddy) Harris Gregg and Jennifer HarrisDr. Samuel HarrisPatsy Loeb SchwartzDr. Marvin Pravda

    Kurt M. Heilbrunn Danny, Marybeth,Goldie S. Heilbrunn David and Nathan Heilbrunn

    Dr. Fritz Hess The Hess Family

    Rose T. Pasch Barbara and James HilbNathan F. Pasch Jennifer and Lennie KahnEugene J. Hilb Joshua and Lyla KahnNelly S. Hilb Carrie and Dave MelamDr. Howard Melam Avery, Jordyn and Zoey Melam

    Murray Ross Linda and Larry HochbergEsther Ross Lisa and Andy Star and FamiliesDavid RossAndrea RossJack HochbergRuth HochbergStanley GouldLarry StarGail StarDavid Windsor

    Marjorie Hoffman Young The Hoffman FamilyOrren D. Hoffman

    Nancy Petricoff Meisel David and Karen Hoguet Jen Hoguet and Pete Sneider Laura and Jeffrey Leonard

  • 40 41

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Samuel and Florence Kaufman Donald A. Hurd

    Geraldine Boskind Donna, Ken, Anthony, and Jason HyamsBenjamin Boskind Susan and David RosmarinAlbert HyamsMark HyamsGertrude Hyams SilvermanJon Boskind

    Leah Gerber Ellen and Rob IlligLeonard GerberFrieda PockrosGeorgette IlligRobert Illig

    Harvey A. Immerman Amy and Alan ImmermanRebecca W. Immerman Elliott Sanford RoseNorma Feinn Rose

    Lillian Ansher Phyllis, Jake and Allanah JacksonAnna Abrams Martin, David, Catherine and Anna MurrayJacob AbramsSelwyn JacksonFreda JacksonMartin EganAnna EganHarold AnsherDavid A. MurrayThom Jackson

    Marvin Jacobs June Jacobs

    Tracy K. Johnson Tara, Becca, Jacob and Sam Johnson

    Hays Maxwell Scott and Patricia JosephLinnie MaxwellMarc Joseph

    Ruth and Henry Tauber Ken, Carol, Grace and Hope KabelDavid and Gisela RosenthalJerome KabelHortense Kabel

    Jean Kahn Sanford KahnHarry KahnLeonard WalensShirley WalensLeah PassmanEdward PassmanRose PassmanSamuel PassmanAbraham KahnRose KahnSydney PassmanSarah SiegelJulius SiegelSeymour Berns

    Regena Goldman Rabbi Lewis and Renee KamrassJack Goldman Jared, Emma, Micah, Blair, JennaManuel Goldman and JacobNathan GoldmanMoe D. HorowitzDavid P. KamrassEdith K. PhilbinMartin M. GoldmanSylvester GoldmanBen ZimmermanAlvin L. SlotinDorothy H. Zimmerman

    Muriel S. Lang Marcy, Mark, Sammy and Annie KanterHerbert E. LangAdele Cohen Kline

    Stanley Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kanter and FamilySandy CohenFred CohenMollie KanterSam KanterAdele Cohen KlineHyman KanterLouis KanterEthel KanterRuth Schlacht

  • 42 43

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Paul D. Miller Karen Young and Leonard KantermanHeather Miller Victor YoungJennie MillerGeorge KantermanBetty KantermanSusan Kanterman

    Esther Berman Mrs. Milton KantorHarry BermanSylvia KantorHyman KantorMilton Kantor

    Joseph M. Kaplan Mrs. Joseph M. KaplanBess Kaplan and ChildrenNathan KaplanSamuel AronoffRuth Aronoff

    Bernice Bartel Kathie and Donald Kaplan and FamilyAbe BartelMildred Solomon KaplanSam Kaplan

    Howard Kaplan Mark and Sherry KaplanHarry G. BloomMiriam J. BloomHelen Kaplan

    Abraham Katz Arlene and Bill KatzFrances KatzSamuel AckermanMolly AckermanSteve AllenMarlin Marshall

    Julia Kruth Katz Carolmae and David L. KatzHarold Katz Sheila, Helisa, and Deborah KatzDora Menter BrownMaurice R. Brown

    Harry Waxman Harriette and Jim KatzEsther Waxman Gary, Richard and Debra and Tom FreyNorman WaxmanAbraham KatzFrances KatzBarbara Frey

    Irwin Katzman Jane E. Katzman-Simon

    Isidor Kerstine Richard and Mona KerstineCorinne Kerstine Mark and Lynelle WoolleyLeon Brownson Jeffrey and Kira KerstineLena Brownson Brian and Liz KerstineMorris ZimmermanAnn ZimmermanAndrew HarrisEve Hollander HarrisEdith GabrielEdwin E. KerstineIda Baumgarten

    Allan L. Wasserman, MD Margie and Chuck Kessel and FamilyJack and Doris KesselRoy and Renate HarlanMax and Gertrude HouserMax and Anna WassermanSigmund and Ruth RaabHerbert and Ann Kessel

    Mary Ann Kessler Michael Kessler

    Rabbi Harold D. Hahn Jerry and Nancy KleinArlene Rosen Klein Bradley KleinMarjorie P. Klein Amy KleinIda Dunsker Klein Barbara HahnMilton H. Klein Melanie Hahn RochéMarjorie Klein PortisDr. Robert E. KleinBarbara Cohen MellenDr. Abraham L. CohenMaurice and Katherine HahnBeatrice Klein KaufmanClarence Kaufman

  • 44 45

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Kurt Weil Marcy, Robert, Jay and Jonathan KleinEdith WeilJustin KleinBarbara Klein

    Benjamin Lerhaupt The Klugo Family Anna Lerhaupt

    Jac Burton Weiseman The Kolesar FamilyLarry KolesarEthel Kolesar

    Aukie A. Konicov Spencer KonicovAnna R. KonicovChiam KonicovMarie KonicovBarrie L. Konicov Louis BogoradSarah Bogorad

    Inez Formal Jacqueline Formal KonicovSalek FormalRuth Formal WagnerHerbert Wagner

    Dorothy Sattler Brad Kuhr and FamilySamuel G. Sattler

    Fred Miller Debbe LaneToody Miller KaplanMary and Irving LevineLibbye and George MillerAlbert E. Lane

    Joseph Lazarus Harriet and Alan LazarusEssie LazarusNorman MervisAlice MervisLarry Mervis

    Eva Lehman Seelig Vivien LehmanGuenther L. Lehman Mark LehmanHerbert Seelig Deborah Lehman CohenAnne Jacobs Gregory CohenSophie and Bernard LehmanMartha and Ludwig TannhauserMarcia and Stephen Cohen

    H. Jerome Lerner Mimi Lerner

    Janice Dine Levin Jerry Levin and Family

    Esther and Jack Bernstein Dian LevineRita L. Greenebaum Bill and Carey, Mike and Sarah, CharlieElias L. Levine Ben and Madelyn, LydiaBetty W. LevineCraig R. KurtzDr. Isaac LevineMinnie Levine

    Donna L. Levine Herschell Levine, Children,Louis Levine Grandchildren, and Great GrandchildrenMiriam LevineAnn B. LevineDavid B. Levine

    Leo Rosenthal Dr. and Mrs. James Levy and FamilyBeate RosenthalEvelyn Levy JacobsonJacob LevyElvera Levy

    Paul A. Lewis Mike, Beth, Rachel and Maddie LewisIrene A. Friedman

    Sam W. Lipson Esther S. Lipson and FamilyAbram and Sarah SchlossbergDr. Leonard SchlossbergGertrude Ruth AuerbachIsaac and Lena S. JacobsWilliam and Rebecca LipsonEdward and Catherine LipsonShirley Reis

  • 46 47

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Alvin Lipson Gloria LipsonElizabeth Rosenberg Miriam and Jacob Hodesh and FamilyHarry Rosenberg Lesa and David Lipson and FamilyEdward Lipson Lisa and Ali Khan and FamilyCatherine LipsonJulius RosenbergRose GoldwaterRonald LipsonBess Miller

    Catherine and Edward Lipson Lynne and Michael LipsonArthur and Alice Eckstein Alissa, Josh, Jonah and Sylvie Jubelirer Dana, Kurt, Carsyn and Jacob Auer

    Mimi L. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Stevan G. LipsonJerome E. Cohen Scott, Wendy, Mia, LaurenEsther G. Cohen and FabriceJacob LiscowEsther G. LiscowSarah SchlossbergAbraham SchlossbergWilliam LipsonRebecca LipsonLeonard SchlossbergStanley LiscowBeverly LiscowSam W. Lipson

    Harris and Marge Loftspring Eddie, Ina, Blair and Drew LoftspringArleen and Peter ZimpelmanBess and Charles LoftspringAbraham and Esther NathanIna and Peter ZimpelmanClara and William McCullough

    Harris K. and Marjorie Loftspring Randy and Bonnie LoftspringCharles and Bess Loftspring Rachel Loftspring Pelchovitz andDavid and Nettie Feldman Dr. Daniel PelchovitzAbraham and Esther Nathan Nina Loftspring HonigMark and Cecile Miller Dr. Lee HonigDr. Sheldon PelchovitzSara and Alan Feldman

    Charlotte “Teddy” Harris Phil, Cherie, Amy and Jenni LoganHelen LoganHerman LoganSamuel Harris, MD

    Isidore Loon Dr. Martin and Lesley LoonBette LoonJack GrayceEthel GrayceIsaac GrayceNorman SchneiderDesiree Blumenthal

    Ben J. Strauss Carolyn and Stuart Lowitz and FamilyRuth H. Strauss Ruth C. LowitzGlenn G. Lowitz

    Jennie Lucas Alice, Barry, Bill LucasLouis Lucas Ann, Michael, Sara and Benjamin MargolisBen MargolisJen MargolisMillard LucasMarvin A. MargolisMitchell Signer

    Pearl and Joseph Lukin Marcia and Bob LukinRosalie and Melvin Schultz Kimberly Lukin and Adam and Rebecca Kuhr Rick, Laurah and Hazel Lukin Andrea Lukin and Joe, Noa and Mari Dagenbach

    Alan R. Mack Jacqueline Mervis MackElizabeth R. Mack Amy, Andrew, Benjamin, and Ethan MackJacob W. Mack Jennifer, Eric, and Elijah DauerKate S. Mack Laura, Kenneth, Ava, and Ryan MackRichard J. Mack Dr. Edward B. SilbersteinIsadore Mervis Louis L. Mervis Martha Friedman MervisSelma Mervis Young

  • 48 49

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Hilda Jacobs Macks Nancy and Marshall MacksCharles MacksJanet Brooks HoweAllan Joel MacksAnnabell Kinsler Brooks

    Claudia J. Mailender Ken and Melissa Mailender and FamilyKartan M. MailenderJack Wainscott

    Mary Joan Corsi The Markiewitz FamilyQ. Albert CorsiLeona G. Markiewitz

    Cynthia R. Marmer Mel MarmerRobert I. MarverRabbi Herbert S. RutmanYvette G. RutmanGeorge J. RutmanBernard S. MarverSlovie K. Marver

    Shirley Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Steven MarshallLarry Marshall Mr. Jon MarshallAbe H. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Robert UngerMinnie MarshallEly SteinbergAnna SteinbergRuth SteinbergJoseph B. FineStephen AllenWilliam DumesMarlin MarshallCherie Fine

    Lowell Mazer Marla, Jeffrey, Elissa, Mitchell and Sadie MazerRose Mazer Jamie and Jeff WienerHerman CantorHelen CantorTerrence (Terry) Mazer

    Bertram R. Gutin Barbara and Michael McCouchaVera J. GutinJohn E. McCouchaD. Joan McCouchaBerta Nani HessWilhelm HessEsther GutinJohn Gutin

    Jordan G. McFaull Jordan’s Dad, Rod McFaull

    Elise Mesh Gene MeshCharles Mesh Lillian MeshPhilip FogelMorris FogelSidney SchwartzLucille SchwartzIda BarkerAlvin BarkerMeyer and Sarah FogelClara and Isaac Mesh

    Abe Honigman Dr. and Mrs. Glen Meyer and FamilyFrances HonigmanIrwin W. MeyerLilly S. Meyer

    Claire and Sidney Meyers Mrs. Mitchell S. MeyersRose and Karl Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Eliot N. MeyersMitchell S. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. John P. MargaritisBarry A. Meyers

    Ruth S. Getz Ann and Marc Mezibov and FamilyJack A. Getz Rose Stark Phyllis Mezibov Julius Mezibov

  • 50 51

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Lois and Aaron Mintz Howard and Ann MintzLeo MintzShirley MintzMarty Lev

    Elias Burstein Joanna and Gary Mitro

    Marilyn and Robert Barnett Sarit, Cole, Ilana and Neil NadelRoz and Jule GildenblattTerry BarnettCharles and Sadie HertzendorfWilliam M. and Jean NadelDr. Irving I. HertzendorfDolores LustgartenRebecca Casey Eldemire

    Werner Friedeman Judy and Glenn NeugebauerInge Friedeman Andy and Abby

    Tom Neuman Ellen NeumanHanna Neuman Susan TuckerJustin Neuman Julie, Chris, Jake, Marley and Zoe SullivanFlorence GoldsteinHerman Goldstein

    Judy Newman Mark, Sarah, Jordan and Jeremy Newman, Debbie, Drew, and Nina Brown

    Louis Oxlander Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nord and FamilyCeil OxlanderGordon L. NordAlexander SchavelErik S. NordEvelyn DemyerBarbara K. Nord

    Robert L. Oestreicher Michael OestreicherRuth Oestreicher Lowenthal Diane Reif OestreicherCarl Reif Robert and Jenny OestreicherMargaret Reif David OestreicherMax KrausJennie KrausHans OestreicherRenee Oestreicher

    Philip Ohren The Ohren FamilyMeyer SingerSam M. SingerRose SingerPaul Joel OhrenSadie GrossmanHarry GrossmanSamuel ZoltCarolyn OhrenFlorence Zolt

    David S. Healey Rosa A. H. OlsonLydia GarbuzDwosza AdelsztainFaiwel Adelsztain

    Herman Levy Marcia Lazarus-O’TooleRose LevySylvia MervankinLeah MervankinDoris MervankinLawrence E. O’Toole

    David F. Passer Patricia and Morris PasserElka and Sam AldortBella and Jack PasserDvorah and Louis AldortSarah and Lester GreenbergVirginia E. and George F. HancockThomas F. HancockWilliam W. Clark

  • 52 53

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Harold Perlman Steven, Susan, Andrea and Brent PerlmanLibby (Elizabeth) PerlmanPhillip Welch M.D.

    Gus Schwartz Anne and Martin PinalesHenry Pinales Ian, Michelle, Sofia and OliviaEvelyn Pinales David, Deena, Ava, Hannah and NoahRuth A. Schwartz Gail, Scott, Daryn and Reese

    Marvin R. Pliskin Sue Pliskin and Jeff GarfieldRoselle Pliskin Volk Dan PliskinFrieda Schiff Schreiber Larry PliskinDr. Oscar Schreiber Linda GarfieldEvelyn Garfield

    Saul H. Polasky Lois Klein Polasky and ChildrenRobert E. KleinMarjorie P. KleinBlanche Brant SharonJack H. SharonSue Trenkamp

    Esther Schuman Barb and Michael Pordy and FamilyRobert A. Schuman Julie and Craig Margolis and FamilyFrieda BohnKate ShaperoLouis ShaperoJerome A. ShaperoAnne ShaperoDavid PordyDelores Pordy Howard Pordy

    Dr. Marvin Pravda Myra Pravda and FamilyCharlotte “Teddy” HarrisDr. Samuel HarrisClaire PravdaJoseph PravdaMarlene Harris

    Stanley Price The Price Family

    Charlotte M. Fox Elise and Jon Randman Lauren and Scott Katz

    Benjamin Ethan Rapp Michael and Andrea RappMorton Rapp Dan RappEvelyn Rapp Jon, Laura, Vivian, Julia and Nathan RappJoel S. Rapp William KleinBernice Klein

    Rachel Pugachevsky Marina, Mark and Nadezhda RashkovetskyYosif PugachevskyMunis PugachevskyNadezhda PugachevskySarra PugachevskyMatwey RashkovetskyMichael Lager

    Milton Leon Ray Renee Ray, Ceesha, Justus, Cookie, and Hagen

    Isadore Revelson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth RevelsonRose RevelsonHoward J. RevelsonNoretta MarkleyPaul MarkleyGertrude Kate WolpaHarry WolpaAnn Daniels

    Tillie Richter Agnes and Stanley Richter and ChildrenJacob RichterSol VigranZelda Vigran

    Donald Edward Ridenour Debbie, David, Dana and Delia RidenourGeorge Edward RidenourTheodore GanglNatalie and Jack GuttmanRuby Ridenour Gangl

  • 54 55

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Hedy Ringel Howard and Phyllis RingelEdward RingelLeslie Ringel, MDFran SchlonskyGertrude K. SchlonskyTheodore J. SchlonskyJoseph Schlonsky, MD

    Meyer Rosenfield Allan and Dian RobinsonMary RosenfieldAdele FleckKasper RobinsonRuth Robinson

    Bernard Rodner Michael RodnerIrene Fogel RodnerMark Rodner

    Raymond B. Fine Susan, Henry, Amy, and Justin RollmanGladys Blatt Marion Rosenbaum and FamilyLeonard E. RosenbaumHerb KlebanowClaire RosenbaumSol J. KrumbeinPearl KrumbeinSam RosenbaumCecil RosenbaumPhilip KlebanowDana Klebanow

    Robert Rosenberg Alice S. Rosenberg and FamilyEsther B. RosenbergClarence RosenbergErnestine N. SchwartzHarry H. SchwartzMilton S. Schwartz

    Judith A. Conley Amanda Conley RosenbergWilliam E. Conley

    Elliott S. Rosenberg Dianne and J. David RosenbergSelma B. RosenbergMargaret TierneyJamie MantheyJack MantheyM. Holmes FowlerMargaret Fowler

    Elaine Rosenberg Marvin Rosenberg and FamilyAnn ZemskyPhilip ZemskyRobert ZemskyMorton ZemskyFlorence RosenbergSimon RosenbergLily RosenbergMark Rosenberg

    Dorothy Ross Barry M. RossJack Ross

    Rhea S. and Sidney A Litvak Judith Roth

    Richard L. Roth Judy Roth Stacy and David Roth Vicki and Dan Holthaus Mindy and Bob Rich

    Florence Roth Neil and Jorian RothEric Jay RothHelen VolzBenjamin GettlerGeorge RothAnn Roth

    Hildegard Freundlich Rothschild Monique RothschildErnest Leonard RothschildKarl and Recha RothschildPaul and Erna FreundlichPerry Frank Brenner

  • 56 57

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Muriel Lang Cynthia RovaiHerbert LangAnna LangFrank LangPauline GreenbergerMax GreenbergerFred Rovai

    Bradley Lieberman The Rozakis FamilyNicholas RozakisGert LiebermanBill LiebermanRon LiebermanShirley SohnConnie Rozakis

    Susan Trenkamp Rick and Julie Ruskin and FamilyBeth RuskinLaurie Ruskin

    Sigmund Sachs Lilo SachsYvonne Sachs Rosenfield Irene and Howard Bolnick

    Melvin Nadler Linda and Jerry SacksMarjorie Nadler Joy and Tom NadlerMartin S. Nadler Debbie and Alan FreidmanGerald Nadler Arrianna and Steve SacksHerbert P. Leitz Lily and Sadie Sacks

    Josephine Saeks Karen and Edward SaeksAbraham B. Saeks Trina and Steve SaeksRobert A. Saeks Michael, Douglas and BenjamenHarlan R. Saeks Judy and David BellKeith A. Saeks David GableClara and Arnold Connelly Joel SaeksPearl and Alvin Eddins Dr. Carrie Shiau and Dr. Jonathan GableAnn ConnellyMabel JonesLewis Connelly

    Stanley J. Schadick Shelly Schadick andAnnette Schadick Jonathan SchwartzHarry Schadick Leah, Samuel, and Benjamin SchwartzLillian RichmondCharles RichmondLouis SchwartzRose SchwartzRose LissackSamuel A. Lissack

    Aaron P. Brown Bea Schaen and FamilyBen EttinFrieda EttinWolford StonehillHarry SchaenLeah SchaenEarl Schaen

    Carolyn Liedeker Epstein Lauren E. ScharfFan G. EpsteinPercy EpsteinLeona Westheimer Liedeker Louis Laurence LiedekerRosalyn Perci ScharfLillian G. ScharfJoAnn and Irvin BassRobert A. Epstein

    Adeline K. and Morris S. David J. Schiebel and FamilyStarnbachEvelyn J. SchiebelHerschel L. HarrisHarriet S. Scheibel

    Ruth K. Tiber Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schmerler and FamilyDr. Arthur M. TiberIsadore T. SchmerlerTatiana Shlain Schmerler

  • 58 59

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Marilyn Schneider Dr. Larry Schneider and FamilyMinnie and David BreslowMary and Ed SchneiderRochelle Fradkin

    Leonard Schreiber Scott, Ellen (Garber), Emily, andHarriette Schreiber Charlie Schreiber

    Zelma Berlin Sharff Zelma Sharff SchulmanLazar SharffEdward JacobsJules JacobsMelvin L. ShulmanHarry SharffHenrietta Sharff

    Ruth B. Klein Betsy and Marvin SchwartzEdith H. LapirowDr. Bernard A. SchwartzHarriet L. BeckerCharles H. KleinCarla K. Fee

    Michael S. Schwartz Carolee Schwartz and Family

    Virginia Okum Carolee Schwartz and FamilyIrvin Fischoff Donna and David Capeloto and Family

    Sam Schwartz Ida Schwartz and FamilyFanny SchwartzJack PerryRuth PerryJames Mayer SchwartzIrvin L. SchwartzDr. Michael B. Gladson

    Janie Schwartz Peter Schwartz

    Morris J. and Bertha P. Fox Sylvia and Michael Sears

    Leo Berman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth SeeligJerry SeeligBeverly N. BermanHerbert SeeligEva Seelig

    Barbara Seltz Allen Donald and Nancy SeltzClaire Goldburg SeltzDr. Samuel SeltzFannye StrikmanLawrence J. StrikmanLeon Strikman

    Saul Senser Robin and Ken SenserEstelle SenserHyman SpectorAnnette Spector

    Larry (Lawrence J) Shapiro Betsy ShapiroSara and William ShapiroIda and Isadore LitwackEdward Litwack

    Stanley Shapiro Edie Shapiro and FamilyManuel CohenEmma Cohen

    Nat Sherman Greg, Barbi, Alli, Kevin and Sarah, Julian Hirschberg Adam and LaurenEleanor Sherman Sara Hirschberg

    Milton Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Albert ShmaloJames N. Shmalo James, Marcy, Robert, Lauren and JustinRose Shmalo Andrew, Ella, Lia and IsaacLee Kestin ForemanRose Kestin LehrerLouis KestinAlbert and Celia ForemanGus MeyerRose FarberRabbi Judith Bluestein

  • 60 61

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Bernard G. Silberstein Edward, Lisa and Scott SilbersteinHarriet K. Silberstein Jacqueline MackAlan R. Mack

    Irvin Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Hal Silverman and FamilyJean SilvermanGira and Roman GinsburgRachel ShapiroJoseph ShapiroHarold Bruce SilvermanGail SilvermanFila Becker

    Lathrope Schiffer John, Karen, Caroline and Alec SimDustin SchefflerJohn and Valeria SimJohn and Pelgia BiniewskiGeorge and Edna SimOrla MielzinerWayne SchefflerElaine R. Schiffer

    Elizabeth K. Oppenheimer David and Jean SimmonsJules O. Oppenheimer Jay SimmonsPete Simmons Ken and Julie Simmons and DanielleBecky Simmons Michael SimmonsJudith Simmons CarschTom Carsch

    Irvin Simons Howard and Jenny Simons and FamilyCecile R. Simons Michael and Anita Simons and FamilyMinnie and Charles SimonsDora and Jacob Hermanson

    Alan Shavzin Mary Lee and Louie SirkinBess Shavzin Tami, Jeff, Andrew and CaseyMike Shavzin Jennifer, Richard, Rachael and EmilyAlbert Sirkin Elizabeth, Jeremy and ZacharyBelle SirkinAnita SirkinArthur (Nookie) SirkinSonnie SirkinArthur LuchsFlorence HirschmanSandy Meldman

    Esse Horn Sacks Paul G. SittenfeldPaul SacksEtta Bobier SittenfeldGeorge Max SittenfeldJean Sacks SittenfeldLeon Bobier Sittenfeld

    Dr. Joseph Smith Susan Jay Smith and David Lee SmithDr. Clara Loitman SmithBlanch JayDon F. JayBlessing SivitzCharles William Smith

    William Snyder Jackie, Dick, Barry, Deborah, Jenna, Jake,Anne Snyder David, Jennifer, Max, Jonah, Michael, Tracy,Dr. Steven N. Handler Madison and Zachary SnyderDr. Maurice R. HandlerLeah Handler

    Esther Snyder Robin and Barry SnyderSigmund SnyderIrvin KahnEleanor Kahn

    Dr. Joel Holstein Tracy, Michael, Madison and Zachary SnyderBarbara HolsteinLillian Goss

  • 62 63

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Marlene Spalter Edward SpalterFreda Swillinger Hope, Olivia, Hannah and Ralph PowerHarold SwillingerAbe SpalterRebecca SpalterAdam SpalterJennie Jacobs

    Judith L. Spitz Dr. Harold SpitzGertrude P. Lubin Michael, Paul, Mark, Mona,Felix H. Lee Sarah, Jeff, Max, Dimitry and Julia SpitzClarence J. LubinRose SpitzMax SpitzFrances M. PollakSheila Ullian FishMary SchottensteinLouis Spitz

    Sigmund Raab Howard, Nancy and Michael StarnbachHarriet Raab Ann Starnbach-WiseMorris StarnbachAdeline Starnbach

    Dr. Jerry S. Wolkoff Debra and Michael SteinbuchGail WolkoffHenry Steinbuch

    Rick Steiner Corky and Ellen SteinerDuke Steiner Meredith, Ricky and Joey Steiner

    Anne and Bernie Barasch Sandy, Rick, Bernard and Julia SternSid SternDorothy Stern

    Hugo Stern Barb and Ron Stern and FamilyErna SternCharles B. LevinsonDoris M. Levinson

    Julia W. Bamberger The Striker / Werbelow FamilyAaron A. BambergerSallie K. Weil

    Irma Harris Sturm Peter Sturm and Judith Serling-SturmLawrence Sturm

    Paul Herdman Drs. Lester and Robyn SunaVirginia Herdman

    David C. Swift Brian, Jonah and Olivia SwiftEleanor S. Warm and Sydney A. Warm and Gayle WarmGloria M. Wells and Raymond I. Wells

    Bobette W. Teitelman Kathy, Peter, Amy, Anne and Susan TeitelmanMari TeitelmanS. Lloyd TeitelmanJohn M. JohnsonKathryn C. JohnsonWilliam W. JohnsonB. Miller SiegelLeslie Siegel

    Michael and Sylvia Tenenholtz Phyllis and Allen TenenholtzHyman and Ida Jean Chernek Rick and Carol TenenholtzDr. Murray and Mildred Tieger Hal and Sherri Tieger John Tenenholtz

    Daniel Tsevat Joel, Jody, Rebecca and Danielle TsevatSarah and David GouldMiriam and Matitiahu TsevatBarbara and Sidney Rubenstein

    Aaron Charles Tumen The Tumen FamilyBetty Davis TumenNoah and Melina DavisJason Charles TumenDorothy Tumen GrossmanGertrude Lanzer

  • 64 65

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Michael Shane Adam, Lindi, Sidney and Maya Vernick

    Joan Vigran The Vigran FamilyStanley Vigran

    James F. Barber Tara and Ross Vigran Family

    Kurt Voos Suzanne VoosLillian Voos Judi and Mack EvansBessie JacobsIsadore JacobsHelen VoosWilhelm VoosMarie EvansMack A. Evans, Sr.

    Mathilda Waldman Larry, Sue, Neil, Linsey, Shane, Drew, Nathan Waldman David, Brie, Sutton and Maxime WaldmanBernard GoodmanEmma GoodmanPhilip and Lena NathanSaul NathanNathan and Dina GoodmanHenry and Carrie Strauss

    Jean Gothelf Rabbi Gerry and Carenjean WalterIrma SimonLouis SimonAnnette WalterDeborah WalterLeon Walter

    Gloria M. Wells Lynn and Alex WarmRaymond I. Wells Jake and Briana WarmEleanor S. Warm Gayle Warm and Brian SwiftSydney A. Warm Sydney Warm & David TasnerJim FleischStuart E. Warm

    Sydney A. Warm Judi WarmEleanor Warm Alison and Randy MossLouis P. Kandler Jill and Nate LawtonHattie Shaw Andrea and Brendan MurphySylvia Kandler Lindsey and David MulliereStuart Warm

    Gilbert Weil Michelle WeilPaul and Marcelle WeilDaniele RosenblumBenjamin Weil

    Gordon Weil, Jr. Robert A. WeilRita A. WeilDr. Gordon Weil, IIIJames A. WeilCherylynn C. Weil

    Dr. Aaron Weinstein Shirley WeinsteinMr. and Mrs. H. W. Schneider Barb and Tom McGrathAbby Weiss

    Julian and Betty Vigran Dr. Alan Weinstein and familySaul and Mildred WeinsteinMarlyn WeinsteinJoan Eskin

    Luise Rudner Weintraub Phil Weintraub and Bruce LazarusRobert WeintraubArnold H. LazarusBelle Lazarus

    David B. Weisberg Weisberg FamilyPhilip WeisbergHazel Weisberg

  • 66 67

    In Memory of: In Memory of:Remembered by: Remembered by:

    Anna Weinstein Goldberg Herb WeissAaron S. WeinsteinMorris GoldbergTheodor I. WeissTari I. WeissMiriam O. WeissAbby WeissMarlin Marshall

    Alexander Schlossberg Wells FamilyJessie Schlossberg Kaser Family Jones Family

    Harry Werthaiser Larry and Iris Werthaiser and FamilyStuart Kahn

    Else and Bert Wetzler Carolyn and Howard WetzlerG. Hugh Criss Elana and RobertEric Hugh CrissIlse and Hugo WeinbergerRescha and Charles FrohmannDoris Scott LemleyHalcia and Lloyd CrissClark H. CrissCantor Bruce Wetzler

    Valeria Wiegand Shelley and Evan WiegandKen Wiegand

    Mark Williams Barbara WilliamsSylvia FogelRobert FogelFreada WilliamsSamuel Williams

    Henry R. Winkler Beatrice WinklerRose ChaikindClare WinklerDr. Daniel RossJordana Rose RossJoseph ChaikindSamuel ChaikindGussie RossDavid Ross

    Rose Wolf Nancy and David WolfBen Wolf Michele and Andrew WolfMorris Fishel Betsy and Brandon KlerkFrances W. Fishel

    Nelly S. Hilb Ellen and Bill WylerEugene J. Hilb Deborah and Jon AllisonCarl I. Wyler Kate and BenMarjory S. Wyler Aretae and Tom Wyler Grayson and Juliane

    Victor Youkilis Abbie and John Youkilis and FamilyRuth Strull Youkilis Nancy and Charles Postow and FamilyI. Arnold Postow Ethel and Marvin GuttenbergLillian R. PostowJaime GuttenbergMichael Guttenberg

    Stanley Finger Greg and Michele Young, Sonya Finger,David J. Young Roberta Finger, Rhoda Young andPaula Wornov Grandchildren

    David J. Young Rhoda Young, Children and GrandchildrenEsther YoungHyman YoungFannie FreedmanSaul Freedman

  • 6968

    In Memory of: Remembered by:

    Joan Kruke Margo and Alan ZeffHarry Kruke Shauna and Robert ZeffNathan Zeff Barbie and Bryce BregenShirley ZeffSamuel KleinRae KleinIke KrukeSara CramerMoss CramerBess Kruke NewburgerDavid M. Zeff

    Morton Zemsky Ethel Zemsky and FamilyBob ZemskyHyman SpitzRuth SpitzAnna ZemskyEd and Polly Anne DruryElaine Rosenberg

    Dora Lahman Esther and Ernie Zimmerman and FamilyIsrael LahmanElsie ZimmermanNathan Zimmerman

    Roy M. Zola Rabbi Gary P. and Stefani ZolaEstelle C. ZolaSidney Rothberg

    Samuel and Mildred Benjamin Helen, Sandy, David, Debora andDavid and Rose Zussman Randy ZussmanSamuel and Sarah Lapedos

    When Bereavement Comes...

    The following is a brief summarization of some aspects of death and funeralsituations which can be of help to every family in a time of crisis:

    … When a death occurs, it is appropriate to recite the blessing: Baruch atah, Adonai Elohenu, Melech ha-olom Dayan ha-emet…Blessed is the Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, the righteous Judge.

    … When a death occurs, it is appropriate that the Rabbi be informed and the time schedule discussed with him.

    … It is proper to make one’s desires for a funeral known in advance. The purchase of a plot should be made before the time of need. This will spare the family much anguish and confusion.

    … It is a mitzvah to donate one’s organs for the sake of others.

    … Funeral services are not held on Shabbat and major festivals.

    … Services for the deceased can be held at the graveside or funeral home chapel.

    … Cremation and placement in mausoleums are acceptable, although burial is normative procedure.

    … Children should not be excluded from attending funerals.

    … The recitation of the Kaddish is the responsibility of the mourners and should not be delegated to others. Mourners are encouraged to attend services for the first month (sheloshim: 30 days).

    … The meal of consolation (séudat havraāh) is not a time for feasting or drinking. The first meal should be prepared by friends and neighbors.
