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In RE Tiffany Kritharakis w

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  • 8/7/2019 In RE Tiffany Kritharakis w





    In re Chapter 13

    TIFFANY M. KRITHARAKIS, Case No. 10-51328 (AHWS)






    Tracy Hope Davis, the United States Trustee for Region 2 (United States Trustee), by

    and through undersigned counsel, respectfully moves this Court for an order pursuant to Fed. R.

    Bankr. P. 2004 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9016 authorizing the examination of a duly authorized

    representative(s) ofDeutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Soundview

    Home Loan Trust 2005-OPTI Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-OPTI (Deutsche)

    and requiring the duly authorized representative(s) of Deutsche appear and give sworn testimony

    regarding the proofs of claim filed in this case and its ownership of the note and mortgage

    underlying the proofs of claim, including the transfer of ownership of the note and mortgage. In

    support of this motion, the United States Trustee respectfully states as follows:


    Deutsche has filed two proofs of claim in this case regarding an alleged secured claim

    arising from a mortgage given to secure a loan made to the debtor and her spouse. The first

    proof of claim filed on July 28, 2010 (claim no. 2-1 on the claims register) (POC) failed to

    include any documentation connecting Deutsche to the underlying mortgage. See POC attached

    as Exhibit 1. On November 24, 2010, Deutsche filed an amended proof of claim (claim no. 2-2

    on the claims register) (the Amended POC). See Amended POC attached as Exhibit 2. The

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    Amended POC included several documents which purport to establish Deutsches secured

    claim. The United States Trustee has reviewed the documents filed by Deutsche in this case and

    has concerns about the integrity of those documents and the process utilized by Deutsche in

    filing the POC and the Amended POC. The United States Trustee is concerned that Deutsche

    has not properly established that it is the owner of the mortgage and underlying note and seeks

    to examine a duly authorized representative(s) of Deutsche appear and give sworn testimony

    regarding the POC and Amended POC filed in this case and its ownership of the note and

    mortgage underlying the POC and the Amended POC, including the transfer of ownership of the

    note and mortgage.


    1. The debtor Tiffany M. Kritharakis (Debtor) commenced this case by filing a

    voluntary petition under chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code on June 10, 2010. Molly Whiton

    serves as the standing Chapter 13 trustee.

    2. The initial 11 U.S.C. 341(a) meeting was scheduled for and held on July 22, 2010.

    3. On her Schedule A, the Debtor discloses that she owns real property located at 25

    Powder Horn Road, Norwalk, Connecticut (the Property) having a fair market value of


    4. On Schedule D, the Debtor disclosed a first mortgage on the Property in favor of

    American Home Mortgage in the amount of $325,175.47.

    A. The Deutsche Proof of Claim

    5. On July 28, 2010, Deutsche filed the POC. The POC asserts that notices and

    payment should be sent to American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc., 1525 S. Beltline Road,

    Suite 100, N. Coppell, Texas 75019. The POC asserts a secured debt to Deutsche in the amount

    of $336,345.51. The POC was signed by Lawrence J. Buckley (Buckley) as Creditors

    Authorized Agent. The address provided for Buckley is P.O. Box 829009, Dallas, TX 75382-

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    9009. See POC attached as Exhibit 1.

    6. Annexed to the POC as Exhibit A is an itemization of Claim and Summary of

    Supporting Documents for the POC. See POC attached as Exhibit 1. Also annexed to the POC

    is a copy of an undated promissory note bearing signatures that appear to be those of Debtor and

    Evangelos Kritharakis under which the Debtor and Evangelos Kritharakis promised to pay to the

    lender, M.A.C. Mortgages, a Connecticut Corporation (MAC) the sum of $340,000, plus

    interest (Note). Id. Paragraph 10 of the Note states that the Note is secured by a mortgage in

    the amount of $340,000 to MAC on the Property dated January 19, 2005 (Mortgage).Id.

    B. The Debtors Plan

    7. On June 24, 2010, the Debtor filed a chapter 13 plan of reorganization (ECF # 18).

    8. On August 6, 2010, Deutsche filed an objection to the Debtors plan (the Plan

    Objection) (ECF # 29). The Plan Objection asserted inter alia that the plan could not be

    confirmed because it failed to address the arrearage owed to Deutsche. Id. The Plan Objection

    stated that the Mortgage was assigned by MAC to Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Option One

    Mortgage Corporation (Sand Canyon) by assignment of mortgage dated January 19, 2005 and

    recorded on the Norwalk Land Records. Id. Furthermore, the Plan Objection stated that by

    assignment of mortgage dated June 11, 2010 and recorded on the Norwalk Land Records, Sand

    Canyon assigned the Mortgage to Deutsche (Sand Canyon AOM). Id.

    C. The Debtors Objection to the POC

    9. On October 20, 2010, the Debtor filed an objection/motion for sanctions/motion for

    accounting (Objection) regarding the POC that alleged a number of issues: (1) a lack of proof

    of the chain of ownership of the Note going from MAC to Sand Canyon to Deutsche, (2)

    Deutsche has failed to document how it became the trustee of the trust that owns the Note, (3)

    problems with the accounting of debt due on the Note with respect to a suspense account in

    the amount of $255.75, and (4) Buckley, who signed the POC, is an attorney with the law firm

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    of Brice, Vander Linden & Wernick, PC (Brice Vander) in Dallas, TX and is not licensed to

    practice law in Connecticut. (ECF # 37). The case docket reflects that a hearing on the

    Objection was scheduled for November 18, 2010, then continued to December 16, 2010. The

    case docket reflects that the December 16, 2010 hearing was continued to February 17, 2011.

    D. Deutsches Amended Proof of Claim

    10. On November 24, 2010, Deutsche filed the Amended POC. See Amended POC

    attached as Exhibit 2.

    11. On December 3, 2010, Deutsche filed a response to the Debtors Objection

    (Response) which included the Note, Mortgage, allonges and assignments. (ECF # 43).

    12. Annexed to the Amended POC is a copy of the assignment of the Mortgage by

    MAC to Option One Mortgage Corporation dated January 19, 2005. See Exhibit 2 at Part 7.

    13. Attached to the Amended POC is a copy of the Sand Canyon AOM which assigns

    the Mortgage from Sand Canyon to Deutsche. See Exhibit 2 at Part 8. The Sand Canyon AOM

    is dated June 11, 2010 but has an effective date of assignment of May 1, 2005. Id.


    A. Bankruptcy Rule 2004 is Broad in Scope

    14. Bankruptcy Rule 2004(a) provides that upon the motion of a party in interest, the

    court may order the examination of an entity regarding the acts, conduct, property, liabilities or

    financial condition of the debtor or any matter that may affect the administration of the estate of

    the debtor. Courts that have analyzed Bankruptcy Rule 2004 have recognized the right of a

    party in interest to conduct a 2004 examination, and the permitted scope of that examination is

    extremely broad. See, e.g., In re Texaco, Inc., 79 B.R. 551, 553 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1987) (citing

    In re Johns-Manville Corp., 42 B.R. 362 (S.D.N.Y. 1984)).

    15. Good cause is the standard employed to determine if cause exists to support an

    examination under Bankruptcy Rule 2004. To obtain authority to conduct an examination, the

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    movant must show some reasonable basis to examine the material ... [and] that the requested

    documents are necessary to establish the movant's claim or that denial of production would

    cause undue hardship or injustice.In re Grabill Corp., 109 B.R. 329, 334 (N.D. Ill.1989)

    (citingIn re Wilcher, 56 B.R. 428, 434-35 (Bankr. N.D. Ill.1985) (the proper allocation of

    burden of proof on [a motion to quash] initially requires the examiner to show some reasonable

    basis to examine the material sought to be discovered).

    16. Generally, good cause is shown if the Rule 2004 examination is necessary to

    establish the claim of the party seeking the examination, or if denial of such request would cause

    the examiner undue hardship or injustice. See In re Meticom, Inc., 318 B.R. 263, 268

    (S.D.N.Y. 2004);see also In re Express One Intl, Inc., 217 B.R. 215, 217 (Bankr. E.D.

    Tex.1998) (same);In re Hammond, 140 B.R. 197, 201 (S.D. Ohio 1992) (same);In re Dinubilo,

    177 B.R. 932, 943 (E.D.Cal.1993). However the burden of showing good cause is an

    affirmative one and is not satisfied merely by a showing that justice would not be impeded by

    production of the requested documents. Wilcher, 56 B.R. at 434-35. Furthermore, if the cost

    and disruption to the examinee attendant to a requested examination outweigh the benefits to the

    examiner, the request should be denied.Express One, 217 B.R. at 217. Good cause is

    established if the one seeking the Rule 2004 examination has shown that such an examination is

    reasonably necessary for the protection of its legitimate interests. Hammond, 140 B.R. at 201.

    B. The United States Trustee has Standing to Seek Relief Under Rule 2004

    17. The United States Trustee is an official of the United States Department of Justice

    charged by statute with the duty to oversee and supervise the administration of bankruptcy

    cases. See 28 U.S.C. 586(a). Congress has expressly given the United States Trustee standing

    under section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code to raise and be heard on any issue under title 11,

    except that the United States Trustee may not file a reorganization plan under chapter 11. See

    11 U.S.C. 307. See also United States Trustee v. Price Waterhouse, 19 F.3d 138, 141 (3d Cir.

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    1994);In re Glados, Inc., 83 F.3d 1360, 1361 n.1 (11th Cir. 1996);In re Donovan Corp., 215

    F.3d 929, 930 (9th Cir. 2000);In re Clark, 927 F.2d 793, 796 (4th Cir. 1991);In re Plaza de

    Diego Shopping Center, 911 F.2d 820, 824 (1st Cir. 1990);In re RevcoD.S., Inc., 898 F.2d 498,

    500 (6th Cir. 1990); Thompson v. Greenwood,507 F.3d 416, 420 n.3 (6th Cir. 2007). Indeed,

    the United States Trustee is not required to demonstrate any concrete, particularized injury

    under section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code to assert standing. See United Artist Theater Co. v.

    Walton, 315 F.3d 217, 225 (3d Cir. 2003). Rather, the United States Trustee may take such

    actions she deems necessary under section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code to protect the public

    interest in the enforcement of federal bankruptcy law. See Clark, 927 F.2d at 796;Plaza de

    Diego, 911 F.2d at 824.

    18. Moreover, Section 586 of Title 28 contains additional authority for the United States

    Trustee, among other things: (a) to supervise the administration of cases under title 11 and take

    such actions as the United States Trustee deems necessary to prevent undue delay; and (b)

    perform such other duties consistent with titles 11 and 28 as the Attorney General may

    prescribe. See 28 U.S.C. 586(a)(3)(G) and 586(a)(5). Even absent the congressional grant of

    standing to the United States Trustee under Section 307 of the Bankruptcy Code, the United

    States Trustee has standing to act where its actions advance the United States Trustees interest

    in the administration of bankruptcy proceedings. See A-1 Trash Pickup v. United States Trustee

    (In re A-1 Trash Pickup), 802 F.2d 774, 776 (4th Cir. 1986).

    C. Good Cause Exists for the United States Trustees Rule 2004 Request

    19. The United States Trustee has reviewed the documents filed by Deutsche in this

    case and has concerns about the integrity of those documents and the process utilized by

    Deutsche in filing the POC and the Amended POC. To begin with, the POC asserted that

    Deutsche was a creditor of the Debtor, yet the Note and Mortgage annexed to the POC appear to

    document a note and mortgage as between the Debtor and MAC, not Deutsche. Additionally,

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    Buckley, the individual who signed the POC on behalf of Deutsche as the Creditors

    Authorized Agent, does not appear to be a Deutsche employee and, according to Debtors

    counsel, is an attorney with Brice Vander in Dallas, TX. It is not apparent what steps Buckley

    took in order to determine that Deutsche was a creditor in the case.

    20. Subsequently, Deutsche filed the Amended POC on November 24, 2010. Annexed

    to the Amended POC is an Allonge to the Note endorsed by Option One Mortgage Corporation

    on January 19, 2005 making the Note payable to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as

    Trustee (Option One Allonge). See Amended POC at Part 5.

    21. Also annexed to the Amended Proof of Claim is a copy of the Sand Canyon AOM

    whereby Sand Canyon Corporation f/k/a Option One Mortgage Corporation assigned its rights

    to the Mortgage to Deutsche. See Amended POC at Part 8. The Sand Canyon AOM is dated

    June 11, 2010 but has an effective date of assignment of May 1, 2005. Id. The Sand Canyon

    AOM is signed by Rhonda Werdel (Werdel) as Assistant Secretary of Sand Canyon

    Corporation FKA Option One Mortgage Corporation.Id. The May 1, 2005 effective date

    contained in the Sand Canyon AOM conflicts with the January 19, 2005 dated contained in the

    Option One Allonge. See Amended POC at Part 5 and Part 8.

    22. On information and belief, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. purchased the

    mortgage servicing rights of Sand Canyon in April 2008. SeeDeclaration of Dale M. Sugimoto,

    As President of Sand Canyon Corporation, dated March 18, 2009, doc id # 141 in In re Ron

    Wilson, Sr. and LaRhonda Wilson, 07-11862 (EWM), United States Bankruptcy Court for the

    Eastern District of Louisiana attached here to as Exhibit 3 (March 2009 Sugimoto

    Declaration). According to the March 2009 Sugimoto Declaration, Sand Canyon does not own

    any mortgage servicing rights or any residential real estate mortgages. See Exhibit 3 at 5, 6.

    As such, it appears that the Sand Canyon AOM executed in June 2010 may be deficient because

    Sand Canyon did not own any mortgages in 2010.

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    23. Based on these inconsistencies, the United States Trustee requests that she be given

    the opportunity to question Deutsche about the methods it used and what documents were

    reviewed and considered before filing the POC, the Amended POC, and its Plan Objection.

    Bankruptcy Courts have discussed the need for secured lenders to provide accurate information

    in filings before the Court or else [t]he debtor and his/her family may lose their home, and the

    debtor and other creditors may lose significant equity in foreclosure. In re Gorshtein, 285 B.R.

    118, 122 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2002);In re Fagan, 376 B.R. 81, 87 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2007).

    Consequently, cause exists authorizing the issuance of a subpoena to compel document

    production under Bankruptcy Rules 2004(c) and 9016, and moreover, for the issuance of an

    order directing Deutsche to appear for an examination under Bankruptcy Rule 2004.

    24. The United States Trustee seeks to examine a duly authorized representative(s) of

    Deutsche who possesses knowledge and is most familiar with respect to the foregoing issues

    and regarding documents to be produced by Deutsche pursuant to a subpoena issued by the

    United States Trustee pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9016 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2004(c) that will

    include the following:

    a. Any and all documents, computer records, reports, or other information in the

    possession, custody or control of Deutsche that were used or relied upon by

    Deutsche in support of the proofs of claim filed on its behalf in the United States

    Bankruptcy Court for the District of Connecticut, in the matter of Tiffany M.

    Kritharakis, Case Number 10-51328 (AHWS).

    b. Any and all documents, computer records, reports, or other information in the

    possession, custody or control of Deutsche regarding and/or related to any

    requests made by the Debtor to Deutsche regarding her Note and Mortgage

    between June 2010 to present.

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    c. Any and all documents, computer records, reports, or other information in the

    possession, custody or control of Deutsche that were used or relied upon by

    Deutsche in support of its objection to the chapter 13 plan filed by the Debtor.

    d. Any and all documents, computer records, reports, or other information in the

    possession, custody or control of Deutsche that were used or relied upon by

    Deutsche in support of its response to the Debtors objection to Deutsches POC.

    e. All statements and account histories for the mortgage loan in the name of the


    f. All documents evidencing, relating or referring to, the authority given by

    Deutsche and/or Deutsches authorized agents to Lawrence J. Buckley of Dallas,

    Texas as creditors authorized agent to act on behalf of Deutsche and file a

    proof of claim on behalf of Deutsche, including documents evidencing the right

    to convey authority to act on behalf of Deutsche to individuals who are not

    employees, officers or directors of Deutsche.

    g. All documents evidencing, relating or referring to, the Sand Canyon AOM,

    including, but not limited to, any documents evidencing the corporate authority

    of Rhonda Werdel to execute the Sand Canyon AOM as Assistant Secretary of

    Sand Canyon.

    h. All documents evidencing, relating or referring to, or concerning any policy or

    procedure, written or otherwise published, regarding Deutsches drafting,

    verifying and filing of proofs of claims in bankruptcy cases in the District of

    Connecticut, including but not limited to manuals, training manuals, guidebooks

    or any other documents containing instructions and/or guidance on filing proofs

    The United States T rustee shall provide a certificate of compliance with The Right to Financial Privacy1

    Act of 1978 prio r to the date set for production of documents in the subpoe na.

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    of claim.

    25. The United States Trustee seeks an order compelling a duly authorized

    representative(s) of Deutsche to attend and give sworn testimony at an electronically recorded

    Rule 2004 examination scheduled at a time convenient to the parties and held at the office of the

    United States Trustee, Giaimo Federal Building, 150 Court Street, Room 302, New Haven,

    Connecticut or a location to be agreed upon by the parties.

    WHEREFORE, the United States Trustee respectfully requests that the Court enter an

    order compelling a duly authorized representative(s) of Deutsche to attend and give sworn

    testimony at a Rule 2004 examination, and for such other relief as the Court finds just and


    Dated: January 26, 2011 Respectfully submitted,

    New Haven, Connecticut TRACY HOPE DAVIS


    By: /s/ Holley L. Claiborn

    Holley L. Claiborn/ct17216

    Trial AttorneyGiaimo Building

    150 Court Street, Room 302

    New Haven, CT 06510

    Tel. (203) 773-2210

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    Exhibit F

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    I t| il!t ltff t||t$tf fi fi lt rtfil fISTR # ?10996VOL 72B P G 4RERDED6f3t2L tt:3I:54 HDREI{S. GRFUFIKELJ0!{H CLERH ORifALHCTHEN RECORDED, MAILTO:Martha Croog, LLC740 North Main Street,SuiteMWestHartford,CT 06177 ASSIGNMENT TF' MORTGAGE

    KNO\ry ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, hat SAND CANYON CORPORATION FKA OPTION ONEMORTGAGE CORPORATION ( Assignor ), whosemailing addresss 6501 rvine CenterDrive, Irvine, CA92618,doesgrant,bargain, ell, assign, ransferand setoyer unto:DEUTSCTIE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR SOUNDVIEW IIOME LOANTRUST 2005-OPTI,ASSET-BACKEDCERTIFICATES, SERIES2005-OPT1 Assignee , whosemailingaddresss l76l EasSaintndrewPiace,Sant na,CA927A5,all of Assignors righ itle and nterest n, to and undera certainMortgage,o secure n originalprincipalindebtednessfThree HundredForty ThousandDollars and 00/100 $340,000.00), nd any other amountsorobligationssecured hereby,datedJanuary 9, 2005 and recorded anuary21,2005 n Volume 5692 at Page55 ofthe Norwalk Land Records xecuted y EVANGELOS KRITHARAKIS AND TIFFAIY M. KRITIIARAKISFKA TIFFANY M. STADLER as Mortgagors o M.A.C. Mortgages, sassignedo Assignor, ogetherwith thenote(s) and obligations therein tlescribedand the money due and to becomeduethereonwith interest and all rightsaccruedor to accrueunder suchMortgage.TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same nto Assignee, ts successorsnd assigns,orever,subjectonly to thetermsand conditionsof the Mortgage. t . . : .iTHE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY TO WHICH THE MORTGAGE RELATES ISDESCRIBED IN THE MORTGAGE.THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ASSTGNMENT S MAY 1,2005.

    STATEOFEz.A )) ss.)

    l :IN WITNESS IYHEREOF, Assignorhasexecutedhis Assignment s of the ll day of *)tU ,2010.

    SAND CANYON CORPORATION FKA OPTION ONEltt. Rhonda erd:J,AssistantSecretary

    couNrYr 0n1fiBEFORE EpERsoNALLy pppARED,Kh{udt(^J0vl kqt stu,ulyaurhorizedoacrr t : -for SAND CANYON CORPOR.A.TIONFKA OPTON ONE MORTGAGE CORPORTION. whoacknowledgedhe executionofthe foregoingas his/her ee act anddeedon behalf of SAND CANYONCORPORTION FKA OPTION ONE M asofthe uV f Sunl-, 2010.

    NotaryPublicMy Com4ission Co-.t*,. A. SALAZARCommisslon 759905

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