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In Search of ME

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8/14/2019 In Search of ME http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/in-search-of-me 1/64  IN SEARCH OF ME RAM AN INTERNAL JOURNEY
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And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work 

with joy.

For if you bake bread with indifference,you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half 

And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the 


And if you sing through as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day and the voices of 

the night.

-excerpt from The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran 

Questions? Questioning has helped us learn about life, what revolves around us. We have been able to obtain answers for most of the questions that we had during our childhood and then we grew. We somehow got sucked into the monotonous existence as every other living soul. Look at you, how many times during a day do you do things differently. If I speak for myself I would say not many times. Falling into a routine helps us land in our comfortable cocoon and we never want to get out of it. We then start 

desisting change. We then do things without love, without passion and we no longer enjoy it anymore.

Occasionally we meet people who amuse us with their wisdom and question us for accepting life as it comes. Listening to them we might be motivated for sometime and question things however, it does not last long.Mind keeps playing its games and we resort to our good old ways. The only time we question or challenge in general is when our chips are down.During times of crisis we are intrigued to think, we do get clarity. Then we push ourselves out and out and try to wriggle out of the situation. Once we are back to a normal life our questioning attitude tends to slowly decelerate 

and we happily move back to our routine.

Why do we do things we like? Why do we like something and why do we do something the way we do? Why do we fear god? Why do we yearn or attention? Why do we seek solace in divinity? If only I could find answers life would be much more valuable than what it is. It would give me the 

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rationale of my being here. Who am I? Am I part of a subsystem or am I an entity.

The only time we tend to question or for lack of a better word challenge things is when we face some calamity or get struck more than once. I have seen people who have pulled themselves out of these grave situations tend to have a calmness in them. Once they are out of the situation I have observed many to adopt a philosophical approach to life. I have wondered why? Then I got my answers. Loss of near and dear pushed me to the brink of sanity and then I started questioning why me? Pain pushed me deep down into my inner self and slowly I realized that I am the implemented.Questions started coming in and the more I thought the more questions I had. Answers were not forthcoming. Relentlessly I pursued my quest and what I found and I started delving deeper 

I tried to reason why I do behave the way I do. I tried to exhume my ego and strived to invest in introspection to bring to light who am I, which I did and have modified my behavior for good. Albeit making a modest beginning I 

have gained some insight into my beliefs. I have realized that you don’t have to go through pain to understand the bigger scheme of things. All you need to do is introspect and you need to spend sometime to yourself. I can hear people saying but we are busy. To those I would say it’s a state of mind and you can always take time to think. You can do it when you are traveling in a tube. When you are having lunch or breakfast or even when you are in the shower.

It is not difficult to find time and amazingly the routine which we indulge could also happen simultaneously when we think. I have been able to find the answers. Half of what I say in the next few pages might be totally 

insignificant to you but it’s the other half that I hope would help you trigger thoughts to see who you are. If that does happen I would be more than happy to conclude that I have made a small impact in you to enable you to discover why you are the way you are? I found sharing my views triggered people to see part of them akin to what I tried to see in me. Does it imply that we are all elements of a greater subsystem? I wish I could answer that.

Questioning has facilitated me to reveal things about me and about the world around me. Alas! Answers for all the questions I have raised are not with me but within me. That is what I want you to figure out. Don’t look for answers around, look for answers within you. Think about what you feel 

about any issue. Your answers possibly will not be the same as mine. It is not the conclusion but the thoughts that trigger to help you reach the conclusion that is important and this book is just to help you do that.

Although the contents are easy read I would like you to reflect on that thoughts of mine once you have completed it. All I have discovered in my 

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 journey so far is that we are the implementers and implemented. Everyday I ascertain something new about me. I am not an intellectual guru, nor claim to be one. I am just another person that you meet everyday in your life. I do not promise salvation nor am I promulgating a new religion.

All I am trying to do here is to help you get you know better. I am trying to create confusion in your mind by planting my thoughts, as I believe that this seed of confusion would set you thinking and provide clarity on what you want rather what you are in life.

When mind is clear, nothing can get you worried. A clear mind never gets anxious but gets curious. Curiosity helps you explore more about you and about the people around you. This has a cyclic effect and you reach a state where you are less anxious about life. That is when you learn to extract maximum from life. When you are less anxious about things,people, your expectations lie low. When your expectations are low they don’t affect you when you are faced with uncertainty. My guru always used to say “Expectations reduces joy”. How true? It helps you stay undeterred 

and steer yourself to do better things in life.

How many times have you observed the world around you and appreciated the beauty of things around you? If you say not so often, don’t worry you are not alone. Most of us view life as one big race and we try to run unaware of things we miss in quest of our dreams. But once we reach there how many times have we stopped and cherished the success we have achieved. Very few do that.

It is really amazing how much we attribute our profession to reflect what we are. When you ask a person to introduce themselves, you hear answers 

from CEO, to VP to Actor or Doctor. You rarely get to hear people disassociate from their professions to reveal what they are. Sadly, we all believe that this is permanent. What happened to Jimmy Carter, or Clinton – do we really know what they are up to now. How many actors/actresses have faded in our memories? If that can happen to people who are well known, what are we? 

If we really remove our mask and see the reality then our attitude towards life, towards people would change. This would be the first step to break our EGO. If we understand Richness is relative, position is not permanent nor is life then we would open a new leaf in our book of life.

If we all can do that then imagine the kind of world we all could create. I would not claim that you have made the correct decision in picking “In search of me” as I firmly believe that if you are destined to find out the you in you it will happen anyways. As already said I would be happy if this book triggers some thoughts to set you rolling. Reflections normally reveal your 

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present state of mind and it does not reveal the true you. To find out more about you, you need to travel deep into you. This is what you will be doing if you start analyzing your reflections.

Like any work out mind also needs to perform some warm up exercise before you start tackling the actual problem. Section two of the book helps you to reflect and you will see that this section is divided into two parts. In the first part there are some simple questions you need to answer you start analyzing your reflection(s). Use a separate sheet for these warm up exercises as you will be revisiting this section every time you start fresh.This section would help you bring you to the same state of mind you that would help you to conduct an analysis . I strongly suggest that you maintain a record of your warm up exercises and urge you to revisit them every time you start your analysis fresh, to see if you are making any progress.

After completing the warm up exercises you can proceed to analyze your reflections. Human beings are guided by emotions and that tends to impact 

our thought process. I have tried to use that to help you to analyze your thoughts better. Write down your reflection on the top of the worksheet and then analyze this reflection by putting yourself through different emotions.In total you need to go through six emotions. For example if the section asks you to analyze the emotion with love, feel that emotion and then analyze it. Similarly if the section asks you to analyze the reflection objectively then reflect that emotion when you analyze it.

It might be a bit difficult at the beginning to take our emotions across a wide range so fast. Anything is difficult when we do it the first time. How many times have we hurt ourselves before learning how to walk, ride a 

bike. Perseverance is the key. Keep trying. Analyzing it through various lenses would provide an understanding of how you see yourself with that particular thought. After you complete each section you could write down your conclusion or your final thought. The collection of these thoughts is the true you and this is where your search ends. Although I have talked about certain topics the list is not exhaustive and you could expand the scope of the topics to suit your convenience.

This document should be used as a sweet reminder whenever you go through emotional swings. You will be amazed to see how it would help you get hold of things. If you need to derive true benefits from this 

exercise please be sincere and honest to the whole process. Hope, this book educes you to discover the you in you. All the best! 

Why am I overtly critical about myself? Am I motivated to attain perfection? 

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There exists no such thing as perfect. Why cant I accept that beauty subsists in maligned structures too? 

Imperfection stems from perfection. I am trying to reach the level of perfection where perfection is imperfect 

What I am trying to do here is think, identify and answer questions that deter my development.

What makes people think that they can easily fool others? Is it that they underestimate the capacity of others or do they want to play god? 

Is it ignorance of self of ignorance of others capabilities people act this way? 

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Wh at i s L I FE? 

•  Life is a perception of realizing realities when dreams become realities 

•  Life is a constant quest for something we are not sure of but want it badly 

•  Life is a negotiation between happiness and sorrow, good versus bad.

•  Life always provides options. Life itself has two options- you live or you die 

•  Life is unfair for those who need more and 

  fair for those who need none.

•  Life is a garden where you can step on a thorn or chance a rose. The element of uncertainty is what makes life interesting 

•  Life is Heaven for selfless and hell for selfish 

•  Life is a transition from nowhere to nowhere 

•  STRANGE are the ways of life. When we are born we cry they rejoice and when we leave they cry and we rejoice! 

•  I will do it tomorrow. What makes me think that I will live to see the light of the day? Have I taken life for granted? 

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•  Life is so cruel. You interact with a person and love that individual and when death steps in you are forced to live without that individual YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Is this reality? 

•  I still ache when I talk about my near and dear who have become immortal in my memories.

•  Death teaches lots of things to people and then reality steps in.

•  I wish even life had a rewind button that would help me alter events that took my near and dear to make me feel miserable.

•  So many hopes, so many dreams. All that’s crushed when death screams! Why do we dream and crave for more? Is it an illusion of 












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•  If I dream about something, I do get it in reality. Is dream an extension of reality? 

•  Do dreams condition the mind? Or is dream a product of the mind? If dream is a product of the mind then is it an indicator of what I could? 

•  Many times I have felt that I have been there already and analyzing carefully I recognize that I had dreamt about it earlier. Do dreams indicate the future or do dreams condition us for future? 

•  I remember reading that dreams are produced by our subconscious mind and we can program our subconscious mind.

•  If that’s true can we conjure what we want and get it in reality? I think it is possible, as I have been successful in getting things I want by 

continually programming my subconscious and dreaming about it.

•  That makes me believe I already possess what I want and my actions tend to reflect it. Ultimately I always get it. I am not sure if that happens with others too? 











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•  We care so much for the mortal body and do not even think of caring for the immortal soul.

•  When I say I love a person do I love the body or the soul? 

•  If I love the body I do know that it is not going to last forever. If it is the soul then why should I bereave for the slain body. Is soul Immortal? 

•  If soul is immortal then why can’t I sense the presence of other souls? I think I am just scratching the surface 

•  Can I sense the presence of souls when I begin to see things through my heart and not through my mind? 

•  Just because I cannot see air, I cannot say that it does not exist. I am sure I am too distant to realize this reality 

•  Is soul controlled by the mind?  












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•  Does mind have a connection with the heart? I would like to do certain things and logic suggests that I avoid doing it. Is mind different from the heart? 

•  It is. But success comes only when mind and heart work in unison.

•  My mind unfolds when I start writing things! 

•  Nothing is impossible to achieve in life. We already have a few who have already been there, seen and done that.

•  It is only our mind and our lack of application that prevents us from getting us from getting what we want 

•  I always try to knock several doors for any activity I do! Is this a fear 

of failure, which is causing me to do this or am I being overtly cautious? 











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Power of Mind 

•  Mind is a crazy thing. It helps you conjure things that don’t exist and gets things that you can dream of.

•  If we think we deserve it we always get it. If that’s reality then what role does mind play? 

•  If mind is a powerful tool, then why are we ignorant about its powers most of the time? 

•  Anything resident with us ceases to have value. That’s why we tend to look outward for answers when the answer lies within.

•  Maybe that’s why mind invented God? We believe in things we see.Maybe that’s why we have god 











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•  Is it because of fear of the unknown or out of need people seek solace in divinity? 


•  Any religion says God is everywhere. It means that he is within us. If it is true then why do we need to go to a place of worship? 

•  If god is in us we are all extensions of divinity. Then should we just try to do things that does not hurt others and is generally beneficial? Would that be enough to realize the divinity in us? 

•  Everything happens because the lord wants it that way! Is this course pre-determined or is it that people want to resign from their efforts by making this statement? 

•  I was an atheist till I realized I was god 

•  If I am HE, who is He? 

•  If god is in us why do we act differently? Why does not the divinity help us take the correct path? 

•  Is religion a path that helps us realize the divinity in us? 

•  If yes, then why do we fight in the name of religion at all? Why 

should we have religion at all? 

•  If I am an extension of supreme almighty then why should I worry about my actions? 

•  He is the one who makes me thing the way I do and he is the one who makes me do it. Then why should I fear hell or heaven? 

•  Will world be a better place without religion? Am I ignorant? 

•  I really don’t have an urge to pray these days. Prayer is a form of 

seeking solace in divinity and seeking what we want. If god is in us,do we need to remind/ask god what we want? 

•  I don’t have the urge to pray as I have realized that if you want it or the divinity in you wants it you will always get it. So why ask? 

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•  Is it the ignorance that is pushing us, or the knowledge of this ignorance that makes us desire growth? 

•  Knowledge is based on belief about something and we change it if we encounter events that alter our beliefs..

•  We cant however alter the path we set out based on these beliefs and we have to reap the fruits of our decisions resulting out of our belief systems.

•  Is growth the real growth then? If we alter the premise we started to work on… would our end result be what we wanted…

•  Growth should be governed by our values and not driven by our beliefs or feelings.













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•  What is good for me might not be for the other person. Many could dislike what I like. So it all boils down to perceptions.

•  Perceptions are beliefs ingrained in our belief systems that lead us nowhere  

•  I get displeased when I am not able to make you see things I see. Is it because you are not seeing things the way I want you to see it? 

•  If I don’t see it, it does not mean that it does not exist. If I see it does not mean that it does. I see it because I see it the way I want it to be seen so I think it exists and some others who perceive that it doesn’t.

•  It all simmers down to perceptions. If I reflect and learn to appreciate what the other person sees then maybe I might be able to push I to 

the back seat.

•  If you cannot see through things it does not mean that you do not understand it. If I learn to see things the way the other person sees it maybe there would be no arguments at all.

•  If we all live on perceptions and if life is an illusion then why do people cringe on petty issues? 









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•  The only thing certain in life is change. If that’s for certain why do we balk that people have changed? 

•  To survive, maybe people are playing the game. Why should we apprehensive to that? Are we sulking at their ability or our inability to change? 

•  Change demands that we break our perceptions of how we see the world and more importantly how we learn to unlearn what we have learnt.

• If change is certain why do we build our hopes on certainty?















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•  What is, is not, what isn’t is? Then what is certain? 

•  The only certain thing in life is change and death. Other things fade with me, my memories.

•  Certainty is a snapshot of my beliefs and perceptions at any point in time. The world revolves around the sun till we realize our solar system revolves around something…

•  If certainty is not certain why do we plan at all for future? Is it our arrogance that makes us think we can never be wrong or our impaired vision that makes us believe that we can never fail? 













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•  I lost a game to my friend. I never felt bad. Why? Is it because I realized that it was just a game? 

•  Then life is a game too. Why should I get upset if I fail there? 

•  It is not the fear of failing but the pain allied with failing that keeps us away from trying.

•  If I do not try it how will I know whether I am good at it or not? 

•  Failure exposes the areas in me that require perfection. Failure reveals the disarray that exists in me that has to be discarded 

•  If I don’t fail does it mean that I am good? 

  I have realized that if I fail then in all probability it is because of my own doing or not doing and nobody else. I don’t attribute my failure to others. This way I become conscious of the lacunas that exist in my belief system 












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•  It is the aversion towards pain that prevents us from trying lots of things. 

•  Pain is a precursor of joy. Pain of labor is followed by joy of birth pain of hard work is followed by joy of accolades.

•  Pain instills clarity. Pain teaches. Pain is good.

•  I have realized that it is better to endure the pain initially and confront the problem rather than hoping that it will go away 













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•  Why do I learn? To unlearn what I had learnt. Why should I learn if I am supposed to unlearn it anyway? 

•  I learn to improve, to improve areas that need improvement. Does that mean I am improving? 

•  It is a perception of what I believe indicates that I am improving.

•  How do I develop when I know that development is temporary? Is development necessary? What do I need to develop? Why do I need to develop? 

•  These days to stay in the same place you have to run said a friend of mine. Why should I stay in the same place? Why can’t I accept that every one has a limit? 

•  I think it is the I in me that is pushing me. I is ignorant about what I need. When I learn to see the I in me then I will be able to get an answer. I am still waiting...

•  I, ME- Who am I? Am I part of a subsystem or an individual system? If I am I then why can’t I exist individually? I have to coexist. So I is not me, I is WE.

•  I was talking to a friend who said he did not believe in it. Is conviction based on what you want to believe is what it is! 

•  If that is the case, is my belief system based on a set of beliefs that I am comfortable with.

•  I was happy to hear about a certain success that had come my way. I was not excited though.

•  Probably my mind has learnt to analyze and has probably learnt to maintain calmness be it pleasure or pain.

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•  When I am anxious about an issue or issues I always tend to forget the world around me. If that is focus then why am I not able to focus on tasks, which do not create anxiety? 

•  Anxiety kills senses. I keep on going through various ordeals whilst feeling the pain while trying to achieve some thing.

•  Why do I get this good feeling when I do something difficult? Is it because I am happy or is it my pride, which shows up? 

•  Why do I want to achieve something? •  Why do I like to do some tasks and totally try to avoid some tasks? 

•  Am I right in letting my mind control this than my heart? By avoiding 

some tasks am I not depriving myself an opportunity to learn something new? 

•  If I want to get what I want I tend to become or become selfish about a lots of things. I! ME! Myself takes the drivers seat.










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•  I get irritated towards a certain person or am restless when I do a certain activity. Is my mind programmed to act that way? 

•  If that is true then why cant I Unlearn things that are not good for my soul, for my growth. AM I PURPOSEFULLY AVOIDING IT? 

•  I think I am purposefully avoiding it as my mind has decided that it is not required to let the heart rule as the other person is probably using the mind and not heart.

•  If that’s the case is our reaction just a reflection of what should not be. Are our reactions correct? 














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•  When I want to give something I always decide fast. Chances are that if I take time my mind will start analyzing instead of feeling. Then I might have to retract.

•  When I say that I give things to others to help them is it because I really want to help them or I want to be respected? 

•  If this life is a transition what can I give? I come empty handed and leave empty handed. If I have not earned anything what can I give? 

•  Why is the feeling of feeling good different when I help a person to the good feeling when I achieve something? 

•  I have come to realize that it is my ego that plays the game with me. I don’t see giving as a noble deed but as a debt I owe.










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•  If an individual confides in me does it mean that I have earned that person trust? 

•  Trust cannot be earned. Trust has to be instilled. I can do a lot of good things and still be viewed with suspicion. Why then do people trust someone and don’t trust others? 

•  Trust is instilled with faith. Faith comes when the other individual believes that you would not harm them.

•  If you believe in something that is a value as that belief can never be altered. People will start trusting me when they believe in my actions… I see that it ties with my values table…

  If I want people to trust me, I have to act in congruence with my values.










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•  Argument stems from the clash of two uncompromising egos 

•  Argument is based on what you believe or what you feel. Beliefs can be altered with fresh knowledge… If that is the case they why do people argue… Are they too egotistic to believe that they know everything? 

•  I have seen people argue or people trying to argue on issues that attach trivial importance to their existence.

•  These days I don’t argue as I feel that I will be wasting my energy trying to convince the other person what they believe need not be right or wrong and for all that how do I know that I am right anyway? 












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•  Why do people make judgments? Why do I judge people? Am I trying to fit the person into a framework I am comfortable with? 

•  Why do people try to fit people? Is it because they want to see themselves associated with people who are extensions of them? 

•  I am comfortable with X and not so with Y. When I try to think about this probably I see that X is more of my kind and Y is not my type.So, I want to interact with people who are of my type.

•  I try to find people who fit that mould of mine. Am I trying to limit myself by doing this? I am! I am missing out a totally different viewpoint, which might open up new doors.

•  I should start moving with people with whom I am not comfortable.

They are the ones who can show me whether I am doing the right thing or not.

•  I should learn to accommodate uncomfortable opinions to make my life comfortable. That would open doors for me.

•  Why do I crave for attention? Why do I want to laud my laurels? Is it more to do with showing that I have arrived or trying to show myself what I need to do? 

•  A friend of mine said I was not normal. Who is? We all live in our 

cocoons and believe that we coexist! 

•  What is that which drives me? Is it the quest for answers or answers that question my limits? 

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•  Is greed good? People yearn for power, position, and money. Why? 

•  Am I greedy? Yes, I definitely am. I want power, position. I am not after money. Money will come If am not behind it.

•  Why am I greedy? Why can’t we all be greedy about not being greedy? Is it because the society is interlaced with doctrines that govern the need for creating identity? 

•  If I have more will my greed vanish, maybe yes, maybe not? Then it is not about not having that makes me greedy but the desire to have more that does 

•  What is too much for a greedy mind? I am greedy for knowledge,greedy for answers. Is that greed any good than greed for money? 

•  Greed is good in a sense it does drive people to get answers to questions that would not have been asked otherwise 

•  Is the mind greedy or the soul? 










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•  Why do we need to create an identity? Memory is short lived. We cannot exist in minds of people long after we are gone. If it boils down to creating an identity while we breathe then why should we do it at all? Why do we need to show that we have arrived? 

•  Why do I want power? Why do I want position? To maybe demonstrate to the world that I have arrived. Why do I need to prove to the world? 

•  It is the I in me that drives me to do all this. I want to be loved. I want to be respected. I want to be looked upon. I is the answer.

•  I establish why I want this and why I detest that. I is the driver for all the agony that I endure or the pleasures that come my way.

  I need to grow! I need to grow beyond my physical limits. That has been my driver all these years. That’s why I have been pushing myself 

•  That’s why I don’t want to hear rejections and I have become hardnosed about people who tend to reject my thoughts or me.That’s why I try to go all out to bring them to my fold.

•  I is the beginning and the end. If I can handle I then maybe I will be a better person. 

  I am still caught between convulsions of maturity and immaturity.One part of me suggests that I am not everlasting so I need not create an identity, but the other part in me says the very fact that I exist accentuates a need to create an identity.

•  I am confused!  

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•  I appear to be confused all the time. Is it because I have clarity on related issues? 

•  A subdued mind would never get confused as it supposes it is clear.It follows a path that it thinks is right. Is confusion a sign of brilliance or ignorance? 

•  When I am confused I detach myself from my existing belief systems and I try to glance at the big picture. I always end up with a host of practicable options! 

•  I heard my professor say Chaos instills clarity. How true! When a stone is dropped in a pond this creates chaos but associated disturbance of concentric circles is organized. Chaos does instill clarity. Confusion creates chaos. But…

•  Confusion clarifies! Confusion facilitates me to spot different solutions to the same problem that I would have normally overlooked at if I think I am clear.

•  Confusion Enlightens! 

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•  Why is life’s success measured on monetary success? Is it because we believe financial security can get whatever we want in life? 

•  A friend of mine said that relationships are built on financial securities of individuals. I responded negatively. But pondering over it I realize that financial autonomy removes anxiety and reinstates a calm state of mind. When mind is calm it opens up fully, hence relationships blossom.

•  How rich we are is a relative thought? So, we can never feel better by getting richer. Yes, we can become secure 

•  My thoughts are maligned! The fact that nothing really exists can push me to do nothing. But I like to believe that this is reality and try to live in this. Who am I deluding? Reality or myself 












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•  Some times, I think about the relationships we have with people. The amount of love and affection we shower. The truth is nothing is permanent in this life. Why do we invest so much on relationships? 

•  If that is truth and the whole truth then why do we like people at all? In spite of knowing this why do I still like some and try to avoid some? I am not practicing what I learn. Am I? Maybe, Maybe not! 

•  Witnessing near and dear die in front of my eyes and my inability to do anything to forestall it has instilled a lot of pain in me, a pain that I would carry till I cease to exist.

•  It really pains when you loose someone close to your heart forever.

•  If you don’t want to go through the pain again is it time to practice 

attachment in detachment? 

•  If pain clarifies I shouldn’t maintain relationships as a lotus leaf does to water.










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•  Why am I not able to hurt others even if I know they are hurting me? 

•  Is it fear of losing the person or is it inherent fear of getting rejected or is it tolerance? 

•  It cannot be tolerance as I do brood when the individual says or does something to me that harms me.

•  Is it fear of losing the person? Maybe, I have lost so many people that I have loved who have ceased to exist. So, am I trying to create attachment in detachment? 

•  If that’s the case and if I believe what I say is true then it is definitely not the fear of losing the person that prevents me from hurting 


•  If it is not fear of losing the person, or if it is not tolerance is it that I have the fear of getting rejected? 

•  Why do I have to fear rejection? I don’t think it is fear of rejection or is it? I do not want to confront people unless and until pushed to the limit.

•  Why don’t I say things on persons face than brood about it? I should either say it or I should stop brooding.

•  It is absolutely fair to say that I am craving for recognition. I want to be loved by everyone. Hence, I do not want to do anything that would hurt them 

•  Why do I have this need to be loved? It is not because of any fear but the dominant need to be liked.

•  Why should I indulge in altruistic behavior for people to like me? 

•  I have to open up to the fact that everyone cannot like me. I have to 

realize that life offers opportunities to those who digest rejection equally well as they digest success 

• I have realized that to influence people you need to be honest,sincere and commend people for their intelligence and learn to take sides and live by it 

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•  Honesty they say is the best policy! Is it being honest with myself or being honest for others? 

•  Honesty always inflicts pain in me or with others. Is the pain a result of honesty? 

•  I think honesty inflicts pain only if the action that concealed honesty was not right morally, socially, and ethically 











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•  Everything in this world has an element of beauty in it. To realize it we need to see it through our heart and not through our eyes 

•  If only people realize that beauty is only skin deep would their perceptions about beauty change? 

•  Would we hate our mother if she were not beautiful? Why do we differentiate? 

•  Is it because the thought of having a choice makes us feel this way? I am perplexed 

•  Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, you either see the rose or thorn based on what you desire to see.

•  If only the world saw how beautiful the mind is than look at how beautiful the individual is?? 










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•  Love is unison of two minds where ego takes a back seat 

•  Is always an accession to get the best out two people? A new life! It’s the first time one undergoes true joy of giving and it reveals significance for an individual’s subsistence 

•  Knowing that some one is there for you, with you always 

•  Why do people fall in love? Is it a thing of the heart or is it the mental connection? 

•  Is Love is the only time heart takes over the mind?  

•  Although passion brings people together it is the mental connection that bonds them permanently 

•  Is it okay if people fail in love? 

•  It is, provided they realize that being in love is not about passion but (com)passion - a mental empathy 

•  Love fails when people try to show their best and fail to reveal their rest 

•  Moment of pain endured while parting is much better than a life of pain living with/for the other person who cannot appreciate what you 


•  Love that blossoms out of beauty and looks can never be strong as it is similar to a child’s desire. Interest exists as long as others desire.

•  Is Love something beyond existence. Maybe that’s why people say Love is eternal 

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•  A child is the masterpiece of love of two people.

•  When a child is born it does not have any good or bad. The child is totally insular. That’s what we all have to become - A child 

•  When the child grows then it tries to reason things out and that’s when it realizes existence of good and bad.

•  Maybe that’s the answer, when we accept things as they are maybe good or bad will not affect us. 

•  We all have to bring out the child in us to make the world a much better place 

  We were all intelligent when we were a child and then we grew up…












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•  Parents say they have given life to kids. I wonder if they have missed the point. They are the tools of life to extend life. They are the implementers and the implemented.

•  If that is the case then do they need not be gratified for bringing me into existence. I don’t think so.

•  But the fact is I am there because my parents desired. So. I need to be grateful for that and owe them my life.

•  It is still amusing to watch parents guide grownups like children.Maybe they should give their children some space, then they will never be sorry. 














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•  Set it high for dreams and desires and you would get it. Set it low for people you will never feel sorry.

•  I have never let my expectations hit the ground at any point of time.That’s what has got me what I want 

•  However having reached there and got what I want I don’t feel happy anymore. Am I not supposed to be happy? Does expectation reduce Joy? 


















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•  Strange but true, when I am extremely happy I seldom can find a word to portray my state of mind.

•  I get happiness not from money not from power but by doing things that are close to my heart.

•  Simple things make me feel happy, a bright morning, a child’s innocent smile, a good song.

•  Happiness, I think is only a state of mind  

•  I have observed that happiness grows from not owning but parting.Is happiness a feeling or some thing beyond that? 

•  The thought of touching some ones life gives me happiness. Wish I 

could replete this emotion across to everyone? Would world be a happy place?  











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•  Is just the realization of equality of ones potential to others? 

•  I have realized that ability is as far as our mind can limit our thinking.

• Nothing comes easily, but nothing is impossible. I think it is the ability to realize that we are prisoners of our own thinking that gives us the lives we lead.

•  The day we uncap our beliefs we will be able to do what we desire and being passionate about what we want is the first step to get what we want.













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•  I am enthusiastic about a lot of things. Is enthusiasm intertwined with passion? 

•  I think Passion procreates enthusiasm. Passion is the vehicle that delivers the final product enthusiasm 

•  I have always felt that when I am enthusiastic I infuse enthusiasm amongst people and when I am down I spread the same mood faster.I think enthusiasm is contagious and spreads faster. So I would like to infect as many people I can 

•  I have never run short of enthusiasm and it never drains out by exhibiting it. Fact is the more I exhibit it the more it grows.











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•  Why do we experience a state of ineptness when we are in trouble? Is it for the reason that we are not primed to endure the pain? 

•  Normally people are averse to risk taking. Does it stem from basic belief systems or is genetically mapped? 

•  Why do we generally avoid problems? Are we averse to risk or are we averse to rock the boat? 

•  I feel problems assess individual mettle. It is an occasion to bring out the best in us. So, I look forward to problems than detesting them.

•  Is it the lack of knowledge or awareness to the lack of knowledge that is testing our confidence to encounter problems? 











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•  Is the voice in you that keeps saying you can, when your body says no, when your heart misses a beat, when the world slips beneath your feet.

•  Why do I feel confident? 

•  Is it the awareness that I know what I know or is it the pompousness that I know what others don’t know? 

•  I think it is the awareness that I know what I know that gives me confidence. Had it been ten years back it would have definitely been pompousness.

•  Knowledge gives confidence 












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•  What is knowing? Does it mean truth or does it bring us awareness? Do I know who I am ? Where I come from? 

•  Do I know where was I before I was born? Do I know If I was there before I was born? If I was not there why do I feel that I am connected? 

•  The more I know the less I know. Then how can I be confident. Is the knowing that you know nothing that gives you confidence.

•  When I think I know much I qualify to become the most ignorant person on earth 

•  Does the earth stop spinning testifying that it has been around the sun enough number of times to know sun better? 

•  Knowledge is like thirst, it never quenches.

•  Ignorance is bliss. Whoever said this has really understood what being less ignorant can lead to 

•  I am awed by the amount of knowledge that exists around me. It always makes me feel insignificant and keeps pushing me to learn more.

•  I have also realized that its your state of mind that makes you think 

you know or you don’t. If we are all connected then can I tap into the vast knowledge repository around me.

•  Knowledge is knowing ledged on beliefs. If your beliefs alter your knowledge alters as a result.

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•  I always seem to do things in a hurry!. Is it because that I have become conscious to the fact that I have very little time left in my hands or am I just a surface level skimmer? 

•  When I realize that the time in hand is scarce a sense of exigency slinks in me. I tend to become twitchy. I observe the world around me moving at its own speed. Is it because they have not comprehended the value of time or am I over reacting? 

•  If people knew birthdays bring them one step closer to death would they really celebrate it? 

•  If we realized life was short will our approach towards life, towards people change? 











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•  If only I was less ignorant would I have wasted it when I had it and desire more now when I don’t have it? 

•  Youthfulness is like an optical illusion. We think we always possess it when we don’t 

•  Is the only time when mind and body work in harmony? 

•  Perplexingly mind grows young when the body grows old.

•  We spend our youth in quest of money and use that money to buy our dreams we cherished we were young.

•  I feel sad when I realize that I cannot buy the time I have lost, the 

moments I could have cherished. I wish I could start again wiser.

•  If I am the consciousness and not the body does youthfulness have any meaning at all? 











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•  All of us tend to wear masks. Depending on the situation we always wear a new mask.

•  Why should we do this? Why cant we be the same person for everyone? We are trying to reflect on what the other person likes to see than what is 

•  What is? Is that really bad? It’s just the fear in us that thinks it is.

•  I think it is the fear of being rejected or the fear of not hurting anyone that makes us wear masks.

•  I have tried to maintain my original face always and not many are pleased with it. I have become conscious that I cannot hurt anyone nor can I make anyone feel good, so why should I be untrue and 

experience the pain??  












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•  I always find that truth hurts when it transpires from the lips and not from the heart.

•  I do try to be truthful about what I say most of the time, however it has only got me into trouble.

•  I have experienced a strong desire to coddle in false praise or say something that is untrue. But, I felt miserable doing it.

•  I have realized that people want to hear what they like to hear. This divergence put me in trouble.

•  However, I realized I would be better off forcing the truth than saying nothing. That way, at least I will not undergo any pain.

  I firmly believe truth reveals what you are than what you think you are. So, I always respect individuals who muster the courage to reveal me to me…











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•  Anger kills you first and then kills others 

•  Incarnates the true you. Without it you will never discover yourself.

• It is always better to expel feelings than sit on it. That way you avoid nursing a wound.

•  Why do I get angry? Is it because someone has said something that is not acceptable or is it because someone has hurt my feelings? 

•  Same words spark diverse emotions in diverse settings. If that’s true then why do words make me feel angry? Maybe, its my ego or to be more precise the state of ego that triggers my response.

•  The answer then is ego. It’s my ego that’s hurt when people don’t 

accept or when people try to hurt.

•  Why can’t the mind become insular to the pranks ego plays? 











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Eg o 

•  Is it the feeling of pompousness or my internal ego that wants me to show that I am not normal? 

•  If I am egoistic why do I feel that way? Why can’t I be humble? 

•  What is ego? Is it a product of my mind or is it a subsystem? 

•  If it is part of my subsystem then mind does not have any role to play in it.

•  I think ego is also a notion of mind. It surfaces when mind is not mature enough to concede that given the setting all individuals are equal and there is nothing great about being egoistic.

•  Ego, therefore is the product of lack of awareness of self and others.

If mind realizes that it knows less then ego would never subsist.

•  Knowledge should actually help individuals exhume their ego but strangely it helps individuals build their egos.












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•  I really fear when people say that I am intelligent. I know that every individual’s capacity is identical 

•  I really know that they are capable of doing what I can and could even excel in many things.

•  Maybe I have realized that Intelligence is just a case of discovering that it exists 

•  The day people discover that are all capable then everyone becomes equal. Then Intelligence could only exist in the dictionary 

•  This very thought has helped me maintain my feet firmly on the ground and when I tell it to people they say I am being modest.

  I feel like screaming asking people to look at the truth. What if people just realized this? Wouldn’t the world be a better place? 











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•  I feel modesty is the state of awareness that shows people are equal.

•  It is a realization that reveals that you have been there and it’s just a matter of time before others catch up and there is nothing great about it.

•  My heart cries for people who are ignorant of this fact and indulge in verbal diarrhea about how good they are 















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•  If we learn to accept that life is not a race but an experience then we will experience heaven each moment.

•  We will experience it in an innocent smile, the learning we undergo,the pain we bear, the love we shower on others and others on us.Heaven does not exist somewhere above 

•  It is what we make all of our lives. Don’t look above, look around! Look within…

















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