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In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

Date post: 23-Jan-2016
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Page 1: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.
Page 2: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

In the

beginning, the

world was very


Page 3: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

People were all friends.

Page 4: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

One day, they found coloured

ribbons on the ground.

Page 5: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

They collected


Some chose blue,

some green,

some red

and some yellow.

Page 6: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.


the wind


Page 7: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

They were all of

different colours!!!!

Page 8: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

The blues gathered together

The greens gathered together

The yellows gathered together

The reds gathered together

Page 9: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

They forgot that

they were friends.

Page 10: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.


The reds had WATERWATER but no food.

Page 11: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

The blues had FOODFOOD but no water.

Page 12: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

The greens


make fire but

no shelter.

Page 13: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

The yellows had SHELTERSHELTER but

no twigs to make fire.

Page 14: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

Can you give a


to this situation?

Page 15: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.

And the three endings invented by the pupils are:

Page 16: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.


One day, orange, black and purple people arrived. These coloured people were friends and they shared everything. They were very very happy. The green, red, blue and yellow people saw that a coloured world was the best. Finally, they gathered and created a new town called ''Rainbow Town '' .

Un dia, gent de color taronja, negre i lila van arribar. Aquestes persones de colors eren molt amigues entre elles i ho compartien tot. Ells eren molt i molt feliços. Els verds, els vermells , els blaus i els grocs van veure que un món de colors era el millor. Finalment, es van unir i van formar un nou poble anomenat ‘El poble de l’arc de San Martí’.

Un día, personas de colores naranja, negro y lila llegaron. Estas personas de colores eran muy amigas entre ellas y lo compartían todo. Eran muy y muy felices. Los verdes, los rojos, los azules y los amarillos vieron que un mundo de colores era el mejor. Finalmente se unieron y formaron un nuevo pueblo llamado ‘El pueblo del Arco Iris’.

Page 17: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.


After two months, they had no food, no water and no twigs. The reds, the greens and the blues decided to visit the yellows. The yellows were ill and weak in their shelters. They all realized that it was impossible to survive without sharing. They were friends again and held their hands under the rain and the sun. And a nice rainbow appeared in the sky.

Després de dos mesos, el menjar, l’aigua i la llenya es van acabar. Els vermells, els verds i els blaus van decidir visitar els grocs. Els grocs estaven malalts i dèbils als seus refugis. Aleshores, tots es van adonar de què és impossible sobreviure sense compartir. Es van fer amics una altra vegada, i es van agafar de les mans sota la pluja i el sol. Un arc de San Martí molt bonic va aparèixer al cel.

Dos meses después, la comida, el agua y la leña se acabaron. Los rojos, los verdes y los azules decidieron visitar los amarillos. Los amarillos estaban enfermos y débiles en sus refugios. Entonces, todos se dieron cuenta de que es imposible sobrevivir sin compartir. Fueron amigos otra vez y se cogieron de las manos bajo la lluvia y el sol. Un bonito arco iris apareció en el cielo.

Page 18: In the beginning, the world was very quiet. People were all friends.


Suddenly, there was a storm.The blues, the reds and the greens went to the yellows' shelter and they asked :-Can we sleep in your shelter? “.The yellows said:- Yes, of course !.It was very cold inside.Then, the greens offered their twigs to make fire. The blues had meat and decided to cook it for everybody. They at the a lot and sang nice songs.They were very tired and thirsty. The reds offered their water. Finally, they agreed to live together forever.

De sobte, va començar una tempesta. Els blaus, els vermells i els verds van anar al refugi dels grocs i els van preguntar: -Podem dormir al vostre refugi? I els grocs van contestar:-Sí, és clar!-Feia molt de fred. Aleshores, els verds van oferir llenya per fer foc. Els blaus tenien carn i van decidir cuinar-la per tots. Tots van menjar molt i van cantar cançons molt boniques. Després, van estar molt cansats i assedegats. Els vermells van oferir la seva aigua. Finalment, van acrodar de viure tots junts per sempre més.

De repente, empezó una tormenta. Los azules, los rojos i los verdes fueron al refugio de los amarillos y les preguntaron:-Podemos dormir en vuestro refugio? Y los amarillos respondieron:- Sí, por supuesto.Hacía mucho frío. Entonces los verdes ofrecieron leña para hacer fuego. Los azules tenían carne y decidieron cocinarla para todos. Comieron mucho y cantaron canciones muy bonitas. Después, estaban muy cansados y tenían mucha sed. Los rojos ofrecieron agua. Finalmente, acordaron de vivir todos juntos para siempre.
