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In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Sea Cliff NY News/Sea...

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I \ mm ' . I'M \, ..* i i 1. . - 1 \ < SEA CLIFF HEWS tha 6LIH COVE MEWS. ' i; i •• TH5, •. ' "T """ ' ••—I .1.1.1 .••ipf? l;,IIU«l| 1 ••try Saturdar at Sa* Cliff. N. T. I. •A1DMBMT. EDITOB AJH> PUBLISHER - Prion, t . . M per Year, la m at t*a fort Ofllea at •lass mall matter. Cliff « c'aajl * : •» VILLAGE BOARD rrancie E. Bherwood. _ cmGumm H. 8odar, C. SackeU CJ«r£ r & Orlffltb Clapbara - Jaatiea. Cbartea W Snlffen. rOaaaba. C* Hal Ilea. of tb© Board are Mid on onday rronlog « •«•§ SCHOOL BOARD i, Matthew Jobneon , a. C. Raaeom M. DadCJ A. Bader and K. i. Martin. • rtltaff Of the Board eaefa month at 8 p. in. I PUBLIC LIBBABY BOARD. Mt, Mrs. C. 8. Cballborf. lR."5rj. Wlntarroth, fin. the Bret H p. Uaaitb Place, M. ¥. BOD ton. Jobn Martin. * V ltal UMlatrT iCTlE. HEALTH BOARD. Chaffee T. GUI. M. 1. ConlIn., ear. Dr. H. G! Wahli ire of the Board— smttb, Joaefh Benbela. •f vital* Statlettes, W.'Jatf O. tf. W he Bret neetinfe oft be Board are held on f eaeb month at » p. m. Hi r O m DBPABTMEHT. UaorsaK Batter. are of Board of Wardene—Georee F. E. Mandrickooa. A. Meab. Jamee F. , JobnMaller, W. W. Jenkins, D. S, *C. Ransom, W. H. Mention, KMaiaeCo.. Joeepb Koop. STand L. COM David A. B e * ueen MoeeCo.. w. H. Merehon. BBA CUFF BOARD OF TRA1 M VloePr. B. Sherwood. F. W, Qelaaenhalner. Colee A. Carpenter. Maldmeat. L. K. Parliman. tboa. J Little. _*eetief • of the Board of Trade t the Village Board Koora on the ad of eaeb month, at s p. m. tiri responsibility of thbi serious ques- tion upon our clergymen. ^ ° ooe seems to be willing to express a public ^pin- yet its termination means the ro- of all that the village has con- from its inception. .. ething must be done, and thf> men . who reap the benefit should do t heir share of the work. The shore front question and the liquor problem is to the business men of this village the successful conclusion or unmiti- fail are will be the result of ac- or inaction oil their part. Tillage Trustees have recently discovered that the deed from John T. Pifie to the Village of Sea Cliff, does not convey all the shore front property owned by Mr. Pirit*. and that a strip fifty feet wide is reserved by Mr. Pirie. That this is a serious condition of af- is manifest. The taxpayers were informed when voting the approprition fof the purchase of the front, that the consideration named covered all the holdings of Mr. Pirie, northeast of the - dock property. In fact, after diligent inquiry we have been unable to find a single person who thought otherwise. Some one has blundered, or, some one has been guilty of a gross breach of gobd faith. flie NEWS will not at this time com- ment further on ihe matter, believing that those responsible should have an opportunity to straighten the question, tpi we will, after we have given the opportunity, deal with the problem, and we guarantee to our readers to fhlthe responsibility on the proper per- son or persons, without fear or favor GLEN COVE The choir of St. Paul'* Churh are enjoying their annual picnic at Lloyd's Neck. tea The Glen Cove base play the Lawrence A. Grove, this afternoon. Mf 1 C at Mrs. George R, Sheldon has recent entertained her niece* Mi^s Kounzte, of Morristown, N. J. Anne owner, F. $ The Glen Cove Glee Cjlubi held a veiy successful reception at Ihe Harbor Beach Pavilion, on Tuesday evening. The Kismet, with its Smithers, of Red Spring, and a party of guests, is cruising the coant of Maine. A raffle for a.gold watch will be held at Murray's Cafe, on School Street, for the aid of Barney Conway, 35 cents. "Prince of India" at Broadwav. m ,'si wonderful nee of India" .firjjt time in »L way Theatre Monday I Tickets ate - OF AMERICA. ft CHS, No. 438, For enter* of Amer oa the let and 3rd Maadajr fa the Foreetere' Hail. Joeeeh Forget, Chief Ranger. W. FVBrltt Financial Secretary. Meaty Wafaaa, Baoordlng Secretary. T. Carrol, Traaeurer. •axillary to Sea Cliff Court. No. of A., meets on the 2nd amd 4tb Tuee- moath la Foreetere' Hall. , Mr*. A. H. Qladd. , Mrs. WUIlara Felting. , Mra. T. J. Uttte. 3. 8ATUBJDAY, JULY 88, 1906. gjjnause-g i - St. Luke's Church Notes. Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July 29. Celebration of the Holy Communion 4tJ8a.m, Morning prayer and sermon at 10:45. The Rector will preach on "The In- dividual," V Sunday school a* 2:30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:45. The Rector will preach on "Being: In teres ted. rs. Price, wife of Lawjjfer Prijce, -of Cedar Swamp, died at her homo on Monday afternoon, Ju^y £3. Funcrhl services were held at her late home Fri- day. Interment was cemetery. Next Sabbath evening, July 20 in the Presbyterian church occurs the rjeguhir monthly Musical Service at which Mr. Meltzoff, of Manhattan will sing. This gentleman has a beautiful deep voipe and it will be a treat to hear him sing. The musical services will be omitted in DIED—Mrs. Char nesday, July 25, a New York. The held on Friday af is survived by th Thomas J. Service, Mrs; Armstrong an and James. ene Klaw & Erlai dnctisn of "The be presented for York at the evening,' Sept. 24L instead of October I, as previously announced. This is tMt drama to "Beb JHur.'f and is.a s veifsion of Gen. ijiw Wallace's tie novel involving the |war beiween Greeks and the Turks,h the Fall of srantinople and tihe world- famous romance of Sultan Mahommed, conqueror, and Prin«« k Ns In- Greeks •[The Prince of jLndia dramatic production < ' %*> r made in countrj' and represents an outlay ov^r $100,000. in scener alone. This great pla; prologue and six scenes. • These niassiyb stage pict* represent the rock-tomb of Hiram, Ki of Tyre; Constantinople and the G0i en Horn from Galatea; the home of Prince of India in Constantinople; gate of Blacherno of the Golden H and panorama of t h»*- Bosphorus to white castle during |ne i storm wh leads the prince anid the princess ire to take refugo in the stronghold of t FOB SALS. Team of bay carriage horses, about i.V l. black points, absolutely kind and gentle in all harness, not afraid of auto- mobiles or tp>l leys, can be driven by % woman or children. Can be seen at my stables ; at any time. Will be sold separately or as a team. It H. Scudder, Glen Head, L». I. *'isthc great and cdstumi is staged in with thi Mi Bond and Mortgage, In, sums to suit applicants. CHARMS T. MCCARTHY, Turks; the Palace jof Bosphorus; the Gr^at in the imi>erial palace tent of Mahommed nople; the,palace of th in-Constantinople; witl 'herapia on tl 11 of Audieni Blacherne; jfore Constai Princess Irei (in the walls Attorney, ilding, Glen Cove, L. I. GLEN C0YE COAL AND LUMBER CO. wfwk^wWmwVm aBW iBBwe> • •aala# MATERIALS, LUMBER AND COAL DO0ES SASH Bl INDS ATP TEIHICIKOS OF AT.T. WTJ Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath, Plaster, Hair ami Marble Dust WHITE LEAB and ZINC PAINTS OILS, VlRli, GLASS, PUTTY, BUILDER S HARDWARE, TOOLS. Telephone XTo. 83 Olon Oove. EeBidence No. 672 W Sea CUfl 1 7 abbagc and Lettuce by hundreds and thousands all trans- planted at ft Cents & dozen. P/NSIES READY NOW All kinds of annual and flowering plants ly now at the lowest •?** *" " Bein,t two questions ;1 ; II i «« ' i i * r I f i- ym i i Paafaably the greatest exemplification of tt« lack of public spirit in the male of our inhabitants, is °/jrtJPSme importance to them, namely: siore front problem, and the granting of a liquor license, are being handled in the usual street corner and unorganised there Is something radical- men. It cannot be they have lost all power of or objection. They can argue with an individual with all the skill of They are able, with a tax bill by the to object in a manner that wiM warm the heart of the proverbial hroaic Woker." The trouble seems be lack of organisation and ability to work willing horses to death. It seems tohe, however, that quite a number of ••last straws" have been placed on the caaatls, and the beasts have laid down. It must be admitted that the present season is far below the average in pros- perity, and as the postman man says: "there's a reason.'' Where, look where yon will, can jou and a village that con- tains ee many bejeianss men lacking public spirit, as this little village pos- sossos? Go over the list, give every one careful consideration, and then be forc- ed to the conclusion that they are, with an exception, actuated with the to grab all the money possi- in their respective business. And went do they do to build up the village? Absolutely nothing. They are simply wmhiafr tie natural beauties of the • ""t iff uusasassitlj to death, and, we hope for the benefit of the village, they are be- ajlttning to feel that th* village is not like the fabled cat, it has not nine Uvea, and that they must do their share in every conceivable manner to keep this village up to date . Take the business men of the village, oa Prospect Ave.: Blum, Davis, Cohen, C. f W. flenaftU ** ° ' 8niffe,, » Kr » f t. Hager- aaee, COdrln, Young, Dry Goods Store, Smiths, Staabnry, Ban*. Abendschoen, Bohoefles. LeGar, Oox, Hendrickson. in> Maje*rar hear of them except you spend money with them' Did yon ever pat a solid expression for publicity from them? Are they not afraid it "might hart their business" if they advocated a principle for the public good ? Are they to criticise in a private un- tary manner, the efforts of the naif dosea men who invariably vrt todo their thare and eventually rriday— Evening prayer at*7:45. I CAMP iDURXPA. The machine belonging to Mr. Queen, who is occupying dence, and the auto of Locust Valley, school house last Monday, chines were quite badly da King died Wed- her late home in neral servic^ was ruoon. Mrs. King daughters,; Mrs. Mrs. Chamberslee, two sons, William the Humphry resi- owned-by Mrj. Weir collideil near the Both ma- bat J «| 1 ' ^ to do all taUntfe the plan fail? uay be a severe indictment but it lamented. Take the shore V w e have heard a number dy criticise all the officials, ' whom would be willing i official meetings and help out by their opinion and nan or worn* in its favorable H quor problem. Apparent- i willing to pease the en- *A he Young American Cadets under command of Oapt. John W. Nntt are making a grand success of their camp- g season at Camp Duryea, Sea Cliff I. This is the third year that this camp has been used for outings for var- ious cadet organisations and has cer- talnly gained much favor with regular army officers and militia men, both as to its frne location and for the bountiful supply of wholesomr food served in the large and commodious mess hall. Every evening at sunset, review and evening parade takes place on parade grounds, when the national colors are saluted and lowered. The following are a few of the distinguished officers who have acted as reviewing officers since the camp season opened—Colonel jfi D. Brooks, Tenth Regiment of Albany, N. Y. Oapt. Thomas Carroll, of. the 14th Regiment, of Brooklyn. Major J. Halpin, formerly of the 8th United States Infantry. Col. Thomas J. Tillotson, Battery A* Brooklyn. Lieut. J. Tannenbaum, 8th Regiment, N. Y. Ool. Edwin Davis, Young American Cadets. Major Charles Steinert, of the 8th Regiment, N. Y. Cadets. Col. Wilson, of Halsey Street, Brooklyn, and others. During the past few weeks delega- tions from various organizations have visited the camp and have been greatly delighted with the treatment they have received and promised to make another trip to camp before the season closes. Among them were the St. Anns Church Cadets, of Brooklyn, under command of Oapt. A. Goepper. St. Luke's Battal- ion, of N. Y. Strong Place Baptist Church Cadets and boys from the FViendly Home, of Brooklyn, under the command of Oapt. E. Chadwick and lieut. Hill. Battery A, .Heavy Artillery of the Irving Square Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn, under the command of Ool. Thomas J. Tillotson are having a de- lightful time, some of the boys are staving from two weeks to two months A detachment ot their famous drum, .fife and bugle corps under command of 'Major A. Hartland, lead the drills and parades as well as entertain the visitors. Sgt. George Abel was post bugler for the first three weeks and won the ad- miration of all in camp as well as many girls in the village. The post bugler will be changed from time to time, giv- ing different boys an opportunity to do the honors. On Saturday, August 11, a large number of boys from Battery A, will visit the camp and expect to give the boy* at camp a good treat in the way of amateur night, with songs, reci- tations, comic sketches and military tabl eanx. The boys are well cared for by the medical staff who are on duty at ill hours. A body of life savers are in charge of the boys who desire to gb bathing. The signal corps is under command of Joe Gries, and the camp is guarded at night by a competent set of officers under command of Oapt. Howell Clarke of the Police dept. ^ Last Monday the cadets selected two teams and had an exciting game of ball. It was a close score 16-15 in favor of the $r*t team mentioned below, first team Schweizer, pitcher; Steinberg, catcher; Lemmelber. McLean, Smith, Stieglitz, Marks and Shaw. Second team, Miller, pitcher; Dr. Yolk, catcher; Wicke. Hey- der, Williams, Levvy, Weisstock and Garrison. Dr. Fricke acted as umpire. Other games will be had from time to time and a good time is anticipated ep to the end of the I the chauffeurs kept to the! wheels and no one was injured At the races of the LWchmont Yacht Olub, on Thursday,, Harry Maxwell, in his 70-foot Yajtkjfra. flefeajted Oommo- ^ | dore,V" Jffeftiiit'g Rai nbow, by 35 sec- onds, in one of the greatest; fights of the year. Both boats were raped by their owners, although Commodore Vender- bilt had on board, his skipper, Charles Tf- :_Q I fforts of the Constantinople during the liege; Wit out the walls during the assult by tl Turks; night on the broken wall, win the; Prince of India, leally the Gi Wanderer, hears again the voice "Tai Thou Till I Come,**' and finally, uttc the dome of Sauctaj Sopnjft, where hommed and Irene; me*t, acknowlec their love and the con merer promii religious freeddm to all her rabe ujM the Moslem flag. The scenes of dh© grojit storm off Bosphorus, the assult Constantinople and the church of Sancta Sophia, will revelations in stagecraft, even to most blasp New York theatre -goers, the- battle and church Scenes over peOple will appear. Pepper, Tomatoes, Egg Plants in pot in'season. Plants in bloom. Cut; flowers always on hand. Any kind of funeral designs at short notice at E /. 6. IRwse, Prop. Tel. 28 W. Dosoris Lane. On the walls interior of PUBLIC NOTICE. Through the untiring efforts oil some of our most prominent ladies, the Nas- sau Hospital Endowment Association of Glen Cove, has raised the i|8,000 neces- sary for the endowment of'a bed in per- petuity, in the Nassau Hospital. The committee to whoxh applications for use of the bed should apply, is composed of Mrs. Birdsell, Mrs. Johnf Small and Mrs. Charles H. Barrett. , RiFT The mid-season event will be a moon- light dance of the Pacific. Engine and Hose Company, which will be held on Wednesday evening, August 8, at Har- bor Beach Pavilion. The bommittee in charge includes Oscar Dbryea, Edgar Sprague, Benjamin Small, Burt Price and William B. Fling. Arrangements have been made to convey all those 'who attend in stages, which will leave the Oriental Hotel every half hour after eight o'clock •I Hoard of K.'tilroud Coinm Al . Hioin r». ny, July 2A, V.m. Al petition, uuder sect ionfi'2of the railroad law, by The Long Ixland HHIIroad Company, having been preflented to tbla Hoard, alleg- ing that public sjiivtv require« the «lo«irir and dtooontinuHnce of the krade eroMttlng: of said company's railroad hy hlghw ^% known ae the ('Ion Cove !Back Koad t am, .siinonnon Koad, in the Town of Oynter sBity, Naeaau rounty, both of tint eroeeinge being Hltuated at s point about 2*M feet distai.t eaeterly from the Ui ceo vale Ktation on nald conipany'H railroad, and afXlng this Hoard to aetermine that Maid grade cro*»iiig* shall tic cloHc-d and dlscontiuuedL the travel there- on jto be diverted therefrom by the coa- Htruction of new piece* Of! highway on the easterly and westerly nidew of the railroad to an andercroesing of said railroad which tip petition tmkn Hhall bu conatructed at a point not far north of the present grade cToaalnge. and asking this Hoard to deiermlne that said new pieces of highway and said under crossing shall be constructed,—NOTICE hereby given that a public hearing on sal petition .will be held by this Board at t' Green vale station on said company's road,on Tuesday, August 7, lwjfl, at o'clock a. m. By the Boa: J. 8. KENNKHY, Secretary we have an advantage in drug gell- ing. It is natural that our immense business «and cash buying should ive it to us. If you are unconvinced nd aye open to conviction, just com- rc our stock and prices with those f other dealers. That is as quick a way as we know of to make you a patron of ours. MATTHEWS Manufacturer of aad Dealer lm Fine Harness, Saddlery, Whips, Spon Etc., Etc., Wortaiiaiiililp Guaranteed. 'i '*fii •n ' >• HI = aepalring Promptly COVE, N. Y. and Glen Gove ft h 1. ATE ged and rented, j Furnished in Sea Cliff and Glen Gove. Bought, cottages f o r t Hear water and Gob* Club. Call at our office and find listed on the books what' you have been looking for. GLIM COVE & SEA CLIFF REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO. Glen Street, Glen Cove, L. I. L. E. PARLIMAN, Mgr. ' 1 TP| Tl|e rally of the Holy #ame Society, which took place last Sunday; brought about 5,000 together. The visiting dele- gates were met at Nassau station and accompanied to the vacant lot opposite the St. Patrick's Church, where the ex- ercises of the day took place. .Rev. Father O'Reilly made au address of welcome. Prof^ F [ Carrapndy, of: Col- umbia University, was the speaker cf the day and gave a forcijrfe talk upon the general topics of the day. At the Bay Shore Horse; Show, which is to begin next Tuesday \\ and continue over August 4th, at Oakwood i*ark, Harry Ladew leads all im the number of entries, among which ate Sadie Mc- Gregor, Buster Brown, £atzeujammer Kid, All There, Blue Grass Boy, Danc- ing Duke and Dancing Dechess, Artist's Model and My Dream, j. Herbert L. Pratt has entered for < one event only, the South Side Tandem Oup, on which he has already a leg. Miss Mollie Max- well is to show her harness pair, Venus and Adoius and Jacobite. Harvey Ladew ajnd Miss Elsie Ladew have made splendid showiugs for Elsinore Farm at L Wall - Branch. « » The big circus—which! means every- body 's day in G|enj Odve this year falls' on Tuesday, July «|l, wh4h The Frank A. Bobbins Co. All Kew;Great Feature Shows will, so to speak, r|itch their city of tents in our midst, and in pageant and performanoe almost lorrerwhelm us with their grand and glorious railroad aggregation of w|ld beasts, eminent equestrians, acrobats^ Jtfgglers, aerial- ists, hilarious host of clowns, daring charioteers, dashing jockeys and per- forming animate, in almost incomputa- ble profusion. T^e press of Greater New York has already unanimously ac- claimed the exhibition a really great one, and its manager, Frank A. Rob- bins, an arenie caterer par excellence, who knows just what Will best please the public, just where to get it, just how to present it, and last, but not least, just how to gain and retain gen- eral good will and respect. Space is in- adequate to enumerate the hundreds of rare wild beaste, arenie, hippodro- matic and specially sensational features, which fill great special trains, stupen- dous waterproof tents, two rings, an elevated stage and acres of aerial space to overflowing. FOR SEA CLIFF lC&ke your application NOW to havo your houso connectod. CHEAPER AlTTJ BETTER iWY OTHER LIGHT Greatest Modern Convenience STo Borne Complete Without A GAS RANGE. Send a letter to the Company and you 1 1 have' GAS for lighting, Cooking and Heating. CLIFF « GLEN COVE 61$ CO, P. O. Box 211 SKA CLIFF - [ LONG ISLAND FOR LA3STD 0E WATSR T7SE HAHON, L STREET, CLEN COVE ^%LUMBING Il^ATING BQOFING AND JOBBING Sanitary Inspection of Dwellings a Specialty. ptfail Orders Promptly Attended to. Xtcrcle iprocketi turn Bfcycle sproekrtt tnrfl between bearingi. outside beiringi. 3o per cent, less pressure on the hesr- ] ings of a Racycle than; on a bicycle; therefore it turni U easier. Ride further and faster with lest work on the Racycle. No oil can required. FOR SALE BY '" KABTXN F. HURRAY Glen Sree* Glea GOTO I we supply the best and most reliable Lumber. If you want to build a boat, we will iirovide the Timber, staunch and strong, ready to stand the j water tost. If you want to build a home, we vjfll supply you with the proper Timlxsr ui any lengths or sizes—all well-season. e l Lumber that is free from imperfect- ions, and will not shrink or warp in the sin. And the prices will criticism £ €. Partisan, ANNQUN ID Grand Soiree Every W\ Sacred Concert Bv^ry Sunday; Table D' es^ay and Saturday Evening sbments of all Kinds SEA CLIFF Dinner 75c BOATING BATHING FISHING Bait and Tackle Always on Hand. Tel. 097 J. Sea Cliff F. BOSTELMANN, Mgr. t Marine and Stationery Engines Over- hauled and Repaired. FR01CPTLT A T T U T O S TO* 0PR2T DAY A2TD NXOHT. AutomooiK Telepnone 144-L. GL^NCOVE IjSLAND. ! ' 1- \ :• I - c Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Sea Cliff NY News/Sea Cliff NY News... · MATERIALS, LUMBER AND COAL DO0ES SASH Bl INDS ATP TEIHICIKOS OF

I \ mm





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' i;


•• T H 5 , • .


— " T " " " ' ••—I .1.1.1 .••ipf? l;,IIU«l|


— • • t r y Saturdar at Sa* Cliff. N. T.




Prion, t . .M per Year, la m

at t*a fort Ofllea at • lass mall matter.



c'aajl *:


VILLAGE BOARD rrancie E. Bherwood.

_ cmGumm H. 8odar, C. SackeU

CJ«r£r& Orlffltb Clapbara - Jaatiea. Cbartea W Snlffen.

rOaaaba. C* Hal Ilea.

of tb© Board are Mid on onday rronlog «

• « • §

SCHOOL BOARD i, Matthew Jobneon , a. C. Raaeom

M. DadCJ A. Bader and K.

i . Martin. • rtltaff Of the Board eaefa month at 8 p. in.

I PUBLIC LIBBABY BOARD. Mt, Mrs. C. 8. Cballborf.

l R . " 5 r j . Wlntarroth, fin.

the Bret

H p.


Place, M. ¥. BOD ton. Jobn Martin.

* V ltal U M l a t r T iCTlE.

HEALTH BOARD. Chaffee T. GUI. M. 1. ConlIn., ear. Dr. H. G! Wahli

ire of the Board— smttb, Joaefh Benbela.

• f vital* Statlettes, W.'Jatf O.

tf. W

he Bret neet infe oft be Board are held on

f eaeb month at » p. m.


r O m DBPABTMEHT. UaorsaK Batter. are of Board of Wardene—Georee F. E. Mandrickooa. A. Meab. Jamee F. , JobnMaller , W. W. Jenkins, D.

S, *C. Ransom, W. H. Mention, KMaiaeCo.. Joeepb Koop. STand L. COM David A. B e * ueen MoeeCo.. w . H. Merehon.


M VloePr.

B. Sherwood. F. W, Qelaaenhalner. Colee A . Carpenter.

Maldmeat. L. K. Parliman.

tboa. J Little. _*eetief • of the Board of Trade

t the Village Board Koora on the ad of eaeb month, at s p. m.

tiri responsibility of thbi serious ques­tion upon our clergymen. ^ ° ooe seems to be willing to express a public ^pin-

yet its termination means the ro­of all that the village has con-from its inception. ..

ething must be done, and thf> men . who reap the benefit should do t heir share of the work. The shore front question and the liquor problem is

to the business men of this village the successful conclusion or unmiti-

f ail are will be the result of ac-or inaction oil their part.

Tillage Trustees have recently discovered that the deed from John T. Pifie to the Village of Sea Cliff, does not convey all the shore front property owned by Mr. Pirit*. and that a strip fifty feet wide is reserved by Mr. Pirie.

That this is a serious condition of af-is manifest. The taxpayers were

informed when voting the approprition fof the purchase of the front, that the consideration named covered all the holdings of Mr. Pirie, northeast of the


dock property. In fact, after diligent inquiry we have been unable to find a single person who thought otherwise. Some one has blundered, or, some one has been guilty of a gross breach of gobd faith.

fl ie NEWS will not at this time com­ment further on ihe matter, believing that those responsible should have an opportunity to straighten the question, t p i we will, after we have given the opportunity, deal with the problem, and we guarantee to our readers to fhlthe responsibility on the proper per­son or persons, without fear or favor

GLEN COVE The choir of St. Paul'* Churh are

enjoying their annual picnic at Lloyd's Neck.

tea The Glen Cove base play the Lawrence A. Grove, this afternoon.


C at

Mrs. George R, Sheldon has recent entertained her niece* Mi s Kounzte, of Morristown, N. J.


owner, F. $

The Glen Cove Glee Cjlubi held a veiy successful reception at Ihe Harbor Beach Pavilion, on Tuesday evening.

The Kismet, with its Smithers, of Red Spring, and a party of guests, is cruising the coant of Maine. •

A raffle for a.gold watch will be held at Murray's Cafe, on School Street, for the aid of Barney Conway, 35 cents.

"Prince of India" at Broadwav.

m ,'si wonderful nee of India"

.firjjt time in » L way Theatre Monday I

Tickets ate

-OF AMERICA. ft CHS, No. 438, For enter* of Amer oa the let and 3rd Maadajr

fa the Foreetere' Hail. Joeeeh Forget, Chief Ranger. W. FVBrltt Financial Secretary. Meaty Wafaaa, Baoordlng Secretary. T. Carrol, Traaeurer.

• ax i l l ary to Sea Cliff Court. No. of A., meets on the 2nd amd 4tb Tuee-

moath la Foreetere' Hall. , Mr*. A. H. Qladd. , Mrs. WUIlara Felting. , Mra. T. J. Uttte.


8ATUBJDAY, JULY 88, 1906. gjjnause-g i -

St. Luke's Church Notes. Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July 29.

Celebration of the Holy Communion 4tJ8a.m,

Morning prayer and sermon at 10:45. The Rector will preach on "The In­dividual,"

V Sunday school a* 2:30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:45.

The Rector will preach on "Being: In teres ted.

rs. Price, wife of Lawjjfer Prijce, -of Cedar Swamp, died at her homo on Monday afternoon, Ju^y £3. Funcrhl services were held at her late home Fri­day. Interment was cemetery.

Next Sabbath evening, July 20 in the Presbyterian church occurs the rjeguhir monthly Musical Service at which Mr. Meltzoff, of Manhattan will sing. This gentleman has a beautiful deep voipe and it will be a treat to hear him sing. The musical services will be omitted in

DIED—Mrs. Char nesday, July 25, a New York. The held on Friday af is survived by th Thomas J. Service, Mrs; Armstrong an and James.


Klaw & Erlai dnctisn of "The be presented for York at the evening,' Sept. 24L instead of October I, as previously announced. This is tMt drama to "Beb JHur.'f and is .a s veifsion of Gen. ijiw Wallace's tie novel involving the |war beiween Greeks and the Turks,h the Fall of srantinople and tihe world- famous romance of Sultan Mahommed, conqueror, and Prin««kNs In-Greeks

•[The Prince of jLndia dramatic production < '%*> r made in countrj' and represents an outlay ov^r $100,000. in scener alone. This great pla; prologue and six scenes. • These niassiyb stage pict* represent the rock-tomb of Hiram, Ki of Tyre; Constantinople and the G0i en Horn from Galatea; the home of Prince of India in Constantinople; gate of Blacherno of the Golden H and panorama of t h»*- Bosphorus to white castle during |ne i storm wh leads the prince anid the princess ire to take refugo in the stronghold of t

FOB SALS. Team of bay carriage horses, about

i.V l. black points, absolutely kind and gentle in all harness, not afraid of auto­mobiles or tp>l leys, can be driven by % woman or children. Can be seen at my stables ; at any time. Will be sold separately or as a team. It H. Scudder, Glen Head, L». I.

*'isthc great

and cdstumi is staged in with thi

Mi Bond and Mortgage, • In, sums to suit applicants.


Turks; the Palace jof Bosphorus; the Gr^at in the imi>erial palace tent of Mahommed nople; the,palace of th in-Constantinople; witl

'herapia on tl 11 of Audieni Blacherne;

jfore Constai Princess Irei

(in the walls


ilding, Glen Cove, L. I.

GLEN C0YE COAL AND LUMBER CO. wfwk^wWmwVm aBW iBBwe> • • • a a l a #


Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath, Plaster, Hair ami Marble Dust


Telephone XTo. 83 Olon Oove. EeBidence No. 672 W Sea CUfl


7 abbagc and Lettuce by hundreds and thousands all trans­

planted at ft C e n t s & dozen.

P/NSIES READY NOW All kinds of annual and

flowering plants ly now at the lowest

• ? * * *" "Bein,t

two questions


; II



• '


i *

r I f i-




Paafaably the greatest exemplification of tt« lack of public spirit in the male

of our inhabitants, is

°/jrtJPSme importance to them, namely: siore front problem, and the granting of a liquor license, are being handled in the usual street corner and unorganised

there Is something radical-men. It cannot be

they have lost all power of or objection. They can argue

with an individual with all the skill of They are able,

with a tax bill by the to object in a manner that

wiM warm the heart of the proverbial hroaic Woker." The trouble seems be lack of organisation and ability to

work willing horses to death. It seems • to he, however, that quite a number of ••last straws" have been placed on the caaatls, and the beasts have laid down.

It must be admitted that the present season is far below the average in pros­perity, and as the postman man says: "there's a reason.'' Where, look where yon will, can jou and a village that con­tains ee many bejeianss men lacking public spirit, as this little village pos-sossos? Go over the list, give every one careful consideration, and then be forc­ed to the conclusion that they are, with

an exception, actuated with the to grab all the money possi-

in their respective business. And went do they do to build up the village? Absolutely nothing. They are simply

wmhiafr t i e natural beauties of the • ""t iff

uusasassitlj to death, and, we hope for the benefit of the village, they are be-ajlttning to feel that th* village is not like the fabled cat, it has not nine Uvea, and that they must do their share in every conceivable manner to keep this village up to date .

Take the business men of the village,

oa Prospect Ave.: Blum, Davis, Cohen, C. f W.

flenaftU ** ° ' 8 n i f f e , , » K r» ft . Hager-aaee, COdrln, Young, Dry Goods Store, Smiths, Staabnry, Ban*. Abendschoen, Bohoefles. LeGar, Oox, Hendrickson. in> Maje*rar hear of them except you spend money with them' Did yon ever pat a solid expression for publicity from them? Are they not afraid it "might hart their business" if they advocated a principle for the public good ? Are they

to criticise in a private un-tary manner, the efforts of

the naif dosea men who invariably vrt todo their thare and eventually

rriday— Evening prayer at*7:45.


The machine belonging to Mr. Queen, who is occupying dence, and the auto of Locust Valley, school house last Monday, chines were quite badly da

King died Wed-her late home in neral servic^ was

ruoon. Mrs. King daughters,; Mrs.

Mrs. Chamberslee, two sons, William

the Humphry resi-owned-by Mrj. Weir collideil near the

Both ma-bat

J «|



^ to do all taUntfe the plan fail? uay be a severe indictment but

it lamented. Take the shore V w e have heard a number dy criticise all the officials, ' whom would be willing

i official meetings and help out by their opinion and

nan or worn* in its favorable

• H quor problem. Apparent-i willing to pease the en-

*A he Young American Cadets under command of Oapt. John W. Nntt are making a grand success of their camp-

g season at Camp Duryea, Sea Cliff I. This is the third year that this

camp has been used for outings for var­ious cadet organisations and has cer-talnly gained much favor with regular army officers and militia men, both as to its frne location and for the bountiful supply of wholesomr food served in the large and commodious mess hall.

Every evening at sunset, review and evening parade takes place on parade grounds, when the national colors are saluted and lowered. The following are a few of the distinguished officers who have acted as reviewing officers since the camp season opened—Colonel jfi D. Brooks, Tenth Regiment of Albany, N. Y. Oapt. Thomas Carroll, of. the 14th Regiment, of Brooklyn. Major J. Halpin, formerly of the 8th United States Infantry. Col. Thomas J. Tillotson, Battery A* Brooklyn. Lieut. J. Tannenbaum, 8th Regiment, N. Y. Ool. Edwin Davis, Young American Cadets. Major Charles Steinert, of the 8th Regiment, N. Y. Cadets. Col. Wilson, of Halsey Street, Brooklyn, and others.

During the past few weeks delega­tions from various organizations have visited the camp and have been greatly delighted with the treatment they have received and promised to make another trip to camp before the season closes. Among them were the St. Anns Church Cadets, of Brooklyn, under command of Oapt. A. Goepper. St. Luke's Battal­ion, of N. Y. Strong Place Baptist Church Cadets and boys from the FViendly Home, of Brooklyn, under the command of Oapt. E. Chadwick and l ieut . Hill.

Battery A, .Heavy Artillery of the Irving Square Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn, under the command of Ool. Thomas J. Tillotson are having a de­lightful time, some of the boys are staving from two weeks to two months A detachment ot their famous drum, .fife and bugle corps under command of 'Major A. Hartland, lead the drills and parades as well as entertain the visitors. Sgt. George Abel was post bugler for the first three weeks and won the ad­miration of all in camp as well as many girls in the village. The post bugler will be changed from time to time, giv­ing different boys an opportunity to do the honors. On Saturday, August 11, a large number of boys from Battery A, will visit the camp and expect to give the boy* at camp a good treat in the way of amateur night, with songs, reci­tations, comic sketches and military tabl eanx. The boys are well cared for by the medical staff who are on duty at i l l hours. A body of life savers are in charge of the boys who desire to gb bathing.

The signal corps is under command of Joe Gries, and the camp is guarded at night by a competent set of officers under command of Oapt. Howell Clarke of the Police dept. ^ Last Monday the cadets selected two teams and had an exciting game of ball. It was a close score 16-15 in favor of the $r*t team mentioned below, first team Schweizer, pitcher; Steinberg, catcher; Lemmelber. McLean, Smith, Stieglitz, Marks and Shaw. Second team, Miller, pitcher; Dr. Yolk, catcher; Wicke. Hey-der, Williams, Levvy, Weisstock and Garrison. Dr. Fricke acted as umpire.

Other games will be had from time to time and a good time is anticipated ep to the end of the


the chauffeurs kept to the! wheels and no one was injured

At the races of the LWchmont Yacht Olub, on Thursday,, Harry Maxwell, in his 70-foot Yajtkjfra. flefeajted Oommo-

^ | dore,V" Jffeftiiit'g Rai nbow, by 35 sec­onds, in one of the greatest; fights of the year. Both boats were raped by their owners, although Commodore Vender-bilt had on board, his skipper, Charles

Tf- :_Q I fforts of


Constantinople during the liege; Wit out the walls during the assult by tl Turks; night on the broken wall, win the; Prince of India, leally the Gi Wanderer, hears again the voice "Tai Thou Till I Come,**' and finally, uttc the dome of Sauctaj Sopnjft, where hommed and Irene; me*t, acknowlec their love and the con merer promii religious freeddm to all her rabe ujM the Moslem flag.

The scenes of dh© grojit storm off Bosphorus, the assult Constantinople and the church of Sancta Sophia, will revelations in stagecraft, even to most blasp New York theatre -goers, the- battle and church Scenes over peOple will appear.

Pepper, Tomatoes, Egg Plants in pot in'season. Plants in bloom. Cut; flowers always on hand. Any kind of funeral designs at short notice at

E /. 6. IRwse, Prop.

Tel. 28 W. Dosoris Lane.

On the walls interior of


Through the untiring efforts oil some of our most prominent ladies, the Nas­sau Hospital Endowment Association of Glen Cove, has raised the i|8,000 neces­sary for the endowment of'a bed in per­petuity, in the Nassau Hospital. The committee to whoxh applications for use of the bed should apply, is composed of Mrs. Birdsell, Mrs. Johnf Small and Mrs. Charles H. Barrett.

, RiFT The mid-season event will be a moon­

light dance of the Pacific. Engine and Hose Company, which will be held on Wednesday evening, August 8, at Har­bor Beach Pavilion. The bommittee in charge includes Oscar Dbryea, Edgar Sprague, Benjamin Small, Burt Price and William B. Fling. Arrangements have been made to convey all those 'who attend in stages, which will leave the Oriental Hotel every half hour after eight o'clock


Hoard of K.'tilroud Coinm Al


Hioin r». ny, July 2A, V.m.

Al petition, uuder sect ion fi'2 of the railroad law, by The Long Ixland HHIIroad Company, having been preflented to tbla Hoard, alleg­ing that public sjiivtv require« the «lo«irir and dtooontinuHnce of the krade eroMttlng: of said company's railroad hy hlghw ^% known ae the ('Ion Cove !Back Koad t am, .siinonnon Koad, in the Town of Oynter sBity, Naeaau rounty, both of tint eroeeinge being Hltuated at s point about 2*M feet distai.t eaeterly from the Ui ceo vale Ktation on nald conipany'H railroad, and afXlng this Hoard to aetermine that Maid grade cro*»iiig* shall tic cloHc-d and dlscontiuuedL the travel there­on jto be diverted therefrom by the coa-Htruction of new piece* Of! highway on the easterly and westerly nidew of the railroad to an andercroesing of said railroad which t i p petition tmkn Hhall bu conatructed at a point not far north of the present grade cToaalnge. and asking this Hoard to deiermlne that said new pieces of highway and said under crossing shall be constructed,—NOTICE hereby given that a public hearing on sal petition .will be held by this Board at t' Green vale station on said company's road,on Tuesday, August 7, lwjfl, at o'clock a. m.

By the Boa: J. 8. KENNKHY,


we have an advantage in drug gell­ing. It is natural that our immense business «and cash buying should

ive it to us. If you are unconvinced nd aye open to conviction, just com-

rc our stock and prices with those f other dealers. That is as quick a

way as we know of to make you a patron of ours.

MATTHEWS Manufacturer of aad Dealer lm

Fine Harness, Saddlery, Whips, Spon Etc., Etc.,

Wortaiiaiiililp Guaranteed.

'i • • ' * f i i •n ' > • • HI


aepalring Promptly


and Glen Gove ft



A T E ged and rented, j Furnished

in Sea Cliff and Glen Gove. Bought,

cottages f o r t Hear water and Gob* Club. Call at our office and find listed on the books what' you have been looking for.


Glen Street, Glen Cove, L. I. L. E. PARLIMAN, Mgr.


Tl|e rally of the Holy #ame Society, which took place last Sunday; brought about 5,000 together. The visiting dele­gates were met at Nassau station and accompanied to the vacant lot opposite the St. Patrick's Church, where the ex­ercises of the day took place. .Rev. Father O'Reilly made au address of welcome. Prof F[ Carrapndy, of: Col­umbia University, was the speaker cf the day and gave a forcijrfe talk upon the general topics of the day.

At the Bay Shore Horse; Show, which is to begin next Tuesday \\ and continue over August 4th, at Oakwood i*ark, Harry Ladew leads all im the number of entries, among which ate Sadie Mc­Gregor, Buster Brown, £atzeujammer Kid, All There, Blue Grass Boy, Danc­ing Duke and Dancing Dechess, Artist's Model and My Dream, j. Herbert L. Pratt has entered for < one event only, the South Side Tandem Oup, on which he has already a leg. Miss Mollie Max­well is to show her harness pair, Venus and Adoius and Jacobite.

Harvey Ladew ajnd Miss Elsie Ladew have made splendid showiugs for Elsinore Farm at

L Wall


Branch. «

» The big circus—which! means every­body 's day in G|enj Odve this year falls' on Tuesday, July «|l, wh4h The Frank A. Bobbins Co. All Kew;Great Feature Shows will, so to speak, r|itch their city of tents in our midst, and in pageant and performanoe almost lorrerwhelm us with their grand and glorious railroad aggregation of w|ld beasts, eminent equestrians, acrobats^ Jtfgglers, aerial-ists, hilarious host of clowns, daring charioteers, dashing jockeys and per­forming animate, in almost incomputa­ble profusion. T^e press of Greater New York has already unanimously ac­claimed the exhibition a really great one, and its manager, Frank A. Rob-bins, an arenie caterer par excellence, who knows just what Will best please the public, just where to get it, just how to present it, and last, but not least, just how to gain and retain gen­eral good will and respect. Space is in­adequate to enumerate the hundreds of rare wild beaste, arenie, hippodro-matic and specially sensational features, which fill great special trains, stupen­dous waterproof tents, two rings, an elevated stage and acres of aerial space to overflowing.

FOR SEA CLIFF lC&ke your application NOW to havo

your houso connectod. CHEAPER AlTTJ BETTER

iWY OTHER LIGHT Greatest Modern Convenience

STo Borne Complete Without

A GAS RANGE. Send a letter to the Company and you

11 have' GAS for lighting, Cooking and Heating.

CLIFF « GLEN COVE 6 1 $ CO, P. O. Box 211





Sanitary Inspection of Dwellings a Specialty. ptfail Orders Promptly Attended to.

Xtcrcle iprocketi turn Bfcycle sproekrtt tnrfl between bearingi. outside beiringi.

3o per cent, less pressure on the hesr- ] ings of a Racycle than; on a bicycle; therefore it turni U easier. Ride further and faster with lest work on the Racycle. No oil can required.



we supply the best and most reliable Lumber. If you want to build a boat, we will iirovide the Timber, staunch and strong, ready to stand the j water tost. If you want to build a home, we vjfll supply you with the proper Timlxsr ui any lengths or sizes—all well-season. e l Lumber that is free from imperfect­ions, and will not shrink or warp in the s in . And the prices will criticism

£ €. Partisan,


Grand Soiree Every W\

Sacred Concert Bv^ry Sunday;

Table D'

es^ay and Saturday Evening

sbments of all Kinds


Dinner 75c


Bait and Tackle Always on Hand.

Tel. 097 J. Sea Cliff F. BOSTELMANN, Mgr.


Marine and Stationery Engines Over-hauled and Repaired.


AutomooiK Telepnone 144-L.


! ' 1-\

:• I - c

• •

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