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In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA...

Date post: 31-Jul-2020
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^irmimmw^ mm n m ~aan V -or H. OH* the tuneral ot General S u u » ? L ? ? ? W l A comrauruoation Waa S S J S A ^ W . J\ Warden, Jdr. WAY»«TJS figffift ' ron > t whart l.cealoa*tftecWtro«t °V? »*ton Mr. STOKLXY. presented i^HiX 91 !***.' h>r Hose, askin* to be l o S W J J i t e lr »m Company. Koierrod. EP wl8 WalB» Mr. KYAMB presented an ordinate he paving 01 Hare street, in t h« % Wii Mi -^mmm. ^F ..'; r *'»! ;< °'7 JU« vi «»iB HI root, In th« MuJWvTI^ i ———"T_-—** '—' d to tho Committee on ™ *«i**i>*iMW ^ w ^ S g - ^ ' ^ T . -..r niii c . HAH.I.9 coLitolnsi fifit»»w! WrBCBAaMKr OF THE 6ULF. •tilth Wnrti, p r u S & m , ^ * r elect »H StPA*^i THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21» 18oI _. '•' ' "" '" "*""'' "•''•• wiiw ••••ni»iiiwini»i» iniiit»wnn H..IJ. •i-mw wmnm-iiiii"' "n"'• '«-4'wnmn»ii"» ...HUM ,,»,»,.J[,^ man mm - i r mil .... . i . mi r' " " ' "' "••"•" " '' —-*.— J -._.- .... - r ^ p , -*• | •,• „ , , , • - ,f , , • -, • , , lM- •• 2K= oxj I'oieirod Mr. 8 Tweute.flfth Waru, preeonied^^eloot was sworn lat<> office. u,s Ofodonti Mi-.Cnfcfl.VKLL, trom tho Co-nmm ported an orim.anco to create t i f t ' 00 °U lour hand red tnousaud dolors M > n °t o taking possession of the tiiShlS* ( he pu Works. Referred. «o«haru UVm Mr. TAYLOR presented an u tho traj»wayin« ot Hampton J?!? 10 ? **- Ajrrecd to. Also, ouo to gJzi d ., Al '3r . Agreed to. »*»ao Clarienj Air.C'tiK«wiiLLcalk)dnpthe loan ft « * tho extension ol (ho City Gas Worka '*•' Mr. SULJKR called ARTO 'resented an ordinance t 'MM prawn.. ,„(•«> motion ot'a sewor on FraniX 1 " 0 /^ Urn Kigbtooufh Ward. Amvodio. U ° t<X M Mr. iAvi,()« called up on ordinanM *«« the grading, cnlveitiu/and br.ci"in r Jt^ rt f iiomGonriantotrB Road to SlsheViiLamTO to ilii'hwav Cominitteo. °" •« Mr. STOHLBY called up an ordinance t*« ounoil, providing .or laying water pipe TQ^ *fri61th„, woyiutentgl C son stieoi. (occurred in. A rcto utioii, asking tor tho dischariro nt M, I l M f - , 0 9 «>1 aniccd to Semal Mi's from Select Conneil In, when the Chamber adjourned. were coo LIBERALITY IN T H I LUTHERAN Cnrji —A bonventiou has boon iu session tho preset] In (ho church oi tho Kov. Dr. HAY, in n ltn J ol wtisoli A. F. OCICUKSUAOSKN, Esq., of A'o»1 was Channuin, and HOY. E. W. Hurras,. citjr, acted aa Secretary. Its object was to totter oudowraent ot Pennsylvania Col em. known Lutheran Institution, located atCo'tn Fa. Tho following libeia] subscriptioug'Jd aized i—• " Hem J. 1«). Craoir, Phi'adolphia A F. tickershausen 8c I'rotlicr, New Tori" Uov. Victor h. ( ourod, New York " It:v. Frederick Benedict, Dodiord, Fa '" l v n o s A. Morris, I>q., York. Fa ;" Citizens ot Gottys; ur,-- aud Adams county. " Al.utiu lluoh'er, K^j., 1 biladenhia "' Ke?. F. W. Courad, Chumborsiburif '" ltef. W. II. Uainn. York,Fa ...,] Dr. Hiojtor H. Mublevtorz, Itoadiu?, Fa.""" I'he en ire snm proposed to be raised iii'ld met from fan ausricioiis be«inninp; fl ma<Jeitl;l buri,'it mil no doubt bo roadiiy secured. f'REPARINO FOB TIIK COMINO El-ECTlJ fho citizens of the Tenth Ward, faronble] elect.on of tho Union tickot, are bardatirorl \ i>33 HK tho Ward, in view ol the approschiJ tion. Committees have been appointed tho blocks. Tho Union majority at tho tion, reached twelve hundred and thirty.^, thought that it will reach tsro thousand at the'e o)ec ;on. At a meo:luf? ot tho Exocntire €o« ol the Union parly of this Ward, held on evening, the ioliowiuy resolution was passed- /'(.so ved. That lor tho purpose ot seoDriarl Un'on vote on the day of the Presidential IY th.-ro shall be a comitiittoo of three geutta* pointed in caoh b!;ck in the Ward, who*ej •hall bo to cauvass said blooK, and to use theirn endeavors to have every Union votepollojj '• day ot eiectfon. DEATHS OF SOLDIKRS. —The follol deaihs were reported yesterday at the Medio roctor's Offloo in this city :— Summit Honie—Vmoa Hodgors, C, 28th V Wi ham Ailen, H. 1st U. 8, C. Filtiuit S.V-et-J, W. Tomly, E, llftiiN. Y.j A. Sui'th, A, laSth Fa. Whito HalV-l'homas T. Glazier, B, 6th William Gau, D, 10th N. H. Chesnut Hill-E. B. St.nson, F, 12th Maine. Haddington—John Ha port. B, 27th Mich. Beverly-Jos. Ne b f, if. 61st N. Y.; J. 8. Br E, lfit Aid. Cav. ; George Milton, D, 60tn iiathias Oboln, C, 43th N. Y.: Williani biov/i 73d N.Y.i C. 11. Faruum, B, 82d Maine; J\ Ashby, B, 7th Va. THE ITALIAN FRIG ATE.—After a visil ioituii'ht the Italian fri«fafo Principe Umberto\ lor Genoa on Wednesday at lour o'olosk Dnrtafl her Btav hero the offloers were taii.ed by somoof our prominent citizens—ho3i which, wo l^arn, was much appreciated audi by them iron) fta very informality, asitwaal toe oariv in tho season to admit of anything f social reunions. M my ox the offlcors wer ixutaiives ot tho oldestiamihosin Italy.and<. they did uot belie their nobility, for more in and aeeomphshed cpntwmen, in every sen? i]imav.o neviir fMlfid our shoi03. W«»' 1,V that it inaf t>o repeated at s o m e "future~petiod. | - \ ROBDING A FCDLOW DOS«8XI0V-Ci1 nr.;K NWLT, a domestic employed In tlVia I Mr. PARTOL, on So ith Tenth street. w«) beiere Alderman BIUTLKS. yeeterda/, ap ; charnre ot robbing CATHAUINB POWDA*T, ' emplovoJ in the same family. §100 in mMM dwseos and a cloak. Tho robbory wss p«W. on \\ odn»»sday evcr.lnsr., Au apron stolen iron hunk, and Iu whioh the money was wrtpi^ recovered in the r'mk attached to thedweMJ; aconsed lud gone into tho yard shortly f robbery was made known to Mr.BAaTOt. tendant was oomm^tted. CONCERT HALL.—A largo moetiogj hold, la*t evenitJft-at Coneert Hail. Wn.U I>.o., presided. Addresses wero deliverec Tow-*R ( of Fottsvi!)e, Major DKoa^o, of»« i MalftO, and others. KuUy o^>lhird of t"«" iworelauics. Among ttio distinguishedf!MM hected to deliver addroMcs atthlsHsl', ,m ic'ogco 'ho cannaign. aro CovernorU»'« IDOUQULRTY, lion S H. HAKKIH»TON,Jr, ( id »are, Hon, WAY»»MoViAWAtw«p t IViKiW DAvi •, o. Aluryiacd. Tup, MURDER ANIXJXIO CKIIKOIH.NO, an OF Join* WIL-U . Ita'ian.haa be« n j ui.or. the charge of lieinsr accessory to tlioM rfoHM WILLIAMS, who died from the ofl*j»» Irocoived on last Saturday night, I n * " * southeast corner ol Eighth •«* <iRii The prisoner was engaged in tnetw»j' , ; puty who llourishod a pistol WfJ^S k Shoot, lie was hold IOV a liearinif beioro i uer, on ^Monday n e x t . _ , KECRUITINo IN PHILADELPHIA.-- ' ; dav mornintr Mayor (IBXUV Issued wil ' ) r *^ j i payment of bounty to uitr-six m^n. V' ibrt-Mirwore credited to theJWjft^ f?fa, l e:/ht to tho Seventh, anil Wentjr.***^ toenth Wards 1 hore are abont six nana men yet required to Uli tha qaota j^Jja-ai defloiency will be made up byeaw* in a ver>- short time. _ A WORTHY OBJECT.—A m 60 * 1 ^. was held yc^tor.lay afternoon, in 8*» s0 ® ^, B fI lor tJi pnvpofe ot devising plans iot '?° » i .orphansof soldiera and sailors. »" IllAJiiriT was called to tho ^''JrTintercl \ K«LI.Y acted as Secretary, -After »iree ( , rt jn I ! ot views it was resolved to give *«Lv>flil>(>r' I this object, on Thursday evening, w* ! Sanaott Street Hall. To BE HKOPBNED.—The reope M outsido lino of steamers Between tWJJjf 1( York will take place to-morrow, closed wi ,,,uetheNexr««i fonrSol ] fiP^ttZuj>.UM send .you jhe obtained as tha o» Wiwr air. 0UW£KUUUCU Up ail ordinT.'. ^XfO structiou ola sower on Green atnSt"L l<i ' second loTwe.ity-ioarth streets p.L . 0&i Mr. EVANS ca'iid up an ordinal.!? 8 ?' I strueiion ot a sewer on Callowhilt • uLr T *hl tr-seooud street. mu 8tre «t, a ttrt l he Fie^iilein appointed th«foPft«,i« Committee provided tor in tho NMI!**I fLQHR, rearaiifing M a J o r - G e a o r S f i g S S S H UEII?. 11 "' KykHMAN ' GttA «. LouoS Y: " * Mr. BrfMM the const i ,H*V*?$ $£££, L*. October 11, WW. ;\trfW. >J* t set trom adcapatch iron* & Kebel Kretary of War, is pub- fe*^' U U,SA SKor>o>', Secrebry. Pit H B - J M l , i t a ? Sir :-TM U>no hi Y^' itu?ttas amy ever/abic-bodie WjB^SSnSSSSnei L»-. sept.26, has come ... , lv ,.,,,, ........-bodied negro fllWM. 55»ilM)Wd t;c done iinmedlately at Go eofflfeji ,«isoW»r. atlft idiOud, ge/'Kiu, tuk« action I he negro-knowa Xbi» oned in conf«cqucuce of the ^£T?iI r tbcnr i nhdrawu tho reasols from i "°^Z~~- CITT BTOnOBS. T * PnrehsuN) V****}** o0 r At low prlci, make a * ' « ^ % ^ J>od*< Bafc»i-«Ai»* OABMBIITS. We are MU *™ / • $ p#\ stjrta. fit, make and material, ^ r9m M ^7 A . ma diU\ lower than h now cn*"gert *>' «™* ^ pt 0 ttiiaS' We hava an styias, slses and prf»» °J Z.^ 0 tit <• roatliV and twa'. A11 can be ^ ^ r r t r * * ' ojiei"'«""'-;•,. njAgtlou. ine negro -anowa (5t**K^ e j S S S l o i » if ho goes to the \e*»ot ^.^^ ICl pert»i.-t parttn the war. J He*»'P'W«L a Ji <, l \ v0 * hta potion of •nd bo wi * hare leainod iiom dear- ran be tangfat to s ^ u ".ar«ja«,'wi^Bs itfktcd rsuks ot ouv arno&s wflluuliee" ail able to tear arms, and ,3r«J than sgaiast us, and swell tn- >' « ^ t W s 0 S a t 1 « M r t attention. i W.O'.C |b«i«M. I remain, Tjigyatt, vnf tewectrnlly, your obe- rtn-May W. ALLta, Governor ot Lo.xto.vna. im ef perrons to «he« it Wfi«! d d l£SL l S l tM i into the armies ot tho UuHed Mates u wiil lo iweo,_|aa i.11 minted iuto tho ai vduntoovR, or will be tniploTeu IB their isoartes win w c ; ftNHi to care ior thoiu- aud lAST JwuiW \tt aecepte^i ai Lb'ic srrYX-e, - >\ieir are in a coU'-inoii 1 i d rait should become necessary no I iuttOB agSast them will be mra- on the en- zn'or droit. _ <, p, VBT . te'er of Major-Coneral h. I. 8 •. V A r ("nreT KH wh:,L'eut..(V>ioreUndA. A. Q , Kccorrry orBosTl«««"» r,a? "'..„ M U u cStobef 12. I I M h Major-Oeneni Mdlug ba« tho tfauuaaueu«' aBneuocjagtiiat ^ J a l flags log, but ,with«t toja; 0 oonor fTJatoa troop* serving la tl.o I*eiartmont ol l-u tad the Departmeatoi the Gart, daring MS via/, hare 111 been rerai.tured while on •W to tne Kebel Wsr ll^ailmont at Kiett- $l«k ot tliem SI beloBir to regiment! that are fr, wrvico wi I at once be restored, aid tho ie< tesMitto Washington, l« oe disposed IMV be directed bv tno Seeretafl' of War - JrfMOf Msjor-tieiiMs! B, K. 8. f'AKBY. I, I KRifTKXfntN, l/eut.-Co'Oi.ei and A. A. G. It-ral Lee's Expedition—Great Destruction of Keb 1 8tor«s. im ReCOB, L A . , Oct. lo, 18C4.—On Wednea- Ma mstui.t, »t seven o'clovk 1'. 41., General oft Union KOuae on auotlKir of those sudden »irv ralda 'or whioh ho is beeoinins ranohs, ttavaUil if a disfSBce ot ior.y-rlvo miles on by- i lao a circuiuus route, in order to elude the IlldMSs, at dsyrl.'ht on the moralBg ot tho ipWnodapoimeallod Itoeky Hill Crossroad, Eohsto the southwest ol Clinton, whero bead* TlJl W6M established and the main body tn- I ur CHAIO. of the Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry, t'ataiv o: ii clte.i man, wus directed to mow on i . uetliak'iy. lli:«be did, oupletoly sur- ttu••town aud capturing Ln tteaunt-Colonol M3IT, PfOVOSt Jfu.slial, and tnirty-ono men; a etusiderftble siaeunt ot stores of various Destmetlin of Rebel Store*. few o'clock 1'. M, c the same day Major MOMT- IT of the eJxth Mi'isouri Cavalry, otiackeil o, oa the Jack SOB Kuiirond, acd captured tlic iph evwister, nis:runwMila and dent>aiolioa, and nuu. Le iJso destroyed forty thousand oi bacon, irro hundred barrels of whisky, a losmty ol shoes and clothing, and several iii Mjir.il ot arms, which had been colloctod lor •>M9 et snriiijr tir.i» militia. « JIII..«AV,MT te** Mas»*dl •*<«ro wwrt- Ul us icnw oi tome six ov el^dit hundred men nam i, a point o» the sailvoad about ten miles 1 Osyt.ee. Us had less than one hundred men uen: ooniiaod, and did not think it prudent to ktwra. tlv rotnrn of Majors CRAIO arid MON-WJOMKWY 'hr Hill, General Lm. moved with his whoio Uieoiisburg, twenty Kilos distant In a south- v dirtct-on, aud tcok possession ot iho town Rebel tiovornii!ei>f hsd erected here a tanner J Boat extensive irate, wateh was designed to * UMr soldiers with shoes. This, teget£er with fiiethi.uwijid rides ol leather and hides, In vaii tfwOi preperalion, werecompletelj dsatreyed. iWMptuiedthroeofllests andtktrty Bieri,aBiOBK tiptsm AuoiaoK, (^wrterraasier. who had in liesiieB a iiiiiiioii and a fall <>.• tio.lus in Hebol .fv\r dousroi which wasconibcated. nilsi distant fiom Gteentburg, and ou the HI Hailresd, wa. ikuated Camp Xiooits where touAriplj were bcM" coliecicd. Hearing ot uppioaeh tn*y a.i dtspetsed. A large quantity 'its ar^t the extensive b. nacJ.s being erected \iOiO<it*tj©ycd. It stum of tlip Kxpedltion. oxwdiUoe returnod to Baton Boage on the u* of the Wh, having eintnred twoiinndrad w h rsea and mules, aud bringing with it otor M ind contraband* 'these are material N '. ; lOf l i l SUOCOSS. v lew Rebel troops were leetL The most ot o. ir»i to havo none north towards Jackson ai.d Piu.it.- cast 11 tic roihoad, Rebel Prtaooerfl. tellowiBfi w a paidal Itit of prisoners caniured neraiLBjij—M R, kinknoyi ivuhth Lealsiana •• : i. cn-Dai.'.-t olcuel tommaiidinu and pro- loishaji B.McVVethty, W . H . S t o n e . Co. E, > r; -jjtTont; U, P. Hairls, Fenter's Ttatterv ; •vwryilte. Co. -i, Norwood's Batten; A. C. WcVejr-. laird L<iui#fat<» O a e a l i y j w u i . ' i Y o t - "• k rikfrd Louisiana < avalry; W. Clam pott, »i 'trtl Loaiiiiiai Cavalry j 9, RoWasoii, Co. D, Uw.nana Cavalry j j. iifce. Co. A, Reserve 'jb". i. i; uhardsoi, ( o. A, Norwood's Battery; bp«|V< o, i\ i jvj*t LoiiisiaUS Cayaiiy; J. W. 1 'biyyntond, Co. C,'Third Louisia. a ( »v- w.Hoi ... VYftshiBgton A n . ; J . I - Perrr* 1 •' ! . -• listpplines, ( o. F, Thud Loursiaua Injiftii.ier, Co. A, Ogden's BattA* i * v. K, Fourth Loateiaaa tuion- W. C. liuutington, Co. A, hmtrvi W, B- thrown, Co. tt. i ( . h y ; T. Hammond, Doyle's K. i hUrenden, Co. A, Nonsood's 0. I aqua! District Attorney. iscepl i wo met seemed realiy fehtr <o "'»! ekiirvSsoda hopo that the war would Mir, 1hev amanx-ou< to sot tho r cotton Jb'o CMT loartots, to exchange lor grcen- »ro many small lots of tliin coiamo- w cemitry, which the people have n.a- 1 ; : ; . dei p to repeated orders to burn it or rt **»i oi rear! fiivor, on the approach oi ( ' f Orty or Ihty carts loaded with the pi o- wp'fl tvers met o.i tne road, lho owners h ' U i,i, o to lw.nk it throagb our lines at '>«'! e Ueneral Lwi wat conroelleu, how* 'fine 0=1 ea to e ; ze the horses, and loafe the ill ami cotton bv tlmtoadsiae. '••itniy Cbnoxes nt Roto* Kongo. r-Clirn ral F. J. lii::::-,cn, lor some months command 61 tho District oi Baton Iiougo : - ttudnois, 1 leave tn | nay or two foy Ai- 1 •" an important special mission connected ' wry aiiHirs, t the nbponce of General Hanaojj (wliici I •• ••». is to to temporary }, GeaerM w . p . BUN* are the oblei command. .•' vv. j , I.A.M).',UK, ot tho Ninoieenih Ken- itio:9e*«9 Goncral BXMTOD es CommAndorof i.e. o* Baton Roufo, I \ ...i.tAM \. PIMS.QI Mis!omi i to BO <•( mm: ml ot' Port Hudsou i '.; on n, L. AM>RUWBI who will c iiam h i m t.ui department. FII>S:AJNOIA.XS AJPFAIBS Tnxm«DAT, Octobef 20.-Tho Stook market was quite dull today, iudueneed by the encouraging news from SHMUDAH'S army and the retrograde movement in gold and exchange, hut prices fluctu- ated oemparattyely little. Thore was a general hv disposition on the part of speculators to enter into any new oonttaets. The Money market is easy for call loans, at 7 to 8 per eent. on wide margins. Deposits are being ac- tively withdrawn from the banks to meet the first installment on account ofthe new forty million loan, due on the 20th inat. The balance will bo payable at tho end of the month, and meauwhile some little activity will be experienced Jn monetary circles, althcnj.'h the flow of currency from tho army, navy, and country generally is jnat now ooneiderablo, and will operate against stringency. A general meeting ot tho stockholders of all bnt three ot the cttV banks was held to-day, "lor the purpose of taking into consideration and deciding on the question whether or not tho said banks shall become ossooiations for carrying on the business ot hanking under the laws of the United States, and of exorcising tho powers conferred* by the act of the General Ai-s^mWy of this Commonwealth, entitled 'An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to 1«KM.MO associations for the purpose ot bank tap, under the laws ot the United States/ approved tho Ji2d day of Augnst, 1864." There was not a dGgout ing bank as tar as wo could learn, and hereafter they will all become National bauks. Gold opened at 21LJ, but after tho receipt of tho news ot 8flHR.ii>Ave victory it declmod to 207, a do- e'lne oi 4 ^ cent, from the highest figure of yester- day, closing at 200. j Government loans were a shade lower. The Seven- thirties, Apnl and October, sold at 104j|; tho *ivo- twonties, coupons off, at lOOJ^olOtJj tho Ouc-yoar OrtiBcates at 85, and tho Coupon Sixes, 1881, at 106* ® 106|I State Fives w re dull at 93J; City loans of the new iaanes sold at 102j(j$102i, and the old at «>l@9»?; Pennsylvania liallroad Mortgage Bonds were oflered otllO; (ho Second Mortgage at 108; Philadelphia and Kilo Railroad tt's at 102; Reading Railroad Bonds, t f 1770, at 101; North Pennsylvania Hailroad 0's at D7; and Sohuvlkill .Navigation Loan at 88}. Rending ItsProad was the only one on tho above list at which there was any spirit. It opened at GO}, b, and then sod largely at 60, regular, and 60];u#0j, bi*i, dosing at tSOl; P e i m a y l v a n i a liallroad was firm at 70, witli 60J bid; and Camden and Amboy Railroad st 100; CatavFwa Railroad, common, sold at 18{; tho preterred nt 88; Miuehill Railroad at5&j; and tlit'.itm.ndon and Broad Top Railroad at 00. There »little or nothing doing in Bank stocks, as no transfer can be made for the next two weoks, but thoy aro firmly held. 1J8 was bid for North Ame- rica; EC tor CouHLorcial; 20 lor Mechanics'; 47J ior Poun Towni'hip; 28 for Manufacturers' aud Me- chanics'; 87 tor Consoldation; 47} (or Common- wealth; and 46 lor Union. Canalstoolf were very quiet. Lehigh sold at 76; Suqonhant.a at tfi; nud Merris Carol, consoildatvxl, at C8, BO chanffO] 35] wore bid for Schuylkill Navi- gation Froierred, and 27 >or tho oommon stock. CUv Parsottger Railroad sharas oonttane very dnll. </.)) was bid for Second and Third; 29 for Green and (oates; and 26} tor Girard'CoUcqo; SO was nakod (or I'enth and Eleventh; 88} lor 8pruco and Pine; 67 for Chesnut and Walnut; and 18 for Arch. In Oil stocks there was loss activity and le.s fitm* nosa in prices. iho following aro tho quotations of the leading tool and Oil stocks, mado up to 3} o'clock: Jkd. Asked.1. +... ~.«eiju, . M W<t. Atted. H 1 .. \H .. IH m 132 su 18 lis T*" lttl,KJ6®105ijUnited States New Certificates of In- I Hare, Brewn, Washington, n A Adams"; OWLecke, debtednes8,94j*SH5. United States Seven-thirty notes, > SHigVi fe?*?" *8* d »j ^o? F }w Dr *P 0 )f Danteu, ted. Asked, L. ^,.. ~ 4 ri'iv . b N."Y. tttid Middle Coal fleia 13 C r*en McuatJifn.. 4H N. Oarhondtls C'b 2 Kew Oreek Coal.. 1 Feeder Dam Foal. H Clhitou Coal .... 1 Butler Coal 11 Diamond Coal .... 20 iwatara Fall* AineOcan Kaolin. .. C«nneo«icr»t H Keystone / l a o ..... %H RxcatdorOfl 1 Kip Tank IX CentInsatal Oil .... 1 Parrel— 2* Oil Creek 4H Ataple dhaJs Oil.. 16 McrtiatoekOU .... 6H Penna. retrossum 1 l^erry Oil •< vtinora: Oil 2% Keystone oift Ijf YSMBge OH 3-ia Uulon Petroleum. iS [Franklin Oil 18 S IK 1 IH 14 21 I2X I H 2H IX sx 2 24 17 a s 4 IK 2 H HOMO'S Eddy OIL. ilrvina: Oil Donsator* Daireil oil Mollltcuniy Oil .... Robert* Oh olastead Oil ; KeblaJt DelauvAter tllhbard.iil Iftory garia iBruaer Oil Petroleuai Centre .Kgbart ik lloga Island ders *pr Certifieates ot Indebtedness, mm «BSj 208O200; Sterling Exchange 224@227; Five-twenty Bonds, i@l} premium. Fereificn exchange is stagnant nndor.the reduced demand consequent upon the large exports. Tho valne of tho latter from New York daring tho week ending ou the 14th instant was in exosss of four millions and a half, as the following comparative statement will show :— _ u 1W9. 1MI. ' |«ft. . For the week 05,077,136 |2 880,417 Mi'fM? Frovlously reported. H3,W»,70l lS^aaeaM 1T2,41!^6« Since Jan. 1 .«!wej»7 ai38,2«l,601 »m^27aw The imports oomparo as follows: Dry Goods fil,4.,lj(il UonoralMerchaudlse l,n0i,l)93 .Total for the week P;revloasly reported. SU ,951,670 iS8.jin.2ii 1868. 1864. •1.879.189 i7M,oM 1,400,1)78 2.21ii,(H)5 l>U8oliii MaM^iws lWi'ieiJMf 18LW7.810 BtnoeJan. 1 •141,324,881 ai48ie83v'a« •lMJI*<l,58fl The returns ot the Bank of England lor tho week eactuig Ootober 6 compare with tho statemont of the previous week, as toUpws :— F««K5 deposits Jtl.WlflSS ' *6.877^91 Other doposIU I2.5H8W1 11,731,746 Gpverument seenrltles .... liAmm 10 Ml 03» Other Mourttlas 2* 414,480 W.8368W Notes in circulation 2U,24v,<V25 21^>1.6W Baccteaml hulllon 18,12l!l23 U.908,210 lho rctuin of the Bank of France for the week ending October 6, shows the following ohanges com- pared w.tu the previous account:—Decrease—Cash, eleven and a halt millions; commercial bills, two millious; treasury balance, thirty-one and two-thirds mil.ioni. Increase—Notes, twelve millions; current ft0C0 !l nt '. 8;x , anU a Qalt ntillions} advances, one and one-third mill on. The Bank ot Berlin has raised its rate from 8 t o 7 per cent., and the Bank of Holland has raised its rate trom 6 to 0> percent. On other port ons ol the con- tinent money is very firm in prioo. Tl'O quotations in the loading cities uro:-Paris, 7®8?; Vienna, &^6; Berlin, 7; Frankfort, 8} Amstordaw, 6,; lnrln,8; Bruaee.e, 6; Hamtmrg, 6}; St. Petersburr, 6i«£l0. DOMESTIO*MARKETS. PHILADECnilA MABXETS, TmiraanAY, Oct. 20.—Fhe FLOUR market is oxtremolv quiet to-day, the demand boinar limited both for shipment and homo consumption, bat prices are unchangod. Sales ot 1000 bUls., iu lots, at $10 *> bbl tor good super- fine; *10-8O&10-&0 [ot extras, and »ll 60^12 26 ior evtra lamny and tanoy. lhe sales to tho retailor* and bakora havo been within tho range of the same quotations. BYE FLOUR Is scarce. A small sale at S9 ** bbl. In CORN MEAL nothingdoin*. The WHEAT nurket is dull, and prices favor bo> em. Sules of" 3"XX> hush good and prime Penn- sylvania ana Western rod at $Sr2t<gA>& Wbush; 40> bush. Southern do. at $2 83, and 8A» lush. Kentucky white at $2-60. I 4AH) bush. Southern BYE sold at «P00, a doclino of 8o. CORN is also 8c. V bush, lower, and 8200 bush yol owsold at »1 b0. In OATS no chancre. 1200 hush , part in tho car, so'd at 84c. BARK.—No. 1 Quercitron Bark is held at f40 |» ton, but without sale*. Cloveisoed is eoarco, end worth $9-76 9 04 ML In tho absence of sales wo quote Timothy at $6 60, aud Flaxseed at fORv*6»i |> bnsh. A cargo of soft PLASTER sold at $660 ton, a decline. Iu GROCERIES and PROVISIONS there is bnt little doinjr. Bv nunlton to-day, 80 bales COTTON (ex steamer LiUiun), sold by order ot tho United State* Marshal, at $102,'»T »'i, ana a few bags at 46c. WmSkY.-Tho demand is hmtted. Hma'l sales of Ohiobbls. at $1-78, and Pennsylvania at $176® 1-77. EXPORTS AND The fohcwlB* aro voited iti)u> tht* port Oct. »«. MM !~ BKOI.SKB '.TrfTIA.-. iolea ex uk omttng 1 7»i 12H UH IS 8X Allegheny Klver.. Cartln ITilla. A Oil Crook Bull Creek (loriiiiuls.. Com Planter ...... BrigMS Oil BocYOh •INirr F a r m ......... Oiolie Farm. VA Hihuylklll and Oil IX Cixj«k IX I" 4X % 3X IH ix % \H th ix 2 IX IX *H IX ax Vi IX IN Bark, hMs .... 179 67 IW Cheese, lbs... 1.M1 4f8 Ind. Com, bu. ICO 188 Oil Cake, tons, 115 e.te. BtLoreM. I'etieleuin, refined, gallons, a 7,eS9 .... VliAKOB. Petrolanm, crude, gallons, 1M.8W.... OVBA. 2400 Petrelonm, refined, colons. 79 ?;a Wht*t. bus.. 23,811 Floor, hbls... 4,115 •67,sae 10,171 4N40» •at>,s*e •M,»H Beacon OU., I-UILADELPHIA 8TOCK KJCOHANtlE 8A I S A October 20. lftsi. BKFORK BOARDS IfftO uli Corn Planter. y; low I. II. Cn $ i. ).. d.( i [.'eta,-?, my: VI * i .!air.., is wlills i ;.'T' I ^i i. . in Me 300 W 100 soo do.. do. do. do. do. do. do, ,...e5 .'/.bin .... U5 ...we , ^idys 7H 7*4 7X IH 7Xi li6 sn Union Petroi'm 2H\ •,M do 2*&i FIRS'. I5fler.n.5-20's.cp.oo.:ni x seOfCly c's UR S2I10 do 61) sh Jiew Creek.,... 200 do 100 sh Cam. UK liWs., Oil Ore*k HO 'h Nebfe A Oct .... tO do 1W gh Book Oil b'W 1&0 mi Clinton Coal .... 1 lvMxhKeys'o i'.hic..M Vi m do..r ........ 2.H BOOahBlgTank | 1W ah Morris Cul fi8 3 Hi sh Hull Creek 4H 4MsaOlBMtNidOU..,. JX SMsh Kxcctsior IX 100 all Reading bUfl 6«.X HOfh Hrinur Oil IH BOABli 160 sh Reading RR.edi 60 fh McOltntoek. 11 rh lUnchlU &!! 2, Hh Maple Shads 100 f 8^0 100 100 mo m M has boon. roi.BViny: oon have LEGAL IHTELLIGEliCE. f»M> bVAlXt' CiKcuiT Cotnsw-Juufei Ciiiirn ' * i-v;,i. j.Ai'KK.—Uli'OKI'AST PATSNt VA.ni.~- JkMKRT Of ABW1UU>AM'0 I .vi'i.yr buojuc- b r>.RI>AU VS. DlOXlRfON, KA&.1, CUASK, ' • . . i QUP90M (JciiirJ'.tiUARTia'Mi'ro.N, npo- i """ .i t his ease was argue * on Friday last) • ,'ourned until ycMtertUy, (or (bo filing ot t c- k w tu.wer. Tiie c e o was iu' , > argued, aud v ...dee was made, awarding the Injune- * '» • r..».r, to wi! s tbil twenii th -!ay OiOc- r i '* •' . v, •'.. this cause came on to bo 'card on " '•'•' i ,i :.ul injimctioii, and the u(hdavit8 lor i '•'• •"' ; < ;, a d others, and tho answer oi doiend* ••••" boon read and filed, and tho cause ••• lulls argued i y coun«ei, w. D. BOOTH, BUAia)iTfQnnd.J. P. MOWTOOMRUV, ami hy cuRoe, Esq., ior detecdants.it is or- m Injunction bo lamed restrsiniug the uutif llJ.nl hear UK, 0* it»rlh:-r order, >*feu.-, uoing, or yendtog tho uuij^ct matter I'xi'iut ot JOHN AnarBODAM, of Folruary >A." liJMcl'iliui i y . . . W t.o do do do do tie io sh I/ChlfhNav HiO i>h Miso. C a n a l — 100 sh Rei.oUi b ' h u.o ih 00 SB t»ro v. r>. 1-year ^ii's- (Jo I ali.tioC t'ityt»'eN«w ids. 192M 81.000 do 1WXI fcioe co io*w SECOND $2C0r. 8. 7*30 Tr. N. I A. A U. Clean. 104« 8M0 U. S. 5-29 Ls.Bg.101 |200 oo ItcK-'Ol •2,106 tie. ... Now. 100?•• M wO do .... casli.lt. IX •1,1,1,0 C l . y b ' s BR.j^FWl At 1 1 IMC M.WOBusa, 01. 6s .... hih MOV, S.5-i9Roiid8.l0IX •2,bM I . S.6*s.'«• 105*1 aa,tieov.>. 1 ^esxetafc,^^ 4,1 CC0 U. S.6 f S. tll .... !05« iBilio so ic&'* 5Ui sh WeUhenny leO sti ii«•I'smoro SCO sh Story Farm ..... GOO eii coru Plant, bw &ti sh Exoshrior WshCorn Planter... 5tm do J»o MO ah OU Creek..a5*n 1 j.i do •• m sh Com -Plant.. D00 Bush fi.lia.i;OllCr'k toiish Ueid.UHliit 200 uo 210 m do ........... li 0 sh P.UHI. Canal SOshoi creek.. loft-BBfaeea ^^JJU&Q'^OBB. /n'.t .'*••(• - -.•.•30tre. Nt'.104« 115. I 51 ' ] tnn{l p' la, o'i mt.ott.. D»M ih-ia.t -incw .... :wa l- una.(«s...\ .... hi [n c.e. i. F. "«ti mt.ioo '*)H 00 do cash GO Vftttl lOfi do cash 60 1 1 ISO do oash 00 1 | leO do GO ISXi 100 do s5U6 6 ; 100 Co s5 00 UN 100 do 830 10 UN 50 do 80 •INI 100 tio .... l..V.iu. 68 GH 190 th>....b 1 '/»t n. (ill mU 100 do 60 liiM 100 do S3«J fcO ojj, loo do m (io 5X 100 do .... B(tKiii 09 51* 100 do .... s9VWJ W 5H' 100 do U30 6t)5i 6Xi 100 do t>30 Wi 6X. 106 do l>3' CSX SH; 200 do b30 i6X 78 100 do b-Ni 00X 16 1W) do blO 09 100 do blO 00 BoARpa •166City t% V0W...182X 50 sh Hunt.* B. 'fop 30 10(1 nh Deuwaore %H 160 nh Cata.Itl , rf..lM»0 38 BOARD l,t00(Tty6*s.over'70. WX »l 00 do.over '70. 9<iX 100 sh OU Creek 5 60 do 5 loOsh Mcliuennv 5H KW sh MqOthitoek 6 li.O »h Noblo <k Del.3ds. I'M BOARDS. PI6H1I Cmon Pet ICOsh Wetlhennv 100 sh Noble A Del.. 100 fh Egbert tvtl 100 sh Corn IMantcr.... luo sh pensavore Oil., 1000 sh (;enaaiiia Oil... P.9 »h Rook Oil 600 eh KoyHtoiM) ZlnJ.. 2i v 0 8h Corn Pluatci... 100 sh McClintock 20li Hh Hull Crook 100 sh Read. RR.... b30COX 100 do .... Mays 60X 200shMeCi:ntock.b30 CH lull do , ll!0»sh Seneca 036 •200 sh Da:zcH,Pet..h3 NO ih Mollusnay 100 sh Corn Ftautor... 2«0 do b80 190 sh Reading b30 60« 10>> do 00.X 8813,Lard, KM 6,800 61,607 .... 9.774 Lnmtor i,7» .... W^OJ*iPerk.Bhls..... 16 516 vitKv ixnnts. 42 Sl,245 Oil Ileal 6715 310 ?.MH PstiMlsumr*- U.CSO 3,581 micd, gaits.. 2,593 1^63 1.021 4*0 Pork, bbls .... 1ft m $M l.vj Peas. bush .... ISO 6.1J 500 'Mi Tob. Unf, hds ft 5C9 4,0*0 Tob, l^at. bxs 11 1.6T) 4.150 1.072 Flour, MdV.... 1391 15,*1» BBABTIH 1M11J4 iho loilow.'iiK are some ot the prlnoipal articles im- portad into thli port lor tho wcok enulug Oetobtr 26, 1684:- -. VOU COXSVUYTIOB. 5 S'.WJ Nu<*. hens .... 19 , 9t 6ft 14t4 Planter, tons.. 62* S.SH Ale, galls Booeleok Miuh.ueiy .... Beef, bhls Hr«'*d. bhiH.... C'.ndlos. tbs... Sutter, lbs .... Hams, Tbs In. Cora. bo.. In. Meal, bbta. Lard, its. Flour, bbls .... 2,816. Thompson, JOlghton Noblo, Caldweb A (jo: Belli* Pot- ter, ShenaaM, Wasktogten, do; J MoCoy, Johnson, Alexandria, J f t U l l H Rappller; Northern Lkht, Ire- land, PortnssMenroe.do] AraellaWcavar.BewHaven, Wflnaemacher A MaxfloMt J E Pratt, Loekwqed. New Haven, KB Wigton; 8 R Jameson, Jameson, Portland, 11 AudsnriodACo; Aeklam. Hooper, brWgcaort. Slx- nlokson & Glover i J Truman, Olbhs, yew Beawrd,Ciu- notACiaghom? HBlackman. Gaatley.NorfslkrTyler A Co; Clara, Barrett, Fortress Monroe, do; New Jersey, WalhBBB, Baltimore, B 8 Wallows; steamers RoeWaad, Beaufort, Portress Monroe, E A .louder A Co; J 8 Shrl- wr, Dennis. Baltimore, A4lroves,jTt Buggies, McDer- mott. New York, W P Clyde; steam tag Dolphin. Adams, Fortress Monroe, E A Homier A Co. RCAOIKQ, Oct. 18.—The following boats trom the Union Canal paused into the Schuylkill Canal to-day. hound to I'liilodolpbia. laden and oonslKued as follows:— Martin Withern, Kooeooa Flshor, J W ReMiir, and Geo W Waguor. lumber to J H Doyshor; Nymph, Thomas K Shectx. and J C il&nunond. do to 11 Croskey; A Cannon, do to H W Adams, New Vork; Rspabltcan. and Crisis, bituminous coal to Noblo, Caldwell & Co; Mary M I)arr, bark to Green street wharf; Bonaparte, limestone to J Shaefier. MEMORANDA. Ship Sarah M, Pleith, hence at Quebec 14th Inst, Ship Great Republic, Paul, cleared at New York 19th Inst for San Francisco. Ship J F Patten. Percy, from Basseln for Falmouth, E. atStVlelenaSlstAug. Barque Aloitra Coombs, Sylvester, from Boston, at Havana 14th in.it. Barque Adelaide, Prince, hence, remained below New OrUwnB lith iust P.arque Quickstep, Brown, hence at New Vork 19th tost. _Barque Geo TKsmo-(Br), Mayo, trom Pert Elizabeth, COn.,atl5os:on Uth ilisL Brig H G Adarus, Holland, hence at New Orleans 11th hint. Brig SsmI Welsh, Strawbridge, hence, below N e w Or- leans Hth Inst. Bciir Evertrcen, Glover, henco for Boston, at Holmes' Bole Hth inet. , Kchr Kleeuic Light, Wallace, cleared at Portland 17th Inst, tor 1 htlacL-lphla. Sehr Amelia U Loeman, Lmllam beace tor Portsmouth, at HolmcH' Hole lith Inst. flchr Priie, Mayo, houce tor Sace, at Holmes' Hole 17th hlht. Sehr DarM O Floyd, Rackett, hence at New Loudon 17th 2nat. Scbr Sallte T Chartre, Smith, banco for HallowcU, at HoUnea' Hole Hth Jmt Sehr4 C 8 Edwards, Qandy, and W B Darling, Baxter, hmco at Boston Mh last. Sehr Halo, Short, hence tor Newburyport, at Holmes' How 11th Inst. Sola-Martha itobblne, from ProrMeoas for Philadel- phia, at Newport 11th met. Sohr vibart Field. PetUt, hence for Scltuate, at Holmes' Hole 17th hurt. Sobr Cora, Crowell, sailed from Newport 18th lost for Phil'MWlptila. >chr ifatrWlHd, Smtth, benoe forOloacestor.atHolsnes' Hole 11th mat Sehr William WUsen, Bailer, hence at PiovhUnce llth laat Scbr M A Gould, Trim, from Delaware City for Wey- mouth, nt llolmes' Hole Hth Inst. Hohrs AM Irsiami. and C A Heckscher. Smith, from Booton for pblladolp'ila. M Holm«s' Hole l'ltb hwt. Wttn It b Tuy Frecmau; A Hammond Illgjttns, nnd •i««on, Sproinie, bonce for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 18th taut, MARINE MISCELLANY, The Cape Brotou News oi the 8th last say»-"We bavs a report ot thvt deatli during tho shlawrock of his vesoet lu Cs v >arus Bay, about ten days age, oi the yonua wits of an AiKfJ.eau ihipmsdior, who was drowned '»> the caM'inx ot his tmat, in « hich ware tho captain, tha, fe- ceased and hie crew, makltw an attempt to rcachf the laud lYoni tho kdj»e of rock* on which the vessel^had lvt.il Mr, IKH-,1. We learn that a seaman wasdrownod at tho artii.fl time, all the isst having escaped duath." DISASTERS. Fr>T BACK- The scar JMaiv Brown, Harrlneton. hence tor New Orleans, with coal, when off Wilmington, !>«!., aiM-ung u leak, and Mturucd yesMrday tuormo? ior re vahs » Rrlu Geo Amos, In getthnr under way Irom Newport 18th Inst, wt nt ashore near Fort Greene, but v, ould come off on the rise of tho tldo without carnage. C A S I N O I CASINO! AlflUSEBIEiyTS. O A H X N 0 f ASINOI 0A8IB0 CA81NOI CA81NQI CHESNUT Street, above Sixth. JTH/l eiORIOUa ALLIANOG RATIFIED^ E W1REK GREAT POWERS COMBINED. Itt/aW, MIRTU, MSLODt SUU bold their sway at this Institute of the People. New attractions every day, Novelty and fun increasing; All the world owns her sway, SUU the public amply pleading. TUB OHXAV CAHINO Fnrnlehes nightly an inexhaustible fund of ruiui iuumuAfk AUUHEXENT, Presented to delighted audiences. ALL TlHi OHEAT STAR/SI OF THE A OF. Which are grocted by, crowded houses overy evening; First week oi tho engagement of the great MONS. LOUIS ZANFUETTA, The wonderful Pantoiuunht. Acrobat und GymnAt, who »r «.,„*"!. B W$ W l u his miraculous Foat in the FLYING TKAPKZJt. Fl.YlSO TRAP StK FLYING TRAPEZE. FLYUHi VRAPHMK Now Ballet DiverUHcment, by George W. Stuitli, enlltlei 'lUK SWIT/KR'S HOME. George W. Smith R. M J. Slner. J. Pilgrim. Mist Susie tiummerne.6, Miss Addlo Johnson, Miss O. Lobiu- son, Miss Ailiile Kolmeyor, Miss Sallle Beuner. Miss f> Robinson, MjssRosbI.ee, Ella Dlvors, Miss JmuioBell Miss Eliza Clifford, aud the ^^ MAGNIFICENT CORPS DE BALLST, Of Twenty BeauUAtl und Accomplished \oung Ladies Laughable Ethiopian Extravapmra. entitled 4- ,., AMATEifRti AND ACTORS. Adolphus Plague (a Xravcllag Come,*'.tan) T . ». «^ . Huaney Dougherty. Jeremiah Skntetan Amateur Actor) .... Georgo Warren. Fourth week of the celebrated _^ AUSTRALIAN BROTHERS, Who appear lu new tstonis .lug ucrobat nets. *Kj^S l ?8#X8 ,>fVvritwn ay8hakspeare ehuiled THE STRANGER, •IYni STRANGER The Sttanger Billy Boya Mrs. Haller j , ciark.> Wells Comic Song (Old Billy Isr.Tiow) i.rcd bhavs Banjo Solos by George Warren and Jimmy Clark. Ethiopian Songs and uauces by J. Wlliains and Harn Hart VOL-A U- VENT; OR, A NIGHTS AD VENTURES. Vol-au-Vent <a Clown) Bob Untjer. Father Mauche.ro M ons.. Louie /.amrotta Antonio (Die Yeuthiul Lover) Miss Amcha Wclia Mlimott James PUarhn Susette (the MIlltir'H I)auyhter)..MIss Suslo HimuiieiAold Supported by Uie eutlroCoejpiuv. AN IMMENSE OLIO ENTERTAINMENT, In which will aimear 100 TALENTED ARTISTS. FAMILY MATINEES EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. A M ERICAN ACADEMY OF, MUSIC- MONDAY EVENING. OOTOBER 24T0, 1864, SECOND OEAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, 0After the management ot the New York Jewelers' AsaoclaUon. Mr. L. M. GOTT80HALK, 81GNOR EBNESIO MOKi.1 ARDINI, Prtmo Tenon trom La-6caa, MlUn. (Hi.-: first a^ptaranco in Amo rlca.) MAD IMF DKNRIETTA BEHREN8. MR. THKO. AHRBND. MR. JI LKS 11 GLUTEI ST. THE GRAM) ORCIUvSTRA. Mr. ADOLPH BIRGFELD Musloal Director. Ticket*. SI each, to be had at the Ofllcc, No. 613 CrlE* NUT > treat neaswwd Soat(i may be had at the Acadour of Mus!< witbout extra charge on the day of the Conceit, on pre aenlatlon of tho tickets purchased at tho Ofl.co. J. TH FIN. Aotuary. NAVAL. U 8 side-wheel steamer Watoree, from Panama tor San Francisco 19th alter eoaJrn^. at Acapolco l t h alt. It 8 steamers St Marys and Narragansett arr at Pa- nama 6th last. V 8 ideum rloop-of war l.anca«er (flag- ship i was ex pooled to arrive about the Hth or Uth, ami would wait tho arrival of tho uaw Admiral. U 8 steamer Sa«hM*w sailod ironi t'allao previous to oath nit cm a-eruttta. SPOKEN. Ana 8. off Care o flood Hope, barque Anita (Br) from Shaughat for New York. Oct 16, s A » \ 12 mllss N of Car/sftwt Lbrbt, hri3 Ame- rican Union, from Now Orleans tor Philadelphia. EIQIITH GRAND. FAMILY MATINEE, jfcr SPilCIAX NOTICES. ArfENTlON ! YETERANS ! 1 Argols, casks. B. powd'sc«.k8 Bolts koj(*,... girth's .crates Giuno.tom*... HWre.cUftlns, Ac, c»i»ks.. Horse a's, bi,s llerriag, bxs.. Iron, blls Machinery ,01, Mucaioni.bskt 481 630 41 3 i.ro9 1.2 12 8 i ifj 125 13,'Wl 6,20! 2'M 5X VI * IH GX 8 IX 4)1 2'81 674 6 6 8X 6H CX 7 RR ... 30 9$B| V i m m . l R.O'o. 96 wi,* Oataw aRR 18 <;4 lOataBK. Prf.;.. -i'iH Aid At**'! Icinia lUrxdiv. 0D?f bTlUl.J Mtf6's. 66 101 70 ,\o„ I hat ^h^liai.Oenoral •>• S-PRNNAI MNAUI>, who commanded M DlvUlou of the Kiahteenth Airay Corps at •'wit: v ,of tnapin's Farm, and who lost bisrtffht ? iu "H "»uja the Rebel attack on Fert Harrtaon, ••It da> hv received a leave of absence, and •* ^•4(ln85>r*Bi aomeka YeeffO^k mi. oft*. i, Scliuif, RR... Yens till. Cou,. Morris<'M Prat... rt h KAI StOCk.. 8 h.IMI'I) rci... S h : (.<.fcs.W.« il.t. off V. pUi a tit. Piet. i^mg t^:«id lilt., Leh.KuCal A N . 106X 45 27 35*4 87 46M 75« 88 136 29 301a 89 f 16 I'hlhi. A ErD K.i 32 OU Creek 6 Big Mountain .... «X Hoc. AThird St R, 69 lillh A Sixth Hta. .. tenth A; E oven a i .. Vhlrle.jmth A F ; . iccuUiSt. Hit.. UprVAPjbeSt R.. Ciae».« Wai St.'f- WsstPhUa Bit. Gr A Ceato S:. . *\ GirntHl College.. 2bW. !13 33 62 15 30« 87 1H.X 38 (2X bH 6X 70 61 50 30 31 67 04 18 12 31 32 Canvas. bales. Salt, tons Ship*. I flimKU < ..... Iowa Erin Fdiubua' Olympus Uecla Kuropa Cella ..... ' ............ (Mty ot Washington Scotia New York Louisiana Lafayette Sldou Canada.., Peisla Nufs. kegs .... Planter, tons., l'ropared ve- getables, cs. 119 641 Soda ash ,;css. KM 5,U9 ssgar, bxs.... a n 2, (W.Steei case a... 60 4,8^1 50 Wo rooster 400 M*mo. O/ms,. 10 297 l,9ilIWeol, bales... 24 1,418 032!Yam, bales... | 629 S5| WARKiiorsra>. •1,319'Sugar, hhds ll<J Sugar, tv«.. 6 11,119 Sugar, hhds... I 97 TIIK OCEAN STfCAJIKItS. ) TO DEPART. / Fr&n Fvr t. Now York .... Bremen.. New York .... London... New York .... Liverpool Now York.. New York.. , New York., Boston Jjow York,. ..New York.. ..New York.. ..New York.. ..New York.. . . N e w Y'ork., ..New York. ..Boston , ..Now York., TO ARRlVi ..Liverpool.., ..Liverpool.. Liverpool.. 118 45 •34,33«. Louisiana.. Asia SSdon JSew York.. Persia Uberty , , Creole. New York Ooldon Rifle.. Monte/.uuia... liuhiing Star.. Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. . .LomioH.... ..Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.., .'.ltreuion .... ...Liverpool.. ...Havre ...Liverpool.. ,.. Liverpool.. ...Liverpool.. ...New York, Boston.. Pate, ..Oct. 22 ..OoLili ..Oct, n ..Oot. 22 ..Oct 26 ..Oct. 26 ..Oct. 26 ..Oct. 29 ,.OoL2!) .Nov. 2 .Nov. ft .Nov. 5 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 16 ..Oct. 11 ...Oct. 15 .UalhiixAN.Y.Oot. 12 ..Southamptou.New Y'ork. i n i ..Liverpool New Ycrk. Ocean Queen, Yazoo Champion..., North SUir... Corsica Ccsta Rlca .... Siiwo Nads... ISvonliiH Ktur. ..Oct. 12 % . .Oct. 28 Kcw York .... llavan> Oct. 22 .. Matamoros.. .Oct, 22 New York Kan Juan.Nlc.Oct. 22 .New York..,.KIiiyston, Ja.Oot. 22 ..New York .... N. Orleans...Oct. 22 . .New York .... Asplnwatl... .Now York N. Orleans.. ..New York .... N.Orlc«m.. ..New York .... AspInwall.. ..New York .... Nss.AHav., .. New York .... AsamWall,. .Nov. ..Now York .... N. Orleuns...Doc, 3 ..New York .... N. Orloan8...Dec. 10 i* D D R K 8 S K Will be delivered AT TI1E ACADEMY OF MUSIC. On TUveninjk e BViday BT GENERAL JOSHUA T. OWEN, N EW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE.- FRIDAY EVENING. Oct. 21st, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MR. WILLIAM WAUUF.N. LA^T NIGHT BUI' ONE OF THE WARREN COUEbY COMBINATION. The pcrionnance will commence with th© admlrabh Comedy of SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. Billy Lackaday, Mr. Warren. Eugenia, Mini Josle Orton Chas. Franklin..Mr. Barren. Mies Bed...MissMestaySB After whioh, the t.muslag Tareo of POO it riLLtCODDY. P11Ucoddy.... Mr. W. Warren. Ssrali Blunt...M'ss Orteo To conclude with the Lauuhabie Builctta of frLLINO WABUEN. M COL. II. B. BURNHAM, Judge Advocate, from Washington, MAJOR IIARRY WHrTE, (A Released Prisoner from tho South), and HON. ALEXANDER McCLURE, To the Soldiers and Citizens of Pennsylvania, on the Issues Of t n e Day. TICKETS FREE. May ho had from Colonel P. C. Kllmaker, Coionel Win. A, Gray, James 11. Orne, Esq., John M. Riley, Esq., the Union League House, National Union Club Ilouso and Commonwealth Building. By order of COLONEL WM, A. GRAY, Chairman of Fiibile Meetings. J5^» HAT.L OF THE UNION LEAGUE, OHK8NOT SVRBET, AROVB TWKLFTH. HON. FRIDAY. A. K. MoCLORE. .Oct. 24 .Oct. '26 Nov. 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 7 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BOUT OF PHILADELPHIA* October 91. SUN R.SES iilGXt WA i it R . .... 6 18 | SUN SETS 5 14 ..7 20 ••••••••••••••••••a•* Siarket dull. At UHPhliaaelphia Gold Fischange, Gold quota- tions ww at tho following rates :— ..«,,««••••* •••'•fit 1P, m... • A p.* 8r. 207 ., .... , . . I 9J A. 1 j 11 A, • .... •,•••*••««••' WB... a»| Da HVBW h Bro, onote ^ n0 *\*^°\^ k Amerien SBver. barees and omrtera. 186; L10 dixMyar. 1>UMM, eVO»,«ftMrte » I W V » H e d W ^ BOi^f. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brisi Matilda (Swcd.). Anderson, trom St Martins, 27th ult. with indue to Jaurotcho A Lavcrgne. Brig G T Ward, Brigga,20tiara lYom New Orleans,with sale to Workman A Co. Sehr Gra:e Watson, NIekerson, from City Point, In ballast to captain. Boht Sarah Soisey, Carroll, from Georgetown, to bal- last to captain. . *i Sehr Northern Light, Ireland, from FortressMenroe, Jn ballast to captain. , Hchr Rebecca Soil, 1 day from Lowes, Del,, with grain to .las LBewley A Co. Sehr ( layton A Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del., with pram to Jas. L. Bowlev A Co. * , Sehr Cora, Speuce, 1 day frotn Brandywluo, Del., with corn meal to R. M. Lea. Sehr Franklin, Tyi*r, from Washington, In ballast to ^?ehr n NelUe Potter. Shephord, ftora Boston, In ballast to >oble, Catdwoll A Co. J ^ , ... Scur Lanotit.Bti.varU, I day from Christiana,Del., with grain to Christian A Co. ,• , ,„_, Sehr Bee. Hcarn, 3 ilaysfrom Laurel, Del., with lam- bcrto J W Bacon. •.»• ' . _ , iicht levtu Lank. Bovco, 3 days from Concord. Del., with lumber to J W Bacon. . ... Scbr Mewhant, Phillips, 3 daysfromLaurel, with lum- ber to J W Bacon. - _ . Steamer O. Comstook, Drake, 24 hours trom New York, wrthradioto W. M. Baird A Co. Steamer Monitor. Jones. 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to Wm. M. Baird A Co. ' 1AV SWamer Allda, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with m meaSeY'Taconyl°'Pleiee, 24 hours from Now York, with mase to W. M. Baird A Co. » ' %r ' Stiamer Samaon, Dunning, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W. P. Clyde. CLEARED YFJSWERDAY. _ a-wnresa test prasgr t SATURDAY. COLONEL BOWMAN, of Delaware. The Lsdles aro Inrhed to attend. ghSS*. JOURNEYMEN WHEELWRIGHTS' UNION «WSf of Fhtludelplila.—'lho members o< tho Union are requssted to attend a special meeting to bo held on Tues- day, Oot. Jldth, at 7X o'clock, at tliolr Hall, fo,- the paiv pose of dlscusstagjtho proprloty of eetabllsbln^ a operative shop mriillada. JNO 00- C. GENTHEft Bee. B OARD IN G.-WANTED, A .SECKiND STORY front room, hy two ladles, mother and daughter. Beferen exohauged. Addresa, staUng terms and loca- tion, "Box 1343. Post Office." _, ^___ W ^ASafNGTON HOpSETcAI* ISLAND^ N. J., IS now open for ti\e reception of guests, and will continue epen during the yea* g ^ ^ ^ ^ B "~bA T RDING WANTED", FOR A LADY AHD daughter, in a private family or boarding houso. Terms to bo moderate. Address l, R. M.BL/'at thisofflcs. DESIRABLE T WO VERY eating or separate,.may COMMUNI- at No. 1123 ROOMS, be iouud WRARD'Strcet, iTappilo'd tor early. T HEliANDsbME RRsiDENCE, 8.E. (JOB. EIGHTH and SPRUCE Streets, Is open to receive boarders. D ISSOLUTION. - 1 HE COPARTNERSHIP HERE- tofore existing under the firm of BAMUEL N. DAV1ES A SON, Is this day dissolved. The business wlU be settled by the undersigned, at No. 225 DOCK Stroot. * OHAS.B. DAVlES, Survivhig Partner. Fhlladelpbla, Sept. 30th, 1664. COPABTNERSHIP.-THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE this day tonnod a OoiwrtaershiD under the Ann of DAV1BB BROTHERS, tor the transaction of ngeneral Banking and Brokerage Business, at No. M DOOlt Street. CHA8. E. DA VIES, PETER A. DAVlEtl Philadelphia, Oct, Lttfti^ u. B. ClertWcates^of Indebteaneat, Qaartermasters , Vouohers ana^Cboclw, and Government Seorrtiues gsne- Bueluew Paper and loans on CoUaterala negotiated, fthnntm ir-f f ~-T- *•—**-* — •* r-fff an Qetajmsr * On whtoa oooa^lon THE SEA OF ICE- OR, A MOTHER'S PRAYER, WU1 be presented et redac- d priocs, ior POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME. - MONDAY, October 24ih, MISS OLIVE LOGAH._ POINT BREEZE PARK. -FIRST DAY of the Fall Trotitoa Meeting. TO-DAY, 21sC nifta-it, at 3 1'. M. sA8i-< cattdli'to.iihna. fWT tor inlie heat* in 0 io hnn e>i John Ixivett (of New York) enters b. h* SHARK," by "Bamlltonlon." Samuel M< Lauithl'ti (of New Yock) enters KsntuoKv b. m, "LAD* THOnN." by ' Membrlno Chief." On TUES- DAY, 25th IniL, Uie sane horttl to iMiaons. "SHARK" and "LADY THORN" casj among the fastest horset in the country. I he privdege of annual subscribers (that of being accompanied by a mule adult without pav) will be suspended, and m<»i)erti are rciuosted to waive tbs nnvilogo. Ladies will not bo admitted unless aceom» pauled by gentlemen. Blrgfeld's lull Band will bo Ii attendande each day. Admission, lor either Ladles ol Gentlemen, B1. Io prevent incouvenicnco or delay U obtaining admission, boui of the main gatos wlh bt opened. RS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH ST. THEATRE.-. BENEFIT iF VESTVALI. TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY). October21st, LAST NiGHT BUT ONK OF BEL DEMONIO. New Hccuerv, MacMnor/ and Drcs.ses. ANGELO VEM'VALL In which ?ho will uiiiR 'Y'OtT ARE THE 8T.V ft" and "BRAVE MARCO." Box ofUce open from 10 to J. MONDAY, first time, " GAME A." A SSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH AND CIIESNUTT^ SlGNOlt BLITZ. < EVKNINOSatlX. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTEHNOON.S At 3, Admission 25ceuts; Children It cents. Reserved t>oats 50 ce nts. A S 8 E M B L Y B U I L D I N G S, L A B G E l i A L L Crowded hollies nightlv to hear tlie gallant MISS MAJOR BAH LINE CUSHMAN. MatJnoo on Wednesday^ at 3 P . M. r[ W ~ A L N U T S T R E E T T H E A T R E . - B E N E - FIT of MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. TO MIGHT, as CLY8BIA THEDE8ER.E1). CLYSBlA. a Jewish Maiden, M1F8 CHARLOTTE THOMPSON.^ <<1VIU8IC HAS CHARMS."-THE FAfUIIONABLB 111 and Intelligent audiences at tha Free tone: rts la Ladner's Military Hall give ample proof of the as«rtlon. .,. ,,i. -—~- "———. WANTS. AC%fX.(\(\ TO 63000 PER YEAR- *]p&<)\J\J to make monay.-- A n A GOOD CHANCE „._ . Actout is wanted in every lown in the land, to manufacture and soil tin aril- olo of dallv consumption In evory family, dm bo manu- factured in tho agent's dwelling. It Is entirely new, se- cured bv copyright. Sato as permanent as flour. No co»t to lit up. Any person wishing a paving business, or to enlarge one already established, will do well to lm- provo this cluitice. For mil particulars address, with stamn iac'osed tor reiiirn LOUIS COBLENTZ, MlOdlctown, Md. 1 EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOB CITY AND COUNTRY. Ii —Has always a good selection ot oanahle persons, with good references r Americans, Irish, English, French, Gonua;is, Scotch, Welsh and newly lando.t Eml- groi'Usas Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watch- men, Ac. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laun- dresses, Waltressos and general Housework Servant* Alao, (Colored Servants. Nos. 603 and 804 LOCUS'l Street, ubove Eighth," <wim». WAhVib TO CANvT^sTolnrMiDbLBi Portrait of Liucolti, now real-, ior eul>. t'enberd. and can bo seen at No. G GOLDSMITHS' HALL. It far excels any of Mr. Midtlcton's paiulngs, and good agents can mako lr.v.u $20 to &, 0 ucr a ay can- vassing in this city or State. Address or call on A. BARLOW. No. 6 GOLDSMITHS' HALL, Phlladolnhta. WANTED". FIFTY MORE GOOD WAGoS "r makers; th'rty hard wood workmen, good me- chanics ; thirty coach body and wheel makers; ten tlrst- cia*s carpeuters. Steady weTk end good wages. Apply to HENRY SIMONS, 0. s. National Wngon Works, COR of SECOND and CUMBERLAND 8troo&. A G El ton's Oil WANTED. FIVE THOUSAND CORDS bo do- Jan u« Prooosals ad- W OOD Poplar. Bass, Swamp. Gum or Hoinlook. to Uvsred at the Wood Paper Works, Manayaak, In ary. February, March or April next. Fronosu .. .... dressed to "JESSUP A MOORE, No. 27 N. SIXTH Street* Philadelphia." W AOTED, A SURGEONS STEWARD ON BOABD United Statos stoamir ''Roanokoi" one hav- ing experience In tho drug business preferred. Pay, 646 per month aud rations. Address "WILLIAM F. .PE- TERSON, United States steamer 'Roanoko,' off Point Lookout, Md. A YOTJNG MAN, ABOUT 21~YEAR9 OF AGfit wishes a situation in a jobbing or coiDtnlselon house, the very best references can be given as to capability and honesty. He las been throe years in a wholesais house in this city, and two years In business In Missouri. Address "T. W. R., luqulrsr Office." W ANTIM), AT •160 pISllONTH, A BBLIABLB Canvasser In every county. We havo agents clearing •BO per month, which wo wUl prove to any doubting applicant. Address "P.O. Box 1429, Phiia A ^LAlliYTEXFERIE^CBDlrE^ Spanish and French, deems an engagement i refer- ence exchanged. Address "Educatlou.lnqulior tHBce," wronewsok. -. | -• ^ ' -'••;; '. W ANTBD, A 8MABT, ACTIVE BOY TO ATTEl inaFunilturo Store. One from slxtef- teen years of age preferred. Apply at Be. HM Streei -._".'. 'A "ijjyr P p MOKIR AND ALL IS I iho Sowing Maobine Asm** BTNTON A «'.»•• Dearma EXP»*UttPA9 AaSaaaa IX S . B B B , '•/. P- , 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA Inquirer/Philadelph… · Mi-.Cnfcfl.VKLL, trom tho Co-nmm ported an orim.anco to create



V -or

H. O H * the tuneral ot General S u u » ? L ? ? ? W l

A comrauruoation Waa S S J S A ^ W . J\ Warden, Jdr. WAY»«TJS figffift 'ron> t whart l.cealoa*tftecWtro«t ° V ? »*ton

Mr. STOKLXY. presented i ^ H i X 9 1 ! * * * . ' h>r Hose, askin* to be l o S W J J i t e lr»m Company. Koierrod. E P w l 8 W a l B »

Mr. KYAMB presented an ordinate he paving 01 Hare street, in t h« %


M i -^mmm. ^F ..';r*'»!;<°'7

J U « v i « » i B HI root , In t h « M u J W v T I ^ i ———"T_-—** '—' d to tho Committee on ™ • *«i**i>*iMW ^ w ^ S g - ^ ' ^ T . - . . r niii c . HAH.I.9 coLitolnsi fifit»»w! WrBCBAaMKr OF THE 6ULF. •tilth Wnrti, p r u S & m , ^ * r elect » H StPA*̂ i

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21» 18oI _ . '•' ' "" '" "*"" ' ' "•''•• wiiw ••••ni»iiiwini»i» iniiit»wnn H..IJ. • i - m w w m n m - i i i i i " ' "n"'• '«-4'wnmn»ii"» . . . H U M , ,» ,» , . J [ , ^ man m m - i r mil .... .i . mi r' " " ' "' "••"•" " ' ' —-* .— • J - . _ . - . . . . - r ^ p , -*• | • , • „ , , , • - ,f • , , • -, • , , „ lM- ••



I'oieirod Mr. 8

Tweute.flfth Waru, preeon ied^^e loo t was sworn lat<> office. u , s Ofodonti

Mi-.Cnfcfl.VKLL, trom tho Co-nmm ported an orim.anco to create t i f t ' 0 0 °U lour hand red tnousaud dolors • M> n°t o taking possession of the tiiShlS* (he pu Works. Referred. «o«haru UVm

Mr. TAYLOR presented an u tho traj»wayin« ot Hampton J?!?10? **-Ajrrecd to. Also, ouo to gJzid.,Al'3r . Agreed to. »*»ao Clarienj

Air.C'tiK«wiiLLcalk)dnpthe loan ft« * tho extension ol (ho City Gas Worka '*•'

Mr. SULJKR called ARTO

'resented an ordinance


'MM prawn. . ,„(•«> motion o t ' a sewor on FraniX 1" 0 /^

Urn Kigbtooufh Ward. Amvodio. U°t<X M Mr. iAvi,()« called up on ordinanM *««

the grading, cn lve i t iu /and br.ci"inr J t ^ r t f iiomGonriantotrB Road to SlsheViiLamTO to ilii'hwav Cominitteo. °" •«

Mr. S T O H L B Y called up an ordinance t*« ounoil, providing .or laying water pipeTQ^

*fri61th„, woyiutentgl

C son stieoi. (occurred in.

A rcto utioii, asking tor tho dischariro nt M, I lMf- ,09 «>1 aniccd to

S e m a l Mi's from Select Conneil In, when the Chamber adjourned. were coo

LIBERALITY IN T H I LUTHERAN Cnrji —A bonventiou has boon iu session tho preset] In (ho church oi tho Kov. Dr. H A Y , in n l t nJ ol wtisoli A. F. OCICUKSUAOSKN, Esq., of A'o»1 was Channuin, and HOY. E. W. Hurras,. citjr, acted aa Secretary. Its object was to totter oudowraent ot Pennsylvania Col e m . • known Lutheran Institution, located atCo'tn Fa. Tho following libeia] subscriptioug'Jd a ized i—• " Hem J. 1«). Craoir, Phi'adolphia A F . tickershausen 8c I'rotlicr, New Tori" Uov. Victor h. ( ourod, New York " It:v . Frederick Benedict, Dodiord, Fa '" l v n o s A. Morris, I>q., York. Fa ;" Citizens ot Gottys; ur,-- aud Adams county. " Al.utiu lluoh'er, K^j., 1 biladenhia "' Ke?. F. W. Courad, Chumborsiburif '" ltef. W . II. Uainn. York,Fa . . . , ] Dr. Hiojtor H. Mublevtorz, Itoadiu?, Fa."""

I'he en ire snm proposed to be raised iii'ld met from fan ausricioiis be«inninp;flma<Jeitl;l buri,'it mil no doubt bo roadiiy secured.

f 'REPARINO FOB TIIK COMINO El-ECTlJ fho citizens of the Tenth Ward, faronble] elect.on of tho Union tickot, are bardatirorl \ i>33 HK tho Ward, in view ol the approschiJ tion. Committees have been appointed tho blocks. Tho Union majority at tho tion, reached twelve hundred and thirty.^, thought that it will reach tsro thousand at the'e o)ec ;on. At a meo:luf? ot tho Exocntire €o« ol the Union parly of this Ward, held on evening, the ioliowiuy resolution was passed-

/'(.so ved. That lor tho purpose ot seoDriarl Un'on vote on the day of the Presidential IY th.-ro shall be a comitiittoo of three geutta* pointed in caoh b!;ck in the Ward, who*ej •hall bo to cauvass said blooK, and to use theirn endeavors to have every Union votepollojj

'• day ot eiectfon.

DEATHS OF SOLDIKRS. —The follol deaihs were reported yesterday at the Medio roctor's Offloo in this city :—

Summit Honie—Vmoa Hodgors, C, 28th V Wi ham Ailen, H. 1st U. 8, C.

Filtiuit S.V-et-J, W. Tomly, E, llftiiN. Y.j A. Sui'th, A, laSth Fa.

Whito HalV-l'homas T. Glazier, B, 6th William Gau, D, 10th N. H.

Chesnut Hil l -E. B. St.nson, F, 12th Maine. Haddington—John Ha port. B, 27th Mich. Beverly-Jos. Ne b f, if. 61st N. Y.; J. 8. Br

E, lfit Aid. Cav.; George Milton, D, 60tn iiathias Oboln, C, 43th N. Y.: Williani biov/i 73d N.Y.i C. 11. Faruum, B, 82d Maine; J\ Ashby, B, 7th Va.

THE I T A L I A N F R I G ATE.—After a visil ioituii'ht the Italian fri«fafo Principe Umberto\ lor Genoa on Wednesday at lour o'olosk Dnrtafl her Btav hero the offloers were taii.ed by somoof our prominent citizens—ho3i which, wo l^arn, was much appreciated audi by them iron) fta very informality, asitwaal toe oariv in tho season to admit of anything f social reunions. M my ox the offlcors wer ixutaiives ot tho oldestiamihosin Italy.and<. they did uot belie their nobility, for more in and aeeomphshed cpntwmen, in every sen?

i]imav.o neviir fMlfid our shoi03. W«»' 1,V that it inaf t>o repeated a t some "future~petiod. |

— - • — \

R O B D I N G A F C D L O W D O S « 8 X I 0 V - C i 1 nr.;K N W L T , a domes t i c employed In tlVia

I Mr. P A R T O L , o n So ith Tenth street. w«) be i ere A l d e r m a n B I U T L K S . yeeterda/, ap

; charnre ot robbing C A T H A U I N B POWDA*T, ' emplovoJ in the s a m e fami ly . o» §100 in mMM

dwseos a n d a c loak. Tho robbory wss p«W. on \\ odn»»sday evcr.lnsr., A u apron stolen iron h u n k , and Iu whioh the m o n e y was wrtpi^ recovered in t h e r'mk a t tached to thedweMJ; aconsed l u d g o n e i n t o tho yard shortly f robbery was made k n o w n to Mr.BAaTOt. tendant was oomm t̂ted.

CONCERT HALL.—A largo moetiogj hold, la*t evenitJft-at Coneert Hail. Wn.U I>.o., presided. Addresses wero deliverec Tow-*R( of Fottsvi!)e, Major DKoa^o, of»«

i MalftO, and others. KuUy o^>lhird of t"«" iworelauics. Among ttio distinguishedf!MM hected to deliver addroMcs atthlsHsl',,m ic'ogco 'ho cannaign. aro CovernorU»'« IDOUQULRTY, lion S H. HAKKIH»TON,Jr,( id »are, Hon, WAY»»MoViAWAtw«p

t IViKiW D A v i •, o. Aluryiacd. Tup, MURDER


OF Join* WIL-U . Ita'ian.haa be«n

j ui.or. the charge of lieinsr accessory to tlioM rfoHM W I L L I A M S , who died from the ofl*j»»

Irocoived on last Saturday night, I n * " * southeast corner ol Eighth • « * < i R i i The prisoner was engaged in tnetw»j' ,

; p u t y who llourishod a pistol W f J ^ S k Shoot, l i e was hold IOV a liearinif beioro

i uer, on ^Monday next . _ , KECRUITINo IN PHILADELPHIA.-- '

; dav mornintr Mayor ( I B X U V Issued wil')r*^j

i payment of bounty to uitr-six m^n. V' ibrt -Mirwore credited to theJWjft^f?fa, l e:/ht to tho Seventh, anil W e n t j r . * * * ^ „

toenth Wards 1 hore are abont six nana men yet required to Uli tha qaota j ^ J j a - a i defloiency will be made up b y e a w * in a ver>- short time. _

A WORTHY OBJECT.—A m 6 0 * 1 ^ . was held yc^tor.lay afternoon, in 8*» s 0® ^,BfI lor tJi • pnvpofe ot devising plans iot'?° » i

. orphanso f soldiera and sailors. » " IllAJiiriT was called to tho ^ ' ' J r T i n t e r c l \ K « L I . Y acted as Secretary, -After »iree (,rt jn I ! ot views it was resolved to give *«Lv>flil>(>r' I this object, on Thursday evening, w* ! Sanaott Street Hall.

T o B E H K O P B N E D . — T h e r e o p e M outsido lino of steamers Between tWJJjf 1(

York will take place to-morrow, closed wi

, , ,uetheNexr««i fonrSol

]fiP^ttZuj>.UM send .you jhe obtained as tha

o » Wiwr

air. 0 U W £ K U U U C U Up a i l ordinT.'. ^XfO structiou o l a sower on Green atnSt"Ll<i' second loTwe.ity-ioarth streets p . L .0&i

Mr. E V A N S ca'iid up an ordinal.!?8?' I strueiion ot a sewer on Callowhilt • u L r T *hl tr-seooud street. mu 8 t r e«t, attrtl

he Fie^iilein appointed th«foPft«,i« Committee provided tor in tho N M I ! * * I

fLQHR, rearaiifing M a J o r - G e a o r S f i g S S S H UEII?.11"' KykHMAN ' G t t A « . L o u o S Y : " *

Mr. BrfMM the const i

,H*V*?$ $£££, L*. October 11, WW. ;\trfW. >J* t set trom adcapatch iron*

& Kebel Kretary of War, is pub-

fe*^' U U , S A SKor>o>', Secrebry. Pit HB-J M l, i t a ? Sir : - T M U>no hi Y^' itu?ttas amy ever /abic -bodie

WjB^SSnSSSSnei L»-. sept.26, has come

... ,lv ,.,,,, ........-bodied negro f l l W M . 55»ilM)Wd t;c done iinmedlately

at Go eofflfeji ,« i soW»r.

a t l f t idiOud, ge/'Kiu, tuk« action

I he negro-knowa


oned in conf«cqucuce of the ^£T?iIr tbcnr i nhdrawu tho reasols from i"°^Z~~-

C I T T B T O n O B S .

T* PnrehsuN) V****}** o0r At low prlci, make a * ' « ^ % ^ J>od*<

Bafc»i-«Ai»* OABMBIITS. We are MU*™/• $ p#\ stjrta. fit, make and material, ^r9m

M^7A.madiU\ lower than h now cn*"gert *>' «™* ^ pt0ttiiaS' We hava an styias, slses and prf»» °J Z.^0tit <• roatliV and twa'. A11 can be ^ ^ r r t r * * '

ojiei"'«""'-;•,. njAgtlou. ine negro -anowa ( 5 t * * K ^ e j S S S l o i » if ho goes to the \e*»ot ^ . ^ ^ IClpert»i.-t parttn the war. J He*»'P'W«LaJi<,

l\ v 0 * h t a potion of •nd bo wi * hare leainod i i o m dear-

ran be tangfat to

s^u".ar«ja«,'wi^Bs itfktcd rsuks ot ouv arno&s

wflluuliee" ail able to tear arms, and

,3r«J than sgaiast us, and swell tn-

>' « ^ t W s 0 S a t 1 « M r t attention. i W.O'.C

|b«i«M. I remain, Tjigyatt,

vnf tewectrnlly, your obe-rtn-May W. ALLta,

Governor ot Lo.xto.vna. im ef perrons to « h e « it W f i « ! d

d l £ S L l S ltMi into the armies ot tho UuHed Mates u

wiil lo iweo,_|aa i.11

minted iuto tho ai

vduntoovR, or will be tniploTeu IB their isoartes win w c;ftNHi

to care ior thoiu-aud


JwuiW \tt aecepte^i ai

Lb'ic srrYX-e, -• >\ieir are in a coU'-inoii 1 i d rait should become necessary no 0 £ I

iuttOB a g S a s t them will be mra- on the en-zn'or droit. _ <, p , V B T .

te'er of Major-Coneral h. I . 8•. V A r ("nreTKHwh:,L'eut..(V>ioreUndA. A. Q

, Kccorrry orBosTl«««"» r , a ? " ' . . „ M

U u cStobef 12. I I M h Major-Oeneni Mdlug ba« tho tfauuaaueu«' aBneuocjagtiiat ^ J a l flags log, but , w i t h « t toja; 0 oonor fTJatoa troop* serving la tl.o I*eiartmont ol l-u tad the Departmeatoi the Gart, daring

MS via/, hare 111 been rerai.tured while on • W to tne Kebel Wsr l l ^ a i l m o n t at Kiett-

$l«k ot tliem SI beloBir to regiment! that are fr, wrvico wi I at once be restored, a i d tho ie<

tesMitto Washington, l« oe disposed IMV be directed bv tno Seeretafl' o f W a r -JrfMOf Msjor-tieiiMs! B, K. 8. f'AKBY. I, I KRifTKXfntN, l/eut.-Co'Oi.ei and A. A. G.

It-ral Lee's Expedition—Great D e s t r u c t i o n of Keb 1 8 t o r « s .

im ReCOB, L A . , Oct. lo, 18C4.—On Wednea-Ma mstui.t, »t seven o'clovk 1'. 41., General oft Union KOuae on auotlKir of those sudden

»irv ralda 'or whioh ho is beeoinins ranohs , ttavaUil if a disfSBce ot ior.y-rlvo miles on by-

i lao a circuiuus route, in order to e lude the IlldMSs, at dsyrl.'ht on the moralBg ot tho

ipWnodapoimeal lod Itoeky Hill Crossroad, Eohsto the southwest ol Clinton, whero bead* TlJl W6M established and the main body t n -

I ur CHAIO. of the Fourth Wisconsin Cavalry,

t'ataiv o: ii clte.i man, wus directed to mow on i . uetliak'iy. lli:«be did, oupletoly sur-• ttu••town aud capturing Ln tteaunt-Colonol

M3IT, PfOVOSt Jfu.slial, and tnirty-ono men; a etusiderftble siaeunt ot stores of various

Destmetlin of Rebel Store*. few o'clock 1'. M, c the same day Major MOMT-IT of the eJxth Mi'isouri Cavalry, otiackeil o, oa the Jack SOB Kuiirond, acd captured tlic iph evwister, nis:runwMila and dent>aiolioa, and

nuu. Le iJso destroyed forty thousand oi bacon, irro hundred barrels of whisky, a losmty ol shoes and clothing, and several iii Mjir.il ot arms, which had been colloctod lor •>M9 et snriiijr tir.i» militia.

« JIII..«AV,MT te** Mas»*dl •*<«ro wwrt-Ul us icnw oi tome six ov el̂ dit hundred men

nam i, a point o» the sailvoad about ten miles 1 Osyt.ee. Us had less than one hundred men uen: ooniiaod, and did not think it prudent to ktwra. tlv rotnrn of Majors CRAIO arid MON-WJOMKWY 'hr Hill, General Lm. moved with his whoio

Uieoiisburg, twenty Kilos distant In a south-v dirtct-on, aud tcok possession ot iho town Rebel tiovornii!ei>f hsd erected here a tanner J Boat extensive irate, wateh was designed to

* UMr soldiers with shoes. This, teget£er with fiiethi.uwijid rides ol leather and hides, In vaii tfwOi preperalion, werecompletelj dsatreyed. iWMptuiedthroeofllests andtktrty Bieri,aBiOBK tiptsm AuoiaoK, (^wrterraasier. who had in liesiieB a iiiiiiioii a n d a fa l l <>.• t i o . lu s in Hebol .fv\r d o u s r o i which wascon ibca ted . nilsi distant fiom Gteentburg, and ou the

HI Hailresd, wa . ikuated Camp Xiooits where touAriplj were bcM" coliecicd. Hearing ot uppioaeh tn*y a.i dtspetsed. A large quantity 'its ar̂ t the extens ive b. nacJ.s being erected \iOiO<it*tj©ycd.

It s t u m of tlip Kxped l t i on . oxwdiUoe returnod to Baton Boage on the

u* of the Wh, having eintnred two i innd rad w h rsea and mules, aud bringing with it o tor M ind contraband* 'these are material N '.; lOf lil SUOCOSS. v lew Rebel troops were leetL The most ot o. ir»i to havo none north towards Jackson ai.d Piu.it.- cast 11 tic roihoad,

Rebel Prtaooerfl. tellowiBfi w a paidal Itit of prisoners caniured

neraiLBjij—M R, kinknoyi ivuhth Lealsiana •• : i. cn-Dai.'.-t olcuel tommaiidinu and pro-loishaji B.McVVethty, W . H . S t o n e . Co. E, > r; -jjtTont; U, P. Hairls, Fenter's Ttatterv ;

•vwryilte. Co. -i, Norwood's B a t t e n ; A. C. WcVejr-. laird L<iui#fat<» Oaealiyj wui.'iYot-"• k rikfrd Louisiana < avalry; W. Clam pott, »i 'trtl Loaiiiiiai Cavalry j 9, RoWasoii, Co. D, Uw.nana Cavalry j j . i i f c e . Co. A , Reserve

'jb". i . i; uhardsoi, ( o. A, Norwood's Battery; bp«|V< o, i\ i jvj*t LoiiisiaUS Cayaiiy; J. W. 1 'biyyntond, Co. C , ' T h i r d Louis ia . a ( »v-w.Hoi ... VYftshiBgton A n . ; J . I - Perrr* 1 •' ! . -• listpplines, ( o. F , T h u d Loursiaua

Injiftii.ier, Co. A , Ogden ' s BattA* i * v. K, F o u r t h Loate iaaa tuion-

W. C. l i u u t i n g t o n , Co. A, hmtrvi W , B- thrown, Co. tt.

i ( . h y ; T. H a m m o n d , D o y l e ' s K. i hUrenden, Co. A, Nonsood 's 0. I aqua! District A t t o r n e y .

iscepl i wo met seemed realiy fehtr <o "'»! ekiirvSsoda hopo that the war would Mir, 1hev amanx-ou< to sot tho r cot ton Jb'o CMT loartots, to e x c h a n g e lor grcen-

»ro many small lots of tliin co iamo-w cemitry, which the people have n.a-

1 • •;:;. dei p to repeated orders to burn it or rt**»i oi rear! fiivor, on the approach o i

( ' f Orty or Ihty carts loaded wi th the pi o-wp'fl tvers met o.i tne road, l ho owners h ' U i,i, o to lw.nk it throagb our lines at '>«'! e Ueneral Lwi wat conroelleu, how* 'fine 0=1 ea to e;ze the horses, and loafe the

ill ami cotton bv t lmtoads iae . '••itniy Cbnoxes nt R o t o * K o n g o . r-Clirn ral F. J. lii::::-,cn, lor some months

command 61 tho District oi Baton Iiougo :- ttudnois, w» 1 leave tn | nay or t w o foy A i -1 •" an important special mission connected ' wry aiiHirs, t the nbponce of General Hanao j j (wliici I •• ••». is to t o temporary}, GeaerM w . p . BUN*

are the oblei command. .•' vv. j , I .A.M). ' ,UK, ot tho Ninoieenih K e n -itio:9e*«9 Goncral BXMTOD es CommAndorof i.e. o* Baton Roufo,

I \ ...i.tAM \ . P I M S . Q I Mis!omi i to BO <•( mm: ml ot' Port Hudsou i ' . ; on n, L. AM>RUWBI who will c iiam h i m t.ui department.


Tnxm«DAT, Octobef 2 0 . - T h o Stook market was quite dull t o d a y , iudueneed by the encouraging news from S H M U D A H ' S army and the retrograde movement in gold and exchange, hut prices fluctu­ated oemparattyely little. Thore was a general h v disposition on the part of speculators to enter into any new oonttaets.

The Money market is easy for call loans, at 7 to 8 per eent. on wide margins. Deposits are being ac­tively withdrawn from the banks to meet the first installment on account o f the new forty million loan, due on the 20th inat. The balance will bo payable at tho end of the month, and meauwhile some little activity will be experienced Jn monetary circles, althcnj.'h the flow of currency from tho army, navy, and country generally is jnat now ooneiderablo, and will operate against stringency.

A general meeting ot tho stockholders of all bnt three ot the cttV banks was held to-day, "lor the purpose of taking into consideration and deciding on the question whether or not tho said banks shall become ossooiations for carrying on the business ot hanking under the laws of the United States, and of exorcising tho powers conferred* by the act of the General Ai-s^mWy of this Commonwealth, entitled 'An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to 1«KM.MO associations for the purpose ot bank tap, under the laws ot the United States / approved tho Ji2d day of Augnst, 1864." There was not a dGgout ing bank as tar as wo could learn, and hereafter they will all become National bauks.

Gold opened at 21LJ, but after tho receipt of tho news ot 8flHR.ii>Ave victory it declmod to 207, a do-e'lne oi 4 ^ cent, from the highest figure of yester­day, closing at 200. j

Government loans were a shade lower. The Seven-thirties, Apnl and October, sold at 104j|; tho *ivo-twonties, coupons off, at lOOJ^olOtJj tho Ouc-yoar OrtiBcates at 85, and tho Coupon Sixes, 1881, at 106* ® 106|I State Fives w re dull at 93J; City loans of the new iaanes sold at 102j(j$102i, and the old at «>l@9»?; Pennsylvania liallroad Mortgage Bonds were oflered o t l lO; (ho Second Mortgage at 108; Philadelphia and Kilo Railroad tt's at 102; Reading Railroad Bonds, t f 1770, at 101; North Pennsylvania Hailroad 0's at D7; and Sohuvlkill .Navigation Loan at 88}.

Rending ItsProad was the only one on tho above list at which there was any spirit. It opened at GO}, b, and then s o d largely at 60, regular, and 60];u#0j, bi*i, dos ing at tSOl; Peimaylvania liallroad was firm at 70, witli 60J bid; and Camden and Amboy Railroad st 100; CatavFwa Railroad, common, sold at 18{; tho preterred nt 88; Miuehill Railroad at5&j; and tlit'.itm.ndon and Broad Top Railroad at 00.

There » l i t t l e or nothing doing in Bank stocks, as no transfer can be made for the next two weoks, but thoy aro firmly held. 1J8 was bid for North Ame­rica; EC tor CouHLorcial; 20 lor Mechanics'; 47J ior Poun Towni'hip; 28 for Manufacturers' aud Me­chanics'; 87 tor Consoldat ion; 47} (or Common­wealth; and 46 lor Union.

Canalstoolf were very quiet. Lehigh sold at 76; Suqonhant.a at tfi; nud Merris Carol, consoildatvxl, at C8, BO chanffO] 35] wore bid for Schuylkill Navi­gation Froierred, and 27 >or tho oommon stock.

CUv Parsottger Railroad sharas oonttane very dnll. </.)) was bid for Second and Third; 29 for Green and ( o a t e s ; and 26} tor Girard'CoUcqo; SO was nakod (or I'enth and Eleventh; 88} lor 8pruco and Pine; 67 for Chesnut and Walnut; and 18 for Arch.

In Oil stocks there was loss activity and le.s fitm* nosa in prices.

i h o following aro tho quotations of the leading too l and Oil stocks, mado up to 3} o'clock: —

Jkd. Asked.1. +... ~.«eiju,.MW<t. Atted.

H 1 . . \H

. . IH m 132 su 18 l i s

T * " lttl,KJ6®105ijUnited States New Certificates of In- I Hare, Brewn, Washington, n A Adams"; OWLecke, debtednes8,94j*SH5. United States Seven-thirty notes, > SHigVi fe?*?" *8*d»j ^o? Fl£}w„Dr*P0)f Danteu,

ted. Asked, L. ^ , . . ~ 4 ri'iv . b

N."Y. tttid Middle Coal fleia 13

C r*en McuatJifn.. 4H N. Oarhondtls C'b 2 Kew Oreek Coal.. 1 Feeder Dam Foal. H Clhitou Coal . . . . 1 Butler Coal 11 Diamond Coal . . . . 20 iwatara Fall* AineOcan Kaolin. . . C«nneo«icr»t H Keystone / l a o . . . . . %H RxcatdorOfl 1 Kip Tank I X CentInsatal Oil . . . . 1 P a r r e l — 2 * Oil Creek 4H Ataple dhaJs Oil.. 16 McrtiatoekOU.. . . 6H Penna. retrossum 1 l^erry Oil •< vtinora: Oil 2% Keystone oift Ijf YSMBge OH 3-ia Uulon Petroleum. iS

[Franklin Oil 18


14 21 I2X I

H 2H IX sx 2 24

17 a s 4 IK 2


H O M O ' S E d d y OIL. ilrvina: Oil Donsator* Daireil oil Mollltcuniy Oil . . . . Robert* Oh olastead Oil

; KeblaJt DelauvAter tllhbard.iil

Iftory garia iBruaer Oil Petroleuai Centre

.Kgbart ik lloga Island

ders *pr Certifieates ot Indebtedness, mm «BSj 208O200; Sterling Exchange 224@227; Five-twenty Bonds, i @ l } premium.

Fereificn exchange is stagnant nndor.the reduced demand consequent upon the large exports. Tho valne of tho latter from New York daring tho week ending ou the 14th instant was in exosss of four millions and a half, as the following comparative statement will show :— _ u 1W9. 1MI. ' |«ft. . For the week 05,077,136 | 2 880,417 M i ' f M ? Frovlously reported. H3,W»,70l lS^aaeaM 1T2,41!^6«

Since Jan. 1 . « ! w e j » 7 ai38,2«l,601 »m^27aw The imports oomparo as follows:

Dry Goods fil,4.,lj(il UonoralMerchaudlse l,n0i,l)93 .Total for the week

P;revloasly reported. SU ,951,670 iS8.jin.2ii

1868. 1864. •1.879.189 i7M,oM

1,400,1)78 2.21ii,(H)5 l > U 8 o l i i i MaM^iws lWi'ieiJMf 18LW7.810

BtnoeJan. 1 •141,324,881 ai48ie83v'a« •lMJI*<l,58fl The returns ot the Bank of England lor tho week

eactuig Ootober 6 compare with tho statemont of the previous week, as toUpws :— F««K5 deposits Jtl.WlflSS ' *6.877^91 Other doposIU I2.5H8W1 11,731,746 Gpverument seenrltles.... liAmm 10 Ml 03» Other Mourttlas 2* 414,480 W.8368W Notes in circulation 2U,24v,<V25 21^>1.6W Baccteaml hulllon 18,12l!l23 U.908,210

l h o rctuin of the Bank of France for the week ending October 6, shows the following ohanges com­pared w.tu the previous account:—Decrease—Cash, eleven and a halt millions; commercial bills, two millious; treasury balance, thirty-one and two-thirds mil.ioni. Increase—Notes, twelve millions; current ft0C0!lnt'.8;x ,anU a Q a l t ntillions} advances, one and one-third mill on.

The Bank ot Berlin has raised its rate from 8 to 7 per cent., and the Bank of Holland has raised its rate trom 6 to 0> percent. On other port ons ol the con­tinent money is very firm in prioo. Tl'O quotations in the loading cities uro: -Paris , 7®8?; Vienna, &^6; Berlin, 7; Frankfort, 8} Amstordaw, 6 , ; l n r l n , 8 ; Bruaee.e, 6; Hamtmrg, 6 } ; S t . Petersburr, 6i«£l0.

D O M E S T I O * M A R K E T S .

P H I L A D E C n i l A MABXETS, TmiraanAY, Oct. 20.—Fhe FLOUR market is oxtremolv quiet to-day, the demand boinar limited both for shipment and homo consumption, bat prices are unchangod. Sales ot 1000 bUls., iu lots, at $10 *> bbl tor good super­fine; *10-8O&10-&0 [ot extras, and » l l 60^12 26 ior evtra lamny and tanoy. l h e sales to tho retailor* and bakora havo been within tho range of the same quotations.

B Y E FLOUR Is scarce. A small sale at S9 ** bbl. In CORN MEAL nothingdoin*. The WHEAT nurket is dull, and prices favor

bo> em. Sules of" 3"XX> hush good and prime Penn­sylvania ana Western rod at $Sr2t<gA>& Wbush; 40> bush. Southern do. at $2 83, and 8A» lush. Kentucky white at $2-60. I

4AH) bush. Southern B Y E sold at «P00, a doclino of 8o.

CORN is also 8c. V bush, lower, and 8200 bush yol owsold at »1 b0.

In OATS no chancre. 1200 hush , part in tho car, so'd at 84c.

BARK.—No. 1 Quercitron Bark is held at f40 | » ton, but without sale*. Cloveisoed is eoarco, end worth $9-76 9 04 ML In tho absence of sales wo quote Timothy at $6 60, aud Flaxseed at fORv*6»i |> bnsh.

A cargo of soft PLASTER sold at $660 t» ton, a decline.

Iu GROCERIES and PROVISIONS there is bnt little doinjr.

Bv nunlton to-day, 80 bales COTTON (ex steamer LiUiun), sold by order ot tho United State* Marshal, at $102,'»T »'i, ana a few bags at 46c.

W m S k Y . - T h o demand is hmtted. Hma'l sales of Ohiobbls. at $1-78, and Pennsylvania at $176® 1-77.

EXPORTS AND The fohcwlB* aro voited iti)u> tht* port Oct. »«. MM ! ~


'.TrfTIA.-. iolea ex uk omttng 1

7« 7»i

12H UH


Allegheny Klver . . Cartln ITilla. A Oil Crook Bull Creek ( lori i i iuls . . Com Planter . . . . . . BrigMS Oil BocYOh •INirr F a r m . . . . . . . . . Oiolie Farm.

VA Hihuylklll and Oil IX Cixj«k


I" 4X % 3X IH ix

% \H th r» ix 2 IX IX *H IX

ax Vi IX IN

Bark, h M s . . . . 179 67 IW Cheese, l b s . . . 1.M1 4f8 Ind. Com, bu. ICO 188 Oil Cake, tons, 115 e.te.

BtLoreM. I'etieleuin, refined, gallons, a7,eS9.. . .

VliAKOB. Petrolanm, crude, gallons, 1M.8W....

OVBA. 2400

Petrelonm, refined, colons. 79 ?;a

Wht*t. bus.. 23,811 Floor, hbls... 4,115

•67,sae 10,171 4N40»




October 20. lftsi. BKFORK BOARDS

IfftO uli Corn Planter.

y; low I. II. Cn $ i. ).. d . ( i [.'eta,-?,

my: VI * i .!air.., is wlills

i ;.'T' I ^i i .

. in

Me 300 W 100


do.. do. do . do . do. do. do ,

, . . . e 5 .'/.bin . . . . U 5 ...we

, ^idys

7H 7*4


IH 7Xi

li6 sn Union Petroi'm 2H\ •,M do 2*&i

FIRS'. I5fler.n.5-20's.cp.oo.:ni x seOfCly c's UR S2I10 do

61) sh Jiew Creek. , . . . 200 do 100 sh Cam. UK liWs., Oil Ore*k HO 'h Nebfe A Oct . . . . tO do

1W gh Book Oil b'W

1&0 mi Clinton Coal . . . . 1 lvMxhKeys'o i'.hic..M Vi m d o . . r . . . . . . . . 2.H BOOahBlgTank | 1W ah Morris Cul fi8

3 Hi sh Hull Creek 4H 4MsaOlBMtNidOU.., . JX SMsh Kxcctsior IX 100 all Reading bUfl 6«.X HOfh Hrinur Oil IH

BOABli 160 sh Reading RR.edi 60

fh McOltntoek. 11 rh lUnchlU &!! 2 , Hh Maple Shads

100 f 8^0 100 100 mo m M

has boon . roi.BViny: oon have

LEGAL I H T E L L I G E l i C E .

f»M> bVAlXt' CiKcuiT Cotnsw-Juufei Ciiiirn ' * i-v;,i. j .A i 'KK.—Uli 'OKI'AST P A T S N t VA.ni.~-

JkMKRT O f ABW1UU>AM'0 I .v i ' i .yr b u o j u c -b r>.RI>AU VS. D l O X l R f O N , KA&.1, C U A S K ,

' • . . i QUP90M (Jci i irJ' . t iUARTia'Mi'ro.N, npo-i """ .i t his ease was argue * on Friday last) • ,'ourned until ycMtertUy, (or (bo filing ot t c-k w tu.wer. Tiie c e o was iu',> argued, aud

v ...dee was made, awarding the Injune-* '» • r..».r, to wi! s tbil twenii th -!ay OiOc-

ri '* •' . v, •'.. this cause came on to bo 'card on "'•'•' i ,i :.ul injimctioii, and the u(hdavit8 lor i '•'• •"' ;< ;, a d others, and tho answer oi doiend*

••••" boon read and filed, and tho cause • ••• lulls argued i y coun«ei, w . D . BOOTH,

BUAia)iTfQnnd.J. P. MOWTOOMRUV, ami hy cuRoe, Esq., ior detecdants.it is or-

m Injunction bo lamed restrsiniug the uutif llJ.nl hear UK, 0* it»rlh:-r order,

>*feu.-, uoing, or yendtog tho uuij^ct matter I'xi'iut ot J O H N AnarBODAM, of Folruary


liJMcl'iliui iy . . . W t.o do do do do tie

io sh I/ChlfhNav HiO i>h Miso. C a n a l — 100 s h Rei.oUib' h u.o ih 00 SB t»ro v. r>. 1-year ^ii's- (Jo I

ali.tioC t ' i tyt»'eN«w i d s . 192M 81.000 do 1WXI

fcioe co io*w SECOND

$2C0r. 8. 7*30 Tr. N. I A. A U. Clean. 104«

8M0 U. S. 5-29 Ls.Bg.101 |200 oo ItcK-'Ol

•2,106 tie. . . .Now. 100?•• M wO d o . . . . casli.lt. IX •1,1,1,0 Cl.yb's BR.j^FWl

A t 1 1 IMC M.WOBusa, 01. 6 s . . . . hih

MOV, S.5-i9Roiid8.l0IX •2,bM I . S.6*s.'«• 105*1 aa,tieov.>. 1 ^esxetafc,^^ 4,1 CC0 U. S.6 fS. t l l . . . . ! 0 5 « iBilio so ic&'* 5Ui sh W e U h e n n y leO sti ii«•I'smoro SCO sh Story F a r m . . . . . GOO eii coru Plant, bw &ti sh Exoshrior W s h C o r n Planter. . .

5tm do J»o MO ah OU Creek..a5*n 1 j.i do •• m sh Com -Plant.. D00 B u s h fi . l ia. i;OllCr'k t o i i s h Ueid.UHli i t 200 uo 210 m d o . . . . . . . . . . . li 0 sh P.UHI. Canal SOshoi creek. .

loft-BBfaeea ^ ^ J J U & Q ' ^ O B B . / n ' . t .'*••(•

- - . • . •30tre . N t ' . 1 0 4 « 115. I 5 1 ' ] tnn{l

p ' la, o'i mt.ott.. D»M ih- ia . t - i n c w . . . . : w a l- u n a . ( « s . . . \ . . . . hi [n c.e. i. F. "«ti mt.ioo

'*)H 00 do cash GO Vftttl lOfi do cash 60

1 1 ISO do oash 00 1 | leO do GO

ISXi 100 do s5U6 6 ; 100 Co s5 00

U N 100 do 830 10 UN 50 do 80 •INI 100 tio....l..V.iu. 68 GH 190 th>....b1'/»t n. (ill

mU 100 do 60 liiM 100 do S3«J fcO ojj, loo do m (io 5X 100 d o . . . . B(tKiii 09 51* 100 do....s9VWJ W 5H' 100 do U30 6t)5i 6Xi 100 do t>30 Wi 6X. 106 do l>3' CSX SH; 200 do b30 i6X

78 100 do b-Ni 00X 16 1W) do blO 09

100 do blO 00 BoARpa

• 1 6 6 C i t y t % V0W...182X 50 sh H u n t . * B. 'fop 30

10(1 nh Deuwaore %H 160 nh Cata.Itl ,rf..lM»0 38 BOARD • l,t00(Tty6*s.over'70. WX

»l 00 do.over '70. 9<iX 100 sh OU Creek 5 60 do 5

loOsh Mcliuennv 5H KW sh MqOthitoek 6 li.O »h Noblo <k Del.3ds. I'M

BOARDS. PI6H1I Cmon Pet ICOsh Wetlhennv 100 sh Noble A Del.. 100 fh Egbert tvtl 100 sh Corn IMantcr.... luo sh pensavore Oil.,

1000 sh (;enaaiiia Oil. . . P.9 »h Rook Oil 600 eh KoyHtoiM) ZlnJ.. 2iv0 8h Corn Pluatci . . . 100 sh McClintock 20li Hh Hull Crook 100 sh Read. RR....b30COX 100 d o . . . . Mays 60X 200shMeCi:ntock.b30 CH lull do ,

ll!0»sh Seneca 036 •200 sh Da:zcH,Pet..h3 NO i h Mollusnay 100 sh Corn Ftautor... 2«0 do b80 190 sh Reading b30 60« 10>> • do 00.X

8813,Lard, KM 6,800 61,607 . . . . 9.774 Lnmtor i , 7 » . . . . W^OJ*iPerk.Bhls..... 16 516

vitKv ixnnts. 42 Sl,245 Oil Ileal 6715

310 ?.MH PstiMlsumr*-U.CSO 3,581 micd, gaits.. 2,593 1^63 1.021 4*0 Pork, bbls . . . . 1ft m

$M l.vj Peas. bush. . . . ISO 6.1J 500 'Mi Tob. Unf, hds ft 5C9 4,0*0 Tob, l^at. bxs 11 1.6T)

4.150 1.072 Flour, MdV.... 1391 15,*1» BBABTIH

1M11J4 i h o loilow.'iiK are some ot the prlnoipal articles im-

portad into thli port lor tho wcok enulug Oetobtr 26, 1684:- -.

VOU COXSVUYTIOB. 5 S'.WJ Nu<*. hens . . . . 19 • , 9 t

6ft 14t4 Planter, tons.. 62* S.SH

Ale, galls Booeleok Miuh.ue iy . . . .

Beef, bhls Hr«'*d. bhiH.... C'.ndlos. tbs... Sutter, l b s . . . . Hams, Tbs In. Cora. bo . . In. Meal, bbta. Lard, i ts .

Flour, b b l s . . . . 2,816.

Thompson, JOlghton Noblo, Caldweb A (jo: Belli* Pot­ter, ShenaaM, Wasktogten, do; J MoCoy, Johnson, Alexandria, J f t U l l H Rappller; Northern Lkht, Ire­land, PortnssMenroe.do] AraellaWcavar.BewHaven, Wflnaemacher A MaxfloMt J E Pratt, Loekwqed. New Haven, K B Wigton; 8 R Jameson, Jameson, Portland, 11 AudsnriodACo; Aeklam. Hooper, brWgcaort. Slx-nlokson & Glover i J Truman, Olbhs, y e w Beawrd,Ciu-notACiaghom? HBlackman. Gaatley.NorfslkrTyler A Co; Clara, Barrett, Fortress Monroe, do; New Jersey, WalhBBB, Baltimore, B 8 Wallows; steamers RoeWaad, Beaufort, Portress Monroe, E A .louder A Co; J 8 Shrl-w r , Dennis. Baltimore, A4lroves,jTt Buggies, McDer-mott. New York, W P Clyde; steam tag Dolphin. Adams, Fortress Monroe, E A Homier A Co.

RCAOIKQ, Oct. 18.—The following boats trom the Union Canal paused into the Schuylkill Canal to-day. hound to I'liilodolpbia. laden and oonslKued as follows:—

Martin Withern, Kooeooa Flshor, J W ReMiir, and Geo W Waguor. lumber to J H Doyshor; Nymph, Thomas K Shectx. and J C il&nunond. do to 11 Croskey; A Cannon, do to H W Adams, New Vork; Rspabltcan. and Crisis, bituminous coal to Noblo, Caldwell & Co; Mary M I)arr, bark to Green street wharf; Bonaparte, limestone to J Shaefier.

MEMORANDA. Ship Sarah M, Pleith, hence at Quebec 14th Inst, Ship Great Republic, Paul, cleared at New York 19th

Inst for San Francisco. Ship J F Patten. Percy, from Basseln for Falmouth, E.

atStVle lenaSlstAug. Barque Aloitra Coombs, Sylvester, from Boston, at

Havana 14th in.it. Barque Adelaide, Prince, hence, remained below New

OrUwnB lith iust P.arque Quickstep, Brown, hence at New Vork 19th

tost. _Barque Geo TKsmo-(Br), Mayo, trom Pert Elizabeth, COn. ,at l5os:on Uth ilisL

Brig H G Adarus, Holland, hence at New Orleans 11th hint.

Brig SsmI Welsh, Strawbridge, hence, below New Or-leans Hth Inst.

Bciir Evertrcen, Glover, henco for Boston, at Holmes' Bole Hth inet. , Kchr Kleeuic Light, Wallace, cleared at Portland 17th Inst, tor 1 htlacL-lphla.

Sehr Amelia U Loeman, Lmllam beace tor Portsmouth, at HolmcH' Hole l i th Inst.

flchr Priie, Mayo, houce tor Sace, at Holmes' Hole 17th hlht.

Sehr DarM O Floyd, Rackett, hence at New Loudon 17th 2nat.

Scbr Sallte T Chartre, Smith, banco for HallowcU, at HoUnea' Hole Hth Jmt

Sehr4 C 8 Edwards, Qandy, and W B Darling, Baxter, hmco at Boston M h last.

Sehr Halo, Short, hence tor Newburyport, at Holmes' How 11th Inst.

Sola-Martha itobblne, from ProrMeoas for Philadel­phia, at Newport 11th met.

Sohr vibart Field. PetUt, hence for Scltuate, at Holmes' Hole 17th hurt.

Sobr Cora, Crowell, sailed from Newport 18th lost for Phil'MWlptila.

>chr ifatrWlHd, Smtth, benoe forOloacestor.atHolsnes' Hole 11th mat

Sehr William WUsen, Bailer, hence at PiovhUnce l l th laat

Scbr M A Gould, Trim, from Delaware City for Wey­mouth, nt llolmes' Hole Hth Inst.

Hohrs AM Irsiami. and C A Heckscher. Smith, from Booton for pblladolp'ila. M Holm«s' Hole l'ltb hwt.

Wttn It b Tuy Frecmau; A Hammond Illgjttns, nnd •i««on, Sproinie, bonce for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 18th taut,

MARINE MISCELLANY, The Cape Brotou News oi the 8th last say»-"We bavs

a report ot thvt deatli during tho shlawrock of his vesoet lu Csv>arus Bay, about ten days age, oi the yonua wits of an AiKfJ.eau ihipmsdior, who was drowned '»> the caM' inx ot his tmat, in « hich ware tho captain, tha, fe-ceased and hie crew, makltw an attempt to rcachf the laud lYoni tho kdj»e of rock* on which the vessel^had lvt.il Mr, IKH-,1. We learn that a seaman wasdrownod at tho artii.fl time, all the isst having escaped duath."

DISASTERS. Fr>T B A C K - The scar JMaiv Brown, Harrlneton. hence

tor New Orleans, with coal, when off Wilmington, !>«!., aiM-ung u leak, and Mturucd yesMrday tuormo? ior re vahs »

Rrlu Geo Amos, In getthnr under way Irom Newport 18th Inst, wt nt ashore near Fort Greene, but v, ould come off on the rise of tho tldo without carnage.


AlflUSEBIEiyTS. O A H X N 0 f A S I N O I 0 A 8 I B 0

CA81NOI CA81NQI CHESNUT Street, above Sixth.


Itt/aW, MIRTU, MSLODt SUU bold their sway at this Institute of the People.

New attractions every day, Novelty and fun increasing;

All the world owns her sway, SUU the public amply pleading.

TUB OHXAV CAHINO Fnrnlehes nightly an inexhaustible fund of

ruiui iuumuAfk AUUHEXENT, Presented to delighted audiences.

ALL TlHi OHEAT STAR/SI OF THE A OF. Which are grocted by, crowded houses overy evening;

First week oi tho engagement of the great MONS. LOUIS Z A N F U E T T A ,

The wonderful Pantoiuunht. Acrobat und GymnAt, who »r « . ,„*"! . B W $ W l u his miraculous Foat in the FLYING TKAPKZJt. Fl.YlSO TRAP StK FLYING TRAPEZE. FLYUHi VRAPHMK Now Ballet DiverUHcment, by George W. Stuitli, enlltlei

'lUK SWIT/KR'S HOME. George W. Smith R. M J. Slner. J. Pilgrim. Mist

Susie tiummerne.6, Miss Addlo Johnson, Miss O. Lobiu-son, Miss Ailiile Kolmeyor, Miss Sallle Beuner. Miss f> Robinson, MjssRosbI.ee, Ella Dlvors, Miss J m u i o B e l l Miss Eliza Clifford, aud the ^ ^ MAGNIFICENT CORPS DE BALLST, Of Twenty BeauUAtl und Accomplished \ o u n g Ladies

Laughable Ethiopian Extravapmra. entitled 4 - , . , „ AMATEifRti AND ACTORS. Adolphus Plague (a Xravcllag Come,*'.tan) T . ». «^ . Huaney Dougherty. Jeremiah Skntetan Amateur Actor)... .Georgo Warren.

Fourth week of the celebrated _ ^ AUSTRALIAN BROTHERS, Who appear lu new tstonis .lug ucrobat nets. * K j ^ S l ? 8 # X 8 , > f V v r i t w n ay8hakspeare ehuiled THE STRANGER, •IYni STRANGER The Sttanger Billy Boya Mrs. Haller j , ciark.> Wells Comic Song (Old Billy Isr.Tiow) i.rcd bhavs

Banjo Solos by George Warren and Jimmy Clark. Ethiopian Songs and uauces by J. Wlliains and Harn


Vol-au-Vent <a Clown) Bob Untjer. Father Mauche.ro M ons.. Louie /.amrotta Antonio (Die Yeuthiul Lover) Miss Amcha Wclia Mlimott James PUarhn Susette (the MIlltir'H I)auyhter)..MIss Suslo HimuiieiAold

Supported by Uie eutlroCoejpiuv. AN IMMENSE OLIO ENTERTAINMENT,

In which will aimear 100 TALENTED ARTISTS.


A M E R I C A N A C A D E M Y O F , M U S I C -




C O N C E R T ,

0After the management ot the New York Jewelers' AsaoclaUon.


trom L a - 6 c a a , MlUn. (Hi.-: first a^ptaranco in Amo rlca.)



Ticket*. SI each, to be had at the Ofllcc, No. 613 CrlE* NUT > treat

neaswwd Soat(i may be had at the Acadour of Mus!< witbout extra charge on the day of the Conceit, on pre aenlatlon of tho tickets purchased at tho Ofl.co.

J. T H F I N . Aotuary.

NAVAL. U 8 side-wheel steamer Watoree, from Panama tor

San Francisco 19th alter eoaJrn^. at Acapolco l t h alt. It 8 steamers St Marys and Narragansett arr at Pa­

nama 6th last. V 8 ideum rloop-of war l.anca«er (flag­ship i was ex pooled to arrive about the Hth or Uth, ami would wait tho arrival of tho uaw Admiral.

U 8 steamer Sa«hM*w sailod ironi t'allao previous to oath nit cm a-eruttta.

SPOKEN. Ana 8. off Care o flood Hope, barque Anita (Br) from

Shaughat for New York. Oct 16, s A » \ 12 mllss N of Car/sftwt Lbrbt, hri3 Ame­

rican Union, from Now Orleans tor Philadelphia.



S P i l C I A X N O T I C E S .


Argols, casks. B. powd'sc«.k8 Bolts koj(*,... girth 's .crates Giuno.tom*... HWre.cUftlns,

A c , c»i»ks.. Horse a ' s , bi,s llerriag, bxs . . Iron, blls Machinery ,01, Mucaioni.bskt

481 630

41 3

i.ro9 1.2 12


i ifj 125

13,'Wl 6,20!

2'M 5X

VI * IH GX 8 IX 4)1

2'81 674 6 4«

6 1 « 8X 6H CX 7

RR . . . 30 9$B| V i m m . l R.O'o. 96

wi,* Oataw aRR 18 <;4 lOataBK. Prf.;.. -i'iH

Aid At**'!

Icinia l U r x d i v . 0D?f b T l U l . J Mtf6's.

66 101


,\o„ I hat

^h^l ia i .Oenoral • > • —

S-PRNNAI MNAUI>, w h o commanded M DlvUlou of the Kiahteenth A i r a y Corps at

•'wit:v,of tnapin's Farm, a n d w h o lost bisrtf fht ? i u "H • "»uja the Rebel attack o n F e r t Harrtaon,

••It da> h v received a leave o f absence , a n d • * ^•4(ln85>r*Bi a o m e k a YeeffO^k

mi. oft*. i, Scliuif, RR.. . Y e n s till. Cou, . Morris<'M Prat... rt h K A I StOCk.. 8 h . I M I ' I ) r c i . . . S h : (.<. fcs. W.«

il.t. off V. pUi a tit. P i e t . i^mg t^:«id l i l t . , Leh.KuCal A N .

106X 45

• • 27 35*4


46M 75«

88 136 29 301a

89 f 16

I'hlhi. A ErD K.i 32 OU Creek 6 Big Mountain.. . . «X Hoc. AThird St R, 69 l i l lh A Sixth Hta. . . tenth A; E oven a i . . Vhlrle.jmth A F ; .

iccuUiSt. Hit.. UprVAPjbeSt R.. Ciae».« Wai St.'f-WsstPhUa B i t .

Gr A Ceato S:. . *\ GirntHl College.. 2bW.

!13 33

62 15

30« 87 1H.X 38 (2X bH 6X

70 61 50

30 31 67 04 18 12 31 32

Canvas. bales. Salt, tons

Ship*. I flimKU < . . . . . Iowa Erin Fdiubua' Olympus Uecla Kuropa Ce l la . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . (Mty ot Washington Scotia New York Louisiana Lafayette Sldou Canada.., Peisla

Nufs. kegs . . . . Planter, tons., l'ropared ve­

getables, cs . 119 641 Soda ash ,;css. KM 5,U9 ssgar, bxs.... a n

2, (W.Steei case a. . . 60 4,8^1 50 W o r o o s t e r

400 M*mo. O/ms,. 10 297 l , 9 i l I W e o l , b a l e s . . . 24 1,418

0 3 2 ! Y a m , b a l e s . . . | 629 S5 |

WARKiiorsra>. •1,319'Sugar, hhds

ll<J Sugar, tv«.. 6 11,119 Sugar, hhds... I


T I I K OCEAN STfCAJIKItS. ) TO D E P A R T . / Fr&n Fvr

t. Now York. . . .Bremen.. New York. . . .London. . . New York....Liverpool Now York.. New York..

, New York., Boston

J jow York, . . .New York.. . .New York.. . .New York.. . .New York.. . . N e w Y'ork., . .New York. ..Boston , . .Now York.,

TO ARRlVi . .Liverpool.., . .Liverpool..


118 45 •34,33«.

Louisiana.. Asia SSdon JSew York.. Persia Uberty , „ , Creole. New York Ooldon Rifle.. Monte/.uuia... liuhiing Star..

Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. ..Liverpool.. . .LomioH.... . .Liverpool.. . .Liverpool.. , .' .ltreuion.... . . .Liverpool.. . . .Havre . . .Liverpool. . ,.. Liverpool.. . . .Liverpool. . . . . N e w York,


Pate, ..Oct. 22 ..OoLili ..Oct, n ..Oot. 22 . .Oct 26 ..Oct. 26 ..Oct. 26 ..Oct. 29 ,.OoL2!) .Nov. 2 .Nov. ft .Nov. 5 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 16

..Oct. 11 . . .Oct. 15

.UalhiixAN.Y.Oot. 12 ..Southamptou.New Y'ork. i n i ..Liverpool New Ycrk.

Ocean Queen, Yazoo Champion. . . , North SUir... Corsica Ccsta Rlca. . . . Siiwo Nads . . . ISvonliiH Ktur.

..Oct. 12 % . .Oct. 28

Kcw York... . l lavan> Oct. 22 .. Matamoros.. .Oct, 22

New York Kan Juan.Nlc.Oct. 22 .New York.., .KIiiyston, Ja.Oot. 22 . .New York. . . .N. Orleans...Oct. 22 . .New York.. . .Asplnwatl. . . .Now York N. Orleans..

. .New York. . . .N.Orlc«m.. . .New York... .AspInwall. . . .New York. . . .Nss.AHav. , . . New York. . . . AsamWall,. .Nov. . .Now York. . . .N. Orleuns...Doc, 3 . .New York. . . .N . Orloan8...Dec. 10

i* D D R K 8 S K

Will be delivered


O n TUveninjk e

B V i d a y B T





The pcrionnance will commence with th© admlrabh Comedy of

SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. Billy Lackaday, Mr. Warren. Eugenia, Mini Josle Orton Chas. Franklin..Mr. Barren. Mies Bed...MissMestaySB

After whioh, the t.muslag Tareo of POO it riLLtCODDY.

P11Ucoddy....Mr. W. Warren. Ssrali Blunt...M'ss Orteo To conclude with the Lauuhabie Builctta of



COL. I I . B . B U R N H A M , Judge Advocate, from Washington,

MAJOR IIARRY W H r T E , (A Released Prisoner from tho South), and

H O N . A L E X A N D E R M c C L U R E ,

To the Soldiers and Citizens of Pennsylvania, on the

I s s u e s Of t n e D a y .

TICKETS FREE. May ho had from Colonel P. C. Kllmaker, Coionel Win. A, Gray, James 11. Orne, Esq., John M. Riley, Esq., the Union League House, National Union Club Ilouso and Commonwealth Building.

By order of C O L O N E L W M , A. GRAY,

Chairman of Fiibile Meetings.



H O N .


A . K . M o C L O R E .

.Oct. 24 .Oct. '26 Nov. 3 Nov . 3 Nov. 7

M A R I N E I N T E L L I G E N C E .

BOUT OF PHILADELPHIA* October 9 1 . SUN R.SES iilGXt WA i it R .

. . . . 6 18 | SUN SETS 5 14 ..7 20 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • *

Siarket dull. At UHPhliaaelphia Gold Fischange, Gold quota­

tions w w at tho following rates :— . .« , ,««• • • • * • • • ' • f i t 1P, m... •

A p.* 8r. 207

. , . . . . , . . I 9J A. 1 j

11 A, •.. . .•,•••*••««••' W B . . . a » |

Da HVBW h Bro, onote ^n0*\*^°\^k Amerien SBver. barees and omrtera. 186;

L10 dixMyar. 1>UMM, eVO»,«ftMrte » I W V»Hed W ^ BOi^f.

ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Brisi Matilda (Swcd.). Anderson, trom St Martins, 27th

ult. with indue to Jaurotcho A Lavcrgne. Brig G T Ward, Brigga,20tiara lYom New Orleans,with

sale to Workman A Co. Sehr Gra:e Watson, NIekerson, from City Point, In

ballast to captain. Boht Sarah Soisey, Carroll, from Georgetown, to bal­

last to captain. „ . *i Sehr Northern Light, Ireland, from FortressMenroe,

Jn ballast to captain. , Hchr Rebecca Soil, 1 day from Lowes, Del,, with grain

to .las LBewley A Co. Sehr ( layton A Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna,

Del., with pram to Jas. L. Bowlev A Co. * , Sehr Cora, Speuce, 1 day frotn Brandywluo, Del., with

corn meal to R. M. Lea. Sehr Franklin, Tyi*r, from Washington, In ballast to

^?ehrnNelUe Potter. Shephord, ftora Boston, In ballast to >oble, Catdwoll A Co. J ^ , ...

Scur Lanotit.Bti.varU, I day from Christiana,Del., with grain to Christian A Co. ,• , ,„_,

Sehr Bee. Hcarn, 3 ilaysfrom Laurel, Del., with lam-bcrto J W Bacon. •.»• ' . _ ,

iicht levtu Lank. Bovco, 3 days from Concord. Del., with lumber to J W Bacon. . . . .

Scbr Mewhant, Phillips, 3 days from Laurel, with lum­ber to J W Bacon. - _ .

Steamer O. Comstook, Drake, 24 hours trom New York, wrth radio to W. M. Baird A Co.

Steamer Monitor. Jones. 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to Wm. M. Baird A Co. ' 1AV

SWamer Allda, Lenny, 24 hours from New York, with mmeaSeY'Taconyl°'Pleiee, 24 hours from Now York, with mase to W. M. Baird A Co. » ' %r '

Stiamer Samaon, Dunning, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W. P. Clyde.


a-wnr esa test prasgr t


C O L O N E L B O W M A N , o f Delaware .

The Lsdles aro Inrhed to attend.

ghSS*. JOURNEYMEN WHEELWRIGHTS' UNION «WSf of Fhtludelplila.—'lho members o< tho Union are requssted to attend a special meeting to bo held on Tues­day, Oot. Jldth, at 7X o'clock, at tliolr Hall, fo,- the paiv pose of dlscusstagjtho proprloty of eetabllsbln^ a operative shop mri i l lada. JNO

00-C. GENTHEft Bee.

B O A R D IN G . - W A N T E D , A .SECKiND STORY front room, hy two ladles, mother and daughter.

Beferen o» exohauged. Addresa, staUng terms and loca­tion, "Box 1343. Post Office." _, ^ _ _ _

W^ASafNGTON H O p S E T c A I * ISLAND^ N. J., IS now open for ti\e reception of guests, and will

continue epen during the yea* g ^ ^ ^ ^

B"~bATRDING WANTED", FOR A LADY AHD daughter, in a private family or boarding houso.

Terms to bo moderate. Address l ,R. M.BL/ 'a t thisofflcs.

DESIRABLE TWO VERY eating or separate, .may

COMMUNI-at No . 1123

ROOMS, be iouud

WRARD'Strcet, iTappilo'd tor early.

TH E l i A N D s b M E RRs iDENCE, 8.E. (JOB. EIGHTH and SPRUCE Streets, Is open to receive boarders.

DISSOLUTION. - 1 HE COPARTNERSHIP HERE-tofore existing under the firm of BAMUEL N.

DAV1ES A SON, Is this day dissolved. The business wlU be settled by the undersigned, at No. 225 DOCK Stroot.

* OHAS.B . D A V l E S , Survivhig Partner. Fhlladelpbla, Sept. 30th, 1664.

COPABTNERSHIP. -THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE this day tonnod a OoiwrtaershiD under the Ann of DAV1BB BROTHERS, tor the transaction of ngeneral Banking and Brokerage Business, at No . M DOOlt Street.

CHA8. E. DA VIES, PETER A. D A V l E t l

Philadelphia, Oct, L t t f t i ^

u . B. ClertWcates^of Indebteaneat, Qaartermasters ,

Vouohers ana^Cboclw, and Government Seorrtiues gsne-Bueluew Paper and loans on CoUaterala negotiated, fthnntm ir-f f ~ - T - *•—**-* — •* r-fff an Qetajmsr *

On whtoa oooa^lon THE SEA OF ICE- OR,

• A MOTHER'S PRAYER, WU1 be presented et redac- d priocs, ior


POINT BREEZE PARK. -FIRST DAY of the Fall Trotitoa Meeting. TO-DAY, 21sC nifta-it, at 3 1'. M. sA8i-< cattdli'to.i ihna.

fWT tor inlie heat* in 0 io hnn e>i John Ixivett (of New York) enters b. h* SHARK," by "Bamlltonlon." Samuel M< Lauithl'ti (of New Yock) enters KsntuoKv b. m, " L A D * THOnN." by ' Membrlno Chief." On TUES­DAY, 25th IniL, Uie s a n e horttl to iMiaons. "SHARK" and "LADY THORN" c a s j among the fastest horset in the country. I he privdege of annual subscribers (that of being accompanied by a mule adult without pav) will be suspended, and m<»i)erti are rciuosted to waive tbs nnvilogo. Ladies will not bo admitted unless aceom» pauled by gentlemen. Blrgfeld's lull Band will bo Ii attendande each day. Admission, lor either Ladles ol Gentlemen, B1. I o prevent incouvenicnco or delay U obtaining admission, boui of the main gatos wlh bt opened.




New Hccuerv, MacMnor/ and Drcs.ses. ANGELO VEM'VALL

In which ?ho will uiiiR 'Y'OtT ARE THE 8T.V ft" and "BRAVE MARCO."

Box ofUce open from 10 to J. MONDAY, first time, " GAME A."


EVKNINOSat lX . WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTEHNOON.S At 3, Admission 25ceuts; Children It cents. Reserved t>oats 50 ce nts.

AS 8 E M B L Y B U I L D I N G S, L A B G E l i A LL Crowded hollies nightlv to hear tlie gallant

MISS MAJOR BAH LINE CUSHMAN. MatJnoo on Wednesday^ at 3 P . M. r[


MIGHT, as CLY8BIA T H E D E 8 E R . E 1 ) . CLYSBlA. a Jewish Maiden, M1F8 CHARLOTTE THOMPSON.^

<<1VIU8IC HAS CHARMS."-THE FAfUIIONABLB 111 and Intelligent audiences at tha Free tone: rts la

Ladner's Military Hall give ample proof of the as«rtlon. . , . , , i . - — ~ - " — — — .

W A N T S . AC%fX.(\(\ TO 63000 PER YEAR-*]p&<)\J\J to make monay.-- A n

A GOOD CHANCE „ ._ . Actout is wanted in

every l o w n in the land, to manufacture and soil tin aril-olo of dallv consumption In evory family, d m bo manu­factured in tho agent's dwelling. It Is entirely new, se­cured bv copyright. Sato as permanent as flour. No co»t to lit up. Any person wishing a paving business, o r to enlarge one already established, will do well to lm-provo this cluitice.

For mil particulars address, with stamn iac'osed tor reiiirn LOUIS COBLENTZ,

MlOdlctown, Md.

1EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOB CITY A N D COUNTRY. Ii —Has always a good selection ot oanahle persons,

with good references r Americans, Irish, English, French, Gonua;is, Scotch, Welsh and newly lando.t Eml-groi'Usas Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watch-men, A c . Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laun­dresses, Waltressos and general Housework Servant* Alao, (Colored Servants. Nos. 603 and 804 LOCUS'l Street, ubove Eighth," <wim».

WAhVib TO CANvT^sTolnrMiDbLBi Portrait of Liucolti, now real-, ior eul>.

t'enberd. and can bo seen at No. G GOLDSMITHS' HALL. It far excels any of Mr. Midtlcton's paiulngs, and good agents can mako lr.v.u $20 to &, 0 ucr a ay can­vassing in this city or State. Address or call on

A. BARLOW. No. 6 GOLDSMITHS' HALL, Phlladolnhta.

W A N T E D " . FIFTY MORE GOOD W A G o S " r makers; th'rty hard wood workmen, good me­

chanics ; thirty coach body and wheel makers; ten tlrst-cia*s carpeuters. Steady weTk end good wages. Apply to HENRY SIMONS, 0 . s . National Wngon Works, COR of SECOND and CUMBERLAND 8troo&.

AG El ton's Oil


Prooosals ad-

WOOD Poplar. Bass, Swamp. Gum or Hoinlook. to

Uvsred at the Wood Paper Works, Manayaak, In ary. February, March or April next. Fronosu.. .... dressed to "JESSUP A MOORE, No. 27 N. SIXTH Street* Philadelphia."

WAOTED, A SURGEONS STEWARD ON BOABD United Statos stoamir ''Roanokoi" one hav­

ing experience In tho drug business preferred. Pay, 646 per month aud rations. Address "WILLIAM F. .PE­TERSON, United States steamer 'Roanoko,' off Point Lookout, Md.

A YOTJNG MAN, ABOUT 21~YEAR9 OF AGfit wishes a situation in a jobbing or coiDtnlselon house,

the very best references can be given as to capability and honesty. He las been throe years in a wholesais house in this city, and two years In business In Missouri. Address "T. W. R., luqulrsr Office."

WANTIM), A T •160 p I S l l O N T H , A BBLIABLB Canvasser In every county. We havo agents

clearing •BO per month, which wo wUl prove to any doubting applicant. Address "P .O. Box 1429, Phiia

A^LAlliYTEXFERIE^CBDlrE^ Spanish and French, deems an engagement i refer­

ence exchanged. Address "Educatlou.lnqulior tHBce," wronewsok. -. | -• ^ ' -'••;; '.

WANTBD, A 8MABT, ACTIVE BOY TO ATTEl inaFunilturo Store. One from slxtef-

teen years of age preferred. Apply at Be. HM Streei -._".'. 'A "ijjyr P p MOKIR AND ALL IS I iho Sowing Maobine Asm**

B T N T O N A «'.»•• Dearma

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