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In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston NY Daily....Poi'ULAii INSTKUMEN.TAL...

Date post: 12-Feb-2020
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|WI>l>J'lll!!'' l ''«W'«»<w<iHW)»lipy»wi»»i;iwiW'i nmfnHfniHnTi iincr ;>j« r 1 i J , O'JH f " €l)e flailn- 0l)i v onit|c IS PUBLISHED EVERY M0R,VIXG, ! [Sundays excepted,] AT KINGSTON, ULSTER COUNTY, N, Y . J> : 3 SvB. HABLOW, Publisher $ PxoMietor; w i * ••> PUBLICATION OFFICE ; ; No. 3 Wall Street, next door to Bragg & Jan- sen's Drug Store. ••<•••'.• : .i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, By Mail, $ $ a year; , $2 fornix months; $1 for three'months. Invariably in advance. By Carrier, 12 cents >pcr week. (Payable every week. SINOLK COPIES 2 CENTS. ;; -;" TERMS OF ADVERTISING, voii yfvK xfxicS OR EES3.' FORBIXT&BN JUKES ORLESS. One Day " Two Days Three Days, Four Days, Five Days, Ojn© Week, . . Two Weeks, Three Weeks, One Month, Two Months, Three Months, Six Mouths, One Year,. Special Notices will be charged onerhalf more than the abovi rates. All .transient advertisements, to secure inser , tion in this paper, must invariably be accom- panied by the Cash. '• ' " : •^S?^A11 advertisements, to insure insertion, should be sent in before 4 o'clock, R.'Mi '/'": One-day, Two Days, VThr*© Days, . Four Days .Five Days, •One Week, *1Two "Weeks, Three Weeks, One Month, '.-". Two Months, Three Months. Six, Months, < One Year, $0 25 40 : -55 7U . .. 85 .1 00 1 50 2 00 2*50 .8-50 4 00 5 00 .8 00 ¥, l 'I 1 1 . 0 50 75 00 20 40 60 50 3 25 3 5' 6 10 15 50 00 00 00 00' CO-JOB PRINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 1 JOHANNES BRUYN,: .;• V Attorney and .Counsellor at. Law, John street; Kingston, N: Y. : ; ; LAWTON~&~STEBBINS, , ~ Attorneys and Counsellors, Masonic Hall Buiiding, Rondout, N. Y. Attorney and Counsellor at Law 5 Main Street, next door to County Clerk's Office, KINGSTON, N. Y. 13, H. C .ROSECKANSE, Barber & Hair Dresser, John street, Kingston, N. Y. fggrCold and warm baths at all hours. •£ , ADAM: IIATTENBRUN, . Shampooing, Shaving, and HAiR-D%ESSING SAL0ON. Main street, near Eagle Hotel, Kingston. THEODORE DELILLY, Barber and Hair; Dresser, Wall street, adjoining Ulster County House.* , Hair Cutting done inalSuperibr Mariner. I . • , . V . .:{}$, '!.-.' mmmm. George Mead's | >! V Silver'•>• P^ixtffiiW* EstaMisJiJti&nt. . '• » f ' ; . ' * x J : ' . ' ( * . . '. ' •• 1 1. fi •EORGE ;! KEAD i ¥as removed hiS 'Stiver %~% Plating.;E?tabliejbfment to No>• 68,North Front'street, .next door' toi-RVB. post's Hat and Cap st'dre; where' lie iiit'e'nds to keep'the jar^6st assortment of trimmings for Carriages and Har- ness •• to be found" in the county^ consisting iii part of the followin|g :, artIcle's :• •: v ' : V w I North's gig trees, brass, silver and Japanned self adjusting gig tree, brass, silver, Japan, iron arid wopd harries, bucktes,' bits, hoqks and ter^ rets, harness rings, reinihalterand breast snaps, ornaments, Rosettes, rein,and girth web, ^Uteh' ing thread and saddler's silki all 'colors;' brass and;(silver..lined; ivory ,and.bonemartirigale rings, awlp,. needles, awl». hafts, and a iulj as.i. sortment of n^hess maker's tools ; hiib A bands, brags,,Bil verj ; and; japanefl.alL sifces and patterns; silver moulding, top props, curtain.frames, li- uingnHilB, enameled cloth, patent and enamel- ed .leather,: moss,' puvled hair, tto. ; •'. ;; .•, • . .'Also ? all kinds of Brass and Silver Plating in the tine done at.Short notice, arid'oh reasonable terms. -^8. North;.Front street, between Shar|i & Sahler^s Hardware .store, and R. E. Best's Hat store! {>"••<. v "' :,,; ' ; ' ; .«, Vf '}.•;';• Kingston, AnrU2T, 1859. GEO^MEAD- 6m 4 CABINET FURNITURE. J J/VS SLEIGHT, KINGSTON, \ 'No. \,:N6rth' JPrdnt Street, Oppositextlie Tannery, O FFERS KOR: S ALE .the largest 'assortment of Cabinet Furniture ever exhijj|ited in this place ; among Wnlcn may be foiih'd•Mahogany, Black Walnut, Maple, Flag seat, Dratying-room, Rocking, Office and Easy' CHAIRS', Mahoga- ny, French and Crib BEDSTEADS', Sofas, Tetca-Tetes, BureausfGard, Centre, Walnut & Oak Extension, Toilet and-Breakfast TABLES', Lounges, Looking Glasses, Wash and work Stand, Closets,'<fe*C, &o. ! '•' '.;-.. : .. . ' Enameled and'Painted Furniture of various styles find prices, AIsb, ; a large assortment of Coffins] of'Manogahy, Black Walnut .and other wood, ps^Ml Furniture 'delivered in the vi- cinity free of charge. .. •••. All kinds of Fnrniture made to order, as usu- al, at short -.notice, and on reasonable termsi— The public are respectfully-:invited-' to call be- fore, purchasing elsewhere. :•''..'. •• •'•.-..' .,,-;.• n;U 8m •-;•;•: o • : J. v D r 'SLEIGnT.- New Music ! IZ^M WITH THEE STILL." ' JOHN BROWN, Shyving and Hair Dressing Saloon. Kingston A v., near American Hotel, Kingston. \ '• • GASPER: JuOWER50USE V ;.;; ' Barber and Hair Dresser, Corner Ferry and Canal,streets, Rondout. VALLET'S Photograph and Amtorotype O ALLEliy, 72 North Front street, over Wil- son's Hat and Cap store'. Photographs copied from Ambrotypes and 1 Daguerreotypes to'a : small size or large as life, and -finished in <n\ water colors. Family groups and children's likenesses "beautifully taken for 50 cts. to $7. ••••'•• •':•'••' o 1 tf: _ - , -_ i i, , ! . _^ r-1— ; Wftiddit's Gallery of Art, W HIDDIT would call attention to thebeau- tiful specimens of the Photographic Art which he dfiily turns out at his Gallery* His pictures are truly inimitable productions. They cannot be surpassed in beauty'by any other Ar« tisfc in the county. / , ,-p Persons never having succeeded in obtaining a correct likeness of themselves, can be; suited at his Gallery. Call and see tor yourself. Any who may wish to try, he will consider it a pleas- ure to wait [upon them. . . j .'. ;| •: JEL& will riot let a picture leave his room,un- less hispatrOns are suited. Pictures with cases for 50 cents and upwards. l o tf > H BALLAD ; worcjs by Mrs. A. M, Edmonds, first published in The. Mother's Journal, music by Augustus Cull.' ''The Wild's of the. West 5" ••Kinds words can never Die •;'.' "The Angels Told- me so ;'•'• '"Give -me back my Mountain Home ;". "Thoughts of God--"-.arid (, Ode to Lib- er ty." .Price 25 cents each., mailed free. Just issued by HORACE WAT'EKS, : Agent, No. S'd'd Broadway. ..'.••.;, ,':'»•'•'•' i'V .Poi'ULAii INSTKUMEN.TAL Mugic—"Tho Picco lomini Polka,"'with beautiful vignette of M'll Piccplomini, price »32 cents. "Palace Garden, or singing bird;Polka,'" with vignette ; price 40 cents. : Both by Thomas Baker. ^Thc Swinging Sobttiscb^e,".with'-Yignette * .price 35; cents; and the "Very last•VarBoyierine," price 25 cents;• both by Augustus Cull. Beautiful vignettes oi" M'll Piccolomini for 25 cents each. - l'4d d I The liaflies^ Shoe Store I S at Day's new store. ( . ; . •; .' t\ The Great shoe store'is at Day's new store.'' The Girlashop store js a|i Day's new "store. ; ;•' The Boys shoe store.is at Day's, new store. ,; Iri'fact everybody : traded With Day, beC'aiise he always sells better boots< and at less prices thah any store.in the'county .... .. ... :':'; nThestock is all new.••••'• :i ••••;•••'•/,'?;'•.. '•:'• .The stock is .all complete. ,. i ; ; ; ;i^ The : stock is all of the'besC :•'," "''''' '.;"'*' i. : ; The .-stock: inust bovsoldat prices that 1 will PBIOI1TEN' SOME.FOLKS^,.,.; ' .'.'•', •'. ., • -; '•;' ; ,.,-:. The store is next door to Langwortny'sV •''""' ••I 1 0 I s tf •••• ii! •;•; ;EDWARD DAY,; Agent. ' ®pter aiifl $oitfft<A!0n^ S AMMY^BEEK^A^ Miirns" iiis ; thanks to those who have 'thus far so liberally pat- ronized him, and begs /to. infprrja the, P.ublicr that he ha's ; removed tp ; the buiVd\tig formerly : occui piqd, by: the,: late Mrs.^erritt,:whero he»wilt ? »b0 phased to see all his old. fti^dB^Varid^as-'^iiLaa^. hew dries ; as f they'wtU^riri^./ ; : '••• ^ ;; ';^' r';': -v .> r^e Wjill; It^ep constantly;pnJiand^ a; largeja&f sort ( ment,of Confectionary, Ice Cream, and the GuestofOys^ersV'!', -•; :: ; ^ : .'-' :,v; : ; '/.' : -cllly J mTTRAC^IVE STOCK!—We would call at- JoLtentioh? to,tlio: ridh stock of 'Dress Goods received,th,if .vyeek, ^ ^The summer..Gassiraeres; the drapery (and cornfoeis; "the shades arict damf asksij-th&flqoi;oil- cloth^ f:the carpets "ftheimat- trasses ; ; the rag-carpets.and feathery. ; '• '••''i"'"'""" ; ''T ToW^Erri^MEnnil-T^ C«c IOSBY'8. A Good Book;of 'Thrliiing Interest and Grca/ Vpvjfiu .. ;'V S ,.''.,•-,.. .• ; •- ••;.-,; ••••- : .i'5i-i3 , 'f>-,- ; - »;' 7 ••••:•- '"•••.•'•)•:•. '. . . Q |R,Tncidents arid Characters from life in the iy^aiUmdrftGwferenceVr ByrMiriatfl^FJetCrij er. With an introduction hy W. t P. Strickland, ft. £>.; For saleat'WYNKOOP'^ Bookstore. , T H^J subscriber has ju'st ojiWncd a fine assort- ment of the aboyk goods received from one of the be*t factories in New Eh^'lana,' £ind which'fpr beau ty of pat to rn and low prices surpass any ev^er before' offered in this market, to. which, he invites' the .attention oftheipuibliicC }/i ' rl - ,} - ' .:..:; : rv; •'•-T-. .> '•'•'• ' •• F-.S, WYNKOOP; ',''•' •':;• Opposite the Ulsfcr County Bank. Country Mcrcluntssupplied at N.Y; prices. raa:g & Jauseii are Proprietors of the foliowing^ell known remedies: ;; : Clay's Arnica Lijihnsiit< ••'. ^ : '•' :: ^.Strong's Enterprise Pills, :'i< ;: ; ^ vi r ,|C?/^5 :(^<?^ (^r^^ M -:; ; ;;'. ;v, ^ ; ;/- •''':'>• ;' Irvine's'Condition'Powders, ••'/.''.'•..-''• '.'•'••.';.; : Ir.vi7ie , s-Horse Lirdmeiti; ' / : For sale by Druggists aud : Merchants: gener- altyi" .-';-'-.'r>.,^••••'-: f' : "t^?w c 13 ; OOKS'.! 13obks 1.1 -Books U !--A large; stock 0 l f Theological j' Sunday School, Hymn & Mifeceilaneous Bopk«. just) received and' f 0 r sale cheap at : Wxx^oor's/Bookstore,: : ' : Opposite Ulster Co. Bank., ontftjiye «& Keynolds have removed to their store opposite Sch ry ver's Hotcliwbere they, will be happy to sec their friends. I " AMP OIL.- -5 Bbls. pure Elephantv for sale BRAGG & JANSEN. I ' on don CluilO $amce—Superior, to the •J Worcestershire or any other kind. For sale by ; • y • •' BRAGG & JAKEEN. C ONROY'S EISHING'TACKLE—LangWor- thy, baving.compieted his season's arrange, ment with Messrs, JOouroy, of Fultbrt street,New York, will herqaftierbave a full and complete supply of their inimitable.Tackle on hand. Par- ticular attention is solicited to his celebrated ^Cork Killer," a Trout Hook that.is unsurpass- ed in the world. Epr- sale only at :: ^ j . : : . ' , LANQWojRTHy's. Emporium* S URE REMEUY FOR DVSPEPSIA : ;,; f:'\ -p"•''•' 1st—Go to Bprry's great Fishing -Tackle Depot, sign of the Yellow Perch, : select from his endless variety of Fish Hooks, FivShEines; Fish 1 poles, flyer snells, ,&c> an outfit Buch as-can't be bought at any, drug store in_ Kingston.,.,,. (T '•...-.'' 2nd—tfake a ride to C6chect6h^oliow,rough it in, the woods two .or three,days, ca^ch txyb or three hundred trout, and if you dbn; 4 t return a wiser and a healthier man,then Berry'B Fishing Tackle.is good ; for s .H.ix, > <t \ A•'• , T ;-'v. (: \,-• \- \: :?:;: Fishing Tackle cheap wholesale and retail, at v •;.. BERRY^S^reatVaridtyisWr-e,^ ; v ; :' J '.,.;c.2,tf...f f '»:;'•;•„j . 81 NorthTFront'Street.r.. ALLO1 BILL, have you beard the.; news 1 Whatnews 1 Bob advertises fifty cents? |fi|l ; ef!;—the most effective ^rout, Hook,ever in- ^or skunk skins. I am off to Kingston to pur chase one,of Berry's long range, seven-dollar •double-barrel shot Giins to ; shoot the essence pedler^with..,, ; ;' .,,'. '.Aid]-, y- ^ .-':-'.• : ^ ; Double and single shot Guns,,.R!ifies, RevoK •ers, single and double Pistols, powder flasks, shot bags, powder, shot, caps, and every thing requisite for a sportsman, cheap at < ; BERRY'S Gun Factory, 81 Norrth Front street. B ERRY.has just 7 received dlrecifr6m<Duhlin, Walton's Killing..Trout,Hook.' He invites the lovers of Trout Wishing.to come and try them. None geriuide unless sold by : BERRY>at his great Fishing.Tackle Depot, 81 North Front street. ., f - -.f^ •>.: ? i.e.tf, -**- C HILDREN'S GIGS, Wagons, Hobby Hbr« ses, Toys—every thing to iplcase the chil- dren, cheapiit. / {. '< •<• . V'fv^oO TORRYiS Empire Fancy Store, ._ . "2 81 North Front street. , A 'NEW SERIES of Sermons by Spurgcori, Vol 5, just received at \ WYNKOOP-S. Vented) arid for sale only at •ill "l i:. i '<•'<•,! . - LA'NdTiv'qnTHy's Em'p6riu.m. rohoko,S mole ing Tobacco.—A fresh lot jnst .received drrcct; from Virginia. Also a fine new lot of,Meerschaum Pipes and'Holdersi at HI •'•••;•;.* LANGWORTHY'§. Emporium, B " a s k c t "Ware, :•'-.•'.••' ••• ' : ; : .•'-',,,- ;-..?> ,'r' ^.'Willow:Ware,,^';'';'.':';'^;.-',•.' ••H- '-•••, ; ;•'•••U )- : \\,H-.-,: f Cane Ware, "; : ":',.. '--': : ; •-.: . •- : ''] •< '[L'^-H '."'-Wooden Ware, Just received, fresh and nice, at' \ • ."i [ : .;',., LANGWORTiiy<?s Emporium; R UBBER, .BALLOONS 1'Rnbbqr :Ralloons ! A few gross for sale, either inflated or not, as thb purchaser may choose at ' - V : - ; ,;'".; Langworthy's Emporiumi';.; f\fX TONS of Genuine GUANO just receiv- XjXJ. and for sale by,, , .-.•:. > I F YQU want Fresh GARDEN? $ FLOWER SEEDS, make your purchases one door east, oflstRef.Dutch Church, of !- v ^ >; MONTANVE &, REYNOLDS. C OMPLETION of Irving's WashingtOtt-^The 5th and last volume; of Irving's Washing- ton just received at i/! ' ; - ' : ' •• ,\ : H*r : ) :::':) W Y N K O O P ^ B o o k s t o r e . :=. The-Defaddn and-tHe fM^hmafEi. ' TO8eV ! tliis li^id wefiriid tie 1 follow ng ;:waV tV^veiliiig' id ijie ^km^m : tfitf&kte 1 of $w'T<kfy lyJiarrived iii tliis : cbuntr}^/ and was in quest, of a broiher wlio carhe before Kirri aiaS settled^ in some of* tjfie ? 3igging^ in tnat Vicinity; - ' •.••'••",' .*• '.'• ;.- : H ' Fattvas a strongsdtbleti'c man, a strong Oatbblic and' bad' never^seen the interior of a Protestant '^^^•^^'^i^'i. pteas- anVSunday morning tbat brotber tngalls met pat^ wbo inquired tbe way to the cburcb. Irigalls was a good and pious : -^^^i\^^xWW^^^ f ^^% to cbti'rcli himself, and invited bis new^ acquaintance to keep bini company tliitber, (his place of vdestinatiott 1 being a 'small Methodist bouse n^af byi) There was a great revi- val there at tbe time, and one of the Dea- cons, (wbo by.the way is very small in stature) ! invited' brother In gal Is to take a seat in his pewJ '•• He>-accepted the invita- tion,' and'walked in, followed by Pat, wlio looked in vain -to 1 findv tbe altar, && ; Af- ter'he was) seated,'he turned to brother Ingails,.arid in a"whisper f which could be beard all around, inquired,:* ! ; > -i l i Sure,' and isn't this a birritick church V *' Hush,? ?f said Ihgalls, u . if you speak a loud wordrthey will put you but." u And faithy nota word will I spake at all," replied Pat. ':" A - v : ^ - The meeting "vvas opened with prayer by the pastor. Pat was eyeing ; him very closely, when the old gentleman wlio was standing in the pew directly in front: of Pat shouted- '^Glory.^••:. : f ^'Hist,;ye clear demon," rejoined Pat, with his loud whisper, which was plainly heard by the minister, " be dacent ; ; and don't make a blackguard of yourself." The parson grew more and more fervent in his? devotions'. Presently the Deacon uttered an audible p^roan; v ^ • /^Hist-t-t, ye blackguard, have ye no deacency at all 1" said Pat, a,t the same moment 1 giving the Deacon a punch in his ribs, which caused him nearly to loose his equilibrium. The' mlnistei* stopped, and extending his hand in a supplicating marinerrsaid ^•.''••,''.; : >.::;: ;-;•::, , ' : .- : ' •"":•'.'••'.'• '•'{ brethren, we cannot be disturbed in this way. Will some oneput that man OUt".' ; - : . :',;'••- ''n'n' :: ' : ''~' : / r'---H •/<•:•}: ; «vYis, yourr rivirence," shouted Pat^ " ; i. will," and suiting the action to^ the word, he collared the Deacon, and tp "the: laughter,'. and utter astonishment of all present, including ,the pastor, and ( brother Irigalls, he dragged him through the aisle, and with a tremendous kick he landed him in the vestibule of the church. %••:> -*•&-*— P ; F URE ; %hite' Leadarid snow : 'wh'lte ^Irtc— Cheap for cash by BIUGQ.,&; JAUSEN.'".' real* Hobby Horses^' ; Fresh Gigs, ;_;.,:•'. -.-'r.',,;., '';...•:>:>• ' L-mr, >-. Fresh Cabs; •-.'. "H l : ,. ;.•;..,•-'' •; i ; A Eresh / .ChUdse ! n*^Carriagp9^ Ju'8tc^p«n'ea•a£"•'''. : •^•'•V^'''''^.•••V•^V^^v' ':;••• , •'?; LANOWOUTHY'fl vEmpOr J urn; f '' l.lvH . 4 1. /, Q iVeet $$&%$&$& 9hip^riar jPeaj/aUu^ril^ ]k3, (iiyr other, Varieties^ at j (f>j. in .1 a 1'-,! •M0NTANYK.& REYNOLDS. \M '•- j ilMziii -•••'• T p ^ T R A CABS,-.QIGjS' A N ^ C A R R I A Q ^ S (or J V the babies—a'fine fresh invoice just open- cd'andior sale on reasdnable 'terms afc.^.^ivj'i-.:( : . Langwqrthy's E^ppriuin.'; j; - B IRD CAGES of every description—a fresh A lot just opened at n \V«>'. { * .'V?r-' f.T.'Axi lfJd^c ' LANOWOETITY'S Emporium^ " " . ' ( ' ." i ' v v (,*• ' r ~ " : .;••.;•.»,<>•• / ., •,—;•...'/•, TJILOWER'SEEOs^Aflue assortment at JD .;'.'•?•' Montqnye& Reynolds. T lie'BSig Iiidiaii is alive With ti'bufcl Ev- f erybody.must .go up s ;apd "$&> ^eir-jlucki once at least. No onewill use inferior Tackle when;they can get everything -e0 perfect^so good and so,cheap—rWherelr^Why,: pfl.coursei only at ; ; '- ? LANQWOBTHY^S Emporium. L ADIES' and Childrens' Bows, Arrows, Tar- ,jg^tB andQttiy^rs.rj ;A, bea'^tiful'article for exerois'e or amusement,,for sale at. t •' •; iioll ^ •> >t- - ! l LAMWORTAY'S'Erripori Mrsl Perkins, says she never' can un- derstand theso ? ere market reports: She can understand how^cheese can be lively and pork can be- active—that is : "before It isdeadT—and feathers can be drooping^— thatis.if;it-ip irainJingTT-brifcj how whiskey ca^ be jsteadyv orrhpps quiet, or; spirits dull, she can't see j neither how lard can be firm in warm weather, nor iron unsettled hprppfatpes,;depressed, nor floujvrising-4.' ;le^s /therie^bad been: yeast iput: into: itr-r sometimes it would riot rise evenvtheri.: ; )0num. ^LORitiA^^ATMlftTh^ Jj; :fiime^inUhe world^fbrisale'iby;':.^!/ ••••<.;,• •:•,} i V BRAGGr & JA^S|S]N.; ; ..) tfl9 I NDIA RUBBER PENS; - : TudiaRuhberi^ens,, <\ ..<ui'u- ; •••/ >'•:•:•• .'••.,•>. ; 'India Rubber' : Pena, : "''•:• '/H' •/;'. ;•':-'-.:•'' • - ^ iFor salemt W^ •Opposite .the Ulsjier .CjQ'Vfafy § a n k . bp'posite tneHl8ter Cpunty Bank -.r;.,f,>:.- , .-i!'.\'.f,-'l;,.-V''.i" 'v-rirS ,%.•u'r^rl. C l b i i i g r e s s W a t e r , ftesh/from the.springs. B ERRY'S FiBhing Tackle is now complete at 81 Korth Front street. > 0 2 t T A B^AL :H:BRoiiJ)j;:----Pemale heroism ;^vas recently exemplified,in the case of a N Miss^ Epnoedy, one, of the: sufferers by the explosion of the 6tearaer St. Nicholas. ,SJie'W,aBi t h r o w n by the explosion, from- ber state-rbom into the river, and floated down to the stern of the boat, when she caught her hand in one'of the rings at- tached to the hull, and bung in that peri- lous dilemma, whep death stood threaten- ing upon eithe^ band. To loose hertold Was to , sink into the waves, and to bold on was* to but'n with.the wreck to which she was clinging—every moment being 1 an age of alternating hope and despair. She, remained; in this position until the flames actually burned the hair and skin from her head, the only part of her body above the water except the hand by which she clung to the wreck, and that was .burned to a crisp. While in this aw- ful suspense, and suffering intensely from the heat, such was her presence of mind and her wonderful heroism, that, as a man, who was worse stunned, perhaps than herself by the explosion, was floating by ber, in.a drowning condition, sfie seiz- ed him bythe hair with her disengaged hand, and held his face out of the water until a skiff was.brought to the rescue of both; .•••• '• ....'-'•-.'.•'•-i--.". ' ':.-•.'..' : - -*-«-•- If a man 21 years of age begins to save a dollar a week, and puts it to interest every year, he would have at 31 years, $65a; at42, Si;680; at 61, $6,150; at 71, $11,500. When we look at the sums, and when we think how much temptation and evil might be avoided in. the very act of saving them, and how much good a man in humble circumstances might do for his family by these sums, we cannot help wondering that mere do not lay by one-dollar a week. .The money a man invests' in tobacco jarid cigars, would make a home comfortable for life, if he would place, those dollars in a savings bank which he now throws into-a spit- toon. :•'•'•'• -•••© • — A Yankee .broom; pedlar' stepped into a store recently and offered his brooms for sale. The merchant agreed to take six! dozen if the pedlar would take half, cash and the remainder in trade. The Yankee assented to the proposition and brought in the brooms. The merchant counted but the money and asked the pedlar what kind of goods ho would take the rest of his pay in. The pedlar said he'd take it'out in broonis, and grabbing thomoney and three dozen brooms, jump-- ed on his wagon and drove off before the astonished merchant comprehended the nature of t h e " s o i l . " ; -»•«»-•- r*-«H».-.*-! v«M' •t.* JEent- : ^ourily,'-Iffaryl^ <our ^ayslasr^eekfe-t^ peal'cise ! of f <^org^ Wml^l^&a^le^^ta a ! ^ icertain; $ bbfe-tail' s ebw]' > $$0$^^ states that^velr^ft^^ ^jbtri^Siy^1^^^/tli^^te^^^^4 > ^SS^; bi * tbe? •caseis^$6utfi^ TtisM^^ sp«int Iri iitigatio% wh^re• oriljr $20^ were involved. : >' ;/ ;Sb'0'Ju1ry' ? '^aye ; a; verdict;" for* the appellee) with one cent damage. i AN OMEN.-—The following anecdote is given by the Opinione of Turin : "A ban- quet-of officers was held at Milan a jew days'ago, at which, among the numerous toasts drank in allusion to the impending war, a young officer proposed the foliow- ing_.«To the Austrian army I The French and iPiedmontese armies will break against it like this brittle glass.'? So saying, ho threw the bottle he had just emptied into the air, so, as-to,make it fall back upon the; table, which, in fact, it did, but— without breaking. The Opinione states that-all the officers present stood aghast at this untoward omen. I •»•••»•• The clergyman of Madison, Wis., each found a nice ham.on their dior steps oh a Jrocen^,morning^. .They were taken, in .thankfully, as. surprise, presents, but it turns.-"out that^they. were stolen, from the collbge steward and distributed by some student, who thought it'an excellent prac- tical joke. The facts did not come out in time to save the bacon.' •:.!,'.' ,,-; :i'.',}:> vV;:";ifi v . :}'. ••••,•••';•.••••»••../•;.—r, . •• >•-• t, ; , •• , ( v ,••L.^^jp'M9^Bn>^The.largest.' mule ever ..pro.difeed in the World is now in . Cincin- nati* It is a mare mule, nineteen and a half l^ands highland weighs eighteen hun- dred and''thirty^iive pounds, ; This;; ex- traordinary -animal 1 is the property of jOharles Frost, of Wayne county> Indiana,, recently purchased near Lexington, Ken- tucky. :/: ;-.; : ;'- : 'VcV^\-' ; :'.;-;';"'; V ••:':;. '.li.J...,. • r • • . . » - V • - , »k . j . *•J •' I S- !,»»ii»i~iljM:rf^-i'*v'-»;.^-. ; f. *'„^.a».«.^»Wi>i—*>• (*'-i*k.-i J^^A^i r *.*JStint ;...^Ui»ji*»l.S.V>«^."^.» iiiiirniiii itiiiiiii^iiMiiiiiiMi^M^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/Kingston NY Daily....Poi'ULAii INSTKUMEN.TAL Mugic—"Tho Picco lomini Polka,"'with beautiful vignette of M'll Piccplomini, price »32

|WI>l>J'lll!!''l''«W'«»<w<iHW)»lipy»wi»»i;iwiW'i nmfnHfniHnTi i incr ; > j « r

1 i

J ,


• f " €l)e flailn- 0l)ivonit|c IS PUBLISHED EVERY M0R,VIXG,

! [Sundays excepted,] AT KINGSTON, ULSTER COUNTY, N, Y. J > :

3 SvB. HABLOW, Publisher $ PxoMietor; w i * ••> <»

PUBLICATION OFFICE ; ; No. 3 Wall Street, next door to Bragg & Jan-

sen's Drug Store. ••<•••'.• : .i

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, By Mail, $$ a y e a r ; , $2 fornix months; $ 1

for three'months. Invariably in advance. By Carrier, 12 cents >pcr week. (Payable every week. SINOLK COPIES 2 CENTS.


One Day " Two Days Three Days, Four Days, Five Days, Ojn© Week, . . Two Weeks, Three Weeks, One Month, Two Months, Three Months, Six Mouths, One Year,.

Special Notices will be charged onerhalf more than the abovi rates.

All .transient advertisements, to secure inser , tion in this paper, must invariably be accom­panied by the Cash. '• ' " :

•^S?^A11 advertisements, to insure insertion, should be sent in before 4 o'clock, R.'Mi '/'":

• One-day, Two Days,

VThr*© Days, . Four Days .Five Days, •One Week, *1Two "Weeks, Three Weeks, One Month, '.-". Two Months, Three Months. Six, Months, < One Year,

$0 25 40

: - 5 5 7U

. . . 85 .1 00 1 50 2 00 2*50

. 8 - 5 0 4 00 5 00

. 8 00

¥, l

' I 1 1

. 0

50 75 00 20 40 60 50

3 25 3 5' 6

10 15

50 00 00 00 00'


1 JOHANNES BRUYN,: . ; • V Attorney and .Counsellor at. Law,

John street; Kingston, N: Y. :;


Attorneys and Counsellors, Masonic Hall Buiiding, • Rondout, N. Y.

Attorney and Counsellor at Law5 Main Street, next door to County Clerk's Office,


13, • H. C .ROSECKANSE, Barber & Hair Dresser,

John street, Kingston, N. Y. fggrCold and warm baths at all hours.

•£ , ADAM: IIATTENBRUN, . Shampooing, Shaving, and

HAiR-D%ESSING SAL0ON. Main street, near Eagle Hotel, Kingston.


• Barber and Hair; Dresser, Wall street, adjoining Ulster County House.* ,

Hair Cutting done inalSuperibr Mariner.

I . • • , . V .

.:{}$, '!.-.' mmmm.

George Mead's | >! V

Silver'•>• P^ixtffiiW* EstaMisJiJti&nt. . • '• » f ' ; • . ' • * x J : ' . ' ( * • • • • • • . . ' . ' •• 1 1 . •

f i •EORGE;!KEADi ¥as removed hiS 'Stiver %~% Plating.;E?tabliejbfment to No>• • 68,North Front'street, .next door' toi-RVB. post's Hat and Cap st'dre; where' lie iiit'e'nds to keep'the jar^6st assortment of trimmings for Carriages and Har­ness •• to be found" in the county^ consisting iii part of the followin|g:,artIcle's :• •: v' : • V w I

North's gig trees, brass, silver and Japanned self adjusting gig tree, brass, silver, Japan, iron arid wopd harries, bucktes,' bits, hoqks and ter^ rets, harness rings, reinihalterand breast snaps, ornaments, Rosettes, rein,and girth web, ^Uteh' ing thread and saddler's silki all 'colors; ' brass and;(silver..lined; ivory ,and.bonemartirigale rings, awlp,. needles, awl». hafts, and a iulj as.i. sortment of n^hess maker's tools ; hiibA bands, brags,,Bil verj ;and; japanefl.alL sifces and patterns; silver moulding, top props, curtain.frames, l i -uingnHilB, enameled cloth, patent and enamel­ed .leather,: moss,' puvled hair, tto.;•'. ;; .•, • .

.'Also? all kinds of Brass and Silver Plating in the tine done at.Short notice, arid'oh reasonable terms. -^8. North;.Front street, between Shar|i & Sahler^s Hardware .store, and R. E. Best's Hat store! {>"••<. v"':,,;'; ';.«,Vf'}.•;';• •

Kingston, AnrU2T, 1859. GEO^MEAD-

6m 4


'No. \,:N6rth' JPrdnt Street, Oppositextlie Tannery,

OFFERS KOR: S ALE .the largest 'assortment of Cabinet Furniture ever exhijj|ited in this

place ; among Wnlcn may be foiih'd•Mahogany, Black Walnut, Maple, Flag seat, Dratying-room, Rocking, Office and Easy' CHAIRS', Mahoga­ny, French and Crib BEDSTEADS', Sofas, Tetca-Tetes, BureausfGard, Centre, Walnut & Oak Extension, Toilet and-Breakfast TABLES', Lounges, Looking Glasses, Wash and work Stand, Closets,'<fe*C, &o.! '•' '.;-.. : .. . '

Enameled and'Painted Furniture of various styles find prices, AIsb,; a large assortment of Coffins] of'Manogahy, Black Walnut .and other wood, ps^Ml Furniture 'delivered in the v i ­cinity free of charge. .. •••..

All kinds of Fnrniture made to order, as usu­al, at short -.notice, and on reasonable termsi— The public are respectfully-:invited-' to call be­fore, purchasing elsewhere. • :•''..'. •• •'•.-..' .,,-;.• n;U 8m • - ; • ; • : o • : J . v D r ' S L E I G n T . -

N e w Music ! IZ^M WITH THEE STILL." '

JOHN BROWN, Shyving and Hair Dressing Saloon. Kingston A v., near American Hotel, Kingston.

\ '• • G A S P E R : JuOWER50USEV;.;;

' Barber and Hair Dresser, Corner Ferry and Canal,streets, Rondout.

• VALLET'S Photograph and Amtorotype OALLEliy , 72 North Front street, over Wil­

son's Hat and Cap store'. Photographs copied from Ambrotypes and1 Daguerreotypes to'a :small size or large as life, and -finished in <n\ water colors. Family groups and children's likenesses "beautifully taken for 50 cts. to $7. ••••'•• •':•'••' o 1 tf:

_ - , - _ i i, , ! . _ ^ r - 1 —

; Wftiddit's Gallery of Art, WHIDDIT would call attention to thebeau-

tiful specimens of the Photographic Art which he dfiily turns out at his Gallery* His pictures are truly inimitable productions. They cannot be surpassed in beauty'by any other Ar« tisfc in the county. / , ,-p

Persons never having succeeded in obtaining a correct likeness of themselves, can be; suited a t his Gallery. Call and see tor yourself. Any who may wish to try, he will consider it a pleas­ure to wait [upon them. . . j .'. ; | •:

JEL& will riot let a picture leave his room,un­less hispatrOns are suited. Pictures with cases for 50 cents and upwards. l o tf >


BALLAD ; worcjs by Mrs. A. M, Edmonds, first published in The. Mother's Journal, music by Augustus Cull . ' ' 'The Wild's of the. West 5" ••Kinds words can never Die •;'.' "The Angels Told- me so ;'•'• '"Give -me back my Mountain Home ;". "Thoughts of God --"-.arid (,Ode to Lib­er ty." .Price 25 cents each., mailed free. Just issued by HORACE WAT'EKS,

:Agent, No. S'd'd Broadway. ..'.••.;, ,':'»•'•'•' i'V

.Poi'ULAii INSTKUMEN.TAL Mugic—"Tho Picco lomini Polka,"'with beautiful vignette of M'll Piccplomini, price »32 cents. "Palace Garden, or singing bird;Polka,'" with vignette ; price 40 cents. : Both by Thomas Baker. ^Thc Swinging Sobttiscb^e,".with'-Yignette * .price 35; cents; and the "Very last•VarBoyierine," price 25 cents;• both by Augustus Cull. Beautiful vignettes oi" M'll Piccolomini for 25 cents each. - l '4d d I

The liaflies^ Shoe Store IS at Day's new store. ( .

; . •; .' t\

The Great shoe store'is a t Day's new store.'' The Girlashop store js a|i Day's new "store. ;

;•' The Boys shoe store.is at Day's, new store. ,; Iri'fact everybody: traded With Day, beC'aiise

he always sells better boots< and a t less prices thah any store.in the'county.... .. ... :':'; nThestock is all new.••••'• : i • • • • ; • • • ' • / , ' ? ; ' • . . '•:'•

.The stock is .all complete. ,. i ; ; ; ; i ^ The :stock is all of the'besC :•'," " ' ' ' ' ' '.;"'*'

i. :; The .-stock: inust bovsoldat prices that1 will PBIOI1TEN' SOME.FOLKS^,.,.; ' .'.'•', •'. ., • -; '•;' ; , . , - : .

T h e s to re is n e x t door to Langwor tny ' sV •''""' ••I 1 0 I s tf •••• i i! •;•; ; E D W A R D DAY,; A g e n t . '

®pter aiifl $oitfft<A!0n^

SAMMY^BEEK^A^ Miirns" iiis ; thanks to those who have 'thus far so liberally pat­

ronized him, and begs /to. infprrja the, P.ublicr that he ha's; removed tp ; the buiVd\tig formerly : occui piqd, by: the,: late Mrs.^erritt,:whero he»wilt ?»b0 phased to see all his old. fti^dB^Varid^as-'^iiLaa^. hew dries ;as fthey'wtU^riri^./ ; : '••• ^ ; ; ' ; ^ ' r';': -v .> r^e Wjill; It^ep constantly;pnJiand^ a; largeja&f sort(ment,of Confectionary, Ice Cream, and the GuestofOys^ersV'!', -•; :: ; ^ : . ' - ' : , v ; : ; ' / . ' :-cl l ly J

mTTRAC^IVE STOCK!—We would call at-JoLtentioh? to,tlio: ridh stock of 'Dress Goods received,th,if .vyeek, ^ The summer..Gassiraeres; the drapery (and cornfoeis; "the shades arict damf asksij-th&flqoi;oil- cloth^ f:the carpets "ftheimat-trasses ; ;the rag-carpets.and feathery. ; '• '••''i"'"'""" ;''T ToW^Erri^MEnnil-T^ C«c IOSBY'8.

A Good Book;of 'Thrliiing Interest and Grca/ Vpvjfiu

. . ;'V S , . ' ' . , • - , . . . • ; • - • • ; . - , ; • • • • - : . i ' 5 i - i 3 , ' f > - , - ; - » ; ' 7 ••••:•- ' " • • • . • ' • ) • : • . '. . .

Q|R,Tncidents arid Characters from life in the iy^aiUmdrftGwferenceVr ByrMiriatfl^FJetCrij

er. With an introduction hy W. tP. Strickland, ft. £>.; For sa lea t 'WYNKOOP'^ Bookstore. ,

TH^J subscriber has ju'st ojiWncd a fine assort­ment of the aboyk goods received from one of

the be*t factories in New Eh^'lana,' £ind which'fpr beau ty of pat to rn and low prices surpass any ev^er before' offered in this market, to. which, he invites' the .attention oftheipuibliicC}/i'rl- ,}-

' • .:..:; :rv; •'•-T-. .> '•'•'• '•• F-.S, WYNKOOP; ',''•'•':;• Opposite the Ulsfcr County Bank.

Country Mcrcluntssupplied at N.Y; prices.

r a a : g & J a u s e i i are Proprietors of the foliowing^ell known remedies: ;; :

• Clay's Arnica Lijihnsiit< ••'. ^ : '•'::

^.Strong's Enterprise Pills, :'i< ;: ; ^ vi r , |C?/^5 : ( ^ < ? ^ ( ^ r ^ ^ M - : ; ; ;;'. ;v, ^ ; ; / -

•''':'>• ;' Irvine's'Condition'Powders, ••'/.''.'•..-''• '.'•'••.';.; •:Ir.vi7ie,s-Horse Lirdmeiti; ' / :

For sale by Druggists aud: Merchants: gener-altyi" .-';-'-.'r>., ••••'-: f':"t^?w c 13 ;

OOKS'.! 13obks 1.1 -Books U !--A large; stock 0lf Theological j ' Sunday School, Hymn &

Mifeceilaneous Bopk«. just) received and' f0r sale cheap at : Wxx^oor's/Bookstore,: : •

' : Opposite Ulster Co. Bank.,

ontftjiye «& Keynolds have removed to their store opposite Sch ry ver's Hotcliwbere

they, will be happy to sec their friends.

I " AMP OIL.- -5 Bbls. pure Elephantv for sale BRAGG & JANSEN.

I' o n d o n CluilO $amce—Super ior , to the •J Worcestershire or any other kind. For

sale by ; • y • •' BRAGG & JAKEEN.

CONROY'S EISHING'TACKLE—LangWor-thy, baving.compieted his season's arrange,

ment with Messrs, JOouroy, of Fultbrt street,New York, will herqaftierbave a full and complete supply of their inimitable.Tackle on hand. Par­ticular attention is solicited to his celebrated ^Cork Killer," a Trout Hook that.is unsurpass­ed in the world. Epr- sale only at :: j . : : . ' , LANQWojRTHy's. Emporium*

SURE REMEUY FOR DVSPEPSIA : ; , ; f:'\ -p"•''•' 1st—Go to Bprry's great Fishing -Tackle

Depot, sign of the Yellow Perch, : select from his endless variety of Fish Hooks, FivShEines; Fish1

poles, flyer snells, ,&c> an outfit Buch as-can't be bought at any, drug store in_ Kingston., . , , . ( T '•...-.''

2nd—tfake a ride to C6chect6h^oliow,rough it in, the woods two .or three,days, ca^ch txyb or three hundred trout, and if you dbn;4t return a wiser and a healthier man,then Berry'B Fishing Tackle.is good;fors.H.ix, > <t\ A•'• ,T;-'v. (:\,-• \- \: :?:;:

Fishing Tackle cheap wholesale and retail, at • v •;.. BERRY^S^reatVaridtyisWr-e,^ ; v ;:'J

'.,.;c.2,tf...ff'»:;'•;•„j . 81 NorthTFront'Street.r..

ALLO1 BILL, have you beard the.; news 1 Whatnews 1 Bob advertises • fifty cents? |fi|l;ef!;—the most effective ^rout , Hook,ever in-

^or skunk skins. • I am off to Kingston to pur chase one,of Berry's long range, seven-dollar •double-barrel shot Giins to; shoot the essence pedler^with. . , , ;;' .,,'. • '.Aid]-, y- ^ .-':-'.• : ^ ;

• Double and single shot Guns,,.R!ifies, RevoK •ers , single and double Pistols, powder flasks, shot bags, powder, shot, caps, and every thing requisite for a sportsman, cheap at <

; BERRY'S Gun Factory, • 81 Norrth Front street.

BERRY.has just7 received dlrecifr6m<Duhlin, Walton's Killing..Trout,Hook.' He invites

the lovers of Trout Wishing.to come and try them. None geriuide unless sold by:BERRY>at his great Fishing.Tackle Depot, 81 North Front street. . , f- -.f^ •>.: ? i.e.tf,


CHILDREN'S GIGS, Wagons, Hobby Hbr« ses, Toys—every thing to iplcase the chil­

dren, cheapiit. / {. '< •<• . V ' f v ^ o O TORRYiS Empire Fancy Store, ._ .

"2 81 North F r o n t street. ,

A ' N E W SERIES of Sermons by Spurgcori, Vol 5, just received at \ WYNKOOP-S.

Vented) arid for sale o n l y at •ill "l i:. i '<•'<•,! . - LA'NdTiv'qnTHy's Em'p6riu.m.

rohoko,S mole ing Tobacco.—A fresh lot jnst .received drrcct; from Virginia. Also a fine

new lot of,Meerschaum Pipes and'Holdersi a t HI •'•••;•;.* LANGWORTHY'§. Emporium,

B"askc t "Ware, :•'-.•''.••' ••• ' : ; :.•'-',,,-

;-..?> , ' r ' ^ . ' W i l l o w : W a r e , , ^ ' ; ' ' ; ' . ' : ' ; ' ^ ; . - ' , • . ' ••H- '-•••, ;; •'•••U )-:\\,H-.-,: f Cane W a r e , ";:":',.. '--'::; •-.: . •-:''] •< '[L'^-H '."'-Wooden Ware, Just received, fresh and nice, at ' \ • ."i [ : .;',., LANGWORTiiy<?s Emporium;

RUBBER, .BALLOONS 1'Rnbbqr :Ralloons ! A few gross for sale, either inflated or not,

as thb purchaser may choose at ' - • V :-;

,;'".; Langworthy's Emporiumi';.;

f\fX TONS of Genuine GUANO just receiv-XjXJ. and for sale b y , , , .-.•:. >

I F YQU want Fresh GARDEN? $ FLOWER SEEDS, make your purchases one door east,

oflstRef.Dutch Church, of !- v >; MONTANVE &, REYNOLDS.

COMPLETION of Irving's WashingtOtt-^The 5th and last volume; of Irving's Washing­

ton just received at i / ! ' • • ; - ' : ' •• ,\:H*r:) :::':) WYNKOOP^Bookstore . :=.

The-Defaddn and-tHe fM hmafEi. ' TO8eV!tliis l i^id wefiriid t i e 1 follow ng

;:waV tV^veiliiig' id ijie ^km^m:^£tfitf&kte1 of $w'T<kfy

lyJiarrived iii tliis : cbuntr}^/ and was in quest, of a broiher wlio carhe before Kirri aiaS settled^ in some of* tjfie?3igging^ in tna t V i c i n i t y ; - ' •.••'••",' .*• '.'•;.-:H

' Fattvas a strongsdtbleti'c man, a strong Oatbblic and' bad' never^seen the interior of a Protestant '^^^•^^'^i^'i. pteas-anVSunday morning tbat brotber tngalls met pat^ wbo inquired tbe way to the cburcb. Irigalls was a good and pious :-^^^i\^^xWW^^^f^^% to cbti'rcli himself, and invited bis new^ acquaintance to keep bini company tliitber, (his place of vdestinatiott1 being a 'small Methodist bouse n^af byi) There was a great revi­val there at tbe time, and one of the Dea­cons, (wbo by . the way is very small in stature) ! invited' brother In gal Is to take a seat in his pewJ '•• He>-accepted the invita­tion,' and'walked in, followed by Pa t , wlio looked in vain -to1 findv tbe altar, && ; Af­ter 'he was) seated, 'he turned to brother Ingails,.arid in a"whisperf which could be beard all around, inquired,:*!;

> -ili Sure,' and isn't this a birritick church V *' Hush,??fsaid Ihgalls, u. if you speak a

loud wordrthey will put you but." u And faithy n o t a word will I spake at

all," replied P a t . ' : " A - v : ^ - The meeting "vvas opened with prayer

by the pastor. P a t was eyeing ;him very closely, when the old gentleman wlio was standing in the pew directly in front: of P a t shouted- '^Glory.^••:. : • f

^ 'His t , ;ye clear demon," rejoined Pa t , with his loud whisper, which was plainly heard b y the minister, " be dacent ;; and don't make a blackguard of yourself."

The parson grew more and more fervent in his? devotions'. Presently the Deacon ut tered an audible p^roan; v ^

• /^Hist-t-t, ye blackguard, have ye no deacency at all 1" said Pa t , a,t the same moment1 giving the Deacon a punch in his ribs, which caused him nearly to loose his equilibrium. The ' mlnistei* stopped, and extending his hand in a supplicating marinerrsaid ^•.''••,''.;: >.::;: ;-;•::,,':.-

:' •"":•'.'••'.'• '•'{ b r e th ren , we cannot be disturbed in

this way. W i l l some onepu t tha t man OUt" . ' ; - : . :',;'••- ''n'n'::':''~': •/r'---H •/<•:•}:

; «vYis, yourr rivirence," shouted Pat^ " ; i . will," and suiting the action to^ the word, he collared the Deacon, and tp "the: laughter,'. and utter• astonishment of all present, including ,the pastor, and (brother Irigalls, he dragged him through the aisle, and with a tremendous k ick h e landed him in the vestibule of the church. %••:>


P ;F

U R E ; % h i t e ' Leadarid snow: 'wh'lte ^Irtc— Cheap for cash by BIUGQ.,&; JAUSEN.'".'

real* Hobby Horses^' ; Fresh Gigs, ;_;.,:•'. -.-'r.',,;.,'';...•:>:>• ' L-mr, >-. Fresh Cabs; •-.'. "Hl: ,.

;.•;..,•-' ' • ; i; A Eresh / .ChUdse !n*^Carriagp9^ Ju'8tc^p«n'ea•a£"•'''.:•^•'•V ''''' .•••V•^V^^v' ':;•••

, •'?; L A N O WOUTHY'fl vEmpOr J urn; f ' ' l.lvH . 4 1. / ,

Q i V e e t $$&%$&$& 9hip^riar jPeaj/aUu^ril^ ]k3, (iiyr other, Varieties^ at j (f>j. in .1

a 1'-,! •M0NTANYK.& R E Y N O L D S .

\M '•- jilMziii -•••'• T p ^ T R A CABS,-.QIGjS' AN^CARRIAQ^S (or J V the babies—a'fine fresh invoice just open-cd 'andior sale on reasdnable 'terms afc.^.^ivj'i-.:(:.

Langwqrthy's E^ppriuin.'; j ; -

BIRD CAGES of every description—a fresh Alot just opened at

n \V«>'. {* .'V?r-' f.T.'Axi l fJd^c ' L A N O W O E T I T Y ' S Empor ium^ — " " . ' ( ' . " i ' v v (,*• ' — r ~ " : . ; • • . ; • . » , < > • • / . , • , — ; • . . . ' / • ,

TJILOWER'SEEOs^Aflue assortment at JD .;'.'•?•' Montqnye& Reynolds.

Tl i e 'BS ig I i i d i a i i is alive With ti'bufcl Ev-f erybody.must .go ups;apd "$&> ^eir- j lucki

once at least. No onewil l use inferior Tackle when;they can get everything -e0 perfect^so good and so,cheap—rWherelr^Why,: pfl.coursei only at ; ; '- ? LANQWOBTHY^S Emporium.

LADIES' and Childrens' Bows, Arrows, Tar-,jg^tB andQttiy^rs.rj;A, bea'^tiful'article for

exerois'e or amusement,,for sale at. „ t •' •; i i o l l ^ •> >t- - ! l L A M W O R T A Y ' S ' E r r i p o r i

Mrsl Perkins, says she never' can un­derstand theso ?ere market reports: She can understand how^cheese can be lively and pork can be- active—that is : "before It isdeadT—and feathers can be drooping^— thatis . if ; i t- ip irainJingTT-brifcj how whiskey ca^ be jsteadyv orrhpps quiet, or; spirits dull, she can't see j neither how lard c a n

be firm in warm weather, nor iron unsettled hprppfatpes,;depressed, nor floujvrising-4.' ;le^s /therie^bad been: yeast iput: into: itr-r sometimes it would riot rise evenvtheri.: ;


^ L O R i t i A ^ ^ A T M l f t T h ^ J j ; :fiime^inUhe world^fbrisale'iby;':.^!/ ••••<.;,• •:•,} i

V • BRAGGr & JA^S|S]N.;;..) tfl9

INDIA RUBBER PENS; - : T u d i a R u h b e r i ^ e n s , , <\..<ui'u- ;•••/ >'•:•:•• .'••.,•>.

; 'India Rubber':Pena,:"''•:• '/H' •/;'. ;•':-'-.:•'' • - ^ iFor salemt W^

•Opposite .the Ulsjier .CjQ'Vfafy §ank . bp'posite tneHl8ter Cpunty Bank

-.r;.,f,>:.-,.-i!'.\'.f,-'l;,.-V''.i" 'v-rirS ,%.—•u'r^rl.

Cl b i i i g r e s s W a t e r , ftesh/from the.springs.

BERRY'S FiBhing Tackle is now complete at 81 Korth Front street. > 0 2 t T

A B ^ A L :H:BRoiiJ)j;:----Pemale heroism ;^vas recently exemplified,in the case of aN

Miss^ Epnoedy, one, of t h e : sufferers by the explosion of the 6tearaer St. Nicholas. ,SJie'W,aBi thrown by the explosion, from-ber state-rbom into the river, and floated down to the stern of the boat, when she caught her hand in one'of the rings at­tached to the hull, and bung in that peri­lous dilemma, whep death stood threaten­ing upon eithe^ band. T o loose h e r t o l d Was to , sink into the waves, and to bold on was* to but'n with.the wreck to which she was clinging—every moment being1

a n a g e of alternating hope and despair. She, remained; in this position until the flames actually burned the hair and skin from her head, the only part of her body above the water except the hand by which she clung to the wreck, and that was .burned to a crisp. While in this aw­ful suspense, and suffering intensely from the heat, such was her presence of mind and her wonderful heroism, that, as a man, who was worse stunned, perhaps than herself by the explosion, was floating by ber, in.a drowning condition, sfie seiz­ed him bythe hair with her disengaged hand, and held his face out of the water until a skiff was.brought to the rescue of b o t h ; .•••• '• ....'-'•-.'.•'•-i--.". ' ':.-•.'..':-

-*-«-•-If a man 21 years of age begins to save

a dollar a week, and puts it to interest every year, he would have at 31 years, $65a ; a t 4 2 , S i ;680 ; at 61, $6,150; a t 71, $11,500. When we look at the sums, and when we think how much temptation and evil might be avoided in. the very act of saving them, and how much good a man in humble circumstances might do for his family by these sums, we cannot help wondering that mere do not lay b y one-dollar a week. .The money a man invests' in tobacco jarid cigars, would make a home comfortable for life, if he would place, those dollars in a savings bank which he now throws into-a spit-t o o n . :•'•'•''•

— -•••© • —

A Yankee .broom; pedlar ' stepped into a store recently and offered his brooms for sale. The merchant agreed to take six! dozen if the pedlar would take half, cash and the remainder in trade. The Yankee assented to the proposition and brought in the brooms. T h e merchant counted but the money and asked the pedlar what kind of goods ho would take the rest of his pay in. The pedlar said he'd take i t 'out in broonis, and grabbing thomoney and three dozen brooms, jump--ed on his wagon and drove off before the astonished merchant comprehended the nature of the " s o i l . " ;


r*-«H».-.*-! v«M' •t.*

JEent-:^ourily,'-Iffaryl^ <our ^ayslasr^eekfe- t^ peal'cise! off <^org^ Wml^l^&a^le^^ta a!^ icertain; $ bbfe-tail'sebw]'> $$0$^^ states that^velr^ft^^ ^jbtri^Siy^1^^^/tli^^te^^^^4>^SS^; bi * tbe? •caseis^$6utfi^ T t i s M ^ ^ sp«int Iri iitigatio% wh^re• oriljr $20^ were involved.:>';/;Sb'0'Ju1ry'?' aye; a; verdict;" for* the appellee) with one cent damage.

i A N OMEN.-—The following anecdote is given by the Opinione of Tur in : " A ban­quet-of officers was held a t Milan a jew days 'ago, at which, among the numerous toasts drank in allusion to the impending war, a young officer proposed the foliow-ing_.«To the Austrian army I The French and iPiedmontese armies will break against it like this brittle glass.'? So saying, ho threw the bottle he had jus t emptied into the air, so, as- to ,make it fall back upon the; table, which, in fact, it did, bu t— without breaking. The Opinione states that-all the officers present s tood aghast at this untoward omen. I

• » • • • » • •

T h e clergyman of Madison, Wis . , each found a nice ham.on their d i o r steps oh a Jrocen^,morning^. .They were taken, in .thankfully, as. surprise, presents, bu t i t turns.-"out that^they. were stolen, from the collbge steward and distributed b y some student, who thought i t 'an excellent prac­tical joke. The facts did not come out in time t o save the bacon . ' •:.!,'.'

, , - ; :i'.',}:> v V ; : " ; i f i v . : } ' . • • • • , • • • ' ; • . • • • • » • • . . / • ; . — r , . •• >•-• t , ; , •• , ( • v

,••L.^^jp'M9^Bn>^The.largest.' mule ever ..pro.difeed in the World i s now in . Cincin­nati* I t is a mare mule, nineteen and a half l^ands highland weighs eighteen hun­dred and' 'thirty^iive pounds, ; This;; ex­traordinary -animal1 is the property of jOharles Frost , of Wayne county> Indiana,, recently purchased near Lexington, Ken­tucky. :/:;-.;:;'-

:'VcV^\-';:'.;-;';"'; V ••:':;.

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