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In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Fort Plains NY Mohawk Valley... · ~i- I...

Date post: 29-Jan-2021
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~i- I ,Bi\\mimmmmmm*Sm#mi>nm*m mmtm T* Cuu* Ci«m and dirty spots, look IMW. ^P*wF ^^r^^ JP^ ^s^a^W^ old carpem laolsRjftJlRtfttts oTOwn etigar, one swoeeayws* ful of melted baiter, juice of OM lemon; era* M for etiaftard pk. »***• Whll l^" tag bet* Ike wteu* or «w 9*** 10 * *"**• when th*; pie la done, take oat *od W I M ove* (be u»p tA#ftfte*tt«l anger, Mid bake these B«1«I-*—•* H*' ^ttritaRa*. ISaBoB. Uw whole «** " Bssats.. Rttstwes* 6. PRtf > talks* bs.lBaai; dfli« well HOOT PW»I*» T*mRBY*-'lt Rat IM* froaea 4**^!, UkR) Rtffl** WP ae '$o*M*m tor root pnHbg mia** 1 or any tree of which it is dwlmtte to check the cotmlng •«Moa 1 iiENMrtb.' Not only thouhl «t«le root* be cot, but jou sfioiiM dig down UittftWffIRe lower or t«p too*. - Hom« writ** cWaa this *a * preventive of we tnlnk it require* further expert W prove it of any real veRte In that PM AktBX, AS- T o l N T S WANTED FOB EH, iW Ml COBRAS «M RAW f ottcitv. .***»*«** ia Cheap**! ' metV ToForiOTtyftiXT ViML—IbB* r^reana who ar* In the habit of fretheatog mackerel, or (Rkw •* Itftk, never Jreaa* thM thure U ft rightftiuiftwrong w»y to do It. Any Person who bee aeen the process of evapovaRoa go- mg oaft*the ttlt worka, knows th*t the salt tails to the bottom. Jtwt so it L* la the pen where your mackerel or white Ash ilea soak- ing ; and, as It He» with the akin down, the iaJt wtR fait to tbe akin, and there remain: wli«o, If placed with the fteah Rett down, the tatrfaiN to the bottom of the pan,ftiu)the rtah eotnea nut f reehened m it should be. In the other ease it W nearlyftitailfc»w%en put Jl aoatsift* •#toesagnftafft teed l* ike a**eA*st. lassiTtetHnj, h»*«wti»#, aa§ atmawaet wawiirf Has kind pabrtilwd. ONLY 12 50 PER COPY Agent*are staaftaag adfthm»9rmt<4tmt»A saeesaa.- Oa* of Lasers* Co.. Pa, report* U *9b»cHhen Uir imdaj. 0w*i* iUrMea, Coaa, « latwoii >2iS m^JTummt w S ft I I T'T'T/ \ V •Iftfertor wortui •< « *»t- A 1 i lUil l*r ebmracwf M>» hfttjf «l»- 10 \nim JDtspiit N4*».~-The tferuUi qf Ue<iUh*mf*ai theprwMlee of IftkJng u*pe After diofter: TMflft ftbftd habit. Tenmln- iim* «teer. hefftfft dmsrr k worth more than an hoar after. It rest* ftod refrefthea aad prt-pftrea the nyftteru for vtgorou* illgeatlon. Tf iie*ptatftkeB after dinner tt steordd be m Urn anting posture, as the bortz&fltftl poftfinn ia unfftvorabkt u> healthful digestion. Let ca.««e wb<r need mat and *Urp daring tlie tiny lake U before dhmer Instead of after, and tuev wtu* »ooo fed that they win feel batter, *ad ihkt their ingestion will be Improved therhhf. eagn' w Set- that (b« book* Mfti bn; eanuln US >n« 1 J-J JL* BtW MftXHAKtrtt" MANt'AL raW«« raws taft rifw**. hittWi hjr 6 Jr.. •si&oraf ' it It Wftnn twumtfasfc K»nner, Me Jr., sailior of " Orslulne for Trot- Kg He ultsrs," tad Bitgtntwr of M. Tf. A baaft ot fmat vslo* to «r» Wtisatr au.t Bnsiasss uan. " I t 'is » 4,iuml, h.iuant, ln*tracitve pukiii attuit, fall at Infor- mation. --.V. r. IVtSwiM. Wnd for t« psm «irrslsr. * B. Tss*f * # _ftsWsi«s« nftssftw*|7»- T. WANTRP -Some since, ft wild goose was me ysnm i fthet'Ar WaaMngtoa Territory, aud a few tcrsina of wheat were taken rrom his uraw Being very iftrge and full, titey were pre- served and planted The yield was found to be so great as to lead to its propagation, until this variety, which Is known in lh<- Pemtory as the "Oooae Wheat," has be ..me a standard one In that section of th< i IIMUy Samples of this wheat were re i-ently aent to the Agrit?njfeiml Depftrtmeni *t WftftffeigtoB. Upon exftinfnlng the sani [lie* at the umseoni, at wbkh there are aoftve i,(l00 vnrieflw, the same wheat was found, - uig one of the mtnples amt from the Paris Rxprteltton, and grown in f*neneft, In Spain. K»rWi*tT m pniiMftl —A writer saxat- '• We are tr>nthlmi <»ften with severe cmjgjw, ilte nsnlt of cohls of long standing, which nifty torn to oonsamptUiu or prematute uaih. Hardiougu- eswav'sieepksas nights hy constant'krtUtRj11 m the throat, and a strong effort to throw off offensive matter front taWlungs. Tht! reimsly pwn>oeeil nM often been tri«d, and is sitnpty to take into the atonftth, iH^fore Miring fur the tiigltt, aftks.'«of rftw onk» after (hewing. Tlii- eat-ulent In an uncooked state Is very lw-al- ing, ami aoJtftoia the water from the lungs and throat, eatiatng immediate reitei to the [Silent." It Isftiftoaaad that noaltioe of onton* «p- i.lied morning, noon an«l night, for three or four d»y», will core a fejm. No nMMtt-r bow barf the ease, lattcrng the feger wBl be itanaceasary if the potiHtre is applied. The mwMMry Ift aftid U> he a sure, safe and speedy one. i«a tons ant* H«Hi ('mm—Tb« Clncin- natl Priea Current, » w^wapnper cousadefed authority on the H u. stint» of the hog crop, make* in its issue of the I iUt iaat., Its an nufti jtatecnent of |MM*klug and Its eattmatt for the seaeun. It says: "The fact* now tiefbre 0% furuislted hy our. orrespoBjdents, •hoft Ml»e oom erne wea, •* a ruis, poor in qOftmr, god on the whole below an »vei tg« in ftarn%. M We exp»«-ted, U continues, the hog crop of the Northwest to be greater •y two o/ three hundred thoueaud then it itfti proved to be ; it will proltahly fail abort J00,lKXJ. P\H theae ngtttres bctfetn those of die Fat cut Offlre, «hvh reiiorts UUJ torn crop of lilt* i3T,000,()0© greater then thai of leof. The strong proljftbittty is, that for the reaaxyui «$t.|0fttt hy the correspondent In tin ciKwfudUf nuutlxt of the ("«>nntry Cientie- tnan for IMt^ the crop of mereltantftbh.- norn eertftinly 100, OCR), (MJG leas. But let oa wait the bet of time ami [>rh«e for the ouaeeeie. Meantime,, we uugltt ail of us k> thank the conductor of Harper'i Weetry, who, harriftg ft hist eathnaie of the grain crop aud ft ciser uoneepHon of the fltuMftclal •ittftftdoe, advises week ftfter week that farm i-rs hold their stirplos unlit they can sell for lair sriees, ft .;4;ft l '•••^'ftjii apfWJfteftjfty-eaTj^r'L'"'"*^ •msi » ^ FOODVAIITI of rrtf Por*w—Then-i* l-robftbl^ BO Other vegetable tood, except wheftten breftd, of wbU^h in mucli can be i airly sfthl In its favor Its merftft, however, vftty vprf much with the kind of seed, die (teriod of maturity, fttid the kind of soil in wbkh they are grolm. That kimhshouhl be prwfstred which beoomes mealy on Isiiilug, and when Will cooked ran be thoroughly rushed with the ringer. The potato which Is known as " waxy," and those which re- inftlnftwtneW'hft*herd when boiled, do not hgeat so refttlUy as the mealy kind, hut lot that rseaoo they are saki to he more satisfy tug, whether the potato be bolied or roasted. since In both methods It should be well cook- ed. In point of economy end convenience, ttowwriTi it hftj been found better to boll than to mast them ; for, whilst the loss In hotting on one pound scarce!y exceeds half an onnoe, that In the most careful roasting is two ur three oanoes. It is also more economical to cook them in their sklna, and to peel them Immediately before they are eaten ; hat tkta la net very ceffranleni in many fjt*nilie«, aud the color Is not qnne so ifreoftol* ftft thftt of those which kava heefi boiled niter peeling. When they are peelutl befoftf bolfing, and particularly when they are amal, ftjwf the oeerfttion ia performeti eeraiftWMy, iron one-third to one-fourth of the whole weight of the potato Is lost, and yf MMM he no nig to eat the peelings, the ^liEla^cw; Vbllfti tte weight of tilt a It removed ftfter boiling would not to njore then one ounce In the pound. Win potatoes have been roasted, the loss In weight from the akin and drying la mora than ouft- fourth of the weight before cooking. •-... - a* "ii iiiiiiKt IYASTT Cowf—In remarking thM Com ia a profitable crop to raise, we state what we know to he true. Theto© w u>dge ia derived front fair and careful axperuneut, ettendlt^i overftperiod of five years. We have grown com under favorable and unfavorable rlr- cuwtaauees; and, from accurate reoortU and^xpartntents, are fully oonvlnced ihst "ahtiuirs and large fanners, those hav- 1ftottftand poor solia, can raise Indian ooiitthPieAt. Fftrmers are very apt to overtook the great value of the oom^pdtkr In forming their opinions of the Importance of the crou, We eettoiato the value of thM to be nearly or quite equal to the whole ex- pense of cultivating the crop. It Is certain, a ton of well cored corn-fodder wiM make ae much milk when fed to milch cows as a ton of good upland bay; and It la also cer- tain, that young cattle thrive upon it wonder fully, —better, Indeed, than upon moat kinds of fodder fed to them during the winter >»oetb*. We have always noticed a tBinbw uoo ut the dow of milk whan the lae* «| the fodd«v had been fed to ot» hild of oowa, •f* *• *• ?*«tf% «f the milkdetftrtoTtlea. t orn-f odder should he well cared in»» and as much pains taken preserve it in aVM)d OMdMon as la taken with W dovjror Uawthy. Com should not ha kwjemm* m* •my.orwhlk the stalkaa»«TZr^ •this, ease, they an certaintobeetIntha and take on potrafaeiive rttsnss will not eat them if thev »— —~~v» Tw-. ^^« <r* T--W » w ^^^^ap» ••• wip*"jp )SV9 aTWHRamflLi half rotten. As soon as the cWlslmno^ from the trnafca, they should be thrown ov» and luJwni with wheat m oat straw and wsti sahed. If salt marsh hay can be mix conaiderftble quantities of this them, and thus prepared the fodder will ha consnmed with a " <wt re; «»«i.v MftMi. •Mat by msit, p<>»t pitla, It. 4 Iftm E.iHLV WOIIR, tout b> IIMII, p.)«i-p*td, « m. Best Uurtnic waftst fa the wortnf ; ihu ••dtllest sort iao»t pro.lui tt*" Cora; woitderfnf ylsW- tng (tats—wbits sn4 black— wets' For s saw sad latsasdjr l»t«.»*tlaf Book, ssUttsft OUR NEW WEST. ATT k U M V a X B O W I.KM. A t„iuoM of ostel, s«|i«rkao* *nd sftsamUtin with Vks-PresidoBt Cotfss, »moug osr aew Sut<w btlWMB tfta Mtssosri »t*«r aud Uw farm*, At-,— their condition* sad protperM. Tbe i'seifte KsJJroatt—It* roots—«e«ssry—safl kow It paalMNi *a4 t w B t Tbs Monaons—thstr ssatal Ufa, rellfton »ud poUUVs. Iiitsrvlvw* b*(ta««u Brigbsat Vosng, Mr. C«tf«* «»J Mr. Bowls*. Tft« Mormon woButit—tiow thsy like Polyrsaty, ste., stc Tb« Chlnm* and Ute fadlsos—what tftsy do, boa tb«r UTS. tactr habit*, religion sad ties*. Is brief thl* • ink b ca* freshest, nwwl grs&hlr portrsjrSMut ot the cosatry *nd paopte ieiumhma, jt*t wdturn or pst»- Ssasd. M-li:\lllMI 1 11 I.I'MTIt 1T1.H with su-si Portrsfts: foil pag» IttgTsvtug*, Ulastrs- ting tbs Morwoft*, the Isdisa*, lb* Partac Hallwsd, ;ng*t«aior i<ul.l, etc Now U lb« tlias (or Agent*. tt wilfaataell nil sifter flack*. HoniiMo tfti'4. ra er. (tend for our deneriplivs tireuUr. gjtr* ,-,,iumS«»tou» given. Awsly to. or *d4ra**, HARTFJ»HI> pr&lMmixa vo., n»nfrtHt, ct HI;ii J *t Kir I U. flu; Hi: i Jsekot t'othuru l* .i- ut A *.• i» « sploudlil haul, fur tbsse riw*ott»: ft/-*/-Tim Ked Jacket rut* dswpar ttun the so«i»ou bit. .<<•*»»(— It tmlt^ roua-i oa tbs ..ui, ft ftoss not ahVk hi in* wood. TMrd~m- arjr tli-.pp'f with tbe ruunuoii **e uon-l dUtfoysr titJSt (hen-1. a* uim-h 1«W sad Kretigtb euxndsd in tak- ing the *%>< unt of tbe rut ** lis uuklne tbr blow.-- K<*w(A-Thls with the H»d Jareat ts sh avoided, sad tram ims-thrrd to one-i, ,lf ths l*b*»r Is *svsd la pat- ting tb« Mian iiuftnttt) fifth .•« putt Is a tn the «*ats Uimr thai 1* iwcssasry with tlw foinwim ate, foa ess esailr waka *l l«**t tkirtf.thi*« par wot, sijure wuuj iu tb* *stoe lima. T V great dsMtsaft lor this ass has ruaipetted a* to Kstsklfsh ssstsra sgeueie* *• follow* It* staa A tsiiekts, rttiis., Pa.; HtH Manufht'tsHiig t'o..New rortt; WsfshoJt (Jrifflth*, Bo-wii, M*.*,; W. II. . ois. H*ltlmor«, Md. LlFWNl'OTT A BAHR WMLL, Msttsfr* tad Sole Owner* of Coib um'* Red larkat Fatsat,' PltUborili, Pa. Asftrsss V. ft. Puse Oa JKf. Taatte Eatery . VTkesI Ojatsfast, , hast or auwU, and is efceap. V gUne.rnm, bast or »uwl|, and beftsap: Pur dr .mar*, setfjas* T e a T t m i C o , Mm>ad«bttrg, Pa. ' '"vmrn pitAMKi IN . BKICK nf A0HI»f, itake* '4.5O0 to 9.MM t-SlegHat ftriek •TV^BVa* ail aase as *ITM UHLY maurumt A.MI> TWO Hounkft, or i.uoo to S.OOu per hour by .Wain power. Its* DO eont- ptsa tnaaatnery to be gstnaji out of order a t hraak- .•>' down. { defy the wartato equal iu Ho pay re- lolmd itattt aftar tits SSSCMIM baa performed a* •boss oa the yard ot te* aawhini. J. M. KKMICg. Uoout as, Tl thttadwsy, Jfsw Yurt Wty. sTEXMEinnNTBB tNIi BtMl.hUa. fttCM 4 to ISO Rarsa Pswer, larlitdiorf tb* csle- dbrstad forlU* Cot-of Tbt|lu*B, Slid* V*l»« Station. ary sTaglasa, Ae. Also, Circalsr, Malay aud < tang S«w Mili., Shaftiujr, Pulley*, Me., Ulb «nd Nliiugle Will., Wheat sad 'oru Mill*, tlreolar Saw*, Helling. *, Meod for deaerloltve f Irestar *ad Prle* Uat. - WOOD A MANN ATRAM KNdlNg CO., riT«*. N. V EAEXY ROSE POTATO. m ia. ft* a ca> a a. u n a i .,'hluk w p—..... .... huafiel; Hpritig Barley ; Oreeu HeeUa J k'ottis; ftgg. ; Hog? ; tas great feed t'utter. Seud for tbs KXPltt- (MRN'fAL VAMM J0LRNA1.—s»esf t-sfaaM* Ma3«- itm U ikt eeuntty—ouly ll.eft psr yssr. ttabscrtb* tt yuu **ni to casks your rsrm pay. Addras* PRO. A. JlarTg, Cftssesasswaa, P*. * ut. pmem t'.V.tir •enallhg Houra Tlb« taqumw demsati for ibt* popaUr laatraassut ha* iii.ioesa of to make if* maaafseruro s ipoclslty sad we srs masaqsenUy etisbM to ofter them at muab lower rate* tbaa are charged for aimllsr ittstru- steiit* by other tnaarm. Inquire of rsetdent dealer* or *«uii for oar Waairatsd cataiogua aud price li»i. - td.tre- ami, u. oni.u 4 to., Piaeorosr* Max'raa. PafttaWi ftiafts. MOW U THK TlStM TO MIBaMtHlMB m iiiKh um.\ l U I PaTOPLSTS PAVOR1TK JOURNAL JIIE MOST IHTEREnTlNQ STORIES Ait si a ay* la be foasd ia tb* \m t'flIK WRBKLV. At prsasBt there are FOUB URKAT 8TOBII-8 russisf taruugk its sol sates; and at laast • INK MTQJtir 1M HaMiUN kVKUt MONTH. New -ubscrlber* are tits* lurs of having the eoat- Bteiii-uiiiast of s new eoutluued story, so matter when ikey *ab*«rlbtt fur tbe wKRKLi. Ba.h wiulwr of tha NKW YORH WBKKI.Y ooa. lalu* Several Beautiful liluatrsUuua, Duuble the aiug Matter of styr Paper of iu elssa, tbe ftkeu-.bse, abort atoriee, »te,.„ the abh«t s rtters of Auteric* sttd Rarops. Tbe »'T 1W lilllk WrMLY doe* uot cooftns Its uaefuluaa* to amu**uirui»eut e,l«t»il«hea a great quantity of msUy luatrurtiv* Matter, in tbe BMMt eoudsnaed tons. Toe N. Y. Weekly DejmrtmentB. bsvs MtslMSdaktgk iwput«tie«i froat thetr swvtty, useetletMse, aud etmwuae**. ^' TutPumm Ptstuatrua sis sutds s s s i the Mucentmeed wit and bustor of atauy isitide. Tws Ksawuises Boa i* couftaed to aesfsl lafor- insilou xu all maaasf of aubjeeu. Tl*, N f V Um ?,* «"* i* 'hs |swe*tword* Ut* tttset uotable doing* ail over lbs world. Tas Uoaur WITS Ceasaareassier* coatsias sa- »wer. to luqulrie* spaa all haagtasble .gbjecl*. A .V VMM I PA UM UTMHA H P PA I'HM Ift i" Kacb l**ua itoutslu* f roai klOMT to TRN ITTORIla the VAMIRP P l T 4 i r T i i i M T a Tlwfwfme Oast y Tu..«. <m* time, ol eiahs ess Us. Osttsrs-up sttBMsarb. -_^cfti-raftinft-re^ VINBWAR riOffilllKB, Wj WOLftftTMU* OR ftOROlUn VtSBOL —nm tsrsa* sod Hi BAfti V or drugs. teastl See afaaava aaf a*t Aae^e&mT*X., W l«T»Xa*j niiiiift HOW TO INVEST I I *•» w^«W*W- W WlWaWr .pPav^Pipa's^aPw^ ( PWIfW ^^ »aa%|yleWetWi Ta fR P4C«Ajm * C0,| HOWtaVf Oil 1*1 ftimal Raw—•• —. Jt . 1. ^ 1 1 ? , ftja *»• is aTftaftVaaJafa ll'i »"j i 1 t ii. 9 * ••• to •i»i«»».iii»j*a»)<iMi.,i.«ii t ,ii»,ii;lHi*g»jii, , m mm*m» •n^e,i«*».^n« » » ^mAiNf, miiiiii tin < RmW'iiRI<lai't ^.•aaa***" ^* •» w ^^*"a-w » '^^^•pBev^*i» p .^r*^ W^I**B**»' ^•*- fttsesssof OK. MR* LaS *«R* Slririxal. «m*\«\m0m^m*Mmmiiimmmi>m m iwi ii^asalpjaam HY HNDIHB ! LIVING DEATH? rw»w»eft^e*'*e*»^se^a>r%ar^^yyp^ R. B, Time Tahl©, V A S D AWkAMTt TO ROME. . >tsa aaa*.*—-% tag Joywftekaa wfttWBs|*9aesd s fttTsat. •»«••, Vvt ftsis by ail Oragwjbts at Oas Dollar a Bottle. *twS 0*m m ** ^ ********** la^i*%r^y*^***»r***?* % ^*.ev*' fc *^^*^^f****^*^ fJJ' .1°" Jt»l WMVMtY StYLE OF mvm r STYLE OF MVEKY STYLE «' i«t?i Nrail) Extt*tt4. \fttly BsNUfttt, \Pttll, EtrCVfMl, n At TMM KWtMTMM OPjP/t'k f 1 THM HKUIHTXH OWWtCM t'ftvrt r i R l R , re. *. Fowl PIMI", N. Y. ion Plitlti. n, Y. AT THK LOWSBT CITi' PBICRe. JrT BLowtwrrm t-Ki. te ATTHR U>WR»T CITY PRU KK Sew l^r«yio»•f'i , y|»«• "Ty|»»* Typt* Nl)|fa »t" H+W I isftg PresM-v lam fpeaawa r«»t Prefteea ANU AND AND Natl v% u. t* Kettf Work. •*f»t Work. til* i: ailVB I w t < ALL. UR i r * i. i I R 4 CALL. on rot'ft OHUKHM UY MAIL OH ftJf.VD YtH'H OHUKUH D\' MAfL *ft OHDKHS BY MAIL AUI.VD 0 « Aif.VD POP 5 (lit 11 W1U. uavnivh; m m mm PttttMPT ATTRNTION. R PROMPT ArrKNllDN. PROMPT ATTRNTfUN. ANlsELL HITTBKH SON, Proprietor, i ... i Plain, H. V. G |ii U i,H<i'I*. H.W KORlrR E. LATHAM, FA9H10NABLK HATTKH, Ns. aew mmuAtiWA\ (ttPPOttlTH VIII ORLAVAW' MOUaK,) AXBANY, N. y. l«yl N MW Empire Sewing MacUioe. *^ LOCK I T l f C K . IJKCKINEDTIIK FlUHT PH1ZE *T TUS Urvui t-str af the Aaaarfraa tastltais. U N«W Yens* Oor. ia, lsftT. 4»w sisHser rssstoa sos BErtT MANUFACTURING MACHINE IT rt*i» sxvosivtos, itt.v, 1IST. Wkjr la it Tfts Rswt t It RUM Over fteaut* All Right. It witl. vags rtrtv •ffrwW PO raw turn* ftaer than Aa} Other Macbiue. IT H i l l . tBW Heavier aadTWIeftaVtiaads IUK 4MV KTUSS MSOHIMS. It ftst.* aay aud every kind of ihraa4 I P jfAfife» HTA BCH8D BOOti* As well a* uaatsrebed. Itftewa tbe most Dslteate, Thin, loft Kabrli-, witb- 9ttt drawing. It ftsw* a Bias B**ta a* well a* any Agent* W anted. Ubersl discount given. ^XMfmS 0MWIN9 M40UIMM PQMPAJiV. eftaU KVKKY MAC HTNI B e w e r y , Maw TftWk. K WARRANTKU ATTENTION VBTKBAN8! Yttutlt Reuewail and Hoauty uuim-.l. BAILEY'S French Rentorative Powders FOR THE HAIR. Tne Greatest dchmtHc Discovery of the Age. tr Restore* tiray Hair to Its Original Color. mT* Prevent* tbe lislr from Paillag Oat HP* (area Humors of tbe Bcaln sad Hair Raters, HP" I* elegantly perfumed aud niakea * bottle of •ajsaeld Rstr Draseingawtfls thealso usually mild tor Pit It b. ON I. V S*V ft'R.NTM Rsat by mail Iras of poatage to any part of the Usitad iuui* ou receipt of Torly ('out*, by T B. rUILRV, Miitord, Ms**., or suy of hi. sstWised agent*. *Tw* ftold ky RRCKRR * PUTTKK, fort Plain, N. V. laawHWi .' i ^wt*aeaawamftftaawaBwavaa»eeiaa»j*iej Carriage Slamifiwtoiirs. S aRaWSWaeatSfttS ***a*S>.i*~* am **^^*a.^»j.e»^^Sa^a»iSS*a^»^S'»a^»a^as^a^^.,jt^p^aa,>^*,,,-—,^ l*e»»apa»Sla^RRaa%ae-a^a>sRfcea^asrai*aT%»»^*s^*s^ C ARRIAQES! * OABRKiAKrl! wanting Carrtags* of say deatriplioq, we* I..M 1). MYERS, *Mm\ma mrisf##isi arMmTsaf RmmT> M i l l IIfa M i IN FORT PLATN, wastsata AI a ssJiibitlotijlor sals, tbe bast sad iargast assortweat ever ugsred In this vihsge. Por iTmjRIOTII, i f V L l , DURAR1WTY * PlNDiH ^wo»,av &Bm»m% St - tsft? Mlsaa»sieKssKsi •JwUawnft'paf BR Hit &Wd* Tfta obtast sg tats MM HM ankseieaotw **• •bid aha af kU HUH m i l pangs, bat to stow aRakowio ssalaft Mil M'M Ikes, foraver. Tfts awaaa ai lawssdt. Hit HOOfLAHD'8 I (.MKHAN DITTKIIK, *?*•• >?wt:4*,Mfi:--Ht...*'..* i;/i» •<*'si -'T-.i.'.i' Aad tlta for bias to aay wftvtbsr as wRl oustlaas to eodsre a tivtag 4fa«*\« r to P" 1 bhaaail la s position LIVINO ADVgRTIiKMRNTo 1 riNts I ••UlNTIJVwl JOB Plll^ I I M- nf,a?SSa| to "" o f" kwSm^Sl woasss, rsscaed OO OO frasa tortace by it* pat, and eager te OO OO bear taatltaoay to it* vhrtasa It gig. OO OO srs frosa say other •Ittsfa hi salstaiass, OO tat tats sspaoat p* tieatsr—it ts sot at* oriftntlr P«r *a*h coaettiuaoua and •!#«*»• as rsgstrs b* tfcelr Invtf oration a ditfseivs atfmulsut HtMlKLAND'H CiERMAN TONIC Mat bees psettdsA—a psepsjstlon la eftdak'tas 1 send Miracle of the Aaawt rsstorstlve* of tfta vegetable ktagdasa srs ketd ia eersttoo by s apirltwoc* a*mt, pargad ot alt dalsfttrioss , «>i.*titueata. Tke patient Ineaoosing bstWean tbase two g+e«t *u- tidotse, ekoold be OO gutdsd byTtt* awn saodltioa. If in s OO OO rsry low state, from dsaMtty, tas Tonic OO 0 0 .hosl.l be hi* select- has t kilt la essss OO 0 0 where the emtrgeu- cy (* sot *o pre*»iog OO tbs hitter* Is the fpeeifte raqatrsd.- Tboaaaud* flad tft- ialisbsoatt Irom taking each Iu tuna. There I* no poses of In41g»*tkm, RIUWHISB***, Nervosa DRaass, or Phyalcal Prostration, to which they are not adapted, and in which, slugly or coiabiued, tbey will not effect sears. BXCKAJtet PAIN TOR IA»f, Aad Wtekasss for Birength, Uet rid of tbe aittnenu which Interfere with enjoymeut ; east gloout and djs- pondsnry to tbe wind* ; take s ktronger bold uf Tffe —asd, Is »bort, trA'cuna .1 >AS JUA.\ : IturosgU the iii#iiumeuiHtty of tbsatostpoaerfsi aud popular of all vegetable favtgnrant* and corrective*, H0OPLANIP8 UKllMAN BITTKKH. avtion in tbe liter, UM Stuuiseb, and tbe Hut*el*, are eradicated by a course ot thi* jfte.it V O NB T I T V T 1 O S A L 8 I* K C I V I C Which net only combat* aud conquera diaossa* that nsvs eatreucbed tbcueelve* lu the ayaleiu, bat i* the beet knows ssteguard again*! all unhealthy lurtuen- Person* wboee occupstlou* and pursuits *ub- un- lect thsta to tbe depressing effect* of s close, ut wholesome atmosphere, ahould tsk* It regularly, a proterttun against the low fever* and other dl*«> a proterttun agai dor* which malaria engender*. Invalid* wlni are WABTINU A WAV Without any *pe- capts gradual de- PPPk'KrP bodily »ireugth and Ft' will ftud In the VFll TAIN OP VITAL- It ASRRPBteftHlNU KK TIMO AH A Ptxil TO THR SAVD-stOld IIKD THAVRLKlt rial i-oiaplalut, *s- iliuatiou of l b * uervoua energy, HirrBRHaPOUN- ITV AND VKiDK AMD KXHlhlBA- 1N THK DKHKHT AND PAINTING HiM)PI.ANH'N G K II M A N. U I T T E U H , la compoaed uf the pare lulce*, ,ur, an iliey are utetl- Icinaliy termed, Rstracu,) of Bout*, Herb* and Bark*, making a prepurtttion highly cosceutrated and en- tirely free from alcoholic aduilsture uf any kind. HOOPI.AMDH GERM A N TON 1 C I* a comblastion of al^the lugredienl* of tbe Bitter* With the unreal u,tullly of Santa Crtu Ram, > pn Ac making one uf aad ear*"ante rest- to tas public. eiteetaaUy cure Jaundice, Dy»pep roasBsblllty.CTaro- KldesfS, and all 0U1 t dli-Uldele I j.U l.l.LI.LLl. btomai li. Sunk a* I'euvii nation, lowaril Piles, PlilUlea* «( tMnu.I to the Head, Acidity vt tb*» stomacn, Masses, Heartburn. Dlsguat tor Pood, Fullne** or weight In tb* Mtomacb, BourKrnctatluu*. Blnklug or Platteriag at the pit of tbe fttomaeh, swimming « tits Head, Hurried sud Difncutt Rrestblng, Fhiiieriug st the Heart, Cbskiug or ftuiocsihig Heuasiion* w lieu in s Lying Pasture Dimness of Vlslou. Dots or Webi before tb* liigiii, Pevei- sua Dull Psiu lu tbs Head. Dencieucy of Per»pir*tlon, YeUowne** of ths Hklu aud Kye*, PSJB in the Side, Back, Cheat, Limb*, etc., Sudden Pluabe* of Heat, Burning iu tbe Pteeb, Conatsot Ituagiu- lug* of Kvil, and Great Depre*. • Ion of Spirit*. Tbey are the Ureateel and it. ri BLOOD P i: R I Y I K R H KVKR ak'UWM. And will curs all from bad blood. A A purs. Keep yosr AA AA Keep your Digest. A A AAA *ound, healthy eon- AA AA tbeae retsedtes.ttud AA AA sasall yuu. ditesse* retuiUag Keep your Blood Utit in ordsr.— ivs Otfaot la a dltion, ftytha use of so diseaas will ever . c a* or eleewbere, MY ITOOK (JONttlftTH OP TOP OaaRJlIAajtli, (>PKN WUGUIRH, Weak and delicate Childreu . ARK MADB hTHuNii Rr i be I "as •! ell ber af Akaee Ramedtaa. THBY WILL CDRJ KVKRY UAMK OF MAR AHM 119 WITHOUT PAII. THOUBAND^ OF CKRTITIOA'CTg Have accumulated la ths kauda tt ths Proprietor*, bat spare will allow of tbe publications of bat a few. Those, It will be observed, are men of note, sad of tuuh ttaadiug Hist tbey must be believed. THK WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF 1I8YLVANIA 8PEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. Was * on u *ss FOB atass Diaeivtaa «a ftraosasa Tutnum ' ROM. OBOROR W. WOODWARD Cbisf J uaUi e of tbs Supreme Ooar af Psaasylvsata writs* : i'nii.ii.si ima, Marcft la, tfttt. Ignd"tt*oflaad* m bj s goad toak, NNN of the dlgeative or- lla eases of af aervsu* set ion «N N NN SeblHty, si SS m rS w J.T QBO. W. WOODWARD. RON. J A Mb* TUORPVOM, Judge af the supreme Court ot Psuu*ylvsul«. Pait.aast.eaia, April *s, las*. 1's Usrmau Bill f attack* of In I cou lloodsud'a Osrmau Bitters" s vsls of attack* of lu.llguslltj rtify this from asv Tsars, with rasasat )0tt 01 ** * RON. AMSi TBORPIOR Jff8Uli)nNCI5 A^OEWey, PORT PJ-A1N, », Y. •V^Ya^me' B v * Jft. ' •"'^Br L R mjmw "***^ J P M A rtrROTLftlRW Cft, HARTP01t»,^0RN CafRai and. ftarplas, LawtsTpatl te MJjsiri, «B,6«,0flu liiQ -**I^BWI_ | ROMR ntRVRARCiR OR., RNW W R K , Cagdtm aed RanMaa. ARRR*« a* . <mCK.-.WhoretRi, ray W»IR [4iYijA SPRUCE A **MI®AeK U W HOP POUM for sate at rsdefSf ^ria. ^ '• A. J, A t. R. WAtiRRRR' lIUNbfiVEPr^nllfRii! Maryjma Wtja-kad^aad kaaad. la a^Rsftiisw it/, RTY.. withoat ym esase or «to3 1 by to fwatd aU-Jpataons kiBii>o*tg J^cg^l^rttlpaynodebu ^inaK^rl^^^^we TO CREDITORS. fs^orlmg r??m h Z R e RU F-^kaM » 'Ae. Pr*'r* r 5*8* •ay- aUgsffagtsk.ag&J'g" ot r , r , r ,ei*»*»s.j»^ r v^ f .«.e>peeerf > „ s^gsti5paisgteca8i«Bfei K ^ S . | . a s.i*-V- S r 2 5. P S ? noston . i JJ itJ m f*M OBwego ft Syramtte l<ailroad TIMS 1 aSi.i, OOMMKSUtkU not. Sd, lSSfc. sot as LM»sOswsM| ArriTsPultoa. •• Lamaan's. •' Baldwluvllle, " »yr*rua* 4-* t.te 1U.M w. a. IBM l.un URt i.*4 a. a. kte •.oa a.« ft«0 7.1a u»i*e ...Kin Leave Sjmeuae, Arrive Baldwla*N ill.- A. at. 6.40 T.m 7 it r. s. Is 4.0* 4. If. r, . T,*6 s.to 9.04 S.40 BiUouasi)**, lnaige*ti,iu, QsasraJ DublUty, aud all . " 1 wk*t Iter, t eradicated by a course uf this great tbe complaint* which proceed from a want of proper j " ,w«li Lsmsan'*, •; Ni"*R. »«5 '• Oswogtt, b.3# f W Tiqkefiifor *a|e at the Company'* Office*, for s>1 principal RRht* Bait, We*l «r*fl rmuthwrwt. ltag- ijiige .-liiK-ki-.f Ibri'itigli. W, b\ PHBi.PS, Bupt Rome, Watert'n & Ogdensb'g R.R lefts WIMKtt ARRANQRMBNT. IMte O M and aRat Monday, Nov. sad, ts«s aad until tuitlicr aoiice, Paasenger Tr*lu» will run on 1 ni- Road as follaw*, (Hnitilay* exeeptetf) NBW YORK RAIL.' Leaves ltoa»et.*J a. a., arrive* it 0#wego H.W .. M , VVaUirtuwii T.oO *. u., (M minutes for braakla*t) IV vtucwittaia A. »., Ogii«n»burgb ii.se #. a., PiitHilaui Jnaatlou IS.bO A. a., cohuoctlng at Cape Vincent aim Btesm Boat for Kingston, sad with ilriiml Trunk Railroad and Htciiiiicrs for Montreal, Belle v ille, Cabotirg. Port Dime, Toronto snd all point* lu Canada. At Ogiletiwliurgri and PnUititiu gaMotlnn, with Ogdeusftargu and Lake Chautplalu Railroad fin Maluuit, ltoi»ss'« i'uiui, Hi. Alliitti*, »nil*llpiilul»e.-ifi At Pre«cntt,tepiK>»fte of ()gaen*bitrgh,l with Olliiw sod l'rt>*«iilt pillwsy forOttasa, aud with Steam* fur M M.neul and Brockvllle. RTKAMBOAT KXPRKMN Leave Ruing 1».8B r. «., arrive* at Wsti-Huwu I.BS i'. M , u « » e j o 1.4ft r. a., NKW lUltK KiPBKHft. Leave* itoHk* b.Ui c. u , arrive* ul U*wcgo U. ift r. u., Watertow-n t.Bft e. u. York Ui W alert own iiteiiduni Aeent. jRrgSrt*Sa*^^^ u &*g^JflkWg& awHgW iTL^J""* «* »ad« aad Drcwided. a*> " «»aa per«»s"ha^rter3slB« STLSS**, /'*• °* *a towa tat Bt. IsTSS'l J*?<«ased^ that tbey are Dated Nov,ft,IMS. t KLurn, , Admiid.traturs. tsms IV - y. . : LOHILLARD PlRRtRlt, OO,,ftJCW YURR. Capiul sud Barptas. li.aosi.Tle 1 I I'D I ' II PHCENIY m i , CO., RARTPORD CONN.. CaftAalftadBBrglus ....... .... tMtV**at bmeRNATIONAL INB., CO., NIW YORK, capital aad tBaTSaa ....... 1,t»ft,0ti eft m^m^^.'^^^^h. •I'l'dW I BPrUNOriRy/ FIRK A RARIMB |NA UU BntiMortci.a, RASS. fsaiftistsadaHirptaa tan,its ALBANV^CITY INB, (Hi, ALBANY. R. Y. CapttsisWd Sat ols* .. VaWt.m « OLKNSFALLB INft,,CO., OLKNB FALLS, N. V Capiuf and Bnrpfft* Ulh,W» IS \JONTiK)s4.Kli¥ CO., COURTS iflMONTUOMLitV COUNTY. **• U i* u«*by 1 Ord*red, that the C'ouUty Coarto fur the Coonly ot Muutaoa»«rr tot tbs y«a* h*a* be bald at n>* u . u n llosse in the village of Foods, lu said county, at ihe i timestcrilowtng, vis: Per tha trial of lasaas of law and fact, ou fhe flwt Mcmday of Rarvh and July, ami on tbe tutfd Mosdav of Navwuhr* For the trfat ot i»iue» .if las, and ihe hearing and ^•ciskMi uf u.o- tlonsindatberprcK. er«ue*rfB fte ffr*rMoiiday* ot May and B*§*enih*r, «nd on tb* tW|d R'Aiday ot D« - cember—at which po ittry «b*B br reqalradlo attend. Aad It I* I urttur oiuMt.! that t OaaM Ck* ftassion* be held at tbe lime aud place of holdhlg lb* Rurcli. Jory sod Rovf mber terms of the Osoaly Canrt; sad that a Petit Jury us gesso and eummoned for Mid term* of the t imrl. Dated January T, ISM JAMKtt II COOK, ftsyl t'ouuty Judge of Montgomery Co. ^P^K.RTB "t^lflW^PetirCnl^rag^ lotint.' sad Aim foung, ftJ* am , Pater J. Riliee- beck and Catitarine, bl* wife, ftnsan Henlman, Fox Dtefaadorf snd Jacob Ctupper. Iu pBrxnaare of a iiteul order of the Supreuie. Court of tits Biate sf York, mafle In the tthose entitled actfrai, upon mortgage furvirausute, wil! be sold nnu. t tin aik lion uf the aobscriber. at pplilic auction, at Mout- goatsry UaU, hi Pars m&lm VtUagi', ou ths first day of May next, at 10 o'clock A R»> *" 'bat certain piece or pawwl et VRtagS Lot. Sttiais in tbe Village uf Pert Phtin, kaos u sud 4.i«iwgiti*hs4 a* Lot .No Forty on t Map of Tlilap' I^it*, In po««*»*li;n of P. J. Wagner, batted a»o bounded a* RiBow»t Kaatsi- ly bv a Vtllttge Ltit owned and occanied Henry 1 a.ier, southerly by s Lot owned aad oceapled by J. Ksnsfurd Wagner, westerly by %>nlh etreet, sad rotjgat I'RDAND RBNKWKDANlil.UHBErt Y Al>JVMTBI>Aim PAID At THIS AUBKtV OBic* In the He,, fttnrs, MI'II.IUM. Porl Plain, N V 14)1 : »i..ry "*<i I II PI I I.KB* ,irii«si' •>! Mu111 aid l aii«J Hlr VII Ul ll t AltV, An. in. VHieriuwn s.BO e. u. BiiwplHg Oar run* from New (' li i 'AHR, liuneral Hlipnilul il f. Pavir, Oeiieral Ticket , •rr u. Orange, the »o*t pleaeaui ediss ever offered The** remedle* will lives Csssplaiai*, aia, Chronic or Ner> uli lltet-iises of the disease* arising ir Clothing. 0 2 HOW IHEAP C. JOHN A. DUNCKKU I* Sell,1,e 1,1* 1 \ltt.K NTtll K ..I m FALL A.VB WiSTMH luuitl y-MatlP nothing, til.OVKH, kli'lTlvNh, oil, ( hOTHINU, CKNTH* KURISTIrtKINft UOODsi, AND H AJ& A NI> CAPS, AibiaBiora on tbe ocrasr of i vVAl ANU lllVKIt BTRRftcTM, iisarly opposite ihe Post onice, FOW PKAJN, N. Y, Oali snd make your selection* from hi* •i.n* rail 0 l T R NRW KAJilliV of Uood«, bafar* purebssiug elsewhere. QBBAT WAROBOBE- RRB 1 If I able medicine is case Bysespsl*. I esa csrttfy Res Rem my sgMrisacs of it, Ysers, with Sffei: ARR MARKET WAGONH, WH» •flHIfJf ^m^mw^Amwrn etkar k n.d of TMM BXMT WOJMPfRJI* f* M4 CW •*•!« HfMMHT ARPtroriRj Aim ma cmKLtkruj.- TBM4I. 4&V4Y* m*B. WORE WARRAJTOBID, PRICKS SATlSFAtTOHY. pRlaNHlAaVm iTRtORtftlf a l l r JuHtTllald. ^*™' ^ftft^ftj -M_, Wwda^Bl y^ft^R 1 mPftR' ^BW* ;|R^R l^^^^t. lm»;J.^^^sftW^- S ^F^ J^| DAVID RYBRB. •rff* -iWimWN- WRWI wfa« »^mw» •eisasii Heaas/i* .. 1jlWiafi**" 1 ':-*" ""-•!••»•" WiieeaR' '• »-*'i'. -'!. — " ^»1ati^sSrejf fc ^ C^jaELTZTT F R88H GROUND PLA8TFR m, oTTmn^tfpmftr at btr^* ^ JAMs* ROBB INOWDBN, PTOthoBtttary of tksBaprams Court *f Penasylvsala, Pan.aaat,sHia, Bsptsmhsr it, NaT Hooduud* Oermsn Bitter*' i* s vary useful am- issttng drink, sad wsy be seed bBaefifilty by per- jA^^JiirawDRR. »g*™ Miair sJACTJOK, •rtll«. DDDDD DP DODO) laft^sUtftlU k oa the wsrpaar CHARJja M. EVANS, PttorwRTOR, Pormsrig 0. R. JACIBON A CO.. PR1CEB. HEWING MACHINE! Tbs superior merits of ths "fettugsr'' Machine* ovar all others, fo; either Family uae or Manufacturing purpose*, are so well sitsbitahed smt so generally admitted, that aw enumarstlou of their relative *»- celleiice* I* 11,1 longer eontldsred iiecesaary. OUR NEW JTAHllst MACHINE which has been broogiit to porfortioa rsgantless ot loVput r U c%WpaW ^-^ The Machine lu uUCttlou I. Simple, Ikmpuet, lhmt(,i> tmti Iknuttjut It t* ijuiei, light running, and CapeM* a/ i^tfyrming Hang* aad ilwitiit */ Wert never hefiim attempt- ed upon a single Machine,—uelugsitherSit.a, TWIST, LIMBS OS OOVTOM Tassaa, and sswhig wilb snual facility ths very tim «i and coarsest Ratarlal*, and anything betweeu tbe two extremes, in the mo*t beautiful and •nh»t*u»i*l msnitur. Its sttacktasnt* ftar RaatMuta, BaamMco, Caaatsfl, IVuxiaa, 4111.1 laa, Pskusa, Tansatae, BtaniKu, siv.-., aiw Nmn. and PBAOTIOSI., sad have bass iuvsnted and adjusted especially tor Ibis Machine. New design* of ths fjatttss, I W n , , sad PavaLas Foi.niNS Tors ASO Oaaiawi Osaas, peculiar to tbe Machine* inauufactured by this company, have baan prepsred for wucloetug tha new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at hast btt conveyed tiiroiigli ths medium of s (nec»«**srtly> limited *d- vertiaamsni; and we Uterefore nrgs every person hi ijuest of s Rawing Machine by all iue»n* tu examine and te«t, tf tbey can possibly do so, all ths leading rival Machine* before making a puRmasa. A semc- iiiin ran than be mads undsrstaadlngly. Rraaeh** or agettclea for supplying the "Miuger* Mscbjue* Will bs found itt nsarly every/lty and towu through ont ths et>iitft*4 world, where Machine* will be sftasrfnil* esblbttsft, and »»y leionuaiiaa proatpHy 1 uinlrb.-d. Or cuisniuulcatuiiis wftf he addressed to Base fear Bfaaey kg Parehastaa el* dUAHilSaKINGSLEY, 1 TtlR POPUIUR RMrRMIRR. jaw* 1 * pno4im QAX «R »4« ATTWGEEAT WAKDaOBE. cnam R* c. RTRt*«i.Rir, .aalflB S. The Singer Manufurl u11iiti Go M 466 Broadway, JT. Y. J, 0. S N S I e L , ' ARent, ROR* Rf AIN, n. Y> RURSEI44 CRBOO ds tRiNH, •R» RMOAIitt tv, " alT ,:M-*:.iY I v a^-- ; taiartf • • Aid JTtftJ ROSTER'S PATENT PLASTER TIIMTO.HABMSON* mvm IMPOWTKHS # JOBBRRH UF CLOTHS & W m \ a« aad BR Wklta Btraat, tR4 OWrsftt Ntvwat, »Iw*T0»I. M«W art If®!®- •y^'•'•*W•w°^J , * AND northerly iiy l»v1*ion utresT, sell ng one hundred fert PiRR BV Mil SOU A,SB eOXTXSTSt. ASD KM- BD POXA rSTitroP r>.t its, A T LOV m TE> Or PHKMIVM. OONNRCTieCTMrTt'Al. 1.IFR IMWRANCH CO., Ascnaaatelee Aawets over Ree.ftWMhOee tie A purely Mutual Cumpsuy. reiuniiug to the I'ulluy holder* annnally, the entire proflr* In Dividend*. Ufa Kudww iiMinl, and liuusiiy Policies granted in ail Uie differ, i.t (uni,- aluilg Houtb ftlirut, *ud sislv feet along Ulvisiun Street, In the»1i..i>eel aparallelugrjin. Dated March II, IBM, DAVID B. HBik-MAN Sheriff Per MnulAtl. Oilll%, l)e|iul). Waoass A Lswts, PisiutiM's Alt'j *. 4Tw I UtTfE OP NEW YORK II t N M M . liKPAIlTUt-NI , \. 1, N .< li. .• rU, 111 I-' Null: « 1* li -11 l.) cheli, |>U l..i» uf l«Ml,, lliul tb. t li, ul.,l... fc ' 1,. i .\i. ;..,-.-. W Unci bsuli, . Hanking A•.»«., u, 11 ot Kuiul.i, MulHKullieiy l.iiultj Kill : AT e»H, -in presentaltoii at tbe Kew T urn l Ml t'b.i fi i^te A, r A w, .•« ^iwwn.ti." » » .«». 1 .... » ...... ..... ' lioiisi llui.k, in tin city ui AJbnu), l-i »U < fruin the date bereuf, ami not ihcre.-tl.r .'.l.ulaliug t. 1 ntvly ^aiT VI llllill t r.u.l |. u l The uuUlsudliig um*! be presented, n Hit: d«le k«fp>>f-: Slid all 11.il' ' « bleb - sell led l.i rT'dell.pliuU and payment wl.b ll. llill* *j» 1 lfl< d v, ill . I.IM- lu be a , baic. uuu., 1 I.L. CUrltle* In Hie band, ul Ihe Sopeliui. I.denl 1.11 purpose .1)1116 u \^ >. Ill'l I.Kit, h. •iiiit.ii.b n lu •lO.Utsj agetasi aesiiluntal death, ami t» to R*> 'emnliy, for 101*1 IIIMIIIIIIIJ i»n»edb) lu annas)coat "t WRlo "JV t». • 4t(tO0 ^pilK OHIOINAL THAVI-'LIHS INS < () OV HAKTI OllD, CONN. (VMI CAPITAL $500,ooO,OOfi Anaft'.n July 1, 1 *ob .$I,O.TV,0U5,2». 1* the I'lotieur Accident Compter "' MU* country, ingatiiiiHil In 18*4, and coufhiDS* to lusnre truin tfwn lo •lO.uts} agelasi acet. weekly lu indemnity, 1. B.'.itdeiil, at *u annuo I cu lllCullilllg to OCCt|p*tluU. Over l'J8,0t>0 Ac< Idenl Policies Iseu.d Three quarter* ot a mltlluitpaid in lu*w«. >'i »l iels.WSJ was paid, fur 111,000 maJSlved. I.IKK IIBfART.ni.NT Thl* Compnuy al»ograiiU all foim* of I.ih- C cies, with Indemnity for asaldcnisl injury, U desii. thus uniting life aud accident lusurauce UIHI.I ... policy tind pr«iu>iuni, »t tlock tstss, less than *>• other Company. By litl* rsducllou |i> r.u-, » dm dead te uwld to a pslrry>fcsldrr In ailvaurr Lite policies Uruml al*o upui. IWilciiialli.a 1....... ul nBtiil rate*, wTfreon DlVlDirNtW AVR fit 1 I AH till ANNL'AL.l.ksudavsJistusuu uiimuu! uf second annual piemluiu. Also st "whole woil.i rates " wltti uo re«tri«li(.n» on, or aitr. n CI'1'Ul..Ul. I (11 UT. -llenrv rtiichel ug»t Pred Ll erlik hlubtu, Caroliiui Stichul, >.i,d ..lb. ie. T), KIJIIII, lit Milui-ut 11 iiidcniilil ai.il d.creeil lli. J<U|iii'iui' 1 IIIMI .d Ihe riiaui ul .New York, reiidei.-d .11, Ibe ltd d..y uf March, laAS, *»ul duh e u l e n d 11, MuUlKulie 1 > I'uuuty. uli Ibe »uluc U .J I, tbs 81,el ttt ot Uunigiiiiu'ry C uit 11 U. wUisell tit public am lius * Michael t., tli' highest hidifi i-, a! tVie Hotel kept hi - Richac Qshlu, in Kurt Plnm VjlUtge tow« «>f Mltldpi!, li Montgotiicn Cuiiuiy, on the l,th day April. Its*, a IU 11'. 1... A Hi Ibe (..rciirwiti. the full. Ming dessrlliuc real .'.(.lie and |.l upelt > , » lib It* u(,l)UrtStl*n9e» , l> el! All 11.ui irait ut in.i-.el uf Uirtfl of Fori Plaiu Montgomery I'uuniv N Y , being » I'd situated an. known a* lui Nu "•, "'id 1- fcnuwn an.l dieTiiij/ui*!,.-. l>« l l " . ni the Rn. lib,, krlii . 11 ,t I ,1 h 11 lb hln.ji I iltle , 1 . 1 turnieil .11 rt 1 ,,iii .!. travel or oeciipatiuu. All i.tfePolieie* and Dividend* unn forfeitable Kui iiiun, ur fttrthet lutoimattwii, sddrusr OKt) C. BAWYKR, Syrucose, N Y Hen I Agent for tkule of New \uiit, n. UHIKII tARV, Agent, PVlr Fi.ii*. IS. \ / .'KNKUAL AOlsNUY PC if I N S U It A N C E . OuntUMUtal Pie* Ins,. Co., at ,\,,» York, ti,Sas,S74 ftfi pfS. ''. >rri«^vrW^ ag« Mutual Lite st (Sew fork. » lrt .* fl f»Wf *° National Life Ins , Co., of Tiillcd Hlale*, «1.000,OflO 0u Ctasmsrou Ins (Ja, of Albany, Sft««,*iO 00 North America, In*, i u , »t Piub, , M.sho.oou ou Aeias Uvs Rtack lu*.. t'«, " " M»,000 Ou iu.aranoe on fftrni Bull.Ungs snd 1-011 tents ; snd un detechadflwelllug* In vlllngo*, ette. u ! at luw rates ofuremtHiti, foi a tetut or years Bftd-oi* perpstsal pulieles. Inland mariiie risk* on ircnspiiitarfnri h) eanst and railroad taken si Hie luwasi rau-s of in*t . i,.e, .-.n. panief. TgRMUTUALLlKaLlN8.,Ca,«f Nnw. ¥orft, I* llie lsrgost, aafent, the oldest III business, and Ibe most sticAsasf ul In* , Co., of any kind in Hie l'. ft. Psrlk>* dsslriug rWisut* ln*urauo<-, at euuilaWe raica, "will find ft lu their sdv«trtafc to »]irily at tnl* agcucr bsfors fsaiirlug ur retiewlui; llisir p«dkle* etaewnere. •yl llultliltl AIIAkia Office in Auntlueii Kvptv** tniildiug. Fort Plaiu *^>m^~mamm**!K!* m m ^s~p'gr~2»,L.i~ j i s IC.k eft Vad held uy nun : »ud where** thei imiubi mi puid luuitgii^e al lite dale ut Mu*iltf*rs«ry sud r>ksle ut Westeily aide uf Ihe Krlu e»u«il and road lusdlug 'lain b> i.ati»j«i*uirt*, about one nai.iRsst- Imili of which 1 1 are thily raeo and rsfsrenci ibcrclo la a m * psi't.cularly |ii«sw< Also ri'serxluc The nilull .citgiin lionise sltusted on said roan, RaaU-ily ul the liwvUlug house, whirl, said Went let I* to remove. Dated. April Kth, Itsfft). PRRDRUICK Bi Hl'Ti nlNHON. Assignee ol Mortgage Juus O. Ca.iua*s, 1'ilca, Attorney. wiwio -Whereas, de- ll, e pa I meni lit the M ORTtiAttR t/OUivCl.OM Ul fault ha* bueu made In ilie payu. money eaeared by Mortgage, dated tie ftk day ot February. ISSI. egetutud by sWluiaon helitugt* u snd Helen Belllngthn. hi* wife, iu* the row n of St. Johns- vilkt, iu His County of Montgomery sad si at. of New- York, lo John Wilson, of asms town, County and BtaUi atuie.uid, and wlikb said Mostgsge was recorded iii Die Clerk's ugtce of said County, in Book No. 60 of Murfgagee, on page lift, on the 1Mb day Ot Ma>, l**m, at one o'clock, and whereat-, lb* amount claimed to be due upon said Mortgage at the time of Urn first publication uf thl*. netbxs, 1* the aum of tTM.lt, and to grow due the farther stun of one ttmasaud dollar*, with interest on the aame from April 1st, IsftV. Now, therefore, uuilr* I* ltaretiT given that by vir- tus uf tha power ot **ie etiutalned Iu said Mortgage, and duly recorded a» afoie*ai4.aud lu puiauanss of the atatuts In *nch cases made Irtrt imiTMsd, fieVahi Mortgage will bs im. 1 i..*cd by a asls uf the premise, therein .li-M rihed. at public auction, at Montgomery Hall, ia village uf Fart Plain, R.mlgumoiy Co., N. Y., on the ijfltli day of June, iatt. at ten o'clock in the formulae of that day. Ths said prsmlse* are de- scribed hi said. Mortgage a* follow*: AU that usr- talu lot situate 111 fie Village of Ht. Jnhtuvllle, hi tin. Ciiunly uf Rootgomury *nd Stale uf New York. I'.uumencing st a puilil ua ihu uorlh boutid* ot the Mobswk Tuninike, «fty-»lx (kg) feet and Iwo inches westerly from the aoutb aastsrly eoraas of tas lot whereon the dwelling house Qf llsrius Vedder now stand*, and rutiniup ilicdlu lu northerly course on a Hue j.sralk I with and wtghi tec-l from Die seal aids fit the attme nulldlng i-taiiaing on the premises hereby Intended to be Conveyed, oij/hiy-tonr (set; thence in a westerly course eighteen feet aud three iurbes to tbe land* of Um t'tiloa Cliureb; tbenee *.tutherly or *uuth- .»• Bi.-riy slung tbe lamlr. uf said 1'nn.u Olittreh to the north bnnnd* of said Tnrnpike afore- said, and thence In an easterly oonras along the hound* of said Turnpike to the place uf beglnuitig Dated March k*th, lefts. JtHlN WILSON, J. li. WsMiai i, Morlgagc.s |Distcllatt«m npitW^" '•"''• SHIPMiN MM & HIE CO. l i KHPKCTFL'LLY iaform the psopl* uf Fori Plaiu *» and the iurt^ouudllig eountry, ihst tbey are pre- pared to ds all kind* of JOB WOttK in their line-auch at CAtTTNO, POROrNO 'and ORRRRALRRPAIRB. Ws buna llttlR liimw.be, snd Cast IRON PKNCKl and all klndi of RT f .niRARlN(i, Ac. Ws also utnnfacture tbe esbtliralsd ANCHOR HORSti BAT FORK, which i» dacldedly the bast fork in use TsrflWIT tor **)e Two or thro* •SHIPM AN MuWKRrC 101 .ale si a bargain. (Ave a* a eali. " V* njt " HimAN ** Ul * U X &VrU%Y. MOTFCK TO FARMSU8 AND DAIRYMEN, ll. WKMini. Attorney. Port Plata, N. T. 111b. bl itbCltlBRRM bavlag ooispletad laair asw Tsjinery, aititatedlu 8L Jobn*vllle, near tbe Steam Rlesator of J. Cos R Boas, would respectfully announce to Farmers and Dairymen tkat tbey "- i-omnienoed Tanning, ana Sow prepsred te fully . have i' ,e R***" to take In Rtdaj sad lM*m>» Mat.%*, for abiub (Vy will /"Ui. IA* W^l#*f Rarkf /We**. 4«lf JOHN ni ROAN *i m»N Hi jahnivUle, Msrtw tta, IftfA CIUCKERINCJ & SONS, ORAND, Reosltsdthi TJlBLHOkW DR audtksliottss PI4NOS. ' t b « i n . ION OF HONOR, J>N, PARli,tftet. litest award* oi tbs namMstluu, iimsBisu A Bo»* was tea omi art i^'l.m.i»«|. flROBTS, MIODI* d aad A s . RJ ^*S>*IIB.( w ***** +*m- mmwmme WWR RPwJ^R ^MHrMMmW' ••» R. WAORRR. Bute* w* hsve been awarded Biaty- ^^ursmrtiibe rfttr^-d "TrsSlnmi and ths ikslss3a'g sKisi. a^ftaa*f"*a. LAZTABU8 & MORRIS , CKLBBRtTBD PEKFEWBB SPBCTAfLl& A n n B y e GH«?kja#aBOR». " The Urge aftd tncresaint saJea af tkaaft SUPERIOR GLASSES I»a stiro proof of tkrir nipertority. Wn were aati*- led that tbey wonld be epDreclatsd bare at elst- * here, and that tbe reality of tas advantages otena lo weareas of oar Lcauilfni icassa, vit; the Bass sud comfort, tbe ssaared and readily ascertain*d im pioveuieni of the eight, and ths brttRast asststanri they give in all c»«#*, wejaiu tbamselseeso appain 1 on trisl, thai tbe resalt coold BOtS otberwiss than With a foil kaowledf.. of the vslaa si Urn asser- tion, «r .lalni that tkev srs the asost nsufset oaaleal aid. . ver ru.nuf.«u rea \ To thoss^naid*mf BpScU- iT.*',i*'. r i orrt f 1 M m a n i a aRjarlaiilliat' prwur- j Ing tha beat and a^uti pruftuule. Mil. U P. CQE, At hi* Jewelry tStore, POUT PLAIN n y I ev«^'di«cuTty U fcTO * " ^ *"*^»*. «*^ r«. We take occasion to nottfy the jmmtc that we em- 1 ploy no paddktrs, and to caution tftesn agsUasI isn.. 1 pes Uf ding Rj k e n one good* tot sate. «gyi yiNETiAND. NKW ftaWJUiALEKT OF* VlimAKl) ' "A R*BI OWOSTtrerrT tx TBS SSST Rsma-ar aa» acan naxMaTTStn. aws BiAuraY OUSAI. w tras Datwai.^ Oatv Tntaii Muaa BO«TB as PaiMdsaieai*, o« A IISICSI.AU; IUIM. A RICH Boil. UIUMLV raoni .- TIV« WUIAT Lasn; ASOSA tas S**T ra * « 0ABHK\ HT AT* as Ns* JBBSSV. It .uiisiiit of at) ajnare mile* of (JOOD land, di\ ded lulo farsi* of different aise* to salt the porchaacs rs<is »0 acais trrWABPs. PRICX AND TMlfst; The b « d Is sold at the mis ud, psyable une-fon r t t l c tad tnTftwCs' with leg*I iatassaiTWtk- ipaafares* al Sftassmaad farm Ian by haif yearly tudalinenta, In the term ot foar years, spaa! upward.. Fl\c u. re loi* K-r ai from glKl tb tMr; ts* ***!% lot* at I .liai Mays to sseu, sad lawn Wis SS 1 f. .-I .1.. |, si I1.1O lu tSOO—payable un* i.ie » iit.li. uue yeai li it uiily apoufarm* o! n k i.. . - 1 ii.on^ llial lour y«am nine is given. "I..1 tract, witii Tjsg Bit1»« front on the « ith fli.e and ipactoai avetme*, 1 in in In. 1 nx nun i' Id. 11 Ckn IA..», swlufcl* f.,i |.| •••• IVHIIKI-also * dark and rich **i ...aable fur ecru, tweet polatoei, tobacco, *l 1 ,1 -e-elable and root Crvpi and the ftneat > *• ! dun, nub u. Urapea, Peaj*. Paachaa, Ap- Ne< isiint * ( li luck berries, Mefon^ and otbei .-si ada|iteu In IbeTJilladelphla and New York market*. In i-esowl if44|«A*H SSMI ana** tasIS can. be no mii-ukc. ae visitors ran examine b.-tb, and nunc are eApected to-buy ueioresodullig, awdfhidlag Die*, •talemruls correct— under these i-lrcumatancaa, u w i u iht* tkitrmmtt were eerreer after* tsveld bt ne «**• (4<t, u.iny mi\iit. It U> tAjnsidersd T H I Banc F a t n Run i> Tii* \ vro* fhee fti iibrt* of bolon Robtneou KMI , ot 1 ti. New York Tribvw, anal of Df. Cbs*. 1 Ja.V^. 1 , SUte OeolofUt of Mass, which will ht flu n!»h.'d luuuin rs. I THK MARKBVS. k.i.f u\< i ihe in up tlie rtadsr will peroaiv. u)ois Ibe eesV ....iriel IN (Ae Cw*»i., apd ba> .miiicuiisinin with New York and PhBadei r s day, born* only fkirtjr-fw* ml}*a from the l-r.Hiii.v in thi* market brings di ubl* Rt 111..-11. a i 11 doe* in lucniioaf dtstist m»m thedRe* 11 iiiir l.Hstluii IV caii be pot into market tbe •*»' dsv 11 is gathered, aud for What the fanner •aha, »t .-(. Ihe Elghoat price; whll*l giot-eih* aad Other at tl.ai' 11 dir. 1 pld* in tenet r lr. ll ll,.. 1 I. * i.C . . . ali'H C-lll.. :) i.iUUl), " I . i U ; l.'ll. ,1 V. I t - . , -• .'.H k N u t-l ..I Mortgage*, page Ml Jt. , and wlleiom the filltl inert ' gage tins boeii amy s»slgued 1.. i lejt.rick iw tlul.Ulu , er.g of Ihe , \[j ..i New \ urk.und ibe snutt 1* IIMM ,.M U there is due anu I Ibe m»l pub llcalluii of this uotlee, "(April •', tftia,) |H8 ut prill tlpul, ntSl ITtva-s ui luleriss*, lu ail the »uni ut Iwu but.died uiui flfty-lhree dollata and juueiy-lwu cent*. (SBBAIIV!) and inu-reer frost **t« day und tbeif-1. ' iHioui.' due lite luillic.i nun ut %bib ol prlucipal wilb lnlert!»i Irow the flrot tiny of Noveiuher, lt*S8, and lui.klug 111 all tluc sud lu bocotue due tils saui of ITS6.01 atld'interest from the Sr*t publication of this notice a* afore said. Now, therefore, nuii.c i* hereby givuu, thai by vir- tai of tas power of eats containedTn said mortgage. and lu pursuance of ibe statutes in such case made and provided, the »aia mortgage wUi be furecloaed by a aula ul the premise* ltterelu'<ioe»ih>cd, ai iiu,Pll> auction al tbe iiUlillt bouse knuw 11 ue T'irluu If all, In the village ot Fort Plais, ou the B-l of .inly, m i l , ai I, 11 o'clock In |b« forenoon, i b e prtnuleSs are dssx rlhed In said murtgage *• (oi|tiw»; " All ili.it tetta'M piece ot umtuiut land sit- nated in thetown of Canaluhario, in the county ut , N. V., elttiale-U ui. tfta ft liili uf the ICrlu cauni from Ptirt Pi nlv u| Fori I'Um VllUgv bptteii ard hoaudetl a* folhiw*. vlxr Ninth WeSterty by ihe la 114t- of Joalttiu VorUan, bonih Wi-etarly by ui. lands ut aaiil Vyr- don and nijuh Wile*: South Easlerty hy tin f oR gan M -ii ths Pun Plain and Csuaiobarte plans, road company ; Nurili Westerly by sajil plank road, b„iim di. premiasa conveyed to *aM Wt-nster hy one JauBuii and witu, July 11, lMM,cnui.-«Uii!igabout luro. am • of laud more or lev*. Raoopling and ttesivRg from the Nuitlierly cor- ner thereof about one quarter of an am- thsrsot hi-i. lofurc routeyutl Iiy said \\ ubslsrt.i DIM Mlllei aud by biui cpavsyrtt lo Jalrs, K B^, MJH uket, one uf ptinhaeea, he geie atlbe lowest pries. It. II.r »,.»i wluti 1,1 ,. ii. "tiug* blm a plilitnc^, bat f61 w hui in bui. br pay* two price*. Iu locating here ll.r r.iiii 1 bo. uisiiy uitmi ADVANTAURa I! ., -. .11.111 * lew buitrs bj raflitiiKl uf aU ibe rre.i ' r . 1 Niu Ki.gltiu.l and ihe Mtddle Bute*. fl« l* 1..1U in* eid fileudf sud «>».i*ta»is. Rs bsa school. . .. biMteii. divlue service, aud all tit* advautk . •> 1 it-li-'ii, and *e 1* uear a larye city. iHK ULIMATR, .. .. ,.i..i..., u.f •luici* bsnig up^aauussJupskiui .1 I.I Uf the suiuttiDi* are no warmer than in fn« Nortii I 1 iu. Mini, is u|.on tbe Una uf isUturt* with ' Vligluia. liiM'-i tt litis..! A uusssa or oua*TB roa HSALTH .. .1.iii be much UurfltteUln Ymelaud. T^ic mlldnse* ; ,h<-illiuat* *ud il* bracing influence make U ea- o.ieatuswwB atpsekms> aWaMpsts aaad pen- i,tiuu Vi»Hur» wlU uullce a dittercuf* in a lew ' Aiil* 11,H! teiHT are lA/ttoeten. < Norts- a U-ul for a: ., ... d> AT HAND Pleti and Oysters are SMUAJ s«A « ssSw a. sstft*, sAeakt brftv •ur* rftefr patreAaara, a* bewrftm* *tn war satul people. land Will hav 1 ti.NVRNIRNCBR li,Hiding material H pieaty. pieuUtul and cheap. WHY Tilt I'tuiI'ERTY HA8 NOT HEKN BWl TLR0 litKihi. Ti ... .iu. ... ui. ihe roader uaftaraUy asks It u s»- . -i.ee 11 hue bcei, held in large tracts by famlllci not di»p..*ed to tell, and being without railroad facilities, tbey had few inducements Ths railroad, ha* been opened through the property bat a abort time. vVitun are shown over tii* king ia a cart lags, fssa af expense, and affurded time and opportnnltv fur ihor- oos* tasasrhjattsa, Tk*m stftu 1 mon«(' te mrurt I Aril ll^M.., rrfttUll POPULATION. In the autumu of teal, the DOBBISMOJU of Vtneiaas cii.taied ot ftiui tamlhes. M aem (tftftj) eaaatat* uf teu immaand thriving and Induairlou* p**>pi«. Th* to«u pletiu the csiare tat a popalatlor. oftbrsvikoe le. Al the i"'sent rats of Inavsan Vlpe. ave a jiopulatron of twenty tbonssBri peo- ple- by ikjft liupiuveitisbi* are going on hiftUawaer- tlon». New hunuTogs, atorea ana manufactories are being waatati, aad new iamta aad orRaaafta (aaarsd and planted. PHJWSNT8 IMPROVKMRNTR I poa the Vtuetand traca at* eigRtssn pauiteschvou and ihtss nrivats ^minarlaa TV Meskodlai Can ference fa hutldtirg at tilslRsaerlt time taw of^|« largoi tetuinarle* in the tutted Slats*. The kttiltt lug will be 14a feet long, safest a Ida aud four tlorin big h. There are CHCRCHRB, eonaiating or MetliorrisL Ptsahyteriait, BabOat, apit copaL LiiltsftaH ajtd ajhar daBomiu*ti(Aaa--Raatgiii and Oildfeliow oidert, aI.yo*nm. PublicTAraryTaTd varluu* itocieHea fur intellectual linpruvsmeul- PUBjjg AlRiRNRRNTav e.s/.Tstem'o'tpviblc iiri^nmeaT-fta^^ftad* AU tbe roads are ulsntad with shade irses, 1 madaldea seeded fo graaa. The house* set b# ii.. losdslites, aowerisad shrubbery ti. front, Vlueland already one of tbe mast beautiful j ths csuuiry. RBAftCRBB TO IRftGRR TRA PU1UC WR5f ABA' Vitieiaud 1* the Brat scLUemeM thl ft«r4 wftsrs ft* dded measure* have boss adopted 10 asears the re terusts uf the actual setOst agslast the spsoaRyor,.- . but ftpoa the at pre** coaallloi. that it shaft be bnlit ope* within a>ear. 1, tkl > provision eveig rTI rff TL*JiBJRLRsflmT'"ll *"b* Improvement if oas nronlM - T i e veins uf Rr* rat* pro*] rsmajkab No property ia sold ' shaft be bnltt ipr.nvn.ent uf the neighboriag aWo|MrtT. Sseuce1* co-operstlve In tta stun * 1 ou 111*, to a great astsat, saaces* oi Vineland, and the proepertR of 1 TUB TBMPRBANCB PRINCIPI Rvery year 11 Is aabmitted to a vols 4 wbethar any isvern shall be licai&ssd to 1 Tbe license has aevsr beau silted, and aw sow in Viimland. At (haJsatsls-^iVm tk«rs ..1,1 M L cast In favor of ROBOT saUtm-, \ \\t ha* never probably occurred before, tnl* bt l prutwliui. to faiuUles, and W tks iadtUslrioB* of the new settler TO MANUPAt^lTRRRRl'A. F*.L i in town afturd* a sun opening iMJftjJasU atanu fa. luring btirinesees, being near Philadelphia ami Un .tinuuuding 1 uuulry has S large popnialtsu »* hiuti afford* a good luarkpL i l.tr setUeinenl ll MW ftfta At the must tn« IU4u iilaee* lu the country, and most agrsaanle for a retl- deuce. If I* ftaiaudsd to maks R a FRyiT ANft YIRR gmvchig oonntry, a* this culture ia in* moist tit the besi adauted to the market. B»«rj I and 1 uiiveufeur-t for aelth-n wUi he Istro- pruftt ad- able ..it vanta. duet .1 which will laauw tl 1 nnisnsrttj if tfta plan* The hard lime* throughout the country wiUb* an ad vantage to the settlement, as il ca»|»eh psapls to rs *..ii to agriculture, tor a living. In sctnlng In thl* locality Ihe settler possesssa th« advantage ui Ueiug near bia triauds Mad aM asaoet* lions, instead uf going fhoaaaada of mile* into % fa oft wilderness. Into which the uaceaaarie* of c' " u.a. have not bees Inlrodaced, snd where, iu obtXfkSBsaA^ ^ThtSililB "Dial a the aaanaMuOS or rrmaas. 1 nil is wt un uuui s of New Knglaud and ths Rtdon- kHataa. SI At any uionu*bi*a day or more can "be at Varit, Uostuu, Philadelphia te vkgally, ts tpent ' P R * ? ai^ou TTb^l'ueasTn'islthigJrl^^ batTtUsaa. pense sad withoui nsglsct o? baalaaal. It Is la s est lied country, when, no dsngoi or risk is meiu-fsd.- Thrrc ia no graat eapenditurei of mousy rsqnirsd be- fore il ess be made to pay, a* Is OftnaRy tbs ease. - Anoiher ftuportsut canatdsratlon la ll* II h A 1.1 i I. The settlor here laear* ao laager of lasrag kftrram- Uy by those dreadful fevers wtuU*. in s**w* pmas* are ao regular and ->eriodiral a* ths as*son*, aad watch teufttr* year* to Uo.-ouac whfti by isrpsd secli- msistl, geuerally at a loss of une-thlrd of a tamil - aioaiig the woman aad ckikirau. Quad health 1* at essential thing In tbe urodUhia eaRivaUsn ul » fain and lbs rtchsstacril in lb* wartd may ytsld vary poor ly U the settlor is snabls to sausad swon ll Ul* lsboi on aicouul of hi* ahiverlng a 1th the Bgus. ar If com- pelled to tabs trade at a heavy charge for hU grain,- 11*,. all ihe evUwtcs* of rsftneuieoi anu culDvatlutt »it si hand IVUft*tascwaaary t o mt fttty mltss te tt (tout tutU. ovarartough road aud ihrougb a wUdsr- uts* touuiry; nor are the wiuu-r* tola—th*| lr« •bwi sad apftA Tea seaswu* ooais»*aes ssry sftrly InAwrilike^rHyugblng h inUhsg (freqaenili cem nwnsrag ia stareh) ana the seed •* in. WRAT \ ibl'i «l(b Wli-L RRR. The vUituf will *e« a* good cw^gr»wlAi| It- 1 Un land a* he will see anywhere hi Risfhjrtea, not as pspUug the We.t. Tk* *oii R WJfhb uroducinr Mndredi of farm* are under cirttratr. 1. R* wUi S « btindi. d* oi orchard* aa« wapasd* In bfariai -Ciulit iriveu through a auaareg mlb* uf farm* erahardaand vlnayards npoa the vimiand irsal, aae Imhoid a scene of beauty slid W ^ ^ ' . l ^ W ? * sdln the Cnion. The nncVriTgned fumlshss earn agsa in to those who coma toll** «« the land, fw*» o? e*pense. A spsde alwaj* SCcotBpauUa the riage and every opponuuf-- fusasw iaad Issastly « awset potatoe* will pay for I af th*land, altar s b R * U r wheat and graft*. What lu. I l l the beafttiful horns* in nalfe-ie 1 * ^benTarrbltn^rsdt (^ttlU Vbo cam* *»era "a Ith fram iweks Ira k lar* tlaast are now worth thoaaauda however, are not tdters m afftieRitftw^l and B Ul tngBatry, wtaniganea,fteRftaetsad narr*. Urge nuu.tier. id" poeule ars PUKSi«fk*kf IK. plewhoftaslrstbs hftitfoaattoft W a » sWt ths flara *Suiprw«d land I* alas for gaffs TtRRRR LARO ean bs aouaht with m eilAeattlBantr Uts tRaftw *i market vainatian. Th* UU« i» li clast uf ati >•* loardlngOAiB Latter* Hnhtsvans wlWl' Rsptmi of holoa T, Jssh.saa.ssat kngftmar R^T^NTJIR ProftrlsMW, ^s^aa^ as a » •— ar^ w w w ^W^^*f Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
  • ~ i - I ,Bi\\mimmmmmm*Sm#mi>nm*m mmtm

    T* Cuu* C i « m

    and dirty spots, look IMW.

    ^P*wF ^^r^^ JP^ ^s^a^W^

    old carpem

    laolsRjftJlRtfttts oTOwn etigar, one swoeeayws* ful of melted baiter, juice of OM lemon; era* M for etiaftard pk. »***• W h l l l ^ " tag bet* Ike wteu* or « w 9 * * * 1 0 * *"**•

    when th*; pie la done, take oat *od W I M ove* (be u»p tA#ftfte*tt«l anger, Mid bake these B«1«I-*—•*

    H*' ^ttritaRa*.

    ISaBoB. Uw whole «** " Bssats.. Rttstwes* 6. PRtf

    > talks* bs.lBaai;

    dfli« well HOOT P W » I * » T*mRBY*-'lt Rat

    IM* froaea 4**^!, UkR) Rtffl** WP ae '$o*M*m tor root pnHbg mia**1 or any tree of which it is dwlmtte to check the cotmlng •«Moa1iiENMrtb.' Not only thouhl

    «t«le root* be cot, but jou sfioiiM dig down UittftWffIRe lower or t«p too*. -Hom« writ** cWaa this *a * preventive of

    we tnlnk it require* further expert W prove it of any real veRte In that

    PM AktBX, AS-

    T o l N T S WANTED FOB

    EH, iW Ml COBRAS «M RAW f o t t c i t v .

    . * * * » * « * * i a Cheap**! '

    m e t V

    ToForiOTtyftiXT ViML—IbB* r^reana who ar* In the habit of fretheatog mackerel, or (Rkw • * Itftk, never Jreaa* thM thure U ft right ftiui ft wrong w»y to do It. Any Person who bee aeen the process of evapovaRoa go-mg oa ft* the ttlt worka, knows th*t the salt tails to the bottom. Jtwt so it L* la the pen where your mackerel or white Ash ilea soak-ing ; and, as It He» with the akin down, the iaJt wtR fait to tbe akin, and there remain: wli«o, If placed with the fteah Rett down, the tatrfaiN to the bottom of the pan, ftiu) the rtah eotnea nut f reehened m it should be. In the other ease it W nearly fti tail fc» w%en put

    Jl aoatsift* •# toe sagnftafft teed l* ike a**eA*st. lassiTtetHnj, h»*«wti»#, aa§ atmawaet wawiirf Has kind pabrtilwd.

    ONLY 12 50 PER COPY Agent*are staaftaag adfthm»9rmt 2 i S m ^ J T u m m t w S ft

    I I T ' T ' T / \ V •Iftfertor wortui •< « * » t -A 1 i l U i l • l*r ebmracwf M>» hfttjf «l»-


    \ n i m JDtspiit N4*».~-The tferuUi qf Ue healthful digestion. Let ca.««e wbnthlmi oeeil n M

    often been tri«d, and is sitnpty to take into the atonftth, iH f̂ore Miring fur the tiigltt, a ftks.'« of rftw onk» after (hewing. Tlii-eat-ulent In an uncooked state Is very lw-al-ing, ami aoJtftoia the water from the lungs and throat, eatiatng immediate reitei to the [ S i l e n t . "

    It Is ftifto aaad that • noaltioe of onton* «p-i.lied morning, noon an«l night, for three or four d»y», will core a fejm. No nMMtt-r bow barf the ease, lattcrng the feger wBl be itanaceasary if the potiHtre is applied. The mwMMry Ift aftid U> he a sure, safe and speedy one.

    i«a tons ant* H«Hi ('mm—Tb« Clncin-natl Priea Current, » w^wapnper cousadefed authority on the Hu. stint» of the hog crop, make* in its issue of the I iUt iaat., Its an nufti jtatecnent of |MM*klug and Its eattmatt for the seaeun. It says: "The fact* now tiefbre 0% furuislted hy our. orrespoBjdents, •hoft M l » e oom erne wea, •* a ruis, poor in qOftmr, god on the whole below an »vei tg« in ftarn%.M We exp»«-ted, U continues, the hog crop of the Northwest to be greater •y two o/ three hundred thoueaud then it itfti proved to be ; it will proltahly fail abort J00,lKXJ.

    P\H theae ngtttres bctfetn those of die Fat cut Offlre, «hvh reiiorts UUJ torn crop of l i l t * i3T,000,()0© greater then thai of leof. The strong proljftbittty is, that for the reaaxyui «$t.|0fttt hy the correspondent In tin ciKwfudUf nuutlxt of the ("«>nntry Cientie-tnan for IMt^ the crop of mereltantftbh.-norn l» eertftinly 100, OCR), (MJG leas. But let oa wait the bet of time ami [>rh«e for the ouaeeeie. Meantime,, we uugltt ail of us k> thank the conductor of Harper'i Weetry, who, harriftg ft hist eathnaie of the grain crop aud ft ciser uoneepHon of the fltuMftclal •ittftftdoe, advises week ftfter week that farm i-rs hold their stirplos unlit they can sell for lair sriees,

    ft .;4;ft l ' • • • ^ ' f t j i i apfWJfteftjfty-eaTj^r'L'"'"*^ • m s i » ^

    FOODVAIITI of rrtf Por*w—Then-i* l-robftbl̂ BO Other vegetable tood, except wheftten breftd, of wbU ĥ in mucli can be i airly sfthl In its favor Its merftft, however, vftty vprf much with the kind of seed, die (teriod of maturity, fttid the kind of soil in wbkh they are grolm. That kimhshouhl be prwfstred which beoomes mealy on Isiiilug, and when Will cooked ran be thoroughly rushed with the ringer. The potato which

    Is known as " waxy," and those which re-inftln ftwtneW'hft* herd when boiled, do not hgeat so refttlUy as the mealy kind, hut lot that rseaoo they are saki to he more satisfy tug, whether the potato be bolied or roasted. since In both methods It should be well cook-ed. In point of economy end convenience, ttowwriTi it hftj been found better to boll than to mast them ; for, whilst the loss In hotting on one pound scarce!y exceeds half an onnoe, that In the most careful roasting is two ur three oanoes. It is also more economical to cook them in their sklna, and to peel them Immediately before they are eaten ; hat tkta la net very ceffranleni in many fjt*nilie«, aud the color Is not qnne so ifreoftol* ftft thftt of those which kava heefi boiled niter peeling. When they are peelutl befoftf bolfing, and particularly when they are amal, ftjwf the oeerfttion ia performeti eeraiftWMy, i ron one-third to one-fourth of the whole weight of the potato Is lost, and yf MMM he no nig to eat the peelings, the

    ^ l i E l a ^ c w ; Vbllfti tte weight of tilt a It removed ftfter boiling would not

    to njore then one ounce In the pound. W i n potatoes have been roasted, the loss In weight from the akin and drying la mora than ouft- fourth of the weight before cooking.

    • • - . . . - a * " i i iiiiiiKt

    IYASTT Cowf—In remarking thM Com ia a profitable crop to raise, we state what we know to he true. The to©w u>dge ia derived front fair and careful axperuneut, ettendlt^i over ft period of five years. We have grown com under favorable and unfavorable rlr-cuwtaauees; and, from accurate reoortU and^xpartntents, are fully oonvlnced ihst

    "ahtiuirs and large fanners, those hav-1 ftottft and poor solia, can raise Indian

    ooi i t thPieAt . Fftrmers are very apt to overtook the great value of the oom^pdtkr In forming their opinions of the Importance of the crou, We eettoiato the value of thM to be nearly or quite equal to the whole ex-pense of cultivating the crop. It Is certain, a ton of well cored corn-fodder wiM make ae much milk when fed to milch cows as a ton of good upland bay; and It la also cer-tain, that young cattle thrive upon it wonder fully, —better, Indeed, than upon moat kinds of fodder fed to them during the winter >»oetb*. We have always noticed a tBinbw uoo ut the dow of milk whan the lae* « | the fodd«v had been fed to ot» hild of oowa, •f* * • * • ?*«tf% «f the milkdetftrtoTtlea. t orn-f odder should he well cared in»» and as much pains taken u» preserve it in aVM)d OMdMon as la taken with W dovjror Uawthy. Com should not ha kwjemm* m * • m y . o r w h l k the s t a l k a a » « T Z r ^ •this, ease, they an certain to beetIntha and take on potrafaeiive rttsnss will not eat them if thev »— —~~v» Tw-. ̂ ^ « WR»T CITY PRU KK

    Sew l^r«yio»•f'i,y|»«• "Ty|»»*

    Typt* N l ) | f a » t " H+W

    I isftg P r e s M - v l a m fpeaawa r«»t Prefteea


    N a t l v% u. t* Kettf W o r k . •* f»t W o r k .

    t i l * i : ai lVB

    I w t < A L L . UR i r * i. i I R 4 C A L L .


    AUI.VD 0 « Aif.VD POP

    5(lit 11 W1U. uavnivh; m m mm PttttMPT ATTRNTION. R PROMPT ArrKNl lDN. PROMPT ATTRNTfUN. ANlsELL HITTBKH SON, Proprietor,

    i ... i P l a i n , H. V.

    G |ii U i,H.i*~* am **^^*a.^»j.e»^^Sa^a»iSS*a^»^S'»a^»a^as^a^^.,jt^p^aa,>^*,,,-—,^



    wanting Carrtags* of say deatriplioq, we* I . . M

    1). MYERS,

    *Mm\ma mrisf##isi arMmTsaf RmmT> M i l l IIfa M i


    wastsata AI a ssJiibitlotijlor sals, tbe bast sad iargast assortweat ever ugsred In this vihsge.

    Por iTmjRIOTII, i f V L l , DURAR1WTY * PlNDiH

    ^ w o » , a v & B m » m % S t -tsft? Mlsaa»s i eKssKs i

    •JwUawnft'paf BR Hit & W d * Tfta obtast sg tats MM HM a n k s e i e a o t w **• • b i d aha af kU HUH m i l pangs, bat to s tow aRakowio ssalaft Mil M'M Ikes, foraver. Tfts awaaa ai lawssdt. Hit


    *?*•• >?wt:4*,Mfi:--Ht...*'..* i;/i» •i.*titueata. Tke patient Ineaoosing bstWean tbase two g+e«t *u-tidotse, ekoold be OO gutdsd byTtt* awn saodltioa. If in s OO OO rsry low state, from dsaMtty, tas Tonic OO 0 0 .hosl.l be hi* select-has t kilt la essss OO 0 0 where the emtrgeu-cy (* sot *o pre*»iog OO tbs hitter* Is the fpeeifte raqatrsd.- Tboaaaud* flad tft-ia l i sbsoat t Irom taking each Iu tuna. There I* no poses of In41g»*tkm, RIUWHISB***, Nervosa DRaass, or Phyalcal Prostration, to which they are not adapted, and in which, slugly or coiabiued, tbey will not effect sears .

    BXCKAJtet PAIN TOR I A » f ,

    Aad Wtekasss for Birength, Uet rid of tbe aittnenu which Interfere with enjoymeut ; east gloout and djs-pondsnry to tbe wind* ; take s ktronger bold uf Tffe —asd, Is »bort,

    trA'cuna .1 >AS JUA.\ : IturosgU the iii#iiumeuiHtty of tbsatostpoaerfsi aud popular of all vegetable favtgnrant* and corrective*,


    avtion in tbe l i ter , UM Stuuiseb, and tbe Hut*el*, are eradicated by a course ot thi* jfte.it

    V O NB T I T V T 1 O S A L 8 I* K C I V I C

    Which net only combat* aud conquera diaossa* that nsvs eatreucbed tbcueelve* lu the ayaleiu, bat i* the beet knows ssteguard again*! all unhealthy lurtuen-

    Person* wboee occupstlou* and pursuits *ub-un-lect thsta to tbe depressing effect* of s close, ut

    wholesome atmosphere, ahould tsk* It regularly, • a proterttun against the low fever* and other dl*«> a proterttun agai dor* which malaria engender*. Invalid* wlni are


    Without any *pe-capts gradual de- PPPk'KrP bodily »ireugth and Ft' will ftud In the VFll TAIN OP VITAL- I t ASRRPBteftHlNU KK TIMO AH A Ptxil TO THR SAVD-stOld IIKD THAVRLKlt

    rial i-oiaplalut, * s -iliuatiou of l b * uervoua energy, HirrBRHaPOUN-ITV AND VKiDK AMD KXHlhlBA-1N THK DKHKHT AND PAINTING


    G K II M A N. U I T T E U H ,

    la compoaed uf the pare lulce*, ,ur, an iliey are utetl-Icinaliy termed, Rstracu,) of Bout*, Herb* and Bark*, making a prepurtttion highly cosceutrated and en-tirely free from alcoholic aduilsture uf any kind.


    G E R M A N T O N 1 C

    I* a comblastion of al^the lugredienl* of tbe Bitter* With the unreal u,tullly of Santa Crtu Ram, > pn Ac making one uf aad ear*"ante rest-to tas public. eiteetaaUy c u r e Jaundice, Dy»pep roasBsblllty.CTaro-KldesfS, and all 0U1 t d l i - U l d e l e I j . U


    b t o m a i li.

    Sunk a* I'euvii

    nation, lowaril P i l e s , P l i l U l e a * «(

    tMnu.I to the Head, Acidity vt tb*» stomacn,

    Masses, Heartburn. Dlsguat tor Pood, Fullne** or weight In tb*

    Mtomacb, BourKrnctatluu*. Blnklug or Platteriag at the pit of tbe fttomaeh,

    swimming « tits Head, Hurried sud Difncutt Rrestblng, Fhiiieriug st the Heart, Cbskiug or

    ftuiocsihig Heuasiion* w lieu in s Lying Pasture Dimness of Vlslou. Dots or Webi before tb*

    liigiii, Pevei- sua Dull Psiu lu tbs Head. Dencieucy of Per»pir*tlon, YeUowne**

    of ths Hklu aud Kye*, PSJB in the Side, Back, Cheat, Limb*, etc.,

    Sudden Pluabe* of Heat, Burning iu tbe Pteeb,

    C o n a t s o t Ituagiu-lug* of Kvil, and

    Great Depre*. • Ion o f


    Tbey are the Ureateel and it. ri

    B L O O D P i: R I Y I K R H KVKR ak'UWM.

    And will curs all from bad blood. A A purs. Keep yosr AA AA Keep your Digest. A A AAA *ound, healthy eon- AA AA tbeae retsedtes.ttud AA AA sasall yuu.

    ditesse* retuiUag Keep your Blood Utit in ordsr.— ivs Otfaot la a dltion, ftytha use of so diseaas will ever

    . c a*

    or eleewbere,


    TOP OaaRJlIAajtli,


    Weak and delicate Childreu . ARK MADB hTHuNii

    Rr i be I "as •! ell ber af Akaee Ramedtaa.


    K V K R Y U A M K O F M A R AHM 119


    THOUBAND^ OF CKRTITIOA'CTg Have accumulated la ths kauda tt ths Proprietor*, bat spare will allow of tbe publications of bat a few. Those, It will be observed, are men of note, sad of tuuh ttaadiug Hist tbey must be believed.



    Was * o n u *ss FOB atass Diaeivtaa «a ftraosasa T u t n u m '

    ROM. OBOROR W. WOODWARD Cbisf J uaUi e of tbs Supreme Ooar af Psaasylvsata

    writs* : i'nii.ii.si ima, Marcft la, tfttt.

    Ignd"tt*oflaad* m bj s goad toak, NNN of the dlgeative or-

    l l a eases of af aervsu* set ion

    «N N NN SeblHty, si


    RON. J A Mb* TUORPVOM, Judge af the supreme Court ot Psuu*ylvsul«.

    Pait.aast.eaia, April *s, las*. 1's Usrmau Bill f attack* of In

    I cou lloodsud'a Osrmau Bitters" s vsls of attack* of lu.llguslltj

    rtify this from asv Tsars, with rasasat

    )0tt 01

    ** *



    Jff8Uli)nNCI5 A^OEWey, PORT PJ-A1N, », Y.

    •V^Ya^me' B v * J f t . ' • " ' ^ B r L R m j m w " * * * ^

    J P M A rtrROTLftlRW Cft, H A R T P 0 1 t » , ^ 0 R N CafRai and. ftarplas, LawtsTpatl te MJjsiri, «B,6«,0flu

    • liiQ -**I^BWI_ |

    ROMR ntRVRARCiR OR., RNW W R K , Cagdtm aed RanMaa. A R R R * « f»

    a* .

    < m C K . - . W h o r e t R i , ray W»IR [ 4 i Y i j A S P R U C E A * * M I ® A e K U W HOP POUM for sate at rsdefSf ^ria.

    ^ '• A. J, A t. R. WAtiRRRR'

    lIUNbfiVEPr^nllfRii! Maryjma Wtja-kad^aad kaaad. la a^Rsftiisw

    it/, R T Y . . withoat ym esase or «to3 1 by to fwatd aU-Jpataons kiBii>o*tg

    J ^ c g ^ l ^ r t t l p a y n o d e b u

    ^ i n a K ^ r l ^ ^ ^ ^ w e

    TO CREDITORS. f s ^ o r l m g

    r??m hZ R e RU

    F-^kaM » 'Ae.

    Pr*'r*r 5 * 8 *


    aUgsffagtsk.ag&J'g" o t r , r , r , e i * » * » s . j » ^ r v ^ f . « . e > p e e e r f > „

    s^gsti5paisgteca8i«Bfei .¥ K^

    S . | . a s.i*-V-

    S r 2 5. P S ? noston . i JJ itJ m f*M

    OBwego ft Syramtte l1 principal RRht* Bait, We*l «r*fl rmuthwrwt. ltag-i j i ige .-liiK-ki-.f Ibri' it igli .

    W, b\ PHBi.PS, Bupt

    Rome, Watert'n & Ogdensb'g R.R lefts WIMKtt ARRANQRMBNT. IMte

    OM and aRat Monday, Nov. sad, ts«s aad until tuitlicr aoiice, Paasenger Tr*lu» will run on 1 ni-Road as follaw*, (Hnitilay* exeeptetf)

    NBW YORK RAIL.' Leaves ltoa»et.*J a. a., arrive* it 0#wego H.W ..

    M , VVaUirtuwii T.oO *. u., (M minutes for braakla*t) I V vtucwittaia A. »., Ogii«n»burgb ii.se #. a., PiitHilaui Jnaatlou IS.bO A. a., cohuoctlng at Cape Vincent a i m Btesm Boat for Kingston, sad with ilriiml Trunk Railroad and Htciiiiicrs for Montreal, Belle v ille, Cabotirg. Port Dime, Toronto snd all point* lu Canada. At Ogiletiwliurgri and PnUititiu gaMotlnn, with Ogdeusftargu and Lake Chautplalu Railroad fin Maluuit, ltoi»ss'« i'uiui, Hi. Alliitti*, »nil*llpiilul»e.-ifi At Pre«cntt,tepiK>»fte of ()gaen*bitrgh,l with Olliiw sod l'rt>*«iilt pi l lwsy forOttasa, aud with Steam* fur M M.neul and Brockvllle.

    RTKAMBOAT KXPRKMN Leave Ruing 1».8B r. «., arrive* at Wsti-Huwu I.BS

    i'. M , u«»e jo 1.4ft r. a., NKW lUltK KiPBKHft.

    Leave* itoHk* b.Ui c. u , arrive* ul U*wcgo U. ift r. u., Watertow-n t.Bft e. u.

    York Ui W alert own i i t e i i d u n i


    jRrgSrt*Sa*^^^ u

    &*g^JflkWg& awHgW iTL^J""* « * »ad« aad Drcwided. a*>

    " « » a a per«»s"ha^rter3slB« S T L S S * * , / ' * • °* * a towa tat Bt.

    IsTSS'l J*?* u . u n l losse in the village of Foods, lu said county, at ihe

    i timestcrilowtng, vis: Per tha trial of lasaas of law and fact, ou fhe flwt Mcmday of Rarvh and July, ami on tbe tutfd Mosdav of Navwuhr* For the trfat ot i»iue» .if las , and ihe hearing and ^•ciskMi uf u.o-tlonsindatberprcK. er«ue*rfB fte ffr*rMoiiday* ot May and B*§*enih*r, «nd on tb* tW|d R'Aiday ot D« -cember—at which po ittry «b*B br reqalradlo attend.

    Aad It I* I urttur oiuMt.! that t OaaM Ck* ftassion* be held at tbe lime aud place of holdhlg lb* Rurcli. Jory sod Rovf mber terms of the Osoaly Canrt; sad that a Petit Jury us g e s s o and eummoned for Mid term* of the t imrl. Dated January T, ISM

    JAMKtt II COOK, ftsyl t'ouuty Judge of Montgomery Co.

    ^P^K.RTB " t ^ l f l W ^ P e t i r C n l ^ r a g ^ lotint.' sad Aim foung, ftJ* a m , Pater J. Riliee-

    beck and Catitarine, bl* wife, ftnsan Henlman, Fox Dtefaadorf snd Jacob Ctupper. Iu pBrxnaare of a

    iiteul order of the Supreuie. Court of tits Biate sf York, mafle In the tthose entitled actfrai, upon

    mortgage furvirausute, wil! be sold nnu. t tin a ik lion uf the aobscriber. at pplilic auction, at Mout-goatsry UaU, hi Pars m&lm VtUagi', ou ths first day of May next, at 10 o'clock A R»> *" 'bat certain piece or pawwl et VRtagS Lot. Sttiais in tbe Village uf Pert Phtin, kaos u sud 4.i«iwgiti*hs4 a* Lot .No Forty on t Map of Tlilap' I^it*, In po««*»*li;n of P. J. Wagner, batted a»o bounded a* RiBow»t Kaatsi-ly bv a Vtllttge Ltit owned and occanied b» Henry 1 a.ier, southerly by s Lot owned aad oceapled by J. Ksnsfurd Wagner, westerly by %>nlh etreet, sad


    OBic* In the He,, fttnrs, MI'II.IUM. Porl Plain, N V


    : »i..ry "* CAPS,

    AibiaBiora on tbe ocrasr of

    i vVAl ANU lllVKIt BTRRftcTM,

    iisarly opposite ihe Post onice,

    F O W PKAJN, N. Y,

    Oali snd make your selection* from hi* •i.n* rail

    0 l T R N R W K A J i l l i V

    of Uood«, bafar* purebssiug elsewhere.


    RRB 1

    If I

    able medicine is case Bysespsl*. I esa csrttfy Res Rem my sgMrisacs of it, Ysers, with



    WH» •flHIfJf ^ m ^ m w ^ A m w r n

    etkar k n.d of

    TMM BXMT WOJMPfRJI* f* M4 CW •*•!« HfMMHT ARPtroriRj Aim ma cmKLtkruj.-

    TBM4I. 4&V4Y* m*B.


    pRlaNHlAaVm iTRtORtftlf a l l r JuHtTllald.

    ™ ^*™' f̂tft̂ ftj -M_,

    ™ Wwda^Bl y^ft^R1 mPftR' ^BW* ;|R^R

    l^^^^t. lm»;J.^^^sftW^- S ^F^ J^|


    • r f f * -iWimWN- W R W I wfa« »̂ mw» •eisasii Heaas/i* .. 1 jlWiafi**"1':-*" ""-•!••»•" WiieeaR' '• »-*'i'. -'!. — "

    ^»1ati^sSrejffc^ C^jaELTZTT FR88H GROUND PLA8TFR

    m, o T T m n ^ t f p m f t r at b t r ^ * ^

    JAMs* ROBB INOWDBN, PTOthoBtttary of tksBaprams Court *f Penasylvsala,

    Pan.aaat,sHia, Bsptsmhsr it, NaT • Hooduud* Oermsn Bitter*' i* s vary useful am-

    issttng drink, sad wsy be seed bBaefifilty by per-

    jA^^JiirawDRR. »g*™ Miair

    s J A C T J O K ,




    laft^sUtftlU k oa the wsrpaar

    CHARJja M. EVANS, PttorwRTOR, Pormsrig 0. R. JACIBON A CO..

    P R 1 C E B .

    H E W I N G M A C H I N E !

    Tbs superior merits of ths "fettugsr'' Machine* ovar all others, fo; either Family uae or Manufacturing purpose*, are so well sitsbitahed smt so generally admitted, that aw enumarstlou of their relative *»-celleiice* I* 11,1 longer eontldsred iiecesaary.

    OUR NEW JTAHllst MACHINE which has been broogiit to porfortioa rsgantless ot

    loVput r Uc%WpaW ^ - ^

    The Machine lu uUCttlou I.

    Simple, Ikmpuet, lhmt(,i> tmti Iknuttjut

    It t* ijuiei, light running, and CapeM* a/ i^tfyrming Hang* aad ilwitiit */ Wert never hefiim attempt-

    ed upon a single Machine,—uelugsitherSit.a, TWIST, LIMBS OS OOVTOM Tassaa, and sswhig wilb snual facility ths very tim «i and coarsest Ratarlal*, and anything betweeu tbe two extremes, in the mo*t beautiful and •nh»t*u»i*l msnitur. Its sttacktasnt* ftar RaatMuta, BaamMco, Caaatsfl, IVuxiaa, 4111.1 laa, P s k u s a , Tansatae, BtaniKu, siv.-., aiw N m n . and PBAOTIOSI., sad have bass iuvsnted and adjusted especially tor Ibis Machine.

    New design* of ths fjatttss, I W n , , sad PavaLas Foi.niNS Tors ASO Oaaiawi Osaas, peculiar to tbe Machine* inauufactured by this company, have baan prepsred for wucloetug tha new Machine.

    A faint idea, however, can at hast btt conveyed tiiroiigli ths medium of s (nec»«**srtly> limited *d-vertiaamsni; and we Uterefore nrgs every person hi ijuest of s Rawing Machine by all iue»n* tu examine and te«t, tf tbey can possibly do so, all ths leading rival Machine* before making a puRmasa. A semc-iiiin ran than be mads undsrstaadlngly. Rraaeh** or agettclea for supplying the "Miuger* Mscbjue* Will bs found itt nsarly every/lty and towu through ont ths et>iitft*4 world, where Machine* will be sftasrfnil* esblbttsft, and »»y leionuaiiaa proatpHy 1 uinlrb.-d. Or cuisniuulcatuiiis wftf he addressed to

    B a s e f e a r Bfaaey kg Parehastaa el*



    jaw*1* pno4im QAX «R »4«

    ATTWGEEAT WAKDaOBE. c n a m R* c. RTRt*«i.Rir,

    .aalflB S .

    The Singer Manufurl u11iiti GoM

    466 Broadway, JT. Y.

    J, 0 . S N S I e L , ' ARent, ROR* Rf AIN, n. Y>

    RURSEI44 CRBOO ds tRiNH,

    •R» RMOAIitt t v ,

    " alT ,:M-*:.iY

    I vâ --;

    taiartf • • •

    A i d JTtftJ



    CLOTHS & W m \ a« aad BR Wklta Btraat, tR4 OWrsftt Ntvwat,

    • »Iw*T0»I.

    M«W art If®!®-•y^'•'•*W•w°^J,*


    northerly iiy l»v1*ion utresT, sell ng one hundred fert


    BD POXA rSTitroP r>.t its, A T LOV m TE> Or PHKMIVM.

    OONNRCTieCTMrTt'Al. 1.IFR IMWRANCH CO., Ascnaaate lee Aawets over Ree.ftWMhOee t ie

    A purely Mutual Cumpsuy. reiuniiug to the I'ulluy holder* annnally, the entire proflr* In Dividend*. Ufa Kudww iiMinl, and liuusiiy Policies granted in ail Uie differ, i.t (uni,-

    aluilg Houtb ftlirut, *ud sislv feet along Ulvisiun Street, In the»1i..i>eel aparallelugrjin. Dated March II, IBM, DAVID B. HBik-MAN Sheriff

    Per MnulAtl. Oilll%, l)e|iul). Waoass A Lswts, PisiutiM's Alt'j *. 4Tw I

    UtTfE OP NEW YORK II t N M M . l i K P A I l T U t - N I ,

    \ . 1, N . < l i . .• r U , 111 I - ' N u l l : « 1 * l i - 1 1 l . ) c h e l i , | > U

    l . . i » • u f l « M l , , l l i u l t b . t l i , u l . , l . . . f c ' 1 , . i

    .\i. ;..,-.-. W Unci bsuli, . Hanking A•.»«., u, 11 ot K u i u l . i , M u l H K u l l i e i y l . i i u l t j K i l l : AT e»H, -in presentaltoii at tbe Kew T urn

    l M l

    t ' b . i

    fii^te A , r A w, . • « ^ i w w n . t i . " » » . « » . 1. . . .» . . . . . . • . . . . . ' lioiisi llui.k, in tin city ui AJbnu), l-i »U <

    fruin the date bereuf, ami not ihcre.-tl.r . ' . l . u l a l i u g t. 1 ntvly ^ a i T VI l l l l i l l

    t r . u . l |. u l The uuUlsudliig um*! be presented, n Hit: d « l e k«fp>>f-: S l id all 11.il' ' « b l e b -se l l l e d l . i rT'dell .pliuU a n d p a y m e n t w l . b ll. l l i l l* *j» 1 lfl< d v, ill . I . I M - lu b e a , b a i c . u u u . , 1 I.L. CUrlt le* In Hie b a n d , ul I h e S o p e l i u i . I .den l 1.11 p u r p o s e

    .1)1116 u \̂ >. I l l ' l I.Kit, h. • i i i i t . i i . b n

    lu •lO.Utsj agetasi aesiiluntal death, ami t» to R*> 'emnliy, for 101*1 IIIMIIIIIIIJ i»n»edb)

    lu annas)coat "t WRlo "JV t». • 4t ( tO0

    ^pilK OHIOINAL

    T H A V I - ' L I H S INS < () OV HAKTI Ol lD , CONN.

    ( V M I C A P I T A L $500,ooO,OOfi

    Anaft'.n July 1, 1 *ob .$I,O.TV,0U5,2».

    1* the I'lotieur Accident Compter "' MU* country, ingatiiiiHil In 18*4, and coufhiDS* to lusnre truin tfwn lo •lO.uts} agelasi acet. weekly lu indemnity, 1. B.'.itdeiil, at *u annuo I cu l l lCul l i l l l g t o OCCt|p*tluU.

    Over l'J8,0t>0 Ac< Idenl Policies Iseu.d Three quarter* ot a mltlluitpaid in lu*w«. >'i »l

    iels.WSJ was paid, fur 111,000 maJSlved. I.IKK I I B f A R T . n i . N T

    Thl* Compnuy al»ograiiU all foim* of I.ih- C cies, with Indemnity for asaldcnisl injury, U desii. thus uniting life aud accident lusurauce UIHI.I ... policy tind pr«iu>iuni, »t tlock tstss, less than *>• other Company. By litl* rsducllou |i> r.u-, » d m dead te uwld to a pslrry>fcsldrr In ailvaurr

    Lite policies Uruml al*o upui. IWilciiialli.a 1....... ul nBtiil rate*, wTfreon DlVlDirNtW AVR fit 1 I AH till ANNL'AL.l.ksudavsJistusuu uiimuu! uf second annual piemluiu. Also st "whole woil.i rates " wltti uo re«tri«li(.n» on, or a i t r . n

    CI'1 'Ul . .Ul . I (11 UT. -llenrv rtiichel ug»t Pred Ll erlik hlubtu, Caroliiui Stichul, >.i,d ..lb. ie. T), K I J I I I I , l i t M i l u i - u t 11 i i i d c n i i l i l ai . i l d . c r e e i l l l i .

    J I ' u u u t y . uli Ibe »uluc U .J I, t b s 81 ,e l ttt ot Uunigiiiiu'ry C uit 11U. wUisell tit public am lius

    * Michael t., tli' highest hidifi i-, a! tVie Hotel kept hi- Richac

    Qshlu, in Kurt Plnm VjlUtge tow« «>f Mltldpi!, li Montgotiicn Cuiiuiy, on the l,th day April. Its*, a IU 11'. 1... A Hi Ibe (..rciirwiti. the full. Ming dessrlliuc real . ' . ( . l i e a n d |.l u p e l t > , » l i b It* u( , l )UrtSt l*n9e» , l> e l ! All 11.ui irait ut in.i-.el uf Uirtfl of Fori Plaiu Montgomery I'uuniv N Y , being » I'd situated an. known a* lui Nu "•, "'id 1- fcnuwn an.l dieTiiij/ui*!,.-. l>« l l " . n i the Rn.

    l ib , , kr l i i . 11 ,t I ,1 h 11

    lb hln.j i I i l t l e , 1

    . 1 turnieil .11 rt 1 , , i i i . ! .

    travel or oeciipatiuu. All i.tfePolieie* and Dividend* unn forfeitable Kui iiiun, ur fttrthet lutoimattwii, sddrusr

    OKt) C. B A W Y K R , Syrucose, N Y Hen I Agent for tkule of New \uiit , n.

    U H I K I I t A R V , Agent, PVlr Fi.ii*. IS. \

    / . ' K N K U A L A O l s N U Y

    PC if

    I N S U It A N C E . OuntUMUtal Pie* Ins,. Co., at ,\,,» York, ti,Sas,S74 ftfi pfS. ''. >rri«^vrW^ a g « Mutual Lite st (Sew fork. »lrt.*flf»Wf *° National Life Ins , Co., of Tiillcd Hlale*, «1.000,OflO 0u Ctasmsrou Ins (Ja, of Albany, Sft««,*iO 00 North America, In*, i u , »t Piub, , M.sho.oou ou Aeias U v s Rtack lu*.. t '«, " " M»,000 Ou

    iu.aranoe on fftrni Bull.Ungs snd 1-011 tents ; snd un detechadflwelllug* In vlllngo*, ette. u ! at luw rates ofuremtHiti, foi a tetut or years Bftd-oi* perpstsal pulieles.

    Inland mariiie risk* on ircnspiiitarfnri h) eanst and railroad taken si Hie luwasi rau-s of in*t . i,.e, .-.n. panief.

    TgRMUTUALLlKaLlN8. ,Ca,«f Nnw. ¥orft, I* llie lsrgost, aafent, the oldest III business, and Ibe most sticAsasf ul In* , Co., of any kind in Hie l'. ft.

    Psrlk>* dsslriug rWisut* ln*urauo * I I B . ( w * * * * * +*m- mmwmme W W R R P w J ^ R ^ M H r M M m W ' • • »

    R. WAORRR.

    Bute* w* hsve been awarded Biaty-

    ^^ursmrtiibe rfttr^-d "TrsSlnmi and ths ikslss3a'g sKisi.


    LAZTABU8 & M O R R I S , C K L B B R t T B D

    PEKFEWBB SPBCTAfLl& A n n B y e GH«?kja#aBOR».

    " The Urge aftd tncresaint saJea af tkaaft

    SUPERIOR GLASSES I»a stiro proof of tkrir nipertority. Wn were aati*-led that tbey wonld be epDreclatsd bare at elst-* here, and that tbe reality of tas advantages o t e n a lo weareas of oar Lcauilfni icassa, vit; the Bass sud comfort, tbe ssaared and readily ascertain*d im pioveuieni of the eight, and ths brttRast asststanri they give in all c»«#*, wejaiu tbamselseeso appain 1 on trisl, thai tbe resalt coold BOtS otberwiss than

    With a foil kaowledf.. of the vslaa s i Urn asser-tion, «r .lalni that tkev srs the asost nsufset oaaleal aid. . ver ru.nuf.«u r e a \ To thoss^naid*mf BpScU-iT.*',i*'.ri orrt f1 M m a n i a aRjarlaiilliat' prwur-j Ing tha beat and a^uti pruftuule.

    Mil. U P. CQE, At hi* Jewelry tStore, POUT PLAIN n y

    I ev«^'di«cuTtyU fcTO* " ̂ * " * ^ » * . « * ^ r«. We take occasion to nottfy the jmmtc that we em-

    1 ploy no paddktrs, and to caution tftesn agsUasI isn.. 1 pes Uf ding Rj k e n one good* tot sate. «gyi


    NKW ftaWJUiALEKT OF* V l i m A K l )

    ' "A R * B I OWOSTtrerrT tx TBS SSST Rsma-ar aa» acan naxMaTTStn. aws BiAuraY O U S A I . w tras Datwai.^ Oatv Tntaii Muaa BO«TB as PaiMdsaieai*, o« A IISICSI.AU; IUIM. A RICH Boil. * » UIUMLV raoni . -TIV« W U I A T Lasn; ASOSA t a s S**T ra * « 0ABHK\ HT AT* as Ns* JBBSSV.

    It .uiisiiit of at) ajnare mile* of (JOOD land, di\ ded lulo farsi* of different aise* to salt the porchaacs — rs *• ! dun, nub u. Urapea, Peaj*. Paachaa, Ap-

    Ne< isiint *( li luck berries, Mefon^ and otbei .-si ada|iteu In IbeTJilladelphla and New York

    market*. In i-esowl if44|«A*H SSMI ana** tas IS can. be no mii-ukc. ae visitors ran examine b.-tb, and nunc are eApected to-buy ueioresodullig, awdfhidlag Die*, •talemruls correct— under these i-lrcumatancaa, uwiu iht* tkitrmmtt were eerreer after* tsveld bt ne «**• i» (4 tAjnsidersd T H I Banc Fatn Run i> Tii* \ vro* fhee fti iibrt* of bolon Robtneou KMI , ot 1 ti. New York Tribvw, anal of Df. Cbs*. 1 Ja.V^. 1 , SUte OeolofUt of Mass, which will ht flu n!»h.'d luuuin rs. I

    THK MARKBVS. k.i.f u\< i ihe in up tlie rtadsr will peroaiv. u)ois Ibe eesV ....iriel IN (Ae Cw*»i., apd ba> .miiicuiisinin with New York and PhBadei r s day, born* only fkirtjr-fw* ml}*a from the

    l-r.Hiii.v in thi* market brings di ubl* R t 111..-11.ai 11 doe* in lucniioaf dtstist m»m thedRe* 11 iiiir l.Hstluii IV caii be pot into market tbe •*»'

    dsv 11 is gathered, aud for What the fanner •aha, »t .-(. Ihe Elghoat price; whll*l giot-eih* aad Other at

    tl.ai' 11 dir . • 1 • p l d * in t e n e t


    l r . l l l l , . . .« 1 I. * i . C . . . a l i ' H C - l l l . . : )

    i . i U U l ) , " I . i U ; l . ' l l . , 1 V. I t - . , - • . ' . H k N u t - l . . I

    Mortgage*, page Ml Jt. , and wlleiom the filltl inert ' gage tins boeii amy s»slgued 1.. i lejt.rick iw tlul.Ulu , er.g of Ihe , \[j ..i New \ urk.und ibe snutt 1* IIMM ,.M U

    there is due anu I Ibe m»l pub

    llcalluii of this uotlee, "(April •', tftia,) |H8 ut prill tlpul, ntSl ITtva-s ui luleriss*, lu ail the »uni ut Iwu but.died uiui flfty-lhree dollata and juueiy-lwu cent*. (SBBAIIV!) and inu-reer frost **t« day und tbeif-1. ' iHioui.' due lite luillic.i nun ut %bib ol prlucipal wilb lnlert!»i Irow the flrot tiny of Noveiuher, lt*S8, and lui.klug 111 all tluc sud lu bocotue due tils saui of ITS6.01 atld'interest from the Sr*t publication of this notice a* afore said.

    Now, therefore, nuii.c i* hereby givuu, thai by vir-tai of tas power of eats containedTn said mortgage. and lu pursuance of ibe statutes in such case made and provided, the »aia mortgage wUi be furecloaed by a aula ul the premise* ltterelu'cd, ai iiu,Pll> auction al tbe iiUlillt bouse knuw 11 ue T'irluu If all, In the village ot Fort Plais, ou the B-l of .inly, m i l , ai I, 11 o'clock In |b« forenoon,

    i b e prtnuleSs are dssx rlhed In said murtgage *• (oi|tiw»; " All ili.it tetta'M piece ot umtuiut land sit-nated in thetown of Canaluhario, in the county ut

    , N. V., elttiale-U ui. tfta ft liili uf the ICrlu cauni

    from Ptirt Pi nlv u| Fori I'Um VllUgv bptteii ard hoaudetl a* folhiw*. vlxr Ninth WeSterty by ihe la 114t- of Joalttiu VorUan, bonih Wi-etarly by ui. lands ut aaiil Vyr-don and nijuh Wile*: South Easlerty hy tin f oR gan M -ii ths Pun Plain and Csuaiobarte plans, road company ; Nurili Westerly by sajil plank road, b„iim di. premiasa conveyed to *aM Wt-nster hy one JauBuii and witu, July 11, lMM,cnui.-«Uii!igabout luro. am • of laud more or lev*.

    Raoopling and ttesivRg from the Nuitlierly cor-ner thereof about one quarter of an am- thsrsot hi-i. lofurc routeyutl Iiy said \\ ubslsrt.i DIM Mlllei aud by biui cpavsyrtt lo Jalrs, K B̂ , MJH uket, one uf

    ptinhaeea, he geie atlbe lowest pries. It. II.r »,.»i wluti 1,1 ,. ii. "tiug* blm a plilitnc^, bat f61 w hui in bui . br pay* two price*. Iu locating here ll.r r.iiii 1 bo. uisiiy uitmi

    ADVANTAURa I! ., -. .11.111 * lew buitrs bj raflitiiKl uf aU ibe rre.i

    ' r . 1 Niu Ki.gltiu.l and ihe Mtddle Bute*. fl« l* 1..1U in* eid fileudf sud «>».i*ta»is. Rs bsa school.

    . .. biMteii. divlue service, aud all tit* advautk . •> 1 it-li-'ii, and *e 1* uear a larye city.

    iHK ULIMATR, .. . . , . i . . i . . . , u.f •luici* bsnig up^aauussJupskiui .1 I.I Uf the suiuttiDi* are no warmer than in fn« Nortii I 1 iu. Mini, is u|.on tbe Una uf isUturt* with

    ' Vligluia. l i i M ' - i tt litis..! A uusssa or oua*TB roa HSALTH

    .. .1.iii be much UurfltteUln Ymelaud. T îc mlldnse* ; ,h aWaMpsts aaad pen-i,tiuu Vi»Hur» wlU uullce a dittercuf* in a lew

    ' Aiil* 11,H! teiHT are lA/ttoeten. <


    a U-ul for a: .,... d>

    AT HAND Pleti and Oysters are

    SMUAJ s«A « ssSw a. sstft*, sAeakt brftv •ur* rftefr patreAaara, a* bewrftm* *tn war

    satul people. land Will hav

    1 ti.NVRNIRNCBR li,Hiding material H pieaty.

    pieuUtul and cheap. WHY T i l t I'tuiI'ERTY HA8 NOT HEKN BWl •

    TLR0 l i t K i h i . Ti... .iu. ...ui. ihe roader uaftaraUy asks It u s»-

    . -i.ee 11 hue bcei, held in large tracts by famlllci not di»p..*ed to tell, and being without railroad facilities, tbey had few inducements Ths railroad, ha* been opened through the property bat a abort time. vVitun are shown over tii* king ia a cart lags, fssa af expense, and affurded time and opportnnltv fur ihor-oos* tasasrhjattsa,

    Tk*m stftu 1 mon«(' te mrurt I Aril ll^M.., rrfttUll

    POPULATION. In the autumu of teal, the DOBBISMOJU of Vtneiaas

    cii .taied ot ftiui tamlhes. M aem (tftftj) eaaatat* uf teu immaand thriving and Induairlou* p**>pi«. Th* to«u pletiu the csiare tat a popalatlor. oftbrsvikoe

    le. Al the i"'sent rats of Inavsan Vlpe. ave a jiopulatron of twenty tbonssBri peo-

    ple- by ikjft liupiuveitisbi* are going on hi ftU awaer-tlon». New hunuTogs, atorea ana manufactories are being waatati, aad new iamta aad orRaaafta (aaarsd and planted.

    PHJWSNT8 IMPROVKMRNTR I poa the Vtuetand traca at* eigRtssn pauiteschvou

    and ihtss nrivats ^minarlaa T V Meskodlai Can ference fa hutldtirg at tilslRsaerlt time taw o f ^ | « largoi tetuinarle* in the tutted Slats*. The kttiltt lug will be 14a feet long, safest a Ida aud four tlorin big h. There are

    CHCRCHRB, eonaiating or MetliorrisL Ptsahyteriait, BabOat, apit copaL LiiltsftaH ajtd ajhar daBomiu*ti(Aaa--Raatgiii and Oildfeliow oidert, aI.yo*nm. PublicTAraryTaTd varluu* itocieHea fur intellectual linpruvsmeul-

    PUBjjg AlRiRNRRNTav

    e.s/.Tstem'o'tpviblc i ir i^nmeaT-fta^^ftad* AU tbe roads are ulsntad with shade irses, 1 madaldea seeded fo graaa. The house* set b# ii.. losdslites, aowerisad shrubbery ti. front, Vlueland already one of tbe mast beautiful j ths csuuiry. RBAftCRBB TO IRftGRR TRA P U 1 U C WR5f ABA' Vitieiaud 1* the Brat scLUemeM b» thl ft«r4 wftsrs ft* dded measure* have boss adopted 10 asears the re terusts uf the actual setOst agslast the spsoaRyor,.-

    . but ftpoa the at pre** coaallloi. that it shaft be bnlit ope* within a>ear. 1 , tkl > provision eveig rTI rff TL*JiBJRLRsflmT'"ll *"b* Improvement i f oas nronlM - T i e veins uf

    Rr* rat* pro*] rsmajkab

    No property ia sold ' shaft be bnltt

    ipr.nvn.ent uf the neighboriag aWo|MrtT. Sseuce 1* co-operstlve In tta stun * 1 ou 111*, to a great astsat, saaces* oi Vineland, and the proepertR of 1

    TUB TBMPRBANCB PRINCIPI Rvery year 11 Is aabmitted to a vols 4

    wbethar any isvern shall be licai&ssd to 1 Tbe license has aevsr beau s i l t ed , and aw • sow in Viimland. At (haJsatsls-^iVm tk«rs ..1,1 M L cast In favor of ROBOT saUtm-,\ \\t ha* never probably occurred before, tnl* bt l prutwliui. to faiuUles, and W tks iadtUslrioB* of the new settler

    TO MANUPAt^lTRRRRl'A. F*.L i in town afturd* a sun opening iMJftjJasU atanu

    fa. luring btirinesees, being near Philadelphia ami Un .tinuuuding 1 uuulry has S large popnialtsu »* hiuti afford* a good luarkpL

    i l.tr setUeinenl ll MW ftfta At the must tn« IU4u iilaee* lu the country, and most agrsaanle for a retl-deuce.

    If I* ftaiaudsd to maks R a F R y i T ANft YIRR

    gmvchig oonntry, a* this culture ia in* moist tit the besi adauted to the market. B»«rj I

    and 1 uiiveufeur-t for aelth-n wUi he Istro-

    pruftt ad-able ..it

    vanta. duet .1 which will laauw tl 1 nnisnsrttj if tfta plan* The hard lime* throughout the country wiUb* an ad vantage to the settlement, as il ca»|»eh psapls to rs *..ii to agriculture, tor a living.

    In sctnlng In thl* locality Ihe settler possesssa th« advantage ui Ueiug near bia triauds Mad aM asaoet* lions, instead uf going fhoaaaada of mile* into % fa oft wilderness. Into which the uaceaaarie* of c' " u.a. have not bees Inlrodaced, snd where, iu

    o b t X f k S B s a A ^ ^ThtSililB "Dial a the aaanaMuOS or rrmaas. 1 nil is wt un uuui s of New Knglaud and ths Rtdon- kHataa.

    S I

    At any uionu*bi*a day or more can "be at Varit, Uostuu, Philadelphia te vkgally, ts

    tpent 'PR*?

    ai^ou TTb^l 'ueasTn' i s l th igJr l^^ batTtUsaa. pense sad withoui nsglsct o? baalaaal. It Is la s est lied country, when, no dsngoi or risk is meiu-fsd.-Thrrc ia no graat eapenditurei of mousy rsqnirsd be-fore il ess be made to pay, a* Is OftnaRy tbs ease. -Anoiher ftuportsut canatdsratlon la ll*

    II h A 1.1 i I. The settlor here laear* ao laager of lasrag kftrram-

    Uy by those dreadful fevers wtuU*. in s**w* pmas* are ao regular and ->eriodiral a* ths as*son*, aad watch teufttr* year* to Uo.-ouac whfti by isrpsd secli-msistl, geuerally at a loss of une-thlrd of a tamil -aioaiig the woman aad ckikirau. Quad health 1* at essential thing In tbe urodUhia eaRivaUsn ul » fain and lbs rtchsstacril in lb* wartd may ytsld vary poor ly U the settlor is snabls to sausad swon ll Ul* lsboi on aicouul of hi* ahiverlng a 1th the Bgus. ar If com-pelled to tabs trade at a heavy charge for hU grain,-11*,. all ihe evUwtcs* of rsftneuieoi anu culDvatlutt »it si hand IVU ft*t ascwaaary to mt fttty mltss te tt (tout tutU. ovarartough road aud ihrougb a wUdsr-uts* touuiry; nor are the wiuu-r* tola—th*| lr« •bwi sad apftA Tea seaswu* ooais»*aes ssry sftrly InAwrilike^rHyugblng h inUhsg (freqaenili cem nwnsrag ia stareh) ana the seed •* in.

    WRAT \ ibl'i • «l(b Wli-L RRR. The vUituf will *e« a* good cw^gr»wlAi | It- 1 Un

    land a* he will see anywhere hi Risfhjrtea, not as pspUug the We.t. Tk* *oii R WJfhb uroducinr Mndredi of farm* are under cirttratr. 1. R* wUi

    S« btindi. d* oi orchard* aa« wapasd* In bfariai -Ciul i t iriveu through a auaareg mlb* uf farm* erahardaand vlnayards npoa the vimiand irsal, aae Imhoid a scene of beauty slid W ^ ^ ' . l ^ W ? * sdln the Cnion. The nncVriTgned fumlshss earn agsa in to those who coma to l l** «« the land, fw*» o? e*pense. A spsde alwaj* SCcotBpauUa the riage and every opponuuf--

    f u s a s w iaad Issastly « awset potatoe* will pay for I af th*land, altar s b R * U r wheat and graft*. What lu. I l l the beafttiful horns* in

    nalfe-ie1* ^benTarrbltn^rsdt ( ^ t t l U Vbo cam* *»era "a Ith fram iweks Ira k lar* tlaast are now worth thoaaauda however, are not tdters m afftieRitftw^l


    B Ul

    tngBatry, wtaniganea, fteRftaet sad narr*. Urge nuu.tier. id" poeule ars PUKSi«fk*kf I K .

    plewho ftaslrs tbs hftitfoaattoft W a » sWt ths flara *Suiprw«d land I* alas for gaffs

    TtRRRR LARO ean bs aouaht with m eilAeattlBantr Uts tRaftw *i market vainatian.

    Th* UU« i» li clast uf ati >•* loardlngOAiB

    Latter* Hnhtsvans wlWl'

    Rsptmi of holoa T, Jssh.saa.ssat kngftmar

    R ^ T ^ N T J I R ProftrlsMW, ^s^aa^ as a • » •— • ar^ w w w ^W^^*f

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