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In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown... · gown. Seed pearls, baroque and...

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FOOT JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL-Saturdcry Eraning, October 3, 1965 Ross- Wetzen A Nuptial Mast this morn- ing (Oct. 2, 1965) In the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church of Lakewood united Miss Mary Eileen Wetzen and Ray- mond Alexander Ross in mar- riage. She is the daughter of Mrs. Delmo Lawrence Wetzen of Williamsville, formerly of Jamestown, and the late Dr. Wetzen. Mr. Ross is the son of Mrs. William MacDonald Ross of Buffalo and the late Mr. Ross. The Rev. John Home per- formed the double ring cere- mony at 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Donald James Fried- man of Lakeview, cousin of the bride, was matron of hon- or and wore a floor-length em- pire gown which combined a moss green Venice lace bod- ice with a mortar colored crepe skirt. Her hat was fash- ioned of matching green Ven- ice lace, and she carried a cascade of orchids in bronze tones. William Daniel Ross of Ot- tawa, Ontario was best man for his brother. Ushers were Dr. Robert M. Wilson and Dr. Richard O'Connor, brothers-in- law of the bridegroom, and Thomas E..Riley, the bride's cousin. The bride, given in mar- riage by her cousin, Donald James Friedman of Lakeview, wore a camellia white faille taffeta directoire silhouette gown. Seed pearls, baroque and crystal beads were em- broidered to form the empire line of the fitted bodice which had a bateau neckline. The jeweled embroidery also edged the winter short sleeves. A pert back bow topped the chapel length panel train of the floor-length "A" line skirt. Her mantilla of camellia silk appliqued peau d' ange lace. She carried a white prayer book arranged with white or- chids. At the reception at Maple- hurst Country Club, Mrs. Charles Momberger of Or- chard Park, the bride's cous- in, was in charge of the guest book. After Oct. 15 and a honey- moon in the South, the newly- weds will reside at 22 Wood- MRS. RAYMOND ALEXANDER ROSS (Mary Eileen Wetzen) mar Terrace, West Seneca. Both are employed at the Cornell Aeronautical Labora- tory, Buffalo. Mrs. Ross re- ceived her B.A. degree from Seton Hill College for Women and her M.S. in nuclear phys- ics from the University of Tennessee. Mr. Ross holds a B.S. degree from the Univer- sity of Toronto and a M.S,. in electrical engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Holy Trinity Circles Slate Meetings Circle meetings of the L.C.W. of Holy Trinity Luther- an Church have been sched- uled for October. Circles meeting at 8 p.m. on Monday Oct. 4 are: Esther— at the church. Mrs. Robert Minton, Mrs. Donald Green- dahl, co-hostesses: Rebekah— ats the home of Mrs. William Carlson, 55 Charles St., Mrs. Herbert Juul, co-hostess; Mar- tha — home of Miss Helen Wolfe, 941 Jefferson St. Meeting Thursday Oct. 7 will be Dorcas—1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Carl Anderson, 16 Ahrens Ave.; Ruth — 9:30 a.m. with Mrs. Robert S. Anderson, 548 Front St. Mrs. Louis Hartmeister pre- sided at the meeting of the ex- ecutive committee held Sept. 22 in the church when plans were completed for year's work. Circle leaders presented projects and programs for the ensuing year. The next general meeting will be at 12:15 p.m. Oct. 14 when a luncheon honoring the senior members of the church and guests at the Lutheran Retirement Home, will be held in Fellowship Hall. Rebekah Circle, with Mrs. F. Thorsten Peterson leader, is in charge of arrangements. The Rev. Dr. Wilton Berg- strand, pastor, led devotions and also outlined plans for fu- ture utilization of church fa- cilities. Announcements were made of the visit of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Ryden on Oct. 3 and of the L.C.W. Assembly of the Southwestern District at Beth- el Lutheran Church on Oct. 19 at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Marlin Cobb and Mrs. Norman Bush. » i Doyle-Baisler A pyramid arrangement of ivory and white chrysanthe- mums against a background of woodwardia fern and floor candelabra was the setting for the wedding today (Oct. 2, 1965) of Miss Mary Alice Baisler, and Allan Meredith Doyle Jr.' in the First Pres- byterian Church. They are the daughter and son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Wilford Baisler, 636 Winsor St., and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Meredith Doyle Sr., of Sara- sota, Fla. The Rev. John L. Schmidt officiated at the 2:30 p.m. dou- ble ring nuptials. Mrs. Her- bert W. Lind was organist. The steps leading to the chancel were flanked by Gre- cian columns with matching urns of white and ivory mums. In formal bronze tapestry brocade gowns and Detailed headpieces of tulle arid green were the bride's five attend- ants, Miss Patricia Anne Bai- sler, her sister, as honor maid and Miss Linda Baisler, an- other sister, Miss Margaret Frantz : of West Concord, Mass., Miss Doreen Mulreany of Westfield, N.J., and Mrs. Austris Vitols of Watertown, Mass., college classmates of the bride, as bridesmaids. All carried sprays of autumn gold chrysanthemums and foliage. Best man was John C. Oram Jr., of New York City. Ushers included David Carna- han of Jamestown t Robert Grindley, G r o s s e Point Woods, Mich., the bride- groom's college roommate, Michael Higgins, of Upper Montclair, N.J., Frank Lee Jr. and Robert F. Sullivan, both of Garden City. With her ivory ottoman gown, the bride wore an em- broidered fingertip mantilla of thread lace which she bought in Venice this summer Norolec Lodge Names Officers Kirchhoff-Gifford Remember The VJf.'s in your life Wl ith Quality Portrait in Living Color or Black & Whito by SIEGFRIED fboM 4*4-1941 tOO W. 3rd M. Jssoastssssj N. r. Officers were elected at the recent meeting of Celoron Norolec Rebekah Lodge. Elected were: Mrs. Twyla Cooper, noble grand; Mrs. Leana McCann, vice grand; Mrs. Pauline Gould, recording secretary; Mrs. Dolores Nel- son, financial secretary; Mrs. Martha Benson, treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy McGill, trustee for three years. Plans were completed for the installation dinner which is in charge of Mrs. Frances Wood. It was announced that Mrs. Martha Benson was in- stalled as president of Southern Chautauqua County Past No- ble Grands Association and Mrs. Delia Lindboom" was elected secretary at the meet- ing held Sept. 22 in Falconer. A donation was made to the Lockport Home. A public card party will be held Nov. 1 with Mrs. Twyla Cooper as chair- man Mrs. Grace Robinson re- ceived the mystery gift. Host- esses were Mrs. Martha Mcln- tyre and Mrs. Dagmar Ham- mer. Visitors at the meeting were district deputy presidents, Mrs. Sagrid Frick, district 1, Mrs. Ann Mosher, district 5, and Mrs. Viola Bowen, district 3 and her chaplain, Jennie Schoening. aBBCHB m BRIGGS'S NOW LOCATION Gregory's Ttxoco Service 57S M r M M t Avt. N«xt «• fir*M Stamp IM CMter Sept. Rites Announced Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Hewes of Victoria, announce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Mary Hewes Draper, to Edwin F. Brightman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brightman of Mayville, on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1965, at the First Methodist Church, Mayville. Mr. and Mrs. Brightman will be at home after Oct. 6 at Park Lane, Moore Road, May- ville. Anderson Cleaners is proud to announce > its appointment as your MRS. KIRCHHOFF Slates October Dinner Sanitone CerHfiai'MasterVrydeaner • Our appointment as a Sanitone Certified Master Drycleaner means a tot to us—and means even more to you! Now we are licensed to use the exclusive new Sanitone process, most dramatic advance in drycleaning history! r • You'll see new brightness In colors... feel new softness m fabrics! Only our new Sanitone drycleaning restores both the original cleanliness and the original finish. • Let us show you how wonderful this new drycleaning process really Is. You'll share our excitement when you see the results! Plans were completed lor the annual banquet at 7 p.m. Oct. 19 in the Lakewood Motel at a meeting of the Ashville Firemen's Auxiliary. Mrs. Mil- dred Palmer is chairman. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Marian Graham when thank you cards were read from Mrs. Joyce Ecker and Mrs. Joanne Johnson. Mrs. Marilyn Pachett was welcomed into membership. A film on the Alaskan earth- quake was shown by Willis Graham. Vases of white gladioli and mums with branched candela- bra, formed the setting for the wedding on Saturday, Sept. 4 of Miss Gail Louise Gifford and Harold John Kirchhoff at the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Lakewood. The Rev. John Home performed the double ring rites at 11:30 a.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gif- ford, 117 Lincoln St., and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kirchhoff, 116 N. Hanford Ave., W.E., are parents of the bride- groom. Miss Vlcki Newark was the bride's only attendant. She was gowned In a street length ice blue sateen dress and car- ried a cascade of white roses and blue carnations. Bernie Kirchhoff was best man for his brother. Seating guests were Donald Thomp- son, Barry Kent and Danny Kent, all cousins of the bride. A jacket effect and daisies with seed pearls enhanced the bodice of the bride's floor length pink taffeta gown. Her elbow length veil was caught to a cluster of lace pearlized leaves and she carried a cas- cade of white roses and pink carnations. A reception and buffet for 100 guests was held at the Shrine Park Clubhouse follow- ing the ceremony. The couple honeymooned in Washington, D.C. The bride is a 1964 alumna of Jamestown High School and is employed at Loblaws. Her husband a Southwestern Cen- tral High School graduate, is attending St. Bonaventure University where he is a soph- omore majoring in English. The bridegroom's parents hosted the rehearsal dinner at Marty's Steak House. VINYL COATS The fashionable set is sing- ing the praises of the "wet look" — viny-coated cotton coats. Some are tied at the waist. Many feature contrast- ing colors. SAVE 10% on Dry Cleaning By Using Oor 5 Coovtniairt Cosh and Corry Locations - ^ - - ^ ^ M 405 N. Main St 188 Fluvanna Ave. PHONE 5 Hunt Road 1387 E. 2nd S t 4RA.1146 dart of Loblaws Mdf.) Anderson Cleaners Regular $ 12.50 PERMANENT WAVE ONLY '8.50 uxor Beauty Salon Plenty of Parking Space 20S E. 2od St—Mais Hoo* Wo Specialize is Heir Coloring, & Hair Cutting MRS. ALLAN MEREDITH DOYLE JR. (Mary Alice Baisler) and which was caught to a Medici cap. The bridal gown was styled with scoop neck- line and bracelet length sleeves. The fitted bodice with overlay of silk faced satin at the waist, was tied in the mid- dle with a lover's bow. The skirt featured a widely pleat- ed chapel train and tiny cov- ered buttons adorned the front. She carried an arm bouquet of tiara roses and stephanotis. A garden reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hamilton had charge of ceremonies. Pouring were Mrs. Charles Sitler, the bride's aunt, Miss Elizabeth C. Ham, the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Howard D. McMur- ray of Pittsburgh, Pa., bride's aunt, Mrs. Clyde Carnahan, Mrs. Robert H. Mulreany, ' Westfield, N.J., Mrs. Gordon R. Sanctuary. Aides were Miss Gail Dreisbach, Roches- ter, Cynthia Rapp, New Ha- ven, Conn., Carol Mulreanv, Westfield, N.J., Mrs. James Myers of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Da- vid Moyle of Youngstown, Ohio. After Oct. 17 and a honey- moon in Bermuda, the couple will reside at 5 Hadley St., South Hadley, Mass. The bride is a 1963 alumna of Mt. Holyoke College, has been field representative for the board of admissions since graduation. Mr. Doyle is a graduate of Union College where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He did graduate work at M.I.T. and obtained a masters degree in business ad- ministration from Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. He is vice presi- dent, finance; treasurer and a director of KoIImorgen Corp., Northampton, Mass. The bridegroom's parents and aunt, Miss Ham, hosted the rehearsal dinner at the Town Club. Mrs. Clyde Carnahan and David Carnahan gave a lunch- eon for out of town guests at Moon Brook Country Club pri- or to the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton entertained the same group for a buffet din- ner in their home, 518 Lake- view Ave., after the recep- tion. Cusimano-Pentes MRS. JOSEPH J. CUSIMANO (Patricia Anne Pentes) Lakeside Club Names Officers At Annual Meeting Lakeside Violet Club held Its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Eckwall when the following officers were elected: President, Mrs, Theodore Swanson; vice /"president, his- torian, Mrs. Cecil Lucas; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Elva Merritt; financial secre- tary, Mrs. Hubert Braley; treasurer, Mrs. Eckwall; sun- shine chairman, Mrs. Edward Paul; librarian, Mrs. Charles Dowd. Mrs. Swanson presided and heard reports from Mrs. Mer- ritt and Mrs. Eckwall. Pro- gram books for the year will be made by Mrs. Braley. Mrs. Eckwall's birthday and anniversary was observed with gifts of plants. Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Bra- ley were first and second win- ners respectively of the proj- ect plant. Mrs. Ralph Whit- comb and Mrs. Paul were judges. New plants, "Blue Bounty," were given as the year's project. Luncheon was served from a table featuring an arrange- ment of Night Shade violets and matching tapers. The next meeting will be at 12 noon, Oct. 19 at Mrs. Whit- comb's home. The lesson will be on terrariums with each member to bring their own materials and container. YFC Auxiliary The Youth for Christ Ladies Auxiliary will meet for sup- per at 6:15 p.m. Monday at the Recreation Hall, 16 E. 3rd St. Mothers of all teen-agers in the Bible Club are invited to attend. Jamestown Awnings, Inc. 327 Stooto S t P*o»o 483-1435 DISCOUNT PRICES on montifoctvro of new AWNINGS DURING WINTER MONTHS — for storage CMS repair Miss Patricia Anne Pentes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew J. Pentes of Steuben- ville, Ohio, was married to Joseph J. Cusimano of James- town, in Saint Peter's Church, Steubenville, Ohio. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Alfred McMullan. A re- ception was held at the Steu- benville Country Club. • The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a formal portrait gown of ivory silk satin, empire fashion, scoop neck and bell sleeves which were trimmed with bor- ders of cultured pearls. The gown was complimented with a chapel length twin train. The bride's French silk chapel length veil was attached to a Dior bow of matching satin. She carried a cascade of white Fugi and daisy mums, ac- cented with green gardenia leaves. Mrs. Peter P. Graham, sis- ter of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Katherine A. Barzen of Minneapolis, Minn. was maid of honor. The other attendants were Miss Mara Lynn Stern of Steubenville, Ohio; Miss M a r y e 11 e n O'Rourke of Jersey City, N.J.; and Mrs. Edward Graham of Columbus, Ohio. They wore formal gowns of moss green, silk faille, empire fashion. Their headpieces were green velvet leaves on a crown with bow and streamers. Fresh bit- tersweet and small yellow mums topped the leaves. They carried cascades of Fugi mums of bittersweet and yel- low and were accented with wheat. A. Louis Avalone of West Orange, N.J. was best man. Ushers were A. Thomas Pen- tes, brother of the bride; Wil- liam S. Bailey III of Utica; John W. Peterson of Buffalo; and David Lindfors of James- town. Mrs. Cusimano was gradu- ated from Holy Cross Acade- my, Brookline, Mass.; Mary- mount College, Arlington, Va. and Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, New York City. Mr. Cusimano is a grad- uate of The Milford School, Milford, Conn, and Middle- bury College, Middlebury, Vt. After a trip to Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Cusimano will make their home in Port Washington, L.I. Mr. Cusima- no is a sales representative for Marlin Rockwell division of TRW. Mrs. Warner Is Hostess The Past Matrons Club of Chautauqua Court, Order of the Amaranth, met Sept. 22 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Harner, Bemus Point. Mrs. Gerald Dennison assisted the hostess. Mrs. Harold Bingham, pres- ident, presided at the business meeting. The Amaranth will sponsor a booth on Oct. 14-16 during Fall Festival Days. There will be a rummage sale on Oct. 22 and 23. Mrs. Gene- vieve Strand won the prize of the evening. The next meeting will be Oct. 27 at the home of Mrs. John Bartley, 314 Palmer St. . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 23/Jamestown... · gown. Seed pearls, baroque and crystal beads were em broidered to form the empire line of the fitted bodice which had

FOOT JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL-Saturdcry Eraning, October 3, 1965

Ross- Wetzen A Nuptial Mast this morn­

ing (Oct. 2, 1965) In the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church of Lakewood united Miss Mary Eileen Wetzen and Ray­mond Alexander Ross in mar­riage.

She is the daughter of Mrs. Delmo Lawrence Wetzen of Williamsville, formerly of Jamestown, and the late Dr. Wetzen. Mr. Ross is the son of Mrs. William MacDonald Ross of Buffalo and the late Mr. Ross.

The Rev. John Home per­formed the double ring cere­mony at 11:30 a.m.

Mrs. Donald James Fried­man of Lakeview, cousin of the bride, was matron of hon­or and wore a floor-length em­pire gown which combined a moss green Venice lace bod­ice with a mortar colored crepe skirt. Her hat was fash­ioned of matching green Ven­ice lace, and she carried a cascade of orchids in bronze tones.

William Daniel Ross of Ot­tawa, Ontario was best man for his brother. Ushers were Dr. Robert M. Wilson and Dr. Richard O'Connor, brothers-in-law of the bridegroom, and Thomas E..Riley, the bride's cousin.

The bride, given in mar­riage by her cousin, Donald James Friedman of Lakeview, wore a camellia white faille taffeta directoire silhouette gown. Seed pearls, baroque and crystal beads were em­broidered to form the empire line of the fitted bodice which had a bateau neckline. The jeweled embroidery also edged the winter short sleeves. A pert back bow topped the chapel length panel train of the floor-length "A" line skirt. Her mantilla of camellia silk appliqued peau d' ange lace. She carried a white prayer book arranged with white or­chids.

At the reception at Maple-hurst Country Club, Mrs. Charles Momberger of Or­chard Park, the bride's cous­in, was in charge of the guest book.

After Oct. 15 and a honey­moon in the South, the newly-weds will reside at 22 Wood-


mar Terrace, West Seneca. Both are employed at the

Cornell Aeronautical Labora­tory, Buffalo. Mrs. Ross re­ceived her B.A. degree from Seton Hill College for Women and her M.S. in nuclear phys­

ics from the University of Tennessee. Mr. Ross holds a B.S. degree from the Univer­sity of Toronto and a M.S,. in electrical engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Holy Trinity Circles Slate

Meetings Circle meetings of the

L.C.W. of Holy Trinity Luther­an Church have been sched­uled for October.

Circles meeting at 8 p.m. on Monday Oct. 4 are: Esther— at the church. Mrs. Robert Minton, Mrs. Donald Green-dahl, co-hostesses: Rebekah— ats the home of Mrs. William Carlson, 55 Charles St., Mrs. Herbert Juul, co-hostess; Mar­tha — home of Miss Helen Wolfe, 941 Jefferson St.

Meeting Thursday Oct. 7 will be Dorcas—1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Carl Anderson, 16 Ahrens Ave.; Ruth — 9:30 a.m. with Mrs. Robert S. Anderson, 548 Front St.

Mrs. Louis Hartmeister pre­sided at the meeting of the ex­ecutive committee held Sept. 22 in the church when plans were completed for year's work. Circle leaders presented projects and programs for the ensuing year.

The next general meeting will be at 12:15 p.m. Oct. 14 when a luncheon honoring the senior members of the church and guests at the Lutheran Retirement Home, will be held in Fellowship Hall. Rebekah Circle, with Mrs. F. Thorsten Peterson leader, is in charge of arrangements.

The Rev. Dr. Wilton Berg-strand, pastor, led devotions and also outlined plans for fu­ture utilization of church fa­cilities.

Announcements were made of the visit of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Ryden on Oct. 3 and of the L.C.W. Assembly of the Southwestern District at Beth­el Lutheran Church on Oct. 19 at 1:30 p.m.

Refreshments were served by Mrs. Marlin Cobb and Mrs. Norman Bush.

» i

Doyle-Baisler A pyramid arrangement of

ivory and white chrysanthe­mums against a background of woodwardia fern and floor candelabra was the setting for the wedding today (Oct. 2, 1965) of Miss Mary Alice Baisler, and Allan Meredith Doyle Jr.' in the First Pres­byterian Church.

They are the daughter and son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Wilford Baisler, 636 Winsor St., and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Meredith Doyle Sr., of Sara­sota, Fla.

The Rev. John L. Schmidt officiated at the 2:30 p.m. dou­ble ring nuptials. Mrs. Her­bert W. Lind was organist.

The steps leading to the chancel were flanked by Gre­cian columns with matching urns of white and ivory mums.

In formal bronze tapestry brocade gowns and Detailed headpieces of tulle arid green were the bride's five attend­ants, Miss Patricia Anne Bai­sler, her sister, as honor maid and Miss Linda Baisler, an­other sister, Miss Margaret Frantz : of West Concord, Mass., Miss Doreen Mulreany of Westfield, N.J., and Mrs. Austris Vitols of Watertown, Mass., college classmates of the bride, as bridesmaids. All carried sprays of autumn gold chrysanthemums and foliage.

Best man was John C. Oram Jr., of New York City. Ushers included David Carna-han of Jamestownt Robert Grindley, G r o s s e Point Woods, Mich., the bride­groom's college roommate, Michael Higgins, of Upper Montclair, N.J., Frank Lee Jr. and Robert F. Sullivan, both of Garden City.

With her ivory ottoman gown, the bride wore an em­broidered fingertip mantilla of thread lace which she bought in Venice this summer

Norolec Lodge Names Officers K i r c h h o f f - G i f f o r d

Remember The VJf.'s in

your life Wl ith

Quality Portrait in

Living Color or Black & Whito


SIEGFRIED fboM 4*4-1941 tOO W. 3rd M.

Jssoastssssj N. r.

Officers were elected at the recent meeting of Celoron Norolec Rebekah Lodge.

Elected were: Mrs. Twyla Cooper, noble grand; Mrs. Leana McCann, vice grand; Mrs. Pauline Gould, recording secretary; Mrs. Dolores Nel­son, financial secretary; Mrs. Martha Benson, treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy McGill, trustee for three years.

Plans were completed for the installation dinner which is in charge of Mrs. Frances Wood. It was announced that Mrs. Martha Benson was in­stalled as president of Southern Chautauqua County Past No­ble Grands Association and Mrs. Delia Lindboom" was elected secretary at the meet­ing held Sept. 22 in Falconer.

A donation was made to the Lockport Home. A public card party will be held Nov. 1 with

Mrs. Twyla Cooper as chair­man Mrs. Grace Robinson re­ceived the mystery gift. Host­esses were Mrs. Martha Mcln-tyre and Mrs. Dagmar Ham­mer.

Visitors at the meeting were district deputy presidents, Mrs. Sagrid Frick, district 1, Mrs. Ann Mosher, district 5, and Mrs. Viola Bowen, district 3 and her chaplain, Jennie Schoening.


NOW LOCATION Gregory's Ttxoco Service

57S M r M M t Avt. N«xt «• fir*M Stamp

I M CMter

Sept. Rites Announced

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Hewes of Victoria, announce the marriage of their daugh­ter, Mary Hewes Draper, to Edwin F. Brightman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brightman of Mayville, on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1965, at the First Methodist Church, Mayville.

Mr. and Mrs. Brightman will be at home after Oct. 6 at Park Lane, Moore Road, May­ville.

Anderson Cleaners is proud to announce >

its appointment as your


Slates October


Sanitone CerHfiai'MasterVrydeaner

• Our appointment as a Sanitone Certified Master Drycleaner means a tot to us—and means even more to you! Now we are licensed to use the exclusive new Sanitone process, most dramatic advance in drycleaning history! r • You'll see new brightness In colors... feel new softness m fabrics! Only our new Sanitone drycleaning restores both the original cleanliness and the original finish.

• Let us show you how wonderful this new drycleaning process really Is. You'll share our excitement when you see the results!

Plans were completed lor the annual banquet at 7 p.m. Oct. 19 in the Lakewood Motel at a meeting of the Ashville Firemen's Auxiliary. Mrs. Mil­dred Palmer is chairman.

The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Marian Graham when thank you cards were read from Mrs. Joyce Ecker and Mrs. Joanne Johnson.

Mrs. Marilyn Pachett was welcomed into membership.

A film on the Alaskan earth­quake was shown by Willis Graham.

Vases of white gladioli and mums with branched candela­bra, formed the setting for the wedding on Saturday, Sept. 4 of Miss Gail Louise Gifford and Harold John Kirchhoff at the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Lakewood. The Rev. John Home performed the double ring rites at 11:30 a.m.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gif­ford, 117 Lincoln St., and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kirchhoff, 116 N. Hanford Ave., W.E., are parents of the bride­groom.

Miss Vlcki Newark was the bride's only attendant. She was gowned In a street length ice blue sateen dress and car­ried a cascade of white roses and blue carnations.

Bernie Kirchhoff was best man for his brother. Seating guests were Donald Thomp­son, Barry Kent and Danny Kent, all cousins of the bride.

A jacket effect and daisies with seed pearls enhanced the bodice of the bride's floor length pink taffeta gown. Her elbow length veil was caught to a cluster of lace pearlized leaves and she carried a cas­cade of white roses and pink carnations.

A reception and buffet for 100 guests was held at the Shrine Park Clubhouse follow­ing the ceremony.

The couple honeymooned in Washington, D.C.

The bride is a 1964 alumna of Jamestown High School and is employed at Loblaws. Her husband a Southwestern Cen­tral High School graduate, is attending St. Bonaventure University where he is a soph­omore majoring in English.

The bridegroom's parents hosted the rehearsal dinner at Marty's Steak House.

VINYL COATS The fashionable set is sing­

ing the praises of the "wet look" — viny-coated cotton coats. Some are tied at the waist. Many feature contrast­ing colors.

SAVE 10% on Dry Cleaning By Using Oor 5 Coovtniairt Cosh and Corry Locations - ^ - - ^ ^ M

405 N. Main S t 188 Fluvanna Ave. P H O N E

5 Hunt Road 1387 E. 2nd S t 4 R A . 1 1 4 6 dart of Loblaws Mdf.)

Anderson Cleaners

Regular $12.50 PERMANENT WAVE


'8.50 uxor

Beauty Salon Plenty of Parking Space 20S E. 2od St—Mais Hoo*

Wo Specialize

is Heir

Coloring, &

Hair Cutting


and which was caught to a Medici cap. The bridal gown was styled with scoop neck­line and bracelet length sleeves. The fitted bodice with overlay of silk faced satin at

the waist, was tied in the mid­dle with a lover's bow. The skirt featured a widely pleat­ed chapel train and tiny cov­ered buttons adorned the front. She carried an arm

bouquet of tiara roses and stephanotis.

A garden reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hamilton had charge of ceremonies. Pouring were Mrs. Charles Sitler, the bride's aunt, Miss Elizabeth C. Ham, the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Howard D. McMur-ray of Pittsburgh, Pa., bride's aunt, Mrs. Clyde Carnahan, Mrs. Robert H. Mulreany, ' Westfield, N.J., Mrs. Gordon R. Sanctuary. Aides were Miss Gail Dreisbach, Roches­ter, Cynthia Rapp, New Ha­ven, Conn., Carol Mulreanv, Westfield, N.J., Mrs. James Myers of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Da­vid Moyle of Youngstown, Ohio.

After Oct. 17 and a honey­moon in Bermuda, the couple will reside at 5 Hadley St., South Hadley, Mass.

The bride is a 1963 alumna of Mt. Holyoke College, has been field representative for the board of admissions since graduation. Mr. Doyle is a graduate of Union College where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He did graduate work at M.I.T. and obtained a masters degree in business ad­ministration from Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. He is vice presi­dent, finance; treasurer and a director of KoIImorgen Corp., Northampton, Mass.

The bridegroom's parents and aunt, Miss Ham, hosted the rehearsal dinner at the Town Club.

Mrs. Clyde Carnahan and David Carnahan gave a lunch­eon for out of town guests at Moon Brook Country Club pri­or to the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton entertained the same group for a buffet din­ner in their home, 518 Lake-view Ave., after the recep­tion.


MRS. JOSEPH J. CUSIMANO (Patricia Anne Pentes)

Lakeside Club Names Officers At Annual Meeting

Lakeside Violet Club held Its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Eckwall when the following officers were elected:

President, Mrs, Theodore Swanson; vice /"president, his­torian, Mrs. Cecil Lucas; cor­responding secretary, Mrs. Elva Merritt; financial secre­tary, Mrs. Hubert Braley; treasurer, Mrs. Eckwall; sun­shine chairman, Mrs. Edward Paul; librarian, Mrs. Charles Dowd.

Mrs. Swanson presided and heard reports from Mrs. Mer­ritt and Mrs. Eckwall. Pro­gram books for the year will be made by Mrs. Braley.

Mrs. Eckwall's birthday and anniversary was observed with gifts of plants.

Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Bra­ley were first and second win­

ners respectively of the proj­ect plant. Mrs. Ralph Whit-comb and Mrs. Paul were judges. New plants, "Blue Bounty," were given as the year's project.

Luncheon was served from a table featuring an arrange­ment of Night Shade violets and matching tapers.

The next meeting will be at 12 noon, Oct. 19 at Mrs. Whit-comb's home. The lesson will be on terrariums with each member to bring their own materials and container.

YFC Auxiliary The Youth for Christ Ladies

Auxiliary will meet for sup­per at 6:15 p.m. Monday at the Recreation Hall, 16 E. 3rd St. Mothers of all teen-agers in the Bible Club are invited to attend.

Jamestown Awnings, Inc. 327 Stooto S t P*o»o 483-1435

DISCOUNT PRICES on montifoctvro of new


for storage CMS repair

Miss Patricia Anne Pentes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An­drew J. Pentes of Steuben-ville, Ohio, was married to Joseph J. Cusimano of James­town, in Saint Peter's Church, Steubenville, Ohio. The cere­mony was performed by the Rev. Alfred McMullan. A re­ception was held at the Steu­benville Country Club.

• The bride, given in mar­riage by her father, wore a formal portrait gown of ivory silk satin, empire fashion, scoop neck and bell sleeves which were trimmed with bor­ders of cultured pearls. The gown was complimented with a chapel length twin train. The bride's French silk chapel length veil was attached to a Dior bow of matching satin. She carried a cascade of white Fugi and daisy mums, ac­cented with green gardenia leaves.

Mrs. Peter P. Graham, sis­ter of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Katherine A. Barzen of Minneapolis, Minn. was maid of honor. The other attendants were Miss Mara Lynn Stern of Steubenville, Ohio; Miss M a r y e 11 e n O'Rourke of Jersey City, N.J.; and Mrs. Edward Graham of Columbus, Ohio. They wore formal gowns of moss green, silk faille, empire fashion. Their headpieces were green velvet leaves on a crown with bow and streamers. Fresh bit­tersweet and small yellow mums topped the leaves. They carried cascades of Fugi mums of bittersweet and yel­low and were accented with wheat.

A. Louis Avalone of West Orange, N.J. was best man. Ushers were A. Thomas Pen­tes, brother of the bride; Wil­liam S. Bailey III of Utica; John W. Peterson of Buffalo; and David Lindfors of James­town.

Mrs. Cusimano was gradu­ated from Holy Cross Acade­my, Brookline, Mass.; Mary-mount College, Arlington, Va. and Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, New York City. Mr. Cusimano is a grad­uate of The Milford School, Milford, Conn, and Middle-bury College, Middlebury, Vt.

After a trip to Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Cusimano will make their home in Port Washington, L.I. Mr. Cusima­no is a sales representative for Marlin Rockwell division of TRW.

Mrs. Warner

Is Hostess The Past Matrons Club of

Chautauqua Court, Order of the Amaranth, met Sept. 22 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Harner, Bemus Point. Mrs. Gerald Dennison assisted the hostess.

Mrs. Harold Bingham, pres­ident, presided at the business meeting. The Amaranth will sponsor a booth on Oct. 14-16 during Fall Festival Days. There will be a rummage sale on Oct. 22 and 23. Mrs. Gene­vieve Strand won the prize of the evening.

The next meeting will be Oct. 27 at the home of Mrs. John Bartley, 314 Palmer St.

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