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In the Game of Love Power Point

Date post: 17-May-2015
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Internet Marketing Winter 2011 By: Sattie Rampersaud
  • 1. Internet MarketingWinter 2011By: Sattie Rampersaud

2. IntroductionDate: October 3rd 2011Blog Title: In the Game of LoveBlog Link:http://www.inthegameoflovee.blogspot.com 3. Importance of Internet MarketingInternet marketing is important because of thefollowing: is becoming more popular is more convenient & reaches a broadercustomer base. is cheaper & has more social outlets. 4. Perspective 5. Perspective Contd 6. Overview 7. Blog Topic The blog topic I choosewas to write a blogabout love. My blog consists ofadvice, tips & mypersonal opinion ontopics that relate tohaving a love life. Or inother words being aplayer In the Game ofLove. 8. PersonaName: Jasmine KhanAge: 25Family: Jasmine lives by herself and is currentlysingle, but has been going out on dates.Job: She works as a marketing assistant for Rogersin Toronto. 9. Persona ContdEducation: She has a business administrationdiploma, and also a marketing certificate fromHumber College and a Bachelor of Commercewith a focus on marketing from York University.Vehicle: She drives a red 2010 Volkswagen Beetle,with and ohm sign ornament/key chain hangingfrom her rearview mirror. 10. Persona ContdConcerns: She is concerned with paying back herschool loans and paying for her new Beetle. She isalso concerned with trying to find someone marryand spend her life with, in addition she is alsoconcerned with saving enough down payments topurchase a condo by the time she is 30.Goal: Her goal is to become a marketing manager within the next year for her current department that she is working in. 11. Blog Post1. The Perfect Mate 6. Keeping the Romance2. First DateAlive3. Long Distance Love 7. The Blame Game4. Internet Love8. Different Colors of Love5. Intimacy 9. Arranged Marriages10. How to Deal with a Break Up11. Why Do People Play with Each Others Emotions? 12. Facebook, Twitter, & Youtube Pages 13. Blog Performance In terms of my blog performance, my blog wasdoing well in the beginning of the semester,but towards the end. My blog visits began to decline due to the factthat was not driving enough traffic to my site,due to the lack of use of the social sites suchas Facebook & Twitter. 14. Blog Performance Contd The main problem for me was being able to beconsistent with my twits on Twitter, & beingable to find followers, that would relate to myblog topic. Other than that my Facebook page for my blogdid well with 78 likes, and having consistantvisitors visiting the Facebook page, and goingto my blog page from my Facebook page. 15. Business Review 16. In the Game of LoveBlog 17. In the Game of LoveBlogKey Learnings Indicated Actions Post regularly Post often to keep your visitors coming back. Use keywords in writingpeople will search when Write keywords in blog postlooking for my blog post.people will most likely use to search for blog Drive traffic to my blog &encourage comment andfeed. 18. In the Game of Love Facebook 19. In the Game of Love FacebookKey LearningsIndicated Actions Be frequent with your Post blog post on Facebookpostpage Easy way to drive traffic Inform friends on otherto blognetworks to pass themessage on about your blog Promote page by on your to generate traffic to yourown page, and Facebookblog.groups relating to yourblog topic. 20. In the Game of LoveTwitter 21. In the Game of LoveTwitterKey Learnings Indicated Actions Follow more people to get Follow accounts relatedmore followers. (targetaudience or similar accounts)to blog Need to tweet regularly, like Tweet frequentlyevery hour or once a day. Tweet links to your blog post to Use hash tags so yourdrive traffic to the blog. twits reach more followers Re-tweet and use hash tag. 22. In the Game of LoveYoutube 23. In the Game of LoveYoutubeKey LearningsIndicated Actions Subscribe to users that Adds credibility to the have related videos to getblogpeople to subscribe toyour channel. Showcased Related This can also be a usefulvideosway to drive traffic to thesite. 24. Recommendations 25. How to monetize your blog ? The key go to monetize your blog is to be consistent witheverything on all media sites Consistency is key. Post regularly, tweet regularly toengage your users. 26. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Use descriptive titles Relevant tags Use key words thatpeople would search 27. Blog Need more interactionand feedback Need to stayconsistent withupdating social mediasite. (Facebook &Twitter) 28. Advertisments 29. E-Mail MarketingInform subscribersand followers aboutcurrent trends andwhats next. 30. Social Media Link all the social mediapages to the blog website Use social media sites todrive traffic to blog website. Social media is also great forinteracting with yoursubscribers . 31. Thank You for Listening Don`t forget to visit my blog at:http://www.inthegameoflovee.blog
