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In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

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In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful. The Hidden Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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In the Name of God Most Beneficent, the Merciful
Page 1: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

Page 2: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

The Hidden

Kingdom of the

Heavens and the Earth

Page 3: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

“Lo ! Abraham said to his father Azar: Takest thou idols for gods? For I see thee and thy people in manifest error(74). So also did We show Abraham the hidden kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he would become one of those who are certain (75). When the night rapidly covered him over , he saw a planet , he said : this is my Lord, but when it disappeared , he said I love not those that disappear (76). When he saw the moon just emerging (like a tooth cutting the gum), he said: this is my Lord, but when it disappeared, he said : unless my Lord guides me , I shall surely be among those who go astray(77). When he saw the sun emerging, he said: this is my Lord, this is bigger, but when it disappeared he said : O my people, I am free from guilt of giving partners to God (78). For me I have set my face , firmly and truly towards Him who created the heavens and the Earth, and I am not one of those who take partners to God (79).

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MULK::MULK:: is the apparent kingdomis the apparent kingdomMALAKOOTMALAKOOT : is the hidden kingdom : is the hidden kingdomof Heavens and the Earthof Heavens and the Earth

Page 5: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

When the night (ganna)quickly When the night (ganna)quickly covered himcovered him

As the shadow of the moon (night) covered him very quickly with the start of the total solar eclipse solar

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he saw a planet, when it he saw a planet, when it disappeared he said: I love not disappeared he said: I love not those that disappear (76)those that disappear (76)

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When he saw a sliver of the moon (bazighan) just emerging ( like a new tooth cutting the gum) , he said this is my Lord,

when it disappeared he said, unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among those who go astray (77)

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“When he saw the sun (bazightan) emerging, he said:this is my Lord ,this is bigger”,

The crescent sun emerges and gets bigger and biEgger after end of


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Page 11: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

The solar eclipse that was visible to young Abraheem on 1st of April 2470 BC, only venus was seen

* Visible planet during eclipse

Sun venus

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Page 13: In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, the Merciful

First drawings of Bailey’s beads observed by American astronomers on the total solar eclipse of 9 October 1789

from the edge of the totality zone.

The vision of solar eclipse is similar to the solar eclipse observed by the prophet Abraham on the 1st of April 2470 BC. No corona was observed. Only the moon was observed as the solar rays were scattered from the lunar valleys to the mountains. Beads were observed as new teeth coming out of baby’s gum.

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What was this astronomical phenomena?

A solar eclipse passed over Babel on the 1st of April 2470 BC,

As the lunar shadow covered the prophet Abraham quickly, it became dark(night)thus a planet became visible only for a while. As the condition of this particular eclipse only one planet ( Venus) was seen, consulting Table1, only the 1st of April eclipse fulfilled this condition.

Babel was on the border of the totality path as seen in map, thus the sky was not dark enough to make the solar corona visible, he could only see the Baily’s beads as the solar rays were reflected from the moons valleys making the mountains of the moon illuminated and visible like new teeth.

By the end of totality, a crescent sun became visible, gradually it became bigger by the fourth contact of the solar eclipse then the sun set and Abraham turned his face to the creator.

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The eclipse provided a unique opportunity to test Babylonian theology of worshiping , planet ,moon and sun and rejecting each idol in turn. Seeing no corona is adequate to give no glory to the sun as he was seeking the true God.

The solar eclipse was termed the hidden kingdom of the heavens and the earth and was made visible to the prophet Abraham as Venus , moon and sun were rendered visible.

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Testing One God At A Time

It is of special interest to determine the life period of Prophet Abraham. The Holy Quran mentions the circumstances, which lead young Abraham to firmly believe in God as the only creator. Like a scientific experiment in which each factor is tested independently, the solar eclipse seen by Prophet Abraham provided him with a unique and quick opportunity to examine the basis of Babylonian theology in which Venus, moon and the sun were taken as gods. As the shadow quickly covered him, he saw Venus alone but shortly it disappeared. He then saw the moon enlightened by the Baily’s beads but again it disappeared. Lastly he saw the sun as a crescent getting bigger and bigger before disappearing. He looked for one god who is ever lasting, thus on these bases, he disregarded those false gods one at a time. The final result of witnessing this particular eclipse was his firm belief in God “He said “ do you argue with me about god while he has guided me” (Chapter Alanaam 80).

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Some references

Stahlman, W.D. and Gingerich,O. 1963: Solar and planetary longitudes for years -2500 to + 2000 by ten- days intervals. The university of Wisconsin press Madison USA.

Manfred Kudlek-Erich H.. Mickier 1971: Solar and lunar Eclipses of ancient near east from 3000 B.C. to 0 with maps. Verlag Butzon& Bercker Kevelaer, Neukrichhenest Verlag des Erziehungsvereins Neukirchen-Vluyn.
