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In - University of Hawaii · PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner...

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1st xSatj' Wf ; Jv 1 JiJ ,iV . &. su HPwifWWiHi !0CMWfiFfWHSJi !! imil.wwMulMywiM.i'WiMl.W "jTffiradttraa'rrzc" aszterrr rr witv iji sp s f .w ). 1 ,4? -- '.- X ! :' toV " - sft&r ,.KT? & g &' 4fc-- f ra m r- - is raw jfldisii In . v Ji- - Ji W 0 CsD iA?vaavujAKkO(jurx&wTtJ c.iiG2JB:cr!LrrrifVK: icmcAmajtJgULm.gw-i:i-m.- gi unrpnajMuuiJUiifciJW Vol. XIV. No 201)9. HONOLULU, 3. J., SATURDAY EVENING , JULY 10, 1SHJ0. SO OENT8 CUHSCniPTION PER MONTH 8h EWhr bv r 1'. i 'ft- - Cl : Vl a- -t ipi Br- ' is' THE DAILY BOiLETIH Is printed mil published at thu oJUcu, tjuucn SHteot, Honolulu, H. I., every uftcrnoou (Sundays oxocptod). 'Subscription, SO cants net Month Address nil Communications Dail-- Uui.LBriN. Advertlneraonts, to ensure insertion, should bo lutt'led In boforc ooo o'clock V. M. 'AALTEO WIL. ...... Editor ami Proprietor tt.tllettn Steam Printing Office. "tlewspiper, Hook 'n:d Job Printing of fit kludb done- - on the rnott faorablo iutiuf. H.'!l iVsluphmie No. 250 Mutual Tolup'mue ....Ho. 2MI THE" DAILY BULLETIN Wjukiy Summary, An Inlurcntiag and comprehensive publication, euuliini 3.3 lolunina of lending matter on local topic, and n complete lesumo of Honolulu und JjI ind News, li is tlio bcM. piper uubHsbcd ii. the Kingdom o send to filcnih abroad. feUil'l llllilll!! Jsluud . s : H M year t i.ieljiu : : : 0 (10 " Gum mission hioxouants. ( OUN T. VATJUtHOOtSn, Si' Lmpoiur and Dealer In Geooral Meichandiae, ijneun at., rlouululu. 3 WIL.DEU & OO , Dtiuleis in Lumber, J'.ilnts, Olb, Natlb, Sal', and Uuildmy, Mavurhtl of ovury kiud, coi. i'oit itud'ucuu iu., iluuolulu. 1 Clics f tr!cncji. Wra. U. Irwlu. 7" Q. IltWIiJ & OOMPANT, V Sugu Factorij uud Cviiniissioij A2nts, Honolulu. 1 B. N. Castle -- J H. iUUtntou-- G. P. Cabtlf as Uooise, C""A3TLiIlJ Shipplui; aud Uomminlou Murchants. luipurtcrs dud Ueiuers m UcnertU .Msroba idiao, o. HO Kintj at., Hououuu. 1 . Lewera, T. J. Lowrey 0. 1L Cooka. & OOOliK, lsucui:s3o to JjUWLTd & Dickson,) Importers und Dcaiern m Lumber and all studs ot BmlUiug ilatonala, i'ort stroot, Iioiuilulii 1 sT-rF'- i HONOLULU IRON WOUKB, gsgSJsasicam vugiuM, augur millu, UoU tirs, wuuiuru ; iron, brass und lcatl cant-tngs- j muutiiuury of every deaenpttou juudc to order. I'urticular attention puiil to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 ilVJli,Jti:ijO Co., Gonural Commission Agents. Honolulu G. W. MACPARLANE & (Jo. 1MPOIITBRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .Queen fttool, . Honolulu. II. I. 1613 UOaALiVL35i & CO., V7huli)Hlo Groccn & 7ino Mcrchauto Beaver lilock, Honolulu. OBRaWBK H COMPANY, , (Umitul) Uknuhal Meiic.uitili; and Commission Aokntr. ubt oy OPFll'BUB: V. 0. Jostta, Jr. . . .Trei'lilont & Mnnagor t. U. Caiitkh. .. ..Treasurer 03 Secretary iHU:cioiia; Hon. U. R. Ilisuor. B. C, Allkh, II. WATMinoUfii!. . bdS ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 FortSL, Upstairs. Tlio underaignvd boja to Inform the public of these Islands thut be U inuluug Wliirtsi by Moaaroiuonc I Directions for6elf.mcusurement will be given ou application. WblteSUtts, Oyorshlrts & Klgbt Gowns A lit guarantee by making a unuipla tihlrt to evory order, Uland order solicited Boll Tolophono 410 A. XI. II'.iM. II. G. CRA.BBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, p. r.otv V 81 Klni? Street, onnoslto the Old litatlou Houso. Mutual Tulophono ISTo. t. 87 tf Professionals. JI& MONSARBAT, at I,aw & Notary Public lit) Mnrclmnt Street, Honolulu. tf J. AbFIlKD MAaooJJ, Alloineyut Law iV Not.irj ntbllc 17il t2 Moicliant btreot, Honolulu, ly J. K. BROWN, Old Capitol ltultdiiiB. Agent to take Acknovledgmaat to Con-trac- ts lor Labor In tlio District of Honolulu, Island of O.ihu. Ib9 lin David Davton Will practice in tlio lower courts of the Klnpilom as attomry, ntti'iid to collect tug in nil Hr brunches, renting of houses ind any other businPi entrusted toblm Onico 111 King Street Upstairs rebri.8Ji Wf 1BOa. ijm i!ii( moo. jiy rioNi33i:i STEAI GMDY FACTOEY A.iu A.jcr:itY. P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Raker. 7inotolSt. -- 1B3t- Telephone 74. California : Lands FOR SA3LIC : IS?" Apply to 183 tf 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. WEfflER & GO. JInuuruetiirI:i;r iotvcltorn, ro. us foict tsi'xiijzjsrv. Constantly on hand i largo nssortmun of every (ttscrlptii not Jewelry, Watches Qold and Silver Plated AVure, &c. 953 ly Thomas Lindsay, Hannfactuilng Jeweler & Watolimaker Kukul Jowolry a Specialty. liitg Straet, Mouolnln, H. I. Next door to the Hawailnn Tram, way Company's Oilko. tSf Particular attention paid to all Muds of repairs. Jiin.10 tfi) HusiaGe&Robertson, DKAYMBN. LI, orders for Cartage prompUy at. a. tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Ihlands. . Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to 6iiit at lowest prices. Office, next door to Jas. Y. Morgan's auction room. 0t2 ly Mntnal TV lephono No. 19. J. lopp&Oo. i II &IU& HI, -- yfpj, U King st Importers of Rattan & Reed Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Movtd with L'aro. Matting and Carpets Laid, COMIGE POLES, Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. apr.lO-S- Baldwin Locomotives The tindrrilynrd having been unpointed sole agents tor the Hawaiian Hands .For tho Colebmteu Baldwin - Locomotives Prom tlio vorki of Bnmliain, Parry, Williams a Co., PlillatU'lpliiu. ivnn.. Arc now prepircd to givr ustiin'ates rn I receive niilua for thete tni;lue, of an) si.o and st Ic. Tlio llAi.mWK LvcoMOtivh Voui.s:iro no v manulncuiiiuir a hiyle of Llciuho. tlve p'irticulaily tdaptod For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have ricci.tly bum receive tat Ihcie Kl.ouU, and c will have pie uuro u furuWhlng plnnlntiou acut"' und inan.tgera with p'ir.iculius. ot fame. The hupetionty of liuso Lecomolive'-ove- all ol ber m Uc ii i nl oniv known here b'lt is autdiowkilgcJ throughout the United States. win. a. Irwin & Co., Sole Aleuts for Hnvt'iilnn Islands. 1(12(1124 w.ly Pacific Hardware Co., I'd, D.F, lil'lajhnm, TrKldeati J, 0. Spencer, Xanngcrj P. L. Winter, Trtainror. TUE VEUV LATUST IN Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lamps cs Chandolicrs, Just Received from the Factory. A Row Line of Refrigerators, A Full Line of the Favorite Eddy's Refrigerator's aud Ice Cbsets, SUstCs'g Saws d I'llcsi How Lines of Loch, Shell-Hardwar- e, Etc., l'lanct, Jr., Cultivators. Pictures Frames & Mouldings, Pacific Htrdwaro Co., L'd. 55Ctf Foi t & Merchant sts. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor ApS & Builder. Estimates Given on Brick, Iron. Stono & Wooden Buildings. Jobbing Attended To. KUKP3 FOB SALE Brick, Lime, Cemsnt, Plaster of Paris, Marble Dust, Wire Lath, California Hortb Baach & Santa Crnz HAND, Quarry Tiles CxC red, white and blue; .Minion, Plastic and Encaustic Miles lu raiious patterns, all kinds of Drainage Ware. CQr-Offi- ce Southeast corner Ala-Le- a and Queen Rticets. Mutual -- YBaTELEPHONESjCQy Bell 351 mh y IIAAV-AJCJCIl- COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! Cur. (uecn A Xuuauu Htn. Pif Goods of all descriptions sold on commLslon. Mutual Telephone 6B1. fob 0 A. II. RASE3IA1V1V, Bookbiador, Papor-ralo- r & Blaak-boo- k Manufacturer. No, Merchant street. Up stairs. O. MULLEfl &' CO., PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner store. Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'ly reputr-s- l nt reason ible rnU's, Sewing Machines aud repairing of all kinds a Bpecinlty. All kinds or Safes & bcales repilicd, Household Sewing Mitchine-- for sale. dec-1- 8U O LTJSO IXAWAIIANO. A LL persons who want to rowmuni iit. cato with tho l'ottutfncso, cither for business, or for procuring v. orkmrn, sorvnuts or any other helps, will Und it ihomost protltnble way to ndvtrtlboin tho Auto Aiiwaiiano, tho new organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub llsliod on Hotel elreoU, and only chargya roiuonablo ratoo for advcrtlceiuojitu frurni A Good Assortment ! AT- - N. S. Sachs, 104 Fort St., 'Men's Underwear of 'Every Men's G.iugo Undershirt, only 25 clu, Men's (Jossniiicr Muiino Shirts, fitir (uulity. nnly fi'J ets, Men's Bulbriggim Umlcrihirl A Drnwoid, 7.i eN ntiil vtpw.trde, Men'ri Canton Fliiiuiul Shirts it; Druvers, only 50 et-"- , Men's Silk, Cotton and Merino Socks, Men's Unbleached Cotton Pooki, good quality, 2.25 per diu, Men's Unlileachcil Rriti-d- i Socks, e.vti.i qtmlily, 75 pur dtv., Men's Unbleached or Colored Socks, (.ilk chicked, 50 pur do, Gent's Gent's I.itcft Stlo Senrfo, Foui-in-lla- nd Sz Windsuis, Silk Scarfs nl 25 cts, 50 ct and upwaids, Bilk, Linen & Cotton A LARGE ASSORTMENT. EXTRA BARGAINS. Silk Ilnndkcicliicfs, colored border licmnicilutitch, only 50 cts, Lson Brand Linen LATEST STYLES. TRY OUR UnlauncJried Shirts, Unlaundried Shirts, U ick it Front, only 75 cts each, Men's White Shuts, $1 uiul $1.25 cadi, Gentlemen's Wool Silk Outing Shirts, Men's Straw Hats, latest styles. Trunks & Valises of nil kinds. HOUSE. WAIiMl n "IV Pedigrees of BREEDING DEPARTMEHT. The following flue Ariiin.ih .ill stand for series ut tho l.inch, ahlao: trcll-lire- d Stallion "MARIN." Norm. m Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Thoroughbred Stalllop "MIDNIGHT." Two Native Stallions "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 103-1- tf t sing Prices Very Low I Honolulu. 'Description, 2 2 Neckwear, Collars, and POPULAR - RAICH PAUL R, H. E, & BRO., 1MP0BT31W A1W DKALI5R3 IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, HAST CORHKU PORT AND KINO STREETS. o New Good'-- . eielveJ by every Packet from the Kastcm Stnti and Jjiirope, tTit3h Califoiuiu Produce by i cry Steamer. All orders faithfully ulteudcdto. and Goods del ivend in any part oi the city frro of charge. Idnmi orders eoli. cited. SiiliBfr.ction KuarantJtd. Pout Oiflco P.ox Mi. Te'onlione No. C'J fnov4-8- 5 P5gurwvxrjLjMi'giSJK'BwiiggvvJXJ!!.':'..?ny'iia.iVi'VT.iwiiJug n. vji'.uggt?? ItkphoiuiiJJU.. A ASt Morsec Kept o SALE DEPARTMENT, roi: SALE' Stallions of various biceds. Mares with or without, foal. "IIores for any put pose. tfMBMIi A Skilful Breaker and Trainer Is cin-p'oj- cd on the lunch. t&T Satisfaction Is guniautocd in hrciKitiK nud tiaiulng iioiea. 9SEN! lM RC. 55s -- 3'. O Box2S7. Oregon Rurliank Pou.tooi, tc, Ktc, Etc. loslace, King fiOQQS Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, -- MILLINERY iESDING McINTYRE Street HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA," Kits AlaBku Sen Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kils Sulnion Rcllics, Kits Tonguos und Sounds, Cabes Yietinu Satisngu, J Intn Satibiigo, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb. tins, Hams, Rucon, Codlich, Tins Soused Mackerel, Roiled Miu-keio- l in To- mato Sauce, Top O'Cun JJiaml IJutlcr, Honed 01iicl:cn and Tttikoy, Twin Rrothera' Yeast Unkch, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ceralino rinkcs, Gcnne.i, Urcnkfiut Gem, Whito Chits, llighltiml RolleM Oats, Dried Apricots, Diied Pi tines, Tnblii Fiuits. Date;, Figs, Ridge's Food, Gelatine, Suuliiien, Wheat, O.itc, Itinn, Pofatoea, Onions, nud a General of Groceries nl Popttl.11 prices. gFIcai your orders, or ring tip No. 119. LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., IHPOBTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS lii GROCERIES A PR0VIS10HS. tsr on ioiq -- G?g Ry efieh sttiuner uf the O. b. S, Co. from Callfutniu Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala, Frails, ITIhIi, Oaino, Vccofnbk'M, JQio., l'lta. A complete Hue of Crosse & BlaoM's fi J. T, Uorlon's Canned & Bottled Goods Alvtujb on hand. Also, just received a frenh lino of xcrumii I'uti'M & roitotl Meiitu &. iSottlctl VvtmawmX Vniils j.ctUs A Co.N Maltceo lirund Sugar Cured Hams N; Rucon, Nisw Bicikfast Cereals, Orcnm Oat Plakin it Orcain Wltcut FlaUcs, Sicily Lca'.ons i: Gala. Hivcrido Oranges. BEAVER &. SALOON Tho Host Lunoh in Town, Tea aud Ooffco at 111 Hours Thu Finest Ihmid of al . LT- " to JTJJ-- i &r3&!f . : i gggMctropolitan g Meat Company 81 KING hTRCET. G. J. WALLER. - - Manager Vho'.esnlo &. Hotiiil Eutchon KXV NAVY OONTKACTOllS. 1117 ly 1 T W P i ft S PLANING HILL, J3 Tlcplnrn o. JJ5. EU V'ALHEil c: EEDWAKD, Cnntruutoni 4S; XSuIldors. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es. timates given. Jobbing piomptlv at- tended to. 70 King titct. Bull Tele- phone No. L. P. O. Bos, 423. np y n.EOROB LUCAS, . Contractor -- rffi" and Builder,gSi Houolnlu Ste-it- Pinning Mills, Jbspla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Biackets, Window Frames, lUimi.s, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k ilmsli. Turning, Sciolland Band fa'av. ing. All kinds o'f Siwing und Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ureters iroin the otlicx ls solicited WEIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill, T?i1f- tfr, sr ni -- &.. m SJfAV yy Carriage Builders, Ship's BlacKsmilliing, Prays, Carts ! W&ijon DuifJing as specially. Iiery description of work In the above lines performed in u first-clas- s manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CJT Oiders from tho other island? solicited. ill bo ple-is- ed to see all our old customers as well is now ones. Mutual Telephone No &75. apr-lO-f- W.W. Wright & Son 70 & 81 Hnll Tnl ' King St, fflSLo. 381. (Tho Rose Premises ) All ordors for wheel vehicles of every filled with prompt nets. Firstclins mcchanicb employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TKA3I CAKM, OSIMUUSHI'.H, Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts, Made to order, altered or rcpnired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, ETC., rrc, CTC, K1C. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under the management of R, Cay. ford, who will collect and receipts all bills due Unit brunch of our hiibincis. (Signed): ocUfl Hiu W. W. WRIGHT ft SON. VOLCANO STABLES Walaniiemte Sticet. Carriages at 1 Miuute's Notice, Also, Saddlo Hones, Carriages, Buggies, Brakos or Carts, DAY arXUillT. WILSON BROTHERS, Pioprictoia, Illlo, Hawaii. tf Orders leceived by Telephone -- Yfi mh VlOTBRTAItY. All. ROWAT, Vetcriuary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawalluu Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud Rirhnid ttretls. Scientific treatment in all dis- - cuc-- of domestic niiitunls Orders for 1 plunUHitm ami ram h trok promptly Prussian National Insurance Comtfv KSTAlil.ISItr.U . Capital 9,000,000 Rcichimarlct THU ttndcrsicncd, apent of tho above for the linwalitin Island-!- , favorable term:. Lasses Promptly Adjusted and Paynbia in Honolulu. 1ly8T.ly C. BOLTI2. Union, 3?ir & Dlarlno Insurance Co., L'd, Ot Kim- - Zciilnml. Capital - - $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwcllino, Stores, Sloichouscs and ContentH. Also, Suitar rtud Rice Mills, Machlnory, Etc., htc. Mnrino InNurunoo On Ilnlh, Cargoes aud Freights. Loan paid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. jin.n-9-0 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insurance Agents ! AGENTS FOK: Kes England Ktitnal Lite Ins. Co., OF BOSTON. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION Insurance Company, FIro A. 3Iariue. OF BAN FKA!CIPCO, CALIFOUNIA. Jan U SO NEW YORK JLi I ife Insurance COMPANY. Assets, ; : $100,003,600,96 "Facts aro Stubborn Things." At every ngo, on every premium table, and in every year, tho AC- TUAL KESULTS of Tontino Polioico of tlio 2Jew York Lifo InBtir.anco Co. liavc boon LARGER than those OP ANY OTHER COMPANY iaauing tiiniilar policies. T" For purtictilara apply to c o. Bunss, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian IslaniLi. 2S:i tf FIRE, LIFE, A MABINE INSURANCE. Hartford J?iro Iiuurnnco Co. Assets, $5,i!88,000 Commercial' Inrnranco Co. (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Klro and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Horsey Marine Ins. Co (Limited) Assets, $8,124,067 Now York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $105,053,800 08 J J s C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Oeneral Agent, Uaw'n Islands 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, ., ' 13IlOUTi:itM, Hardware, Shipping v - Commission Morchanta, itja UEALKJta IN , , M General Merchandise I 'fM Plantation Ar.ent USi, Firo & Marino 'im Icsuronco Agents ';$m Jan 3) HONOLULU, 11. 1. I860 "' iE 4 t
Page 1: In - University of Hawaii · PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner store. Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'ly reputr-s-l nt reason ible rnU's, Sewing





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' is'


Is printed mil published at thu oJUcu,

tjuucn SHteot, Honolulu, H. I., every

uftcrnoou (Sundays oxocptod).

'Subscription, SO cants net Month

Address nil Communications Dail--Uui.LBriN.

Advertlneraonts, to ensure insertion,should bo lutt'led In boforc ooo o'clockV. M.

'AALTEO WIL. ...... Editor ami Proprietor

tt.tllettn Steam Printing Office.

"tlewspiper, Hook 'n:d Job Printing of

fit kludb done- - on the rnott faorabloiutiuf.H.'!l iVsluphmie No. 250

Mutual Tolup'mue ....Ho. 2MI


Wjukiy Summary,

An Inlurcntiag and comprehensivepublication, euuliini 3.3 lolunina oflending matter on local topic, and n

complete lesumo of Honolulu und JjI indNews, li is tlio bcM. piper uubHsbcdii. the Kingdom o send to filcnihabroad.

feUil'l llllilll!!Jsluud . s : H M year

t i.ieljiu : : : 0 (10 "

Gum mission hioxouants.

( OUN T. VATJUtHOOtSn,Si' Lmpoiur and Dealer In GeooralMeichandiae, ijneun at., rlouululu. 3

WIL.DEU & OO ,Dtiuleis in Lumber, J'.ilnts,

Olb, Natlb, Sal', and Uuildmy, Mavurhtlof ovury kiud, coi. i'oit itud'ucuu iu.,iluuolulu. 1

Clics f tr!cncji. Wra. U. Irwlu.7" Q. IltWIiJ & OOMPANT,

V Sugu Factorij uud CviiniissioijA2nts, Honolulu. 1

B. N. Castle --J H. iUUtntou-- G. P. Cabtlfas Uooise,C""A3TLiIlJ Shipplui; aud Uomminlou

Murchants. luipurtcrs dud Ueiuers mUcnertU .Msroba idiao, o. HO Kintj at.,Hououuu. 1

. Lewera, T. J. Lowrey 0. 1L Cooka.& OOOliK,

lsucui:s3o to JjUWLTd & Dickson,)Importers und Dcaiern m Lumber and allstuds ot BmlUiug ilatonala, i'ort stroot,Iioiuilulii 1

sT-rF'-i HONOLULU IRON WOUKB,gsgSJsasicam vugiuM, augur millu, UoUtirs, wuuiuru ; iron, brass und lcatl cant-tngs- j

muutiiuury of every deaenpttoujuudc to order. I'urticular attention puiilto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

ilVJli,Jti:ijO Co.,

Gonural Commission Agents.




.Queen fttool, . Honolulu. II. I.1613

UOaALiVL35i & CO.,

V7huli)Hlo Groccn & 7ino Mcrchauto

Beaver lilock, Honolulu.

OBRaWBK H COMPANY,, (Umitul)Uknuhal Meiic.uitili; and

Commission Aokntr.

ubt oy OPFll'BUB:

V. 0. Jostta, Jr. . . .Trei'lilont & Mnnagort. U. Caiitkh. . . ..Treasurer 03 Secretary

iHU:cioiia;Hon. U. R. Ilisuor. B. C, Allkh,

II. WATMinoUfii!.. bdS ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 FortSL, Upstairs.

Tlio underaignvd boja to Inform thepublic of these Islands thut be U inuluug

Wliirtsi by Moaaroiuonc I

Directions for6elf.mcusurement willbe given ou application.

WblteSUtts, Oyorshlrts & Klgbt Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a unuiplatihlrt to evory order,

Uland order solicited Boll Tolophono 410



p. r.otv

V 81 Klni? Street, onnoslto the Old litatlouHouso.

Mutual Tulophono ISTo. t.87 tf


JI& MONSARBAT,at I,aw & Notary Public

lit) Mnrclmnt Street, Honolulu. tf

J. AbFIlKD MAaooJJ,Alloineyut Law iV Not.irj ntbllc

17il t2 Moicliant btreot, Honolulu, ly

J. K. BROWN,Old Capitol ltultdiiiB.

Agent to take Acknovledgmaat to Con-trac- ts

lor Labor

In tlio District of Honolulu, Island ofO.ihu. Ib9 lin

David DavtonWill practice in tlio lower courts of theKlnpilom as attomry, ntti'iid to collecttug in nil Hr brunches, renting of housesind any other businPi entrusted toblm

Onico 111 King Street Upstairsrebri.8Ji

Wf 1BOa. ijmi!ii( moo. jiy


A.iu A.jcr:itY.P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Paltry Cook and Raker.7inotolSt. --1B3t- Telephone 74.

California : LandsFOR SA3LIC :

IS?" Apply to

183 tf 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

WEfflER & GO.JInuuruetiirI:i;r iotvcltorn,

ro. us foict tsi'xiijzjsrv.Constantly on hand i largo nssortmun

of every (ttscrlptii not Jewelry, WatchesQold and Silver Plated AVure, &c.

953 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Hannfactuilng Jeweler & Watolimaker

Kukul Jowolry a Specialty.

liitg Straet, Mouolnln, H. I.Next door to the Hawailnn Tram,

way Company's Oilko.

tSf Particular attention paid to allMuds of repairs. Jiin.10 tfi)


DKAYMBN.LI, orders for Cartage prompUy at.

a. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Ihlands.

. Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to 6iiit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to Jas. Y. Morgan'sauction room.

0t2 ly Mntnal TV lephono No. 19.

J. lopp&Oo.i

II &IU& HI, --yfpj, U King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovtd with L'aro.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


Baldwin Locomotives

The tindrrilynrd having been unpointedsole agents tor the Hawaiian


.For tho Colebmteu

Baldwin - Locomotives

Prom tlio vorki of

Bnmliain, Parry, Williams a Co.,

PlillatU'lpliiu. ivnn..Arc now prepircd to givr ustiin'ates rn I

receive niilua for thete tni;lue, of an)si.o and st Ic.

Tlio llAi.mWK LvcoMOtivh Voui.s:irono v manulncuiiiuir a hiyle of Llciuho.tlve p'irticulaily tdaptod

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have ricci.tly bumreceive tat Ihcie Kl.ouU, and c willhave pie uuro u furuWhlng plnnlntiouacut"' und inan.tgera with p'ir.iculius.ot fame.

The hupetionty of liuso Lecomolive'-ove-all ol ber m Uc ii i nl oniv known

here b'lt is autdiowkilgcJ throughoutthe United States.

win. a. Irwin & Co.,Sole Aleuts for Hnvt'iilnn Islands.

1(12(1124 w.ly

Pacific Hardware Co., I'd,

D.F, lil'lajhnm, TrKldeati J, 0. Spencer,Xanngcrj P. L. Winter, Trtainror.


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps,

Hall Lamps cs Chandolicrs,Just Received from the Factory.

A Row Line of Refrigerators,

A Full Line of the Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerator's aud Ice Cbsets,

SUstCs'g Saws d I'llcsi How Lines of Loch,Shell-Hardwar- e, Etc.,

l'lanct, Jr., Cultivators.Pictures Frames & Mouldings,

Pacific Htrdwaro Co., L'd.55Ctf Foi t & Merchant sts.

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor ApS & Builder.

Estimates Given on Brick, Iron. Stono &

Wooden Buildings. JobbingAttended To.


Brick, Lime, Cemsnt, Plaster of Paris,

Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California Hortb Baach & Santa Crnz

HAND,Quarry Tiles CxC red, white and blue;.Minion, Plastic and Encaustic Miles luraiious patterns, all kinds of DrainageWare.

CQr-Offi- ce Southeast corner Ala-Le- a

and Queen Rticets.Mutual --YBaTELEPHONESjCQy Bell 351

mh y



Cur. (uecn A Xuuauu Htn.

Pif Goods of all descriptions sold oncommLslon.

Mutual Telephone 6B1. fob 0


Bookbiador, Papor-ralo- r & Blaak-boo- k


No, Merchant street. Up stairs.


Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck,"Coiner store.

Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'lyreputr-s- l nt reason ible rnU's, SewingMachines aud repairing of all kinds aBpecinlty. All kinds or Safes & bcalesrepilicd, Household Sewing Mitchine--for sale. dec-1- 8U

O LTJSO IXAWAIIANO.A LL persons who want to rowmuni

iit. cato with tho l'ottutfncso, citherfor business, or for procuring v. orkmrn,sorvnuts or any other helps, will Und itihomost protltnble way to ndvtrtlbointho Auto Aiiwaiiano, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is publlsliod on Hotel elreoU, and only chargyaroiuonablo ratoo for advcrtlceiuojitu

frurniA Good Assortment !

AT- -

N. S. Sachs, 104 Fort St.,

'Men's Underwear of 'EveryMen's G.iugo Undershirt, only 25 clu,Men's (Jossniiicr Muiino Shirts, fitir (uulity. nnly fi'J ets,Men's Bulbriggim Umlcrihirl A Drnwoid, 7.i eN ntiil vtpw.trde,Men'ri Canton Fliiiuiul Shirts it; Druvers, only 50 et-"- ,

Men's Silk, Cotton and Merino Socks,Men's Unbleached Cotton Pooki, good quality, 2.25 per diu,Men's Unlileachcil Rriti-d- i Socks, e.vti.i qtmlily, 75 pur dtv.,Men's Unbleached or Colored Socks, (.ilk chicked, 50 pur do,

Gent's Gent'sI.itcft Stlo Senrfo, Foui-in-lla- nd Sz Windsuis,Silk Scarfs nl 25 cts, 50 ct and upwaids,


Silk Ilnndkcicliicfs, colored border licmnicilutitch, only 50 cts,


UnlauncJried Shirts, Unlaundried Shirts,U ick it Front, only 75 cts each,

Men's White Shuts, $1 uiul $1.25 cadi,

Gentlemen's Wool Silk Outing Shirts,Men's Straw Hats, latest styles. Trunks & Valises of nil kinds.


WAIiMln"IV Pedigrees of


The following flue Ariiin.ih .illstand for series ut tho l.inch, ahlao:

trcll-lire- d Stallion"MARIN."

Norm. m Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

Thoroughbred Stalllop

"MIDNIGHT."Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."A Well-bre- d


103-1- tf


singPrices Very Low I











Groceries, Provisions and Feed,HAST CORHKU PORT AND KINO STREETS.


New Good'--. eielveJ by every Packet from the Kastcm Stnti and Jjiirope,tTit3h Califoiuiu Produce by i cry Steamer. All orders faithfully ulteudcdto.and Goods del ivend in any part oi the city frro of charge. Idnmi orders eoli.cited. SiiliBfr.ction KuarantJtd. Pout Oiflco P.ox Mi. Te'onlione No. C'J fnov4-8- 5

P5gurwvxrjLjMi'giSJK'BwiiggvvJXJ!!.':'..?ny'iia.iVi'VT.iwiiJug n. vji'.uggt??


AASt Morsec Kepto


roi: SALE'

Stallions of various biceds.Mares with or without, foal."IIores for any put pose.


A Skilful Breaker and Trainer Is cin-p'oj- cd

on the lunch.t&T Satisfaction Is guniautocd in

hrciKitiK nud tiaiulng iioiea.

9SEN! lM RC.

55s-- 3'. O Box2S7.

Oregon Rurliank Pou.tooi, tc, Ktc, Etc.

loslace, King








Kits AlaBku Sen Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kils Sulnion Rcllics, Kits Tonguosund Sounds, Cabes Yietinu Satisngu, J Intn Satibiigo, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb.tins, Hams, Rucon, Codlich, Tins Soused Mackerel, Roiled Miu-keio- l in To-mato Sauce, Top O'Cun JJiaml IJutlcr, Honed 01iicl:cn and Tttikoy, Twin

Rrothera' Yeast Unkch,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ceralino rinkcs, Gcnne.i, Urcnkfiut Gem, Whito Chits, llighltiml RolleM Oats,Dried Apricots, Diied Pi tines, Tnblii Fiuits. Date;, Figs, Ridge'sFood, Gelatine, Suuliiien, Wheat, O.itc, Itinn, Pofatoea, Onions, nud a

General of Groceries nl Popttl.11 prices.

gFIcai your orders, or ring tip No. 119.

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


tsr on ioiq --G?g

Ry efieh sttiuner uf the O. b. S, Co. from Callfutniu

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala, Frails,ITIhIi, Oaino, Vccofnbk'M, JQio., l'lta.

A complete Hue of Crosse & BlaoM's fi J. T, Uorlon's Canned & Bottled Goods

Alvtujb on hand. Also, just received a frenh lino ofxcrumii I'uti'M & roitotl Meiitu &. iSottlctl VvtmawmX Vniils

j.ctUs A Co.N Maltceo lirund Sugar Cured Hams N; Rucon,Nisw Bicikfast Cereals, Orcnm Oat Plakin it Orcain Wltcut FlaUcs,

Sicily Lca'.ons i: Gala. Hivcrido Oranges.


Tho Host Lunoh in Town,

Tea aud Ooffco at 111 Hours

Thu Finest Ihmid of

al .LT- "


JTJJ-- i

&r3&!f . : igggMctropolitan gMeat Company


G. J. WALLER. - - Manager

Vho'.esnlo &. Hotiiil EutchonKXV


1 T W P i ft S


Tlcplnrn o. JJ5. EU


Cnntruutoni 4S; XSuIldors.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; es.timates given. Jobbing piomptlv at-

tended to. 70 King titct. Bull Tele-phone No. L. P. O. Bos, 423. np y

n.EOROB LUCAS, .Contractor --rffi"and Builder,gSi

Houolnlu Ste-it- Pinning Mills, Jbsplanadc, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Biackets, Window Frames, lUimi.s,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-woi- k

ilmsli. Turning, Sciolland Bandfa'av. ing. All kinds o'f Siwing und Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Ureters iroin the otlicx ls


WEIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,

T?i1f-tfr, srni-- &..m SJfAVyy

Carriage Builders,Ship's BlacKsmilliing, Prays, Carts !

W&ijon DuifJing as specially.

Iiery description of work In theabove lines performed in u first-clas- s

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.CJT Oiders from tho other island?

solicited. ill bo ple-is-ed to see allour old customers as well is now ones.Mutual Telephone No &75.


W.W. Wright & Son70 & 81 Hnll Tnl '

King St, fflSLo. 381.

(Tho Rose Premises )

All ordors for wheel vehicles of everyfilled with prompt nets.

Firstclins mcchanicb employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TKA3I CAKM, OSIMUUSHI'.H,Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or rcpnired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., rrc, CTC, K1C.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of R, Cay.ford, who will collect and receipts allbills due Unit brunch of our hiibincis.

(Signed):ocUfl Hiu W. W. WRIGHT ft SON.

VOLCANO STABLESWalaniiemte Sticet.

Carriages at 1 Miuute's Notice,

Also, Saddlo Hones,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakos or Carts,


Pioprictoia, Illlo, Hawaii.tf Orders leceived by Telephone --Yfi



All. ROWAT, Vetcriuary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawalluu

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud Rirhnidttretls. Scientific treatment in all dis- -cuc-- of domestic niiitunls Orders for

1 plunUHitm ami ram h trok promptly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comtfv

KSTAlil.ISItr.U .

Capital 9,000,000 Rcichimarlct

THU ttndcrsicncd, apent of tho abovefor the linwalitin Island-!- ,

favorable term:.Lasses Promptly Adjusted and Paynbia

in Honolulu.

1ly8T.ly C. BOLTI2.

Union, 3?ir & Dlarlno

Insurance Co., L'd,Ot Kim- - Zciilnml.

Capital - - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwcllino, Stores,Sloichouscs and ContentH. Also, Suitarrtud Rice Mills, Machlnory, Etc., htc.

Mnrino InNurunooOn Ilnlh, Cargoes aud Freights. Loanpaid here.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.



Life, Fire & Marino

Insurance Agents !


Kes England Ktitnal Lite Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,FIro A. 3Iariue.



JLiI ife Insurance


Assets, ; : $100,003,600,96

"Facts aro Stubborn Things."

At every ngo, on every premiumtable, and in every year, tho AC-

TUAL KESULTS of Tontino Polioicoof tlio 2Jew York Lifo InBtir.anco Co.liavc boon LARGER than those OPANY OTHER COMPANY iaauingtiiniilar policies.

T" For purtictilara apply to

c o. Bunss,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian IslaniLi.

2S:i tf


MABINEINSURANCE.Hartford J?iro Iiuurnnco Co.

Assets, $5,i!88,000Commercial' Inrnranco Co.

(Firo and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Klro and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Thames & Horsey Marine Ins. Co

(Limited)Assets, $8,124,067

Now York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $105,053,800 08





Oeneral Agent, Uaw'n Islands

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE, .,'13IlOUTi:itM,

Hardware, Shipping v -

Commission Morchanta, itjaUEALKJta IN , , M

General Merchandise I 'fMPlantation Ar.ent

USi, Firo & Marino 'imIcsuronco Agents ';$mJan 3) HONOLULU, 11. 1. I860 "' iE

4 t

Page 2: In - University of Hawaii · PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner store. Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'ly reputr-s-l nt reason ible rnU's, Sewing








ifptl of

OPFICK OK TltF. llOAHl) OF llr.AI.TU,)IIonomh.v, July 17, lis'JD. J

Sealed tenders wilt bo icecived ntthia office until 12 o'clock noon, onWEDNESDAY, July 2.J, 1800, foi

.supplying tbo Poind of Health withtho following article fiom the 1stday of August, lb90. to the 1- -t dnyof Jnnuaiy, 1891, vi..

Puildlng material:

Rough Nor.' West lumber, up to35,000 feet.

Tongucd and giooved, X.W., up to!5,000 feet.

Kedwood shingles, up to 100 M." surface, up to !W00 feot." battens ix'X, up to 100

feot." fence posts, up to 200

Doou, 2t0 and fl0 1 each.3.islies, l(K12 and 10M each.Nails, up to 30 kegs.Doilcd Oil, up to 150 gaKTin pontine, up to 51) gali.White Lend, up to 3000 lbs.

Provisions und supplies:

Rice, up to 4.00 sks.Cal. Med. Hiead, up to 100 eases.Best quality (lour, j- sks., up to 100

sk.Sugar No. 1, up to 4) bags.Rest lti d Salmon, up to 10 bids.Son), 'J lb. bait), up to 0800 baic--Matches, Card, up to 102 gio1-- .

Salt, Coarse, up to 150 bags.Kerosene Oil, up to 700 gals.Bids may be made for all or

any pai t of the above artieles, to bedelivered, as ordered by the Agentsof the Board, f. o. b. island stcamcre.

The Board does not bind itsulf toaccept the lowest or any bid.

By order of the Bo.ud,GEO. C. POTTER,

OPS 3t Sccietary.

rem is

jgjaitg funefttiPledged to neither Sect nor Party,Bui established for the benefit of all.


A JUST CLAIM.Monetary claims are sometime.

presented to tho House, which, oninvestigation, are fouuil to bo un-

just and unreasonable. A claim formoney due or work done, and fordamages icsulting from breach ofcontract, is now pending, which weare satisfied investigation will

thow is not unjust.We refer to the case of John Bow

This gentleman, as n contrac-tor and in good faith, engaged ev-ei- al

j ears ago to do certain woik inconnection with the palace, and didthe work according to stipulation.To this day he has not icccivcd onei ent of the stipulated compensation.About the same time he agreed withthe Government of the day to returnto their homes a number of .South.Sea Islanders and pin chased a vessel, the Kalakaua, tor the purpose.A succeeding Government upset thearrangement, by which gioat finan-cial injury was done to Mr. Howler.Ho now asks foi tho money due,and long oveidue, fcr the palacework and lor damages in the Kahi-kau- a

case. The last Legislature de-

clined to do him justice, and he appeals to the present Legislature."All Mr. Howler wants is justice, andwe trust and believe the House is ina proper frame of mind to grant it.

thUahu railway.TVmmlfi- - nt tlin Line, to tho Cow-pu- n

at Kugluocrx.

At a meeting of the stockholdersof the Oahu Railway and LandCompany Thuisday, a report of.Messrs. Allnrdt and Sproull, civilengineers, on the line was acceptedmid the road was formally takenover fiom the contractor, Mr. Dil-lingham.

'iho company created the olllcc ofGeneral Manager and appointed Mr.Dillingham to tho position. Mr.AV. G. Ashley was appointed Super-intendent, he having lilted tho 9amoofllce under the contractor.

Following is the report of the en-gineers:

Honolulu, July 15, 1890.Me3srs. tho Stockholders of tho

Oalm Railway & Land Compony,Gentlemen; Pursuant to our in-

structions dated July 10th, wo havemade a careful inspection of thecondition and equipment of thoPeail Kiver Division of the OuhuRailway, and now beg to lepoit theresult of our examination:

Costkact The contract datedApril 10, I88D, botween tho OahuRailway and Land Company andMr. B. F, Dillingham, calls for ingeneral terms tho completion andequipment of a single line of rail.

ttP.i'Jaiws wvun ti itifM'icM3"y?vlwvrt,aicgtg?i.iTreMgwoy (lftcon (15) ndci long, betweenlumoiuiu aim a poiui in me uisinci

Kwn.TitACK Of tho fifteen (15) milesti ack vc find tho first thiitecn

and one-ha- lf (13') miles to bo infirst-clas- s condition, the level nmtalignment being excellent. The lastone and onc-hn- lf (1 J) miles nrc notyet fully spiked ami require somesurfacing up, which was in progressduriiic our inspection.

Rails The rails for a distance of12.0 miles from Honolulu are,as thelontiact mpi'ue.s, nl steel, 5H)lbs. tothe yard; the balance of the Hue,2.1 inilcis, U laid with lion rails oloTilb. weight from the Sonoma Val-

ley K. 11., California. These Killsare In good condition and hut littleworn.

Tu On O.J miles of the line,ohia ties have been laid as specified,5 inches by 8 inches by C feet. Thebalance of the line has been laidwith redwood lies, l inches by H

inches by 0 feet. This is owing,we arc infouued, to the fact that itwas found impossible to obtain ohiaties as quickly as required, to keeppace with construction.

IUi.lasi Although not called forby the teunsof the contract we findthat the contractor 1ms ballastedwith stone and friable rock 12 milesof the railway. This, while addinglargely to the cost of construction,will lend to lengthen the lifo of therails and sleepers, and make thefuture cost of keeping the line inorder much less than if earth ballastalone had been used.

Sidings Sidings at the terminaland other stations, of 5500 feet ag-

gregate length, have been built;these appear to be sulllcient for pre-

sent requirements.Bkiihsks and Dhains The rail-

way has been thoroughly providedwith bridges and drains ot sulllcientwaterway to meet the reasonable ie- -

quircments of efficient diaiuagc. Allof the structnies arc built in themost substantial manner and of am-

ple strength to cany the heaviestrolling stock that the future trafficof the road may call for.

There are in tho 15 miles, 1511lineal feet of bridging, thirty-si- x

(30) box culverts, and eleven (11)cattle guards.

Fencing Tho fencing is accord-ing to contract, being erected wher-ever necessary, and to specified di-

mensions.Station Buildings The station

buildings at Honolulu and Mananamuch exceed what might legitimate-ly be tuken as a fulfilment of thecontract. They are handsome build-ings, well designed to suit theirintended purpose. At six () in-

termediate stations, suitable build-ings have been completed ; these wefind moie than lullll contract

Tukntablks Two (2) first-cla- s

turn-table- s have been provided, oneat Honolulu and one at Manana.

Enginl and Caii Sums At Ho-nolulu is an engine louud house,paved with asphalt, to hold five (5)locomotives, and a car shed 10 feetby 180 feet, sulllcient to hold 12passenger cais. These buildingsare well and strongly constructed,and largely exceed what might havebeen taken as a fulfilment of thecontract.

Rolling Stock We find the fol-

lowing rolling slock on the lino:One (1) Baldwin locomotive "Le-ah- i"

weight 11 tons ; one (1)Baldwin locomotive "Kaala"weight M tons; four (1) iirst-elas- a

passenger cars; four (1) second-clas- s

passenger cais; six (0) third-cla- ss

passenger cars ; eight (S) fiatireight cars, and one (1) boxfi eight car, all of which arc ot lirst-cla'.- s

design and woikmanship, andfully up to -- pocilications.

Tiu.ui'iiom s An elllcient tele-phone sysu'in has been cnnsti notedas iar a- Manana station, leavingabout three miles extra distance tobe completed under the contract,which we have been informed willbe erected by the telephone companyin a few days.

Gr.NhiiAL RiruAKhS We considerthat, taking the railway as a whole,the contractor has pei formed hiswork in a thoroughly good manner,and that he has interpreted theterms of the contract most liberallyin the company's favor, as regardsthe quantity nnd qmdiry of woik tobe done.

In conclusion vvc feel it our duty1o give duo credit to Mr. Clins, II.Kluegel, the engineer in charge, un-

der whose immediate supervision allthe details of location and construc-tion weio carried out, for the excel-lent railway he has uuceetded mobtaining. The location of the lineis excellent, notwithstanding thodifficulties In striving to satisfy the,in many cases, umcasouablu dcmnnds of landowners along the line,in tho matter of right of way.

Tho services of Mr. Geo. A. How-

ard, tho architect, also deservemention for the neat and appiopri-at- e

designs ho has furnished for thevarious depots and buildings con-structed along the line of the road.

Respect! ully submitted,G. I Aixaiidt, C. K.,A. JMacdovvai. Si'itoui.i,, C. 15.

OR FAMCnk7's "l'lesT'imd FancyPusiiy In pent v.uluty, fiesli to-

day at Hie i:ilto loo Cieiuii Parlinn.(iO'J H

QPLENDID Ih tho Jen Cieani Soi'aKJ at the i:iite leo t'riuni Pailoj.

MS Ivv

TRY tJio Hobs Taffy at tho Elite, loojl. uieum rauors. C07 !)t

IFyouvvantiuluoii'Mrs ko to O. J.C35 2v


AUCllOIl Sales Ifl L'JWiS J, LfiYCy.

U Auction Gale of

Fmiliiii HiMim, lite.

On Tuesday, .iuiy aaiui,AT t IKC'lillCti A. 11..

1 will ell nt Public Auction by older ofof Sam Sang A. Co., oouier'uf Itetheland King street, thewho'oof tliclr slockeoti-Utl- of

lluieiui. Wardiobo. Itook-diclves- , Mut-lln- g,

Sewing Machines, Mattrasse.Table .v Club's, Rockets, Locks, Ctitn-plmr- Ti

links, l)oi)i'', Calabashes, HandCm t. Sashes, Cat poller's Toed', rue-woo- d.

Etc., Etc.


lTi)9 2t Auctioneer.

HoubbIioM FrailiireAr AUCTION.

1 am instructed bv Mn. S. KHltUCHto sell at Public Auction,

On THURSDAY, July 21,,VT lO O'lJIiOt'It A. 31..

At his King neet (oppositethe lc'ldcnee of Mr. Alex. Young), Hiew hole of hi- -

household-:- - FurnitureCotisMlli;; of

1 Elegant Rosewood Parlor Set,

Upholsli'iidlii Jt.iw Silk;Center Itugn, llandomo tillt IMoek,MuMo Stiinil, Muihlctop Center Table,IMe.int Ihigiavlngs ib Vlctuu'.lliiidonu is. V. Maiblerop I'.edroom

fcer, t'.itnteu ilcilioom Set,

Ash Bedroom Bet,31attr.ssse, Mos-iiilt- Cm tains, Jt. V.

Extension l)lnhi: Table it Ohaiis,Chcfionier, a Waulrobe-- , Hair Cloth

Pallor bet, Cli uulelleis & Lauipb,

Matting A Oil Cloth, Me.US.de it Itefi1I.U .V: UmbU'H.1 bland, Medal-

lion Stove & Kitclun I'leiisi s, (Jiockeiv& Glassw.uc, Billi 'J'ub, Gaidtn Tooli& Hose, Etc., Ltc. Alto,

2 French Plate Rfiirrors,And 3. 11 rn ice.

tST" The lioue will be nponforon Wednesday, .lnlv 2Jitl, fiom

10 a. m. to 4 l. m. Tliu Am tlniiopi du-plies to call attention to the excellenceot the aboc Fiu nilmv, having been inuse a ?hoit time jnd nluiot inwv.

LI3WIH J. Li'A'F.Y,007 fit At.elinneer.

S r? Ti !" P ? Qi


Groceries, Crockery, Saddlery,


On Goo!, Boots & Baees,


lite., Kit., lite. F.ie.

To airlvc perbjik "Adonis"' fiom Bie-nic- n,

jier luik "lM'iibfig" fiom LUei-juio- l.

ier h.nk 'ransi" from Ni'w Yoikand oilier aie olleied

oit svr.i: m


f'ew Zealand

Fresh Butte "i?




M the riiiest Table Uiillir said in theCity of Honululii,

io in: imii or

Henry Davis 85 Co,ii70 If

lost"ALVDinf.' Ivoiy I'lu. Kinder will

to till-- , otlloo. COI Iw"


''piIltKL' riffet-cla- ss Hands fordiess-J- L

inakiiiy. Apply at once atof

003 if MltSjU IXl.HTO hWV

$ua T AIIOH Coitnu on laliliiifF5?fS lj Hlieet, S rooms kitithuli

KiS2sa3 and pantry. Convenieni toc.ii. Apply to

DAVID DAY'l'OX,01 King St.. over .1. Xoti's sloie.

lios iw

rXAJk T J'1'1'0 Pbiblo? at picteutijO -J oiTiipled by llawail.ui&2z2ssA 'J'r.uihfor t'o., pomUUonKiven August ist. Apply to(OS tf , K WALKKU.

NOTIOJ-- J 1(i JlOJCtiEailSNi

rbDCi'li'liratedJtmi- -5l!. I nluc:Mallion".SIii'- -

.. .....,.'V.- -! ,.1...I.1I ..III'ii Miliuuiill- Will M.llltliJSQ. tills teasou at Iho" -- ? WoodlavMi Duliv:

teinis 830. lror fuitlier paitlcular.iapply at tlio Dairy. 585 3m

Anctlon Sales by James l Morgan.

Eo! steinAT AUCXJON.


At the 1 ear of ofllce of .T. I. Dowttt,Sr., Queen nil eel, I will sill nt

Public Auction,

1 ft&olftfoiii JJuUj'liniiN evtit.

jas. i aroitCLx,ilOIOt AtH'tinui'Ci.


HORSEuilLES1 have leeched institution to cell at

Public Auction.


Aticai'of tho ofllce of ,1. I. Dow sett,Qiieeu stieet,

5 Hawaiian Brail nn.es,6 Hawaiian Bred MARES,


n o o X--i ri? ?$ i

ffijf The Miller mo fired by the Ta-ino- us

Kentucky Jack "lllutelicr.fP" Aniontj the Colts aio some fiom

'Klti WHliiims' and other jjood shes,unt of sumo linn Biood Mates.

Tj'.sniH t'Asn.,1AS. F.M ORGAN,

ens Jt Auctionrei.

Executor & Trtisteo'a f.alo o


Leases, Cattle,j

to,JUtc:. Jito . 13t.

J!y dliection or CKCIL UKOAV'X.Tiiistcc of tliu t Will and

Ti'stameiit of t'billp Milton dcee.i-ed- .

1 am dheclid to 'ell .it Public Auction,

On SATURDAY, August 2nd,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31..

At tbe laini House In 1'alolo Valley,Honolulu. O.diu, all tbe following

dc'i'illied I'inpeiiy. suitabletor Ji.iiii.li )iu't oes:

l"t All ih it land containln;; an aieaof l.lOJj aeies and Mtinic In Kipabuluand Waiidac-ik- i. DMikt of ICoua, O.iliu.and belli;? the same pictnhes lonvejcdto the Mud I'hilip Milton bv tlie't'ius-le- e

of tliu IMato of Vt . O. l'unalllo.2nd All that kind cont ilmuj; an aiea

of nine nciea situate in Palolo Vidlo.v,and lii'ln the same pioniNo cnuvcyLMlto the sild Philip Mbton liy Ur-o'l- da

blieinian. This piopuly ba- - a n ifeujion it, which stipplks tbe

lower land- - with vv.itei for i.ee cul iva-ilo- ii,

the 0f-- vol i U ISO f.itlmm-- . (ju ireand lias a depth of 11 feet, and cost Inthe neighborhood of $10,000.

Hid All that kind iuniaii.in;: an aieaof lfO aeies and Mtu itc at Kip.ilmlu.O.ibu. 'liie two killer ti act-- . In Mpu-hiil- ii

and Wai.d.ie-iK- i me fenced wllbood -- tone wall? and who f neinc

them fiom pmpcily now inof I). 1'. fccnbcij; nnd list a foi

lauchiiig pinposes.Also ai tho "ame time and pi ice tbe


LEASEHOLDS:Lease fiom the Hawaii in Onviiu-inen- t.

of 11 1 aeies of laud-- , known ask'tmilil ,.inli i.t.ilnl C'l.n .ti.l.i....luiiul, ltji)j. A poiiion'of'thislaud(.5 ni'ie; sulilut to a Clilnaman loi lice,tor (i0 a je.ir.

fiom Commissioner of ClownLund-- , of 1 mils known as Vaioiu 10 andPukcle. aiea tltii ai'ie-- , veaiiv lental85B3. lea-- o epbe, .l.iu. 1, loot.

Lease fiom D. V I'an.ilii, r.f 111

aeies of land of Keklo, joaily len'.ald:!00. A portion of this lauil uiidcicultivation of rice, bj Chineso who e

payed ij 1000 a j ear, thelog most ol tho watei, Ii.i-- D tx.iiies

in.luly.ltiUI.Lenso fiom If. It. II. Lilliiokakinl

of laud known as Kuauwcloa. '214 aeies,jeaily lental f?yo, Ie.ie eplies in May,IfeOL'.

Lease fiom P. V. Paualil, of liiuil ofKeklo. about fiOO aeies, yearly icnl.ilfc'-- lease exjibes Oct., l.S'll

Leace from Hawaiian Government, ofland of Wimhilii, lbUacics, vouilv lent-al $U0', lease expbes In Auj;., lsil'1

Lease fiom Tuistees of Uishop IMateof Wimlill.i, :,0J aeies, jeuly ient.il

i0, le.iso e.spbcs Aujmti, lS'.iiiLeae fiom S. Kawui abd Uek.iul of 2

pieces of kind in Wal.unan and KekloU34 uoion, yearly i entul ?L'l, lea-- e

in diigust, lfiiu.'i'lm IiuiiId of Uiuililla 'ltd oeies aie

now hi iiifjiug a rental under an a;;i ce-ment with PoitiigiieMi of ijiiOU a jenr.

'I'll e io me nhniitS acie-o- f liiio'almo-- tripe widi h will be sold vvilh Iho laudupon which It Ih flowing

'Iho liiioino fiom Uianges Limes,Coffee, Ltc . and l'astiuagu haveanioiiiitcdto about 8100 a jear.

Tliu piopeuy above sel foith lias alabium's house, slaughter bouse amiother liiueb buildings upon them, and abulloul; pens.

Also .it llio same lime and plnco about

400 Head of Cattle,Including about

CO Milch Covvh, Feveu Pair of WinkingOnoii, also o Hoii-es- , tl Mules' nnd aColu, tK Tint, Saddles mid Hi Idles,Yokes, etc , etc.. and othei ulenlls amipropel ty used upon a well appointedKauth,


C?r Tho Propci ty can bo inspected atany time. ruriiuthcrpuitl.Mihiir.Hppiyto

,JAS. F. 3IOIIGAN,Aiit'tioiiecr,

Or, toCrcn.llitovvN,Kouutor&Tiuitco. D00 lm

JtftT IP, I8&0.

B ffiMS'Sfa BfcaifPfi&MHE KJ K V V& M Hi? & HJ? ttf

1 H


am ocJumbles, CofiTee Crackers,

0tT And will bo FREE of CHARGE to any

Coflce, Tua, Chocolate &, Milk,Steaks, Chops, Fihb, Ifatu fc Eggs,



M a RR i is V cl a 3V1 3& Va hbHK Kls.il fftU t!. tiK tu

f$3r OitiBsoTwwl.flaTgMlKMe'WMtOTVaaWPft

TIP H M (3 U CW, tratK isHH t If BSfX

t53. 1

raw 's l T& sa MaHS a H


x, Bj is ?a n q


'J K Is LlA ua j :j Jsvw

its awaaySolo of

e- - Ail

389 lmifwn.a3ar:

GO Hotol Gtrett (Cr cr tlocW,

Would lospcctftdly intoi m their foi mari iiMoint'it. and fiii nds of Honolulu andilie oilier iuds that they have just ed

fiom the Coast and will open astoic and inannfjctcii at above stand on

SATURDAY, July 19 h Inst.,When they will be piepaud to oftcr Iho

veiy latest piodurtiiuia andnoveltks In

Fine and Honis-nia- c

CANDIKSIon-IJon- n, Me-J.'iK'- h, "ISlc

We will alo cmy in slock Iho t!uetlinen of Kiimki'is" ;ouds, meb as

Cigars &A'to, A hl'.W liHJE Or CUttlOS.

ffii".s ve nuiniifae me oni Goods onthe pifinlsct. we cm uu.iiauteu eveiy-thiu- s:

tn lm of a Ihsr-i'k.i- -, natiuii

J.fDWIGSLN .VCltON',I 00" :it JlotdM. CHiewei lilouk).


Tin. following Miit'ldm rv ioinilni;pint of the suir Mil 1'liui will be Mildat public aiiuilou at i.n c.uly date miles

ed of pievtnii-l- y by "piivalu salePaititb deshouf; of puii'lusjngiiny poi-tln- ii

of i lil i Macbiueiy r.m get'piutl-eu- lii and pi ice- - fiom

1 k (igffli,.p.uo Gear Wheel & Pinion;

1 l.'ixMO T'nglue, fcpairs (3i"ir 'lieel itPinion;

AMlUiiIu OlmlficH wbh rittlng", !

eiiiiiplele;1 Juice Heater, 1 1 ft. lung 12 In. dia- -

Illt'U'l t2 f In. W. J. Cleaning Puns, fisl5r.2.751 0x7 Double Kffert, eoinpli'lf vvilli

Pump to M;i'.;';

i PiX9.fi filliflWIV Ddim, tuuiui.it,1 fislO Tubular Holler, eoinnVle:1 .Sugar (Jar f In. W L, 4C. Ij.3,-- ;1 Sugar C'oolur, 8.ri.(l.s20;1 Sugar Cooler, I! (i5 (Ix.'O;'J btiiir Cooler. IxB (iiO;I Tank ,ijf In. W. I .7uvJ0xi:;1 Menu rump, 4 dhebaige;1 PUMP1 IW. U UdtlllU i.UUU lUIdl,

2 UIjI.'o l'liini)", dUclmigo;1 Lathe.-2- 0 chuck 12 ft. long, b.'d;1 Heavy Vice,1 Pali banks l'latfoim 2li2S;Mlll Huildliii.', 10l.r-().21; and Boiler

Shed, allcov. vvilh Con ugated Iron;Tlru lti icU, also a kugo of

2nd Hand Cocks, Valves, Piping,Etc., Etc.

JNO. HINB,Por Star Mill Co,. Koluila, Hawaii.

nso lm

KONG W0 CHAN,& House,

Also, General Merchandise.

Evva Plantation, ; Honolulu, Evva.

Tiavelers by train or Ooverimiontload can scciuo audboard, Chaiges reasonable. C02 lm

haowmujtm o


ha 9a

yii mm yiMiLLISTUXJJS O ,




Pies, Buns,

IVouAi li:00 a. . to

HHiWRHnHS5" IwsBfifl



Fer Si


Restaurant Boarding



18 iri.UEl. 6 .r'aawa


"a S97.autl ordovs should bo to



Stews, Roused Tig's







Ginmr Ale. Hop erciflii, mmti liirii Waiim, Etc.




tlii'imtk-uUnud- :





raiicv oreau,





BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Aa'ents.

REMOVAL!Having rc:noM.d SODA WORKS to moro commodious quarters at.

No. 229 PORT r3S?T.mmX,9(Near the Custom House)

Wo uro now ptepaied to furnish at notice, and of piime nuality, anyof the following High Clas3 Aerated Bevciage3:

CIBOER ALE,Piffl, Steel, Lfiiei, strawberry er Gnu Soda,

Sarsaparilltt, S:trsaparilla & Iron Water, and CrabApple Cider.



hhmmitiKjjjt a llivnl in IVicn Quality!

Ono-tir- d .ho Prioj of EoyalEvery Kousokeoper Should tso It !

$$ A Having of Cent in Cost and Quality tho Vciy Heat.SPECIAL RATES TO JOBBEKS.

fj.")l Cr Eriii8ivo

O Hawaiian Isluiids. At Chnmbris.IntliPinatierotthellankiiintevof HcinvCannon. Itefoic Mr. .lustiic Dole.

Oidei on pulilon of Uankiupt fordlseh ngo fiom Ids debt'.

Upon leading and lillng tho petitionof llt'iiiy Cannon, of Honolulu, Ouhu,alleging Unit moie than six mouthshave elapsed since lie was adjudicateda Uankiupt and pi.ijing for dischargefiom all debts.

It N oideied tli.it WEDNESDAY, the:S0lh din of .lulv, A. D 18!)0. at 10a. m of that day at the Comt Kooin in j

siuoiaui nine, liunoiuiu, ne aim isheieby appointed tho lluie and placeforlieiilng of s.iid petition when and

i where all ciediiois who have moved'beli claims against said Uankiupt m.iy

, 01,penr Mlll, how if Uey, nave, wny me piayer ot salil JlutiKitipt

tnoiiKi not ua gi allien.And It is fm thur oideied that notice

bo given by adveiiisenient in the DailyJiui Ll:i' published In said Honolulu,lor two wculta of tho time and place ofnub he.nlng mid that iho CleikofthefNimioinn f 'niii t ii tut I 'tinlliisia rf tli ttninfuulpkieiiofsaldlieailngtoallciedltorb

, of said Ibinlciupt who have piovedtluirdebts. Jlv the Comt.

J IT. HEIST,Deputy Cleik.

Dalcil Ilonnliilii. July 1S00.noisw

0. J, McCarthyHas just received fiesh of


Manila & American

COS Glvo uu a call. 2W

&&.4f-- - IIMIliWI I" litrVti' u.j,iiA- - .jhH.'si!Vr f t W40

PSrf32a Eh


Etc.part of the cily. S


Feet, Etc.

1 p. xi'a


dbUfi,& IRON





the !

S3 Per gjrj




a lot

HENRY DAVIS & CO.,Agents for tho Huwaiiun Islands


UTR. Allen Hutchinson holds a clapsXIX In modelling at his studio. Nuu-an- u

ave.nne, ovety Tuestlav and s.atm-uii- y.1 or pai tlculnis apply Bell

C07 lm

Notice.VfOTICE Is heieby given that Mr. S.

Levy 1ms Ken admitted us ap.utuer In the linn of S. Ehillch & Co.ti. EUltLICH & CO

Honolulu, July 12. 1600. ens rtJSOT1C1S.

A ? P. "Winjt claims acnlnst tliolatpW. It. aoal will pfeaso scud

them addressed to Mrs. caiu of W.Linhmiin, at O. W. Mncfaikmo it i'o.'s.

.lion olulii, July 18, 181)0. f,Q8 iw

nrisjuriNG kotioe.'rpnEMech'inlc3'& Woil.lngmen's P.X P. Union will hold a geneial

meeting at tho K. of 1'. Hull, Kortstieet, on .MOND Y EVENING. July

All inuiiibciH aie requested toattend.

0 7 It PETtORDETt.

MEIiTINU NOTICE.HPIIE legfllar annual and quartcilyX meeting of tho PuclUo Ilaidwaio

Co., L'd., vlll bo held at their oilice onTHURSDAY, July 21, 1SU0, at 10o'clock A. M.

.IAS. G. SPENCER,Secietuiy.

Honoliilii, July 17, 1600, C07 td

ANNUAL MEETING.HpiIE annual meeting of the stock-- X

holdors of tho Walohluu 'o,

will bu buldiittlioolllce of tho Swcretuiy, at Honolulu, onWKDNESDAY, tho 30th hiBt., at 10o'clock A. M. O. P. 1AUKEA,001 2w Sccictaiy W. A. & G. Co.






Page 3: In - University of Hawaii · PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner store. Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'ly reputr-s-l nt reason ible rnU's, Sewing





3 .



, )



... i&iHi



cfinSATURDAY. JULY 19, 1800.



To Talio r.Kcct July 19, th'JO,


A. M. P. M.Leave I'oiolulu ........ 8:15 1:45Arrive llonoiiilull. 10:0" 3:05Luavo Honouliiili 10r.'l5 !l:!lnArrive Honolulu 11:5.". 1:55

ARRIVALS.July 18-S- lmr

Jitinrs Mnkeo from ICnpaafein Allknfrotu KonaStmr Kuul.i fioiu Kauai


rtench flagship Dubouidleu, AdmiralPioinesull, for Tahiti


HtmrJ ruminlns for Koul.iu ntOnmStun-- Wnlinuiia'o lor ulan.ie und Wui- -

nlua at U a inStun Wnlaleale for Kilauca and llana- -

lel at 4. p in "

Stmr a i'a for Kolna dii ect at 4 p in


Tiom Kauai per nmr .Tames Makec,.Inly 1U Mis Nott, W Biulovvitz, andl'Jueck. "


Stmr Kaala 1520 bags sugar fromKauai

Stmr James M.il.ec 2000 bags Migarfiom ICapja

Soln K.ititlic.ioull 1500 biga paddyfiom Uau.ilul

Tern Alii; i DO coids olila fliewoodliotu Ku.ipuiM


I1B51S Acorn, Pollard, from a c'uleU F S li.ules on, Keai-Aihnii- .il UtO

Ur mi. fiom ban I'lauci-e- o

USSNipsle MeCuilfV, itom HiloAm bk Ophir fiom N we.istle, N S WAm bttiu V G Ii win, J B MeCulloch,

fiom Sinrrciieh l'l ighlp Diibouidlen, Admiral

Regnauit ile Fictuoui , tiom Yoko- -ham i

Am bk u D Biyant, J II Jacobseu,fiomFt am

Am bk Foi est Queen, Molle, from SanFi anel-e- o

Haw bk Lady Lam son, F O Sodeigien,fiom an Fiancisco

Am iohi RobeitLewcis, D W PPenh ulow, fiom bun H.mcisco


II B 31 . Nymph fiom Biitish Columbia11 B M Flush p Waiopltu fiom BiltiUh

( o umbiaBr ship Blengfleld sailed fiom Liver-

pool Apr 18, due Aug" "21

Ger ok AdonK fiom BieinenGei bk Fuiist, fiom New Yoik via Bia-z- il

Bk Uncle John, from Newcastle, dueMay 10

Br bk Bilker fiom London, sailed Aprn due Aug 25

Am hU Alden bese. Howard, from SanFiaueisco (Cor Kahulul). due June11

Tern W S Bowne, Bluhm, from SanFiauel'-c- due atMtthuknna july 19

Brbk Geivau fiom Liveipool, mailedMay 10, due bept 15--

Haw & a Uliiudine fiom GlasgowAm bk Aibeir, Winding, fiom San

Franclsto due Aug 4RMS a Zetlaudii, Oterendorp, from

the Colonies en loute to ban Fran-- "els o duo July 25

BUSS .Mailpo-a- , Hay ward, from SanFiancUco en loute to the lolouicsduo August 1

OSS Ausualia, Houdlette, from SanFianeiSLO due July 25

SiilPPlhC hOlES.The bark Lady Lampson finished un-

loading eaigo y, and the O U Biy.ant win uexc week

The steamer Waialealo will take onMonday a load of feuilize's fur Kauuifiom the schooner Kobeit Lowers.

The balk Foiest Queeu has tlulshcduulo dinn cai)!0, and has bein moedto the Kiuau wlniif to take In sugar.

The balk Ophir will leave lor Sanriauelsco about tho end of nest week.

WANTEDGOOD Cook for a ranch on Hawaii.A Apply at this olllee. CUD tf

Bismarck --Donlcmal.LLC Deutsche, WelchcZurEhrrlch-- L

mug des Natloual-Ueukiiia- ls furden Furnten von Uimur.k in Berlluut'liuirugun wuniclien, wenlen ciauchr,ctwiigtt Belti aege fur (Hescn zwvck andas uuteizeithiictc Kousulat ausuz-uhlc- ii

nder ehizuseiideu.SaemmtlIchGabenweidenuntcrBel-fnguiide- r

Belti.ur-ll$tt'- ii mi dusBeillu ubeiuilttelt wei-de- n.

KAisnnLicii Deutsciies Konsulat.Honolulu, 7 J uli. 181H). iiUD 8t


PAAI111AO PiAMATION,IIAll, MurUiO, l8fc8( I

ItlMitnn Iron A l.ocomotlvo WuriiUfaiilii t'ruiicUco.

GLTL,I:ME:-V- e have used tworfyour 30 I lumbered FuUr testes thisseason. Thev aie convenient, easilyhandled and atewoikliigenthely to oirh.uWaetlon. 1 cau reeommoud no

them.Voiy lespeo fully yours,

(Mgncd) A. MOORE,Manager 1'aaulmu Plaututlou

HkivIa, Sept. 28. 18M.Jin. John Dveh, A gout BUdon Iron

Works, H mini u lu.Deak jour

80 Compartment Filler res scs.tMQtqiiniefeet sin fare, samo as tlio ruo Mirpliidus last sexhoa, which I am pletibed totay has given us enllic satibfactiou.

Yours trulv,Geo. R. EWART,

Manager IU'tiu Agrleuliuial i!o.

rpHE BEST PAPER to BnbeulhjX for Is tho "Daily Bulletin." 60

emit per mouth



A oooo cook is wanted,

A liAiiOK cottage on Liliha streetis to let.

A DIUj of mmw menl at tlio OpenIlouso t.

Tun report of the elnlo bull i

foi want of space.

Invoices of liartlwate, grot'cinc,etc., arc to nirivu for Schmidt &


TheTIvoII Gaiety Company willplay "Forbiddnn Fruit" nt the OperaIIoufo on

Mns. Ratuham will deliver nn ad-dress at Kawaiahao church

evening, nt 7:30 o'clock.

Tun band docs not play nt EmmaSquare thia afternoon, having goneto i'enrl City with the school teachers.

Mrt. Lowin .1. Levey will hold u saleon Tuesday next, ut the storu of SamSang Co , coinir of Bethel and Kingstreets.

Tim louehcrs1 convention nuinbei- -

cd till told Mime two hundred por- -

hons, teachera in actual em vice andothers having tho profession in view.

. .

A mass mectiiig will be held atPalace Square this evoniiig at 7:110,

to ss tho pending intho House for a coiiMtilution.il con-vention.

Tun visit of tho nienibcis of thoLegislaluio to the teachers' conven-tion yesleiday morningwus juomptlyreturned by a number of the ladyteachers tho chanibci oflegislation in the afternoon.

.TiiunEwillbo ordination rcrvices

at the Centi.il Union Church Sundtyeveninp, July 20ih. Mi. JiroOkabe,lay preacher among the Japaneao atHilo, will be ordained In the gospeluiiuiatiy, as an eangelist.

Mn. Marques introduced n resolu-tion to add an iirigation bram.h tothe Goernnicnt Sunoy, at thismoining's session of the Legislatuic.The opium committee's wastaken from the table and referred tothe judiciary committee. Severalbills weio noticed and iutioduccd.

William Lumuheihci Hoapili, apromising young Hawaiian aged 21ears, died on Thuitday evening,

from typhoid fever. The decenstdoungman had been tmployed as

'clerk at Then. II. Davies & Co.'swarehouse for seveial months. Hewas the son of Judge Hoapili, ofKona, Hawaii, and'leaves two broth-ci.- s,

and sistcis, and a host of fiiendslo mourn hia loss. Ho was educatedat St. Louis College. '1 he funeraltook place yesteulay, and his remainswere inteired at the Kawaiahaocemeteiy.


'Forbidden Fruit," nt the Hawaiian Opera House, at 8.

Blue libbon meeting at Y. M. C.A. hall, at 7:30.

Mass meeting at Palace Square,at 7 :30.


Rep. White is the merry manfrom Maui. He always looks forthe funcy side of a question. Lookout the Tivoli9 don't kidnap you,Billy.

Noble von Tetnpsky is time keeperto the Hou-.e- , doing valuable

He lias the standard stopwatch of the ilaui Racing Associa-tion, and never steals a second of aspeakei's ten minutes in prema-turely calling lime.


Seventh Sundaj' after Ti inity. Ca-

thedral services:Holy Communion 0:30 a. m.Litany, 9 :30 a. m.Morning prayer and Sermon, 10

a. m.Hawaiian Evensong and Sermon,

3:30 p. tn.Evening prayer and Sermon, G p.


Y. M. C. A. T.

Some practical and inteiestingphases of the Sabbath Observancequestion will he discussed by Mrs.J. C. Bateham in the Y. M. C. A.Hall, at 7:30 this evening. Theexercises wilt open with a puino eoloby Miss G E. Stiles, a rending byMiss M. E. Spooner, and a duet bytlio Misses Stiles. A question boxwill bo open to icceivo any writtenquestions relative to the Sabbathday and its proper obseivance, tubeanswered at close of address. Altare iuvit.-d- .


Editou Bulletin:I understand the two hundred or

more teachers now assembled inconvention aie to be examined, nextwe Ic, in about ten diffeienl branchesof study, therefore I would like toask :

1 Why are teachers examined?2 What good wilt tho Boaul of

Education get from the. examinationof teachers V

3 What practical benefit willteachers derive from the results oftheir examination?

Your enquirer will be pleased tohavo these queries answered bysome one who knows. V

July 18.

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- JL2d coIuwiib, purely local mailer

Mailed to fo.uifia countries, (5 purftiinum.

l)AiLX BULWrn-- n JLlU.tSOLULU, X). U



After loll call, llie luspcotor-Gcn-ern- lmade a statement of llic order

of examination on Monday andTuesday next.

Mr. Monro look -- up a senc3 ofpioblems that had been pus-i- d infor solution and clucidati in.

Mr. II. Z. Austin placed on thoboards examples of the tccognizedcommercial forms of an accountcurrent and a bill of goods, both in a

the most upproved style as to order,neatness and penmanship.

Mr. G. C. Kcnvon read n paperBusy Woik. The essay consist-

ed of a discussion of devices neccs-snr- y

for a teacher to adopt to keepthe schuul piofilably cmploved whilehe is occupied in conducting classexercises.

Miss Do3o continued her inter-esting and piaelical seiies of lec-

tures on piiin.uy arithmetic, and atthe close leeched thu thanks of theInspector-Gener- al and a lound ofapplause from the audience.

Miss Lillte Brown took up elemen-tary free bane thawing and showed,very leai ly and concisely, themethods of instiuction in thatbiauchand further showed the applicationof the ptinciples of chawing to thestudy of geogiiipliv. The lectureriiUo wave ii ptactieal lesson on thepioiess of coiisliutiliug lelicf maps.

The Inspector-Goneta- ! read itpaper prepared by Mrs. O. Camp-bell on Busy Woik and prefaced theleading with comments pertinent tothe subject.

Mrs. Loid followed with a shortaddies3 giving the results of her ex-

perience in the matter discussed inthe preceding paper.

Rev. J. B. Alexander nextoponcdout on tbe tonic-sol-f- a and continuedthe drill until noon.

Duiing the last half hour, a largebody of Nobles and Representativesappeared on the promiso-- i and pro-ceeded to examine the exhibits oT

work from the country schools, inwhich they seemed lo be erygieally interested.


Piofessor M. M. Scott delivereda lecture on the teaching ol Geo-graphy and showed bow to directthe thoughts of pupils to the phy-sical features of the earth's suifaceas seen in its mountains, rivers undvalleys, and their natural connection with the development of com-

merce and national indusfy.Mr. M. F. Scott prefaced an ad-die-

by telliuK about an electioncampaign iu a fionticr district inwhich he had figured as an unsuc-cessful candidate. The experi-ences of 6ucli a campaign amongconstituents who aie inoie or lessreckless in the ue of lotlen eggsare well calculated to embolden aman to face any audience. Hud itnot been for that campaign liewould not have the presumption tocome forward to-da- His expeii-enc- c

in teaching Hawaiian childrenbeing very limited, any advice fromhim on the subject would be ns

as that ot the little boy tohis grandfather not to learn tosmoke. The work ot the teacheron these islands seems to be tochange the whole eunont of thepupils, lives, to train the boy to

and intelligent, energeticcitizenship, to make him a manamong men, to teach the girl hertrue place as a home maker, to makeher a pure womanly woman.Chief among the diilicullics to hemet is the tendency of tbe Hawaiianto indolence. But indolence is notlaziness. A lazy person cannot beenthused but the Hawaiian is highlysusceptible ol enthusiasm. Thetendency to indolence is climatic.The changed conditions of life inthe islands make English a neces-sity of the people and along with ita knowledge of agricultural andmechanical pursuits. There aremany places in the frontier settle-men- ts

of the United States wherethe temples of learning and theirequipments aie of an oider thatwould discount the poorest hereand on many school grounds in theUnite cl States and England you willhear as bmbarous. English ns inthe Hawaiian Islands. The isola-tion and want of accommodation inmany school districts here are hardto bear, but theie aie some of urhere who commenced to wield tliobirch in the backwoods of thoUnited Slates at salaries of S2C amouth and board round the district.Do any of you remember the ryeIn cad, the New Oi leans molasses,the salt pork, and pease colfee Unittiie old Hollander fed us on? Doyou lemember tlio pralecs widtheir j'ickcts on and buttermilk thatMrs. Mickey O'Flynn icg.iled uswith? Do jou lemember the sourcrout and llebcr-wur- st that old HunsOverniier used to dtsli up, or tliobuckwheat cakes and nuplo syrup,the coffee and millers of the Colo-nel's good old wife? Have youblcpt iu all sorts of beds or hustledto keep warm between two featherbeds Willi the thermometer 20 de-

grees below zero, with your bedfellow a lusty whilc-headi- d Dutch-man 'doing his level best lo get allthe feathers to his hide of the bed?The lecturer continued at somelength his graphic! picture of litedisadvantages of pioneer schoolteaching, and went on to say that,with all these defects, the spirit oipopular education was abroad in theland. The Board of Education lieiehas succeeded in placing the schoolsof this country in such a position asto produce tlio splendid specimensof work exhibited in these rooms,The deportment of Hawaiian chil- -

(lien ia generally excellent, but intheir flexible dispositions lie theirgreatest moial dangers. T'io ppenkerhere nddiesse n pointed appeal towomen trained under the supoiiordomestic Influences of enlightenedcivilir.'itlon to dovotu their best en-

ergies lo the proper training of Ha-

waiian gills. It is a hopeful siejti ofprogress to see so many native

rniigcd in tho woik of di-

recting the education of theii coun-

trymen. A normal school would bedesli able addition to the educa-

tional outllt of these Ul'inds, andwould be especially useful in thetraining of nn ellleiont body of na-

tive Hawaiian tenchers.A scries of losolulions, submitted

by the comiulllee appointed foithat purpo-- n on Tuesday morning,was adopted, to the following effect:

That this body of teachers belioethat thu Boat cl of Education enlei-tain- s

an appreciative sympathy withthem in their work ami takes a livelyinlet cat in the cause of education.

Thai, the members of conventionlender their heartfelt thanks lo tlioHon. C. R. Bishop, l'i ciident of theBoard of Education, forliispoi&onaleffoits on behalf of tcichcra andtheir work ; es.pi ess their admirationof his munificence iu affording Hawaiian joutu facilities for a thor-ough education, and of his earnesteffoits to sccuic the benefits of apractical education for every childm the kingdom.

That the thanks of the condit-ion aie due lo the teachers whohavo presented their excellent me-

thods of instruction during the weekand that diligent efforts will be putforth to utilize the information thusubl'iined.

That the Boaid of Education beasked to furnish the schools with afew common tools, weights andniensiues for the illiistiation of aii-o- m

problems and for the introduc-tion of manual instruction, and topi ovale at some ceutial pniu themeans whoicby tcuchus may betterprepare themselves lo give manualinstruction.

That the Board of Education beasked to devise some plan, basedupon the capacity, success and ex-

perience of pi unary lencheis, bywinch their compensation may beincreased.

That the Boaul ho asked lo de-

vise some feasible plan wheicbyteachers incapacitated by age andlong service may be provided for.


A curious mistake was diccocredtlio other diy when on calling theroll of Hawaiian jurats, the fact wasmade known of one J. Kina havingbeen seived lo attend the presentterm as a jurot, whereas the rightperson as bv the summons intrudedwas one J. Himt who had not beenseived. The oflicer making servicehad read the II into a K, hence theaccident and sei vice on the wrongperson. Mr. Kina having alreadyseived three days, was excused lythe Court fiom iuither attendance.

Another instance of a mistakemade was in icspect lo service madeon a native named l'o-o-o- lc to at-

tend Court at tho present term,when as a matter of fact the personintended to be summoned was oneThomas Poole (or Pool).

Dunn? tlio trial of a Portuguesenamed Joe convicted of pcijuiy inthu second degree and sentenced toone year's impiisonmeut, it wasurged by counsel for the defensethat foi the prosecution to make outits case, it should be pioved that theadministering of the oath (which inthis case is the subject of thecharge) was legally made. Inthe argument it was seri-

ously contended that Jthe ndmhfo-teiin- g

of the o itli was a matterby statute and that it is

not conferred upon inteipietera ofcourts to administer the same. TheCourt said it was aware that no au-

thority was conferred as above stat-ed, but that hitherto it lias been thepiactice of the courts to allow inter-preters to administer the oath. Asthe Court ruled there was evidencethat the oath was legally adminis-tered, the case was allowed to go lothe jury.

In tho two libel cases now pend-ing against Arthur Johnstone aseditor of the Elelo and M. J. Frei-ta- s,

editor of tlio Auiora, a point israised by counsel for tho defend-ants as to whether an indictmenthaving been found nt the last Apiilterm ol Court, the presiding justice ofthe present tci m lias juiibdiction ofthe cases w itliout an ordci of continu-ance made by the justice Uudlug theludictiiiciit at his teiui. The ciiin-iu- nl

practice Act found in the Com-

piled Haws was referred to in argu-ment. It is believed Unit the pointraised will be icscrved for lite con-

sideration of tho Court in Banco.

A enso of habeas coipuu cauio upfor licarlng on Thursday on the ap-

plication of one Kauha, mother ofthu child Rebecca, who it was alleg-ed was icstraine'd of lier libeily atthe Callioliu Sisters' Convent, Itappears timt some two yeats agothe chjld was put into school by itsputative father, piostiniably withtlio mother's consent. For ieason3better known to herself, mothernow asserts her right of custody oftlio child. The order was made re-

leasing tlio child to its mother, andthu biater iu chnige of tho conventcourteously yielded to the oulcr ofCom I.

THE ONLY PAPER xnd by n'lTl.o IJ iBy Bulletin.'1 00

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Y. Dimr.it. : : Pnoi't uth:.12.13. M.nnr.vv, : Maouimt.

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Saturday Evening, July 19th,

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Mis ilelt'ite CouiteueyLola Miss L. Cai men

rvi'lnn for reset veil seals for anynight of the s asoncin bo bcemed atthe ollli o of L. .1. Lovcj , coi. Foi! andQueen bti. COU 4t

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Tlie slorr ct FJtaiilyi) recent I irUI'iiso IVfiiUiri-- j hii-- tjo clji'loj iro of liu Im grtantlii:nu .nwlilppp ar fnrtlu lu.t tlno in tho

o It irli'B liy lilm"-ir- , cntltli.il "In l)uka,tArr-- J) rut loil ul.t l by rny o' tlio fcoCll l I SUslCJ I t 3 U- 'IU O'fi. ml !I1 "cc -iiliit,'nia"Uii.hiii";'' 5o no u io ot thmc liuBjiimyontramtcil nlln .'li ri.ldiiin ipl otnhiut t'i'a nU'cmrnt bo na

cirri." tin no Jiut liilar V.'u It. andurillrtvfuuflillT(f!lM 'a on'cr not to lo rn'ol.ero

tLa". t'io tiooi b.iirj llio 1m.p Int ofCHARLCO GCRIBNEft'S SONSAn 1 Hut tlio canvusstnj iiscut carlca a cjiUGcatout a2v icy tto l tig


SAti i han:isco.Genrrsl Aflenls for ilio Pacific Coast.

J. IV. ChsmbsrHn,Sole Agent for Hawaiian Kingdom.

f)71 tf


NOTICE It. hereby g'ven tint I willno bills coutiacted by Mis

Robecea Pinicu PuuKu without mywiittfii order. "

.r. ALFRED MAGOON".Honolulu. .Inly 11, LSliO. r,i)2 lw


HIE Hawaiian Constiuctloii Co. willTcnntiaeled In tiu-l- r name without avviitten older signed either by D. P.Peterson or J. M. O.it.

B. F. DILLINGHAM,Manager Hawaiian CoiiPtriiiliou Co.Honolulu, .Inly 11, 18'JO. U(U lm


THE undersigned have sold out thogortiln business lieietofnio car-

ried on bj thetii at No. r7 ic CO Hotelto Mr. A. G Silv.t who will cou-tln- et

the biiMiio-- h on hK own accountfiom und after lliid to.

M. A. OONSALVLS & CO.IIono'uiii,.Maj 21, IS'iO. fiW If


LL clilins ngniii-- t tlio "HonoluluA Daiiy ' 10 Juno l, UOO, must beleft at tint olllee of J. A. Magoou within;tll(li)i,from date. Metis, lluvvett tilaeob-e- u aie imlhoiied to enlleet allbills duo thu 'Honolulu Daliy" fiomMny 1,1 bUO.

.1.1 DOWSP.Tr.Jn,1'iopiifior.

liniioiiiiii. .limn ii. is'.in. rfio u

NO TJO 12.

RAVINO bought out Mr. W. II.in lliu "Honolulu Ctrriage

Mtuufiicuiy,"nt I2rt Toil stre I, I amprenired to coniiiui" tins abovo biuine8under llio old u.uno of Honolulu Oip.rityo Maniifnctoiy, untl hting an oldexjerieuccd e'lriiaije builder I Mtllelltliu intronixc of my old lriiiul mid tliopubilr) Iu general, and with uij tbiunugliKnoivhdfu of tliu lnulnt'fci' aud with ox.tQi'icmcd workmen and umns only tlibt'M inttcrial I gimriuteo (;uuiral sati-fartl-

Ploaf-- call ami tto me beforeKoing cUcwh'U.

(Signed)i GIDEON WEST.Honolulu. Oct. W, IhSy. Hftl tf

rrM j re n & n vnmm --0 31- -





Will be Closed Out atiCS Ottll in and gat

s. EI--I

COO lOt ro"iiov

We to Gall



rVriTiwUCI.iUl.ltSJ.f 1. T.ffjiTWtt X&t2Tr?r, i 'fJPv.

For Luliiicating tho Valves and

raeiR mm"vm nm


RibbonsGreat Sacrifice




Fort, Htrit,.



VA LVOLINE i an earth (specially prepared under tho highest Pteambp.it and fiom which volatile and earthy mittcr has been expelled by aprocess which leaves a puio and heavy oil, which prevents the eating away

bolta and keojis tbe cylinder and piston packing perfectly clean. Thisthe fiiet Mineial Oil introduced for steam cylinders and has been con-

stant over eighteen years.

feSTWe also manufacture Superior Machine and Spindle Oils for tillclacseh macliineiy. -

Hjeox&sircS. Sc 3E1Iih,MANUFACTURERS.

HONOLTJLU IRON WORSS CO.. Solo Agents. 601 3m

E. It. IlENimv, President & Manager.GodkiUvY Buovvn, Seeietary &Tieisurer.

1WAIIAN HARDWARE GO..(jL.iaxi'X'xsw.i

Oiijiu. Mprccfscln KJunh.IMPOKTERS and





ofwas iu



lardware, Giasswara, Crockery.Qonuiuo nvilard China, plain nnd decorated; and Wedgcwood

Voro,Piano, Iiibr.iry t Stand Lamps, Chandeliers & Electoliers,Limp Fixtures of nil. kinds, A complete assoitm't of Drill 3 & Filea,


Tho "Gaelle" Riding Plow & Equalizer,Bluebeard Race Plow, Planters' Steel &, Gooseneckcd Hoes,


Paiuts, Varnishes & Brushes, Manila II Sisal Itopo, t


lioMe, J&Eore, E3Tce.RUBBER, WIRE-BOUN- of superior quality, & STEAM,

A gate Iron Ware, Silver Pitted AVare, Tabic . Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot & Oapr-- , The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridge,

Hart's Patent "Duplex" Dio Slock Tor Pipo & Bolt Threading,Hartmau'ri Steel Who Fonco .', Sloel Wire Mats,

Wm. U. Fishor'n Wrought Steel RungeaUato (Jity Htonti i'llleiti,

"Newnov-20-8- 9


Largo lMirniBhed Room",tMSh. 9. nonriillv liu.iti.il. ....An- -- VU....H... .vw...$gUi,k)t ply at Hit-- , olllee. 003 lw


i. A SUITB of 'I'hreo Nicelyi i V Fill ulslied Rooms. Ap- -

plv at No. fio Pimehbow 1

stieet, or lo II. 1 . Hcbbard. U0I tf


i. A A HOUSE with 7 rooms0-- r and bath, on tlmeor-JiSStit-

nur of Beietauli and l'ciisa-col.tbtiee- ts.

Cain jiass the door, Ap-ply at this ofiloo. CS1 tf


CA A CUll'AUli wiinin two'jjXtsig J.. or tliii'o bloeKs fiom.rjfrg the corner ol Port anil Hotel

Bliccts. giiltablu for tlueo geiitlomen forhousrKi'i'iiIng. Address 'P. O. BoxNo. 'JU7.'' fi'Jt) If

TO LET or LEASErpiIE Rdltleneo of Mis. A.

gV$3 i- - in Fauoa Valley.&g&ud Apply to

D AVI D D AYTON,1)1 KjiiK St., over.l. Nott'H etoio.

571 tf


fTpllE Two-stoi- y Brick

iffitlm oflleo of" tho HttwailanTiamvviiysCo., (Id), on King street,(suitable either lor an cilice or stoic.Apply nt tho Hawaiian CommercialSalesrooms. COS tf


v f7 iA ' K

7,J pjf m, r V





E i . xXi-- J j



Your Attention ToMKR1


Cylinders of Steam Engines.

John Ena, Vice-Preside- nt

Choir. Bnowx, Auditor.

FortHtrcot, Jiloiiolnlo.DEALERS IN

Process" Twist Drills,Neal's Cnrriaso I'aintB.

A Care for Influenza !

TTn. lOZO'S HAWAIIAN CHERRY COR-- JDIAL, ouo of tho best remedies

everpiepued for coughs, asthma, lungami ilippt double, and a great relief towhooping cnngli iiud tlnoat affection.Ask fur Ui. Lozior's Hawaiian Chorry Cor-dial sold at



I llml your "Cherry Cordial" the bestmedicine wc have ever used for coughs,colds and lung double. All of our Na-tives, Portuguese, Chinese nndJnpnncsnvv 111 ueu no other, 1 use nothing else iumy own family. Youru ti uly,

O. A. OHAPIN,Manager Kohala Sugar Co.

We have sold a huge quantity of your"Cherry Cordial" at our plantationBtoie, both at Kcalla ami Kanaa, andcan eheei fully rccomniaiid it forbiou-chl- ul

dllllcultlc9.Veiy icspectfully yours,

Ui.o. 13. FA1RC11ILD,CtO't tf TreaMirer Mukco Sugar Co.


Irs. Eva M. JoMsod, Artist,Btudlo, No. 27 Aiakoa Stroct- -

Fonnerlyof New Yoik, would Informtho public that she) is prcpnud to tillall oidcrs for Pastels. Oil, Water Colorsund India Ink Puitrnits.

1ST Samples of woik can be con atStudio ami Hamilton Ilouso Parlor--- '.

t'io lliu









M: "jr.:j:


Page 4: In - University of Hawaii · PHACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's J5h ck," Coiner store. Suig'cal & Musical InEtrtimcnts nca'ly reputr-s-l nt reason ible rnU's, Sewing

GXOfe;.tWTjJ2W..C. wi?Km'miAi" ', J"' i : WW ' i' o t - "t " 'i jfrTJSB

' 'V.'

ER Srhnnifln"Brum Bleci," Hotol Bt noar Fort.

1 beg lo announce to tho public that Ioffer for sale

ja.vi'UA x tafia- -

Gutunder CarriagesSURRIIYS,



Also, a complete assortment of first- -eltss stock of

Cart, fapn & Gai'iiamMATERIALS !

(selected personally of the best factoriesin the r..i(ei a States. o'Uii 1 in

r.. vm. ii. niniomi.


-- OF-


LEWIS & CO.5SL' llil

Co-aafc-stt liica.

N0T1CL is heieby ghen that tbo ilimHawaiian Hotel Stables Co.

bus been lcorgauled. George r. Mau-farlan- e.

E. H. Miles, W. Austin Whit-ing, trustee find Thus. S. Kuy, hae

fioui Mid tli in and nil interestsare now vested in D. Paul It. Ienboig,W. 11. Coiuwell aud S. I. bh.iw,whoas under said ill in namewill ciiiry on the business of Hack,Hoarding and Ltieiy Stables nndiiu-poite- rs

aud Dealeis in Lie Stock.

Cornwpll, lesideut of Walliiku, Maui.Shaw A Isenbeig. leiidcuts of Hono-


Hawaiian Hotel Stables Co.


Honolulu, June '.), 1800. D98 2w

leat Cattle S

On MONDAY, July 21st,Thcie will bo sold at Public Auction,

at Kahlkiuui. Maui,


tW A good opportunity to procureline stock. D70 lm


AccounUats, OolltclorE, Commission Agent? nndCu'tom Honso BroVers.

Are fit all times prepirrd to per-for-

liny ilccrlptiim of icrical WoijMich us Auditing Art mints l'0-.tin- uj.Tradesmen's Hooka, Milking Inventoriesof Stock, Eusrroshing Legid Documents,Ktc. Competent mid Kt'linlile KieieJitClerks for the ilelh.n) mid talking oltargocs.

(2?Oillce at Hum At is & IIoiiekt.son'b,Qutca atieet lVt Olllco Hon Id') Miltual Tekpnone 1: Hell Telephone 111





TaiWoWingKee,No. 36 Nauanu St. P. 0. Cot 2G7.

Boot and Shoe Store.

Having had 10 year experience Inthe business, I am piepaied to manu-facture to order fashlouiblo hand-hew- ed

Ladles' & Gentlemen's Hoots &Shoes. Also, Pieneh it American Hoots& Shoes received by eveiy steamer.Prices icasonablc. 1 solicit our pat-ronage. Mi 3m

A. G-- . SILVA,65 & 57 Hotel Btroet,

iMi'oitrRit orFuraitnre, Matting&Carpet Laid

CoimiUio 3ols.Fine Upholstering mid Heddlng a spe-cialty. juim )(j.(;,


A COMPLETE outllt for making anddispensing carbonated Imciugts

all In good order. AddreBSO. MEINECKE,

531 3in Waiuhiuu, Hawaii.

itMMMauknMiri wrn jrfjiwvrnt'wAnatmijmrw



I'Y.tday, July is.Arrrmocu sr.ssios.

The House rc-a- s cmbled at t :00.The motion to print the mojdrity

nnd minority repoit of the PubhoLands foimiiillio on tin marketriuctlon carried.

Aliuislur Spencer nnnouniM'd print-ed and icndy for distribution therepoit of Hie President of the Uoaidof Imuiigrniiou.

Ue p. Kalna repotted thai lie wastumble lo pot a meeting of the jtuli-eiai- y

committees, to consider billsiclaling to the seats ot justice in theSecond and Third Judicial Ciicuitslospectively. lie announced that ameeting of llie cotnniitten would boheld Satuulay morning.

ltcp. Hot.ii had pleasure in piebenting the repoit of tlie eoniiuitlccon a resolution for an inquiry intocertain public Illinois regarding theabstraction ol confiscated opiumfrom the custody of the CustomHouse and l'oliceTstation:

Hon. J. S. Walkkii, President ofthe Legislative Assembly Sir: Thespecial committee appointed underthe following resolution:

"Whereas the public press of thNcity lias lately teemed with chargesof alleged thefts of opium from thecustody of the police and customs of-

ficials of the kingdom, and especial-ly from the Police Station and Cus-

tom House of Honolulu, therefore.Hesolved, That a select committee

of live members of the House be ap-

pointed with insti notions to inves-tigate thoroughly all facts connectedwith the sei.uie. custody, ale. ex-

port ami accounting for all opiumwhich dining the last two yeais hascome into possession of the police orcustoms ollleials of Honolulu, to re-

pot t from .time to time the factsfound by them, and to repoit suchrecommendations by bill or other-wise, as to such committee shallseem proper,"

Beg leave to leport as follows:The lirst place iisitcd was the Cus-

tom House, where consideiable evi-

dence was taken, and the cue andcustody of the opium investigated,and here it seems light to condemnthe loose manner in which opium isand lias been taken care of by thecustoms ollleials, it having been keptin a room which is accessible to anyand all employees and at all times.

We had our attention partieulailydirected to the facts concerning twolots of opium which we will call

the Kahului and F. T.opium. The first or Kahului lot,consisting of 208 tins, was seized atKahului in June, 1881), and sent tothe 3Iarsh.nl, 'who kept it at theStation House for nearly a year, audthen sent it lo the Custom House.From the evidence presented to thecommittee, we are of the opinionthat the opium was packed in nor'-we- st

boxes and sent to, and dulyleceived by the Police Departmentby which it was kept, and that there-after, at the request of the CustomHouse ollleials, boxes were on orabout the first day of April, 1890.sent down to the Custom House.

Fiom the evidence adduced, whichis very conflicting, it is diflicult forthis committee to say whether theboxes sent to the Custom Housefrom the Station House were thesame as received from Kahului. Theevidence of the Marshal, his subor-dinates and others establish the factthat one of the boxes was leakingopium and was stamped on the ouf-sid- e

at the time of the transfer andthat they were the same as sent fiomKahului and had address mark on to'J. If. Soper, Marshal," but thatthe boxes now at the Custom Houseweicnottlie same which weio sentfrom the Station House.

They were delivered by the Mar-shal to Mr. Turrill, representing theCustom House, in a baggage wagon,diiven by a young Portuguese boy,who was accompanied by Mr. Turrilland Capt. Hopkins of the PoliceDepartment to the Custom House,where Mr, Turiill disappeared, leav-ing Captain Hopkins to deliver them.Captain Hopkins asked the customsollleials to sign a receipt, alreadywritten out by the Marshal, for theboxes of opium, which the CustomHouse officials refused to give, andafterwards a receipt was given forthe boxes "said to contain opium."

The evidence at the Custom Houseis to the effect that the boxes, deliv-ered there were redwood, had no ad-dic-

mark, and that one was leak-ing aud stained on the outside, thatthey were taken upstairs to the Collect-

or-General's olllco, who seeingthat one of the boxes was leakingordered them moved into tlio

opium room. Tho opiumroom where tho leaking box was setdown shows the marks of opium onthe floor. Quo of the nativo em-

ployees testified Unit when the leak-ing box was placed there, that therewas no opium on the floor.

On the ICtli of May tlie so calledKahului opium boxes were openedaud found to contain bricks andstraw. Tlie Marshal (J. II. Sopor)being notified, went down to tlieCustom House and upon examiningthem, informed the Customs officialsthat tlioso (two ledwood) boxeswere not the ones sent down fromtlie Station House. Your committeeexamined tlie boxes aud also hadthem taken to pieces. They v. ere-now and had no stains of opium ex-

cept one which showed only an im-

pression from tlie outside, nono hav-

ing leaked tluough, evidently thobox had been bet down in a plnco

JJAJIA' BULUSTJtf j IIONttlitLU, It. J.,W.!.

where opium had been lcnl-in- g from isHi container. 'lhi discovery led itthe Custom House ollleials to furtherinvetfUgalions, and accordingly onthe same or lite next day tho 1 T.opium was examined. Tho K. T.opium was eplzcd in thirty boxes often on tlie 12nd A ril, 181)0, fiom theS. S. Oceanic and taken the sameday to the Custom House, unpackedon' the ild ami left In the opiumloom. There were tw only-seve- n

tins found in this bo of tea. butonly one tin at the time of our

coutnined opium, andstrange to say that was the oneopened on the wlmif on the d.ij ofthe seizin c. the balance of the tinscontained eaith and stiaw. Titosolder on them was quite new. andshowed but very little appearanceof rust or age.

A singular fuel was brought lolight and that was that tluee ceitaiutins of opium belonging to tlieHoard of Health that weio sentdown to the Custom House at thesame time as the Kuhulul lot, weieupon examination by lite committeefound to contain exactly Hie samestraw aud caith as the F. T. lot.

Your committee had theeaith anal-yzed and the analysis tepoited to the'committee satisfies us. as also thechemist who made the analysis, thatthe cm th is of Hawaiian oiigm,showing coneluoively in our opinion,that the earth had been placed inthis tin in Honolulu after the opiumhad been taken out. This F. T.opium had never been out of tliepossession of the Customs authori-ties and aruved just after the Ka-

hului lot, and if opium was lcmov-e- d

fiom those tins per Oceanic andearth placed in it3 stead while there,it would have been as easy for thesame partie-- s to substitute tho red-

wood boxes, filled with btiik andstraw, for the boxes sent down fiomthe Station House.

Membcts of the committeoseai di-

ed ana found in the rear of ChuBang Chung's shoe stoie and ChuOil's dry goods store on Nuuanustreet, between King and Hotelstreets, stiaw and dirt of the samekind as found in the above mention-ed opium containers, also bricks,empty opium containeis, and tincuttings, ai also many empty halfkerosene tins which evidently hadearth in them.

The Marshal showed icccipts forall apitini and moneys received byhim on account of opium, and fromthe evidence it appeals to us thathe, in dealing with and having thecaic and custody of opium, has useddue caic and precaution.

"We have been unable to fix theguilt upon any person, or even tollnd enough evidence to give rise toa suspicion as to who the personmay be, but in our opinion andfrom all the evidence adduced andalso the fact of the F. T. opium hav-

ing been solely in the charge of tlieCustom House officials, that what-ever was done in the way of removing tho opium, was done at the Cus-

tom House. Such being the case itseems that some person' or personsemployed in the Customs Depart-ment must have been in collusionwith outside parties.

Tlie Port Surveyor's Depaitmentand tlie Customs Department do notappear to be in accord and a gooddeal of fiiction and bad feeling ex-

ists. This, we think, atisesfiomthe fact that the Collector-Genera- lwas not allowed the right of appoint-ing his subordinates, a practice whichthis committee thinks should not beallowed by this House.

This committee is of the opinionthat under the existing law tlieBoard of Health is alone tlie autho-rized custodian of opium over theCollector-Genera-l, the only personauthoiized to make sales, such salesbeing authorized under section G77

of the Civil Code.This committee does not approve

of tho manner in which gales ofopium have heretofoie been made tooutgoing passengers on vessels leav-

ing or calling at this port. Wethink that a receipt should alwaysbe given to the Collector-Gener- al

for as many tins as are taken bythe person intending to make thesalo. It appears that such has notbeen the case at the Custom House.

lour committee has taken a giuatdeal of evidence but in no mannerhave they been able to fasten guiltor cause the faintest suspicion toattacli to or implicate anyone, butwe think that if the opium had beenas well taken care of at the CustomHouse as it was and is cared for atthe Policu station, no investigatingcommittee would have- been neces-sary. And your committee is of theopinion that this lack of caic at theCustom House has niisen mainlyfrom the fact that they have not gota proper room for storing opiumsecurely,

It appears from tho report madeby tho Collector-Gener- al to yourcommittee that tho Customs depait-ment lias from March 27, 1888, toJuno flO, 18!)0, seized l,-'- 09 tins ofopium and sold 3,115 tins, realizing85,277 05, and distributed as fol-

lows: To the informers, $2,038 97 j

to the Government, S2,CJ18 98;leaving a balance on hand of 791tins exclusive- of bogus opium. ThoPolice department lias seized 2,509tins, which have been turned overto the Hoard of Health and Customsauthorities, except 10 tins, now attho Station house, and tlicro kept attho request of the Hoard of Health.

From what information thocommittee obtained, we are satisfiedthat largo quantities of opium havebeen smuggled into tho differentports of the group within the Insttwo years, so much so, that opium

A0WwJ.-IJ'.-.Hi- i irtlWWW MWifl.now as cheap if not cheaper thanha9 been for years.Thin committee, while not favori-

ng" the issuing of an opium license,thinks that sonio stepj should botaken to prevent the smuggling oropium which us it now uppe.nts tothis coinmiltco can only be done by byincreasing the Cimtom house guardsand in pacing such salaries as a man lliecan comfortably live on, and inknowing that tlie appointees nto hon-

est and capable and will do theirduly carefully. It appears fiom theevidence hefoie us that the Custom hadhouse guaids tue insufficient attimes, and tho Customs :iirhoutic3aio obliged to 'all on the .Maishalfor :iseistauce at such limes.

The evidence taken b, the com-

mittee is herewith leporled lo theHouse, and we lecoinmendthat it beplaced on the Seeietnry's table, so hethat members desiring to read andlook over the same may do so. Allof which is respectfully submitted.

A. Rosv, Chairman.Cr.cu. Hnowx.K. Muu.r.it.II. P. Hu.mvrs.

Whilst agreeing with the majorityin the main points of the above re-

port, I consider that the conclusionsdrawn in two parts of it, againstthe Customs authorities, are unjustly besevete on them ; and whilst hardlyjustilicd by the evidence these con-

clusions would convey a wrongon any reader unable to

refer to the testimony. forIt is fair to say that if the

opium has been kept in a loose man-

ner ai the Custom house, it was asmuch the fault of the Governmentas of the Customs authorities, tlieCollector-Gener- al having staled thathe had rcpcalodh asked for a pio-pe- r

room to be constructed or for asafe to be furnished him lo lock upthe opium in.

I consider that the fault of the inCustoms authorities, if any, has beentoo much leniency in general, andalso with such of the outside ofliceis w

who have been imposed on them bythe favoritism of the late Ministry,some of whom were allowed fiecaccess to the opium room.

1 object also to the repetition, intwo pints of the repoit, of the as-

sertion that not cen the faintestsuspicion could be enleilained.Whilst not having been able to lixlegally the guilt of tlie opium rob-

beries on any particular patty orparties, yet it seems lo me there isenough evidence to justify suspi-cions, and I consider that after thepains taken by the committee, andafter the large expenditure demoted,in our investigations, lo tlie gather-ing of a voluminous testimony (whichlack of time alone prevented us torender more valuable by our n)

it would be fair to thepublic to lecommend that the Housebe pleased to refer all such evidenceto His Ex. the Attornev-Gencial,fo- r

fin titer investigation if he thinksproper, out of which developmentsmight perhaps yet lesult.

A. Mauqui.s.Hep. I'osa, after the leading, ex-

hibited the box, empty tins, rubbish,etc., mentioned in the report. Asguilt was not fastened on anybody,he did not think it advisable to havethe voluminous evidenco translatedand printed, but instead laid on thetable for the perusal of members.Members of committee had taken agreat deal of pains, and he wouldespecially mention Noble Midler forhis acutencss in following up clues.He asked as a favor that the com-

mittee be not discharged, but re-

tained in ollicc with tho hope of itsbeing able to ferret out the guilty.

Noble Widcinann asked severalquestions regarding tlie exhibits,which weie answered by l,ep. Rosa,and the lion. Nolle piocecded tosay that there were suspicious circumstances connected Willi the boxesthat had contained tho Kuhuluiopium. Were those Nor' nest boxeschanged into redwood boxes at theCustom House? If so, he would beready to move the adoption of tin,leport. but he would not want tocensure the Custom House becauseit might have been taken in by arascally olllcial. At all events, hewould fight tootli and nail againstthe adoption of the report that day.He read a uows aiticlc from theHuu.r.TiN after the discovery, andsaid the information was publishedby a person who knew all about it,That was known all over town andlie would not mention names. Homoved that the leport (exclusive ofthe evidence) be . translated andprinted.

Rep. Knudsen wanted to know,before a vote was taken, whether itwas true, as reported, that the chair-man of the committee had teceiveda retainer as counsel from a CustomHouse olllcial or ollleials.

Rep. Rosa I will answer ihusly:When the matter became publicpioperty I was approached by theMinister of Finance and the Collector-G-

eneral to assist in fencting outthe matter. I replied that as amember of the Legislature 1 was notsure whether I was or was not ableto tako a retainer. Subsequently Irefused to take the retainer, because,I was a member of the House, and Iknew that at the investigation Iteforothe Minister of Finance the objectionwas made, and I refused the retainerbecause as a member of tho HouseI could not take it, be present at tlieinvestigation, or act in any way asan attorney in the matter. (Rep.Knutlseii having misunderstood thureply, Rep. Rosa continued:) I amnot susceptible lo that kind of in-

fluence. I have never accepted abribe, and I stand above reproachon that score. (Applause.)

JULY 10, 1SW.MwumrkMammnnm

Hep. Knudsen said that havingheard the repoit fiorn respectablecitizens, repeatedly in several dayspast, he felt it his duty lo bring, thomatter before the House. If it hadbeen true ho should say that lliecommittee was heavily handicapped

the member for Waialua.Noble J. M. Homer intcirogatcd

honorable member for Wnialua,and, on being answered, said ho wasalmost surprised that the honorablemember should have deigned todeny thnt he had been bribed. He

as much confidence in the honor-able member's word U9 if it wassustained by sworn testimony.

Rep. Rickurd referred to llie mat-ter as a dirty piece of business. Itwas the duty of this House to Icavonothing undone for bringing theguilty persons to punishment, but

could not help thinking that theresponsibility rested on the heads ofdepartments.' He concluded with anumber of questions to the chair-man of committee.

Minister Drown said that eveiyquestion was answered in the icpoitand the evidence.

Noble Muller suggested that be-

fore any more time was wasted themembers havo an opportunity ofponding the report and evidence.

Noble Marsdcn moved the reportaccepted and laid on the table.

Minister Drown said that what-ever decision the House shouldmake, the Ministry was bound tothoiotighly investigate the matter

itself. He thcrefoio secondedthe motion of the lion. Noble fromllamaktia.

Rep. Hush held that thoro wasevidence there which should haveenabled the committee to bring in averdict. They should either censurethe coinmi'ice or discharge it andappoint a new one. It was ridicu-lous, to report that nobody wasguilty, when opium was stolen while

tho hands of Government officials. 'He was not ashamed to say that hebelieved the Custom House officials

ei c guilty. It was a disgrace tothe House if this scandal was to beslurred over.

Rep. White moved that the ic-po- rt

be laid on the table and a newcommittee appointed. The finingd ofthe material behind the Chinesestoics was a clue fiom which some-thing should have been gained. Iftlie matter was left to the judiciarycommittee it would ferret it out.

Rep. Nawahi, as a member of thejudiciary committee, was not anx-ious to take the work, but was con-

fident that, if the other committeewas discharged, the judiciary com-

mittee would let the House knownext Monday morning, or Wednes-day at the least, who were the guiltypaitics. If the Custom House gavereceipts to the Marshal without ex-

amining what they were getting,they should be held responsible.Why should the chairman of thecommittee have been approached bythe Government, when there weioother equally capable lawyers intown?

Rep. Rosa said they had examin-ed llie Chineso merchants and theowners of the buildings, without re-

sult. The lion, member for Hilowas a much older lawyer than he,

"but never was a success except inthe Legislature, and there ho neveraccomplished anything.

Rep. Paeliaole thought the com-

mittee had done a great deal ofwork, and their lenoit oujjht to beaccepted aud they discharged.Then tlie matter should be refeiredto auotlier committee for further in-

vestigation. The House ought tofind out who the wotker of miracleswas, who could turn opium intobricks and stiaw. The motion totranslate and print the leport wa3 alittle prematuie, a- - there might beanother teport to consider on thematter.

Rep. R. W. Wilcox was in favorof accepting and laying the roporton the table, and referring tlie mat-ter further to the judiciary commit-tee. It contained seveial lawyersand l lm chaiiman (Ren. Kalua),would bring some backbone lo it.Why hadn't the Government donesomething before? The Minister ofFinance promised to do somethingat this lato day. Tho Attorney-Geneia- l,

instead of doing anythingon taking office, had gone on a fishing excursion with persons who badbeen plotting to ovei throw the Gov-

ernment. Hy their inaction in thepicmisca the Ministers were givingcountenance to the unlawful deedsof those officials.

Minister Drown called the speakerto order.

Rep. Wilcox (changing to Eng-lish) said he was speaking on apoint of order. The Ministers stoodthere baio-facc- d and promised to dosomething, and the House had aright to hold the Ministers responsi-ble. Resuming in Hawaiian, theconclusion of the lion, member's

was not interpreted.Minister Drown said that if the

honorable gentleman had been aswell acquainted with thu usages ofpolite society and of lcgitdatlvopiaetice

Rep. Wilcox I am more of agentleman than His Excellency

Minister Drown I luivo the floor.I say that tho honorable membershould havo known that the Minis-try could not take this matter outof the hands of a committee of thisHouse. Now that the committeelias reported, tlie Ministry is freeto take tlie matter under investiga-tion. I desiro to havo tho ruling oftho Chair on this point, whether theMinistry could take the matter outof the hands of a legislative


President Wolkcr mlcil that thoMinistry could not have done so.

Rep. Kalua suggested that twoboxes of the size exhibited couldnot havo held tho three or four hun-dred tins of opium sent from Kahu-lui. When the matter was intro-duced Noble Widemann and him-

self had advocated having the inves-tigali-

cover the whole kingdom.Opium was dirt cheap on Maui,showing that smuggling had beenprevalent there. Ho was in favorof the investigation proceeding.

Noble Parker supported the mo-

tion for translating and printing,but would move in amendment thatthe committee be increased to sevenmembers, by the addition of Reps.Nawahi and Kalua.

Noble J. M. Horner suggestedthat Ren. Hush be added, us thatmember had stated how much hecould do.

Noble Marsdcn suggested that,as the Ministry were willing to takeup tlie matter, the committee be in-

creased lo nine, adding the Ministerof Finance and the Attorney-Genera- l.

He protested against membersof the House clamoring lor the con-

demnation of persons witluut evi-

dence. They forgot the old princi-ple that it was belter for ninety-nin- e

guilty persons to escape thanfor one innocent person to be con-

demned.Noble .Baldwin said a great deal

had been uttered that might betterhave been left unsaid. It wouldhave only been couitesy on the partof the House to have passed the mo-

tion to translate and print the re-po- it,

so that members could knowof what they were talking beforethey discussed the matler. As amember of the committee lie didnot thiuk there was a witness ob-

tainable whose evidence they didnot piocuic. While there wasg'ound of suspicion of collusion onthe pait of officials, lie was con-vinced in his own mind that thehead of tlie Customs Dureati was tobe entirely exonerated. If thecommittee could be increased bythe appointment of mcmbeis whoclaimed ability to airive at the bot-tom of the matter in two or threedays, he believed that the Housecould not take a better course thanto add those members to the com-mittee. Perhaps if the committeehad kept on a few weeks or months,it might have found out the guiltyparties; but he submitted thatfrom the amount of testimony ob-

tained tho committee had done anamount of work not often done by acommittee of this Legislature.

Rep. Daker considered that thecommittee had done all it could,and having presented a reportought to be discharged. As mem-bers of the Judiciary committeehad declared their ability of solvingthe mystery in three days, he wasin favor of giving them a chance.

Noble Widemann moved the pre-vious question, whicli carried.

Rep. Rosa, as chairman of tliecommittee, took the privilege ofclosing. He was willing thut thosemembers should be added to thecommittee the member from Hilo(Rep. Nawahi) especially, as hehad shown so much intelligence.

Tluj lepoit was iceeived and thecommittee discharged.

The House adjourned at 4 o'clock.

a i ; i :1 '"


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