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Inaugural function of the 5 th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia held at Kochi see page 3

Inaugural function of the 5th International Symposium onCage Aquaculture in Asia held at Kochi

see page 3

Published by

Dr. A. GopalakrishnanDirectorICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research InstitutePost Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O.Kochi - 682 018, Kerala, IndiaTelephone: 0484-2394867Fax: 91-484-2394909E-mail: [email protected]: www.cmfri.org.in

A. GopalakrishnanDirector





Warm greetings to all.

The potential to increase marine fish production in

India through sea farming isconsiderable although cageaquaculture in the country is stillonly in its early developmentstage. ICAR-CMFRI pioneeredresearch in the open sea cageculture in India as well as

achieved the first breakthrough in breeding and seed production of severalcommercially important marine food fishes such as Cobia and SilverPompano. R & D efforts are underway to achieve similar success in othergroups such as groupers and Red snapper in the coming years. In thiscontext, the 5th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asiahosted by the Institute witnessed many scientific deliberations which willbe helpful in developing the necessary technologies. It has also come outwith several recommendations that will surely aid the process of a BlueRevolution in India. The efforts of all those who strived to make the eventa striking success deserve compliments. During the period, the planningfor National Marine Fisheries Census 2016 with support from theDepartment of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD & F)was completed and the database compiled in specially designed forms onthe socio-economic, infrastructure and other associated data from thecoastal fishing villages and fishermen will be digitized. This will be invaluableduring planning fisheries development schemes or policies for the country.We could also successfully collate stakeholders' opinion from various regionsto aid the formulation of the new National Marine Fisheries Policy by theUnion Government . As we enter the new year 2016, it is gladdening tonote that the Puri Field Centre of ICAR-CMFRI has been opened, whichwill certainly make all efforts to fulfill the needs of marine fishermen of theregion through their research out-reach and training programs. As the newyear unfolds, it is time to approach our work with renewed vigour anddedication and I wish everyone a very successful New Year 2016.


The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, is a premier research Instituteunder the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, devoted to research and training inmarine fisheries and mariculture.

CMFRI has three Regional Centres viz., Mandapam Camp, Visakhapatnam and Veravaland seven Research Centres located along the Indian coastline, catering to the marinefishery policy needs of all maritime states of the country.


Dr. U. Ganga

Editorial Board

Dr. Rekha J. Nair

Dr. R. Jeyabaskaran

Dr. Kajal Chakraborty

Shri. D. Linga Prabu

Smt. P. Geetha

Shri. Arun Surendran

Shri. P. R. Abhilash

Director speaks

CMFRI Hosts the 5th InternationalSymposium on Cage Aquaculturein Asia (CAA5) at Kochi 3

Research Highlights 14

Training/Extension 17

Delegates/Visitors 19

Awards 19

Swachh Bharat 21

Official Language Implementation 21

KVK (Ernakulam) News 22

Programme Participations 23

Human Resources Development 24

Personnel 26

ICAR-CMFRI hosts the 5th InternationalSymposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA5)

ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries ResearchInstitute and the Indian Branch of the

Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) hosted the5th International Symposium on CageAquaculture in Asia (CAA5) in Kochi, Indiaduring 25-28th November 2015. Theinaugural function held on 25th

November 2015 began with a welcomeaddress by Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan,Convener, CAA5 and Director, ICAR-CMFRI. Invitees and delegates from India,

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Release of CAA5 Souvenir (from L-R) Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer, Dr. J. K. Jena, Dr. S. Ayyappan, Dr. Derek Staples,Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil and Dr. Mridula Rajesh

Norway, Indonesia, United Kingdom,Korea and Philippines were present onthe occasion. He acknowledged theAsian Fisheries Society for providing theopportunity to host this prestigious eventat Kochi which included a symposiumtheme talk, keynote address for eachsession and lead talks by eminentresearchers and experts cageaquaculture. 252 participants from 10countries (Norway, UK, Australia, South

Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines,Thailand, Iran, China) were presentbesides Indian delegates. Onesymposium theme lecture, 6 keynoteaddress, 17 lead talks, 141 abstracts, 42oral and 75 poster presentations weremade. An exhibition of cage culturetechnology, products and services with21 exhibitors, had stalls displaying theirproducts / services. Presentations in 6different sessions pertaining to recentadvances and research activities in thefield of cage aquaculture were made.From over 200 submissions received, thebest were summarized in the Book ofAbstracts which was also released duringthe function. Convener CAA5 expressedhis hope that the Symposium wouldmeet the objectives and initiatives ofICAR, MPEDA, SAUs and NGOs incontributing to aquaculture growth inIndia and that it would provide a platformfor the country to take up cage culture ina sustainable manner.

Felicitatory messages received fromthe Hon’ble President of India, Shri.Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President, ShriMohammed Hameed Ansari, UnionWelcome Address by the Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Convener CAA5, Director, ICAR-CMFRI

Agriculture Minister, Shri. Radha MohanSingh, Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri.Oommen Chandy and the President,Asian Fisheries Society, Prof. ShuolinHuang who flagged the importance of thesymposium were also read out.

After the Welcome address, Dr. AliceJoan Ferrer, Vice President, Asian FisheriesSociety, Malaysia spoke briefly on theactivities of AFS past. A two minutessilence was observed as a mark of respectto the departed souls of Dr. S. Z. Qasim,Honorary Life Member AFS, Prof. H. P.C. Shetty, Founder Chairman, AFSIB andpast AFS Councillor and Mr. J. V. H.Dixitulu, former Managing Editor ofFishing Chimes.

In his Presidential address, Dr. J. K.Jena, Chairman, AFSIB emphasized theneed for governmental policies tosupport cage farming in open waters. Hesaid that the slogan at present was notonly fish for all for today and tomorrowbut also forever. He said that India could

take cues from countries such as Norway,Chile and China.

Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil,Former Member, ASRB and MemberCouncil Advisory Group (CAG), AFS,was the Guest of Honour for thefunction. He expressed happiness at theresponse shown by the participants toCAA5 and congratulated efforts to makethis conference successful when cageaquaculture is still in its infancy in India.Highlighting the prospects of cage cultureto a developing country like India wherefish is not only an item of food but also ofemployment opportunities he pointedout that Asia is now emerging as asuperpower in aquaculture. He flaggedthe issues of environmental safety,entrepreneurship, consumer health andalso highlighted prospects of Asiancountries to gain from cage aquaculture.He emphasized that there is no need forany competition between countries andwhat is rather needed is sharing of skills,knowledge and expertise with concerted

efforts of Asian countries to takeecofriendly cage culture forward.

Dr. Derek Staples, Immediate PastPresident, AFS, in his address stressedthat the fisheries society in Asia needs toundergo a major reform with respect toconnectivity among Asian countries.

The Book of Abstracts and Souvenirof the Symposium were released by theChief Guest Dr. S. Ayyappan. In hisInaugural address he opined that it wasapt that CAA5 was held in Kochi whichmay be rightly called the fisheries capitalof India. He recounted his firstexperiments in freshwater cage culturealong with Dr. Kumaraiah, way back in1982. He mentioned that the food basketis getting diversified from cereals to meatto fish and the biggest challenge now isClimate Change which ICAR- CMFRI isalso addressing. Highlighting theachievements made by ICAR-CMFRI incage culture at Veraval, Karwar,Mandapam and Kochi he mentioned thatpresent day emphasis is on environment

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Address by Guest of HonourProf. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil,

CAG, AFS, Malaysia

Presidential address by Dr. J. K. Jena,Chairman, AFSIB and DDG (Fisheries), ICAR

Address by the Chief GuestDr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR

Address by Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer Address by Dr. Derek Staples, Immediate Past President, AFS

friendly and sustainable practices incapture fisheries as well as aquaculture.He expressed hope that the symposiumwould provide an opportunity forexchange of ideas between India andNorway who are the leaders in cageculture. Today, the Indian youth is lookingforward to challenging ideas andopportunities and cage culture will besuch an opportunity he added. He furtheremphasized that multiple use of watershould be resorted to and complimentedthe efforts of the youngsters fromJharkhand on their success in cage farmingin the reservoirs. He also said that astrong combination of seed availability,feed, skill and will were the need of thehour for further development of cageaquaculture in India. Stressing that cageculture can provide opportunity for aparadigm shift for production of foodfrom land to water bodies, Dr. Ayyappanconcluded his address by wishing thedelegates fruitful deliberations.

The AFSIB R & D Innovation Awardswere presented to experts who hadsignificantly contributed for thedevelopment of cage culture in India. Thisincluded Mr. Sanjay V. Raut, President(Technical & New Businesses), Garware-Wall Ropes Limited, Pune, Dr. ThampiSamraj, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre forAquaculture, MPEDA, Kochi, Prof. (Dr.)Mohan Joseph Modayil, FormerMember, ASRB and Former Director,ICAR-CMFRI, Dr. G. Syda Rao, FormerDirector, ICAR-CMFRI, Dr. G.Gopakumar, Emeritus Scientist, ICAR-CMFRI and Dr. P. Kumaraiah, formerPrincipal Scientist, ICAR-CIFA. Dr.Mridula Rajesh, Treasurer, AFSIBproposed the vote of thanks.

Distinguished guests at thesymposium included Dr. V. V. Sugunanand Dr. Madan Mohan (Former ADGs(Fisheries), ICAR), Dr. P. S. B. R. James,Dr. V. N. Pillai (Former Directors,CMFRI), Dr. S. D. Tripathi (Former

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Keynote address by Mr. Trond Severinsen(Norway) in Session I on Marine Production Systems

Lead lecture by Dr. Asmund Bjordal (Director,Institute of Marine Research, Norway)

in Session III

Lead lecture by Dr. Ketut Sugama (Indonesia)in Session III on Breeding and Seed Production

Keynote address by Prof. Trevor Platt in Session Ion Marine Production Systems

Director, ICAR-CIFE). Dr. S. W. A Naqvi,Director, CSIR-NIO, Goa; Dr. P.Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-CIFT, Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA,Chennai and Dr. P. Jayasankar, Director,ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar besides manyother eminent personalities in the fieldof fisheries and aquaculture.

The Symposium Theme lecture“Greening the Asian Cage AquacultureConstruct” was delivered by Prof. (Dr.)Mohan Joseph Modayil. The keynotespeakers were Mr. Trond Severinsen(Norway) (Marine Production Systems),Dr. V. V. Sugunan (Inland ProductionSystems), Dr. G. Gopakumar (Breedingand Seed Production), Dr. P E VijayAnand, USSC (Nutrition and Feed), Dr.Brit Hjeltnes, (Norway) (Health andEnvironment Management), and Dr.Marius Dalen, (Norway) (Economics,Livelihood and Policies). All sessions hadlead talks by eminent speakers andscientists from different organisations inIndia and abroad. They were Dr. NielsSvennevig (Vietnam), Dr. Clive Jones(Australia), Dr. K. G. Padmakumar (India),Dr. A. K. Das (India), Mr. Uttam KumarSubuddhi, IFS (India), Dr. AsmundBjordal, Director, IMR (Norway), Dr.Ketut Sugama (Indonesia), Dr. KristofferLunde, EWOS (Norway), Prof. TrevorPlatt (Plymouth, presently JawaharlalNehru Science Fellow, India), Dr. K. K.Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA (India), Dr.Indrani Karunasagar (India), Dr.Murwantoko (Department of Fisheries,Faculty of Agriculture (Indonesia), Dr. PRavichandran, Member Secretary,Coastal Aquaculture Authority, (India),Mr. Suresh Kumar, DGM, NABARD,(India) and Mr. Jacob Joseph, Asst.Professor, NUALS, (India). There wereoral and poster presentation in eachsession by scientists and students fromdifferent organisations in India andabroad.The Exhibition and Trade showinaugurated by Dr. Derek Staples, AFS(Malaysia) had 22 stalls which included

Delgates at the Symposium

State and Central Government Agencies,ICAR institutes, Fisheries Universities,Entrepreneurs, Banks and NGOs.

The Plenary and valedictory sessionof CAA5 was held on 27th November,2015. After the welcome address by Dr.B. Shamasunder, Secretary AFSIB, Dr. S.D. Tripathi, Dr. K. K. Philipose,Coordinator, All India Network Project

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Lead lecture by Dr. Kristoffer Lunde (Norway)in Session IV on Nutrition and Feed

Keynote address by Dr. Brit Hjeltnes (Norway)in Session V on Health and Environment Management

Keynote address by Dr. Marius Dalen (Norway)in session VI on Economics, Livelihood and Policies

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to M/s. Garware Wall Ropes Ltd.

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Prof. Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Dr. G. Gopakumar

Presentation of AFSIB R&D Innovation Award to Dr. P. Kumaraiah

Presentation of Award toMr. V. Dinakaran, Chairman,


(Mariculture), Dr. Imelda Joseph, Head inCharge, Mariculture Division, ICAR-CMFRI and Dr. Derek Staples, expressedtheir views about the Symposium andappreciated the success of thesymposium. Dr. J. K. Jena, President,AFSIB presented the concluding remarksand the recommendations of thesymposium. Prof. (Dr.) Mohan JosephModayil announced the awards for thebest three papers and posters.MATSYAFED Kerala was presented withan award in recognition of their supportto the cage culture programmes in thecountry by supplying the nets at nominalrates to the fishers. Mr. V. Dinakaran,Chairman, MATSYAFED and Ex-MLA, onreceiving the award, stated that theorganization will continue supportingICAR-CMFRI in their cage cultureendeavours. The program concludedwith the vote of thanks by Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director, ICAR-CMFRIand Convener, CAA5.

Recommendations of CAA5Considering the emerging importance of cage aquaculture on the economy

and life of the Asian region, the CAA5 recommends

1. A precautionary development agenda for environment and resourcefriendly, sustainable and inclusive way forward for Asian countries by sharinginformation and experiences for the benefit of all.

2. Collective efforts between Asian countries to foster a green approach byfollowing best management practices for providing safe fish.

3. Development of breeding and grow-out technologies of indigenouscandidate species, specific to each country, with emphasis on diversificationin both inland and marine cage aquaculture.

4. Greater focused research attention on feed development, with emphasison reduced use of fish meal and fish oil, and feed management approachfor prospective candidate species for cage aquaculture in the Asian region.

5. Development and implementation of country specific disease surveillanceand management plans for addressing existing diseases and preventingfuture outbreaks.

6. A greater thrust on R & D on multispecies farming; involving fish, molluscs,seaweeds and scavengers for utilization of multi-trophic food niches forpreventing environmental deterioration.

7. Development and adoption of National policies for each country, takinginto consideration harmonized approaches delineating maximum biomassproduction for sites in inland and marine water bodies, so as to preventadverse impacts on the aquatic environment of neighbouring countries.

8. Mapping of sites for cage aquaculture, taking into consideration local areadevelopment plans, environmental safeguards and user rights; further,notifying and demarcating culture sites must receive attention in eachcountry so as to promote harmonious development.

9. Facilitation of private-public participation in commercial cage farming toattract increased investment and entrepreneurial development.

10. Sharing of knowledge and skill for development of cage aquaculturethrough collaborative programmes in research, training and humanresource development.

Award for best paper presentation toDr. G. Grinson and Team

Award for best paper presentation toDr. M. K. Anil and Team

Award for best poster presentation toDr. P. A. Vikas and Team

Award for best poster presentation toDr. K. Madhu and Team

Inauguration of Trade Show by Dr. Derek Staples Visit to CMFRI stall by Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR

CAA5 Core Committee from ICAR-CMFRI withDr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Convener, CAA5.

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Delegates at the National Marine Biodviersity Museum, ICAR-CMFRI

Delegates at the Dinner hosted at CMFRI as part of CAA5

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director withthe invited speakers and the AFS and


Host Institute of ICAR-CMFRI 9Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Session in progress

Dr. B. Shamasundar, Secretary AFSIB speaks at Valedictory function

View of the Audience

Logo and Website Team : Shri. P. R. Abhilash, Shri. K. M. David and Shri. Manu V. K.

Glimpses of the Cultural Evening

‘Cage Aquaculture Aiming Sky High’ - Symposium Theme Painting by Shri. K. M. David

Dr. Asmund Bjordal presents memento to Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan duringthe Valedictory Function

highlighted the opportunities to take upmarine fisheries activities in Odisha to newheights through collaboration in cagefarming, coastal aquaculture and seaweedfarming with the active technical backingfrom this centre. Some of the fish farmerspresent expressed their difficulties in

Puri Field Centre of ICAR-CMFRI inaugurated

The Office cum Research Laboratoryof Puri Field Centre of ICAR-CMFRI,

was formally inaugurated on 7th

December, 2015 by Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director in the presenceof distinguished officials from Odisha StateFisheries Department including Mr. P.Krishna Mohan, IFS, Director of Fisheries,Mr. Basant Dash, Deputy Director,(Marine Fisheries), Mrs. Urbashi Behera,Additional Director of Fisheries and Mr.Shashi Kanta Mishra, Asst. Engineer,CPWD, Odisha. In her welcome address,Dr. (Mrs.) Reeta Jayasankar, Scientist-in-charge, Puri Field Centre thanked Mr.Satyabrata Sahoo, IAS, formerCommissioner cum Secretary, AnimalResource Development Department(Fisheries), and Mr. Bishnupada Sethi, IASfor providing all support during setting upof the centre. Dr. A. Gopalakrishnanappreciated the cooperation between theState and Central Fisheries Departmentsto address the issues of stake holders and

getting seed from Chennai andMandapam for crab and finfish farming andrequested for setting up such hatcheriesin Odisha also. After the formalinauguration, the dignitaries visited thelaboratory and hatchery facil itiesdeveloped at the Centre.

Director with dignitaries and staff of Puri Field Centre

Participants of the Workshop on "Marine Fisheries Census-2016"at Mumbai RC of CMFRI

Marine Fisheries Census 2016

The National Marine Fisheries Census-2016 in all the maritime states and

two Union Territories of the country is tobe held under the leadership of ICAR-CMFRI. The Island regions of Andaman& Nicobar and Lakshadweep will beenumerated under the supervision ofFishery Survey of India. The exerciseincludes collecting information aboutmarine fishermen families, fishing craftsand gears, social and educational profileand demographic features of marinefishing villages. The previous census wasconducted in 2010. The Department ofAnimal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries(DAHDF) of Ministry of Agriculture andFarmers Welfare, Government of India isfunding the exercise which is coordinated

by the Institute. Training programmes forsupervisors and prospective enumeratorswere conducted.

Fishery Resources AssessmentDivision (FRAD) conducted Pre-CensusWorkshops at the various Regional/Research centres of the Institute. At theVisakhapatnam Regional centre it was heldon 19th-20th November, 2015. Dr. MiniKG, Senior Scientist, Dr. Reeta Jayasankar,Scientist-in-charge, Puri FC of ICAR-CMFRI and Mr. Vivekanand Bharti,Scientist conducted the training. Dr.Grinson George, Senior Scientist, ShriWilson T Mathew, Scientist and Shri. D.Pugazhendi, Technical Officer conductedworkshop at Chennai Research Centre

for training of field, district and state levelsupervisors of Tamil Nadu, south AndhraPradesh and Puducherry U.T. on 17th and18th November 2015. Workshop forKerala and Mahe was held on 12th and13th November 2015. Dr. SomyKuriakose, Principal Scientist and Mr.Manu V. K., Senior Technical Assistant,conducted the workshop at MangaloreResearch Centre for Karnataka and Goaon 1st and 2nd December 2015. Dr. T. V.Sathianadan, Principal Scientist and Mrs.K. Ramani, Assistant Chief TechnicalOfficer, trained supervisors for NorthGujarat and U.T. of Diu on 18th and 19th

November 2015 and Maharashtra, SouthGujarat and U.T. of Daman on 20th and21st November 2015 at Mumbai RC.

About 3000 enumerators trained bythe institute will visit 11 lakh fishermenfamilies spread across 4250 marine fishingvillages located in 73 districts. Around 220officials are posted at the 26 centres foreffective supervision and co-ordination.The schedules are designed to collectdetails pertaining to social, educational andfishing aspects of marine fishermenfamilies besides information related tofish processing, handling, marketing andvalue addition. The information on

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infrastructure facilities in fishing villages andother fish harvesting and processingfacilities available in various coastal districtsis also being collected. The schedules tobe used for household survey have beentranslated into eight regional languages forease of use. Apart from the schedules thepersonnel involved have been providedan instruction booklet to clarify variousheads under which details are beingcollected. The data would later beanalyzed by ICAR-CMFRI to develop acomprehensive census database tofacilitate formulation of fisheries relatedplans and policies in the marine sector.

Online survey for developing stakeholders’ opinion onNational Marine Fisheries Policy

The high level committee entrustedwith the formulation of National

Marine Fisheries Policy recorded variousopinions of stakeholders through a set of84 main questions available in print(offline) and online on the websites ofDAHDF and ICAR-CMFRI. The printed

questionnaire forms were posted to over1000 fisheries organizations in thecountry. Wide publicity to the exercisewas given in regional and national printmedia. Initially, 45 days' time (October 26to December 10, 2015) was given forsubmission of forms, but based on popular

demand was extended by another 6 days.Postal submissions continued even afterthis date and all respondses received untilDecember 31st were used in the analysis.The online form had adequate cybersecurity to ensure protection against spamgeneration and hackers.

Workshop held at Vishakapatnam Regional Centre

Harvest of farmed lobsters from model sea-cage farm

Tuticorin Research Centre initiated sea-net cage farming of lobsters and cobia

through participatory mode withfisherfolks at Sippikulam, Thoothukudiduring the month of September 2015.The farming of lobsters was done infloating Galvanised Iron (GI) net-cage (7m diameter & 3 m height). 550 babylobsters with an average size of 60 gprocured from nearby fish landing centreswere stocked in the cage maintained bythe fisher folk with technical guidance fromICAR-CMFRI. After three months, thelobsters attained about 225 g and thevalue of harvested lobster was about `1.8 lakhs.The harvest programme wasconducted on 22nd December 2015 inSippikulam village,Thoothukudi. Dr. P. P.Manojkumar, Scientist-in-Charge,Tuticorin Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI welcomed the gathering. Mr.Amal Xavier, Joint Director of Fisheries(Regional), Tuticorin flagged off the harvestprogram and appraised the fisher folkabout the various state and centralgovernment schemes available for sea-

Joint Director, Tamil Nadu Fisheries Department handingover the lobster harvest to the fishermen

cage farming. Mr. C. Kalidas, Scientistbriefed about the technical details of seacage farming. Mr. M. Kumeresan, Lobsterfarming Entrepreneur, Mr. Gnanaraj,Lobster Sea-cage farmer and Mr. Rexon,Cobia Sea-cage farmer shared their sea-cage farming experiences at Sippikulam.In the felicitation address Dr. C. S. ShineKumar, Deputy Director, MPEDA toldabout subsidies available for constructionof facilities for live and chilled export of

marine fishes from the village. Rev. RajaRodrigo, Sippikulam and Mr. IssacJayakumar, Assistant Director of Fisheries(Marine) also spoke on the occasionwhere leaders from SippikulamFishermen Co-operative Society, fishfarmers and other fishermen werepresent. The first of its kind in this coastalvillage, the event will enthuse other fisherfamilies to take up sea cage farming toimprove their livelihoods.

(Reported by : Tuticorin RC)

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Expansion of the open sea cage farming under TSP in Gujarat

For the fourth consecutive year, ICAR-CMFRI launched the seacage farm off

Veraval under the Tribal Sup-Plan for thebenefit of the Sidi tribals of Gujarat. Thesuccessful farming trials in the past threeyears have motivated them to launch thefarm during the current year. Priorities for

the year will be to diversify the farmingfrom lobsters only to integration with theseaweed and oysters. These farming trialsin addition to providing livelihood to thetribals have also served as venues for thedemonstration and capacity building of theinterested cage farming entrepreneurs in

the region. The programme which isbeing run through a registered society ofthe tribals,Bharat Adimjuth MatsyodyogMandali, Talala and benefits nearly 110tribals members from 22 families.

(Reported by Veraval Regional Centre)

Progressive fishermen trained by ICAR-CMFRIinitiate fish farming

With the able support of the youthfrom the Association of Kovalam

Progressive Fishermen (AKPF) trainedunder the mariculture team from CMFRI,the fisher youth of KadalurChinnakuppamvillages in Kancheepuram District of TamilNadu carried out cage culture of Asiansea bass fingerlings and juveniles ofParastromateus niger, Lutjanus spp. andRachycentron canadum caught frommarine nearshore waters. Smallindigenously designed fixed cage netswere installed in the creeks and

backwaters adjoining the village. Onecage harvested on November 13th 2015yielded 54 kg of sea bass (980 g averageweight) along with other fishes likePearlspot and carangids stocked. The seabass and the mangrove jacks were soldlive to a gaming resort for ` 500/- perkilogram from where they were shiftedto fresh water conditions in less than twohours with no mortality. A total revenueof ` 33,000 was realised from theoperation enthusing the fisher youth.

(Reported by Madras Research Centre)

National Workshop on "Effective Management ofE- Resources in Research Libraries"

Library & Documentation Centre ofCMFRI organized a 6 days National

workshop on "Effective Management ofE- Resources in Research Libraries" from

Dr. J. Letha, Vice-Chancellor, CUSATinaugurating the Workshop

12th - 17th October 2015. Dr. J. Letha,Vice-Chancellor, Cochin University ofScience and Technology (CUSAT), Kochiinaugurated the Workshop. Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director presided overthe function. Mrs. P. Geetha, Officer-in-charge, Library & Documentation Centreco-ordinated the workshop. A capacitybuilding programme for libraryprofessionals, it provided necessarytraining to develop InstitutionalRepositories and created awareness inexecuting modern technologies forefficient management of E-Resources.The valedictory function was held on 17th

October 2015.

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IMTA benefits Fishermen self-help groups

The second demonstration ofIntegrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture

(IMTA) under NICRA by integrating theseaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii with cagefarming of cobia initiated at Munaikadu(Palk bay) from May 2015 has successfully

concluded. After two successive seaweedharvests on 17th September and 5th

November 2015 the harvest of cagefarmed cobia was carried out on 27th

November and 6th December 2015. Atotal of 1,792 kg of cobia measuring 52

to 72 cm and each weighing 1.4 to 3.5kg was harvested, getting a farm gate priceof ` 270 per kg.

(Reported by Mandapam Regional Centre)

Cage culture adoption by traditional shrimp farmers inErnakulam District

Cage culture in brackishwater bodiesappears to be a rapidly expanding

farming practice in Kerala, especially inErnakulam district. The traditional shrimpfarmers in the district are enthusiastic toutilize existing water resources which inmost cases have only limited fishproduction, with the uncertainty in shrimpproduction due to disease outbreaks. Fishproduction in cages is considered as analternative where open pond culture is notlucrative due to various reasons.Nayarambalam in Vypeen Island withagriculture and fishing as the main sourcesof income for the people has vastareas oftraditional Pokkalipaddy fields and fishponds especially in the eastern and westernareas of the village. Pizhala an island in theKadamakkudy Grama Panchyath, Kochi

also has several Pokkali farms. The 4 m x4m GI cages at both the places werefabricated by farmers at their respectiveplaces. At Pizhala, four cages and at one at

Nayarambalam stocked with sea bass,pearl spot and Tilapia are now operational.ICAR-CMFRI is assisting with scientificinputs to the farmers.

Participatory Open sea cage culture in Kerala

A 6 m diameter GI cage has beeninstalled in the open sea near Fort

Kochi Beach road by ICAR-CMFRI for

Square GI cages being moored at Nayarambalam

Open sea cage launch off Fort Kochi

farming of seabass and cobia,on23.11.2015. Done in a participatorymode with the KLCA Unit of Immanuel

Church, Beach Road, the cage has beenanchored two kilometers away from theshore at a depth of 6 m using two anchorsof 75 kg each. About 1400 numbers ofAsian seabass seeds are stocked in thecage and the group has agreed to do thedaily maintenance of the cage and feedingof fishes. This is the second trial of opensea cage culture in Kochi area after anearlier demonstration in 2009 atMunambam.. Prior to cage installation,an awareness programme was organizedfor the fishermen in the area on11.11.2015, with a participation of about100 persons. Dr. Imelda Joseph, Dr. ShojiJoseph and Dr. Boby Ignatius PrincipalScientists and Mr. K. M. Venugopalan,Technical Officer of MaricultureDivisiontook classes on cage culture to the groupand screened videos of cage cultureactivities operated with support of ICAR-CMFRI at different locations in thecountry.

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Research Highlights

Island BiodiversitySurveysUnderwater surveys were done at

Devgad Island, off Karwar, duringSeptember to December 2015 and coraldiversity mapped. Patch reefs were foundto occur on the rocky bottomsurrounding the island. Soft coralsdominated near shore areas at a depthof 5-12 meters. The island has densevegetation including an endangeredspecies of wild banana (Cliff Banana,Ensete superbum). Heavy sedimentationwas evident in all sites surveyed whichcan be attributed to the relative positionof the island towards the mouth of Kaliestuary. Nevertheless, hard corals areobserved to be coping with this stressfulenvironment. Whip coral or Monkey tail(Juncella juncea) were found to beabundant on the northern side of theisland at a depth of 6-9 meters. Hardcorals were represented by seven generaincluding Porites, Favia, Coscinaraea,

Soft corals and Gorgonids at Devgad Island

Turbinaria, Paracyathus, Cyphastrea andTubastrea. Rock oyster Saccostreacucullata and seaweeds such asSargassum sp. and Padina sp. were foundto dominate in the intertidal and shallowregions upto 3 metres deep. Evidenceof bacterial disease was noticed on soft

corals and gorgonids while bioerosionwas observed in hard corals especially inPorites colonies. However, theecosystem appears to be generallyrobust.

(Reported by Dr. P. Laxmilatha, Principal Investigator,MB/VAl/33, Marine Biodiversity Division)

Installation of power block in purse seiners causing socialconflicts in Maharashtra

During the last decade, purse seinefishery has gained momentum in the statealong with trawling targeting Mackereland Oil sardine. In recent years, catch ofpurse seine fishery has been diversifiedwith the landing of commerciallyimportant demersal fish resources likecatfish, Black pomfrets and sciaenids likeGhol, Koth etc. Increased purse seinefishery with associated issues like bulkquantity of by-catch (60 - 65%) andfishing of juveniles caused social conflictsbetween traditional fishermen operatingdol net, gill net and shore seine in near-shore waters. Considering thesustainability of the natural resources andgrowing social tensions between purse-seiners and traditional fishers,Government of Maharashtra hadconstituted a Purse seine Committee inthe year 2011 to look into the matter.Presently the purse-seine fleet inMaharashtra has 435 units. Traditionally,these nets were hauled onboardmanually but recently a power block (orBoom) for hauling of the nets onboardhave been instal. It is driven by hydraulicpower generated by a separate engine(4 cylinder, 36 HP) and speed of powerblock and direction of pulling can be

regulated according to the requirements.About 50 numbers of purse seinersoperating from Sassoon Dock haveinstalled power block which has facilitatedreduction in duration required for haulingnet onboard which in turn doublesnumber of hauls and fish catch. It has alsofacilitated reduction of man poweremployed onboard and 20 to 25 crewmembers involved in a purse seine fishing

Hydraulic power block fitted purse seiner at Sassoon Dock, Mumbai

operation earlier has now reduced toabout 5 to 8 crew. These developmentsare causing conflicts between traditionalfishers and purse seine operators as wellas between crew members and boatowners.

(Reported by Albert Idu, I. S. Hotagi,Veerendra Veer Singh, Vaibhav D. Mhatre,

Nilesh A. Pawar and Punam A. Khandagale,Mumbai Research Centre)

15Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Heavy landings ofjuvenile Threadfin

breamsJ uveniles of threadfin breams

(Nemipterus randalli) in the lengthrange of 50 - 100 mm were observed inlandings of multiday trawlers atMunambam Fishing Harbour fromNovember 2015 onwards. Theyconstituted 75-80 % of the total threadfinbreams landed. The estimated landing ofjuveniles was 113 tonnes in November,which continued in December also. Thecatch was auctioned at rate of ` 20 perkg at the landing centre and transportedto Manguluru for processing into mincedfish paste known as Surimi, an importantitem for export.

(Reported by: Demersal Fisheries Division)

Heavy landings of Pink whip rayHuge landings of pink whip ray

Himantura fai caught in inboardhooks and line operated off Beypore wasobserved at Cochin Fisheries Harbour on

Pink whip ray landings

Chennai witnessed incessant heavyrains and floods in November-

December 2015 which causedwidespread loss and damage. In theseven coastal districts of Tamil Nadu 68fishing villages were “severely affected”and 169 villages “moderately affected” by

the floods. Kanchipuram District had thehighest number (23) of severely affectedfishing villages followed by Cuddalore(12) The incessant heavy rains causeddamages at the Kovalam FieldLaboratory also. The roof of thesedimentation and reservoir tanks were

lost and salinity of the incoming seawaterin the bore pipe dipped to very low levelsaffecting the broodstock, algal culturesand other live animals being held at thefacility

(Reported by Madras Research Centre)

Unusual floods affect fishing villages in Tamil Nadu

22nd December 2015. Around 18 tonnesof the ray landings were auctioned at` 74 per kg.

Unusual bumper catch of the Blackspotted croaker

Heavy landings of Black spottedcroaker (Protonibea diacanthus)

locally known as 'Ghol/Kooral' werelanded at Pamban-Therkuvadi landingcentre by fish trawl (Meenmadi) with anOAL of 16 m fitted with 193 HP engineon 9th December, 2015. The catchweighing around two tonnes comprised47 females and 53 males with an averagelength and weight of 120 cm and 19 kgrespectively. The catch was auctioned atthe rate of ̀ 1460 per kg and transported

to Kerala, owing to the huge demand forits swim bladder used for making isinglassimportant in domestic as well as exportmarket. The occurrence of large sizecroakers on the south east coast isextremely rare and has never beenreported in such a huge quantity.

(Reported by Remya L., Surya S., M. Rajkumar,Dr. N. S. Jeena, Ramya Abhijith, A. Gandhi, K.

Shanmuganathan, R. Selvakumar, K. Thangavel,and Dr. A. K. Abdul Nazar, Mandapam Regional


Captive hatching ofspiny lobster speciesIn the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere

Reserve three major species of spinylobsters viz., Panulirus homarus homarus,P. versicolor and P. ornatus occur and theirlive trade is an important economicactivity of the region. To understand itslarval dispersal and recruitment anattempt to induce captive spawning ofwild berried females of Panulirusversicolor and P. homarus to assignmolecular identity of the larva was made.The brooders collected from live lobsterholding centres during October andNovember 2015 were maintained in a2 tonne FRP tank. They spawned after1-2 weeks of egg incubation with anestimated 1.9 lakh and 3 lakh phyllosomahatched out from a single brooder of P.homarus and P. versicolor respectively.The species wise identification of wildcaught phyllosoma is very difficult and thiswork will be useful in generating areference data for comparison.

(Reported by Jeena, N. S., Tinto Thomas, AbdulNazar A. K & Ramamoorthy, N., Mandapam

Regional Centre)

16 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Unusual presence of two operculums in Lambis lambis

During the regular monitoringprogramme for gastropod

resources on 24th August 2015, aspecimen of Lambis lambis (Linnaeus,1758) measuring 195 mm and 325 gcollected by divers from 5 m depth at adistance of 2 nautical miles off Kalavasalwas found to have double operculum.Aberrations have been reported inseveral instances however, observationof double operculum is a unique one andfirst of its kind reported in gastropods. Lambis lambis with

double operculum

Indigenous technique for bivalve storage practised

Bivalves locally known as Tisare,Shivale, Tigari or Shimpale are

commercially exploited from variouscreeks in Maharashtra. Kalbadevi creek inRatnagiri district is a major bivalvecollection centre. Clams are handpickedfrom the beds during low tide by localfishermen and usually the maximumcollections are made on new moon andfull moon days when they are fullyexposed. Fishers collect about 80-100 kgper day depending upon availability. Localfishermen are of the opinion that suchpeak catches occurs every five to ten yearsand similar magnitude was last observedduring 2010 - 11season. The collected

clams are stored in live condition by thelocal fishermen employing a unique

practice. Meshed polythene net bags eachwith 50-60 kg of collected clams arecompletely immersed in the creek itself.These bags are mostly placed head tohead in and tied with a centre rope andan indicator flag is fixed for easy location.When the demand for bivalves increasesin the local market they are removed andsold. About 100-200 collectors areinvolved in clam collection was a sourceof livelihood along Kalbadevi creek.Hence, judicious exploitation andconservation of this clam resource isrequired to ensure sustainable fishery.

(Reported by: Mumbai RC of CMFRI)Clams collected and stored by local fishersin Kalbadevi creek

Gonochorism confirmed for Lutjanus argentimaculatusalong north-east coast of India

Gonochorism or the presence ofseparate male and female sexes in

fishes, was confirmed for Lutjanusargentimaculatus collected from thewild, off Visakhapatnam. Specimens of

both male and female fish were foundin the 55-60 cm category (just startingto mature) and in the larger sizes of 70-75 cm (ready to spawn) category aswell. This was also confirmed by

examining the histological preparations oftesticular and ovarian samples collectedfrom these specimens.

(Reported by : Visakhapatnam Regional Centre)

Ingestion of plastic by marine fishes

Acarangid fish Coryphaena equiselislanded at Tharuvaikulam by the

murrelvala (a gill net targeting belonids)on 30th November 2015 was found tocontain a piece of plastic having a lengthof 10.5 cm and breadth of 6 cm rightinside the stomach. The stomach wasotherwise empty. The fish is normallycarnivorous in nature, with the adultsfeeding on smaller fishes and squid.

(Reported by M. Sivadas, K. Suresh Kumar andK. Kannan, Tuticorin R. C.) Part of the plastic piece seen through ruptured stomach wall

The animal wascollected and depositedin marine museum ofTuticorin ResearchCentre.

(Reported by M. Kavitha,Dr. I. Jagadis, J.Padmanathan

& H. Sivanesh TuticorinResearch Centre)

1 2

17Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Unusual sightings of migratory seabirdsAs very little information is available

on seabirds of India, the instituteinitiated research to study seabird-fisheryinteractions with regular observationsduring cruises on-board FRV SilverPompano. The migratory sea bird Pallas’sGull or Great Black headed gull Larusichthyaetus is the largest sea gull speciesin India. It generally visits, during wintermonths arriving along the Kerala coast byend of November/early December andleaving by April/May. Unusually on 16th

October 2015, six juvenile Pallas’s gullswere sighted off Kochi (100N 03’E ; 760

E).Masked Booby Sula dactylatra a sea

Masked Booby Pallas's gullbird rarely found in Kerala was firstreported from Kannur by the worldrenowned ornithologist Dr. Salim Ali in1983. Earlier reports of its occurrencewere during June to August whilerecently it has been observed off Kochion 9.11.14 and 8.9.15, perhaps

indicating a shift in migration periods.Atmospheric temperature duringSeptember 2015 ranged between 27-290 C while the Sea Surface Temperature(SST) was 28-290 C.

(Reported by R. Jeyabaskaran, S. Lavanya, P.Vysakhan, Seban Joh, Jishnu Mohan, D. Prema

and V. Kripa, FEMD)


Demonstration and hands-on training in Oyster farmingThe Self Help Groups of Taramumbari,

Vengurla and Devbagh areas in theSindhudurg district were trained under theUNDP/GEF funded project"Demonstration of bivalve farming atSindhudurg District in the state ofMaharashtra"as a means of popularising theoyster farming in the area. The successfulfarming and harvest of oysters in Wadatar,Sindhudurg District in June 2015 with thetechnical support of ICAR-CMFRI, hasattracted many potential women Self HelpGroups to this enterprise. A total of 200members participated in the training in eacharea. Training was given through videosas well as hands-on training in ren makingand rack construction for oyster farminginvolving all participants. The training wasgiven by Dr. Vidya, Mr. P. S. Alloycious andMr. K. M. Jestin Joy from Headquarters

(Reported by: Molluscan Fisheries Division) Trainees making rens for oyster farming

A training programme on'SeedProduction of Selected Marine

Ornamental Fishes' was organized underGulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust(GOMBRT) funded project at MandapamRegional Centre during 28th to

Practical session at the hatchery

30th October 2015. Thirty sevenfishermen from Olaikuda, Vadakadu,Thangachimadam, Mandapam, Vedalaiand Pillaimadam villages participated inthe training. The programme wasinaugurated by Dr. T. S. Dange, I.F.S.,

Director, GOMBRT. Hands on trainingin broodstock development, breeding,larval and juvenile rearing of clown fishes,grow-out techniques, livefeed culture,enrichment of live feeds, water qualityand disease management was given.

Practical session on fabrication of GI cages Visit of trainees to freshwater ornamentalfish unit at Kadasanenthal, Madurai

Training on ornamental fish seed production

Trainings on Open sea cage cultureA training programme on Open sea cage farming was conducted 1st to 7th December 2015 by the Karwar RC for theofficials of the department of Fisheries, Govt of Kerala.

Training Programme on "Cage Culture" was conducted for the officials of State Fisheries Department, Kerala at theMandapam Regional Centre from 5th to 11th December, 2015. Field visits to sea cage farm, seaweed processing unit,Manamadurai, and marine and freshwater ornamental fish culture units were arranged for the benefit of trainees.

18 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Industrial Work Experience Programme in cage farmingVeraval Regional Centre is conducting

the Industrial Works Experienceprogramme for the students of Diplomain Fisheries of the Dr. Balasaheb SawantKonkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Ratnagiri,Maharashtra for the third consecutiveyear. For 4 months (from 17th December2015 to 30th April 2016), the students Cage net fabrication by diploma students

Delegates from Kenya and Liberiaunder the US-INDIA-AFRICA

Triangular International TrainingProgramme conducted by NationalAcademy for Agricultural ResearchManagement (NAARM) visited theInstitute on 10th August 2015. A one daytraining programme for the visitors wascoordinated through by AgirculturalTechnology Information Centre (ATIC),

Director interacts with the visiting delegates from Africa

Interface Meeting at Veraval Regional CentreAn interface meeting of the

development agencies and theresearch institutes of Gujarat state wasorganized by VRC of CMFRI, Veraval on30th November 2015 jointly with theCommissionerate of Fisheries, Govt., ofGujarat at the Veraval Centre of CMFRI.The meeting was chaired by Mr. M.A.Narmavala, IAS, Commissioner ofFisheries, Govt. of Gujarat and theScientists and Developmental Officers ofthe institutes like the ICAR-CMFRI, ICAR- Dignitaries in the Wet lab at Veraval Regional Centre

CIFT, College of Fisheries, Veraval, Dept.of Fisheries, Marine ProductsDevelopment Agency (MPEDA),MPEDA-NETFISH and Export InspectionAgency (EIA). Representatives from thevarious institutions presented theiractivities and roles they play in thedevelopment of the marine fisheriessector in Gujarat. Later, the FisheriesCommissioner also visited thelaboratories and sea cage farm sites of thecentre.

ExhibitionsTuticorin Research Centre of ICAR-

CMFRI also took part in the exhibitionorganized by the Gulf of MannarBiosphere Reserve Trust (GOMBRT) on13th to 15th October 2015 on thepremises of Caldwell School,Thoothukudi. The primary objective ofthe exhibition was to create awarenessamong childrens about the marineecosystem and fishery resources of Gulfof Mannar.The message of how to

Project Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)Cell and Mariculture Division where theyparticipated in interactive discussions with

Scientists, visited laboratories andbrackish water cage farm activities atPanambukadu, Kochi.

Tuticorin Research Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute participated in the district level exhibition conductedby the TTTTTamil Development and Information Departmentamil Development and Information Departmentamil Development and Information Departmentamil Development and Information Departmentamil Development and Information Department for the 4th time in Thoothukudi during 26th - 27th September. 2015

preserve the marine ecosystem in ahealthy and sustainable manner receivedgood response from school children whovisited the exhibition on all the days.

Ernakulam District collector Mr. M. G. Rajamanickamvisiting ICAR-CMFRI stall during the Friends Fest-2015exhibition held on 1st and 2nd December, 2015 at Kochi

will be provided with a residential modetraining on sea cage farming withemphasis on to the engineering relatedaspects of cage designing and fabrication,mooring, cage installation, seed collectionand transportation besides cage farmmanagement.

(Reported by: Veraval Regional Centre)

One day training programme for the delegates from Africa

19Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

The Kerala Fish Farmer's Capacity Building Meet - 2015 jointly organized by CMFRI, Kochi, Alumni association, College ofFisheries, Panagad and Kerala Aqua Farmers federation was held at ICAR-CMFRI on 17th and 18th of October 2015, coordinatedby Dr. Shyam S. Salim, Dr. Vipinkumar V. P. and Dr. Grinson George.


World Bank Team at Mandapam Regional Centre

The World Bank Team held discussionswith various Government

organizations in Ramanathapuram atDistrict Collectorate on 4th November2015 in connection with theTamil NaduPudhu Vaazhu Project being implementedat Ramanathapuram district since 2006.The project will be renamed as TamilNadu Rural Transformation Project(TNRTP) from September 2016. Themeeting was chaired by the DistrictCollector. Dr. R. Jayakumar, SeniorScientist, Mandapam Regional Centreparticipated in the meeting and based on

the discussions, it was decided to selectRamanathapuram district to promotecage farming activities as an alternatelivelihood option and an entrepreneurialdevelopment programme. Later, alongwith officers from the districtadministration, the World Bank Teamvisited Mandapam Regional Centrewhere various activities of the centrewere explained. The team also visited thesea cage farms at Marakayarpattinam.

(Reported by Mandapam Regional Centre)

World Bank Team along with officers fromthe district administration at the cage

farming site.


IISF ScienceFilm Award

The film on Oyster farming receivedIISF Science Film Award in the India

International Science Film Festival 2015held during 4-7 December, 2015 atIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Thefilm was produced by CMFRI using NAIPfunds and can be viewed on Youtube.( h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /watch?v=amUE_R2kFx8)

Karwar Research Centre initiates brackishwater cagefarming of Asian seabass

Under the All India Network Project on Mariculture,cage farming of Asian seabass in identified brackishwater sites was initiatedat Halga near Karwar. Each of the 6 GI cages with a dimension of 6 m x 4 m x 4 m. were stocked with 1500 juveniles of

seabass and are being managed by fishermen SHG under the supervision of Karwar Research Centre.

Dr. T. Prabhu Sankar, IAS, Asst. Secretary, DARE-ICAR visited ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi on 17th October, 2015.

As part of an Indian delegation visitingNorway, Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan,Director, ICAR - CMFRI participatedin the meeting with Ms. ElisabethAspaker, Fisheries Minister,Trondheim, Norway on 19th August,2015.

Formal launch by of the sea cage farming program at Thoothukudi byDr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Director

World Food Day Celebrated

On the occasion of World Food Dayon 16th October, 2015, Tuticorin

Research Centre of Central MarineFisheries Research Institute launched thesea cage farming unit for Cobia atSippikulam Village, Thoothukudi. This isthe first fisher group to start open sea-netcage grow-out culture of cobia inThoothukudi district. Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director, presided overthe function. A team of scientists fromTuticorin RC comprising Mr. C. Kalidas Mr.L. Ranjith, Ms. M. Kavitha, Dr. I. Jagadisand Dr. P. P. Manojkumar had surveyedvarious sites from Manapad to Vembar inThoothukudi Districts for cage culture andidentified Sippikulam village The successof cage farming of marine fishes at

Mandapam and Rameshwaram had alsomotivated, fisher groups fromSippikulamvillage to approach TuticorinResearch Centre for technical guidanceand support in sea cage farming.

Two specially fabricated GI net-cageswere deployed in the selected sites atSippikulam with 1500 numbers of cobiafingerlings having an average. weight of 15g. Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Directorpromised necessary technical support toall interested fisher groups in the regionand mentioned that about 342 cages havebeen already installed by ICAR-CMFRIagainst a target of about 1000 cages by2017. Shri. Isaac Jayakumar, AssistantDirector, Fisheries (Marine), Govt. of Tamil

Nadu also spoke about the variousfinancial aid schemes available for the seacage farming of fin fishes and shellfishes.On the occasion, hatchery rearedjuveniles of Sepioteuthis lessoniana andSepia pharaonis packed in polythene bagscontaining aerated seawater were alsohanded over to fisher group of Sippikulamand Threspuram for sea ranching. Theprogram was felicitated by AssistantDirectors of Fisheries, ThoothukudiDistrict, Tamil Nadu. The print media gavewide coverage for the programme. Abooklet (English and Tamil) onTuticorinResearch Centre of ICAR-CMFRI detailingresearch facilities available, technologiesdeveloped and future thrust areas ofresearch was also released on theoccassion.

20 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

The ICAR-CMFRI Journal Club, Kochi conducted a lecture on the subject "The Invisible, Illusive, Amazing, Mysteriousand Incredible Nematodes". The lecture was given by the eminent Professor Mohamad Shamim Jairajpuri, former

Director, Zoological Survey of India & Founding Director, Institute of Agriculture. More than 100 staff members participatedin the program

Dr. Sandhya Sukumaran received theTaylor and Francis CommonwealthBest Journal Article Prize from Dr.Richard Middleton, Chief ofCommonwealth ScholarshipCommission and T&F representativein a function held at New Delhi on19th December, 2015.

Mr. Suresh Kumar Mojjada, SeniorTechnical Officer, Veraval RegionalCentre of CMFRI, was awardedPh.D by the Mangalore University forhis thesis entitled "Technological andBiological Innovations in Open Seacage farming" under the researchguidance of Dr. (Mrs.) Imelda Joseph,Principal Scientist ICAR-CMFRI,Kochi.

Vigilance Awareness week was observed at Madras RVigilance Awareness week was observed at Madras RVigilance Awareness week was observed at Madras RVigilance Awareness week was observed at Madras RVigilance Awareness week was observed at Madras Research Centre, Chennai from 26esearch Centre, Chennai from 26esearch Centre, Chennai from 26esearch Centre, Chennai from 26esearch Centre, Chennai from 26ththththth - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31ststststst October October October October October, 2015., 2015., 2015., 2015., 2015.

Release of booklet on Tuticorin RC

21Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Mumbai RC staff participated inNational cleanliness campaign in

office building and office premises atVersova on 4th October 2016, and at theVisakhapatnam Regional centre from 25th

September 11th October 2015. All thestaff participated in cleaning activities aspart of implementation of Swachh BharatAbhiyan. Cleanliness Drive wasimplemented during 25th September to11th October 2015 at MangaloreResearch Centre Campus and nearbyplaces were cleaned including theMangalore Fisheries Harbour. During16th

October to 1st December, 2015 specialcleanliness drive activities were alsoundertaken by Madras Research Centreand the Kovalam Field Centre, Chennaion the campus and nearby places. Swachh Bharat implementation at Mumbai RC

Official Language Implementation

Hindi Workshop

A One day Hindi workshop on'Spoken Hindi' was conducted forthe Officers and staff members atHeadquarters on 11th December,2015. Shri. Ramesh Prabhu, ChiefOff ic ia l Language Translator,Hindustan Petroleum CorporationLtd., Kochi conducted class.

Hindi workshop on “Use ofAdministrative and Scientific wordsin Hindi” was held in 21st

December, 2015 at ChennaiResearch Centre and attended by30 staff members.

Hindi Stenography Training

Mrs. Dhanya M. B., and Mrs.Zulekha M., (Stenographers Gr. III)attended 5 days Hindi Stenographytraining programme conducted byHindi Teaching Scheme, Departmentof Official Language, Ministry HomeAffairs, Govt. of India, at Kochi during05th-09th October, 2015.

Participation in All India HindiSeminars

Mrs. E.K. Uma, Assistant ChiefTechnical Officer (Hindi Translator)attended All India Hindi Seminar on theSubject 'Rajbhasha ke prayog evamprotsahan' conducted by Indian Councilof Agricultural Research and Directorate

of Knowledge Management in Agricultureon 07th November, 2015 at NASCcomplex, New Delhi.

Mrs. Vandana V., Technical Assistant(Hindi Translator) attended All IndiaHindi Seminar at Naval Physical andOceanographic Laboratory (NPOL),Kochi.

Official Language awareness forCollege students: A group ofstudents and teachers from St. PaulsCollege, Kalamassery were given abrief on the importance of OfficialLanguage in Central GovernmentOffices, use of UNICODE, Hindi inresearch act iv i t ies etc. on 19th

December, 2015.

Swachh Bharat

Weekly Campus Cleaning drive on Tuesdays at Mangalore RCCleaning of Mangalore Fisheries Harbour

22 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

World Soil Day was celebrated byKVK on 5th December, 2015 in a

function held at Pallipuram ServiceCooperative bank. Hon. MP Prof. K. V.Thomas distributed Soil Health Cards tofarmers. Nutrislurry was launched byMLA Mr. S. Sharma who alsoinaugurated the Mobile Sales Counter.Folder on soil collection technique wasreleased by Director of CMFRI Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan, Director, ICAR-CMFRI.Vice President Pall ipuram GramaPanchayat, President Pallipuram ServiceCooperative Bank, Assistant Director(Agriculture) Narakkal, AgricultureOfficer, Pallipuram also attended thefunction. 250 farmers participated in thefunction.

World Soil Daycelebrated

ATMA Technology Meet

KVK participated in the ATMAtechnology meet held at

Muvattupuzha on 10th and 11th

Distribution of Soil Health Cards

Inauguration of Mobile Sales Counter

Technical Backstoppingfor Fish Farmers

Development Agency(FFDA) CageAquacultureProgramme

KVK provided technical backstoppingfor Cage Aquaculture Self Help

Group partners of Ernakulam District. Dr.P.A Vikas provided hands on trainingprogramme on 19th December 2015 atFFDA Ernakulam.

December, 2015. Organic agricultureproducts of KVK were displayed and soldto public.

KVK (Ernakulam) News

Training programme on cage aquaculture Organic agriculture product on display

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, Directorattended the AINP Mariculture Reviewmeeting at Vizhinjam RC of CMFRI on14th October 2015.

Attended the World Food Daycelebrations organized by TuticorinResearch Centre of ICAR-CMFRI on 16th

October 2015.

Participated in the meeting with Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Balyan, Minister of Statefor Agriculture and Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG,ICAR on 21st October 2015 regardingdeveloping fish culture activities inMuzaffarnagar.

Participated as Chief Guest in the AWF/OL Training programme on ornamentalfish culture Kaloor, Ernakulam on 3rd

December 2015.

Participated in the World Soil Health Daycelebrations conducted by KVK - CMFRIin collaboration with the PallippuramKrishi Bhavan on 5th December 2015.

Participated in the Symposium on "Marine& Freshwater Ecosystems: Role inNational Development" organized duringthe 85th Annual Session of NASI at KIITUniversity, Bhubaneswar on 7th

December 2015.

Attended the 29th Scientific AdvisoryCommittee meeting of Rajeev GandhiCentre for Aquaculture (RGCA) atMPEDA, Kochi on 11th December 2015.

Participated in the MSSRF - Fisher FriendMobile Application High LevelStakeholders meeting in Kochi on 16th

December 2015.

Attended Meeting with Chief Minister ofKerala Shri. Oommen Chandy atThiruvananthapuram and explainedabout the steps involved in formulatingNational Marine Fisheries Policy on 18th

December 2015.

Attended the meeting with Dr. S.Ayyappan, Director General, ICAR andSecretary (DARE), Joint Secretary(Fisheries) & Assistant Director General(M.Fy) to discuss the National MarineFisheries Policy on 24th December, 2015.

Dr. P. U. Zacharia, Head, DFDattneded workshop of Vigilance Officersof ICAR Institutes on the theme'Preventive Vigilance as a tool of GoodGovernance' at NASC, Delhi on 28th

October 2015.

Attended the Mixed Species FisheriesWorkshop organized by the MarineStewardship Council on 8th December,2015 at Taj Gateway Hotel, Kochi and

Programme participations

made a presentation on Trawl fisheriesof India.

Attended Review Meeting of VigilanceOfficers of southern states on 16th

November 2015 at Sugar Cane BreedingInstitute, Coimbatore.

Attended meeting of European Missionon EC regulation on IUU fishing held on20th November 2015 at Hotel CrownePlaza, Kochi and made a presentation onICAR-CMFRI's initiatives to curb IUUfishing.

Attended the follow-up meeting of theEuropean Mission on IUU fishing held on23rd November 2015 at Udyog Bhavan,New Delhi.

Delivered an invited talk in the UGCsponsored two day National Seminar on“Sustainable Fisheries In an EcosystemPerspective” held on 10th December2015 at St. Michaels College, Cherthala,Kerala.

Attended a meeting with Chief Ministerof Kerala on 18th December 2015 atTrivandrum to appraise regarding MarineFisheries Policy preparation on thedirection of DG, ICAR.

Dr. K. S. Mohamed, Head, MFDparticipated in the 25th Technical AdvisoryBoard (TAB) meeting of the MarineStewardship Council (MSC, London) atKochi on 8th-10th October, 2015.

Participated as an invited expert in theworkshop on "Indian Ocean Tuna Issues- The Indian Perspective" organized byWWF Global Fisheries Programme,Hamburg, Germany on 18th November2015.

Participated in 'World Fisheries DayCelebration" held on 20th November,2015 at Kerala University of Fisheries &Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Panangad,Kochi.

Participated in the workshop on "Tocreate awareness for fishermen in thefisheries sector" organized by KeralaFishermen Welfare Board on 21st

November, 2015 at Kochi.

Attended the Clam Council Meeting atDistrict Collectorate Office, Kollam on30th December 2015.

Dr. Veerendra Veer Singh, SIC,Mumbai Research Centre attended 29th

meeting of the National Coastal ZoneManagement Authority (NCZMA) on15th October, 2015 at New Delhi.

Meeting with Central Public DepartmentOfficials (CPWD) at Central Govt. Staff

Quarters, Malvani on 17th October, 2015.

Attended “Long term integration andcollaboration dialogue: the preliminarymeeting to finalize modalities” with Dr.Gopalakrishnan, Director i/c/, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai and Dr. Anil Choubey, In-charge CSIR-NIO, Mumbai held atICAR- CIFE, Mumbai on 15th November,2015.

Attended meeting of Board of Studies"Fisheries Economics, Extension andStatistics Division of Central Institute ofFisheries Education, Versova, Mumbai on15th December, 2015.

Dr. P. Laxmilatha, SIC, MadrasResearch Centre attended thestakeholders meeting held at the Officeof the Director, Dept. of Environment,Anna University, Chennai on 23rd

November 2015 for the preparation ofDPR on implementation of ICZMP byNational Centre for Sustainable CoastalManagement (NCSCM).

Dr. V. Kripa, Head, FEMD attendedthe Fishery Hydrography Board of Studiesmeeting at KUFOS on 31st December,2015.

Attended the Clam Council Meeting atDistrict Collectorate Office, Kollam on30th December 2015.

Dr. V. Kripa, Dr. D. Prema andDr. R. Jeyabaskaran attended theMud Bank Group Meeting held at ICAR-CMFRI on 22nd October, 2015.

Dr. R. Narayankumar, Head,SEETTD attended the Kerala Fish FarmersCapacity Building Meet 2015 held on 17th

- 18th October 2015, at Kochi.

Dr. R. Jeyabaskaran , SeniorScientist attended InternationalSymposium on “Dynamics of the IndianOcean : Perspecitve and Reprostective”organised by INCOIS, Ministry of EarthSciences on 30th November - 4th

December 2015 at NIO, Goa.

Dr. K. Vijayakumaran, PrincipalScientist attended stakeholders meetingconducted by NCSCM at Chennai on15th October 2015.

Attended meeting to discuss BOBLME-Phase-11 and SAP document convenedby Joint Secretary (Fisheries), ICAR atKrishi Bhavan, New Delhi on 29th

October 2015.

Dr. Shoba Joe Kizhakudan,Senior Scientist, attended AgroEcosystem Workshop on east-west plainsand hilly regions convened by Dr A.K.

23Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

24 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Singh (DDG, ICAR) at CIBA, Chennai on29th October 2015.

Dr. A. K. Abdul Nazar, SIC,Mandapam Regional Centre participatedthe meeting on 'Mariculture Estate Policy'organized by Ministry of Earth Sciencesat New Delhi on 17th November 2015.

Dr. P. Kaladharan, Principal Scientistand Dr. T. M. Najmudeen, SeniorScientist attended the Seminar on“Ecosystem and Water Column AnalysisUsing Acoustics” organised by CMLREand NORINCO on 10th December,2015 at Kochi.

Dr. R. Jayakumar, Senior Scientistparticipated the pre-bid conference forestablishing the Chennai Oceanarium atThe Commissioner of Fisheries Office,Chennai on 16th November2015.

Dr. P. Rameshkumar, Dr. B.Johnson, Dr. R. Saravanan andDr. K. K. Anikuttan, (Scientists)participated the Pre-Census Workshopduring 18th to 19th November 2015 atChennai Research Centre of CMFRI.

Dr. R. Saravanan , Scientistparticipated the district level FFMA

Stakeholders Meeting conducted byMSSRF at Thangatchimadam on 22nd

December 2015.

Dr. Jeena, N. S., Scientist participatedin the Genetic Solutions Tour, IndiaSymposium conducted by Thermo FisherScientific at Bangalore on 15th October2015.

Mr. K. Mohammed Koya, SIC,Veraval Regional Centre attended the oneday Workshop on "Strategies fordevelopment of Agriculture and its alliedsectors of Island region" at Port Blair on18th November, 2015, jointly organizedby ICAR- Central Island AgriculturalResearch Institute Port Blair, A&N Islandsand ICAR-Agricultural TechnologyApplication Research Institute, Bengaluru,Karnataka.

Mr. Vinay Kumar Vase, Scientistattended 'World Whale Shark Day - 2015'celebrations conducted by Wildlife TrustIndia (WTI), Tata Chemicals andDepartment of Forest, Govt. of Gujaratat Mangrol, Junagadh, Gujarat on 11th

December, 2015.

Dr. Vipinkumar V. P., PrincipalScientist participated in the District level

meeting of Kudumbasree CDSchairpersons of Ernakulam District held atthe District Collectorate, Kakkanadu,Kochi on 09th December, 2015.

Dr. Shyam S. Salim, Senior Scientistattended the first meeting of the CentralCommittee on Fisheries Scheme (CCFS)held on 15th December, 2015 in the officeof National Fisheries Development Boards(NFDB) Hyderabad under thechairmanship of Joint Secretary (Fisheries).

Dr. P. Shinoj, Scientist participated inthe AERA Annual Conference 2015 heldat ICAR - Central Institute of FisheriesEducation, Mumbai during 02nd to 04th

December, 2015.

Dr. Grinson George, Senior Scientistparticipated in the meeting "StakeholderConsultation: Scaling up of Fisher FriendMobile Application “(FFMA)" held on 16th

December 2015 at Kochi,

Mr. Loveson Edward, Scientistattended National Research Meet on"Developing knowledge managementsystem through cross sectoral approach"organized by the EGREE Foundation atVisakhapatnam on 5th November, 2015.

Human Resources Development

Workshop/Training/Conference etc. Date and Venue Participants

GULLS (Global learning for local solutions: 3rd - 9th October 2015 Dr. T. V. Sathianadan; Dr. Pratibha Rohit,Reducing vulnerability of marine-dependent Queensland Biosciences Precinct Dr. P. U. Zachariah (Principal scientists);coastal communities) System Models Working (QBP), Brisbane, Australia; Dr. Shyam Salim (Senior scientist)Group Meeting

International Short course on "Fisheries 30th November - 18th December, Dr. Shubhadeep Ghosh (Senior Scientist)Governance" 2015 Centre of Development

Innovation, Wageningen UR,The Netherlands

CITES Capacity Building Workshop 15th-16th December 2015, Kochi Dr. P. U. Zacharia (Principal scientist),Appendix II listing of Sharks and Manta rays Dr. T. M. Najmudeen, Dr. Rekha J. Nair

(Senior scientists)

International Training Course on "Fishery 6th - 22nd September, 2015 Dr. G. B. Purushottama (Scientist)Stock Assessment and Ecosystem Modeling" International Training Centre for

Operational Oceanography,ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad

Workshop on "Towards Sustainable Fishing", 05th October, 2015 organized Dr. G. B. Purushottama, Mr. R. Ratheeshkumarby ICAR-CMFRI, CIFT and (Scientists)NETFISH, MPEDA at ArnalaFishermen Society, Arnala

All India Network Project on Mariculture 13th -14th October, 2015, Dr. A. K. Abdul Nazar, Dr. R. Jayakumar,Workshop on "Review of progress and Vizhinjam RC of ICAR-CMFRI (Senior Scientists), Dr. Amir Kumar Samal,cage culture site selection using GIS" Dr. K. K. Anikuttan, Dr. Ritesh Ranjan,

Dr. Biji Xavier and Dr. Sekar Mekarajan (Scientists)

Short course on "Metagenomics : Role of 26th October - 4th November Dr. Pradeep, M. A. (Scientist)next generation sequencing and 2015, Anand Agricultural University, Dr. S. R. Krupesha Sharma (Principal Scientist)bioinformatics" Gujarat

25Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

Public procurement 26th - 31st October, 2015, NIFM, Mr. N. Viswanathan,Faridabad (Assistant Chief Technical Officer)

The Science of Living for Women Scientists 26th-30th October 2015, Vadodara, Dr. S. Lakshmi Pillai (Principal Scientist)Gujarat

Mussel seed production and 27th - 28th October 2015 Dr. K.S. Mohammed, Dr. I. Jagadis (Principal Scientists)spat grow out ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Dr. V. Venkatesan (Senior Scientist)

Dr. R. Vidya, Ms. M. Kavitha (Scientists)

Interactive Co-Learning Workshop on 03rd-05th, November, 2015 Mr. R. Ratheeshkumar, Dr. K. V. Akhilesh"Philosophy, Methods and Ethics in Science" Veraval Regional Centre of CMFRI and Mr. Ajay D. Nakhawa (Scientists)

16th-18th, November, 2015 Mrs. Hema Sankari, Dr. Srinivasa RaghavanChennai Reserch Centre of CMFRI Dr. R. Geetha, Ms. Indira Divipala and

Ms. E. M. Chhandaprajnadarsini (Scientists)

Planning for sustainable coastal livelihoods 16th - 20th November 2015, Dr. P. S. SwathiLekshmi, (Principal Scientist);ANSSIRD, Mysuru Dr. K. M. Rajesh (Senior Scientist)

National seminar on contextual relevance 28th - 29th November 2015, Dr. Shinoj Subramannian (Senior Scientist)of ITKs in plant protection ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries 7th December, Gateway Hotel Dr. Josileen Jose (Principal Scientist);Training Workshop Kochi Mrs. M. Muktha, K. Mohammed Koya (Scientists)

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) 8th December, Gateway Hotel Dr. G, Maheshwarudu, Dr. K. K. Joshi;Mixed Fisheries Workshop Kochi Dr. S. Lakshmi Pillai, Dr. E. M. Abdussamad;

Dr. Somy Kuriakose (Principal Scientists);Dr. U.Ganga (Senior scientist)

Nutrigenomics approaches in fish 8th - 18th December 2015, Mr. S. Chandrasekar, Mr. D. Linga Prabu (Scientists)nutritional research ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai

In house trainings/workshops Date and Venue Participants

NICRA workshop on "Assessing the 16th - 17th November 2015, Dr. P. U. Zachariah, Dr. A. P. Dinesh Babu,Vulnerability of Marine Fish Stocks to Chennai Research Centre Dr. Sujitha Thomas, Dr. M. Sivadas (Principal Scientists);Climate Change" Dr. Shubhadeep Ghosh, Dr. Shoba J. Kizhakoodan,

(Senior Scientists)Mr. K. Mohamed Koya (Scientist)

Tuna Tagging Workshop 28th - 29th November 2015, Dr. Pratibha Rohit, Dr. K. M. Rajesh,Dr. Shubhadeep Ghosh

Trainings / Seminars organised Date and Venue Organised by

Training programme on Advances in 12th - 27th October 2015 Dr. N. Aswathy Senior Scientist (ATIC),Fisheries and Aquaculture ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Dr. Vipin Kumar, Principal Scientist

Mr. K. M. David, Technical Assistant

Seminar on Responsible Fisheries 4th October 2015Management, Climate Change and ICAR-CMFRI, KochiCoastal Livelihoods

Marine ornamental fish breeding 27th - 31st October 2015 Dr. K. Madhu, Principal Scientistand hatchery seed production ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Mussel seed production and 27th - 28th October 2015 Dr. M. K. Anil, Principal Scientistspat grow out ICAR-CMFRI,

Vizhinjam Research Centre

Capacity building on seed 28th - 30th October 2015 Dr. Johnson. B., Scientistproduction of selected marine Mandapam Regional Centreornamental fisher women in Gulfof Mannar region

Conservation and management 30th November - 5th Dr. E. M. Abdussamad, Principal Scientistof fisheries resources and statistical December 2015survey ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Interactive Co-Learning Workshop on 03rd - 05th, November, 2015 Dr. K. Vijayakumaran, Principal Scientist"Philosophy, Methods and Ethics in Science" Veraval Regional Centre of CMFRI

16th - 18th, November, 2015Chennai Research Centre of CMFRI

26 Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147



Name Designation Centre w.e.f

Mr. Sankar M. Scientist ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 07.10.2015

Ms. P. Gomathy Scientist ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 12.10.2015

Ms. Arathy R Pillai Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 01.10.2015

Mr. Jijil K. M. Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 30.10.2015

Mr. Gadhiya Noormamad Alibhai Skilled Support Staff Veraval Regional Centre 07.10.2015

Shri. R. Yuvaraj Skilled Support Staff Madras Research Centre 16.10.2015

Ms. Niranjana A. Skilled Support Staff Madras Research Centre 23.12.2015

Mr. Yenni Prasad Babu Skilled Support Staff Visakhapatnam Regional Centre 16.12.2015

Ms. Nandana P. R. Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 18.12.2015

Mr. Santhakumar A. Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 23.12.2015


Name & Designation Promoted as Centre w.e.f

Mr. K. Ramadasan, Assistant Assistant Administrative Officer ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi 09.10.2015

Mr. R. Sreenivasan, Assistant Assistant Administrative Officer Mandapam Regional Centre 15.10.2015 (F.N)

Mr. Vinod P. Bagayatkar, Assistant Mumbai Research Centre 06.10.2015Upper Division Clerk

Mr. J. Vinoth Prabhu Vaz, Assistant Tuticorin Research Centre 09.10.2015 (A.N)Upper Division Clerk

Ms. C. Pushpa Rani, Assistant Tuticorin Research Centre 13.10.2015 (A.N)Upper Division Clerk


Name & Designation From To w.e.f

Mr. Paulose Jacob Peter, Technician ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Quilon Field Centre 05.10.2015

Mr. Shiju P., Technician Calicut Research Centre Data collection Point, 30.10.2015Kannur

Mr. Shrikrishna Pandurang Hotekar, Technician Ratnagiri Field Centre Alibaug Field Centre 12.10.2015

Mr. M. P. Jadhav, Technician Mumbai Research Centre Ratnagiri Field Centre 08.10.2015

Mr. M. Kala Mallik, Technician Visakhapatnam Regional Centre Puri Field Centre 12.10.2015

Mr. Indranil Mukharjee, Technician Visakhapatnam Regional Centre Contai Field Centre 13.10.2015

Mr. U. Jeyaram,Senior Technical Assistant Kanyakumari Field Centre Mangalore Field Centre 06.11.2015

Mr. Santhosi, Senior Technician Madras Research Centre Kovalam Field Lab 28.10.2015

Mr. P. Rajendran, Technician Mandapam Regional Centre Kanyakumari Field Centre 03.11.2015

Mr. M. Saravanakumar, Skilled Support Staff ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Mumbai Regional Centre 26.12.2015


Name & Designation From To w.e.f

Dr. S. S. Raju, Principal Scientist National Institute of Visakhapatnam Rgional Centre 21.12.2015Agriculture Economics ICAR-CMFRIand Policy Research,New Delhi

Ms. Christina Joseph, ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Administrative Officer 08.10.2015 (AN)Assistant Administrative Officer ICAR-CIFT, Kochi

Mr. K. S. Sreekumaran, ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi Finance & Accounts Officer 31.12.2015 (F.N)Assistant Finance & Accounts Officer ICAR-CIFT, Kochi


1. The 78th meeting of the Institute Management Committee of ICAR-CMFRI held on 28th December 2015 at Kochi.

27Cadalmin : CMFRI Newsletter No. 147

New Year Celebrations

ICAR-CMFRI Family wishes all readers aHappy & Prosperous New Year 2016

New Year celebration at HQ

New Year celebration at Mandapam Regional Centre

Release of calendar for Year 2016 at HQ

New Year celebration at Madras Research Centre

Mr. U. B. SadasivaSkilled Support Staff

31.10.2015Mangalore Research Centre

Mr. K. C. Pradeep KumarSenior Technical Assistant

31.10.2015Calicut Research Centre

Mrs. K. V. RemaTechnical Officer

30.11.2015ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Mrs. K. ParukuttySkilled Support Staff

30.11.2015ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Mr. V. J. ThomasTechnical Officer

30.11.2015ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi


Mr. N. P. MohananSkilled Support Staff

30.11.2015ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Mr. K. T. MohananSkilled Support Staff

30.11.2015Calicut Research Centre

Mr. V. Narasimha BharathiSkilled Support Staff

30.11.2015Mandapam Regional Centre

Mr. M. Samuel SumithruduTechnical Officer

31.12.2015Visakhapatnam Regional Centre

Mr. K. P. JohnUpper Division Clerk

31.12.2015ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi

Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan, CAA5 Convener & the Organizing Team from ICAR-CMFRIwith Dr. J. K. Jena, Chairman, AFSIB and Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Joseph Modayil

see page 3
