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Increase your income with Simple rituals & symbols By Prosperity & Mindset Mentor Joan Sotkin
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Increase your income with Simple rituals & symbols

By Prosperity & Mindset Mentor

Joan Sotkin

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Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3 

Ritual & Symbol Basics ................................................................................................... 5 

Simple Works! ............................................................................................................... 10 

Start by Consciously Using Symbols ............................................................................. 12 

Create a Ritual .............................................................................................................. 14 

How to Smudge ............................................................................................................. 17 

Enhance the Power of Your Rituals .............................................................................. 19 

Resources ..................................................................................................................... 20 

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Many years ago, when I was in my early 30’s, I was a mess and my life was certainly

unmanageable. I suffered from a long list of physical and emotional disorders and my

income was virtually non-existent. I had two millionaire brothers and I was the one that

often needed rescuing.

I knew there had to be a better way.

When a doctor told me that I was just a hypochondriac and I would never be healthy, I

said to myself, “That’s not my story.” I was determined to heal and started studying

physiology, herbology, homeopathy, and nutrition. This was in the early 1970s and there

wasn’t a lot of information available, just a few books. And health food stores were hard

to find in Los Angeles, where I lived.

In 1972, I joined a metaphysical healing organization, Astara, where I met my first

spiritual teacher who taught me how to meditate. Years earlier, I had learned some

yoga basics and did exercises regularly.

My rituals included carefully following a healthy eating plan, meditating daily, exercising,

and taking good care of myself in every way.

In 1976, I felt guided to give away everything I owned and I went on what I call a

spiritual journey hoping to find answers to my problems. I was learning to listen to the

voice of my intuition. It’s a long story that I tell in my book, The Search for Connection: A

Spiritual Journey to Physical, Emotional, and Financial Health.

In 1977, I was intuitively guided to buy a pound of tumbled stones. I started doing rituals

with the stones, and I also started doing energy healings guided by my intuition.

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From this humble beginning, I built a very large crystal business. I was the first person

to market crystals and minerals for healing and meditation nationwide and I had a line of

stones, Joan’s Stones, in 600 New Age bookstores. I made a lot of money but had to

learn some difficult lessons about the marketplace and cash flow management.

Because I didn’t know how to manage hundreds of thousands of dollars, I wound up

going bankrupt.

So even though I earned a lot — and did a lot of rituals along the way — that’s how I

learned that it takes real business and financial skills along with healthy internal habits

to sustain wealth and success. Over the years, I’ve developed those habits and have

learned to combine real-world skills with a strong relationship with my inner world.

In 1995, I bought my first multimedia computer and quickly found myself on the Internet.

Within months, I figured out how to build a website and I’ve been doing business online

ever since.

I’ve had my site, www.ProsperityPlace.com, since 1997 and it’s been through a lot of

iterations. Slowly but surely, I have healed all aspects of my life, including my finances.

Along the way, I continued to do rituals and energy healings, mostly in private. Over the

past two years, it has become clear to me, that I need to let the metaphysical part of

myself play a larger role.

Now that crystals, meditation, channeling, and more have become popular, I don’t have

to hide anymore. In October of 2017, I redid my site and am now very boldly offering

crystals and ritual supplies along with books, courses, online energy work, and more.

I’m fascinated by what I call non-logical realities and truly believe that there is more to

life than what we experience in our three-dimensional world. Using rituals helps us tune

into other dimensions of life so we can become conscious co-creators and let go of the

internal blocks to our success.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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Ritual & Symbol Basics

Most likely, you have performed a number of rituals already today. Since "any practice

or pattern of behavior performed in a set manner" qualifies as a ritual, brushing your

teeth, taking a morning shower, eating breakfast, and driving to work can all be

considered rituals.

However, when rituals are performed with conscious intention, they can help to focus

energy and increase the potential for achieving certain goals.

If you do a search on the Internet for "love rituals," "success rituals," or "prosperity

rituals" you will find dozens of listings, each with suggestions for a ritual you can

perform (or have performed for you for a fee) to help you bring in a lover, spouse,

success in business, or lots of money.

Do they work? Sometimes, but not always, because a person for whom the ritual is

performed has to be congruent with the results they are seeking.

For example, if you do a ritual to bring in a large sum of money and you have a lousy

relationship with money, you aren’t congruent with the results you are seeking.

Or, if you have a habit of always being broke, until you release and replace the

emotions behind your state of lack, the money can’t show up. If it does show up,

chances are you’ll do something, such as spending it all, thus bringing you back to your

habitual state of lack.

At the same time, it’s necessary to develop practical money-management skills. You

may know this, but if your habit is to find excuses that cause you to avoid doing what

you need to do in order to reach your income goals, then you will remain in your

habitual financial position.

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However, you can stimulate the release of habits that are blocking your progress

and replace them with a new set of effective habits with rituals.

It’s not rocket science or magic. It’s brain science.

Rituals can stimulate your subconscious mind to lead you in the direction that you want

to go. Rituals can be an energetic push in a new direction.


Symbols are all around you. They are often a pictorial representation of an idea that

needs no explanation. If you were to see these symbols, you would immediately know

what they stand for:


Emojis are symbols. Symbols trigger thoughts, emotions, meaning, and action.

Advertisers use logos, which are symbols, to elicit an internal response from you.

Like rituals, symbols work through your subconscious. You have come to learn that a

red traffic light or a stop sign means to stop and wait. That became something you know

because, through repetition, you have taught your subconscious how to respond to a

red light. Similarly, you have come to learn that a dollar sign refers to money,

specifically U.S. dollars. You don’t have to think about it, you just know.

Using this information, you can stimulate your subconscious to lead you towards a goal

by consciously using symbols. I use a background on my computer made up of clip-art

images of money. I see it every morning when I start my computer and this reminds me

to focus on my finances. (The background image is available for download in the

Holistic Prosperity Facebook Group.)

Let me very briefly explain how this works.

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Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is the sum total of the neural

pathways in your brain that form your operating

system. It’s your autopilot — the things you do

automatically, i.e. your habits. Everything about you

is a habit including your thoughts, your beliefs, your

emotions, your behaviors, and more!

These habits all affect how you make your choices

and these choices are what lead to your life outcome.

To change your life outcomes, create habits that support your success. Rituals and

symbols will help you do this by focusing your energy and intention.

Your subconscious mind does not have a concept of time and does not analyze or

rationalize. And it believes whatever you tell it. You can use these features of the

subconscious mind to more rapidly create new habits, and thus new life outcomes.

Your subconscious is different from your conscious mind which might be called your

manual controls and includes your self-awareness. The subconscious mind works

without the awareness of the conscious mind.

So, let’s say you tend to be an underearner or avoid taking care of your money and you

do a prosperity ritual and keep symbols in your field of vision such as a picture of piles

of gold. Stimulating your subconscious to lead you towards prosperity will gradually help

you recognize what is blocking you internally and give you the energetic push you need

to move in a new direction, such as learning about basic money management and

keeping financial records.

Although you might notice a rapid change, more likely, opportunities will present

themselves that will lead you in a direction that is congruent with prosperity.

Opportunities such a the right energy healer, a financial advisor, new business ideas, or

a strong desire to change your financial habits.

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You may have already discovered that developing new habits that are congruent with

prosperity takes some time and focused attention. To make the path to prosperity a bit

easier, I have found that consciously using rituals and symbols to stimulate your

subconscious will increase your chances of reaching your business and financial


How will using rituals and symbols help me succeed?

The subconscious mind, which governs most of our actions, responds to symbols and

rituals. Rituals and symbols are actually a way of communicating with your


The use of rituals and symbols taps into

The power of your subconscious to draw in whatever you need to reach your goals

The deeper intuitive parts of yourself

Specific symbols will stimulate your subconscious mind by their mere presence in your

visual or energy field. Conscious use of rituals or ceremonies with focused attention

also accomplishes this.

So, if you keep financial symbols in your field of vision and do a prosperity ritual with the

intention of improving your financial position, you’re telling your subconscious to lead

you in a direction that will accomplish this.

This doesn’t mean that money will instantly come flying in the window, although

unexpected funds might show up. The ritual doesn’t automatically bring the money into

your life.

The ritual stimulates your subconscious to gently guide you in a direction that

will improve your financial position. It’s up to you to follow the guidance.

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For example, a person might come into your life who gives you the advice and support

you need to build a strong business. It’s up to you to follow the advice or not.

Or, you might feel the urge to buy just the right book or take a course that can teach you

what you need to know about financial management — even if the thought of managing

your money makes you shudder. You can resist the urge or decide to do what has to be


On the internal level, you may start to have more positive thoughts about yourself, your

finances, and your position in the world. You might also come to recognize a

dissatisfaction habit that you have so you can begin to consciously develop a

satisfaction habit that supports success.

You might also find that your levels of ambition and determination increase.

Procrastination and non-action may gradually disappear.

As time passes, and with the continued use of symbols and focused rituals, you’ll

gradually begin to feel better about your finances — and yourself — and you’ll notice a

shift in your relationship with money and your business.

You’ll start making better decisions, new people will come into your life, and your health

habits will improve.

In short, the energy flow in your life will gradually improve, which includes the flow of

money energy.

The purpose of this book is to introduce you to using rituals and symbols that will help

you build a strong business and financial success by stimulating your subconscious to

lead you to success. In other books, my blog, online courses, and my podcast, The

Prosperity Show, I talk a lot about how to develop the mindset and practical skills you

need for lasting success. This book represents another tool for you to have in your


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Simple Works!

For years, I have been casually reading about various rituals. Most of the books focus

on practices of followers of the Wiccan religion, usually referred to as Magick. The

magick rituals I’ve read about are usually fairly complicated. They need to be done at a

certain time of the month, phase of the moon, or day of the week while using a number

of items such as oiled candles, crystals, incense, and more.

Because I was unfamiliar with magick rituals and started doing rituals guided only by my

intuition, the rituals I designed were fairly simple. Simplicity did not interfere with what I

perceive as their effectiveness. With this in mind, I offer you some examples of rituals I

suggest you use for building a strong base for your business and finances.

I’m not making any wild claims. You’ll find a lot of those online. I want to make it clear

that the power is not in the ritual or symbol itself but in how they stimulate your

subconscious to activate your own personal power to create what you want.

With that in mind, what I’m offering here is a guide with the hope that it will stimulate you

to create your own rituals. On ProsperityPlace.com, I offer Ritual Kits and Altar Objects

to get you started plus additional items that can serve to help stimulate your

subconscious to lead you to bring your intentions into creation.

I suggest that you start with small, simple rituals to see how you like doing them. You

may decide that you would rather have symbols visible in your field of vision in your

home or office. Or, you may use both rituals and symbols.

For example, in my office, I have both a framed image of Lakshmi (also spelled Laxmi),

the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity and a statue of Ganesh, known as

the Elephant God. In Hindu mythology, Ganesh is believed to be the remover of

obstacles and bringer of success and he represents great wisdom and understanding.

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I also have various statues of Buddha that I use for Inner Peace Rituals.




Ganesh serves to bring energy to new beginnings and is thus honored at the start of

rites and ceremonies as well as at the start of a business or projects.

Keep in mind these are symbols have meaning for billions of people around the world

and have entered the collective unconscious. This enhances the energy of the symbols.

You don’t have to believe in them in a religious sense. With any symbol, connect to the

shared belief of the meaning.

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Start by Consciously Using Symbols

I'm going to guess that you already have symbols in your home and office or where you

focus on your business.

Perhaps you have a picture of someone or something that has meaning for you. Or, you

may have a crystal, stone or another object that you really like.

There's a good chance that the picture or object has been around so long that you don't

pay it much attention. Giving it conscious attention and setting an intention will enhance

its effect on your subconscious.

For example, if you have a picture of someone you like or admire, take a moment to

look at it – really look at it – and say out loud something like, "I connect to the part of

you that is within me." Imagine that there is a beam of light emanating from your heart

and connecting to the heart of the person in the picture. By doing this, you are using the

symbol consciously and you have just created a ritual.

You can do the same thing with a statue of a religious or spiritual figure. Consciously

connect to it on a regular basis and set the intention of having it help you reach your


Using universal symbols such as Lakshmi, Ganesh, Jesus, Buddha, a Native American

Kachina or something like a 4-leaf clover allows you to tap into the collective

unconscious that has already energized these symbols.

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Native American Kachina

4-Leaf Clover Medallion

Quartz Crystal

If you have a quartz crystal or stone that means something to you, hold it and energize

it with your intention for your business or finances.

You can turn whatever you want into a symbol, such as a hammer or a coin, a book or a

lamp. Repeatedly look at it, on a daily basis, and repeat to yourself what you want it to


Isn’t this simple?

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Create a Ritual

Rituals are a collection of symbols used together with intention and action. These too

can be very simple.

Simple actions might include a combination of lighting a candle, burning some incense,

ringing a bell, or wearing a specific scarf and repeating a meaningful phrase or poem.

To concentrate the energy of your rituals, choose a space in your home and/or office

that you designate as a place you use for rituals that you do with the intention of

stimulating a result. Results might include generating more income, making new

business or personal connections, improving your relationship with money – or people –

or yourself.

Perhaps you want to create more income. Start with a simple ritual using appropriate

symbols, light a candle or ring a bell – or both, to signal the start of the ritual. Then state

your intention aloud.

Here is a ritual that I have used in order to increase my cash flow.

First, I'll describe what I use for the ritual and then explain why I use what I do. I'm

including pictures of the elements so you can see what I mean.

Here's what I use:

A chime candle in an appropriate candle holder. Around the candle in a semicircle, I put

a four-leaf clover medallion, a ruby crystal, a quartz crystal, and a green aventurine

heart. I include what is called an altar bell and statues that are meaningful for me, which

include Ganesh and Lakshmi. Occasionally I also briefly use a smudge stick or incense

to cleanse the space.

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Here's why I use them:

Chime candles are traditionally used for rituals. They burn for about two hours. Some

people will "anoint" the candle with an essential oil. I don't do this.

The medallion with a four-leaf clover is a common symbol for good luck.

Ruby is traditionally considered a stone for courage, wealth, power, protection, and joy.

The ruby I use here is a dense, natural crystal, not of gemstone quality, but it still holds

the power of the ruby. (I wear a ring and an earring each with a ruby.)

I usually include a form of quartz and/or a quartz crystal. Quartz has the ability to

transmit and amplify electromagnetic energy. Your body operates on electromagnetic

energy, and the part of you that is not visible – the more of you – including your aura, is

also electromagnetic energy. So quartz acts like an antenna into the deeper parts of

yourself, including your subconscious.

Aventurine is a form of microcrystalline quartz, which is made up of crystals so small

they can’t be seen by the naked eye. Microcrystalline quartz has the same properties as

any kind of quartz. There are many metaphysical properties of aventurine including

moving the user forward, manifesting prosperity, and good luck. I like the heart shape

because to increase cash flow, you have to open your heart to receive.

I use the altar bell to signify the beginning of a ritual and to clear the space around the

ritual objects.

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You can assign your own meaning to any object and you can choose to use any

object you wish.

Once you choose what you want to include, smudge the area with a smudge stick or

incense, then light the candle, ring the bell and set your intention. I like to do this aloud.

You can state your intention by saying something as simple as, “My intention is to

enhance my ability to generate cash flow.”

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How to Smudge

Surrounding your body is an electromagnetic energy field called the aura that is a non-

visible duplicate of your physical body. It does not necessarily look exactly like your

physical body, but it contains all of the energy patterns of your physical body as well as

the patterns of your thoughts and emotions. These patterns have been photographed

with a technique called Kirlian Photography.

If you have been on the personal growth path for any length of time, then your aura

probably contains the remnants of old patterns that you developed in the past. To ease

your progress forward, it's a good idea to clear out – or purify – those old patterns.

A traditional technique used in many religious and spiritual rituals and ceremonies is to

cleanse the aura with smoke. You are probably familiar with the use of incense in some

ceremonies. Native Americans and shamanic healers use a technique called smudging.

Some people employ complex smudging rituals using a variety of products. Others,

keep it simple and just use instant sticks. Either will do if you set the right intention.

I have felt drawn to sage smudge sticks that are actually bundles

of sage that can easily be lighted to generate smoke. Loose

herbs or plant material can also be used. I have also used

various fragrances of incense, including white sage.

I'm outlining the basic method here. You can decide what you're

drawn to and how you like to do it. Feel free to be creative.

Here's the method I follow:

I like to use either a sage smudge stick or a stick of incense. Once either starts

smoking, I first follow the outline of my body with the smoke while I say, I am purified.

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Next, I'll smudge either the room I'm in or the area in which I'm doing a ritual by waving

the smudge stick or incense so the smoke lightly covers the area I'm smudging.

If I'm smudging a room, I'll follow the outline of the ceiling and the edges of the walls. If

I'm smudging a ritual area, I'll move the smudging medium over that area with the

intention of purifying whatever is there.

Once I have finished the smudge, I tamp out the lighted end of the smudge stick or

incense in an abalone shell.

Remember, it's the intention that counts and you can decide what method you want to


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Enhance the Power of Your Rituals

As I said in the beginning, rituals work best when the purpose of your ritual is congruent

with who you are and how you live your life. The power is not in the ritual itself but in

how you respond to the enhanced energies that the rituals stimulate.

You will save a lot of time if, without prompting, you instigate some changes in your life

that will put you in a better position to experience both business and financial success.

Highly successful people take good care of themselves, their money, their home

environment and more. I suggest you take a good look at various aspects of your life

and ask yourself if there are some changes you can make that will enhance your energy


Ask yourself these questions:

Am I eating foods that provide the best source of fuel for my body-mind?

Do I get enough exercise?

Am I keeping adequate financial records?

Is my home or office clean and uncluttered?

Do I make good financial decisions?

Am I doing enough networking and other forms of marketing for my business?

Think about what areas of your business, finances, or your life could use an energy

upgrade and decide what small changes you would like to make. Small changes are

best so you don’t overwhelm yourself.

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The Prosperity Show Podcast

On my podcast I cover a wide variety of topics that will help you be congruent with

success. You can listen to it on www.ProsperityPlace.com/category/podcast, iTunes,

and Stitcher.

Find Ritual Supplies & Symbols at www.ProsperityPlace.com/shop

My book: The Search for Connection: A Spiritual Journey to Physical, Emotional, and

Financial Health.
