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INDEPENDENCE LOCAL SCHOOLS Board Meeting 10-18-2016 September 2016 Financial Reports Exhibit #2 1
Page 1: INDEPENDENCE LOCAL SCHOOLS · Independence Local Schools 7 7/1/2016 Fiscal Fiscal 9/30/2016 Cash Yr. to Date Yr. to Date Cash Fund Description Fund Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance


September 2016 Financial Reports

Exhibit #2


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Fiscal Year 2017 Revenue Collection by Fund Exhibit #2

Independence Local Schools


FY‐17 % of Projected % of Fiscal % of Projected % of Fiscal Amount  Fiscal Month Available Revenue Year Revenue Year

Fund Description Fund Budgeted To date To Date Balance Collected Completed Outstanding Remaining

General 001 16,777,619$  6,859,993$       145,750$         9,917,626$    40.89% 25.00% 59.11% 75.00%Bond Retirement 002 1,127,500       518,880            ‐                        608,620          46.02% 25.00% 53.98% 75.00%Permanent Improvement 003 720,000          254,140            ‐                        465,860          35.30% 25.00% 64.70% 75.00%Building 004 ‐                       ‐                         ‐                        ‐                       0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%Food Service 006 301,500          37,463               19,062             264,037          12.43% 25.00% 87.57% 75.00%Endowment 008 ‐                       ‐                         ‐                        ‐                       0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%Uniform School Supplies 009 876                  550                    550                   326                  0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%Public Sch. Support 018 59,605            12,057               11,210             47,548            20.23% 25.00% 79.77% 75.00%Other Grants 019 ‐                       ‐                         ‐                        ‐                       0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%District Agency 022 12,600            ‐                         ‐                        12,600            0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 75.00%Student Managed Activity 200 225,896          71,441               28,259             154,455          31.63% 25.00% 68.37% 75.00%District Managed Activity 300 96,000            26,751               21,347             69,249            27.87% 25.00% 72.13% 75.00%State Grants 400 277,900          69,831               ‐                        208,069          25.13% 25.00% 74.87% 75.00%Federal Grants 500 106,119          ‐                         ‐                        106,119          0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 75.00%

19,705,615$  7,851,105$       226,178$         11,854,510$  39.84% 25.00% 60.16% 75.00%

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Exhibit # 2General Fund Revenue Collection


Month End 9‐30‐2016 Fiscal Year 2017Actual Budget/Estimate Variance Actual Budget/Estimate Variance

Real Estate ‐$                           ‐$                             ‐$                     6,172,485$              6,172,485$             ‐$                     TPP (PUPP only) ‐                             ‐                               ‐                        238,473                    238,473                  ‐                       Foundation 60,208                  62,900                     (2,692)              202,115                    204,807                  (2,692)             Restricted Grants ‐                             ‐                               ‐                        ‐                                 ‐                               ‐                       Home/Roll & TPP Reimb ‐                             ‐                               ‐                        ‐                                 ‐                               ‐                       Other/Misc. 85,542                  50,000                     35,542             246,919                    211,377                  35,542            

Total Revenue: 145,750$              112,900$                32,850$           6,859,992$              6,827,142$             32,850$          

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Fiscal Year 2017 Expenditure Projection by Fund Exhibit #2

Independence Local Schools


Fy‐17 w/o Encumb. % of Fiscal   % of Fiscal Amount  Fiscal Month Current  Available % of Projected Year % of Budget Year

Fund Description Fund Expendable To date To Date Encumbrances Balance Expended Completed Available Remaining

General 001 16,542,206$  3,849,646$     1,606,113$  1,913,137$         10,779,424$  23.27% 25.00% 76.73% 75.00%Bond Retirement 002 1,058,990       5,434               ‐                     1,038,990           14,566$          0.51% 25.00% 99.49% 75.00%Permanent Improvement 003 1,063,454       631,873           70,942          123,576               308,006$        59.42% 25.00% 40.58% 75.00%Building 004 ‐                       ‐                        ‐                     ‐                            ‐$                     0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%Food Service 006 300,405          48,380             23,719          32,157                 219,869$        16.10% 25.00% 83.90% 75.00%Endowment 008 3,868               250                   ‐                     ‐                            3,618$            6.46% 25.00% 93.54% 75.00%Uniform School Supplies 009 3,000               ‐                        ‐                     ‐                            3,000$            0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 75.00%Public Sch. Support 018 57,175            6,787               6,547            23,746                 26,642$          11.87% 25.00% 88.13% 75.00%Other Grants 019 ‐                       ‐                        ‐                     ‐                            ‐$                     0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00%District Agency 022 12,150            ‐                        ‐                     ‐                            12,150$          0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 75.00%Student Managed Activity 200 231,275          86,078             57,648          25,296                 119,902$        37.22% 25.00% 62.78% 75.00%District Managed Activity 300 96,000            38,273             15,345          34,922                 22,804$          39.87% 25.00% 60.13% 75.00%State Grants 400 342,419          45,130             34,190          80,617                 216,673$        13.18% 25.00% 86.82% 75.00%Federal Grants 500 106,119          14,554             13,325          1,405                   90,160$          13.71% 25.00% 86.29% 75.00%

19,817,061$  4,726,403$     1,827,829$  3,273,844$         11,816,814$  23.85% 25.00% 76.15% 75.00%

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Exhibit #2

General Fund Expenditure


Month End 9‐30‐2016 FYTD‐2017Actual Budget/Estimate Variance Actual Budget/Estimate Variance

Personnel/Salaries 1,012,841$      1,128,048$           (115,207)$           2,277,574$    2,392,781$          (115,207)$            Benefits 314,591            345,325                (30,734)                773,261          803,995                (30,734)                 Purchased Services 49,747              205,001                (155,254)              368,224          523,478                (155,254)              Supplies 123,204            85,664                  37,540                 182,189          144,649                37,540                  Equipment 99,260              122,569                (23,309)                150,482          173,791                (23,309)                 Debt Service ‐                         ‐                             ‐                            ‐                       ‐                             ‐                             Other/Misc.  6,470                10,737                  (4,267)                  97,915            102,182                (4,267)                   Transfers ‐                         ‐                             ‐                            ‐                       ‐                             ‐                             

1,606,113$      1,897,344$           (291,231)$           3,849,645$    4,140,876$          (291,231)$            

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Fiscal Year 2017 vs. Fiscal Year 2016 Exhibit #2

General Fund Monthly Expense Comparison


July‐16 August‐16 September‐16 Total FYTD‐17Fiscal Year 2017 Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses

3 Pay Month

Salaries 623,172$        641,561$        1,012,841$                2,277,574$      Benefits 230,356$        228,314$        314,591$                   773,261$         Purchase Services 132,921$        185,556$        49,747$                     368,224$         Supplies 24,198$          34,787$          123,204$                   182,189$         Capital Outlay ‐$                     51,222$          99,260$                     150,482$         Other Expenses 998                  90,447            6,470                          97,915$            

Total Expenses 1,011,645$     1,231,887$    1,606,113$                3,849,645$       

July‐15 August‐15 September‐15 Total FYTD‐16Fiscal Year 2016 Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses


Salaries 617,489          713,464          646,268                     1,977,221        Benefits 230,628          291,253          244,701                     766,582            Purchase Services 68,431             238,542          201,445                     508,418            Supplies 7,302               74,553            61,529                       143,384            Capital Outlay 10,734             115,598          6,341                          132,673            Other Expenses 1,209               84,719            9,553                          95,481              

Total Expenses 935,793$        1,518,129$    1,169,837$                3,623,759$      

Over/(Under) Previous Yr. 75,852$          (286,242)$      436,276$                   225,886$         

Over/UnderSalaries Benefits Purchase Services Supplies Capital Outlay Other Expenses Previous Yr.

300,353 6,679 (140,194) 38,805 17,809 2,434 225,886$    

• September 2016 three pay month.

• October 2015 three pay month.

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Fiscal Year 2017 Cash Flow by Fund Exhibit #2

Independence Local Schools


7/1/2016 Fiscal   Fiscal 9/30/2016Cash Yr. to Date Yr. to Date Cash

Fund Description Fund Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance

General 001 $8,781,730 6,859,993$    3,849,646$           $11,792,077Bond Retirement 002 3,080,153     518,880          5,434                      3,593,599    Permanent Improvement 003 508,872         254,140          631,873                 131,139        Building 004 ‐                      ‐                       ‐                              ‐                     Food Service 006 4,001             37,463            48,380                   (6,916)           Endowment 008 7,486             ‐                       250                         7,236            Uniform School Supplies 009 10,721           550                  ‐                              11,271          Public Sch. Support 018 30,196           12,057            6,787                      35,466          Other Grants 019 ‐                      ‐                       ‐                              ‐                     District Agency 022 5,797             ‐                       ‐                              5,797            Student Managed Activity 200 266,194         71,441            86,078                   251,558        District Managed Activity 300 4,609             26,751            38,273                   (6,913)           State Grants 400 64,436           69,831            45,130                   89,137          Federal Grants 500 ‐                      ‐                       14,554                   (14,554)        

$12,764,196 $7,851,105 $4,726,403 $15,888,898

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Exhibit #2

Actual Month-End General Fund Cash Balance


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Fiscal year 2017 Exhibit #3Investment/Reconciliation Report


Sep‐16 Monthly  Rate Interest cytd NFS

Star Oho 1,316,222.22$    0.55% 804.64$     5,687.58$           65.00$       Star Plus 11,013,970.43    0.40% 3,839.14$  26,982.74$         68.00$       Dollar Bank 51,803.94            0.15% 6.37$          215.09$              215.00$    Dollar Bank 519,147.52         Dollar Bank 99,505.14           Independence Bk Savings 884,515.56          0.20% 80.83          541.51                ‐             Independence Bk Checking 285,856.42          n/a ‐              ‐                       ‐             Independence Bk CD 500,000.00          0.30% ‐              1,516.67            Independence Bk CD 1,500,000.00       0.30% ‐              2,275.00            

Total Balance Per    Bank Statement 16,171,021.23$  4,730.98$  37,218.59$         $348.00

E/Z Pay Dept. not recorded 1,067.00   In‐Trans.Deposits In Transit 107.60   ‐              H/S CaféNFS 348.00 107.60        M/S CaféOutstanding Checks (184,141.00) ‐              P/S CaféOutstanding Payroll checks (99,505.14) 107.60$    Adjusted Total BalancePer Bank Statement 15,888,897.69

Fund Balances 15,888,897.69 

Difference ‐$                     

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Check RegisterInformational Item Warrants over $1,500


9‐1‐2016 to 9‐30‐2016Check Amount Vendor Description Check Amount Vendor Description10263 1,525        Arslanian Bros. Carpet cleaning 800927 5,297        Medicare/Fica Payroll benefits10267 1,531        CED Inc. Stadium lights 10487 5,334        CZ Landscaping LLC P/S playground10311 1,532        Supplyworks Custodial supplies 800925 5,422        Medicare/Fica Payroll benefits10475 1,540        Tele‐Solutions, Inc. Additional phones 10442 5,473        BSN Sports Athletic appraisal 10262 1,614        A & A Hydraulic Repair Co. Maintenance equipment 10502 5,523        Taylor Consulting Group, LLC Roof general cont. services10264 1,778        AT&T Phone services 10268 5,550        Chargrin Valley Conf. Conference Fee10363 1,792        Really Good Stuff Classroom supplies 800929 5,695        Medicare/Fica Payroll benefits10467 1,902        Redshift Technology Locker room Technology 10290 6,052        Jay H. Berk, Ph. D, Inc. Student Services10468 1,913        Responsive Learning, LP Instructional materials 10325 6,199        Bright Ideas Instructional materials10285 1,959        Home Depot Maint/Cust. Supplies 10440 7,640        Barons Bus Class trip transportation 10476 1,985        Turnitin, LLC Instructional supplies 10489 8,722        Embassy Suites Dulles Airport class trip hotel10406 2,100        Rogers Athletics Football supplies 10280 8,858        Enviro Chemical Custodial supplies10350 2,118        Bright Ideas Press Instructional materials 10383 9,288        BSN Sports Athletic appraisal 10302 2,351        PSI Associates Contracted services 10307 9,350        Sherwin Williams Co. Field house 10505 2,402        SERS Retirement benefits 10481 9,536        Amazon.com Tech./Instructional materials10496 2,544        Phonak hearing Systems Special Ed. Equipment 10495 18,347      Nowak Tour & Travel Class trip 10424 2,660        n2y Instructional materials 10430 19,766      G & G, Inc Auxiliary Services10343 2,688        Supplyworks Sloan Faucets H/S 10486 23,833      Buckeye Surface Maintenance Asphalt BOE10330 2,696        Friends Business Source Classroom supplies 10336 24,725      McGraw‐Hill Education Instructional materials10388 2,767        Dawn Sign Press Instructional materials 10318 32,210      SERS Retirement benefits10348 2,794        Macgill supplies Classroom supplies 10345 35,687      Tele‐Solutions, Inc. Phone system10436 2,892        William Sadler, Inc. Instructional materials 10506 36,026      SERS Retirement benefits10405 2,899        Premier Agendas, Inc. Student planners 10320 37,356      STRS Retirement benefits10286 2,995        IMEX, Inc. Medical Evaluation 10508 37,750      STRS Retirement benefits10441 3,192        BrainPop Instructional materials 10258 37,831      STRS Retirement benefits10444 3,204        Carolina Biological Supplest Instructional supplies 10305 91,164      Royal Business Equipment Co. Chromebook10269 3,220        Cleveland Electric Field House upgrade 10261 134,069    Orange City Schools Medical Premiums10298 3,778        Ohio School Council Membership fees 800926 342,658    Payroll Transfer10469 4,166        Rettig Music, Inc. Music supplies 800924 350,179    Payroll Transfer10371 4,240        WILSON LANGUAGE TRAINING Classroom supplies 800928 355,575    Payroll Transfer10443 4,413        Buckeye International, Inc. Custodial supplies10319 5,078        STRS Retirement benefits10507 5,078        STRS Retirement benefits10257 5,153        STRS Retirement benefits

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Projected General Fund Monthly Cash Flow


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Monthly Cafeteria Report – Fiscal Year 201


FY‐17 2016 2016 2016 FY‐2017July August September Total

ReceiptsHigh Sch. ‐                    5,032           166             5,199          

Middle Sch. ‐                    6,321           6,289          12,610        Primary Sch. 175              6,872           6,319          13,366        

Other ‐                    ‐                    6,289          6,289          Total Receipts 175              18,226         19,062        37,463        

Expenditures 3 pay month TotalHigh Sch. 2,416           2,416           5,963          10,795        

Middle Sch. 3,189           3,189           7,116          13,493        Primary Sch. 2,867           2,704           6,102          11,674        

Other 7,380           500              4,538          12,418        Total Expenditures 15,852         8,809           23,719        48,380        

FY‐2017 Balance to Date: 4,001           (6,916)        FY‐16 2015 2015 2015 FY‐2016

July August September TotalReceipts

High Sch. ‐                    5,464           6,318          11,783        Middle Sch. ‐                    7,358           6,650          14,008        Primary Sch. 190              7,264           7,457          14,911        

Other 209              64                 21                294             Total Receipts 399              20,151         20,446        40,996        

Expenditures TotalHigh Sch. 1,142           982              2,838          4,962          

Middle Sch. 3,089           3,089           6,759          12,936        Primary Sch. 3,522           3,522           4,346          11,390        

other 9,369           500              7,415          17,284        Total Expenditures 17,121         8,093           21,357        46,571        

FY‐2016 Balance to  Date: 1,019           (4,556)        

FY‐2016 FY‐2017 Inc./Dec.July ‐ July ‐ over

Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Previous yr.Salaries 30,613         29,724         (889)Benefits 8,156            10,775         2,620Purch. Serv. 6,812            7,880            1,068Supplies 990               ‐                    (990)

46,571         48,380         1,808

Expenditure Categories:

Expenditure Categories:

FY‐2016 FY‐2017 Inc./Dec.July ‐ July ‐ over

Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Previous yr.Sales Type A 40,701          37,297          (3,405)Misc., Vending 294               166                (128)State Subsidy ‐                     ‐                     ‐                   Federal Subsidy ‐                     ‐                     ‐                   Transfer ‐                     ‐                     ‐                   

40,996          37,463          (3,533)

Revenue Categories:

Revenue Categories:

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Cafeteria Meals Served Comparison


FY‐15 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 FY‐2015September October November December January February  March April May June Total

Meals Served/# Serving Days 27 22 16 15 17 15 22 16 20 3 173

High Sch. 2,415           1,988           1,394           1,048           1,526           1,309           1,928           1,404           1,482           60                 14,554        Middle Sch. 2,085           1,794           1,231           1,042           1,306           1,147           1,587           1,093           1,359           119              12,763        Primary Sch. 3,320           2,901           2,132           1,999           2,177           1,986           2,846           2,171           2,404           354              22,290        

Total Meals Served 7,820           6,683           4,757           4,089           5,009           4,442           6,361           4,668           5,245           533              49,607        FY‐16 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 FY‐2016

September October November December January February  March April May June TotalMeals Served/# Serving Days 28 21 17 17 18 19 18 16 21 1 176

High Sch. 2,234           1,666           1,351           1,351           1,373           1,463           1,326           1,243           1,209           3                   13,219        Middle Sch. 2,290           1,655           1,415           1,415           1,542           1,613           1,463           1,658           1,782           ‐                    14,833        Primary Sch. 3,449           2,983           2,499           2,499           2,484           2,676           2,595           2,859           2,854           162              25,060        

Total Meals Served 7,973           6,304           5,265           5,265           5,399           5,752           5,384           5,760           5,845           165              53,112        

Inc./Dec. over previous yr.  Over/Under Previous Yr: 3,505          

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Café: Revenue/Expenditure Summary


FY‐2016 FY‐2015 Inc./Dec.July ‐ July ‐ overJune 30 June 30 Previous yr.

Salaries 138,955       134,707       4,249Benefits 31,999         34,515         (2,516)Purch. Serv. 11,319         11,956         (637)Supplies 115,023       104,631       10,392

297,296       285,808       11,488

Expenditure Categories:

Expenditure Categories:

Expenditure Categories: FY‐2016 FY‐2015 FY‐2014 FY‐2013 FY‐2012 FY‐2011Salaries 138,955$     134,707$     142,212$    131,725$     128,471$     129,648$   Benefits 31,999         34,515         36,346        35,804         35,686         41,761        Purchase Services 11,319         11,956         4,236           4,917            1,460           1,009          Supplies 115,023       104,630       113,684      115,175       131,785       137,508      

297,296$     285,808$     296,477$    287,621$     297,402$     309,925$   

Substitute Cost: 10,311         4,700           11,133        4,031           4,800           7,782         

Cafeteria Summary of Expenditures

FY‐2016 FY‐2015 Inc./Dec.July ‐ July ‐ overJune 30 June 30 Previous yr.

Sales Type A 207,101          180,173          26,928Misc., Vending 1,688               1,969               (281)State Subsidy 789                  861                  (72)Federal Subsidy 43,951             44,039             (89)Transfer 46,750             59,000             (12,250)

300,278          286,043          14,236

Revenue Categories:

Revenue Categories:

Page 15: INDEPENDENCE LOCAL SCHOOLS · Independence Local Schools 7 7/1/2016 Fiscal Fiscal 9/30/2016 Cash Yr. to Date Yr. to Date Cash Fund Description Fund Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance

Athletic: Revenue/Expenditure Summary


Beginning Balance: 1,346$           1,434$           453$               3,104$           2,133$           FUND Description FY16 Actual FY15 Actual FY14 Actual  FY‐13 Actual  FY12 Actual 300 DONATIONS & GIFTS‐BOB ZUBER FUND ‐                 6,250              ‐                 3,970             300 OTHER REVENUES 18,428           21,565           19,296            17,800           13,167           300 ATHLETICS TRANSFER IN 37,000          45,000          18,500           45,000          43,000          300 ADMISSIONS‐BASKETBALL/BOYS 11,148           8,817             9,129              7,278             6,024             300 ADMISSIONS‐SOCCER/BOYS 4,513             1,368             1,392              2,650             2,016             300 ADMISSIONS‐FOOTBALL 13,770           19,001           18,678            12,722           19,202           300 ADMISSIONS‐WRESTLING 312                 430                240                 294                5,140             300 ADMISSIONS‐GIRLS SPORTS 1,860             1,968             2,184              2,170             2,342             300 ADMISSIONS‐BASKETBALL/GIRLS 3,028             6,406             3,214              2,708             4,037             300 ADMISSIONS‐VOLLEYBALL/GIRLS 4,950             3,454             4,765              3,178             3,354             300 ADMISSIONS‐MIXED SPORTS ‐                      770                855                 1,313             1,253             300 DONATIONS‐‐MICKEY ZUBER FUND ‐                      250                78                   363                ‐                 

Total Receipts including Transfers: 95,009          109,029        84,581           95,476          103,505$     

Receipts minus Transfers: 58,009$        64,029$        66,081$         50,476$        60,505$        

FUND Description FY‐16 Actual FY‐15 Actual FY‐14 Actual FY‐13 Actual  FY12 Actual 300 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT‐ COACHES ‐$                    893$              ‐$                    702$              1,471$           300 MEETS/TOURNAMENTS ENTRY FEES 9,089             11,666           9,256              8,527             9,338             300 PURCHASED SERVICES‐MIXED SPORTS‐HS 1,500             3,684             1,360              6,377             65                  300 COACHES‐MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 45,741           64,556           35,359            53,767           60,530           300 REFEREES/OFFICIALS‐BOYS SPORTS‐HS 16,095           14,688           15,390            16,365           18,405           300 REFEREES/OFFICIALS‐GIRLS SPORTS‐HS 8,745             11,150           10,320            9,465             11,110           300 REFEREES/OFFICIALS‐BOYS SPORTS‐MS 3,935             1,357             2,000              1,875             585                300 REFEREES/OFFICIALS‐GIRLS SPORTS‐MS 1,940             1,025             1,855              1,050             1,030             300 SUPPLIES‐SOCCER/BOYS ‐                      100                ‐                      ‐                     ‐                     300 SUPPLIES‐WRESTLING 4,700             ‐                     ‐                      ‐                     ‐                     300 Zuber Fund ‐                      ‐                     8,060              ‐                     ‐                     

Total Athletic Expenditures 91,746$        109,117$     83,599$         98,127$        102,534$     

Ending Balance: 4,609$           1,346$           1,434$            453$              3,104$           
