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  • 8/20/2019 India Localization ISupplier URM


    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 1

    India Localization – Support for iSupplier

    User’s Reference Manual

    Release 11i  

    April 2007

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    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 2

    Oracle India Localization iSupplier User Reference ManualRelease 11iOracle Corporation

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    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 3

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    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 4


    Table of Figures ______________________________________________________________ 5 

    India Localization Support for iSupplier.......................................................................................... 6  About this Manual______________________________________________________________ 7 

    iSupplier - Overview .......................................................................................................................... 9  

    Basic Business Needs _________________________________________________________ 10 

    Major Features________________________________________________________________ 11 

    iSupplier – IL Set Up ........................................................................................................................ 15  

    SetUp Checklist_______________________________________________________________ 15 

    Setup Steps __________________________________________________________________ 16 Step 1 Define Organization Additional Information___________________________________ 16 Step 2 Define Organization Trading Information_____________________________________ 16 Step 3 Define Excise Invoice Generation __________________________________________ 16 Step 4 Define Sub Inventory Location_____________________________________________ 17 Step 5 Define Localization Item Information ________________________________________ 17 Step 6 Define Tax Codes ______________________________________________________ 17 Step 7 Define Tax Categories ___________________________________________________ 17 Step 8 Define Item Categories __________________________________________________ 18 Step 9 Define Assessable Price Lists _____________________________________________ 18 Step 10 Define VAT Regime ____________________________________________________ 18 Step 11Define VAT Claim Terms ________________________________________________ 18 Step 12 Define VAT Generation Sequence ________________________________________ 18 Step 13 Define Supplier Additional Information _____________________________________ 18 

    Processing iSupplier Transactions................................................................................................ 19  

    Supplier’s Actions ____________________________________________________________ 19 Request for Quotation (RFQ) ___________________________________________________ 19 Blanket Purchase Agreements __________________________________________________ 21 Standard Purchase Orders _____________________________________________________ 24 Advance Shipment Notice______________________________________________________ 26 Advance Shipment Billing Notice ________________________________________________ 28 Viewing ASN / ASBN Information ________________________________________________ 31 Viewing Receipts and Returns __________________________________________________ 36 Viewing Invoices and Payments _________________________________________________ 40 

    Buyer’s Actions_______________________________________________________________ 42 Receipts from ASN / ASBN_____________________________________________________ 42 Creating ASBN Invocie ________________________________________________________ 46 

    Reports______________________________________________________________________ 48 

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    Table of Figures

    FIGURE 1: RFQ DETAILS.......................................................................................................................................19 FIGURE 2:RFQ INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES ........................................................................................................20 FIGURE 3:BPA INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES ........................................................................................................22 

    FIGURE 4:BPA INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES ........................................................................................................23 FIGURE 5: PURCHASE ORDER................................................................................................................................25 FIGURE 6: PURCHASE ORDER INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES..................................................................................25 FIGURE 7: CREATING ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE – ENTERING IL INFORMATION ...................................26 FIGURE 8: CREATING ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE – ENTERING IL INFORMATION ...................................27 FIGURE 9: CREATING ADVANCE SHIPMENT BILLING...............................................................................28 FIGURE 10: CREATING ADVANCE SHIPMENT BILLING NOTICE ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........29 FIGURE 11: VIEW ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE ................................................................................................31 FIGURE 12: VIEW ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE...............................................................................................32 FIGURE 13: ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE – VIEW IL INFO....................................................................................33 FIGURE 14: ADVANCE SHIPMENT NOTICE – VIEW IL INFO....................................................................................33 FIGURE 15: ADVANCE SHIPMENT BILLING NOTICE ...............................................................................................34 FIGURE 16: ADVANCE SHIPMENT BILLING NOTICE ...............................................................................................35 FIGURE 17: RECEIPT..............................................................................................................................................36 FIGURE 18: RECEIPT ‘S TAX DETAILS ....................................................................................................................37 FIGURE19: RECEIPT HISTORY ...............................................................................................................................37 FIGURE20: RECEIPT HISTORY ...............................................................................................................................38 FIGURE21: RECEIPT HISTORY ...............................................................................................................................39 FIGURE 22: VIEW INVOICES ..................................................................................................................................40 FIGURE 23: INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES FOR INVOICES.......................................................................................40 FIGURE 24: VIEW PAYMENTS................................................................................................................................41 FIGURE 25: ASN RECEIPT FORMS –QUERYING SHIPMENT NUMBER.....................................................................43 FIGURE 26: ASN RECEIPT FORMS –QUERYING SHIPMENT NUMBER.....................................................................43 FIGURE 27: ASN RECEIPT FORMS –CREATING RECEIPT .......................................................................................44 FIGURE 28: ASN RECEIPT FORMS –INDIA LOCAL RECEIPTS DFF.........................................................................44 FIGURE 29: QUERY ASBN INVOICE......................................................................................................................46 FIGURE 30: GENERATE CONCURRENT TO INSERT TAXES ......................................................................................47 

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    Oracle India Localization

    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 6

    India Localization Support for iSupplier

    This document details functionality that is made available as part of iSupplier Product to support

    India specific Statutory Tax needs.

    iSupplier is a collaborative application enabling secure transactions between Buyers and Suppliersusing the Internet. Using Oracle iSupplier Portal, Suppliers can monitor and respond to events in theprocure-to-pay cycle.

    This enhancement deals with providing the relevant tax information for the iSupplier transactions.This enhancement is available to users of Oracle Base Application - Release 11.5.10 version withIndia Localization patch set IN60107

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    Oracle India Localization

    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 7

    About this ManualThe Oracle Applications 11i - India Localization iSupplier  User Reference Manual includes allinformation required to use India Localization iSupplier solution effectively.

    This manual is to be referred in conjunction with Oracle Applications 11i Reference Manuals of therespective base product modules and Oracle India Localization User Reference Manual.

    India Localization iSupplier Solution addresses the needs of Indian Industry relating to iSupplier. Allgeneral requirements relating to use India Localization taxes with iSupplier module have beenincorporated in the scope of this localization, however industry or state specific requirements are notaddressed.

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    Oracle India Localization – User’s Reference Manual 8

    Audience for this Manual

    This manual is a complete source of information about India Localization iSupplier Solution anddesigned to provide useful guidance and assistance to:

    • Consultants implementing India Localization version of Oracle Applications• Key user team of Oracle Applications• Accountants• Accounting Mangers• Auditors• Chief Financial Officers• Controllers• Data Entry Clerks• Financial Analysts• Line Managers• MIS Professionals

    India Localization for iSupplier User Manual assumes that you have a basic understanding of

    Localization requirements in India and a thorough understanding of India Localization features. It alsoassumes you have a basic familiarity of Procure-to-Pay transactions flows as also with iSuppliermodule in Oracle Applications.

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    Oracle India Localization

    Oracle India Localization User’s Reference Guide 9

    iSupplier - Overview

    iSupplier is a collaborative application enabling secure transactions between Buyers and Suppliersusing the Internet. Using Oracle iSupplier Portal, Suppliers can monitor and respond to events in the

    procure-to-pay cycle. In the Indian Context, providing the relevant tax information for the iSuppliertransactions is an essential requirement. India Localization functionality is now extended to OracleiSupplier (Supplier View) through this enhancement. 

    Oracle iSupplier (Supplier View) enables Suppliers to have real-time access to information (such aspurchase orders and delivery schedules) and respond to the buying company with orderacknowledgments, change requests, shipment notices, invoices and planning details. The majorfunctions supported in this process are:

    • Reviewing Supplier Agreements and Releases, Request for Quotations (RFQ)

    • Viewing, Printing and Acknowledging Purchase Orders, Submitting Change Order Requests

    • Viewing Shipments, Entering Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) / Advance Shipment andBilling Notice (ASBN)

    • Viewing Receipts and Returns

    • Viewing and initiating Invoices

    • Supplier Profile Management

    • Reviewing Planning and Inventory Information

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    Oracle India Localization User’s Reference Guide 10

    Basic Business Needs

    iSupplier addresses the basic business need of providing a real-time access and interactionmechanism between the Supplier and Buying Organization with regard to the Procure-to-Pay

    business cycle.

    The following diagram shows the capabilities available in Oracle iSupplier that has been customizedto meet the requirements of India Localization.

    Business needs specific to Indian context and with reference to the capabilities available in OracleiSupplier are listed below.

    • Restricted access to Suppliers to view India Localization (IL) taxes in RFQs, Purchase

    Orders, Receipts and Invoices.

    • Defaulting IL taxes on RFQ, PO, ASN, ASBN, Receipt and Invoice automatically based

    on IL tax Defaulting hierarchy• Display IL taxes for each line for above documents

    • Recalculate IL taxes on changing quantity of approved PO

    • Cancel IL taxes on cancellation of iSupplier PO

    • Carry forward taxes defaulted and added to a ASBN to Receipt

    • Display IL taxes in Purchase Orders details for each line

    • View Tax details and precedence for each RFQ, PO, ASN, ASBN, Receipt line

    • Default IL taxes on Receipts automatically based on IL tax Defaulting hierarchy

    • Display IL taxes for each Receipt line

    • Allow modification of defaulted taxes on Receipts (other than defaulted from ASBN)

    • Claim MODVAT / Value Added Tax recovery for the Receipts

    • Accounting for IL Taxes on Receipts

    • Update relevant Excise Registers on Receiving

    • Apply Bill of Entry payments to Receipt lines carrying Customs Duty Taxes

    • Update Item costs with Non-Recoverable tax portion on Receipts

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    Oracle India Localization

    Oracle India Localization User’s Reference Guide 11

    Major Features

    Ability for review of Purchase Agreements and Releases, RFQs

    Oracle iSupplier provides facility to review the existing Purchase Agreements and correspondingreleases. It also provides the facility to review any Request for Quotations from the buyingcompany.

    India Localization taxes associated with the Purchase Agreement, Releases, RFQs etc. aredisplayed along with base document details on the iSupplier pages.


    • In the Supplier Agreements Summary page, India Localization tax amounts released aredisplayed along with the base amounts released.

    • In Blanket Agreement Details page that opens on drilling down from an Agreement number,

    India Localization taxes (without amounts) are displayed for the Price Breaks defined for theBlanket Agreement.

    • In the Blanket Agreement Details page that opens on drilling down from an agreement, IndiaLocalization Tax Amounts are displayed along with the base amounts for each BlanketRelease / related Standard Purchase Order (in case of a Global Blanket Agreement)

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each blanket release line in the BlanketRelease details page that opens up on drilling down from a Blanket Release number

    • India Localization Tax Amounts are displayed in the Receipts, Invoices and Payment detailspages that open up from the Blanket Release ‘Related Information’ links.

    • Cancellation and Change requests from Blanket release impacts India Localization taxes asin the case of Purchase Orders. Similarly Printable View displays PO report for the blanket

    Agreement / Release with India Localization tax amount

    Request for Quotations (RFQ) 

    • India Localization tax amount and details are displayed in the RFQ Details page 

    Viewing, Acknowledging and Printing Purchase Orders, Initiating ChangeRequests.

    iSupplier has following functionality for Purchase Order Review:

    • Viewing and Acknowledging Purchase Orders 

    • Printing Purchase Orders. 

    • Changes to Purchase Orders - This feature provides the Oracle iSupplier user the ability torequest changes and line cancellations to Purchase Orders. Such changes are limited toonly Quantity change, Promised Date change and splitting of shipment schedules.

    Following are the major features with respect to India Localization:

    • India Localization Tax Amount is displayed along with base amount in the Purchase OrderSummary page. Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each Purchase Order line

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    in the Purchase Order details page that opens up on drilling down from a Purchase OrderNumber.

    • PO Shipment level tax details are also displayed in the Purchase Order details page.

    • India Localization Tax Amount and details are displayed in the Receipts, Invoices andPayment details pages that open up from the Purchase Order ‘Related Information’ links.

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each Purchase Order line in the RequestCancellation page that opens up on pressing the ‘Request Cancellation’ button. Onapproval of the cancellation of the line / order initiated from iSupplier related IndiaLocalization tax lines are also cancelled.

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each purchase order line in the RequestChanges page that opens up on pressing the ‘Request Changes’ button. On approval of thechanges (Quantity or Price change, Shipment splitting etc) initiated from iSupplier, relatedIndia Localization tax lines are also changed accordingly.


    iSupplier provides facility to enter an Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) or Advance Shipment Billing

    Notice (ASBN), to alert the buying company of upcoming shipment deliveries. The shipment detailsthat can be specified on the ASN / ASBN are :

    • Shipment Header – Shipment Number, Shipment Date, Expected Receipt Date

    • Shipment Lines - Packing Slip, Country of Origin, Bar Code Label, Container Number,Truck Number , Comments

    • Freight Information (physical – not freight amount)

    ASBN can be used to enter billing information on a shipment notice. An ASBN creates an invoice inthe Buyer’s payables system. To create an ASBN, in addition to the above details, the followingbilling details are provided

    • Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Invoice Date, Payment Terms, Freight Amount, Currency,

    Tax Amount, Remit To Site.In Indian Scenario, Suppliers shall be providing Excise / VAT Invoice Number, Excise /VAT InvoiceDate while creating ASNs/ASBNs through iSupplier portal. This information is vital for IndiaLocalization receipt processing and the Buying Company may require that when receipts arecreated out of these ASNs/ASBNs, the Excise/VAT details be automatically populated to therelevant India Localization tables without having to re-enter these details.

    Suppliers also has an option of additing or modifing tax information while creating ASBNsthrough iSupplier portal. This information is vital for India Localization receipt processing and thebuying company may require that when receipts are created out of these ASBNs, the tax details beautomatically populated to the relevant India Localization tables without having to re-enter thesedetails. This involves overriding the taxes specified at the PO level.

    Create Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) page 

    • Additional fields are provided in the iSupplier ‘Create ASN Shipment Header’ page tocapture the Excise Invoice, Excise Invoice Date details

    • On submitting the ASN, these details are interfaced to Purchasing to make it automaticallyavailable in the Receipt DFF.

    Create Advanced Shipment Billing Notice (ASBN) page 

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    • Additional fields are provided in the iSupplier ‘Create ASBN Shipment Header’ page tocapture the Excise Invoice, Excise Invoice Date details

    • On submitting the ASBN, these details are interfaced to Purchasing to make it automaticallyavailable in the Receipt DFF.

    • Additionally, a feature is made available at ASBN level (in the ASBN Shipment lines page)

    to view the India Localization taxes (defaulted from Purchase Order), add, modify anddelete the first party taxes (taxes pertaining to the Supplier) by the Supplier User. Onsubmitting the ASBN, these taxes are automatically defaulted to the Receipts and Invoicescreated from the ASBN. No further modification is allowed to these taxes at the Receipt orInvoice level. Third Party taxes, mentioned in the PO if any , shall be defaulted to the ASBNin a view only mode.

    View / Cancel ASN / ASBN page 

    • India Localization Excise Invoice details are available for viewing when Supplier user isviewing an ASN or ASBN. Tax details are displayed while viewing an ASBN

    • India Localization taxes are cancelled when an ASN or ASBN is cancelled. However thetaxes can still be viewed in a read only mode for cancelled ASBNs, though these taxes shallnot be available for any receipts / invoices created for the Purchase Order.


    iSupplier has following functionality in Receipts and Returns:

    • Supplier can view the Receiving and Returns information

    • Supplier can view the Quality (Inspection) information

    Following is the functionality provided in India Localization:

    • Receipts and Returns can be viewed from iSupplier. The Supplier user will be able to seeIL taxes to be part of the Receipt while viewing the receipts. India Localization tax amount

    and details are displayed in the Receipt details page that opens on drilling down from theReceipt Number.

    In the form based India Localization receipt functionality, tax defaulting is provided on the receiptscreated from ASBN. No modification is allowed to ASBN taxes at the receipt level. If ASBN has aThird party tax, it shall be modifiable to the extent of Vendor and Vendor Site fields in the Receiptform. However new Third party taxes can be added while creating a Receipt from an ASBN


    iSupplier has following functionality in Invoicing: 

    Submit Invoices – Suppliers can submit an invoice online to the buying company based onthe Purchase Order lines they have fulfilled. Invoices can be created only through referenceto a Purchase Order.

    • View Invoice Information

    • View Payment Information

    Following is the functionality provided in India Localization:

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    Invoice Creation 

    • Invoices initiated from the iSupplier are interfaced to Payables through the Payables OpenInterface Import process. India Localization taxes get defaulted from the Purchase Order forsuch invoices imported from iSupplier.

    View Invoices / Payments

    • India Localization taxes are included in the Invoices / Payment amounts displayed in theInvoice / Payment Summary pages.

    In the form based India Localization functionality, invoice level tax defaults from PO to POMatched Invoices, from Receipt to Receipt Matched Invoice and from ASBN for invoicescreated from ASBN.

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    Oracle India Localization User’s Reference Guide 15

    iSupplier – IL Set Up

    This section provides an overview along with details of each setup that needs to be completed inorder to use India Localization iSupplier Solution.

    SetUp Checklist

    The following table lists setup steps. On logging on to Oracle Applications, complete these steps toimplement India Localization iSupplier:

    Oracle India Invenotry

    Step No Required Step Title

    Step 1 Required Define Organization Additional Information

    Step 2 Optional Define Trading Registration Details

    Step 3 Optional Define Excise Invoice GenerationStep 4 Required Define Sub Inventory Location

    Step 5 Required Define Localization Item Information

    Step 6 Required Define Tax Codes

    Step 7 Required Define Tax Categories

    Step 8 Required Define Item Categories

    Step 9 Optional Define Assessable Price Lists

    Step 10 Required Define VAT Regime

    Step 11 Required Define VAT Claim Terms

    Step 12 Required Define VAT Invoice Generation Sequence

    Step 13 Required Supplier Additional Information

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    Setup Steps

    This section provides an overview and details of each step involved in completion of IL iSupplierTransactions.

    Step 1 Define Organization Additional Information Identify and Define Inventory Organizations and Locations that would be reporting to the TaxAuthorities. The information defined at this level would be the basis for Recording, Reporting andAccounting of the local taxes. Apart from this you would also define the Organization Registrationdetails with Excise, Customs, Sales Tax and TDS authorities. This information available in AdditionalOrganization Information is the basic data for all India Localization activities. The Organization andLocations defined through Common Application would be available for setup. While creating theAdditional Organization Information, it is mandatory to create two sets of records, one at Null Locationlevel and another with Location.

    The master child relationship among the Organization and Location would be used only forconsolidation of Excise Registers at Master Organization Level.See Also: Defining Organization Additional Information, India Local Inventory Chapter  

    Step 2 Define Organization Trading InformationYou would enter the information of the Organizations registered under the Central Excise Rules as aDealer/Depot. Navigate to Trading Information Tab of the Additional Organization Information to enterExcise Registration details of a Dealer. The information entered here would be printed on all relevantreports and invoices raised from this Organization.

    You would ensure that no values are entered in any of the fields falling under the Excise region of theTax Information tab of the Additional Organization Information. Any value entered in this region wouldcategorize this Organization as a Manufacturing Organization.See Also: Defining Trading Registration Details, India Local Inventory Chapter

    Step 3 Define Excise Invoice Generation This feature can be used to automate the Excise Invoice document sequence generation. You cansetup a document sequence for the combination of Transaction Type, Order / Invoice Type andRegister Type. You can define an alpha / alphanumeric value which would be prefixed to the numberseries generated for each Excise Invoice. The setup would be restricted to the Order / Invoice Typesfor which it is created. For all other Excise Invoices which are created using Order / Invoice Types forwhich setup has not been made, the system use the default number series. This would be a numericseries, starting with one, incremented by one. The sequence would be different for each Organization / Location and the nature of clearance. Within the Organization, the sequence would be different forthe Domestic clearances and Export Clearances.See Also: Defining Excise Invoice Generation, India Local Inventory Chapter

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    Step 4 Define Sub Inventory Location As a part of Localization setup, sub-inventories have to be associated to a combination ofOrganization/Location. Excise related transactions and records would be updated only for those subInventories that are identified as bonded for Manufacturing Organizations and as traded for TradingOrganizations.See Also

    : Defining Sub Inventory Location, India Local Inventory Chapter

    Step 5 Define Localization Item InformationThe recording, recoverability and reporting of Localization Taxes would depend on India Localizationrelated information setup for the Item. These values have to be entered in ‘India Localization’ contextof the Items DFF, attached to the Item Master. Excise Registers would be updated only when theExcise Flag is set to ‘YES’. Similarly, considering CENVAT Credit and updating the Excise Registersfor a Receiving transaction would happen only when the ‘MODVAT’ flag is set to ‘Yes’. The optionchosen in the Item Class attribute would be the basis on which the type of Excise Credit Register thathas to be hit. Items classified in the other classes (such as OTIN, OTEX) would not be updatingExcise Records.

    The Trading Flag would work together with the Organization Trading Information setup. RG23DRegister would be hit only when the Trading item is transacted in a trading Organization.See Also: Defining Item Information, India Local Inventory Chapter

    Step 6 Define Tax CodesThe Tax Definition is a localization feature to define taxes that are applicable to the transactionscreated in your Organization. The Taxes can be classified in different Types. The Type would beuseful to recognize the relevance of the tax for the Excise Registers, Sales Tax Form generation andTDS Certificate generation. The Type chosen would also have influence over the behavior of otherfields in this form. You can specify the Tax Rate, Surcharge, Recoverability, Rounding Rule, Expense

    Account Code, Tax (Third party) Vendor, Multi-currency and Effective Period for the Tax. In a multi-organization setup, Taxes would be specific to an Organization. On choosing the Taxes Localizedoption from the menu, you would get the list of Inventory Organizations, to choose from. The taxdefined can be used only for the Organization for which it is defined. Taxes once saved cannot beupdated.See Also: Defining Tax Names / Codes, India Local Inventory Chapter

    Step 7 Define Tax CategoriesIf you can identify your purchase and sales transactions into clear categories for which a similar set oftaxes with similar precedence and calculation are applicable, then you can group such taxes into aTax Category. In a Tax Category you can choose the Taxes along with the precedence order and

    calculation basis.

    An Item Class can be identified for a Tax Category. These taxes would default for all the Items fallingin this class. This would be useful, where the Item class drives the tax applicability. These taxeswould default for the transactions created for the items in the item class. You can however, manuallyadd new tax lines and can change, delete, change precedence for the defaulted lines.See Also: Defining Tax Categories, India Local Inventory Chapter

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    Step 8 Define Item Categories Item Category allows you to assign Tax Categories to an inventory item in an Organization. You canattach an Item Category to the Additional Internal Customer information. The Taxes defaulted for atransaction line would be based on the Item Category attached to the Internal Customer and the TaxCategory assigned to the Item in this category.See Also: Defining Item Category List, India Local Inventory Chapter

    Step 9 Define Assessable Price ListsWhen the Taxable basis for the calculation of the Excise Duty is different from the Price at which theItem is transferred, then you will have to create additional Price Lists with the Item Excise AssessablePrice. This price list has to be attached to the Internal Customer / Customer Site. The AssessablePrice would be considered only for calculation of the Excise Duty.

    Assessable Price Lists needs to be defined separately for Excise and VAT if the taxable basis isdifferent.See Also: Defining Assessable Price List, India Local Inventory Chapter  

    Step 10 Define VAT RegimeRegime would be used to define rules that would be applicable to all Taxes assigned to it. You needto complete this setup step before you move ahead with other setups. Setups made for a Regimewould be applicable to all transactions created from the Organizations assigned to it. Informationdefined here would be generic unless you assign different properties at an Organization Level.

    In the Regime you have to provide VAT Registration Number and Accounts associated with theRegime such as Liability and Interim Liability accounts for the Taxes and assign Organizations to it.See Also: Define VAT Regime, Value Added Tax Chapter  

    Step 11Define VAT Claim TermsVAT taxes applicable to a purchase of Capital Goods can be recovered over a period of time as

    specified under the VAT Act. The VAT Claim terms enable you to define VAT Recovery Term. Theseterms can be assigned to the VAT Item Classes.See Also: Define Claim Terms, Value Added Tax Chapter  

    Step 12 Define VAT Generation SequenceVAT Invoice sequence can be defined for an Order/Invoice Type. You can also specify prefixes foreach series.

    A default series would be defined automatically for the regime. This would be applicable to theTransaction Types to which no series has been defined.See Also: Define VAT Invoice Sequence, Value Added Tax Chapter  

    Step 13 Define Supplier Additional InformationBefore you start creating transactions for the Supplier, it is required to record the localization relatedinformation for the Supplier Site. You would enter the Supplier Registration details with the Excise,Sales Tax and Income Tax Authorities. You will also attach the Assessable Price list that should beconsidered for the calculation of Excise Duty & VAT. You would also define the Item Category list todefault localization taxes.You will have to make this setup for each Supplier Site.See Also: Defining Supplier Additional Information, India Local Purchasing Chapter  

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    Processing iSupplier Transactions

    Supplier’s Actions

    In the iSupplier Portal of the Supplier View you can view documents created by the Buyer, Accept theDocuments and also make request for change in Delivery Schedules, Rate and Quantity etc.

    ISupplier View provides the following features

    • Reviewing Supplier Agreements and Releases, Request for Quotations (RFQ)

    • Viewing, Printing and Acknowledging Purchase Orders, Submitting Change Order Requests

    • Entering ASN / ASBN & Viewing Shipments

    • Viewing Receipts and Returns

    • Viewing Invoices and Payments

    Request for Quotation (RFQ)

    You can view the Requests for Quotation (RFQ) in which your organization is included as a Supplier.India Localization tax details (indicative taxes) can be viewed in the RFQ Details page in the iSupplierportal. The RFQ details page will have a ‘View IL Taxes’ button for each RFQ


    Button provided forView IL Tax

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> RFQ -> Go  

    Clicking on the above ‘View IL Tax’ button would open the ‘India Localization Taxes’ Screen asshown below:


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> RFQ -> View IL Tax  

    The above taxes would be in a view only mode and cannot be changed by you.

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    Blanket Purchase Agreements

    In the iSupplier Portal, you can view blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) created by the Buyer.

    In the iSupplier Portal, you can also make requests for change of the Rate, Quantity, Change the

    Delivery Schedule and Accept the BPA. After making such a request, document will be shown inPending Status till the changes are accepted / rejected by the Buyer.

    India Localization taxes associated with the Purchase Agreement, Releases. are displayed alongwith base document details on the iSupplier pages.

    • In the Supplier Agreements Summary page, India Localization tax amounts released aredisplayed along with the base amounts released.

    • In Blanket Agreement Details page that opens on drilling down from an Agreement number,India Localization taxes (without amounts) are displayed for the Price Breaks defined for theBlanket Agreement.

    • In the Blanket Agreement Details page that opens on drilling down from an agreement, IndiaLocalization Tax Amounts are displayed along with the base amounts for each Blanket

    Release / related Standard Purchase Order (in case of a Global Blanket Agreement)

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each blanket release line in the BlanketRelease details page that opens up on drilling down from a Blanket Release number

    • India Localization Tax Amounts are displayed in the Receipts, Invoices and Payment detailspages that open up from the Blanket Release ‘Related Information’ links.

    • Cancellation and Change requests from Blanket release impacts India Localization taxes asin the case of Purchase Orders. Similarly Printable View displays PO report for the blanketAgreement / Release with India Localization tax amount

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> BPA -> PO Number  

    Clicking on the Taxes Link on this page will take you to the details of the Taxes.

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> BPA -> PO Number - > Tax Total - > Drill Down

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    Standard Purchase Orders

    In the iSupplier Portal, you can view and acknowledge the orders, request change of the Orders /cancellation of orders. Your requests for Cancellation / Changes related to the Orders have to beAccepted / Rejected by the Buyer for the changes to be effective

    India Localization iSupplier support provides an additional Column of ‘Tax Amount’ to enable you toview the tax details associated with the Purchase Order.

    Following are the major features with respect to India Localization:

    • India Localization Tax Amount is displayed along with base amount in the Purchase OrderSummary page. Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each Purchase Order linein the Purchase Order details page that opens up on drilling down from a Purchase OrderNumber.

    • PO Shipment level tax details are also displayed in the Purchase Order details page.

    • India Localization Tax Amount and details are displayed in the Receipts, Invoices andPayment details pages that open up from the Purchase Order ‘Related Information’ links.

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each Purchase Order line in the RequestCancellation page that opens up on pressing the ‘Request Cancellation’ button. Onapproval of the cancellation of the line / order initiated from iSupplier related IndiaLocalization tax lines are also cancelled.

    • Tax details are displayed in a view only mode for each purchase order line in the RequestChanges page that opens up on pressing the ‘Request Changes’ button. On approval of thechanges (Quantity or Price change, Shipment splitting etc) initiated from iSupplier, relatedIndia Localization tax lines are also changed accordingly.

    Tax amount isdisplayed for aPurchase Order

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> Purchase Orders -> Go  

    You can click on the Taxes button to drill down to details of the Tax lines. Clicking the Tax amountwould open the ‘India Localization Taxes’ Screen as indicated below:


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Orders -> Purchase Orders -> Drill Down on Tax amount  

    The above taxes would be in a view only mode and cannot be changed by you.

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    Advance Shipment Notice

    An Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) is a notice to the Receiving Organization that a shipment iscoming. The ASN contains details including shipment date, time, and identification number; packingslip data; freight information; item detail including cumulative received quantities; country of origin;

    purchase order number; and returnable container information.

    Once you create an ASN in the iSupplier portal, the Buyer gets a notification about the shipmentbeing arrived. Buyer has to execute the ‘Receiving Transaction Processor’ concurrent program toimport the ASN details into the receiving tables.

    After you have entered the ASN Header and Lines details and submitted it for processing, iSuppliershow the Advance Shipment Notice Confirmation page. India Localization iSupplier Support providesyou a button for Viewing / Updating the IL Info on the ASN. The Excise details like the Excise InvoiceNumber and Excise Invoice Date can be entered and saved by clicking this button.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->Create Advance Shipment Notice ->Shipment Header - > View / Update IL Info  

    After entering the Excise Details, if any, for the Shipment, click on the Apply Changes Button to save

    the data on the View / Update IL Tax Page and then click on the Continue Button to complete theTransaction. The Excise Invoice Number and Excise Invoice Date entered on this page will default onthe India Receipt DFF when Buyer creates the Receipts against this ASN.

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->Create Advance Shipment Notice ->Shipment Header - > View / Update IL Info -> Update  

    Clicking on the Continue Button takes to the View / Cancel Advance Shipment Notices Page. Thispage will display all the information pertaining to the shipments that have been carried out along withthe Status of the Shipment.

    You have the option to go back to the Shipment creation process without pressing the ‘Continue’button. In such an event the ASN will be in a status ‘Partially processed’ and it will not be interfaced tothe Receiving transaction interface and hence will not be available for receiving. You can query theASN again using the ‘View / Cancel Advance Shipment and Billing Notices’ page, click on the ‘View /Update IL Info’, update the Excise details, if required and press the ‘Continue’ button to Complete theASN process. After completion of the process, ASN gets the ‘Pending’ status and is ready forinterfacing into receiving tables After the Shipment is interfaced, the status is shown as blank in the

    Processing Status Column.

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    Advance Shipment Billing Notice

    ASN containing Invoice and Tax information along with shipping information is an Advance ShipmentBilling Notice (ASBN). Additional details available on ASBN are Invoice Number, Invoice Amount,Invoice Date, Payment Terms, Freight Amount, Currency, Tax Amount, and Remit To Site etc. An

    ASBN created in the iSupplier portal creates an invoice in the buyer’s payables system.

    You can enter an Advance Shipment cum Billing Notice, with the tax information. The taxes enteredin the ASBN will be defaulted on to the Receipt and the Invoice created using the ASBN. The Taxesthat have been defaulted from the ASBN cannot be modified or new first party taxes added on thereceipt. Only new Third Party taxes can be added on such Receipts

    While Creating the ASBN, you will enter the Shipment Number, Shipment Date, Invoice Number etcin the Shipment Header Page and the Quantity being shipped in the Shipment lines page

    On submitting the ASBN Pages, the ASBN will be created and you will be taken to the AdvanceShipment Notice Confirmation page.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->Create Advance Shipment BillingNotice -> Advance Shipment Notice Confirmation

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    India Localization iSupplier support provides a new button viz. ‘View / Update IL Info’ in this page. Onclicking on the button will take you to the View / Update IL Tax Page, where you can enter the ExciseInvoice Number and Date if the shipment has Excise Type of Taxes.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->Create Advance Shipment BillingNotice -> Advance Shipment Notice Confirmation - > View / Update IL Info  

    The Excise Invoice Number and Excise Invoice Date entered on this page will default on the IndiaReceipt DFF when Buyer creates the Receipts against this ASBN. You can also modify the Taxesdefaulted from the Purchase Order or add new taxes, if required. Please note that the taxes specifiedby you are the final taxes and the same cannot be modified at the time of Receipt by the Buyer.

    If the PO has any third party taxes, they shall also be defaulted to the ASBN page, but they can onlybe viewed here – no modification / deletion is allowed for such taxes.

    After the changes are done, you need to press the ‘Apply Changes’ button to save the changes.(‘Ignore Changes’ button shall clear all the changes done) You need to press the ‘Complete’ button tocomplete the process and make the ASBN available for interfacing into Receiving Tables.

    You have the option to go back to the Shipment creation process without pressing the ‘Complete’button. In such an event the ASBN will be in a status ‘Partially processed’ and it will not be interfaced

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    to the Receiving transaction interface and hence will not be available for receiving. You can query theASBN again using the ‘View / Cancel Advance Shipment and Billing Notices’ page, click on the ‘View /Update IL Info’, update the Excise details, if required and press the ‘Complete’ button to complete theASBN process. After completion of the process, ASBN gets the ‘Pending’ status and is ready forinterfacing into receiving tables After the Shipment is interfaced, the status is shown as blank in theProcessing Status Column.

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    Viewing ASN / ASBN Information

    Shipments created though ASN / ASBN can be viewed by you in the Supplier View. Clicking on theShipment Number link in the Shipment Number Column will take you to the specific AdvanceShipment Notice Page.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance Shipment &Billing Notices  

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance Shipment &Billing Notices  

    India Localization iSupplier Support provides button viz. ‘View / Update IL Info’ on the View / CancelAdvance Shipment Notice Page. Clicking on button will take you to the View / Update IL Tax Page.

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance Shipment &Billing Notices – > View / Update IL Tax  


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance ShipmentNotice – > View / Update IL Tax - > Drill down  

    Clicking on the Continue Button will take you back to the View / Cancel Advance Shipment NoticePage.

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    For Viewing the ASBN shipments, the process is the same but when you click on the View / UpdateIL Info, along with the Excise Invoice Details, the page will also show the Tax lines associated withASBN. The page displayed here is in a view-only mode unless the ASN / ASBN has the status of‘Partially Processed’ indicating that the India Localization ASN / ASBN process is not completed yet.In such a case, the page will open in an editable mode and the process can be completed bypressing the appropriate buttons (as mentioned in earlier sections on ASN / ASBN).


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance Shipment &Billing Notices

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Shipment Notices ->View / Cancel Advance Shipment &Billing Notices– > View / Update IL Tax - > Drill down  

    The taxes displayed here are in View-Only Mode, if the ASBN is in a Pending / Blank status.

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    Viewing Receipts and Returns

    iSupplier has following functionality in Receipts and Returns:

    • View the Receiving and Returns information

    •View the Quality (Inspection) information

    Receipts and returns can be viewed from iSupplier. You can view IL taxes also while viewing thereceipts. India Localization tax amount and details will be displayed in the Receipt details page thatopens on drilling down from the Receipt Number.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Receipts

    On the Receipts Summary page, if the Receipt has IL taxes, the Tax Total will appear in the TaxAmount column as a link against the Receipt. Clicking on the Tax Amount Link takes to the detailpage showing the taxes pertaining to the Receipt.

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    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Receipts - > Drill down Tax Amount  

    Alternatively you can also click on the Receipt Number on the Receipts Summary Page of theiSupplier portal of the Supplier View.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Receipts ->

    Button providedfor View IL Tax

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    Clicking on View IL Tax Button will take you to the detail tax lines of the receipt.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Receipts -> Drill down IL View IL Taxes

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    In case of Returns by the Vendor to the Supplier, you can View the same information against thereceipt for which the Buyer has made the Returns.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Shipments -> Returns

    Please note that no India Localization tax information is provided on the Returns page as the sanetaxes on receipt are reversed during the return process.

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    Viewing Invoices and Payments

    You can view the invoices created by the Buyer in the iSupplier Portal along with Indian Taxes on theInvoices Page.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Account -> View Invoices


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Account -> View Invoices -> Drill down on Tax amount  

    Tax amount isdisplayed for anInvoice


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    You can also view the payments made against an invoice through the iSupplier Portal. On theInvoices summary page along with the Invoices, the Payment details are also displayed.

    If the payment has been made, the Check Number / Payment Document Number will appear in thePayment Number column. Refer Figure No 23

    Drilling down the Payment Number on the Invoice Summary page will take you to the PaymentDetails Page. The amount paid here displays includes the IL Taxes also.


    Navigation Path: iSupplier -> Account -> View Invoices -> Payment

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    Buyer’s Actions

    As a Buying Company user, you can view order, receipt, invoice, and payment information using theInternal User View responsibility in Oracle iSupplier. You can also search for information across all

    suppliers, as well as respond to supplier change requests. Features include:

    • Viewing Purchase Order and Purchase Agreement Information

    • Viewing Purchase Order Acknowledgements and Change Requests, acting on theserequests.

    • Viewing Shipment (ASN) and Receipts Information

    • Viewing Account (Invoices and Payments) Information 

    Buying Company view is basically providing a web interface for viewing the Procure-to-Payinformation. As you have access to the internal Oracle Applications and India Localization features,normal India Localization functions (form based) may be used for viewing of India Localization tax

    information on PO / Receipts / Invoices. Hence no support is currently provided for this feature ofiSupplier portal.

    Receipts from ASN / ASBN

    After the Supplier creates the ASN /ASBN, you will receive an intimation of the same along with theexpected date of arrival. On the receipt of the Shipment, you will make a receipt as in the normal P2Pcycle.

    Before creation of a Receipt, you have to run the concurrent “Receiving Transaction Processor” forinterfacing the ASN /ASBN

    Please note that Query for the New Receipt should be based on the Shipment Number (ASN /ASBN).

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    Navigation Path: India Local Purchasing - > Receiving - > Receipts

    On Selecting the Shipment Number, the Supplier Name will appear in the Supplier filed automatically.


    Navigation Path: India Local Purchasing - > Receiving - > Receipts  

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    Clicking on the Find button will take you to the Receipt form along with the Receipt Header form.


    Navigation Path: India Local Purchasing - > Receiving - > Receipts

    Clicking on the Receipt Header DFF and selecting the India Receipt will take to theRCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS form. Based on the Shipment Number queried, the Excise InvoiceNumber and Excise Date will be defaulted if the transaction has Excise type of Taxes.


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    Navigation Path: India Local Purchasing - > Receiving - > Receipts  

    From here on the process of making of the Receipt and Creation of the Invoice in Payables andmaking payments to the Supplier will follow the normal course of the P2P cycle.

    For an ASN receipt, Taxes get defaulted from the Purchase Order to the Receipt and all the taxescan be modified, new Supplier Taxes or Third Party Taxes added (provided the Organization levelparameter ‘Allow Tax Change on Receipt’ is set to YES for the Organization /Location combination),

    For ASBN Receipts, the defaulting shall be from the ASBN (Supplier specified taxes) and no furtheraddition / modification can be done to the Supplier specified taxes. Only Third party taxes are allowedto be added to the ASBN receipt. If the ASBN has a Third party tax (defaulted from PO, non-updateable in ASBN by Supplier), the same shall be defaulted to ASBN receipt – however such taxesalso can not be modified except for changing the Vendor name or Vendor Site fields on the receipt.Please note here that the ASBN Invoice is created independent of the receipt and all the ASBNSupplier taxes are being defaulted directly to the ASBN Invoice. Any change in the ASBN receipt tothe ASBN specified taxes shall result in a mismatch between the Receipt and Invoice tax details. Thisis the reason behind the control mechanism in ASBN receipt.

    The same control mechanism is applicable even you make an ASBN receipt using the IndiaLocalization iProcurement solution (Please read the India Localization iProcurement solution Usermanual for more details).

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    Creating ASBN Invocie

    Once the ASBN is created by the Supplier, you will get an intimation regarding the Invoice Number,Invoice Date, Date of Shipment, Taxes on the ASBN.

    In ASBN type of Shipments, the system will automatically create the ASBN Invoice when the‘Receiving Transaction Processor’ is run if the Purchasing profile option ‘PO: Create ASBN invoicesusing AP interface tables’ is set to YES at the site level. If this profile option is set to NO, the ASBNInvoice need to be created using the ‘Payables Open Invoice Import’ program with the Source as‘Advance Shipment Billing Notice’.

    After generating the ASBN invoice, query for the Invoice Number given by the Supplier in the Invoiceform in India Local Payables Responsibility.


    Navigation Path: India Local Payables - > Oracle Payables - > Invoice - > Entry - > Invoices - >Query  

    On querying the same, the invoice will be found. You need to run the concurrent “India – To InsertTaxes for Pay on Receipt” now to load the India Local Taxes to the Invoice distributions.

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    Navigation Path: India Local Payables - > View Requests (M) - > Submit a new Request - > India –to Insert taxes for Pay on Receipt

    On completion of the concurrent, Supplier taxes specified in the ASBN shall be defaulted to the ASBNInvoice. Normal Invoice validation / approval / payment process can be adopted now to complete theInvoice process.

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    India Localization support for iSupplier do not involve any additional reports at the iSuppliersolution. Existing India Localization reports available in the form based functionality need to beused for all reporting purposes. 
