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    India n EnglishFrom Wiki pedia, the free encyclopedia

    Indian En glish is any of th e forms of English characteristic of the Indian subcontinent. [1] English hasslowly bec ome one of the lingu a francas of the Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan, Bangladesh,

    Nepal, Sri Lanka), and is the language of their cultural and political elites, offering significant economic,

    political, and so cial advantage to fluent speakers. [2]

    Though English is one of two official languages of the Union Government of India, only a few hundredthousand Indians have English as their first language. [3][4][5][6][7] According to the 2005 India HumanDevelopment S urvey, of the 41,554 surveyed households reported that 72 percent of men (29,918) didnot speak any English, 28 percent (11,635) spoke at least some English, and 5 percent (2,077, roughly17.9% of t hose who s poke at least some English) spoke fluent English. Among women, thecorrespon ding per centages were 83 percent (34,489) speaking no English, 17 percent (7,064) speaking atleast some English, and 3 percent (1,246, roughly 17.6% of those who spoke at least some English)

    speaking English fluently.[8]

    According to statistics of District Information System for Education (DISE)of National University of Educational Planning and Administration under Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment, Government of India, enrollment in English-medium schools increased by 50% between2008–09 and 2013-14. The number of English-medium school students in India increased from over 1.5crore (15 million) in 2008-09 to 2.9 crore (29 million) by 2013-14. [9] In December 2015, the SupremeCourt of India ruled that Englis h is the only court la nguage. [10]

    Indi an English generally uses the Indian numbering sys tem. Idiomatic forms derived f rom Indian literarylang uages and vernaculars have been absorbed into Indian English. Nevertheless, there remains generalhomogeneity in phonetics, vocabulary, and phraseology between variants of the Indian English

    diale ct. [11][12][13 ][14]


    1 History

    2 Phonology

    2.1 Vowels

    2.2 Consonants

    2.3 Spelling pronunciation

    2.4 Supra-segmental features

    3 Morphology and syntax

    4 Numbering system

    5 Some examples of Indian English usage


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    6 Spelling and national differences

    7 See also

    8 Notes

    9 References

    10 Further reading

    11 External links


    English language public instruction began in India in the 1830s during the rule of the East IndiaCompany (India was then, and is today, one of the most linguistically diverse regions of the world [15]).

    In 1837, English replaced Persian as the official language of the Company. Lord Macaulay played amajor role in introducing English and western concepts to education in India. He supported thereplacement of Persian by English as the official language, the use of English as the medium of instruction in all schools, and the training of English-speaking Indians as teachers. [16] Throughout the1840s and 1850s, primary- middle- and high schools were opened in many districts of British India, withmost high schools offering English language instruction in some subjects. In 1857, just before the end of Company rule, universities modelled on the University of London and using English as the medium of instruction were established in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. During subsequent Crown Rule in India,or the British Raj, lasting from 1858 to 1947, English language penetration increased throughout India.This was driven in part by the gradually increasing hiring of Indians in the civil services. At the time of India's independence in 1947, English was the only functional lingua franca in the country.

    After Indian Independence in 1947, Hindi was declared the first official language, and attempts weremade to declare Hindi the sole national language of India. Due to protests from Tamil Nadu and other non-Hindi-speaking states, it was decided to temporarily retain English for official purposes until at least1965. By the end of this period, however, opposition from non-Hindi states was still too strong to haveHindi declared the sole language. With this in mind, the English Language Amendment Bill declaredEnglish to be an associate language "until such time as all non-Hindi States had agreed to its beingdropped." This hasn't yet occurred, and it is still widely used. For instance, it is the only reliable means

    of day-to-day communication between the central government and the non-Hindi states.The spread of the English language in India has led it to become adapted to suit the local dialects. Due tothe large diversity in Indian languages and cultures, there can be instances where the same English wordcan mean different things to different people in different parts of India.There are three different stages of English Language in India i.e. Cultivated , closely approximating Received Pronunciation andassociated with younger generation of urban and sub-urban regions of metropolitan cities of the country;Standard , a social indicator of the higher education, and Regional , associated with the general

    population, and closely approximating the second-language Vernacular-English variety.

    While there is an assumption that English is readily available in India, available studies show that itsusage is actually restricted to an elite, because of inadequate education to large parts of the Indian

    population. The use of outdated teaching methods and the poor grasp of English exhibited by the authorsof many guidebooks, disadvantage students who rely on these books. [17]


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    Indian accents vary greatly. Most Indians lean toward a more 'vernacular', native-tinted, accent for their English speech; while few others speak English with an accent very close to a Standard British(Received Pronunciation) accent.


    In general, Indian English has fewer peculiarities in its vowel sounds than the consonants, especially asspoken by native speakers of languages like Hindi, the vowel phoneme system having some similaritieswith that of English. Among the distinctive features of the vowel-sounds employed by some IndianEnglish speakers:

    Many Indian English speakers do not make a clear distinction between /ɒ/ and /ɔː/. (See cot– caught merger.)Unlike British speakers, but like some Americans, some Indian speakers, especially in the South,often do not pronounce the rounded /ɒ/ or /ɔː/, and substitute /a/ instead. This makes not sound as

    [nat]. The phoneme /ɔː/, if used, is only semi-rounded at the lips.. Similarly, in South India coffeewill be pronounced kaafi , copy will be kaapi etc.Words such as class , staff and last would be pronounced with a back /a/ as in Southern Britishdialects but unlike Northern British dialects and standard American English, i.e., [klɑːs], [stɑːf],and [lɑːst] rather than American [klæːs], [stæːf], and [læːst].Most Indians have the trap–bath split of Received Pronunciation but some Indians of the younger generation who try to imitate American English do not have this split. Though the trap-bath is

    prevalent in Indian English, it varies greatly. The distribution is somewhat similar to AustralianEnglish in Regional Indian English varieties, but it has a complete split in Cultivated IndianEnglish and Standard Indian English varieties.


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    Lexicalset Examples


    Cultivated Standard



    æ~a æ


    TRAP lad, bad, ca t


    ɑ ̟ ː~äː äː


    BATH pass, pa th, sample


    ɒ~ɔ ɒ


    LOT not, wasp

    ɔ~oː ɔ


    CLOTH off, loss, cloth


    ɔː~oː ɔː

    THOUGHT law , cau ght


    ɪ KIT k ick,s it

    iː FLEECE see ,city

    eɪ ̯~ɛɪ ̯ eː

    FACE da te


    ɛ~e ɛ


    DRESS bed


    ɐː(ɹ)~әː(ɹ) әː(ɹ)~әɾ

    NURSE bur n


    ә~ɐ~ä ә


    STRUT r un, won


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    ʊ~ɵ ʊ ̈

    FOOT pu t

    u ̟ ː~ʉː ʉː


    GOOSE thr ou gh, you

    äɪ ̯~ɑɪ ̯ äɪ ̯

    äɪ ̯

    PRICE my, wise


    ɔɪ ̯~oɪ ̯ ɔɪ ̯

    CHOICE boy , hoist

    oʊ ̯ ~әʊ ̯

    GOAT no, toe

    oʊ ̯ ~ɔʊ ̯ GOAL goa l, cold

    äʊ ̯ ~æʊ ̯ ~ɑʊ ̯ äʊ ̯

    äʊ ̯

    MOUTH now , tr ou t


    ɪә ̯ (ɹ) ɪә ̯ (ɹ)~ɪː(ɹ)

    ɪә ̯ (ɹ)~ɪːɹ

    NEAR deer , here


    eә ̯ (ɹ)~ɛә ̯ (ɹ) eә ̯ (ɹ)

    eә ̯ (ɹ)~eɹ

    SQUARE mare , there


    ʊә ̯ (ɹ)~oː(ɹ) ʊә ̯ (ɹ)

    ʊә ̯ ɾ~ʊә ̯ (ɹ)~oː(ɹ)

    CURE tour , moor


    ɔ (ːɹ)~oː(ɹ) ɔ (ːɹ)

    ɔɾ ~ɔː(ɹ)

    NORTH horse


    ɔ (ːɹ)~oː(ɹ) ɔ (ːɹ)


    FORCE hoarse

    Diaphoneme Cultivated Standard Regional Lexicalset Examples


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    Among the most distinctive features of consonants in Indian English are:

    Pronunciations vary between rhotic and non-rhotic; with pronunciations leaning towards native phonology being generally rhotic, and others being non-rhotic; imitative of British ReceivedPronunciation.Standard Hindi and most other vernaculars (except Punjabi, Marathi, Assamese & Bengali) do notdifferentiate between /v/ (voiced labiodental fricative) and /w/ (voiced labiovelar approximant).Instead, many Indians use a frictionless labio-dental approximant [ʋ] for words with either sound,

    possibly in free variation with [v] and/or [w] depending upon region. Thus, wet and vet are oftenhomophones. [18]

    Related to the previous characteristic, many Indians prefer to pronounce words such as as [flaː(r)], as opposed to [flaʊә(r)], and as [aː(r)], as opposed to [aʊә(r)]. This trait is

    present in dialects of British, South African, and Pakistani English, amongst others, albeit not inall American dialectsThe voiceless plosives /p/, /t/, /k/ are always unaspirated in Indian English, (aspirated in cultivatedform) whereas in RP, General American and most other English accents they are aspirated inword-initial or stressed syllables. Thus "pin" is pronounced [pɪn] in Indian English but [pʰɪn] inmost other dialects. In native Indian languages (except in Dravidian languages such as Tamil), thedistinction between aspirated and unaspirated plosives is phonemic, and the English stops areequated with the unaspirated rather than the aspirated phonemes of the local languages. [19] Thesame is true of the voiceless postalveolar afficate /tʃ/.The alveolar stops English /d/, /t/ are often retroflex [ɖ], [ʈ], especially in the South of India. [20] In

    Indian languages there are two entirely distinct sets of coronal plosives: one dental and the other retroflex. Native speakers of Indian languages prefer to pronounce the English alveolar plosivessound as more retroflex than dental, [21] and the use of retroflex consonants is a common feature of Indian English. [22][23] In the Devanagari script of Hindi, all alveolar plosives of English aretranscribed as their retroflex counterparts. One good reason for this is that unlike most other nativeIndian languages, Hindi does not have true retroflex plosives (Tiwari, [1955] 2001). The so-calledretroflexes in Hindi are actually articulated as apical post-alveolar plosives, sometimes even with atendency to come down to the alveolar region. So a Hindi speaker normally cannot distinguish thedifference between their own apical post-alveolar plosives and English's alveolar plosives.However, languages such as Tamil have true retroflex plosives, wherein the articulation is done

    with the tongue curved upwards and backwards at the roof of the mouth. This also causes (in partsof Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) the /s/ preceding alveolar /t/ to allophonically change to [ʃ] (/stɒp/ → /ʃʈap/). Mostly in south India, some speakers allophonically further change the voicedretroflex plosives to voiced retroflex flap, and the nasal /n/ to a nasalised retroflex flap.Many speakers of Indian English do not use the voiced postalveolar fricative (/ʒ/). Some Indiansuse /z/ or /dʒ/ instead, e.g. treasure /ˈtrɛzәːr/,[20] and in the south Indian variants, with /ʃ/ as in, e.g. treasure /ˈtrɛʃәr/.All major native languages of India (except Bengali) lack the dental fricatives (/θ/ and /ð/; spelledwith th). Usually, the aspirated voiceless dental plosive [t  ̪ ʰ] is substituted for /θ/ in the north (itwould be unaspirated in the south) and the unaspirated voiced dental plosive [d  ̪ ], or possibly the

    aspirated version [d  ̪ ʱ], is substituted for /ð/. [24] For example, "thin" would be realised as [t  ̪ ʰɪn]instead of /θɪn/ for North Indian speakers, whereas it would be pronounced unaspirated in thesouth.South Indians tend to curl the tongue (retroflex accentuation) more for /l/ and /n/.Most Indian languages (except Urdu variety) lack the voiced alveolar fricative /z/. A significant


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    portion of Indians thus, even though their native languages do have its nearest equivalent: theunvoiced /s/, often use the voiced palatal affricate (or postalveolar) /dʒ/, just as with a Koreanaccent. This makes words such as and sound as [ˈdʒiːro] and [ˈroːdʒiː] (the latter,especially in the North). This replacement is equally true for Persian and Arabic loanwords into

    Hindi. The probable reason is the confusion created by the use of the devanagari grapheme < >

    (for /dʒ/) with a dot beneath it to represent the loaned /z/ (as < >). This is common among people without formal English education.Many Indians with lower exposure to English also may pronounce /f/ as aspirated voiceless

    bilabial plosive [pʰ]. Again note that in Hindi (devanagari) the loaned /f/ from Persian and Arabic

    is written by putting a dot beneath the grapheme for native [pʰ] < >: < >. This substitution israrer than that for [z], and in fact in many Hindi /f/ is used by native speakers instead of /pʰ/, or thetwo are used interchangeably.Inability to pronounce certain (especially word-initial) consonant clusters by people of rural

    backgrounds, as with some Spanish-speakers. This is usually dealt with by epenthesis. e.g., school /isˈkuːl/.Sometimes, Indian speakers interchange /s/ and /z/, especially when plurals are being formed,unlike speakers of other varieties of English, who use [s] for the pluralisation of words ending in avoiceless consonant, [z] for words ending in a voiced consonant or vowel, and [ɨz] for wordsending in a sibilant.Again, in dialects like Bhojpuri, all instances of /ʃ/ are spoken like [s], a phenomenon which isalso apparent in their English. Exactly the opposite is seen for many Bengalis.In case of the postalveolar affricates /tʃ/ /dʒ/, native languages like Hindi have correspondingaffricates articulated from the palatal region, rather than postalveolar, and they have more of astop component than fricative; this is reflected in their English.Whilst retaining /ŋ/ in the final position, many Indian speakers add the [ɡ] sound after it when itoccurs in the middle off a word. Hence /ˈriŋiŋ/ → /ˈriŋɡiŋ/ ( ringing ).Syllabic /l/, /m/ and /n/ are usually replaced by the VC clusters [әl], [әm] and [әn] (as in button /ˈbuʈʈәn/), or if a high vowel precedes, by [il] (as in little /ˈliʈʈil/). Syllable nuclei in words with thespelling er /re (a schwa in RP and an r-coloured schwa in GA) are also replaced VC clusters. e.g.,metre , /ˈmiːtәr/ → /ˈmiːʈәr/.Indian English uses clear [l] in all instances like Irish English whereas other varieties use clear [l]in syllable-initial positions and dark [l] (velarised-L) in coda and syllabic positions.

    Spelling pronunciation

    A number of distinctive features of Indian English are due to "the vagaries of English spelling". [24] MostIndian languages, unlike English, have a nearly phonetic spelling, so the spelling of a word is a highlyreliable guide to its modern pronunciation. Indians' tendency to pronounce English phonetically as wellcan cause divergence from Western English. For example, "jewellery" is pronounced /dʒʋelәriː/ and"jewel" as /dʒʋel/ where Western Anglophones might omit the final e, pronouncing them as /dʒʋelriː/and /dʒʋl/.

    In words where the digraph represents a voiced velar plosive (/ɡ/) in other accents, someIndian English speakers supply a murmured version [ɡʱ], for example [ɡʱoːst]. No other accent of English admits this voiced aspiration. [20]

    Similarly, the digraph may be aspirated as [ʋʱ] or [wʱ], resulting in realisations such as [ʋʱɪtʃ], found in no other English accent. [25] However, this is somewhat similar to thetraditional distinction between wh and w present in English, wherein the former is /ʍ/, whilst thelatter is /w/.In unstressed syllables, which speakers of American English would realise as a schwa, speakers of Indian English would use the spelling vowel, making sound as [ˈsæniti] instead of


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    [ˈsænәti]. This trait is also present in other South Asian dialects (i.e. Pakistani and Sri LankanEnglish), and in RP, etc. Similarly, and can be heard as [eːˈbәv] and [eːˈɡoː]instead of [әˈbʌv] and [әˈɡoʊ].Final is almost always pronounced as schwa /ә/ in other dialects (exceptions include wordssuch as ); but in Indian English the ending is pronounced as the long open centralunrounded vowel /aː/ (as in ) instead of /ә/. So, is pronounced as /ˈɪnɖɪaː/ instead of /ˈɪndɪә/, and as /ˈsoːfaː/ instead of /ˈsoʊfә/.The word "of" is usually pronounced with a /f/ instead of a /v/ as in most other accents. [24]

    Use of [d] instead of [t] for the "-ed" ending of the past tense after voiceless consonants, for example "developed" may be [ˈdɛʋlәpd] instead of RP /dɪˈvɛlәpt/. [20]

    Use of [s] instead of [z] for the "-s" ending of the plural after voiced consonants, for example may be [daɡs] instead of [dɒɡz]. [24]

    Pronunciation of as [hauz] in both the noun and the verb, instead of [haus] as noun and[hauz] as verb.The digraph is pronounced as [tz] or [tdʒ] instead of [ts] (voicing may be assimilated in thestop too), making sound like [ˈsʋɪtzәrlænd] instead of [ˈswɪtsәɹlәnd].In RP, /r/ occurs only before a vowel. But some speakers of Indian English, primarily in the South,

    use /r/ in almost all positions in words using the letter 'r',[24]

    similar to most American and someIrish dialects. The allophone used is a mild trill or a tap. Indian speakers do not typically use theretroflex approximant /ɻ/ for , which is common for American English speakers.All consonants are distinctly doubled (lengthened) in most varieties of Indian English wherever the spelling suggests so. e.g., /ˈdrilliŋɡ/.In certain words, especially Latinate words ending in ile, is pronounced [ɪ] in America and [aɪ] inBritain. Indian English, like most other Commonwealth dialects, will invariably use the British

    pronunciation. Thus, would be pronounced as [ˈtɛnsaɪl] like the British, rather than[ˈtɛnsɪl] like the American; , on the other hand, use i, as [ˈænti] like in Britain, rather than[ˈæntaɪ] like in America. Similar effects of British colonisation are 're', 'ise', and 'our' spellings inwords like 'metre', 'realise', and 'endeavour', respectively, which Americans would spell as 'meter',realize' and 'endeavor'.

    Supra-segmental features

    English is a stress-timed language, and both syllable stress and word stress, where only certain words ina sentence or phrase are stressed, are important features of Received Pronunciation. Indian nativelanguages are actually syllable-timed languages, like Latin and French. Indian-English speakers usuallyspeak with a syllabic rhythm. [26] Further, in some Indian languages, stress is associated with a low

    pitch, [27] whereas in most English dialects, stressed syllables are generally pronounced with a higher

    pitch. Thus, when some Indian speakers speak, they appear to put the stress accents at the wrongsyllables, or accentuate all the syllables of a long English word. Certain Indian accents are of a "sing-song" nature, a feature seen in a few English dialects in Britain, such as Scouse and Welsh English. [28]

    Morphology and syntax

    Numbering system

    The Indian numbering system is preferred for digit grouping. When written in words, or when spoken,numbers less than 100,000/100 000 are expressed just as they are in Standard English. Numbersincluding and beyond 100,000 / 100 000 are expressed in a subset of the Indian numbering system. Thus,the following scale is used:


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    In digits (Internationalsystem)

    In digits (Indiansystem)

    In words (long and shortscales)

    In words (Indiansystem)

    10 ten

    100 one hundred

    1,000 one thousand

    10,000 ten thousand

    100,000 1,00,000 one hundred thousand one lakh

    1,000,000 10,00,000 one million ten lakh

    10,000,000 1,00,00,000 ten million one crore

    Larger numbers are generally expressed as multiples of the above. [29][30]

    Some examples of Indian English usage

    Indian English, naturally, has words of Indian vernaculars that have made their way into the Englishlanguage, such as jungle, tank (water, irrigation), bungalow, and verandah. It has political, sociological,and administrative terms of modern India: dharna, hartal, eve-teasing, vote bank, swaraj, swadeshi,scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, NRI; it has words of Anglo-India such as tiffin, hill station, gymkhana;and it has slang. Some examples unique to, or chiefly used in, standard written Indian English include:

    academic (noun) (also Canadian and U.S. English): In pl.: Academic pursuits in contrast totechnical or practical work.

    Example: 1991 Hindu (Madras) 6 Dec. 27/2 For 14 years he immersed himself in academicsand was a fine achiever. [31]

    accomplish (verb, transitive), chiefly Indian English: To equip.Example: 1992 H. L. Chopra in V. Grover Political Thinkers of Modern India XVII. lxiii.488 His insatiable thirst for knowledge accomplished him with all modern standards of scholarship. [32]

    airdash (verb intransitive) Indian English, to make a quick journey by air, especially in responseto an emergency.

    Example: 1973 Hindustan Times Weekly 25 Mar. 1 Governor B. K. Nehru, who airdashed toShillong yesterday, flew back to Imphal. [33]

    English-knowing (adjective) originally and chiefly Indian English (of a person or group of people)that uses or speaks English.

    Example: 1941 J. Nehru Toward Freedom vii. 40 The official and Service atmosphere... setthe tone for almost all Indian middle-class life, especially the English-knowingintelligentsia. [34]

    freeship , Indian English. A studentship or scholarship which offers full payment of a student'sfees. 3rd edition, March 2008,

    Example: 1893 Med. Reporter (Calcutta) 1 Feb. 57/1 Two permanent freeships, eachtenable for one year and one of which is for the second and the other for the third year class.Example: 2006 Economic Times (India) (Nexis) 12 Oct., Private institutions can onlydevelop if they are allowed to charge reasonable fees, while also providing need basedfreeships and scholarships for a certain percentage of students. [35]

    matrimonial (noun) B. 3b. Chiefly Indian English. Advertisements in a newspaper for the purposeof finding a marriageable partner.

    Example: 1999 Statesman (Calcutta) 10 Feb., (Midweek section) 4/3 When I have a job I'llhave to begin a whole new search for my better half... Back to the newspaper matrimonialson Sundays. [36]


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    press person n. (chiefly Indian English, frequently as one word) a newspaper journalist, a reporter,a member of the press

    Example: 2001 Hindu (Nexis) 20 June, The Prime Minister greeted the presspersons with a‘namaskar’ and a broad smile. [37]

    redressal (noun) now chiefly Indian English. = redress (noun)Example: 1998 Statesman (India) (Nexis) 2 Apr., There is an urgent need for setting up anindependent authority for redressal of telecom consumer complaints.Example: 2002 Sunday Times of India 15 Sept. 8/4 Where does he go for the redressal of hisgenuine grievances? [38]

    upgradation (noun) Indian English, the enhancement or upgrading of status, value or level of something

    Example: 1986 Business India 8 Sept. 153/1 (advt.) Our Company lays great stress ontechnical training and knowledge upgradation. [39]

    Spelling and national differences

    Indian English spelling differs from American English spelling, generally using the same spelling asCommonwealth nations such as Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and South Africa.

    Some common differences between Indian English spelling and American English spelling:

    Indian English American English

    Labour Labor

    Colour Color

    Honour Honor

    Behaviour Behavior

    Organisation Organization

    Criticise Criticize

    Centre Center

    Theatre Theater or Theatre

    Traveller Traveler

    Aluminium Aluminum

    Defence Defense

    Cheque Check

    Programme Program

    Similarly, in common with most of the Commonwealth, the final letter of the alphabet, Z is pronounceded in contrast with zee in the United States. In addition, the punctuation mark at the end of a sentence is

    referred to as a "full stop" rather than "period".

    See also

    HinglishIndian English literatureTenglishTanglishManglish


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    Regional accents of EnglishRegional differences and dialects in Indian EnglishIndian numbering systemLanguages with official status in India


    1. Sedlatschek 2009, p. 1: Today many regional varieties of English, or Englishes, exist around the globe and areslowly but steadily gaining recognition. Indian English (IndE) is one of the oldest.

    2. Aatish Taseer (March 19, 2015). "How English Ruined Indian Literature". The New York Times . RetrievedMarch 21, 2015. "It has created a linguistic line as unbreachable as the color line once was in the UnitedStates."

    3. Census of India's Indian Census (http://www.censusindia.gov.in/), Issue 25, 2003, pp 8–10, (Feature:Languages of West Bengal in Census and Surveys, Bilingualism and Trilingualism).

    4. FAMILY-WISE GROUPING OF THE 122 SCHEDULED AND NON-SCHEDULED LANGUAGES(http://www.censusindia.gov.in/Census_Data_2001/Census_Data_Online/Language/statement9.htm) – 2001Census of India

    5. Tropf, Herbert S. 2005. India and its Languages

    (http://www.lilaproject.org/docs/India%20and%20its%20Languages%20v1.0.pdf). Siemens AG, Munich6. For the distinction between "English Speakers," and "English Users," please see: TESOL-India (Teachers of

    English to Speakers of Other Languages)], India: World's Second Largest English-Speaking Country(http://tesol-india.ac.in/EnglishTeachingIndustry/en/india-worlds-second-largest-english-speaking-country).Their article explains the difference between the 350 million number mentioned in a previous version of thisWikipedia article and the current number:

    “ "Wikipedia's India estimate of 350 million includes two categories – "English Speakers" and"English Users". The distinction between the Speakers and Users is that Users only knowhow to read English words while Speakers know how to read English, understand spokenEnglish as well as form their own sentences to converse in English. The distinction becomesclear when you consider China's numbers. China has over 200 million that can read Englishwords but, as anyone can see on the streets of China, only a few million are Englishspeakers." ”

    7. An analysis of the 2001 Census of India, published in 2010 (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-03-14/india/28117934_1_second-language-speakers-urdu), concluded that approximately 86 million Indiansreported English as their second language, and another 39 million reported it as their third language. No datawas available whether these individuals were English speakers or users.

    8. Desai, Dubey, Joshi, Sen, Sharif, Vanneman (2010). "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA" (PDF) . Oxford University Press .

    9. "Number of children studying in English doubles in 5 years".10. "Court language is English, says Supreme Court".

    11. Mukesh Ranjan Verma and Krishna Autar Agrawal: Reflections on Indian English literature (2002), page163: "Some of the words in American English have spelling pronunciation and also pronunciation spelling.These are also characteristic features of Indian English as well. The novels of Mulk Raj Anand, in particular,are full of examples of ..."

    12. Pingali Sailaja: Indian English (2009), page 116: "So what was Cauvery is now Kaveri. Some residualspellings left by the British do exist such as the use of ee for /i:/ as in Mukherjee. Also, some place namessuch as Cuddapah and Punjab"

    13. Edward Carney: Survey of English Spelling (2012), page 56: "Not all distributional differences, however, haveimportant consequences for spelling. For instance, the ... Naturally enough, Indian English is heavilyinfluenced by the native language of the area in which it is spoken."

    14. Indian English Literature (2002), page 300: "The use of Indian words with English spellings: e.g. 'Mundus,'

    'raksha'; 'Ed Cherukka,' 'Chacko Saar Vannu'"15. Lalmalsawma, David (7 September 2013), India speaks 780 languages, 220 lost in last 50 years – survey ,Reuters

    16. John MacKenzie, "A family empire," BBC History Magazine (Jan 2013)17. Chelliah, Shobhana L. (July 2001). "Constructs of Indian English in language ‘guidebooks’". World

    Englishes 20 (2): 161–178. doi:10.1111/1467-971X.00207.


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    18. Wells, p. 62719. Wells, pp. 627-62820. Wells, p. 62821. Ball & Muller 2014: The comments on retroflex consonants also apply to southern Indian languages such as

    Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam. and Kannada. Speakers of these languages tend to use their own retroflexconsonants in place of English alveolar It, d, n/. Although these languages do have nonretroflex stops, theseare dental, and it seems that English alveolar stops are perceived as closer to the retroflex stops than to thedental ones.

    22. Ball & Muller 2014, p. 289b: This use of retroflex consonants is very characteristic of Indian English, and theretroflex resonance is very pervasive ...23. Sailaja 2007, p. 252: 1.4 Indian (Telugu) English : All the adults who participated in this study spoke a Telugu

    variety of Indian English. Telugu pronunciation of English is heavily influenced by the spelling. Two identicalletters in a word are articulated as geminates. The articulation is also mostly rhotic ... In place of the alveolar stops, retroflex sounds are used. Some speakers would also use a retroflex nasal in place of the alveolar nasal,and a retroflex lateral in place of the alveolar lateral.

    24. Wells, p. 62925. Wells, p. 63026. Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (Cambridge University Press, 1995), page 36027. [1] (http://www.linguistics.uiuc.edu/sala25/verma.htm) Archived

    (https://web.archive.org/web/20060901152555/http://www.linguistics.uiuc.edu/sala25/verma.htm) 1 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine.28. Varshney, R.L., "An Introductory Textbook of Linguistics and Phonetics", 15th Ed. (2005), Student Store,

    Bareilly.29. "Investors lose Rs 4.4 lakh crore in four days | Business Standard". Bsl.co.in. 2010-11-27. Retrieved

    2013-11-07.30. "Corporate chiefs getting crores in salaries: 100 and counting! - The Smart Investor". Smartinvestor.in.

    Retrieved 2013-11-07.31. academic (noun), 6 , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, December 201132. accomplish (verb, transitive, 3a' , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, December 201133. airdash (in air, Compounds, C2) (verb, transitive , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, December 2008

    34. English-knowing (adj). Compound, C2 , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, December 200835. freeship, 4. , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, March 200836. matrimonial (noun) B. 3b. , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, March 200137. press (noun), Compound , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, March 200738. redressal (noun) , Oxford English Dictionary, Third Edition, September 200939. upgradation (noun) , Oxford English Dictionary, 1993


    Balasubramanian, Chandrika (2009), Register Variation in Indian English , John Benjamins

    Publishing, ISBN 90-272-2311-4Ball, Martin J.; Muller, Nicole (2014), Phonetics for Communication Disorders , Routledge,

    pp. 289–, ISBN 978-1-317-77795-3Baumgardner, Robert Jackson (editor) (1996), South Asian English: Structure, Use, and Users ,University of Illinois Press, ISBN 978-0-252-06493-7Braj B. Kachru (1983). The Indianisation of English: the English language in India . OxfordUniversity Press. ISBN 0-19-561353-8.Gargesh, Ravinder (17 February 2009), "South Asian Englishes", in Braj Kachru; et al., The

    Handbook of World Englishes , John Wiley & Sons, pp. 90–, ISBN 978-1-4051-8831-9Hickey, Raymond (2004), "South Asian English", Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in

    Transported Dialects , Cambridge University Press, pp. 536–, ISBN 978-0-521-83020-1Lange, Claudia (2012), The Syntax of Spoken Indian English , John Benjamins Publishing,ISBN 90-272-4905-9Mehrotra, Raja Ram (1998), Indian English: Texts and Interpretation , John Benjamins Publishing,ISBN 90-272-4716-1


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    Sailaja, Pingali (2007), "Writing Systems and Phonological Awareness", in Bayer, Josef (ed);Bhattacharya, Tanmoy (ed); Babu, M. T. Hany (ed), Linguistic Theory and South Asian

    Languages: Essays in honour of K. A. Jayaseelan , John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 249– 267, ISBN 978-90-272-9245-2Sailaja, Pingali (2009), Indian English , Series: Dialects of English, Edinburgh University Press,ISBN 978-0-7486-2595-6Schilk, Marco (2011), Structural Nativization in Indian English Lexicogrammar , John BenjaminsPublishing, ISBN 90-272-0351-2Sedlatschek, Andreas (2009), Contemporary Indian English: Variation and Change , Series:Varieties of English Around the World, John Benjamins Publishing, ISBN 90-272-4898-2

    Further reading

    Henry Yule; Arthur Coke Burnell (1886). HOBSON-JOBSON: Being a glossary of Anglo-Indiancolloquial words and phrases . John Murray, London.Wells, J C (1982). Accents of English 3: Beyond the British Isles . Cambridge University Press.ISBN 0-521-28541-0.

    Whitworth, George Clifford (1885). An Anglo-Indian dictionary: a glossary of Indian terms used in English, and of such English or other non-Indian terms as have obtained special meanings in India . K. Paul, Trench.

    External links

    English in India(https://web.archive.org/web/20130531024023/http://www.confluence.org.uk/2008/12/02/the-english-project-and-the-english-language-in-india-christopher-mulvey) at the Wayback Machine(archived May 31, 2013)

    English Language Proficiency Test (E-SAT) conducted by English Language TeachersAssociation, Andhra Pradesh (ELTA) for classes 4 to 10 (http://www.eltaworld.com)'Hover & Hear' pronunciations in a Standard Indian English accent(http://www.soundcomparisons.com/Eng/Direct/Englishes/SglLgIndianEnglishStandard.htm), andcompare side by side with other English accents from around the World."Linguistic and Social Characteristics of Indian English" by Jason Baldridge(http://www.languageinindia.com/junjul2002/baldridgeindianenglish.html): An analysis of Indianlanguage published by the "Language In India" magazine.On the future of Indian English (http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?id=5675), by GurcharanDas.

    An exploration into linguistic majority-minority relations in India(http://www.languageinindia.com/aug2004/dlamallikarjun1.html), by B. Mallikarjun.108 varieties of Indian English (http://www.india-seminar.com/2001/500/500%20dharma%20kumar.htm), Dharma Kumar, India Seminar , 2001(Volume 500).What are some English phrases and terms commonly heard in India but rarely used elsewhere?(http://www.quora.com/India/What-are-some-English-phrases-and-terms-commonly-heard-in-India-but-rarely-used-elsewhere/answer/Pushpendra-Mohta), Pushpendra Mohta 2012.

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    Categories: Languages of India Indian English English dialects English language

    This page was last modified on 20 March 2016, at 10:59.


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