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  • 8/19/2019 Indian Highways Vol.41 3 Mar 13



    The Indian Roads Congress

    E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]

    Founded : December 1934

    IRC Website: www.irc.org.inJamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,

     New Delhi - 110 011

    Tel : Secretary General: +91 (11) 2338 6486

    Sectt. : (11) 2338 5395, 2338 7140, 2338 4543, 2338 6274

    Fax : +91 (11) 2338 1649

    Kama Koti Marg, Sector 6, R.K. Puram

     New Delhi - 110 022

    Tel : Secretary General : +91 (11) 2618 5303

    Sectt. : (11) 2618 5273, 2617 1548, 2671 6778,

    2618 5315, 2618 5319, Fax : +91 (11) 2618 3669

     No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the Secretary General.

    Edited and Published by Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC), New Delhi. The responsibility of the

    contents and the opinions expressed in Indian Highways is exclusively of the author/s concerned. IRC and the Editor disclaim responsibility

    and liability for any statement or opinion, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors. The opinions expressed in the

     papers and contents published in the Indian Highways do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IRC.

      VOLUME 41 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2013

      CONTENTS ISSN 0376-7256


    2-5 Editorial

    6-9 Meet the New President & Vice-Presidents of the Indian Roads Congress

    10 Advertisement Tariff 

    11 New Developments

      Technical Papers

    12 Imperative of Risk Management in Highway Projects

     Indrasen Sing, Pralhad Kabra and Anand Kulkarni

    27 Design of High Embankment Using Red Mud

    Sarat Kumar Das, Subrat Kumar Rout and Tapaswini Sahoo

    35 Effect of Shape of Aggregate on Pavement Quality Concrete

    Kundan Meshram and H.S. Goliya

    43 Nanotechnology in Highway Engineering

    Y.C. Tewari and R.S. Bharadwaj

    49 Comparison Between Coarse Aggregate Shape Factors and Resulting mix Properties Using Conventional and New Universal

    Gauge Instruments

     Mohamed Ilyas Anjum

    55-76 Circular’s Issued by Ministry

    77 Tender Notice of NHs Kanpur 

    78 Tender Notice of NHs Lucknow

    79 Tender Notice of NHs Madurai

    80 Tender Notice of NHs Chennai

    81 Obituary

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    Dear Readers,

    The massive road development programme being witnessed since last few years and may continue for many

    more years also demands for adequate attention towards not only quantitative but qualitative availability

    of requisite man power to meet the demand of all spectrum of activities of this sector. Therefore, a focused

    attention is required to be given to this crucial issue .

    Today, the task in front of road engineers & professionals is not as simple as is commonly perceived. They

    have to function in a highly restrictive and competitive environment while catering to all issues related to

    nancial, administrative and legal aspects in addition to the technical matters. The roads are considered to

     be one of the basic facility & amenity and thereby every citizen considers his right and demands for the

    same. Similarly, the other sectors of the economy take the availability of the roads as granted. This intricate

     paradoxical scenarios of “Cater-all” & “please-all” builds additional pressure on the road sector professionals.

    Therefore, the road sector, thereby per-se demands that the sectoral professionals should be exposed and

    equipped with the techno-management skills so as to allow him to make potential decisions & sustainable

     propositions within the limit of the resources, man, materials and machinery.

    Just remember, the quote from Holy Bhagwad Gita:

    “While doing your duties let me tell you, never bring in any of the attitudes of the outer self. Anger, hate,

     jealousy, attachment, all pertains to the outer self. Be in oneness with your inner self and do all of your duties;

    nothing will touch you or pollute you. This living identity with your inner self will give you the attitude of

    equanimity. The equanimous view of everthing that you come across whether it is man or material, is the

    ultimate goal of life.”

    Keeping the above in view, the road sector professionals can become the enablers of economic growth besides

     becoming in true sense the force behind empowering the people socially. However, the transformational

     potential results of human potential in the road sector are not very easy to comprehend. The human potential

    is a complex, composite of instinct, intelligence, personality, knowledge, skills, motivation, attitude and

     behaviours besides he is continuously shaped by his genetic inheritance, family, friends, education,

    surroundings as well as his personal life experiences. Therefore, to what extent the real human potential can

     be utilized gainfully by any sector depends upon the enabling environment prevailing therein. This is equallyapplicable for road sector also.

    Everyone knows that Indians constitute about 1/6th  of the total world’s population. The unique Indian

    characteristics like commitment to inclusive growth, a long term perspective on business objectives and the

    much wanted proclivity for the “Jugaad – the improvisional ability to nd workable solutions around seeming

    intractable problems” are internationally recognized and respected. However, these strengths are yet to be

    adequately be harnessed and channelized in the road sector.

    From the Editor’s Desk



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    Essentially, we will be able to analyze and deliver seamless economic benets to the people of this great

    country, if different technologies are effectively harnessed in the road sector i.e. Leveraging technology for

    real growth through improvement in efciency of deliverance and effectiveness of infrastructure created;

    Deployment of right people with right skills at the right place for optimization of human resource output,


    It is always good to remember that when technologies, services and human intelligence convergence in

    radical creative ways, then a new powerful application emerge which transforms the industry and redene

    the sector.

    As mentioned earlier, the road sector in India is witnessing unprecedented demand and pressure besides

    opening of the opportunities for this sector to be one of the most crucial enabler for sustainable economic

    growth. The employees, like in any other sector, in the road sector also require continuous up-gradation in

    their competencies and for this there is a need to have a proper system in place. The due investment in the

    road sector with an aim to bridge the competence gap towards building skill and productive work force to

    meet challenges of competition & sustainability in this sector requires a serious approach from all concerned.What we require today is an “out of box” skill enhancement approach not limited to just thinking but with

    demonstrative practices.

    Employees, as individuals, reect the collective caliber of an organization. When an organization hopes

    to achieve its set out goals & objectives, the competence of the employees plays a major role. Therefore,

    “competency” provides the basis for investing in them when said in an organizational context. The scientic

    approach of competency modeling, measurement and deployment pave the way for continually enhancing

    collective capability. This is nothing but a concept of “partnering for progress” in a mutually benecial way.

    Whenever any sector faces difcult time, then it is necessary to go for an in-depth introspection. The common

    result of sectoral introspections generally points towards the skill gap falling into three main areas :- Critical

    thinking, Communication capabilities and Ability to function as an efcient team. Even in the normal

    circumstances the organization/sector loses its pace of growth if the sector does not have “critical thinkers”.

    The critical thinking is an important requirement for effective problem solving system. It is generally dened

    as a type of higher order thinking that questions prevailing assumptions. Adept a logical reasoning, critical

    thinkers believe that there is more than one route to a desire outcome and they can leverage this exible

    approach for optimal results. Organizations value critical thinkers for what they bring to the table, normally

    the ability to change the status-quo, driving change and innovation in the process. The critical thinking as a

    collective skill can be organizational building attribute but how many organizations as well as educational

    institute provide or consider for the same!

    The developed countries have their own system of skill development and harness the human potential for the benets of their respective country’s goals, growth and development. The Japanese organizations have a system

    of “Genba” as their strength. It is a “bottom – up” approach and is the site where all important processes takes

     place, where people have full power and responsibility for what happens. This approach helps in involving

    & associating the workforce right from the grass root level and helps in building dedication and loyalty

    towards the organization. But in today’s scenario where the rapid technological changes are transforming

    the management approaches the world over, the road sector may become more strong and sustainable if a

    combination of “Bottom-up” and “Top-down” approach complementing each other is adopted. This Human

    Resource building approach may help in bringing required stability in the profession.

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    The road sector professionals is not only to manage but also to nd solutions to the various issues right from

    the stages of conceptualization & planning stage in regard to land acquisition, rehabilitation, environmental

    clearance, environmental mitigation plans, nancial tie-ups, material linkages, technological tie-ups, revenue

    collection (toll collection and management”), road safety management, etc. Therefore, comprehensive

    employee training programme with an emphasis on application and problem solving to serve as a drive to build the road sector organization on sustainable basis are needed to be given a serious consideration.

    In addition the new Techno-Management Technique of “Collaborative Leadership” is very much applicable

    for the road sector under the current scenario. It is a “Techno-Managerial” way wherein leaders avail the

    synergetic relationship between team members to create a bigger and better organizational structure. It is

    a articulated skill of working together, sharing knowledge, ideas and thoughts to achieve a common goal.

    It facilitates in creating an inhibition-free atmosphere beside resulting in signicantly improved efciency,

     productivity, accountability and competence. Moreover, using simulated scenario and other training modules,

    road sector employees can be exposed to the ‘quick thinking techniques’ to think quick & logically in order

    to come up with reasonable/ practical solutions within a given time.

    It is necessary that each road organization identify the training needs of their employees by carrying out

    specic ‘Training Needs Assessment’ (TNA) exercise on regular basis to identify the skill-decit areas to

     bridge the same. The training modules should be such that they should create avenues to produce the breed

    of innovators and problem-solvers who are not afraid to push the boundaries at work. While working out the

    skill development training programme in the road sector, the outcome should also be evaluated on regular

     basis to ascertain whether the training imparted have imbibed the skills required to excel in the identied

    areas, analytical thinking and logical approach, zeal, persistence and condence in the participants.

    The human resource development may not be accomplished without allowing and creating an enabling

    framework for research & development. R&D coupled with innovations requires an enabling environment

    to spread the benets of development within the reachable reach of all stake-holders. However, researchhas much more to do with independent, unorthodox and creative thinking then with strategic thinking. This

    system practiced in some of the developed countries allows a large number of researchers to realize the fruits

    of their intellectual labour (which would have been harder to achieve in the country of their birth) and at the

    same time benetting the country in which they carried out the research. Today, the need of the hour to make

    the Indian road sector vibrant and to allow holistic development of human resource of this sector demands

    for an urgent need to create enabling framework for research & development and enabling environment for

    innovators and their innovations so that applied research can be promoted and practiced. This may help in

    making this sunrise sector “Techno – Economically” sustainable.

    As mentioned earlier, we are witnessing the World’s biggest road sector initiatives. In order to ensure the

    resounding success and sustainability of results of this mega initiative, it is necessary that not only dueinvestment is earmarked for Skill-enhancement , Skill- development, Skill- demonstration and Skill-

    imparting programme but requisite enabling & supporting infrastructure is also required to be put in place.

    The data of the employees imparted skill-enhancement/ development trainings should be web-based, so

    that it may become accessible to all concerned for utilization of their attained expertise. It also needs to be

    evaluated whether all the employees working in the organization are deputed for the trainings on regular

     basis without any discrimination & prejudice. Till this is practiced in true spirit, the skill – enhancement &

    development in road sector or any sector may remain loop-sided. For example, the Contract Management is

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    an intricate ‘Technical–Art’. The road sector professional should be exposed to the same so that he may be

    able to differentiate between ‘Administering the Contract’ from ‘Management of Contract’ and ‘Managing

    the Management of Contract’. Proper skill development trainings may help in better project formulations and

    handling especially PPP projects, thereby reducing the scope of contractual disputes and additional claims.

    Generally the Capacity building & training activity is considered a low priority as well as an incidental activity

    rather than a focused activity. However, little thought is given to the fact that Trained & skilled employees can

    make difference to the pattern of growth, development, dynamism & prospects of an organization. The crucial

    aspect that employees signicantly contribute to the reputation of an organization as well as to the country is

    generally given a miss. This aspect plays in vital role in making a organization globally competitive as well. If

    road sector organizations desire to spread their reach globally in an effective way then they may require making

    a sincere effort towards the capacity/skill building exercise. The government, PSU, educational institutes and

     private sector organizations should join their efforts and inter-link their competencies & capabilities in the

    eld of capacity building with an aim to cover all the professionals & work force every 5 years period. Public-

    Private-Partnership concept in capacity building in road sector is very much essential in today scenario, which

    may be not only an economical proposition to all but will create a win-win situation in this activity. The sectorshould also consider instituting the awards for efciency & innovations.

    The skill-building exercise should be separated from the routine working & functioning of the road sector

    organization to allow them a space to function in a holistic manner. They may also cater to inter-linkages

    with the educational & research institutions so that young talents may be tapped at the initial stages

    itself. This may help in creating internationally competitive road sector professionals. This grooming of

    young professionals to become mature contributors to the growth of road sector is very much needed.

    Towards the same it may not be out of the place to mention that for the rst time , IRC has allowed the

    M.Tech and Research students to become regular members of IRC to tap their potential to contribute

    to growth/development in the road sector as well as to enhance their employability. In the recently held

    73rd  IRC Annual Session at Coimbatore, a novel initiative was taken by providing opportunity to PG Students/

    Researchers to show-case their innovations/research work on IRC platform.

    The organizations normally get much higher return on the investment made by them in human resource

    development. Leaving aside the other benets like large percentage of employee retention, increased

     productivity, image building, etc. the nancial return to the organizations are manifold and the same is also

    applicable for the government sector as well , keeping in view that with higher productivity & efciency the

    deliverance of the government projects & new initiatives also get improves, benetting the public at large

    as well as nation as a whole. Therefore. Earmarked investment in the capacity building/skill enhancement/

    skill development should be made an essential & regular feature covering all stake-holders and entire-work


    “The end product of education should be a free, creative mind, who can battle against historical circumstances and

    adversaries of nature”.

    (Quote of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan)

    Place: New Delhi Vishnu Shankar Prasad 

    Dated: 21st Feb 2013 Secretary General

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    Director General (Road Development) &

    Special Secretary to the Govt. of India

    Shri C. Kandasamy joined Central Engineering Service (Roads) of Government of India in 1976 and have

    held various positions in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways as well as in the National Highways

    Authority of India.

    He was on deputation with National Highways Authority of India as General Manager and was associated

    with Phase-I of NHDP (Golden Quadrilateral). As Chief General Manager Shri Kandasamy was involved in

    Phase –II of NHDP (North South & East West Corridors). He took most of the projects under his jurisdiction

    in North-South corridor through the BOT model. As Member (Technical), NHAI, he was incharge of Phase III

    (BOT) of NHDP projects. In his long and illustrious career spanning over 35 years, Shri Kandasamy has been

    involved in all aspects of development of National Highways including implementation of NHDP.

    Shri C. Kandasamy held various positions in the Ministry and elevated to the post of Director General

    (Road Development) and Special Secretary in December 2011.

    Shri C. Kandasamy is a Life Member of the Indian Roads Congress. He is an eminent engineer of repute

    and is closely associated with Indian Roads Congress. He is Convenor of Apex Committees, Highways

    Specications & Standards, Bridges Specications & Standards and General Specications & Standards of

    IRC. Besides, he is also instrumental in preparation of IRC Codes, Specications, Manuals etc.

    Shri C. Kandasamy has been elected as President of the Indian Roads Congress during its 73rd  Annual Session

    held at Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) in January 2013.

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    Born on 22nd  July 1957, Shri P.N. Jain graduated in

    Civil Engineering from L.D. College of Engineering,

    Ahmedabad in the year 1979 with distinction. He

    qualied the Direct Recruit Examination conducted

     by the Gujarat Public Service Commission and

     joined the Roads & Buildings Department, Govt.

    of Gujarat as Executive Engineer in 1980. Shri Jain

    was promoted as Superintending Engineer and Chief

    Engineer in the years 1990 and 1997 respectively.

    He has been involved in execution of various works,

    such as, Construction and Maintenance works

    of State Highways, Major District Roads, Other

    District Roads including Major and Minor Bridges

    of Gandhinagar, Mehsana, Banaskantha and Kutch

    Districts including Capital City Gandhinagar. He

    also worked as Secretary, Gujarat Slum ClearanceBoard, Ahmedabad especially in various schemes

    related to slum dwellers of low, medium and high

    income group of housing projects in different cities/

    towns of Gujarat State.

    As Chief Engineer (Quality Control) and

    Addl. Secretary, he inspected many on-going

     projects related to Roads, Bridges & Buildings.

    Shri Jain worked as Technical Advisor to Vigilance

    Commissioner in the capacity of Chief Engineer

    & Addl. Secretary for more than 4 years. He alsoworked as Chief Engineer (Capital Projects) and

    Additional Secretary in charge of various works

    of Construction & Maintenance of Roads, Bridges

    & Buildings etc. of Ahmedabad & Gandhinagar.

    Shri Jain has also worked as Arbitrator for disputed

    cases of Government & Contractors.


    As Chief Engineer & Director, Staff Traning College,

    Roads & Buildings Department, Gandhinagar, he was

    responsible for providing Departmental and Special

    Training to Inservice Engineers of Roads & Buildings

    Department, Irrigation Department of Government ofGujarat of various cadres in collaboration with Experts

    of National and International Highways Institutes,

    Project Management Institutes, such as, UTiM-

    Malaysia, NITHE-New Delhi, CRRI-New Delhi,

     NICMAR-Pune, GIDB-Gandhinagar, IEI (GSC) –

    Ahmedabad, Nirma University, GICEA-Ahmedabad

    and LD Engineeing College-Ahmedabad.

    Shri Jain is presently working as Chief Engineer

    (NH) & Additional Secretary, R&B Department,

    Gandhinagar looking after the construction and

    maintenance of National Highways of Gujarat

    and other important projects, such as, Railway

    Over Bridges, Railway Under Bridges on

    Annuity-BOT & CRF works. Shri P.N. Jain is Life

    Member of various other Professional Bodies like,

    Indian Buildings Congress, Institution of Engineers

    (India), Indian Concrete Institute, Institution of

    Indian Public Administration, Gujarat Institute

    of Civil Engineers & Architecture and ComputerSociety of India-Gujarat Chapter.

    Shri P.N. Jain was elected as President of the Indian

    Roads Congress during its 72nd  Annual Session held

    at Lucknow (U.P.) in November, 2011 and he is

    Immediate Past President and member of Executive

    Committee for the year 2013.

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    Shri Sandeep B. Vasava did B.E. (Civil) with distinction

    from M.S. University, Baroda in 1989. In 1990

    Shri Vasava passed the Gujarat Public Service Commission

    Examination topping the list. In 1991, he joined the Road &

    Building Department, Government of Gujarat as AssistantExecutive Engineer. He was promoted as Executive

    Engineer in the year 1995 and posted in the National

    Highways Division, Baroda. In 1999, Shri Vasava was

     promoted as Superintending Engineer, National Highway

    Circle, Baroda. In this capacity, he has handled major

    BOT Project of bridges across river Mahi and Narmada

    on National Highway No. 8.

    In 2002, he was promoted as Chief Engineer and posted

    as Managing Director, Gujarat State Road Development

    Corporation. In 2006, Shri S.B. Vasava was elevated to the post of Chief Engineer & Additional Secretary (National


    At present, he is working as Chief Engineer (P) and

    Additional Secretary and Chief Executive Ofcer of

    GSRRDA. Shri Vasava is involved in Construction and

    Maintenance of Rural Roads and Implementation of

    PMGSY scheme of Government of India. He has also

    served on various Committees of Government of Gujarat.

    He was also the Member Secretary for the Sub Group of

    State Roads for Formulation of 11th

      and 12th

      Five YearPlan for Planning Commission, Government of India. He

    is also Council Member of the Institution of Engineers.

    Shri Sandeep B. Vasava has been elected as Vice-President

    of the Indian Roads Congress during its 73rd  Annual Session

    held at Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) in January 2013.


    Shri Kiran Kumar Yallappa Mahindrakar graduated in Civil

    Engineering from BVB College of Engineering & Technology,

    Hubli in 1976. After graduation, he was involved as Site

    Engineer/Resident Engineer in construction of one mile long

    Malaprabha Right Bank Canal Aqueduct over Bennihalla River

    and completed 72 Nos of well foundations in black cotton soil

    and erected substructures from 1976 to 1979. Shri Mahindrakar

     joined as Assistant Executive Engineer as rst batch of Border

    Roads Engineering Services in BRDB/MoRTH in 1979 through

    Combined Engineering Services Examination of UPSC. He was

    involved in road construction in far ung areas of North East

    devoid of basic amenities and having poor road communication.

    He showed his technical competence in planning & construction

    of bridges on NH-44. Due to his excellent result oriented attitude

    he was selected for Masters in Highways (Transport Engineering)

    from University of Roorkee and passed out with Gold Medal

    in 1986.

    Shri Mahindrakar was promoted as Executive Engineer in

    1992 and in this capacity he was responsible for construction,maintenance of roads, bridges and causeways, widening of roads

    in insurgency infested region in the States of Nagaland and

    then in Manipur. He was promoted as Superintending Engineer

    in 1997.As Superintending Engineer he was responsible for

    construction of roads of strategic importance along the border in

    the States of Arunachal Pradesh and J&K.

    Shri Mahindrakar was promoted as Chief Engineer in 2003. In

    this capacity, he was responsible of road construction including

    widening of strategically important roads and National Highways

    in the States of Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.

    For his exemplary services, he was awarded Chief of Army Staff

    Commendation Card in 1986 and for his meritorious serviceshe was awarded by His Excellency the President of India with

    VISHISHT SEVA MEDAL during Republic Day 2006.

    Presently, he is working as Dy. Director General (Pers) looking

    after Human Resources Department called Pers Dte in HQ

    DGBR, New Delhi.

    Shri Kiran Kumar Yallappa Mahindrakar has been elected as

    Vice-President of the Indian Roads Congress during its 73 rd  Annual

    Session held at Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) in January 2013.

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    Shri A. Samuel Ebenezer Jebarajan completed his B.E. (Civil

    Engg) from Govt. College of Engineering, Salem, Tamil Nadu

    in 1978.

    Shri Jebarajan started his Engineering carrier in Bharat Heavy

    Electricals Ltd., Trichy and was involved in execution of

    Multi-storied Buildings during 1978-79. He joined as Assistant

    Engineer in Corporation of Chennai and designed variousstorm water drains for Chennai during 1979-80. Then in 1980,

    he joined the Highways & Rural Works Department of Tamil

     Nadu and executed Bridge works, Rural Roads and National

    Highway Projects in Trichy and Salem Circle areas. He has put

    in exemplary service in Rural Development Wing and executed

    infrastructure projects, Road & Bridge works and various

    housing projects.

    He has executed Bridges in Chennai, across Coovam River and

    Major Bridge works across Kaveri River near Madurai. He held

    various positions in the divisions of Quality Control, execution

    of Major Ring Roads, Bridge works including maintenance of

    roads. He has put in four years of service under the aegis of

    Highways Research Station, Chennai in Concrete lab and as

    Deputy Director (Soils) and implemented new technologies,

    such as, usage of copper slag for GSB and pavement designs

    for distressed highways and other trafc studies for RITES and

    other researches in Trafc & Soils. He completed his M.Sc (I.T)

    from the Alagappa University by distance education.

    As Superintending Engineer (H) Shri Jebarajan has monitored

    execution of major Bridge and Road works in South Tamil Nadu.

    When he was promoted as Chief Engineer (H) he took charge

    as the Chief Engineer (H), Planning, Design & Investigation,

    Chennai during 2011-12 and monitored design of major bridges

    and grade separators.

    Shri Jebarajan is presently working as Chief Engineer (H),

    Metro monitoring the execution of major Grade Separators, Link

    Roads and other prestigious projects in Chennai Metropolitan

    area under State Fund and World Bank Projects. His earnest

     participations in various training programs under NITHE,

     New Delhi, international organizations such as IRF at New Delhi

    and IABSE at Chennai and at Venice, Italy has strengthened

    his technical ability besides the knowledge of Primavera for


    Shri A. Samuel Ebenezer Jebarajan has been elected as Vice-

    President of the Indian Roads Congress during its 73 rd  Annual

    Session held at Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) in January 2013.


    Shri Swatantra Kumar graduated in Civil Engineering from

    Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan

    in 1996. He has also done Post Graduation (MBA–Marketing)

    from All India Management Association, New Delhi in the

    year 2000.

    Shri Swatantra Kumar has started his career with Renaissance

    Aqua Sports Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi in the year 1996 as a Site

    Engineer and was involved in design and construction of

    Swimming pools and health club of different capacities.

    In the year 1997, he joined Aimil Ltd. as Engineer, Business

    Development for North India. Aimil is a market leader addressing

    instrumentation needs of the nation for the last 8 decades.

    Aggressively involved in providing total instrumentation

    solution to the wide range of industries like Roads, Buildings,

    Education, Thermal power, Hydro Power, Cement etc. He was

    also actively involved in getting accreditation of NABL and ISO

    for his Company.

    Shri Swatantra Kumar was promoted as Business Managerin 2005 and in this capacity he was responsible for business

    development of imported products of leading manufacturers

    from U.S.A. and Europe in frontier areas of Instrumentation.

    During this period, he was also responsible for promoting NDT

    (Non- Destructive Testing instrument ) to different sectors like

    DMRC, IITs, NITs, CPWD, PWD , Irrigation Department etc.

    Shri Swatantra Kumar currently working as Asstt. General

    Manager at M/s. Aimil Ltd. New Delhi, heads the Delhi

    Regional Team and he is instrumental in promoting state-of-art

    instrumentation across the country and also involved in bringing

    about various system improvements within the company. He is

    also responsible for providing technical support to Aimil users

    in India and neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka,Bangladesh etc.

    He has been serving IRC in the capacity of Council Member for

    the last 5 years. He has been an active member of Instrumentation

    Committee (G-5) of the Indian Roads Congress.

    Shri Swatantra Kumar has been elected as Vice-President of the

    Indian Roads Congress during its 73rd   Annual Session held at

    Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) in January 2013.

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    Highways Research Station, Chennai has been accredited with the ISO-9001-2008 Certication. The Salient Features

    and facilities available with them as informed by HRS are as under:

        Exclusive Training Facility available for Highway Engineers

        Well Equipped Library with Rare Publications, Technical Journals

        Research Activities on Highway Engineering using latest Techniques, Sophisticated Equipments

        Eight Regional Laboratories with Sophisticated Equipments

    For more details please Contact Shri E.L. Satyamoorthi, Chief Engineer (H), QA&R, Highways Research Station,Chennai – 25, Ph No: 044- 22354851, Fax No: 044- 22354852, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

    The Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee Local Centre will be organizing a Workshop on “Ground Improvement

    Techniques for Difcult Ground Conditions” on 16th April 2013 at IIT Roorkee. Noted speakers from IIT Roorkee

    and Ground Improvement Industry are going to deliver expert lectures. For registration please contact Dr. Satyendra

    Mittal, (Convenor, Workshop), Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand,

    Tele. + 91 11 01332-285837, Mobile + 91 9760014237, 9412074237; E-mail: [email protected].



    Key Features

      Testing of Concrete Materials  Mix Design

      Testing of Steel


    Destructive & Non DestructiveTesting


    Condition Assessment of Bridges.



    Universal Testing Machine 

      Compression Testing Machine 


    PUNDIT/Ultrasonic test 

      Rebound Hammer  

      Half Cell Potentiometer  


    Load Testing facility for Bridges


    Heavy Duty Test Floor


    Key Features


    Pavement Design


    Road Rehabilitation studies


    Ground Improvement Techniques


    Pavement Materials Testing

      Sub Soil Exploration  Pile Load Tests

      Design mixes


    Structural Evaluation


      Digital CBR  

      Digital Consolidation Apparatus 

      Digital LVDT for pile load testing 



    Electrical Density Gauge 


    Key Features  Functional Evaluation

      Axle Load Survey  Travel Time Study

      Junction Improvement Study

      Surface Conditioning Assessment  Various studies to reduce Accidents  Traffic Improvement Techniques


      Portable Axle Weigh Pad  


    Hand held Roughometer    Speed Meter


      Advanced Data Collection Equipment


    Key Features 

    Tests on Bitumen & Aggregate


    Mix Design for Pavements


    Evaluation of value added products –Modified Bitumen, Modified BitumenEmulsion

      Failure Studies  Bituminous Mix Characterisation 


      Rotational Viscometer  

      Dynamic Shear Rheometer  

      Universal Testing Machine – HYD25-II 

      Beam Fatigue Apparatus 

      Gyratory Compactor  


    Laboratory Model Circular Test Track. 

  • 8/19/2019 Indian Highways Vol.41 3 Mar 13





    Project risk is the cumulative effect of the chances of uncertain

    occurrences adversely affecting project objectives. Project risk

    management is the art and science of identifying, assessing and

    responding to project risk throughout the life of a project and in

    the best interests of its objectives.

    The constant goal of project risk management should be to move

    uncertainty away from risk and towards opportunity. The goals

    of risk management, therefore, are to identify project risks and to

    develop strategies, which either reduce them or attempt to avoid


    An infrastructure development is more prone to risks than

    ordinary industrial projects. Risks consequently, have the ability

    to adversely affect the implementation of a highway project.

    A successful highway project development and project nance

    transaction is therefore, the suitable identication, allocation and

    management of risks.

    The successful implementation of a project, it is essential that

     person involved in its Implementation whether engineers, lawyers,

    legislators, executives bankers or civil servants be sensitive to the

    risk-involved in the project and formulate most suitable structure

    for the management of such risks. If the persons involved in the

    implementation of a project are able to identify the risks regarding

    a proposed project and the means of its adequate allocation andreddressal or better more sensitive to the necessity of their adequate

    mitigation, it would go a long way in enabling the implementation

    of highway projects.


    Risks are nothing more than the variables or

    circumstances associated with the implementation of

    a specic project that has the potential to adversely

    affect the development of a project, Risks include

    circumstances or situation, the existence or occurrenceof which, will in all reasonable foresight, result in an

    adverse impact on any aspect of the implementation

    of the project.



    In projects management terms the most serious effects

    of risk can be summarised as follows:

    a) Failure to keep within the cost estimate

     b) Failure to achieve the required completion date

    c) Failure to achieve the required quality and

    operation requirements

    In highway construction projects risks are related to

    various aspects such as the contractor’s ability, design,technology, political and socio-economic environment

    etc. Moreover the impact of the risk varies from project

    to project depending upon the size of the project (its

     physical size, nancial value, resources involved),

    the level of the novelty involved in the projects, the

    level of involvement of the number of agencies and

    the complexity of the projects.

    Risk management is the process of recognising risk,

    assessing it and managing it.

    The rst and the most important step in attempting to

    deal with exposure to risk is to identify them which

    is called Risk identication. Many decision makers

     believe that the principal benets of risk management

    come from the identication rather than the analysis


    The tools and techniques for risk identication

    include documentation reviews, information gathering

    methods, checklists, assumption and SWOT ( Strength,

    Weakness, Opportunities and Threat) analysis, and

    any appropriate diagramming techniques.

    * Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab,

    E-mail: [email protected]

     ** Former PGP: ACM Students, NICMAR Goa.

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    Structural reviews and methods of team participation,

    through brainstorming etc, and the use of checklists,

    owcharts, cause and effect diagrams, etc. to help

    identify risks are the core of this transformation step.

    The outputs include the identication of all risks,

    what are likely to be the conditions under which they

    will occur, and if the risk identication process has

    identied further investigation of risk related matters

    in other knowledge areas ( scope, time, cost, etc).

    Where it is true that most projects contain a number of

    reasonably standard and recognisable risk situations,

    each new project requires careful and individual



    In the construction of any project, risk identication is

    done on the basis of:

    a) Experience with similar projects

     b) Depth of knowledge and 

    c) Unique project environment

    The study of risk of the project in terms of the total

    cost of the project has been divided under four cost

    centers that are:

    a) Technical

     b) Financial

    c) Socio-political

    d) Statutory


    The process of risk identication for any construction

     project involves two steps:

    a) Project Review

     b) Determination of Scope

    3.1 Project Review

    Project review is carried for all construction projects

     before implementation. With respect to the case study

    of project review involves:

    a) Estimation of risks as well as their absolute


     b) It calls for technical and nancial scrutiny of

     proposal and assessing the degree of each risk

    at each project phase.

    c) It establishes the conditions that make the

     project workable with environment

    d) It must also identify and assess the other

    hidden factors that are elements, situations orcircumstances that inuence the project but that

    can be unknown in the beginning or imply a

    risk to the project.

    e) Project review is a continuous process dening

    the critical parameters, which need to be

    controlled and monitored throughout the project

    life cycle analysis.

    3.2 Determination of Scope of the Project

    Collection of data regarding various risks inuencing

    the project is now assessed in terms of degree of impact

    thus dening the scope of the project. Experience on

     past projects is a major source of risk impact.

    Three major sources of experience can be summarized

    as follows:

    a) Corporate

      This is a knowledge gained in the previous

     projects, which is dispersed throughout theorganisation. The information may be stored

    as personnel memories, diverse reports or as

    database that compares plans and outcomes.

     b) Project Team

      This is sample of the corporate experience

     possessed by the individuals within the

     particular project team. Often such knowledge

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    is very relevant although it might be limited

    and possibly biased.

    c) External

      May be other projects from outside world fromwhich relevant lessons could be learnt.


    Risks in projects are many and varied. The

    identication, assessment and valuation of risks are

    difcult and indispensable tasks in the analysis of

     bids and contracts. Depending upon their nature, risks

    can be categorised as technology risk, design and

    latent defect risk, completion risk, cost overrun risk,

    trafc revenue risk, operation risk, demand risk, debt

    servicing risk, legal risk, political risk, partnering risk,

    regulatory risk, nancial risk, environmental risk and

     physical risk. These risks can be dealt by a number

    of ways. They may be priced in the bid, insured, or

    assumed by the contractor, the owner or both.

    4.1 Check List for Projects

    Long term contractual relationships inevitably involve

    risk. Careful design of contracts and regulatoryarrangements can help both reduce the level of risks

    and ensure that any remaining risks fall on the party

    that is capable enough to manage them. These issues

    are taken up in more detail and all the key risks are

    incorporated in the form of checklist.

    i) Who is responsible for construction risk?

      * Who is responsible for delays in

    construction and higher than expected

    construction costs?

      * What is the scope of the construction

    work and of the specications for project

    infrastructure? Is there an annex for this


      * What is the mechanism for changing the


      * What warranties will be provided relating

    to the construction?

      * What completion and testing procedures

    will be used?

      * What is the timetable for construction?

      * Are their restrictions on subcontracting

    with third parties for nancing or


      * Who will be responsible for site surveys,

    ground and geotechnical investigations.

    Utility surveys, land issues and

    environmental surveys?

      * Who will be the project manager?

      * What are the development risk?

      * Who will nance construction cost

    overruns, and what assurances will

    lenders have that the funds will be

    available when required?

      * Are their joint and several completion

    liabilities amongst the construction

    contractors, equipment suppliers and


      * Who will monitor the construction,

    approve the contractor invoices, and

     provide commissioning and completion


      * Will planning approvals be required?

    Who is responsible for obtaining planning

    approvals and permits?

      * Will the construction contract include

    contractor incentives?

      * What percentage of the total project

    value will be required to secure with a

     performance bond?

      * What are the obligations and

    responsibilities relating to capital

    expenditure for major water and sewerage


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    ii) What are the political risks?

      * How stable is the country?

      * Will export credit agencies give

    guarantees against political risk?  * Is insurance available?

    iii) What are the revenue risks?

      * How secure is the cash ow?

      * Willingness by users to pay for facility?

      * If the government provides support for

    the project. What form will that support


      * Minimum revenue guarantees orundertakings.

      * Standby equity or subordinated debt to

    meet revenue shortfalls.

      * Tax privileges

      * Duty exemptions for imports of capital


      * Assurances on the liability of foreign

    exchange and the exchange rate with

    foreign currencies relevant to the project,free transfer of funds or interest rate


      * Capital grants and loans. Lines of credit,

    or letters of credit.

      * What are the legal and administrative

    mechanisms required, for the government

    to provide this additional support?

      * Will the government provide a guarantee

    for a minimum amount of new works per year, including any additional

    government revenue sources required to

    complete these works?

      * Who will be responsible for paying

     penalties for noncompliance with

    environmental regulations in the event

    of deterioration? How are penalties to be

    determined? What are the payment terms?

    Is there a grace period for payment?

    Under what conditions may the regulator

    waive or allow a delay in payment?

      * Will the developer maintain segregated

    debt service accounts for principal and

    interest payments?

      * What type of sponsor guarantee will

    the arrangement require a construction

    completion guarantee, performance

    guarantee, debt service guarantee for

    senior bonds or loans, shareholder loan


    iv) What are the regulatory risks?  * Is there an independent regulator?

      * What limits are placed on the regulator’s


      * What are the procedures for appealing

    regulatory decisions?

      * What compensation or cost pass through

    arrangements are there to safeguard

    the developer from shifts in regulatory

    ground rules?

    4.2 Risk Analysis & the Simulation Approach

    Risk analysis is essentially method of dealing with the

     problem of uncertainty. Uncertainty usually affects

    most of the variables that one combines to obtain

    analysis of cost estimates, an economic rate of return

    or net present value, analysis of nancial return, or any

    of the other indicators that may be used to evaluate

    feasibility report. Sometimes one deal with this

    uncertainty by combining values for all input variables,chosen in such a way that they yield a conservative

    estimate for the result of the analysis. In other cases

    one may select the best estimate value, that is, the

    value that one thinks most likely to be achieved. Both

    these solutions imply a decision: rstly, to look at the

     project with a conservative eye, secondly, to disregard

    the consequences of any variations around the best

    estimate value. Both can lead to biased decisions.

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    For example, if one combines only conservative

    estimates of variables, nal result is likely to be “over

    conservative”. On the other hand by using only best

    estimate values one fails to take into account the other

    values of the variables that might result in substantialvariations in the estimates. Thus biasing ones decision

    on a single value of the decision variable one may by

    taking more risk than one intend to. The purpose of

    risk analysis is to eliminate the need for restricting

    one’s judgement to a single optimistic, pessimistic or

    “best” evaluation by carrying throughout the analysis

    a complete judgement on the possible range of each

    variable and on the likelihood of each value within this

    range. At each step of the analysis these judgements are

    combined at the same time as the variables themselves

    are combined. As a result the product of the analysis

    is not just a single value of the decision variable but a

     judgement on the possible range the decision variable

    around this value, and a judgement on the likelihood

    of each value in range.

    These judgements take the form of probability

    distribution. That is to say each possible value of each

    variable is associated with a number between 0 and 1,

    such that for each variable the sum of all these numbers

    or probabilities is equal to 1. These probabilities,which are called subjective probabilities because

    they present some degree of subjective judgement,

    follow all rules or traditional probability theory. From

    a mathematical point of view risk analysis therefore

    consists of aggregating probabilities.

    The idea underlying the Monte Carlo technique is

    simple. When we say that a project has a 30 percent

    chance of earning a 10 percent return, we mean that if

    we had a large number of similar projects we would

    accept about 30 percent of them to earn a 10 percent

    return. Conversely, if we had a great number of projects

    and if 30 percent of them earn a 10 percent return, we

    could say that the probability of a 10 percent return is

    30 percent. Hence the simplest application of the Monte

    Carlo technique is to build a great number of projects

    with the characteristics of one we are interested in and

    see how many of them earn a 10 percent, 15 percent,

    20 percent, etc. In practice, the value of each of the

    uncertain variables is chosen by random selection,

    and the rate of return or some other decision variable

    is computed for the project dened by these values.

    The process is repeated many times and the resultsare statistically analyzed. The only difculty is in

    making sure that the distribution of the values of each

    of the input variables as it emerges from the random

    selection is consistent with the distribution for that

    variable chosen for the analysis.


    Cooke and Slack (1984) investigated the process

    of evaluation of risks. According to them, the risk

    inherent in any of the decision option can be a result

    of the decision maker’s inability to predict or estimate

    the outcomes or the internal effects of the decision

    options within the organisation or the environmental

    conditions, prevailing after the decision. The range of

     possible outcomes conveniently describes whatever

    the source of risk is.

    There are many methods of evaluation of risk from

    the most simple probability concepts to the most

    complex utility functions and expert system. Probablythe earliest industrial use of risk methods was with

    PERT/RISK, which originally referred to the variation

    of estimates of the activity duration, and assuming

    their independence, was used to calculate the probable

    variations of duration. For instance, Corporate at

    use the various probability of interdependence as

    exemplied by network analysis can be overcome by


    5.1 Probability Concepts

    The likelihood of something happening is usually

    quantied either as a probability gure or as asset of

    odds. The various methods based on this concept are:

    a) The Classical Method 

     b) The Relative Frequency Method 

    c) The Subjective Method 

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    d) The Bayesian Decision Method 

    5.1.1  The Classical Method 

    It is the oldest and the simplest approach. In this

    theory, the probability is based on equal chances of

    events happening.

    5.1.2  The Relative Frequency Method 

    If the event is something which is easily repeatable or

    occurs frequently of it’s own across. The likelihood of

    the event occurring may be deducted by examining its

     previous history. This method of deriving probabilities

    is called the relative frequency method.

    Both of the above methods can only be used to forecast

    events that are repeatable or repealing. But many

    management decisions involve assessing the chance of

    something happening which has not happened before

    and possible will not happen again i.e. risk event.

    5.1.3  The Subjective Method 

    This method of probability is based on subjective

     judgements of experts in the eld no matter how

    soundly it is based on their experiences. Especially for

    risk analysis, most of the information will be qualied

    in the form of subjective data only and such methods

     become essential to quantify the risks.

    5.2 The Bayesian Theory

    This theory was evolved by the British mathematician

    Thomas Bayes (1763) involving the estimation of

    unknown probabilities and making decisions on the

     basis of new (sample) information. The Bayesian

    approach employs both personal judgement andempirical evidence and it has been used in the

    modeling of the probable activity duration overruns in

    the Fuzzy set model.

    5.3 Decision Matrix

    A decision matrix is a method of modeling straight

    forward decisions under uncertainty in such a way

    as to make explicit the options open to the decision

    maker, the state of the nature pertinent to the decision

    and the decision rule used to choose between the


    In fact a number of decision rules have been commonly

     put forward as being helpful in understanding the

    nature of the decision. The four decision rules are:

    a) The Optimistic Decision Rule

     b) The Pessimistic Decision Rule

    c) The Regret Decision Rule

    d) The Expected Value Decision Rule

    5.3.1  The Optimistic Decision Rule

    This approach to select the preferred option is to

    consider all possible circumstances and choose option

    that yields the best possible outcome. If dealing with

    costs, this rule sometimes called as the minimum cost

    rule and if dealing with revenues it is called as the

    maximum revenue rule.

    5.3.2  The Pessimistic Decision Rule

    A decision maker who took the very optimisticview to the once described above would follow the

    reverse procedure in this case. Each option would be

    examined and the worst possible outcome for that

    option identied. That option would be selected which

     provides the best of the worst outcomes.

    5.3.3  The Regret Decision Rule

    This is based on a deceptively simple but extremely

    useful question i.e. “If one decides on one particular

    option then with lined sight how much would he regretnot having chosen what turns out to be the best option

    for a particular set of circumstances?”

    Disadvantages of Regret Decision Rule

    If the alternative chosen is the one that gives the

    least cause for regret when compared with another

    alternative, then the degree of regret will depend on

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    the other options considered. This can cause logical


    5.3.4  The Expected Value Decision Rule

    All the above three-decision rule do not consider the

     potentially most useful factors within any management

    decisions. This is the expert’s estimate of the likelihood

    of a particular decision occurring. The principle of

    expectation “weights” each outcome by the likelihood

    of its occurring. The expected values are merely an

    indication of the worth of each option.

    5.4 Decision Trees

    One limitation of the decision model is the simplisticways in which it treats the option open to the manager.

    Many management decision in reality are a series of

    reality sequential decisions, where choices made at

    one point in time can change the probability of their

    decision happening or alter their consequences. The

    decision tree format enable sequential decisions to be

    represented and the consequences of future decision

    to be treated back of assess their inuences on the

     present decisions. In fact, a decision matrix can be

    represented as a decision tree.

    5.5 Risk Simulation

    Risk simulation is a technique that allows a more

    sophisticated approach to modeling the uncontrollable

    factors that inuence the outcome of the decision. By

    making continuous probability estimates for each

    controllable factor the technique produces decision

    outcomes that are also continuous probability

    functions. This gives a much clearer picture of the

    spread of outcomes possible than the decision tree

    model that produces single-gure expected values.

    This technique that was originally described by Hertz

    can be briey summarized as follows:

    i) Choose the uncontrollable exogenous variables

    (risk factors), which are considered to have a

    signicant bearing on the decision.

    ii) For each variable, estimate the probability

    distribution, which most clearly reects the

    decision maker’s degree of belief as to the

    likelihood of the variable taking any value.

    iii) Choose the endogenous variable, the measure

    of outcome, which will be used to evaluate

    the options, for example, the probable mean


    iv) Determine the functions, which relate the

    uncontrollable exogenous variables to the

    endogenous variables.

    v) Randomly the function, which relates the

    uncontrollable exogenous variables to the

    endogenous variables.

    vi) Repeat step (v) many times until a distribution

    of the values for the endogenous variables is


    Simulation technique especially the Monte Carlo is

    widely used in risk analysis and evaluation. But it has

    the disadvantage that, it requires mainframe computers

    such as OPSS etc. It is expensive to use.

    Simulation methods to date have suffered from

    excessive detail. Their lack of concern for external

    effects and their general limitation of one dimension

     being extrapolated to others, e.g. time to cost.

    5.6 The Utility Theory

    An attempt was made by David Bernoulli in 1738

    to quantify individual’s emotions about money or

    individuals’ value system. However, it was not until

    1944 that a formal mathematical theory was set

    forth by Yon Neuman and Morgenstern to describe,

    in a quantitative sense, a decision maker’s attitude

    and feelings about money. Their theory becomes the

    modem utility theory.

    The concept of utility is psychologically oriented

    and refers to subjective satisfaction derived by an

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    individual from the possession of a given number of

    units of a particular commodity. The utility theory

    referred to herein is often thought of as a concept for

    measuring the attitudes of an individuals (decision

    maker) towards risk and uncertainty. The theory

    rst enunciates certain axioms obeyed by a rational

    man and the show that these lead to the existence of

    a preference ordering or utility function ‘IT which

    satises the following properties:

    1. ‘U’ is dened as the set of all possible


    2. Outcome ‘X’ is preferred to outcomes ‘Y’ if

    and if U (X) > U (V)

    3. A decision giving chances T of achieving

    outcomes ‘X’ (I < 1 < n) is preferred to

    one giving chances q of achieving outcomes

    Y (I < j < n)

    Where probability = q = I if and only if 

      PU(X) > q U (Y)

    Property (2) shows that a utility function ranks the

    outcome in the preference order while property (3)shows that one set of probabilistic outcomes i.e.

     preferred to another if and only if it has a higher

    expected utility. It follows from this property that

    a rational man ill always act so as to maximise his

    expected utility.

    5.7 Expert System

    A lot of research is being done on articial intelligence

    and expert systems. Specically one of the most

    sophisticated models that can be developed for risk

    management is making use of knowledge-based

    systems or human-computer cooperative systems.

    This system is designed to assist the project managers

    in achieving more effective control over risks by

     providing them with appropriate knowledge, gathered

    from many project managers and compiled into

    a knowledge-base. It is designed to warn project

    managers of risks that may follow etc. While doing

    this, the logical thinking and the intuitive thinking of

    the managers is accounted for in the system.

    5.8 Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP)

    The analytical hierarchical process was originally

    developed by Saaty (1980). It provides a exible

    and easily understandable process to analyze project

    risks. It provides a promising alternative in complex

    situations involving a multi-criteria decision making

    methodology. It has structured approach to decision-

    making that eliminates much of the guesswork and

    confusion or ordinary methods of synthesizing anoverall explanation for a system. It organises the

     basic rationality by breaking down the problem

    into it’s smaller constituent parts and then guide

    the decision maker through a series of pair-wise

    comparison judgements (which are documented and

    can be re-examines) to express the relative strength

    or intensity of impact of the elements in the hierarchy.

    These judgements are then translated into numbers.

    The AHP includes procedures and principles used to

    derive priorities among criteria and subsequently for

    alternative solution.


    The model used for the analysis of the risks that

    have been identied with the case under study is

    the analytical Hierarchical Process. The model

    and its process have been described in this paper.

    Implementation of integrated Road development

     programme in the city of Kolhapur on BOT basis has

     been taken as a case study of risk analysis.

    6.1 Analytical Hierarchical Process Model


    The analytical hierarchical process was originally

    developed by Saaty (1980) is a multi-criteria decision

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    making methodology. It allows the decision maker to

    set priorities and make choices on the basis of their

    objectives, knowledge and experience consistent

    with their intuitive thought process. It fulls the

    requirements for an executive decision system

    where decision makers can structure a system and its

    environment into mutually interacting parts and then

    synthesize them by measuring and ranking the impact

    of these parts of the entire system.

    A conventional approach to risk analysis suffers two

    major limitations:

    a) It requires detailed qualitative information that

    is not normally available at the project planning


     b) The problems are ill dened due to subjective

    nature, which leads to imprecise decision during

    their applicability.

    The deductive as well as systems approach of AHP

    within an integrated, logical framework removes these

    limitations and makes the understanding of complex

    situations simpler. The structured approach to decisionmaking eliminates much of the guesswork.

    AHP has been applied successfully to a wide variety

    of problems over then past several years that include

    Architecture (Satty and Erdcnncr, 1979), Conict

    Resolution (Gholam Nezhad 1983 and 1984)

    Predictions (Saatyy and Gholam – Nezhad 1982

    Ciholam - Nczhad 1985)

    The AHP uses a hierarchical approach where the

     problem is decomposed into a number of interrelated

    factors and then arranged in a hierarchical order.

    The number of levels in the hierarchy depends on

    the complexity of the problem as well as the degree

    of detail needed to solve the problem. Each factor is

    evaluated with respected to the other related factors.

    Once the problem has been structured, expert judgments

    are solicited from the decision maker relating to each

    fact of the problem. The methodology foes not require

    any numerical guess. The degree of importance of the

    elements at a particular level with respect to those in

    the immediate upper level is judged by the decision

    maker and measured by a procedure of pair wise

    comparisons repeated for all elements at each level.

    The ultimate goal of doing this is assign numerical

    values to the subjective judgements on the relative

    importance of each element with values varying from

    one to nine. The pair wise comparison scale used for

    the risk analysis of the project under study is given

    in Table 1. This is also the fundamental scale of AHP

    and consists of numbers (one to nine) associated

    with intensities of importance or preference. This

    methodology has been shown to provide remarkably

    accurate results. The consistency of judgement in any

    decision making process is vital because of its impact

    on the quality of decision.

    Unfortunately, lack of inconsistency is expected to

    exist in almost any set of the pair wise comparison.

    The consistency of pair wise judgements is measured

    in AHP from the Consistency Ratio (CR):

      CR = CI/RI


      CI = Consistency Index

      RI = Random Index

    Consistency Index, CI = ( λ max – n) (n – I)


      λ max = large eigen value

      n = ran of the matrix

    The Random Index is given in Table 2.

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    Table 1 Pair wise Comparison Scale

    Intensity of


    Defnition Explanation

    1 Equal Importance Two elements contribute equally to the Property2 Moderate importance of one

    over another

    Experience and Judgment slightly favour one element over


    5 Essential or strong importance Experience and judgement slightly favour one element over


    7 Very strong importance An element is strongly favoured and its dominance is

    demonstrated practice

    9 Extreme importance The evidence favouring one element over another is of the

    highest possible order of afrmation

    2,4,6,8 Intermediate Value When compromise is needed  

    Table 2 Random Index Table

    N Random Index

    1 0.00

    2 0.00

    3 0.58

    4 0.90

    5 1.12

    6 1.24

    7 1.32

    8 1.41

    9 1.45

    10 1.49

    6.1.1  Steps of Analytical Hierarchical Process

    The following are the steps to be taken in formulating

    the risk-analysis model Analytical Hierarchical


    Step 1: The scope of the total project is classied

    through the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The

    whole project is classied into manageable work

     packages in accordance with the similarities of

    activities. Risk analysis is considered separately for

    the various packages. In the project under study as

    risks pertaining to cost overruns are being studied; the

    entire project cost is divided into four cost centers.

    Step 2: In this step, identication of risk factors and

    sub-factors is done for specic work packages and the

    establishment of a hierarchical risk structure from the

     package concerned. Various techniques, ranging form

    simple interviews and the application of the analyst’s

    own experience to the Delphi technique, can be used

    for the identication of risk factors and sub-factors.

    Thus, the risk factors relating to each cost center are

    determined and an AHP model is developed. This

    model has been shown subsequently.

    Step 3: The relative weights of the various risk factors

    are determined by pair v comparison according to the

    severity of risk on the basis of questionnaire lled

    experienced project managers and planning engineers.

    The scale of giving weightages has already been

    shown in Table 1. This creates a detailed analysis of

    the ranking the risk factors for the cost centers under

    consideration with respect to the severity of risk.

    Step 4: the level of likelihood of each factor is

    determined with respect to high medium and low

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    risk. The risks having probability more than six are

    considered to be high risks, those with probability

    from one to six are considered to be medium risks and

    those with less than one are considered as low risks.

    Step 5: The likelihood of the levels of risk are

    synthesized and determined in this step. The

    likelihood’s of high, medium and low total are

    determined by aggregating the relative weights

    through the hierarchy.

    Step 6: A sensitivity analysis is carried out. The

    outcome of the analysis above is dependent on the

    hierarchy established by the management, and the

    relative judgements made about the elements of

    the problems. Changes in the hierarchy may lead to

    change in the outcome. The effect of the change can

     be examined through the sensitivity analysis.

    Step 7: The overall risk of the cost centers is

    determined. The likelihood levels of risk and the

    weights of different levels of risk are combined to

    determine the overall risk of all cost centers.

    Step 8: The cost centers are ranked in accordance

    with the risk probability and severity. The result from

    the determination of the overall risks of cost centers

    are used to ranks the cost centers with respect to their


    The results of the Analytical Hierarchical Process for

    the risks affecting the cost overruns of the project

    under study are given in Table 3.

    Table 3 Risk Identifed in Various Stages by Using AHP



    Stages of Project Risk Identifed in various stages Likeli-









    tion (D)






    = L*S*





    1 Preconstruction Reliability of TOR 1 10 3 0.68 20.40

    2 Risk of getting the clearance approved 1 10 3 0.68 20.40

    3 Reliability of the DPR 1 8 1 0.68 5.44

    46.24 0.48

    4 Client team Type of client 3 5 3 0.68 30.60

    5 Change in requirement 5 5 5 0.68 85.00

    6 Delay in decision & approach 5 5 5 0.68 85.00

    7 Change in Government policy 3 5 3 0.68 30.60

    8 Interpretation of the requirements 3 8 3 0.68 48.96

    280.16 2.90

    9 Design team Experience of the team 3 10 3 1.58 142.20

    10 Faulty design 1 10 3 1.58 47.40

    11 Continuity of the team 1 2 3 1.58 9.4812 Level of design information 3 5 5 1.58 118.50

    13 Practicality of the design 1 10 1 1.58 15.80

    333.38 3.45

    14 Construction Scope of the Project 3 10 1 2.26 67.80

    15 Deviation in site parameters 3 10 3 2.26 203.40

    16 Location 3 10 3 2.26 203.40

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    Stages of Project Risk Identifed in various stages Likeli-









    tion (D)






    = L*S*





    17 Access Problem 5 5 1 2.26 56.5018 Legal restrictions 5 10 1 2.26 113.00

    19 Contaminated 1 5 1 2.26 11.30

    20 Occupies 5 5 1 2.26 56.50

    21 Noise abatement 5 5 1 2.26 56.50

    22 Time overruns 5 5 5 2.26 282.50

    23 Fixed price 8 2 3 2.26 108.48

    24 Performance & nancial 3 5 3 2.26 101.70

    25 Dispute 8 8 5 2.26 723.20

    26 Ability to carry out construction 3 10 3 2.26 203.40

    27 Testing 5 8 3 2.26 271.20

    2628.3 27.19

    28 Geological Presence of faults 8 10 1.58 379.20

    29 Weak foundation 5 8 1 1.58 63.20

    30 Water table 5 8 5 1.58 316.00

    31 Earthquake 5 10 5 1.58 395.00

    1153.4 11.93

    32 Environment Loss of ora 8 10 3 1.58 379.20

    33 Loss of fertile 8 10 3 1.58 379.20

    34 Rehabilitation 10 10 5 1.58 690.00

    35 Radiation damage 0 - - 1.58 00.00

    36 Damage due to 0 - - 1.58 00.00

    1584.4 16.02

    37 Fuel Non availability 3 10 5 1.13 169.50

    38 Floods 5 10 5 1.1. 282.50

    452.00 4.68

    39 Contractual Form of contract 1 5 1 0.68 3.40

    40 Type of tender 3 5 1 0.68 10.20

    41 Claims 8 8 3 0.68 130.56

    42 Arbitration 5 8 5 0.68 136.00

    280.16 2.90

    43 Financial Delay in 5 5 5 1.13 141.25

    44 Delay in 5 5 5 1.13 141.25

    45 Restrictions on cash Flows 3 2 3 1.13 20.34

    46 Ination rate 5 5 5 1.13 141.25

    47 Exchange rate risk 5 5 5 1.13 141.25

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    Stages of Project Risk Identifed in various stages Likeli-









    tion (D)






    = L*S*





    48 Inability of the contractor to pay 8 10 3 1.13 271.2049 Tax Implications 1 5 8 1.13 45.20

    50 Repatriation of prots 1 5 8 1.13 45.20

    946.94 9.80

    51 Political & regulatory Risk 3 8 5 0.68 81.60

    52 Conict between government bodies 5 8 5 0.68 136.00

    53 Inadequacy of legal frame work 1 8 3 0.68 16.32

    54 Risk of change in legal & regulatory


    1 10 5 0.68 34.00

    55 Price setting policy 3 5 3 0.68 30.60

    56 Enforceability of contracts 3 8 3 0.68 48.96

    347.48 3.59

    57 Operation Risk Number & performance of sub


    3 5 3 2.27 102.15

    58 Defective works 3 10 3 2.27 204.30

    59 Hidden problems 3 10 5 2.27 340.50

    60 Force majeure 1 10 10 2.27 227.00

    61 Materials & Plant availability 1 10 3 2.27 68.10

    62 Risk of maintaining the load factor 3 8 3 2.27 163.44

    63 Bankruptcy of sub contractor 3 5 1 2.27 34.05

    64 Variations in change orders 3 5 5 2.27 170.25

    65 Risk of failure of structure 3 10 5 2.27 340.50

    1650.29 17.06

    Total 9666.83 100

    6.1.2   Risks Identifed by the Analytical Hierarchical

    Process Model

    Total estimated cost is divided into four components

    as given below:


      T1 = Design or Specication Risk 

      T2 = Material Risk 

      T3 = Equipment Risk 

      T4 = Cash Flow Risk 

      F2 = Price Escalation Risk 

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      F3 = Ination Risk 

      F4 = Payment to Contractor Risk 

      P1 = Legal Risk 

      P2 = Accidents Risk 

      P3 = Non Performance by the Contractor Risk 

      S1 = Clearance Risk 

      S2 = Change in Local Laws Risk 

      S3 = Disapproval of Pans Risk 

    6.1.3   Advantages of Analytical Hierarchical Process

    The observed advantages of AHP are as following:

    i) It divides the complete project into controllable

    work packages through the work breakdown


    ii) It classies the various sources of risk associated

    with the work packages

    iii) It identies risk factors and sub-factors and

    their hierarchical order.

    iv) It determines the contributions of specic

    risk to time and cost overruns and too Non-

    conformance to quality standards

    v) It enables the management to control high-risk

    work packages by the use of a highly competent


    vi) It helps in formulating contract strategy.

    vii) It creates a condence about project


    viii) It extends valuable support for the project’s

     participating agencies in the decision making


    6.1.4   Result of AHP on Project under Study

    Table 4 shows of cost centers on the basis of impact

    due to the risks leading to cost overruns.

    Table 4 Ranking of Risk Causing Cost Overruns, as

    Obtained from the Analytical Hierarchical Process

    Cost centers Rank

    Financial 1

    Statutory 2

    Technical 3

    Socio-Political 4


    In today’s rapidly growing Highway projects, the

    quantum of risk has also increased considerably.

    Highway projects involve various types of risks

    such as Construction risk, Operation & Maintenance

    risk, Political risk, Revenue risk and Regulatory

    risk. Various stages of project like Gestation stage,Development stage, Construction and Start up stage

    and Operational stage involves different types of


    For analyzing these risks there are various methods

    available which are as follows:

    ● Evaluation of Risk 

    ● Probability Concepts

    ● Decision Trees

    ● Decision Matrix

    ● Risk Simulation

    ● The Utility Theory

    ● Expert system

    ● Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP)

    In project management terms the most serious effect

    of risk can be summarized:

    a) Failure to keep within the cost estimate b) Failure to achieve the required completion date

    c) Failure to achieve the required quality and

    operational requirements.

    As far as rating agencies role is concerned. A

    scientically graded project would lend itself to a

    more accurate and reliable estimate of risks associated

    with the infrastructure project.

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    ● Before signing the contract agreement, all the

     parties should study all the areas where there is

     possibility of involvement of risk.

    ● The contractor should be well versed with thesite conditions before signing the contract.

    ● Proper nance should be arranged before the

    start of the project.

    ● The uses of new technologies and construction

    methods would reduce the time of construction.

    This will reduce the project completion risk.

    ● By forming joint ventures with strong parties,

    the risk involved will be distributed evenly.


    1. Ramakrishnan R (January 2004), Construction Journal of

    India, 8-11

    2. Laxton (1996) ‘Guide to Risk Analysis & Management’,

    Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann, Jorden Hill.

    3. Prasanna Chandra (2002), ‘Financial Managers, Tata

    McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi,

    Sensitivity analysis, RA.

    4. CODE (October 2003), ‘Risk Management in Construction

    Projects’, Publication Bureau, NICMAR Pune.

    5. Construction World, Vol. 7 No. 11, August 2005.

    6. Prasanna Chandra (2002) Projects, Tata McGraw-Hill

    Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.

    7. Prasanna Chandra (2001), ‘Financial Management’, Tata

    McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.

    8. Chris Chapman and Stephen Ward (1997), Project Risk

    Management’, John Willey & sons, New York.

    9. Singh, Indrasen, “Risk Management in Contracts”

    Seminar on Urban Infrastructure Renewal – Challenges,

    Impediments & Solutions, CIDC, India Habitat Centre,

     New Delhi, January 31, 2008.

    10. Singh, Indrasen, “Risk Management on Public Private

    Participation in Highway Project”, a National Seminar

