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Indie Lovely Spring 2013

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indie lifestyle magazine. make & take: boho shabby chic country cottage crafty DIY projects. handmade indie shopping guide. get inspired and take action with a business coach. meet the furniture whisperer and the one size fits all dress queen. check out my recent faves from around the webs.
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Spring 2013
Page 2: Indie Lovely Spring 2013

happy spring!

We made it through another winter! Can I please get a double high five? I wasn’t sure I would make it through... the snow is finally gone, and things can’t be that bad if the sun is shining!

I’ve been busy! I joined Marie Forleo’s B-school program, and found a super awesome coach, Becca Tracey, to help me along my path. She’s AMAZING! I am so inspired by her. She is totally help-ing me get clear and focused. I’m so glad I found her... I have also been on the lookout for sweet ways to bring spring into my life. I’ve gathered some really fun projects for us to do. I am totally gonna make the tea light holders. Soooo pretty!

Indie Lovely is completely interactive. Click on photos to visit blogs, websites, and indie shopping straight from the artists. Any-where you see pink text there is more info. Click to discover new blogs, indie shops and more!

If you would like to subscribe to make sure you get future issues of this magazine, please do... back issues are available on my blog {IndieLovely.com}

subscribechat soon!

Page 3: Indie Lovely Spring 2013

indie spring fashion

indie lovely spring 2013

M e e t m y n e w c o a c h !


7 HANDMADE HOME the furniture whisperer

3 MAKE & TAKEtheme: floral

25 I WANT...my wish list is extensive

13 GET INSPIREDmy new business coach literally climbs mountains...

the one size fits all queen diva21 INDIE FASHION


3M a k e p r e t t y s t u f f

30 INDIE SHOPPING handmade & vintage home decor

32 MY FAVESoh, just more cool stuff I found


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page 3 indie lovely valentine’s day 2013

Spring Crafts

make & take

floral votivesfellowfellow.com

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David Morozthe furniture whisperer:

handmade home

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I have the awesome pleasure of being from Metro Detroit, and being surrounded by amazing artists. I am sure you’ve heard me go on and on about how much I love Rustbelt Market in Ferndale. I go stroll-ing through on Sundays after brunch. First off, I love upcycling. And vintage wood furniture. It just makes me happy. David Moroz makes the most gorgeous and interesting mix of my two faves. I love that he uses reclaimed wood, melding it with unusual hardware, pops of color and vintage finds. I had to know more about this guy.

me: how and when did you start working with wood?

david: Relatively recently. It was maybe 18 years ago that I decided to try and make a birdhouse and had a very unusual and extraor-dinary experience as I tapped into and got entirely lost in a creative process that I didn’t know existed inside of me. I spent about 8 hours on the project and lost track of everything including time. When I finished I wondered what had just happened. I couldn’t wait to feel that again and began making rustic furniture right after that.

me: what is the first thing you remember making as a child?

david: Nothing. I grew up in a household where the only tools were duct tape and the Yellow Pages. I did not spend my childhood look-ing over my father’s shoulder as he made things. When I bought my first house my tools were duct tape and the Yellow Pages. me: what is your fave wood to work with?

david: That’s a tough one. I do a lot with walnut and I love it-- especially if it still has the bark on it but reclaimed barn wood has to be number one. There is nothing more satisfying than giving 200 year old wood new life as a table. Nothing compares to the look and char-acter of the ancient wood and no one would believe what the mate-rial looks like before it is scraped, sanded and varnished.

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david: That’s easy. I made a huge custom dining table for Rustbelt clients late last year. They invited me to their ultra-contemporary home in the middle of the woods so I could see the space and be in-spired. They preferred barn wood but left the design and material choices entirely to me. I combined barn wood and maple and added a variety of other woods for trim and other details and called it rustic contemporary. The table was 6 feet square, weighed over 300 pounds and took almost 2 gallons of varnish. They ordered it in late August and hoped to have it by Thanksgiving. I delivered it on the day be-fore Thanksgiving with the help of lots of friends and a very big trail-er. They were very happy.

me: your favorite piece?

david: Kind of a tie between the dining table noted above and a unique custom bar I did about 10 years ago. The clients placed the order for the bar and then gave me an “oh by the way.” They said that at some point they would be moving and would need to take the bar with them so it needed to be easily taken apart and transported. I met the challenge but it did take a lot of design thought.

me: fave furniture style?

david: My inspiration is Daniel Mack and George Nakashima. I had Nakashima’s “The Soul of a Tree” and Mack’s “Making Rustic Fur-niture” long before I made that birdhouse. I just hoped to own that type of furniture some day, certainly not make it. But honestly, the wonderfully diverse Rustbelt clientele has allowed me to finally cre-ate pieces with many different kinds of materials. I love to juxtapose beautiful reclaimed woods with re-purposed industrial and salvaged materials. z

Contact David to discuss a custom order, or inquire about his current stock: [email protected]

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Ever feel stuck? Want to switch careers? Maybe you have big ideas and want to make that part time business you love your full time career? Raise your hand if you start new projects with lots of energy, then fizzle out half way... then start a new project that looks like it will be more fun. I have both hands up! I found myself kinda stuck in my career and I wasn’t sure what to do next, so I found an amazing coach to help me figure it all out...

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Over the past few years I have collected quite a few projects. Let’s see... Lotus Flower Herbals: my aromatherapy and holistic health brand; crafty university: my crafty classes; Indie Lovely: my mag and blog; The Handmade Gift Guide: my first big try at a blog; Renovation Alley: my graphic design and consulting business; I mean really I could go on... I think I’ve started at least 5 other businesses in the last 10 years. I have been told for a long time that if you spread yourself too thin you are unable to really make a big difference in any area. I waved this all off, until last year. I had a really intense Fibro flare up. After spending 3 weeks in bed, I decided to cut back to what I thought was totally managable.

For the past year I have been working on further defining my brands, and trying to piece them together to take it to the next level somehow. I joined B-school with Marie Forleo. In the first week, I got stuck trying to figure out my why & who my ideal customer was {especially hard because I had like 10 freaking busi-nesses!} All the while getting so overwhelmed that my confidence was disintegrating! I didn’t know what to do. I decided to reach out to the B-school community.

I was on the B-school facebook group and I posted something about how I was having a hard time transferring my career from holistic health practitioner to graphic designer/teacher/crafter/writer/photographer/blogger and the angst that I felt. In chimes someone IMPLYING that maybe I had issues with money. “BAH!” my ego shouted! “I know about all that stuff! I’m FINE!” but what she said triggered me, really got my attention. My ego hurt, and it made me realize I was feeling super down in the dumps and vulnerable. I looked at who posted the comment and laughed, her name was Rebecca Tracey. Two of my best and most trusted friends first names. Hmmmm... I thought, that’s kinda funny.

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I went to her site to check her out. The Uncaged Life... hmmm... I loved the colors she chose, the pics of her reminded me so much of myself in my 20’s... and I instantly vibed with her relaxed yet ex-cited format. She’s living her dreams! She’s rockclimbing in beautiful places, she understood my connection with spirit and call to be big, so none of my woohooey hippie chat would turn her off. And I knew she wasn’t going to tell me to just go get a job already and suck it up!

I am normally a very confident person. I make plans, and I really think about things before I do them these days. I want to make sure I am doing what I’m supposed to be doing. That next day I chatted with someone who was doing exactly what I thought I wanted to do... and she hated it! It freaked me out! I got quiet for a few days. I knew I needed to do something differently but couldn’t figure out what! I needed to find help. I emailed Becca and got signed up for her current group coaching program.

That next week I started working with her. I took the leap and told my ego to STFU. After 38.5 years of running the show, that wasn’t easy for my ego. Luckily Becca is used to dealing with people like me. She held my hand through a few visualization exercises where she basically tricked me into extracting answers out of my heart with-out my head’s inter{fear}ance. {head? Wait, I’m sorry, I mean big fat ego} I had found my WHY! hallelujah!

My WHY, in case you are wondering, is this:

I love to make people happy & inspire them with positive energy, to be of service to my community & to raise the vibration of the planet... all for a deeper sense of connection.

I needed to quit trying to make all of my passions and hobbies my career, and focus on my favorite: graphic design and consulting.

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I like working with Becca, she is really insightful, and able to under-stand what I am saying {and going through} from another level. She asks great questions. I am really enjoying working in a group format. I wasn’t sure I would. But I do. It is so encouraging to hear that oth-ers are having the same issues as me. AND the best part is, they put my feelings into words when I cannot. Our group coaching calls are so helpful, even if I don’t say a word, I learn from what everyone else is asking. They are able to see things from a different perspective which gives me insight into my own issues. I love it. I’ve taken this opportunity to shift my energy to be more confident and effective, and have noticed a positive change in my stress level and my busi-ness. I am now attracting more of what I would call my ideal clients.

What she says about herself really sums it up:

“As a Life-Switch Coach + Pro-fessional Adventure Instigator, I work with people who want to do something big, like travel, start a business, or quit their job (or all three!), but who need help creating a plan, staying on track, and beating out nagging resistance and fear. Ready to take your top-secret, rule-bend-ing, crazy-town dream—and lay out a plan, to bring it to life? Let’s tell your excuses to suck it. Together.”

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me: Where is your fave spot on Earth?

becca: My yoga mat! I bring it everywhere I go, and it’s a constant reminder that I always have the choice to relax, take time for myself, and do what makes me happy. It’s what I come to when life feels hard or scary or uncertain. In terms of locations, I’ve travelled so much that I would be hard pressed to choose one spot in the world that I love the most. There’s so much beauty everywhere I go, and I love anywhere new and different (this past year, small-town Wyoming won my heart!)

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me: What do you do when you feel uninspired?

becca: I head to a yoga class, hit the climbing gym, or book a last minute trip somewhere. I tend to be really good at hunkering down for long periods of work, and totally neglect the rest of my life. Not a good habit to get into, but it’s a sign that I really love my work. Get-ting out of the house helps. And having good friends/colleagues to turn to for brainstorming has been invaluable.

me: What did you have for breakfast?

becca: I’ve been really into plain greek yogurt lately! I load that shiz up with all kinds of seeds and nuts and fruit (and coconut!), and go to town. I often make juice with my sweet new juicer too. I’ve been known to go on a pancake stint and eat nothing but pancakes for months at a time. Coconut pancakes... pumpkin pancakes... the pos-sibilites are endless.

me: Do you have rituals or things you do the same everyday?

becca: I’m the worst at planning my days! I have no routine or schedule whatsoever. I tend to wake up naturally around 8-9am (I never set an alarm), and work on whatever I feel like working on that day. I slather aloe on my face every night... that’s probably been the only constant in my life for the past few years.

me: When you are planning a big change or new project what is the first thing you do with your idea?

becca: Start doing it! I start creating, or I buy the ticket, or I do some-thing to get the momentum going. It’s all too easy to get lost in the fear and doubt that can creep in after we have a brilliant new plan or idea, so I always put it into action asap.

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me: What do you suggest for overwhelm?

becca: Stop doing stuff you don’t want to do. Look at your list, and cross off anything that’s not a HELL YEAH. Learn to say No.

me: Fave music?

becca: I’ve been into Songza lately! I got so sick of my current music selection that I love putting on a playlist and seeing what new mu-sic I can discover. I’ll always have a soft spot for Canadian indie folk musicians like Basia Bulat.

me: Fave form of exercise? becca: Rock Climbing! It’s just as much mental as it is physical, and it’s helped me learn SO much about myself. Though lately I’ve been spending more time on my yoga mat than in a harness.

me: Dream vacation?

becca: I don’t have one. I’m more about building a dream LIFE than a dream vacation :)


Check out Becca’s FREE workbook to get started building your dream life! Ready for action? contact her to schedule a one on one session. Oh, and you’re welcome! xo...

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Liesl Geneva

The “One size fits all” diva!

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Liesl Geneva makes clothing that flatters every body type. She uses unique fabric combinations and has a vintage eye, with a modern twist. I love her color choices and the fun vibe she exudes.

Her company, Apparel Artistry, is just that – part clothing line, part wearable art.

Each piece is made and adorned by hand, melding techniques from painting, screen printing and jewelry making. Even her basic tees are printed using techniques that allow each one to become an original, the colors flowing and blending a little bit differently with each pass of the squeegee. Liesl’s one-a-kind shirts and dresses each adjust to fit any woman, from a size two to a size twenty-two, showing off her curves to perfection. Visit her website: www.LieslGeneva.com

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I heart scarves &wraps in vintage fabrics

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Loving the vibrant colors!

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Renovation Alley = vintage boho chic & pretty graphic design + branding consultations + complete etsy/blog/website makeovers + interactive ebook, magazine, catalog design & publishing + SEO, so-cial media & blog bootcamps.

need help making your online presence match your products or brick and mortar shop? or are you just starting a new online business? my graphic design skills + your unique brand = true love always. we will work together to create beautiful + cohesive images that showcase your amazing business. xo, Anne www.renovationalley.etsy.com

Need to update your brand & online presence?

Not totally loving your website?Etsy shop lookin kinda sad?

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...stuff I want

page 19 indie lovely valentine’s day 2013

Girl’s Seersucker Petticoat http://www.etsy.com/shop/lillipopsdesigns

Business Card Holderhttp://www.etsy.com/shop/CrankCases

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page 11 indie lovely thanksgiving 2012

Whether you cross stitch, crochet, embroider, knit... or just love to use a hot glue gun, you can make holiday decor for your home {or to give as gifts}. I love vintagey-shabby chic kinda stuff, with a rustic natural feel. Click on the pics for complete project info and patterns to make your home look amazing this holiday season. Need more inspiration?

*lookie here*Altered Vintage Plate http://www.etsy.com/shop/BeatUpCreations

LegWarmers http://www.etsy.com/shop/GraceandLaceCo

Painted Pendant Necklace http://www.etsy.com/shop/onelittlemango

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Cats in Love Cups http://www.etsy.com/shop/vitaminaeu

Rhiannon Gypsy Curtain http://www.etsy.com/shop/BabylonSisters

indie shopping supports families in your community... keep it local, shop small business Saturdays, craft shows, and use the shop local option on Etsy.

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Pallet Chairhttp://www.etsy.com/shop/roughsouthhome

Geometric Wood Beads http://www.etsy.com/shop/LiKeBeads8

Pine Cone Bud Vase http://www.etsy.com/shop/janellesonger

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Accessories & Gifts

22202 Harper Ave.(between 8 Mile and 9 Mile) Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080 586.445.3500

Classes for kids & adultsBirthday parties & events

Kitty deluxe


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a few of my faves...1. Raise your hand if you like pretty fashion blogs. How bout adorable bunny illustrations wearing current runway fashions? Check out my new obsession: fifi lapin. I eagerly await new posts. I follow on the blog lovin app right on my phone. It inspires me to pretend to be a cute bunny when I get dressed each morning.

2. Getting ready for craft show season? I found an amazing new resource for all you vendors: Hip Hip Handmade! You will find everything you need, from ad-vice on vendor applications, to booth set ups to what to expect for your first show.

3. Organize all those feather earrings once and for all with this DIY from Brit.co. I think these pretty dreamcatchers make a lovely way to display your collection of danglyearrings, don’t you agree?

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4. Oh My! Handmade Marketplace for creatives is open! An amazing resource for all of us indie busi-ness owners... a directory full of top notch designers, coaches, supplies, etc. They are also accepting applica-tions to be included in the direc-tory. Tell ‘em I sent ya!

5. If you are getting married {or just love pretty wedding pics} you need to check out this beautiful post on a blog called bridal musings. It is a gorgeous woodland themed wedding. Hippie boho chic style complete with unusual flower combos, pretty natural location and a healthy dose of vintage awesome.

6. Chipmunk Cheeks on Etsy has the coolest illustrations of floral and fawn {and other things like beards and stuff} You will love the hedgehog and the fox, make sure you check out the cheeky section. Super cute and fun.

I pin my faves on pinterest too. Check out my boards for tons ofindie inspiration www.pinterest.com/theindielovely xo, anne

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