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Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean

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  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh

    `o Bit`o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc

    Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit`oIjhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Mindk Nrdo`n ioc Cdrth Vhrohr

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean



    Fdrhwdrc x`

    Ianodwbhcgjhots x```

    Ikkrhv`it`dos xv

    Alipthr 9 @otrdcuat`do 9

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df BIA ;

    Ab`jith Aliogh ioc Ab`jit`a Vir`ik`b`ty `o BIA 3

    Chthrj`oiots df Vubohrik`b`ty tlh

    thrjs df hxaliogh khtwhho c`ffhrhot typhs df isshts> ioc tlh rhturos

    (hadodj`a ioc dtlhrw`sh) do ioy g`vho b`vhb`lddc strithgy.

    B`vhb`lddc strithg`hs= Slh Qusti`oikbh B`vhb`lddcs Frijhwdrn (QBF)

    prdv`chs `os`glt `otd ldw vubohrik`b`ty, isshts, struaturhs, ioc prdahsshs`ofbuhoah b`vhb`lddc strithg`hs ioc ldw tlhsh strithg`hs jiy kh jprdvhc.

    B`vhb`lddc dutadjhs= Slh QBF hxij`ohs ldw b`vhb`lddc strithg`hs,

    g`vho tlh dtlhr fiatdrs, rhsubt `o c`ffhrhot b`vhb`lddc dutadjhs ioc

    ldw tlh b`vhb`lddc dutadjhs fhhc kian `otd ivi`bikbh isshts, arhit`og

    h`tlhr i v`rtudus dr v`a`dus a`rabh.

    [`sn dr vubohrik`b`ty fiatdrs `oarhish tlh b`nhb`lddc tlit i phrsdo dr

    adjjuo`ty w`bb suffhr ohgit`vh dutadjhs. Hxphr`hoah sldws tlit tlh r`snsissda`ithc w`tl ab`jith aliogh `oarhish wlho adjk`ohc w`tl pdvhrty,

    pddr gdvhroioah, ioc pddrby ji`oti`ohc `ofristruaturh. Vubohrik`b`ty td

    tlhsh r`sns dftho chphocs strdogby do bdaib sda`ib, pdb`t`aib, ioc hadodj`a

    rhib`t`hs ioc gdvhrojhot pdb`a`hs.

    Urdthat`vh fiatdrs `oarhish tlh b`nhb`lddc tlit i phrsdo dr adjjuo`ty

    w`bb trios`t`do suaahssfubby. @jpdrtiot prdthat`vh fiatdrs igi`ost tlh ohgit`vh

    `jpiats df ab`jith aliogh hx`st it tlh ldushldbc, adjjuo`ty, ioc sda`htib

    bhvhb. Urdthat`vh fiatdrs `oabuch gddc pukb`a pdb`a`hs, sual is prdv`s`do dfpukb`a lhibtl shrv`ahs, hcuait`do, dr sda`ib prdthat`do salhjhs> sda`ib ado-

    ohathcohss, wlhtlhr td rhbit`vhs, oh`glkdrs, a`v`b sda`hty drgio`zit`dos, dr

    gdvhrojhot ighoa`hs> sdb`c ioc whbb-ji`oti`ohc `ofristruaturh> gddc gdv-

    hroioah> ioc lhibtly pukb`a f`oioahs. Dvhr ghohrit`dos, `oc`ghodus adj-

    juo`t`hs livh chvhbdphc ioc iat`vhby ji`oti`ohc shts df rhgubir`zhc

    priat`ahs, ijduot`og td aubturib `ost`tut`dos, wl`al sliph tlh`r jioigh-

    jhot df oiturib rhsdurahs ioc lhbp tlhj icipt td sda`ib ioc dtlhr

    alioghs. Slh iat`vh ji`othoioah ioc rhsphat fdr tlhsh `ost`tut`dos `s i nhy

    fhiturh df tlh whbb-kh`og df sual adjjuo`t`hs.Ab`jith aliogh adjpduocs phdpbhs hx`st`og vubohrik`b`t`hs ky hrdc`og

    b`vhb`lddc isshts. Fdr tlh pddr ioc fdr `oc`ghodus phdpbh `o pirt`aubir, tlh

    chtr`jhotib hffhats df ab`jith aliogh do tlh hov`rdojhot hrdch i krdic sht

    df b`vhb`lddc isshtsoiturib, plys`aib, f`oioa`ib, lujio, sda`ib, ioc aubturib.

    95 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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    Slh b`vhb`lddcs df jioy `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs irh ibrhicy frig`bh, kh`og

    kishc c`rhatby do oiturib rhsdurahs `o hov`rdojhotibby frig`bh irhis. Ioc

    jioy oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs ibrhicy fiah tlrhits td tlh`r tric`t`doib b`vhb`-

    lddcs ioc `ochhc tlh`r thrr`tdr`hs frdj fiatdrs sual is tlh hoardialjhot df

    igr`aubturh ioc j`o`og iat`v`t`hs `otd fdrhst biocs, pdb`t`aib uorhst, `bbhgib

    adai aubt`vit`do, ioc prhssurh frdj tlh j`b`tiry ioc pdb`ah.

    Ipprdial ioc Dutb`oh df Qtucy

    Sd shbhat aishs fdr chti`bhc ioibys`s wh khgio ky c`st`ogu`sl`og tlh ji`o

    typhs df ab`jitdbdg`aib `jpiats tlit iffhat BIA.< Do tl`s kis`s, Bit`oIjhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio irh sukc`v`chc `otd tlh adrrhspdoc`og jimdr

    hadghdgripl`aib rhg`dos= tlh Ijizdo, tlh Iochs ioc suk-Iochs, ioc tlh

    Air`kkhio ioc Jhsdijhr`ai.0 @o hial df tlhsh rhg`dos, irhis ioc phdpbhs

    df pirt`aubir `othrhst whrh shbhathc fdr furtlhr ioibys`s. Slh i`j wis td

    uoadvhr wlhtlhr `oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh hspha`ibby vubohrikbh sda`ibby td

    tlh hffhats df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty, ioc `f tl`s `s tlh aish, tlho

    wly, ldw, ioc uochr wl`al a`raujstioahs. Wh uochrtddn quib`tit`vh

    ioibyshs df rhbit`dosl`ps `o BIA aduotr`hs khtwhho ab`jith aliogh ioctlh sda`dhadodj`a s`tuit`do df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs. Wh ibsd c`c hxthos`vh

    f`hbc survhys `o `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs iardss tlh rhg`do (odtikby `o

    Kdb`v`i, Adbdjk`i, Jhx`ad, O`airigui, ioc Uhru) td `ovhst`gith ldw `oc`-

    v`cuibs ioc adjjuo`t`hs phrah`vh ioc rhspdoc td ab`jith aliogh ioc

    vir`ik`b`ty. Fdr chti`bs df tlh f`hbcwdrn, shh ipphoc`x K.

    Jdst df tlh alioghs ioc typhs df `jpiat c`sausshc `o tl`s kddn livh

    hffhats iardss jioy pdpubit`do shgjhots ioc hov`rdojhotib ioc sda`ib

    adoc`t`dos. Slhrhfdrh, tlh `ofdrjit`do gitlhr`og ioc citi ioibys`s sduglttd kh rhspdos`vh td fiatdrs sual is ghochr, igh, ioc tlh sda`ib ioc hadbdg-

    `aib s`tuit`do df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs, `oabuc`og bioc ivi`bik`b`ty, chgrhh df

    adotiat, ioc aubturib rhsdurahfubohss. Io hffdrt wis jich td uochrstioc

    `oc`ghodus phdpbhs phrahpt`dos ioc phrsphat`vhs frdj tlh`r wdrbcv`hws.

    Kut khaiush df tlh c`vhrs`ty df phdpbhs ioc a`raujstioahs, i kddn b`nh

    tl`s aio dffhr doby i pirt`ib phrsphat`vh do tlh w`ch riogh df rhib`t`hs tlit

    `oc`ghodus phdpbhs hxphr`hoahioc tlh wiys tlhy `othrprht ab`jit`a

    alioghs ioc tlh `jpiats tlhsh `jpdsh.

    Slh vdbujh `s `o s`x alipthrs. Alipthrs ;, 1, ioc 3 irh rhg`doib aishstuc`hs df tlh sda`ib `jpiat df ab`jith aliogh do `oc`ghodus phdpbhs df

    tlh Ijizdo, tlh Iochio ioc suk-Iochio rhg`do, ioc tlh Air`kkhio ioc

    tlh Ahotrib Ijhr`aio stljus, rhsphat`vhby. Alipthr 8 dffhrs i adjpirit`vh

    ioibys`s iardss tlh tlrhh rhg`dos ioc `oabuchs i odth do j`t`git`do `o io

    @otrdcuat`do 99

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    `oc`ghodus-phdpbhs adothxt ibdog w`tl i chkith do [hcua`og Hj`ss`dos

    frdj Chfdrhstit`do ioc Chgricit`do uochr tlh Xo`thc Oit`dos (XO)

    Frijhwdrn Adovhot`do do Ab`jith Aliogh. Alipthr 6 adoabuchs, dffhr-

    `og dphrit`doib rhadjjhocit`dos ioc sugghst`dos fdr futurh rhshiral.


    9. Ab`jith aliogh rhfhrs td bdog-thrj aliogh, tlit `s, sbdw alioghs `o h.g. jhio

    ioouib thjphriturhs ioc prha`p`tit`do bhvhbs bhic`og td shi-bhvhb r`sh, jhbt`og

    df gbia`hrs, hta. Aliogh o ab`jit`a vir`ik`b`ty rhfhrs td `oarhishc uoprhc`atik`b-

    `ty w`tl rhsphat td shisdos, ri`ofibb, lurr`aiohs, hta., ioc `s birghby rhbithc tdtlh Hb O`d Qdutlhro Dsa`bbit`do (HOQD).

    ;. Fdr BIA is i wldbh, adst hst`jiths df cijigh frdj ab`jith aliogh ioc ab`-

    jit`a vir`ik`b`ty viry frdj 9.1 td 7 phrahot df GCU ky ;585 `f od iciptit`do

    tinhs pbiah. Fdr ;55558, tlh ioouib ivhrigh adst df ab`jith-rhbithc cijigh

    jiy kh 5.75.< phrahot df GCU (Oigy ioc dtlhr ;556).

    1. Sl`s kddn iccrhsshs ab`jith-aliogh j`t`git`do ioc ioy pdthot ib issda`ithc

    ohgit`vh sda`ib `jpiats doby td i b`j`thc chgrhh, chsp`th tlh dkv`dus `jpdr-

    tioah df sual `jpiats. @t cdhs odt iccrhss `o chti`b `ssuhs df hohrgy, fdrhsts, dr

    `ofristruaturh khaiush tlhsh irh tlh sukmhats df dtlhr dogd`og wdrn.

    3. Slhrh `s jual chkith ikdut tlh oujkhrs df `oc`ghodus `oc`v`cuibs `o Bit`o

    Ijhr`ai. Oit`doib stit`st`as hst`jith irduoc ;< j`bb`do, wl`bh dtlhr hst`jiths

    riogh frdj 13 td 65 j`bb`do, rhfbhat`og tlh ush df vir`dus chf`o`t`dos ioc aibau-

    bit`do jhtldcs (Biytdo ioc Uitr`ods ;556). Slh pukb`a pdb`ay rij`f`ait`dos df

    hst`jit`og pdpubit`do s`zh irh w`chby rhadgo`zhc is `ofbuhoa`og tlh chgrhh td

    wl`al iaahss td shrv`ahs, rhsdurahs, ioc r`glts irh g`vho dr b`j`thc. @othroit`doib

    Bikdur Drgio`zit`do (@BD) Adovhot`do 960 prdjdths tlh ush df shbf-

    chot`f`ait`do, wl`bh dtlhr kdc`hs fivdr tlh cdj`oioah df bioguigh dr pirhotsbioguigh is tlh chthrj`o`og fiatdr. Fdr furtlhr rhic`og, shh @BD Adovhot`do

    (Od. 960) do @oc`ghodus ioc Sr`kib Uhdpbhs `o @ochphochot Aduotr`hs.

    8. @UAAs Fdurtl Isshssjhot [hpdrt(;557) pd`ots dut tlit tlhrh irh slirp c`f-

    fhrhoahs iardss rhg`dos ioc tldsh `o tlh whinhst hadodj`a pds`t`do irh dftho

    tlh jdst vubohrikbh td ab`jith aliogh ioc irh frhquhotby tlh jdst susahpt`-

    kbh td ab`jith-rhbithc cijighs, hspha`ibby wlho tlhy fiah jubt`pbh strhsshs.

    Slhrh `s `oarhis`og hv`choah df grhithr vubohrik`b`ty df spha`f`a grdups...

    @UAA (;557) jinhs spha`f`a jhot`do df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs ioc tric`t`doib

    wiys df b`v`og doby `o tlh aishs df pdbir rhg`dos ioc sjibb `sbioc stiths.6. Sl`s `s s`j`bir td dkshrvit dos jich ky Sldjis ioc dtlhrs (;557) `o Qdutl


    7. Dur issujpt`dos do ab`jith aliogh `o tlh rhg`do irh chti`bhc `o ipphoc`x I,

    wl`al sujjir`zhs hx`st`og nodwbhcgh ikdut rhahot ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`-

    ik`b`ty ioc tlh jdst b`nhby futurh ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty `o tlh BIA

    9; @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    TTTTTTTT. ;557c. Fdrhstry. @o @UAA Fdurtl Isshssjhot [hpdrt, Wdrn`og Grdup @@@.

    Ghohvi= @UAA. lttp=//www.`paa.al.

    @WG@I (@othroit`doib Wdrn Grdup fdr @oc`ghodus Iffi`rs). ;55

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean



    Slh hbchrs siy tlit tlh Fitlhr df Fr`imh lis khho n`bbhc.

    S`auoi jio frdj tlh Ijizdo [`vhr

    Qhvhrh ab`jit`a alioghs irh daaurr`og `o tlh Ijizdo kis`o, is cdaujhothcky oujhrdus ab`jith jdchbs (@UAA ;559, ;557). Vir`dus plhodjhoi irh`o pbiy, `oabuc`og tlh Hb O`d Qdutlhro Dsa`bbit`do (HOQD), Bi O`i,w`ocs frdj tlh Iotirat`a, ioc wirj`og frdj tlh Air`kkhio. Slh

    Adbdjk`io pirt df tlh Ijizdo `s tlh fdaus df tl`s alipthr, is tl`s irhihoadjpisshs i w`ch riogh df tlh aurrhot ioc pdthot`ib typhs df ab`jithaliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty plhodjhoi> typhs df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs> ioc typhsdf sda`dhadodj`a, aubturib, ioc hov`rdojhotib adoc`t`dos `o tlh BIArhg`do. Ghohribby, vhry b`ttbh `ofdrjit`do `s ivi`bikbh do ldw `oc`ghodusphdpbhs `o tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo phrah`vh ioc rhiat td ab`jith alioghioc vir`ik`b`ty. Slhrhfdrh, tl`s alipthr rhsts do aish stuc`hs df i fhw shbhathcgrdups, suppbhjhothc w`tl rhbhviot `ofdrjit`do ivi`bikbh do dtlhr `oc`gh-

    odus grdups. Hxijpbhs frdj dtlhr Ijizdo`io aduotr`hs irh krduglt `otdtlh ioibys`s wlhrh rhbhviot.Slh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo advhrs io irhi df ikdut 355,555 nj;, dr

    irduoc 6 phrahot df tlh 7 j`bb`do nj; df tlh Ijizdo, bdaithc `o tlhodrtlwhsthro shat`do df tlh Ijizdo kis`o. Sl`s `s i rhg`do df l`gl oiturib

    A L I U S H [ ;

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    ioc aubturib c`vhrs`ty. Sldugl luj`c`ty ioc prha`p`tit`do irh l`glhr tlhrh,ioc fdrhst adoshrvit`do s jual khtthr tlio o jdst df Ijizdo`i, tlh trdp-`aib fdrhsts df tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo irh ibrhicy prdfduocby jpiathc kyab`jit`a vir`it`do aiushc ky tlh HOQD. Slhsh hffhats irh hxiahrkithc kychfdrhstit`do ioc fdrhst frigjhotit`do, tlh hxthot df wl`al vir`hs chphoc-`og do oiturib, aubturib, ioc sda`ib vir`it`dos w`tl`o tlh rhg`do. It prhshottlh icvioah df chfdrhstit`do `s abusthrhc `o tlh whsthro Iochio fddtl`bbsioc `s pr`jir`by tlh rhsubt df hxthos`vh aittbh rioal`og ioc `bbhgib adaipbiotit`dos. Swd c`ffhrhot prha`p`tit`do rhg`jhs aliriathr`zh tlh odrtlhroioc sdutlhro pirt df tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo.

    Slh c`vhrsh `oc`ghodus pdpubit`do df tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo ouj-khrs irduoc 955,555, ados`st`og df 8; htlo`a grdups frdj 91 b`ogu`st`astdans ioc 95 `sdbithc bioguighs (tikbh ;.9).9 Slh odrtlhro prha`p`tit`dorhg`jh `s ldjh td jdst df tlh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs df tlh Adbdjk`ioIjizdo ioc tlh oh`glkdr`og pirts df tlh Kriz`b`io ioc VhohzuhbioIjizdo> tlh sdutlhro rhg`jh hoadjpisshs tlh sdutlhrojdst `oc`ghodusphdpbhs df Adbdjk`i. Slhrh `s ibsd i abhir adotrist khtwhho `oc`ghodusphdpbhs `o tlh whsthro pirt df tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo, wlhrh adbdo`zi-

    t`do, irjhc adofb`at, `bbhgib ardps, ioc chfdrhstit`do livh lic i grhit`jpiat, ioc `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o tlh histhro pirt, wlhrh tlh pdpubi-t`dos ji`oti`o grhithr thrr`tdr`ib ioc aubturib iutdodjy.

    Adjk`ohc, tlhsh bdaib c`ffhrhoahs jhio tlit tlhrh `s grhit vir`it`do `o`oc`ghodus phdpbhs adotrdb dvhr, iaahss td, ioc chphochoah updo oiturib,sda`ib, aubturib, lujio, ioc hadodj`a rhsdurahs. Sl`s vir`it`do `s b`nhby td

    96 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Sikbh ;.9 Fiats do tlh @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df Ijizdo Aduotr`hs

    Aduotry Oujkhr df phdpbhs

    Ipprdx`jith oujkhr

    df `oc`ghodus

    `oc`v`cuibs (9,555)

    Uhrahot df tdtib


    Kdb`v`ii 16 8,;55 6;.5*

    Kriz`bk ;;8c 755 5.3

    Adbdjk`ii 0;h 9,355 1.3

    Hauicdri 93

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    adoc`t`do tlh `jpiats hxphr`hoahc ioc fdrhshho frdj ab`jit`a aliogh, iswhbb is `oc`ghodus phdpbhs aipia`ty td hogigh `o hffhat`vh iciptit`do.Wl`bh tlh ikdvh-jhot`dohc vir`it`do w`bb adotr`kuth `os`glts `otd tlhhffhat df ab`jith aliogh do vir`dus b`vhb`lddc strithg`hs, chphoc`og doc`ffhrhot adjk`oit`dos df rhsdurahs, adoc`t`dos, ioc dppdrtuo`t`hs, `t `sodt b`nhby tlit ibb vir`it`do `s aipturhc.

    Slh f`rst shat`do df tl`s alipthr chsar`khs `oc`ghodus phdpbhs phrahp-t`dos ioc `othrprhtit`dos df alioghs `o thjphriturh ioc shisdoib`ty, adj-pir`og tlhsh w`tl jhthdrdbdg`aib citi. Slh shadoc shat`do ioibyzhs tlhc`rhat hffhats df tlhsh alioghs do b`vhb`lddcs. Qhat`do 1 chsar`khs tlh

    krdichr sda`ib adothxt iffhat`og `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o tlh rhg`do, `oabuc`ogtlh icvioah df adbdo`zit`do ioc chfdrhstit`do, ioc shat`do 3 rhv`hws tlh`ost`tut`doskdtl `oc`ghodus ioc `o ji`ostrhij sda`htytlit iffhat tlh`rb`vhb`lddcs. Slh f`ftl shat`do cdaujhots `oc`ghodus phdpbhs aurrhot icip-tit`do ioc surv`vib strithg`hs td adph w`tl tlhsh alioghs, l`glb`glt`og icip-tit`dos df ldrt`aubturib systhjs. Slh adoabuc`og shat`do hjplis`zhs tlit tlhhffhats df gbdkib ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty o tlh Ijizdo rhg`do sldubckh isshsshc tdghtlhr w`tl tldsh df dtlhr sda`ib alioghs iffhat`og tlh rhg`do.

    Slrhits ioc Uhrahpt`dos df Ab`jith Aliogh

    ShjphriturhNhy `ofdrjiots `othrv`hwhc frdj shvhrib irhis df tlh Adbdjk`ioIjizdo odth tlit thjphriturhs `o Ijizdo`i livh io ioouib ayabh dfvir`it`do, w`tl bdwhr thjphriturhs `o tlh j`ccbh df tlh yhir (w`othr `otlh iustrib lhj`splhrh), kut tlhy igrhh tlit s`oah tlh yhir ;555, tlh

    whitlhr lis `o ghohrib khadjh odt`ahikby ldtthr.;

    Is stithc ky doh`othrv`hwhh frdj tlh Aiquht [`vhr kis`o, doh `oc`ait`do `s tlit prhv`-dusby, tlh lhit df tlh ciy wdubc gricuibby chab`oh frdj 6 p.j. uot`b095 p.j., ifthr wl`al pd`ot tlh o`glt wdubc kh addb. Odwiciys, tlhlhit cdhs odt c`ss`pith hvho ifthr j`co`glt.

    Slhsh phrahpt`dos adrrhbith whbb w`tl bdaib ab`jitdbdg`aib citi.F`gurh ;.9 sldws tlh l`stdr`aib jdotlby thjphriturhs fdr Bht`a`i (do tlhIjizdo [`vhr) ioc Uuhrtd Bhgu`zijd (do tlh Uutujiyd [`vhr) is adj-pirhc w`tl ivhrigh jdotlby thjphriturhs fdr tlh jdrh rhahot phr`dc

    ;555;557. Qhisdoib thjphriturhs khlivh c`ffhrhotby `o tlh twd r`vhrkis`os, wl`al khbdog td twd c`ffhrhot shisdoib rhg`jhs, is hxpbi`ohc khbdw>kdtl rhg`jhs shh chab`ohs `o tlh j`ccbh jdotls, kut `o tlh Ijizdo [`vhrirhi tlh l`glhst thjphriturhs irh `o Datdkhr, wl`bh tlh irhi ky tlhUutujiyd [`vhr `s wirjhst `o Miouiry. @o tlh Ijizdo [`vhr irhi, ivhrigh

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 97

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    ioouib thjphriturh `o ;555;557 wis l`glhr cur`og tlh f`oib jdotls dftlh yhir adjpirhc w`tl 9075;557, ioc ;558 (i crduglt yhir) siw io`oarhish df ibjdst 9A tlrdugldut tlh yhir. @o tlh Uutujiyd [`vhr irhi,tlh ivhrigh ioouib thjphriturh wis ikdut 5.8A l`glhr `o ;555;557tlio `o 9076;557.

    Qhisdoib`tyC`ffhrhot shisdoib rhg`jhs hx`st `o tlh odrtl ioc sdutl df tlh Adbdjk`io

    Ijizdotlh c`v`c`og b`oh `s bdaithc sdutl df tlh hquitdr, ibdog tlh ;Qpiribbhb (f`gurh ;.;). F`gurh ;.1 sldws l`stdr`aib citi fdr prha`p`tit`do iocr`vhr bhvhbs fdr kdtl rhg`jhs. Slh c`ffhrhot`ithc rhg`jhs jhio tlit ab`-jith alioghs ioc vir`it`dos irh odt uo`fdrj fdr ibb irhis> fdr hxijpbh, tlh;558 crduglt tlit aiushc hxthos`vh f`rhs `o tlh Uhruv`io, Kriz`b`io, iocsdutlhro Adbdjk`io Ijizdo wis odt fhbt is strdogby `o tlh odrtlhroAdbdjk`io Ijizdo.1

    B`vhb`lddcs `o tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo irh iffhathc jdrh ky alioghs`o prha`p`tit`do ioc shisdoib`ty tlio ky tlh `jpiat df `oarhis`og thjphr-iturh (Kuoyirc ;55 Qib`an ioc Kyg, ;557). @oc`ghodus phdpbh phrah`vhtlit tric`t`doib shisdoib vir`it`dos `o ab`jith irh odw ijpb`f`hc.

    Slh ioouib suaahss`do df shisdos `s df utjdst `jpdrtioah fdr `oc`gh-odus phdpbhs. Sl`s rlytlj drchrs tlh t`j`og df tlh ldrt`aubturib ayabhioc tlh r`tuib priat`ahs tlit irh khb`hvhc td lhbp prhvhot `bbohsshs iocprdjdth lujio whbb-kh`og, ioc `t `s arua`ib fdr tlh rhprdcuat`do df

    9< @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio




    o MubIu








    ; tlh grhit

    sujjhr df tlh phial pibj Kiatr`s gis`pihs, `o Miouiry, wlho tlh r`vhr s it ts bdw-

    hst bhvhb> ioc tlh sujjhr df Jiadukhi w`tdtdruj, bithr `o Miouiry. Sl s `s tlh cry

    shisdo, wlho tlh ji`o girchos, sbislhc `o jiturh fdrhst, irh kurot, i`chc ky tlh

    lhit ioc tlh strdog w`ocs tlit kbdw adostiotby frdj tlh hist. Must is tlh w`ocs

    df fr`imh irh aibbhc tlh @jprhgoitdr Fitlhr, tlh w`ocs df tlh grhit sujjhr irh

    tlduglt df is i Jdtlhr wld adjhs td prhpirh tlh ohw girchos.

    @o Jiral, tlh grhit ri`oy shisdo adjjhoahs, wlho ohw girchos irh pbiothc

    ioc tlh r`vhr khg`os `ts sthicy r`sh. @t ri`os tlrdugl Ipr`b ioc Jiy, wlho tlh r`vhr

    fbddcs tlh bdwhr ioc l`glhr ibbuv`ib pbithius ioc `ouociths hxthos`vh irhis df tlh

    fdrhst. Cur`og tl`s t`jh, jdst w`bc fru`ts, fhc ky tlh withr, r`pho ioc fibb `otd tlh r`s`og

    r`vhr. Slhy ittriat f`sl tlit adjh td tlh surfiah ioc c`sphrsh ibb ibdog tlh fbddchc

    fdrhst fbddr td fhhc do tlh pbhot`fub fddc ioc td biy tlh`r hggs. Slh r`sh df tlh r`vhr

    stigoiths w`tl tlh irr`vib df tlh t`jh df fr`imh, ioc i ohw ayabh khg`os. Slh r`vhrwithrs igi`o khg`o td rhahch, fbusl`og iwiy tlh adotij`oit`do df tlh wdrbc.

    Qdurah= Oirrithc ky Lhroio ioc Hbic`d Jdrhod, Odouyi @oc`ios frdj tlh Aiquht [`vhr kis`o.

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    Adbc shisdo= Fdr `oc`ghodus phdpbhs, i cha`s`vh jirnhr df tlh v`tib-`ty df tlh wldbh hadbdg`aib systhj `s tlh ipphirioah df tlh adbcw`ocs ioc cr`zzbh df fr`imh (adbc shisdo). Slh w`ocs irh tlduglt tdkbdw iwiy `bbohsshs frdj tlh fdrhst, hxphb tlh adotij`oit`do df oiturh,ioc fhrt`b`zh ioc `jprhgoith fbdri ioc fiuoi (kdx ;.9). Slhfr`imh shhjstd daaur hirb`hr tlio usuib ioc s bhss strdog dr s vhry sldrt. @f tlh w`ocsdffr`imh cd odt kbdw strdogby hodugl, tlhy cd odt pur`fy tlh trhhs,wldsh fru`ts tlhrhfdrh aioodt r`pho. Is doh S`auoi jio frdj tlhIjizdo [`vhr put `t, Slh hbchrs siy tlit tlh Fitlhr df Fr`imh liskhho n`bbhc.

    Urha`p`tit`do= Slh ri`oy shisdo `s `o c`sirriy= tlhrh irh od c`st`oat crydr ri`oy shisdos. @t ri`os wlho `t sldubc odt, `t `s ldt wlho `t sldubcodt kh, doh jio frdj Iririauiri tdbc us. Sldugl tlh t`jh df dur `othr-v`hw (Ipr`b ;55

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    [`vhr bhvhbs= Sl`s prdj`ohot shisdoib jirnhr lis sldwo ibb sdrts df ibthr-it`dos, w`tl c`ffhrhoahs khtwhho tlh odrtlhro ioc sdutlhro rhg`jhs. @otlh odrtlhro rhg`do, `o ;558, tlh r`vhr fbddchc ioc f`sl litalhc is odr-jib, kut tlho tlh r`vhr succhoby rhahchc khfdrh tlh f`sl whrh suff`-a`hotby jiturh, tlus n`bb`og tlhj (f`gurh ;.8).

    Crduglt ioc f`rhs= ;558 wis io hxahpt`doibby cry yhir `o sdutlhroioc whsthro Ijizdo`i. @oc`ghodus phdpbhs ibdog tlh Adbdjk`ioIjizdo [`vhr whrh iffhathc ky sjdnh adj`og frdj hxthos`vh f`rhstlit daaurrhc `o sdutlwhsthro Kriz`b ioc histhro Kdb`v`i ioc rhialhc

    up td tlh Ijizdo [`vhr.3 Is sldwo `o f`gurh ;.6, tl`s crduglt wisodt fhbt `o tlh rhg`dos uochr tlh odrtlhro rhg`jh, kut `t c`c prhvhottlh r`vhr frdj fbddc`og tlit yhir. @o Uuhrtd Bhgu`zijd (i) ioc Bht`a`i(a), tlh prha`p`tit`do rhg`jhs whrh `ovhrthc. It tlh Uuhrtd Ir`ai sti-t`do (k), bdaithc hxiatby do tlh c`v`c`og b`oh khtwhho tlh twd rhg`jhs,tlh crduglt wis st`bb strdogby fhbt.

    @oc`ghodus @othrprhtit`do df Ab`jith Aliogh

    Qda`hty, odt oiturh, `s it tlh lhirt df Ijizdo`io `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `othr-prhtit`do df tlh aurrhot s`tuit`dowhitlhr `oabuchc. @oc`ghodus phdpbhsdf tlh Ijizdo thoc td ittr`kuth dogd`og ab`jit`a ibthrit`do td lujiorhspdos`k`b`ty ioc `oipprdpr`ith khliv`dr. Sldugl tlhy livh lhirc, `o tlh

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo ;1





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    ohws ioc tlrdugl v`s`tdrs, ikdut gbdkib ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty, tlhyji`oby kbijh tlhjshbvhs fdr tlh alioghs tlit iffhat tlh`r b`vhb`lddc iocwhbb-kh`og. Slhy siy tlit ibtldugl t jiy kh truh tlit wl`th phdpbh livhpdbbuthc tlh Hirtl, `oc`ghodus phdpbhs livh i slirh df rhspdos`k`b`tytlrdugl tlh`r ohgb`ghoah `o b`v`og ioc jioig`og b`fh `oipprdpr`ithby.Iaadrc`og td jytl`a l`stdry tlhy oirrith, fdrjhrby, lujios jioighc tlhwhitlhr ioc tlh bioc iaadrc`og td tlh plishs df tlh ioouib ayabh. It tlhkhg`oo`og df tlh yhircur`og tlh t`jh dffr`imhtlh hbchrs tibnhc ikduttlh pr`oa`pbh df b`fh ioc grdwtl ioc rhmhathc ibb hv`b> tl`s wis cdohtlrdugl r`tuib iat`v`t`hs dr cioah fhst`vibs (Nrdo`n ;559). @o tlh ohxtplish, tlhy hvibuithc tlh prhv`dus shisdo ioc prhpirhc fdr tlh ohxt, ioc

    ;3 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio











    Jir Ip


    o Mub






    9078;557 ;558











    Jir Ip

    rJiy Mu

    o Mub







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    tl`s adot`ouhc uot`b tlh fubb ayabh wis adjpbhthcibwiys tlrdugl r`tuibiat`v`t`hs tlit rhqu`rhc ikuociot ioc c`vhrsh ldrt`aubturib prdcuats.Wlho tlhy fhbbhc tlh fdrhst, tlhy aibbhc td tlh Jdtlhr df Qujjhr> ifthrkuro`og tlhy aibbhc td tlh Griocfitlhr df [i`o> ioc `o tlh`r c`ibdguh tlhyspdnh ikdut tlh prdahsshs df ghstit`do td jinh tlh shhcs sprdut. Sl`skhliv`dr lhbphc tlh suaahss`do df shisdos td kh rhgubir ioc tlh ardps tdkh ikuociot. Qphin`og b`nh tl`s, oiturh wis lhibtly. @f pbiots irh whbb,tlho al`bcrho ioc wdjho irh whbb ioc lhibtly. Odwiciys `t `s od bdoghrpriat`ahc, ibtldugl tlh nodwbhcgh `s tlhrh, tlhy sthroby ivdw. C`sdrchr`o oiturh `s i rhfbhat`do df c`sdrchr `o sda`hty.

    Fdr `oc`ghodus phdpbhs, sda`hty `s iffhathc odt doby ky tlh `ostik`b`tydf oiturib adoc`t`dos kut ibsd ky dtlhr `jpdrtiot alioghs tlit irh tin-`og pbiah `o tlh`r wiy df b`fhkrduglt ikdut, `o grhit jhisurh, ky ado-tiat w`tl tlh jirnht hadodjy, salddb hcuait`do, jiss jhc`i, ioc iriogh df dtlhr hxthroib ighots. Slhsh ohw adoc`t`dos livh hrdchc tlh`rtric`t`doib jioighjhot df b`fh tlrdugl r`tuib c`ibdguh ioc priat`ah.Igi`o, tlh kbijh `s shho td b`h odt w`tl odo`oc`ghodus phdpbh, wld ado-quhrhc ioc `oarhis`ogby iss`j`bithc tlhj `otd i gbdkib sda`hty, kut w`tl

    `oc`ghodus phdpbhs dwo fi`burh td rhs`st dr icipt td tlhsh alioghs `o`oodvit`vh wiys. Slus ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty ioc sda`htibaliogh irh shho td kh `othrrhbithc> tlhy irh pbiahc o io htl`aib phrspha-t`vh tlit `oadrpdriths tric`t`doib wiys df sphin`og td ioc rhbit`og tdoiturh ibdog w`tl ohw wiys df chib`og w`tl ji`ostrhij sda`hty. Sl`sphrsphat`vh lis `jpdrtiot hffhats do tlh rhsdurahs ioc isshts tlit`oc`ghodus phdpbh alddsh is tlhy shiral fdr wiys td j`t`gith ioc icipttd tlh `jpiat df ab`jith aliogh. Slh`r bdaib `ost`tut`dos ioc tlh birghr

    struaturhs ioc prdahsshs tlit prdv`ch tlh frijhwdrn df tlh`r b`vhb`lddcstrithg`hs ibsd iffhat tlh`r iciptit`do strithg`hs.

    Hffhats df Ab`jith Aliogh do @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs B`vhb`lddcs

    Alioghs `o thjphriturh ioc shisdoib`ty livh c`rhat, `jjhc`ith hffhats dofbdri ioc fiuoi is whbb is do lujio iat`v`t`hs ioc lhibtl.

    Hffhats do Fbdri ioc Fiuoi

    Slh vhry c`vhrsh f`sl pdpubit`do `o tlh Ijizdo kis`o, hspha`ibby `o tlhr`vhrs tlit irh abdshr td tlh Iochs, typ`aibby prdv`chs io `jpdrtiot fddcrhsdurah fdr `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs. Slh b`fh ayabhs df f`sl ioc r`vhrturtbhs irh abdshby adoohathc td tlh shisdoib ayabh df r`vhr fbddc`og (fdrf`sl) ioc `ts t`jhby hkk`og (fdr turtbhs). Slh r`vhr jdvhjhot ohhcs td

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo ;8

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    kh syoalrdo`zhc w`tl prha`p`tit`do, wl`al lhbps tlh r`pho`og df w`bcfru`ts do wl`al f`sl fhhc `o fbddchc irhis. @o ;557, i l`gl fbddc `o tlhAiquht ioc dtlhr odrtlhro r`vhrs ibbdwhc f`sl td rhprdcuah suaahss-fubby ifthr tlhy lic fi`bhc td cd sd tlh prhv`dus f`vh yhirs. Do tlhIjizdo [`vhr (sdutlhro rhg`jh), fbddc`og lis odt khho suff`a`hot s`oah9000, ioc tl`s lis c`rhatby iffhathc f`sl rhprdcuat`do. Slh ikodrjibkhliv`dr df r`vhr bhvhbs lis ibsd c`rhatby iffhathc tlh rhprdcuat`do dfturtbhs, wl`al rhqu`rh i t`jhby charhish `o tlh r`vhr bhvhb fdr khialhs tdipphir fdr tlhj td biy tlh`r hggs do (kdx ;.;).

    Io hirby, sldrt, dr whinfr`imh adupbhc w`tl io hrrit`a suaahss`do df cry

    ioc ri`oy shisdos c`rhatby iffhats tlh lirvhsts df w`bc fru`ts.8 Fi`bhc fru`t-trhh ardps irh dkshrvhc ijdog jioy `oc`ghodus phdpbhs o tlh Ijizdo`ioioc ibsd tlh suk-Iochio rhg`do, frdj tlh Iyjiri, Ifrd-Kdb`v`io, iocPuogis df Kdb`v`i, td tlh Ialuir ioc Qluir df Hauicdr ioc Uhru, td tlh

    ;6 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Kdx ;.;

    Slh Hffhats df Qhisdoib Aliogh do tlh G`iot Surtbh,io Hocioghrhc Qpha`hs

    Slh t`jhby chsahot df withr bhvhbs `s rhqu`rhc fdr tlh rhprdcuat`do df turtbhs, pir-

    t`aubirby df tlh g`iot turtbh, Udcdaohj`s hxpiosi, io hocioghrhc spha`hs. Is tlh

    r`vhr rhahchs ioc tlh khialhs ipphir, turtbhs pbiah i f`rst abutal df hggs do tlh

    khialhs `o Odvhjkhr (odrtlhro rhg`jh)> odrjibby, tl`s f`rst abutal `s wislhc iwiy

    ky i f`oib r`sh df tlh withrs. Slho, tlh turtbhs pbiah i shadoc abutal df hggs, wl`al

    `s suaahssfub, is tlh r`vhr f`oibby cr`hs up ioc tlh cry shisdo shts `o. @o ;558, `o tlh

    Aiquht [`vhr, tlh shadoc abutal df hggs wis ibsd wislhc iwiy ky io ikodrjibr`sh df tlh r`vhr.

    Slh g`iot turtbh lis khho tdtibby dr ohirby hxt`oat frdj jdst wl`th withr

    Adbdjk`io ioc Kriz`b`io Ijizdo r`vhrs is i rhsubt df dvhrhxpbd`tit`do. Slh Odouyi

    ioc J`rii @oc`ios livh khho wdrn`og w`tl Adbdjk`io hov`rdojhotib iutldr`-

    t`hs `o adoshrvit`do prdgrijs fdr tl`s spha`hs `o tlh Aiquht [`vhr, wlhrh tlh

    spha`hs st`bb hx`sts. Slhy wital tlh khialhs wlhrh tlh turtbhs rhgubirby pbiah tlh`r

    hggs ioc prhvhot trichrs dr strioghrs frdj pbuochr`og tlh ohsts. Slhy livh ibsd

    itthjpthc td krhhc tlh turtbhs o irt`f`a`ib rhshrvd`rs. @t s pdss`kbh td sibvigh turtbh

    ohsts frdj fbisl fbddcs ky jdv`og tlhj td l`glhr grduoc. I Adbdjk`io odo-

    gdvhrojhotib drgio`zit`do (OGD) airr`hc dut `o`t`it`vhs df tl`s oiturh `o tlh


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    w`tl adostiot w`ocs, wl`al guiriothh i adjpbhth kurodut df tlh pbdts.Slh uoprhc`atik`b`ty df sual i shisdo lis aiushc sbislhc pbdts td kh kurot`oadjpbhthby dr odt it ibb. @o tlh fdrjhr aish, @oc`ios livh td aut ioc stianwddc td ku`bc f`rhs ioc adjpbhth tlh kuro`og prdahss, grhitby icc`og tdtlh wdrn ohhchc. Sl`s typh df gircho s jdstby wdrnhc ky oc`ghodus phd-pbhs df tlh odrtlhisthro Adbdjk`io Ijizdo, wld livh iaahss td pbhoty dfjiturh fdrhst> `oc`ghodus phdpbhs abdshr td urkio dr adbdo`zit`do irhis odbdoghr wdrn tl`s typh df ldrt`aubturib pbdt, is tlh`r iaahss td l`gl fdrhst `sshvhrhby rhstr`athc. C`vhrs`ty-r`al girchos `o jiturh fdrhst irh `jpdrtiotodt doby is i sdurah df fddc kut ibsd fdr r`tuib ioc ahrhjdo`ib b`fh. Slus ab`-

    jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty c`rhatby iffhat kdtl aubt`vithc c`vhrs`ty iocahrhjdo`ib v`tib`ty `o tlh jdrh tric`t`doib irhis.

    Slh jdrh prdcuat`vh kut bhss c`vhrsh girchos do ibbuv`ib sd`bs irhtlrhithohc ky uoprhc`atikbh alioghs `o r`vhr bhvhbs. Fbisl dr hirby fbddcsaio chstrdy wldbh ardps. Sl`s typh df gircho, ushc fdr kdtl aisl iocsuks`sthoah ardps, `s jdstby aubt`vithc ky r`khrhd phdpbhs wld b`vhibdog tlh jimdr wl`th-withr r`vhrs (Ijizdo, Uutujiyd) ioc ibsd prd-v`chs io ibthroit`vh fdr tric`t`doib grdups b`v`og ibdog tlh Aiquht

    [`vhr. Slh bdog-thrj `ostik`b`ty df tl`s fdrj df gircho`og aiushc kyuoprhc`atikbh r`vhr bhvhbs tlus iffhats tlh suks`sthoah ioc jirnhthadodj`hs df bhss tric`t`doib grdups is whbb is tlh ibthroit`vh fdrjs dfldrt`aubturh df tric`t`doib grdups.

    Slh sbisl-ioc-kuro`og df ldrt`aubturib pbdts `o shadociry fdrhstwl`al irh bhss c`vhrsh tlio tldsh `o jiturh fdrhst ioc bhss prdcuat`vhtlio tldsh do ibbuv`ib sd`bstlus rhji`os tlh jdst chphocikbh gircho`ogdpt`do. Sl`s typh df gircho`og lis khadjh lik`tuib fdr grdups w`tl

    rhstr`athc thrr`tdr`hs, ioc `t `s io ibthroit`vh fdr kdtl r`khrhd phdpbhs ioctric`t`doib grdups df thrri f`rjh. Slh rhphithc sbisl`og df shadociry fdrhstbhics td sd`b chgricit`do ioc `oarhis`og whhc `ovis`do.

    Hffhats do LhibtlJdst `othrv`hwhhs strhsshc dutr`glt tlh `oarhishc `oa`choah df rhsp`ritdryioc `othst`oib (jdst b`nhby v`rib) c`shishs `o rhahot yhirs, dkshrv`og tlittlh c`shishs whrh odt doby strdoghr tlio khfdrh kut ibsd df fdrjhrbyuonodwo n`ocs. Vhatdr-kdroh c`shishs b`nh jibir`i dr choguh fhvhr ippir-

    hotby livh odt `oarhishc, kut aliog`og pitthros df r`vhr fbuatuit`do jiy`jprdvh tlh krhhc`og adoc`t`dos fdr vhatdrs `o st`bb uoprhc`atikbh wiys.

    @oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh fij`b`ir w`tl tlh shisdoib ipphirioah dfv`rib c`shishs, wl`al `s abdshby rhbithc td r`vhr fbuatuit`dos, prha`p`ti-t`do, ioc thjphriturh, ioc tlhy ush kdtl jithr`ib ioc sp`r`tuib priat`ahs

    ;< @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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    td prhvhot tlhj. @bbohss ioc c`shishs, `o `oc`ghodus phdpbhs v`hw, b`vh `otlh trhhs ioc `o withr. Slh r`s`og withrs ioc tlh w`ocs df fr`imh irh shhotd c`sbdcgh c`shishs ioc fbusl tlhj iwiy. Fi`burh df fbddc`og ioc fr`imhw`ocs `s khb`hvhc td aiush adotij`oit`do td iaaujubith `o tlh itjds-plhrh ioc `o tlh withrs, wl`bh r`s`og thjphriturhs irh shho td wdrsho tlhiaaujubithc adotij`oit`do, aius`og rhsp`ritdry ioc `othst`oib c`shishs tdb`oghr ioc chvhbdp `otd ohw, jdrh-v`rubhot n`ocs. @othrv`hwhhs hxpb`a`tbystithc td us tlit r`tuib priat`ahs ioc prhvhot`vh jhisurhs jhiot tdaduothr tlh icvhrsh hffhats ioc cioghrs df hial shisdo livh `oarhis`ogbyfi`bhc td livh tlh chs`rhc hffhat.

    Lhit, tdd, iffhats lujio lhibtl. L`gl thjphriturhs o dpho irhis, sualis gircho pbdts, aiush fit`guh ioc lhicialhs, `oarhis`og wlit @oc`iosuochrstioc is tlh a`raubit`do df `bbohss `o oiturh.

    Dtlhr hffhats do lujio lhibtlodt odthc ky `othrv`hwhhs, kutprhc`atikbhlivh td cd w`tl tlh pdthot`ib c`j`out`do df fddc sup-pb`hs. F`sl `s tlh ji`o sdurah df prdth`o ioc `s doh df tlh rhsdurahsjdrh c`rhatby l`t ky ibthrhc shisdoib`ty. Sldugl jio`da, tlh ji`osdurah df airkdlycriths, `s i vhry rhs`stiot ioc iciptikbh ardp, dtlhr

    ardps tlit hor`al ioc adjpbhjhot tlh c`ht irh iffhathc ky tlh aliog-`og ab`jith, is irh ibthroit`vh sdurahs df prdth`o, j`ohribs, ioc v`tij`ossual is w`bc ioc aubt`vithc fru`ts ioc io`jibs.

    Adbbithrib Khohf`tsSlh uoprhc`atik`b`ty df shisdos lis bhsshohc tlh `oa`choah df phst `ofhs-tit`dos. Slh jdotls df Qhpthjkhr ioc Datdkhr (odrtlhro rhg`jh) irhnodwo is tlh t`jh df wdrjs, i shisdo df fbuatuit`og withr bhvhbs ioc

    tluochrstdrjs, wlho tlh fdrhst f`bbs w`tl wdrjs tlit fhhc do fru`t. @orhahot yhirs, tlh wdrj `ofhstit`do lis fi`bhc td jithr`ib`zh.Slh grhit sujjhr phr`dc `s aliriathr`zhc `o sdjh rhg`dos (Aiquht

    ioc Uutujiyd kis`os) ky tlh ipphirioah df swirjs df kbddc-suan`oggoits. Slhsh irh odt nodwo c`shish vhatdrs, kut tlhy ioody phdpbh iocaiush `ofhat`dos do sjibb al`bcrhos sn`o ioc ibbhrg`a rhiat`dos `o sdjh`oc`v`cuibs. Slh fi`burh df abhirby c`st`ogu`slikbh sujjhr phr`dcs td daaurlis c`j`o`slhc tlh `oa`choah df tl`s pbiguh.7

    Ghochr, Igh, ioc Qda`ib C`ffhrhot`ib HffhatsJdst df tlh ikdvh-jhot`dohc alioghs livh hffhats iardss ghochrs iocighs, kut sdjh grdups irh hspha`ibby vubohrikbh.

    Pduog al`bcrho irh tlh grdup jdst vubohrikbh td v`rib c`shishs, wl`al,is sldwo ikdvh, irh doh df tlh hffhats df ab`jith aliogh jdst strdogby fhbt

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo ;0

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    ky `oc`ghodus phdpbhs. Ibsd, ardp fi`burhs ioc tlh sl`ft`og ivi`bik`b`ty dfprdth`o aio kh hxphathc td c`rhatby ioc `rrhvhrs`kby iffhat tlh grdwtl ioclhibtly chvhbdpjhot df yduog al`bcrho.

    Hbchrs ioc r`tuib jisthrs grdw ioc ush i birgh oujkhr df pbiot spha`hsfdr lhib`og ioc r`tuib priat`ahs, kut tlh`r ik`b`ty td airry dut tlhsh pria-t`ahs `s adjprdj`shc wlho tlhy aioodt suaahssfubby grdw tlh pbiots tlhyohhc. Ibsd, ohw ioc jdrh-v`rubhot c`shishs adofduoc tlh`r lhib`og iocprhvhot`do ik`b`t`hs.

    Wdjho airry i lhivy kurcho df `jpiat, is tlhy tric`t`doibby khir tlhrhspdos`k`b`ty fdr rdut`oh bikdr `o ldrt`aubturh. Wdrn `o dpho f`hbcs uochr

    r`s`og thjphriturhs, ardp fi`burh, ioc tlh ohhc td rhpbiot fi`bhc ardps,tdghtlhr w`tl bdwhr y`hbcs, iffhat kdtl wdjhos plys`aib lhibtl ioc tlh`rpsyaldbdg`aib whbb-kh`og. Girchos `o shadociry fdrhst dr libf-kurot gir-chos `o jiturh fdrhst tinh jdrh wdrn td hric`aith whhcs ioc jiouibbyadjpbhth tlh kuro`og prdahss. Al`bcrhos `bb lhibtl ioc jiboutr`t`do`jpdsh io icc`t`doib kurcho do wdjho is airhg`vhrs.

    Pduog jibhs, wld khir tlh ji`o rhspdos`k`b`ty fdr luot`og ioc f`sl`og(ioc lhoah fdr tlh suppby df prdth`o) ioc tlh abhir`og df fdrhst fdr ohw

    gircho pbdts, irh iffhathc ky tlh fibb`og ivi`bik`b`ty df f`sl. Slh hffdrtohhchc fdr luot`og ioc f`sl`og `oarhishs, ioc `t khadjhs jdrh c`ff`aubt tdmucgh tlh r`glt t`j`og fdr tlh sbisl-ioc-kuro`og df ohw pbdts.

    Slh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs wld livh grhithr thrr`tdr`ib iutdodjywldchr`vh tlh`r b`vhb`lddc jdstby frdj fdrhst ioc withr rhsdurahs ioc ji`o-ti`o io iat`vh ioc hogighc r`tuib b`fhshh tlh`r b`vhb`lddc jdst strdogbyiffhathc. Slhy pbiah grhit vibuh do girchos sbislhc `o jiturh fdrhst,pbiothc w`tl i l`gl vir`hty df spha`hs> chphoc lhiv`by do f`sl ioc gijh

    fdr prdth`o> ioc tinh airh df tlh`r lhibtl w`tl tlh`r dwo jhios iocnodwbhcgh. Slh`r b`vhb`lddc rhsts do tlh`r ik`b`ty td `othrprht rhgubir oit-urib ayabhs ioc iat `o iaadrcioah w`tl tlhj. Sldugl tlhy ahrti`oby livhadotiat w`tl ji`ostrhij sda`hty, irh `oadrpdrithc td sdjh chgrhh `o tlhjirnht hadodjy, ioc livh iaahss td pukb`a lhibtl ioc hcuait`do shrv`ahs,i birgh prdpdrt`do df tlh`r b`vhb`lddc chphocs do tlh`r nodwbhcgh, ush,ioc jioighjhot df fdrhst ioc withr rhsdurahs. Dur `othrv`hws sldwhctlhsh td kh tlh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs jdst iwirh df ioc jdst vubohrikbh tdtlh hffhats df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty. @o tl`s aithgdry irh tlh

    `oc`ghodus grdups df tlh Viuphs irhi (Histhro Suniod, Jinu-Uu`oivh,ioc Iriwin b`ogu`st`a stdans), tlh Aiquhti-Uutujiyd rhg`do (W`tdcd,Kdri-J`rii, ioc Iocdnh stdans), tlh Gui`o`i rhg`do (Jinu-Uu`oivh iocIriwin stdans) ioc sdjh grdups df tlh Ijizdo Sriphzh (S`nuoi, Uhki-Pigui, ioc Sup` stdans) (f`gurh ;.7).

    15 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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    I c`ffhrhot sahoir`d pbiys dut fdr oc`ghodus phdpbhs wld livh rhstr`athcthrr`tdr`ib iutdodjy ioc b`ttbh dr od iaahss td jiturh fdrhst ioc wldchphoc do ldrt`aubturh `o shadociry fdrhst, aisl ardps frdj ibbuv`ib sd`bs,adjjhra`ib f`sl`og, wigh bikdr, tdur`sj, ioc sibhs df lioc`arifts fdr tlh`r

    b`vhb`lddc. Slhy fhhb tlh hffhats df ab`jith alioghs td tlh hxthot tlhy ushr`vhr ioc fdrhst rhsdurahs, ioc tlhy irh hquibby iffhathc ky c`shishs ioc r`s-`og thjphriturhs. Slhsh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh bhss `o tuoh w`tl tlh shi-sdoib aibhocir (dr tlh`r iwirhohss `s rhstr`athc td tldsh isphats tlit c`rhatbyiffhat tlh`r iat`v`t`hs), tlh`r tric`t`doib nodwbhcgh `s jdrh b`j`thc, ioc gho-hribby, r`tuib spha`ib`sts pbiy i bhsshr rdbh o tlh`r b`vhs. Slh`r grhithr iaahss tdtlh jirnht ioc td pukb`a lhibtl ioc hcuait`do shrv`ahs prdv`chs tlhj w`tlrhsdurahs td kuffhr tlh `jpiats do tlh`r b`vhb`lddc tlit rhsubt frdj alioghs`o tlh rhb`ik`b`ty df oiturib rhsdurahs. Slhy irh bhss iwirh df ab`jith alioghioc vir`ik`b`ty ioc bhss vubohrikbh tlio jdrh tric`t`doib grdups, kut tlhadjk`ohc hffhats df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty thoc td prdjpt dr iaahb-hrith tlh`r rhb`ioah do wigh mdks, jirnht othgrit`do, ioc j`grit`do td urkioirhis, aius`og `oarhishc pdvhrty. @o tl`s aithgdry irh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs dotlh fr`oghs df tlh adbdo`zit`do irhis it tlh fddtl`bbs df tlh Iochs ioc ibdog

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 19

    7< Hquitdr



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    tlh Guiv`irh [`vhr, ioc `oc`ghodus phdpbhs df dtlhr rhg`dos b`v`og ohirurkio irhis (f`gurh ;.7). Srum`bbd (;55

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    iat`v`t`hs. Slh whsthro Adbdjk`io Ijizdo `s io l`stdr`aib strdogldbcioc livho df tlh Adbdjk`io guhrr`bbis, nhpt it kiy frdj tlh ji`o r`vhrsioc pdpubit`do ahothrs doby ky tlh `oarhis`og prhshoah df tlhAdbdjk`io j`b`tiry. Slh hffhats df bbhgib adai aubt`vit`do, guhrr`bbis, iocgdvhrojhotib j`b`tiry dphrit`dos irh fhbt jdrh strdogby `o tlh whst,wlhrh @oc`ios livh frhquhotby khho n`bbhc dr c`spbiahc frdj tlh`r thr-r`tdr`hs. @oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o tlh birghr histhro rhg`dos irh odw sifhris tlh rhsubt df io `oarhishc j`b`tiry prhshoah, kut ibb tlhsh sda`ib iocpdb`t`aib prdahsshs irh is uoprhc`atikbh is thjphriturh, prha`p`tit`do,ioc shisdoib sl`fts.

    @o tlh hist, tlh jdrh tric`t`doib `oc`ghodus phdpbhs livh thrr`tdr`ibiutdodjy `o tlh birgh hxpioshs df @oc`io prhshrvhs, kut tlh stith dffhrstlhj doby b`j`thc prdthat`do frdj tlh s`o`sthr fdrahs c`sausshc ikdvh.

    @oc`ios livh, ky biw, tlh stitus df bioc iutldr`t`hs ioc aio rubh tlh`r thr-r`tdr`hs iaadrc`og td tlh`r dwo aubturib jdchs, kut tlhy bian tlh aipia`tytd hofdrah dr chthr tlh uowiothc prhshoah df dtlhr iatdrs dr td adoti`osda`ib c`s`othgrit`do, wl`al lipphos, fdr hxijpbh, tlrdugl tlh`r ydutlsmd`o`og guhrr`bbi fdrahs dr gd`og td wdrn `o adai pbiotit`dos. Aurrhotby, tlh

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 11


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    `oc`ghodus fhchrit`dos pbiy i b`j`thc rdbh `o prdthat`og tlh`r biocs. @oAdbdjk`i is `o Kriz`b, tlhy livh hstikb`slhc ibb`ioahs w`tl hov`rdojhotibgrdups, wl`al jiy kh holioahc `o tlh futurh ioc tlus hoikbh tlhj td

    prdthat tlh`r biocs jdrh hffhat`vhby.Ohw sda`ib fiatdrs iffhat tlh s`tuit`do, tdd. @oc`ios chphoc odt mustdo oiturib rhsdurahs fdr tlh`r b`vhb`lddc> tlhy ibsd ohhc hcuait`do ioclhibtl shrv`ahs ioc jdohy td kuy adjjdc`t`hs (abdtl`og, tddbs, ioc sdfdrtl) frdj tlh jirnht. Jdohy `s sairah, ioc tlh ohhc fdr `t vir`hsijdog grdupsjdrh `othosh ijdog tldsh wld b`vh do tlh fr`oghs dfadbdo`zit`do dr urkio irhis, ioc bhss `othosh ijdog grdups w`tlgrhithr thrr`tdr`ib iutdodjy. Khs`chs daais`doib wigh mdks dr aisl i`cfrdj tlh gdvhrojhot dr OGDs, tlh ji`o sdurah df jdohy `s tlhhxpbd`tit`do df oiturib rhsdurahs= adjjhra`ib f`sl`og, t`jkhr hxtria-t`do, prdcuat`do df lioc`arifts, gdbc j`o`og, sibh df w`bc fru`ts iocgijh, ioc aisl ardps. Slhsh iat`v`t`hs iffhat rhsdurah jioighjhotioc irh shho td kh ijdog tlh aiushs df oiturib c`sdrchr= rhsdurahs irhhxtriathc `o hxahss> gdbc j`o`og kr`ogs adotij`oithc jithr`ibs frdjtlh suksd`b td tlh surfiah> ioc girchos irh pbiothc w`tl i fhw ardps

    13 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio


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    `othochc fdr sibh, ritlhr tlio tlh c`vhrsh riogh df ardps ohhchc fdr r`t-uib hxaliogh ioc rhprdcuat`do.

    @oc`ghodus phdpbh irh `oarhis`ogby `othgrithc `o tlh jdoht`zhc hado-djy. Wh irh kb`ochc ky jdohy> tlh prdcuats df tlh fdrhst irh odwturohc `otd kus`ohss, si`c i W`tdtd jio frdj tlh Ijizdo [`vhr rhg`do.Jdohy `s ohhchc fdr salddb`ogi nhy adoahro fdr `oc`ghodus phdpbhs.Pduog phdpbh, dftho jho, j`grith dut df tlh rhg`do td wdrn `o adai f`hbcsdr `o t`jkhr aijps, td jinh i suff`a`hot `oadjh td ri`sh i fij`by. Ab`jithaliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty iffhats tlh y`hbc df girchos, ioc tlh ivi`bik`b`ty dfprdth`o chab`ohs, prdjpt`og phdpbh td j`grith. Khfdrh, `t wis `oc`v`cuibs

    wld j`grithc> odw `t `s hot`rh fij`b`hs wld jdvh dut df tlh rhsguircdirhis, i Odouyi jio frdj tlh Aiquht [`vhr chabirhc.

    @ost`tut`doib Frijhwdrn

    Slh `ost`tut`dos jdst trusthc ky `oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh tlh`r dwo aub-turib `ost`tut`dosodt tlh fdrjib dr pdb`t`aib `oc`ghodus drgio`zit`dos,kut tlh tric`t`doib jdchs df drgio`zit`do ioc addrc`oit`do ijdog phdpbh

    ioc w`tl tlh oiturib hbhjhots. Ahrhjdo`hs ioc r`tuibs viry ijdoggrdups, kut ibb slirh tlh purpdsh df lhib`og ioc ji`oti`o`og oiturh iocsda`hty. Hxijpbhs df sual r`tuibs `oabuch tlh ahrhjdoy df iyiluisai(Kio`sthr`dps`s aiip`, io hotlhdgho`a v`oh) ijdog phdpbhs df tlh Iochiofddtl`bbs `o tlh whsthro pirt (Qalubths ioc [iffiuff 9003)> r`tuibhxalioghs ioc cioah fhst`vibs ijdog jibdais (bdogldushs)99 ioc tlh r`t-uib adosujpt`do df tdkiaad ioc adai `o tlh Viuphs ioc Aiquht-Uutujiyd rhg`dos (Halhvhrr` 9007> Nrdo`n ;559)> ioc tlh hxaliogh df

    jio`da khhr td airry dut adjjuoib wdrns ijdog tlh phdpbhs df tlhIjizdo Sriphzh. Ibb tlhsh priat`ahs chphoc f`rjby do thrr`tdr`ib iutdo-djy ioc do tlh ik`b`ty td prdcuah ioc hxaliogh ikuociot fddc. Slh s`t-uit`dos df tlh bhichrs ioc ji`oti`ohrs df tlhsh `ost`tut`dos irh vhryc`vhrsh. Qdjh `oc`ghodus pdb`t`aib drgio`zit`dos wdrn whbb fdr tlh `oc`gh-odus phdpbhs, kut sdjh cd odt ad`oa`ch w`tl tlh fdrjibby rhadgo`zhc`oc`ghodus iutldr`t`hs ioc pdb`t`aib drgio`zit`dos. @o jioy aishs, f`oio-a`ib suppdrt ioc i`c tlit `s jhiot fdr `oc`ghodus grdups rhialhs doby tlhfdrjibby rhadgo`zhc iutldr`t`hs.

    @oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o rhsguircds livh fdrjib iutldr`t`hs ioc drgio`-zit`dos, wl`al livh ji`oby rhprhshotit`vh fuoat`dos khfdrh tlh stith.Slhy ibsd livh tlh`r oiturib, tric`t`doib iutldr`t`hs, wldsh pdb`t`aibaipia`ty `s rddthc `o r`tuib iat`v`t`hs ioc abdshby b`onhc td tlh`r ik`b`ty tdji`oti`o ioc rhprdcuah b`fh. Slh`r ji`o hogighjhot `s tlrdugl adostiotc`ibdguh w`tl oiturh ioc tlrdugl c`ibdguh ioc hxaliogh ijdog phdpbh.

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 18

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    @oc`ghodus pdb`t`aib drgio`zit`dos irh dftho ibb`hc td ioc `o jutuibchphochoay w`tl OGDs. Slh f`rst dkb`git`do df `oc`ghodus pdb`t`aibdrgio`zit`dos `s td kh tlh c`rhat rhprhshotit`vhs df adjjuo`t`hs it tlhgrissrddts bhvhb, wl`al `s odt io hisy tisn, pirt`aubirby ados`chr`og tlh pir-t`ib j`b`tir`zit`do df tlh rhg`do.

    OGDs prdv`ch vibuikbh duts`ch suppdrt. Slh`r wdrn `s ipprha`ithckhaiush tlhy irh w`bb`og td rhial dut td `oc`ghodus phdpbhs ioc fbhx`kbh `otin`og iat`do ioc jin`og cha`s`dos. Ldwhvhr, `o jioy aishs tlh`r iat`do `shplhjhrib khaiush tlh`r rhsdurahs thoc td kh t`hc td prdmhats. Jdrhdvhr,tlhy jiy ghohrith adofb`ats ioc mhibdusy w`tl gdvhrojhot dff`a`ibs fdr prd-

    v`c`og shrv`ahs tlit sldubc livh khho hxthochc ky stith `ost`tut`dos. I fhwOGDs (f`oioahc ky `othroit`doib ighoa`hs) livh ji`oti`ohc abdsh iocadot`ouhc suppdrt fdr oc`ghodus `o`t`it`vhs, wl`al lis lhbphc td rh`ofdrah`oc`ghodus tric`t`doib `ost`tut`dos.

    Oit`doib ioc hvho rhg`doib `ost`tut`dos ghohribby livh i b`j`thc prhs-hoah `o `oc`ghodus thrr`tdr`hs. Slh C`rhatdrith df Htlo`a Iffi`rs df tlhJ`o`stry df tlh @othr`dr `s jiocithc ky biw td adocuat adosubtit`dojhht`ogs w`tl `oc`ghodus phdpbhs fdr tlh hxhaut`do df prdmhats `o tlh`r

    thrr`tdr`hs. Slh C`rhaa`do ch Htodaubturi df tlh J`o`stry df Aubturh ado-cuats i prdgrij tlit g`vhs f`oioa`ib suppdrt fdr tlh adostruat`do df jib-dais. Kut `osuff`a`hot uochrstioc`og df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs ioc tlh`raubturhs ioc tlh ahotrib`zhc jioighjhot frdj Kdgdt jiy, o fiat, prd-cuah uochs`rhc hffhats wlho fuocs irh `omhathc w`tldut `oabuc`og tlhsda`ib ioc rhb`g`dus jhio`ogs df tlh jibdai `ost`tut`do. Iodtlhr prd-grij, tlh Guircikdsquhs (fdrhst nhhphrs) df tlh Urhs`choay, `s i strithgy`o tlh wir igi`ost crugs> `t dffhrs aisl khohf`ts td fij`b`hs tlit adjj`t

    odt td grdw adai ioc td jiouibby hric`aith hx`st`og pbiotit`dos. Pht, tlhprdgrij adubc pdthot`ibby adjprdj`sh tlh aubturib priat`ahs df phdpbhswld grdw ioc ush adai is pirt df tlh`r tric`t`doib b`fh.9; @o tlh IjizdoSriphzh, ldwhvhr, wh bhirohc df i c`spbiahc W`tdtd adjjuo`ty tlit lisjioighc td ohgdt`ith w`tl tlh prdgrij td ji`oti`o `ts tric`t`doib adaif`hbcs ioc td hjpbdy prdgrij rhsdurahs td fuoc `oodvit`vh sdbut`dos.91

    Slh Xo`t df Oit`doib Uirns df tlh J`o`stry df tlh Hov`rdojhot, wl`al`s `o alirgh df tlh austdcy ioc jioighjhot df oit`doib oiturib pirns,lis l`stdr`aibby khho `o adofb`at w`tl `oc`ghodus phdpbhs, pirt`aubirby `o

    pirns tlit dvhrbip w`tl `oc`ghodus thrr`tdr`hs. Ldwhvhr, `o rhahotyhirs, tlh uo`t lis jich hffdrts td `jprdvh rhbit`dos w`tl `oc`ghodusphdpbhs ioc wdrn do adoahrthc jioighjhot pbios. F`oibby, @ost`tutd ch@ovhst`gia`dohs ch bi Ijizdo`i (Q@OAL@), tlh dff`a`ib Ijizdo`iorhshiral `ost`tuth w`tl lhicquirthrs `o Bht`a`i, airr`hs dut prdgrijs do

    16 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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    ibthroit`vh ardps ioc prdjdths tlh ush df ohw aubt`vit`do jhtldcs,ibtldugl w`tl b`j`thc suaahss tlus fir.

    Jdst rhg`doib `ost`tut`dosfrdj tlh chpirtijhotds (icj`o`strit`vhthrr`tdr`ib uo`ts) ioc juo`a`pib iutldr`t`hs, lhibtl ioc hcuait`do shrv-`ahs, td tlh dff`a`ib adrpdrit`dos o alirgh df tlh adotrdb ioc jioighjhotdf tlh oiturib rhsdurahs df tlh rhg`dodftho livh `osuff`a`hot nodwb-hcgh df @oc`io b`fh, aubturh, ioc ohhcs, `jpi`r`og tlh`r rhbit`dosl`p w`tl`oc`ghodus phdpbhs.

    Iciptit`do ioc Qurv`vib Qtrithg`hs@oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh iaaustdjhc td ab`jit`a alioghs ioc vir`it`dos.Doh df tlh`r ji`o iciptit`do strithg`hs s jubt`iat`v`tyippby`og i vir-`hc irriy df sn`bbs td cd jioy c`ffhrhot tl`ogs `o c`ffhrhot hadbdg`aibhov`rdojhots. Uhdpbh irh f`slhrs, pbiothrs, luothrs, nodw tlh r`vhr iocfdrhst, ioc ibsd bhiro ohw thalo`quhs frdj odo`oc`ghodus phdpbh iocush tlhj td tlh`r khohf`t. Sl`s jubt`iat`vh aipia`ty `s i grhit aubturibissht, adjjdo td ibb oc`ghodus grdups, tlit ibbdws tlhj td icipt td ioc

    adph w`tl alioghs. Is doh Adaiji jio frdj tlh Ijizdo [`vhr put `t,Wh ohhc td bhiro td cd hvhrytl`og `o drchr td surv`vh. Ohvhrtlhbhss,strhssfub ab`jit`a hxtrhjhs put tlhsh ik`b`t`hs td tlh thst, ioc `oc`ghodusphdpbhs irh odw shiral`og fdr sdbut`dos td `jj`ohot tlrhitskdtl ab`-jit`a ioc sda`ibtd tlh`r b`vhb`lddc.

    Ldrt`aubturhDoh df tlh jdst fuocijhotib b`vhb`lddc systhjs odw it r`sn s ldrt`aubturh,

    pirt`aubirby `o girchos dphohc `o jiturh fdrhst. Wh od bdoghr hxphat tlhcry shisdo, stithc i jio frdj tlh Aiquht [`vhr. Slh bian df i abhirby c`s-t`ogu`slikbh cry shisdo lis bhc phdpbh td hxpbdrh shvhrib ibthroit`vhs= (9) tdsbisl tlh fdrhst ioc kuro is sddo is i fhw cry ciys tinh pbiah> (;) f tl`s cdhsodt lippho, td jiouibby ku`bc f`rhs ioc prdahhc td kuro tlh gircho irhip`hahjhib> (1) td adovhrt td dpho girchos `o shadociry fdrhst, wl`alrhqu`rhs sldrthr cry phr`dcs> ioc (3) td dpho sbisl-ioc-jubal (w`tl odkuro`og) girchos do ibbuv`ib sd`bs, w`tl tlh r`sn df bds`og tlh ardps `f tlhr`vhr r`shs khfdrh pbiots irh rhicy td kh lirvhsthc. Slh bitthr systhjs

    suppdrt fhwhr spha`hs, is odthc ikdvh, ioc tlhy irh khst su`thc fdr tlh swhhtvir`ht`hs df jio`da, wl`al grdw fisthr tlio tlh k`tthr dohs. Fdr tlh jdrhtric`t`doib `oc`ghodus grdups df tlh odrtlhisthro Adbdjk`io Ijizdo,tlhsh iciptit`dos rhsubt `o bdss df ardp c`vhrs`ty ioc iffhat ahrhjdo`ibb`fh. Ijdog r`khrhd `oc`ghodus grdups ioc tldsh w`tl bhss thrr`tdr`ib iaahss,

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 17

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    tlhsh alioghs livh khho gd`og do fdr sdjh yhirs. @t wdubc ipphir tlittric`t`doib sbisl-ioc-kuro Ijizdo`io ldrt`aubturib systhjs `o jiturh fdr-hst, is rhpdrthc ky htlodgriplhrs, w`bb sddo c`sipphir ioc tlit jioy grdupsw`bb icdpt bhss hadbdg`aibby chphochot, ioc bhss spha`hs-c`vhrsh, systhjs.

    Iodtlhr aliogh `o ldrt`aubturib priat`ahs `s tlit df prdbdog`og tlh b`fhdf gircho f`hbcs. Sric`t`doib `oc`ghodus phdpbhs girchos cd odt bist jdrhtlio i fhw yhirs ioc irh tlho ikiocdohc td fibbdw. Ijizdo`io phdpbhscd odt austdjir`by priat`ah sd`b hor`aljhot. Q@OAL@ lis khho prdjdt-`og ohw thalo`quhs `o tlh Ijizdo Sriphzh ioc `o tlh @giripirioi [`vhr(Aiquht-Uutujiyd rhg`do)= `osthic df kuro`og, `t icvdaiths ji`oti`o`og

    tlh prdcuat`v`ty df hx`st`og f`hbcs ky icc`og oiturib fhrt`b`zhrs (islhs, rdt-thc wddc, ioc sd fdrtl). Sl`s systhj `s must kh`og `otrdcuahc, ioc `tsrhsubts irh st`bb td kh shho. @t rhqu`rhs i jual jdrh `othos`vh chc`ait`dotd ldrt`aubturh, wl`al rhcuahs tlh t`jh tlit phdpbh livh fdr dtlhr suks`s-thoah iat`v`t`hs.

    @oc`ghodus Adjjuo`t`hs Uhrah`vhc Ohhcs fdr LhbpSldugl jdst df tlh chstruat`vh trhocs dr`g`oith duts`ch tlh `oc`ghodus

    adjjuo`t`hs, wlit jdst adoahros `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `s ldw tlhy tlhj-shbvhs khadjh `ovdbvhc ioc triosfdrjhc ky tlhj. I rhahot jhht`ogijdog hbchrs df tlh Ju`oioh ioc Odouyi tr`khs `o tlh Aiquht [`vhrirhi iccrhsshc twd adomd`o`og trhocs `jp`og`og do tlh`r b`vhs= prdkbhjsw`tl prdcuat`do (ldrt`aubturh, f`sl`og, gijh) ioc sda`ib prdkbhjs (guhr-r`bbis, `bb`a`t trich, rhsdurah hxpbd`tit`do, dutj`grit`do, `oarhis`og lhibtlprdkbhjs). Slh`r isshssjhot df aiushs ioc tlh`r prdpdsibs fdr iat`doabhirby `bbustrith `oc`ghodus phdpbhs aurrhot quiocir`hs.

    Slh hbchrs odthc tlit tlhy irh odt priat`a`og tlh r`tuib adotrdb df oiturhioc sda`hty tlit wis drci`ohc ky tlh Arhitdr td j`t`gith ioc rhvhrsh tlhhffhats tlhy odw w`tohss. Oiturib c`sirriy `s i rhfbhat`do df sda`ib c`sirriy.[hvhrs`og tl`s chvhbdpjhot `s odt tlh tisn df i s`ogbh phrsdo> `t rhqu`rhsaddrc`oit`do ijdog r`tuib spha`ib`sts df c`ffhrhot tr`khs. Slh fdrjib oc`gh-odus iutldr`t`hs tlit livh khho put o pbiah (hbhathc adjjuoib al`hfs ioc`oc`ghodus pdb`t`aib bhichrs) cd odt livh ichquith nodwbhcgh ioc aipia-`ty td chib w`tl tl`s s`tuit`do, khaiush tlhy irh fdbbdw`og wlit tlh hbchrsrhfhr td is tlh wl`th phdpbhs ighoci ioc jdch df tl`on`og. @t tlhrhfdrh

    fibbs updo hbchrs ioc ldushldbc lhics td rhsujh tlh`r jdrib rhspdos`-k`b`t`hs. Slh ighoci ioc adoahros df ji`ostrhij sda`hty irh ibsd `oarhis-`ogby cdj`oit`og oc`ghodus phdpbhs t`jh ioc spiah tlit wdubc dtlhrw`shkh chvdthc td r`tuib c`ibdguh ioc priat`ah ioc td tlh tric`t`doib hcuait`dodf yduoghr ghohrit`dos. Hffdrts ohhc td kh jich td adotrdb ioc aurti`b

    1< @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

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    tlhsh lirjfub `othrfhrhoahs. Slh grhithst cioghr adjhs frdj wlit sdjh`oc`ghodus phdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo rhfhr td is tlh Ldt ioc Ud`sdodusWdrbc tlit adjhs frdj tlh suksd b, wlhrh t sldubc kh nhpt. [hbhishc kyhxtriat`og d`b dvhr tlh pist chaichs, `t odw rhialhs `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `otlh fdrj df jdohy, whipdos, buxur`hs, ibadldb, jhc`i, ioc c`shishsioclis ibsd rhsubthc `o adotij`oit`do df tlh i`r tlit surrduocs tlhj iocduglt td suppdrt shisdoib rlytljs. @f ibb tlhsh alioghs irh tlh rhsubt df ipbiohtiry c`sdrchr, wlit aio wh, i b`ttbh grdup df phdpbh, iaadjpb`sl4 tlhgrdup df hbchrs wdochrhc.

    Slh hbchrs pdshc i slirhc-rhspdos`k`b`ty prdpdsib. Slhy ohhc duts`ch

    suppdrt ioc jhc`it`do td pukb`a`zh tlh`r dwo c`igods`s ioc prdpdsibs,kishc do bhssdos frdj tlh`r dwo systhjs df oiturib jioighjhot. Kut tl`srhbit`dosl`p w`tl duts`ch `ost`tut`dos ohhcs td ush i ohw ipprdial= odtiaahpt`og ioc rhah`v`og prdpdsibs adoah`vhc ky duts`chrs, is lis khho tlhrubh, kut shiral`og fdr lhbp ioc suppdrt fdr tlh`r dwo ighoci ioc iccrhss-`og tlh`r dwo adoahros.


    Ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty `oarhish prhssurh do oiturib rhsdurahsis phdpbh shiral fdr sdurahs df `oadjh. @t ibsd uochrj`ohs tlh ik`b`ty dftric`t`doib bhichrs td hxhra`sh hffhat`vh sda`ib adotrdb khaiush `t alib-bhoghs tlh`r ik`b`ty td prhc`at ioc adotrdb oiturib ayabhs ioc, lhoah,lujio whbb-kh`og.

    Fdr `oc`ghodus pdpubit`dos df tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo, alioghs `o tlht`j`og df tlh cry ioc ri`oy shisdos is whbb is ibthrit`dos o tlh fbddc pubshs

    df r`vhrs, w`ocs, ioc lhit livh khadjh ippirhot s`oah ;555 ioc `oarhis-`ogby s`oah ;558. @oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh nhho dkshrvhrs df oiturib rlytljsioc livh iaaujubithc i birgh ioc sdpl`st`aithc nodwbhcgh df ioouib shi-sdoib ayabhs. Slh`r tric`t`doib b`vhb`lddc systhjs (sbisl-ioc-kuro ldrt`aub-turh, f`sl`og, luot`og, ioc gitlhr`og df w`bc rhsdurahs) irh abdshby t`hc tdprhc`atikbh ioc whbb-hstikb`slhc shisdos. @oc`ios nodw ioc irh ikbh td`othrprht adjpbhx hadbdg`aib `ochxhs df tlh t`j`og df shisdos, wl`alwhrhup uot`b i chaich igdabhirby hstikb`slhc ioc whbb nodwo tdtlhj. Slhsh oiturib rlytljs drci`o tlh `othrrhbit`do df withr, w`oc,

    lhit, f`sl, io`jibs, `oshats, w`bc fru`ts, ioc lujio prdcuat`vh ioc r`tuibiat`v`t`hs ioc shrvh td rhgubith, chfhoc, ioc ji`oti`o b`fh. Iaadrc`og td nhyphdpbh `othrv`hwhc `o c`ffhrhot irhis, tlh oiturib s`gos ioc `ochxhs tlhyodw phrah`vh irh ibirj`og= fdr hxijpbh, shisdos irh daaurr`og duts`chtlh`r odrjib t`jh, tlh rhgubir fbddc ioc hkk df r`vhrs `s dut df syoalrdoy

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Ijizdo 10

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    w`tl tlh fibb df w`bc fru`ts do wl`al f`sl chphoc fdr fddc, ioc lhit `s`oarhis`og. Slhsh alioghs livh c`rhat jpiats do b`vhb`lddcs, ji`oby do ldr-t`aubturib iat`v`t`hs, ardps, ioc rhprdcuat`do df f`sl, ioc do lujio lhibtl.

    Slh grhithst aurrhot adoahro df `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o tlh Adbdjk`ioIjizdo rhg`do, ldwhvhr, `s tlh`r sda`ib s`tuit`do. Slh tric`t`doib lir-jdoy df tlh`r b`vhs w`tl oiturh `s c`sturkhc ky ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`-ik`b`ty, kut ibsd ky tlh hffhats df icvioa`og adbdo`zit`do, chstruat`do dftlh fdrhst, pdb`t`aib uorhst, `bbhgib adai aubt`vit`do, hxahss`vh rhsdurahhxpbd`tit`do, gdbc j`o`og, ioc trich. @o adjk`oit`do, tlhsh alioghs bhictd `oarhis`og sda`ib c`sirriy.

    Slh hffhats df gbdkib ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty sldubc kh isshsshctdghtlhr w`tl tlh hffhats df tlhsh dtlhr trhocs ioc prdahsshs. Quppdrt tdadoti`o chfdrhstit`do ioc td upldbc tric`t`doib `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `ost`-tut`dos sldubc kh jdk`b`zhc. Sric`t`doib `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `ost`tut`doschphoc l`glby updo tlh v`tib`ty df tlh`r nodwbhcgh systhjs ioc, tlhrh-fdrh, updo tlh ush ioc c`sshj`oit`do df tlh`r bioguighs. @o irhis w`tlstrdog urkio ioc jirnht `ofbuhoah, ioc hbshwlhrh wlhrh `oc`ghodus bio-guighs irh it pirt`aubir r`sn, prdgrijs tlit rhti`o tlhsh bioguighs livh

    grhit vibuh, is jual nodwbhcgh `s adoti`ohc `o i phdpbhs bioguigh.


    9. Io dvhrv`hw df `oc`ghodus c`vhrs`ty `o tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo aio kh fduoc `o@ost`tutd Adbdjk`iod ch Iotrdpdbdgi (90 odr irh tlhy othochc td cd sd.

    1. Slh c`ffhrhoah `o fbuatuit`do rhfbhats tlh c`ffhrhoah odt doby `o shisdoibrhg`jhs kut ibsd `o tlh dvhribb itjdsplhr`a-dahiodgripl`a prdahsshs. Furtlhrsdutl, tlhrh `s i strdog `ofbuhoah df Hb O`d ioc tlh Uia`f`a Dahio> furtlhr

    odrtl, tlh `ofbuhoah `s whinhr, ioc dtlhr prdahsshs (b`onhc `o pirt td tlhItbiot`a) cdj`oith.

    3. Jirhogd ioc dtlhrs (;55

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    8. Uidb , Aurrio, ioc ]in (;556), ijdog dtlhr stuc`hs, cdaujhot tlh wiy tlittlh vir`it`do `o tlh fru`t`og df trdp`aib trhhs aio iot`a`pith whitlhr alioghs.

    6. Dtlhr fiatdrs ibsd `ofbuhoah igr`aubturhfdr hxijpbh, sldrtho`og df fibbdwt`jhs khaiush df grhithr pdpubit`do prhssurh dr grhithr jirnht chjioc.Uhdpbh j`glt ghou`ohby khb`hvh tlit `t `s doby tlh ab`jith tlit `s aliog`og, drtlhy j`glt odth tlh `oarhish `o tlh phrahotigh df dpho irhis (ioc tlhcharhish df fdrhst) ioc tlh issda`ithc grhithr phrah`vhc wirjtl, dr sdjh bdaibchab`oh `o prha`p`tit`do cuh td rhcuat`do `o vhghtit`do advhr. Slhsh pdss`k`b`-t`hs irh odt jutuibby hxabus`vh> tlhy s`jpby hjplis`zh tlit ab`jith alioghioc dtlhr fiatdrs aio ad`oa`ch.

    7. Iochrsho, Ghiry, Urtohr, ioc Vhrohr o Vhrohr (;595) iccrhsshs lhibtl jpb`-ait`dos df ab`jith aliogh `o BIA.

    tlh ahothr df tlh bdogldush `s tlh jdst `jpdrtiot irhi wlhrh tlh cioah tinhspbiah (Nrdo`n ;559).

    9;. Aiquht-Uutujiyd ioc Viuphs rhg`dos.

    91. Sl`s adjjuo`ty wis dr`g`oibby frdj tlh Aiquht-Uutujiyd rhg`do.


    Iochrsho, Bynnh, Mdlo Ghiry, Abius Urtohr, ioc Cdrth Vhrohr. ;595. @o [hcua`ogUdvhrty, Urdthat`og B`vhb`lddcs ioc Ku`bc`og Isshts `o i Aliog`og Ab`jith=

    Qda`ib @jpb`ait`dos df Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit`o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio, hc.Cdrth Vhrohr. Wisl`ogtdo, CA= Wdrbc Kion.

    Kuoyirc, Uhthr. ;55

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    Adrrhi, Friod`s, hc. 9001. Hoarua`micis ch Adbdjk`i Ijhr`oc`i. Kdgdt= @ost`tutdAdbdjk`iod ch Iotrdpdbdgi, Adbaubturi.

    Halhvhrr`, M. I. 9007. Slh Uhdpbh df tlh Ahothr df tlh WdrbcI Qtucy `oAubturh, L`stdry, ioc Jdrib`ty `o tlh Adbdjk`io Ijizdo. Xopukb`slhc c`s-shrtit`do, Gricuith Fiaubty df Udb`t`aib ioc Qda`ib Qa`hoah, Ohw Qalddb fdrQda`ib [hshiral, Ohw Pdrn.

    Hb Hsphaticdr. 90

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    Nrdo`n, Mindk. ;559. B`v`og Nodwbhcgh@ost`tut`doib`z`og Bhiro`og Uriat`ahsikdut K`dc`vhrs`ty ijdog tlh Ju`oioh ioc tlh X`tdtd `o tlh Adbdjk`io

    Ijizdo. UlC c`sshrtit`do, [dsn`bch Xo`vhrs`ty Ahothr, [dsn`bch, Chojirn.

    Biytdo, Lhitlhr Jir`h, ioc L. I. Uitr`ods. ;556. Hst`jit`og tlh Oujkhr df@oc`ghodus Uhdpbh `o Bit`o Ijhr`ai. @o @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs, Udvhrty, iocLujio Chvhbdpjhot `o Bit`o Ijhr`ai, hcs. G`bbhtth Libb ioc L. I. Uitr`ods.Ohw Pdrn= Uibgrivh.

    Jirhogd, M. I., A. I. Odkrh, M. Sdjishbbi, J. F. Aircdsd, ioc J. C. Dyiji. ;55

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    Slh `jpiats tlit ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty jiy livh do tlh jdotioh

    hadsysthjs df BIA ioc tlh `oc`ghodus phdpbhs wld `olik`t tlhj livh

    khho b`ttbh stuc`hc. Ibthrit`dos o tlh ab`jith jiy iffhat phdpbhs jhios df

    suks`sthoah, sual is irikbh firj`og ioc b`vhstdan rhir`og, kdtl pds`t`vhby

    ioc ohgit`vhby. Ohw tlrhits ioc pdss`k`b`t`hs jiy fdrah dr urgh phdpbh td

    aliogh tlh`r austdjs ioc tric`t`doib fdrjs df prdcuat`do is whbb is tlh`r

    adjjuo`ty rhbit`dosl`ps. @o tlh bdoghr ruo, tlhsh alioghc fdrjs df prd-

    cuat`do jiy mhdpirc`zh tlh phdpbhs fddc shaur`ty ioc iffhat tlh`r lhibtl.@oc`ghodus phdpbhs irh l`glby vubohrikbh td sual alioghs, g`vho tlh`r l`gl

    chphochoah do tlh`r tric`t`doib nodwbhcgh fdr jioig`og tlh hov`rdojhot.

    Jdrhdvhr, tlh`r l`glby bdait`do-kishc `chot`t`hs jinh tlh prdsphat df

    j`grit`do pirt`aubirby tlrhitho`og td tlhj. Slh`r drib triosj`ss`do df

    nodwbhcgh arhiths i chhp l`stdr`aib aubturib jhjdry, kut tlh`r bdait`do-

    kishc khb`hfs ioc r`tuibs arhith i strdog ittialjhot td biocsaiph fhiturhs

    fdr aubturib ioc rhb`g`dus rhisdos. Xoprhc`atikbh alioghs `o ab`jit`a ado-

    c`t`dos jiy rhochr `oc`ghodus nodwbhcgh ushbhss dr uosu`tikbh, wl`aljiy `o turo tlrhitho odt doby sdurahs df susthoioah kut ibsd tlh chvhb-

    dpjhot ioc ji`othoioah df tlh`r aubturh. Slhsh adoahros, is whbb is

    wlhtlhr ioc ldw `oc`ghodus phdpbhs `o tlh Iochs rhg`dos irh icipt`og

    td tlhsh alioghs, irh tlh sukmhat df tl`s alipthr. Oituribby, iciptit`do `s

    A L I U S H [ 1

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochs

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    rhbithc td typhs df `jpiats ioc vubohrik`b`ty, wl`al viry chphoc`og do

    aubturib fhiturhs, sda`ib aip`tib, prdcuat`vh priat`ahs, ioc sda`dhadodj`a

    ioc pdb`t`aib s`tuit`dosibb df wl`al `ofbuhoah phdpbhs rhs`b`hoah ioc

    icipt`vh aipia`ty (Vhrohr ;595).

    Df tlh Iochio aduotr`hs, Kdb`v`i lis tlh l`glhst prdpdrt`do df `oc`gh-

    odus phdpbhs (tikbh 1.9). Fdaus`og do Kdb`v`i, w`tl shadociry `ofdrjit`do

    frdj dtlhr Iochio aduotr`hs, pirt`aubirby Uhru, tl`s alipthr ioibyzhs tlh

    sda`ib `jpiat df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty do `oc`ghodus phdpbhs

    b`vhb`lddcs ioc sda`ib whbb-kh`og. @o Kdb`v`i, ibb df tlh Iochio hadzdohs

    ioc systhjs irh prhshot. @o icc`t`do td `ts r`al aubturib vir`it`do, Kdb`v`i

    `s ibsd nodwo fdr `ts rhahot `oc`gho`st- ioc wdrnhrs-uo`dos-bhc gdvhro-jhot. Aldds`og Kdb`v`i is tlh ji`o hotry pd`ot `s jhiot td adotr`kuth

    `os`glts adjpirikbh w`tl aurrhot prdahsshs ioc adoc`t`dos `o dtlhr

    Iochio aduotr`hs. Slh f`rst shat`do dutb`ohs tlh tlrhits frdj ab`jith

    aliogh `o tlh Iochio rhg`dos, odt`og ldw tlhsh tlrhits livh khguo td

    iffhat `oc`ghodus phdpbh. Slh shadoc ioc tl`rc shat`dos prhshot aish stuc-

    `hs frdj twd irhis df Kdb`v`itlh odrtlhro Ibt`pbiod ioc tlh odrtlhro

    Puogis.9 Slh fdurtl shat`do adoabuchs.

    Slrhits frdj Ab`jith Aliogh

    @o tlh Iochio rhg`dos, tlh hffhats df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty irh

    ji`oby jio`fhsthc tlrdugl tlh rip`c rhtrhit df gbia`hrs> `oarhis`og frh-

    quhoay df tlh plhodjhodo df Hb O`d ioc Bi O`i, dftho aius`og w`ch-

    sprhic cijigh>; `oarhishs `o jhio thjphriturhs> io `oarhish `o tlh

    tlhrjib ci`by ijpb`tuch> ioc jdrh `othosh ioc frhquhot iodjib`hs `o shi-

    surfiah thjphriturh `o tlh Uia`f`a Dahio.1

    36 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Sikbh 1.9 Fiats do tlh @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochio ioc Quk-Iochio


    Aduotry Oujkhr df phdpbhs

    Ipprdx`jith oujkhr

    df `oc`ghodus

    `oc`v`cuibs (9555)

    Uhrahot df tdtib


    Kdb`v`ii 16 8,;55 6;.5*

    Al`bhi < 9,565 6.8

    Adbdjk`ii 0;c 9,355 1.3Hauicdri 93 ioc (h) @OHA ;559.

    Odth= (*) Dbchr tlio 98 yhirs df igh.

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Wirj`og `o l`gl jduoti`o rhg`dos df tlh Qdutl Ijhr`aio adot`ohot

    jhbts gbia`hrs, sodw, ioc `ah, iffhat`og firj`og ioc tlh ivi`bik`b`ty df

    withr td adistib a`t`hs, pdwhr ghohrit`do, ioc tdur`st iat`v`t`hs.

    Dutkursts df gbia`ib binhs ibsd pdsh i tlrhit td b`vhs ioc b`vhb`lddcs.

    Hxahpt fdr kr`hf phr`dcs, ibb trdp`aib gbia`hrs bdst ados`chrikbh jiss

    dvhr tlh pist ahotury (Ghdrghs ;553> G`b ;55 Nishr 9000), ioc tlh

    surfiah irhi advhrhc ky gbia`hrs `o Kdb`v`i ioc Uhru slrion ky ohirby

    15 phrahot khtwhho 9075 ioc ;556. Bddn`og ilhic, tlh ivhrigh

    gbdkib wirj`og fdr 9005;955 `s prdmhathc td kh khtwhho 9.3 ioc

    8. hrds`do df

    hadsysthj ioc oiturib rhsdurahs, fdr hxijpbh, tlrdugl sib`o`zit`do df

    sd`bs> alioghs `o k`dc`vhrs`ty is i adoshquhoah df tlh sprhic df ib`ho

    spha`hs> pbiot c`shishs iffhat`og ardps> i l`glhr chitl tdbb ijdog b`vh-

    stdan> l`glhr r`sns df `ofhat`dus c`shishs> ioc ardp bdsshs.

    Slhsh hffhats bhic td jithr`ib ioc lujio bdsshschitls ioc bdss dfprdphrtyioc tlrhitho fddc shaur`ty, kdtl w`tl`o `oc`ghodus v`bbighs ioc

    ijdog tlh pdpubit`dos wld chphoc do tlh fddc prdcuahc ky tlhsh v`b-

    bighs. B`nhw`sh, tlhsh bdsshs `ocuah j`grit`do tdwirc tlh a`t`hs, wlhrh

    phdpbh ardwc `otd pddr, adofb`at-r`ccho oh`glkdrlddcs do urkio fr`oghs,

    arhit`og tlh ohhc fdr gdvhrojhot sdbut`dos. I jual-birghr-saibh piribbhb

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochs 37

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    3< @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Kdx 1.9

    Gbia`ib [htrhit Grivhby Iffhats L`glbioc Lhrchrs

    Cdzhos df v`bbighs df Yuhalui-sphin`og ibpiai lhrchrs irh bdaithc abdsh td gbi-

    a`hrs `o tlh sdutlhro l`glbiocs df Uhru. Wddb ioc jhit frdj ibpiais livh khho

    tlh kis`s df tlh lhrchrs hadodjy fdr ahotur`hs, wlhtlhr kirthrhc fdr dtlhr fddc-

    stuffs dr sdbc fdr aisl. Uisturh `s ikuociot `o tl`s rhg`do cur`og tlh ri`oy shisdo,

    kut cry-shisdo pisturh `s b`j`thc td tlh irhis tlit aio kh `rr`githc frdj strhijs

    tlit rhah`vh gbia`ib jhbtwithr.

    @o rhahot chaichs, tlh gbia`hrs livh khho slr`on`og v`s`kby, tlh strhijs livh bhssfbdw tlio khfdrh, ioc jioy pisturhs livh cr`hc up ibtdghtlhr. Slh lhrchrs irh

    chhpby adoahrohc it tlh rip`c piah ioc tlh ippirhot rrhvhrs`k`b`ty df tlhsh alioghs.

    Slhy fhir tlit tlhy w`bb livh od ald`ah kut td bhivh tlh`r v`bbighs phrjiohotby

    ioc tlit tlh`r adjjuo`t`hs w`bb c`sipphir ibtdghtlhr. Sldugl tlhy frhquhotby triv-

    hb td kirthr ioc shbb tlh`r wddb ioc jhit, ioc sdjht`jhs wdrn fdr jdotls dr yhirs

    duts`ch tlh v`bbighs td iaaujubith aip`tib td puralish io`jibs, tlhy ibwiys livh

    rhti`ohc t`hs td tlh v`bbighs wlhrh tlh`r n`o b`vh. Slh ikiocdojhot df tlhsh v`bbighs

    `s chhpby c`strhss`og td tlhj. I j`odr`ty df tlhj ldph tlit s`jpbh prdmhats`jprdvhc vhthr`oiry airh fdr tlh`r io`jibs, suppdrt df `rr`git`do prdmhatsw`bb

    chbiy tlh chab`oh df tlh lhrcs, kut gbia`dbdg`sts prdmhat`dos adof`rj tlh phs-

    s`j`sj df tlh jimdr`ty= cry-shisdo strhij fbdw w`bb chab`oh td i thotl, dr bhss, df

    rhahot bhvhbs. Jdrhdvhr, tlh lhrchrs v`hw tlh jduoti`os is tlh ldjh df sp`r`ts

    w`tl wldj tlhy othriat rhgubirby o priyhr ioc tlrdugl siar`f`ahs (wl`al ados`st

    al`hfby df kuro`og sjibb quiot`t`hs df io`jib fit ioc pbiot jitthr). Slhy adjjhot

    tlit tlh jduoti`os irh sicchohc ky tlh rip`c rhtrhit df tlh gbia`hrs ioc rhaibb dbc

    jytls tlit tlh wdrbc w`bb hoc wlho tlh tibbhst jduoti`os bdsh tlh`r `ah.

    Qdurah= Drbdvh ;550.

    prdahss df pirtby pbioohc hxthos`vh j`grit`do td tlh bdwbiocs ibsd lis

    adoshquhoahs fdr vubohrik`b`ty td ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty. Slhrh

    jiy kh jdrh withr `o tlh bdwbiocs, kut phdpbh irh jdrh chphochot do

    tlh jirnht hadodjy tlhrh.

    Kishc do shadociry ioc f`hbc `ofdrjit`do ikdut phrahpt`dos, `o tlh

    twd aish stuc`hs tlit fdbbdw wh ioibyzh tlh hffhats df ab`jith aliogh

    ioc vir`ik`b`ty do `oc`ghodus pdpubit`dos `o twd pirts df Kdb`v`i. Df

    Kdb`v`is pdpubit`do df ohirby 95 j`bb`do, 6; phrahot `s `oc`ghodus

    (tikbh 1.9), ioc jdrh tlio libf df tlhj b`vh `o rurib irhis. Kdb`v`is

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    grhit c`vhrs`ty df aubturhs `s c`str`kuthc ijdog 10 c`ffhrhot `oc`ghodus

    phdpbhs, df wldj 19 b`vh `o Ijizdo`i, 1 `o tlh Aliad, ioc 8 `o tlh

    Iochs (f`gurh 1.9). Slh Iochio `oc`ghodus pdpubit`dos irh jual

    birghr tlio tldsh df tlh bdwbiocs.

    Slh aish stuc`hs fdaus do `oc`ghodus phdpbh b`v`og `o c`ffhrhot rhg`dos

    df tlh Kdb`v`io chpirtjhot df Bi Uiz. Slh f`rst df tlhsh `s tlh Iochio

    rhg`do df tlh Ibt`pbiod khtwhho 1, `t `s ldjh td tlh Iyjiri `oc`ghodus phdpbh. Slh

    shadoc rhg`do `s tlh suk-Iochio rhg`do chsahoc`og frdj tlh sujj`t it

    3,665 jhthrs td tlh Puogis it 9,;35 ioc 9,765 jhthrs> tl`s s ldjh td tlh

    Iyjiri chsahociots df j`griot Ibt`pbiod Iyjiri ioc Ifrd-Kdb`v`io adj-juo`t`hs.3 Slh `oc`ghodus phdpbh wld b`vh `o tlh twd rhg`dos stuc`hc rhby

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochs 30

    Qdurah= A@CDK ;557.

    F`gurh 1.9 Jimdr @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs `o Kdb`v`i



    Bi Uiz






    Qioti Aruz

    K [ I ] @ B

    K [ I ] @ B

    U I [ I G X IP


    A L @ B H



































    Qioti Aruz





    Bi Uiz

    @oc`ghodus phdpbh grdups

    Chpirtjhot aip`tibs

    Oit`doib aip`tib

    Chpirtjhot kduocir`hs@othroit`doib kduocir`hs

    5 955 ;55 155



  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    do irikbh firj`og ioc b`vhstdan prdcuat`do fdr tlh`r b`vhb`lddc. [i`ofibb `o

    tlh twd rhg`dos `s adoahotrithc khtwhho Chahjkhr ioc Jiral, ioc tlh

    cry phr`dc `s frdj Jiy td Muby.

    Iochio [hg`doKdb`v`is Odrtlhro Ibt`pbiod

    Slh Ibt`pbiod `s i pbi`o bdaithc khtwhho tlh Adrc`bbhri Dr`hotib ioc

    Adrc`bbhri Daa`chotib jduoti`o rioghs. @t sbdphs gricuibby cdwowirc

    frdj odrtl td sdutl, viry`og `o ibt`tuch frdj 3,998 td 1,668 jhthrs. @t

    prhshots i gricuib charhish `o jd`sturh frdj odrtl td sdutl. Slh suklu-

    j`c zdoh `o tlh odrtl lis h`glt luj`c jdotls i yhir, ioc tlh ir`c zdoh`o tlh sdutl lis twd td fdur luj`c jdotls.

    Slh aish stucy irhi `s tlh jdst choshby `olik`thc zdoh `o tlh

    Ibt`pbiod, wlhrh prh-L`spio`a aubturhs sual is tlh phdpbh df S`wioinu

    ioc tlh @oais chvhbdphc. @t `s bdaithc `o tlh Uuoi Odrthi hadrhg`do

    ioc tlh Uuoi Ljhci suk-hadrhg`do df tlh odrtlhro Ibt`pbiod, `o tlh

    birghst sukkis`o df tlh S`t`aiai Binh (f`gurh 1.;). Slh biocsaiph `s

    jdstby pbi`os w`tl sdjh l`bbs, ioc tlh vhghtit`vh advhr ados`sts df

    tdugl phrhoo`ib kuoal grisshs, bdw ioc rhs`odus kuslhs, ioc tlhrhji`os df fdrhst. Whtbiocs irh fduoc izdoibby. Bioc `s ji`oby ushc

    fdr igr`aubturh ioc b`vhstdan, kut tlhrh s ibsd j`ohrib hxpbd`tit`do ioc

    sdjh tdur`sj.

    85 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    F`gurh 1.; Iochio [hg`do df tlh Odrtlhro Ibt`pbiod (jhthrs ikdvh shi bhvhb)


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    tric`t`doib aubturh. @o pbiahs wlhrh tlh tric`t`doib iutldr`t`hs surv`vh,

    tlh rdtit`do df dff`ah `s dftho i jiocitdry stituth df austdjiry biw, ioc

    `t fdbbdws tlh igr`aubturib ayabh.

    Urdahsshs. Slh Kdb`v`io Igrir`io [hfdrj df 908; frhhc tlh oit`vhs `o tlh

    Ibt`pbiod frdj tlh dkb`git`do td prdv`ch frhh shrv`ahs do tlh bioc df tlh

    hstith dwohrs, ioc ibbdaithc up td 85 lhatirhs df bioc td hial oit`vh fij-

    `by. Sl`s aiushc i frigjhotit`do df igr`aubturib prdphrty, sd tlit tdciy,

    tlhrh irh adjjuo`ty jhjkhrs wld dwo vhry oirrdw str`ps df bioc tlit

    ibbdw prdcuat`do do doby i vhry sjibb saibh.

    Sd adjphosith fdr tlh`r sldrtigh df bioc ioc c`vhrs`fy `oadjh-hiro`ogdppdrtuo`t`hs, phdpbh j`grith h`tlhr thjpdrir`by dr phrjiohotby.

    Shjpdriry j`grit`do, ji`oby td a`t`hs sual is Bi Uiz ioc Hb Ibtd, s cr`vho

    ky tlh ohhc fdr hadodj`a surv`vib. Jdrh phrjiohot j`grit`do tinhs pbiah

    ji`oby ijdog yduog phdpbh, wld bhivh td stucy dr td wdrn ioc lhoah

    `jprdvh tlh`r b`v`og stiocirc ioc sda`ib stitus. Qdjh df tlhj rhturo do i

    shisdoib kis`s td lhbp tlh`r pirhots cur`og tlh lirvhst. Slhrh irh ibsd aishs

    df pirhots w`tl cdukbh rhs`choay, kdtl `o tlh adjjuo`ty ioc `o Hb Ibtd

    dr Bi Uiz.Q`oah ;557, sdjh juo`a`pib`t`hs (fdr hxijpbh, Ioadri`jhs) livh prh-

    pirhc cdaujhots uochr Kdb`v`is Oit`doib Ab`jith Aliogh Iciptit`do

    Urdgrij, wl`al chsar`khs i Qtrithgy df Iciptit`do td Ab`jith Aliogh.0

    Slh cdaujhots `oabuch adjpdohots df thrr`tdr`ib pbioo`og, withr sifhty,

    rh`ofdrahjhot df tlh prdcuat`vh systhj, drgio`zit`doib chvhbdpjhot,

    prdiat`vh `o`t`it`vhs `o tlh lhibtl systhj, hov`rdojhotib prdthat`do, prd-

    that`do df lhibtl, ioc a`v`b drgio`zit`do ioc pirt`a`pit`do. Ldwhvhr, tlh

    adjjuo`t`hs wh stuc`hc whrh odt iwirh df tlh hx`sthoah df tl`s strithgy.@oc`ghodus phdpbh `o tlh irhi stuc`hc chphoc td viry`og chgrhhs do

    sda`ib `ost`tut`dos ioc ohtwdrns. Slhy dftho ji`oti`o sda`ib ioc had-

    odj`a t`hs khtwhho c`ffhrhot grdups, ioc `o jioy pbiahs tlhy st`bb suppdrt

    systhjs df fddc ioc bikdr slir`og, `oabuc`og hxaliogh, rha`prda`ty, kirthr,

    dr bdaib jirnhts. Qual slir`og systhjs livh i rdbh td pbiy is iciptit`do

    strithg`hs td hov`rdojhotib vir`ik`b`ty ioc strhss. @o tlh futurh, tlhy

    adubc gi`o `jpdrtioah `f icvhrsh `jpiats df ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b-

    `ty `oarhish phdpbhs chphochoah do rhsdurahs odt ivi`bikbh bdaibby. Slh

    hxaliogh systhjs jiy kh tlrhithohc dr c`sipphir, ldwhvhr, is ahrti`o

    grdups khadjh jdrh c`sicviotighc tlio dtlhrs (Qib`an ioc Kyg ;557).

    Sd suppbhjhot bdaib dr rhg`doib hxaliogh priat`ahs, `oc`ghodus ioc

    tric`t`doib phdpbhs j`glt khadjh jdrh rhb`iot do i`c prdv`chc ky tlh

    stith, OGDs, dr `othroit`doib drgio`zit`dos, hspha`ibby `o t`jhs df ar`s`s.

    8; @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Jdrhdvhr, hxthos`dos df tlh`r sda`ib ohtwdrn iardss tlh aduotry tlhy

    b`vh `o, dr hvho khydoc, adubc khadjh jdrh adjjdo is io icc`t`doib

    iciptit`do strithgy td rhcuah sda`dhadodj`a vubohrik`b`ty. Fdr hxijpbh,

    fij`b`hs tlit aio aduot do jhjkhrs wld j`grith thjpdrir`by dr phrji-

    ohotby td wdrn ikrdic jiy kh jdrh rhs`b`hot td icvhrsh ab`jit`a `jpiats

    tlio fij`b`hs wldsh jhjkhrs ibb rhji`o w`tl`o tlh adjjuo`ty.

    Hffhats df Ab`jith Aliogh `o tlh Adjjuo`t`hs Qtuc`hc

    Wlho isnhc ikdut ab`jith aliogh, jhjkhrs df tlh Iyjiri adjjuo`t`hs

    `o tlh l`glbiocs chsar`khc jioy prdahsshs df aliogh `o tlh Ibt`pbiod tlit

    livh daaurrhc s`oah tlh stirt df tlh ahotury. @o pirt`aubir, tlhy pd`othc tdtlh `oarhish `o jhio thjphriturh, jhbt`og df tlh gbia`hrs, ioc tlh ikshoah

    df withr (kdx 1.;). Slhy rhfhrrhc td tlh aliogh o shisdos, oarhishs o tlh

    `othos`ty df ri`os ioc thjphriturh, li`bstdrjs ioc frdsts cur`og uousuib

    t`jhs df tlh yhir, ioc crduglts. Qdjh ibsd odthc tlit tlh l`glhr-hbhvit`do

    zdohs tlit whrh prhv`dusby tdd adbc fdr irikbh firj`og livh khadjh

    prdcuat`vh ioc odw suppdrt tlh aubt`vit`do df lircy ardp vir`ht`hs.

    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochs 81

    Kdx 1.;

    Yuhalui-Qphin`og Udpubit`dos ioc Withr [hsdurahs`o tlh Adrc`bbhri

    Ab`jith aliogh lis khguo td pbiah strhss do tlh Yuhalui-sphin`og adjjuo`-

    t`hs df tlh j`ccbh sbdphs df tlh Adrc`bbhri Kbioai df odrtl-ahotrib Uhru, hvho

    tldugl tlhsh adjjuo`t`hs irh ijdog tlh l`glbioc Iochio pdpubit`dos w`tl

    tlh jdst shaurh ioc ikuociot iaahss td withr. Slh Adrc`bbhri Kbioai adoti`os odt

    doby Uhrus l`glhst phin, Luisairo it 6,76< jhthrs, kut ibsd `ts birghst adot`gu-

    dus thrr`tdry ikdvh 8,555 jhthrs, io irhi tlit rhah`vhs jjhosh chpds`ts df sodw

    hial ri`oy shisdo. I oujkhr df phrjiohot strhijs fbdw cdwo frdj tl`s l`gl

    aduotry td tlh [d Qioti, wl`al chsahocs frdj `ts upphr adursh it 1,755 jhthrs

    td ;,755 jhthrs khfdrh hothr`og i oirrdw gdrgh ioc fbdw`og cdwo tlrdugl tlh

    adistib chshrt td tlh Uia`f`a Dahio.

    Yuhalui-sphin`og igr`aubturib`sts ri`sh ji`zh, wlhit, pdtitdhs, ioc dtlhr

    ardps do tlh krdic thrriahs. @o icc`t`do, tlhy livh sjibb lhrcs df aittbh ioc slhhp.

    Slhy ibsd jioigh ldushldbc ioc adjjuo`ty wddcbdts df huaibyptus ioc p`oh.

    Slhsh wddcbdts khohf`t frdj ab`jith aliogh, is trhhs irh odw pbiothc it l`glhr

    hbhvit`dos tlio tlhy whrh `o rhahot chaichs.


  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    83 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

    Kdx 1.; (adot`ouhc)

    Withr `s qu`th ikuociot `o tl`s rhg`do. V`s`tdrs frdj dtlhr pirts df tlh Iochs

    adjjhot do tlh buslohss df tlh vhghtit`do tlit grdws o tlh sthhp, uoaubt`vithc

    pdrt`dos df tlh [d Qioti aioydo. Slh adjjuo`t`hs tip tlh phrjiohot strhijs

    fdr `rr`git`do. Slh `rr`git`do withr ibbdws tlhj td ji`oti`o r`al pisturhs it l`glhr

    hbhvit`dos, sd ldushldbcs aio suppdrt sjibb lhrcs wl`bh nhhp`og tlh`r irikbh

    biocsit i prhj`uj `o tl`s sthhp biocsaiphuochr ardps. @t ibsd phrj`ts tlhj

    td grdw twd ardps i yhir it bdwhr hbhvit`dos. Slhy aio rr`gith pdtitdhs ioc ji`zh

    `o tlh cry shisdo, jdotls khfdrh tlh ri`os stirt, ioc tlus tlhy lirvhst tlh`r ardps

    jual hirb`hr tlio dtlhr grdwhrs, wl`bh pr`ahs irh l`gl.

    @t `s w`tl withr rhsdurahs, tldugl, tlit tlh ohgit`vh `jpiats df ab`jith aliogh

    irh jdst hv`chot. Adjpht`t`do fdr withr `s grdw`og> urkio chjioc `s doh sdurah.

    Udpubit`dos irh grdw`og `o Qpio`sl-sphin`og jhst`zd tdwos ibdog tlh ji`o l`gl-

    wiy tlit fdbbdws tlh [d Qioti. [hahot chahotrib`zit`do prdgrijs o Uhru g`vh tlhsh

    tdwos grhithr adotrdb df tlh rhvhouhs tlit tlhy rhah`vh. Qdjh livh ushc tlhsh

    fuocs td ku`bc withr prdmhats tlit tip tlh phrjiohot strhijs l`gl ikdvh tlh adj-

    juo`t`hs, airry`og tlh`r withr stri`glt cdwo td tlh tdwos pist tlh adjjuo`t`hs

    tlit fdrjhrby ushc `t. Ohw hadodj`a iat`v`t`hs ibsd rhqu`rh withr. Grhholdushs irh

    saitthrhc iardss tlh vibbhy fbddr, f`bbhc w`tl withr-tl`rsty kuslhs wldsh rdshs irh aut,

    sl`pphc o truans, cr`vho td tlh othroit`doib i`rpdrt duts`ch B`ji, ioc pbiahc o tlh

    airgd viubts df truans `o i spio df bhss tlio 9; ldurs. Ldsthbs ioc bdcghs livh khho

    ku`bt o tlh vibbhy td shrvh tlh grdw`og pdpubit`do df tdur`sts wld l`nh ioc ab`jk `o

    tlh Adrc`bbhri Kbioai> tlhsh tdur`sts chjioc sldwhrs ioc fbusl td`bhts ioc prhfhr td

    stiy o rhs`choahs w`tl whbb-withrhc girchos ioc sw`jj`og pddbs.

    Slh rurib adjjuo t`hs tlhjshbvhs adotr`kuth td tlh oarhishc withr chjioc.

    Qdjh livh hxpiochc tlh`r `rr`git`do fia`b`t`hs, adoahrohc tlit tlh`r bdwhr biocsohhc jdrh withr is thjphriturhs r`sh dr irh s`jpby iwirh tlit tlh tdwosdr

    dtlhr adjjuo`t`hsj`glt tip tlh`r strhijs. Slh bdog l`stdry df withr ikuo-

    cioah phrj`tthc tlh chvhbdpjhot df i systhj `o wl`al shvhrib adjjuo`t`hs

    wdubc slirh i phrjiohot strhij, hial tipp`og `t l`gl up td criw withr td tlh

    thrriahs do h`tlhr s`ch df `t> od jhalio`sj fdr adofb`at rhsdbut`do wis ohhchc.

    Is tlh chjioc grdws, tlh suppby charhishs. Slh gbia`hrs tlit pbuoghc chhp

    `otd tlh [d Qioti aioydo livh rhtrhithc luocrhcs df jhthrs upsbdph, ioc tlhy od

    bdoghr adotr`kuth sd jual jhbtwithr td tlh strhijs. Slh rhcuat`do df withr `spirt`aubirby iauth bith `o tlh cry shisdo, tlh t`jh wlho tlh firjhrs pbiot tlh`r hir-

    by ardps ioc wlho tlh vibbhy `s st`bb fubb df tdur`sts. Bdaib gdvhrojhot dff`a`ibs ioc

    firjhrs kdtl adjjhot tlit adofb`ats dvhr withr irh jdrh oujhrdus ioc shvhrh

    tlio tlhy whrh `o tlh pisti trhoc tlit shhjs v`rtuibby ahrti`o td adot`ouh.

    Qdurah= Dwo f`hbcwdrn ioc adovhrsit`dos o Jiral ;550 w`tl Kho Drbdvh, Adbujk`i Xo`vhrs`ty, XQI.

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs df tlh Iochs 88

    Wlho isnhc ikdut tlh hffhats df ab`jith alioghs do tlh`r b`vhb`-

    lddcs s`oah tlh stirt df tl`s ahotury, adjjuo`ty jhjkhrs pd`othc td

    tlh fdbbdw`og=

    Charhish `o prdf`tik`b`ty df ardps.

    Bdsshs `o prdcuat`do is i adoshquhoah df lhiv`hr ri`os, frdsts,

    crduglts, ioc li`bstdrjs.

    Uhsts (wdrjs ioc k`rcs) dr c`shishs iffhat`og pdtitd, do`do, ioc dtlhr


    [hcuahc ik`b`ty td prdcuah alud (sldrthr shisdo ioc fhwhr v`ikbh

    bdait`dos).95 Uhdpbh hbshwlhrh `o tlh Iochs adjpbi`o df tlh rhahotc`ff`aubty df prhpir`og alud, wl`al `s io `jpdrtiot stipbh khaiush `t

    stdrhs whbb.

    Bdss df w`bcb`fh.

    C`shishs `o b`vhstdan rhsubt`og frdj tlh `oarhish `o ciyt`jh thjphri-

    turh ioc charhish `o o`gltt`jh thjphriturh grichs.

    Cry i`r ioc strdog suo aius`og suokuro.

    Qtrithg`hs ioc Iciptit`dos td Ab`jith AlioghFia`og tl`s s`tuit`do df uoahrti`oty, sdjh `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs irh

    hxphr`jhot`og w`tl icipt`vh strithg`hs tlit irh kishc do ohw nodwbhcgh,

    `oabuc`og thalo`aib icv`ah frdj igr`aubturib hxthos`do ighots. It tlh sijh

    t`jh, tlh `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs irh rhv`v`og dbchr priat`ahs ioc aus-

    tdjs (sual is tlh ush df aioibs `o tlh binhsldrh zdoh) ioc ioa`hot ahrh-

    jdo`hs. Slhy ibsd rhsdrt td thjpdriry j`grit`do. Fdbbdw`og irh tlh

    pr`oa`pib iciptit`do strithg`hs ushc ky tlhsh adjjuo`t`hs=

    Hxpioc`og tlh aubt`vit`do df jdrh prdf`tikbh ohw ardps, sual is `rr`-

    githc do`do, us`og withr pujps ioc pdoc adostruat`do fdr withr rh-


    Ql`ft`og tlh pdtitd vir`ht`hs grdwo, pr`oa`pibby ky grdw`og hstikb`slhc

    vir`ht`hs it l`glhr hbhvit`dos, kut ibsd ky hxphr`jhot`og w`tl ohw


    Xs`og phst`a`chs fdr do`do ioc pdtitd ardps.

    Aliog`og tlh t`jh ioc bdait`do fdr alud prdcuat`do ky bddn`og fdrl`glhr ioc adbchr irhis.

    Sin`og icviotigh df `jprdvhc ab`jith adoc`t`dos `o l`glhr irhis td

    grdw igr`aubturib prdcuah fdr sibh.

    Xs`og tric`t`doib priat`ahs td f`glt li bstdrjs, sual is kuro`og pisturh

    td arhith sjdnh, hvho tldugl tlh adjjuo`ty `s odt ibwiys prhpirhc

    wlho li`bstdrjs daaur.

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Xs`og dtlhr adjjuo`t`hs priat`ahs td f`glt li bstdrjs, sual is f`r`og

    dff rdanhts. Kut tl`s hffdrt lis odt prdcuahc gddc rhsubts khaiush, `o

    tlh wdrcs df doh othrv`hwhh, ...guopdwchr ushc ky dur griocpirhots

    wis c`ffhrhot ioc jich tlh li`bstdrjs ruo iwiy> odw.... `t cdhs odt


    Xs`og thalo`quhs bhirohc tlrdugl tri`o`og adurshs, sual is prdthat`do

    df ardps w`tl advhrs cur`og li`bstdrjs ioc jprdv`og prdcuat`do w`tl

    suo thots sual is s`jpbh pbist`a grhholdushs.

    [hv`v`og tlh tric`t`do df dffhr`og g`fts td tric`t`doib gdcs it slr`ohs

    bdaithc `o l`bbs, i austdj tlit lic dtlhrw`sh khho ikiocdohc.99

    [hjhjkhr`og griocpirhots icv`ah ikdut tric`t`doib `oc`aitdrs td ch-thrj`oh sdw`og ciths, oabuc`og tlh pitthros df stdohs.

    Iaahpt`og tlh bdsshs ioc wi`t`og fdr ohxt yhir, td stirt ibb dvhr igi`o.

    Jho gd`og td wdrn thjpdrir`by o tlh a`t`hs dr tlh Puogis, ghtt`og piy-

    jhot `o aisl dr w`tl prdcuats, ioc wdjho gd`og td kuy prdcuats `o

    dtlhr adjjuo`t`hs.

    Uhdpbh siy tlhy irh rhs`gohc td tlh s`tuit`do ioc cd odt nodw wlit td cd

    ohxt dr wldj td turo td fdr lhbp. Slhy fhir tl`s `s bhic`og td tlh hoc dflujio b`fh dr, `o dtlhr wdrcs, td tlh hoc df i wiy df b`fh tlit lis sus-

    ti`ohc tlhsh adjjuo`t`hs fdr ghohrit`dos.

    Udthot`ib @oc`rhat Qda`ib @jpiats

    Ab`jith aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty ibsd livh pdthot`ib `oc`rhat sda`ib hffhats `o

    tlh irhi. Slh c`j`o`slhc withr suppby aiushc ky alioghs `o tlh lycrdbdg-

    `aib rhg`jh `s daaurr`og is tlhrh `s io hjhrg`og ohhc fdr `rr`git`do df tric`-

    t`doib ardps ioc fdr aubt`vit`do df ohw ardps tlit rhqu`rh `rr`git`do. Slhrhsubt`og fibb `o igr`aubturib dutput, tdghtlhr w`tl tlh dut-j`grit`do df

    phdpbh wld ushc td firj, mhdpirc`zhs fddc shaur`ty. Sl`s bhics td jdrh

    phdpbh kh`og iffhathc ky uochr- dr jiboutr`t`do, wl`al hocioghrs tlh

    chvhbdpjhotib lhibtl df yduog al`bcrho ioc adjprdj`shs phdpbhs

    `jjuoh systhjs, jin`og tlhj jdrh susahpt`kbh td `ofhat`dus c`shishs.

    Slh rhbit`dosl`p khtwhho ab`jit`a alioghs ioc vir`ik`b`ty ioc

    j`grit`do ohhcs furtlhr stucy. @o tlh `oc`ghodus adjjuo`t`hs, yduog

    phdpbh thoc td j`grith `o shiral df hjpbdyjhot dr dtlhr `oadjh-gho-

    hrit`og iat`v`t`hs. J`grit`do jiy s`jpby rhfbhat yduog Iyjiris chs`rhtd `jprdvh tlh`r b`v`og adoc`t`dos ky firj`og `o dtlhr, jdrh prdsphr-

    dus irhis dr ky shaur`og khtthr-pi`c mdks `o dtlhr a`t`hs ioc prdv`oahs,

    kut j`grit`do ipphirs td kh iugjhothc ky tlh hffhats df ab`jith

    aliogh ioc vir`ik`b`ty. Doby i fhw df tlh yduog j`griots rhturo td tlh`r

    86 @oc`ghodus Uhdpbhs ioc Ab`jith Aliogh `o Bit o Ijhr`ai ioc tlh Air`kkhio

  • 8/9/2019 Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean


    adjjuo`t`hs td lhbp rhbit`vhs it lirvhst t`jh. Shjpdriry icubt j`gri-

    t`do daaurs wlho tlh aliog`og ab`jit`a adoc`t`dos aiush bdsshs.

    Shjpdriry j`grit`do ibbdws j`griots td hiro aisl, wl`al tlhy ush td

    puralish igrdalhj`aibs, tddbs, ioc `rr`git`do hqu`pjhot fdr tlh`r dwo

    firj`og. Wlhtlhr futurh hxtrhjh ab`jith alioghs w`bb adjphb Iyjiri

    adjjuo`t`hs td bhivh tlh`r thrr`tdr`hs `o shiral df khtthr b`v`og adoc`-

    t`dos sldubc kh tlh dkmhat df furtlhr rhshiral.

    I furtlhr tlrhit `s tlh bdss df tric`t`doib nodwbhcgh, wl`al mhdpirc-

    `zhs iciptit`do td tlh ab`jith alioghs. Fdr hxijpbh, tdciy tlhrh irh fhw

    firjhrs wld rhjhjkhr ioc ush `oc`aitdrs sual is tlh khliv`dr df k`rcs

    ioc `oshats, wl`al prdv`chc tlh`r prhchahssdrs w`tl gu`cioah fdr tlhigr`aubturib aibhocir.9;

    Ahrti`o iciptit`do jhisurhs jiy turo dut td kh aduothrprdcuat`vh

    is `o tlh aish df tlh hxpios`do `otd ohw ardps sual is `rr`githc do`dos

    ioc w`bb iffhat tlh ush df sd`b ioc withr. Slh `oarhis`og chjioc ioc

    charhis`og suppby df withr w`bb iggrivith tlh squhhzh ibrhicy fhbt ky firj-

    hrs ioc w`bb hxiahrkith tlh pdvhrty tlhy irh ibrhicy hxphr`hoa`og. Sl`s `s

    i plhodjhodo nodwo ibb dvhr tlh Iochs ioc suk-Iochs (kdx 1.1).

    Slh ipphirioah df ohw phsts lis khho kbijhc do ab`jith aliogh iocvir`ik`b`ty, tldugl tlhrh `s sdjh uoahrti`oty wlhtlhr ab`jit`a adoc`t`dos

    irh `ochhc tlh aubpr`t. @t jiy kh tlit tlh puralish df shhcs it bdaib fi`rs,

    td `otrdcuah ohw ardp vir`ht`hs `oicvhrthotby ibsd `otrdcuahs phsts.

    [hgircbhss df tlh aiush df tlhsh phsts, jdst df tlh adjjuo`t`hs irh us`og

    phst`a`chs td f`glt tlh `ofhstit`dos> `o tlh irhi df stucy, l`glby tdx`a prdc-

    uats whrh kh`og ushc, pdbbut`og tlh hov`rdojhot ioc hxpds`og tlh firj-

    hrs t
