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Induction training v1.1 online version

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The Enhanced Skills (ES) Programme Induction Training
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The Enhanced Skills (ES) Programme

Induction Training

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The aim of this training…

• To teach you about the ES


• To provider a refresher in the basic skills needed for working with young people

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The ES Programme is designed to address the following gaps which were identified by:

Young people:•Making informed decisions•Talking to a ‘trusted’ adult•Resisting pressure from others

Professionals:•Appropriately and confidently intervening with a young person•Finding and using ‘quality’ resources•Knowing why, when and where to refer/signpost

Where we started…

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ES Programme is based on…

Social Capital – Sociological Concept

‘ Social Capital is a resource that stems from the bulk of social interactions, networks and network opportunities that either people orcommunities have within a specific environment. This environment ischaracterised by a commonality of mutual trust and reciprocity…’

There are different types of social capital which are important in different situations, they are shaped through:

• The types of network (similar or diverse, outward or inward looking)• Specific and shared norms and values• The type of community (location, interest , identity, faith, etc)• Power and economic resources

Social Capital and the Navigation of Life Transitions – Thilo Boeck 2007

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Two types of Social Capital

• ‘Bonding’ Social Capital which reflects the ‘here and now’ helps individuals ‘get by’

• ‘Bridging’ Social Capital which links individuals with people outside their immediate circle helps individuals ‘get on’

- ‘Growing up in up in Poor Neighbourhoods’ (McDonald et al, University of Teeside, 2005)

• It works between worker and young person and between workers as all are part of a ‘community’

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What is the ES Programme?

It’s a 3 part programme:

1.Training for professionals2. Interventions for young people3.Signposting and referring

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•Induction •Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and The Law•Emotional Health and Well Being•Sexual Health•Substance Misuse – Alcohol and drugs•Community and Culture – multiple subjects

Training areas

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•By registering and completing the induction your email address will be saved•When you then want to book on to any of the subject specific training you will be asked for basic details including you email address•If you haven’t done the induction we won’t have your email address so you won’t be able to book on any of the other training•Effectively your email address becomes your password


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•Build your knowledge and confidence in a subject area•How to assess the needs of a young person•Practical advice for working with young people on specific issues•Teach you how to deliver pre prepared interventions, provided by specialists as part of the ES Programme, to young people•Know how, when and where to refer

Training outcomes

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Working principles

• Whoever we are and whatever we do, we can ensure that we make every contact count. Its not a surprise to know that the better we engage the more effective an intervention can be

• This means making the best of every opportunity to raise the issue on the impact of behaviours, give facts and dispel myths

• And pass on information as to where to go for further information or support

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The Behaviour Change Triangle

• A Brief Intervention is the second tier of behaviour change interventions

• Brief Opportunistic Advice (BOA) and Intervention and Brief Advice (IBA) is TOO brief for young people

• BI relies on frontline workers having knowledge, seeing the importance of raising the issue, and confidence to advise, via interventions, and signpost if needed – basically ES Programme goals

Brief Intervention (BI) – ES Programme


Motivational Interviewing/Solution Focused Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Counselling


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Interventions are there to help us in certain ways…

• Normal.....let’s make it an everyday thing to talk about the impact of behaviours

• Beneficial...talk about the benefits of change and knowing the facts

• Believable...There is lots of evidence to prove behaviour change can work

• Achievable....change is achieved in small steps. We all can make that first small step and have a part to play

• Practical...we can give tools and information for further support

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And if we don’t raise the issue of behaviour change?.....

• It may look like we are giving permission to continue with the unhealthy behaviour.

• It can look like we don’t think it’s an important enough issue to raise.

• We miss out on a great opportunity to give young people choice to think about what they are doing and whether they want to consider change.

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It’s all part of my job…

• It only takes a few moments to ask about lifestyles....

• Young People are used to being asked about relevant issues

• The advice we can give can make a big difference

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•Brief intervention (BI) – 20 to 30 minutes•In most cases the first intervention will be an assessment of their needs•Build knowledge and confidence in a young person•They are written by specialists•There is a session plan to follow when delivering•All materials are provided•Available online

Intervention structure

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•Give young people knowledge of services they can access•Make workers aware of agencies to refer young people on to, if needed•Ensure young people have the support they need•Make links with organisations


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• Alcohol and Drugs: DECCA

• Anti Social Behaviour (ASB): SMBC ASB Team

• Community and Culture: various including Targeted Youth Support (TYS)

• Education, Employment and Training: Connexions

• Emotional Health and Well Being: Sandwell Wellbeing

• Sexual Health: Sandwell and Dudley Brook

• The Law: The Police

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It’s 1 programme with 3 elements:

1.Training – Build knowledge and confidence and enable professionals to work on specific subjects with young people

2.Interventions – training on how to use quality resources (provided) for delivery by professionals to young people with a behavioural change focus

3.Referring/Signposting – knowing why, when and where to get help for a young person

ES Programme – overview recap

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We know you know this but here’s a refresher in some of the skills needed for working

with young people…

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..its all about building rapport


• Greet with a smile• Open gestures• Use person’s name• Maintain good eye contact• Have knowledge and

confidence• Be honest


• Have your arms folded• Talk about yourself, or not

too much• Look at the floor or stare• Point your fingers• Fidget• Be clueless, or worse,


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‘oldies but goodies’ a few tips for talking to young


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Talking to young people

• “How do you feel about your smoking....?”

• “So, what you are saying is you like to smoke because you think it de-stresses you, but you recognise that it’s not good for your health...”

• Open Question

• Reflective listening - Repeating back what the person has said to you shows you have listened and understood

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Being positive

“You sound like someone who is really determined, tell me about that..”

“It sounds like when you’ve made up you mind you can get on and do things”

“You said you quit before, how did you do that?”

• Eliciting Positive talk helps the person to see themselves as someone who can succeed

• It can stop them focusing on when things have gone wrong in the past, and help them to realise they have the skills and strength to change

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“You deserve to feel as good as you can....”

“You have the power to change yourself..”

• Affirmations help the person to have high self esteem and confidence to change

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• Summarising takes the person through the big steps in the conversation and reflects back their decision at the end

“So, you told me you are worried about your smoking

and you have decided to quit...”

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Its all about being a relationship with the young



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Red light signals

• Sometimes the person you are talking to will give you Red Light signals...

• They will tell you to mind your own business, or say “I’m quite happy as I am thank you!”

• The Red Light means Resistance, but it can be worked with

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Working with resistance/ambivalence

• the person is not ready to hear what you have to say or not ready to change right now, say…

• Roll with resistance...don’t get confrontational or argumentative, say…

• Even by asking, you may have planted a seed in their minds, say...

• “OK, I can see you don’t feel like talking right now, another time maybe..”

• “Here’s …, I will leave it for you to ...”

• “Maybe now isn’t the right time to think about change... But the door is always open”

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You will get the Red light if you.......

• “Have you stopped smoking before? When was that? Why are you smoking again?”

• “Look, it’s obvious you’ve got a big problem. It’s no good not telling me the truth!”

• Fire questions

• Confront denial - non empathetic

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You will get the Red light if you.......

• “It’s obvious to me that you are depressed. I can tell you exactly what to do.... “

• “Clearly you are obese...”.

• “It’s your own fault if you cant get your breath because you are so overweight”

• Be the expert

• Labelling

• Blaming

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What if…

• The person doesn’t want to talk?

• Is not fluent in English?

• They say they have a problem with…?

• Is in a hurry?

• Is not telling you the truth?

• Roll with resistance, but say the door is always open if they change their mind and raise it again at a later stage

• Ask if you can help with leaflets in their language/organise an interpreter

• Ask if there is anywhere they would like to go for further support

• Say you can talk another time

• Accept what you are being told unless you already have a rapport with the young person

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Don’t forget you know your young people, decide what works best with them

Simple answer…

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1 + 1 = 2: real examples of conversations that have worked

• “When you get drunk you get in trouble with Mom don’t you? Not drinking is better for you and stops you getting grounded as well. How about we look at this together?”

• “People have a bad impression of you because you shout and swear when you are in public. If you acted the way you do with me people would think differently of you. I’ve got a few simple ideas that might help”

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• “ I spoke to her about ensuring she made him use a condom. I pointed out that it saves the stress of worrying if she was pregnant and also protects her from picking up anything nasty. I can help you sort that out if you’d like me to”

• “ you’ve told me before how low you’ve been feeling. I really think talking to someone would help. Shall we look at this together”

1 + 1 = 2: real examples of conversations that have worked

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Sample scripts for referring and signposting

• “Have you ever tried smoking cessation? I can make a referral for you”

• “Not in education training or employment, go to your Connexions advisor, shall I get the details for you”

• “if you are having sex, or are even thinking about it, then Brook would be the people to speak to. I can give you their details or make a call for you”

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Mixing it up – Building Resilience in

• People don’t have unhealthy behaviours in isolation

• They may want to change a behaviour...just not the one we think they ought to

• They may not realise how one health behaviour affects their chances of achieving change in another

• Getting people to think is the first step to any type of change

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Nobodies perfect…

And finally, Elephants!!!

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OK, here are some tough questions....

• How do I advise about something if I don’t practice what I preach?

• How can I tell someone not to smoke if I smoke?

• I enjoy a good drink at weekends too...won’t I be a hypocrite if I tell them to drink less than me?

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• If our own lifestyles get in the way, at least we can acknowledge that. We are all human after all – self disclosure

• The clients you work with will benefit from a behaviour change intervention but you may well benefit as well

• The truth is....maybe learning about Behaviour Change gets us to think about our own lifestyles.

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Now you ready…

http://www.ourguideto.co.ukClick on ‘Professionals and Workers’

Click on ‘ES Programme’Book yourselves on to the training you want
