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Industrial revolution

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CHAPTER 19 Industrialization and Nationalism
Page 1: Industrial revolution


Industrialization and Nationalism

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Section 1: The Industrial Revolution

Contributing Factors

Cotton Production

Coal & Iron Railroads New Factories

1st: agriculture production improved.2nd: More food, led to more people, led to more workers.3rd: Had a wealthy class that invested $.4th: Good natural resources (rivers, coal, iron ore)

New inventions increased production.-Flying Shuttle,-Spinning Jenny (James Hargreavers 1764)-Water powered loom (Edmond Cartwright 1787)

The new invention of the Steam Engine needed coal to heat water to make steam to run the engine. ‘Puddling’ was a new process to remove iron impurities. Iron was used to build machines

1804 first steam railroad in Britain. Rocket (1st public railway 1830) travel at 50mph. Moved people & goods faster & provided jobs (factories for iron, coal, railroads)

Created a labor system: had to teach adults how to be workers. Fined for being late, child workers were beaten, dismissed for misconduct. Eventually, unions came out of this system.

The start of the Revolution is in GREAT BRITAIN; it takes several decades to spread to other nations

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Britain: By 1850’s Britain had ½ the world’s coal production.US: Large country that needed good transportation. Used steam to power boats and railroads. As in Britain, steam engines led to coal production and increased work in factories. Factories increased labor force. Women and children we a large part of the labor force.

Section 1: The Industrial Revolution

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Social Impact of Industrial Revolution• Growth of Population: In 1750, Europe had

approximately 140 million people; by 1850, the population was approximately 266 million– Why? Decline in death rates, wars, and diseases; an

increase in the food supply, famine nearly disappeared (the Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s was an exception – a million Irish died when the potato crop failed, a million others emigrated

• Growth of Cities: Cities were the homes of industry; the fast pace of growth of cities led to pitiful conditions for new inhabitants who came looking for work

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Industrial Middle Class

• Commercial capitalism (based on trade) gave way to industrial capitalism, or capitalism based on industrial production; it created a new middle class

• The new Industrial Middle Class was made up of people who built factories, brought the machines, and developed markets for the products

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Industrial Working Class

• Industrial Working Class was made up of industrial workers who worked 12-16 hours a day, six days a week, with ½ for lunch & dinner; no security of employment and no minimum wage.

• Two-thirds of the industrial working class were women and children, until the Factory Act of 1833, which set 9 as the minimum age for employment; children between 9 and 13 could only work 9 hours a day; 13-18 year-olds could work 12 hours; women and children were paid less than men

• A new pattern of work developed; men were expected to earn most of the family income while women and children performed low-paying jobs, such as laundry work, that could be done at home

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Early Socialism• Socialism, a system in which society, usually in the form of government,

owns and controls some means of production, such as factories or utilities• Early socialism was the idea of intellectuals who believed in the equality

of all people and who wanted to replace competition with cooperation. • To later socialists, like Karl Marx, these ideas were impractical and utopian

– meaning they reflected a “perfect” society that would be impossible to achieve in reality

• One utopian socialist was Robert Owen, who believed that people would show their natural goodness if they lived in cooperative environments. He created a cooperative community in Scotland that was a great success, but was unable to repeat that success in the United States when he tried to build a cooperative community in Indiana.

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Reaction & Revolution: SummaryAfter the defeat of Napoleon, European leaders met at the Congress of

Vienna to restore the old order and establish stable borders. Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria met regularly to maintain the new balance of power.

Meanwhile, liberalism and nationalism—two philosophies that opposed the old order—were on the rise. Many liberals were middle-class men who wanted a constitution and a share in the voting rights enjoyed by landowners. Liberals tended to be nationalists as well.

In 1830, France's upper middle class overthrew the king and installed a constitutional monarchy. Belgium broke free of Dutch control. Revolts in Poland and Italy failed.

Economic crises in 1846 led to a revolt of the French working classes. This time, a Second Republic was formed, under the leadership of Napoleon's nephew, Louis-Napoleon. Revolts followed in German states, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. In each case the old order was restored.

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Congress of Vienna1814 Sept. Congress of Vienna met in Austria: The leader was Prince Klemmens von Metternich, who wanted to bring the ‘old’ monarchs back to power in Europe; What the congress really accomplished was to re-draw the European map because of the Napoleonic Wars, and the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire. They did this to establish peace.

Concert of Europe: Meetings of European rulers to try to keep peace and eventually adopt the Principle of Intervention: This principle gave armies to countries where revolutions might begin.

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Conservatism Liberalism Nationalism

Based on a system of tradition and social stability. Favored obedience to political authority, believed religion was crucial to order in society. Hated revolutions and didn’t want individual rights or representative governments. Were responsible for the principle of intervention and similar policies to maintain order

A political philosophy based largely on Enlightenment principles, held that people should be as free as possible from government restraint. Believed in protecting civil liberties, or the basic rights of all people, religious toleration for all, and representative governments. Opposed the “old order” of monarchy and absolute power.

Opposed the “old order;” grew as people recognized being part of a community with common institutions, traditions, language, and customs. More powerful than liberalism, a person’s chief loyalty was to the Nation and not the monarch. Each nationality should have its own government. Threatened old order because it combined small nation-states into larger “nations.”

Political OrdersDo NOT compare these definitions to the use of these words in our millennium.

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European Revolutions of 1848• The European Revolutions were a series of political

upheavals throughout Europe in 1848. It began in France in February, then spread throughout most of Europe and parts of Latin America. Over 50 countries were affected, but the revolutions were independent; the revolutionaries didn’t cooperate across borders.

• Five factors were involved in the revolutions: widespread dissatisfaction with political leadership; demand for more participation in governments and/or democracy; demands of the working classes; the surge of nationalism and the regrouping of the reactionary forces based in the royalty, the aristocracy, the army, and the peasants.

• The revolutions were led by shaky ad hoc coalitions of reformers made up of the middle class and workers, but were unable to hold together for long. Tens of thousands of people were killed while many more were forced into exile.

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Revolution in France• In France, severe economic problems brought hardship to the lower

middle class, workers, and peasants. Members of the middle class also wanted the right to vote.

• The monarchy was overthrown in 1848 and a temporary government was set up.– Universal male suffrage (all men could vote) was established

• The temporary government established workshops for the unemployed; so many attended workshops that the treasury was emptied, so the government ended the workshops; the workers were enraged by this decision and took to the streets

• Government forces crushed the rebelling workers, thousands were killed or imprisoned

• A new constitution was ratified in 1848 that set up the Second Republic, a representative government with a single legislature and a president; Napoleon’s nephew Louis-Napoleon was the first elected president of France

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• In 1815, the Congress of Vienna recognized the existence of 38 independent German states called the German Confederation

• In 1848, cries for change led many German rulers to promise constitutions, a free press, and jury trials

• An all-German parliament called the Frankfurt Assembly was held to prepare a constitution for a united Germany, deputies to the parliament were elected by universal male suffrage

• The Frankfurt Assembly failed to achieve its goal and Germany was not united

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Revolution in Europe

• Austria was a multinational state – a collection of different peoples, including Germans, Czechs, Magyars, Slovaks, Romanians, and more

• In March 1848, demonstrations in the major cities of Austria led to the dismissal of Metternich, the Austrian foreign minister

• In Vienna, revolutionary forces took control of the capital and demanded a constitution

• Hungary was given its own legislature, which made others want their own governments

• In June 1848, Austrian forces crushed the Czech rebellion and by the end of October, Vienna was back in Austrian hands

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Revolutions in Italy

• The Congress of Vienna set up nine states in Italy, including the Kingdom of Piedmont, the Two Sicily's, and the Papal States

• In 1848, a revolt broke out against the Austrians in Lombardy and Ventia; revolutionaries in other Italian states took up arms and sought to create liberal constitutions and a unified Italy

• By 1849, the Austrians reestablished control and crushed the revolts

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National Unification & the Nation StateBreakdown of the “Concert of Europe”: Why? Russians fought against the Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War. Austrians did not support Russia in this fight - making them enemies and leaving Austria without support in the ‘Concert,’ which allowed for Italian & German unification. Italian Unification: areas in Italy began to unite as Austria weakened its control. (North: Piedmont declared war on Austria after it had support from France. South: Garibaldi invaded Sicily & Naples). After several wars and battles, Italy was united Sept. 20th, 1870. Rome came under the control of the Italians after the Franco-Prussian War.

German Unification: Prussia unified with the German Confederation from Germany. This happened even before the end of the Franco-Prussian War. William I was appointed Kaiser (from the word Caesar) of Germany after Otto Von Bismarck helped gain power in Prussia.

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Great Britain France Austria Russia USA

Avoided national conflict because of economic growth and pride of Queen Victoria. She ruled from 1837-1901 an era known as the Victorian Age.

Louis-Napoleon became Napoleon III after a 97% vote for the restoration of the empire. He completely controlled the government. He rebuilt Paris.

Many wars..Then in 1867 (compromise) created the Austria-Hungary state. Each had its own constitution, capital and government, but one monarch.

Lost the Crimean War, had a Czar (king from the word Caesar) March 3rd, 1861 Czar Alexander freed the serfs, but this lead to unhappy and land starved poor.

Civil War from 1861-1865. Abolition of slavery. Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves DURING the war and in SLAVE states…13th amendment ultimately freed slaves.

Section 3: National unification and the National State

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RomanticismRomanticism: stressed feelings & emotions as ways of “knowing” humankind. Romantic writers had characters that were misunderstood. Many wore outrageous clothes and had long hair. Ivanhoe was a popular book for the Romantics, written by Walter Scott. Gothic literature grew with the writing of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories. The monster in Frankenstein was a look at science’s attempt to conquer nature. The poet William Wordsworth used nature as his inspiration

She dwelt among the untrodden waysBeside the springs of Dove,Maid whom there were none to praiseAnd very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stoneHalf hidden from the eye!—-Fair as a star, when only oneIs shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could knowWhen Lucy ceased to be;But she is in her grave, and, oh,The difference to me!.

Edgar Allen Poe “The Raven”

Mary Shelley & Frankenstein

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In music, Beethoven was the bridge from classical to romanticism. He had many ‘loves’ and wrote music for these women. He began to go deaf at the age of 26. He died at 56 possibly of liver failure due to drinking. His famous works include Fur Elise and his 5th symphony.

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ScienceA new age of Science: Frenchman, Louis Pasteur, said that germs caused disease. He came up with the concept of “pasteurizing” things, such as milk, to kill germs. Russian, Dmitry Mendeleyev came up with classification based upon atomic weight. Englishman, Michael Faraday created a generator that laid the foundation for electric current. Another Englishman, Charles Darwin, published, “The Origin of Species” discussing the theory of evolution and natural selection. All of this scientific though increased secularism (indifference or rejection of religion)

Louis Pasteur




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RealismRealism: The belief that the world should be viewed realistically. Politically and in the arts. Rejected romanticism. Gustave Flaubert, wrote Madame Bovary, British novelist, Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, Oliver and David Copperfield.

Gustave Courbert

Realism in art was a popular part of the realism movement. This

painting by Gustave Courbert shows average people doing typical things. Not angels…wait…do I really know

this stuff???

Gustave FlaubertCharles Dickens
